A Mutiny in Murvos — OOC

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Magical Liopleurodon
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A Mutiny in Murvos — OOC

Post by Fialova »


Month after month, conditions continue to deteriorate on the Pelican. Captain Demos insists that times are difficult for everyone, that sacrifices must be made for the good of all crewmembers. "Trade is tough, and the coin is lean. Once we have unloaded our haul, all will be well again." His words have grown ever more hollow with each port you reach, and each trade deal that goes through.

You know that deals are being made, and that coin is coming in, but the captain always claims it is not enough to pay a fair wage - the wage you signed on for! While you and your crewmates suffer on scraps and lack of sleep, you have caught glimpses of the lavish meals that are being prepared for the Captain and his officers. You know that his lies are only sustaining things so long as all are too fearful to rise up and call him out. One person is not enough to stand up to his vanguard, not even a handful. But half of the crew? More, even? With enough support, any tyrant can be toppled.

Whispers have filled the crew's quarters for days now. The captain needs to go, many are prepared to take the fight to their oppressor, and finally the night has come. You and your friends lead the others in a call for mutiny, and by morning you will either be dead or the captain and his loyalists will be...

Setting & Game Information

This game takes place on the Forelle Sea, though it begins off the coast of Murvos in Gleios. The sea is a harsh place with many dangers, ranging from treacherous waters, to dangerous sea creatures, and to the ever-looming threat of pirate attack.

Your merchant ship, the Pelican, has mostly traversed the seas between Gleios, Akiro, Talguta, Brennis, and Cru'un, trading goods between those nations before stopping for periods of time in Murvos - Captain Demos' hometown - for leisure and to see loved ones. Most of the crew are originally from the city as well, so return visits are often met with much excitement.

Character Hook

You are a sailor on the Pelican, a merchant vessel captained by a Gleiosian man named Demos. Over the past several months you have had your rations decreased, your pay decreased, and your workload and workday extended. Several sailors have broken and either been fired, killed, or died of their own hand as a result of the harsh conditions on board. All the while, the captain and his lackeys continue to experience luxury at your expense.

A group of you have had enough, and decided that it is high time Demos answers for his crimes. Slowly and carefully, over several days, you have whispered and recruited as many of the other crew members as you could to join in your mutiny, and tonight - the night before your landfall in Murvos - is the night you've decided to launch your attack. Will you succeed in taking the ship? If so, what will you do after?

The Current Crew

Danelos Patrevonis, Disinherited & Dangerous - Fighter (Defender) - GROMkill
Sébastien "Séb" Barbeau, Seasoned Seafarer - Warlord (Leader) - Namelessjake
Terzo, Sealegged Nomad - Ranger (Striker) - BartNL
Castor Selenos, the Novice Navigator - Sorcerer (Striker) - Scratcherclaw
Kairon Lergaros, The Shaded Jester - Warlock (Striker) - Chanchabruhh

Past Crew
Teddy Krantz, Travelling Hero With a Dark Secret - Hexlbade (Striker) - benderfan deceased
Einar Tamara-Stormur - Skald (Leader) - KupoTheMagus deceased
Arkadios, the Spectacular Swashbuckler - Ranger (Striker) - FinalTemplar deceased

Character Creation Rules

System: 4e
Level: 3
Stats: 25pt buy.
Race: Any published, refluffed as human, elf, orc, or dwarf (or any combination of two e.g. half orc/elf, half dwarf/human, etc.). Half-races are generally infertile, so you can't get down into quarters of a race.
Class: Any published.
Feats: Choice of free expertise feat.
Themes: Any published.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: One non-magical weapon set (one ranged weapon, one two-handed melee weapon, one main hand and one off hand melee weapon, or one melee weapon and one shield) or implement of your choice, one non-magical piece of armor you are proficient in, and 10 gold to spend on random fluff items (again, non-magical). Remaining unspent gold will not be kept.
Skills: There are no class skill restrictions; any class can train any skill. You still must take the mandatory/bonus skills granted by your class as usual (e.g. Arcana for a wizard). In addition, every class starts with at least 4 trained (before accounting for race/theme/feats/etc.) regardless of what the builder says, and any that would otherwise have fewer gets more to make 4 as a base number.
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn’t have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: Yes
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but instead the Ganoltir languages. Since you are sailors, every character should know Common as the default language for this game, and should they gain additional languages (from race, theme, feat, etc.) then simply choose additional ones from the list of custom languages as seen here.
Hybrids: In any game I run, you will be allowed to take the feat "Hybrid Talent" as many times as you like as a hybrid character. I feel like this helps make up for the fact that most hybrids are incredibly sub-par, and it allows for some really interesting combinations if you look hard enough. The CB does not allow for this option by default, though, so you will need to house-rule it and keep track of the benefits manually.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos OOC

Post by Fialova »

The Pelican and its Crew


The Pelican is a pretty middling ship, as far as merchant vessels go. It could be sailed with around 10 crew members if needed, but functions best when crewed with 30 or more. Captain Demos tends to keep 35-40 crew members on board, including himself, his officers and specialists, as well as numerous other sailors. Once the ship is yours, you will have to decide for yourselves how you want to crew it, and who to have in each role. As your wealth as a crew grows, consider hiring NPCs to help manage the different aspects of sailing and hauling, as needed.
Pelican Stats
Pelican Stats 1.PNG
Ship Mechanics/Info
Deck Maps
Crew Deck, Interior
The Pelican - Crew Deck.PNG
1) Kitchen & Mess - Here is where the ship's cook prepares the daily meals for the crew and any passengers that might be aboard the Pelican. A small kitchen prep area fills the port side of the room, while most of the rest features tables and benches for dining, and storage vessels for food, water, and other related items.
2) Crew's Quarters - This large room is currently in use primarily to house the Pelican's standard sailors, all but the captain and its officers. As of the mutiny, it holds 29 hammocks for such crew members, as well as space below for storage of personal belongings in sacks or small chests. Should you wish, this capacity could be roughly doubled by placing hammocks one over another, for roughly 60 hammocks total. The room features 10 gunports - 5 on either side - which could each hold one cannon should any be acquired. Currently, as the ship is unarmed, these ports simply serve as windows to provide natural lighting down below.
3) Small Workshop - This relatively small and cramped room is where the tools and some materials used for repairs are kept, and is mainly used by the ship's carpenter, bosun, and steward. It features one small, sturdy table built into the wall, as well as a handful of storage vessels for supplies.
4) Latrine - This small room features a simple toilet, built into the starboard side, with a rope that allows one to pull to open a small hatch that empties its contents into the sea below.
5) Officer's Quarters, Third Mate - This room, under Demos, was reserved for use by the ship's third mate, meaning until recently it was the private chambers of Thalia Kyriarchia. It features a single bed built against one wall, a shelf built against another, a desk & chair, as well as a large wooden chest to hold the occupant's belongings.
6) Storage Space - This large area could be used for many things, but it is currently the location where the crew keep the various tools and supplies needed to keep the ship going, such as spare ropes, cloth, and timber. It also holds excess vessels of food, water, and rum that are not open and in use by the cook in the kitchen.
7) Officer's Quarters, First Mate - This larger officer's chambers has traditionally been used for the ship's first mate, recently belonging to Emmet Tilleroux. It features a double bed, as well as a shelf, desk & chair, and large chest much like the third mate's quarters, in addition to a private chamber pot in the corner.
8) Stairs Between Crew Deck & Main Deck, Aftcastle - This staircase is one of the primary two staircases used to travel between the main deck above, and crew deck below. This one exits from below into the aftcastle of the ship, and is the staircase used most often by officers, or all crew when passengers are on board.
9) Stairs Between Crew Deck & Main Deck, Forecastle - This staircase is one of the primary two staircases used to travel between the main deck above, and crew deck below. This one exits from below into the forecastle of the ship, and is the staircase primarily used by non-officer crew, except in cases where passengers are occupying the forecastle's passenger quarters.
10) Stairs Between Cargo Hold & Crew Deck - These two staircases lead down from the crew's quarters to the cargo hold below, not shown in the maps. At any given time, the cargo hold will be full of a variety of wares for sale, or ballast stones to keep the ship seated properly in the water if empty or nearly empty
Main Deck, Aftcastle & Forecastle Interiors
The Pelican - Main Deck & Interiors.PNG
8) Stairs Between Crew Deck & Main Deck, Aftcastle - This staircase is one of the primary two staircases used to travel between the main deck above, and crew deck below. This one exits from below into the aftcastle of the ship, and is the staircase used most often by officers, or all crew when passengers are on board.
9) Stairs Between Crew Deck & Main Deck, Forecastle - This staircase is one of the primary two staircases used to travel between the main deck above, and crew deck below. This one exits from below into the forecastle of the ship, and is the staircase primarily used by non-officer crew, except in cases where passengers are occupying the forecastle's passenger quarters.
11) Bow Balcony - This portion of the main deck, while important for rigging of the fore-mast and bowsprit, also affords some of the best views while sailing across the open seas. This has caused it to frequently be used by passengers as a viewing balcony during their travels, and when such passengers are onboard, the crew makes a point to only go there when necessary.
12) Forecastle Interior, Passenger Living Space - This relatively large room featuring two sizeable forward-facing windows - is currently setup to be used by passengers as a living and dining area, separated from the rest of the crew for their own convenience. While it does feature one of the two main staircases down into the crew quarters, the crew have traditionally avoided entering this chamber when passengers are aboard unless necessary for their duties.
13) Passenger Sleeping Quarters - This bedroom, which is smaller than the officers' own, is reserved for use by the ship's passengers, and is otherwise unoccupied except as a storage area. It features three single beds and one large shared chest for belongings, and little room for much else.
14) Main Deck, Exterior - The lowest exterior point of the ship, this deck is often a congregation spot for crew when not on duty, and is where all cargo and passengers are loaded and unloaded when in port. It features the main mast of the ship and its associated rigging, and is often busy with sailors moving about between the other parts of the ship. One of the two crow's nests is located at the top of the main-mast, and is only accessible from the rigging found on this deck.
15) Officer's Living Space - This large room, featuring a fine wooden table, cushioned chairs, and a large window, is where the ship's officers congregate to dine and mingle when not actively performing their duties. Non-officer are crew have traditionally been discouraged from entering this space, the primary exception being when passengers are occupying the forecastle.
16) Officer's Quarters, Second Mate - This chamber, the only officer's room to feature a window (let alone two), has typically been given to the Pelican's second mate and navigator, having just been occupied by Xueqing Galatas. It features a single bed, desk & chair, and private wooden chest for storage, though with the windows it was never fitted with a shelf like the others.
17) Captain's Quarters - This large room is the residence of the ship's captain, and its size and relative opulence make this obvious to any who enter. It features a higher ceiling than the other rooms on the ship, with several rear-facing windows, as well as a number of narrow front-facing windows running along the top of the raised portion of its ceiling. There is one large, double bed with much finer sheets than can be found on the other beds on the ship, as well as two cushioned sofas on the port and starboard sides. The center of the aft-facing wall features a large, decorative shelf where the captain can display items of significance to them. The port wall features a finely-crafted wooden desk and cushioned desk chair, while the starboard wall features a large, ornate wooden wardrobe. Doors flank either side of the bed, with one leading to the officer's living area, and the other to the captain's private storeroom.
18) Captain's Storage - This small room has room for a number of crates and chests, and is where the captain can store any personal belongings of theirs that do not fit in the rest of their chambers, as well as the ship's funds.
19) Stairs Between Main Deck and Aft Deck - These staircases lead from the ship's main deck below to the two higher portions of the aft of the ship, landing initially at the ship's wheel deck.
20) Stairs Between Main Deck and Fore Deck - These staircases lead from the ship's main deck below to the top of the forecastle.
Top Decks, Exterior
The Pelican - Top Decks (empty).PNG
11) Bow Balcony - This portion of the main deck, while important for rigging of the fore-mast and bowsprit, also affords some of the best views while sailing across the open seas. This has caused it to frequently be used by passengers as a viewing balcony during their travels, and when such passengers are onboard, the crew makes a point to only go there when necessary.
14) Main Deck, Exterior - The lowest exterior point of the ship, this deck is often a congregation spot for crew when not on duty, and is where all cargo and passengers are loaded and unloaded when in port. It features the main mast of the ship and its associated rigging, and is often busy with sailors moving about between the other parts of the ship. One of the two crow's nests is located at the top of the main-mast, and is only accessible from the rigging found on this deck.
19) Stairs Between Main Deck and Wheel Deck - These staircases lead from the ship's main deck below to the two higher portions of the aft of the ship, landing initially at the ship's wheel deck.
20) Stairs Between Main Deck and Fore Deck - These staircases lead from the ship's main deck below to the top of the forecastle.
21) Fore Deck, Exterior - The highest portion of the ship's bow, which feature's the fore-mast and its associated rigging. The other of the two crow's nests is located at the top of the fore-mast, and is only accessible from the rigging found on this deck.
22) Wheel Deck, Exterior - This is the lower of the two decks at the rear of the ship, and is most notable for featuring the ship's wheel. The ship's second mate and any crew assigned to man the wheel are typically the only people you'd find on this deck, except those making their way to the mizzen-mast at the rear of the ship.
23) Aft Deck, Exterior - The highest portion of the ship's stern, which feature's the ship's mizzen-mast and its associated rigging, as well as the ship's flag connected to the rear railing.
24) Stairs Between Wheel Deck and Aft Deck - These staircases lead from the ship's wheel deck below, to the aft deck that rises above the captain's chambers.

The Captain and Officers

These members of the crew hold the highest authority, and are the highest paid as a result. They collective handle all crew management and administrative positions, and are the only members of the crew who the other crew members answer to. While all are in charge of keeping crew members in line, they each have their own unique duties as well.
Captain - Urebano Demos

Duties: The captain is the ultimate authority on the ship, and on a merchant vessel like the Pelican, generally the owner. The captain commands all crew, makes all major decisions, and in charge of finances and the payment of crew.

Bio: Captain Demos is a native of Murvos, who has crewed this merchant vessel for decades, having originally been granted command of it by his father. He is known to possess a keen mind and a lack of patience for those who disobey him, so he has always had somewhat of a negative reputation among the more rowdy crew members. However, in the past year he has become more greedy and less patient, causing dissent for his command to grow and grow.
First Mate - Emmet Tilleroux

Duties: The first mate is the captain's second-in-command, and generally is in charge of managing cargo and seeing to the safety of all chartered passengers or guests. If the captain is ever incapacitated, the first mate is the de facto chief officer on the ship, performing the duties of the captain until the actual captain is able to take back over.

Bio: Mr. Tilleroux, as he is known by the crew, is a stern and joyless man. He has served as first mate of the Pelican since before Demos even had command of it, serving under his father before him. He takes his job extremely seriously, and makes no effort to interact with or get to know the non-officers unless absolutely necessary. on the rare occasions when passengers are being escorted on the ship, he shows another - obviously fake - side to his personality, that of a caring and generous host. However, this facade fades as soon as he is out of earshot and view of the passengers.
Second Mate - Xueqing Galatas

Duties: The second mate is the next highest rank in the crew's hierarchy, only superseded by the captain and first mate. They are generally in charge of the navigation of the ship, including chartering courses and assigning shifts to handle the wheel. If the captain and first mate are ever incapacitated at the same time, the second mate is in charge until one of them is able to take control back.

Bio: Mr. Galatas is a native of Istilia, child to an Amkharan mother and a Gleiosian father, hence the mismatched names. He is the only member of the Pelican's officer ranks to seem like a well-adjusted, reasonable person, which has made him especially popular among many of the lower tier crew members. He is generally calm and quiet, taking his job at navigation and safety very seriously. When off duty, he tends to write poetry in his quarters, and he occasionally recites his poetry for the crew members when on leave at shore.
Third Mate - Thalia Kyriarchia

Duties: The lowest officer rank, the third mate is in charge of managing the crew, chiefly discipline and crew safety. They schedule crew shifts and determine duties, rations, and other aspects of the day-to-day life of the lower members of the crew. If all three superior officers are ever incapacitated at once, the third mate will take over command until one of them is able again.

Bio: Ms. Kyriarchia has served aboard the Pelican for a few years now, and is a staunch loyalist to Captain Demos. She has a reputation among the crew for being overly familiar with many of the young men, and the occasional young woman, who join the Pelican's ranks. It is not uncommon for her to invite such crew members to her quarters, and the ones who agree to do so are often afforded special treatment afterwards, such as increased rations, more break time, and generally less harsh punishments for failures of duty. Those who deny her, on the other hand, have a tendency to feel the reverse treatment, something Castor knows all too well.

Non-Officer Specialists

While these crew members do not hold any authority over the able sailors, they each possess special skills and positions that give them different duties and higher wages compared to those of their fellow non-officers. What they do have in common with officers, however, is that their roles are essential to the functioning of the ship, and should one of them die or leave, it will be important to replace the role as soon as possible.
Steward - Gerard 'Ger the Glare' Finster

Duties: The steward handles the various duties on the ship that one might expect of a housekeeper, or a noble's steward, on the mainland. They tend to the ship's amenities and overall cleanliness, and commands all younger trainees who are tasked with assisting in such matters.

Bio: Gerard is a large, imposing man with a mean-looking near-permanent scowl on his face, which has made him a constant source of fear among new crew members, and occasionally among more meek pirates who seek to claim the bounty of the Pelican. However, undearneath this is a very intelligent and sensible man, who chose to join the Pelican after finding difficulty keeping steward positions on the mainland of Imardin. There, his looks would often scare away guests, earning him the ire of his employees. On the Pelican, however, it is more often a boon than a burden, and he is happy to have found a place where he can put his skills to work and be appreciated for it. His nickname is a sign of affection that the crew came up with after he successfully stared down a pickpocket on shore once, causing the man to piss himself and drop the stolen loot.
Cook - Huan

Duties: As the title suggests, the ship's cook is in charge of managing the food on the ship. They assist the first mate in acquiring ingredients, cook and prepare all meals, and distribute the rations as assigned by the third mate. When the captain has larger meals with their officers or guests, the cook also personally serves these meals in addition to preparing them.

Bio: Huan is a stern but approachable man, who takes his cooking very seriously. He is a Jarangi man hailing from Talguta, and if stories are to be believe, he was once a member of the Kyung-Min. Those who know him well, or who have been on the crew the longest, say that he is even a close friend of the notorious pirate, Tarou Tengatsu, though other crew members are skeptical. He does not speak of these things to other, instead focusing his conversation on cooking, fishing, and occasionally on teaching techniques he learned from studying at a temple of the Tortoise in his youth.
Carpenter - Juniper

Duties: The ship's carpenter is in charge of the construction and repair of all things wooden, be it masts, the hull, the decks, or anything else. Given their available tools and skillset, they may also serve as a makeshift surgeon in times of need, should a crew member become wounded in a battle or accident. However, on shore medical attention is required for anything complex, or for diseases.

Bio: Juniper is a native of the Ghlafas Isle colony of Tulrisse, and their family spent a large amount of time exploring and helping establish encampments in the forests far from Newport. They gained a keen eye for lumber, and a lot of early skill in carpentry, before eventually returning to Newport. They wanted to continue with their families expeditions, but the family ran out of funds. Eager to earn the funds on their own, they joined up with the Pelican and have been the ship's carpenter for a few years now. They are generally quite jovial and optimistic, one of the few people who attempts to speak and be friendly towards all the crew members.
Bosun - Safiyya Bint Najah

Duties: The Bosun is in charge of assuring the operation and repair of all devices and tools on the ship that the carpenter isn't responsible for, such as rigging, sails, weapons, the anchor, and anything else that isn't wooden. They spend most of their time inspecting these ship and its equipment for damage, and assigns repair tasks to the trainee or carpenter as needed. Any complex repairs they handle personally.

