The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World — IC

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Post by Fialova »

As she hears her lover shout, Caoimhe notices their leader once more at risk of losing his life. While she wants to rush immediately to his aid, she decides first to rush towards the larboard railing to assist Ser Eliva first, as they are easier for her to reach in the initial chaos of the deck. Leaping into action, she makes short work of the two strange creatures she finds, and shudders at the tentacle looming above her as they fall to the ground. We need to do something about those, but how can we focus on them with all of these smaller ones swarming? We must get rid of them first.

Minor Action: Enter Stunning Palm stance
Effect: I can't be dazed or stunned, and until the stance ends I can use the Stunning Palm Attack power

Move Action: move to (M, 18), avoiding OAs (there is a route, ask if it is unclear)

No Action: use Nature's Wrath feature to mark Sea Creature 11

Standard Action: Five Storms
Attack vs Sea Creature 1: [1d20+8]=18+8=26 vs Reflex = hit
Attack vs Sea Creature 11: [1d20+8]=19+8=27 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: [1d8+5]=7+5=12 damage, both creatures die

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north
Stunning Palm - I can't be dazed or stunned til stance ends


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery


Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [_]


Stunning Palm [X]
Lifebind Attack [_]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Post by Namelessjake »

As Caoimhe drops two of the creatures, Ser Elvia gives her a nod and points her sword at another of the beasts. Lightning arc from her sword, electrifying the fishlike monster which drops to the floor as well. Meanwhile two of the crew and the young OCB knight Lyari also manage to slay more of the creatures.

Go: Taliesin

Caoimhe: walks, marks, hits x2, kills x2.

Sea Creature 4: Moves to (S, 9), melee attacks Crew 9, 19 vs AC = hit for 8 damage.

Sea Creature 15: Moves to (O, 29), melee attacks Crew 8, critical misses.

Sea Creature 20: Moves to (S, 27), melee attacks Crew 7, 11 vs AC = miss.

Sea Creature 25: Attacks Ser Lyari, 29 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Ser Elvia: Witch Bolt on Sea Creature 22, 22 vs AC = hits for 9 damage, kills, moves to (L, 11).

Sea Creature 9: Moves to (T, 23), attacks Ser Percival, crits for 10 damage.

Crew 1: Attacks Sea Creature 12, 25 vs AC = hits for 5 damage, kills.

Crew 9: Attacks Sea Creature 8, 20 vs AC = hit for 6 damage, kills.

Sea Creature 23: Attacks Crew 2, 22 vs AC = hit for 10 damage.

Ser Lyari: MBA against Sea Creature 25, 32 vs AC = hit for 13 damage, kills.

Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin is frozen for a moment as he takes in the chaos around him. The screaming and sounds of battle almost overwhelm him for a moment before he grips the sheathe of his sword tightly. "Fy llafn i fydd y grym sy'n cymryd eu hanadl olaf." He says almost under his breath before he suddenly disappears, appearing a short way away and slashing out at his enemies.
Minor Action: Activate Host of Shields (gain +2 AC and Reflex) stance.
Move action: Fey Step @ U-11.
Standard Action: Dimensional Thunder @ U-9. [1d20+11]=2+11=13 13 vs Fort @ Sea Creature 3. MISS. Effect: Sea Creature 3 and Sea Creature 23 gain 5 thunder ongoing damage (save ends).
Free Action: Action point SPEND.
Standard Action: Firey Bolt @ Sea Creature 4: [1d20+8]=16+8=24 24 vs Reflex. Damage: [1d6+8]=5+8=13.

Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [_]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [X]
Dimensional Thunder [X]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.

"My blade will be the force that takes their last breath."
Active PCs
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Post by Namelessjake »

The battle continues to rage as the ship's captain and his first mate charge into the fray atop the aft castle. Meanwhile Tofyr darts back from the creatures towards Zima, loosing two crossbow bolts in quick succession as he does. One manages to find its mark dropping yet another of the creatures as a couple more also fall to the ship's crew.

Go: Ilmoto

Taliesin: takes stance, teleports, misses x2, action point!, hits, kills.

Sea Creature 18: Attacks Crew 8, critical miss.

Crew 4: Attacks Sea Creature 14, 28 vs AC = hit for 8 damage, kills.

Sea Creature 2: Attacks Ser Elvia, 30 vs AC = hit for 6 damage.

Sea Creature 6: Attacks Crew 5, 26 vs AC = hit for 5 damage.

Sea Creature 16: Moves to (O, 30), Attacks Crew 8, crits for 10 damage.

Sea Creature 21: Attacks Crew 7, 24 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Crew 8: Attacks Sea Creature 17, 16 vs AC = miss.

Captain Pierna: Moves to (N, 6), Brash Assault on Sea Creature 24, 31 vs AC = hit for 11 damage, kills.

Tekito Shimashu: Moves to (M, 9), Acrobatic Strike on Sea Creature 7, 14 vs AC = miss, shifts to (L, 9).

Sea Creature 5: Attacks Tenant Zavil, 27 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Sea Creature 13: Attacks Ser Percival, 27 vs AC = hit for 6 damage.

Crew 3: Attacks Crew 2, Critical Miss!

Tofyr Sobriall: Serpentine Dodge, shifts to (R, 21), Twin Strike on Sea Creature 9 & Sea Creature 21; 19 vs AC = miss, 22 vs AC = hits for 8 damage, kills, reloads crossbow.

Sea Creature 19: Moves to (T, 26), attacks Crew 7, 24 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Crew 5: Attacks Sea Creature 6, Critical Miss!
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by BartNL »

And here goes my last hope that this journey would go better than Kandoras.
Ilmoto conjures up a stream of wind and then takes a bag of yellowish powder from a pouch. As he empties the pouch in the wind, the powder is directed to the ship's bow.
After casting his spell he turns around and tries to get rid of the Sea Monsters threatening Tenant Saivil by attacking the monsters minds with terrible visions of fire.

Minor Action: Activate Swordmage Warding for +3 AC
Standard Action: Cast sleep on Crew 8, Sea creatures 15,16,17,18 and Tentacle 3
[1d20+9]=6+9=15 -5=10 vs. will against C8
[1d20+9]=17+9=26 vs. will against SC15
[1d20+9]=7+9=16 vs. will against SC16
[1d20+9]=7+9=16 vs. will against SC17
[1d20+9]=2+9=11 vs. will against SC18
[1d20+9]=11+9=20 vs. will against Tentacle 3

Move From Q13 to T11
Use Action Point:
Standard Action: Cast Beguiling Strands on Sea creatures 3,23 and the creature in U6
[1d20+9]=20+9=29 CRIT against SC3
[1d20+9]=14+9=23 vs. will against SC23
[1d20+9]=15+9=24 vs. will against U,6 creature
On hit deal 6 fire dmg. and push 3 squares away
[1d6]=1 +1 damage =7 fire damage total against SC3

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [X]
Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [X]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [_]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ilmoto's mix of magic and alchemy clear out a good number of the creatures from the aft castle, while towards the bow of the Sea Wolf, many of the creatures and the giant tentacle gripping the ship being to move slowly thanks to his efforts.

The tentacles themselves prove they not only threaten the ship but the crew too. One crewman is sent flying backwards as the colossal appendage swipes at him, while another wraps itself around Ser Lyari, restraining the young knight and lifting her several feet off the deck. Meanwhile the tentacle towards the bow slams down onto the deck sending splinters flying everywhere as it damages the ship, however it appears Ilmoto's powder begins to work its magic as the tentacle goes limp and curls up on the deck of the ship.

