The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World — OOC

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World — OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Old Hook
For most of his life Lord Brarhuc Amardovis, a minor dwarven nobleman from Durduum, has been obsessed with the continent of Quellam. Almost mythical in nature, it is the ancient birthplace of the elves before they made The Crossing to Voreld in the 2nd era. Little knowledge remains of it, and most of what does is often regarded as little more than legend and myths, passed down over the generations by the elves. Lord Amardovis spent the better part of a century, collecting all the knowledge he could, slowly piecing together the puzzle bit by bit, through analysing Elven legends and short scouting voyages out into The Crossing.

Around ten years ago, convinced he had worked out the lost continent’s location and how best to get there, he began trying to solicit patrons to fund an expedition. While his personal wealth is nothing to be shrugged at, the expedition would be an undertaking unlike anything Voreld had previously seen. As he slowly convinced his peers of his findings, the funding became to come in, and he commissioned The 1st Fleet. Using stolen Imardanian ship designs, combined with Dwarvern technology from Durduum, three ships were laid down.

Finished in late 6E 87Y, The 1st Fleet consisted of the flagship The Discovery, and its two smaller support ships The Spirit of Durduum, and The Wanderer. It set sail two years previously from Groznid Bay, commanded by Lord Fivunri Amardovis - Brarhuc’s son. The fleet was made up of Amardovis’ own hand picked team of adventurers, as well as a large contingent from the Explorer’s Guild of Fort Sakura, along with several other smaller groups from the expedition’s other financiers.

The 1st Fleet’s objectives were to sail to Quellam and establish Port Amardovis as the first settlement on the new continent from which they could begin to explore the unknown land. The already under construction 2nd Fleet, under command of Lord Brarhuc Amardovis himself, would then follow them two years later bringing more supplies and more manpower to aid the expedition.

It is now the spring of the 90th year of the 6th era. The ships of The 2nd Fleet sit in the harbour of Groznid Bay, the harbourside itself packed with crowds there to see the ships off on their momentous journey. The final preparations are already underway, with the last of the four ships having arrived from Fort Sakura with the Explorers Guild’s members of the expedition just the previous day.

Character Creation

In this campaign, you have the choice to play either an established figure from the Explorer’s Guild, one of the member's of the OCB accompanying the Guild, or a hired hand that has been with the group for a few months during the guild’s own preparations and voyage North to Groznid Bay.

As a member of the Explorer’s Guild, you are likely based in Fort Sakura. Whether you are from the Andor Peninsula or from another part of Voreld, that is up to you. You are likely a lower to mid-ranking member of the Guild. While the ancient history and exploration of the world is your passion, you’re no stranger to danger. You’ve developed a decent understanding of martial, arcane, or other powers that have allowed you to survive a few escapades in the past.

As a hired hand, you can be from practically anywhere. You joined the Explorer’s Guild’s expedition a few months ago and in that time, you’ve had the opportunity to build relationships with the rest of the crew, hired or not. Whether you have any motive toward their goal of exploring the continent, or are simply there for the pay, you’ll be a critical member of the team as well.

Without going into detail to avoid spoilers for other games, with recent instability in Imardin, it is unlikely you would be from the Theocracy unless you left at least a few years ago.

I am willing to accept one or two characters who are not part of the Explorer’s Guild, instead being members of the other groups which make up the fleet. However as the focus of this campaign will be the exploration of the continent, there should be a strong reason why your character would join the Explorer’s Guild party members on their expeditions rather than remaining in Port Amardovis.

It is the summer of the 90th year of the 6th era. You have braved the dangerous 11 week voyage across The Crossing and have made it to the once lost continent of Quellam, the ancestral home of the elven race. As the 2nd Fleet to do so, you found the deserted ruins of Port Amardovis, a town founded by the predecessors in the 1st Fleet. The disparate groups within the 2nd Fleet have now banded together in order to survive, rebuilding the town and sending expeditions into the wilds of Quellam to unlock the secrets of the continent and discover the fate of the 1st Fleet.

You are one of the brave souls who will venture out into the unknown and face whatever awaits you all in the name of answers.

Setting & Lore

For most of his life Lord Brarhuc Amardovis, a minor dwarven nobleman from Durduum, was obsessed with the continent of Quellam. Almost mythical in nature, it is the ancient birthplace of the elves before they made The Crossing to Voreld in the 2nd era. Little knowledge remains of it, and most of what does is often regarded as little more than legend and myths, passed down over the generations by the elves. Lord Amardovis spent the better part of a century, collecting all the knowledge he could, slowly piecing together the puzzle bit by bit, through analysing Elven legends and short scouting voyages out into The Crossing.

Around ten years ago, convinced he had worked out the lost continent’s location and how best to get there, he began trying to solicit patrons to fund an expedition. While his personal wealth is nothing to be shrugged at, the expedition would be an undertaking unlike anything Voreld had previously seen. As he slowly convinced his peers of his findings, the funding became to come in, and he commissioned The 1st Fleet. Using stolen Imardanian ship designs, combined with Dwarvern technology from Durduum, three ships were laid down.

Finished in late 6E 87Y, The 1st Fleet consisted of the flagship The Discovery, and it’s two smaller support ships The Spirit of Durduum, and The Wanderer. It set sail two years previously from Groznid Bay, commanded by Lord Fivunri Amardovis - Brarhuc’s son. The fleet was made up of Amardovis’ own hand picked team of adventurers, as well as a large contingent from the Explorer’s Guild of Fort Sakura, along with several other smaller groups from the expedition’s other financiers.

The 1st Fleet’s objectives were to sail to Quellam and establish Port Amardovis as the first settlement on the new continent from which they could begin to explore the unknown land. The already under construction 2nd Fleet, under command of Lord Brarhuc Amardovis himself, would then follow them two years later bringing more supplies and more manpower to aid the expedition.

Then in spring of the 90th year of the 6th era, the ships of the 2nd Fleet followed after the 1st, making their own journey across The Crossing. Despite the loss of their flagship and Lord Amardovis himself with it, the 2nd Fleet made it to Port Amardovis. However with the town in ruins and no survivors of the 1st Fleet in sight, the disparate groups within the Fleet have banded together in order to survive, rebuilding the town and sending expeditions into the wilds of Quellam to unlock the secrets of the continent and discover the fate of the 1st Fleet.

Character Creation Information

You are a member of the 2nd Fleet. Whatever your reasons, you signed up with one of the groups that constitute the Fleet and survived the deadly voyage to arrive on the continent of Quellam. Now the groups have deigned to work together more closely, due to the fate that befell the 1st Fleet, and you have been chosen by the Council to be apart of the expeditions that will venture outside the relative safety of Port Amardovis.

Whether you share the Explorer's Guild's goal of exploring the continent, or are simply there for the pay the New World Trading Company has promised you, you're skills ensure you’ll be a critical member of the team.

Character Creation Rules

System: 4e
Level: 6
Stats: 25pt buy (rather than 4e's default 22)
Race: Any published.
Class: Any published.
Feats: Choice of free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: One free level 4, level 5, and level 6 magic item. You receive 840 gp to spend on any other magic items or consumables. Food and adventuring gear outside of RP-related items (e.g. gambler’s gear, musical instruments, or footpads) will be provided by the Expedition, and is unavailable for individual purchase. If you are unsure if the item you want is allowed, ask.
(For newer players: feel free to roleplay the magic items as more inherent abilities of the character if you like. We often like to separate mechanics and the character lore, so none of the default lore behind the magic items matters)
Skills: There are no class skill restrictions; any class can train any skill. You still must take the mandatory/bonus skills granted by your class as usual (e.g. Arcana for a wizard). Also, if after class selection (and prior to race, feat, theme, etc. selection) you possess fewer than 4 trained skills, train as many as it takes to get to 4.
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn’t have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: No.
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but instead the ones listed below. Due to the multinational composition of The 2nd Fleet, Common will be the required campaign-specific language. If by (mechanical) race or some other means you are granted a language other than Common, pick one language from this list instead.
Hybrids: You will be allowed to take the feat "Hybrid Talent" as many times as you like as a hybrid character. Most hybrids are incredibly sub-par, and it allows for some really interesting combinations if you look hard enough. The CB does not allow for this option by default, though, so you will need to house-rule it and keep track of the benefits manually.

Common - Common is the term used to refer to a trade-based lingua franca of Voreld. Most people know at least some of the common tongue, and many speak it fluently, but it is not the primary language of any nation or set of peoples. Those who only know Common are typically sailors, or others who have spent most of their lives traveling rather than in one place. No society holds it in high regard, though most recognize its utility in facilitating trade with foreigners.

Tulrissian – The national language of Tulrisse, a primarily human agricultural-based kingdom. It has many regional dialects, but the nobility all speak a common variant that is viewed as its 'true' form.

Old Serran - The language spoken in the old, now-collapsed Serran Kingdom. Very few people still speak it with any amount of regularity except for the priests and priestess of the Serran gods and the Tenants, who need to know it for many old texts.

Modern Serran – The primary language spoken by the small kingdoms of an expansive arid region known as the Serran Desert, which consists mostly of humans and orcs. It evolved from the language of the region's once-great Kingdom, which is still highly regarded if rarely spoken.

Imardanian – The official language of the Church of the Goddess and, by extension, the Arch-Bishopric of Imardin. Like Modern Serran, it developed from the Old Serran language, though with more outside influence than its sister tongue. It is spoken by most in the region, and many abroad have learned it for the cultural benefits as well.

Kurnish – The language of the orc tribes of Kurnhuelde, a region primarily consisting of snowy hills on the Kurn Peninsula. Like Tulrissian it has many regional dialects, often one per clan, though there is a common version for communicating between clans.

Grystok - This language, the most widespread in the Gryst region, developed over time as a trade language between the Grystbehn member states. It formed as a mix of the various common native languages, primarily Modern Serran, Kurnish, and Elvish, though there are influences from Dwarven and a variety of smaller local dialects as well.

Andorian – A language that developed in the Andorian peninsula after it was settled by the Andor dwarves and became a prominent location in Voreld. It was originally a strange mix of Dwarven and Tulrissian, but has since grown into a distinct language of its own.

Native Andorian - The language spoken by the tribes native to Andor, who are often seen as bandits and outlaws by the northerners who have since settled the region. Each tribe has its own variant on the tongue, though they are, for the most part, mutually intelligible.

Kandorasian - An ancient, dead language once spoken by the natives of Kandoras, an island southeast of Andor. Though no one knows how it is spoken, the written version can be found scattered throughout ruins on the island and on mainland Andor. Most who know how to translate it are part of the Explorer's Guild, based in Fort Sakura.

Dwarven – The common language of the many dwarf kingdoms that occupy the mountains that run down the center of Voreld. The dwarves view their language as sacred, and so there is very little variation between the kingdoms. Andor was the great outlier, which eventually developed its own language through outside influence.

Elven – A catch-all term in Voreld for any of the many distinct dialects spoken by the elf natives of Quellam, a continent to the east. There were once many more than there are now, due to the elven population mostly assimilating into the other cultures of Voreld. Few still speak Elven outside of the few, small elf villages in the Serranak.

Gleiosian - A language spoken primarily on Gleios and the surrounding smaller islands it influences. It and Brennisian have influenced one another over the years, the two nations often at war with one another. It also has some loanwords from Akiran, due to the nations' historically close bond.

Brennisian - A language that originated on the Isle of Brennis, but spread after the small nation conquered a large region of the archipelago. It has since become much less prevalent than it once was.

Cru'unish - Cru'un has always had its own native language, though it's been conquered so many times that it has only recently been the island's official language. The language has evolved greatly over time as a result, having strong influence from both Brennisian and Gleiosian, its most common occupiers.

Gerrikan - Historically the island of Gerrik has spent much of its time under Gleiosian control. Before that, its people often traded with its larger neighbor, so they shared a language. However, an influx in orcs from Kurnhuelde caused a shift in both society and language, eventually leading to a Gerrikan language influenced by both Gleiosian and Kurnish.

Old Ghian - A language originating on Ghia, and spreading with its culture to the smaller nearby islands. In modern times it is not even spoken on Ghia, except by scholars and some members of the nobility. It has since given way to two child languages, the result of the great cultural and political schism that resulted after the Civil War.

Amkharan - After the Civil War, Amkhara began to distance itself from its neighbors in Ya-Jarang. They began to speak with new slang and picked up words from its neighbors in Visha, causing the speech of those in the east and west to begin to drift apart. Over time the differences became enough for the two to be considered two different, if superficially similar, languages.

Jarangi - While Amkhara was influenced by its neighbors to the south, Ya-Jarang began to pick up words and syntax changes from Akiro once it was finally conquered. The assimilation of the two societies caused the shift in language that finally pushed the two halves of Ghian language apart.

Akiran - Akiro has always had its own language, which has changed very little over the centuries. It is kept this way on purpose, as it has always been the script used in the writings of Akiran monks, and others who follow the religious spiritualism that has been adopted by Ghia and its surrounding territories.

Chathran - A language spoken primarily on Chathra and Cianthum. Originating on Chathra, as the name suggests, the people of their neighboring island have adopted it as their own for many centuries now. There are some regional variations, but for the most part the two islands speak identically.

Okani - A language spoken by the people of Mai'okon and the surrounding small islands under its influence. The people of Mai'kawa and Mai'okon once spoke the same language (now known as Kawani), but that language is all but dead in modern times. Okani continued to evolve over time, and though the two are similar they are no longer mutually intelligible.

Kawani - A language spoken by the native peoples of Mai'kawa, the island now known as D'armon. It was once a major language spoken by a regional power, but is now restricted to inland tribes descended from the old kingdom's inhabitants who fled to the mountains when the invasion forces arrived.

Vishan - The Vishan peoples once had many local dialects, and some speakers in some villages still speak these ultimately-unimportant languages. However, as the nation of Visha become a united and worldly place, the influences of more widely-spoken languages (such as Old Ghian and Chathran) have all-but erased the native aspects.

Special Campaign Rules

Please note this campaign uses a Gritty Realism variant of the rules when it comes to resting. A short rest is now defined by the existing long rest rules, meaning a night's sleep is required to expend healing surges and recover your encounter powers, while a long rest now requires a week of downtime back in Port Amardovis or another safe camp.

Multiple PCs are allowed in this campaign, however players are limited to one PC on each individual expedition. Once an expedition has finished, you are free to swap between your characters for the next expedition, however your character must be complete before the expedition begins otherwise you will not be able to join it with that character.

Successfully returning from an expedition will earn a character two Requisition Points, these points can be used to claim any equipment or artefacts recovered on previous expeditions that then went unclaimed. See further below for more details.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Namelessjake »

The 2nd Fleet

The 2nd Fleet is made up of members of several different groups of varying sizes, who secured their place on the expedition through financial and other support of Lord Amardovis’ efforts.

Large Groups

Lord Amardovis’ Retinue

Originally led by the expedition leader, Lord Amardovis himself, until his death during The Crossing, this mostly dwarven contingent is made up of other nobles and adventurers hand picked by Lord Amardovis to join him on his journey, as well as craftsmen and masons to assist with the construction of Port Amardovis. The Captains and other command staff of the ships in the fleet would also fall into this group, mostly being employed directly by Lord Amardovis.
Notable Members
Lord Brarhuc Amardovis - The dwarven Noble behind the whole expedition, who unfortunately died with the sinking of his flagship during The Crossing. He was somewhat eccentric but incredibly determined and resourceful. He was a charismatic leader who personally convinced many of the expedition’s financiers to support it. After his son Fivunri led the 1st Fleet to Quellam, Brarhuc lead the larger 2nd Fleet on its journey to the continent with the intent to take charge of the larger expedition once the 2nd Fleet joined up with the members of the 1st.

Captain Baldan Tordain - The Captain of The Albatross and originally considered the second in command of the expedition. A skilled sailor, especially for the usually reclusive and land based dwarves. He was lost with his ship.

Captain Helan Harlaw - The Captain of The Constellation, a distant relative of the Harlaw house of Tulrisse. Making shrewd use of her contacts in the Tulrissian navy, she became a skilled merchant captain in the region.

Captain Aldo Pierna - A disgraced ex-Imardanian Navy Captain and ex-member of the Swords of Elys. While he fled Imardin with his political reputation in tatters, his reputation as a captain in the navy led Lord Amardovis to hire him as captain of the Sea Wolf. He is a leader by nature, and a cunning strategist.

Tekito Shimashu - The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and has been sailing with Captain Pierna for some time. She has a fierce personality and there are often rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate.

Doldain Dodavek - The Chief Builder in charge of the craftsmen and masons of the fleet. A respected and skilled guild leader from Durduum who comes from a long line of masons. They are an old friend of Lord Brarhuc with their own son having served in the same capacity in the 1st Fleet.

The Explorer’s Guild

The Explorer's Guild is one of the many private institutions that have major sway in the city of Fort Sakura, a walled city owned and run by the private order of knights known as the Order of the Cherry Blossom. Like other guilds, it is one of the primary commercial interests in the city, focused on the personal gain of its members and employees rather than the betterment of the city as a whole.

While most guilds are focused on more direct methods of gaining wealth and power, the Explorer's Guild's focus has always been on risk and indirect means. They seek to discover lost artifacts, explore unknown terrain, learn and grow, and with their knowledge earn support from those who seek to gain the fruits of their knowledge. Artifacts can be sold to collectors and museums, ancient texts decoded and copied for all to read - for a fee. Previously unexplored lands can be charted and mapped, and their unique knowledge of the area can garner them jobs as trackers or guides in these regions.

This focus on high risk has not always yielded the high reward the guild has hoped for, however. Despite its longstanding existence in the city, it has also long suffered being thought of as one of the most niche guilds, and has never had the amount of income or local political sway as more established guilds, such as the Farmer's or Smith's. As such, it is always seeking brave and adventurous new opportunities to increase its name and its prestige. While its members are no strangers to dangerous exploits, these adventures are often met with failure, and many that succeed do not yield discoveries that make up for their costs.

With its mixed success in the relatively recent expedition to Kandoras and it's members aboard the 1st Fleet, the Explorer's Guild has seen a rise in reputation, membership and funding in recent years, with it's expedition aboard the 2nd Fleet set to be its largest ever.
Notable Members
Tofyr Sobriall - A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members. He was chosen to lead the 2nd Fleet expedition, although it was planned that once in Quellam he would become the 2nd in command of the Explorer's Guild, deferring to the leader of the expedition of the 1st Fleet. With the 1st Fleet missing and Port Amardovis in ruins, he has remained the leader of the Explorer's Guild in Quellam.

He is eccentric with a thirst for knowledge, but is a seasoned and competent fighter too.

Talrelia Ylvath - A rising star in the guild, Talrelia was only in her early thirties but was been named the second in command after Tofyr. She was intelligent but lacks a background in academia like most of the guild's high ranking members. Instead she has proved herself with her organisation and logistic skills, however she died with the sinking of the Albatross.

Iloron Dorquen - The third, now second, in command of the Guild expedition and generally in charge of the lower ranks, running the day to day operations while Tofyr oversees the bigger picture. He is has travelled much of Voreld and is a seasoned explorer. He also has a pet owl named Taroka.

Ser Phelia Ortraud - A Sergeant of the Order of the Cherry Blossom. Ser Phelia lead a detachment of Knights and Knight Errants to bolster the other muscle hired by the guild, however she died during The Crossing with the sinking of the Albatross.

Ser Percival Melchett II - A Knight Errant originally under the command of Ser Phelia and the son of Captain Melchett. Lazy and solely on the expedition to advance his already nepotism riddled career, he has somehow found himself as one of the ranking members of the OCB in Quellam.

Ser Karoz - A young Orc freshly knighted.

Ser Lyari - A young but competent and idealistic knight.

The New Elysian Congregation

A new sect of Elys’ followers, with its roots in the Imardanian colonies on the Borstid Sea, which declared independence from the Imardanian Church a couple of years ago. They have grown quickly in size with the current situation in Imardin, attracting many of the Goddess’ followers outside of the Theocracy. Their late leader, the former Imardanian Bishop Éloïse Raoult, declared herself the Archbishop of the New Congregation and planned to take many of the sect to Quellam to begin building a new civilisation based on the teachings of the Goddess free of the influence of the Imardanian Church. She was unfortunately lost with the Albatross, however her right hand woman Célia Brassard has taken up her mantle as the leader of the New Congregation.
Notable Members
Archbishop Éloïse Raoult - The late leader of the New Congregation. Originally a young Bishop in the Imardanian Church. She was the driving force behind the relative success of the New Congregation in recent years, with many of its members comparing her to Elys herself. She died with the sinking of the Albatross during The Crossing.

Archbishop Célia Brassard - Originally the only other member of the Congregation elevated to the station of Bishop and the Archbishop’s right hand woman. Célia Brassard spent most of her life working as a missionary and was a strong proponent of the New Congregation’s involvement in the expeditions to Quellam. With the lost of the Archbishop, she has stepped into the role of the Congregation's leader, becoming the new Archbishop.

Captain Medárd Allairn - The Captain of The Espérance, he is a pious man and a member of the New Congregation but he not considered a particularly skilled captain instead he was placed in his position through the influence the group gained with their funding of the expedition.

The Crescent Consortium

A group representing the interests of several Rakh’s of Crescent Bluff who have helped finance the expedition seeking to exploit the resources of Quellam for their own financial gain. The group consists mostly of merchants and their workers, along with a small mercenary band hired for protection, known as The Bronze Jackals.
Notable Members
Amjad Nashir - The man chosen by the Rakh’s behind the Crescent Consortium to lead their group on the voyage. He is a successful merchant in his own right.

Raaji Ullah - The leader of a small mercenary group, called the Bronze Jackals, employed by the Consortium to protect their interests in Quellam.

The New World Trading Company

Similar to the Consortium, this group is also looking to exploit the untapped wealth of Quellam. However rather than being backed by a number of wealthy merchants, the New World Trading Company is solely owned by Akare Ja’Velnok. A wealthy Orc of Groznid Bay, who even owns the part of the docks the Fleet will be departing from. The Company is rumoured to also have backing from the criminal underground of Groznid Bay.
Notable Members
Karul Ja’Velnok - The leader of the New World Trading Company’s expedition and Akare Ja’Velnok’s brother and right hand man. He was lost along with the Albatross during The Crossing.

Hrogar - The apparent second in command to Karul, and now mysterious leader of the New World Trading Company in Quellam, however he rarely speaks with anyone outside of the Company and rumour has it he actually represents the more unsavoury elements of Groznid Bay which are backing the Company in addition to Akare Ja’Velnok

Smaller Groups

Tenants of the Great Library

A small contingent of Tenants from the Great Library in Serra are travelling aboard the fleet, intending to study the flora and fauna of the continent.
Notable Members
Tenant Zaivil Akasik - One of the Great Library’s foremost experts on anatomy and zoology. He is heading up a small research team tasked with studying and cataloguing the fauna of myth and legends on Quellam.

Tenant Reema Malek - A younger Tenant than most but widely respected by her peers for her knowledge of botany. Similar to Zaivil she heads up a research team from the Great Library with a focus on studying the plant life of Quellam. The two research teams have a friendly rivalry going on.

