Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 — IC

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Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 — IC

Post by Fialova »

Captain's Log, 12th Natalyse, 6E Y82, 2:17pm

A suitable target at last. It has few guns for defense, but the hull looks solid. The crew appears to think it can outrun us, they do not yet realize the Saint is much faster than it might seem at a glance. The aim is to capture it with minimal damage, then send our impostors to crew it instead. If the crew is smart they will surrender. If they are not, then we can have some fun.

It is mid day, early spring. The sun is shining brightly overhead, though you can see a storm brewing in the distance. After a few days of hunting you've located a suitable prize for your task, a medium-sized merchant vessel flying Brennisian colors. Despite being outclassed in both speed and firepower, the captain of the ship has not surrendered nor abandoned ship. For whatever reason it appears that you will not be taking this vessel without a fight.

It's taken time close the distance between your two ships, but some well placed cannon fire has torn their sails and greatly reduced their speed. You've been gaining much more rapidly for the last half hour, and at the rate you're going you should be within boarding range within 10 minutes. The gun crews have mostly ceased fire, save for a few shrapnel shots to clear the deck. The enemy crew seems prepared to defend themselves to the death, and some of their marksmen fire from a distance as you draw near.

"All hands, prepare to board!" Marian shouts from the aftcastle deck, blades in hand. Blackwood looks on intently from the wheel, aiming your approach to minimize enemy cannon fire. Orson has begun a battle chant with many of the less capable fighters, a way to hype them up and alleviate some of their fears. Not all of them will see combat if you - the vanguard - do your job well.


Roll initiative and choose where on the deck you will begin



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Welcome to the Van! Try not to get killed too quickly!" Darcell shouts to the newly promoted members of the Vanguard over the intermittent cannon and musket fire, following it up with one of his signature smirks. "You know I feel a bit sorry for these Brennisians. I've got nothing against them. Terios especially is a great city... Still we need that ship," he says, drawing his sword which whistles through the air which a melodic tune.


(Y, 42)

Initiative: 13(1d20) +20 = 33

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +15 (+20 when within 10 sq. of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Demoralizing Strike []
Majestic Word [][] **
Words of Friendship []
Blunder []
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon []
Revitalizing Incantation []
Unluck []
Illusory Erasure []
Lying Lights []
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [] *
Lliira's Grace [] *
Tymora's Luck [] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 [_]

Stirring Shout[]
Song of Discord []
Counterpoint []
Headband of Intellect []
Sitar of restfulness [_]

  • Can only use one per encounter
    ** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"And if you do get killed, try and keep your blood off my coat, yes?" Henri says, readying his pistols and tidying his hair before the coming battle. He shrugs at Darcell's comment. "Yes, yes, the Brennisians are fine people. These ones, however, are dreadfully stupid."


Start at X40 I guess?

Init: 10(1d20) +14 = 24 +2 (Combat Commander swap) = 26

Note: Every ally within 10 squares who can see/hear me gets a +5 bonus to initiative

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

Lightning crackles from the spike in Pandora's hand, hungrily lashing towards the other ship. She smiles. "This will be fun. Nothing against the lot of them except that they have our ship and our cargo, and they don't seem to realize it yet." As she prepares to board their ship, the winds increase in intensity, howling as if in anticipation for the bloodshed sure to follow. With the way they're fighting to defend their cargo, the keep must be pretty good.



Initiative: 18(1d20) +12 = 30 (including +5 from Henri's Combat Commander)
Combat Block


Female Half-Elf (mechanically human) Wild Sorcerer|Tempest Fighter/Bard/Demonskin Adept 11
Languages: Common, Imardinian.
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +7 (+12 when within 10 of Henri)
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Normal

AC: 29
Fort: 26
Reflex: 25
Will: 28
HP: 85/85
Bloodied: 42
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA (Ensorcelled Blade): +19 vs AC; 1d4+18 lightning damage and teleport the target 1 square, dealing an additional 1d10+12 lightning damage. Also on a hit, until EoNT the target takes 6 lightning damage upon hitting or missing Pandora with a melee attack.
RBA (Dragonfrost): +16 vs Fortitude; 1d8+18 lightning damage, push 1, and teleport the target 1 square, dealing an additional 1d10+12 lightning damage.

Resistances: Resist 10 lightning
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None
Conditional Effects: +2 to damage rolls vs. bloodied enemies (crimson determination)
+2d10 damage when implement attacks crit (lancing dagger)
Take half damage (no damage on a miss) from enemies who can't see Pandora

Active Effects: None


Ensorcelled Blade
Dual Strike
Combat Challenge

Second Wind []
Hidden Lore []
Ruthless Demonstration []
Glowering Threat []
Life's Losing Hand []
Fog Form []
Howling Zephyr []
Explosive Pyre []
Flame Spiral []
Come and Get it []
Demon-Soul Bolts []
Screaming Armor []

Howling Tempest []
Slaad's Gambit []
Dancing Defense []
Lightning Weapon []
Bahamut's Protective Ward []
Sehanine's Mark of the Dark Moon []
Mystery of the Hidden Veil []
Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might (level 3) []
Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might (level 8) [_]


Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Demon Fury: When Pandora spends an action point to take an extra action, she and her allies gain +3 to attack rolls until the start of her next turn, but enemies gain +3 to attack rolls against Pandora for the same duration.

Variable Resistance: Once per encounter as a minor action, Pandora can change her Wild Soul resistance to one she chooses.

Tempest Technique (Hybrid): +1 to attack rolls when dual-wielding.

Wild Soul: Resist 10 [lightning] and pierce Resist 10 [lightning]

Notable Feats:
Two-Weapon Defense (Hybrid): +1 shield bonus to AC and Ref while dual wielding

Mark of Storm: Slide enemy 1 when you hit it with a lightning or thunder power

Walk Among the Fey: Teleport creature you slide an equivalent distance instead

Unlucky Teleport: When you teleport an enemy with a sorc/sorc PP power, they take 1d10 psychic damage

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by BartNL »

Feeling the need to do or say something Pete takes and deep breath and yells:


Initiative:16(1d20) +8 +5 = 29
Start in W46
Free Action: Change all Lightning Greatspear damage to lightning damage.

Combat Block


Male Minotaur (Human) Fighter 11
Languages: Tulrissian, Common
Age: 27
Height: 7'1
Weight: 330 lbs.

Speed: 7 (6 when bloodied)
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 30
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 27
Fort: 28
Reflex: 23
Will: 24
HP: 97/97
Bloodied: 48
Surge Value: 25
Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1

MBA: MBA: +19 VS AC or Reflex, 1d10+12 damage
RBA: RBA: +14 VS AC, 1d6+9 damge (Distance Javelin +1)



+1 power bonus vs. fear, daze, dominate, stun effects

Active Effects:


Footwork Lure
Weapon Master's Strike
Combat Challenge

Lightning Greatspear

Second Wind[]
Sohei Flurry[]
Goring Charge[]
Hack and Hew[]
Sohei Parry[]
Rain of Blows[]
Ignore Weakness[]
Come and Get It[]

Mercurial Mind[_]

Tempest Dance[]
Rain of Steel[]
Shift the Battlefield[_]

Battle-Scarred Champion[]
Ioun's Revelation[]
Moradin's Blessing of Iron[]
Lightning Greatspear[]


Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (3)
Tempest Whetstone (heroic) (2)

Important Features:

Feature:Ferocity: Make MBA as immediate interrupt when you drop to 0 hp., Heedless Charge: +2 AC to Opportunity Attacks while charging, Combat Challenge: Mark on hit or miss, Combat Superiority: Add Wis mod to opportunity attacks, Lunging Action: You can spend an action point to increase the reach of your reach weapons by 1 square until the start of your next turn, instead of taking an extra action, Forceful Reach: If you use a reach weapon to deliver a weapon power that pushes, pulls, or slides a target, you increase the distance of the forced movement by 1 square. Polearm Expertise: +2 defenses against charge attacks while holding 2-H polearm, Mark of Storm: Slide enemies you hit with thunder and lightning damage, +1 Flying Speed, Polearm Momentum: Knock prone enemies you push or slide more than 2 squares at the end of the push/slide, Vigilant Recovery: On hit enemy can't benefit from CA against you untill start of your next turn. Polearm Gamble: When a nonadjacent enemy enters a square adjacent to you, you can make an OA with a polearm against that enemy, you grant CA to that enemy until the end of the enemy’s turn.

Item Feature: Eberron Shard of Lightining: +1 dmg on lightning attacks with Lighting Greatspear, Rushing Cleats: +2 to bull rush attacks, increase push or slide of melee and close attacks by 1, Moradin's Blessing of Iron: If an enemy pushes you, reduce the distance reduce distance by 2, If an ememy pulls you, and that leaves you adjacent to that enemy, make a MBA as an opportunity action, Crowbar: +2 athletics to open locked doors or containers, Climber's Kit: +2 Athletics checks for climbing when using this item, Thieves' Tools: +2 Thievery to open locks or disable traps when using this item, Footpads: +1 Stealth when sneaking, Restful Bedroll: +1d8 temp HP after long rest,

Slide/Push Summary
Lightning Greatspear allows lightning damage. (+1 damage from the lightning shard)
Mark of Storm gives +1 slide when you deal lightning damage.
Rushing Cleats increases +1 slide/push on close/melee attacks.
Forceful Reach increases +1 slide/push/pull with reach weapons.
Polearm Momentum allows to knock prone when sliding or pushing 2 or more squares.

Last edited by BartNL on Tue Jan 28, 2020 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"Pleasure to be doing this with you lads, lets crack some skulls, aye?" She smiles at the others and draws her sword. "Qu'ils se rendent ou qu'ils trouvent la paix!" She shouts in her native tongue.


13(1d20) +17 +5 = 35
Starting at: (y 37)


"May they surrender or may they find peace!"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak slides his cutlass and sabre from their sheaths, stretching his shoulders and popping his neck. "Those of you new to the van — keep your heads down and your blades forward," he shouts above the battle chants. "And the rest of you... good to be by your side again."

He takes position between Darcell and Pete, eyes locked on merchant vessel as they near it. If they would have surrendered, they could have kept bloodshed to a minimum... Fucking fools.


Grommak will take Y43.

Initiative check (+5 from Henri, +2 Begin the Hunt): 2(1d20) +15 = 17

Ready Begin the Hunt — I will select one creature I can see as my quarry.

Combat Block


Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8+5
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 26
Reflex: 23
Will: 23
HP: 94/94
Bloodied: 47
Surge Value: 23
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1



+1 against fear, daze, domination, stun effects

Active Effects:


Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind []
Sohei Flurry []
Furious Assault []
Off-Hand Strike []
Invigorating Stride []
Ruffling Sting []
Lashing Leaves []
Cross-Body Parry []
Captain's Saber +2 (Swift Charge) []
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 []
Boots of the Fencing Master [_]

Jaws of the Wolf []
Frenzied Skirmish []
Begin the Hunt [X]
Attacks on the Run []
Blood of the Fallen []



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:


Prime Punisher: If no ally is adjacent to an enemy I am adjacent to, I gain my +1 to melee attacks.

Paragon Path / Background:

Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.


Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Captain's Saber +2: Crits do +2d6 damage, and I gain +2 item bonus to defenses against OAs when charging with this weapon.
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

Encounter 5

"What blades?" Noor asks Grommak with a smirk, as she steps up to the railing to join the others. She grabs her musket from her back, one of those claimed from the navy vessel a few days prior, and crouches behind one of the railings, ready to fire at the first enemy to show its face.

As you draw ever nearer to the merchant ship you can see the crew on the top deck scramble into a hatch leading below. For a moment the deck remains completely empty and silent. However, as you become close to boarding distance the hatch opens once more.

From the depths of the ship step six men and women who had not been on the deck before. They wear very little in terms of protection, mostly loincloths and some furs, and one wears a series of long and decorated robes. Even at this distance you can tell they bear impressive physiques. As they take up key spots along the deck the begin a battle chant that they continue to shout as the Saint closes the gap.

Finally at a safe distance to board, many of the crew members toss grappling hooks over the other ships railings, pulling them taut and tying them off. Wendy rushes in with one of the boarding planks and places it connecting the two ships, before dipping back towards the rear of the deck, to a safer distance. As all this happens the chant reaches a climax and evolves into what can be described as a mixture between shouting and roaring.

Up Next: Grommak's readied action, then Margaux


Noor: rolls 18 for init, starts in (Y, 47)

Grommak: readied action procs...



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Headed to the forecastle," Grommak shouts among the din. "Don't get in my fucking way."


If at all possible, do not be adjacent to my enemies. That way I can get combat advantage and bonuses from feat support. I am going for Hunter 2, assuming Berserker 3 is pulled from his spot on the stairs by Pandora / Pete.


Free Action
Quarry Hunter 2 with Begin the Hunt.

Combat Block


Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8+5
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 26
Reflex: 23
Will: 23
HP: 94/94
Bloodied: 47
Surge Value: 23
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1



+1 against fear, daze, domination, stun effects

Active Effects:


Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind []
Sohei Flurry []
Furious Assault []
Off-Hand Strike []
Invigorating Stride []
Ruffling Sting []
Lashing Leaves []
Cross-Body Parry []
Captain's Saber +2 (Swift Charge) []
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 []
Boots of the Fencing Master [_]

Jaws of the Wolf []
Frenzied Skirmish []
Begin the Hunt [X]
Attacks on the Run []
Blood of the Fallen []



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:


Prime Punisher: If no ally is adjacent to an enemy I am adjacent to, I gain my +1 to melee attacks.

Paragon Path / Background:

Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.


Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Captain's Saber +2: Crits do +2d6 damage, and I gain +2 item bonus to defenses against OAs when charging with this weapon.
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.

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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Margaux runs and slides into position next to Darcell and attempts to fire at Berserker 1.


Move Action: Fleeting Ghost (Move to Y 41), hide check: 10(1d20) +18 = 28
Minor Action: Predatory Eye on Berserker 1 (add 2d6 to my next hit on the target)
Standard Action: Ranged Basic Attack: 3(1d20) +18 = 21; 6(1d8) +8 = 14

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

As Margaux shoots wide, one of the hunters does the same. She launches an arrow towards Pete, which doesn't quite hit its mark and lands at the man's fight. Frustrated, she singles out Noor for follow-up before moving to a spot closer to the railing to better protect herself from future attacks.