The battle begins to be turning in the defender's favour as you clear the deck of the monsters, however there are shouts from those close to the ship's railings as several more of the creatures emerge from the water ready to begin the climb up the side of the ship. This group however are accompanied by three similar but larger creatures. The larger creatures wear crude armour and carry primitive weapons made from driftwood and coral.

Round 2

Go: Louie, Zima

Ilmoto: wards, Casts Sleep, misses C8 & SC18, hits SC15 SC16 SC17 Tentacle, moves, action point! hits x3, kills x3.

Crew 2: Moves to (S, 5), attacks SC6, 24 vs AC = hit for 8 damage, kills.

Crew 6: Attacks Tentacle 4, 14 vs AC = miss.

Tenant Zavil: Moves to (P, 4), attacks Tentacle 1, 13 vs AC = miss.

Ser Percival: Sure Strike on SC9, 15 vs AC = miss.

Sea Creature 7: Attacks Tekito, crits for 10 damage.

Tentacle 1: Tentacle Whips against Crew 4, 30 vs AC = hit for 23 damage, bloodies, pushes and prones.

Tentacle 2: Tentacle Grab against Ser Lyari, 31 vs Ref = hit for 0 damage, Ser Lyari is pulled 1 square and is now restrained.

Tentacle 3: Attacks the Sea Wolf, auto hits for 22 damage, saves against Sleep, 2 = fail, Tentacle 3 is unconscious.

Tentacle 4: Tentacle Whips against Crew 1, 17 vs AC = miss.

Deep Ones 1, 2, 3 and Sea Creatures 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 surface from the water and roll initiative.

Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Louie watches in horror as Ser Lyari is grabbed by one of the gargantuan tentacles, feeling more and more as though he's become trapped in a horror novel. Gods, what have we gotten ourselves into? He grits his teeth, aiming his bow at the tentacle, hoping to maim it enough to free the woman.
Standard: Jinx Shot on Tentacle 2
Attack: [1d20+12]=8+12=20 vs AC = Hit?
Damage: [1d10+7]=3+7=10
The next time Tentacle 2 misses an attack before the end of my next turn, it falls prone

Minor: Skald's Aura
Aura 5 is activated until end of encounter
Twice per encounter (once per turn), myself or an ally can use a minor action to spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6+2 on self or an adjacent ally
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [X]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [X]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [_]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

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Post by ratwizard »

Zima gasps as an armored fish-person climbs aboard the deck right in front of her. She clenches her teeth, focusing her mind. The Sea Wolf shall protect us from the sea, like we protected it from the flames.

With a creak, a phantom projection of the mainmast's boom swings forward at a dangerous speed, catching the attacker square in the chest. The fish-person is flung seaward, ricocheting off a writhing tentacle as it returns from where it came.

"I can't believe that worked," the seer whispers, turning her attention toward the portside of the deck. She rushes over to Caoimhe, feeling safer with every step. "I'm right behind you my love," she shouts to the woman against the din.

Living Missile on Deep One 3
Hits 21 vs Fort, causing immobilized (save ends)
Living Missile: [1d20+10]=11+10=21

Living Missile Attack on Deep One 3, secondarily targeting the southern Tentacle nearest it
Living Missile Attack: [1d20+10]=1+10=11 Nat 1 miss.
Living Missile Damage: [2d6+7]=12+7=19
Fling DO3 11 squares south out to sea, proning it, and dealing 9 damage to Tentacle.

Walk to O17
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 4/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [_][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[X]
Living Missile Attack [X]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Louie's arrow strikes the giant tentacle, however it manages to retain its grip on the OCB Knight. Meanwhile a member of the crew is able to strike down another of the weaker sea creatures, further thinning out the melee on the ship's deck.

Round 2

Go: Caoimhe

Louie: hits, Tentacle 2 successfully saves to keep Ser Lyari Restrained, auras.

Zima: hits, immobilises, pushes, prones, deals damage, moves.

Sea Creature 17: Attacks Crew 8, critical miss, saves against slowed.

Crew 7: Attacks SC 20, 12 vs AC = miss.

Crew 10: Attacks SC13, 22 vs AC = hit for 8 damage, kills.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe smiles as the smaller creatures begin to fall, and as her beloved rushes to her side. However, the large tentacles around their ship still cause her worry, and with Zima so close, she can't help but to fear for the woman's safety. Not wanting to put her at more risk, she rushes towards the nearest of the large appendages and immediately tries to draw its attention.

Move Action: move to (L,20) (assuming this is adjacent to the tentacle, if not then the next closest spot that does)

Minor Action: Nature's Wrath feature to mark nearby Tentacle

Standard Action: Lifebind Attack on Tentacle
Attack: 26 vs AC = hit?
Hit: 22 damage, and I gain resist 3 damage until end of next turn
Miss: 11 (half) damage
Effect: Until I end my turn more than 5 squares from the target, its mark penalty if marked by me is changed to -5 instead of -2

No Action: prepared to use Warden's Fury or Warden's Grasp as mark punishment if either condition is violated by the Tentacle

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north
Stunning Palm - I can't be dazed or stunned til stance ends


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery


Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [_]


Stunning Palm [X]
Lifebind Attack [X]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Both Caoihme and Ser Lyari fight against the large tentacle trying to free the latter of the women, however despite their attacks the tentacle maintains it's slimy grip. Meanwhile one of the creatures towards the bow slips unconscious thanks to Ilmoto's earlier spell and another is felled by a member of the crew.

Round 2

Go: Taliesin

Caoimhe: moves, marks, hits, prepares mark punishment.

Sea Creature 15: Attacks Crew 8, 23 vs AC = hit for 5 damage, fails save, falls prone and unconscious

Sea Creature 20: Attacks Crew 7, 25 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Ser Elvia: MBA on SC2, 17 vs AC = miss.

Sea Creature 9: Attacks Ser Percival, 16 vs AC = miss.

Crew 1: Attacks Tentacle 4, 20 vs AC = hit for 5 damage.

Crew 9: Moves to (L, 28), attacks SC17, 20 vs AC = hit for 4 damage, kills.

Ser Lyari: MBA against Tentacle 2, 20 vs AC = hit for 8 damage, Tentacle 2 saves to keep Ser Lyari Restrained.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin quickly takes an assessment of the situation. Wasting no time he kicks off, leaping down the stairs and rushing towards the other side of the ship. He sheathes his sword once more and begins channeling energy through it, quickly slashing out at the tentacle with a lightning-charged blade.
Move: Walk from U11 to U18.
Standard Action: Eldritch Strike @ Tentacle vs AC.: [1d20+12]=9+12=21. Damage: [1d8+9]=5+9=14.

Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [_]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [X]
Dimensional Thunder [X]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Active PCs
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

As Taliesin attacks one of the giant tentacles, another of the sea creatures tries to climb up onto the deck next to him. Reacting quickly the elven scholar deftly cuts down the beast sending its lifeless body tumbling down into the water below where it disappears in a splash. Meanwhile on the port side of the ship, another of the beasts along with one of the larger creatures also reach the deck. The larger throws its primitive trident at Louie, grazing the elf, while the smaller creature charges at Zima, slashing her with its gnarled claws.

The ship's crew and the other explorer's guild members continue to fight back though, as more of the beasts fall to Tofyr's crossbow bolts and the crew's swords.

