Vaylar Rising — OOC

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Vaylar Rising — OOC

Post by Namelessjake »



It is late in the year 3199. To most of the inhabitants of the Davonian moons, the coming new year signifies nothing more than another year of oppression, injustice and subservience. The charred corpse of Davon Prime’s second moon, Adu, hangs in the skies, a permanent reminder of the might of the Escriosian Diktat and a graveyard for more than eighty million people.

However, some have begun to notice a shifting in the tides. The recent outbreak of open hostilities between the oppressors and the Valetel League in the Mardis system has put a drain on Escriosian resources. As ships and men are pulled away from the moons to die in the next conquest, opportunities arise for resistance.

You live on Vaylar, the most populous moon in the system, in Kasi’Mela, the old capital of the Davonian Commonwealth. From the outside perspective you live a life like many others do under Escriosian rule, toiling away in the agri-domes or new Escriosian factories to scrape out an existence, however a few months ago you were recruited by a cell of the Vaylar Rising, a resistance movement which has been a thorn in the side of the invaders for years. For weeks you have couriered packages, tailed people, surveilled facilities, and committed other nonviolent acts of subversion for the Rising.

Last night you returned home to your meagre apartment from a long day of work to find a torn takeout menu stuffed through your door. You toss it in the trash, but not before recognising its true meaning, a signal from your handler, a man you know only as Thoras, arranging a meeting.

Setting & Lore

From what records remain, by all accounts the Muiran system was prosperous but yet a backwater in Mandate space before the Scream. The system’s sole gas giant, Davon Prime, with its many habitable moons was a prime target for colonisation. However the Scream severed the burgeoning colonies from the wider galactic community. Without outside support the colonies on the Davonian moons and the nearby planet of Tul Ruprima regressed and starved.

Centuries later, with the use of primitive chemical rockets, Vaylar, the most habitable and therefore self-sufficient of the Davonian moons, was able to reestablish contact with the others and aid their own rebuilding. Eventually technology was rediscovered allowing for easier travel between the moons and true supply routes were established. These trade alliances formed the basis for what would soon become formalised as the Davonian Commonwealth. A singular democratic political entity encompassing all six of the inhabited moons.

Over the next few decades the collaboration afforded by the Commonwealth ensured the moons began to prosper. Vaylar, as the capital of the new Commonwealth, thrived culturally while Adu, became the centre of industry possessing the largest shipyards in the Commonwealth. Ignis Station, the ancient mandate orbital laser above the moon of Sarma, was restored to working order allowing the hostile jungles of Sarma to be tamed once more.

Then twenty six years ago things changed. The Davonian Assembly was debating on the topic of contacting the now primitive population of Tul Ruprima, when reports came through of a ship arriving in the system from an unknown point of origin. There was already some contact and travel between the Commonwealth and other nearby systems but this ship heralded the arrival of a new people. Coming from the world of Escrios, they had been embroiled in bitter infighting since the Scream, with one faction finally achieving unification not too long ago. After that they turned their eyes to the stars in search of further conquest.

The invasion came a little over a year after first contact. The Commonwealth Navy paled in comparison to the full might of the Escriosian Fleet. The men and women of the Commonwealth Navy fought hard and died bravely, but in the end the Escriosian’s achieved orbital supremacy in the first two weeks of the invasion. They began landing troops on the moons expecting the inhabitants to now quickly fall in line, but they faced fierce resistance. Even the smaller moons, now cut off from most of their resources, showed great resilience to the invasion.

In a show of strength the Escrosian Fleet, under the command of the now Grand Marshall, then Admiral, Vekall Hernandez, began a weeks long bombardment of Adu. The bombardment scoured the moon, killing an estimated 84 million people and destroying the industrial base of the Commonwealth, with the goal of ensuring the other moons would be unable to mount an effective resistance ever again. The pockets of resistance on the other moons soon surrendered, fearing their homes would experience the same fate of Adu, and a strict and brutal regime was imposed under a new Escriosian Governorship, signifying the end of the Davonian Commonwealth.

Small acts of rebellion and insurgency have occurred in the ensuing twent five years, particularly on the smaller moons, however they have been quickly crushed by the Diktat garrisons and over time many have come to support the new regime, particularly the rich who have seen many benefits befall them as a result of their support.

Character Creation Information

Whether you are a young idealist, a grizzled and bitter veteran of the invasion, or something else, you are a member of a cell of the Vaylar Rising, who lives in Kasi’Mela, the old capital of the Davonian Commonwealth on the moon of Vaylar. While travel is restricted in the territories of the Escriosian Diktat, it is not unheard of, so it is possible to be from somewhere other than Vaylar - however if you are not from the Davonian System you should have a convincing reason to risk your life for the Rising.

Your societal class is likely to be low as those in positions of power and wealth benefit from Escriosian rule. Whether you work in a factory, an agri-dom, rely on criminal acts, or something else, do not feel pressure to build your character entirely around this concept as the Rising would have provided opportunities for some basic training to equip you with some of the skills needed to resist an interstellar military dictatorship.

Both VIs and psychics are playable however they do come with some caveats that you should be aware of. If native Davonian’s are second class citizens then VIs are even lower on the ladder. They would be exclusively used for hard and dangerous labour, and it would be an atypical sight to see one out and about outside of that context.

As for psychics, the Diktat has a strong interest in psionics - seeing both the potential danger and value they represent. Young children in the Davonian System that are suspected of possessing psionic abilities are tested by the authorities at an early age. If they prove to indeed be psychic they are removed from their families and sent to the Engstrom Institute on Terai, where they are raised by the state and trained in their powers with the goal of creating powerful psychics loyal to the Escriosian Diktat.

Character Creation Rules

System: Stars Without Number (SWN)
Level 1
Stats: Standard per system (if rolling, link rolls)
Race: Human or VI
Class: Any published
Language: Mandate
Equipment: Roll 2d6 x 100 for starting credits. All weapons and any armor above Street Armor are unavailable at the start of the game due to strict Escriosian laws. Please add a wish list to your background indicating what types of weapons and armour you would ultimately want.
Unseen Servant Campaign ID: 1016

Character Sheet
Character Name, level 1
Human Class

Str (+ ), Dex (+ ), Con (+ ), Int (+ ), Wis (+ ), Cha (+ )

Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

Physical: Evasion: Mental:
Base Attack Bonus:




READIED (Capacity: X/half strength rounded down)

STOWED (Capacity: X/equal to strength)

X Credits
Combat Block Format
Name in Character Color

Gender Human Class 1
Languages: Mandate

Speed: X meters


Attack Bonuses:
Weapon: Attack Roll, Damage Roll
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Feature: Description
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

The Muiran System


Muiran A
The larger and brighter of the twin stars of Muiran, Muiran A is an A type main sequence star, making it a bright white colour.
Muiran B
Muiran B is the smaller and dimmer of the two stars and is an L type red dwarf.
Atmosphere - Corrosive & Invasive
Temperature - Burning
Orbital Period - 0.19 Years
Day Length - 54 Days
Atm. Pressure - 0.2 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.32 g
Biosphere - No native biosphere
Population - None
Description - A small molten world, Merus orbits nearest to the dual suns of Muiran A and Muiran B of all their planet’s. Most of its atmosphere has been stripped away by solar winds however what remains is a dangerous mix of corrosive and invasive compounds making it extremely hostile to life in any form.
Atmosphere - Inert
Temperature - Variable Cold
Orbital Period - 0.55 Years
Day Length - 251 Days
Atm. Pressure - 2.3 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.81 g
Biosphere - Microbial
Population - None
Description - Egantu is a cold world not especially hostile to life but not especially hospitable either. Its extremely long day length leads to frequent ice ages on the night side of the planet meaning native life has never evolved past the form of microbes.

Egana - The lone icy moon of Egantu. It harbours a deep liquid ocean beneath the thick ice sheets on the surface. It is thought that its ocean may have been where life on Egantu originated, with microbes being transferred to the planet from its moon by a violent meteor impact.
The Nolnian Gap
A large gap in the solar plane devoid of any significant planetary bodies. It is home only to a sparse asteroid field.
Tul Ruprima
Atmosphere - Breathable Mix
Temperature - Variable cold
Orbital Period - 3.7 Years
Day Length - 50.3 Days
Atm. Pressure - 0.86 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.92 g
Biosphere - Immiscible
Population - ~60 Million (estimate)
Tech Level - TL1
Description - A rugged mountainous world, Tul Ruprima is cold and icy. Human communities, with medieval era levels of technology, survive in warm geothermal river valleys where they have developed a highly patriarchal society with strong bonds to the planet’s native wildlife. A small ring system suggests that Tul Ruprima at one point had a small moon which was torn apart by gravitational forces. The planet fell under Escriosian rule when the Diktat first set its eyes on the system, with the locals unable to pose any meaningful threat with their primitive technology. It was highlighted on the star chart discovered by the crew of the Makkuro.

Torus Array
Gravity - Unknown
Population - Unknown
Tech Level - TL4
Description - An orbital research station constructed by the Escriosians in a high orbit above Tul Ruprima, named for its ring shape. It is off limits to civilian ships, with a no fly zone in effect around it and a warship garrison to deter intrusions.
Davon Prime
Orbital Period - 21.9 Years
Day Length - 14 Hours
Description - A class IV gas giant, Davon Prime is extremely hot and could be considered a failed star. Its pale orange colour is covered by swirling white clouds of silicate and iron. These clouds are so reflective the planet’s 6 major and 23 minor moons are bathed in light despite the distance from the system’s stars. Before the Escriosian invasion its moon system was home to the fledgling Commonwealth of Davonia.