Bio: Safiyya was born and raised in Kruos, before eventually migrating to Crescent Bluff. There she apprenticed in tailoring for a time, mostly repairing and helping hem garments for the women of the Harem. She later chose to apprentice with a blacksmith as well, hoping to distance herself from the debauchery of the Harem women. She later took a job as nosun on the Pelican when their previous bosun was imprisoned in the city, and she has served the position for a couple years. She is always eager to learn, and quite prudish, wearing generally more clothing than you'd expect out at sea. She has little interest in gossip, but is always willing to chat with someone willing to exchange ideas or knowledge.

Able Sailors and Trainees

Any crew members with no special duties are considered able sailors, and are in charge of whatever tasks they are assigned to keep the ship running day-to-day. These duties include cleaning, assisting with maintenance, loading and unloading cargo, keeping watch, steering, handling rigging, assisting with repairs, and fighting in times of need, as well as whatever other duties the officers deem important.

A few sailors are also children and teenagers who serve in a more limited capacity, mostly working to clean and assist other crew in the completion of their tasks. These young sailors are generally learning the ropes, and once they are skilled enough will be considered full crew with appropriate pay.
Telwari Ilyria

Telwari is from a small village in the jungles around Mo Vish, where she learned music from her mother and grandfather. When she was a teenager, the three of them toured the other villages in the area as a traveling music troupe, eventually making their way to the regional capital of Mo Vish. There, they earned a small amount of renown, but were unable to earn enough money to continue their travels. Destitute, Telwari sought to venture on her own, eventually taking a small boat across the lake from Mo Vish to the Vishan capital of Tur Vish, where she was once more out of money. After a month or so of trying, and failing, to make it on her own, she eventually decided to try her hand at manual labor. She did this for a few weeks before learning that a ship in port was hiring crew, and so joined the Pelican. She is a bit spacey and naive, but also very genuine and caring for others. Sadly, this means she is often taken advantage of by less friendly crew.

Ernest is a lifelong sailor, having started as a trainee crew on his first ship when he was 7 years old, and moving from crew to since then. He doesn't remember his family or his life before the sea, but he remembers each of his past crews, usually with fondness, as of they were all different branches of found family. He is quite jaded and generally very pessimistic, but easy to talk to. He likes to take new trainees under his wing and show them the ropes, as well as all the tips and tricks he's gained from decades at sea. His favorite past time when not on the clock is to relax in his hammock and sip on rum until he dozes off.
Carmine Agnelloux

Carmine claims to have served in the Imardanian navy, but his overall demeanor and relatively mediocre understanding of seamanship leads most to assume this is a lie. He tells tales of his past valor and insists that others respect him for his many past heroic deeds, but only new crewmembers ever do so, and they quickly lose that respect when they see him work and how he eats. His presence as a staple on the crew for over a decade often comes as a shock to those who know him, and many assume that he has some sort of dirt on the captain that keeps him employed, despite his general incompetence. He is a very crude, uncharming man, and has few friends amongst the crew. Most steer clear of him, which is something is unfazed by.

Codpiece is one of the most skilled sailors on the Pelican, but other than that he is a bit of an enigma. Everyone knows Codpiece is a nickname, but no one knows his actual name, and he does not take kindly to other nicknames. Nobody even knows why he's called Codpiece, whether it's a derogatory name, one of respect, or something else. All people know is that he is known to wear a codpiece, he's quiet, and keeps to himself. Some think he is a eunuch, who once took such a blow to his groin that he chose to always wear a codpiece to never again feel the same pain. Others say he's a fan of them due to their presence in Imardanian high fashion, and that his is purely a fashion statement. Other, less commonly believed theories are numerous. The only thing anyone knows for certain is that you should never, never, ask him where the nickname came from.
Yorvik Ja'Dozal

Yorvik is born of Serran parents who immigrated to Groznid Bay in their youth. To further assimilate into the local culture, they changed their surname to match Kurnish customs, and named Yorvik a traditional Kurnish name as well. He grew up in the bay, learning to brawl and using his strength to haul things for his father's shop. When he grew older, he got a job as a dockworker, earning pay while keeping his strength up, and wrestling for fun in his spare time. He ended up meeting and falling in love with a man from Demos' crew, and the two were wed after a few years of shore visits. After some time, his husband became wounded and unable to fulfill his duties, leaving the crew to stay at shore. Wanting to help fulfill his husband's contract without penalties, he offered to take his place, and joined the Pelican as a sailor. He is loud, boisterous, and quite friendly. He is always happy to spar with others in his down time, and often talks fondly of his family and husband at home.
Rekiah Garmosid

For most of her early life, Rekiah worked as a mercenary, guarding caravans traveling to or from her hometown of Yjolvich. She was raised in the life, as both her parents were members of the same mercenary crew, and many of her siblings were raised to do the same. However, one job ended in the wholesale slaughter of their quarry, the maiming of two of her siblings, and the death of both of her parents. She tended to her wounded siblings and took care of them until they recover, after which point she renounced their life of mercenary work, and chose to pursue safer jobs. She took to working on river ships as they traded up the Gryst, before eventually joining the Pelican in Valdriz. She is a cautious and humble woman, who knows her own limits and those of her colleagues. She spends her free time birdwatching, and at night she often watches the stars.

Thufir hails from Denton, in the mountains of southern Volberg, a rather isolated settlement of Tulrisse. He is one of the few warriors to venture from the region, and one of the fewer still to leave Tulrisse. As such, his customs often come across as very alien to others. He has a tendency to use his axe as a multi-tool, including for eating, for cutting his hair, shaving his beard, and anything else that might require a sharp object. He doesn't speak much, and instead chooses to respond to most interactions with head movements and hand signals. When he does speak, it is often in metaphors that others do not understand. He is known to be one of the most able fighters on the crew, and a surprisingly competent sailor despite his inland upbringing. When off duty, he is usually found carving figurines out of scrap lumber with his axe.
Ademare Berechault

'Brother Ademare', as he prefers to be called, was born into Imardanian high society, the son of a wealthy merchant who was set to inherit vast wealth. Growing up, however, he never showed interest in such things, and instead choose to focus on spiritual matters. He attended church much more frequently than the average worshipper, eventually coming to the decision that Imardanian society was rotten at its core, and that the extreme wealth disparity did not match with the goddess' teachings. He joined a rogue sect of worshippers who eschewed all material possession except those necessary for survival, and vowed to live a life of poverty and servitude. He joined the Pelican to earn money to devote to the suffering poor and ill in the major cities of Imardin, and regularly volunteers for extra shifts to help ease the burden of his crew members. He is considered dull company by most other crew, though they do appreciate his sacrifices for their benefit.

Hirel was born to commoners in a small coastal village in the Sorrow's Marash, where she was raised to know the marshlands and the coasts by heart. Her family tended some of the rare arable land in the region, and she was initially raised to do the same. However, in a skirmish between barons, her family farm was siezed by the opposing side and they were forced to flee to Morrham for safety. There she lived on the streets, fighting to get by along with the rest of her family. She earned a reputation as a no-nonsense woman, which earned her the respect of a lot of the other local poor. She was able to get a labor job with little difficulty, where she then moved on to sailing after. The Pelican is the 3rd ship she has served on. She is boisterous and intimidating to many of the other crew, but she has a soft spot for any others who grew up poor. She will always take an opportunity to regale her companions with tales of her adventures in the streets of Morham in her youth.

Akara is a native of the Andorian peninsula, born and raised in the Bear Clan. She does not talk much about her early life, so little is known by others about it. Some thing she was a member of one of the raiding ships that the clan sends to hunt smaller merchant vessels at sea. Some thing she might secretly be one of the legendary adepts, who possess the strength of a bear and are said to be able to turn into one. Some say she was once on the crew of the Seahorse, under the notorious pirate Jane the Jaguar. All people know for sure is that she is deadly in rare instances when combat occurs, that she is excellent at handling rigging, and that she mostly only talks to Huan.
Makoto Itsutaki

Makoto was recently granted a full sailor's contract, after spending the last 8 years as a youth trainee. He is well known and well liked among the rest of the crew, and is know to be quite spirited and ambitious. He is said to be Demos' nephew by marriage, but no one knows for sure. What is known is that he has a family in Najen that he sends money home too, and any time he is at port he writes them a letter. Most assume that he will be groomed to be an officer one day, well into the future. He is known to be in a blossoming romance with Florence.
Indolent Charles

If there is one person on the crew more universally hated than Carmine, it is Charles. He is a few years Makoto's senior, has been a trainee for 3 years longer, and yet shows not even half as much skill or work ethic as his peer. He is generally rude, does a half-assed job at most tasks, and rarely works his full shift. The only reason his indolence is tolerated is because he does what Ms. Kyriarchia says, specifically in her private chambers. In exchange for his cooperation in her own pleasure, he is afforded more leeway than any other on the crew, and he certainly does nothing to hide this fact. He is known to rat on others when something happens, during one of his private sessions with the officer, and has earned the ire of virtually all crew members as a result. He despises Makoto due to his own crush on Florence, and seeks to bring the man down, though to little avail.

Florence has been a trainee for the past few years, and is generally well-liked. She is the child of a bar wench in Murvos, and Demos took her on as a trainee as a favor to the woman, on the condition she provide him free drinks at her tavern when he is at port. Not wanting to lose the position, she been an extremely hard worker, and constantly seeks new tasks to learn and new techniques to perfect. Most believe she will earn her full contract in only a couple more years. She is generally very ambitious and open to new things. She is known to be in a blossoming romance with Makoto.

Pietro has been on the crew for a little less than a year, as the newest trainee of the three. His from a Brennisian family that emigrated to Fort Sakrua, where they run a small business selling imported goods from their homeland. Their hope is that Pietro can learn the ways of seamanship and become an expert at the trade, so that one day they can purchase a ship for him to captain, placing him in direct control of their imports. He finds this to be a lot of pressure, and often makes small mistakes as a result of the stress he feels from his family's goals. However, he has a good work ethic and tries his best. He has taken a liking to Ernst, and treats the man almost like an uncle.

Cargo Manifest & Passengers

Here will be a list of any current trade cargo that the Pelican as onboard, as well as any non-crewmembers who they are transporting.

Ship's Log

Here will be a list of notable events as they occur, and when they occurred in relation to one another.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos OOC

Post by Fialova »

Ports, Pirates, & Other People

Ports/Trade Posts

Here will be a list of ports you have visited, notable residents you are aware of, and the goods you can expect to find or sell there, updated as you visit more locations around Voreld. Should you choose to haul cargo with your ship, this list will help you to remember what supply and demand is like in different areas, so you can plan accordingly.

Merchant Crews

Here will be a list of known merchant vessels and their crews. Should you choose to enter into piracy, knowing common trade routes and the ships that travel along them will help you to know which marks you can handle and where to find them at a given time. As you encounter such vessels, or obtain logs of their itineraries, this section will be updated to keep you in the loop.

Pirate Crews

Here will be a list of known pirate ships and their crews. Whether you choose to become a merchant, a pirate, or something else, it is useful to know what pirate crews are active, and where they tend to sail. As you encounter pirates, or learn of their existence, this section will be updated to reflection your crew's knowledge.

Navy Crews

Here will be a list of known military vessels and their crews. Regardless of the legality of the business you enter into with the Pelican, it is always wise to know the patrol routes of these large and powerful ships. If you want to rob from merchants, it is best to avoid such routes like your life depends on it - since it does. If you are instead focusing on trade, and want to avoid pirates seeking to steal your bounty, then knowing these routes can help you avoid such a fate.

Other Locales and People

Should you travel inland ever, or encounter people and places that don't quite fit the above categories, such info will be recorded here.
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos OOC

Post by Fialova »

Companion Combat Info

Most members of the Pelican's crew, as well as most potential passengers, will be ordinary people with little to no combat experience, and who will serve as no help in a fight should one occur. However, some companion characters - or temporary combat-oriented passengers - might actually be formidable enough to stand alongside the party in battle and assist. All such characters will have their combat stats listed here.

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Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Danelos Patrevonis, Disinherited & Dangerous


10-Minute Background
Danelos is somewhat tall, with an athletic build from years of martial training and conditioning. He is handsome, with violet eyes, shoulder-length black hair, and a close-cropped beard. Aboard the Pelican, he usually wears clothes befitting a crewman -- breeches, leather boots, and loose-fitting, laced top. In times of danger, he has a leather jerkin he buttons tight.

Danelos carries himself with the subtle swagger of his noble background, confidence in his step, but not on the level of conceit.
On the surface, Danelos comes off as sophisticated, confident, and charming. Underneath lies a man who is much more calculating, whether he realizes it or not. An ambitious soul, Danelos uses his wit and his charm to make friends and allies with those he shares common ground with — too similar, however, and he is prone to butting heads. He is one to stand up to mistreatment, though usually only if he too is a victim.

Danelos is a keen listener, and understands people in ways that others may miss. While he is the romantic type, he is sometimes caught off-guard when he finds himself the target of such attempts.
Background and Concept Elements
Born in the Purple — Danelos is the fourthborn son to a Gleiosian house of moderate renown, led by his grandfather Stylian Patrevonis — the long-standing magistrate of Kovorium Provence. His father, Omeros Patrevonis, also serves as the governor to Vaara. The lineage of House Patrevonis has spanned at least 3 generations in control of Kovorium, and this legacy has bled into Danelos' entire upbringing, painting all aspects of his life from how he speaks to how he thinks.

From a young age, Danelos was taught to respect his family's success through Stylian's reign, and bring honor to the Patrevonis name in everything he does. His mother was stern but loving, pushing him to excel at his duties, his studies, and his etiquette. His father was somewhat aloof, too caught up in trying to live up to Stylian's legacy while struggling to be the father of his own family.

Sibling Dynamics Emerge — As a boy, Danelos had to share the spotlight with his five different siblings, especially his older brothers. While their father only seemed to give much attention to Imbreus, Nireala, and Arkadius, their mother did her best to share her love, attention, and guidance with them all. Even still, the many Patrevonis siblings found most of their time in each other's company.

For Danelos, the youngest brother, he was in a constant state of trying to prove himself to play alongside the others. Despite his mother's intentions, he began training under Leukophius younger than any of his brothers. He'd challenge his brothers to sparring matches, usually losing — though sometimes not. Imbreus he viewed with quiet reverence, sometimes jealous of his status as the firstborn heir. Arkadius he enjoyed spending time with the most, and rubbed off on Danelos' personality the most. Dmitrios was closest in age, but furthest in temperament. He often clashed with him, annoyed by the constant condescension or remark.

His sisters, Danelos had a ever-changing relationship with. Nireala chafed him often, but he trusted her wisdom as the eldest Patrevonis heiress. As for Hylea, he found himself teasing her often, but was also protective of her when outside struggles arose.

Taking Up Arms — At age 16, at the suggestion of his father and grandfather, Danelos began to serve in an official capacity in the Vaaran Miltia. He was one of few men-at-arms amidst a spread of commoners, and it was the first time he felt the class divide made reality. During the next couple years, he trained closely with many other soldiers from all backgrounds of Gleios, learning the Akiran language, as well as the sailors' tongue. He appreciated the martial experience and the worldly lessons, but he was suddenly very self-aware of his future. As the fourth-born son, he had no holdings he could look forward to, no positions of power he was being groomed for. He decided to pursue a leadership role within the militia more strongly, using his skills and experience to help train and advise the other members.

The Parva Rebellion — At age 21, the Magistrate of the Lycirium Province was overthrown by a league of lesser governors, and the region was thrust into open rebellion. This faction claimed independence from the Consul, who was forced to call the banners together. The Istilian Armada blockaded the Consulate's navy, leaving the only forseeable way to Parva (and eliminating the rebellious leaders) through a well-defended mountain pass north of Zevrium.

Dispatched to the area by his father, Danelos and a small contingent of the militia men assigned to him joined the ranks of soldiers called forth by the Consul and other Magistrates to assist. With the armies in a stalemate at the mountain pass, Danelos caught a small group of enemy officers in a skirmish, successfully capturing them. As morale fell among the rebel forces, the captured officers gave up strategic insight that allowed the Consul's forces to readjust and break through the defenses. The combined forces were able to easily march on Parva and restore order in the Magistrate, and Danelos' and his mens' success was hailed by many among the forces.

Kataphraktos to the Consul - Having been recognized as a key component to quelling the rebellion, Danelos was formally invited to serve among the Consul's Kataphraktoi, a standing force of elite cavalrymen. Ecstatic at the opportunity to move upward, he accepts, though he finds himself surprised at how disappointed he is to leave his friends and allies in the Vaaran Militia.

Now a 22-year old and new to Gleiopolis, Danelos experiences culture shock, having grown up in the west. He discovers a whole new realm of exiciting intrigue, culture, and most importantly, opportunity. Continuing his training and service as a kataphraktos, Danelos is awarded a satisfactory salary and he begins to appreciate his new life in the capital. He has a string of partners, some brief, some for a few months, his heart seeming to wander often and quickly.

Myrina & Danelos — While on a shift at the Consul's keep, Danelos meets his daughter Myrina in passing. She is a few years younger than Danelos, but just as rational about the world around her as he thinks he is. After meeting twice, they decide to continue courting in secret, using her knowledge of the keep and his many favors to call in to do so.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, his calculating mind begins to outpace his heart. Danelos knows that his time with the princess is finite, as her father's intentions are to marry her off to secure a political alliance. As Myrina begins to fall in love with him, he begins to use her influence to try and improve his lot. Eyeing a more senior position among the kataphraktoi, Danelos begins to apply pressure to the princess and those around her, hoping to set himself up for success down the line.ambitious and non-content, decides he wants to improve his lot.

Warned by Aratrad, one of the Consul's advisors, the princess begins to reads into Danelos' actions, suddenly more paranoid of her own security should she be caught going against her father's wishes. After an argument with Danelos, she goes straight to the Consul and informs him of their secret relationship. Furious and worried for the chances of the marriage alliance falling through due to Myrina's indiscretion, the Consul decides to punish Danelos while attempting to suppress rumors surrounding their relationship.

Disinherited & Exiled — Stripped of his rank and evicted from his home, Danelos is left scrambling for options. He decides to travel back to Vaara, hoping to beat news of his failures. He is unfortunate, however, in his timing. Stylian has fallen ill and is expected to pass soon, while Omeros has fallen out of favor with the Vaaran populace as the expected replacement as the Magistrate of Kovorium. Instead, the governor of Belium has been gaining popularity. With a Patrevonis holding the office for four generations now, the House's renown is in great peril.

Therefore, when Danelos arrives, his grandfather and father decide they have no choice but to disinherit him, or suffer a blow to the honor of the Patrevonis name. They remove him from the line of succession, barring him from any of their family holdings, and he is physically forced out of the manor he grew up in. Arkadius, his mother, and his sisters disagree with the treatment, but their word is not enough to convince the elder Patrevonis men to change their minds.

Danelos spends a few weeks in Vaara, feeling a range of things from betrayal, to rage, to melancholy, to optimism that he can fix his faults. However, he soon realizes that his consequences are final, and that in order to move up, he must first move on.

To Talguta! — Danelos boards a vessel from Vaara to Talguta, bringing with him everything he now owns. He decides he will seek his fortune, having heard tales of the opportunity and opulence that the strange metropolitan island may bring those who are brave enough to try. He spends a few months, performing minor jobs he deems beneath him — though understanding that nothing is beneath him. He sells his ancestral armor, his jewelry, and his other luxuries in order to afford enough to survive on.

Danelos finds it difficult in Talguta to truly improve his circumstances. After serving in the ways that he did in Gleios, the density of organized crime and lack of centralized leadership (or any government at all) proves a massive challenge to him. During this time, the absence of his past life begins to weigh on Danelos. He misses home, his family, and the life he had, even if they don't miss him. As a way to honor and connect to that hole in his heart, Danelos decides to recommit his focus into learning the more traditional weaponry of Gleios, especially from Kovorium Province. He begins with the meteor hammer.