Round 2

Go: Ilmoto

Taliesin: moves, hits.

Sea Creature 18: Attacks Crew 8, 29 vs AC = hit for 5 damage, bloodies, fails save, still slowed.

Crew 4: stands, charges to (M, 4) attack Tentacle 1, 14 vs AC = miss.

Sea Creature 2: Attacks Tekito, 21 vs AC hits for 3 damage.

Sea Creature 26: Succeeds Climb DC, Climbs up onto ship, Taliesin makes an OA, 28 vs hits for 17 damage and kills, falls back into ocean.

Deep One 1: Succeeds Climb DC, Climbs up onto ship, throws Trident at Louie, 29 vs AC = hit for 10 damage.

Sea Creature 16: Attacks Crew 8, 20 vs AC = hit for 10 damage, saves.

Crew 8: Attacks SC15, 15 vs AC = hit for 6 damage, kills, fails save, remains slowed.

Captain Pierna: moves to (N, 4), Intuitive Strike against Tentacle 1, 25 vs AC = hits for 7 damage, until SONT any ally attacking gains CA and a +2 bonus to hit.

Tekito Shimashu: Acrobatic Strike against SC 2, shifts to (M, 9,) 31 vs AC = hits for 11 damage, kills.

Crew 3: Moves to (M, 20), attacks Tentacle 2, 14 vs AC = miss.

Tofyr Sobriall: Acrobatic Strike against SC 9 & SC 19, 29 vs AC hits for 10 damage and 31 vs AC crits for 14 damage, kills x2

Sea Creature 29: Succeeds Climb DC, Climbs up onto ship, charges at Zima, 20 vs AC = hit for 10 damage.

Crew 5: Moves to (O, 3), attacks Tentacle 1, critical miss.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto continues casting spells in an attempt to hurt and scare of the attacking monsters.

Move Action: Move From T11 to P11

Standard Action:
Beguiling Strands Targeting (012-016 012-K12) Deep One 1 and SC29
[1d20+9]=1+9=10 against DO1
[1d20+9]=3+9=12 VS. Will against SC29

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [X]
Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [X]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [_]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Post by Namelessjake »

More of the sea creatures reach the deck of the ship, charging at Zima and more of the crew, striking them all. One of the crew is wounded by the attack, their blood seeming to drive the nearby into a frenzy.

Ser Percival moves to help fight off one of the large tentacles restraining the Sea Wolf. He strikes the tentacle which responds, recoiling from the attack before quickly wrapping itself around the young knight and lifting him off the deck much like one of the others did to his fellow knight Ser Lyari. She is still fighting against the tentacle however it suddenly tightens its grip around the woman crushing her. It then relaxes, letting her drop to the floor where she lays, still conscious but heavily wounded.

The tentacle to the aft of the ship slams into on of the crew, its great bulk and speed killing them instantly. The other tentacle at the ship's bow begins to stir, moving again as the effects of Ilmoto's spell appear to be wearing off.

Those near the edge of the ship see three more of the armed and more intelligent creatures emerging from the waters.

Round 3

Go: Louie, Zima

Ilmoto: moves, misses x2.

Crew 2: Moves to (O, 5), attacks Tentacle 1, 33 vs AC = hit for 9 damage.

Sea Creature 27: Climbs up onto the deck, charges Crew 7, 27 vs AC = hit for 6 damage, bloodies.

Crew 6: Attacks Tentacle 4, 14 vs AC = miss.

Deep One 3: Saves against Immobilisation.

Tenant Zavil: Attacks Tentacle 1, critical miss.

Ser Percival: Moves to (T, 14), Sure Strike on Tentacle 4, crits for 9 damage, marks.

Sea Creature 30: Climbs up on to deck, attacks Crew 10, 24 vs AC = hit for 8 damage.

Deep One 2: Climbs up on to deck, charges Crew 9, crits for 13 damage.

Sea Creature 7: Attacks Tekito, 15 vs AC = miss.

Sea Creature 28: Climbs up on to deck, charges Zima, 25 vs AC = hit for 9 damage.

Tentacle 1: Tentacle Whips against Crew 4, 22 vs AC = hit for 23 damage, kills, pushes and prones.

Tentacle 2: Tentacle Grab 2 against Ser Lyari, 24 vs AC = hit for 39 damage and prones, Ser Lyari is no longer restrained.

Tentacle 3: Saves against Unconsciousness, 18 = success, Tentacle 3 is no longer unconscious.

Tentacle 4: Tentacle Grab against Ser Percival, 22 vs Ref = hit, Ser Percival is pulled 1 square and is now restrained.

Deep Ones 4, 5, 6 surface from the water and roll initiative.

Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by ratwizard »

As two of the abominable creatures surround Zima, she feels the rake of their claws — tearing through her seer's robe and rending her skin with a burning sting.

The pain and the fear swirl in her mind, and she lets out a bloodcurdling scream in the face of her attackers as she tries to remove herself from their onslaught. Involuntarily amplified through her mind-tap, her wordless cry echoes and echoes and echoes inside their fishy skulls. They desperately claw at their faces and eyes and ears, unable to escape the beyond-deafening screech as they sink to the deck, dead or simply catatonic.

Benefit from Louis' Skald's Aura, healing for 17 and becoming unbloodied.
Skald's Aura: [1d6+11]=6+11=17

Dishearten, targeting SC 28 and 29
Dishearten: [1d20+10]=13+10=23[1d20+10]=8+10=18[1d6+7]=1+7=8
Hits 23 and 18 vs. Will for 8 psychic damage, killing both.

Walk to N19

Prepared Action
Prepare Intellect Fortress to proc if I am hit within 2 of a defense. It will buff that defense +3 until EOMNT. (i.e. enemy hits 22 vs. AC 20->23 = miss)
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 36/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 5/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 4/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [_][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[X]
Living Missile Attack [X]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Eyes narrowed on the tentacle, he sees an opening as it released Ser Lyari is released from its malevolent grasp. He focuses and plucks on his bowstring, a stirring chord echoing from it in the direction of the tentacle. He watches as it seems to recoil, seemingly losing its ability to act on its own accord. Return to the sea, foul beast.
Move: Walk to Q16

Standard: Compulsion on Tentacle 2
Attack: [1d20+10]=12+10=22 vs Will = Hit?
Damage: [2d8+7]=8+7=15
Until it saves, I can slide Tentacle 2 six squares at the start or end of its turn
Until it saves, it cannot take move actions on its turn
Prioritize start of turn :^)
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 36/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [X]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [X]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [X]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Another of the larger creatures reaches the deck. Smelling blood it charges into the fray with one of the crew already struggling with the monsters, jabbing at them with its crude trident. The woman screams in pain as the trident pierces her, but in response she brings her sword down hard on the creature.

Round 3

Go: Caoimhe

Note - I have added Zones for the tentacles which represent the area they can attack within and be attacked from.

Zima: heals, hits x2, kills x2, walks, prepares.

Louie: walks, hits,

Deep One 4: Climbs up onto deck, charges Crew 7, 32 vs AC = hit for 12 damage, marks.

Crew 7: Attacks Deep One 4, crits for 13 damage.

Crew 10: Attacks SC30, 18 vs AC = miss.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe's worry is only proven to be well placed as Zima becomes surrounded by foes, though they fortunately perish soon after. Not wanting to leave the woman at risk, Caoimhe makes a quick swing at the nearby tentacle as she moves to intercept the creatures coming up from the sea below.