Gellon Bota
Atmosphere - Airless
Temperature - Burning
Orbital Period - 16.3 Hours
Day Length - 16.4 Hours
Atm. Pressure - 0 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.36 g
Biosphere - Microbial
Population - 3.8 Million
Tech Level - TL4
Description - The smallest and closest orbiting moon of Davon Prime. Gellon Bota is a highly geologically active world, covered in volcanoes and magma flows. Its colonies were all but wiped out following the Scream due to its harsh conditions. It is now home to several mining operations overseen by the Diktat, employing a large number of VIs and robots.

Atmosphere - Thick
Temperature - Variable Warm
Orbital Period - 38.4 Hours
Day Length - 47.6 Hours
Atm. Pressure - 1.74 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.71 g
Biosphere - Remnant
Population - <10,000 (estimate)
Tech Level - TL4
Description - Adu was once the centre of industry and main shipyard of the Commonwealth of Davonia. Due to the initial defence put up by the Commonwealth, it was subjected to a heavy orbital bombardment by the Escriosian fleet under the command of, then Admiral now Grand Marshall, Vekell Hernandez. An estimated 84 million lives were lost in the bombardment and the scoured moon serves as a permanent reminder of Escriosian might in the skies of the other Davonian Moons.

Atmosphere - Breathable Mix
Temperature - Warm
Orbital Period - 4.6 Days
Day Length - 12.1 Hours
Atm. Pressure - 1.24 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.52 g
Biosphere - Immiscible
Population - 55.2 Million
Tech Level - TL4
Description - Sarma is covered in a thick and fast growing jungle. The unique flora and fauna within the jungle are immiscible to humans and considered highly dangerous. The jungle is kept in check by a large orbital laser, Ignis Station, which periodically burns the jungle back as it begins to encroach on cities and farmland. While the native plantlife is inedible, one plant has been discovered which is useful in producing a potent and addictive drug which has since gained popularity with the more rebellious elements of upper Escriosian society.

Ignis Station
Gravity - 0.4 g
Population - 650
Tech Level - TL4
Description - A small station in orbit around Sarma that predates the Scream. The Mandate station was restored to working order by the Commonwealth of Davonia before the Escriocian invasion. The station serves as a platform for a large orbital laser which fires periodically to burn back Sarma’s thick jungle to clear land for the colonists.

Atmosphere - Breathable Mix
Temperature - Variable Cold
Orbital Period - 9.5 Days
Day Length - 29.8 Hours
Atm. Pressure - 1.08 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.62 g
Biosphere - No Native Biosphere
Population - 82.3 Million
Tech Level - TL4
Description - An icy ocean world with no dry land on its surface and large waves due to the moon’s somewhat low gravity and the gravitational pull of Davon Prime. The largest cities of Terai float on the surface, where colonists farm the algae and fish stocks which were introduced to its previously empty ocean, while other smaller settlements lie beneath the waves, in the form of deep sea research bases and mining operations on the sea bed.

Atmosphere - Breathable Mix
Temperature - Variable Cold
Orbital Period - 38.2 Days
Day Length - 18.7 Hours
Atm. Pressure - 0.91 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.83 g
Biosphere - Human Miscible
Population - 245 Million
Tech Level - TL4
Description - Vaylar is the old capital world of the Commonwealth and the most populous moon in the Davonian System. Orbiting further out than most of the other major moons, it endures harsh dark winters when its orbit puts Davon Prime between it and the twin stars of Muiran. Despite this, it is the breadbasket of the Davonian moons as its native biosphere is human-miscible and hardy enough to survive the frequent winters. This relative abundance led to it becoming the cultural and political center of the Commonwealth. It is famed for its vibrant aurorae caused by a combination of its weak magnetosphere and the amount of radiation output by Davon Prime.

Demeter Orbital
Gravity - 0.33 g
Population - 2,894
Tech Level - TL4
Description - Demter orbital is Vaylar’s main spaceport. Built by the Commonwealth, it helped Vaylar export the large amount of food needed to support the colonies of the other more inhospitable moons. While it retains this function under Diktat rule, it also now sees a large amount of inter-system trade as the Escriosians take resources from the moon for their own uses.

Atmosphere - Thin
Temperature - Frozen
Orbital Period - 82.9 Days
Day Length - 62.4 Hours
Atm. Pressure - 0.12 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.17 g
Biosphere - No Native Biosphere
Population - 18,216
Tech Level - TL4
Description - Cyrana is the smallest and most distant of the major Davonian moons. It is an airless frozen rock although it is geologically active with geysers spewing ice thousands of kilometers into space around it. The moon serves as an important outpost where ships can refuel and restock before continuing out of the Davonian System.
Atmosphere - Airless
Temperature - Frozen
Orbital Period - 54.7 Years
Day Length - 61.1 Hours
Atm. Pressure - 0 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.05 g
Biosphere - No Native Biosphere
Population - None
Description - A dwarf planet of little note. It is thought it once occupied an orbit in the Nolnian Gap but in the tumultuous early solar system it passed too close to Davon Prime and was ejected from its orbit into a more distant and eccentric one.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

The Vaylar Rising

‘The symbol of the Vaylar Rising. It is based on the flag of the Davonian Commonwealth although it has generally been simplified. The two biggest changes are the change in orientation of the moons from the orbital plane and change from the blue-green field to a dark red.’

The Vaylar Rising is one of many different resistance groups that have appeared in the Davonian System since the Escriosian invasion. However the Rising stands out amongst the others as it is suspected to be both the largest and longest lived of such groups. Official information on the RIsing is limited due to its secretive nature but it is believed to have been formed only a few years after the invasion.

The Rising operates as a series of cells which are functionally completely detached from each other, meaning while other resistance groups have been infiltrated and then eliminated in the past, such tactics are insufficient in dealing with the Rising as infiltrating one cell reveals very little information about the organisation as a whole and their wider operations.

As the name suggests, its cells primarily operate on Vaylar, however links have been found tying the Rising to resistance groups based on the other inhabited moons of Davon Prime. Through interrogations of captured members of the Rising, we have ascertained that it is led by a council of sorts which seeks to eventually restore the Davonian Commonwealth - however at this time we have no current leads on the identity of any of its leadership.
- An excerpt from an intelligence briefing prepared by the Escriosian Intelligence Section for the newly appointed Governor of Davonia circa 3195.


The enigmatic leader of your cell and your only point of contact with the rest of the Vaylar Rising. The one who recruited each of you, he is clearly a true believer in the Rising and is able to talk convincingly about the need to resist the occupation. He is unwaveringly serious, strictly only talking business with all of you. The only cracks in his emotionless facade have appeared briefly on your successful completion of certain missions, although even then they amount to little more than a smile. Due to the secretive way both Thoras and the Rising operate, you know very little about him and it seems likely that Thoras is just a pseudonym - due to this you have come to refer to him outside of his presence simply as the Old Man.

Your Cell

Shi "Jin" Jinhai, the Stifled Shepherd Scout — Human Warrior Barbarian
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT, Jailbroken Combat Robot — Virtual Intelligence Warrior Soldier
Sven Svensson, the Black-Market Blonde — Human Adventurer Criminal
Sirula "Em" Emerald, the Plucky Pilot & Paramedic — Human Expert Pilot
Tristan Arkwright, Criminal Gunslinger — Human Warrior Thug
Antoine "Tone" Anders, the Last Free-Thinker of 109-JZ — Human Psychic Vagabond
John "Stamps" Kasi'mela, Rogue Bureaucrat — Human Expert Official

3.5 Warriors
2.5 Experts
1.0 Psychics

7.0 PCs

Other Members
Jox Thule
Jox is the owner and sole employee of the Agiv (A meat-like vegetable and popular Vaylan street food) restaurant your cell has been using for meetings for the last couple of months, known simply as Jox’s. He is a man of few words, however he seems to have a rapport with Thoras and insists on none of you paying for any food whenever you have eaten in the restaurant. He walks with a distinct limp on his left side.
Tamiko Sugimoto
Tamiko is the owner and operator of a scrapyard towards the outskirts of Kasi'mela. She is a skilled tinkerer and mechanic, with a blunt and sarcastic personality. Her scrapyard was used as a safe house following Operation Gate Crash.

Assets and Equipment


After Action Reports
Mission 1: Operation Gate Crash
After meeting with Thoras at Jox's agiv joint, the cell are tasked with assassinating Diktat chief propagandist, Tobias Vibol, at a new years eve party he is hosting at the Kasi'mela Museum of Art and Histories, while also stealing old Escriosian weapons from a museum exhibit.

They take the bus to the home of an old school friend of Sven and John's, Randis Coltan, after seeing them bragging about being invited to the event on social media. John and Tristan talk their way inside with Randis' partner, promising to sort out an issue with Randis' address in the government system. Once inside, John distracts their host, while Tristan is able to sneak off, finding Coltan's tickets and swiping them after navigating around his pet Escriosian Hound. Meanwhile outside, the rest of the cell are accosted by a member of the neighbourhood's private security team, however after riling him up, Antoine uses his telekinesis to disengage the guard's parking break, sending him chasing after the vehicle, allowing the cell to regroup and get away. After further discussion of their next steps back at Jox's, the cell retire for the night.

Meeting outside the museum the next morning, the cell scout out the building. Em and Jug, are approached by the museum's curator, Julian Lynwood who offers to purchase Jug for use in an exhibit. The exhibit triggers fragments of Jug's lost memories, revealing glimpses of fighting on Tul Ruprima and Adu during the initial Escriosian invasion of the system. They agree to the curator's terms and Jug is stowed away in the man's office.

With Jug in the museum exhibits and entrances reconnoitered, and with the curators payment for Jug in hand, the cell attempt to secure pharmaceuticals and hacking supplies for the operation. Antoine meets an old trucker friend of his, Shrimp, at a pub called Good Bradley's. While Shrimp and the bar's owner, Charlotte, seem to be up to something, Antoine stays out of it and buys several doses of Tsunami from Shrimp. Meanwhile Sven and Tristan meet with Leif, another bootlegger and blackmarketeer known to Sven, buying line shunts to try and hack into the museum's security network., and Em, John and Jin fake a requisition form to acquired some expired lift from a company contracted to destroy it.