Up Next: Darcell


Grommak: quarries

Margaux: moves & hides, buffs, misses & becomes unhidden

Hunter 2: uses Crippling Shot on Pete, 25 vs AC = miss. Uses Bear's Senses on Noor, 24 vs Will = hit, marking target and causing her to not be able to benefit from invisibility or concealment until the end of the hunter's next turn. Moves to (AB, 50).



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell pops his head up above the side of the Saint and swipes his sword in the direction of the bow-woman at the rear of the Brennisian ship. The wave of sound caused by the swipe buffets the woman pushing her up against the edge of the ship.

He drops back down into cover and, seeing Grommak next to him, he places a hand on the Orc's blade, which begins to rumble quietly. "Careful with that," he says with a smirk. "It should give someone quite the surprise though."


Virtue of Cunning: Due to Hunter 2 missing Pete, I slide Pete to (W, 45), and he gains CA against the target of his next attack.

Standard: Staggering Note on Hunter 1, 26 vs Will hits? for 6 damage. Hunter 1 is slid to (AG, 33)

14(1d20) +14 = 28

Minor: Echoing Weapon on Grommak's Main Hand Weapon, until Darcel EONT the next attack with the weapon deals 2d6 thunder damage to one target even on a miss.

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +15 (+20 when within 10 sq. of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Demoralizing Strike []
Majestic Word [][] **
Words of Friendship []
Blunder []
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon [X]
Revitalizing Incantation []
Unluck []
Illusory Erasure []
Lying Lights []
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [] *
Lliira's Grace [] *
Tymora's Luck [] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 []

Stirring Shout[]
Song of Discord []
Counterpoint []
Headband of Intellect []
Sitar of restfulness [_]

  • Can only use one per encounter
    ** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

The hunter manages to catch herself against the railing as Darcell attempts to fling her overboard, falling to the ground instead. As this is happening, one of the berserkers moves to block the gangplank, tossing one of his axes at Henri and knocking the young man to the ground as well.

Up Next: Pandora, Pete


Darcell: slides & buffs, hits & pushes...

Hunter 1: saves vs forced movement, falls prone...

Darcell: buffs

Berserker 2: moves to (AB, 44). Throws handaxe at Henri, 27 vs AC = hit for 10 damage and target is knocked prone. Draws another handaxe



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

Pandora dashes forward, wreathing herself in coils of lightning, before challenging the enemies. "You want a real fight? Come here, you pitiful cowards." Whips of lightning lash out, grabbing nearby enemies and yanking them into the painful coils of electricity surrounding her.


NOTE: Every damage instance done here is a damage roll; thus, if an enemy is bloodied while they take damage from Pandora, they take an extra 2 damage.

Ready Free: Heroic Effort if any attacks I make or Ruthless Demonstration miss except on a natural 1

Ready Free: Ruthless Demonstration if I bloody the Adept (with either my attacks or the Flame Spiral effect); Enemies that can see Pandora take a -2 penalty to attack rolls against her until she are hit by an attack or until the end of the encounter, and Intimidate +21 vs. Will+10 (hostile creature) against the adept to force it to surrender. If they do surrender, don't keep attacking it.

Move: Move to AB45 (treating the plank as difficult terrain), provoking from berserker 2

Free: Action Point (Whole party gains +3 to attack rolls until the start of my next turn; enemies gain +3 to attack rolls against me)

AP Standard: Flame Spiral vs. Reflex of Berserker 2, Berserker 3, and Adept:
Attacks: 19(1d20) +19 = 38 vs. b2 Reflex, 12(1d20) +19 = 31 vs. b3 Reflex, 3(1d20) +19 = 22; Reroll the third attack using Free: Life's Losing Hand with a +6 power bonus = 15(1d20) +24 = 39 + 1 because I did the math wrong = 40 vs. Adept Reflex
Hit: 7(1d10) +33 = 40 lightning damage, and teleport the targets 1 square, dealing an additional 5(1d10) +27 = 32 lightning damage to each.
Berserker 2 is teleported to AB45, Adept to AC45, and Berserker 3 to AC46
Effect: Each target that enters a square next to me or starts their turn next to me takes 5(1d6) +22 = 27 lightning damage up to once per turn per creature.

Standard: Come and Get it vs. Will of Adept & Berserkers 1, 2, 3
Attacks: 17(1d20) +22 = 39 vs. Adept Will, 6(1d20) +22 = 28 vs. B1 Will, 14(1d20) +22 = 36 vs. B2 Will, 11(1d20) +22 = 33, vs. B3 Will
Effect: Pandora marks all targets
Hit: Teleported 1 square out of current position, then pulled to AB44 (B1), AC44(B2), AC45 (Adept), and AC46 (B3) and they take 3(1d4) +3 = 6 lightning damage and trigger Flame Spiral's 27 lightning damage effect.

Minor: Glowering Threat vs. Adept and B1, B2, B3
Effect: Each target takes a -5 to hit targets other than Pandora until the end of her next turn.

Ready Immediate Interrupt: When hit, use Fog Form to become insubstantial until the end of her next turn.

Not going to bother restoring the combat block. Accidentally edited this post instead of quoting it. Let this be a lesson

Last edited by TauNeutrino on Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:48 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

Up Next: Pete


Pandora: moves...

Berserker 2: OAs, 21 vs AC = miss

Pandora: spends AP, hits x3 & teleports, bloodies x2, hits & marks x4, teleports and pulls, threatens, readies immediate action



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by BartNL »

Pete jumps on board of the merchant vessel, Spear in hand. As he lands, he smashes the spear butt into the deck. The wood creeks loudly under his enormous weight, and sparks erupt from the spears tip.
So this is what being in that vanguard is like. Poor sods won't know what hit 'em. Pete thinks before lashing out with his spear at his opponents.


Move: Walk to Y,44 jump with runing start to AB46
2(1d20) +18 = 20 [max jump distance is 4]

Standard: Come and get it against Adept, Berserker 1, Berserker 2 Berserker 3
-Pete has CA against Berserker 1; Virtue of Deceit, Darcell
-Pete has +3 to all attack rolls; Pandora
-10(1d20) +2(1d20) +3(1d20) +8(1d20) = 23
+22 to attack rolls, +24 to attack Berserker 1
-[didn't use semicolon :P. So that's 32, 26, 25, 30 against will.
-Slide Adept to AC 46, slide further to AD.AE, 46.47 and knock prone and mark
-Slide Berserker 3 to AC 45, slide further to AD45, knock prone pull to AC 46 and mark
-Slide Berserker 2 to AD 44, slide further to AC 45, knock prone and mark
-Slide Berserker 1 to AD 45, knock prone and mark
-All four take Pandora's flame spiral damage. [27 damage]
-Berserker 2 and 3 take damage from come and get it.
5(1d10) +7 = 12 lightning damage


Removed Sohei Flurry attack, as the Adepts transformation removed the need of further repositioning.

Off turn

Polearm gamble: If non-adjacent enemy moves adjacent grant CA to that enemy and make an OA against that enemy. +4 to hit from combat superiority and on hit interrupt movement.
Combat Challenge: Make mba as immediate interrupt if marked enemy within melee 2 attacks an ally or shifts while adjacent to Pete

Combat Block


Male Minotaur (Human) Fighter 11
Languages: Tulrissian, Common
Age: 27
Height: 7'1
Weight: 330 lbs.

Speed: 7 (6 when bloodied)
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 30
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 27
Fort: 28
Reflex: 23
Will: 24
HP: 97/97
Bloodied: 48
Surge Value: 25
Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1

MBA: MBA: +19 VS AC or Reflex, 1d10+12 damage
RBA: RBA: +14 VS AC, 1d6+9 damge (Distance Javelin +1)



+1 power bonus vs. fear, daze, dominate, stun effects

Active Effects:


Footwork Lure
Weapon Master's Strike
Combat Challenge

Lightning Greatspear

Second Wind[]
Sohei Flurry[]
Goring Charge[]
Hack and Hew[]
Sohei Parry[]
Rain of Blows[]
Ignore Weakness[_]
Come and Get It[X]

Mercurial Mind[_]

Tempest Dance[]
Rain of Steel[]
Shift the Battlefield[_]

Battle-Scarred Champion[]
Ioun's Revelation[]
Moradin's Blessing of Iron[]
Lightning Greatspear[]


Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (3)
Tempest Whetstone (heroic) (2)

Important Features:

Feature:Ferocity: Make MBA as immediate interrupt when you drop to 0 hp., Heedless Charge: +2 AC to Opportunity Attacks while charging, Combat Challenge: Mark on hit or miss, Combat Superiority: Add Wis mod to opportunity attacks, Lunging Action: You can spend an action point to increase the reach of your reach weapons by 1 square until the start of your next turn, instead of taking an extra action, Forceful Reach: If you use a reach weapon to deliver a weapon power that pushes, pulls, or slides a target, you increase the distance of the forced movement by 1 square. Polearm Expertise: +2 defenses against charge attacks while holding 2-H polearm, Mark of Storm: Slide enemies you hit with thunder and lightning damage, +1 Flying Speed, Polearm Momentum: Knock prone enemies you push or slide more than 2 squares at the end of the push/slide, Vigilant Recovery: On hit enemy can't benefit from CA against you untill start of your next turn. Polearm Gamble: When a nonadjacent enemy enters a square adjacent to you, you can make an OA with a polearm against that enemy, you grant CA to that enemy until the end of the enemy’s turn.

Item Feature: Eberron Shard of Lightining: +1 dmg on lightning attacks with Lighting Greatspear, Rushing Cleats: +2 to bull rush attacks, increase push or slide of melee and close attacks by 1, Moradin's Blessing of Iron: If an enemy pushes you, reduce the distance reduce distance by 2, If an ememy pulls you, and that leaves you adjacent to that enemy, make a MBA as an opportunity action, Crowbar: +2 athletics to open locked doors or containers, Climber's Kit: +2 Athletics checks for climbing when using this item, Thieves' Tools: +2 Thievery to open locks or disable traps when using this item, Footpads: +1 Stealth when sneaking, Restful Bedroll: +1d8 temp HP after long rest,

Slide/Push Summary
Lightning Greatspear allows lightning damage. (+1 damage from the lightning shard)
Mark of Storm gives +1 slide when you deal lightning damage.
Rushing Cleats increases +1 slide/push on close/melee attacks.
Forceful Reach increases +1 slide/push/pull with reach weapons.
Polearm Momentum allows to knock prone when sliding or pushing 2 or more squares.

Last edited by BartNL on Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:15 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

Mechanics (Ruthless Demonstration)

Trigger Free Action:Ruthless Demonstration vs. Adept:
18(1d20) +23 = 41 (subtract 2, or 39, if CA doesn't apply) vs. Adept's Will (typically will gets +10 vs. hostile intimidate)

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

Pandora's arrival is devastating to the men standing nearest to her, the wild array of magical effects and crackling lightning greatly weakening both their bodies and their morale. Pete's follow-up looks to have nearly the same effect, but is hindered somewhat.

As he draws the largest of the men towards him, the pain it feels from Pandora's tempestuous magic causes it to yell out in rage. Facing the two Dogs down, the man grows in size as his body transforms from the shape of a man to that of a large and powerful bear. His allies step aside as he roars out, his strong energy buffeting the two pirates, though they resist enough to maintain their position on the deck.

As the bear emerges, the rest of the men continue to be tossed about within the magical field by the combination of Pete's and Pandora's efforts. Two of them collapse to the ground at his feet, unable to fight further, while one hits the mast and is knocked down, though not out. The bear is knocked to the ground as well, but only briefly. Standing up, it rears onto its hind legs and takes a wide swipe at Pandora. She manages to avoid the first hit, but is caught off guard by a powerful second swipe that follows immediately after. She has just enough time to fade slightly into the aether, resisting some of the force of the blow, but not all of it.

Up Next: Henri


Pete: moves & jumps, slides Adept, which takes 27 damage and becomes bloodied...

Adept: the adept takes on a Bear Form, returning to max health and pushing Pete and Pandora, the former to (Z, 46) and the latter to (Z, 45)

Pete: rolls 9 to save, fails, but reduces the push with item

Pandora: rolls 15 to save, succeeds and falls prone. Uses Ruthless Demonstration and attempts to intimidate, fails

Pete: ...slides x3, 2 of whom die from Pandora's fire, the other of which falls prone

Adept: stands, makes two attacks with its claws vs Pandora, 1) 25 vs AC = miss, 2) 41 vs AC = hit...

Pandora: uses Fog Form, becoming insubstantial until the end of her next turn

Adept: ...for 29 damage, halved = 14



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As he's knocked to the deck by the mercenary's handaxe, Henri stares at the sky and grumbles to himself. Who do these people think they are? He could have sliced my jacket! He eyes the sky curiously as bolts of lightning flash above. Standing to his feet, he looks at the devastation in awe. Goddess above... Is that a bear?

He shakes himself out of his mental daze and draws his pistol, firing at the remaining berserker. "Are we gonna let these newcomers upstage us? No way I'm allowing that. Get to it, Grommak," he shouts to the orc.

Heeding the Imardanian's words, Grommak rushes across the gangplank and lets out a fierce war cry. The orc swings wildly at the vulnerable berserker, slicing his limbs in a wild frenzy. He thrusts his saber into the defeated man's chest, as if a flag planted in claimed land. The orc finally raises his scimitar high before swiftly bringing it down upon the felled warrior's neck.


