[quote="mellored"]Just figuring out how much damage an expanded crit-range is really worth. Compaired to say… weapon focus.
1) Many things can trigger off it crits, Special stuff (listed below). I'm going to discount those as well and just focus on damage, but you should not.
2) It's not accuracy depenand. If you hit on a 11, weapon focus is worth 1.5, if you hit on a 2, it's worth 2.8. Crit's are worth the same no matter what (assuming you hit on an 18, which i am).
3) It's independant of your damage mod. It only maximizes dice, thus a 1d6 + 400 attack will see as much gain as a 1d6+1.
4) Can be wasted with overkill. The monster with 25 HP doesn't care that you did 80 damage when you rolled a 19 instead of 40, nor do minions. I know of no way of factoring this in, but simply put increasing your minimum damage is better then increasing your maximium damage (in the event of a tie, Weapon Focus wins).
I will be assuming 6d6 crit dice, with the 19-20 crit feat.
[sblock Math]
The equasion is (crit dice + max base dice – average base dice) * .05 (extra chance to crit).
Max = 2*(average-.5 * dice thrown), with a little factoring..
(21 + 2*(average-.5 * dice thrown) – average) *.05
(21 + 2*average- 1 * dice trown – average)*.05
(21 – dice trown + 2* average – average)*.05
, we end up with…
(crit dice (21) + average dice – dice trown)* crit expansion (.05)
18-20 double the gain
17-20 tripple the gain
Avengers or other who get re-rolls (sage of ages) multiply by .09 instead of .05.
Base Gain WF hit rate*
7 (2d6) 1.3 .43
14 (4d6) 1.55 .52
21 (6d6) 1.8 .6
28 (8d6) 2.05 .68
35 (10d6) 2.3 .77
42 (12d6) 2.55 .85
49 (14d6) 2.8 .93
13 (2d12) 1.6 .53
26 (4d12) 2.15 .72
39 (6d12) 2.7 .9
Higher crit dice
HighCrit (d12) +.975
d8 +.3
d10 +.6
d12 +.9
Ring of Giants +.6
Bloodiron +2.25
"Special" [sblock crit stuff]This is not exaustive, and many stack.
Epic Resurgence = regain an encounter
Two Weapon Opening = MBA
rending weapon/harmony blades = MBA
ardent champion = MBA
punisher of the gods = Standard Action
Rune of Battle = MBA for an ally.
Enabling Shot = MBA for an ally.
Glasya’s Charming Words = Dominate.
The Fading One – Touch from Beyond = Stunned.
Triumphant Attack = encounter long penalty.
*The hit rate you need for Weapon Focus to add the same damage as the expanded crit range. (gain / 3)
Conclusion: Unless you have something special (see above) that happens on a crit, weapon focus > expand crit range**. Of course more damage is more damage, but generally without something special going on, it's not worth playing 20 levels worth of sub-par stats to get the 19-20 crit feat in epic.
**With high crit, or lot's of dice, expanded crit range will beat out weapon focus, but after factoring in overkill, it's still likely not worth it. You really need something special.[/quote]