Scholars of Menora

Similar to the Tenants, this group hails from the Tower in Menora, consisting of Arcknights and Arcane Scholars, and want to study the magical properties of Quellam to further the Tower's understanding of magic.
Notable Members
Ser Elvia Cumberland - A bastard of the Cumberland family, Elvia is an Arc Knight and the leader of the group of Menoran scholars and knights on the expedition.

Elven Ancestral Assembly

A small group, mostly due to lack of funding, made up of elves wishing to return to their ancestral homeland either permanently or to make contact with the potential remaining elven civilisations of the continent. Their goals are similarly aligned to the Explorer’s Guild in this respect.
Notable Members
Mianala Syltoris - The daughter of a wealthy elven merchant, she has long been a patron of the group believing in their goals. She rose to prominence as she was chiefly the one responsible for securing them passage on the 2nd Fleet.

Ships of the 2nd Fleet
The Albatross
The flagship of the 2nd Fleet, and sister ship of The Discovery. Many of the expedition’s most important and high ranking members are to make the voyage aboard the Albatross including Lord Amardovis. It was unfortunately lost during The Crossing, along with many of its crew and passengers.

The Constellation
Sister ship to the Sea Wolf, the Constellation is smaller than the Albatross but larger than the two support ships which sailed with the 1st Fleet.

The Sea Wolf
The same ship class as the Constellation, the Sea Wolf is carrying most of the Explorers guild members of the expedition, save for the highest ranked members which are to travel aboard The Albatross. She is captained by Aldo Pierna, a disgraced ex-Imardanian Navy Captain.

The Espérance
The final ship of the 2nd Fleet, and a slightly different design as the Constellation and Sea Wolf. She was mostly funded by the New Congregation, who were given the honour of naming her as a result. Most of the New Congregation making the voyage will be doing so aboard the Espérance, although similarly to the Sea Wolf and the Explorer’s Guild, many of the more important members will be aboard The Albatross.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Namelessjake »

The Expeditions

With Port Amardovis in ruins and no survivors of the 1st Fleet in sight, the disparate groups within the Fleet have banded together in order to survive, rebuilding the town and sending expeditions, of a select chosen few, into the wilds of Quellam to unlock the secrets of the continent and discover the fate of the 1st Fleet.
Current Party
Taliesin, Scholar of Elvish Lore, Eladrin, Swordmage|Warlock (Striker/Defender), 6 RP
Sister Armantine Peroult, the Pious Pioneer, Vryloka, Cleric|Cavalier (Leader/Defender), 0 RP
Heidi, the [REDACTED] [REDACTED], [REDACTED],Githzerai, Cleric|Ranger (Leader/Striker), 0 RP
Miraj "Raj" Zaferro, the Crescent's Cunning, Hengeyokai, Monk (Striker), 0 RP
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger, Dragonborn, Paladin (Defender), 0 RP
Doran, Human, Barbarian|Cleric (Striker/Leader), 0 RP
Kobek "Ko" Ravunri, Subterranean Soldier, Dwarf, Defender, 0 RP
Zemi Nihar, Eager Explorer, Human Striker, 0 RP

Other Members
Ilmoto Brandt, Rattlefinger Alchemist, Human, Mage (Controller), 6 RP
Caoimhe, Quizzical Curator of All Things Curious, Elf, Monk|Warden (Striker/Defender), 6 RP
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten, the Scheming Scout, Changeling, Skald (Leader), 6 RP
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza, the Kandoran Keeper, Kalashtar, Psion (Controller), 5 RP

Requisition Points

Successfully returning from an expedition will earn a character two Requisition Points, these points can be used to claim any equipment or artefacts recovered on previous expeditions. Characters that are on the expedition that recovers an item will have priority in claiming the item, however it will still require expending Requisition Points. See the store of unclaimed items below.

Unclaimed Equipment
Eagle Eye Goggles (1 Requisition Point)
Level 2
Value: 520 gp
Item Slot: Head
Enchantment: Gain a +1 item bonus to ranged basic attack rolls.
Rarity: Uncommon

Adamantine Battleaxe (+2) (2 Requisition Points)
Miltiary one-handed melee weapon
Level 8
Value: 3,400 gp
Damage: 1d10
Proficient: +2
Range: -
Weight: 1 lb.
Enhancement Bonus: +2 to attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d10 damage per plus
Group: Axe
Properties: Versatile, Untyped damage done with this weapon ignores a number of points of resistance equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus (4).

Expedition Supplies

Rations and general supplies are provided to expeditions by the provisioner Bagagos Ritani in Port Amardovis. Before departing on an expedition, explorer's are free free to take as much from the list of supplies as they wish. Any items they return to Port Amardovis with at the end of the expedition will be returned to the supply pool for use in future expeditions. With supplies running low there is no guarantee certain items will be able to be replaced if lost or destroyed.
Supply Pool
Artisan's Tools x 1
Backpack x 12
Ball Bearings x 4
Bedroll x 12
Belt Pouch x12
Caltrops x 3
Candle x 100
Candle Clocks x 10
Chain (10 ft.) x 3
Crowbar x 2
Dagger Boots x 2
Drill x 1
Fire Kit x 5
Flask x 5
Flint and Steel x 12
Flotation Bladder x 2
Footpads x 3
Grappling Hook x 3
Hacksaw x 2
Hammer x 3
Harness x 2
Hempen Rope (50 ft.) x 20
Horn x 2
Lantern x 4
Lantern, Bull's Eye x 2
Listening Cone x 2
Manacles, Iron x 1
Map Case x 12
Mirror x 6
Oil x 20 pints
Pitons x 60
Sacks x 10
Shovel x 3
Snares x 4
Ten-foot Pole x 1
Tent x 12
Tongs x 2
Waterskin x 12
Writing Case x 12
Supplies With Current Party
Taliesin, Scholar of Elvish Lore
Sister Armantine Peroult, the Pious Pioneer
Miraj "Raj" Zaferro, the Crescent's Cunning
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
Kobek "Ko" Ravunri, Subterranean Soldier
Zemi Nihar, Eager Explorer

Expedition Logs

I Preparations
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten, the Scheming Scout
Caoimhe, Quizzical Curator of All Things Curious
Ilmoto Brandt, Rattlefinger Alchemist
Taliesin, Scholar of Elvish Lore
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza, the Kandoran Keeper

With the fleet soon to depart from Groznid Bay, Tofyr was missing. Louie, Caoimhe, Zima, Ilmoto & Taliesin were tasked with tracking him down. Learning he had spend the night drinking with knights of the OCB, they find the leader of the Order's contingent, Ser Phelia Ortraud, on the quayside making her own preparations. She points them to the Brass Star Inn, where Ser Percival Melchett II was said to be buying drinks for the expedition the previous night - also having yet to reappear to assume his post.

Louie leads the group to the inn where they find the young knight. The knight doesn't prove too useful, only implicating the New World Trading Company, however by Tofyr's table Zima discovers a pin bearing the sigil of the explorer's guild, still attached to a torn piece of fabric. After sending Ser Percival to report in to his superior, the group reconvene outside. A suspicious individual leaving the inn catches their eye and they follow them to a small warehouse. Taliesin sneaks inside and discovers a group of orcs have kidnapped Tofyr, along with Ser Elvia of the Menoran Arcane Knights and Tenant Zaivil Akasik of the Great Library.

The party break into the warehouse and a fight ensues, with the captors eventually being defeated and their prisoners freed. One of the captors is taken alive and questioned, confirming the involvement of the New World Trading Company - which the group speculate may have been trying to sabotage the other groups in the fleet.

With little time to waste, they hurry back to the ships, their captive in tow - securing him a place on the crew - and board the Sea Wolf, which soon raises its anchor and sets sail for Quellam.
II The Crossing
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten, the Scheming Scout
Caoimhe, Quizzical Curator of All Things Curious
Ilmoto Brandt, Rattlefinger Alchemist
Taliesin, Scholar of Elvish Lore
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza, the Kandoran Keeper

Around nine weeks of revealing easy sailing pass, until one night the expedition is awoken in a storm. Rushing to the deck they discover the flagship of the fleet, the Albatross is aflame and sinking. The Sea Wolf too is struck by lightning and catches fire. The party battle the flames while pulling from the water all the survivors and supplies from the Albatross that they can. In all the Sea Wolf is saved and 26 people are rescued, including Tofyr, however the loss of the fleet's flagship is devasting.

The remaining three ships continue on towards Quellam, making what repairs they can. Six days later a small island is sighted, however as the ships approach, it dives beneath the waves. With the living island gone, the fleet continues, experiencing bioluminescence in the water that night.

Two days later, a flock of sea birds are sighted which leads the fleet to a mangled whale carcass, ravaged by gargantuan creatures unknown. The next morning bells rouse the ship's passengers, who emerge on to the deck to find enormous tentacles gripping the ship and humanoid fish like creatures climbing up onto the deck from the waters beneath.

The explorer's guild and ships crew eventually manage to repel the attackers, freeing the ship from the tentacles' grasp. A few more days pass when land is sighted.
III New Shores
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten, the Scheming Scout
Caoimhe, Quizzical Curator of All Things Curious
Ilmoto Brandt, Rattlefinger Alchemist
Taliesin, Scholar of Elvish Lore
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza, the Kandoran Keeper

Arriving on the shores of Quellam, the Fleet look for the buoys left by the First Fleet to guide them to Port Amardovis. Spotting one of the buoys, the Fleet changes course to follow the trail. They pass the wreckage of the Wanderer, one of the ships of the First Fleet, dashed on the rocks of a small island off the coast. They continue on, undeterred and soon find Port Amardovis.

The settlement appears in ruins, with another ship, the Spirit of Durduum , wrecked on the beach. With the neither the flagship nor any member of the First Fleet in sight, Louie, Caoimhe, Zima, Ilmoto & Taliesin were sent ashore as the first landing party to scout out the ruined settlement and ensure it is safe for the rest of the expedition to disembark.

Exploring the abandoned camp, they find it deserted. Heading to the Northern edge, they find a small wooden bridge and a ruined watch tower. Louie climbs the tower, retrieving the belongings of an Explorer of the First Fleet. Atop the tower he sights a colossal tree far in the distance, like those of elven lore.

Amongst the belongings they find a journal which points to a "Discovery" in the foothills of the mountains to the South East, as well as an arrowhead made of a strange black metal with a crimson sheen and a pair of binoculars. Examining the bridge reveals tracks, potentially of wolf like creatures, which lead back into the settlement and towards the ruined building. Tasked with making sure the area is safe, the party head towards the building to investigate.
IV The Wreck of The Wanderer
Taliesin, Scholar of Elvish Lore
Sister Armantine Peroult, the Pious Pioneer
Miraj "Raj" Zaferro, the Crescent's Cunning
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
Kobek "Ko" Ravunri, Subterranean Soldier
Zemi Nihar, Eager Explorer
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Namelessjake »

The Continent of Quellam

1 Hex = 6 miles

Points of Interest

Port Amardovis - The ruined settlement founded by the 1st Fleet, and now location of the 2nd Fleet's camp.

The Wreck of the Wanderer - The grounded wreck of the Wanderer of the 1st Fleet.

The Tall Tree - A large tree, to the Northwest of Port Amardovis, like those of the Quellamese legends.

The Discovery - A place marked 'Discovery' on a rudimentary map found in Port Amardovis that belonged to an Explorer's Guild member of the 1st Fleet.
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Namelessjake »

The Flora and Fauna of Quellam

The legends and myths tell of a strange land filled with strange beasts and plant life unlike anything in Voreld. They will be catalogued here as you make discoveries.




About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

They hunt in packs, usually led by a larger and stronger Alpha, and will try to surround their enemies before pulling them to the ground.
Maned Carnosaur
A large four limbed reptile. It's torso and tail are a dull grey and black with a striped pattern however it has a bright orange-red mane, and blue highlights to its scales on its face. It has a powerful jaw and clawed forelimbs.

It's salvia is acidic as is its blood.

About a foot or so in length, this six legged animal is armoured with a carapace on its heads and back. It is harmless, feeding on lichen and decay.
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Namelessjake »

Port Amardovis

Founded but abandoned by the 1st Fleet, Port Amardovis is the 2nd Fleet's base of operations and relative safe haven on the shores of Quellam. It is from here all expeditions into the wilds will begin, whilst the other members of the expedition work to improve and bolster the town's defences and capabilities.

Old Maps
People of Note
The Council
Founded by the leaders of the elements of the 2nd Fleet, the Port's Council form the decision making body for the settlement.
Council Members
Captain Helan Harlaw - Captain of the Constellation.
Captain Aldo Pierna - Captain of the Sea Wolf.
Captain Medárd Allairn - Captain of the Espérance.
Doldain Dodavek - Chief Builder and Leader of Lord Amardovis' Retinue.
Tofyr Sobriall - Leader of the Explorer's Guild.
Iloron Dorquen - 2nd in Command of the Explorer's Guild.
Archbishop Célia Brassard - Leader of the New Elysian Congregation.
Amjad Nashir - Leader of the Crescent Consortium.
Hrogar - Leader of the New World Trading Company.
Ser Elvia Cumberland - Leader of the Scholars of Menora.
Mianala Syltoris - Leader of the Elven Ancestral Assembly.
Bagagos Ritani - Dwarven Quartermaster in charge of provisioning for expeditions into the wilds. Appearance
Services Offered
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Namelessjake »

DMPC Companions

Kobek "Ko" Ravunri, Subterranean Soldier#990033

A seasoned veteran of the depths of the Dwarven Mountains, Ko cut his teeth as a mercenary clearing out infested mines and caverns. He signed on to Lord Amardovis' Retinue due to the long contract and guaranteed pay. While his ultimate loyalty is to gold, he cares about those he fights alongside, and enjoys a post battle drink and smoke. He can be abrasive at times, often a man of few words until you have spilled some blood together.
Character Sheet
Ko, level 6
Dwarf, Defender
Dwarf Subrace: Standard Dwarf Racial Traits

Str 20, Con 17, Dex 11, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 11, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8.

AC: 23 Fort: 19 Reflex: 19 Will: 19
HP: 62 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 15

Athletics +9, Dungeoneering +12

Acrobatics -1, Arcana +3, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Endurance +4, Heal +5, History +3, Insight +5, Intimidate +2, Nature +5, Perception +5, Religion +3, Stealth -1, Streetwise +2, Thievery -1


Level 01 Defender At-Will Power: Earth Shield Strike
Level 01 Defender Encounter Power: Shield Bash
Level 02 Defender Utility Power: Pass Forward
Level 03 Defender Encounter Power: Shield Edge Block (replaces Shield Bash)
Level 06 Defender Utility Power: Rejoin the Fray (replaces Pass Forward)

Heavy Shield, Warhammer, Plate Armor

Zemi Nihar, Eager Explorer#66cccc

Zemi is from a small village up river from Crescent Bluff, near the Desert Rose's site. With the completion of the nearby Desert Rose fort by the OCB, the Explorer's Guild began using the fort and its surrounding area as a place to rest and resupply before journeying out on expeditions into the desert. 

Enamoured by the explorer's, Zemi eventually convinced her parents to let her travel to Fort Sakura with a returning expedition. Despite her inexperience, her lust for adventure and high spirits were enough for her to be taken on in an apprentice role. A few months later, with her mentor sailing on the 2nd Fleet, Zemi sailed too. 

While she survived the Crossing, her mentor did not. However now, as with many of the other greener recruits, she is perceived to have earned her place in the Guild's ranks and she is keen to impress further.
Character Sheet
Zemi, level 6
Human, Striker
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort

Str 20, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.

Str 17, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.

AC: 21 Fort: 20 Reflex: 20 Will: 20
HP: 50 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 12

Nature +7, Acrobatics +10, Insight +7

Arcana +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +3, Heal +2, History +3, Intimidate +4, Perception +2, Religion +3, Stealth +5, Streetwise +4, Thievery +5, Athletics +7

Human: Human Perseverance

Level 01 Striker At-Will Power: Fading Strike
Level 01 Striker Encounter Power: Evasive Strike
Level 02 Striker Utility Power: Terrain Advantage
Level 03 Striker Encounter Power: Parting Strike (replaces Evasive Strike)
Level 06 Striker Utility Power: Healing Herbs (replaces Terrain Advantage)

Hide Armor, Dagger, Longbow, Short sword
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Namelessjake »

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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten, the Scheming Scout


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance: Coming from wealth, Louie has been afforded an upbringing that allowed him to grow taller than many of his poorer kin, standing at around 6 foot in height. He has a lithe build, somewhat toned from a youth on the farm. He has short dark brown hair, somewhat wavy and shaved down on the sides where his pointed ears rest. His eyes are a light green, a prominent signature of the Volzenten line.

Personality: On the surface, Louie exudes an air of confidence, a requirement for his line of business if he's to be taken seriously. He is resourceful, cunning, and is generally able to think quickly on his feet. He finds comfort in humor, especially situations in which he's uncomfortable. Slightly beneath, however, he's more laidback and, at times, lazy. Despite this, he cares deeply for his family and friends, and would suck up the extra work and pressure if it meant protecting them or making them proud. Far beneath the surface, he is self-conscious and frets over being good enough for his family name. He tries to reassure himself that he is, but it's never enough.

Early Life: Louie and his brothers were born in Fort Sakura to Delma Volzenten and an unknown father, the result of an escapade during her foray with the Explorer's Guild. An adventuring spirit, she was never one to sit still. Not more than a year after her triplets were born, she embarked on a solo excursion, only telling a few trusted confidants of her plans. She would not return, though, and her twin brother Domhnall was forced to take the trio in. Louie has only vague memories of his mother as a result of seemingly losing her so young. Only a few years into the boys' lives, Domhnall's home in Fort Sakura caught fire and was destroyed. With no other recourse, he penned a letter to his Uncle Barus.

The Volzenten Name: Soon, Louie, his brothers, and his uncle arrived in Risenya and found themselves at the illustrious gates of the Volzenten Estate, the famed home of Volzenten Farm and its prized ducks and other poultry. His great uncle Barus and the many staff of the estate soon became his caretakers, giving the young boy a taste of luxury. However, as he grew, the luxury became more sparse, Barus's way of avoiding a family of spoiled children. The triplets were taught how to care for the farm, and taught the value of their prized ducks. They were taught the value of their family name and everything that it stood for. And as he grew, a spark ignited within him.

Under His Wing: Growing into a teen, Louie began to take a great interest into the other side of their estate. Likewise, Barus noticed his nephew seemed to have a particular knack, a business sense for the enterprise. Over the next few years, Barus began to teach the young elf more and more about the proper operations of their farm, from wages to contracts to relations with customers. Eager to learn more and do his family proud, Louie absorbed every bit of information. In time, the two grew closer, often discussing strategy or concerns over tea near the river. Barus began introducing Louie to the guilds of Fort Sakura, planting the seeds for his future to come. And eventually, he was officially hired as a liaison for the family.

Waterfowl Espionage: For a couple years, Louie happily worked in this liaison role, keeping the connections between Volzenten, competitors, supplies, and customers smooth. One evening over tea, however, Barus lamented over being in the dark about far too many forces that threatened the business. After some brainstorming, Louie suggested he act as a spy in edition to his regular duties, skulking around for secrets, listening for gossip, and engaging in pseudo-court politics within the guilds. Suddenly, the farm was prepared for the increase in feed prices, the secret new coop design at Stroeker Ranch, the taxes to be levied on feathered pillows. Louie snuck through the shadows, locating competitor's secrets to take advantage. He sabotaged rival operations. He infiltrated inner circles to guarantee better trade deals. And Volzenten Farm boomed. Eventually, though, a new opportunity arose.

Toward New Discoveries: Word spread fast of the planned expedition to Quellam, and Barus was all too eager to throw his coin into something which might revolutionize his enterprise: a new land with new plants and animals to discover. Knowing the risk of the first fleet, he was content to wait and began to suggest Louie find a way onto the second fleet, sure to be smoother with a proper settlement already established to call home. Leveraging his connections to the Farmer's Guild, his knowledge of fauna, and his uncle's investment, Louie made his case to the Explorer's Guild and was enlisted among the ranks of the expedition's hired help. And he braced himself for the discoveries to come.
1) He'd like to discover if Quellam has its own unique variety of duck, or something similar, that he can befriend.

2) I'd like to see Louie's trust and motivations tested with the rest of the group.
1) Louie didn't join the expedition just for the sake of aiding in the exploration of his ancestral homeland. He also joined so he might unveil new discoveries and secrets that benefit his family's business.

2) A leader in the Explorer's Guild has known exactly what happened to his mother, but kept this information hidden from the family, as Barus has helped fund many expeditions in hopes of finding her.
People Tied to Louie
1) Dewydd and Huw are Louie's identical triplet brothers. Naturally, as the three grew up together, they are bonded and connected deeper than most. Louie is technically the youngest of the triplets, a subject he's been teased about his entire life. As children, they were almost inseparable and did almost everything together. Though they've gone on separate paths in adulthood, they're still the closest friends. Huw is the responsible one of the trio, a good egg always eager to do what's right. Dewydd, however, is more impulsive with an adventurous spirit but little foresight for the future.
2) Uncle Barus is Louie's great uncle and the successful entrepreneur who turned the Volzenten name into a dynasty. Beyond his brothers, Barus is his closest friend and confidant. Noting the young elf's aptitude for business, Barus took him under his wing and began the process of teaching him the ins and outs of enterprise. Despite outwardly appearing cold, Barus loves and cares about his family deeply, especially his protégé. He is protective and ruthless when he feels he or everything he's worked for is threatened.
3) Henning Stroeker is a rival of Louie's, and the owner of a small-scale chicken farm in Risenya. He comes from a line of hardy Tulrissians, though he migrated to Andor a couple decades prior. For a time, he was employed at the Volzenten Farm, but he was fired for rude behavior towards Barus. In retaliation, he founded a chicken farm to serve at competition. Given Louie's role in the estate, this has led to a wide variety of altercations, usually with Henning trying to egg Louie on to make his family look bad. He's smug, confrontational, and strangely conniving.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Louie absolutely hates his full name Llewellyn. It's an old family name, taken from the House found Ser Llewellyn the Briarheart, a Tulrissian knight from the 5th era. He hates its formality though, and sighs every time a human or dwarf utterly butchers it.

2) As a child, he remembers his uncle introducing him and his brothers to the responsibility by giving them ducklings who had been rejected by their mother. He recalls holding the tiny critter and seeing it look up at him. He named her Raisin for reasons that only a child can understand. He took care of her, raising her to adulthood. Raisin received a proper burial beneath her favorite willow tree, near the river.

3) Despite his outwards confidence, he is extremely awkward and inexperienced in ways of love and romance, having spent his adult life devoted to the family business instead of out pursuing lads or lasses. He easily grows flustered and stumbles over his words when those situations arise.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Louie is part of House Volzenten, a minor Tulrissian house that settled in Andor decades ago. He has two identical triplet brothers, Dewydd and Huw. He was raised by his uncle Dohmnall as his mother was missing. He has a great uncle Barus, an uncle Dilyn, numerous cousins, and a portion of the clan still in their ancestral estate near Eranor.