History check to know about the peeps: 20(1d20) +15 = 35

Minor: Stand, using Acrobat Boots

Standard: Race the Arrow on Berserker 1
Attack: 15(1d20) +17 = 32 +3 -2 = 33 vs AC = Hit!
Damage: 1(1d8) +9 = 10

Grommak charges at Berserker 1, ending at AC44
Attack: 20(1d20) +26 = 46 vs AC = CRIT
Grommak's Free Action: Pop Furious Assault to add an additional [W]
Damage: 38 damage, 7(2d6) = 7 thunder damage, and 10 ongoing damage (Save ends)

Critting procs a free offhand MBA
Attack & Damage: 16(1d20) +21 = 37; 6(1d10) +13 = 19
37 vs AC = Hit, 19 damage, heded

Move: Shift to Y40

Combat Block

Henri LaBelle

Male Genasi Warlord 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian, Brennisian
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +16
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 25
Fort: 24
Ref: 23
Will: 22
HP: 74/82
Bloodied: 41
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage.
RBA: +17 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 vs ongoing damage

Active Effects: None


Direct the Strike
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Sea Legs

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind []
Inspiring Word [] [] []
Race the Arrow [X]
Provocative Order []
On My Mark []
Lady Luck Smiles []
Swiftcurrent []
Adaptive Stratagem []
Dragon's Tenacity []
Shifting Tides []

Triple-barreled Pistol []

Relentless Wounding []
Create Opportunity []
Warlord's Recovery []

Gloves of Piercing []
Bracers of Archery []
Stone of Wind []



Important Features

Crossbow Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls that you make with a crossbow. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. Also, you ignore partial cover or superior cover with weapon attacks you make with a crossbow.

Improved Defenses: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Inspirational Attacker: Targets of my Inspiring Word gain 5 additional HP if they're adjacent to an enemy I've hit that turn.

Improved Inspiring Word: Add your Charisma modifier (+3) to the hit points restored by your inspiring word.

Distant Advantage: I gain a CA for ranged/area attacks against enemies flanked by my allies

Improved Initiative: I gain a +4 bonus to initiative.

Combat Commander: The initiative bonus from my Combat Leader feature is equal to my Intelligence modifier (+5)

Last Legion Officer When I use a power that would allow an ally to spend a healing surge, that ally can choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex until the start of their next turn.

Fight On: You can use your inspiring word one additional time per encounter.

Resourceful Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, that attack gains a bonus to damage equal to one-half your level + your Intelligence modifier (+10). If the attack hits no target, the ally gains temporary hit points equal to one-half your level + your Charisma modifier (+8).

Know Your Strength: When rolling damage for a weapon attack, I treat a roll of 1 or 2 as a 3.

Seize the Day: When I spend an action point to attack and roll an odd number on the first roll, I gain 10 THP. If I roll an even number, each ally within 5 squares gains 5 THP.

Archer Warlord When you make a ranged basic attack with a bow, you can use Strength instead of Dexterity for the attack roll and the damage roll.

Combat Leader: You and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Elemental Origin: I'm considered to be of elemental origin.

Watersoul: I can breathe underwater. I gain a +2 to saving throws against ongoing damage.

The Mariner: While aboard a ship, gain a +1 bonus (+2 at Level 10) to any skill or ability check related to life at sea; gain the sea legs power. You gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks. You ignore difficult terrain when you shift. While aboard a ship, you can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.

Auspicious Birth: Substitute your highest ability score for Constitution to determine initial hit points.

Distance Imardanian Officer's Pistol +3: Increases the weapon's normal range by 5 squares and the long range by 10 squares.

Lifeblood Hide Armor +2: You gain 5 temporary hit points after each rest. If you remove the armor, you lose these hit points.

Gem of Colloquy: You gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.

Cloak of Distortion: You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.

Bracers of Archery: You gain a +2 item bonus to damage rolls while attacking with a bow or crossbow.

Acrobat Boots: You gain a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

As Grommak rushes forward, leaving the third of the berserkers in a bleeding heap on the ground, a seventh foe reveals itself. This man, who seems even older than the adept and wearing robes and carrying a staff, blinks onto the deck near the three Dogs who'd made their way over. With a thrust of his hand he sends a thick, humid winds towards them. As it hits them, they feel more sluggish and heavy, finding it more difficult to move.

While the man then blinks away again, the hunter at the aft singles out Grommak before turning its attention to Pandora. It sends an arrow straight at the woman, hitting her foot and pinning her to the deck. As it looses the arrow it makes its way across the deck to a spot where it can better avoid further attacks from the Dogs still remaining on the Saint.

Up Next: Grommak, Noor


Taking a closer look at your opponents, you begin to see many things you recognizes from your childhood studies about peoples of the world. The tattoos, the complexion, the hides they wear, and then the ability of one of the men to turn into a bear all point to these being members of the Bear Clan, an uncivilized and terrifying group native to the region of Andor. While you know most of their kinda tend to remain in their homelands, to stay connected to their spirits and protect their ancestral hunting grounds, it is not unheard for some more adventurous types to work as mercenaries to bring greater wealth to the clan.

Henri: stands, hits & grants attack...

Grommak: charges & crits!, hits & kills

Henri: ...shifts

Shaman: Teleports to (AC, 47). Uses Spirit Wind on Pete (32 vs Reflex = hit), Pandora (28 vs Reflex = hit), and Grommak (28 vs Reflex = hit), dealing 12 damage to each (except Pandora, who takes 6) and they are slowed and cannot teleport (save ends both). Teleports back out of sight.

Hunter 1: stands. Uses Bear's Senses on Grommak, 35 vs will = hit, marking target and causing him to not be able to benefit from invisibility or concealment until the end of the hunter's next turn. Uses Crippling Shot on Pandora, 38 vs AC = hit for 23/2 = 11 damage and the target is immobilized (save ends). moves to (AF, 40)



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by ratwizard »

After his savage charge onto the enemy decks, Grommak is about to continue to the front of the boat when he senses the challenge of one of the archers in the aftcastle. This is one massive clusterfuck. Are those two trying to destroy this vessel?

"Change of plans. I've got this one," the orc growls, avoiding the massive ursine and taking the stairs up on his right. Ducking as he comes around the corner, Grommak lands a pair of devastating blows to the archer's midsection, boxing her in against the mast and the railings.


Periapt of Cascading Health to end slowed/no teleport condition.

Walk to AH43.

Frenzied Skirmish, moving to AG39 (no provoked OAs) and targeting Hunter 1 with two attacks with CA. Hits AC 38 and 31 for 17 + 21 = 38 damage, dazing and slowing Hunter 1 EONT Grommak. Grommak gains a +2 untyped bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Attack 1: 16(1d20) +22 = 38; 3(1d10) +14 = 17
Attack 2: 10(1d20) +21 = 31; 8(1d10) +13 = 21


Cross-Body Parry if I am melee attacked.

Combat Block


Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8+5
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25+2
Fort: 26
Reflex: 23+2
Will: 23
HP: 82/94
Bloodied: 47
Surge Value: 23
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1



+1 against fear, daze, domination, stun effects

Active Effects:
Dancing Defense — +2 AC/Ref TSNT


Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind []
Sohei Flurry []
Furious Assault [X]
Off-Hand Strike []
Invigorating Stride []
Ruffling Sting []
Lashing Leaves []
Cross-Body Parry []
Captain's Saber +2 (Swift Charge) []
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 [X]
Boots of the Fencing Master [_]

Jaws of the Wolf []
Frenzied Skirmish []
Begin the Hunt [X]
Attacks on the Run []
Blood of the Fallen []



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:


Prime Punisher: If no ally is adjacent to an enemy I am adjacent to, I gain my +1 to melee attacks.

Paragon Path / Background:

Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.


Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Captain's Saber +2: Crits do +2d6 damage, and I gain +2 item bonus to defenses against OAs when charging with this weapon.
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

As the Hunter singles her out, Noor grunts and turns to face the woman. Readying her musket, she fires two rapid shots at the enemy marksman. The first goes wide, hitting the nearby mast, but the second finds it mark in her foe's arm. She grins and places the gun on her back, ready to leap into the fray.

Up Next: Margaux


Grommak: ends condition, moves, hits x2 & dazes & slows, readies immediate action

Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry on Hunter 2.

Minor Action: Mark of the Vigilante
Effect: enter a stance that grants the ability to mark hit enemies until EONT and gain +2 to bonus to defenses against OAs provoked by moving.

Standard Action: Biting Volley on Hunter 2
Attack: 23 vs Reflex = miss
Attack: 29 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: 14 + 9 = 23 damage, and the target is marked until EONT

Free Action: stow musket



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Margaux grits her teeth, and then moves further down the ship to take a shot at the big bear now.


Move Action: Fleeting Ghost - Walk to (to Y-43), then Stealth: 11(1d20) +18 = 29
Standard Action: RBA vs AC: 9(1d20) +18 = 27; 7(1d8) +8 = 15 If I have CA (from Stealth) add +2 to hit (Made a mistake on the mods, was 1 too high)
Hit with CA: If I have CA, Sneak Attacking for: 13(3d8) +6 = 19

Combat Block


Female Bugbear Rogue 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian
Age: 24
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +17
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 24
Reflex: 26
Will: 19
HP: 73/73
Bloodied: 36
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: +19 vs AC, 1d12+11
RBA: +18 vs AC, 1d8+8




Active Effects:


Acrobatic Strike
Duelist's Flurry
Fleeting Ghost
Sea Legs

Item At-Will

Encounter []
Predatory Eye []
One-Two Punch []
Bait and Switch[]
From the Shadows []
Strike Terror []
Swift Parry []
Acrobat's Escape []

Item Encounter [_]

Daily []
Spinning Blade Leap []
Hobble []
Vexing Escape []

Item Daily [_]


Power Descriptions

Acrobatic Strike Melee - One Creature - 18 vs AC - 1d12+10 - If I am grabbed, I escape the grab.
Duelist's Flurry - Melee - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Dexterity Modifier (+6) in damage, slide the target 1 square, and I shift 1 square. I may use my sneak attack damage even if I do not have combat advantage with this attack.
Fleeting Ghost Move Action - Personal - Move up to my speed and make a stealth check to hide. I take no penalty to the stealth check for the movement, though I must still meet the normal requirements to hide.
Sea Legs Free Action - Personal - Trigger: I roll an acrobatics check to balance or hop down, and you dislike the result. Effect: I reroll the check and take the higher result.
Predatory Eye [] Minor Action - Personal - Effect: If I have combat advantage against a target, I deal 2d6 bonus damage on my next hit (before the end of my next turn) against that target.
One-Two Punch [] Melee - One or Two Creatures - 18 vs AC - 1d12+4 damage. Hit: 1[W] damage. If I hit both targets, I can deal my sneak attack damage to each target instead of just one.
Bait and Switch[] Melee - One Creature - 18 vs Will - 2[W] + Dexterity Modifier (+6) damage. In addition, you switch places with the target and can then shift 1 square.
From the Shadows [] Melee or Ranged Weapon - One Creature - (Melee) 18 vs AC - 1d12+10/(Ranged) 19 vs AC - 1d6+9 - Before attacking, I may shift 2 squares. if the target could not see me prior to the shift, I gain combat advantage for this attack. On a hit, I do damage and can shift 2 squares. If I have any cover or concealment after the shift I can make a stealth check as a free action.
Strike Terror [] Melee - One Creature - 18 vs Reflex - 2d12+10 - On a hit, I push the target 5 squares.
Tumbling Dodge [] Immediate Interrupt - Personal - Trigger: I'm hit by a melee attack - I make an Acrobatics Check and gain a bonus to all defenses against the triggering attack equal to my roll divided by 10. If the bonus causes the attack to miss, I shift 1 square.
Acrobat's Escape [] Immediate Reaction - Melee 1 - Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to you.Target: The triggering enemy. Effect: The target is immobilized until the start of it's next turn. I then shift a number of squares up to your Dexterity modifier (+6) to a square that is not adjacent to the target.
Spinning Blade Leap [] Melee Weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 2[W] + 6 damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Before and after the attack I shift up to my speed.
Hobble [] Melee or Ranged weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 2[W] + 6 damage. Effect: I knock the target prone. The target can't stand up (save ends).
Vexing Escape []Melee weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 3[W] + 6 damage, and I can shift a number of squares equal to my Charisma modifier (+1). Miss: Half damage, and I can shift 1 square. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each time the target enters a square adjacent to me, I can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction.

Important Features
Racial Features

Oversized - Can use weapons one size larger.
Predatory Eye - I have the predatory eye power.

Class Features

Level 1 The Mariner Starting Feature - While aboard a ship, I gain +2 bonus to any skill check or ability check related to life at sea.
Level 5 The Mariner Feature - I gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks.
Level 10 The Mariner Feature -I ignore difficult terrain when I shift. While I'm aboard a ship, I can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.
Expert Mariner - I gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks while aboard a ship, and I am considered trained for any skill check pertaining to movement, navigation, ship handling, or avoiding hazards aboard a ship. If I'm already trained in that skill, I gain a +2 bonus to such checks.
Sea Legs - When I spend an action point to take an extra action, I gain a +2 bonus to speed and ignore difficult terrain until the end of my next turn.
First Strike - At the start of an encounter, I have combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.
Rogue Tactics - Brutal Scoundrel (Add Strength modifier to Sneak Attack damage)
Sharpshooter Talent - Crossbow - I gain an additional +1 bonus to hit with Crossbows and gain Far Shot as a bonus feat even if I don't meet the prerequisites.
Sneak Attack - Once per turn add 3d8+6 damage to a target I hit while I have combat advantage.


User Choice: Improved Defenses - Gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
User Choice: Master at Arms - Gain a +2 feat bonus to the attack rolls of all weapon attacks. Also, I can use a minor action to sheathe a weapon and then draw a weapon.
Level 1: Backstabber - The extra damage dice from my Sneak Attack class feature increase from d6s to d8s.
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) - Gain proficiency with Bastard Swords.
Level 4: Two-Fisted Shooter - I treat the hand crossbow as an off-hand weapon, and I can reload it one-handed as a free action. When I score a critical hit and have a loaded hand crossbow in my off hand, I can make a ranged basic attack with that weapon as a free action.
Level 6: Versatile Duelist - Gain proficiency with all one-handed, military heavy blades. If a rogue power requires me to wield a light blade, I can use that power with a one-handed heavy blade and can also deal my sneak attack damage while using a one-handed heavy blade with that power.
Level 8: Headsman's Chop - Whenever I hit a proned target with an axe or a heavy blade, the target takes 5 extra damage.
Level 10: Improved Initiative - Gain +4 feat bonus to initiative.
Level 11: Point-Blank Shot - If I make a ranged attack against a foe within 5 squares of me, my attack ignores cover and concealment, including superior cover, but not total concealment.