The Pelican — Down on his coin and looking to take a break from the cutthroat life that Talguta offers, Danelos decides to sign onto a merchant vessel and take a few circuits along the sea, working a a sailor. He finds The Pelican, on which he has now spent three months learning the ropes. During this time, he has also impressed a few of his fellow sailors by teaching them harpoon-fishing, even aiding with capturing a small whale.
1) Danelos would like to carve out a position of power, fame, and fortune — one that he himself has earned. His own dynasty, if he must.

2)I want Danelos' ambitious to be checked, and realize that he needs allies more than he would admit.
1) While not a complete secret, Danelos is tight-lipped to most about his noble birth and exile. He only shares this part of himself to those he can truly trust, which at current, is few people.

2) He would never admit it, but Danelos yearns to be accepted and praised by his family, especially his father and grandfather.

3) Princess Myrina, fearing her own father's consequences, informed on Danelos herself. He still believes it was Aratrad himself who found out and told the Consul.
People Tied to Character
1) Omeros Patrevonis (father) — The current governor of Vaara, and was seen as the expected successor to his Stylian as Magistrate. However, his subpar stewardship and off-putting demeanor have made his chances look dire. Danelos and his father were never close, even before the exile. Omeros is aloof, worrisome, and a mediocre leader.

2) Stylian Patrevonis (grandfather) — The current head of the Patrevonis line, currently living out his last few years as Magistrate of Kovorium. Due to his exceptionally long time in office as well as the improvements to infrastructure he has enabled, he is a household name among western Gleiosians. Danelos has respect for Stylian, admiring his tenure as a leader. Stylian is traditional, pious, and a celebrated leader.

3) Selthene (mother) — As a mother to several, Selthene has dedicated her life to ensuring the fortune and security of her children. She comes from northern Gleiosian, and is from Akiran descent. Danelos gets along well with her, but their relationship has withered somewhat since the exile. She is stern, yet caring and approachable.

4) Imbreus (eldest brother) — As the firstborn son, Imbreus has followed in the footsteps of their father since a young age. He has seen the success of the rulers before him, and has dedicated himself to continuing the renown of the Patrevonis dynasty. Imbreus currently serves among Stylian's advisors, gaining insight and experience to one day take over the position as Magistrate. He holds great disdain for Danelos, worried that his youngest brother's failures may have doomed Imbreus' chances. He is solemn, brave, and impatient.

5) Nireala (elder sister) — From a young age, Nireala seemed to understand the nature of Gleiosian politics. She married a young but renowned mayor in the south, and has found success in navigating life among the upper classes. While he tended to clash with Nireala growing up, he was inspired by her ambitions, paving the way for his own. She is pompous, graceful, and gregarious.

6) Arkadius (second brother) — As Mayor to a smaller settlement among Kovorium, Arkadius is content with his moderately lavish life and is well-liked by the people. He and Danelos are close, and have sent letters to each each other since the exile. Arkadius is rash, charming, and humorous.

7) Dmitrios (third brother) — An established merchant and occasional logistician for the Magistrate, Dmitrios has found success as a thirdborn son, knowing he does not have the same opportunities as his elder brothers. Danelos holds no love for his brother Dmitrios, chafing at the man's personality and lack of charm or social graces. Dmitrios is abrasive, brilliant, and cynical.

8) Hylea (younger sister) — The youngest Patrevonis, Hylea has now joined the confusing mess of suitors and courting among the Gleiosian nobles. With few eyes on her future except her own, she has been able to avoid much of that nonsense, joining a university and continuing her studies on literature and Gleiosian history. She gets along well with Danelos now that they are both adults and matured, having shed much of their disagreements. Hylea is sensitive, sweet, and easy-going.

9) Princess Myrina — The 2nd daughter of the Consul. She fell in love with Danelos, but realized that he was using her for his own gain. Myrina is warm, level-headed, and optimistic.

10) Leukophrius — The Patrevonis' arms trainer throughout the boys' childhood. Lives in Vaara. Caring, boisterous, and humorous.

11) Mikare Omal — A childhood friend of Danelos, son of the governor of Zevrium. When Danelos was exiled, Mikare sent him some aid and funds. Loyal and patient.

12) Strakonius Ameron — A childhood rival of Danelos who comes from a renowned house based in Belium. Their older brothers being friends, Strakonius and Danelos found themselves clashing a lot and that developed into adulthood too. After Danelos' exile, Strakonius has been openly spreading rumors, regardless of their veracity. Spiteful, ambitious, and proud.

13) Aratrad — A close advisor to the Consul, and the one who grew concerns about Danelos. While he did not know for certain about Danelos' treachery, he set things in motion that indirectly led to his exiling. He continues to speak ill of the Patrevonis family to the Consul, convincing him to refuse them any more political power than they already have.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Danelos holds fond memories of training with his brothers and Leucophrius. It represents a childhood innocence, a time in his life before he knew the curse of ambition he does now. Sometimes when he feels overwhelmed by his circumstances, he daydreams about these moments.

2) Danelos has devoted himself to relearning traditional martial styles, partly out of necessity for his life at sea. Many aspects are entirely different, transitioning from horse to sea, medium or heavy armor to leather, sword and spear to meteor hammer and harpoon. This allows him to feel more in touch with the culture of his home in Vaara, departing from the ways the capital taught him.

3) Danelos is bisexual. He has never been in love before, only short flings a few days to a few months long. He is brilliant at finding a new partner, but horrible at knowing how to keep them (or keep interested in them). He wonders if he will ever marry, which scares him considering he wants to establish a new dynasty.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Large, complex, and mostly distant now.

Class: 'Noble' class, but now working class

Profession: Man-at-arms, kataphraktos, now a sailor

Institutions: Vaaran Militia, Consul's Kataphraktoi, and now the Pelican
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Ambitions of Achievement - Opportunities must be explored, growth must be captured.

Secondary: Spiting the Dissenters - So many have wished for Danelos' failure that he feels he must disappoint them.

Tertiary: Feeling Respected / Wanted - Danelos struggles with this, but despite his charm and wit, he often feels lonely or like he missing the respect or attention he deserves.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Overthrow this bastard of a captain, and go from there.

Medium-Term: Establish a means of moderate income, authority, and re-adjust trajectory.

Long-Term: Become the head of his dynasty, even if that means he must start his own.
Crew Relations
Seb: Danelos has grown both respectful yet cautious of Seb. He sees in him an equally ambitious and capable man, though lowborn and seeking to break the cycle instead of continuing it. While Danelos also embodies Seb's criticism of the captain and his mates, he fears the man may one day stand in his own way of ambitions.

Terzo: Danelos finds Terzo's curt, gruff demeanor rather off-putting and makes for poor conversation. However, he has noticed the man warms up when on lands.

Castor: A fleeting, one-sided romance, Danelos has grown frustrated with Castor's continued longing for him. While still attracted to the young countryman, he wishes that Castor would grow out of his naivety and become more strong-willed and independent. While he occasionally still sleeps with the man, he chastises himself as it reminds him of his manipulative experiences with the Princess -- and by extension, what got him exiled.

Arkadios: Danelos finds Arkadios odd and troubled, but has an unexplained liking for the swordsman. He respects the man's ability to defend himself. In some ways, he reminds Danelos of his brother also named Arkadios.

Einar: The gruff woodsman is newer to the Pelican, and on first impression Danelos thought him unfriendly. However after some time to warm up to him, Danelos has come to appreciate the man's strange abilities and origin, curious to know more.
Captain Demos: Since joining the Pelican, Danelos' pay has waned and waned, and he's seen (and experienced) the mistreatment of the crew. He sees the captain as a man stepping above his station, taking liberties without any fear of consequence. His fortune is not earned nor deserved, having inherited the Pelican from his father. As a disinherited son making his own way, this incites Danelos' hatred of him further.

First Make Emmet: Danelos perceives Emmet as a loyal lackey of the Captain, having attached himself like a disgusting tumor to his superior's success. He is not sure what chafes him more, the fact that he is in league with a tyrant, or that he is so willing to accept second-in-command and nothing greater.

Second Mate Xueqing: One of the few rational and reasonable among the ship's leadership, Xueqing has shown himself worthy of his station to Danelos. Knowing that Castor feels the same about the Second Mate has further solidified Danelos' opinion. However, Danelos is cautious of Xueqing's loyalties.

Third Mate Thalia: Danelos initially did not mind Thalia's presence on board, but after learning of her tactics and her loyalties, he has grown to deeply despise her. He slept with her in the first fortnight of his time on the Pelican, before he fully understood the politics aboard. She is attractive to him and he figured it might give him a step up the ladder. However, seeing the treatment toward Castor and others, he finds her actions abominable. He does not directly speak out against her, but he does plant seeds of doubt among other, newer members of the crew.
Ger the Glare: Danelos respects Gerard's stewardship, a skillset that any noble worth their salt should strive for. Mismanagement of any organization, whether a ship, a company, or a municipality, is an utter failure for a leader. He does find the 'glare' to be quite unnerving, though he has seen the shrewdness beneath the facade.

Huan: text

Juniper: text

Safiyya: text

Telwari: text

Ernst: text

Carmine: text

Codpiece: text

Yorvik: text

Rekiah: text

Thufir: text

Ademare: text

Hirel: text

Akara: text

Makoto: text

Indolent Charles: text

Florence: text

Pietro: text
Character Sheet
Danelos Patrevonis, level 2
Human Adventurer (Partial Expert / Partial Warrior)
Background: Noble

Starting Ability Scores
Str 12 (+0)
Dex 17 (+1)
Con 9 (+0)
Int 12 (+0)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 7 (-1)

Final Ability Scores
Str 12 (+0)
Dex 18 (+2)
Con 9 (+0)
Int 14 (+1)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 14 (+1)

HP: 10
AC: 18
Physical: 14
Evasion: 12
Mental: 13
Luck: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +2


Folie a Deux-1
Forceful Swings
Impervious Defense-1


Readied (Capacity: 2/6)
2 | Battle Chain
0 | Buff Coat (for flavor)

Stowed (Capacity: 0/0)

Stored Elsewhere (Capacity: 4/?)
1 | Waterskin, 1 gallon
0 | Mirror, hand
0 | Paper, 10 sheets
1 | Writing kit

0 silver
Combat Block — Danelos Patrevonis
Danelos Patrevonis

Male Human Adventurer (Partial Expert | Partial Warrior)
Languages: Common, Gleiosian
Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 30 feet
Initiative: +2

HP: 10/10
AC: 18
Physical: 14
Evasion: 12
Mental: 13
Luck: 14

Attack Bonuses:
Battle Chain: 1d20+6, 1d8+3 damage (6 Shock damage)
Unarmed: 1d20+2, 1d2-1

Active Effects:

Important Features:
Armsmaster-1: You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.

Armsmaster-2: The Shock from your melee attacks always treats the target as if they have AC 10. Gain a +1 bonus to hit with all thrown or melee attacks.

Folie a Deux-1: Gain Convince as a bonus skill. Your lies or deceptions never register as such; spells and abilities simply read you as sincerely believing what you say. Once per day, make a listener believe that you are absolutely sincere in whatever claim or statement you are making. This belief lasts until the situation or new evidence would justify disbelief. A target becomes immune to this after the first lie is disproven.

Forceful Swings: You are more highly skilled with long weapons than most, able to wield them more deftly and forcefully than a common user. When wielding a weapon with the Long trait, make attacks against prone targets with a +2 bonus, as if you were adjacent to them, at any distance within your weapon's reach.

When you hit with a melee attack against a target while wielding a weapon with the Long trait, you may choose to deal only your shock damage to the target and attempt to shove the target instead. Make a Str/Stab check opposed to the target's Str/Exert, forcing the target back up to 10 feet, or knocking it prone, on success. This ability may be used once per scene for free, with additional uses incurring 1 point of System Strain.

Impervious Defense-1: You have an innate Armor Class of 15 plus half your character level, rounded up.
WWN Rolls
WWN Rolls: [3d6]=17[3d6]=12[3d6]=7[3d6]=9[3d6]=10[3d6]=12

STR: 12
DEX: 17->18
CON: 9
INT: 12->14
WIS: 10
CHA: 7->14

Background: Noble (Lead-0)

1 - Growth: [1d6]=6
2 - Growth: [1d6]=3
+2 Mental, both into INT, raising it to 14.
3 - Learning: [1d8]=7

Class: Expert | Warrior

Foci Picks
Standard: Armsmaster, Tier 1 (Stab-0)
Expert: Folie a Deux (Convince-0)
Warrior: Armsmaster, Tier 2

Background Skill: (Stab-1)

Level 1 HP: [1d6+2]=2+2=4

Level 2 Advancement
Level 2 HP: [2d6+4]=6+4=10
Focus: Impervious Defense

4 Skill Points to spend:
2pts, (Convince-1)
1pt, buy DEX, 17->18
1pt, (Sail-0)

Ending Stats:

Level 2 Adventurer (Partial Expert / Partial Warrior)

STR: 12 (+0)
DEX: 18 (+2)
CON: 9 (+0)
INT: 14 (+1)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 14 (+1)

HP: 10

4e Archive
Character Sheet
Danelos Patrevonis, level 3
Half-Orc, Fighter
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Arena Training
Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Greatspear)
Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Triple-headed flail)
Background: Occupation - Merchant (+2 to Bluff)
Theme: Son of Alagondar

Str 18, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14.

Str 16, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 19 Fort: 17 Reflex: 15 Will: 13
HP: 39 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 9

Streetwise +8, Diplomacy +8, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +10

Arcana, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +3, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Intimidate +5, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion, Stealth +4, Thievery +4, Athletics +4

Level 1: Dragging Flail
Level 2: Thirst for Battle
Feat User Choice: Flail Expertise

Fighter at-will 1: Footwork Lure
Fighter at-will 1: Weapon Master's Strike
Fighter encounter 1: Serpent's Coil
Fighter daily 1: Tempest Dance
Fighter utility 2: Forceful Drag
Fighter encounter 3: Rain of Blows

Triple-headed flail, Hide Armor, Travel Papers, Waterskin, Chest (empty), Candle (3), Bottle of Wine, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Flask (empty), Broy
Combat Block
Danelos Patrevonis

Male Half-Orc Fighter 3
Languages: Common, Gleiosian
Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 39/39
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: +10 vs. AC, 1d10+6 damage.
RBA: +8 vs. AC, 1d8+5 damage.




Active Effects:


Combat Challenge
Combat Agility
Weapon Master's Strike
Footwork Lure

Low Blow [_]
Furious Assault [_]
Serpent's Coil [_]
Forceful Drag [_]
Rain of Blows [_]
Second Wind [_]

Tempest Dance [_]



Important Features:
Half-Orc Resilience: The first time I am bloodied in an encounter, I gain 5 THP.

Swift Charge: +2 to speed while charging.

Flail Expertise: When hitting with a melee flail attack that lets me slide the target, I can knock it prone instead.

Dragging Flail: When using a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide them 1 sq.

Thirst for Battle: +3 feat bonus to initiative, and +1 surge.
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos OOC

Post by benderfan »

Teddy Krantz
Introducing Teddy Krantz (#ff40ff) and Freddi (#00ff00), Travelling Hero With a Dark Secret

Hailing from the tiny village of Flussdorf, Teddy made a name for himself by slaying a great beast. However, he did so by making a pact with someone he would later find out was a lieutenant of Norendezzar, and thus fled Flussdorf to avoid anyone finding out. He now finds himself on this ship both as a way to see more of the world, and perhaps one day find a way to cleanse himself of the influence of Norendezzar that now plagues him, as the lieutenant constantly speaks to him within his mind and tempts him towards evil.
Teddy Picture
Freddi Picture
Background and Concept Elements
1) Small Town Boy With Small Town Values - Growing up in a small, rural village, Teddy was instilled with a very intense sense of right and wrong.

2) Folk Hero - In his home village, he's very well known and respected for having saved his parents' sheep herd from a notorious wolf.

3) Deal with the Devil - However, in order to do so, he made a pact with Paltra Hemris who, unbeknownst to him, was a follower of Norendezzar. This has created a mental link between them, which is used to tempt Teddy towards evil. Even still, the pact is not truly his, as the rite used to bind Teddy into his pact also allows Paltra to punish Teddy in various ways as she sees fit, from taking away his powers temporarily to causing him debilitating pain.

4) Worldly - Freddy has travelled thoughout Tulrisse before ending up on the Pelican, meeting many strange people, and doing many different jobs.

4) Man's Best Friend - Teddy found Freddi while he was wandering the wilderness. He found Freddi stuck in a bear trap, surrounded by ravenous wolves. Teddy fought off the wolves and freed the corgi. Seeming to be lost and abandoned, Teddy nursed him back to health, forging a tight bond between them.

5) Quiet But Charismatic - Teddy is very reserved, rarely speaking, but is very personable when he does speak with others.

6) Why He Joined The Ship - Teddy had hoped that, by paying his way as a sailor, he'd be able to travel the world to find someone who can lift his pact. His only stipulations for working on the ship was that he would receive extra shore leave and be allowed to bring his dog on board, in exchange for being paid at half the rate of the other crew. However, shore leave has been dwindling as the captain has been pushing the crew harder and harder, with wages barely more than what his family could earn on the farm. Something has to change.
1) In character, Teddy's goal is to rid himself of his pact so he can return home a true hero.

2) Out of character, my goal is for Teddy to "loosen up" a bit and become a bit more flexible over the course of the campaign.
1) He generally tries to keep the exact nature of his pact secret from others, usually explaining it away as tricks he picked up from a few wandering mages he passed on his travels.

2) Despite having worked on the ship for a while, Teddy still doesn't understand a lot of the sailor jargon that's used, and at this point is worried that if he asked, he'd look like a fool.
People Tied to Character
1) Palta Hemris - a Tulrisian noblewoman who believes that the world is destined to be destroyed soon, and that it is thus only right to do whatever you want as nothing you do matters. She, herself, has made a pact with Norendezzar for eternal beauty and life, although she knows him under the name "The Shadow Beyond". Helped Teddy make a pact with The Shadow Beyond, and thus has a strong mental link to him, allowing them to communicate and her to enforce the terms of their pact. She's capricious and intelligent, but also vain and very accepting of flattery. Her ultimate goal is work her way up the noble ranks, and eventually control all of Tulrisse from behind the scenes.

2) Teddy's father was a kind man, who instilled a solid understanding of right and wrong into him at a young age. Being a retired soldier, he trained Teddy in combat as a bonding exercise, and in case he needed to defend the farm from wild animals. They were very close, however Teddy has been travelling for a long time and Jeremy hasn't visited the family farm in years, and his father has become worried.

3) Teddy's third-youngest brother, Jeremy, left the farm a year or so before Teddy did to work in the mines. Their relationship was always somewhat fraught, as Jeremy always thought of Teddy as being the favourite of his father.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) One of his best memories was when his family took a trip to Greywood. It was when he was very young, but he remembers being amazed by the sheer number of people there, and the size of the buildings.

2) He generally tends to "go with the flow" and tries not to rock the boat, even to his detriment.

3) Because if the dark influence on his soul, he always smells very faintly of brimstone.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Teddy's family is large, consisting of his mother and father, plus Jeremy, 2 other brothers, and 2 sisters, with Teddy being the oldest. He's ashamed of abandoning them, but couldn't look them in the eye knowing what he has done.

Class: Teddy's family has always been dirt poor, but he's never really been resentful of that fact.

Profession: Teddy worked on his family's farm ever since he could hold a plough.