Class: Owing to his family's success, Louie is part of the upper crust in Andor. He has been afforded great privilege, although his great uncle made it a point not to spoil his family too much.

Profession: Officially, Louie is considered a liaison between Volzenten Farm and many of the other businesses, organizations, and people in Andor. It's his job to maintain good relations and communications. Beneath the surface, however, he acts as a spy on Barus's behalf, keeping tabs on competition, threats, or opportunities for the family.

Institutions: He's an employee of Volzenten Farm in Risenya. Through this, he's also part of the Farmer's Guild and Merchant's Guild in Fort Sakura, acting in Barus's stead to handle the business.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Experiences: Louie is driven by a desire to see more of the world, so he might learn and grow both as a person and as a successful part of House Volzenten's enterprises.

Secondary: Family: He was born into a large, yet close-knit family, and making them proud and keeping them happy pushes him towards ever-greater heights.

Tertiary: Wealth: Growing up with a shrewd businessman as a grandfather-figure, the importance of coin has been drilled into his head. If the risk is worth the potential for gold, he'll do it.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Arrive in Quellam and aid in the exploration of his ancestral homeland.

Medium-Term: Discover new friendly varieties of flora and fauna that might prove useful to his family's farm.

Long-Term: Return home and share his discoveries, and business propositions, with his family.
Crew Relations
Caoimhe: Louie generally enjoys Caoimhe, finding her natural curiosity to be endearing, although he does find she needs to learn to read the room instead of talking endlessly for ages. He admires her sense of morality, something his uncle tried hard to teach him, but he worries about her seeing the world in black and white, right and wrong, when things are often more gray.

Ilmoto: Like Caoimhe, Louie can appreciate the curiosity Ilmoto possesses. However, he finds the man works too hard and could benefit from a relaxing getaway, where he'd hopefully learn to tone it down a bit. At times, Louie finds Ilmoto's self-righteousness to be insufferable, but Louie isn't in the business of making enemies so he holds his tongue.

Taliesin: Louie doesn't pay much mind to Taliesin generally, the man's reserved demeanor not making much of an impact on Louie's mind. He finds the man pleasant enough, although worries that his need to constantly move from place to place could prove reckless. But he respects the elf's dedication to their history and is curious to hear his thoughts.

Zima: Louie finds Zima to be a kindred soul of sorts, at least compared to many of the stuffier guild members. He enjoys their connections through humor and her positive outlook, something he knows he could stand to learn from. He finds her a bit naive, though feels he can trust her to learn from pitfalls. He hopes to get to know her better.
Character Sheet
Louie Volzenten, level 5
Changeling, Skald
Background: Occupation - Farmer (+2 to Endurance)
Theme: Halaster's Clone

Str 10, Con 14, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 20.

Str 10, Con 14, Dex 15, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 17.

AC: 20 Fort: 15 Reflex: 18 Will: 20
HP: 46 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 11

Arcana +6, Diplomacy +14, Nature +7, Bluff +14, Stealth +10

Acrobatics +10, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +9, Heal +6, History +5, Insight +8, Intimidate +11, Perception +6, Religion +5, Streetwise +11, Thievery +9, Athletics +5

Level 1: Mark of Scribing
Level 2: Bard of All Trades
Level 4: Improved Initiative
Feat User Choice: Battle Song Expertise

Master of Story and Song: Stirring Shout
Skald at-will 1: Jinx Shot
Skald at-will 1: Staggering Note
Skald encounter 1: Prophesied Strike
Skald daily 1: Arrow of Warning
Skald utility 2: Moment of Escape
Skald encounter 3: Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade
Skald daily 5: Compulsion

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Bard's Songbow Longbow +2
Offhand:   Bard's Songbow Longbow +2
Body:      Healer's Hide Armor +1

Head:      ---
Neck:     Healer's Brooch +1
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      Acrobat Boots (heroic tier)
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
All Items
Bard's Songbow Longbow +2, Healer's Hide Armor +1, Acrobat Boots (heroic tier), Healer's Brooch +1, Antivenom (heroic tier) (2), Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (2)
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [_]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [_]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [_]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe, Quizzical Curator of All Things Curious (pronounced KEE-va)


Character Sheet
Caoimhe, level 5
Elf, Monk|Warden
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Eternal Tide (Hybrid)
Hybrid Monk: Hybrid Monk Reflex
Hybrid Warden: Hybrid Warden Fortitude
Hybrid Talent: Unarmed Combatant
Elf Subrace: Wood Elf
Select option: Sense Threat
Select option: Wood Elf Reactive Stealth
Background: Geography - Forest (+2 to Perception)
Theme: Scholar

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8.

Str 17, Con 14, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

AC: 21 Fort: 18 Reflex: 18 Will: 14
HP: 52 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 13

Endurance +11, History +7, Acrobatics +11, Perception +13

Arcana +2, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, Insight +3, Intimidate +1, Nature +5, Religion +2, Stealth +6, Streetwise +1, Thievery +6, Athletics +6

Feat User Choice: Ki Focus Expertise
Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Hybrid Talent 2
Level 4: Unarmored Agility

Hybrid at-will 1: Thorn Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Five Storms
Hybrid encounter 1: Roots of Stone
Hybrid daily 1: Stunning Palm
Hybrid utility 2: Agile Recovery
Hybrid encounter 3: Eternal Mountain
Hybrid daily 5: Lifebind Attack

Monk Unarmed Strike, Robe of Eyes Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Cloak of Distortion +1, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Iron Body Ki Focus +1, Potion of Clarity (Lvl 5) (2), Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (2), Antivenom (heroic tier) (2), Blinding Bomb (level 3), Tanglefoot Bag (level 2), Vial Bandolier, Writing case, Lyre

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Monk Unarmed Strike/Empty
Offhand:   Monk Unarmed Strike/Empty
Body:      Robe of Eyes Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1

Head:      ---
Neck:      Cloak of Distortion +1
Arms:      Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
Hands:     ---
Waist:     Vial Bandolier (various potions)
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  Iron Body Ki Focus +1
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
Caoimhe is slightly tall for elven women, standing at 5' 8" tall. She has a lean, muscular build that is generally concealed by several layers of clothing. Her garb is mostly traditional elven attire, remnants of her past in a very traditionally elven society. Most of it she makes herself, as she is often unable to find clothes that fit the style she likes in local shops too far from home.

She has long, slightly wavy silver hair that glistens in the sunlight, and green-grey eyes that give her a somewhat faraway look. On her face and much of her body are several traditional elven tattoos, which are quite rare outside of Vyridis in modern times, so she often gets a second glance from people who have not met her before and don't know their significance.
Caoimhe is a woman of boundless curiosity and wonder. She is always excited to see a new animal or plant that she has never encountered for, and will comment at length about her observations if allowed to by her traveling companions. She tends to view each new experience as a grand opportunity for learning, and respects and admires others with a similar outlook on life.

From an early age she has had a strong sense of right and wrong, and is not one to shy away from a fight she knows she is on the right side of. She does not like those who try to abuse or take advantage of those less fortunate or less powerful than them, and will happily step in to prevent such things. Despite her otherwise innocent approach to her surroundings, she is certainly no stranger to a fight.
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life: Caoimhe was born in Vyridis, the daughter of two members of a secret local group of abolitionists and revolutionaries, called the Unfettered, seeking to undermine the slavery and corruption in the Grystbehn. Both of her parents, as well as her older siblings and several of her other family members, were all highly involved in the organization and fully devoted to the cause. At least, that is how it seemed to her growing up.

When she was 5 years old, two of her older brothers were captured and enslaved during a failed raid on a group of slavers out of Shivan. Another couple of years later and one of her older sisters was slain trying to break one of the brothers out of the estate he had been enslaved at, and they heard later that the same brother was tortured for over a month as punishment for the attempted escape.

The Unfettered: These events, and the constant sight of her bruised and beaten family members, instilled in Caoimhe a righteous anger from a young age, and that anger fueled her desire to join the good fight alongside the rest of her family. She committed fully to martial and stealth training with her older siblings once she was 8 years old, and by the time she was 14 she was joining in some of the less dangerous missions. At 16 she was considered experienced enough to do some of the easier missions on her own, and accompany larger groups with more dangerous tasks.

For years, Caoimhe would travel as part of the organization, doing what she saw as the only true path in life. She would obey any orders she was given, and return home beaten and bruised like she'd seen her family before her. Day in and day out it was the same, and while she felt no small amount of joy when their missions were a success, she could not help but feel a sense of emptiness towards her life.

When she was 21, Caoimhe began to grow friendly with a local shaman in Vyridis, a woman a few years older than her, named Aine, who had tended to her wounds on several occasions. Each time Caoimhe visited Aine, the woman would tell her the tales and histories of the elves that she'd been taught during her shaman training, and Caoimhe would eagerly listen. She'd hear tales of the first arrivals of the elves to Voreld, of the great mystical beast that once plagued them in Quellam, and of the various ancestors who led their people in this new land. She'd hear stories of the persecution and suffering they experienced, of lovers who prevailed against all odds, of heroes who saved their fellow elves from torment, and all sorts of other tales.

It was when listening to these tales that Caoimhe realized she felt most alive, most true to herself. Sometimes she'd intentionally face opponents in her missions that she knew would be a tough fight, just for the chance to listen to more of these stories, and she slowly came to realize that, while she believed in the goals of the Unfettered and its results, she wanted something else for her own life. She wanted to learn more, to see more, to witness events and places like the ones in the tales she was hearing, and not just to hear about them from the infirmary second-hand.

A New Path: After some time to reflect on these feelings, and with a heavy heart, Caoimhe approached her family to tell them she had decided to leave the Unfettered to pursue her curiosities. A couple of her siblings were accepting and supportive of the decision, but her parents and most of the others in her large family saw this as a deep betrayal. There was much yelling, many tears, and a few thrown objects before the young woman eventually left her home, her nerves at an all time high. She felt abandoned by her family, and while she expected resistance she had hoped it would go much smoother than that.

Gathering her few personal belonging, Caoimhe set off to travel the long road to the nearest Grystbehn city of Yjolvich. It was a difficult journey for the distraught young woman to take alone, and one fraught with no small amount of peril. She was beset twice by small slaving groups, ones who mistakenly assumed a single wandering elf would be easy prey. Both times she managed to come out on top, but not without suffering a few cutes and bruises, and a broken wrist. When she made it to the city she had to spend the first few days being treated and recovering from her wounds, but afterwards she used what little money she had to purchase passage on a riverboat heading south to Razak - the jewel of the Gryst - where she hoped she could truly begin her adventures by finding work.

A Chance Encounter: On the boat ride to Razak - while still recovering from her wounds - Caoimhe encountered an old dwarf writing in a large book. While she had seen dwarven script before, she had never seen the other script in the book. Curious what language it was, she decided to ask the man, which she now views as one of the best decisions she's ever made in her life. The man - a scholar by the name of Cedros - informed her that the script he was writing about was that of the natives of Kandoras, an island at the far south of Voreld that he was studied. Intrigued, Caoimhe kept asking him more questions and the friendly dwarf was happy to answer each and every question.

After days on the river, Caoimhe had found she's spent most of her time there conversing with Cedros and helping the man with small tasks here and there as needed. When they reached the docks of Razak she was sad to part with the man, but after they had been separated for a few minutes she decided to chase after him and ask if he needed her help in the city. The man said he had no money to pay her, but the ever-curious Caoimhe was more than happy to stick around and help him when needed if it meant she could learn more of his knowledge and wisdom. After some convincing, the scholar agreed to her request and she would begin - much quicker than she expected - the sort of life she had been dreaming of.

The two would spend several days in Razak, meeting with other scholars and historians, before eventually traveling to several other locales within the Grystbehn. On this trip, Caoimhe was fascinated by all of the sights, sounds, and smells of the different people and places she witnessed. All her life had been spent in the forests and on roads, and the towering stone walls of these ancient cities fascinated her. From there the two travelled the Great Library of Serra, and south from there to the dwarven city of Garrund. Finally, they would take another series of boats south to the ancient city of Crescent Bluff, and from there a ship to Fort Sakura.

A True Explorer: In the great southern city, Cedros introduced Caoimhe to the city's Explorer's Guild, and convinced them to make her an official member. Once inducted, she officially became Cedros' assistant and protector - her strength and skill in combat serving as a foil to Cedros' frail nature. She would accompany him on all further ventures over the next several years, most of which were to Kandoras, and assist him with all manner. In exchange he would teach her and train her in his ways, so that she might grow as a historian an archaeologist in her own right.

After several years, the pair would make their fateful final trip to Kandoras, and all would change for the island and the world as a whole when their expedition discovered that an ancient race of native people had been living under the island since the Age of Myth. When the expedition concluded, Caoimhe decided it was finally time to part ways with her mentor and do her own thing. While he sought to document the ruins of the island further, and study the ancient, now-dead language on their walls, Caoimhe wanted to meet and understand these people and their culture.

Unexpected Romance: Early in her time with the native Kandorans, Caoimhe met and befriend one of their local shamans, a woman with telepathic powers named Mazimbaru - or Zima, as Caoimhe calls her. With her unique abilities, Zima was able to communicate with Caoimhe, despite the women speaking wholly different languages. This connection allowed for both to begin to learn from one another, and begin deciphering one another's languages.

As her first friend in this new and strange land, Caoimhe had been invited to stay with Zima and the two women grew a deep friendship as they got to know one another. This friendship developed even further over the course of a few months, and the two - despite all odds - entered into a romantic relationship. As romance blossomed, so two did their understand of each other's cultures, and each others' languages, and what initially began as a mission to meet and understand a new culture became a mission to help integrate the members of that culture into the world at large.

Caoimhe and Zima, as the two who first were able to communicate, and who had the closest bond among natives and outsiders, were to be the shepherds of this change in Kandoran society. The two worked for several months to teach the rest of Zima's tribe - those who wanted to learn, at least - the Andoran language and customs. One by one, native people who were open to change were introduced to the world above, to the people in the camps on the shore, and a few were even able to find romance in their own right with other explorer's based on the island.

Return to the Mainland: After a time, Caoimhe's expedition was ending and she needed to return to Fort Sakura for a time. Zima decided to come with her, and the two women maintained their relationship while continuing to learn from one another. Caoimhe was able to introduce Zima to so many new things, and enjoy seeing her reactions to everything for the first time - reactions not unlike her own, the first time she had come to the city.

Caoimhe, like Cedros before her, was able to introduce Zima to the Explorer's guild and to arrange for her to be formally inducted as an expert on Kandoran culture and of cross-culture communication. The two would then spend the next couple years traveling on many assignments together, the two women satisfying their own curiosity with the person they care for most, and all was fine.

The Quellam Expedition: Now, after a few years together, the couple has decided to put their expertise to the test in an even more extreme situation than the one the first met in - a trip to the mostly-unknown elven homeland of Quellam. Both were eager to see a new land and potentially meet whatever local elves remain, and so both happily signed up for the expedition. The fact they were both accepted and get to once more travel together promises to be extremely exciting...
1) Caoimhe's personal theory of elven history is often an underlying part of all of her expeditions, but with Quellam it is at the forefront of her mind. While she is excited to see new lands and meet new people, she ultimately would like either some solid proof for or against her theory, so that she can know once and for all of it is correct or not.

2) Similar to Grom's goal, I'd like for there to be something that tests the relationship Caoimhe has with Zima, and ultimately strengthens and deepens their bonds.
1) Caoimhe has a theory she has been developing in her mind ever since she first heard the elven histories from Aine, theories which only became more involved since meeting Cedros and learning of Kandoras. She believes that the elves of Quellam were the original inhabitants of Kandoras and the Andor region, and that the historical calamities mentioned in the histories of both traditions caused the elves to first venture to Quellam, and then, later, back to Andor. This theory is one she does not share with others, apart from Zima, and one she has grown less confident in since meeting the natives of Kandoras. However, she hopes Quellam might shed further light.

2) A couple of the deckhands on the ship to Quellam recognize Caoimhe and her distinctive features and fighting style from her time among the Unfettered, and at least one of them has encountered her in the past. These crew members would hold a grudge from their past encounter.
People Tied to Caoimhe
Cedros: Caoimhe's old expedition leader and mentor, Caoimhe has an endless amount of respect for this old dwarf. He is like a grandfather to the young woman, and she treats him more or less as such. When she returned from Kandoras, he was the first person she introduced Zima too, and when she was approved for the Quellam expedition she told him before anyone else. She plans to write him all throughout their voyage, so the man can read her first hand accounts of everything they see and do.

Ilmoto: While the two have known each other barely longer than she has known Zima - having met on the same expedition that discovered the native Kandorans - Caoimhe has grown to love and respect the man as a dear friend. They both endured a lot during the expedition, and both saved one another from certain death on more than one occasion, and she fully trusts that he will be able to do the same again - and she for him - on this expedition. She was thrilled to learn he would be coming along, and is excited to see him again after the last expedition they did together.

Mazimbaru (Zima): Never in her life has Caoimhe felt such a kinship with another person, or seen someone she respected as deeply as the young shaman from Kandoras. She loves Zima deeply, a love that has only grown in the years since they first met, and is excited every time they get to see new sights together. She hopes that the expedition leaders do not see reason to split their tasks among different groups, as she would love to once more get to witness new sights together with her enaid.

Manuel: Across the way from Caoimhe and Zima's home in the Fort Sakura residential district lives a middle aged elven man, named Manuel. He grew up in the Serranak knows Caoimhe's past, recognizing her tattoos and fighting style from seeing other Unfettered members in the past in action. He was saved by the group once, and, like her family, sees Caoimhe's departure from the group as a massive betrayal to all elvenkind, and to the victims of slavery as a whole. He is disgusted by her and goes out of his way to make this known each time they have the misfortune of interacting.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Despite all the years separating Caoimhe from her violent past, she is still haunted by memories of her past life. When she sleeps she still dreams of those she couldn't save, those she was forced to kill, and the fallout with her family when she left. She often sleeps poorly as a result of these dreams, and wakes up in the middle of the night sweating.

2) Caoimhe is always excited to see new things, and often finds it difficult to contain that excitement. To the annoyance of several past expedition companions, she has a tendency to speak these thought aloud as they walk, commenting on new sights and sounds as they present themselves.

3) Her years of martial training have instilled certain motions into Caoimhe inherently, and as a result she tends to always move in a way that is noticeably more fluid than your average person. For those who know little about her it can come across as elegant or quirky, but any raised in the same martial traditions would immediately recognize the motions for what they are.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Caoimhe no longer speaks to her family, but she assumes all or most of them are still fighting the good fight among the Unfettered. In addition to her parents, she has over a dozen brothers and sisters who have all been raised in the traditions as well.

Class: Caoimhe is a commoner, though her status as a relatively famed member of the Explorer's guild affords her more luxuries than a peasant would.

Profession: Caoimhe is an archaeologist by trade, though she has also served as a cultural ambassador between the Explorer's guild and the people of Andor to the natives of Kandoras

Institutions: Caoimhe is a long-standing and well-respected member of the Fort Sakura Explorer's Guild, and one
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Curiosity. More than anything, Caoimhe seeks to see new things, meet new people, and learn more about the histories and cultures of those she meets.

Secondary: Righteousness. While no longer active in the fight against slavery, she nonetheless maintains the sense of righteousness that was instilled in her since she was young. She does not abide injustice when she sees it, and has no love for bigots or the exploitation of others, and will do what is in her power to prevent such things when encountered.

Tertiary: Love? Until she met Zima, Caoimhe had never experienced any sort of romantic interest. Now, however, it is something she cannot help but to think about a lot. She wants her relationship with the woman to work out, and will do what she can to ensure that it does.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Caoimhe would like to make first contact with a native group in Quellam, and - with Zima's aid - she'd like to establish a similar relationship to the one she was able to help create in Kandoras, introducing the locals to their culture while learning of theirs at the same time.

Medium-Term: Caoimhe would like to keep a detail log of their adventure to share with her mentor, Cedors, and to potentially also publish for others to read.

Long-Term: Ultimately Caoimhe wants solid evidence for or against her private theory about the history of the elves, and would like to stay in Quellam long enough to find such evidence.
Crew Relations
Mazimbaru (Zima): Never in her life has Caoimhe felt such a kinship with another person, or seen someone she respected as deeply as the young shaman from Kandoras. She loves Zima deeply, a love that has only grown in the years since they first met, and is excited every time they get to see new sights together. She hopes that the expedition leaders do not see reason to split their tasks among different groups, as she would love to once more get to witness new sights together with her enaid.

Ilmoto: While the two have known each other barely longer than she has known Zima - having met on the same expedition that discovered the native Kandorans - Caoimhe has grown to love and respect the man as a dear friend. They both endured a lot during the expedition, and both saved one another from certain death on more than one occasion, and she fully trusts that he will be able to do the same again - and she for him - on this expedition. She was thrilled to learn he would be coming along, and is excited to see him again after the last expedition they did together.

Llewellyn (Louie): While she does not know the man too well, Caoimhe finds Louie's level of confidence to be worrisome. She thinks the man may be overconfident, and she has seen overconfidence result in enough bad decisions to be wary of his leadership skills. The laziness she sometimes witnesses also makes her skeptical of his presence on the venture, but she hopes that there is more to him than meets the eye.

Taliesin: Caoimhe is fascinated by Taliesin, as she only rarely encounters others interested in elven lore outside of Vyridis, let alone someone so devoted to such studies that he keeps a small library on him at all times. She hopes the two will get to know one another more on the voyage, and that they can learn from one another.
Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery


Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [_]


Stunning Palm [_]
Lifebind Attack [_]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Swampperson Prime
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Location: Neverland

Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto Brandt, Rattlefinger Alchemist (color FF4000)


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1) Birth - Ilmoto was the only child of a father and mother who worked for the Explorers Guild in Fort Sakura.
His father Ludwig Brandt was a Tulrissian pyromancer, and while he was a senior member of the Explorers Guild, he was never promoted in a position of leadership.
Ludwig was a curious, studious man. His greatest pleasures in life were researching ancient or foreign artefacts and teaching his son about them.
His mother Clara Brandt-Mayer was also Tulrissian.
She was an ambitious and strict but fair woman, who made a career within the Explorers Guild as a housekeeper and merchant, predicting when the price of supplies was low, keeping the warehouses fully stocked and selling artefacts and treasures for a good price.

2) Early life - Ilmoto's mother was not amused with her husband’s lack of ambition.
Because of that, Clara had a strained relationship with her husband and son, as she feared Ilmoto would grow into a copy of his father.
Not being promoted did not bother Ludwig much, as he was more than happy to spend his free time with his son, experimenting with spells and concoctions or tinkering together.
Ilmoto was mostly raised by various guild members, as his parents were often sent on missions.
Although his father’s teaching formed the base of Ilmoto's knowledge of the Arcane arts, Ilmoto has learned many different skills from different people.
In Ilmoto's early teens his parents were killed by a collapsing tunnel during a Guild mapping expedition in Kandoras.
These events have led Ilmoto to become a loyal Guildmember, as the Guild was the only family he has left in the Andorian Peninsula.
During these years Ilmoto picked up a diverse skill set as a wizard, artificer and alchemist.
Ilmoto spend most of his early adult years on explorations for the Guild or researching artefacts that return from such expeditions.
Six years ago, Ilmoto was send on a large expedition to the island of Kandoras.