Active PCs
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

While Margaux hides behind the railing and makes a pop shot at the Adept, the hunter at the forecastle follows in the footsteps of its allies and tries to help shut down the greatest threat to them so far - Pandora. She looses an arrow that only grazes the woman, but which was clearly laced with something. Pandora begins to feel slightly disoriented for a moment as the effects take hold.

Up Next: Darcell, then Pandora & Pete


Margaux: moves, hides, hits

Hunter 2: regains 5 hp. Dazing Shot on Pandora, 29 vs AC = hit for 10/2 = 5 damage, and target is dazed until EONT. Moves to (Ae, 54)

OOC: Due to the way flame spiral works, Darcell will need to go before Pandora if you still want to potentially utilize the effects of the power. After Darcell's turn the effect ends, and neither Pandora nor Pete can use it, regardless of who goes first of the two. If you guys opt not to have Darcell go first, he still benefits from the +3 to hit from Pandora since he did not benefit from it before. Pete does not, regardless of the order in which he acts, since he has already used that benefit.



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"That's a new one!" Darcell exclaims as the mercenary transforms into a bear. "It reminds me of the time I singlehandedly fought off four Tulrissian Archery Bears," he says as he weaves a spell to confuse the shaman turned bear, causing them to step forward allowing an opening for Pandora to attempt another attack.


Standard: Blunder on Adept, 26 vs Will, hits? for 14 damage, Adept is slid to (AC, 45) and Pandora makes an MBA (Enscorcelled Blade) as a free action, 22 vs AC probably misses, but if not Adept takes 20 damage and is teleported 1 to the right dealing an additional 22 lightning damage, and if hit until EoNT the target takes 6 lightning damage upon hitting or missing Pandora with a melee attack.

5(1d20) +21 = 26; 5(1d6) +9 = 14 ( I forgot to add a +4 power bonus to hit from virtue of cunning)

5(1d20) +17 = 22; 2(1d4) +18 = 20; 10(1d10) +12 = 22 (-2 to hit because prone)

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +15 (+20 when within 10 sq. of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Demoralizing Strike []
Majestic Word [][] **
Words of Friendship []
Blunder []
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon [X]
Revitalizing Incantation []
Unluck []
Illusory Erasure []
Lying Lights []
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [] *
Lliira's Grace [] *
Tymora's Luck [] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 []

Stirring Shout[]
Song of Discord []
Counterpoint []
Headband of Intellect []
Sitar of restfulness [_]

  • Can only use one per encounter
    ** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

Pandora, slammed on the ground and dizzy, manages to call forth her power again, blasting the bear that suddenly appeared with chaotic bolts tearing straight from the depths of hell. "Come on. I can do this all day."


NOTE: Every damage instance done here is a damage roll; thus, if an enemy is bloodied while they take damage from Pandora, they take an extra 2 damage.

Standard: Demon-Soul Bolts against Adept
13(1d20) +14 = 27; 2(1d20) +14 = 16; 9(1d20) +14 = 23 vs. Adept Reflex
Free Action: Heroic Effort on the 23, bumping it to a 27 vs. reflex
Hits, misses, and hits, for 7(1d8) +18 = 25; 6(1d8) +18 = 24 25+24=49 lightning damage from hitting, and the bear is teleported 1 four times. ending up in AC47-AD48 and dealing it 1(1d10) +12 = 13; 1(1d10) +12 = 13; 6(1d10) +12 = 18; 8(1d10) +12 = 20 13+13+18+20=64 lightning from the teleports.

Saving throws: 14(1d20) = 14; 3(1d20) = 3 vs. immobilized, slowed/can't TP, saving against immobilized but remaining slowed and unable to teleport.
Combat Block

Female Human Wild Sorcerer|Tempest Fighter/Bard/Demonskin Adept 11
Languages: Common, Imardinian.
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +7 (+12 when within 10 of Henri)
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Normal

AC: 29
Fort: 26
Reflex: 25
Will: 28
HP: 49/85
Bloodied: 42
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Ensorcelled Blade): +19 vs AC; 1d4+18 lightning damage and teleport the target 1 square, dealing an additional 1d10+12 lightning damage. Also on a hit, until EoNT the target takes 6 lightning damage upon hitting or missing Pandora with a melee attack.
RBA (Elemental Bolt; 1/enc): +16 vs Reflex; 1d12+18 lightning damage and teleport the target 1 square, dealing an additional 1d10+12 lightning damage.

Resistances: Resist 10 lightning
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None
Conditional Effects: +2 to damage rolls vs. bloodied enemies (crimson determination)
+2d10 damage when implement attacks crit (lancing dagger)
Take half damage (no damage on a miss) from enemies who can't see Pandora

Active Effects: Slowed and cannot teleport (save ends); dazed

Ensorcelled Blade
Dual Strike
Combat Challenge

Second Wind []
Heroic Effort [x]
Ruthless Demonstration [x]
Glowering Threat [x]
Life's Losing Hand [x]
Fog Form [x]
Elemental Bolt []
Howling Zephyr []
Explosive Pyre []
Flame Spiral [x]
Come and Get it [x]
Demon-Soul Bolts [x]
Screaming Armor [_]

Howling Tempest []
Slaad's Gambit []
Dancing Defense []
Lightning Weapon []
Bahamut's Protective Ward []
Sehanine's Mark of the Dark Moon []
Mystery of the Hidden Veil []
Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might (level 3) []
Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might (level 8) [_]


Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Demon Fury: When Pandora spends an action point to take an extra action, she and her allies gain +3 to attack rolls until the start of her next turn, but enemies gain +3 to attack rolls against Pandora for the same duration.

Variable Resistance: Once per encounter as a minor action, Pandora can change her Wild Soul resistance to one she chooses.

Tempest Technique (Hybrid): +1 to attack rolls when dual-wielding.

Wild Soul: Resist 10 [lightning] and pierce Resist 10 [lightning]

Notable Feats:
Two-Weapon Defense (Hybrid): +1 shield bonus to AC and Ref while dual wielding

Mark of Storm: Slide enemy 1 when you hit it with a lightning or thunder power

Walk Among the Fey: Teleport creature you slide an equivalent distance instead

Unlucky Teleport: When you teleport an enemy with a sorc/sorc PP power, they take 1d10 psychic damage

Damage Breakdowns

Sorcerer Implement Bonus Damage: +12 (+2 enhancement, +3 lancing dagger, +6 sorcerous power, +1 dragonshard)
General Bonus Damage: +3 (+2 enhancement, +1 dragonshard)

Unlucky Teleport: When a sorcerer power teleports an enemy, it deals 1d10 psychic (-> lightning) damage. Sorcerer damage bonuses apply.

Action Point: +15 damage (+10 resourceful presence, +5 resourceful leader) with hits as part of AP action; +10 damage to non-hit damage instead.

Flame Spiral effect damage: 1d6+12; benefits from +10 from resourceful presence if used on AP.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by BartNL »

As the pathetic bear clan warriors fall left and right in the frenzy of lightning and weapons surrounding Pete and Pandora, Pete attacks the monstrous shapeshifter with a rapid flurry of attacks.


Standard: Rain of Blows
13(1d20) +19 = 32; 17(1d20) +19 = 36; 11(1d20) +19 = 30 against AC.
For a total of 32,38,32 against AC
Pete has CA for the second and third attack, as the Adept is proned by his slides.
For a total of 31 damage 4(1d10) +7 = 11; 4(1d10) +7 = 11; 2(1d10) +7 = 9
After attack 1: Mark and slide to AE.AF 46,47 and the further to AD.AE, 47,48 and knock prone.

Saving throw turn end

19(1d20) = 19Saved

Off turn

Polearm gamble: If non-adjacent enemy moves adjacent grant CA to that enemy and make an OA against that enemy. +4 to hit from combat superiority and on hit interrupt movement.
Combat Challenge: Make mba as immediate interrupt if marked enemy within melee 2 attacks an ally or shifts while adjacent to Pete

Combat Block


Male Minotaur (Human) Fighter 11
Languages: Tulrissian, Common
Age: 27
Height: 7'1
Weight: 330 lbs.

Speed: 7 (6 when bloodied)
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 30
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 27
Fort: 28
Reflex: 23
Will: 24
HP: 97/97
Bloodied: 48
Surge Value: 25
Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1

MBA: MBA: +19 VS AC or Reflex, 1d10+12 damage
RBA: RBA: +14 VS AC, 1d6+9 damge (Distance Javelin +1)



+1 power bonus vs. fear, daze, dominate, stun effects

Active Effects:


Footwork Lure
Weapon Master's Strike
Combat Challenge

Lightning Greatspear

Second Wind[]
Sohei Flurry[]
Goring Charge[]
Hack and Hew[]
Sohei Parry[]
Rain of Blows[X]
Ignore Weakness[]
Come and Get It[X]

Mercurial Mind[_]

Tempest Dance[]
Rain of Steel[]
Shift the Battlefield[_]

Battle-Scarred Champion[]
Ioun's Revelation[]
Moradin's Blessing of Iron[]
Lightning Greatspear[]


Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (3)
Tempest Whetstone (heroic) (2)

Important Features:

Feature:Ferocity: Make MBA as immediate interrupt when you drop to 0 hp., Heedless Charge: +2 AC to Opportunity Attacks while charging, Combat Challenge: Mark on hit or miss, Combat Superiority: Add Wis mod to opportunity attacks, Lunging Action: You can spend an action point to increase the reach of your reach weapons by 1 square until the start of your next turn, instead of taking an extra action, Forceful Reach: If you use a reach weapon to deliver a weapon power that pushes, pulls, or slides a target, you increase the distance of the forced movement by 1 square. Polearm Expertise: +2 defenses against charge attacks while holding 2-H polearm, Mark of Storm: Slide enemies you hit with thunder and lightning damage, +1 Flying Speed, Polearm Momentum: Knock prone enemies you push or slide more than 2 squares at the end of the push/slide, Vigilant Recovery: On hit enemy can't benefit from CA against you untill start of your next turn. Polearm Gamble: When a nonadjacent enemy enters a square adjacent to you, you can make an OA with a polearm against that enemy, you grant CA to that enemy until the end of the enemy’s turn.

Item Feature: Eberron Shard of Lightining: +1 dmg on lightning attacks with Lighting Greatspear, Rushing Cleats: +2 to bull rush attacks, increase push or slide of melee and close attacks by 1, Moradin's Blessing of Iron: If an enemy pushes you, reduce the distance reduce distance by 2, If an ememy pulls you, and that leaves you adjacent to that enemy, make a MBA as an opportunity action, Crowbar: +2 athletics to open locked doors or containers, Climber's Kit: +2 Athletics checks for climbing when using this item, Thieves' Tools: +2 Thievery to open locks or disable traps when using this item, Footpads: +1 Stealth when sneaking, Restful Bedroll: +1d8 temp HP after long rest,

Slide/Push Summary
Lightning Greatspear allows lightning damage. (+1 damage from the lightning shard)
Mark of Storm gives +1 slide when you deal lightning damage.
Rushing Cleats increases +1 slide/push on close/melee attacks.
Forceful Reach increases +1 slide/push/pull with reach weapons.
Polearm Momentum allows to knock prone when sliding or pushing 2 or more squares.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

As the combination of Pandora's spells and Pete's jabs once more bring the adept to a weakened state you can tell it is becoming more enraged. With its powerful claws it swipes at Pete twice, both raking the man and leaving him bloodied and bruised as well. The second swipe catches the man and closes around him, grabbing him in place.

No longer able to move about freely, the bear rears its other paw once more and lunges forward, cutting deeper into his flesh. It goes to bite him as a follow-up, but Pete is able to wriggle aside in time to avoid the beast's razor sharp teeth.

Up Next: Henri


Darcell: misses

Pandora: hits x2, teleports x4 & bloodies, saves vs immobilize, instead becoming slowed (save ends)

Pete: hits x3, slides & prones, saves

Adept: stands. Makes two attacks with its claws against Pete, 1) 30 vs AC = hit for 24 damage, 2) 31 vs AC = hit for 15 damage. Since both hit it makes a followup attack, 32 vs Fortitude = hit, and the target is grabbed. Uses its action point to Maul Pete, dealing 39 damage and allowing him to bite Pete, 23 vs AC = miss



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Bears are dangerous, Pete! I should think a Tulrissian would know that. So get up and put that thing down so the Captain might have a new rug for his office!" Henri shouts at the wounded Tulrissian man, hoping to stir him to action. "You Andorians might have fancy tricks, but you've got nothing on lead and steel."

Looking towards the orc, he shouts out, "How about we show that hunter what that means!" He fires a round at the hunter, the bullet piercing her flesh. On cue, Grommak lands a mighty blow, slashing at the hunter's arm and leaving a deep gash. Not yet satisfied, the orc strikes the hunter's other arm and leaves her barely standing.

Henri looks on, smirking. However, his bliss is interrupted as he sees Pandora still lying on the deck floor. Rolling his eyes, he shouts over, "Get up. You've got a bear to kill."


Minor: Inspiring Word on Pete
Pete can spend a surge and regain an additional 8(3d6) +3 = 11 for 36 total HP, bringing him up to 43
Additionally, Pete can choose to shift one square or gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex til the start of his next turn

Standard: On My Mark on Hunter 1
Attack: 12(1d20) +17 = 29 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 4(1d8) +9 = 13
Grommak can make a free BA against Hunter 1
Attack: 20(1d20) +27 = 47 vs AC = CRIT
Damage: 24 damage and 10 ongoing damage (save ends)

Crit procs an offhand MBA
Attack: 12(1d20) +21 = 33 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 5(1d10) +13 = 18

Move > Minor: Adaptive Stratagem on Pandora
Until the end of my next turn, Pandora gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls and a +3 bonus to saving throws

Combat Block

Henri LaBelle

Male Genasi Warlord 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian, Brennisian
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +16
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 25
Fort: 24
Ref: 23
Will: 22
HP: 74/82
Bloodied: 41
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage.
RBA: +17 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 vs ongoing damage

Active Effects: None


Direct the Strike
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Sea Legs

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind []
Inspiring Word [X] [] []
Race the Arrow [X]
Provocative Order []
On My Mark [X]
Lady Luck Smiles []
Swiftcurrent []
Adaptive Stratagem [X]
Dragon's Tenacity []
Shifting Tides []

Triple-barreled Pistol [_]

Relentless Wounding []
Create Opportunity []
Warlord's Recovery []

Gloves of Piercing []
Bracers of Archery []
Stone of Wind []



Important Features

Crossbow Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls that you make with a crossbow. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. Also, you ignore partial cover or superior cover with weapon attacks you make with a crossbow.