The next evening the cell reconvene outside the museum, dressed to attend the event. Jin takes his leave to go get the ambulance the cell will use as a getaway vehicle, while Tristan and Em join the queue of guests, planning to enter using the tickets stolen from Randis Coltan. The others make their way to a side entrance where Jug is able to let them inside. Tristan and Em mingle while the others sneak into the museum's offices.

After Sven an initial hack, the cell split up and place a pair of line shunts, allowing Sven to try and access the security system with another hack closer to the time of Vibol's speech at midnight. After laying low for an hour or so, they perform the second hack however the hack fails and the guards are alerted. Avoiding the guard sent to investigate, the team surprise the guards remaining in the security office. A bloody one-sided brawl ensues, ending with four dead security guards, including the one previously sent to find them.

Now with full access to the security systems, they wipe any recordings and deactivate the cameras and exhibit sensors, before linking back up with Tristan and Em in the 'Weapons of the Unification Wars' exhibit just as Vibol begins his speech. The cell then arm themselves, breaking open the locks on the display cases and reactivating the weapons.

Setting up on the balcony above the stage, the cell open fire on the stroke of midnight, gunning down Vibol, one of his bodyguards, and Ethan Alegre, a Vaylan war hero turned propaganda star, in one fell stroke. Panic erupts in the museum. Escriosian military in attendance return fire against the cell as they flee for their awaiting getaway vehicle in the museum's loading dock. The cell run and gun, taking down many of the ill-equipped soldiers and officers as they make their way downstairs, through the museum gift shop and other exhibits. They all successfully make it to the ambulance, leaving a trail of destruction and corpses in their wake. Once all are aboard, Jin speds away, blending into the rest of the emergency vehicles responding to the night's events.

He drives the cell to a scrapyard owned by a woman named Tamiko, where Thoras meets them. The ambulance is destroyed and the weapons hidden, while the cell lay low at the scrapyard for a couple of days before returning to their lives.
Mission 2: Operation Ocean Citadel
Six weeks after the end of the previous operation, the cell are summoned back to Tamiko's scrapyard by Thoras. There they are briefed; a Rising spy on Sarma, code name Matias Blackford, escaped Diktat custody with important datafiles. Managing to flee to Terai, they sent a distress signal, holing up in the Seascape Motel, on the floating city of Isille, awaiting extraction. The cell are tasked with retrieving the spy, or at the very least the data files, making contact with the codeword Wayside, with Gregarious being the correct response word.

After gearing up from their newly acquired arsenal, the cell are locked inside a shipping container in order to be smuggled to a Terai Rising cell on the ocean moon.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

The Escriosian Occupation

‘The flag of the Escriosian Diktat.’

An Interstellar Empire in the Western half of the M-Cluster. Its homeworld is Escrios in the Aethyia system. After the Scream resources were scarce on Escrios and it saw decades of bloody resource wars as its new nation states fought each other for survival. Eventually, large caches of Mandate weaponry and the means to manufacture more were found by one of the nation states. This started the planet’s Unification Wars which eventually ended with the entire planet under the rule of a Military Junta headed by a Grand Marshall. The world soon turned its attention to the stars, eventually invading the Davonian Commonwealth in 3174.

Since then it has imposed a brutal and oppressive regime, forcing many native Davonians into menial labour intensive jobs while enriching the ruling classes to secure its power base. While the initial years of the occupation were mainly Escriosian led, over the subsequent years the Diktat has placed a greater reliance on Davonian collaborators to maintain its power.

Important Institutions of the Occupation

12th Legion - The 12th Legion was the first battle group to make planetfall in the first wave of the invasion and ever since it has been stationed on Vaylar, with smaller bases scattered across the other moons. As the other legions assigned to garrison the moons have been reassigned, the 12th is now the only Escriosian Legion in the Muiran system, and even then its role in maintaining security has been largely diminished as responsibilities have been handed off to local security forces over time.

4th Fleet - The 4th fleet of the Escriosian Navy is currently assigned to the Muiran system as a garrison force. It patrols the system deterring piracy and smuggling operations, while also serving as a deterrent against insurrection. The fleet has been pared down significantly in recent months as forces are diverted to the conquest of Antheus, and now consists of a single fleet cruiser, the EDN Vigilance, two heavy frigates, the EDN Scimitar and the EDN Khopesh, as well as several other smaller vessels and support ships.

EIS - It could be argued that the Davonia Division of the Escriosian Intelligence Section is the most important implement the Diktat has for maintaining control over the moons of Davon Prime. It oversees a large spy network and propaganda campaign, and has been instrumental in not only putting down rebellious factions but also turning many residents of the moons into loyal Diktat citizens, with the goal of ensuring the full long term integration of the system into the Diktat.

Local Security Forces - In the initial years of the occupation, Diktat ground forces were a regular sight in the cities of the Davonian moons. Over time, as the Diktat has secured its grip on the moons, they have been withdrawn and reassigned leaving much of the policing and security duties to local planetary security forces. These are often nearly entirely made up of local collaborators with only some of their leadership hailing from Escrios or Soxeardi.

The Engstrom Institute - A Diktat research campus on Terai dedicated to the study of psionic abilities. Children that show signs of possessing psychic ability are removed from their families and taken to the Institute. There they are studied and trained to eventually serve the Diktat - usually as a psychic agent of the EIS.

Important Figures of the Occupation

Grand Marshall
Vekall Hernandez
The ruler of the Escrios Diktat. Known for ruling with an iron fist and his skills as a fleet commander. He was a rising star in the Escrioisian Diktat navy and commanded the initial invasion fleet in the conquest of the Davonian Commonwealth. In this role he was responsible for the bombardment of Adu, earning himself the moniker the Reaper of Adu. Following the invasion he was selected to join the ruling Junta and was the natural choice to succeed his predecessor following their death ten years ago.

Governor of Davonia
Scoria Brand
The Diktat appointed governor of the Davonian System. She has a storied military career, having fought in the initial invasion as a marine, and held smaller political roles on Escrios itself before being awarded the position of Governor. She has served in the position for nearly five years and has overseen a greater transition towards local rule as the Diktat legions are relocated, although despite this transition her methods in dealing with dissent and insurrection have remained as brutal as any of her predecessors.

Vice Governor of Vaylar
Edvin Pavan
As a former assembly member of the Davonian Commonwealth, Vice Governor Pavan was an early proponent for surrender, seeing it as the only way to ensure the survival of the Commonwealth. Following the ruin of Adu, he only became more vehement in his views, becoming one of the most prominent collaborators with the invaders in the process.
He has survived several assassination attempts over the years, and has steadily seen his station and influence with the Escrioisians rise. He currently serves as the Vice Governor of Vaylar, ruling over the moon in the name of Governor Brand. He is a polarising figure among maybe average citizens of Vaylar, while many view him as a traitor, many are glad to be governed by one of their own, even if it is really in name only - as he has done nothing to curb Escriosian oppression.

Chief Propagandist
Tobias Vibol
The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia. Tobias Vibol is a shrewd marketeer and socialite, who rubs shoulders with the highest of society, both Davonian and Escriosian. He has overseen great success with his campaigns, minimising rebel actions and painting them as mere terrorists opposed to the order and security provided by the Diktat. While to the outside eye some of his work is transparent, in the broader campaign it has proved effective in pacificing the moons of Davon Prime.

Commander of the XII Legion
General Cobus Tane
Cobus Tane is a veteran of the initial invasion, commanding the company which took the Commonwealth Assembly House on Vaylar. He is a skilled tactician and is well liked among his men, however he has grown restless and is unpleased with his Legion being passed over for deployment in the invasions of both Idarete and Antheus. As a result he has recently implemented rigorous training regimes for his soldiers, much to their displeasure - with many having seen deployment to the moons of Davon Prime as an easy garrison assignment.

Admiral of the 4th Fleet
Admiral Milana Godwine
Milana Godwine is the daughter of a prominent member of the ruling military junta and has benefited greatly from nepotism. Until recently she captained the fleet cruiser EDN Centurion. During the invasion of Anetheus the Centurion was lost along with most of her crew in a wholly avoidable tactical blunder. Godwine was “promoted” to Admiral and given command of the 4th Fleet, a posting seen by many as a punishment.

Head of the EIS Davonia Division
Jakob Melvyn
Little is known about the head of the EIS Davonia Division. A secretive man, Melyvn is rarely seen in public. He is known to have the ear of the Governor and his methods have proven effective. His spies are everywhere and over the years many dissenting voices have disappeared from their homes and into EIS black sites never to be seen again. Perhaps more worrying are those that did resurface singing the praises of the regime they once opposed.

Chief of Vaylar’s Security Forces
Lorn Kenau
Born and raised in Kasi’Mela, Lorn Kenau is an exemplary model citizen as far as his Esriosian masters are concerned and someone all Davonians should aspire to be like. He joined the KMPD straight out of school back when its ability to police the city was largely diminished by the presence of the Diktat occupation forces. He proved himself a competent officer, determined to bring safety to his jurisdiction, despite the harsh sentences levied against even petty criminals by the Diktat courts.

He continued to rise up the ranks as the local security forces continued to receive greater power, eventually overseeing all police departments and security forces on the moon of Vaylar.

Director of the Engstrom Institute
Dr. Harlan Engstrom
An unorthodox Escriosian scientist, Dr. Engstrom’s work in psionics was largely considered worthless by his peers on Escrios until breakthroughs in his research occurred while experimenting on some of the prison population of Soxeardi.