Mark Punishment: when Tentacle 2 targets Ser Lyari, use Warden's Fury as an immediate interrupt
Attack: [1d20+11]=18+11=29 vs Fort = hit
Hit: [1d8+7]=8+7=15 and the target grants CA until the end of my next turn (ends this turn, since this hit technically took place earlier)

Free Action: Nature's Wrath feature to mark nearby Tentacle

Standard Action: Five Storms Attack Technique, targeting only Tentacle 2
Attack: [1d20+8]=2+8=10 vs Reflex = miss

Move Action: Five Storms Movement Technique
Effect: Shift to (L, 18)

No Action: prepared to use Warden's Fury or Warden's Grasp as mark punishment if either condition is violated by the Tentacle

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north
Stunning Palm - I can't be dazed or stunned til stance ends


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [_]

Stunning Palm [X]
Lifebind Attack [X]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ser Lyari picks her self up and pauses to catch her breath for a moment, recovering from the tentacle's brutal constriction. Meanwhile the Arc knight Ser Elvia loosens another bolt of lightning from her sword. Arcing from her blade it strikes on of the attacking creatures electrocuting it.

One of the crew attacks the tentacle holding Ser Percival, burying an axe deep in its flesh. The tentacle recoils in pain, dropping the young knight as it does, sparring him the wounds Lyari took in a similar fashion.

Round 3

Go: Taliesin

Note - I have added Zones for the tentacles which represent the area they can attack within and be attacked from.

Caoimhe: punishes, bloodies, marks, misses, shifts,

Sea Creature 20: Attacks Crew 7, 15 vs AC = miss.

Ser Elvia: Witch Bolt on Deep One 1, 21 vs AC = hit for 15 Lightning damage.

Crew 1: Attacks Tentacle 1, 18 vs AC = hit for 6 damage, Tentacle 4 saves to keep Ser Percival restrained, 6 = fail, Ser Pericval falls prone and is no longer restrained.

Crew 9: Attacks Deep One , 23 vs AC = hit for 12 damage.

Ser Lyari: Stands, Second Wind to regain 13 HP, +2 to defenses until SONT.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin takes a moment to recover after his swift retaliation against the sea creature. He sheathes his blade and spends most of his remaining effort attempting to avoid the tentacle as it picks up and then is forced to let go of Ser Percival, thanks to an attack from another member of the crew.
"I call upon thee, Bronte the Stormlord! I pray to you now, to smite our foes! Heed mine call in our time of need, so that I may continue to act in thy name!" He shouts proudly as he holds his katana's sheathe firmly, and then slashes out at the tentacle in a flash.
Religion Roll to see if Bronte hears his prayers: [1d20+6]=8+6=14
Minor Action: Aegis of Assault vs Tentacle 4. This ability allows me to use Guardian's Counter as a reaction.
Standard Action: Eldritch Strike vs Tentacle 4 AC: [1d20+12]=15+12=27. Damage: [1d8+9]=6+9=15. The attack also forces the enemy to Slide, if that would work here I'd like to try and slide the tentacle away from the ship, but I think that's more the bounds of a Push or Shove.

Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [X]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [X]
Dimensional Thunder [X]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
Eridas (#4040FF)
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

The winds seem to pick up for a moment as Taliesin shouts his plea to one the ancestors, however beyond that his prayer seems to have fallen on deaf ears. The creatures towards the bow of the ship finish off one of the heavily wounded crew before moving to encircle another. Two of the larger creatures climb up near Caoimhe, she is able to land a solid blow against one of them but it doesn't stop them from surrounding her. She is able to dodge one of their tridents but not the other as they attack in unison from both sides.

Aft, the ship's captain pauses to challenge energy into his sword. It begins to crackle with arcs of electricity, similarly to Ser Elvia's, however unlike with the Arcane Knight it does not leap forth from his blade. He slashes at the tentacle drawing blood. As he strikes it, the electricity arcs from the tentacle to one of the nearby creatures, frying it alive.

The creature's sudden demise frees up Pierna's first mate who had been engaged in melee with the beast. Tekito rushes past Ser Elvia, sliding down the railing of the aftcastle stairs, before burying her blade in the back of one of the creatures around Caoimhe. Pulling her bloodied sword from the beast's back she gives the Explorer a nod.

Tofyr lets another bolt fly at one of the larger creatures, however this time he misses his mark, the bolt embedding itself harmlessly in the deck of the Sea Wolf.

Round 3

Go: Ilmoto

Taliesin: marks/readies, hits, slides zone south 1 square.

Sea Creature 18: Attacks Crew 8, 19 vs AC = hit for 8 damage, saves against slowed.

Deep One 1: Moves to (P, 12), picks up trident, charges Louie, 25 vs AC = hit for 8 damage.

Deep One 5: Succeeds Climb DC, Climbs up onto ship, charges Caoimhe, 28 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Deep One 6: Succeeds Climb DC, Climbs up onto ship, Caoimhe makes OA, 21 vs AC = hit for 14 damage, attacks Caoimhe, 20 vs AC = miss.

Sea Creature 16: Attacks Crew 8, 24 vs AC = hit for 7 damage, kills, moves to (L, 29).

Captain Pierna: Lightning Bastard Sword +1 turn all damage to lightning damage, Brash Assault against Tentacle 1, Inevitable Strike 20 & 30 vs AC = both hit for 14 lightning damage + 3 additional damage, Lightning Bastard Sword +1 each enemy within 2 squares of Tentacle 1 takes 1d6 lightning damage, SC 7 takes 3 lightning damage and dies.

Tekito Shimashu: Moves to (L,15), Acrobatic Strike against Deep One 5, shifts to (L, 16,) 21 vs AC = hits for 14 damage, Striker's Damage adds 1 damage.

Crew 3: Attacks Deep One 6, 14 vs AC = miss.

Tofyr Sobriall: Hindering Shot against Deep One 4, 17 vs AC = miss.

Crew 5: Attacks Tentacle 1, 29 vs AC = hit for 3 damage.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by BartNL »

Looking around, Ilmoto realises he might be in the safest spot on the ship.
His allies, not so much. Caoimhe is standing dangerously close to the ports bulwark flanked by monsters from the deep. Zima and Louie are also under attack. Ilmoto jumps down the aft in an attempt to close in on his enemies.
Then he falls.
Ilmoto's hurts himself on a pet project, safely hidden away in one of his many pockets.
With a command the wooden and metal parts that crushed his fall move towards the starboard and ignite.
Hellish flames spring forth from the hound-like construct as it bites the enormous tentacle.

Move From P11 to P12 by hopping down [1d20+3]=1+3=4 Fail, so Ilmoto falls and is proned.
Minor Action: Summon Magma Beast in U19
Standard Action: Apply Inferno Oil to Flaming Incendiary dagger +1
Magma Beast Intrinsic Nature: attack Tentacle 4 [1d20+10]=7+10=17 VS. reflex
15 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends)
Ilmoto is slowed until the end of next turn.

Immediate Reaction
Use Contingency robe when able (damaged by an attack while bloodied)

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [X]
Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [X]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil[X]

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
Last edited by BartNL on Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Another of the crew falls to the creatures as those still standing continue to try and fight back, with one rushing to try and aid Louie. Meanwhile two of the tentacle whip at both the ship's captain and Taliesin, knocking both men to the floor with their immense weight. One of the others attacks the ship itself sending more splinters flying everywhere. Louie's chord however appears to have an affect on the tentacle he targeted and it releases it's grip of the ship, moving away from the vessel as it does. Three more of the weaker creatures emerge from the water as the assault on the ship continues.