3) Kandoras expedition - The Kandoras expedition left the young Ilmoto scarred physically and mentally.
Loosing allies and friends has taken it's toll, and Ilmoto has a hard time letting new people get close.
For those who survived Kandoras and it's horrors with him, Ilmoto would risk his life as they have done the same for him many times over.
In Kandoras Ilmoto discovered what happened to his mother, and some of the other Guild members who were lost after a cave in.
His fathers remains where nowhere to be found however. As far as Cedros was concerned, Ludwig Brandt ended up covered by rubble.
Ilmoto however knows better...
Clara's remains were burried by Ilmoto on a hill overlooking the sea.

4) Later Life - In recent years Ilmoto has become a teacher in the Guild. His expertises being alchemy, general study of magic and history.
Ilmoto has also been teaching a few elite students the basics of his families secret pyromancy arts.
Two years ago Ilmoto married his wife Linnéa. After learning that Linnéa got pregnant with their second child, Ilmoto volunteered last minute to join the expedition to Quellam.

5) Rattlefinger - Ilmoto's prosthetic fingers rattle when Ilmoto is not focussing on the magic that allows his prosthetics to function as his arm.
This has earned him the nickname 'Rattlefinger' within the Guild.
While Ilmoto was not fond of this nickname at first, he has learned to appreciate that having nickname makes it easier to fit in with other adventurers.

6) Appearance - Ilmoto is a human male. His skin is fair coloured, typical for a Tulrissian who spends most of his time indoors.
He has shoulder-length black hair, that shimmers in bright light due to a pet-project magical soap that is at least 37% more efficient for cleaning hair than regular soap.
His most striking feature is his right arm which is an enchanted prosthetic.
His underarm is made from metal and wooden parts held together by thin metal wires, his fingers are made off a special coated steel to prevent damage from working with fire and different alchemical components.

6) Personality traits - Ilmoto is curious, as all new things may hold secrets to discover.
He is disciplined to a fault, and he has a hard time deriving from his schedule as he always has some time-sensitive experiments that need managing.
Never one to speak first, Ilmoto does not have many friends, however he has acquainted himself with a number of other wizards, alchemists and artificers over the continent to whom he writes many letters discussing the latest breakthroughs in arcane studies.
Furthermore, Ilmoto is self-righteous, strongly believing that those who do not have the same moral compass as him cannot be trusted. Ilmoto craves his father’s knowledge as it would allow him to complete his father’s studies, which would show the world the greatness of his father’s teachings.
His strong determination and ambition have unintentionally and unbeknownst to him pushed Ilmoto on a path of life like that of his mother.
The secret that his father may have survived Kandoras, weighs heavy on Ilmoto.
1) Ilmoto's goals - Ilmoto has stepped into the footsteps of his father at a young age.
He wants to show the world the true genius of his father’s studies, and to eventually step out of his father’s shadow and become a revered master of the arcane arts in his own right.
While Ilmoto still has some interests outside his studies and experiments, he spends even less free time on leisure than he did as a young man.
Gaining a broad understanding of the world through exploration of the unknown is not just a goal, but Ilmoto's way of life.

2) Ilmoto want to find out what happened to his father; but as he has no real leads, he has decided to postpone his search.
1) When his parents went missing, Ilmoto inherited his father’s notebook.
This notebook contains some simple descriptions of the camp, ruins and his fathers co-explorers in Kandoras.
The last pages however are an unintelligible scribble of notes in many different languages some of which could not even be identified at all.
Ilmoto carries this notepad with him, he often reads it trying to find some kind of hint to unravel the secrets the notebook might hold.
In recent years Ilmoto has been able to translate some of the notes with the help of Zima.
The notes seem to point at the existence of an ancient form of magic that combines teleportation with fire magic.

2) Ilmoto's trust in the guild is not what it used to be. Where he used to see flawed guildmembers, he now sees the flaws of the organisation that attract such people.
Ilmoto has also learned to navigate the Guilds bureaucracy for his personal benefit; it was almost too easy to find a spot on the 2nd fleet .
While Ilmoto does not want to be a hot-shot leader, he does appreciate the status that comes with being a respected senior member.

3) Ilmoto has secretly been training a handfull of students in his family trade of pyromancy.
His true motivation for doing so, is to learn how to better teach these arts, so that he can be a better teacher once his children are old enough to learn from him.

4) When Ilmoto found the site were his parents supposedly perished in Kandoras, he found traces of a teleportation circle.
As Ludwig Brandts remains were the not found at the site; Ilmoto believes his father escaped somehow. But it is impossible to say where he would have ended up, and under what conditions.
In order to keep the knowledge of the circle to himself, Ilmoto erased the traces of the teleportation circle he found.

5) While most speculate that Ilmoto lost his arm in an alchemy related acccident, he actually lost it in an embarrassing fight in his younger years.
People Tied to Ilmoto
1) Friedrich Brandt - Ilmoto's uncle. An infamous pyromancer not unlike Illmoto's father Ludwig. Friedrich had been exiled from Tulrisse after allegedly burning down his patrons’ residence.
Friedrich is interested in his nephews’ studies, but Friedrich personally has little interest in alchemy.
As a 'pure' Pyromancer, he is not interested in creating flames through other means than magic.
Friedrich has strong opinions about why most laws should not apply to people of great skill like him; laws should exist only to regulate the plebes.
When scientific progress is hindered by the laws of the land, those laws are wrong.
Friedrich's behaviour stemming from those believes has resulted in many clashes with the authorities.
He has adopted many new identities while he travels the continent to escape prosecution.

2) Bodlum - One of Ilmoto's most trusted friends outside the Guild.
Bodlum is an Andorian Dwarf.
He is a blacksmith by trade, and he shares Ilmoto's hobby of tinkering.
Ilmoto's prosthetics were created by Bodlum.

3) Various Guild members - Being born into the Guild, Ilmoto is a well-known figure, and he is acquainted with most of the veteran members.

4) Guild students. Many of the younger Guild members spend some of their time studying under senior members like Ilmoto.
Ilmoto is popular with his students, as he goes out of his way to support them with their education and experiments.

5) Asvermiel (rival) - An elf Alchemist who used to be Ilmoto's friend.
Asvermiel once borrowed research notes from Ilmoto without asking.
When Ilmoto confronted Asvermiel with this, it resulted in a duel that almost destroyed Asvermiels laboratory.
Asvermiel and Ilmoto have butted heads on many occasions since, with them fighting over rare alchemical ingredients or trying to mess up each other’s experiments.
Recently, Asvermiel has found himself a comfortable job as the personal alchemist of a wealthy trader.
Ilmoto is secretly trying to sabotage Asvermiel; a few weeks ago two of Ilmoto's students had a 'faulty' experiment create acid rain that ruined Asvermiels herb garden.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Ilmoto's usual passive behaviour can make his self-righteous remarks come off as arrogant.
Ilmoto in contrast is unsecure about his abilities, as he tends to set his goals for self-improvement too high.
For this reason, he would never think of himself as an arrogant ass.
As a teacher he pushes his students to do their absolute best, but he also goes out his way to support his students.

2) As his prosthetics require focus to function properly, sometimes when Ilmoto is lost in thoughts he loses control of his hand; resulting in him dropping items and his fingers rattling.

3) For reasons best left in the dark, Ilmoto's scent changes often and drastically.
Sometimes he suddenly starts smelling like soap, flowers or acid.

4) Alchemy combined with sleight of hand means Ilmoto is always able to do some rad party tricks. His students love him for teaching them these tricks.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family - Friedrich is the only blood relative Ilmoto knows of.
His 'real family' has always been the Guild.
Class - Ilmoto as his parents before him is an adventurer.
His mother came from a Tulrissian family of landed gentry of middling wealth; this higher social standing has not carried over to Andor.
Through his father Ilmoto descends from a long line wizards and other practitioners of the arcane arts; many of whom were (in)famous pyromancers in their days.
Profession - Ilmoto works for the Guild as a teacher.
Institutions - see family
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary - To be a worthy heir of his father’s legacy; both academically and as a person.
Secondary - Find out what became of his missing father.
Tertiary - Become a great teacher so he can teach his children the ancient art of Brandt Pyromancy.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short - Improve his magical skills on the expedition to Quellam.
Medium - Discover artefacts, alchemical formulas or spells on the continent.
Long - Become the best mage and artificer in the world. And train the next generation of greatness.
Crew Relations:
Caoimhe is one of Ilmoto's best friends.
If not for Caoimhe and Zima, Ilmoto would have never joined this expedition.
Ilmoto trusts her with his life as she has saved Ilmoto's lifemore than once during their time in Kandoras. Ilmoto feels like he owes her, but While their personalities sometimes clash, Ilmoto highly respects Coimhe's abilities and loyalty.
Character Sheet
Ilmoto, level 6
Human, Mage
Level 1 Apprentice Mage: Pyromancy Apprentice
Level 4 Apprentice Mage: Evocation Apprentice
Level 5 Expert Mage: Pyromancy Expert
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort

Str 8, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 21, Wis 13, Cha 10.

Str 8, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10.

AC: 19 Fort: 18 Reflex: 21 Will: 19
HP: 44 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 10

Insight +8, Arcana +13, Stealth +9, Thievery +9, History +13

Athletics +2, Acrobatics +4, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance +5, Heal +4, Intimidate +5, Nature +4, Perception +4, Religion +8, Streetwise +3,

Human: Improved Initiative
Level 1: Enlarge Spell
Level 2: Blade Initiate
Level 4: Superior Implement Training (Incendiary dagger)
Level 6: Mark of Making [Dragonmark]
Feat User Choice: War Wizard's Expertise

Level 1 Mage At-Will Powers: Freezing Burst
Level 1 Mage At-Will Powers: Beguiling Strands
Level 1 Mage Daily Powers: Fountain of Flame
Level 1 Mage Daily Powers: Sleep
Level 1 Mage Encounter Powers: Burning Hands
Level 1 Mage Encounter Powers: Skewering Spikes
Mage Cantrips: Light
Mage Cantrips: Mage Hand
Mage Cantrips: Prestidigitation
Level 2 Mage Utility Powers: Shield
Level 2 Mage Utility Powers: Arcane Mutterings
Level 3 Mage Encounter Powers: Shock Sphere
Level 3 Mage Encounter Powers: Fire Shroud
Level 5 Mage Daily Powers: Fireball
Level 5 Mage Daily Powers: Summon Magma Beast
Level 6 Utility Powers: Levitate
Level 6 Utility Powers: Wall of Fog

Spellbook, Flaming Incendiary dagger +1, Robe of Contingency Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Amulet of Protection +2, Footpads, Alchemy Case
FORMULAS (Alchemist level +2)
Clearsense Powder, Clockwork Bomb, Inferno Oil, Foaming Plaster, Lockburst Chalk
Enchant Magic Item (level +2)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
level 5
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Ilmoto, level 5
Human, Mage
Level 1 Apprentice Mage: Pyromancy Apprentice
Level 4 Apprentice Mage: Evocation Apprentice
Level 5 Expert Mage: Pyromancy Expert
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort
Theme: Alchemist
Background: Bonus Language (Common)

Str 8, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 21, Wis 13, Cha 10.

Str 8, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10.

AC: 18 Fort: 17 Reflex: 20 Will: 18
HP: 40 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 10

Insight +8, Arcana +12, Stealth +8, Thievery +8, History +12

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +4, Heal +3, Insight +3, Intimidate +4, Nature +3, Perception +3, Religion +7, Streetwise +2, Athletics +1

Human: Improved Initiative
Level 1: Enlarge Spell
Level 2: Blade Initiate
Level 4: Superior Implement Training (Incendiary dagger)
Feat User Choice: War Wizard's Expertise

Level 1 Mage At-Will Powers: Freezing Burst
Level 1 Mage At-Will Powers: Beguiling Strands
Level 1 Mage Daily Powers: Fountain of Flame
Level 1 Mage Daily Powers: Sleep
Level 1 Mage Encounter Powers: Burning Hands
Level 1 Mage Encounter Powers: Skewering Spikes
Mage Cantrips: Light
Mage Cantrips: Mage Hand
Mage Cantrips: Prestidigitation
Level 2 Mage Utility Powers: Shield
Level 2 Mage Utility Powers: Arcane Mutterings
Level 3 Mage Encounter Powers: Shock Sphere
Level 3 Mage Encounter Powers: Fire Shroud
Level 5 Mage Daily Powers: Fireball
Level 5 Mage Daily Powers: Summon Magma Beast

Spellbook, Flaming Incendiary dagger +1, Robe of Contingency Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Amulet of Protection +2, Footpads, Alchemy Case
Clearsense Powder, Clockwork Bomb, Inferno Oil, Foaming Plaster, Lockburst Chalk
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 6
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 44/44
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [_]
Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [_]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [_]
Levitate [_]
Wall of Fog [_]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Mark of Making [Dragonmark]: You have mastered the Enchant Magic Item ritual and can perform it as if you were two levels higher. You can make alchemical items as though you had the Alchemist feat and were two levels higher. You can master and perform rituals in the creation category and the Make Whole ritual as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with heavy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
level 5
Character Sheet level 5
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Ilmoto, level 5
Human, Mage
Level 1 Apprentice Mage: Pyromancy Apprentice
Level 4 Apprentice Mage: Evocation Apprentice
Level 5 Expert Mage: Pyromancy Expert
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort

Str 8, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 21, Wis 13, Cha 10.

Str 8, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10.

AC: 18 Fort: 17 Reflex: 20 Will: 18
HP: 40 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 10

Insight +8, Arcana +12, Stealth +8, Thievery +8, History +12

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +4, Heal +3, Insight +3, Intimidate +4, Nature +3, Perception +3, Religion +7, Streetwise +2, Athletics +1

Human: Improved Initiative
Level 1: Enlarge Spell
Level 2: Blade Initiate
Level 4: Superior Implement Training (Incendiary dagger)
Feat User Choice: War Wizard's Expertise

Level 1 Mage At-Will Powers: Freezing Burst
Level 1 Mage At-Will Powers: Beguiling Strands
Level 1 Mage Daily Powers: Fountain of Flame
Level 1 Mage Daily Powers: Sleep
Level 1 Mage Encounter Powers: Burning Hands
Level 1 Mage Encounter Powers: Skewering Spikes
Mage Cantrips: Light
Mage Cantrips: Mage Hand
Mage Cantrips: Prestidigitation
Level 2 Mage Utility Powers: Shield
Level 2 Mage Utility Powers: Arcane Mutterings
Level 3 Mage Encounter Powers: Shock Sphere
Level 3 Mage Encounter Powers: Fire Shroud
Level 5 Mage Daily Powers: Fireball
Level 5 Mage Daily Powers: Summon Magma Beast

Spellbook, Flaming Incendiary dagger +1, Robe of Contingency Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Amulet of Protection +2, Footpads, Alchemy Case
Clearsense Powder, Clockwork Bomb, Inferno Oil, Foaming Plaster, Lockburst Chalk
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
Combat Block level 5
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [_]
Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [_]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [_]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
Last edited by BartNL on Mon Jan 29, 2024 4:42 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin, Scholar of Elvish Lore (#4040BF)

Typically found being reserved and watchful, Taliesin oft carries books with him to pass the time, some historical text that he finds particularly interesting that week. He needs to always be moving though, he rarely stays in one place very long unless it's to gather information.
Taliesin is tall, likes to dress fancy, and loves to wear darker colors. Deep purples and reds are interlaced through his outfits. His hair is a deep, jet black and his face is typically clean-shaven.
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Early life - Mom told stories of the elves' history to Taliesin during his youth in the tradition of her family. Many of these stories were embellished over time to make it more dramatic, but it was often in service of telling a moral, or to make it more interesting to tell their kids. The children of Vyridis knew well the struggles of their people, and their long and storied history. He had a best friend during this time, whose name was Gwenyth. They would often run around together and play games and get into trouble constantly.
Teen years - Taliesin, at some point, realized that these stories were likely embellished, and while the ancient elves were powerful beings, they weren't the nearly god-like entities that the stories and myths he heard portrayed them as. This was not entirely world-shattering for him, but the realization woke him up from the sheepish nature of his childhood. He no longer dreamed of mythical heroes -- he dreamed instead of a future where he could be like one of those heroes, and to help others become heroes like him.
Early adulthood - In his search, he hears about the Great Library of Serra and the many groups of elves that all seem to be in the Serran Desert. During this time, Taliesin meets another man named Velasco, a half-elf from the Serran Desert. Taliesin learns much from him, talking about various topics from the peoples of the desert to his home life, though Velasco doesn’t reveal much about his family. He does mention with some shame that he’s a half-breed, which causes Taliesin some confusion -- He’d never met a half-elf before, and he asked many questions about that. Tali wrote down many notes on his time with Velasco,
After several months of gathering his things in secret, during which he meets with Velasco a few more times before he leaves on his journey, he approaches his mother who he thinks would understand his desire for knowledge, and begs for her permission to go; this doesn't go well because of her fear of what may happen if he goes to the Desert alone, but eventually relents upon realizing how much it meant to him. Promising to write home as often as he could, he swears to become the best scholar he can and come back to tell her all about what he learns.
Scholar of the Library - Taliesin's first few years at the library were relatively uneventful. He was often under the watchful eye of his mentor, Vincent, and could only leave the library's walls under his supervision. During this time, he met another scholar named Angelo -- or rather, Angelo met Tali. Angelo approached him one day when he was checking out a book on one of the many wars that littered the history of Tulrisse, and began to ask him about it. Occasionally he and Angelo would sneak off together to go on excursions, or for Angelo to show him a place he thought was cool, or offered a unique view. These excursions with Angelo were often much more romantic than anything he’d been used to with Gwenyth, and rather abruptly things turned serious between him and Angelo. After a few years of this, Vincent began to realize his potential and started to vouch for Taliesin to be able to go out on his own, and he jumped at the opportunity -- Seeking out elven settlements and villages that littered the Serran Desert, wanting to learn as much as he could. At first, this didn't go amazingly for him, often it is looked down upon to have a stranger walk into your village and start asking questions, but eventually, he learned how to ease into the conversation, really getting to know the villages and people he came across.
Quellam ExpeditionsDuring his travels, Taliesin heard of the voyages to the elven homeland of Quellam. At first, he put as much faith in them as one would finding a golden chicken in the wild -- but upon hearing their successful return his interest became piqued. Around the time the second fleet was nearing completion, Taliesin began requesting permission for sabbatical leave, hoping that going to the place of his ancestors would unlock more of the knowledge he sought. Eventually, they agreed to allow him to leave for the expedition. He arrived a few months before the ships were set to leave port, putting in a request to join the crew. With his knowledge of the elves' history, it was thought he may have some use in terms of explaining or understanding the things they find while out exploring. They appeared hesitant, but he found other ways to prove himself useful to the crew.

1) Taliesin wants to gather as much knowledge on Elven history as he can for the Great Serran Library.
2) My goal for Taliesin is for him to be useful to the group.

1) Taliesin has a FWB back at the Library. He has intentions to ask him out properly if he comes back from Quellam alive, but is still hesitant.
2) Taliesin’s father is a rather low-ranking member of the Unfettered, but this often led him to be away from home during most of Tali’s youth. Taliesin doesn’t know this, and just thought his dad was off adventuring.

People Tied to Taliesin
Taliesin's father. Iorveth is a low-ranking member of the Unfettered and as such spends a lot of his time out doing grunt work for them. Scouting, taking notes on things, taking parcels between camps and villages.

Taliesin's mother. Due to Iorveth being gone so often, Cerridwyn often took charge of taking care of Taliesin in his youth. She fostered his love for Elven history and when she wasn’t busy she’d tell him another tale that was passed to her from her mother when she was little. To keep the house afloat, she worked from home as a small-time alchemist. She would use what little magical ability she had to work as a healer and mender for mundane injuries and illnesses. Lyria would often help with this while growing up.

Taliesin's younger brother. Emrys never really showed anything exceptional in terms of magical or martial affinity, though out of practicality learned how to use a bow. As he’s gotten older he’s also learned how to wield a sword, though he’s way more skilled with bows. He’s a very jolly and cheerful individual, often able to joke about things and see the bright side of it all, and thought Taliesin’s focus on their history was a little weird and silly on its own.

Taliesin's older sister. She spent a lot of time following her mother around as she was growing up, being passed on all of the skills and knowledge she picked up. Lyria took a great, vested interest in healing magic from helping her mother and as she got older eventually left to find her way --- seeking higher knowledge.

Vincent Amelios
Taliesin's mentor. Vincent finds Taliesin about a mile or two outside of the Library and offers to help bring him the rest of the way back. In Vincent’s talks with Taliesin

Taliesin's childhood best friend. Gwenyth left Vyridis not long after Taliesin did to find out what her place was in the world, ending up in Tulrisse. Her goal was to get into Menora and train in magic.

Angelo is another scholar Taliesin met at the Library, who is a few years older than him. Angelo and Taliesin became close friends, bonding over their mutual interest in ancient history. Angelo often would act as an ideas board for Taliesin to bounce concepts off of, and pushed him to think more deeply about things.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Memory: Taliesin has a memory of his mom telling him stories that were passed down to her about Quellam.
2) Mannerism: Taliesin tends to make small bursts of flame on his finger and then extinguish it. Kind of like a lighter.
3) Quirk: Taliesin's mind palace is rather expansive, and he uses a combination of hand movements and eye movements to help him navigate it. This is one of the only ways he can recall things efficiently.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family - Taliesin keeps in touch with his family. He often sends letters back home to update them on his health and how he's doing, and if he finds himself near Vyridis he makes a point of going home to see his family the moment he is free, though due to his new duties with the Explorer's Guild it has been a while since he last saw them.
Class - Taliesin is firmly in the middle class. He lives well in the Library, needing very little. While out on the road he has enough coin to be able to rent inn rooms, at least.
Profession - Studious Scholar
Institutions - The Great Serran Library

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary - Knowledge. Taliesin is driven by a thirst for knowledge.
Secondary - Wealth. Taliesin likes making money because it lets him send excess back home to his parents to help them with their needs. He justifies it as making up for all the years he lived at home, and when he goes back there for visits, he does it out of love for his aging parents.
Tertiary - Romance. He sleeps around when away from home, and rarely goes back to a place more than once.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term - See what’s going on with the island?
Medium Term - Continue developing the relationship with Angelo.
Long Term - Become a master swordsman.