His research soon caught the attention of the military, with a particular interest in both the military application of psychic powers and the viability of their use in conditioning dissenters. This led to the construction of the Engstrom Institute on Terai, only a few years after the invasion. Ever since, his team of scientists have tested the children of the Davonian moons for their psychic potential, taking any away who show an aptitude to be raised in the Institute.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Shi "Jin" Jinhai, the Stifled Shepherd Scout


Jinhai, or Jin as he goes by, was born on Vaylar before the invasion. When the day that the Diktat made planetfall on Vaylar came, his family along with many others fled the cities. Out in the wilderness of the moon, life was hard, particularly in the frequent winters, however they were mostly unaffected by the invasion. Their community evolved into a nomadic group, herding a flock of Ivvaks, a type of native Vaylan Sheep, on ATVs and hunting other game. Jin grew up in this community, learning the skills to survive in the wilderness.

A few years ago the Diktat took interest in Jin's community and the others like it, wanting to relocate them into the cities. Many of the community were strongly opposed to this and they initially tried to hide by moving from their usual grazing lands. This helped for a time, however the Diktat were soon able to track them down. Soldiers encircled their camp and began to slaughter their flock. Several members of the community tried to stop them, including Jin's older sister Bai, however those that did were slaughtered along with the animals.

After destroying their livelihood, the soldiers detained the remaining people in the camp and carted them off to Kasi'Mela. Jin has since worked odd jobs, mostly in the Agridomes on the city's perimeter, scraping out an existence. Possessing a hatred of the Escriosians and a skill set few people in the Davonian System have, he was eventually recruited to the Rising by Thoras.
Jin is quiet and serious. He is uncomfortable in the city and his behaviours can seem strange to city dwellers, such as sleeping on the floor - finding it impossible to sleep on a mattress. He prefers to be outside and when indoors seems to be on edge, always looking for potential escape routes. Family and ties are important to Jin and he is willing to share anything and help those he considers family any way he can.
Character Sheet
Shi Jinhai, level 2
Human Warrior
Background: Barbarian

Str 6(-1), Dex 14(+1), Con 9(+1), Int 13(+0), Wis 12(+0), Cha 13(+0)

Str 4, Dex 8, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 13

HP: 9 AC: 14
Physical: 14 Evasion: 13 Mental: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +2




READIED (Capacity: 3/3)
Secure Clothing - 1
Rifle (6/6) - 2
Backpack (TL4) - 0
Compad - *

STOWED (Capacity: 1/6)
Survival Kit - 1

Backpack (TL0) - 1

985 Credits
35 Starting
-50 TL4 Backpack

Combat Block Format
Shi Jinhai

Male Human Warrior 2
Languages: Mandate
Age: 29
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 62 kgs

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +1 (Roll Twice)

AC: 14
Physical: 14
Evasion: 13
Will: 14
HP: 9/9

Attack Bonuses:
Rifle: 1d20+4, 1d10+3

Ammunition Loaded:
Rifle: 6/6

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Warrior Feature: Once per scene, as an Instant ability, you can either choose to negate a successful attack roll against you or turn a missed attack roll you made into a successful hit. You can use this ability after the dice are rolled, but it cannot be used against environmental damage, effects without an attack roll, or hits on a vehicle you’re occupying.

Alert Level 1: Cannot be surprised or the target of Execution Attacks. Roll twice and take best result for initiative.

Gunslinger Level 1: You can draw or stow a weapon as an on-turn action.

Gunslinger Level 2: Once per round, you can reload a ranged weapon as an On Turn action if it takes no more than one round to reload. Even on a miss with a Shoot attack, you do an unmodified 1d4 damage.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Sven Svensson, the Black-Market Blonde

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance: Sven is a reasonably tall man with a well-toned body, the product of a daily regimen of cardio and strength training. He's worked hard for pecs and abs, and his photo library and profile pictures on various hookup apps are a testament to his pride there. He has short, sandy blonde hair that he keeps styled in a neat, yet rebellious sort of fashion.

His attire matches this aesthetic, often wearing tightly-fitting, sleek yet comfortable everyday gear. He never leaves home without his favorite jacket, black with shorter sleeves, and almost befitting a pilot or smuggler more than a merchant. He often wears a face mask and eye shield to conceal his identity, which also conceals his shining blue eyes: the only thing he's happy to have gotten from his father. Beneath the mask, he's quite handsome, often wearing a cheeky smirk.

Personality: Sven carries an air of confidence around him, comfortable in most of his abilities to get him out of trouble. Despite this, he doesn't take himself too seriously, particularly as he's acutely away of his shaky way with words. While making sales, he often lies through his teeth and flubs or misspeaks to the point of getting himself into trouble. Outside of his sales pitches, however, he's very genuine and caring of those who are important to him, finding it difficult to betray their trust.

Despite his mixed results with charm, he's still quite flirty with men he finds attractive, and will shoot his shot more often than not, even if it leads to a spectacular failure in most cases. He tries to find joy in the simpler things though, and maintains a happy-go-lucky demeanor that can occasionally be grating to those ground down by the system. But if he can get a smile out of them, it'll be worth it. He also has a general dislike for authority figures, preferring to rebel against if not just for the sake of saying "fuck you" to the man.

Early Life: Sven was born on Vaylar a year before the invasion brought the Commonwealth into the Diktat's chains. He was the youngest child and only son of Sven and Carina Nyberg, a once-loving couple strained by the increasing narcissism of Sven. While Carina was resting after hours of long and arduous labor, her husband handled the birth certificate and proceeded to name his son after him, twice. Were it not for the bouncing baby boy in her grasp, Carina might have killed the man then and there.

When the Diktat arrived, Sven's family remained in the city and kept their heads down. His mother rarely permitted him and his sisters to play outside, fearing the patrols might do them harm. But through his father's business and growing connections with the city's elite, his family afforded a modest upbringing and he was largely a happy child. Well-fed, taken care of, and without the stress and fear that his mother felt upon her shoulders.

As a result, he was somewhat of a rambunctious and rebellious child. Though he'd listen to his mother if she gave him the tone, he often preferred to do things his way as the years went by. And this often led to him finding himself in some sort of trouble. This spurned him to grow bolder as he shaped into a young person with wants and desires of his own. Though his father would try to put a clamp on this.

A Propagandized Future: The senior Sven, in his ego-driven delusion, long had plans to turn his son into a miniature version of himself, a successor of sorts, and the one to bear the weight of his legacy. As the years went by after the occupation, however, the plans were changed. Being a staunch loyalist of the regime, he realized his son would need to be educated to truly follow in his footsteps. And using his connections, he secured entry and tuition to the Vaylar Preparatory Academy, a school for the moon's elite that had been turned into a propaganda wing by the invaders. Its students would be indoctrinated to fall in line and become loyal and willing pawns to the system: leaders in training.

Even as an adolescent who had known nothing but the Diktat's rulership, the younger Sven could see the school for what it was: weaponized education. For a time, he kept his head down and focused on some of the more practical studies. He became engrossed in his technology and coding classes, seeing these as ways to actually get something useful out of the experience. His other classes, however, he neglected. From the moment he finished his first day of classes, he knew he had no plans to graduate and was content to ignore his classes dedicated to Escriosian triumphs and slaughters. After a point, he'd periodically cause minor trouble or jokes, both as his own protest against authority and to distract from such rubbish being taught.

One day while out jogging, he came across a box of prewar snack cakes, still in their original wrapping and edible despite being years since their manufacture. Hatching an idea, he brought them into school and began selling them to his classmates, all spoiled with an allowance from their wealthy parents. With an upcharge, he made a comical amount of credits and bought himself a new computer. But eventually, the academy's staff found out and put a stop to his enterprise. He was placed under disciplinary probation and, growing fed up by now, decided he was done with school.

School's Out: For many days, Sven kept his head out of trouble during the school day while he silently plotted behind the scenes. Using his coding skills, he had a shipment of lab rats sent to his father's barber shop instead of to a research facility. The research facility, meanwhile, received a shipment of hair dyes and bleaching agents. This way, he figured, it would appear as a logistical error. For days, he plotted how best to cause a disturbance with the rodents, but finally all was in place.

One day, during a particularly busy passing period, he unleashed them. Swarms of rats filled the halls, crawling all over students and staff, climbing into unsecured vents and ducts, and just causing complete chaos and mayhem within the academy's halls. Sven just watched and relished in it, overtaken by chaotic laughter at the scene. He made no effort to hide his part in it, and after a record-breaking meeting with the school's disciplinary board, he was promptly expelled.

His father was beyond furious, seeing his legacy tainted. But his rage-induced rant allowed Sven to see his father for what he truly was: an egomaniac who didn't truly care for him. He listened to the rant with a shit-eating grin before returning to his room and packing his belongings. That night, he left home and vowed to never speak to his father more than absolutely necessary. His mother, meanwhile, was almost proud and, feeling emboldened, left her husband a few days later. The two moved in with Sven's sister Erika.

Bootlegs & Bullshit: As he fell into adulthood, Sven realized he needed to find means to support himself, lest he rely on his sister for the remainder of his life. After all, it was a tough world and he had things he wanted to buy without having to awkwardly ask his older sister for an allowance. With his academic reputation tarnished, however, he was left with limited options. But then he remembered the snack cakes of his youth, the joy they brought people, and more importantly, the credits they lined his account with.

His scale started out small, with simple prewar Davonian trinkets and goods he could find to resell. But as two decades had passed by then, the quality couldn't be assured. Much of the foodstuffs began to lose their luster, and nostalgia alone couldn't sell a candy bar that tastes like ass, he knew. With some scouting, he discovered some selling goods from the League, or so they told people. And Sven wanted in on this action. As he slowly amassed a network of connections, he learned of a smuggler who regularly took trips to and from the League worlds: a man named Yukon.