Institutions: Teddy has never been formally schooled in anything. His father made sure he could read and write, in the hopes that one day he could lift himself out of poverty, but there was never time for formal education when there was always more work to do on the farm.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: His primary drive is to rid himself of his pact.

Secondary: Teddy's secondary drive is making enough money to be able to lift his family out of poverty when he eventually returns to his home village.

Tertiary: Deep down, Teddy wishes to achieve something greater than slaying a mere wolf, so he would have even greater stories to tell when he returns home.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Deal with the captain's abuse of the crew.

Medium-Term: Learn more about Palta, and try to sever her mental connection to him.

Long-Term: Remove his pact, by whatever means possible.
Teddy Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
level 3
Tiefling, Hexblade
Fey Beast Tamer Starting Feature: Fey Beast Tamer Companion (Young Owlbear)
Background: Occupation - Farmer (Endurance class skill)

Str 10, Con 18, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18.

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16.

AC: 17 Fort: 16 Reflex: 14 Will: 16
HP: 40 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 10

Streetwise +10, History +6, Arcana +6, Endurance +9

Acrobatics +2, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering, Heal, Insight, Intimidate +5, Nature, Perception, Religion +1, Stealth +4, Thievery +2, Athletics

Feat User Choice: Rod Expertise
Level 1: Warlock's Wrath
Level 2: Bloodhunter's Flank

Level 1 Hexblade Daily Power: Hellfire Blast
Level 2 Hexblade Utility Power: Wrathful Aspect

Blade of Annihilation, Rod Implement, Hide Armor, Bottle of Wine (2)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
Teddy Combat Block
Teddy Krantz

Male Dwarf Hexblade 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 30
Height: 5" 0'
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6 squares
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 10
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 16
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Soul Eater): +8 vs. AC, 1d12+8 necrotic damage
RBA (Eldritch Bolt): +6 vs. Reflex, 1d10+8 force damage

6 fire



Active Effects:


Eldritch Bolt
Soul Eater
Eldritch Bolt

Warlock's Wrath [_]
Blazing Doom of the Void [_] [_]
Wrathful Aspect [_]

Hellfire Blast [_]


Bottle of Wine [_] [_]

Important Features
Bloodhunt: +1 attack vs. bloodied foes

Bloodhunter's Flank: +2 damage for me and flanking allies when flanking a bloodied foe.

Ferocious Companion: Aura 1 centered on Freddi. Allies in aura gain +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in the aura.
Freddi Combat Block
Freddi the Corgi

Speed: 6 squares
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 10
Low-light Vision

HP: 20/20
AC: 16
Fort: 18
Ref: 14
Will: 18

Bite: +8 vs. AC, 1d12+1 damage
Last edited by benderfan on Wed Jun 22, 2022 8:22 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Introducing Sébastien "Séb" Barbeau, Seasoned Seafarer


Background and Concept Elements

Sébastien stands a little under six feet tall and is of an athletic build. His upper body in particular is muscular from a life of hard labour. He has medium length blonde hair, which he tends to wear tied back to keep it out of his way on deck.
Similarly he has a beard which he tends to keep to a medium length, although on longer voyages he has been known to grow it out. He has several scars above his right eye, as well as several others on the rest of his body from various accidents on the oceans.


Séb is charismatic and someone people often find easy to get along with and are willing to rally behind. He has a work hard, play hard outlook on life. While he has a strong work ethic, over the years he has become more jaded and disillusioned with the systems in place that only serve to keep the poor down and help the wealthy and powerful retain their positions - even while hailing from the allegedly equal Imardin.

He has tempered his anger towards his situation and that of his fellow workers into a strong determination to break free of the cycle of work and poverty, seeking to amass a fortune of his own so that he never has to toil away for another man's gain again.


Sébastien was born in a makeshift tent the in forests near Corsillieux. His mother was one of several prostitutes who followed the camp of a logging company, Vaillancourt Lumber, which worked the forests felling trees for the Navy to use in the construction of their ships. His father was one of the men who worked for the company - which exactly he never knew, although a few of them took a liking to him as he grew up around the camp fulfilling a fatherly role to the young Sébastien in each of their own ways.

Oak and Ash and Thorn

Around the age of twelve Sébastien began to work for the logging company, at first the smaller and easier tasks around camp, but within a couple of years he was a fully fledged lumberjack who could swing an axe as well as the largest and strongest of their company. His mother moved back into Corsillieux proper around this this time.

A few years later a political reshuffling of the navy's command resulting in a change in policy which lead to a pause on ship building. This pause, eliminated the demand for lumber over night and devastated the industry in Corsillieux. The company Séb worked for collapsed shortly after, leaving the lumbermen out of work. They returned to Corsillieux from the forests only to find they were not the only men in their position. With their prospects decidedly bleak, Séb along with a few others decided to strike out for Arenport and the promise of work.

The Bonny Ship The Diamond

Arriving in Arenport the men slowly began to find jobs, although being younger than most - who had previously worked other professions before becoming lumbermen - Séb struggled to find work for a while. After a couple of months of working odd jobs here and there he was working in a tavern one evening when he served a man named Benoît Laflèche the first mate on a whaling ship called Le Diament. Fresh in to port with a hold full of oil for the lamps of Imardin's metropolises, The Diamond's crew's pockets were overflowing with gold which impressed the young Séb who had been a day's withheld wages away from poverty since arriving in Arenport. It also helped that Laflèche and his crewmates made for interesting patrons, with Séb paying them far more attention than the tavern's other frequenters that evening. After a couple of rounds of drinks it wasn't long until Séb had managed to talk himself into a job onboard the ship.

And so a few weeks later The Diamond weighed anchor and set sail for the open sea with Sébastien aboard. The work was gruelling and Séb was inexperienced, but this was nothing he hadn't gone through before in Corsillieux. He was a quick learned and soon became an invaluable member of the crew, well suited to life on the ocean. The Diamond spent most of its time at sea up in the frozen northern waters around Ghia and Gleios hunting for its prey, but would often put into port in many of the exotic places in the Forelle Sea on its way to and from Imardin and its hunting grounds. Sébastien, being young and relatively well paid for backbreaking job, made great use of his time in these strange lands, sampling everything they had to offer.

Here's a Health to the Company

Things were good for the new few years. While the work continued to be tough and Séb lost a couple of friends to unlucky accidents, The Diamond proved herself on many successful voyages and her crew was rewarded thusly. It was during this time, while the ship was put in to Arenport, that Séb met Marie.

She was working in a tavern named The Broken Harpoon - a seedy rundown place that was a favourite with the crews of the whaling ships that called Arenport home. Séb was taken with her immediately and spent many weeks' wages in the tavern in an attempt to spend more time with her. He eventually won her over and the two were wed in a small church of the Goddess after a couple more months of courtship.

It was rare for Séb to remain completely faithful to his vows on his long voyages away from home - each of which were only an accident or bad storm away from being his last - but none the less the love the two shared would endure the countless months apart and each time they were reunited it was like falling in love all over again.

Bones in the Ocean

A couple of years later The Diamond was bought out by a new company. The change in ownership lead to worsening conditions and pay for the crew. After a stopover in Talguta, and conversations with members of various pirate crews drinking away their plunder in the city's inns and brothels, the word munity was was still unsaid but on the lips of many of the crew - Sébastien included.

However the munity was never to be. Caught in a storm and inadequately crewed due to the conditions pushed on the crew, The Diamond was dashed on the rocks as she sailed past Akiro few days out of Talguta. Séb was lucky to survive the wreck with over half the crew perishing. The survivors camped out on a frozen beach for a few days, picking through the wreckage for supplies, before they were picked up by a passing Gleiosian ship. While they left the beach and the wreck behind the events of those days still haunt Sébastien's dreams to this day.

The Gleiosian's were bound for home, and brought the survivors with them back to Gleiospolis. There what was left of the crew sent word back home. After much waiting they eventually heard back from their operating company. The crew's share of the insurance pay-out was a meagre sum and the company offered no other assistance to the sailors stranded on a foreign isle.

The Workers Song

A now very disillusioned Sébastien sent word for his share of the insurance money to be given directly to his wife, hoping it would help her support herself with it now having been over a year since he'd been home. He then set about finding more work, hoping to eventually be able to afford passage home.

Even with his experience, as a foreign worker Sébastien struggled to find meaningful work. Over the next year or so he served on a few different merchant ships on short voyages. Despite his wages being much less than on The Diamond, he still tried to send as much money back home as possible, although he began to feel ashamed at how little it sometimes was. So much so that the two times he finally was put into port in Imardin, he chose not to find passage back to Arenport.

Eventually he signed on with the crew of the Pelican, having now been a member of the crew for about a year. He was never a fan of the captain but the first few months weren't too bad based on his previous experiences, although as the conditions began to worsen his mind turned to the fate The Diamond suffered at the hands of such treatment and the souls lost with her. With those thoughts came the thoughts of what could have been and of the word unspoken on The Diamond. Munity!
1) Sébastien wants to overthrow the captain of the Pelican and then but the ship and crew to use in order to achieve his others goals of wealth and independence, not just for himself but the entire crew. If in the process he can inflict some harm on the corrupt elites of the world then it's a win win situation

2) Communist Pirates Yaarr!
1) While for many of the crew the munity is a new and fairly spontaneous thing, Sébastien has been considering one for some time now.

2) Unknown to Sébastien, his wife Marie turned out to be pregnant after the last time he saw her, and has since given birth and has been raising their daughter who is now around four years all.
People Tied to Sébastien
1) Marie Barbeau - A strong and independent woman, Marie is the love of Sébastien's life and his wife. While the two are often estranged for periods of a year or, more recently, longer, they share a deep and meaningful bond. She has a love of painting however with their circumstances often is unable to afford the hobby.

2) Félicité Barbeau - Sébastien's 4 year old daughter. She takes mostly after her mother in appearance, but is a lot more similar to Séb in personality.

3) Benoît Laflèche - The first mate onboard The Diamond. He is about ten years Séb's senior and recruited him to the ship's crew, taking him under his wing and mentoring him in the ways of life on the ocean. The two became good friends however they parted ways after the ship was bought out and Benoît was replaced along with the Captain.

4) Rhec - A brutish orcish sailor who signed out for a couple of voyages with The Diamond. He and Séb butted heads frequently, especially as Rhec developed a reputation as a thief and a cheat. He left the crew before the rivalry grew too great, but has since become a ruthless pirate sailing out of Wastrel's Wharf.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Sébastien carries many scars with him, relics of his time at sea. Most noticably a few large ones which were caused by splinters from cannonfire.

2) From the wrecking of The Diamond and other fatal accidents over the years, Séb has a form of PTSD and regularly has nightmares involving dying at sea and the friends he has lost. 

3) Through his many years at sea, Common has become Séb's primary language and the one he defaults to in most situations. However he will still use the occasional Imardanian word in lieu of another in a sentence in Common.

4) Sébastien is a believer in Elys and the Goddess, however his faith is not very traditional as he views the Church as another of the institutions which are used to keep the workers of the world down and used to benefit a select few.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Wife, Mother, Unknown Father, Daughter.

Class: Commoner

Profession: Lumberjack (formerly), Whaler (formerly), Sailor

Institutions: Vaillancourt Lumber (formerly), The crew of Le Diament (formerly), The crew of the Pelican
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Independence - Sébastien is very individualist and believes someone should see the fruits of their own labour, not needing to rely on others for support or work.

Secondary: Wealth - In pursuit of his main goal, Séb aims to accumulate wealth in order to provide for his family and so that he never has to work only to make someone else richer again.

Tertiary: Equality - While Séb wants to win his own fortune, he also wants to raise up his fellow workers and tear down the corrupt ruling class.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Overthrow the captain of the Pelican and his lackeys in the upcoming munity and seize control of the ship.

Medium-Term: Should the munity succeed - find a way to put the newly acquired Pelican to good use, in a way that all of the crew will benefit.

Long-Term: Amass a fortune to allow him to return home to live a life of luxury with his love, never again to toil away for another man's gain.
Crew Relations
Danelos Patrevonis, Disinherited & Dangerous: Séb finds Danelos charming and likable. He suspects Dan to be of noble birth due to his level of sophistication and the way he carries himself, however rather than hold this against the man - Séb respects him for striking out on his own. 

Terzo, Sealegged Nomad: Séb has served with many men like Terzo during his time on the sea. He respects the man's seamanship and doesn't hold his gruff exterior against him.

Castor Selenos, the Novice Navigator: Castor's aloofness occasionally grates on Séb, especially at sea when situations can easily be life or death. However he still gets on well with the young Gleosian - finding him likable if not impressionable.

Arkadios, the Spectacular Swashbuckler: With many of the Pelican's crew being pressed into service, Séb respects Arkadios' decision to mostly keep to himself and stand up for himself when necessary whilst still being polite enough to interact with. 

Einar Tamara-Stormur: Still fairly new to the crew, Einar is someone Séb doesn't have a fully formed opinion on yet, however he finds him reliable and is interested in how he ended up onboard.
The Captain and Officers
Captain Demos: Séb has a strong dislike of Demos - the man representing almost everything Séb has distain for - the man's greed, harsh treatment of the crew, and the fact he was handed his position of power by his Father. All of this has culminated in Séb plotting mutiny for some time.

First Mate Emmet: Séb doesn't inherently dislike Emmet. He is perfectly content for people to act in an unlikeable way as long as they are competent and do their job - both of which apply to Emmet. However Séb's issue with the man comes from the fact his job supports the Captain and Emmet directly benefits from the negative aspects of the ship's leadership with no thought of the rest of the crew.

Second Mate Xueqing: Séb actually quite likes Xueqing, respecting his navigation skills and finding him generally agreeable. However much like his superior, the man is actively helping prop up the Captain's regime and benefiting from the exploitation of Séb and his fellow crewmen.

Third Mate Thalia: Séb despises Thalia. As a believer in meritocracy, he would have no issue with her sleeping around the crew, however her favouritism is something he finds unacceptable. This is especially compounded by the fact her favouritism is only wanted by some due to the harsh conditions on the ship she actively encourages as a loyalist of the Captain's.
Non-Officer Specialists
Ger the Glare: Séb doesn't feel too strongly one way or the other about his fellow countryman Ger. He does respect that the man has found a way to make his skills work for him though. 

Huan: As the cook of the ship, what matters more to Séb is the quality of Huan's cooking than his personality. As a result the Imardanian doesn't feel too strongly about Huan.

Juniper: Séb likes Juniper, respecting their knowledge of lumber and carpentry skills as well as finding their personality likeable. Something he still retains a lot of his own knowledge of from his youth.

Safiyya: Safiyya is likeable and seems to be a good enough Bosun however something about her leaves Séb questioning if the sea is really the place for her.
Able Sailors and Trainees
Telwari: Whilst different to the sea shanties and songs of the forest Séb is used to - he enjoys Telwari's music and appreciates her caring attitude. However he does think she needs to lose some of her naiveite and sharpen up, lest she be continually taken advantage of. 

Ernst: Séb gets on well with Ernst - the two veterans of the sea having traded many a story over a bottle of rum. Séb sees the jaded outlook of Ernst and how close he himself is to adopting a similar outlook. However seeing this in Ernst has allowed Séb to steel himself against accepting his lot in life.

Carmine: While Séb's opinions on the Imardanian Navy are complex - in the case of Carmine they are irrelevant as from the man's seamanship or lack there of, there is little doubt in Séb's mind the man doesn't belong on a small row boat let alone a warship. The most surprising thing about Carmine to Séb is that somehow he has managed to remain in service onboard the Pelican for over a decade - a further mark against the Captain.

Codpiece: The man's skills at sea impress Séb, and he is happy to leave the man alone if that's what he wishes. Séb doesn't buy the Imardanian fashion rumours though having not seen too many codpieces in Arenport - although they say fashion in Aerlynn is a year or two ahead of the rest of the country so many there's more there.

Yorvik: Séb and Yorvik get on well, with Séb respecting his commitment to his family as well as his strength.

Rekiah: Séb is sceptical of Rekiah's claim that mercenary work is more dangerous than a life on the sea. You can't retreat from a rogue wave or a storm. However he appreciates her humility and her ability to gauge others' abilities.

Thufir: Despite the man's quietness, Séb considers Thufir a friend. He doesn't mind the man's eccentricities, having known similar men before in the woods of Corsilleau. He sees the two of them as having followed very similar paths in life.

Ademare: Séb has a great respect for Brother Ademare believing that the man represents everything the Church of the Goddess should be. That said, he still finds the man rather dull, and unfortunately is often targeted for conversation by Ademare due to their shared faith.

Hirel: Hirel and Séb get on well, both sharing similar tales of poverty in their youth. He also respects her no-sense approach and boisterous attitude.

Akara: Séb doesn't put too much stock in the rumours about Akara, and generally doesn't have much of an opinion of her like some of the others on the ship who mostly stick to themselves.

Makoto: Séb does like Makoto and was happy to help teach him what he knows in the tail end of his traineeship. That said he is wary of the potential nepotism at play and where the his true allegiance may lie in events to come.

Indolent Charles: Charles is one of the only non-officers on board the ship that Séb has true distain for - especially as Charles benefits immensely from Thalia's favouritism whilst realistically having no right to be anywhere near a ship much like Carmine.

Florence: Séb likes Florence, seeing some of own wife in her. He appreciates her work ethic and her willingness to learn - something he is happy to indulge as one of the most seasoned and competent non-officers.

Pietro: Whilst he makes small mistakes, that is something Séb can easily overlook thanks to Pietro's work ethic. Like with Makoto and Florence, Séb is happy to teach those to want to learn.
Character Sheet
Sébastien Barbeau, level 2
Human Adventurer (Partial Expert / Partial Warrior)
Background: Sailor

Starting Ability Scores
Str 5 (-1)
Dex 11 (+0)
Con 9 (+0)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 6 (-1)
Cha 12 (+0)

Final Ability Scores
Str 16 (+1)
Dex 11 (+0)
Con 9 (+0)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 6 (-1)
Cha 14 (+1)

HP: 11
AC: 14
Physical: 13
Evasion: 14
Mental: 13
Luck: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +2


Seasoned Officer
Shocking Assault-1
Shocking Assault-2
Specialist (Sail)-1


Readied (Capacity: 5/8)
2 | Axe, War
3 | War Robe
* | Charm of St. Séraphine, Elysian patron saint of sailors.
* | Pendant of Pharon, Gleiosian Old Man of the Sea
* | Beads of Fulsirri, Tulrissian God of the Sea
* | Necklace of Democles, Brennisian God of Luck.
* | Driftwood Talisman of Moana'kea, Mai'okon Ocean Mother.
Stowed (Capacity: 0/16)
* | Deck of Playing Cards

Stored Elsewhere (Capacity: 0/0)
* | Letters from Marie

0 silver
Combat Block Format
Sébastien "Séb" Barbeau

Male Human Adventurer (Partial Expert | Partial Warrior)
Languages: Common, Imardanian
Age: 34
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs.

Speed: 30 feet
Initiative: +0

HP: 11/11
AC: 14
Physical: 13
Evasion: 14
Mental: 13
Luck: 14

Attack Bonuses:
Axe, War: 1d20+6, 1d10+3 damage (6 Shock damage / 10 AC)
Unarmed: 1d20+2, 1d2-1

Active Effects:

Important Features:
Authority-1: Gain Lead as a bonus skill. Once per day, you can make a request from an NPC who is not openly hostile to you, rolling a Cha/Lead skill check at a difficulty of the NPC’s Morale score. If you succeed, they will comply with the request, provided it is not significantly harmful or extremely uncharacteristic.