Improved Defenses: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Inspirational Attacker: Targets of my Inspiring Word gain 5 additional HP if they're adjacent to an enemy I've hit that turn.

Improved Inspiring Word: Add your Charisma modifier (+3) to the hit points restored by your inspiring word.

Distant Advantage: I gain a CA for ranged/area attacks against enemies flanked by my allies

Improved Initiative: I gain a +4 bonus to initiative.

Combat Commander: The initiative bonus from my Combat Leader feature is equal to my Intelligence modifier (+5)

Last Legion Officer When I use a power that would allow an ally to spend a healing surge, that ally can choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex until the start of their next turn.

Fight On: You can use your inspiring word one additional time per encounter.

Resourceful Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, that attack gains a bonus to damage equal to one-half your level + your Intelligence modifier (+10). If the attack hits no target, the ally gains temporary hit points equal to one-half your level + your Charisma modifier (+8).

Know Your Strength: When rolling damage for a weapon attack, I treat a roll of 1 or 2 as a 3.

Seize the Day: When I spend an action point to attack and roll an odd number on the first roll, I gain 10 THP. If I roll an even number, each ally within 5 squares gains 5 THP.

Archer Warlord When you make a ranged basic attack with a bow, you can use Strength instead of Dexterity for the attack roll and the damage roll.

Combat Leader: You and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Elemental Origin: I'm considered to be of elemental origin.

Watersoul: I can breathe underwater. I gain a +2 to saving throws against ongoing damage.

The Mariner: While aboard a ship, gain a +1 bonus (+2 at Level 10) to any skill or ability check related to life at sea; gain the sea legs power. You gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks. You ignore difficult terrain when you shift. While aboard a ship, you can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.

Auspicious Birth: Substitute your highest ability score for Constitution to determine initial hit points.

Distance Imardanian Officer's Pistol +3: Increases the weapon's normal range by 5 squares and the long range by 10 squares.

Lifeblood Hide Armor +2: You gain 5 temporary hit points after each rest. If you remove the armor, you lose these hit points.

Gem of Colloquy: You gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.

Cloak of Distortion: You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.

Bracers of Archery: You gain a +2 item bonus to damage rolls while attacking with a bow or crossbow.

Acrobat Boots: You gain a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

While Grommak and Henri are focusing the hunter at the aft, the shaman-like man once more makes his appearance on the deck. He attempts to single out Pandora with some sort of psychic ability, but the woman is able to resist the attempt. Annoyed, the man sends his bird fluttering towards her. As it flies closer it seems to multiply exponentially, from one to numerous small birds all fluttering about the woman, or at least to her mind, harassing her from above and leaving her distracted.

As the shaman disappears from view once more, the hunter facing Grommak rushes as far out of reach as it can, firing a shot at the man as it does so. The arrow grazes the orc's skin, doing minimal damage in the process.

Up Next: Grommak, Noor, Margaux


Henri: heals & buffs, hits and grants attack...

Grommak: crits! & bloodies, hits...

Henri: buffs

Shaman: teleports to (AD, 46). Uses Bear's Intuition on Pandora, 22 vs Will = miss. Uses Nature's Harry on Pandora, 31 vs Fortitude = hit for 25 damage, and attacks against Pandora can crit on 18-20 and she takes 10 extra damage from a crit (save ends). Pandora is now bloodied. Teleports back out of sight.

Hunter 1: Crippling Shot recharges. Takes 10 damage. Uses Mobile Attack on Grommak, moving to (AF, 36) while not provoking OAs from the target of its attack, 36 vs AC = hit for 9 damage. Fails to save against ongoing damage.



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Margaux brightens up after her clean hit on the bear earlier. She shifts down the ship again and takes aim, then hopes to hit again.


Move Action: Fleeting Ghost (Walk to Y-46), take cover, then Hide: 3(1d20) +18 = 21
Standard Action: RBA vs Adept's AC: 14(1d20) +18 = 32; 3(1d8) +8 = 11

Combat Block


Female Bugbear Rogue 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian
Age: 24
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +17
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 24
Reflex: 26
Will: 19
HP: 73/73
Bloodied: 36
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: +19 vs AC, 1d12+11
RBA: +18 vs AC, 1d8+8




Active Effects:


Acrobatic Strike
Duelist's Flurry
Fleeting Ghost
Sea Legs

Item At-Will

Encounter []
Predatory Eye []
One-Two Punch []
Bait and Switch[]
From the Shadows []
Strike Terror []
Swift Parry []
Acrobat's Escape []

Item Encounter [_]

Daily []
Spinning Blade Leap []
Hobble []
Vexing Escape []

Item Daily [_]


Power Descriptions

Acrobatic Strike Melee - One Creature - 18 vs AC - 1d12+10 - If I am grabbed, I escape the grab.
Duelist's Flurry - Melee - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Dexterity Modifier (+6) in damage, slide the target 1 square, and I shift 1 square. I may use my sneak attack damage even if I do not have combat advantage with this attack.
Fleeting Ghost Move Action - Personal - Move up to my speed and make a stealth check to hide. I take no penalty to the stealth check for the movement, though I must still meet the normal requirements to hide.
Sea Legs Free Action - Personal - Trigger: I roll an acrobatics check to balance or hop down, and you dislike the result. Effect: I reroll the check and take the higher result.
Predatory Eye [] Minor Action - Personal - Effect: If I have combat advantage against a target, I deal 2d6 bonus damage on my next hit (before the end of my next turn) against that target.
One-Two Punch [] Melee - One or Two Creatures - 18 vs AC - 1d12+4 damage. Hit: 1[W] damage. If I hit both targets, I can deal my sneak attack damage to each target instead of just one.
Bait and Switch[] Melee - One Creature - 18 vs Will - 2[W] + Dexterity Modifier (+6) damage. In addition, you switch places with the target and can then shift 1 square.
From the Shadows [] Melee or Ranged Weapon - One Creature - (Melee) 18 vs AC - 1d12+10/(Ranged) 19 vs AC - 1d6+9 - Before attacking, I may shift 2 squares. if the target could not see me prior to the shift, I gain combat advantage for this attack. On a hit, I do damage and can shift 2 squares. If I have any cover or concealment after the shift I can make a stealth check as a free action.
Strike Terror [] Melee - One Creature - 18 vs Reflex - 2d12+10 - On a hit, I push the target 5 squares.
Tumbling Dodge [] Immediate Interrupt - Personal - Trigger: I'm hit by a melee attack - I make an Acrobatics Check and gain a bonus to all defenses against the triggering attack equal to my roll divided by 10. If the bonus causes the attack to miss, I shift 1 square.
Acrobat's Escape [] Immediate Reaction - Melee 1 - Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to you.Target: The triggering enemy. Effect: The target is immobilized until the start of it's next turn. I then shift a number of squares up to your Dexterity modifier (+6) to a square that is not adjacent to the target.
Spinning Blade Leap [] Melee Weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 2[W] + 6 damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Before and after the attack I shift up to my speed.
Hobble [] Melee or Ranged weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 2[W] + 6 damage. Effect: I knock the target prone. The target can't stand up (save ends).
Vexing Escape []Melee weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 3[W] + 6 damage, and I can shift a number of squares equal to my Charisma modifier (+1). Miss: Half damage, and I can shift 1 square. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each time the target enters a square adjacent to me, I can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction.

Important Features
Racial Features

Oversized - Can use weapons one size larger.
Predatory Eye - I have the predatory eye power.

Class Features

Level 1 The Mariner Starting Feature - While aboard a ship, I gain +2 bonus to any skill check or ability check related to life at sea.
Level 5 The Mariner Feature - I gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks.
Level 10 The Mariner Feature -I ignore difficult terrain when I shift. While I'm aboard a ship, I can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.
Expert Mariner - I gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks while aboard a ship, and I am considered trained for any skill check pertaining to movement, navigation, ship handling, or avoiding hazards aboard a ship. If I'm already trained in that skill, I gain a +2 bonus to such checks.
Sea Legs - When I spend an action point to take an extra action, I gain a +2 bonus to speed and ignore difficult terrain until the end of my next turn.
First Strike - At the start of an encounter, I have combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.
Rogue Tactics - Brutal Scoundrel (Add Strength modifier to Sneak Attack damage)
Sharpshooter Talent - Crossbow - I gain an additional +1 bonus to hit with Crossbows and gain Far Shot as a bonus feat even if I don't meet the prerequisites.
Sneak Attack - Once per turn add 3d8+6 damage to a target I hit while I have combat advantage.


User Choice: Improved Defenses - Gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
User Choice: Master at Arms - Gain a +2 feat bonus to the attack rolls of all weapon attacks. Also, I can use a minor action to sheathe a weapon and then draw a weapon.
Level 1: Backstabber - The extra damage dice from my Sneak Attack class feature increase from d6s to d8s.
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) - Gain proficiency with Bastard Swords.
Level 4: Two-Fisted Shooter - I treat the hand crossbow as an off-hand weapon, and I can reload it one-handed as a free action. When I score a critical hit and have a loaded hand crossbow in my off hand, I can make a ranged basic attack with that weapon as a free action.
Level 6: Versatile Duelist - Gain proficiency with all one-handed, military heavy blades. If a rogue power requires me to wield a light blade, I can use that power with a one-handed heavy blade and can also deal my sneak attack damage while using a one-handed heavy blade with that power.
Level 8: Headsman's Chop - Whenever I hit a proned target with an axe or a heavy blade, the target takes 5 extra damage.
Level 10: Improved Initiative - Gain +4 feat bonus to initiative.
Level 11: Point-Blank Shot - If I make a ranged attack against a foe within 5 squares of me, my attack ignores cover and concealment, including superior cover, but not total concealment.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak closes the gap on the lone woman, lashing out with both swords. She manages to dodge his scimitar, but the orc plunges his saber just below her clavicle, pulling it free with a crimson spray. As his mark falls to the deck, he turns to survey the scene along the quarterdeck.


Walk to AF37.

Twin Strike on Hunter 1. Critical miss, and hits AC 39 for 14 damage.
Attacks: 1(1d20) +22 = 23; 2(1d10) +8 = 10; 18(1d20) +21 = 39; 7(1d10) +7 = 14


Cross-Body Parry if I am melee attacked.

Combat Block


Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8+5
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 26
Reflex: 23
Will: 23
HP: 73/94
Bloodied: 47
Surge Value: 23
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1



+1 against fear, daze, domination, stun effects

Active Effects:
Dancing Defense — +2 AC/Ref TSNT


Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind []
Sohei Flurry []
Furious Assault [X]
Off-Hand Strike []
Invigorating Stride []
Ruffling Sting []
Lashing Leaves []
Cross-Body Parry []
Captain's Saber +2 (Swift Charge) []
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 [X]
Boots of the Fencing Master [_]

Jaws of the Wolf []
Frenzied Skirmish [X]
Begin the Hunt [X]
Attacks on the Run []
Blood of the Fallen [_]



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:


Prime Punisher: If no ally is adjacent to an enemy I am adjacent to, I gain my +1 to melee attacks.

Paragon Path / Background:

Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.


Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Captain's Saber +2: Crits do +2d6 damage, and I gain +2 item bonus to defenses against OAs when charging with this weapon.
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

While Grommak is finishing off one of the others, and Margaux is firing off her pistol, Noor steps up onto the Sain't railing and leaps over the edge. Once on the enemy ship she rushes over to the bear in front of her, intent on pummeling it into the ground. However, she stumbles as the ship is tossed by the waves and fails to meet her mark. Meanwhile, caught off guard by the sudden motion of the ocean, the remaining hunter is able to pierce her side with an arrow.

Up Next: Darcell, Pandora, Pete


Margaux: moves, fails to hide, hits

Grommak: moves, misses, hits & kills

Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry on Adept

Move Action: move to (AC, 47), jumping in the process. No roll since failing is impossible given her +15 to athletics.

Standard Action: Shocking Twister on Adept
Attack: 24 vs AC = miss ._.

Hunter 2: moves to (AD, 54). Shoots Noor, 34 vs AC = hit for 11 damage.



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"You can't quit on us after one boarding," Darcell shouts seeing Pandora in trouble. He begins to weave a melodic tune imbued with his magic. The spell reinvigorating the woman some, lessening the severity of her wounds. He then turns his attention back to the bear casting yet another spell which stabs into the shape changer's mind, letting the other Dogs draw from their weakness.


Minor: Majestic Word on Pandora, she spends a surge and regains 11 HP and is slid to (AC, 46)

5(2d6) +6 = 11

Standard: Stirring Shout on Adept 34 vs Will hits for 18 psychic damage. Until the end of the encounter whenever an ally hits the Adept they gain 6 HP.

19(1d20) +15 = 34; 9(2d6) +9 = 18

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +15 (+20 when within 10 sq. of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Demoralizing Strike []
Majestic Word [X][] **
Words of Friendship []
Blunder [X]
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon [X]
Revitalizing Incantation []
Unluck []
Illusory Erasure []
Lying Lights []
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [] *
Lliira's Grace [] *
Tymora's Luck [] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 []

Stirring Shout[X]
Song of Discord []
Counterpoint []
Headband of Intellect []
Sitar of restfulness []

  • Can only use one per encounter
    ** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by BartNL »

Inspired by Henry's words, Pete recovers quickly from the Adepts attacks. In an attempt to losen the beasts grip, Pete stabs it with his spear.