Sven and Yukon immediately hit it off. And by that, they immediately fucked. After that, they talked business. Yukon agreed to supply Sven, and at a discounted price in exchange for much-needed intimacy after this spaceflights from the League. Sven eagerly agreed, although quickly learned that much of merchandise was less than genuine, far older than promised or cheap knockoffs of the real thing. But Sven would hardly care, and his customers would hardly know the difference. He'd often keep the genuine items for himself, making cheap copies for others. But he was still proud.

Bad Moon Rising: As the years passed, conditions barely seemed to improve in his life, even with more Davonians in power than before. And though a steady stream of foreign goods kept him above water, seeing his fellow people exert a perverse level of authority over their own increasingly began to rub him the wrong way. And as he became more and more engrossed in the freeing and whimsical culture of the distant League, he grew more jaded towards the dire lives they'd been forced to live under Diktat rule.

That all changed, however, when Thoras approached him one day at his usual stomping grounds. Sven attempted to sell him a designer satchel. Really just a purse with embroidered cats on it, Sven claimed they were all the rage in Alldis and that he wouldn't want to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime where he might be the envy of his peers. Thoras simply shook his head and told Sven that if he wanted to see what was actually popular on Alldis, he had an opportunity.
1) Sven wants to help bring simple comforts to those struggling around him, through his merchandise or other means.

2) I'd like for Sven to have to confront his familial issues, particularly with his father's loyalty to the regime.
1) Sven has amassed an embarrassingly sizable collection of boyband merch from the League territories. While he sells copies, the originals adorn his apartment: posters, holochips, and in one case, a pin-up calendar. His favorite bands are Astral EgoSUPR-Charge, and K•Rush. NTER5TELLAR is too manufactured for him.

2) Using his ties to many of the local security forces, Sven's father has had him periodically watched, and even had a former home of his bugged to spy on the man.
People Tied to Sven
1) Sven has four older sisters: Sonja, Viveka, Erika, and Natalie. He is incredibly close with them and loves them dearly, doing anything to protect and support them. They more often support him, though, babying him and helping him cover rent when his business is not doing well. Viveka and Natalie are waitresses at local bars and restaurants, while Sonja is a mechanic and Erika a doctor. They are all hardworking and dedicated to supporting their family members. Given their father, they are all more sympathetic to the rebel cause. However, they simply try to get by and leave the resistance to those with more means.

2) Yukon Cantos is Sven's supplier and a friend-with-benefits of his. Well-connected and slippery, he's a successful smuggler who's able to source League media and goods, or their approximations, with deft skill. Though he previously worked with multiple sellers, he's since formed an almost-exclusive partnership with Sven as their relationship has developed. He's cheeky and confident, but extremely cautious and meticulous when it comes to his work.

3) Sven Nyberg is Sven's father, a barber on Vaylar with a client list primarily made up of the elite in the Davonian regime. He is a staunch loyalist of the Diktat, abandoning his freedoms, morals, and dignity for more scraps than the regular man might receive. He is a schmoozer and a suck-up, ready to kick down his fellow man if it means he gets ahead. He has an incredible ego despite being a bootlicker, viewing many as his lesser and viewing himself as always right. He feels disappointment for his son, but still continues to try and bring him into the fold and groom him as a successor. The younger Sven loathes his father and has made every attempt to cut off contact.

4) Zan Laazi is a local security guard whose patrol route coincides with Sven's usual haunts and places of business. He routinely heckles and hassles Sven, threatening to report his business operations to the higher authorities. They are often tense and rude with one another, well past concealed hostilities. Though not particularly keen on the Diktat's beliefs, he enjoys asserting power and authority over others to make himself feel better. The two have hate-fucked on a handful of occasions, a fact that Sven half-regrets.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Sven has fond memories of the incident that got him expelled from the Vaylar Preparatory Academy, and of the look on his father's face after he found out: beet red and contorted in almost inhuman rage. He released a swarm of drugged-up rats into the school, all wearing little hats akin to Diktat helmets. He stayed up all night making them and attaching them to the rats.

2) He's incredibly protective and proud of his merch, though he exaggerates and proclaims it to be the highest quality creds can buy. He knows this isn't entirely true, but if it gives people joy in dark times, then he doesn't care. Even concert-quality audio can give a much-needed morale boost, he figures.

3) Sven always keeps a small plastic and metal trinket with his name on it with him. Yukon says he sourced it from Strocho and claims it's called a personalized keychain. Although he finds the idea unusual as keys are largely digital, he still keeps it with him as a sort of lucky charm.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Sven comes from a large family, with his father being an egotistical barber named Sven Nyberg. With great self-importance, he registered his children's surnames as taking his own: Svensson and Svensdottir. The younger Sven is the youngest child, the only son with four older sisters: Sonja, Viveka, Erika, and Natalie. His mother, Carina, divorced his father after all her children were adults. She currently lives with Erika. Sven keeps minimal contact with his father, but regularly talks to the rest of his family.

Class: Sven was born into a middling class, with his family being afforded some special treatment post-occupation as his father was much too eager to schmooze to their new overlord. Since distancing himself from his father in adulthood, he's been more of a lower-class criminal. His sisters often help support him though.

Profession: Sven is a black-market contraband and bootleg dealer, specializing in more consumer-oriented goods like entertainment media, fashion, and imported prepackaged food and drink. He has a great deal of pride in his merchandise and feels like he does a great service to improve the morale of his people. After all, it's the little things.

Institutions: In his youth, Sven briefly attended the Vaylar Preparatory Academy, a school and youth propaganda wing for the government. His father was awarded scholarship from his elite clients. His time at the school did not last long before he was dismissed for delinquency. Currently, he takes part in a cell of Vaylar Rising.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Freedom: Above all, Sven values his freedom to ultimately do what he wants and live his life as he chooses, and he'll go to whatever lengths he needs to secure his future.

Secondary: Credits: Money talks, and Sven is quite easily swayed by the promise of creds, so long as they don't compromise his loose morals.

Tertiary: Family: Sven cares deeply about his sisters and mother, and does what he can to protect and support them.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Aid his Vaylar Rising cell in whatever mission is soon to be assigned.

Medium-Term: Overthrow the Diktat's control of the former Commonwealth and see freedom and prosperity returned.

Long-Term: Visit the civilizations of the League, embracing the culture and media that has been his livelihood for the past several years.
Crew Relations
Jin: Sven almost finds Jin's awkwardness when it comes to city life to be endearing, and he finds the man reasonably attractive. However, he doubts he can cut through that serious and brooding shell. He still trusts and respects the man, especially as they both share strong familial values.

Jug: Sven places a great deal of trust in Jug, knowing their programming makes them a worthy ally. Having spent time studying VIs during his schooling age, he's able to look past the monotonous and candid demeanor. He has, on many occasions, been taken by surprise by their unique brand of humor, but he appreciates it in contrast of the doom and gloom so many live by.

Em: Although he's unsure of her entire past, only being able to piece if together from the tidbits she shares, Sven knows it must not be great for her to have such a visceral hatred for the Diktat. Though he's met few who don't hate them, the sheer scale leaves him suspecting there's more to it. Nevertheless, he's amazed that she's able to keep going and remain cheerful, and appreciates that she hasn't fallen to despair like others in her position would.

Tristan: Sven enjoys Tristan's company quite well, appreciating that he too doesn't seem to take things too seriously, evident with his jokes during tense situations. He appreciates having someone else who lacks a certain tact among the group, that way it won't all fall on his shoulders. Sven is glad to have a person like Tristan among their ranks.

Tone: Sven is a bit wary of Tone, but also highly curious of his enigmatic past. The near-lack of emotion leaves Sven speculating, but he is still gracious for the man's patience that only years in customer service could have forged, or so Sven figures. He does, however, place a degree of respect on the man, admiring someone who still holds so firm to their convictions, even after years of being dragged down by their oppressors.

Stamps: Sven remembers John from their shared days at the Academy, having appreciated knowing another student who wasn't the child of some rich or important bigshot. He's always felt that John plays it a bit too safe, but still respects and trusts the man. He worries that if the man spends his whole life trying to not be noticed, he'll miss out on half of it.
Laser Pistol/Mag Pistol
Armored Undersuit/Woven Body Armor/Combat Field Uniform

Ordered from worst to best, depending on how generous you wanna be
Character Sheet
Sven Svensson, level 1
Human Adventurer (Expert/Warrior)
Background: Criminal

Str 13(+0), Dex 14(+1), Con 14(+1), Int 10(+0), Wis 12(+0), Cha 7(-1)

Str 12, Dex 6, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 7

HP: 15 AC: 14
Physical: 13 Evasion: 13 Mental: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +2


Close Combatant-1


READIED (Capacity: 2/6)
Secure Clothing | Enc. 1
Compad | Enc. *
T4 Backpack (Worn) | Enc. 0
Low-light goggles | Enc. 1

STOWED (Capacity: 2/13)
Trade Goods (3) | Enc. 1
Type A Power Cell (3) | Enc. 1
Lift | Enc. *
Line Shunt (4) | Enc. *

 20 Credits
700 Credits (Starting)
-300 (Secure Clothing)
-100 (Compad)
-50 (T4 Backpack)
-150 (Trade Goods x3)
-30 (Type A Power Cell x3)
-50 (Lift)
+1000 (Museum Payment)
-800 (Line Shunt x4)
-200 (Low-light goggles)
20 Credits

Stat Rolls: [3d6]=12[3d6]=6[3d6]=13[3d6]=10[3d6]=12[3d6]=7
Replace 6 Dex with 14

Background Rolls: [1d6]=3[1d8]=5[1d8]=1
+2 Physical, Administer, Program

Gold Roll: [2d6x100]=7x100=700

HP Roll: [1d6+3]=5+3=8

Level 2
HP: [2d6+5]=9+5=14 +1 from forgotten Con = 15
Combat Block
Sven Svensson

Male Human Adventurer (Warrior/Expert) 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155lbs

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 14
Physical: 13
Evasion: 13
Will: 14
HP: 15/15

Attack Bonuses: +2
Submachine Gun: 1d20+2 (+4 burst fire); 1d8 damage (+2 burst fire)
Unarmed: 1d20, 1d2+1

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none

Consumables: Lift (Heal-0)
Important Features:
Partial Warrior: Gain +1 to attack at 1st and 5th levels. Gain 2 extra max HP each level.