Seasoned Officer: Having earned your rank through years of hard labor aboard sailing vessels, you relate to your crew and they to you, inspiring them to fight harder and recover quicker during a crisis. Gain lead as a bonus skill. When you are an officer on a ship, all NPC crew members contribute an extra 0.25 to Crew Strength. In addition gain +2 to any skill checks when dealing with a crisis that involves the ship's crew, such as Crew Panicked, Crew Trapped or Crew Lost.

Shocking Assault-1: Gain Punch or Stab as a bonus skill. The Shock damage of your weapon treats all targets as if they were AC 10, assuming your weapon is capable of harming the target in the first place and the target is not immune to Shock.

Shocking Assault-2: In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to the Shock damage rating of all melee weapons and unarmed attacks that do Shock. As usual, regular hits never do less damage than this Shock would do on a miss.

Specialist (Sail)-1: Gain Sail as a bonus skill. Roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die for all skill checks in this skill.
WWN Build

STR 5 -> 14 -> 16 (+1)
DEX 11 (+0)
CON 9 (+0)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 6 (-1)
CHA 12 -> 14 (+1)

BG: Sailor

+2 Physical

Class: Partial Warrior/Partial Expert
1 Expert +
1 Warrior +
1 Any +
1 Gift

Level 1: Gain Lead as a bonus skill. Once per day, you can make a request from an NPC who is not openly hostile to you, rolling a Cha/Lead skill check at a difficulty of the NPC’s Morale score. If you succeed, they will comply with the request, provided it is not significantly harmful or extremely uncharacteristic.

Shocking Assault
Level 1: Gain Punch or Stab as a bonus skill. The Shock damage of your weapon treats all targets as if they were AC 10, assuming your weapon is capable of harming the target in the first place and the target is not immune to Shock.

Level 2: In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to the Shock damage rating of all melee weapons and unarmed attacks that do Shock. As usual, regular hits never do less damage than this Shock would do on a miss.

Seasoned Officer
Having earned your rank through years of hard labor aboard sailing vessels, you relate to your crew and they to you, inspiring them to fight harder and recover quicker during a crisis. Gain lead as a bonus skill. When you are an officer on a ship, all NPC crew members contribute an extra 0.25 to Crew Strength. In addition gain +2 to any skill checks when dealing with a crisis that involves the ship's crew, such as Crew Panicked, Crew Trapped or Crew Lost.

lvl 1 HP: [1d6+2]=4+2=6

Free Skill: Sail-1

Level Up!

HP: [2d6+4]=7+4=11

Atk bonus +2
4 SP
3SP CHA 12 -> 14
1SP Convince-0

Specialist Sail
roll 3d6 drop lowest

Final Stats
STR 16 (+1)
DEX 11 (+0)
CON 9 (+0)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 6 (-1)
CHA 14 (+1)

HP: 11

Languages: Common, Imardanian

P: 13
E: 14
M: 13
L: 14


4E Archive
Character Sheet
Sébastien Barbeau, level 3
Dragonborn, Warlord
Build: Bravura Warlord
Archer Warlord Optional Choice: Standard Warlord Armor Features
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Bravura Presence
Dragonborn Subrace: Standard Dragonborn Racial Traits
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragonfear
Theme: The Mariner
Background: Fervent Commander (+2 to Intimidate)

Str 18, Con 15, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 17.

Str 16, Con 15, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 15.

AC: 17 Fort: 16 Reflex: 12 Will: 15
HP: 37 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 11

Diplomacy +9, Acrobatics +6, Perception +5, Intimidate +13

Arcana +1, Bluff +4, Dungeoneering, Endurance +2, Heal, History +3, Insight, Nature, Religion +1, Stealth +1, Streetwise +4, Thievery +1, Athletics +4

Level 1: Improved Bravura
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Waraxe)
Feat User Choice: Axe Expertise

Warlord at-will 1: Intuitive Strike
Warlord at-will 1: Direct the Strike
Warlord encounter 1: Vengeance is Mine
Warlord daily 1: Lamb to the Slaughter
Warlord utility 2: Sea Chantey
Warlord encounter 3: Devastating Offensive

Waraxe, Chainmail, Belt Pouch (empty), Flask (empty), Gambler's gear
Combat Block
Sébastien Barbeau

Male Dragonborn Warlord 3
Languages: Common, Imardanian
Age: 31
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 16
Reflex: 12
Will: 15
HP: 37/37
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: +9 vs. AC, 1d12+6 damage.
RBA: +3 vs. AC, 1d4+2 damage.




Active Effects:


Intuitive Strike
Direct the Strike
Sea Legs


Dragonfear [_]
Inspiring Word [_]
Vengeance is Mine [_]
Devastating Offensive [_]
Second Wind [_]


Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Sea Chantey [_]



Important Features:
The Mariner Level 1 Feature: While I am aboard a ship I gain +1 to any skill or ability check related to life at sea.

Combat Leader: +2 to the initiative of any allies within 10 squares which can see and hear me.

Bravura Presence: When an ally who can see me spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack with a +1 bonus or take a move action with a +1 bonus to speed after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Axe Expertise: When rolling for damage with an axe weapon I can reroll one damage die that results in a 1, but I must use the 2nd result.
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Swampperson Prime
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos OOC

Post by BartNL »

Terzo, Sealegged Nomad #ff0040


Terzo is a gruff person. He is curt, and it's hard to get a smile out of him when he's working. When offshore his attitude improves a lot.
Terzo is a rough looking man in his mid thirties. His face is scarred. His body is covered in tattoos that allude to his many voyages.
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Birth: Terzo was born in a nomad family from the Steppes of Serranak. 
Early Life: As a boy, Terzo realised his life was hard compared to that of many of the folk they did business with. His eldest brother reinforced that believe, when he left their family.
Later Life: Terzo decided to follow in his eldest brothers footsteps. One day he got up, cursed his life and family and left with nothing but a horse and his trusty boomerang.
Finding himself in Kurnhuelde, Terzo sold his horse and lived tried to find a new way for himself in the town of Tjordek. Money however does not last long when you have to account for costs like boarding and foodstuffs. Before a year had passed, Terzo found himself indebted to a captain, which forced him into service on the captains ship. 
Recent Life: Since Terzo was forced into service on the ship he has become a rather adept sailor. His debts payed of left him free to work for the highest bidder. Now he has taken service on the Pelican. This job has turned out for the worse. 
1) Improve his life, so he can retire eventually.
1) Terzo left a man for dead in the desert, not willing to risk his own survival. This is considered a great sin amongst his people.
2)Terzo, being only a young boy at the time, helped his oldest brother steal valuables from a tribal leader. He has kept this a secret all his life.
People Tied to Character
1) Secondo sr. Terzo's father was a prominent figure in his tribe. He was murdered long ago by elves in a dispute over grazing lands.
2) Primo. Primo was Terzo's eldest brother. Once Primo was old enough to ride he stole some valuables and rode south into the Burned Dunes. He has never been heard of again.
3) Secondo jr. Terzo's second brother. After Primo left, Secondo took it upon himself to become the best elder son he could be. As Secondo was very controlling of Terzo, Terzo came to dislike him.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) A few years ago while sailing on the Mer de Morneault, Terzo saved a drowning man from the water. The man spoke a strange language none of his fellow sailors could understand. A few weeks later Terzo woke up from a terrible nightmare in which the event replayed itself. After this nightmare Terzo has found himself able to walk on water, although only for a few seconds. This is a valuable skill, but Terzo prefers to keep it hidden from others. 
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family - Nomads from Serranak
Class - Bottom Feeder
Profession - Sailor
Institutions - Pelican
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary - Booze and Food
Secondary - Women
Tertiary - Freedom
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short Term - Get something to eat
Medium Term - Find a better job
Long Term - Get rich
Character Sheet 4e
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
level 3
Drow, Ranger
Fighting Style: Hunter Fighting Style
Ranger: Prime Shot
Darkfire: Darkfire Wisdom
Theme: Mariner
Background: common language

Str 10, Con 12, Dex 20, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 10.

Str 10, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10.

AC: 19 Fort: 13 Reflex: 17 Will: 14
HP: 34 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

Nature +9, Stealth +12, Endurance +6, Acrobatics +10, Perception +9

Arcana, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +4, Heal +4, History, Insight +4, Intimidate +3, Religion, Streetwise +1, Thievery +5, Athletics

Level 1: Xen'drik Weapon Training
Level 2: Fey Cantrip
Feat User Choice: Light Blade Expertise

Fey Cantrip: Water Stride
Lolthtouched: Darkfire
Theme: Sea Legs
Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger at-will 1: Fading Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Fox's Cunning
Ranger daily 1: Split the Tree
Ranger utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Ranger encounter 3: Disruptive Strike

Xen'drik Boomerang, Hide Armor, Horn
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
Combat Block
Male Human (drow) Ranger
Languages: Serran, Elven, Common
Age: 43
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Darkvision

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 14
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +2 vs. AC, 1d4+1 damage.
RBA: +10 vs. AC, 1d6+8 damage.




Active Effects:


Twin Strike
Fading Strike
Sea Legs
Hunter's Quarry

Fox's Cunning [_]
Disruptive Strike [_]
Darkfire [_]
Water Stride [_]
Invigorating Stride [_]
Second Wind [_]

Split the Tree [_]



Important Features:
Trance (Drow): Need 4 hours trance instead of 6 hours of sleep for a long rest.

Light Blade Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a light blade. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks that you make with a light blade against a creature granting combat advantage to you.
Quick Draw: You can draw a weapon (or an object, such as a potion, stored in a belt pouch, a bandolier, or a similar container) as part of the same action used to attack with the weapon or use the object. You also gain a +2 feat bonus to initiative checks.
Xen'dril Weapon Training: You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with the drow long knife and the Xen'drik boomerang.
Prime Shot: +1 to ranged attack rolls if no allies are closer to the target
Hunter Fighting Style: Hunter Fighting Style
Gain Quick Draw and you can sheathe a weapon as a free action and gain a +4 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks you provoke by making a ranged attack.
The Mariner 1 Starting Feature: Mariner level 1. While aboard a ship gain +1 to all skill and ability checks related to life at sea.

Character Creation
Ability scores:[3d6]=15[3d6]=12[3d6]=12[3d6]=11[3d6]=14[3d6]=11


Adventurer: Warrior-Expert

Physical +2 Dex
Any skill x2


Nomad (Ride 0)
Any skill growth: (Sail 0)
Any skill growth: (Sneak 0)

Level 1 Foci: Thrown weapon Specialist 1: stab (0)
Level 1 Foci Warrior: Thrown weapon Specialist 2
Level 1 Foci Expert: Developed Attribute (Dex)
Level 1 Foci Unique: Adept Sailor 1

Free skill: (Stab 1)

Level 2 Foci: Sail Specialist (3 sp in sail)

Level 2: 4 sp
Ability score improvement, dexterity +1 (1 sp)
New skill: (Notice 0)
New skill: (Survival 0)
New skill: (Exert 0)
Character Sheet
Terzo, level 2
Human Adventurer (Partial Expert / Partial Warrior)
Background: Nomad

Starting Ability Scores
Str 12 (+0)
Dex 15 (+1)
Con 14 (+1)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 14(+1)
Cha 11 (+0)

Final Ability Scores
Str 12 (+0)
Dex 18 (+3)
Con 14 (+1)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 14 (+1)
Cha 11 (+0)

HP: 12
AC: ?
Physical: 13
Evasion: 11
Mental: 13
Luck: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +2

Notice-0* +2 to spot ships/islands etc. from a distance
Sail-1* (1 skill point invested)


Level 1 Foci: Thrown weapon Specialist 1
Level 1 Foci Warrior: Thrown weapon Specialist 2
Level 1 Foci Expert: Developed Attribute (Dex)
Level 1 Foci Unique: Adept Sailor 1
Level 2 Foci: Sail Specialist

Readied (Capacity: 4/6)
Boomerang (1)
Stiletto (1)
Horn (1?)
Linothorax (1)

Stowed (Capacity: 0/12)


0 silver

Combat Block WWN

Male Human Adventurer (Partial Expert | Partial Warrior)
Languages: Common,
Age: 43
Height: 5"6
Weight: 145 lbs
Speed: 30 feet
Initiative: +3

HP: 12/12
AC: 16
Physical: 13
Evasion: 11
Mental: 13
Luck: 14

Attack Bonuses:
Boomerang: 1d20+6, 1d6+4, 30*/60r, Returning, no long range penalty, no melee range penalty
Stiletto: 1d20+6 1d4+4 4/AC 18 Dex - S, PM
Unarmed: 1d20, 1d2

Active Effects:

Important Features:
Foci: Thrown Weapon Specialist-1:
Level 1: Gain Stab or Exert as a bonus skill. You can hurl Stowed thrown weapons as if they were Readied. You can add your Stab or Exert skill level to the weapon's damage roll, but not to any Shock. Your thrown weapons do not take a hit penalty for long range and the first Snap Attack you make with them during a combat does not take the -4 hit penalty.
Foci: Thrown Weapon Specialist-2:
You take no hit penalty for using thrown weapons in melee range. You never run out of normal throwing knives unless intentionally disarmed or fighting for an unreasonably long period. You may add a total number of weapon mods among your throwing weapons equal to your Stab or Exert skill; each mod can't require a Fix skill higher than your Stab or Exert skill. These mods cost no silver or special components and you can maintain them for free, but it takes a day to add or change a mod choice.

Foci: Adept Sailor 1
You do not suffer any movement penalties while swimming, and can breathe longer underwater before suffocating. The number of turns you can do so would equal your con score +5. You can more easily spot incoming dangers and land, gaining a +2 to any notice checks related to spotting distant things while on a ship. Once per scene, you may make a fighting withdrawal as an on-turn action instead of a main action.

Foci: Sail Specialist
roll 3d6 drop lowest on sailing checks

Last edited by BartNL on Wed May 29, 2024 12:15 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos — OOC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Castor Selenos, the Novice Navigator


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance: Castor stands at about 5'10" in height, with a slim but somewhat toned, athletic build. He has somewhat short black hair that meets down to his neck, swept away from his face as it easily blows in the wind. He has blue-gray eyes that he inherited from his grandmother. Overall, his face is quite youthful and handsome. Aboard the ship, he wears seafaring clothes, with leather boots, a blue shirt, white undershirt, and a leather jerkin on top.

Personality: Castor is somewhat aloof, with his head in the clouds and his mind on other things. He tends to be cheerful and friendly, if a bit non-confrontational and acquiescent whether he wants to be or not. Deep down, he wishes for the ability to assert himself more, but struggles given his circumstances. He is somewhat naïve, not tending to question decisions from someone he trusts, assuming those he views as friends have his best interests at heart as well. Despite this, he can have a spiteful streak against those who wrong him enough.

Though a hopeful romantic, he's quite unexperienced in that realm, and finds himself stumbling over words if those situations arise.

Early Life: Castor was born in a small seaside home on the outskirts of Belium, no father in sight but warm and safe in his mother Lyra's arms. Though alone, she devoted herself wholly to the young boy, getting by on money sent by his father Mercurio and stipends from her employer. By the Gods' grace though, he proved to be an easy child, seeming to not want to make a fuss even before he knew otherwise. As he grew, he became even more of his mother's world, and she showed him hers.

An astronomer by trade, she showed young Castor the widest expanse known to man, the frontier that none had discovered. His eyes lit up, staring at the dazzling sky from the peaks overlooking Belium, far removed from the firelight so only the moon and stars offered that shimmer. He felt the energies from the celestial entities fill him, though did not know how to explain it. All he knew was he felt good, and safe, beneath them. She regaled him with the tales of the constellations, of warriors of eld and divine beasts. And she told him that no matter where he was in the world, he could use those stars to find his way back home, just as his father would do. And in time, the stars would guide in such a way.

A New Sun: On one morning, when Castor was nearing three years old, his mother awoke him in the early morning, just before sunrise. She took him to their viewing peak and asked him to keep his eye towards the sea, glassy and black in the predawn. Eyes on the horizon, he watched as the world slowly began to light up around him, and a sailing ship took shape upon the sea, nearing closer to shore. His mother's grin widened with knowing as Castor watched the ship with interest and confusion. But finally she told him: his father was home, and for good. The pair rushed down to the docks to greet them, Castor nervously hiding behind his mother as they met the ship, travelers and cargo unloaded at a leisurely pace. But eventually, a handsome, yet rugged man stopped in front of them, beaming first at Lyra and then the toddler Castor. He lifted the boy, and hugged him tight, happy to be home, and for good.

Castor quickly began to love the father he never knew, apart from stories. And his father loved him. With the savings from years of sailing and trading, Mercurio bought them a modest home in Belium, and a small sailboat that he frequently took the family out on, gliding across the serene sea caressing Gleios. Castor watches his awe, seeing his father masterfully adjust the sails, tighten knots, and navigate through the wind and waves. As he grew older, his father began teaching him the basics of navigation, which the boy learned with great interest. Both Mercurio and Lyra even taught him together on night sails, explaining how the stars could be tracked. And with age, Castor learned of the energies the stars have, and discovered his ability to tap into it. Under his parents' guidance, he studied it carefully, until he reached the age where they had no more to teach.

Astronomical Akadaemics: As he entered his teenage years, his mother saw the potential for more in him that wouldn't be tapped by staying in Belium. Using her connections in Gleiopolis, and with the academy itself, Lyra got Castor enrolled in Akadaemia Paraliakos' College of Astronomy and Cosmology. Just shy of his sixteenth birthday, he set off for Gleiopolis, with his family joining and staying for a couple weeks until he had settled in. Though he began to love the charm and excitement of a city much larger than home, he bemoaned the duller night skies. Still excited about his prospects, however, he dove into his studies. He excelled in them, getting more skilled in both celestial sciences, and cosmic magics.

In time, he found his place at the academy. He made friends, he explored the city. He even joined the Athletics Club, finding the break from academics to be welcome every now and again. The attractive teammates were a benefit, and he dreamed of finding romance among them, but found himself consigned to friendship. It would be enough because it had to be enough. And when it wasn't enough, he dove further into his studies, since then at least he would have high marks. After a few years, however, his enrollment was completed and he found himself missing the viewing peak of his youth. With more knowledge under his belt, he returned home.

Towards the Heavens: With years of learning, and his mother's connections, Castor found work almost immediately at the Ouranios Constellatory when he returned home. Though the prospect was exciting, working under some of the greatest minds in the field, he found himself disappointed almost immediately. Though his mother was openminded, many of the other astronomers were stuck in their ways, he discovered, and clinging to theories and ideas long-since outdated based on current academics. He hoped to bring up the new ideas, to bring about change for the better. But, every attempt simply led to a scolding from his superiors. Over time, Castor became a hollow shell of complacency and compliance while working, simply doing as told and learning to not question what he's told, a flaw that seeped into his being deeper than expected.

He found himself losing motivation, the glimmer in his eye fading as ancient academics ground him into obedience and apathy. Even his mother's reassurances weren't enough, and he quickly felt lonely and isolated. Seeking to clear his head one night, Castor borrowed his father's sailboat, and sailed far enough into the sea that there was only blackness on the horizon, and a sparkling sea above. But as if a sign of his own passions fading away, thick clouds soon rolled in.

The Sunless Seas: The calm sea soon grew tumultuous as he tried to sail back to Belium, wind and sea fighting to keep him trapped in the brewing storm. He fought back, managing to gain control of the boat, keeping its bearings towards home. But as the coastline of Gleios reappeared on the darkened horizon, a rogue wave struck him, and he was flung from the sailboat. It continued on without him as he was set adrift upon the rough seas, his body staying afloat as if by a miracle. His world spun, and all went dark.