Standard: Footwork Lure
1(1d20) +19 = 20; 4(1d10) +13 = 17
Natural 1. Mark Adept.
Move Action: escape grab: 16(1d20) +18 = 34
34 against fortitude

Off turn

Polearm gamble: If non-adjacent enemy moves adjacent grant CA to that enemy and make an OA against that enemy. +4 to hit from combat superiority and on hit interrupt movement.
Combat Challenge: Make mba as immediate interrupt if marked enemy within melee 2 attacks an ally or shifts while adjacent to Pete
Ferocity: When ypu drop to 0 HP make an MBA as an immediate interrupt.

Combat Block


Male Minotaur (Human) Fighter 11
Languages: Tulrissian, Common
Age: 27
Height: 7'1
Weight: 330 lbs.

Speed: 7 (6 when bloodied)
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 30
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 27
Fort: 28
Reflex: 23
Will: 24
HP: 97/97
Bloodied: 48
Surge Value: 25
Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1

MBA: MBA: +19 VS AC or Reflex, 1d10+12 damage
RBA: RBA: +14 VS AC, 1d6+9 damge (Distance Javelin +1)



+1 power bonus vs. fear, daze, dominate, stun effects

Active Effects:


Footwork Lure
Weapon Master's Strike
Combat Challenge

Lightning Greatspear

Second Wind[]
Sohei Flurry[]
Goring Charge[]
Hack and Hew[]
Sohei Parry[]
Rain of Blows[X]
Ignore Weakness[]
Come and Get It[X]

Mercurial Mind[_]

Tempest Dance[]
Rain of Steel[]
Shift the Battlefield[_]

Battle-Scarred Champion[]
Ioun's Revelation[]
Moradin's Blessing of Iron[]
Lightning Greatspear[]


Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (3)
Tempest Whetstone (heroic) (2)

Important Features:

Feature:Ferocity: Make MBA as immediate interrupt when you drop to 0 hp., Heedless Charge: +2 AC to Opportunity Attacks while charging, Combat Challenge: Mark on hit or miss, Combat Superiority: Add Wis mod to opportunity attacks, Lunging Action: You can spend an action point to increase the reach of your reach weapons by 1 square until the start of your next turn, instead of taking an extra action, Forceful Reach: If you use a reach weapon to deliver a weapon power that pushes, pulls, or slides a target, you increase the distance of the forced movement by 1 square. Polearm Expertise: +2 defenses against charge attacks while holding 2-H polearm, Mark of Storm: Slide enemies you hit with thunder and lightning damage, +1 Flying Speed, Polearm Momentum: Knock prone enemies you push or slide more than 2 squares at the end of the push/slide, Vigilant Recovery: On hit enemy can't benefit from CA against you untill start of your next turn. Polearm Gamble: When a nonadjacent enemy enters a square adjacent to you, you can make an OA with a polearm against that enemy, you grant CA to that enemy until the end of the enemy’s turn.

Item Feature: Eberron Shard of Lightining: +1 dmg on lightning attacks with Lighting Greatspear, Rushing Cleats: +2 to bull rush attacks, increase push or slide of melee and close attacks by 1, Moradin's Blessing of Iron: If an enemy pushes you, reduce the distance reduce distance by 2, If an ememy pulls you, and that leaves you adjacent to that enemy, make a MBA as an opportunity action, Crowbar: +2 athletics to open locked doors or containers, Climber's Kit: +2 Athletics checks for climbing when using this item, Thieves' Tools: +2 Thievery to open locks or disable traps when using this item, Footpads: +1 Stealth when sneaking, Restful Bedroll: +1d8 temp HP after long rest,

Slide/Push Summary
Lightning Greatspear allows lightning damage. (+1 damage from the lightning shard)
Mark of Storm gives +1 slide when you deal lightning damage.
Rushing Cleats increases +1 slide/push on close/melee attacks.
Forceful Reach increases +1 slide/push/pull with reach weapons.
Polearm Momentum allows to knock prone when sliding or pushing 2 or more squares.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

TauNeutrino wrote:

Pandora stands up, rejuvenated by Darcell's lilting song. The song carries her forward as she stands, plunging her dagger into the side of the bear, which flickers in space as it spasms in pain. "You know, you're starting to annoy me. You don't want to be in that position." She calls out to the shaman. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," she says with a sing-songy tone. "Perhaps we'll allow you to leave this ship with all your major organs." She grins.


Damage includes +2 from crimson determination and +5 from Adaptive Strategem

Move: Stand from prone

Free: Correlon's Boon of Arcane Might (Level 3): Gain the use of Teleporting Strike once this encounter

Standard: Teleporting Strike vs. Adept
9(1d20) +19 = 28+1 = 29 (free action: Coin of Good Luck for +1) vs. AC
On a hit, Adept takes 3(1d4) +25 = 28 lightning damgae and is teleported to (AC47-AD48), taking 5(1d10) +19 = 24 more lightning damage.

Secondary Attack:
9(1d20) +21 = 30 vs. AC (-2 for no CA if the first one missed)
On a hit, Adept is teleported back to (AD47-AE48), taking 4(1d10) +19 = 23 lightning damage, and is slowed and weakened until the end of Pandora's next turn.

Minor: Screaming Armor vs. Adept; it takes a -2 to attack rolls until the end of Pandora's next turn

Saving throws: 6(1d20) +3 = 9; 9(1d20) +3 = 12; 9(1d20) +3 = 12 vs. slowed, slowed/can't TP, get crit on 18-20 for 10 more damage, saving against all but the slowed effect.
Combat Block

Female Human Wild Sorcerer|Tempest Fighter/Bard/Demonskin Adept 11
Languages: Common, Imardinian.
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +7 (+12 when within 10 of Henri)
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Normal

AC: 29
Fort: 26
Reflex: 25
Will: 28
HP: 56/85
Bloodied: 42
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Ensorcelled Blade): +19 vs AC; 1d4+18 lightning damage and teleport the target 1 square, dealing an additional 1d10+12 lightning damage. Also on a hit, until EoNT the target takes 6 lightning damage upon hitting or missing Pandora with a melee attack.
RBA (Elemental Bolt; 1/enc): +16 vs Reflex; 1d12+18 lightning damage and teleport the target 1 square, dealing an additional 1d10+12 lightning damage.

Resistances: Resist 10 lightning
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None
Conditional Effects: +2 to damage rolls vs. bloodied enemies (crimson determination)
+2d10 damage when implement attacks crit (lancing dagger)
Take half damage (no damage on a miss) from enemies who can't see Pandora

Active Effects: slowed (save ends),

Ensorcelled Blade
Dual Strike
Combat Challenge

Second Wind []
Heroic Effort [x]
Ruthless Demonstration [x]
Glowering Threat [x]
Life's Losing Hand [x]
Fog Form [x]
Elemental Bolt []
Howling Zephyr []
Explosive Pyre []
Flame Spiral [x]
Come and Get it [x]
Demon-Soul Bolts [x]
Screaming Armor [X]

Howling Tempest []
Slaad's Gambit []
Dancing Defense []
Lightning Weapon []
Bahamut's Protective Ward []
Sehanine's Mark of the Dark Moon []
Mystery of the Hidden Veil []
Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might (level 3) [X]
Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might (level 8) []

Coin of Good Luck x2

Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Demon Fury: When Pandora spends an action point to take an extra action, she and her allies gain +3 to attack rolls until the start of her next turn, but enemies gain +3 to attack rolls against Pandora for the same duration.

Variable Resistance: Once per encounter as a minor action, Pandora can change her Wild Soul resistance to one she chooses.

Tempest Technique (Hybrid): +1 to attack rolls when dual-wielding.

Wild Soul: Resist 10 [lightning] and pierce Resist 10 [lightning]

Notable Feats:
Two-Weapon Defense (Hybrid): +1 shield bonus to AC and Ref while dual wielding

Mark of Storm: Slide enemy 1 when you hit it with a lightning or thunder power

Walk Among the Fey: Teleport creature you slide an equivalent distance instead

Unlucky Teleport: When you teleport an enemy with a sorc/sorc PP power, they take 1d10 psychic damage

Damage Breakdowns

Sorcerer Implement Bonus Damage: +12 (+2 enhancement, +3 lancing dagger, +6 sorcerous power, +1 dragonshard)
General Bonus Damage: +3 (+2 enhancement, +1 dragonshard)

Unlucky Teleport: When a sorcerer power teleports an enemy, it deals 1d10 psychic (-> lightning) damage. Sorcerer damage bonuses apply.

Action Point: +15 damage (+10 resourceful presence, +5 resourceful leader) with hits as part of AP action; +10 damage to non-hit damage instead.

Flame Spiral effect damage: 1d6+12; benefits from +10 from resourceful presence if used on AP.

Last edited by TauNeutrino on Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

Darcell's aid pushes Pandora close enough to strike out against the Adept once more, and the wild magical effects she causes leave the man - now reverted back to his human form - in a crumpled and lifeless heap on the deck.

Up Next: Henri


Darcell: heals, hits

Pete: crit misses, marks, escapes grab

Pandora: stands, hits & kills, saves x2. Screaming armor power is not expended since the Adept died before that.



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As the bearman's magic fades and he slumps over dead, Henri sets his sights upon the remaining hunter still standing on the forecastle. He rolls his eyes at the newcomers, each having taken a large beating throughout the fight. "Chin up, my dear Pandora. You might be foolish, at least you looked quite cool doing it. Now let's finish this, yes?" With slick footwork, he glides across the plank and sets foot upon the merchant ship.

Gazing up the staircase, he fires a round at the hunter. With great precision, the round meets its mark and leaves the hunter briefly reeling, offering Henri's allies an opportunity to strike.


Minor: Inspiring Word on Pandora
Pandora spends a healing surge and regains 11(3d6) +3 = 14 HP for a total of 35 recovered. Additionally, she can shift 1 square or gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex til the start of her next turn

Move: Swiftcurrent
Shift to AB44, ignoring difficult terrain, squeezing penalties, and any damage the surfaces would ordinarily deal

Standard: Lady Luck Smiles on Hunter 2
Attack: 18(1d20) +17 = 35 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 13(2d8) +9 = 22
Until the end of my next turn, whenever an ally within 5 squares of me makes a melee or ranged attack, they can roll attack twice and use either result

Combat Block

Henri LaBelle

Male Genasi Warlord 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian, Brennisian
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +16
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 25
Fort: 24
Ref: 23
Will: 22
HP: 74/82
Bloodied: 41
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage.
RBA: +17 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 vs ongoing damage

Active Effects: None


Direct the Strike
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Sea Legs

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind []
Inspiring Word [X] [X] []
Race the Arrow [X]
Provocative Order []
On My Mark [X]
Lady Luck Smiles [X]
Swiftcurrent [X]
Adaptive Stratagem [X]
Dragon's Tenacity []
Shifting Tides []

Triple-barreled Pistol []

Relentless Wounding []
Create Opportunity []
Warlord's Recovery []

Gloves of Piercing []
Bracers of Archery []
Stone of Wind []



Important Features

Crossbow Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls that you make with a crossbow. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. Also, you ignore partial cover or superior cover with weapon attacks you make with a crossbow.

Improved Defenses: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Inspirational Attacker: Targets of my Inspiring Word gain 5 additional HP if they're adjacent to an enemy I've hit that turn.

Improved Inspiring Word: Add your Charisma modifier (+3) to the hit points restored by your inspiring word.

Distant Advantage: I gain a CA for ranged/area attacks against enemies flanked by my allies

Improved Initiative: I gain a +4 bonus to initiative.

Combat Commander: The initiative bonus from my Combat Leader feature is equal to my Intelligence modifier (+5)

Last Legion Officer When I use a power that would allow an ally to spend a healing surge, that ally can choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex until the start of their next turn.

Fight On: You can use your inspiring word one additional time per encounter.

Resourceful Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, that attack gains a bonus to damage equal to one-half your level + your Intelligence modifier (+10). If the attack hits no target, the ally gains temporary hit points equal to one-half your level + your Charisma modifier (+8).

Know Your Strength: When rolling damage for a weapon attack, I treat a roll of 1 or 2 as a 3.

Seize the Day: When I spend an action point to attack and roll an odd number on the first roll, I gain 10 THP. If I roll an even number, each ally within 5 squares gains 5 THP.

Archer Warlord When you make a ranged basic attack with a bow, you can use Strength instead of Dexterity for the attack roll and the damage roll.

Combat Leader: You and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Elemental Origin: I'm considered to be of elemental origin.

Watersoul: I can breathe underwater. I gain a +2 to saving throws against ongoing damage.

The Mariner: While aboard a ship, gain a +1 bonus (+2 at Level 10) to any skill or ability check related to life at sea; gain the sea legs power. You gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks. You ignore difficult terrain when you shift. While aboard a ship, you can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.

Auspicious Birth: Substitute your highest ability score for Constitution to determine initial hit points.

Distance Imardanian Officer's Pistol +3: Increases the weapon's normal range by 5 squares and the long range by 10 squares.

Lifeblood Hide Armor +2: You gain 5 temporary hit points after each rest. If you remove the armor, you lose these hit points.

Gem of Colloquy: You gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.

Cloak of Distortion: You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.

Bracers of Archery: You gain a +2 item bonus to damage rolls while attacking with a bow or crossbow.

Acrobat Boots: You gain a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

While Henri is landing a shot against the last remaining visible foe, the shaman appears once more on the deck. As he had moments before, the man - this time successfully - singles out Pete with some sort of psychic ability. The Dog is left in somewhat of a haze, and while distracted the shaman takes advantage and exerts further influence over his mind. In an instant Pete can feel his control over his body fade, and he begins to move against his own wishes.

Up Next: Grommak, Margaux, Noor


Henri: heals, shifts, hits

Shaman: Bear's Intuition recharges. Teleports to (AD, 44). Uses Bear's Intuition on Pete, 31 vs Will = hit, target grants CA to shaman and cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment until EONT. Uses Bear's Dominance on Pete, 33 vs Will = hit for 18 psychic damage and the target is dominated until EONT. Teleports back out of view.



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by ratwizard »

Struggling to piece together the strange magic-wielding foe's whereabouts, Grommak instead focuses once again on the archer on the forecastle.