Crew Relations
Taliesin looks at Louie with some kind of light reverence. Part of the reverence is just seeing another powerful elf like himself, but also knowing that Louie's background was very different from his own makes him all the more exciting. Taliesin has tried on a few occasions to pull Louie aside to talk about his past but has never managed to stick around long enough to have a full conversation.
Taliesin likes what he's seen of Caoimhe so far, and wishes he could speak with her further. He thinks that the trip to Quellam might be a perfect chance to broach the topic of history and see if she has any insights on the matter.
Taliesin knows very little of Ilmoto, and has mostly stayed away from him, but finds his overlapping interest in arcane matters to be fascinating.
Taliesin has regarded Zima with some curiosity. He hasn't had a chance to speak with her specifically yet, but he wants to.
Character Sheet
Taliesin, level 6
Eladrin, Swordmage|Warlock
Background: Geography - Forest (+2 Perception)
Theme: Guardian

Str 8, Con 19, Dex 10, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Str 8, Con 18, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10.

AC: 21 Fort: 17 Reflex: 17 Will: 17
HP: 57 Bloodied: 28 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 14

History (+14), Arcana (+14), Endurance (+12), Perception (+12)

Acrobatics (+4), Athletics (+2), Bluff (+4), Diplomacy (+4), Dungeoneering (+3), Heal (+3), Insight (+5), Intimidate (+4), Nature (+3), Religion (+7), Stealth (+3), Streetwise (+4), Thievery (+3)

Level 0: War Wizard's Expertise
Level 1: Eldritch Blade
Level 2: Eladrin Soldier
Level 4: White Lotus Riposte
Level 6: Eladrin Swordmage Advance

Hybrid At-Will 1: Eldritch Strike
Hybrid At-Will 1: Sword Burst
Hybrid Encounter 1: Blazing Pursuit
Hybrid Utility 2: Host of Shields
Hybrid Encounter 3: Fiery Bolt
Hybrid Daily 1: Dimensional Thunder
Hybrid Daily 5: Tyrannical Threat
Hybrid utility 6: Shadow Ride
Eladrin Power: Fey Step
Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Assault
Warlock Curse 1: Warlock's Curse
Theme Power: Guardian's Counter

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Shielding Blade Longsword +1
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Battle Harness Leather Armor +1

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic)
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      Acrobat Boots (Heroic)
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---

Gambler's gear, Bottle of Wine, Desert Clothing, Writing case, Horn, Footpads, Fine Clothing

All Items
Shielding Blade Longsword +1, Battle Harness Leather Armor +1, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Acrobat Boots (heroic tier), Backpack (empty), Gambler's gear, Bottle of Wine, Desert Clothing, Writing case, Horn, Footpads, Fine Clothing
Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 6
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 17
Reflex: 17
Will: 17
HP: 57/57
Bloodied: 28
Surge Value: 14
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Warlock's Curse

Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [_]
Aegis of Assault [_]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [_]
Shadow Ride [_]

Dimensional Thunder [_]
Host of Shields [_]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Warlock's Curse - Minor Action - Closest Enemy in LoS - Add 1d6 damage to one successful hit per turn. 
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have a line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Shadow Ride - Move Action - Personal - Effect: I shift up to 2 squares and can enter any enemy's space during this movement. I can end this movement in an enemy's space. If I do so, whenever the enemy moves before the start of my next turn, I move with it, remaining in its space. I do not provoke opportunity attacks for this movement. At the start of my next turn, I appear in the nearest unoccupied space.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until the stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if the target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Eladrin Swordmage Advance - When I use my fey step racial power to teleport to a square adjacent to an enemy, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as a free action.
Level up!
Taliesin levels up to level 6!
Max HP up! 52 >> 57!
AC up! 20 >> 21!
Fort up! 16 >> 17!
Ref up! 16 >> 17!
Will up! 16 >> 17!
Initiative up! +3 >> +4!
Gain a power! Shadow Ride!
Gain a feat! Eladrin Swordmage Advance. Make a free MBA against an adjacent enemy after using the fey step power.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Fri Jun 07, 2024 1:43 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by greysigil »

Gonna do a Dio and hesitantly request a spot. I'll make this Chara after I finish my show chara
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza, the Kandoran Keeper


Character Sheet
Mazimbaru Ela Koza, level 5
Kalashtar, Psion
Discipline Focus: Telekinesis Focus
Kalashtar: Diplomacy Bonus
Background: Early Life - Invited Underground (+2 to Dungeoneering)
Theme: Escaped Thrall

Str 8, Con 10, Dex 12, Int 21, Wis 12, Cha 17.

Str 8, Con 10, Dex 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14.

AC: 20 Fort: 13 Reflex: 18 Will: 18
HP: 38 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 9

Perception +8, Dungeoneering +12, Diplomacy +14, Nature +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana +7, Bluff +7, Endurance +2, Heal +3, History +7, Insight +5, Intimidate +5, Religion +7, Stealth +3, Streetwise +5, Thievery +3, Athletics +1

Psion: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Psionic Initiative
Level 2: Discipline Adept
Level 4: Unarmored Agility
Feat User Choice: Orb Expertise

Psion at-will 1: Mind Thrust
Psion at-will 1: Dishearten
Psion daily 1: Living Missile
Psion utility 2: Intellect Fortress
Psion at-will 3: Betrayal
Psion daily 5: Hypnotic Pulse

Ritual Book, Orb of Mental Dominion +2, Shimmering Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Amulet of Seduction +1, Hedge Wizard's Gloves (heroic tier)

Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 28
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 5/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [_][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[_]
Living Missile Attack [_]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.

Zima is curious, sprightly, and optimistic. She has a strong sense of community and altruism, and enjoys feeling like a mediator in a group setting. In most settings, she can be chatty and upbeat. However, during times of stress or worry, she turns noticeably reserved and inward.

Zima is of average height and a slim build for a human female. She has dark brown eyes and medium brown hair. She keeps it braided most times, sometimes wearing it up, or failling to her waist. Her skin is an almost unnaturally ghostly pale, which is common for Kandorans. While in the field, she dresses in a more active, unique form of traditional Kandoran garb: a colorful, flowing top, belted at the waist over a sturdy pair of umber-colored breeches. She wears simple, leather boots.

Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements
1) Younger Years — Zima was born into a loving family in the Peregozupale ward of greater Kandoras. As a young child, Zima was surrounded by tales and history of the Kandoran people, passed along from her mother. She was fascinated by the parables and myths, finding pride in the Peregozupalean community around her. No family would go hungry, or without medical or spiritual aid, because there was always a plethora of others who would give without hesitation. Their close ties and willingness to aid each other in times of need shaped her early experiences.

2) Stalksight — At age 6, Zima begin to experience visions. Stalksight, as her people called it, was common for Kandoran people, but few were as attuned or sensitive to them as Zima was. Her older sister Iako was the first to notice and spread the word, excited and yet jealous as she possessed no such ability. Zima's family brought her before Zinovalara (Nova), who confirmed Zima's latent power. She then trained under Nova for years, who was convinced that Zima was an ulohime, or prodigy. Zima learned the rituals, the meditation, the mantras, the ways to truly perceive and attune to her visions so that she might interpret them fully. Zima was even brought before the High Seer a couple times, who was impressed by her abilities and diligence.

3) Leadership — Whe Nova had reached her twilight years, she decided to pass on the mantle as Peregozupale's Seer, as most do. Amarakape, a relatively popular figure in the community for her shrewd nature and unyielding resolve, had been historically seen as the most reasonable replacement. However, Nova named Zima as Seer, making her one of the youngest to hold the title in recent history — not just in Peregozupale, but throughout greater Kandoras too. Zima was overwhelmed at first with the onslaught of new responsibility and pressure. However, she was well-liked in the community, and her spiritual advisors gave her the best wisdom and support they could. In a couple years, she had carved out her role as Seer.

4) Discovery — When the Kandoran Expedition first arrived in the remote passages of the adjacent district of Movazelumi, Zima was one of the first to be able to meet them. While the rest of her people were almost too stunned to fully understand or rationalize the existence of another world beyond theirs, Zima took action. She, along with other members of the Kandoran communities began a transition process. Zima used her telepathy, wisdom, adaptibility, and visions to help guide her struggling people to a new understanding of their world. She took careful measures not to go against their beliefs, but simply help adapt them to a broadened scope that included the surface.

5) Caoimhe — During the transition process, Zima found herself working closely with Caoimhe, one of the members of the expedition. Zima had been in a couple relationships before, but nothing that had lasted. Therefore, she initially figured that her draw to Caoimhe was simply attraction, and possibly borne out of the complex and stressful times at present. However, she found herself spending more and more time with the elvish woman. Not just working, either, but recreationally as well. Zima would show her the place she grew up, her family, and Peregozupale as a whole. After two months, they started going steady.

6) Explorer's Guild — About six months into the transition process, Kandoran society had somewhat stabilized and accepted the presence of the outside world. Caoimhe's presence was no longer needed in the cave cities, and she was going to return to her typical Explorer's Guild. She offered to put in a good word for Zima at the Explorer's Guild, saying that they could continue their relationship and explore the world together. After a difficult several days of self-reflection, Zima made the decision to leave her community, her role as seer, and her family. Her family argued this was rash, and unlike her, but Zima knew that this was the right choice for her. In order to guide her people better, she needed to see what the rest of the world was like, learn the lessons, and bring that knowledge back one day.

7) Expeditions Prior — Zima and Caoimhe were given a shared dormitory at the Explorer's Guild to live in together. When Zima was in Fort Sakura, she was avidly penning texts on the history, culture, spirituality of the Kandoran people. The two of them returned to Kandoras after some time, exploring the surface ruins together, delving into deeper understanding now with Zima around to translate and theorize.

1) Zima's main goal on this expedition is to be able to use her skills to ensure safe contact of any Quellamese residents still remaining.

2) My goal as a player is to have Zima's relationship and ignorance of the above-ground world truly tested.

1) Zima's visions are both powerful and frequent — often much more than others realize. While the people of Kandoras hold great interest and reverence to such ability of stalksight, Zima has found topsiders find it odd, or even disconcerting. She feels the need to keep a lot of it to herself.

2) It has never yet been the case with any Kandoran yet, but without immediate access to the Kandoran mushrooms, daily rituals in the fungal fields, Zima's visions and powers will lose control. They may fade away, or become too intense for her to stand.

People Tied to Character
1) Caoimhe — Zima's romantic partner and colleague. They have been together for a couple years, either deployed on assignments together or shacked up in Guild-offered housing in Fort Sakura. Zima is quite dependent on Caoimhe, and often feels alone or vulnerable in the world without her. Caoimhe serves as a guide to the world around her, both in spirit and in knowledge.

2) Ekevakova — Zima's mother is a keeper, somebody who maintains and passes on the stories and parables from their ancestors. She is charismatic, warm, but also quite traditional. Zima and Eke are close, and it was in fact her mother's background that inspired Zima to pursue life with the Explorer's Guild

3) Ogulmarohi — Zima's father is a farmer, and works the various fungal plots throughout the caves. He is hard-working, selfless, and reserved. Zima used to spend a lot of time with him as a youth, learning the ways of cultivation. They've grown apart somewhat due to their busy schedules, but they still have a strong, shared connection.

4) Iakomari — Zima's older sister. Iako was a farmer for a few years before she became a mother, and now helps oversee some of the farm infrastucture in their local wing of the cave system. Iako is much closer with Ogul than Zima or her mother. Growing up without stalksight visions, Iako felt jealous of the connection they had. In her adult years, Iako has come to appreciate and respect Zima and her success, but there is still some tension there.

5) Enorimide — Zima's younger brother. While still a young adult himself, Enori has shown interest in following his sister's footsteps to see the outside world. His parents, however, have no interest in letting him do so. Enori is excitable, rash, and passionate. He is an apprentice of his father's, training to aid in fungal cultivation when he comes of age, though he has neither the talent nor the interest in doing so.

6) Zinovalara — The previous Seer of Peregozupale, who Zima took over for. Nova has been a role model and source of wisdom to Zima for years now. She is a tough old woman, shrewd, with a strong sense of humor. Nova did not think Zima worthy upon passing the titleage, but has grown to care for her.

7) Amarakape — The current Seer of Peregozupale. After the upset of Zima being handed title of Seer over Amara, the latter later assumed the role when Zima left Kandoras. Amara holds a strong malice for Zima — initially due to simple jealousy, but it has evolved into further disdain since Zima's departure. Amara sees this as Zima abandoning their people, and has spoken out against such actions to fellow Kandorans. She believes in an insular Kandoras, and that life was better before the topsiders disrupted everything. Zima's family, though they would not admit to agreeing Amara, have certainly internalized a shred of that thinking.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Zima sometimes feels a deep regret surrounding the discovery of Kandoras. Though she feels guilty for it, in her darker moods, she longs for the life she had before. Busier, but much simpler. It is usually Caoimhe that shakes her from this temperament, unwittingly. For if not for the discovery, they would never have met.

2) Zima's stalksight is quite powerful, and much more vivid than most Kandorans experience. To her, these visions come in the form of figures or symbols she can recognize. She sometimes sees her ancestors and their spirits, animals, or even omens like lights in the sky. The ones she understands and recognize soothe her, while the ones she doesn't, worry her.

3) Zima has a profound curiosity and sense of wonder at the world above. The cuisine, customs, and languages she has come across all fascinate her. She will almost never turn down the opportunity to try new food, activities, and is always trying to learn how to speak, dress, and act like the many cultures around her.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Alive and in Kandoras, Peregozupale district.

Class: Previously part of the leadership class, so moderately celebrated and funded (relative to Kandoras' economy.) Now, an academic elite.

Profession: Researcher and resident expert on indigenous civilization.

Institutions: Formerly the 183th Seer of Peregozupale, Kandoras. Currently, Associate Researcher of the Explorer's Guild

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Community — As an empath, Zima gives as much as she can for her community — whether that's the people of Kandoras, her friends and colleagues at the Guild, or the expedition crew.

Secondary: Curiosity — Zima wants to see the world with her own eyes. She feels like she owes it not just to herself, but to her family and community back home.

Tertiary: Self-Discovery — Zima herself is quite young. Her life has been a constant barrage of keeping busy and learning all she can. She still feels like she has yet to truly discover who she really is, at the core.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Arrive and help scout the island, re-supply the existing crew, ensure everyone's safety.

Medium-Term: Discover everything she can about the old Quellamese, and chart the island.

Long-Term: Share her findings with the Explorer's Guild as well as her own people.

Crew Relations
Louie: Zima gets along well with Louie, being that comes off as easy-going yet confident. They connected over humor quickly, though she doesn't know him well yet. She wonders his true motivations for coming on the expedition. To prove himself?

Caoimhe: Zima's romantic partner and colleague. They have been together for a couple years, either deployed on assignments together or shacked up in Guild-offered housing in Fort Sakura. Zima is quite dependent on Caoimhe, and often feels alone or vulnerable in the world without her. Caoimhe serves as a guide to the world around her, both in spirit and in knowledge.

Ilmoto: While Zima's bond with Ilmoto is not as strong as the one between he and Caoimhe, she holds great esteem for the fellow Guildmate. She shares his curiosity and love of discovery, but sometimes he comes off as quite stiff and reserved. She wishes he would let loose sometimes, and thankfully she's gotten to see that side of him a brief, few moments.

Taliesin: Zima finds Taliesin odd, but charming. He has a plucky spirit, something that she appreciates and shares. She's heard talk that he is somewhat of a prodigy himself, being at the spearpoint of his academic focus on elves. She hopes their areas of knowledge can synergize, and not compete.

Tofyr: Zima finds the expedition leader to be a fascinating person. She shares his curiosity, but sometimes she questions how it is he came to be so decorated, for how strange and risk-taking he seems to be. However, she is finding that is almost exactly the type of person that does well in the Guild.

Talrelia: Zima thinks highly of Talrelia, seeing a young but successful woman who has earned her place through dedication and a strong logistical competence. Talrelia gives Zima hope that she can do good herself in the Guild, despite being a low-ranking member.

Iloron: While Zima is a chatty, busy person, she appreciates Iloron for his experience and attention to detail. He reminds her a bit of Nova from back home. She is also fascinated by his pet owl, a creature she had never seen before meeting him.

Ser Phelia: Zima has had few chances to speak to Ser Phelia, being that they operate in different aspects of the expedition. Though she knows they are benevolent, there is something about the Order that makes Zima anxious. However, she isn't willing to let this cloud her judgement of Ser Phelia.
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by PureZaros »

Beþach "Tach", Anachronistic Adventurer (tahk)

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life:
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Beþach, level 5
Warforged, Druid
Build: Guardian Druid
Primal Aspect: Primal Guardian
Background: Occupation - Military (+2 to Endurance)

Str 10, Con 21, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 8.

Str 8, Con 18, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 22 Fort: 18 Reflex: 15 Will: 18
HP: 58 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 14

Nature +10, Heal +10, Perception +12, Endurance +15

Acrobatics +2, Arcana +2, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +5, History +2, Insight +7, Intimidate +3, Religion +2, Stealth +2, Streetwise +1, Thievery +2, Athletics +1

Druid: Ritual Caster
Feat User Choice: Toughness
Level 1: Hide Armor Expertise
Level 2: Improved Initiative
Level 4: Implement Expertise (Totem)

Druid at-will 1: Grasping Claws
Druid at-will 1: Grasping Tide (Druid)
Druid at-will 1: Tending Strike
Druid encounter 1: Call Forth the Spirit Pack
Druid daily 1: Vexing Overgrowth
Druid utility 2: Barkskin
Druid encounter 3: Battering Claws
Druid daily 5: Primal Wolverine

Ritual Book, Magic Hide Armor +2, Spring Renewal Totem +1, Counterstrike Guards (heroic tier), Disk of Energy Resistance +1, Mace

Animal Messenger, Create Campsite
Combat Block

Warforged Druid 5
Languages: Common
Age: 333
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 280 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 17
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 22
Fort: 18
Reflex: 15
Will: 18
HP: 58/58
Bloodied: 29
Surge Value: 14
Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d8 damage
RBA: +3 vs AC, 1d4 + 1 damage



+2 to saving throws against ongoing damage.
Better roll result or take 10 when making death saves.

Active Effects:


Wild Shape
Grasping Claws
Tending Strike
Grasping Tide

[_] Second Wind
[_] Warforged Resolve
[_] Guardian's Counter
[_] Call Forth the Spirit Pack
[_] Battering Claws
[_] Barkskin

[_] Vexing Overgrowth
[_] Primal Wolverine
[_] Counterstrike Guards
[_] Spring Renewal Totem
[_] Disk of Energy Resistance


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
Combat block not finished yet. I needed to go to bed.
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Re: The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World —

Post by Namelessjake »

The Deadline to Complete Submissions is Saturday, March 5th
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Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Yana, Blade of the Bay

Character Sheet
Yana, level 5
Thri-Kreen, Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Brutal Scoundrel
Rogue: Rogue Weapon Talent
Background: Occupation - Punisher (+2 to Intimidate)
Theme: Son of Alagondar

Str 18, Con 10, Dex 21, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.

Str 15, Con 10, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.

AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 20 Will: 14
HP: 42 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 10

Stealth +14, Thievery +14, Streetwise +8, Intimidate +10, Acrobatics +12, Perception +6

Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +2, Heal +1, History +2, Insight +1, Nature +3, Religion +2, Athletics +8

Level 1: Backstabber
Level 2: Nimble Blade
Level 4: Vigilante Justice Style
Feat User Choice: Light Blade Expertise

Rogue at-will 1: Acrobatic Strike
Rogue at-will 1: Riposte Strike
Rogue encounter 1: Dazing Strike
Rogue daily 1: Press the Advantage
Rogue utility 2: Mantis Jump
Rogue encounter 3: Low Slash
Rogue daily 5: Duelist's Demand

Challenge-Seeking Dagger +2, Battle Harness Leather Armor +1, Talon Amulet +1, Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier)
Combat Block

Female Thri-Keen Rogue 5
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 28
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 14
HP: 42/42
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d4+6
RBA: +14 vs AC, 1d4+7




Active Effects:


Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."

Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
A Groznid native, Yana survived a childhood of petty crime among urchin gangs and found herself on the payroll for the New World Trading Company. A competent and so-far loyal enforcer and agent of the Velnoks, the wealthy brothers have promised her a golden future ahead if she can ensure the Company's establishment on Quellamese shores.
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Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Sister Armantine Peroult, the Pious Pioneer

Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Sister Armantine Peroult, level 6
Vryloka, Cleric|Cavalier
Hybrid Cleric: Battle Cleric's Lore
Hybrid Cavalier: Hybrid Cavalier Fortitude
Hybrid Talent: Channel Divinity (Hybrid Cleric)
Background: Geography - Wetlands (+2 to Nature)
Theme: Chevalier

Str 21, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 17.

Str 18, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 14.

AC: 23 Fort: 20 Reflex: 14 Will: 18
HP: 50 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 12

Nature +12, Diplomacy +14, Heal +10, Religion +8

Acrobatics +3, Arcana +2, Bluff +6, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance +4, History +2, Insight +4, Intimidate +8, Perception +6, Stealth +5, Streetwise +6, Thievery +3, Athletics +8

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Mark of Handling
Level 4: Last Legion Officer
Feat User Choice: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise
Level 6: Power of Skill

Channel Divinity (Hybrid Cleric): Healer's Mercy
Hybrid at-will 1: Righteous Brand
Virtue of Sacrifice (Hybrid): Valiant Strike
Hybrid encounter 1: Healing Strike
Hybrid daily 1: Paladin's Judgment
Hybrid utility 2: Blackened Soul
Hybrid encounter 3: Strength from Valor
Hybrid daily 5: Moment of Glory
Hybrid utility 6: Call Celestial Steed

Dynamic Lance +2, Scale Armor of Sacrifice +1, Healer's Brooch +1, Wavestrider Boots (heroic tier)

Backpack x1
Bedroll x1
Belt Pouch x1
Candle x5
Candle Clock x1
Chain (10 ft.) x1
Flask x1
Flint and Steel x1
Flotation Bladder x1
Hacksaw x1
Hempen Rope (50 ft.) x1
Map Case x1
Sacks x1
Tent x1
Writing Case x1
Waterskin x1

Rations, 7 days
Combat Block
Sister Armantine Peroult

Female Vryloka Cleric | Cavalier 6
Languages: Common, Imardanian
Age: 38
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 20
Reflex: 14
Will: 18
HP: 50/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+8
RBA: +3 vs AC, 1d4

8 Necrotic Resistance



Active Effects:


Righteous Brand
Defender Aura
Righteous Radiance
Valiant Strike

Scale Armor of Sacrifice +1

Second Wind [_]
Valiant Charge [_]
Lifeblood [_]
Healing Word [_]
Healer's Mercy [_]
Healing Strike [_]
Strength from Valor [_]

Dynamic Lance +2 [_]

Paladin's Judgment [_]
Blackened Soul [_]
Moment of Glory [_]
Call Celestial Steed [_]

Scale Armor of Sacrifice +1 [_]
Wavestrider Boots [_]



Important Features:
Racial Features

Blood Dependency: When bloodied, Armantine's healing surge value drops by 2, from 12 to 10.

Human Heritage: +5 racial bonus to Bluff checks made to pass as a "human".