When he awoke, he found himself on the deck of a ship, his home coast off the starboard side. Though in a daze, he recalls a woman begging to keep him aboard, and a man claiming that saving his life means he's indebted. But too worn to fight it, he accepted his fate, becoming crew of the Pelican. At first port, he sent word to his parents, a vague note mentioning following in his father's footsteps. He didn't want them to worry. In his five-month stint, the salty air and seabound sky cleared his head, and he found himself happier again, motivated again, feeling the sparks of passion he'd worried he lost. And he wasn't going to let another self-righteous man take that from him.
1) Castor wants to make an impact on the navigational field, with improved star charts and unique tactics by channeling the cosmic energies of the sun, moon, and stars.

2) I'd like Castor to grow past his naivety, forced to even because of challenges or being burned.
1) Castor successfully framed Kaiti for vandalism of a campus facility during his studious years, which led to her being removed from a research program she was part of.

2) His father is an old friend of the dishonorable Captain Demos, with them working on the same ship in their youth.
People Tied to Castor
1) Lyra Selenos is Castor's mother and one of his closest sources of support. For the first few years of his life, she almost singlehandedly raised him, and he was her world. A accomplished astronomer from Gleiopolis, she moved to Belium to help establish the Ouranios Constellatory at the behest of the Akadaemia. She inspired Castor's love for the stars, and taught him much. She is caring, collected, nurturing to all, and deeply passionate about her studies and her family. She also makes a mean melopita.
2) Aris Katsaros is a close friend of Castor's and a former teammate on the Paraliakos Athletics Club. The two would often chat on practice runs, becoming closer friends as time went on. He's ambitious, friendly to all, and seeks to motivate those he cares for, wanting them to succeed as much as he wants to succeed. He's highly skilled in martial abilities and has been one of the Consul's Kataphraktoi for a few years now. Castor had always had a crush on Aris, but was too afraid to make a move.
3) Kaiti Pachis is a rival of sorts of Castor. The two met at the Akadaemia, with Castor asking for directions to his college building. Rather than being helpful, she instead laughed and decried astronomy as a pointless field, not useful like her own field of medicine. Since then they butted heads whenever they met. Though she has a cheerful appearance and disposition, it's all a façade. She has a large ego, believing herself to be better than others and believing she'll singlehandedly bring about a revolution to medicine as it's known. Through their education, they each subtly tried to take the other down.
4) Thalia Kyriarchia is an officer aboard the Pelican and a staunch loyalist to Captain Demos. She took an unhealthy obsession towards Castor when he was taken aboard, trying to "protect" him while coaxing him into joining her in her private quarters. Castor, however, is deeply uncomfortable with her behavior but feels trapped. She's strong, blunt, and rather domineering with those she views as lesser. She's crass and has been described as a "maneater" by the locals of Murvos. She views Castor as a sort of plaything, a possession, and the young sailor hates it.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Castor remembers many nights of his childhood, lying on a grassy hill with his mother as she told him the tales of constellations, and the tales of his father, while they stared up at the star-filled sky.

2) Before leaving for the Akadaemia, Castor received a logbook on the stars from his family. He now carries it everywhere, hoping to study off it. It's especially important to him, as his parents and sister wrote notes of well wishes on the inner cover, which he reads again in times of doubt.

3) Despite his more bookish interests, he has always been an athletic sort and still tries his best to stay in shape. He particularly loves running and swimming.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: At birth, Castor was an only child, born to Gleiosian astronomer Lyra Selenos and Brennisian merchant captain Mercurio Nicchi. His father was only somewhat present for his earlier years, but eventually settled down and gave him a younger sister named Phoebe.

Class: At home, he was part of a middling merchant class, with his father's coin giving his family a comfortable lifestyle. Now, he's in the working class.

Profession: By trade, Castor is a sailor aboard the Pelican, mostly doing grunt work in exchange for a place on the ship.

Institutions: For a time, he studied at Akadaemia Paraliakos' College of Astronomy and Cosmology, learning about the stars and refining his latent cosmic magics. There, he was part of the Paraliakos Athletics Club. He briefly worked under his mother at the Ouranios Constellatory, before ending up as crew of the Pelican.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Discovery: Even accustomed to staring towards the largest frontier, Castor is driven to see more and learn more, and discover that which hasn't been uncovered yet.

Secondary: Freedom: An independent spirit, Castor strives to see the world on his own terms, without constantly being told what he can and can't do.

Tertiary: Love: A hopeful romantic, he longs for the day when a dashing prince might whisk him away on an adventure around the world, though love of the friendly sort keeps him going as well.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Castor wants to aid in overthrowing Captain Demos, unhappy with his leadership and the conditions the crew has been made to suffer.

Medium-Term: Castor would like to hone his navigational skills, practicing them in real situations instead of the controlled environments his father taught him with.

Long-Term: Castor would like to create his own star map, with changes to improve upon what he believes to be an imperfect design.
Crew Relations
Danelos: After having slept with Danelos on multiple occasions, Castor has grown infatuated with him. Though he'd not readily admit it, he's desperate for the attention and affections of the man, and sees continuing to sleep with the man as a way to get into his heart. His confident, charming, and romantic demeanor makes it difficult for Castor to fall out of his naive form of love.

Seb: Castor finds that he can get along well enough with Seb, the man's charismatic nature easy to be drawn to. He sees the man as somewhat inspiring, given the determination he possesses despite their fairly miserable circumstances. However, he does feel that the man could stand to relax a bit as there's more to life than work.

Terzo: Castor has found it difficult to get to know Terzo, the gruff demeanor admittedly getting under his somewhat thin skin. While he doesn't avoid the man, he rarely goes out of his way to make conversation

Arkadios: Castor respects Arkadios's swordsmanship, though finds him a bit strange, partially brought on by what Danelos has said of the man. Nevertheless, he remains friendly enough with the man.

Einar: Castor respects Einar's desire to help others, although often finds himself confused when speaking to the man. He often needs to remind himself to listen to the words, not the voice, as the half-elf's tone often sounds irritated. Nevertheless, he gets along well enough with the man.
Captain Demos: Since becoming a crew member, Castor hasn't seen Demos really act as what he assumed a captain should. Castor has seen conditions get progressively worse, all stemming to the Captain's leadership. He dislikes the man, worrying that he'll be responsible for a loss of passion in life again.

First Mate Emmet: Castor strongly dislikes Emmet. He doesn't even mind that Emmet makes no effort to get to know the crew. But the phony show he puts on for passengers drives Castor crazy, and he's always wished he could expose the man. Given his tenure on the ship, he knows he's about as loyal as they come to Demos and that nothing will change that.

Second Mate Xueqing: Having worked closely with Xueqing for some time, Castor has a deep respect for him and his knowledge, having been eager to learn more from a veteran navigator. That the man is friendly compared to the other officers makes him much more likable. He feels a shared kinship with the man too, with both being half-Gleiosian. Despite this, he worries Xueqing is loyal to the other officers and will simply keep the status quo.

Third Mate Thalia: Castor loathes Thalia more than he can put words to. He hates how she's tried to take advantage of so many new crew members, and given unfair treatments depending whether or not they play along. Being a recipient of this and knowing how it's made his life hell has left a burning rage in him, directed entirely towards her.
Ger the Glare: Castor was quite terrified of Ger at first, his imposing size and menacing glare easy to fear. However, he's come to learn he's not as scary as he appears and has learned to appreciate him.

Huan: Castor appreciates Huan and occasionally enjoys watching the man cook, finding him fairly pleasant and approachable. He's heard the rumors of the cook's past, though doesn't know whether or not to believe them. He avoids bringing it up, not wanting to incur the ire of the one making their food.

Juniper: Castor greatly likes Juniper, having gotten to know them well enough and enjoying their more optimistic spirits compared to some of the more downtrodden members of the crew. He finds their skills admirable as well, especially as he has no knack for carpentry whatsoever.

Safiyya: Castor doesn't mind Safiyya, finding her to generally be pleasant, although he's often surprised and put off by her prudish nature, considering how ships often are.

Telwari: Castor feels a sort of kindred spirit with Telwari, feeling the two have similar personalities and behavior, although he can't say exactly what it is. He enjoys her genuine and caring spirit, and finds her music to be a welcomed distraction from the failing conditions on the ship.

Ernst: Though he finds Ernst's pessimism to be a bit draining, he still finds the man easy to talk to. Like many new recruits, Ernst helped show him the ropes, and he's forever grateful for this.

Carmine: Castor finds Carmine to be so repulsive, both physically and behaviorally, that he subconsciously pretends the man doesn't exist. As far as he's concerned, there's no one named Carmine on board.

Codpiece: Castor finds Codpiece to be quite odd and a touch frightening, though he makes little effort himself to get to know the quiet man. Though his curiosity can't help but wonder why he wears a codpiece and how it came to be his identity.

Yorvik: Being a hopeful and hopeless romantic, Castor always listens with starry eyes as Yorvik talks of his husband, admittedly a bit jealous of the love and happiness they share and hoping he might have that too someday. He sees the man as someone to look up to and feels he has grown fairly close with him.

Rekiah: Castor enjoys Rekiah's company, having bonded some over their shared love for watching the stars in the night sky. He appreciates that despite her storied past, she's still quite down-to-earth and approachable.

Thufir: Though Castor finds the man's skills to be extremely impressive, his whole demeanor is utterly baffling to the young Gleiosian. He wonders if all people from Volberg behave in such a way, and he's taken to writing down the strange metaphors he hears in any effort to decode them.

Ademare: Castor finds Ademare to be quite boring, but appreciates his selflessness and his willingness to pick up the slack from those who might need it.

Hirel: Castor is often intimidated by her, especially given her reputation as no-nonsense, though he greatly enjoys hearing the exciting tales of her youth, finding it to be like an adventure novel.

Akara: Castor has great respect for her skills in combat and aboard the ship, though he generally steers clear of her, fearing for his safety if she were to ever grow angry.

Makoto: Castor greatly likes Makoto, enjoying his overall demeanor and getting to know him. He's wary of the rumors surrounding his relation to Demos, but hopes they aren't true. After all, how could such a great sailor be related to such an awful man?

Indolent Charles: Though initially finding Charles slightly attractive, this subsided quickly as he realized what an ass Charles is, and a lazy one at that. He especially has a distaste as he knows Thalia's favoritism is the sole reason he gets away with it, the same favoritism that made things worse on him.

Florence: Castor generally likes Florence, finding her pleasant and fairly easy to talk to. He appreciates her desire to learn more, finding similarities in that with himself.

Pietro: Castor feels a bit of pity for Pietro, able to see the stresses and pressure of his expectations getting to him. He hopes to get to know him more, so he might be a friend who can offer support to someone who needs it.
4E Archive
Character Sheet
Castor Selenos, level 3
Dragonborn, Sorcerer
Spell Source: Cosmic Magic
Dragonborn Subrace: Bozak Draconian
Select option: Arcane Blood
Select option: Draconic Heritage
Select option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Strength
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Cold
Background: Occupation - Scholar (+2 to Arcana)
Theme: Ghost of the Past

Str 18, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 20.

Str 16, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18.

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Reflex: 11 Will: 18
HP: 32 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 8

History +8, Arcana +8, Athletics +10, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11

Acrobatics +1, Dungeoneering, Endurance +1, Heal, Insight, Intimidate +8, Nature, Perception, Religion +1, Stealth +1, Streetwise +6, Thievery +1

Level 1: Unarmored Agility
Level 2: Superior Implement Training (Accurate dagger)
Feat User Choice: War Wizard's Expertise

Sorcerer at-will 1: Blazing Starfall
Sorcerer at-will 1: Ensorcelled Blade
Sorcerer encounter 1: Explosive Pyre
Sorcerer daily 1: Grounding Rebuke
Sorcerer utility 2: Spatial Trip
Sorcerer encounter 3: Lightning Cuts

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Accurate dagger
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)

Head:      ---
Neck:     ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
All Items
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Accurate dagger, Writing Case
Combat Block
Castor Selenos

Male Dragonborn Sorcerer 3
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Brennisian
Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 10
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 17
Fort: 15
Ref: 11
Will: 18
HP: 32/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/6
Action points: 1

MBA: +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Ensorcelled Blade): +11 vs AC, 1d4+11 damage
If the target hits or misses me with a melee attack before SONT, it takes 5 cold/psychic/radiant damage (sun/moon/star)
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

Resistances: Cold/Psychic/Radiant 5 (Depending on Cosmic Phase)
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Ensorcelled Blade
Blazing Starfall

Second Wind [_]
Guidance of the Past [_]
Dragon Breath [_]
Explosive Pyre [_]
Lightning Cuts [_]
Spatial Trip [_]

Grounding Rebuke [_]



Important Features
Cosmic Persistence: 
When not wearing heavy armor, I can use my STR mod to determine AC

Cosmic Power: I gain a bonus to damage of arcane attacks equal to my STR mod

Soul of the Cosmic Cycle: At the end of a rest, I choose a cycle (Sun, Moon, Stars). The first time I become bloodied, I change to the next cycle. Each time I use a daily arcane attack power, I can choose to change to the next cycle after the attack resolves

Sun: At the start of my turn, each enemy adjacent to me takes fire and radiant damage equal to my STR mod. I gain resist 5 cold
Moon: I gain a bonus to AC equal to the number of conscious enemies adjacent to me. I gain resist 5 psychic
Stars: Whenever an enemy's attack misses me, I can teleport a number of squares equal to my STR mod as a free action. I gain resist 5 radiant

While I have the listed resistances, my arcane attacks ignore all targets' resistances to those damage types, up to the value of my resistance.

Arcane Blood: 
 I gain +1 to damage rolls of my arcane attack powers

Draconic Heritage: My healing surge value is equal to one-quarter of my max HP and my CON mod

Ghost of the Past: 
I gain training in History

Unarmored Agility: 
I gain +2 to AC while wearing no armor or light armor

Superior Implement Training: I can use accurate daggers

War Wizard's Expertise: I gain +1 to arcane and basic attack rolls that I make with a light or heavy blade. When I make arcane attack rolls, I take a -5 penalty against my allies.

Character Sheet
Castor, level 2
Human Adventurer (Expert/Mage)
Background: Scholar

Str 8(+0), Dex 14(+1), Con 9(+0), Int 12(+0), Wis 8(+0), Cha 18(+2)

Str 8, Dex 8, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16

HP: 6  AC: 11
Physical: 14 Evasion: 13 Mental: 12 Luck: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Effort: 0/4


Specialist-1 (Sail)
Die Hard-1
Gleiosian Astromancy-1 (Unique Gift)

Elemental Resilience
Elemental Sparks
Pavis of Elements

SPELLS (3 Prepared/1 Cast)
Aqueous Harmony
Apprehending the Arcane Form
Damnation of the Sense


READIED (Capacity: 4/4)
Bow, large| 2
Clothes, common| 1
Arrows, 20| 1
Silver & Moonstone Necklace| *

STOWED (Capacity: 2/8)
Waterskin, one gallon| 1
Well-worn Celestial Logbook| 1

Writing Kit
Paper, 10 sheets
Theorems on Gleiosian Astromancy
Musings of an Akiran Poet
Bacia e Racconta: Amore Scandaloso
The Modern World Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition

Char Gen & Advancement
Stat Rolls: [3d6]=9[3d6]=16[3d6]=8[3d6]=8[3d6]=12[3d6]=8
Replace 8 with 14

Background Rolls: 
Growth: [1d6]=5 Connect
Growth: [1d6]=3 +2 to Cha
Learning: [1d8]=5 Notice

Sail as free skill

Gold Roll: 

HP Rolls:
Lvl 1 [1d6]=1
Lvl 2 [2d6]=2

Lvl 2: 3 Skill Points for Magic-1 and Shoot-0, bank 4th; Polymath focus (Magic-2); Damnation of the Sense Spell
Combat Block

Male Human Adventurer (Expert/Mage) 2
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Brennisian, Akiran
Age: 24
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145lbs

Speed: 30ft
Initiative: +1

HP: 6/6
AC: 11
Physical: 14
Evasion: 13
Mental: 12
Luck: 14
Effort: 0/4
Spell Cast: 0/1

Attack Bonuses: +1
Bow, large: 1d20+2, 1d8+1
Unarmed: 1d20, 1d2

Ammunition Loaded:
Bow, large: 1/1 (20 total)

Active Effects: none

Consumables: none
Important Features:
Partial Expert: Gain an extra skill point each level for non-combat skills.

Partial Mage: Gain Magic as a skill, and gain Elementalist arts and both High Magic and New Magic Elementalist spells. Elementalist Effort is calculated with Cha/Magic minus one.

Specialist: When I make Sail checks, I roll 3d6 and drop the lowest result.

Die Hard: I gain an extra 2 HP per level. I automatically stabilize if Mortally Wounded, provided I'm not incinerated, dismembered, or otherwise torn apart.

Polymath: I treat all non-combat skills as if they were level-0 for skill checks, even if I lack them entirely.

Gleiosian Astromancy: You are trained in reading the constellations of the Gleiosian pantheon's gods, and they have deemed you worthy of their aid. At the start of each day, you are granted one blessing tied to one of the five gods of the pantheon. These blessings cycle in order, though on a given day you may choose to incur 1 point of System Strain to choose any of the blessings other than the one that would typically occur. If you change blessings in this manner, the cycle continues as usual from the one chosen for that day. The cycle goes as follows:

The Creator's Boon -> The Artist's Inspiration -> The Old Man's Guidance -> The Wind Lord's Endurance -> The Harbinger's Blessing
The Creator's Boon: Krymos instill you with his skill and passion for creation, allowing your works and repairs to excel. When you make a skill check to craft, repair, or upgrade an item, roll 3d6 and take the best 2 results when determining success. You may use this ability once per day per action type (repair, craft, etc).

The Artist's Inspiration: Your art and performance is imbued with the grace of Hyrmina, allowing you to inspire those around you. Once per day, you may make a performance check before a crowd, with a DC determined by the crowd's size. On success, all who witness the performance gain +2 to their morale for the remainder of the day, and will view you in a more positive light until they fail a morale check.

The Old Man's Guidance: Pharon imbues you with his keen senses and mastery of the seas, allowing you to navigate unhindered. For the duration of the day, you know exactly where you are at sea and how far the nearest port is, should you maintain your current heading. When your ship rolls for an event, roll a d20 instead of the typical d10 or d12. A 1 still causes a typical event to occur, while a 20 sees a positive event come your way instead.

The Wind Lord's Endurance: The fury of Maleos is typically all-encompassing, but he has offered you and those close to you temporary repreieve. When dealing with the dangers of storms or turbulent waters, you, your crew, and your ship gain +2 to any checks to resist damage or injury. Additionally, all crew on your ship consume half rations for the day with no penalties.

The Harbinger's Blessing: Ianessa has decided that today is not your day to join her, and has offered you a boon to help ensure you live to see another day. Until the day ends, you gain +2 to your AC and +1 to saving throws (except Luck). These bonuses can stack with other like bonuses, but this may not cause your AC to exceed 18.
Arts & Spells
Elemental Resilience: I'm unharmed by mundane extremes of cold and heat. I only suffer half damage from magical or extremely intense frost or flame attacks.

Elemental Sparks: I can conjure small elemental efforts to do tricks, chill drinks, light fires, and do other small effects. Conjured substances only last up to a scene, and conjured liquids can't lastingly quench thirst. This art can't be useful in problem solving or overcoming a challenge more than once per session.

Pavis of Elements: I can Commit Effort as an On Turn action to conjure an elemental barrier around myself. This barrier increases my AC by +4 (up to 18 max) and remains as long as my Effort is Committed.

Aqueous Harmony: Myself and up to a dozen allies can breathe underwater, tolerate the pressure and cold of the deep, and can see through water as if it were well-lit air. Those affected can move and attack as normal, including projectiles, and their possessions aren't soaked or damaged by water. This spell lasts an hour per caster level but won't naturally end as long as I remain at least partially submerged in water.