Partial Expert: Gain an extra skill point for any non-combat, non-psychic skill with every level.

Close Combatant: I can use pistol-sized ranged weapons in melee without penalty. I ignore Shock damage from melee attacks, even when unarmored.

Connected: If I've spent a week in a not-entirely-hostile location, I can call upon one favor (up to mildly illegal) once per gameday.

Assassin: I can conceal an object no larger than a knife or pistol from anything less invasive than a strip search, including normal TL4 weapon detection devices. I can draw or produce this object as an On Turn action, and my point-blank ranged attacks made from surprise with this object cannot miss.

Hacker: When attempting to hack, I can roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.
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Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Antoine "Tone" Anders, the Last Free-Thinker of 109-JZ
Character Generation & Advancement
Level 1
Stats: Stat Rolls: [3d6]=8[3d6]=13[3d6]=7[3d6]=11[3d6]=12[3d6]=12
Swap 7 CON for 14.

Background roll 1: [1d6]=1
+1 Any Stat (DEX to 14)

Background roll 2: [1d6]=3
+2 Physical (DEX to 16)

Background roll 2: [1d8]=5
+1 to Pilot

HP Roll: [1d6+1]=1+1=2

Credits: [2d6]=6 x 100 = 600 credits

Skill Choice: Work-0

-50, TL4 Backpack
-100, Compad
-200, TL4 binoculars
-10, Power cell, type A
-15, Rations, 3 days
-10, x2 Thermal Flares
-50, Climbing Harness
-90, x3 Lazarus Patches
+1000, 6 weeks of work
-1000, Comms Server
75 credits remain
Level 2
New Focus: Psychic Training-2. Save one skill point toward Teleportation, to be used at level 3.
3 Skill points:
Spend two on Teleportation-1
Reserve one skill point toward Teleportation, to be used at level 3.

HP: [2d6+2]=5+2=7

Character Sheet
Antoine "Tone" Anders, level 2
Human Psychic
Background: Vagabond

Str 8 (+0), Dex 16 (+1), Con 14 (+1), Int 11 (+0), Wis 12 (+0), Cha 12 (+0)

Str 8, Dex 13, Con 7, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 12

HP: 7 AC: 11 (17 with Telekinetic Armory)
Physical: 13 Evasion: 13 Mental: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Effort: 4


Telekinetic Armory

Psychic Training 2 (Teleportation)


READIED (Capacity: 1/4)
1 | 3x Lazarus Patches
0 | Burner Compad
0 | 2x Tsunami
0 | TL4 Backpack
0 | Compad

STOWED (Capacity: 7/8)
1 | TL4 Binoculars
1 | Power Cell, Type A
1 | Rations, 3 days
0 | 2x Thermal Flares
1 | Climbing Harness
3 | Comms Server

2 | Combat Rifle (Broken)
2 | Rifle (6/6)
2 | Rifle (6/6)
2 | Rifle (6/6)
2 | Rifle (6/6)
1 | Semi-Auto Pistol (12/12)

75 Credits
Combat Block — Tone
Antoine "Tone" Anders

Male Human Psychic 2
Languages: Mandate
Age: 43
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 11 (17 with Telekinetic Armory)
Physical: 13
Evasion: 13
Will: 14
HP: 7/7
Effort: 4/4

Attack Bonuses:
Telekinetic Rifle: 1d20+3, 1d10+3

Ammunition Loaded: none

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Telekinetic Manipulation: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can manipulate objects as if with both hands and can lift up to two hundred kilograms with this ability.

Telekinetic Armory: Commit Effort as an On Turn action to create either a rifle or advanced melee weapon as well as armor out of telekinetic force. The armor is AC 15 plus Telekinesis skill. The gear can be invisible.

Personal Apparition: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can teleport up to 10 meters.
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance — Antoine is 6'3", with umber, weathered skin; and thick, black hair that is receding and close-cropped. At the time of the campaign, he has recently had it layered into short cornrows for convenience. He may have been somewhat handsome at a younger age, but the years and stress have not been kind to him. He has dark rings around his brown eyes.

Antoine typically wears a thin sweater, some sort of coat or army jacket, cargo pants, and always his signature work boots. Despite his tall stature, he is a leaner, a sloucher, and can often be found holding some sort of cigarillo or vape jet — blowing the vapor wherever he feels in the moment.

Personality — Antoine carries about him a weathered, yet strong-willed and stubborn sentiment. He tends to be a man of few words, though is eager to speak up when he deems necessary. With his many years of low-paying labor and humble expectations, he is quite patient and difficult to set off. As a result, he tends to be quite flat emotively. It is hard to earn Antoine's trust, or his affection.

Poached from Playtime — Born to a middle-class family in Kasi'Mela, Antoine hardly remembers his early years. He had an older sister, Alma, that was two years his senior. What would have been an otherwise ordinary life on Vaylar was disrupted when he began to exhibit latent telekinetic power. He had discovered he could make the blocks float, and was entertaining the other children by trying to stack them above their heads. The school administrators reported this to the government, and within a week he was taken from his regular studies and placed into a Davonian psionic academy made specifically for children. He was not alone, however, as there were a number of other children his age — all of them placed into the 109-JZ Cohort Group Study by staff.

Davonian Duties — Life at the Davonian academy was not dissimilar to a haughty private school. He lived on-campus with his cohort, watched over by certified caretakers. He was able to see his family once a month, and despite missing them, he was happy to be around others that were like him.

Around his teenage years, Antoine began to develop an attitude. He often found himself at odds with the administrators, whose rigid rules and systems began to chafe his everyday life. He was often punished, forced to do menial tasks or study extra subjects. His telekinetic powers were seen as almost mundane, and he began to despite how much favoritism was afforded to the students with rare powers such as metapsionics.

First Contact — At age 16, Antoine followed the news in awe as the Escriosians arrived. This sent much of Davonian culture and government direction into chaos. Around this time, he began to develop mild teleportative powers, and the research administration's view of him changed overnight. Now, they were looking to develop him as a special operative, somebody who would be trained in the art of espionage and possible disruption. This enraged Antoine, who had grown used to being left to his own devices. Instead, he was a prized asset — a tool, to shape and use as the government saw fit. He was under constant supervision, and hooked up to strange, experimental machines every week to measure his psionic levels of growth. He rebelled where possible, but with added expectations came added punishments. More often than not, he was in solitary confinement. It was here that he developed a taste for solitary life, free of the distraction and problems of other people.

Opportunity for Escape — The next year, Escrios attacked. Almost immediately, every last Davonian metapsionic was pulled from academy to help the warfront, both admin and incompletely-trained students alike. This left most of the other students of the academy in a worried state, and with little oversight. Seeing this as an opportunity to act out in his own interest, Antoine used his powers to teleport past the walls of the Academy. He stole a vehicle, using his telekinesis to rig a passkey.

After traveling through the city proper, now an active warzone, Antoine realized the true extent of the Diktat's assault. He saw a few buildings toppled by bombing, and ground forces already cutting off large districts of the city. Suddenly fearing for his safety, he made for his childhood neighborhood just outside Kasi'Mela. He managed to flee safely, but found his parents' home burned down and fully destroyed — the entire block victim to a passing carpet bombing.

In the Shade of Anonymity — escapes, sees Adu destroyed, vows to become a shadow. little does he know but the psionic academy is destroyed, records wiped by one of the remaining administrators who did not want the Diktat to gain operational control over the academy should it be taken.

Unknown, Unbothered — long-haul freight pilot for a few years. he got the hang of piloting vessels but nothing more than large freighters or small shuttles. after his contracts ran out he decided he wanted something a bit more stationary, where he can hole up and keep under the radar. landed on demeter, found a flat, and worked on the docks as a loader for a few years. left after defending himself and maiming somebody with his powers.

Lives Lived, Loves Lost — worked at a station in Cyrand, refueling ships. meets Maureen, finds a connection he wasn’t looking for. in his brashness he decides if the diktat hasn’t come for him in this time, he’s no need to worry. they get an apartment together.

A Run in With the 109 — one day while refueling personal ships, antoine comes across Melanis. the woman doesn’t recognize him but he is frightened by this experience as she seems to recall his face from somewhere. in a spiral after this encounter he vows to make a clean slate, worried for himself and maureen by extension. leaving her with little notice, he moves back to Vaylar after all these years, in the belief that the diktat would never be looking for him right under their own nose.

A Break From Solitude — Living in Vaylar for a few years, Antoine found work as a shuttle operator. He often found himself at a convenience store on a layover, where he became friends with a cashier named Sarah. Over the course of a few months, he came to appreciate the quick bite to eat and chat, and he found himself staying longer and longer during shifts. They’d talk about work, junk food, tech, and her young son Gabriel. One day when Antoine stopped by, Sarah was gone. This didn’t sit right with Antoine. He started asking around, starting with the new cashier replacement and then eventually the store’s management. He even tried asking some of the locals, even going as far as to physically search for signs of her. Antoine’s worrying for Sarah’s fate is a marked departure from his attitudes towards others the past couple decades.