The orc bounds to the railing, swords in hand. Planting a foot, he leaps into the air with a forward dive, rolling into a flip before landing with a heavy impact on the deck. "I've got that one," he shouts, brandishing a blade toward the archer. "Figure out a way to get that grate open and find that old, fucking coward!" He pushes past his allies, making his way up one of the staircases.


Walk to AF40, Hop Down to AE41, continue to AD42.
Acrobatics: 9(1d20) +12 = 21

Boots of the Fencing Master to shift 2 squares to AC44.

Walk to AB48.

Cross-Body Parry if I am melee attacked.

Combat Block


Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8+5
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 26
Reflex: 23
Will: 23
HP: 73/94
Bloodied: 47
Surge Value: 23
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1



+1 against fear, daze, domination, stun effects

Active Effects:
Dancing Defense — +2 AC/Ref TSNT


Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind []
Sohei Flurry []
Furious Assault [X]
Off-Hand Strike []
Invigorating Stride []
Ruffling Sting []
Lashing Leaves []
Cross-Body Parry []
Captain's Saber +2 (Swift Charge) []
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 [X]
Boots of the Fencing Master [X]

Jaws of the Wolf []
Frenzied Skirmish [X]
Begin the Hunt [X]
Attacks on the Run []
Blood of the Fallen [_]



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:


Prime Punisher: If no ally is adjacent to an enemy I am adjacent to, I gain my +1 to melee attacks.

Paragon Path / Background:

Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.


Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Captain's Saber +2: Crits do +2d6 damage, and I gain +2 item bonus to defenses against OAs when charging with this weapon.
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Margaux lines up one more time to take a shot at the Hunter, before charging across the plank to join the others.


Standard Action: RBA vs Hunter 2 AC: 11(1d20) +18 = 29 (-2, new total 27); 2(1d8) +8 = 10
Move Action: Walk to AD45 over the plank.
Acrobatics to move quick: 16(1d20) +17 = 33

Combat Block


Female Bugbear Rogue 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian
Age: 24
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +17
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 24
Reflex: 26
Will: 19
HP: 73/73
Bloodied: 36
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: +19 vs AC, 1d12+11
RBA: +18 vs AC, 1d8+8 (Range: 15/25)




Active Effects:


Acrobatic Strike
Duelist's Flurry
Fleeting Ghost
Sea Legs

Item At-Will

Encounter []
Predatory Eye []
One-Two Punch []
Bait and Switch[]
From the Shadows []
Strike Terror []
Swift Parry []
Acrobat's Escape []

Item Encounter [_]

Daily []
Spinning Blade Leap []
Hobble []
Vexing Escape []

Item Daily [_]


Power Descriptions

Acrobatic Strike Melee - One Creature - 18 vs AC - 1d12+10 - If I am grabbed, I escape the grab.
Duelist's Flurry - Melee - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Dexterity Modifier (+6) in damage, slide the target 1 square, and I shift 1 square. I may use my sneak attack damage even if I do not have combat advantage with this attack.
Fleeting Ghost Move Action - Personal - Move up to my speed and make a stealth check to hide. I take no penalty to the stealth check for the movement, though I must still meet the normal requirements to hide.
Sea Legs Free Action - Personal - Trigger: I roll an acrobatics check to balance or hop down, and I dislike the result. Effect: I reroll the check and take the higher result.
Predatory Eye [*][/color] Minor Action - Personal - Effect: If I have combat advantage against a target, I deal 2d6 bonus damage on my next hit (before the end of my next turn) against that target.
One-Two Punch [] Melee - One or Two Creatures - 18 vs AC - 1d12+4 damage. Hit: 1[W] damage. If I hit both targets, I can deal my sneak attack damage to each target instead of just one.
Bait and Switch[] Melee - One Creature - 18 vs Will - 2[W] + Dexterity Modifier (+6) damage. In addition, you switch places with the target and can then shift 1 square.
From the Shadows [] Melee or Ranged Weapon - One Creature - (Melee) 18 vs AC - 1d12+10/(Ranged) 19 vs AC - 1d6+9 - Before attacking, I may shift 2 squares. if the target could not see me prior to the shift, I gain combat advantage for this attack. On a hit, I do damage and can shift 2 squares. If I have any cover or concealment after the shift I can make a stealth check as a free action.
Strike Terror [] Melee - One Creature - 18 vs Reflex - 2d12+10 - On a hit, I push the target 5 squares.
Tumbling Dodge [] Immediate Interrupt - Personal - Trigger: I'm hit by a melee attack - I make an Acrobatics Check and gain a bonus to all defenses against the triggering attack equal to my roll divided by 10. If the bonus causes the attack to miss, I shift 1 square.
Acrobat's Escape [] Immediate Reaction - Melee 1 - Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to you.Target: The triggering enemy. Effect: The target is immobilized until the start of it's next turn. I then shift a number of squares up to your Dexterity modifier (+6) to a square that is not adjacent to the target.
Spinning Blade Leap [] Melee Weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 2[W] + 6 damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Before and after the attack I shift up to my speed.
Hobble [] Melee or Ranged weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 2[W] + 6 damage. Effect: I knock the target prone. The target can't stand up (save ends).
Vexing Escape [_]Melee weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 3[W] + 6 damage, and I can shift a number of squares equal to my Charisma modifier (+1). Miss: Half damage, and I can shift 1 square. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each time the target enters a square adjacent to me, I can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction.

Important Features
Racial Features

Oversized - Can use weapons one size larger.
Predatory Eye - I have the predatory eye power.

Class Features

Level 1 The Mariner Starting Feature - While aboard a ship, I gain +2 bonus to any skill check or ability check related to life at sea.
Level 5 The Mariner Feature - I gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks.
Level 10 The Mariner Feature -I ignore difficult terrain when I shift. While I'm aboard a ship, I can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.
Expert Mariner - I gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks while aboard a ship, and I am considered trained for any skill check pertaining to movement, navigation, ship handling, or avoiding hazards aboard a ship. If I'm already trained in that skill, I gain a +2 bonus to such checks.
Sea Legs - When I spend an action point to take an extra action, I gain a +2 bonus to speed and ignore difficult terrain until the end of my next turn.
First Strike - At the start of an encounter, I have combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.
Rogue Tactics - Brutal Scoundrel (Add Strength modifier to Sneak Attack damage)
Sharpshooter Talent - Crossbow - I gain an additional +1 bonus to hit with Crossbows and gain Far Shot as a bonus feat even if I don't meet the prerequisites.
Sneak Attack - Once per turn add 3d8+6 damage to a target I hit while I have combat advantage.


Bonus Feat: Far Shot - When using a crossbow, I increase the normal and long range by 5 squares.
User Choice: Improved Defenses - Gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
User Choice: Master at Arms - Gain a +2 feat bonus to the attack rolls of all weapon attacks. Also, I can use a minor action to sheathe a weapon and then draw a weapon.
Level 1: Backstabber - The extra damage dice from my Sneak Attack class feature increase from d6s to d8s.
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) - Gain proficiency with Bastard Swords.
Level 4: Two-Fisted Shooter - I treat the hand crossbow as an off-hand weapon, and I can reload it one-handed as a free action. When I score a critical hit and have a loaded hand crossbow in my off hand, I can make a ranged basic attack with that weapon as a free action.
Level 6: Versatile Duelist - Gain proficiency with all one-handed, military heavy blades. If a rogue power requires me to wield a light blade, I can use that power with a one-handed heavy blade and can also deal my sneak attack damage while using a one-handed heavy blade with that power.
Level 8: Headsman's Chop - Whenever I hit a proned target with an axe or a heavy blade, the target takes 5 extra damage.
Level 10: Improved Initiative - Gain +4 feat bonus to initiative.
Level 11: Point-Blank Shot - If I make a ranged attack against a foe within 5 squares of me, my attack ignores cover and concealment, including superior cover, but not total concealment.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

"What, and leave all the fun for you?" Noor says, as Grommak rushes past and begins up the stairs. "Not a chance!" Ignoring the steps, she leaps from the deck to forecastle above, easily catching the railing and passing over. She continues forward towards the last of the remaining archers, landing two solid blows against the woman. She tries for a follow-up third attack as well, but another jolt of the ship causes her to miss, her fist instead hitting against the nearby crate.

Up Next: Darcell, Pandora


Grommak: moves, moves, moves, readies immediate action

Margaux: hits, moves

Move Action: Southern Star Ring the Bell
Effect: move up (AD, 52) and gain +1 to reach for melee attacks made until EONT. Jump vertically as part of the move, needing no roll since racial ability plus athletics mod make failure impossible.

Minor Action:
Hunter's Quarry on Hunter 2

Standard Action:
Twin Strike on Hunter 2
Attack 1: 36 vs AC = hit
Hit: 19 + 12 (quarry) = 31 damage, and the target is bloodied.
Attack 2: 38 vs AC = crit!
Hit: 25 + 15 = 40 damage, and I can make a MBA with my off-hand as a free action

Free Action: MBA on Hunter 2
Attack: 20 vs AC = miss

No Action: prepared to use Parry and Riposte if hit



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The only one left on the deck of the Saint, Darcell makes his way over to the plank joining the two ships, crossing it carefully. Once aboard the merchant vessel, with no targets left in range, he begins to move towards the grate on the merchant ship that leads to its lower decks.


Double Move: Walk to (AD, 43)

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +15 (+20 when within 10 sq. of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Demoralizing Strike []
Majestic Word [X][] **
Words of Friendship []
Blunder [X]
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon [X]
Revitalizing Incantation []
Unluck []
Illusory Erasure []
Lying Lights []
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [] *
Lliira's Grace [] *
Tymora's Luck [] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 []

Stirring Shout[X]
Song of Discord []
Counterpoint []
Headband of Intellect []
Sitar of restfulness []

  • Can only use one per encounter
    ** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by TauNeutrino »

Pandora sighs in annoyance. "It's not our blood you're wasting, you know." She steps back and blasts the hunter.


Damage includes +2 from crimson determination
Move: Move to AE46

Standard: Elemental Bolt vs. Hunter 2
3(1d20) +14 = 17 (including -2 from cover) vs Reflex; miss.

Saving throw: 12(1d20) = 12, saving against the slow.
Combat Block

Female Human Wild Sorcerer|Tempest Fighter/Bard/Demonskin Adept 11
Languages: Common, Imardinian.
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +7 (+12 when within 10 of Henri)
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Normal

AC: 29
Fort: 26
Reflex: 25
Will: 28
HP: 75/85
Bloodied: 42
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Ensorcelled Blade): +19 vs AC; 1d4+18 lightning damage and teleport the target 1 square, dealing an additional 1d10+12 lightning damage. Also on a hit, until EoNT the target takes 6 lightning damage upon hitting or missing Pandora with a melee attack.
RBA (Elemental Bolt; 1/enc): +16 vs Reflex; 1d12+18 lightning damage and teleport the target 1 square, dealing an additional 1d10+12 lightning damage.

Resistances: Resist 10 lightning
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None
Conditional Effects: +2 to damage rolls vs. bloodied enemies (crimson determination)
+2d10 damage when implement attacks crit (lancing dagger)
Take half damage (no damage on a miss) from enemies who can't see Pandora

Active Effects: slowed (save ends),

Ensorcelled Blade
Dual Strike
Combat Challenge

Second Wind []
Heroic Effort [x]
Ruthless Demonstration [x]
Glowering Threat [x]
Life's Losing Hand [x]
Fog Form [x]
Elemental Bolt [X]
Howling Zephyr []
Explosive Pyre [_]
Flame Spiral [x]
Come and Get it [x]
Demon-Soul Bolts [x]
Screaming Armor [X]

Howling Tempest []
Slaad's Gambit []
Dancing Defense []
Lightning Weapon []
Bahamut's Protective Ward []
Sehanine's Mark of the Dark Moon []
Mystery of the Hidden Veil []
Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might (level 3) [X]
Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might (level 8) []

Coin of Good Luck x2

Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Demon Fury: When Pandora spends an action point to take an extra action, she and her allies gain +3 to attack rolls until the start of her next turn, but enemies gain +3 to attack rolls against Pandora for the same duration.

Variable Resistance: Once per encounter as a minor action, Pandora can change her Wild Soul resistance to one she chooses.

Tempest Technique (Hybrid): +1 to attack rolls when dual-wielding.

Wild Soul: Resist 10 [lightning] and pierce Resist 10 [lightning]

Notable Feats:
Two-Weapon Defense (Hybrid): +1 shield bonus to AC and Ref while dual wielding

Mark of Storm: Slide enemy 1 when you hit it with a lightning or thunder power

Walk Among the Fey: Teleport creature you slide an equivalent distance instead

Unlucky Teleport: When you teleport an enemy with a sorc/sorc PP power, they take 1d10 psychic damage

Damage Breakdowns

Sorcerer Implement Bonus Damage: +12 (+2 enhancement, +3 lancing dagger, +6 sorcerous power, +1 dragonshard)
General Bonus Damage: +3 (+2 enhancement, +1 dragonshard)

Unlucky Teleport: When a sorcerer power teleports an enemy, it deals 1d10 psychic (-> lightning) damage. Sorcerer damage bonuses apply.

Action Point: +15 damage (+10 resourceful presence, +5 resourceful leader) with hits as part of AP action; +10 damage to non-hit damage instead.

Flame Spiral effect damage: 1d6+12; benefits from +10 from resourceful presence if used on AP.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

As Darcell rushes the deck and Pandora's spell goes wide, Pete feels his body move outside of his control. He swings his spear powerfully at Grommak, causing the man to stumble down the stairs and fall at his feet as he steps aside, on top of one of the grates.

Up Next: Henri


Darcell: moves

Pandora: moves, misses, saves

Pete: Footwork Lure on Grommak, 34 vs AC = hit for 15 lightning damage. Pete shifts to (AC, 46) and Grommak is slid to (AB, 46) and knocked prone



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Henri eyes the Tulrissian as he swipes out at Grommak. "Just because you're bleeding doesn't mean everyone else has to! Get it together," he shouts out at the man.