Round 4

Go: Louie, Zima

Ilmoto: moves, falls, takes 9 points of fall damage and is proned, summons, applies Inferno Oil, hits, bloodies, readies.

Crew 2: Moves to (O, 5), attacks Tentacle 1, 16 vs AC = miss.

Sea Creature 27: Attacks Crew 7, 21 vs AC = hit for 14 damage, kills, moves to (S, 22).

Crew 6: Moves to (Q, 14) avoiding OAs, Attacks Deep One 1, 16 vs AC = miss.

Deep One 3: Double moves to (V, 13)

Tenant Zavil: Moves to (O, 4), Attacks Tentacle 1 23 vs AC = hit for 5 damage.

Ser Percival: Stands, Sure Strike on Tentacle 4, 26 vs AC = hit for 4 damage.

Sea Creature 30: Attacks Crew 10, 15 vs AC = miss.

Deep One 2: Attacks Crew 9, critical miss.

Tentacle 1: Tentacle Whip against Captain Pierna, 31 vs AC = hit for 23 damage, bloodies, pushes and prones.

Tentacle 2: Is slide 6 squares by Louie, saves, 8 = fail.

Tentacle 3: Attacks the Sea Wolf, auto hits for 19 damage.

Tentacle 4: Takes 5 fire damage, Tentacle Whip against Taliesin, 20 vs AC = hit for 30 damage and Taliesin is pushed 2 squares and proned.

Sea Creatures 31, 32, 33 surface from the water and roll initiative.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

A sharp pain stings through Louie's body as he's caught by the creature's trident. Gritting his teeth, he breathes through it, stepping away to give him some breathing room from the monster. Gods be good... What have we done to deserve this fate? Once out of arm's reach, he nocks another arrow, attempting to shoot it near-pointblank at his foe.

Looking to the deck, he catches sight of Taliesin, bloodied and bodied on the ground. "As good as a nap sounds right now, this isn't the time nor place," he says with a pained chuckle, his words soothing the man's wounds and attempting to encourage him to keep up the fight.
Move: Shift to R17

Standard: Jinx Shot on Deep One 1
Attack: [1d20+12]=5+12=17 vs AC = Hit?
Damage: [1d10+7]=10+7=17
On hit, the first time Deep One 1 misses an attack before the end of my next turn, it falls prone

Minor: Skald's Aura Heal on Taliesin.
Taliesin spends a healing surge and regains [1d6+15]=3+15=18 HP
That's my 2 heals for the encounter, so feel free to deactivate the aura now
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 36/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [X]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [X]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [X]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

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Post by ratwizard »

Watching Caoimhe suffer harm from the sea creatures pains Zima even more than her own injuries. I will protect you, as you protect me, she swears to the elf. Her eyes go wide and she bares her teeth at the armored sea-person, placing her hands on her temples, and concentrating intensely. Transferring her own fears to the creature, it lurches around Caoimhe and swings frantically at one of its own in self-defense. Why do you attack us so? she demands of her target, leaving her mind-link open whilst hardly expecting a response.

The seer turns her head right and catches a glimpse of the forecastle where she notices a surviving crewmember surrounded by sea monsters. "Come! Quickly! We can fend them off together," she cries out, repositioning in a defensive position behind her partner.

Betrayal (Augment 2) on Deep One 5
Betrayal Augment 2 Attack: [1d20+10]=11+10=21
Deep One 5 is dazed and slid up to 4 squares to L20, and makes an MBA against Deep One 6, with a +3 to both attack and damage. I rolled the flat roll below for you.
Betrayal MBA: [1d20]=18

Telepathy 5 on Deep One 5

Also Free
Call over Crew 9(?) from L28 to regroup

Walk to M17

Prepared Action
Prepare Intellect Fortress to proc if I am hit within 2 of a defense. It will buff that defense +3 until EOMNT. (i.e. enemy hits 22 vs. AC 20->23 = miss)
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 36/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 3/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 4/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [_][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[X]
Living Missile Attack [X]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Opening your mind to the creature you sense a presence unlike any you have ever felt before. The creature clearly possesses some intelligence but it's mind is alien to you. The message you receive is muddled and strange but you are able to feel out some of its meaning. Kill... Eat... Sacrifice...
So close to his target, Louie's arrow fails to find its mark. Tofyr is charged by one of the creatures but he deftly uses his crossbow to harmlessly parry away its trident. The crewman near to the senior explorer also has success, striking down another of the weaker creatures.

Round 4

Go: Caoimhe

Louie: shifts, misses, heals.

Zima: hits, slides, dazes, Deep One 5 makes MBA, hits for 16 damage, telepathies, moves, readies.

Deep One 4: Charges Tofyr, 18 vs AC = miss.

Crew 10: Attacks SC27, 20 vs AC = hit for 12 damage, kills.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by Fialova »

With the tentacle now temporarily out of commission from Louie, Caoimhe fully focuses her attention for the time being on the nearby larger sea creatures. Bracing herself for follow-up attacks from the beasts, she attacks both with a strong leg sweep, hoping to knock them off balance. If we can get rid of the small ones while the big one is distracted, this will all be much easier. 

Move Action: Eternal Mountain Movement Technique
Effect: gain resist 4 all until the end of my next turn. Shift to (M, 19)

Minor Action: Nature's Wrath feature to mark Deep One 6

Standard Action: Eternal Mountain Attack Technique
Attack vs Deep One 5: [1d20+8]=15+8=23 vs Fort = hit
Attack vs Deep One 6: [1d20+8]=5+8=13 = hit?
Hit: [2d8+5]=7+5=12 12 damage, and the target is knocked prone. I gain resist 3 to the attacks of any hit target until the end of my next turn, though I think that is overridden by the movement technique.

No Action: Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Effect: Deep One 6 takes 4 additional damage

No Action: prepared to use Warden's Fury or Warden's Grasp as mark punishment if either condition is violated by the Tentacle

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 45/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north
Stunning Palm - I can't be dazed or stunned til stance ends
resist 4 all until EONT


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [X]

Stunning Palm [X]
Lifebind Attack [X]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Post by Namelessjake »

Despite the creature moving, Ser Elvia is able to maintain her spell, keeping her lightning bolt on target. The surrounded crew member towards the ship's bow heeds Zima's words and runs towards the safety of allies. As she does, the larger creature jabs at her with its trident, hitting her in the back - although she is still able to get away.

Ser Lyari follows her, attacking the creature downed by Caoimhe. Her flurry of strikes leaves it wounded and unable to move.

Round 4

Go: Taliesin

Caoimhe: shifts, marks, hits x1, misses x1, prones, damages.

Sea Creature 20: Charges Crew 10, 23 vs AC = hit for 11 damage.

Ser Elvia: Sustains Witch Bolt on Deep One 1, for 11 Lightning damage.

Crew 1: Attacks Tentacle 4, 19 vs AC = hit for 3 damage.

Crew 9: Shifts to (M,27), was flanked therefore Deep One 2 uses Opportunistic Strike as an immediate reaction, 22 vs AC = hit for 13 damage, bloodies, Crew 9 moves to (M, 21).