Living Dead: Arma is considered both living and undead. If a power has different effects on living versus undead creatures, I choose which effect applies.

Necrotic Resistance: 8 Necrotic Resistance

Class Features

Battle Cleric's Lore: When using a cleric healing power to allow a target to spend a healing surge, they gain +2 to attack rolls until EOMNT.

Feat Features

Mark of Handling: When mounted on a natural beast or with a beast companion, they gain a +2 feat bonus to speed and +1 feat bonus to AC.

Last Legion Officer: When using a power that would enable an ally to spend a surge, they can also choose to shift 1 square as a free action, or instead gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSONT.

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 bonus to damage of charge attacks with a two-handed melee weapon.

Item Features

Wavestrider Boots: If Arma begins her turn on a solid surface, she can move across liquid as normal terrain. If she is still on liquid at turn-end, she falls in.
Armantine's appearance could be described as quite distinct — somewhat tall for an elf, with golden-brown hair that falls in roiling curls to her chest, and light blue-grey eyes. Her tiresome years as a Sister, a mother, and helping with her families' business have done little to dim her glowing visage. She is conventionally attractive among elfkind, due to her symmetrical features and soft features.

As a former monk and now soldier, Armantine is generally found outfitted akin to one of those two stations. During her liturgical duties and service at the temple, she wears long beige robes with a thin cowl around her shoulders. Loose-fitting sandals work best for the warm Borstidian climate. Her hair she sometimes ties up in a tight bun, especially when studying, performing duties, or at meals. At other times, most commonly during prayer and any meetings, she wears it down.

When gearing up in the saddle, Armantine wears a forest-green brigandine vest atop a gambeson and chain shirt that cover her thighs. Her legs are less-armored, while she wears tall cavalry boots reinforced with plated panels. She carries an intricate poleaxe, its haft lined with a series of Ballian runes.
Armantine's personality is somewhat an anomaly for many among the church. While she is persevering, selfless, and in-tune to those around her, she is humorous, down-to-earth, and easy to get along with. She carries with her a sense of grace and competence, with a self-assuredness that could not be mistaken for arrogance.

Her analytical nature allows her to blend faith with reason. At times she can be impatient, especially surrounding circumstances she sees as black and white. Armantine often clings to existing plans or beliefs as a defense mechanism to cast away potential doubts about her purpose or her approach.
Background and Concept Elements
A Valkyrie is Born — Armantyn Alimoravya Twrvellys was born in the village of Agramor in 6E Y52. At the age of two, her family moved to Chevalle, where her name was Imardinized to Armantine Alimoura Torvellis. Her family quickly learned the Imardanian language, and she grew up speaking it. Her parents began a local carpentry business, her mother being a keen scout and lumberjack and her father handling the woodworking. Within a few years of financial success, the Torvellises moved once more to Beignac to afford a larger workshop. Within the first decade, they became an established mercantile group. Arma's first few years of memory began with her introduction to Beignac as well the Church of the Goddess. Much of her adolescence was spent under the tutelage of her mother, foraging in the woods off the coast as well as studying the native Borstidian flora and fauna.

The Rising Rebel — Armantine's parents, having discarded their occult roots, were quite eager to join the Church of the Goddess  and get ahead of their past. They lived within Elys' vision, attending the local temple while networking within the church community. In her adolescence Arma had begun to grow rebellious in her nature. Despite her close proximity to the Church, she rejected the lessons and guidance, and pushed back against authority while finding more and more distant social circles to flee to for validation. In her teenage years, she became involved with a small time criminal named Lucarte and his crew. Lucarte worked on the docks, but also ran a small smuggling operation with the occasional thievery and extortion. He dealt mostly in opium and other drugs, something that Armantine was quickly drawn to. She spent many days avoiding her work at the workshop, using drugs, and playing at being a minor crime queen of her own making. In her time while high, she felt that she began to feel a sense of divinity calling to her, though she shrugged it off as her mind playing tricks and not at all the Goddess.

An Orphan Departs — At age 19, Arma became pregnant with Lucarte. She bore her first child, a daughter. Armantine's parents were at their wit's end with her before, and this now brought them past the threshold. Scandalized by the pregnancy and, frankly, the whole affair, her parents — who were very well connected with the Beignac elite by this time — needed an out. They wielded their influence over Armantine, convincing her to give the child away to an orphanage. Arma did not want to rise to the responsibilities of motherhood either at the time, so it took very little persuasion. Around this time, Lucarte was caught, his network dismantled, and himself imprisoned.

That wasn't all, however. Her parents decided as recompense that she was to join the Aubreis Abbey, to reset her life's trajectory and allow her a chance to truly live like Elys' teachings dictate. Armantine tried to steal some spare coins from the family's business in a rash effort to board a ship and escape to Forelle. However, she was caught and ultimately gave in to her parents' wishes, having been left with few other options.

The Arrival to Aubreis — At first, Arma resented everything about Aubrey Abbey. Continuing a trend of laziness, Armantine shirked all duties assigned to her, choosing to lay in the yard to sun or read whatever few interesting books the scripture hall kept. She behaved selfishly to the other sisters, not out of malice, but because she could not separate them in her mind from the power structure holding her in place.

One day, under the guise of purchasing supplies for the abbey, Armantine goes into town. Instead of doing so, she bought new clothes, found a tavern, and got drunk. During the middle of her raucous excursion, she was thrown out by the owner. She lay in the mud for almost an hour, crying, her spirit finally broken. She was found by Sister Efreem, one of the older women at Aubreis. Stern but caring, Efreem convinced Armantine to come back home. The kindness from Efreem, without judgment or chagrine, made something click in Armantine over the next few weeks. She began to participate in her daily chores. The liturgical hours were no longer mundane and silly to her — she listened. In private, she slowly began to pray to the Goddess.

A New Outlook — Weeks later, Sister Efreem invited Armantine to go with her on a trip back to Ellisport, where she came from a family of well-established clergy. They took a boat to the capital, and Arma was impressed and inspired by the beauty of the city as well as its rich history. While there, she met many higher-ups among the church, and Efreem allowed her to attend a ceremonial meeting as a guest.

Upon return, Armantine found herself with renewed focus. She decided that being a Sister is a privilege — the expectations set on her are easy to meet, the people around her are helpful and generous and caring, and she doesn't have to worry about the ambitions of life.

She spent the next few years growing in her role, learning Elys' teachings, and even taking in some of the newer Sisters under her wing. Efreem instilled in her a sense of leadership, and Armantine rises to the challenge. It isn't long before she is leading some of the sermons and creating new events to help bolster the community around her.

Meet Perry — Eventually, Armantine's duties bring her within range of a few other abbeys and monasteries. At one such, she meets Brother Peregrinus Peroult, or Perry. They collaborate on a project, loaning each other church records to build a larger reference document that shows the Borstid area's shared history both pre- and post-Imardanian colonization.

Growing Family — Armantine began to feel a strong call of Elys' teachings that peace in the world begins with engendering it at your own home. When she shared her feelings with Perry, he admitted the same. They request permission within their organizations to marry. As both were highly dedicated to their efforts, there is little opposition. Together, they move in together and within a year they have their first child — Ryva, a girl.

Cracks in the Foundation — In Y82, the Church of the Goddess had a major schism that brought doubts to all believers across the Imardanian diaspora. While Armantine's family in Beignac try to weather the storm and hold true to their convictions, Arma begins to question the Church's leadership. Around this time her second child is born — Chelym, a boy.

The Third Armantine — After a long-standing disagreement with Sister Efreem about the Archbishop, Imardin, and what Elys might do were she still alive. Armantine breaks off her friendship with the woman. Having heard about the New Elysian Congregation before, and especially now, Armantine begins following some of the more outspoken members.

New Money — In spite of Imardin's threatening collapse, business is booming. The Peroult family move to Chevalle, aiming to start a new branch of Arma's parents' business. She continues work as her mother did, finding quality lumber as a scout and aiding with its cutting. She spends much of her time outdoors.

A Valkyrie is Born (Reprise) — While in Chevalle, Armantine begins to grow more heavily involved with the Congregation. Her business has begun to no longer require her every day assistance, and she begins to branch out. She feels Elys' calling to join their newly-formed militant wing, the Hallowed Battalion. After many around her made choices for her during her life, this is one of the first times that she feels like she can define her own path. The increasing hostility between the Congregation and the Church causes her to worry about the safety of her family, and she feels certain she must take up arms to defend them and their flock.

Lance of Faith — Armantine watches the First Fleet depart, hearing echoes that the land of her ancestors hold untapped wealth and potential.

Departure — When the Second Fleet is being formed, Armantine decides she must leave her family behind to trailblaze a new home for them with the rest of the main Congregation leadership. When Eloise is lost, her faith in their decision falters, but she stubbornly holds to it.

Taking Initiative — Once Port Amardovis is settled, Armantine volunteers for the new scouting party.
1) Find Archbishop Eloise Raoult. If she is dead, then she can reconcile, but she needs confirmation.

2) Establish a new home for her faith in Quellam, securing Port Amardovis and its surroundings for her family to join her in the following years.

3) Live her life in the Goddess' path, growing in her faith and commitment, and hopefully her responsibilities.

4) I want Arma to be tested not necessarily in her faith, but her sacrifices and commitment. She has given so much, being away from her family and her home, and spent so much of her life in the Goddess' path.
1) Armantine holds great discomfort and worry about the Archbishop Eloise' disappearance. While her faith in the congregation is unshakeable, she wonders if the trip to Quellam was the right choice. The vulnerability proved by Eloise' disappears has given Armantine a strong fear of failing her family by dying, herself.

2) Armantine had her first child with Lucarte, and was given to an Elysian orphanage in Beignac. While her mother and father and sister know, Perry and her two children with him do not.

3) Unbeknownst to her, Armantine's original family wasn't from Chevalle originally, they were from Agramor. Her mother's father, Elmirys, is a part of a small yet powerful vampire coven tied to Agramor's occult roots. They fled due to infighting and threats to their family. Because of this, Armantine bears with her ancient elvish magics and a blood-curse through her lineage.
People Tied to Character
Perry Peroult — Armantine's husband and father to two children, Ryva and Chelym. Once an established Brother to an Elysian monastery, he busies himself now with the family business and raising the little ones. He is hard-working, patient, and reserved.

Orphaned Child — Armantine's first child, with Lucarte. Born Y71, age 19. Their status is unknown.

Ryva — Arma's second child, her first with Perry. Born Y81, age 9. Ryva is stubborn, dedicated, and obedient.

Chelym — Arma's third child, her second with Perry. Born Y82, age 8. Chelym is charming, impatient, and adventurous.

Deiza — Arma's mother. A keen scout and lumberjack, she taught Arma all she knows. Perceptive, reserved, and hardy.

Augeronne — Arma's father. A skilled carpenter, now a shrewd businessman. Calculating, gregarious, and rigid.

Gustyla — Arma's older sister. Works with her father in Beignac. Unmarried. Diligent, studious, and somewhat awkward.

Elohim — Hallowed Batallion leader. Serranborn human. He trained Armantine for a number of years, teaching her cavalry skills. Stern yet approachable.

Qo Quizen — Hallowed Batallion peer. Ulumi human. She trained with Armantine, but wasn't picked for the Second Fleet mission. Talented, content, and faithful.

Mother Efreem — A Sister at Aubrey Abbey, now Mother. Once a mentor and friend to Armantine, their friendship collapsed when Arma broke faith with the Church. She is dedicated, forgiving, and inspiring.

Orsima Ka'Ogal — A New World Trade Company enforcer that Armantine crossed paths with on the journey over. Orsima finds Armantine to be a fake, and told her to go back sniveling to her family.

Lucarte — A human criminal from Beignac, once Armantine's lover, and the father of her first child. After he was arrested and his entourage evaporated, he spent many years in the Hole before he returned to the area. He has found out that his child was given to an orphanage, and seeks to meet them.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Armantine holds a few early memories of Agramor, which she has misappropriated to Chevalle due to her parents' revisionist intentions.

2) Armantine holds painful memories of her first child with Lucarte, and sometimes wonders about them. She feels alone in the world about this, and keeps it to herself in fear of Perry or her children with him turning their backs on her.

3) Armantine loves to cook. She's interested in the local flora and fauna wherever she goes, especially the trees.

4) Armantine tends to clasp hands in front of her, a relic of her former monastery life, despite it not being common among mainstream Elysians or New Elysians.

5) Armantine suffers from a strange condition that has confused every healer or physician she's come across. She finds the sight of blood enthralling, and her own blood runs thick and is seemingly hydrophobic. She seems to age quite slowly, even for an elf. Sometimes, she grows very frail with little explanation why, often requiring bedrest for a number of days — though she returns to feeling quite normal immediately after.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Based in Borstid. Parents and sister, strained once but now reconciled. Husband and children, her driving force.

Class: First a merchant minor noble, then clergy, then a mixture of both.

Profession: Part of the clergy, then helped run the carpentry business, then a trained paramilitary soldier.

Institutions: The Aubrey Abbey - a Borstidian Elysian temple. Now, the Hallowed Battalion of the New Elysian Congregation
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Duty — whether duty to her family, to Elys' teachings, or to the archbishop, Armantine must not fail any of them in her vision to bring peace and safety to the world and its denizens.

Secondary: Independence — despite the duties she holds, Armantine is a wild spirit who calls to find her own way to achieve her goals. She cannot easily be bent to one's will.

Tertiary: Adventure — finding her own way has given Armantine a taste for exploring the unknown.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Find the whereabouts of Eloise Raoult.

Medium-Term: Bring safety and order to Port Amardovis and its surroundings so her family can join her there.

Long-Term: Become a bishop herself.
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Post by Fialova »

Xolani Ismat, the Adventurous Antiquarian 


Tenant archaeologist, specializing in ancient and magical artifacts of the Serran Empire. Originally from Azkahir.
Character Sheet
Xolani Ismat, level 5
Hobgoblin, Artificer
White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Choose Implement Proficiency: White Lotus Dueling Expertise (Orb)
Hobgoblin Choice: Hobgoblin Discipline
Background: Knowledge Hunter (+2 to Dungeoneering)
Theme: Order Adept

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 21, Wis 13, Cha 8.

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 8.

AC: 21 Fort: 17 Reflex: 19 Will: 15
HP: 48 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 12

Arcana +14, History +14, Dungeoneering +10, Perception +8, Athletics +9

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Endurance +5, Heal +3, Insight +3, Intimidate +1, Nature +3, Religion +7, Stealth +3, Streetwise +1, Thievery +3

Artificer: Ritual Caster
Feat User Choice: White Lotus Dueling Expertise
Level 1: Hobgoblin Weapon Training
Level 2: Monastic Disciple
Level 4: Hafted Defense

Artificer at-will 1: Thundering Armor
Artificer at-will 1: Magic Weapon
Healing Infusion: Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula
Monastic Disciple: Iron Soul Flurry of Blows
Artificer encounter 1: Burning Weapons
Artificer daily 1: Punishing Eye
Artificer utility 2: Rousing Battle Cry
Artificer encounter 3: Repulsion Strike
Artificer daily 5: Smokepowder Blast

Ritual Book, Hungry Spear Greatspear +1, Javelin (4), Dagger, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Battle Harness Leather Armor +1, Amulet of Life +1
Brew Potion, Disenchant Magic Item, Enchant Magic Item, Make Whole
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Ayda Attar, the Self-assured Sellsword

Character Sheet
Ayda Attar, level 5
Thri-Kreen, Ranger
Fighting Style: Two-Blade Fighting Style
Ranger: Prime Shot
Background: Blademaster (+2 to Acrobatics)
Theme: Sohei

Str 20, Con 11, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10.

Str 17, Con 11, Dex 15, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10.

AC: 20 Fort: 19 Reflex: 18 Will: 15
HP: 48 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 12

Nature +11, Athletics +13, Acrobatics +12, Perception +11, Stealth +10

Arcana +1, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance +1, Heal +4, History +1, Insight +6, Intimidate +2, Religion +1, Streetwise +2, Thievery +5

Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard sword)
Level 2: Improved Defenses
Level 4: Cunning Stalker
Feat User Choice: Heavy Blade Expertise

Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger at-will 1: Marauder's Rush
Ranger encounter 1: Off-Hand Strike
Ranger daily 1: Jaws of the Wolf
Ranger utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Ranger encounter 3: Disruptive Strike
Ranger daily 5: Frenzied Skirmish

Harmony Blade Bastard sword +1, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Predator's Hide Hide Armor +1, Silt Sandals (heroic tier), Potion of Cure Light Wounds (3), Potion of Healing (heroic tier), Potion of Elven Fleetness (heroic tier), Bastard sword
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Levin Kahler, the Spirited Scholar

Character Sheet
Levin Kahler, level 5
Hamadryad, Shaman
Companion Spirit: Stalker Spirit
Background: Found in the Wild (+2 to Heal)
Theme: Primordial Adept

Str 10, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 8.

Str 10, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 8.

AC: 20 Fort: 14 Reflex: 18 Will: 19
HP: 43 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 10

Nature +14, Insight +12, Perception +12, Stealth +7, Arcana +12

Acrobatics +2, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +2, Heal +9, History +7, Intimidate +1, Religion +7, Streetwise +1, Thievery +2, Athletics +2

Level 1: Arcane Initiate
Level 2: Stalker Spirit Adept
Level 4: Last Legion Officer
Feat User Choice: Tome Expertise

Arcane Initiate: Winged Horde
Shaman at-will 1: Claws of the Eagle
Shaman encounter 1: Ironbreaker Claws
Shaman daily 1: Spirit of the Healing Flood
Shaman utility 2: Engaging Pursuit
Shaman encounter 3: Spirit Hunt
Shaman daily 5: Shrieking Wind Spirits

Panther Spirit Leather Armor +1, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Tome of Forty Steps +1, Healer's Brooch +1, Potion of Spectral Form, Potion of Elven Fleetness (heroic tier), Potion of Cure Light Wounds (3)
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by Fialova »


Heidi is of average height for human women, with wavy light brown hair and dark brown eyes. She typically can be seen wearing a dress, often of floral design, or other long traditional Kurnish attire. On this expedition, she can always be seen carrying her hunting rifle, which she is rumored to have obtained via black market dealings through her employer, the New World Trading Company. She carries herself with a confidence that suggests she is skilled in its use, and in combat in general, despite most only knowing her as a company woman.
Outwardly, Heidi is very polite and sociable. She maintains a friendly, albeit somewhat reserved demeanor in social situations, generally preferring to observe and listen more than speak herself. Most would assume this tendency is due to a shy or otherwise introverted personality, but it is merely one of the facets of her Apostle training. She is, at all times, trying to study those around her for information that might be useful in her mission, even when it is otherwise unnecessary to do so.

When her guard is down, which is rare, she tends to be pretty laid-back and somewhat snarky. Her husband in Groznid is the main person to see this side of her, when the two are home alone, but some of her friends back in her homeland are likewise aware of her true nature. As of now, none on the expedition have encountered the 'real' Heidi.
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life: Heidi is a current long-term alias, but the woman's birth name - and true name in her homeland - is Sofia Gustin. She was born to a lower class family in Sennioux, who made their living primarily by peddling local crafts to tourists visiting the old fortress museum. Her parents made sure to instill in her a sense of the power and scope of the Church, and the importance of the once-proud city she called her home. This devotion to her home - and to the Church that dominated it - instilled a sense of zeal in Sofia from a young age, one which she proudly displayed to any who chose to visit the city, even the foreigners of other religions. While her parents showed great pride in their child's piousness, it also hurt their business anytime she crossed foreigners, eventually earning them a reputation as bigots with little respect for the tourists who brought them their livelihood.

The Sennioux Convent: At the age of eight, Sofia's parents could barely afford to support themselves, and definitely couldn't support themselves plus their child, so they made the difficult decision to send Sofia to live in the local convent run by the Church. There she would be raised and educated for the rest of her days by the mothers and fathers of the Goddess. Here her zeal would prove a boon to the young girl, who quickly became a favorite of the other devout worshippers of Elys who were tasked with raising and educating her. She took the teachings quickly, becoming especially enamored with the stories of the Apostles and the great successes they had provided to the church, undermining foreign heretical sects for the Church to bring salvation and order. She idolized the original twelve, especially the founder of the order - Geneviève - for their dedicated, if failed, attempt at bringing the southern heathens in Tulrisse to the light of Elys. All of her time learning with the Mothers and Fathers of the Sennioux convent only served to strengthen her convictions in the righteousness and superiority of Elys and her worshippers, and she sought to become a Mother in her own right to better serve the Church and its many followers.

The Holy City of Aerlynn: At thirteen, Sofia's wildest dreams were to come true, as Father Mathieu, the head of her convent, informed her that she had been nominated to continue her studies in Aerlynn, the holy seat of the faith, and where all apostles are trained. In all her years idolizing the past Apostles, she'd never expected to ever have a chance to join their ranks. She was sent by carriage to the capital city, which took weeks of travel. When she finally arrived, she was awe-struck by the beauty and majesty of the Grand Cathedral. She would unfortunately not get to see the inside of the cathedral for several years, however, as she was once more sent to live within a convent in the city.

It was not long after arriving in the city that Sofia would meet her fellow apostle candidates, who would train alongside her for a coveted position among the highly competitive ranks of Apostle. She quickly developed a few friendships and several rivalries with her fellow candidates, with her chief rival being an orcish boy two years older than her named Joachim. The two spent years competing in all manner of physical and mental feats, both viewing the other as the main person who could prevent them from achieving success. Neither realized that their competitor would be the one pushing them to excel above the other Apostle candidates, leading them ever closer to their ultimate goal.

Sofia the Apostle: At seventeen, after a little over four years of training, Sofia achieved her goal of being granted a position among the Apostles of Elys. Four others in her training group would achieve the same alongside her, including her longtime friend Corinne, as well as her rival Joachim. Now no longer competitors, but colleagues, tensions began to cool between her and her longtime competitor, and within a year of earning their spots among the Apostles, Sofia and Joachim realized that their intense rivalry and set the foundation for romantic attraction. The two began dating, and would marry another few years later at a private ceremony in the Sennioux Fort Museum.

Over her years in service to the church, Sofia's friends in the order would be sent on assignments far from her, and she was even often separated from her lover for months at a time. Corinne would be sent to support the bishop of Ellisport, and after five years as a lower ranking Apostle, Sofia and Joachim were given a long-term task of observation and disruption in Groznid Bay. The two were to join a minor trading consortium there as husband and wife, posing as native Kurnish who recently relocated to the city from a smaller trade settlement in the Kurnish Archipelago. They were to adopt the names Adelheid and Tavrok Ka'Vuurdig and spend the next several years - an indeterminate amount of time - in deep cover within Kurnhuelde. Both relished the idea of serving the Church in such an important way, and spent several months in intensive training, learning all the could of Kurnish culture and language, and formulating their backstories to avoid any suspicion.