While stopping by a neighbor’s to get the latest, Antoine found himself cornered in an alley by a group of what looked like security personnel. They demanded he leave Sarah alone, and warned him of vague threats should he not. That night, he genuinely considered dropping the issue out of fear of his own survival or discovery. Instead, his own curiosity and stubborn nature got the better of him.

The next day, Antoine used a sick day and was back on the streets, eyes peeled. His leads had all but dried up, however, and he was growing discouraged — until he got an encrypted message for a meet about Sarah. Cautious, he met them at an abandoned worksite. Instead of security goons, it was a single person, who let on that Sarah was part of a resistance movement, Vaylar Rising. Sensing Antoine’s care for her, the agent confirmed she was safe, but explained that she had joined to fight for Gabriel, who was developing latent psionic abilities. He had been taken from Sarah by the Diktat, and shipped off to Engstrom’s academy

The Bill Comes Due — antoine holds increasing fear that he will be exposed, and is finally running out of options of work. with sarah’s boy taken, melanis (and others) out there, antoine knows that vaylar rising is the only path forward. he offers himself up and is recruited by Thoras, though Vaylar Rising doesn't know his psionic power
1) Antoine wants to stop running from his past, having long been content to hide instead of face reality.

2) Antoine wants to fight for Sarah to see her boy again, free from the grasp of the Diktat.

3) Antoine would like develop his atrophied powers once more, and put them to use for the resistance faction.

4) I want for Antoine to be confronted with ghosts of his past, gain closure, and find peace one day — if he can live to see it.
1) As a psionic, Antoine has hidden his powers for years except in rare cases. As a teleportation-inclined psionic, he is especially dangerous (or an asset) to many, and he has walked away from friends, jobs, partners, cities, and whole lives before to prevent them from learning this.

2) There are other 109-JZ members out there, and not just Melanis. They stayed at the academy, which was taken over and integrated into what is now Engstrom's Institute.

3) Antoine's partner died of a medical condition a few years after he absconded.
People Tied to Character
1) Sarah — To the public, a cashier at a convenience store. However, Sarah is a Vaylar Rising agent who has been fighting for years. Her young son Gabriel was recently captured by the Diktat and forced into Engstrom's Institute. On the surface she is easy-going, chatty, and a history buff. As an agent, she is dedicated, level-headed, and optimistic about success.

2) Maureen — A former partner of Antoine's back when he was living on Cyrand. For work she was a hairdresser. They lived together in a small apartment for a year and a half, before Antoine left and never looked back. She died from an untreated medical condition recently. She was kind, caring, and humorous, despite her broken upbringing.

3) Melanis — A fellow cohort member of 109-JZ. Melanis stayed at the institute through its takeover by Diktat forces and was brainwashed into becoming an operative for them. Calculating, successful, and ambitious, she is the exact type of person that Antoine fears. She is a respected officer and holds a level of independence and wealth that is only afforded to psionics who have proved their true fealty to the Diktat and no longer need a yoke.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Antoine struggles with a traumatic memory that bookended his time on Demeter. During a night walk, he was attacked by a mugger with a knife. After struggling against the attacker on the ground, he used his telekinetic powers to distract the man long enough to pin the man's legs with a nearby traffic bollard, maiming him. The sound of bones breaking and the man's screams still haunt him to this day.

2) Antoine's telekinesis armor power feels less like 'armor' and more like Lady Luck. Sometimes, he might passively step out of the way, or bullets are shifted to curve around him, sometimes outright deflecting them with a hand if all else fails. His 'gun', or psionic blasts, come from blowing air (or smoke, if smoking) from his mouth in the direction of his target.

3) Antoine prefers to spend most of his free time alone, listening to old pre-war music. He also enjoys taking a scenic drive or bus ride and get out of the city limits from time to time.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: His original family died in the attack on Vaylar. Antoine never started anew.

Class: As a child, middle-class. As an adult, a low-wage worker

Profession: Many — an incomplete list would be long-haul pilot, refueling station attendant, dockworker, shuttle operator, etc.

Institutions: Previously, Davonian Psionic Academy. Now, none but Vaylar Rising as he has quit his 9-5.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Survival - Above all else, Antoine is tuned for survival. He has sacrificed so much of his life to simply keep going. Ironically, he seems to be pressing back on this drive by joining Vaylar Rising.

Secondary: Peace - After running for his own safety all his life, Antoine is always looking for the next place he can buy himself some time and enjoy what little he has. He doesn't want enemies, but they want him.

Tertiary: Solitude - Antoine has never felt the ability to rely on others. He prefers to be in a position where the only person he has to trust and take care of is his own damn self.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Fully integrate into Vaylar Rising and gain access to his power once more.

Medium-Term: Injure the Diktat's control enough to rescue Gabriel. Even more, and maybe he can see them overthrown entirely.

Long-Term: Find peace, fly off into the sunset to enjoy his golden years without fear.
Crew Relations
Jin: Antoine feels an unspoken understanding with Jin. He sees a man with a life of labor and an understanding of the value of silence. Jin's eccentricity doesn't bother Antoine, as he has witnessed many like Jin thrust into the Diktat's working force. If they were from a different time, he wonders if he might have shared a beer with the man.

Jug: Having worked alongside VIs in a few past jobs, especially as a dockloader on Demeter, Antoine feels comfortable around Jug's presence. The VI's mechanical, rational mind is a relief to him contrasted to the complexity and frustrations of the human soul. Antoine can only imagine what might make a VI stand up to the Diktat, but he has not felt like asking thus far. He wonders if Jug could outlift him.

Sven: Antoine holds mixed feelings about Sven, finding his snake oil salesman bit harmless in its own right, though somewhat reckless for his own safety. He'd bought from a few dealers like him over the years, sometimes getting scammed, though occasionally stepping away with a solid find. Sven's confident, rebellious, nature reminds Antoine somewhat of his own youth, a thing that both humors and irritates him. He wishes sometimes the man would keep his mouth shut.

Em: As a fellow older member of the cell, Antoine was able to immediately see the working class mark that Em bears. He hardly knows her, but feels that she may be one of the few he might actually be able to trust. His brain has counterweighted that gut instinct, forcing him to be somewhat guarded and skeptical around her until he knows her better.

Tristan: Antoine is wary of Tristan for a number of reasons. The rumors about his past as a gangster, his strangely optimistic and carefree nature, and the way he holds his gun. Most of all, he wonders what someone like him is doing in a place like this — he's either as dedicated as any of the others, or he's got ulterior motives.

Stamps: Antoine senses extreme red flags around Stamps. As a pen-pusher of the planetary government, Stamps represents the core force that Antoine has spent his life evading. If the man is truly a rebel, he will have to prove himself rigorously that he is not a plant, set in place by the Diktat to unravel Vaylar Rising from within. Until then, Antoine will always stand behind the man in any op, ready to blow a pinhole through his occipital lobe should the necessary time arise.
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Post by Fialova »

Sirula 'Em' Emerald, the Plucky Pilot & Paramedic


Em is tall, lean, and toned, a physique she has had for most of her adult life from working on fishing vessels for most of it. She has naturally orange hair that she regular dyes the ends of, often in colors that remind her of the seas of Terai. She tends to wear colorful, casual clothing and hardy boots, another habit she has kept from her seafaring past. Her body is covered in a variety of tattoos she has obtained throughout her life, which are visible anytime she has skin showing. The only area she intentionally avoids tattooing is her head and face, as she does not want any needles touching her face.
Em is outwardly quite personable, friendly, and cheerful. She makes friends easily and is happy to chat with friends and strangers alike. Most who know her would say she is a generally happy person without a care in the world, but her cheerful exterior hides a deep sadness and anger that she rarely lets manifest except to those closest to her. The loss of her entire family over the course of many years constantly weighs on her, and she can often be founded zoning out as she remembers a fond - if painful - memory of a lost loved one.

On mission with the Vaylar Rising, she tends to be more serious, though she still has a tendency to talk and joke with the other members open to such things. Unlike in public, however, she is not afraid to voice her distaste for the Diktat, or her desire to end their occupation. She is more open in discussing her past with them, even if she is only willing to offer small details here and there. While she does not feel like her rising crew could ever replace the family she lost, she does feel a similar sense of camaraderie with them that had been absent in her life since the seizure of the Sea Cucumber and the dissolution of her last 'home' crew.
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life: Sirula was born to a niche society in some of the rougher, ice-filled waters of Terai, known as the Aminferth Commune. The Commune existed separate from the major settlements that floated on the surface, though operated in a similar manner, farming algae and primarily fishing in the harsh environment. Members of the commune were generally hardened, able sailors who spent much of their lives on the endless seas of their water planet, and Sirula's parents were no different.

In the Commune, your family was not just your parents and siblings, or even other blood relations, but rather the entire Commune. Individual family names were eschewed in favor of family names tied to the ship your family served on. Sirula was born to two sailors from the Emerald, and so she was known as Sirula Emerald. Her mother and father were not married, nor even exclusively romantic with one another, as members of the Commune were fairly open about love and sexuality. She had several biological half siblings in addition to the several other children she was raised with on the Emerald, whom she all saw as equal parts friends and family. The children were all raised together by a revolving group of educators who taught them during their shore leave, and then would trade off with members of other crew when it was time for their ship to set sail again. As such, everyone in the Commune was quite close with one another, living up to the name.

The Emerald: As she reached her preteen years, Sirula began to travel to sea on the same ship she was born on, accompanied by several of the other children she grew up with. It was custom for the children of the Commune to learn seamanship skills from a young age, first shadowing the sailors and other crew, and then slowly learning the ropes from them until they were adept at all aspects of sea life. It was common for the children of the Commune to enter into full service on the ship of their choice anytime between the ages of 14-20, and Sirula was no different, becoming a full member of the Emerald crew.