He shakes his head and sighs, turning towards the weakened hunter. He fires a round at her, the bullet easily piercing through her exposed flesh. Now where is that cowardly shaman?


Minor: Inspiring Word on Pete
Pete spends a healing surge and regains an additional 12(3d6) +3 = 15 HP for a total of 40 HP
Pete can shift 1 square or gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex

Standard: Paint the Bulls-Eye on Hunter 2
Attack: 10(1d20) +17 = 27 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 3(1d8) +4 = 7
Until the start of my next turn, allies gain a +5 to damage rolls against Hunter 2, not that it matters since she ded

Combat Block

Henri LaBelle

Male Genasi Warlord 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian, Brennisian
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +16
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 25
Fort: 24
Ref: 23
Will: 22
HP: 74/82
Bloodied: 41
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage.
RBA: +17 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 vs ongoing damage

Active Effects: None


Direct the Strike
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Sea Legs

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind []
Inspiring Word [X] [X] [X]
Race the Arrow [X]
Provocative Order []
On My Mark [X]
Lady Luck Smiles [X]
Swiftcurrent [X]
Adaptive Stratagem [X]
Dragon's Tenacity []
Shifting Tides []

Triple-barreled Pistol [_]

Relentless Wounding []
Create Opportunity []
Warlord's Recovery []

Gloves of Piercing []
Bracers of Archery []
Stone of Wind []



Important Features

Crossbow Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls that you make with a crossbow. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. Also, you ignore partial cover or superior cover with weapon attacks you make with a crossbow.

Improved Defenses: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Inspirational Attacker: Targets of my Inspiring Word gain 5 additional HP if they're adjacent to an enemy I've hit that turn.

Improved Inspiring Word: Add your Charisma modifier (+3) to the hit points restored by your inspiring word.

Distant Advantage: I gain a CA for ranged/area attacks against enemies flanked by my allies

Improved Initiative: I gain a +4 bonus to initiative.

Combat Commander: The initiative bonus from my Combat Leader feature is equal to my Intelligence modifier (+5)

Last Legion Officer When I use a power that would allow an ally to spend a healing surge, that ally can choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex until the start of their next turn.

Fight On: You can use your inspiring word one additional time per encounter.

Resourceful Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, that attack gains a bonus to damage equal to one-half your level + your Intelligence modifier (+10). If the attack hits no target, the ally gains temporary hit points equal to one-half your level + your Charisma modifier (+8).

Know Your Strength: When rolling damage for a weapon attack, I treat a roll of 1 or 2 as a 3.

Seize the Day: When I spend an action point to attack and roll an odd number on the first roll, I gain 10 THP. If I roll an even number, each ally within 5 squares gains 5 THP.

Archer Warlord When you make a ranged basic attack with a bow, you can use Strength instead of Dexterity for the attack roll and the damage roll.

Combat Leader: You and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Elemental Origin: I'm considered to be of elemental origin.

Watersoul: I can breathe underwater. I gain a +2 to saving throws against ongoing damage.

The Mariner: While aboard a ship, gain a +1 bonus (+2 at Level 10) to any skill or ability check related to life at sea; gain the sea legs power. You gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks. You ignore difficult terrain when you shift. While aboard a ship, you can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.

Auspicious Birth: Substitute your highest ability score for Constitution to determine initial hit points.

Distance Imardanian Officer's Pistol +3: Increases the weapon's normal range by 5 squares and the long range by 10 squares.

Lifeblood Hide Armor +2: You gain 5 temporary hit points after each rest. If you remove the armor, you lose these hit points.

Gem of Colloquy: You gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.

Cloak of Distortion: You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.

Bracers of Archery: You gain a +2 item bonus to damage rolls while attacking with a bow or crossbow.

Acrobat Boots: You gain a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Fialova »

Henri's shot flies through the crate, piercing the last remaining foes on deck, who crumples into a lifeless heap on the ground. As soon as his shot goes off, the Shaman appears once more and takes a swipe at Henri. He lands his hit, square against the man's face, and as he disappears out of view for the rest of the crew, Henri finds himself momentarily unable to see anything.

Up Next: Pete's reaction to Inspiring Word, then Everyone


Henri: heals, hits & kills

Shaman: teleports to (AD, 44). Blinding Bash on Henri, 26 vs Reflex = hit for 8 radiant damage and Henri is blinded until the start of the Shaman's next turn. Teleports back out of sight.

Important note: if you guys are attempting to open the grates you will have to have everyone off of the one you are trying to lift to attempt to move it. Anyone who does want to help lifting one, make a strength check. More people attempting to lift it will mean a lower amount each person needs to roll. This attempt would count as your standard action, and it ends your turn like with a charge.



Map Info

Plank: This is narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such it must be crossed with caution. You can either treat it as difficult terrain and move across it slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on it at a time or it will collapse.

Railings: If standing adjacent to a railing on one ship, that character gains superior cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. If someone is one square away from the railing on one ship, that character gains normal cover against ranged attacks originating from the other ship. Further than that yields no benefits. Railings can be balanced on (DC: 25).

Masts: These are impassable, but can be climbed (DC:30). They block line of sight and provide cover to people ducking behind one.

Wheel: (AE, 38) is impassable, other tiles containing portions of the wheel are normal terrain. (AE, 39) requires squeezing to move through.

Grates: These grates cover the staircase leading deeper into the sip. The leftmost one is immovable, but the rightmost one is attached at a series of large, metal hinges. A large, visible iron ring appears to be used to aid in lifting it upwards. It is currently shut and can be opened later. You do not yet know how difficult it will be to open.

Stairs: These are considered difficult terrain, and lead upwards to the aftcastle and forecastle portions of the top deck. Each of those two areas are roughly 7 feet higher than the rest of the top deck.

Crates, rowboat, etc: The other items visible on the deck are considered difficult terrain to move over.

Enemy Info

The people you are faced with are all dressed in similar garbs, and have similar complexion, suggesting their ethnicities match one another. The fact they have a chant they use suggests they are a cohesive group rather than just a ragtag bunch of hired hands. You suspect they are mercenaries, given that they had not been seen aiding in the sailing of the ship before. A history check would be needed to discern more.

There are three basic groups represented that you can tell:

Berserker: Three of the men are shirtless or wearing simple hides over their chests. Each wields in their hands two small axes, and they each seem to have a number of others attached to their belts. The skin you can see on these men is adorned with a number of tattoos, and each one wears a thick beard.

Hunters: These two women are, like their male counterparts, barely covered and covered in tattoos. They both wield bows and carry long spears on their backs, and they wear their long hair in one or more braids behind their heads.

Adept: Larger and seemingly more senior to the other five, this man wears a set of robes of white, blue, and grey and wields two fine-looking long swords. He appears to be older than the others, with hints of grey in his long hair and beard.

Shaman: This man was not visible to you initially, likely hiding somewhere in the next deck down before making his magical entrance. He is of similar size to the berserkers, though a bit scrawnier looking. Like the Adept he appears old and has a long beard, and he wears robes instead of being mostly unclothed. He wields a staff, and has with him a bird that flutters around him while in motion, or lands on his shoulder when not.



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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by BartNL »


Shift to AB45

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"And what's behind door number one?" Darcell says as his makes his way over to the closest door to the ship's aft-castle and trying to open it.


Move: Walk to (AD, 41)

Minor?: Open door.

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +15 (+20 when within 10 sq. of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Demoralizing Strike []
Majestic Word [X][] **
Words of Friendship []
Blunder [X]
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon [X]
Revitalizing Incantation []
Unluck []
Illusory Erasure []
Lying Lights []
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [] *
Lliira's Grace [] *
Tymora's Luck [] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 []

Stirring Shout[X]
Song of Discord []
Counterpoint []
Headband of Intellect []
Sitar of restfulness []

  • Can only use one per encounter
    ** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.

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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs, Ch. 2 IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Margaux slips over to the right grate, finding a spot to stand next to it to start pulling on the handle.


Move: Walk to AD47.
Once/if Pete moves, Margaux will attempt to pull up the grate. When that happens:
Standard Action: Strength check: 20(1d20) +6 = 26

Combat Block


Female Bugbear Rogue 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian
Age: 24
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +17
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 24
Reflex: 26
Will: 19
HP: 73/73
Bloodied: 36
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: +19 vs AC, 1d12+11
RBA: +18 vs AC, 1d8+8 (Range: 15/25)




Active Effects:


Acrobatic Strike
Duelist's Flurry
Fleeting Ghost
Sea Legs

Item At-Will

Encounter []
Predatory Eye []
One-Two Punch []
Bait and Switch[]
From the Shadows []
Strike Terror []
Swift Parry []
Acrobat's Escape []

Item Encounter [_]

Daily []
Spinning Blade Leap []
Hobble []
Vexing Escape []

Item Daily [_]


Power Descriptions

Acrobatic Strike Melee - One Creature - 18 vs AC - 1d12+10 - If I am grabbed, I escape the grab.
Duelist's Flurry - Melee - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Dexterity Modifier (+6) in damage, slide the target 1 square, and I shift 1 square. I may use my sneak attack damage even if I do not have combat advantage with this attack.
Fleeting Ghost Move Action - Personal - Move up to my speed and make a stealth check to hide. I take no penalty to the stealth check for the movement, though I must still meet the normal requirements to hide.
Sea Legs Free Action - Personal - Trigger: I roll an acrobatics check to balance or hop down, and I dislike the result. Effect: I reroll the check and take the higher result.
Predatory Eye [*][/color] Minor Action - Personal - Effect: If I have combat advantage against a target, I deal 2d6 bonus damage on my next hit (before the end of my next turn) against that target.
One-Two Punch [] Melee - One or Two Creatures - 18 vs AC - 1d12+4 damage. Hit: 1[W] damage. If I hit both targets, I can deal my sneak attack damage to each target instead of just one.
Bait and Switch[] Melee - One Creature - 18 vs Will - 2[W] + Dexterity Modifier (+6) damage. In addition, you switch places with the target and can then shift 1 square.
From the Shadows [] Melee or Ranged Weapon - One Creature - (Melee) 18 vs AC - 1d12+10/(Ranged) 19 vs AC - 1d6+9 - Before attacking, I may shift 2 squares. if the target could not see me prior to the shift, I gain combat advantage for this attack. On a hit, I do damage and can shift 2 squares. If I have any cover or concealment after the shift I can make a stealth check as a free action.
Strike Terror [] Melee - One Creature - 18 vs Reflex - 2d12+10 - On a hit, I push the target 5 squares.
Tumbling Dodge [] Immediate Interrupt - Personal - Trigger: I'm hit by a melee attack - I make an Acrobatics Check and gain a bonus to all defenses against the triggering attack equal to my roll divided by 10. If the bonus causes the attack to miss, I shift 1 square.
Acrobat's Escape [] Immediate Reaction - Melee 1 - Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to you.Target: The triggering enemy. Effect: The target is immobilized until the start of it's next turn. I then shift a number of squares up to your Dexterity modifier (+6) to a square that is not adjacent to the target.
Spinning Blade Leap [] Melee Weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 2[W] + 6 damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Before and after the attack I shift up to my speed.
Hobble [] Melee or Ranged weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 2[W] + 6 damage. Effect: I knock the target prone. The target can't stand up (save ends).
Vexing Escape [_]Melee weapon - One Creature - 18 vs AC - Hit: 3[W] + 6 damage, and I can shift a number of squares equal to my Charisma modifier (+1). Miss: Half damage, and I can shift 1 square. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each time the target enters a square adjacent to me, I can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction.

Important Features
Racial Features

Oversized - Can use weapons one size larger.
Predatory Eye - I have the predatory eye power.

Class Features

Level 1 The Mariner Starting Feature - While aboard a ship, I gain +2 bonus to any skill check or ability check related to life at sea.
Level 5 The Mariner Feature - I gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks.
Level 10 The Mariner Feature -I ignore difficult terrain when I shift. While I'm aboard a ship, I can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.
Expert Mariner - I gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks while aboard a ship, and I am considered trained for any skill check pertaining to movement, navigation, ship handling, or avoiding hazards aboard a ship. If I'm already trained in that skill, I gain a +2 bonus to such checks.
Sea Legs - When I spend an action point to take an extra action, I gain a +2 bonus to speed and ignore difficult terrain until the end of my next turn.
First Strike - At the start of an encounter, I have combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.
Rogue Tactics - Brutal Scoundrel (Add Strength modifier to Sneak Attack damage)
Sharpshooter Talent - Crossbow - I gain an additional +1 bonus to hit with Crossbows and gain Far Shot as a bonus feat even if I don't meet the prerequisites.
Sneak Attack - Once per turn add 3d8+6 damage to a target I hit while I have combat advantage.


Bonus Feat: Far Shot - When using a crossbow, I increase the normal and long range by 5 squares.
User Choice: Improved Defenses - Gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
User Choice: Master at Arms - Gain a +2 feat bonus to the attack rolls of all weapon attacks. Also, I can use a minor action to sheathe a weapon and then draw a weapon.
Level 1: Backstabber - The extra damage dice from my Sneak Attack class feature increase from d6s to d8s.
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) - Gain proficiency with Bastard Swords.
Level 4: Two-Fisted Shooter - I treat the hand crossbow as an off-hand weapon, and I can reload it one-handed as a free action. When I score a critical hit and have a loaded hand crossbow in my off hand, I can make a ranged basic attack with that weapon as a free action.
Level 6: Versatile Duelist - Gain proficiency with all one-handed, military heavy blades. If a rogue power requires me to wield a light blade, I can use that power with a one-handed heavy blade and can also deal my sneak attack damage while using a one-handed heavy blade with that power.
Level 8: Headsman's Chop - Whenever I hit a proned target with an axe or a heavy blade, the target takes 5 extra damage.
Level 10: Improved Initiative - Gain +4 feat bonus to initiative.
Level 11: Point-Blank Shot - If I make a ranged attack against a foe within 5 squares of me, my attack ignores cover and concealment, including superior cover, but not total concealment.

Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
Eridas (#4040FF)
Narciso (#FFBF00) 
Taliesin (#4040BF)
Tristan (#2980b9)
Velasco (#800000)
Deimos (#f39c12)
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