Adelheid: Finally close to six years into her term as an Apostle - at the age of twenty-three - Sofia (now Adelheid) arrived in Groznid Bay to begin her new life of espionage. She and Joachim (now Tavrok) would spend the next several months going about their lives as members of the trade consortium, primarily working in shipping and receiving, while they occasionally received new directives from Aerlynn. Eventually, there came a day when their next communication would not come. The two thought little of it, but as weeks passed with no updates on their mission, the two began to worry. It was not much later that they'd learn of the [REDACTED] that devestated Ellisport, and the chaos affecting their homeland. With no new directives, however, the two maintained their current mission with the same zeal as before, albeit with no small amount of worry in the backs of their minds about the status of the Church and its leadership.

After nearly a year of no updates, the couple would finally receive a new directive from a new contact: infiltrate the New World Trading Company. The two learned of the existence of the newly-formed company, which was set to assist in the settling of the mythical elven homeland to the east, and were tasked with joining the companies ranks to gain more intel. It did not take long for their status as reliable traders to earn them the ear of the company's founder, and their position as small time traders would be replaced with relatively middling positions in the company. Over the years, the two would work their way up in the company, enough so that at the time of the Second Fleet's departure, Heidi - as she'd come to be known - would earn her spot.

Port Amardovis: Now, finally at her destination, Heidi can begin in earnest her current task. She is to spy on the members of the New Elysian Congregations - traitors to the Church - and discern their motives in joining the Second Fleet, as well as undermine those motives. Where possible, she is tasked with attempt to sow dissent in the congregations members, and attempt to re-convert any who show signs of wavering faith back to the true Church of the Goddess. She has eagerly volunteered her efforts in the venture to come, knowing that the congregation has chosen to send one of their own as well...

1) Heidi seeks, at all times, to better the station of her Church. She hopes that this expedition will allow her both to return those who've strayed from the Goddess' light to the fold, as well as to undermine the efforts of the heretics that broke away years ago.

2) I'd like for Heidi/Sofia to encounter things that force her to question her faith and her dedication to a Church that demands her all while providing her little in return apart from more tasks.
1) Heidi must hide her true identity as an Elysian Apostle from everyone at all times, a task which she is accustomed to, but which can take a toll on her now that she no longer has her husband around as someone who knows the truth. Ever since joining the expedition, she has struggled to feel comfortable around people who only know the facade and not her true self.

2) At least one member of the New Elysian Congregation is someone who knows Heidi's true identity, whether she knows that they do or not. Feel free to create someone from her past she may or may not know who can serve as a potential problem to her ruse, or even a potential ally in support of it.
People Tied to Character
Parents: M. and Mme. Gustin, Heidi's parents, are no longer in her life. She used to maintain a small amount of contact with them when she still lived in Sennioux, but since moving to Aerlynn she has not seen them again, nor does she want to. While it did allow her to achieve her primary goal in life, she has not forgiven them for abandoning her to the convent in her childhood. She did not invite them to her wedding to Joachim, despite it taking place in her hometown, and has since effectively disowned. She is not even sure if they are still alive, or where they now live.

Father Mathieu: an elderly Father of the Church, who serves as the head of the Sennioux Convent. While she has seen him little since her move to Aerlynn, Heidi still regards him as a mentor and grandfatherly figure. The two would correspond via letter prior to her move to Groznid, but she is no longer sure of his status since the events that split the church.

Corinne the Apostle: a close friend of Heidi's, who was once a close confident of the Bishop of Ellisport prior to the city's fall from prominence. She has not been in communication with her friend since her current assignment began, and assume she will not hear from her again given her current location. Like Father Mathieu, Heidi is unsure of her friend's location or if she is even alive.

Joachim: Heidi's husband and partner in deep cover, who is currently living in Groznid under the alias Tavrok Ka'Vuurdig. She misses him greatly, and hopes he is thriving in her absence.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Heidi regularly thinks back to the tales she's read of past Apostles and their feats, using them as motivation in difficult situations, and as guides for how handle tasks she is unsure about. To her, each of her predecessors are heroes to learn from and be emulated wherever possible, and she likes to imagine future Apostles reading about her own feats in a similar life. She often wonders if she will live up to the legends of those who've predated her, or if she would be approved of by Geneviève.

2) She has a tendency to pay careful attention to her surroundings and especially close attention to who is speaking in a given moment. To an outsider, the darting of her eyes can come across as paranoid, or perhaps as strong social anxiety. She tends to prefer the latter take, as it better hides her true intentions.

3) Despite her deep cover, Heidi always makes a point to find at least one moment each day - however brief - to pray to the Goddess for herself, her husband, and their mission. She feels extremely anxious if she goes a long period of time without being able to set aside time for such prayer.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Her husband is her only current family, as the two have not had any children since being wed.

Class: Merchant (secretly, priesthood member in the Church of the Goddess)

Profession: Trade Company Bureaucrat (secretly, Apostle)

Institutions: The New World Trading Company (secretly, the Church of the Goddess)
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Zeal - Heidi is, first and foremost, a devout worshipper of the Goddess. Her piousness desire to see the world worshipping her Goddess has driven her since childhood, and continues to do so well into adulthood.

Secondary: Love - Wherever the Church's goals are not relevant to her life, Heidi is driven by her love for her husband and the life they've built together. Even now, under deep cover and wearing false personas, she can't help but be enamored by the man. She hopes he will make it to Quellam one day so they may be reunited again.

Tertiary: History - Heidi has always had a deep respect and admiration for history, especially that of the Church and the Apostles that have preceded her. While she does not know a lot about the elves or their homeland, she finds herself intrigued by the goals of the expedition nonetheless, and hopes that whatever history is uncovered, it will help her further understand her own faith and place in the world. After all, the elves and the natives of this new land are all the Goddess' creations as she is.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Join an expedition party, and establish herself as a trusted member of the new colony in service to the New World Trading Company.

Medium-Term: Gain intel about the New Elysian Congregation, chiefly by earning the trust of Sister Armantine, her fellow expedition member.

Long-Term: Spread the teachings and faith of the Goddess to the settlers of this new land, while undermining attempts by the NEC to do the same. Ensure that the Goddess' light reaches all of Quellam.
Character Sheet
Adelheid 'Heidi' Ka'Vuurdig, level 6
Githzerai, Cleric|Ranger
Hybrid Cleric: Battle Cleric's Lore
Hybrid Ranger: Hybrid Ranger Fortitude
Background: Occupation - Merchant (+2 to Bluff)
Theme: Cipher

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 21, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 10.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10.

AC: 24 Fort: 16 Reflex: 19 Will: 18
HP: 49 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 12

Stealth +12, Bluff +10, Acrobatics +16, Insight +11

Arcana +4, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +3, Heal +6, History +4, Intimidate +3, Nature +6, Perception +6, Religion +4, Streetwise +3, Thievery +7, Athletics +5

Feat User Choice: Crossbow Expertise
Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Superior crossbow)
Level 2: Cunning Stalker
Level 4: Speed Loader
Level 6: Weapon Focus (Crossbow)

Hybrid at-will 1: Twin Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Gaze of Defiance
Hybrid encounter 1: Prophetic Guidance
Hybrid daily 1: Moment of Glory
Hybrid utility 2: Shield of Faith
Hybrid encounter 3: Disruptive Strike
Hybrid daily 5: Flying Steel
Hybrid utility 6: Death Threat

Bracers of Archery (heroic tier), Superior crossbow of Speed +1, Cloak of Distortion +1, Veteran's Hide Armor +1, Holy Symbol, Holy Water (level 1) (3), Blinding Bomb (level 3) (3), Four-Sided Caltrop (2), Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (2), Backpack, Ball Bearings, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Candle (5), Flint and Steel, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Lantern, Map Case, Sack (2), Trail Rations (7), Waterskin


Code: Select all

Main Hand: Apostle's Rifle (Superior Crossbow of Speed +1)
Offhand:   Apostle's Rifle (Superior Crossbow of Speed +1)
Body:      Veteran's Hide Armor +1

Head:      ---
Neck:      Cloak of Distortion +1
Arms:      Bracers of Archery (heroic tier)
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    Holy Symbol of Elys
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---


Combat Block
Heidi/Sofia (colored to their in-game text color)

Gender Race Class Level
Languages: Common, _____
Age: __
Height: __
Weight: __ lbs.

Speed: __
Initiative: +__
Passive Perception: __
Passive Insight: __
Senses: _____ Vision

AC: __
Fort: __
Reflex: __
Will: __
HP: __/__
Bloodied: __
Surge Value: __
Surges left: __/__
Action Points: __

MBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
RBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)

List all passive resistances here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive vulnerabilities here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:
List all current, non-permanent effects here (and the permanent ones too, if you really want). This includes all effects such as being prone, blinded, etc. Make sure this is always up to date. If none, then just write "None."


Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."

Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger

Hair and Beard: His long, flowing curls cascade down his back, resembling the waves that crash against the Mai'kon shores. The curls, similar to those of the island, frame his face, adding an air of wildness and untamed energy. Eldrin sports a well-groomed beard, its length echoing the resilience of the ancient Okani warriors.
Tattoos: Intricate tattoos adorn Eldrin's dark skin, telling the story of his Okani ancestry and the storms that shaped his destiny. One tattoo, resembling a stylized storm cloud, graces his forehead, emphasizing his connection to the divine forces. Lightning bolts intertwine with tribal patterns, extending down his neck and arms, representing the tempest's power flowing through his veins.
Eyes: Eldrin's eyes, a stormy gray reminiscent of gathering clouds, hold a deep sense of purpose and wisdom. They reflect the inner turmoil of the storms and the calm that follows—a duality that defines both his nature and his chosen path.
Build: His muscular build, honed by a life that embraced both martial training and the unpredictability of the storms, speaks of strength and resilience. Eldrin moves with a controlled grace, each step echoing the harmony between the warrior and the storm.
Armor and Attire: Clad in weathered, storm-resistant armor, Eldrin's attire incorporates motifs inspired by the Mai'kon islands. The armor bears engravings of crashing waves and storm symbols, paying homage to his coastal upbringing. A flowing cloak, reminiscent of a storm-tossed sea, billows behind him as he strides forward.
Weaponry: Eldrin wields a finely crafted sword with a hilt adorned with storm gemstones, reflecting the Okani's reverence for both martial skill and the mystical elements. The blade itself seems to hum with potential energy, echoing the power of the storms he commands.

Personality: Proud of his Okani heritage, Eldrin carries the traditions of his people with him. He shares stories of island festivals, the artistry of the Haka of the Storm, and the seafaring wisdom passed down through generations. Eldrin's pride is not just in his own abilities but in the rich cultural tapestry that has shaped him.

Eldrin's heart is open to the struggles of others. His compassion is a reflection of the Mai'kon community's communal spirit, where helping one another is second nature. Eldrin seeks to understand the stories of those he meets, recognizing the shared humanity that transcends cultural differences.

Background: Early Life and Journey to Fort Sakura:

Eldrin Stormblade, born during the storm season on the Mai'kon islands, experienced an intense connection to the tempests from a young age. The winds whispered to him, guiding him toward a destiny entwined with the storms. Recognizing his unique connection, village elders mentored Eldrin in ancient rituals, revealing the Mai'kon tradition of communing with the storm deity.

As Eldrin matured, visions of uncharted lands accompanied violent storms. Guided by these glimpses and whispers, Eldrin embarked on a solo sailing journey during a coming-of-age rite. Navigating a violent storm with ease, he confirmed his divine connection and embarked on a journey to Fort Sakura.

Word of the Mai'kon storm whisperer spread, and Eldrin arrived at Fort Sakura—a hub of exploration and the headquarters of the renowned Explorer's Guild. His abilities, reputation, and unique cultural background caught the attention of fellow adventurers and guild leadership alike.

Joining the Explorer's Guild:

Initiating into the guild, Eldrin proved his skills through challenges that showcased his ability to navigate storms, divine hidden paths, and commune with nature. His proficiency set him apart, and Eldrin's presence added a unique cultural perspective, fostering camaraderie within the guild.

As Eldrin shared tales of his Okani upbringing and the mysteries of the storms, he forged bonds with fellow guild members. His journey to Fort Sakura and experiences with the Explorer's Guild laid the groundwork for the next chapter—preparing for the historic expedition to Quellam.

Preparation for the Quellam Expedition:

With news of the Quellam expedition reaching Fort Sakura, Eldrin recognized it as the culmination of his visions. The whispers of the storms guided him toward this uncharted land. Eager to uncover the mysteries hidden within, Eldrin prepared for the historic voyage, ready to face the challenges and adventures that awaited in the lost continent of Quellam.

Eldrin Stormblade's early life, journey to Fort Sakura, and initiation into the Explorer's Guild create a compelling foundation for his character. As he sets sail for Quellam, the storm-infused paladin carries the echoes of his Mai'kon heritage and a deep connection to the unknown, eager to uncover the secrets whispered to him by the winds.

1- To embody the spirit of hope and resilience, becoming a symbol that inspires not only the Mai'kon people but all those who face adversity. Eldrin aspires to be a beacon of light in times of darkness, rallying others with his unwavering determination.

2-To rediscover and learn ancient Okani rituals and chants that may have been lost over time. Eldrin is determined to revive these forgotten practices, not only for personal growth but to share the cultural richness of Okani with the wider world.

3-To commune with the ancestral spirits of his people during moments of meditation and reflection. Eldrin aims to deepen his connection to his heritage, seeking guidance from those who came before him and tapping into the wisdom of his ancestors.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
Quirks:Tribal Symbols on Armor:
  • Eldrin meticulously paints temporary tribal symbols on his armor before embarking on significant journeys or battles. These symbols are a way of invoking ancestral protection and channeling the cultural strength of Mai'kon into his actions.
Tactile Connection:
  • Eldrin often touches objects or surfaces during storms, feeling a tactile connection with the elements. Whether running his fingers through rain-soaked grass or feeling the cool touch of storm-charged winds, these moments strengthen his bond with the storms.
  1. A Calming Gesture:
    • When faced with tense situations, Eldrin has a calming gesture—raising his hand with an open palm, as if harnessing the calming influence of the storm. It serves both as a personal grounding ritual and a signal to others that he is focused on finding a resolution.
  2. Whispered Communion:
    • Eldrin often engages in whispered words during moments of reflection or when seeking guidance. It's a habit developed from a belief that speaking softly allows his words to be carried to the spirits of the storm without disturbing the natural balance.
  3. Observant Stare:
    • Eldrin has an observant stare, especially during storms. His eyes fixate on the turbulent elements, almost as if he's attempting to decipher a hidden message within the swirling winds and crashing waves.
  4. Weather-Inspired Poetry:
    • Eldrin occasionally expresses his thoughts through impromptu poetry, drawing inspiration from the weather and the ever-changing moods of the storms. These poetic expressions serve as a form of personal meditation and a way to share his perspective with others.
  1. The Storm at Birth:
    • Eldrin vividly recalls the storm that raged on the night of his birth. The thunderous roars and the flashes of lightning are etched into his memory, believed by his Mai'kon community to be a sign of his connection to the storm deity.
  2. Haka of the Storm with Ancestors:
    • Eldrin cherishes memories of performing the Haka of the Storm with his ancestors during festivals. The rhythmic dance, accompanied by the sounds of drums and chants, represents a powerful bond between the living and the spirits of the Mai'kon people.
  3. Navigating Dangerous Waters:
    • A defining memory is navigating treacherous waters during his coming-of-age solo sailing journey. The turbulent storm he faced tested his abilities, solidifying his connection to the storms and proving his resilience in the face of adversity.
  4. Whispers of Guidance:
    • Eldrin often recalls moments when whispers in the wind guided him during critical decisions. These subtle messages, believed to be the voices of ancestral spirits or the Mai'kon storm deity, have been a guiding force throughout his life.
  5. The First Storm-Infused Encounter:
    • The memory of the first time he consciously channeled storm-infused powers is imprinted in Eldrin's mind. The sensation of lightning coursing through him and the feeling of empowerment marked a turning point in his understanding of his divine connection.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
  1. Parents:
    • Eldrin Stormblade was born to parents deeply rooted in the Mai'kon islander community. His father, a skilled fisherman and storyteller, instilled in him a love for the sea. His mother, a healer knowledgeable in herbal remedies, passed down the traditions of maintaining balance with nature.
  2. Ancestral Lineage:
    • Eldrin is part of a proud lineage of Mai'kon islanders, with ancestors who were skilled navigators, warriors, and spiritual leaders. The memories of his forebears, preserved through oral traditions and rituals, guide Eldrin's actions and decisions.


  1. Explorer and Navigator:
    • Eldrin is a skilled explorer and navigator, a profession deeply intertwined with his Mai'kon roots. His expertise in navigating the seas during storms proved invaluable during the journey to Quellam. Eldrin's proficiency in charting courses through uncharted waters contributes to the success of the expedition.
  2. Mai'kon Cultural Ambassador:
    • Eldrin takes on the role of a cultural ambassador, sharing the traditions, dances, and rituals of Mai'kon with the diverse members of the 2nd Fleet. His profession involves fostering understanding and unity through cultural exchange, creating a bridge between the Mai'kon people and the wider world.

Institutions: Mai'kon Storm Shamans:
  • Eldrin's family has a connection to the Mai'kon Storm Shamans, a revered group within the Mai'kon islander community. The Storm Shamans, who commune with the storm deity, have played a role in guiding Eldrin's spiritual development and understanding of his storm-infused abilities.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Influence: Uncover the Secrets of Quellam
Eldrin's primary drive is an insatiable curiosity and a deep-seated desire to unravel the mysteries hidden within the uncharted lands of Quellam. Guided by visions and whispers from the storms, he is determined to explore every corner of the continent, uncover ancient artifacts, and understand the true nature of the lost land.

Secondary: Protect and Unite the Expedition Members
Eldrin's secondary drive is the protection and unity of the members of the 2nd Fleet. Fueled by his role as a paladin and his upbringing in a close-knit Mai'kon community, he feels a profound duty to ensure the safety of his fellow adventurers. Building bonds and fostering a sense of unity among the diverse groups within the expedition is crucial to the success of their journey.

Tertiary:Preserve and Share Mai'kon Culture
Rooted in his Mai'kon heritage, Eldrin is driven to preserve and share the rich cultural tapestry of his people. He sees the expedition as an opportunity to be a cultural ambassador, introducing the traditions, dances, and rituals of Mai'kon to the wider world. This drive is tied to his belief that cultural exchange can strengthen bonds and contribute to the success of the expedition.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
  1. Forge Bonds with Expedition Members:
    • Foster camaraderie and trust among the disparate groups within the 2nd Fleet. Building strong interpersonal relationships will be crucial for the success and unity of the expedition.
  2. Conduct Rituals to Commune with the Storm Deity:
    •  Engage in rituals to deepen his connection with the Mai'kon storm deity, seeking guidance and blessings for the expedition.
  3. Document Mai'kon Cultural Practices:
    •  Record and share Mai'kon cultural practices, dances, and rituals with expedition members, promoting cultural exchange and understanding.
  1. Master Advanced Storm Paladin Techniques:
    • Further develop and master advanced storm-infused paladin techniques, integrating them seamlessly into combat and exploration.
  2. Establish Mai'kon Cultural Center:
    • Create a cultural center within Port Amardovis that showcases Mai'kon traditions, artifacts, and practices, fostering cultural exchange among expedition members.
  3. Seek Clues About the Fate of the 1st Fleet:
    • Investigate the surroundings for any clues or information that may reveal the fate of the 1st Fleet, providing closure and insights for the expedition.
  1. Establish Trade Routes and Alliances:
    •  Create trade routes between Quellam and Fort Sakura, establishing alliances with local creatures or settlements that may aid in the success of the expedition.
  2. Become a Renowned Explorer:
    • Attain renown within the Explorer's Guild and beyond, solidifying Eldrin's place as a respected and influential figure in the world of exploration.
  3. Promote Unity Among Diverse Cultures:
    • Act as a bridge between the diverse cultures within the expedition, fostering understanding and unity among the different groups.
  4. Uncover Ancient Artifacts and Lore:
    • Delve into the heart of Quellam to uncover ancient artifacts and lore, gaining a deeper understanding of the continent's history and the mysteries that lie within.
Character Sheet
Eldrin Stormblade, level 6
Dragonborn, Paladin
Dragonborn Subrace: Standard Dragonborn Racial Traits
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Dexterity
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning

Str 19, Con 15, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 18.

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16.

AC: 22 Fort: 18 Reflex: 15 Will: 18
HP: 60 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 17

Religion +7, Diplomacy +12, Endurance +8, Intimidate +14

Acrobatics +2, Arcana +2, Bluff +7, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, History +4, Insight +5, Nature +3, Perception +5, Stealth +2, Streetwise +7, Thievery +2, Athletics +5

Level 1: Commanding Vow
Level 2: Deadly Draw
Level 4: Disciple of Freedom
Feat User Choice: Flail Expertise
Level 6: Mark of Storm

Lay on Hands: Lay on Hands
Paladin at-will 1: Valiant Strike
Paladin at-will 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin encounter 1: Valorous Smite
Paladin daily 1: Glorious Charge
Paladin utility 2: Bless Weapon
Paladin encounter 3: Call to Arms
Paladin daily 5: Frenzying Smite
Paladin utility 6: Wrath of the Gods

Lightning Heavy flail +1, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier), Mithral Plate Armor +1
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Lightning Heavy Flail +1
Offhand:  Lightning Heavy Flail +1
Body:      Mithral Plate Armor +1

Head:      ---
Neck:     ---
Arms:      Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic Tier)
Hands:     Gauntlets of Blood (Heroic Tier)
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus: ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
All Items
 Lightning Heavy flail +1, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier), Mithral Plate Armor +1
Combat Block
Eldrin Stormblade
Languages: Common, Okani
Age: 28
Height: 6'2
Weight: 315 

Speed: 5
Initiative: +4 
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 15

AC: 22
Fort: 18
Ref: 15
Will: 18
Surge Value:17 
Surges left: 12
Action points: 

MBA: +11
RBA: +7

Vulnerabilities: None

Active Effects: None

Lay on hands
Divine Challenge
Ardent Strike
Divine Sanction
Valiant Strike

Guardian's Counter
Dragon Breath
Divine Mettle
Divine Strength
Valorous Smite
Call to Arms

Glorious Charge
Frenzying Smite


Important Features

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied
Draconic Heritage: Add Con Mod to healing surge value
Dragonborn Racial Power: I have the Dragon breath power it uses my dex and deals Lightning Damage

Commanding Vow: Slide adjacent enemy 1 sq. when you subject it to divine sanction
Deadly Draw:
Disciple of Freedom:
Mark of the Storm:
Flail Expertise:
Last edited by Chanchabruhh on Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:02 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Kairon Lergaros, The Shaded Jester
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Miraj "Raj" Am'khar, the Crescent's Cunning 

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance: Raj is a somewhat tall man, standing at nearly six feet with a toned build owing to years of martial arts. He is a handsome man with striking blue-green eyes that stand out against his bronze complexion. Atop his head is ear-length raven black hair which he loosely styles. Typically, he adorns himself with golden and teal jewelry, and whichever newest outfit his sister may prepare for him. Regardless, he prefers lightweight and flexible clothing that allow him ease of movement.