Apprehending the Arcane Form: For 15 minutes per character level, I can see magical effects, curses, enchantments, etc as colorful auras or patterns of light. I can identify magical items and get a one-sentence description of their purpose or significant powers, and can get more with a successful Wis/Magic check (8+ DC, variable). Mages with prepared spells are visible to me. In this duration, I can see normally even in complete darkness.

Damnation of the Sense: I can target a visible creature within 200 feet. The target can make a Mental saving throw to resist. On failure, one sense of my choice is under my control for the rest of the scene, while success leaves them bound for the next round.
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Vigilant Resolution
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos — OOC

Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kairon Lergaros, The Phantom Blade
Kairon's pet turtle Michelangelo

Background and Concept Elements
 Born under the watchful gaze of the stars and the eternal depths of the ocean, Kairon Legraros emerged into a world steeped in the mysteries of the abyss. His family, descendants of ancient seafarers and keepers of the sacred pact with the sea god Whakaruru, the Leviathan King, bore the weight of their ancestral obligations with solemn reverence. From a young age, Kairon was taught the ways of the sea and the wisdom of the Leviathan King. His elders spoke of Whakaruru's dominion over the abyssal depths, his power to command the currents and creatures of the ocean, and the sacred bond that connected their family to his divine will. In the flickering light of bioluminescent sea caves, Kairon learned to honor and revere Whakaruru, pledging his allegiance to the Leviathan King and vowing to uphold the ancient traditions of his forebears. As the last surviving member of his family, Kairon bore the burden of their legacy upon his shoulders. He felt the weight of their sins and the echoes of their past, their pact with Whakaruru shaping his destiny and guiding his path. From the depths of the ocean, Whakaruru whispered to Kairon, filling his dreams with visions of the abyss and the mysteries that lurked beneath the waves. Determined to redeem his family's tarnished legacy, Kairon embarked on a quest for knowledge and understanding. He delved into ancient tomes and forgotten lore, seeking to uncover the truth behind his family's pact with Whakaruru and the role he was destined to play in the world. With each passing day, he felt the call of the Leviathan King growing stronger, urging him to embrace his destiny and fulfill the sacred obligations of his bloodline. Guided by the teachings of Whakaruru and the wisdom of the abyss, Kairon honed his skills as a warrior and a mystic, channeling the power of the ocean's depths as his own. He learned to summon blades infused with the primordial energies of the Leviathan King, wielding them with the ferocity of a tempest unleashed. With each strike, he channeled the wrath of Whakaruru, unleashing torrents of water and storms of unparalleled ferocity upon his foes. Kairon set sail upon the open sea, his heart filled with determination and his soul bound to the depths of the ocean. He was a champion of the deep, a protector of the faithful, and a harbinger of the Leviathan's wrath, destined to leave his mark upon the world and the seas that bind it together. And as he ventured forth into the unknown, he knew that the legacy of the Leviathan would forever guide his path, illuminating the darkness with the radiant light of the abyss.
  1. Unravel the Mysteries of the Abyss: Kairon is determined to delve deep into the secrets of the ocean and uncover the truth behind his family's pact with Whakaruru. He seeks to unravel the mysteries of the abyss, delving into ancient tomes and forgotten lore to unlock the hidden knowledge that lies hidden beneath the waves.
  2. Redeem His Family's Tarnished Legacy: Kairon carries the weight of his family's sins upon his shoulders, and he is determined to redeem their tarnished legacy. He seeks to atone for the mistakes of the past and restore honor to his family's name, earning the respect and reverence of his ancestors and his peers.
  3. Become a True Champion of the Deep: As Whakaruru's chosen champion, Kairon strives to embody the ideals of the Leviathan King and become a true champion of the deep. He seeks to master the powers of the ocean's depths, honing his skills as a warrior and a mystic and wielding the primordial energies of the abyss as his own.
  4. (Personal Goal for him) Find Love and Companionship: Beneath his stoic exterior, Kairon longs for connection and companionship, yearning to find someone who will see past the shadows of his past and accept him for who he truly is. He seeks love and understanding, hoping to build a life filled with warmth and happiness amidst the darkness that surrounds him.

1) The Fate of His Lost Kin: Kairon's family history is marred by tragedy and loss, with many of his kin lost to the depths of the ocean or consumed by the darkness that surrounds them. As he delves deeper into his family's past, he will uncover the truth behind their untimely demise, confronting the ghosts of his ancestors and the secrets they took to their watery graves.

2)The True Nature of His Family's Pact: While Kairon is aware of his family's pact with Whakaruru, he does not fully understand its implications or the extent of the obligations it entails. There are hidden depths to the agreement that have yet to be revealed to him, secrets that may hold the key to his family's redemption.

His True Heritage: Despite his knowledge of his family's lineage, Kairon does not know the full extent of his true heritage. There are hidden truths buried within his bloodline, secrets that have been kept from him since birth, waiting to be unearthed and revealed.
People Tied to Character
Sister Mara Nightingale: A healer and herbalist who tends to the injuries of sailors and travelers alike, Sister Mara has earned Kairon's respect with her compassionate nature and unwavering dedication to her craft. She is a trusted ally and confidante, offering Kairon solace and support in times of need.

Lady Elara Meridian: A noblewoman with ties to Kairon's family, Lady Elara is a staunch supporter of Whakaruru and a patron of the Temple dedicated to the Leviathan King. She has taken a keen interest in Kairon's upbringing, offering him guidance and support as he navigates the complexities of his destiny.

Master Soren Windchaser: A wise and enigmatic mentor who took Kairon under his wing at a young age, Master Soren taught Kairon the ways of the mystic arts and instilled in him a deep reverence for the sea. Though Master Soren has long since passed away, his teachings continue to guide Kairon on his journey.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
  1. Childhood by the Sea: Kairon's earliest memories are filled with the sights, sounds, and smells of the ocean. He recalls days spent playing on the sandy shores, the salty breeze in his hair, and the gentle lullaby of the waves crashing against the cliffs.
  2. Family Traditions: Kairon fondly remembers the rituals and traditions of his family, from the solemn ceremonies honoring Whakaruru to the joyous celebrations marking the changing of the seasons. These memories are a source of comfort and strength, reminding him of the bonds that connect him to his ancestors and the legacy he carries forward.
  3. Lost Loved Ones: Amidst the warmth of his family's embrace, Kairon also carries memories of loss and heartache. He mourns the passing of loved ones who have gone before him, their faces etched in his mind like fading echoes of the past.
  1. Stoic Demeanor: Kairon often carries himself with a quiet dignity and composure, his expression unreadable and his emotions carefully guarded. He speaks sparingly, choosing his words with precision and purpose, and rarely allows others to see the turmoil that lies beneath the surface.
  2. Focused Intensity: When Kairon sets his mind to a task, he does so with unwavering determination and focus. His gaze becomes intense, his movements deliberate, as he channels all of his energy and resolve into achieving his goals.
  3. Graceful Strength: Despite his stoicism, there is a fluidity to Kairon's movements that speaks to his inner strength and agility. Whether wielding a blade in combat or navigating the deck of a ship in a storm, he moves with a grace and poise that belies his formidable skill.
  1. Oceanic Reverence: Kairon has a deep reverence for the ocean and the creatures that dwell within it, often pausing to observe the ebb and flow of the tides or marvel at the beauty of a passing school of fish.
  2. Nightmares of the Deep: Kairon is plagued by vivid nightmares of the abyss, haunted by visions of shadowy depths and monstrous creatures lurking in the darkness. These dreams leave him restless and unsettled, their lingering echoes a constant reminder of the dangers that lie hidden beneath the waves.
  3. Secretive Tendencies: Despite his outward stoicism, Kairon is fiercely protective of his inner thoughts and feelings, sharing them only with those he trusts implicitly. He guards his secrets closely, revealing them only when absolutely necessary and even then, only in carefully measured doses.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Kairon Legraros comes from a lineage deeply tied to the sea god Whakaruru, the Leviathan King. His family's ancestral home is a cliffside estate overlooking the ocean, where they've upheld ancient traditions and rituals for generations. While Kairon is the last surviving member of his immediate family, he carries their legacy and responsibilities with solemn reverence.

 Class: As a warrior and mystic, Kairon embodies the dual nature of his heritage. He is both a skilled sailor and a practitioner of the mystic arts, channeling the power of Whakaruru to summon blades infused with primordial energies. His abilities set him apart from his peers, marking him as a formidable combatant with a deep connection to the sea.

 Profession: Kairon's profession revolves around his life at sea. He serves as a sailor aboard various merchant vessels, navigating perilous waters, and braving the challenges of oceanic travel. In addition to his maritime duties, he also pursues his mystical studies, honing his abilities to wield the power of the abyss in defense of himself and his allies.

 Institutions: While Kairon's family estate serves as a spiritual center for his lineage's reverence of Whakaruru, he also finds himself connected to other institutions
  1. The Temple of Whakaruru: A sacred place of worship dedicated to the sea god, where Kairon's family has long honored their ancestral pact. Here, rituals and ceremonies are performed to seek guidance and blessings from Whakaruru, reinforcing the bond between deity and devotee.
  2. The Brotherhood of the Leviathan: A secretive order of mystics and warriors who revere Whakaruru and serve as guardians of the ocean's mysteries. Kairon's connection to the sea god has drawn the attention of the Brotherhood, leading to his involvement in their esoteric rituals and quests for ancient knowledge.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary Drive: Redemption - Kairon's primary drive is to seek redemption for his family's past transgressions and to restore honor to their name. He is motivated by a deep sense of duty to atone for the mistakes of his ancestors and to forge a new path that honors their legacy. This drive fuels much of his actions and decisions, pushing him to confront the shadows of his past and to strive for a brighter future.

Secondary Drive: Mastery - Kairon is driven by a desire to master his abilities as a practitioner of the mystic arts and as a sailor. He seeks to unlock the full potential of his connection to Whakaruru, the Leviathan King, and to hone his skills in combat and navigation. This drive pushes him to constantly push his limits, to seek out new challenges, and to grow stronger with each passing day.

Tertiary Drive: Legacy - Kairon's tertiary drive is tied to his desire to leave behind a meaningful legacy for future generations. Despite being the last surviving member of his family, he is determined to ensure that their traditions and rituals endure, passing down their knowledge and wisdom to those who come after him. This drive motivates him to seek out knowledge and to uncover the secrets of his heritage, so that he may leave behind a lasting legacy that honors his ancestors and inspires others to follow in his footsteps.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term Goals:
1. Experiment with Blade Variations: Kairon seeks to experiment with different variations of his summoned blades, exploring their potential for versatility and utility in combat and other situations.
2. Refine Blade Summoning Technique: Kairon aims to refine his technique for summoning blades infused with the power of Whakaruru, focusing on enhancing precision, speed, and control in their manifestation and manipulation.

Medium-Term Goals:
  1. Establish Order on the Pelican: With Captain Demos ousted from power, Kairon's next goal is to establish order and stability aboard the Pelican. He must assert his authority as the new leader of the ship, quell any dissent among the crew, and ensure that they can continue their journey to Murvos without further disruption.
  2. Navigate the Political Landscape: As the new captain of the Pelican, Kairon must navigate the political landscape of Murvos and establish alliances with other factions and power players in the region. He must negotiate trade deals, secure safe harbors for the ship, and navigate any potential conflicts that may arise during their stay in port.
Long-Term Goals:
  1. Uncover Family Secrets: Kairon's long-term goal is to uncover the secrets of his family's past and unravel the mysteries of their ancestral pact with Whakaruru. He must delve into ancient archives, seek out lost artifacts, and consult with mystics and scholars who may hold the key to unlocking the truth.
  2. Redeem His Family's Legacy: Ultimately, Kairon seeks to redeem his family's tarnished legacy and restore honor to their name. He must confront the shadows of the past, atone for their sins, and forge a new path that honors their heritage while paving the way for a brighter future.

Character Sheet
Kairon Lergaros, level 2
Human Partial Warrior/Accursed
Background: Scholar

Str 14(+1), Dex 13(+0), Con 11(+0), Int 18(+2), Wis 10(+0), Cha 9(+0)

Str 14, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 9
14 into STR

HP: 11
Physical: 13
Evasion: 13
Mental: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +2

SKILLS Know-0,Magic-2,Punch-0,Sail-0,Pray-0

FOCI-Armsmaster 1, Lucky 1, Shocking Assault 1, Whakaruru's Chosen (Free unique gift focus)
Whakaruru's Chosen
Whakaruru Grants Kairon some amount of dominion over the sea and its creatures in return for your devotion and prayer. Gain pray as a bonus skill. You Gain the ability to bind sea creatures to your will, summon them from great distances with a simple whistle, and command them to complete minor tasks for you (such as delivering a one-sentence message, locating specific people or resources, etc. If unsure of the command would work, ask the GM first.) These tasks might require a pray check from you to infuence the rate of success, and the time it takes your servant to complete their task will depend on the complexity of said task and the distance they must travel to do so.

You can control 1 servant in this way at 1st level, gaining a second at 4th, a third at 7th, and a fourth at 10th level. Each servant may be issued one command per day, assuming the are not already working on a previously-assigned task. When not being commanded to perform an action for you, they will go about their lives as normal, though aiming to stay close enough to you and whatever ship you are on that they can be available next time you call. Those sent on far-off missions will have a inherent sense of where to find you if you leave your inital position, so that you need not stay in one place until they can return from their task.

  • Carved Wooden Pendant of Whakaruru (Religious Symbol): A small, intricately carved pendant depicting a sea serpent, worn around Kairon's neck as a symbol of his devotion to Whakaruru, the Leviathan King.
  • Journal (5 Silver): A leather-bound book where Kairon documents his experiences, dreams, and insights related to his powers and his journey.
  • Ink and Quill (2 Silver): For writing in his journal.
  • Small Flask of Sea Water (1 Silver): Collected from the ocean, it serves as a reminder of his connection to Whakaruru and his homeland.
  • Set of Dice (1 Silver): Used for passing time and gambling with fellow crew members.
  • Basic Sewing Kit (2 Silver): Useful for repairing clothes and equipment during long voyages.
  • Small Wooden Figurine (2 Silver): A carved figure of a whale, a keepsake from his homeland.
  • War Robe (50 Silver) Freebie
  • Shield (20 Silver) Freebie
  • Piece of Driftwood (1 Silver): A polished piece of driftwood that Kairon keeps as a memento of his homeland.

READIED (Capacity: 7/half strength rounded down)

STOWED (Capacity: 14/equal to strength)

Combat Block Format
Kairon Lergaros

Male Human Partial Warrior/Accursed 2
Languages: Mandate

Speed: 30 meters

HP: 11/11

Attack Bonuses: Shock 2/15
Accursed Blade 1-Handed: 1d20+6, 1d8+5
Accursed Blade 2-Handed: 1d20+6, 2d6+5

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Effort Score-3
Accursed Arts
Accursed Blade
As an On Turn action manifest an occult melee weapon as a one-handed 1d8 weapon or a two-handed 2d6 weapon. Both add your Magic skill to the damage done, have a Shock rating of 2/15, and use Magic as the attack skill and Int/Cha as the attributes that modify its attack and damage.
Rob Vitality
Once per scene, as an On Turn action, Commit Effort for the scene and target a visible foe. They must make a Physical save or lose their next Main Action, which you immediately gain instead.
Soul Consumption
As an Instant Action, Commit effort for the scene when you fell an intelligent traget with Accursed Blade of Accursed Bolt, They die instantly and you heal 1d6 hit points plus your level and lose one accumulated System Strain.

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Lucky 1: Once per week, a blow or effect that would otherwise have left you killed, mortally wounded, or rendered helpless somehow fails to connect or affect you. You make any rolls related to games of chance twice, taking the better roll

Armsmaster 1: Level 1: Gain Stab as a bonus skill. You can Ready a
Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee
or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.

Shocking Assault 1: Gain Punch or Stab as a bonus skill. The Shock damage of your weapon treats all targets as if they
were AC 10, assuming your weapon is capable of harming the target in the first place and the target
is not immune to Shock.
Character Rolls
Ability score rolls [3d6]=10[3d6]=14[3d6]=11[3d6]=9[3d6]=13[3d6]=10
Growth Roll 1 [1d6]=6(Magic-1)
Growth Roll 2 [1d6]=6(Notice-0)
Growth Roll 3 [1d6]=3 (+2 Int)

HP roll
level 1 [1d6+2]=1+2=3
level 2 [2d6+4]=7+4=11
Last edited by Chanchabruhh on Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:19 pm, edited 46 times in total.
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos — OOC

Post by KupoTheMagus »

Einar Tamara-Stormur
Einar Tamara-Stormur

Einar Tamara-Stormur_card.png

Einar is the kind of gruff but kind spirit that you'd find in your typical lumberjack. He knows his way around a conversation, but his tone would make him seem displeased. He's always willing to lend a hand to those in need and does so knowing the world is better due to his actions.

Einar stands at 6'7" and weighs a solid 235lbs. His pale skin is akin to his heritage, though he bears a lot of chest hair. His hair is pale snow-white and sits unkempt and long upon his head. He sports a medium-taught beard of the same color. His nose is crooked, and his partially orc heritage shows through in his smile, which shows teeth ready to bite. Einar dresses ready for a northern blizzard unless the heat is bearing down: in these cases, Einar is in minimal clothing to allow freedom of movement. Unlike most archers of his quality, Einar prefers a heftier short bow and a hip quiver.

The Story So Far
Einar: Birth of a Tribesman
Early Life: Einar was born as Einar Shenhirson to a nomadic tribe where his father, Shenhir, was a hunter. Einar loved to read stories of legendary heroes fighting off monsters, attaining fame and glory, riches beyond any tribesman's dream. Einar would train with his father as soon as he reached the age of nine. As Einar grew more talented at hunting, the tribe elder Shalenei realized his potential of Arcanus: spellcasting. After hunting sessions, Einar would meet with the elder to practice his arcane prowess. He would spend more time with the elder than his father during this period. One day, Einar returned home to find a note from his father.

"My son, it is time I must leave you. I feared this day would come but alas it must be done. I know you never met your mother, and I feel I owe it to you to explain. Your mother was both an orc and a shaman. She communicated with the spirits of dragons to predict the future, and a prediction came that if I were to be around during your thirteenth birthday, tragedy would strike the tribe. I have gone to be with your mother until she finds a time I may visit you again. You, my son. You are the descendant of a dragon. She has sensed that you may have some of that draconic power within you, hence your ability to learn magic. Peace be with you, Shenhirson."

This displeased Einar, but nothing could be done. He took his father's place as the main hunter of the tribe.

Einar: A Man of Storms
In Einar's tribe, you earn your last name when you complete a major feat of prowess. On the day of his thirteenth birthday, Einar sat in his tent as a large thunderstorm appeared over the skies. First came the flooding, then the lightning. The storm would last four, five, six days. As the tribe's resources depleted, tribemates started to starve. Someone needed to collect food. Einar took it upon himself to walk deeper into the storm to save his people. A whooshing of wind. A hurricane began to approach. However, this was no normal hurricane. A large beast-like creature stood in the middle of the winds, its roar bringing darkness to the skies. The clearing Einar stood in provided little cover as the beast approached him. Einar stopped moving. If he had made any sudden movement, the beast would strike him down. Einar merely put his hand out and slowly approached the beast. The winds were getting faster, nearly solid as they ripped into his shoulder muscles. Einar approached the beast, bleeding from multiple places. He placed his hand on the beast's head as he collapsed. When he awoke, he was bandaged and back in the village. A large plate of food steamed at his dinner board. He glanced up as the beast left his tent. He peered his head out of the tent. A large bounty of fruit and vegetables lay in the foodpile, and the storm had cleared. A celebration took place in Einar's name the following night. The elder stood in front of the tribe and looked to Einar. 