Ser Lyari: Moves to (L, 21), Dance of Steel on Deep One 5, 26 vs AC = hit for 16 damage and immbolises.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin is tossed aside and feels the wind get knocked out of him. He winces in pain as he takes a moment to recover from the shock of the blow, then looks around at the continuing combat. Is this the end?... There seems no end to these creatures. My life's work... it cannot be folly, right? He thinks to himself before slowly, shakily rising to his feet. "I'm not out of this fight yet." He utters, spitting some blood from his mouth.
Move Action: Stand from Prone.
Standard: Charge (Eldritch Strike) vs SC20. To Hit: [1d20+13]=19+13=32.
Damage: [1d8+9]=1+9=10

Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 40/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [X]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [X]
Dimensional Thunder [X]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Fri Feb 03, 2023 8:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

The creatures chased after Ser Lyari and the member of the crew who retreated from the bow of the Sea Wolf. Meanwhile the people and creature alike continue to trade blows in the melee to the port side of the ship - Caoimhe is raked by a trident but is able to dodge at the last second preventing the attack from dealing a serious wound.

To the aft, Pierna stands and unleashes another lightning infused attack on the tentacle gripping his ship, spurring on those around him to continue to try and fight it off. Tofyr darts backwards from the creatures, loosening another two bolts in quick succession which fells one more of the beats.

Round 4

Go: Ilmoto

Taliesin: stands, hits, kills.

Sea Creature 18: Moves, Charges Ser Lyari, 24 vs AC = hit for 4 damage.

Deep One 1: Attacks Crew 6, 30 vs AC = hit for 6 damage.

Deep One 5: Stands.

Deep One 6: Attacks Caoimhe, 22 vs AC = hit for 8 damage, 4 resisted for 4 damage total.

Sea Creature 16: Charges Crew 9, crits for 12 damage.

Captain Pierna: Stands, Warlord's Strike against Tentacle 1, 24 vs AC = hit for 12 lightning damage, until the Pierna's EONT allies gain +5 to damage rolls against Tentacle 1.

Tekito Shimashu: Goring Charge against Deep One 6, 22 vs AC = hit for 11 damage, bloodies.

Crew 3: Attacks Deep One 5, 16 vs AC = miss.

Tofyr Sobriall: Uses Serpentine Dodge to shift to (P, 18) and gains +2 to all defences until EONT, Twin Strike on Deep One 4 and SC30, crits against Deep One 4 for 10 damage, 23 vs AC = hit against SC30 for 10 damage killing it.

Crew 5: Attacks Tentacle 1, 25 vs AC = hit for 10+5 damage, bloodies.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
Note Tentacle 1 actually at -68 HP
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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto stands up. I am hurt. Caoimhe is still in a tough spot. I can change that.
Ilmoto produces a bottle labelled 'extremely volatile' and uncorks it.
He hurls the bottle towards the tentacle near Caoimhe. The bottle explodes on impact and rains fire on the tentacle and those nearby.

Move Action: Stand up
Standard Action: Freezing Burst centered on J21
Against Tentacle: [1d20+10]=8+10=18 Vs. Reflex
Ingerno Oil Secondary Attack: [1d20+8]=17+8=25 Vs. Reflex On hit target gains vulnerable 5 fire (save ends)
Free Action: Activate flaming weapon item power: target takes [1d6]=1 Fire damage (6 with weakness) and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)

Against Ser Lyari: [1d20+10]=4+10=14-5 for 9 VS Reflex no slide on hit.
Against Deep One 5 [1d20+10]=3+10=13 VS Reflex On hit slide to K18
Against Deep One 6 [1d20+10]=14+10=24 VS Reflex On hit slide to K19
Against Sea Creature 18 [1d20+10]=18+10=28 VS Reflex no slide because I assume it kills.

All targets hit take:[1d6+7]=4+7=11 Fire damage (this damage applies before the weakness from Inferno Oil I think)

Magma Beast Intrinsic Nature: attack Tentacle 4 [1d20+10]=6+10=16 VS. reflex
[1d10+9]=7+9=16 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends)
Ilmoto is slowed until the end of next turn.

Immediate Reaction
Use Contingency robe when able (damaged by an attack while bloodied)

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 31/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [X]

Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [X]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil[X]

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Post by Namelessjake »

The blast from Ilmoto's bottle nearly knocks one of the creatures off the edge of the ship, but instead its bounces off the railing and lands on the floor. The creature Zima had previously sent flying away from the Sea Wolf finally manages to climb its way up the starboard side of the ship and onto the deck, although it is the only creature to emerge from the water with the steady stream of the creatures apparently having come to at least a temporary halt.

The member of the crew who retreated from the ship's forecastle, is followed and struck down by the trident of one of the creatures. The tentacles to the stern and starboard try to grab Tenant Zavil and whip at Taliesin however both are quicker enough to dodge them. Louie's spell forces the portside tentacle even further from the ship, although unmolested the tentacle gripping the Sea Wolf's bow constricts more, further damaging the vessel.

Round 5

Go: Louie, Zima

Ilmoto: stands, hits, misses x2, hits x3, kills, slides, Deep One 6 catches itself and is proned instead, hits.

Crew 2: Attacks Tentacle 1, 16 vs AC = miss.

Crew 6: Attacks Deep One 1, 14 vs AC = miss.

Deep One 3: Succeeds Climb DC, Climbs up onto ship, attacks Crew 1, 18 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Tenant Zavil: Attacks Tentacle 1 Crits for 10 damage.

Ser Percival: Stands, Sure Strike on Tentacle 4, 17 vs AC = miss.

Deep One 2: Moves to (M,22), Attacks Crew 9, 26 vs AC = hit for 11 damage.

Tentacle 1: Tentacle Grab against Tenant Zavil, 14 vs Ref = miss.

Tentacle 2: Is slide 6 squares by Louie, takes 10 fire damage, saves against Louie movement effects, saves against vulnerable, fails against ongoing. Note tentacle 2 is now off the map to the North.

Tentacle 3: Attacks the Sea Wolf, auto hits for 15 damage.

Tentacle 4: Takes 5 fire damage, Tentacle Whip against Taliesin, 14 vs AC = miss.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Louie takes another deep breath and attempts to fire another arrow at his nearest target. It goes wayward, however, and the elf frowns. Determined not to give up yet, he gives the apparent battlefield a cursory glance, eager to aid an ally in need. We might still pull through...
Standard: Jinx Shot on Deep One 1
Attack: [1d20+12]=2+12=14 vs AC = Miss

Ready Interrupt: Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade
If an ally missed with a melee attack, I interrupt and make an attack (+12 vs Ref;1d10+7), and the target takes a -4 penalty to all defenses against that triggering ally's attack
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 36/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [X]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [X]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [X]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by ratwizard »

With the battle turning in their favor for the moment despite the crew loss, Zima ignores the pit in her stomach and continues on. Seeing the tentacles abated, she manifests an after-image of their presence, forcing it into the minds of the creatures before her. The phantom tentacles thrash and whip about, distracting them for Caoimhe and the others to strike.
Dishearten on Deep One 5, Deep One 2, SC16
Dishearten: [1d20+10]=9+10=19[1d20+10]=19+10=29[1d20+10]=3+10=13
Dishearten damage: [1d6+7]=3+7=10
19, 29 vs WIll hit, 13 vs Will miss(?)
Those hit take 10 psychic damage and have -2 to attack TSNT Zima.

Shift to M18

Prepared Action
Prepare Intellect Fortress to proc if I am hit within 2 of a defense. It will buff that defense +3 until EOMNT. (i.e. enemy hits 22 vs. AC 20->23 = miss)
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 36/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 5/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 2/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [_][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[X]
Living Missile Attack [X]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.