Personality: Miraj has an aura of confidence around him nearly always, assured in his own abilities and station to push him through any situation. Though he grew up in a pampered, spoiled lifestyle, he has worked to be self-sufficient and avoid burgeoning into an ego. He is a cunning sort, picking up on minute details and able to use his skills and others' weaknesses to his advantage. Similarly, he is deft in buttering up others and telling them what they want to hear so they may let their guard down or give him more influence. His own sort of ambition drives him, less power-hungry and more after this influence. However, after all his time in the political courts of Crescent Bluff, Raj has little patience left for games during negotiations and more.

Early Life: Miraj was born in a sizeable manor in Crescent Bluff, the third child of wealthy textile merchants Fadil and Safia Am'khar. From the start, a pampered lifestyle was all that Raj knew. Though not quite as wealthy as a Rakh, his family still had multiple servants and slaves doting on every need and whim. Yet with his parents often busy with business and appeasing him with gifts, his early childhood was oft unsupervised and untamed, with only a few servants making effort to reign him in. Despite his youthful energy, he had few in the way of friends after the servants confined him to the family home to steer him from trouble. He grew close to his older sister quite quickly, playing dress-up in the shade and running about in the gardens. Yet still, it was not enough for the young Raj to be happy. He had everything he wanted in the world besides another friend.

Felines & Fire: Not long after his tenth birthday, Miraj was permitted a stroll through a nearby bazaar to pick out treats for an upcoming holiday. As he walked, he noticed more and more stray cats seeming to trail him no matter which way he went. Curious, he wandered down a lone alley and was bewildered to see they still followed. For some moments, he assumed the sweet scents of the bazaar had attracted his new feline friends. That is, until after intense focus on the cats, he realized he was much lower to the ground than prior. Even more, the cats were now speaking to him as if any other Serranborn. Panicked, he looked down upon what he realized were paws and scampered home.

Upon arriving, a servant attempted to swat at him and shoo with her broom. Yet without any input, he once more became a boy. The servant promptly fainted. Speaking to his parents that night, he learned that there is a rare trait within his bloodline, manifesting every few generations for hundreds, even thousands of years. Considered a blessing of Sek-bas, it also provided some mastery over fire. Alarm bells immediately tolling, Miraj's parents found him a master of martial artistry to both teach him to hone such skills and to instill discipline into the spoiled child. Through the years, he became more grounded and trusted until he was finally allowed to set out on his own.

Saffron Sunfire: As Raj reached adulthood, his parents urged him to take on an apprenticeship under one of the merchant families so that he may better understand business. Though he initially questioned why he could not simply work under the Am'khar name, he conceded when they reminded him that he must walk his own path. Somewhat lost given their conflicting advice, he tried a variety of oddjobs with mixed success. For one, he acted as a street performer of various stunts and martial artistry. When he grew bored, he attempted to become a bouncer for a notable lounge in the city. He quickly abandoned it as it did not fit a man of his upbringing. Finally, he attempted to use his talents with fire to provide a whimsical cooking experience to passersby. This too was short-lived, both because he did not know how to cook much at all, and because another opportunity knocked.

While negotiating the price for saffron with a street merchant, a wealthy man stepped alongside him. The strange man questioned the merchant's wares, going so far as to call them dyed grass shoots. The merchant fumed, face growing as red as the counterfeit saffron, and demanded the man's name and an apology. He introduced himself as Rayyan Zaferro of Fierro Spice Syndicate, one of the largest spice companies in the city. Flustered, the merchant immediately took their wares and ran off.

Taking keen interest in the young man, Zaferro offered him a fledgling position, with room to grow, at his business. He would teach Raj the trade, the ins and outs of business, and some of the finer things that only one of the most lucrative markets can afford. Not one to pass up the opportunity of a lifetime, Miraj accepted and served as a personal assistance to his employer for a time. Things changed, however, when an attempt was made on Zaferro's life. Using his martial skills, Raj fended off the attack and singed their hair. After this, a grateful Zaferro offered him a new role: he would be thoroughly trained in court affairs on the surface, but use his rather unique talents to undermine opponents behind the scene.

Of Blood and Spice: Growing up in wealth, some of the intricacies of court politics came quite easily to Raj; after all, he was already quite used to the subtleties needed and egos present when dealing with these sorts. He'd seen it enough just as a child. Though his start was rocky, Zaferro took him under his wing and gave a much-needed guiding hand. With his sister's help, he livened his wardrobe to let first impressions give him a leg up with men who consider appearance to be everything. In time, he grew into his role and became someone Zaferro could rely on: a loyal asset to the syndicate.

Behind the scenes, however, subtlety and guile manifested in a different way. And his tasks were varied, from sabotaging meetings to obtaining secrets, and even silencing an opponent in rare cases where they were too dangerous to be left standing. Amidst all of this, Raj felt the sweet nectar of court influence and grew to desire its taste more and more. This drove his ambition, and his loyalty, further. He trained harder, diversified his skillset, and strove to be the most valuable asset Zaferro had. After all, this was an assured way to maintain the Rakh's ear and get what he wanted in the end.

Through the years, his confidence and finesse rose, though he also grew quite jaded of it all. Patience steadily faltered, though his sense of duty kept him moving forward. Seeking to liven things up, he'd often employ more creative methods for completing his jobs: other drugs beyond sedatives, independent heists for logbooks and ledgers, and simply stoking the fires of chaos between various merchants to cause an upheaval from the status quo. At the end of the day, his and Zaferro's interests were in the back of his mind. Yet still, he somewhat yearned for more.

From Dunes to Waves: When word reached Crescent Bluff over the intent for the Explorer's Guild to sail to the eastern continent, Zaferro was eager to be one of the Rakhs to join in its financing. After all, as he posited, another land must be teeming with exotic and flavorful herbs and spices that would be worth a fortune in Voreld. When the Crescent Consortium was formed, Miraj was instructed that he was to be a part of it, with few others his employer trusted for such a vital mission. Though hesitant to leave home and his family behind, the man eventually relented as the promises of a faraway locale brought about a glimmer in his eye. And so, he set off to Kurnhuelde, purchasing quite a few cool weather garments along the way, and set sail with the Second Fleet. Though the voyage was tumultuous, his sheer determination has propelled him into action on foreign shores.
1) He wants to help the Crescent Consortium discover resources ripe for reaping, letting the coin steadily flow back home.

2) I wouldn't mind seeing Raj's greed and unrepentant capitalism challenged. :^)
1) Raj has been maintaining meticulous records of every secret he uncovers about Crescent Bluff's movers and shakers, primed for leverage and blackmail. Outside knowledge of this journal would also put a target on his back, however.

2) While Raj is away, Zaferro's enemies are plotting against the Rakh.
People Tied to Miraj
1) Dalia is Raj's older sister, a skilled and renowned clothier who runs Sunburst Silks & Fineries in Crescent Bluff. Only two years older than Raj, the two were quite close growing up, and Dalia is quite protective of him. He often acts as a model for her boutique, leading to the often eccentric or refined attire he's known to wear during diplomatic functions. By extension, though, this means he gets free clothes and is the talk of many circles. Though his work keeps his busy, his sister always keeps a bedroom ready for him at her home, and he visits for dinner at least once a week. She is determined, fiercely competitive, and uniquely creative in a way that sets her apart from other designers. Despite her designs, she is far from bubbly and seems more subdued, even blunt and audacious. She is his best friend, and he misses her dearly while away.

2) Rayyan Zaferro is a Rakh in Crescent Bluff and Miraj's employer. He is cunning and shrewd, yet functions by his own code of honor that sets him above some of the more cutthroat powers in the city. This is not to say he is above violence or doing what must be done, but he acts within his own morality. He is somewhat of an uncle figure toward Raj, taking him under his wing and teaching him how to survive within the political courts of the realm. He has helped Miraj grow more self-sufficient after such a pampered upbringing, giving both tough love and genuine. There are few Raj trusts more, and he would do anything the Rakh requested by now. It was on his instruction that he joined the Consortium's entourage to Quellam, to best represent his own interests abroad. In particular, Zaferro seeks rare minerals and spices for his syndicate.

3) Boutros Borji is an old and crass wealthy merchant who Miraj has had the displeasure of dealing with on multiple occasions for work. His business is closely tied to Zaferro's syndicate due to a near-monopoly on chili pepper imports to the city. Raj first encountered him while trying to negotiate a new trade agreement with Zaferro. Borji initially thought he was a harem worker and invited Raj onto his lap, acting offended when the man declined. Since then, additional meetings have palpable tension with Borji innately looking down upon the man and still treating him as though he's a servant or meant for his viewing pleasure. Miraj loathes the man, once spiking his drink with laxatives after an unsolicited grope. Yet he suffers the man's presence for Zaferro's sake.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Used to the court politics of Crescent Bluff, Raj can be a bit of a schmoozer, buttering people up to inevitably get what he wants.

2) Miraj can transform into a black cat, a rare phenomenon he's been able to trace back through his bloodline for generations

3) He has a fond memory of a drab banquet he was forced to attempt. It broke out in a fist fight between two wealthy merchants as each accused the other of poisoning their glass, when in fact it was Miraj who spiked both glasses with mild hallucinogens that induces paranoia.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Raj is from the Am'khar clan, distantly related to the ruling family of Amkhara. His parents, Fadil and Safia, are influential merchants within Crescent Bluff. He has an older brother, Javi, who serves as an advisor to a Rakh, and an older sister, Dalia, who is a renowned clothier in the city.

Class: Miraj and his family are in the upper echelons of Crescent Bluff society, not quite influential enough to compete for a Rakh position but enough to reach their ears. He was often afforded some of the finest luxuries growing up and grew accustomed to being pampered.

Profession: He is a diplomatic agent and operative of Rakh Rayyan Zaferro, engaging in both diplomacy and subterfuge to further Zaferro's goals.

Institutions: Raj is part of the Crescent Consortium, representing the Rakhs of his home and their interests abroad. Rather, representing their return on investment.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Influence: Rising through the ranks is always in the back of Miraj's mind. And while he doesn't necessarily need to be directly in power, he seeks sway, favors owed, and renown to enjoy success from the shadows.

Secondary: Thrill: Raj lives for a good time, always enjoying a change of pace from the stuffy courts and tiresome dinners the movers and shakers in Crescent Bluff are known for. He yearns for real excitement.

Tertiary: Money: True to his roots, he is always eager to make some extra coin, easily spotting people or places ripe for exploitation. Even with a pampered upbringing, he'd love to not be dependent on others and to earn his decadent keep.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Miraj is eager to see the strange and lush world of Quellam, alien enough from his home to pique his curiosity in multiple ways.

Medium-Term: He would like to secure profits for the Consortium, and help himself to a handsome cut of it.

Long-Term: Raj would like to retire early in the lap of luxury, surrounded by fine wines, handsome men, and a sparring ring to keep in shape. In this luxury, he'd like to tour the Forelle in more ways than one.
Character Sheet
Miraj Am'khar, level 6
Hengeyokai, Monk
Monastic Tradition: Desert Wind
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Light Blade)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Ki Focuses)
Select Animal Form: Cat (Acrobatics)
Background: Geography - Desert (+2 to Endurance)
Theme: Sarifal Feywarden

Str 11, Con 14, Dex 20, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 18.

Str 11, Con 14, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 15.

AC: 23 Fort: 16 Reflex: 19 Will: 18
HP: 51 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 12

Endurance +12, Stealth +13, Acrobatics +15, Bluff +14, Thievery +13

Arcana +2, Diplomacy +7, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, History +2, Insight +3, Intimidate +7, Nature +5, Perception +3, Religion +2, Streetwise +7, Athletics +3

Level 1: Sneak of Shadows
Level 2: Unarmored Agility
Level 4: Superior Implement Training (Accurate dagger)
Feat User Choice: Versatile Expertise
Level 6: Cunning Stalker

Monk at-will 1: Five Storms
Monk at-will 1: Blistering Flourish
Monk encounter 1: Light the Fire
Monk daily 1: Masterful Spiral
Monk utility 2: Agile Recovery
Monk encounter 3: Burning Brand
Monk daily 5: Water Gives Way
Monk utility 6: Quicksilver Motion

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Flaming Accurate dagger +1
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Flowform Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1

Head:      ---
Neck:     ---
Arms:      Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      Footpads
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  Rain of Hammers Ki Focus +1
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
All Items
Monk Unarmed Strike, Flowform Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Flaming Accurate dagger +1, Rain of Hammers Ki Focus +1, Footpads, Vial of Darkness (3), Desert Clothing
Spirit Fetch
Combat Block
Miraj Am'khar

Male Hengeyokai Monk 6
Languages: Common, Serran
Age: 28
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 23
Fort: 16
Ref: 19
Will: 18
HP: 51/51
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+3 damage
RBA: +13 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage

Resistances: 5 Fire
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 vs immobilize, restrain, slow, & grab escapes

Active Effects: None


Nature's Mask
Desert Wind Flurry of Blows
Blistering Flourish
Five Storms
Agile Recovery

Flaming Accurate dagger +1

Second Wind [_]
Sarifal's Blessing [_]
Light the Fire [_]
Burning Brand [_]
Quicksilver Motion [_]

Flowform Cloth Armor [_]

Masterful Spiral [_]
Water Gives Way [_]
Flaming Accurate dagger +1 [_]
Rain of Hammers Ki Focus +1 [_]


Vial of Darkness
Important Features
Unarmed Combatant: I can use monk unarmed strike with weapon attacks. 

Unarmored Defense: While wearing cloth or no armor with no shield, I gain +2 to AC.

Desert Wind: I gain resist 5 fire.

Beast Nature: I'm considered both a magical beast and a humanoid.

Fey Origin: I'm considered a fey creature.

Shapechanger: I'm considered a shapechanger for blahblah effects.

Elusive: I gain +2 to grab escape checks and saving throws against immobilized, restrained, and slowed.

Language of Beasts: While in beast or hybrid form, I can understand creatures of a similar type.

Nature's Mask Cat: I gain +2 to acrobatics and climb speed equal to my speed while in Nature's Mask

Sarifal Feywarden: I gain +2 to Nature and can cast the Spirit Fetch ritual once per day without components.

Sneak of Shadows: I gain training in thievery. Once per encounter, I can use Sneak Attack.

Unarmored Agility: I gain +2 to AC while wearing cloth or no armor.

Cunning Stalker: I have combat advantage against enemies with no other adjacent creatures than me.

Versatile Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with light blades and ki foci.

Rain of Hammers Ki Focus +1: Whenever I reduce an enemy to 0 HP, one adjacent enemy to me takes 3 damage.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): I gain +2 to melee damage rolls.
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Swampperson Prime
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Location: Neverland

Post by BartNL »


Doran is a handsome tall young man. He is usually smiling. 
Birth: Doran was born on the island of Gahlfas to explorers Colin and Helena of the Explorer's Guild in Fort Sakura. He spend the first few years of his life there as his parent's were part of an effort into cataloguing unknown plants and finding if these had any uses as medicine.
Early life: As a young boy, Doran had access to good education provided by the guild. Although Doran preferred skipping classes to explore Fort Sakura. Doran has made many friends in Fort Sakura being friendly and helpful and he knows the city like the palm of his hand.
Youth: In his late teens, it became painfully clear to his mentors in the guild that Doran would be better suited in the field instead of a classroom. A shame according to some, noting his fathers skills as a mage and his mother's skills as an administrator. In the field was where Doran blossomed. Even though he was barely 14, he'd prove that he could take care of himself and others if needed. Over the years that followed, Doran spend more time in forests, mountains and deserts than in Fort Sakura. There he learned from experience, and grew in a promising young man.
Later Life: After receiving an official title in the Guild, little changed in Doran's life. He'd go where they send him, no matter how dangerous or how far. 6 years ago to his great regret, was late for the Kandoras expedition as the expedition into the southern Serran desert he was on was heavily delayed due to a sandstorms. This regret has only become larger after he heard of his father going missing on the island.
Quellam expedition: Losing a ship and finding port Amardovis abandoned, was not good for the morale of the expedition. Doran has however taken it as a sign that there are truly strange and unique things to find on Quellam.

Doran want's to become the world's greatest explorer and explore everything the world has to offer.
I want Doran to realise that other people wanting different things in life than he does is perfectly valid.

Doran realises that the use of explorers like him will diminish after each successful mission. Doran wouldn't mind the mission being unsuccessful for the commercially minded parties. As long it doesn't hurt others, hiding findings from these parties is a victimless crime in his eyes.
Doran is unaware of the fact that his father was left for dead by a fellow Guild member. This person also is currently part of the mission into Quellam.

People tied to Doran
Colin: Doran's father was a mage and teacher at the Explorer's guild. He is missing, presumed dead after the Kandoras expedition.
Helena: Doran's mother was scarred after losing Colin in Kandoras. Although an avid explorer herself, she has had a hard time letting Doran go on the expedition. She is currently compiling her and her husbands logbooks full of adventurers for the Guild.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
Doran's body is covered in scars from his many adventurers. Doran can tell a tale for every scar like: the time I went roc climbing without a climber's kit near pointy rocks cliff or The difference between angry and hangry bears
Doran is an avid flute player.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Doran's family was involved with the Explorer's guild. They were fairly wealthy as Doran's parents have a knack for making money from selling artifacts.

Class: Doran is part of the Fort-Sakuran upper-middle class as a respected member of the Explorer's Guild.

Profession: Explorer, pathfinder scout. Doran's job is to find paths through unexplored forests, caves etc.

Institutions: Doran is involved with the Explorer's Guild.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Doran's main drive is exploring new places for the sake of it. He is thrilled by adventure, and wants to experience everything what Voreld has to offer. Especially the things nobody yet knows about.

Secondary: Doran wants to become more famous as an adventurer and explorer, as he hopes it gives him more opportunities for exploration down the road.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Build a base on the new continent
Medium-Term: Explore the new continent
Long-Term: Return home as a world-famous explorer.
Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
level 6
Human, Barbarian|Cleric
Hybrid Cleric: Battle Cleric's Lore
Hybrid Talent: Feral Might
Feral Might: Rageblood Vigor
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort
Background: Geography - Forest (+2 to Perception)
Theme Explorer

Str 20, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10.

Str 17, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10.

AC: 23 Fort: 21 Reflex: 17 Will: 18
HP: 52 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 13

Nature +12, Perception +14, Endurance +14, Heal +12, Athletics +15, Dungeoneering +12
(always roll twice for Nature and Endurance checks, pick best result)

Acrobatics +7, Arcana +4, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, History +4, Insight +7, Intimidate +5, Religion +4, Stealth +7, Streetwise +5, Thievery +7

Human: Human Nature Lore
Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Battle Awareness
Level 4: Weapon Proficiency (Gouge)
Feat User Choice: Spear Expertise
Level 6: Herbalist

Hybrid at-will 1: Howling Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Righteous Brand
Hybrid encounter 1: Mighty Hew
Hybrid daily 1: Weapon of Astral Flame
Hybrid utility 2: Ignore Pain
Hybrid encounter 3: Brutal Slam
Hybrid daily 5: Silver Phoenix Rage
Hybrid utility 6: Stream of Life

Dynamic Gouge +2, Cloak of the Walking Wounded +1, Ioun's Revelation (level 3), Backpack, Flute, Footpads, Rare herbs (148)
Brew Potion
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Dynamic Gouge +2
Offhand:   Dynamic Gouge +2
Body:      Supporting Scale Armor +1

Head:      ---
Neck:     Cloak of the Walking Wounded +1
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus: ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---
Boon:    Ioun's Revelation (level 3)
All Items
Combat Block
Human Male 
Languages: Common, Andorian
Age: 26
Height: 6"4 
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 5
Initiative: +5 
Passive Perception: 24
Passive Insight: 17
Senses: normal vision

AC: 23
Fort: 21
Ref: 17
Will: 18
HP: 52
Bloodied: 26 
Surge Value: 13 
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC; 2d6+7 dmg 
RBA: +13 vs AC; 1d6+7 dmg 10/20 (Dynamic weapon +2; Javelin)

Vulnerabilities: None

Active Effects: None

Righteous Brand
Howling Strike

Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Heroic Effort [_]
Healing Word [_]
Swift Charge [_]
Mighty Hew [_]
Brutal Slam [_]

Weapon of Astral Flame [_]
Ignore Pain [_]
Silver Phoenix Rage [_]
Stream of Life [_]

Item Powers:
Dynamic Gouge [X]

Ioun's Revelation [X]




Important Features

Explorer Level 1 Feature: You can tell which way is north, and you gain a +5 bonus to any skill check to avoid becoming lost, find your way to a specific location, or spot a distant landmark.
Explorer Level 5 Feature: You gain a +2 power bonus to Endurance checks. In addition, for the purpose of determining how far you and up to ten companions can travel in an hour or a day, treat the group's speed as the slowest member's speed + 1. While the group travels with you, its members also gain a +2 power bonus to Endurance checks.
Human Nature lore: Whenever you make an Endurance check or a Nature check, you can roll twice and use either result.
Hybrid talent Feral Might, Rageblood Vigor: Whenever your attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (+2)
Battle Awareness Once per encounter, whenever an enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you as a target, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.
Spear Expertise +1 to bonus damage when charging with a spear

ItemsDynamic Weapon +2: change weapon encounter power.
Ioun's Revelation level 3: Gain a +2 item bonus to skill checks.
Cloak of the Walking Wounded: when using second wind while bloodied you can use 2 healing surges instead of 1
Climber's Kit: This kit includes all the items grouped beneath its entry: a grappling hook, a small hammer, and ten pitons. When you use a climber's kit, you gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks for climbing.
Hunter's Kit: This bundle contains bottles of various animal scents, a guide to edible flora, a small knife, snares, and other useful tools. A hunter's kit grants a +2 bonus to Nature checks made to forage.
Footpads: While wearing these felt soles over your normal footwear, you gain a +1 bonus to Stealth checks to move quietly.

Crew relations
Eldrin Stormblade: Doran really likes this fellow member of the Guild. He loves listening to his stories, and has given him multiple tours in Fort Sakura. During the voyage he has started practicing the Okani's traditional dances and playing their music with Eldrin.
Miraj "Raj" Am'khar Let's see if the pretty boy is up for the task, or if I need to carry him. Anyhow, he does look like he has some good stories to tell, so befriending him should be worth it.
Heidi Nice girl, maybe if we were friends she'd let me borrow that rifle.
Armantine Peroult She's nice. Good potential for friendship.
Taliesin Seems to like exploration, which is good. But dragging all those books around? Dad would have liked him a lot. I should try to befriend him.
Ilmoto Brandt Needs to get his nose out of the cauldron and into the wild. But the fact that he's here means he can't be too bad. If he takes after his old man, he could be a great friend. His magical tricks are also good entertainment.
Zemi Nihar Zemi is great. Truly a kindred spirit. I should keep an eye out for her, she needs a friend and mentor.
Kobek Ravunri Mercenaries are either soldiers or explorers for the wrong reasons or both, but he does seem more reliable than most mercs. And he should have plenty tales to share over a drink.
Last edited by BartNL on Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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