"Einar, you have fully earned your name. You tamed a beast of great power, risking your life to save us. In Sehanine, we thank you. I grant you the name, Storm Tamer. You are no longer Einar Shenhirson. You, my child, are Einar Tamara-Stormur. 

Einar: A Mother Unknown
Einar continued to hunt for the tribe until the age of 23, when a vision came to him. A great fire, the death of a woman, a man with a mask, and the blurring of stars. It came quickly and left with great speed. Einar went to the elder to ask about this vision. She had no words for him. Einar had remembered his mother being a shaman and had a wild idea. He had to seek her out, to find the meaning of this vision. The elder begged him not to go, but Einar's mind was set. He would bring his tribe one final feast. Everyone had sat around the fire as Einar gathered his things. A friend of his, Elesa, was nearly equal in skill with hunting. He handed her the symbol of the hunter, one passed to him by his father. Everyone rushed to Einar to give him one final hug goodbye, and Einar set out. Toughing the wilderness on his own was something he was used to. Traveling across rivers and seas, through desert land and swamps, underbrush and caves, Einar sought his mother. He needed to know what he was destined for. Each night he slept, a vision of an orc shaman would enter his mind. Slowly he began to piece a description of her together. He met a very strange man with a walking cane on the road, although the man didn't use it to steady himself. He had asked the man about this woman in his dreams, and the man simply gave him a piece of paper. The paper had an arrow pointing south and read the word "Gleios." Einar looked up, but the man was gone. Shaking his head, he followed the arrow hoping to find what he sought. 

Einar wishes to find his mother and father, and seek the knowledge of his lineage.

While Einar wouldn't openly admit it, he did long for companionship with good friends. Einar was also the son of an Orc and Elf, with a draconic lineage. He didn't want to scare people off or have them look down on him, so he did his best to act like a regular half-elf.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
Most of Einar's greatest accomplishments come from his hunting. When he can, he will bring up the different ways he's trapped or downed a beast. Einar prefers to eat quickly, as any time spent eating is time not spent focusing on the issue at hand. Einar's eyes glow with a strange cyan neon, and touching him tends to give a small static shock, though not enough to hurt anyone. Furthermore, if you were to stare into his mouth, you might see a storm brewing.

Besides his mother and father, Einar's family lies within his clan. Einar has no professional academy schooling but has the training and knowledge of a clan of hunters, gatherers, and craftsmen. Despite being focused on business, Einar is quite well at conversation. He was the main hunter in his clan for quite some time.

People Tied to Character
Shenhir Silentstring: Einar's Father. Left to be with Einar's Mother.
Unknown: Einar's Mother. He knew little about her, not even her name.
Iris Spiderweave: Clan Mother and Clothier. She watched over Einar after his father left until he could handle himself.
Sorlead Quick-Arrow: Rival hunter to Einar. They were good friends until Einar became the main hunter of the clan. Sorlead was older, but worse a hunter. This led to him growing cold to Einar.

Primary: Reuniting His Family - Einar wants nothing more than to meet his mother, and show his father how much he's grown.
Secondary: Camaraderie - Einar wasn't close to most of his clanmates and has always felt like an outsider. Einar hopes to make some real friends, people he can call his brothers and sisters in arms.

Character Sheet!
Einar Tamara-Stormur, level 3
Dragonborn, Skald
Dragonborn Subrace: Standard Dragonborn Racial Traits
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Constitution
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning
Background: Occupation - Hunter (+2 to Perception)
Theme: Explorer

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 18.

Str 10, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16.

AC: 17 Fort: 14 Reflex: 15 Will: 16
HP: 38 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 12

Arcana +9, Intimidate +12, Perception +8, Acrobatics +5, Diplomacy +10

Bluff +6, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +4, Heal +2, History +7, Insight +2, Nature +2, Religion +5, Stealth +1, Streetwise +6, Thievery +1, Athletics +1

Level 1: Moonbow Dedicate
Level 2: Mark of Storm
Feat User Choice: Battle Song Expertise

Master of Story and Song: Arrow of Warning
Skald at-will 1: Jinx Shot
Skald at-will 1: Staggering Note
Skald encounter 1: Firemetal Shot
Skald daily 1: Disruptive Words
Skald utility 2: Bardic Lore
Skald encounter 3: Focused Sound

Hide Armor
Filter Mask
Grappling Hook
Hempen Rope (50FT)
Rare Herbs (Nature)
Ten-Foot Pole
Consumables: None

Currently In Use

Main Hand: Shortbow
Off Hand:
Armor: Hide Armor

Combat Block
Einar Tamara-Stormur

Male Elc (Elf/Orc) [Dragonborn] Skald 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissin
Age: 24
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 235 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16
Will: 17
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +5, 1d4+5
RBA: +7, 1d8+2

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: +5 bonus to any skill check to avoid becoming lost, find your way to a specific location, or spot a distant landmark.


Jinx Shot
Staggering Note


Firemetal Shot
Focused Sound
Surefooted Stride
Dragon Breath
Bardic Lore

Arrow of Warning
Disruptive Words

*Note: Can only use 1 Bard Daily Power per day.

Current Crew Companions
Huan, the Cook
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Last edited by KupoTheMagus on Mon Jun 06, 2022 4:43 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos — OOC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Arkadios, the Spectacular Swashbuckler (#6600ff)

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1) Birth - Arkadios was born to Apostolos and Demetra, a pirate and a bar maiden. Apostolos took Arkadios with him out to sea when he was very little, and he hasn’t seen his mother since.

2) Early Years - Arkadios spent a lot of his early years on a pirate ship run by his father, upon which he was forced into doing most of the manual labour. He was still expected to be able to fend for himself, and as such was taught how to swing a sword, but most of his strength came from being physically rather fit. 

3) Teens - Continuing on from his childhood, Arkadios continued to serve on his father’s ship. His status on the ship never changed, no matter how hard he worked. Shortly after his 18th birthday, he made the decision that he had to murder his father and flee in the night.
4) “The Spectacular Swashbuckler” - In the nine years since murdering his father, Arkadios has constantly had to look over his shoulder, worried that the ghosts of his father's old crew could be following behind every corner.
1) Never be used by or be in servitude to another again.
2) I want Arkadios to survive.
1) Arkadios murdered his father in cold blood.
2) Arkadios' mother is still alive, and is looking for him.
People Tied to Character
1) Apostolos - Arkadios' father. Presumed Dead. Was the captain of a small pirate crew, not very notable.
2) Demetra - Arkadios' mother. Ark barely remembers her, and basically only her face from long ago. Back when Apostolos was with Demetra, she worked as a bar maiden.
3) Cahir - Ark met Cahir on his father's ship. Cahir was much older and acted like a much more mature father figure than Apostolos.
4) Valeria - Ark met this woman on the ship he's now a crew member on. Briefly they had a fling but they are now just friends.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Arkadios' dearest memory is of speaking to his mother as a child. It was the day his father took him away with him on his ship, and she promised him that she would come and find him some day.
2) Arkadios tends to speak too fast when he gets excited about something, and is mildly embarrassed about it because it makes him out of breath.
3) Arkadios is ambidextrous and can swap his weapons consistently.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family - Arkadios' relations with his family are strained at best.
Class - Lower class. Arkadios is relatively poor, as he spends almost every gold he gets while adventuring on women, men, and wine. And whatever little he has left goes to making sure he looks nice for the people he attempts to sleep with.
Profession - Arkadios is an adventurer. He hunts monsters, goes on quests, does whatever he can to make money.
Institutions - Arkadios learned much of what he knows from growing up on his father's pirate ship.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary - A distaste for how he was raised and people who treat others the same way his father treated him.
Secondary - Become rich and famous (infamous?)
Tertiary - Become the greatest swordsman alive.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short Term - Find riches, to protect himself.
Medium Term - Find love, to sustain himself.
Long Term - Survive long enough to make sure no one else can get treated like he did.
Character Sheet
Arkadios, level 3
Bugbear, Ranger
Background: Geography - Forest (+2 Perception)
Theme: Sohei

Str 20, Con 10, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Str 18, Con 10, Dex 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.

AC: 16 Fort: 17 Reflex: 15 Will: 12
HP: 37 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 9

Nature +7, Stealth +11, Intimidate +8, Athletics +11, Perception +9

Arcana, Acrobatics +4, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +1, Heal +2, History, Insight +2, Nature +2, Religion, Streetwise +1, Thievery +4

Level 0: Heavy Blade Expertise
Level 0: Toughness
Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
Level 2: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)

Ranger at-will 1: Marauder's Rush
Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Off-Hand Strike
Ranger daily 1: Jaws of the Wolf
Ranger utility 2: Begin the Hunt
Ranger encounter 3: Sustaining Strike
Theme Power 1: Sohei Flurry
Racial Power: Predatory Eye

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Bastard Sword (Large) (1h)
Offhand: Bastard Sword (Large) (1h)
Body: Leather Armor

Head: ---
Neck: ---
Arms: ---
Hands: ---
Waist: ---
Feet: ---
Symbol: ---
Ki Focus: ---
Ring: ---
Ring: ---
Tattoo: ---

Boon: ---
Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Horn
All Items
Leather Armor, Backpack (empty), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Horn, Bastard sword (Large) (2)
Combat Block

Male Bugbear Ranger Level 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 27
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 12
HP: 37/37
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: Bastard Sword (Large): +11 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage
MBA: Unarmed: +7 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:

Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike
Hunter's Quarry
Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [_]
Predatory Eye [_]
Off-hand Strike [_]
Sustaining Strike [_]
Jaws of the Wolf [_]
Begin the Hunt [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Hunter's Quarry - Minor Action - Effect: Designate Nearest Target as Quarry - Once per Turn, I may deal an extra 1d6 damage.
Twin Strike - Standard Action - One or Two Creatures - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage (Two attacks)
Marauder's Rush - Standard Action - One Creature - Hit: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+6 damage. Special: When charging, I can use this power in place of an MBA.
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Sohei Flurry - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage.
Predatory Eye - Minor Action - If I have Combat Advantage, I can deal +1d6 damage on the next attack I make against the target. I must apply this bonus before EONT.
Off-Hand Strike - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Sustaining Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - Primary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage. If this attack reduces the enemy to 0 hit points, the power isn't spent and gains a +2 to hit until EoE. Effect: Make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Jaws of the Wolf - Standard Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC, two attacks | Hit: 2d12+7 damage. Miss: Half damage per attack.
Begin the Hunt - No Action - Trigger: I roll initiative | Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to the initiative check, and use my Hunter's Quarry to mark the nearest enemy. I gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls versus that creature until it is no longer my quarry.

Class Features Ranger
Hunter's Quarry - Once per turn, I may use my Hunter's Quarry power.
Two-Blade Fighting Style - I can wield a one-handed weapon in my off-hand as if it were an off-hand weapon. In addition, I gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
Running Attack - If I use a standard action that lets me move (such as a Charge or the Skirmish Shot power) and I end that movement at least 2 squares away from where I began that move, I gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made as part of that action.

Racial Features (Bugbear)
Ability Score Increase: +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength
Skill Bonuses: +2 Intimidate, +2 Stealth
Oversized: You can use weapons of your size or one size larger than you as if they were your size.
Predatory Eye: Gain Predatory Eye as an Encounter Power.

Theme Features
Level 1 Sohei: Sohei Flurry (Encounter Power)

Toughness - Gain +5 Health.
Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Swords) - Gain proficiency in Bastard Swords.
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade) - +1 to all Damage Rolls with Heavy Blades.
Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to Hit with all Heavy Blades, and gain +2 All Defenses vs OAs.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:05 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos — OOC

Post by Fialova »

The Deadline for Submissions will be Saturday, April 23rd. Please have all character backstories and builds completed by then so I can review and begin the game the next day.
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Re: A Mutiny in Murvos — OOC

Post by Fialova »

The Deadline for Submissions will tentatively be changed to Saturday, April 30th. If the site still has issues by then I might push it back longer.
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Post by Fialova »

This game will be restarting soon, and, as with several other games, will be converting to WWN. All players who wish to continue with their original character concepts, please create new WWN builds for your PCs at level 2. Do not take the starting equipment or any starting money, as that will be determined separately. Please use our standard WWN conversion rules (roll stats, but apply in any order. gain a free unique gift focus, to be designed with me. take gear from the homebrew table instead of the book). Additionally, all PCs must have at least Sail-0 to be valid for this game, as there'd be no reason to be hired onto this crew without it. You can gain this in any of the normal methods, but it is not a free skill, so please make sure to account for it while making your WWN build.
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Post by greysigil »

Cerise, the Charming Cheat

Background and Concept Elements
1) Appearance

2) Personality

3) An Auspicious Birth

4) Stowaway

5) Barracuda

6) Home Waters

7) Bigger Fish
1) Get out of Telguta, and find fresher waters to rebuild her standing and finances

2) I think my end goal for this character is twofold: to see her find stability and be able to settle down in comfort, and to open up to people, and overcome her over-reliance on herself alone
1) Cerise crossed [a gang], killing [a prominent member], and that black mark on her reputation is hurting her business

2) Her parents planned her birth, and got lucky with the lunar confluence, and intended to use her as a political piece to gain standing in either the church or the local politics scene, with ambitions of going bigger.
People Tied to Character


Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks


Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Left Behind. Her parents were of respectable standing, but their ambition and political game-playing drove her away. In the back of her head, she both resents and it's grateful to them, for teaching her how to navigate complex social situations.

Class: Merchant. Money comes and goes like the tides, and while she was riding a hefty windfall for a time, she has since fallen on comparatively hard times.

Profession: Merchant. A dealer in more than just goods, Cerise is adept at itself her skills to get what she wants, which just so happens to help her clients as well.

Institutions: Freelance. For as much dealings with the gangs and guilds she's done, Cerise has been very careful to not give her allegiance to any of them directly.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Self-Interest. "Helping others is all well and good, but Number One always has to come first."

Secondary: Money. "Look, coin fills the sails. Can't get anything done without it."

Tertiary: Freedom. "I won't be anyone's pawn. Not now, not ever."
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Get out of Telguta

Medium-Term: Recoup her losses, and rebuild her wealth

Long-Term: Go back to Lunette, and prove to her parents that she didn't need them to advance in the world.
Character Sheet

Female Human Expert
Background: Merchant
Level: 2

Age: 20
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Languages: Imardanian (Native), Common, Akiran, Amkharan, Brennisian, Chathran, Cru'unish, Gleiosian, Jarangi, Kurnish, Okani,

HP: 8/8
System Strain: 0/15
Initiative: +1


AC: 14
Physical Save: 13
Evasion Save: 13
Mental Save: 13
Luck Save: 14


Base Attack Bonus: +1

Cutlass (Short Sword)
Stab (+2), 1d6, 2/AC 15, Melee

Bagh Nakh (Claw Blades)
Stab (+2), 1d6, 2/AC 13, Melee

Throwing Blades
Stab (+2), 1d4, Null Shock, 30/60 (5)

Stab (+2), 1d4, 1/AC 18, Melee

Shoot (+1), 1d10, Null Shock, 100/300 (1/19)

Parrying Blade
Stab (+2), 1d4, 1/AC15 , Melee
Blank Weapon Templates
Weapon Name
Attack Roll, Damage Roll, Shock Values, Range (#/#)


STR 12 (+0)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 15 (+1)
INT 15 (+1)
WIS 08 (+0)
CHA 14 (+1)



Feature: Masterful Expertise

Feature: Quick Learner
Once per scene, the Expert may reroll any non-combat skill check as an Instant action. This allows the Expert to make a roll and then immediately use this ability if the resulting total isn’t good enough to succeed. In cases where it matters, the better of the two rolls may be used.

When you advance a character level, you gain an extra skill point which may only be spent on gaining or improving non-combat skills or raising attributes. You may save this point to spend later if you wish.

Focus: Unique Gift: TBD

Focus: Dealmaker
Level 1: Gain Trade as a bonus skill. With a half hour of effort you can find a buyer or seller for any good or service that can be traded in the community, legal or otherwise. Finding a marginally possible service, like an assassin willing and able to target a king, or some specific precious ancient artifact, may require an adventure if the GM allows it at all.

Focus: Diplomatic Grace
Level 1: Gain Convince as a bonus skill. You speak all the languages common to your region of the world and can learn new ones to a workable level in a week, becoming fluent in a month. Reroll 1s on any skill check dice related to negotiation or diplomacy.

Focus: Troubled Bookkeeper
Gain Administer as a bonus skill. When rolling to gather or manage resources for a large group (such as an army, ship, or territory under your control), roll 3d6 and take the best two results for all Lead and Administer checks. Your skill at administration allows you to pay hirelings of all types 10% less than market value without any need to haggle.
READIED (Capacity: 6/6)
1 | Merchant's Longcoat (Linothorax)
* | Backpack
* | Boots

1 | Bagh Nakh (Claw Blades) (Hidden in Right-hand Coat Sleeve)
1 | Cutlass (Short Sword)
1 | Parrying Blade
1 | Throwing Blades (5) (Hidden in Left-hand Coat Sleeve)
1 | Stiletto (Hidden in Right-hand Boot)

* | A braided silver bracelet
* | A leather cord with scrimshawed charms depicting the two moons, worn around the neck
* | A pouch of counterfeit coins

STOWED (Capacity: 8/12)
2 | Crossbow
1 | Bolts (Arrows)

1 | Crowbar
1 | Flask, Metal, One Pint
* | Mirror, Hand
1 | Small Tool (Lockpick Set)
* | Tinderbox
1 | Waterskin
1 | Writing Kit

* | The Ledger
* | A set of cutlery (fork and knife, rolled in a cloth napkin)

ENC | Item

50 sp
Starting sp
-Expense sp

Total sp
Stat Rolls: [3d6]=11[3d6]=7[3d6]=15[3d6]=13[3d6]=8[3d6]=14
Stat Change: Dex 7 >> Dex 14
Background: Merchant (Grants Trade-0)
BG Rolls: [1d6]=3[1d8]=7[1d8]=7
BG Roll Results: d6=3 (+2 Ment), d8=7 (Notice), d8=7 (Notice)
BG Choices: Mental Stat Growth (Int 13 >> Int 15)
Class: Expert
Foci: Diplomatic Grace (grants Convince), Dealmaker (grants Trade), Custom [notes: later choices: connected, well met, polymath]
Free Skill: Stab
Hit Point Roll: [1d6+1]=6+1=7
Base Attack Bonus: 0
Equipment: silver roll: 8*10= 80sp [3d6]=8
Free Weapons and Armor
20sp Linothorax (reflavor into merchants many-pocketed coat?) enc-1
10sp Stiletto enc-1
25sp Parrying Blade enc-1
15sp Throwing Blades (5) enc-1
10sp Crossbow enc-2
10sp Cutlass (Short Sword) enc-1
10sp Claw Blades enc-1

misc gear (30sp)
02sp backpack enc-1(0)
02sp bolts (Arrows) enc-1
02sp boots enc-1(0)
04sp crowbar enc-1
03sp flask, metal, one pint enc-1
10sp mirror, hand enc-*
02sp Small Tool (Lockpick Set) enc-1
01sp tinderbox enc-*
01sp waterskin enc-1
03sp Writing Kit enc-1
Level 2
Hit Points: 7 >> 8 (+1) [2d6+2]=3+2=5
Base Attack Bonus: +0 >> +1
Saving Throws: Phys 14 >> 13, Eva 14 >> 13, Ment 14 >> 13, Luck 15 >> 14
Skill Point Allocations: Str +1 (11 >> 12), Connect-0, Sail-0, Sneak-0
Focus Allocation: Troubled Bookkeeper (Grants Administer-0)
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
Katherine "Kate" Meecham - #ff6814

Ezra Wynter // MEDUSA - #91c886
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