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Post by Namelessjake »

Taliesin is hit by the creature he is locked in a melee with, although a nearby crew member rushes to attack the creature from behind, burying his axe deep in its shoulder.

Round 5

Go: Caoimhe

Louie: misses, readies.

Zima: hits x2, misses, shifts, prepare.

Deep One 4: Attacks Taliesin, 20 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Crew 10: Walks to (Q, 23) avoiding OAs, attacks Deep One 4, 27 vs AC = hit for 11 damage.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by Fialova »

As another crew member dies to the creatures, Caoimhe can't help but to feel partially responsible. I should be protecting them all, but they are dying before me. She attempts to quickly dispatch the enemies near her with a series of blows, before shifting her attention to the two enemies further east.

Standard ActionFive Storms Attack Technique
Attack vs Deep One 5: [1d20+8]=2+8=10 vs Reflex = miss, I assume
Attack vs Deep One 6: [1d20+8]=20+8=28 vs Reflex = Crit!
Hit: Max damage = 14 to Deep One 6, [1d8+6]=2+6=8 to Deep One 5 if not a miss. I gain resist 3 to the attacks of any hit target until the end of my next turn.

No Action: Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Effect: Deep One 6 takes 4 additional damage

Minor Action: Nature's Wrath feature to mark Deep One 6 if it is still alive, or Deep One 5 if 6 is dead. 

Move Action: Five Storms Movement Technique
Effect: shift to (N, 21)

No Action: prepared to use Warden's Fury or Warden's Grasp as mark punishment if either condition is violated by the Deep One

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 41/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north
Stunning Palm - I can't be dazed or stunned til stance ends


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [X]

Stunning Palm [X]
Lifebind Attack [X]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Caoimhe's blows finally kill one of the larger creatures. Ser Elvia makes her way down the stairs from the aft castle, holding her sword aloft, maintaining her bolt of lightning, continuing to electrocute another of the creatures. Meanwhile the still wounded Ser Lyari shows no signs of her injuries hindering her. She deftly deals a strike with her sword to one of the creatures before quickly turning it on another.

Round 5

Go: Taliesin

Caoimhe: misses, crits, kills, marks, shifts.

Ser Elvia: Sustains Witch Bolt on Deep One 1, for 7 Lightning damage, walks to (L, 14).

Crew 1: Attacks Deep One 3, 20 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Ser Lyari: Moves to (L, 21), Cleave on Deep One 5, 22 vs AC = hit for 13 damage and Deep One 2 takes 4 damage, bloodies.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

(RP to come later, I'm dead IRL)
Standard Action - Eldritch Strike @DO4. To Hit: [1d20+12]=4+12=16, Miss.

Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 33/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [X]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [X]
Dimensional Thunder [X]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Active PCs
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Post by Namelessjake »

Caoimhe is able to lure one of the creatures into a position where it is surrounded by her and some of the other defenders of the ship, however as she does one of the weaker creatures is able to land a heavy blow on her. However surrounding the bigger creature gives Tekito, the Sea Wolf's first mate, an opening. She darts in and, after an initial miss, is able to landing a killing blow.

Meanwhile the ship's captain continues to fight off the large tentacle to the aft of the ship and Tofyr fires another bolt at the creature Taliesin is engaged with, burying it deep in its shoulder.

Round 5

Go: Ilmoto

Taliesin: misses.

Deep One 1: Attacks Crew 6, 15 vs AC = miss.

Deep One 5: Attacks Crew 3, 14 vs AC = miss, Caoimhe punishes with Warden's Grasp, slides and slows/cannot shift until the end of this turn.

Sea Creature 16: Attacks Caoimhe, crits for 10 damage.

Captain Pierna: Intuitive Strike against Tentacle 1, crits for 11 lightning damage, until the Pierna's EONT allies gain +2 to attack rolls and CA against Tentacle 1.

Tekito Shimashu: Moves to (L, 20), Acrobatic Strike against Deep One 5, 14 vs AC = miss, Nasty Backswing, 27 vs AC = hit for 9 damage, kills.

Crew 3: Moves to (O,21), attacks SC16, 17 vs AC = miss.

Tofyr Sobriall: Hunter's Teamwork on Deep One 4, 27 vs AC = hit for 8 damage + 6 damage from Hunter's Quarry.

Crew 5: Attacks Tentacle 1, 15 vs AC = miss.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by BartNL »

On the starboard Ilmoto's mechanical hound has bitten down on the giant tentacle, and it's not letting go.
The hound roars as fire spout from it's body, and the tentacle begins moving slower and clumsier.
Ilmoto raises his good hand and with a flick of his fingers shoots a red bolt up into the sky which then strikes down the monster attacking Ser Lyari.
Magic missile, such an elegant spell in it's simplicity and effectiveness.
Then Ilmoto hears a loud thud as the tentacle under attack by his mechanical creation crashes on the deck seemingly lifeless.
"Good boy" Ilmoto says under his breath with a sly smile on his face.

Standard Action: Magic Missile against SC32 autohit so it kills

Magma Beast Intrinsic Nature: attack Tentacle 4 [1d20+10]=16+10=26 VS. reflex for:
[1d10+9]=9+9=18 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends)
Ilmoto is slowed until the end of next turn.

Immediate Reaction
Use Contingency robe when able (damaged by an attack while bloodied)

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 31/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [X]

Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [X]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil[X]

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
Last edited by BartNL on Wed Feb 08, 2023 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Two more of the creatures reach the ship's deck and charge at Taliesin and a nearby crewman, slashing at them with their gnarled claws. Caoimhe too takes another hit, being stabbed at by a trident. The tentacles attack again, slamming into the ship and just missing Tenant Zavil, as the one Louie managed to move away from the ship begins to make its way back towards the Sea Wolf. However the tentacle to starboard succumbs to the burning caused by Ilmoto and falls to the deck apparently lifeless, before it slowly slips off the ship and splashes into the water, disappearing beneath the waves once more.

Round 6

Go: Louie, Zima

Ilmoto: hits, kills, hits,

Crew 2: Attacks Tentacle 1, 30 vs AC = hit for 11 damage.

Crew 6: Attacks Deep One 1, 12 vs AC = miss.

Deep One 3: Attacks Crew 1, 28 vs AC = hit for 9 damage.

SC 33: Succeeds Climb DC, climbs up onto deck, charges Taliesin, 21 vs AC = hit for 7 damage, bloodies.

Tenant Zavil: Attacks Tentacle 1 28 vs AC = hit for for 9 damage.

Ser Percival: Stands, Sure Strike on Tentacle 4, 13 vs AC = miss.

Deep One 2: Attacks Caoimhe, crits for 13 damage, bloodies.

SC 31: Succeeds Climb DC, climbs up onto deck, charges Crew 10, 30 vs AC = hit for 9 damage.

Tentacle 1: Tentacle Whip against Crew 5, 16 vs AC = miss.

Tentacle 2: Takes 5 fire damage, moves closer to the Sea Wolf, fails save.

Tentacle 3: Attacks the Sea Wolf, auto hits for 16 damage.

Tentacle 4: Takes 5 fire damage, dies.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima gasps as Caoimhe is stabbed with another trident. Losing focus for a moment, she tries to control her spirit apparitions to instill a phantom fear into the armored merfolk, but seems to draw its attention instead. Then come for me, she thinks, stepping up to meet the challenge. And not at her.

Betrayal (Augment 2) on Deep One 2
Betrayal Attack: [1d20+10]=2+10=12
Misses 12 vs Will

Forceful Push on Deep One 2, sliding left 1 square into flanked position.

Walk to M20.

Prepared Action
Prepare Intellect Fortress to proc if I am hit within 2 of a defense. It will buff that defense +3 until EOMNT. (i.e. enemy hits 22 vs. AC 20->23 = miss)
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 36/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 5/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 0/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [X][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[X]
Living Missile Attack [X]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Eyeing the malevolent sea creature still before him, Louie plucks another disconcerting note from his bowstring. No doubt, their hearing is adapted to sea life... He smirks as the creature reels backwards, clutching its head, and allowing one of the crew members an opportunity to swipe.
Standard: Staggering Note on Deep One 1
Attack: [1d20+10]=6+10=16 vs Will = Hit?
Deal 5 thunder damage and Deep One 1 is pushed to N15
The adjacent crew member (I can't see their number) can make an MBA against the target

Ready Interrupt: Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade
If an ally missed with a melee attack, I interrupt and make an attack (+12 vs Ref;1d10+7), and the target takes a -4 penalty to all defenses against that triggering ally's attack
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 28/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [X]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [X]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [X]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Taliesin is again struck by a trident, with the nearby crew able to land a blow of their own against the creature, which is looks to have little fight left in it.

Round 6

Go: Caoimhe, Taliesin

Zima: misses, slides, moves, readies.

Louie: hits, bloodies, pushes, Crew 6 makes an MBA, 24 vs AC = hit for, 8 damage.

Deep One 4: Attacks Taliesin, 26 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Crew 10: Attacks Deep One 4, 22 vs AC = hit for 8 damage.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

(RP to come later)
Standard Action: Tyrannical Threat - Close Burst 3 vs SC33, DO4, SC31 - SC33 : [1d20+8]=15+8=23 vs Will, DO4: [1d20+8]=11+8=19 vs Will, SC31: [1d20+8]=4+8=12 vs Will.
Damage: [1d10+7]=6+7=13. On a miss it deals half damage, and my Warlock's curse is applied to all three enemies. When they hit me they take 4 Psychic damage back until EotE.

Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 33/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [X]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [X]
Dimensional Thunder [X]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
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Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe is hit twice, both quite forcefully, but she manages to fight through the pain and shake off some of it. Annoyed by the incessant attacks from the strange sea creatures, she tries to finish off the two still remaining near her, in hopes that she can focus her attention back on the massive tentacles that seem set on destroying their ship. If we don't stop thing, it doesn't matter how many of these little ones we kill.

Minor Action: use Louie's Skald aura to spend a healing surge, regaining [1d6]=1 additional HP, for 14 total regained. Caoimhe is no longer bloodied.

Standard Action: Roots of Stone
Effect: Close burst 1, creates a zone that lasts until the end of my next turn.
Attack vs Deep One 2: [1d20+11]=13+11=24 vs AC = hit?
Attack vs Sea Creature 16: [1d20+11]=7+11=18 vs AC = hit?
Hit: [1d8+7]=4+7=11 damage, and hit enemies are knocked prone when they leave the zone. I gain resist 3 all vs hit targets.

Minor Action: Nature's Wrath feature to mark Deep One 2 

No Action: prepared to use Warden's Fury or Warden's Grasp as mark punishment if either condition is violated by the Deep One

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 32/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north
Stunning Palm - I can't be dazed or stunned til stance ends


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [X]
Eternal Mountain [X]

Stunning Palm [X]
Lifebind Attack [X]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Taliesin quickly strikes down two of the creatures as Caoimhe also tries to strike back. She is less successful however one of the crew is able to kill one of the weaker creatures as Caoimhe leaves them open to attack. Ser Lyari catches her breath while Ser Elvia continues to electrocute one of the creatures, which, now free of other the other defenders of the ship, charges at her but fails to hit her while blinded by the magical energy beam.

Back towards the stern of the Sea Wolf, the ship's captain strikes again at the large tentacle, pinning it to the deck with his sword. One of his crew then proceeds to hack clean through it with an axe, severing it. The remaining stump appears to recoil in pain before retreating and slipping back beneath the waves.

Round 6

Go: Ilmoto

Taliesin: hits, kills, misses, misses, kills, marks.

Caoimhe: surges, hits, misses, marks, readies.

Ser Elvia: sustains Witch Bolt on Deep One 1, deals 10 lightning damage.

Crew 1: Attacks Deep One 3, 16 vs AC = miss.

Ser Lyari: uses Second Wind and spends a healing surge regaining 13 HP.

Deep One 1: Moves to (M, 15), Attacks Ser Elvia, critical miss.

Sea Creature 16: Attacks Caoimhe, 17 vs AC = miss.

Captain Pierna: Intuitive Strike against Tentacle 1, 27 vs AC = hit for 7 damage, allies gain +2 to attack rolls and CA until Pierna EONT.

Tekito Shimashu: Acrobatic Strike against Deep One 2, 18 vs AC = miss.

Crew 3: Attacks SC16, 28 VS AC = hit for 10 damage, kills.

Tofyr Sobriall: Twin Strike against Deep One 2 and Deep One 3, 25 vs AC = hit vs DO2 for 10 damage, bloodies, 16 vs AC = miss vs DO3.

Crew 5: Attacks Tentacle 1, 27 vs AC = hit for 5 damage.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto hears a second thud from the aftcastle. The second tentacle is down.
Ilmoto walks over to the middle of the ship, and points at the pelagic creature next to Taliesin.
The fiery hound storms over at his command and attacks.

Move action: move to P14
Minor action: move Magma beast to S23
Standard Action: Command Magma Beast to attack DP4

Magma Beast Intrinsic Nature: attack DP 4 [1d20+10]=17+10=27 VS. reflex for: [1d10+9]=8+9=17 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends)

Immediate Reaction
Use Contingency robe when able (damaged by an attack while bloodied)

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 31/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [X]

Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [X]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil[X]

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ilmoto's fiery hound jumps up at the creature, tearing out its throat in a fiery blaze, as the survivors from the fighting on the aft castle rush forward to help in the continuing battles ahead of them.

The tentacle off to port finally moves back in range of the ship and swings at the current melee. Most are able to easily dodge it however Caoimhe is skewered in the leg by the nearby creature's trident. The creature's attack leaves her unable to avoid the heavy tentacle which smashes into her. The elf skids across the deck, her unconscious body coming to rest some feet away from her starting position.

Round 7

Go: Louie, Zima

Ilmoto: moves, moves, hits, kills.

Crew 2: Double Move to (M, 14).

Crew 6: Moves, Attacks Deep One 1, 21 vs AC = hit for 11 damage.

Deep One 3: Attacks Crew 1, critical miss.

Tenant Zavil: Moves, charges Deep One 3, 20 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Ser Percival: Moves to (U, 14), Sure Strike on Deep One 3, 17 vs AC = miss.

Deep One 2: Attacks Caoimhe, crits for 13 damage resisted down to 10 total, bloodies.

Tentacle 2: Takes 5 fire damage, moves closer to the Sea Wolf, Tentacle Whip against Caoimhe, 23 vs Ref = hit for 26 damage, Caoimhe is knocked unconscious and pushed 2 squares, fails save against ongoing damage.

Tentacle 3: Attacks the Sea Wolf, auto hits for 23 damage.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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