In the early years of her training on the ship, the Diktat were in the process of asserting their dominance over the system, but had not quite gotten to the point of knowing - or caring - about the Commune and its fleet of ships. After a few years of establishing their presence, however, they began to expand their horizons, which just so happened to coincide with the time leading up to Sirula's instatement to the crew. She learned in her first few years at sea that the Diktat patrols were frequent and fierce, and could not be avoided or ignored. She often had to talk the older, more stubborn sailors out of trying to resist their occupiers, and had to witness beatings several times when they acted out of line. However, as time went on, hostilities between the natives and the occupying soldiers only began to grow more and more heated.

Aminferth's Fall: By the time she was 21, Sirula had become an expert in navigation of the Emerald, and spent most of her time working the bridge instead of the fishing nets. She knew the waters and currents exceptionally well, and was able to pre-emptively keep her crew on paths that led to the least resistance. She knew the Diktat could never be avoided fully, but the fewer encounters they had, the less risk there was to her family being harmed, and she was keen to keep as many of them at full strength for as long as she was able. Ultimately, however, it would all be for naught, as she would come to find out midway through her 21st year.

After years of mild to moderate hostility between the many vessels among the Commune and the handful of patrol skiffs run by the Diktat, things came to a head when the Diktat finally decided it was time they assert their dominance over the Aminferth docks. They were met with much resistance, as the local members of the Commune had no interest in living side by side with Diktat scum, not when they knew it would mean an end to their way of life. Predictably, their resistance was met with destructive force, and a handful of protests turned into massacres. Several ships that were home to large numbers of protesters were sunk after the protesters were killed, a further message to the remaining inhabitants that Diktat rule was not to be questioned, and that resistance would not be tolerated. 

Most of Sirula's family - her fellow members of the Emerald - were caught up in the bloodbath, and in one day she lost nearly all of them to Diktat bullets. The young woman was absolutely distraught, and nearly took her own life to be with them once more, but was stopped by one of her half-brothers who still remained. Together, the two of them would spend the next several weeks at port, tending to the wounded survivors, mourning their lost loved ones, and honoring their memory with proper burials at sea. All the while, the Diktat began to send more soldiers and supplies to force the remaining members to comply with their occupation.

The Sea Cucumber: Sirula spent months ashore, preferring to continue to tend to her wounded Commune family members as their small settlement was slowly converted by the Diktat into a 'normal' outpost. An influx of Diktat citizens would arrive during this time, filling the gaps left by the devastation of the Commune members, and bringing with them newer - nicer - fishing vessels to continue the work that was interrupted by the minor uprising. It was difficult for her to watch all of this happening around her, but she had learned her whole life to keep her head down and do as she was told, and she had now witnessed first-hand what would happen were she to go against the Diktat.

After the remaining Commune members were healed and able to resume what semblance of a life they had left, Sirula finally felt comfortable returning to the sea to once more work on a fishing vessel. She found one still captained and crewed by Commune members, though they were not allowed to openly refer to themselves as such anymore. The captain - Alyria Saltpeter - had previously been a teacher to Em at various points, and had served as the primary navigator of the Saltpeter until it was sunk along with the Emerald, and several other Commune vessels. She knew Sirula was also a skilled navigator, and recruited the young woman to continue her navigation career under her watchful eye.

Her new Crew featured several members of now-sunk vessels, several of whom were the only remaining members of those crews, and many of them would refer to one another as their surname in solidarity with their lost family members and the ships they crewed. Alyria was known as 'Salty' in reference to the Saltpeter, and Sirula become known as 'Em' as a shortened form of 'Emerald', a nickname that has remained with her the rest of her life. Together with her newfound family on the Sea Cucumber, Em slowly began to recover from the trauma and grief she'd experienced only months before.

Goodbye Terai: Several years passed in relative peace, but eventually, some of the remaining past members of the Commune could no longer take the occupation. Some committed suicide out of a feeling of emptiness in their lives, others tried once more to organize protests, but all were quickly quashed by the occupying forces. All the while, the demographics of the settlement continued to skew more and more towards the Diktat loyalists, and all the remaining Commune members knew it was only a matter of time before they were going to have to comply with Diktat customs or be ousted.

Sure enough, when Em was 27, a declaration came from the occupying forces that the original inhabitants of their home would no longer be allowed to own their own vessels, nor would they be allowed to serve as officers, unless they attended mandatory citizenship classes and renounced those who chose not to comply. The Sea Cucumber was seized and refitted to Diktat specifications, and Em was only able to find menial dock work or net-handling jobs on Diktat-controlled vessels, all of which offered much worse pay and worse working conditions. She tried a few other crews, but found that her kind were constantly discriminated against by the Diktat members, and she could never feel like herself serving on one of them.

Using money she'd been saving to buy her own ship, Em instead purchased passage to one of the main settlements of Terai, and then from there she worked on obtaining a permit and ticket off-planet. She was eventually able to obtain one through less-than-legal means, and after a series of stops on the smuggler's ship she found herself on, she would finally end up on the moon Vaylar.

A New Home: Em had heard of Vaylar in her childhood, and it was always talked about as the illustrious capital of their once-extant Commonwealth. She'd never thought much of it, but finding herself on the planet for the first time in her life was a big shock to the senses. All her life, she'd known only a world of water and the things that floated upon or within it. Her, however, she would encounter solid ground for the first time, and she didn't initially know how to handle it. Fortunately for her, however, she did not have to adapt alone.

The smuggler who'd aided her was a kind older man named Gembral, and he - like her - had no love for the Diktat or the lives that they sought to force on everyone. Before he left the planet once more on another run, he introduced Em to several people who could help her adjust to her new life. These people were able to get her a small apartment where she could live with a few others in similar situations from other moons, as well as a job piloting an in-atmosphere cargo vessel. It did not take long for her to adapt to the controls of the airship, and she found it handled quite similarly to a traditional ship, something which came as a great relief to the woman.

Over the course of the next decade, Em would fall into a new normal in Vaylar. She would date, she would earn enough to obtain her own apartment, and, most importantly, she would find the peace she'd lacked back on Terai. She grew accustomed to deflecting questions about her past, and putting on a happy face despite the pain she often felt when she was reminded of her home and all she'd lost. By all accounts, she had fully adapted to living in the capital, and though she often had run-ins with the Diktat just as she had back home, she knew that these members knew nothing of her defunct Commune, its failed attempts at resistance, or the persecution her family experienced in the aftermath.

Vaylar Rising: Despite a decade of adjusting to Vaylar, she still could not ignore her family back home, and when he was in port, Gembral would take messages from Em to the ones who stayed behind, or deliver their correspondence to her. A few months ago, she received word from Gembral that there would be no further communication from the remaining Commune members, as they had all been rounded up and killed. He did not know all the details, just that the minor uprisings never ceased, and the Diktat eventually decided that there would never be peace while they remained alive.

The news hit Em like an asteroid impact, and she was inconsolable for the better part of a week. She returned to her apartment a broken woman once more, and for days she did not leave her home or eat anything. Her employers contacted her out of concern, and then her neighbors, but she could tell none of them the full truth. All she could say is a family member died, and she was given time to grieve.

After nearly a week of wallowing, her grief transformed into anger. The Diktat had now taken her entire family from her, and she had to do something about it. She had been told several times of the Vaylar Rising, and had been aware of how to contact them if she wanted to fight back. Now she finally felt like she had nothing left to lose, and she contacted them to offer herself up for the cause. If the Diktat thought it could continue to kill everyone she lived, Em was going to do everything in her power to stop them.

1) Em has developed a visceral hatred for the Diktat, and seeks to see them entirely removed from her home system, no matter the cost. She will be a die-hard support of the Vaylar Rising until they succeed or she dies in the process.
2) I'd like for Em to find a new meaning in life that can give her a reason to continue living.
1) Em keeps her heritage a secret from most, especially now that she knows the Diktat has ruled her entire Commune family as dissidents to be eradicated. If her secret were to get out, she fears she would be immediately arrested and put to death.
2) Despite the news delivered by Gembral, several of her Commune family members still live, albeit scattered throughout the system. The one she was closest to of the remaining living members was Cin, her half-brother who stopped her suicide attempt. He left Terai not long after the initial massacres and has been living similarly to Em ever since. 
People Tied to Character
Esme Emerald (deceased) - Em's biological mother, though the two barely knew one another. Esme would only spend another year on the Emerald after Em's birth, instead transferring to another ship afterwards. The two saw each other in passing on occassion, but they did not otherwise have any sort of special bond past the base level of familial bond each Commune member had with one another. She died in the initial uprisings with her other crew.

Petranos Emerald (deceased) - Em's biological father, who she knew more than her mother, but still did not have an especially strong bond. Petranos was a relatively simple man who was content to remain a fisher his whole life, and he helped train Em in her early years upon the Emerald. However, as she grew to focus on navigation, the began to see each other less and less. He also died in the initial uprisings as one of the chief instigators from the Emerald.

Alyria 'Salty' Saltpeter (deceased) - Em's friend and mentor, who captained the Sea Cucumber after the initial Commune uprisings. She taught Em much of the finer points of navigation and piloting that she knows during the years they sailed together, and is one of the members the woman felt closest to in her last several years on Terai. The two had a casual relationship in Em's later years on the Sea cucumber, as was common among crew members on Commune ships.

Rikka 'Cin' Cinnabar (deceased...?) - Cin was one of the half-siblings Em had that she actually felt a close bond with, and spent a lot of time with. The two had a true brother-sister relationship, and both helped one another through hard times. Em believes that he died in the recent purge of remaining Commune members, but in reality he moved off Terai long ago, and is alive and well.

Gembral - A kindly smuggler who Em has kept in contact with since he helped her get to Vaylar from Terai a decade ago. While they don't have a close relationship, they have a shared distaste for the Diktat occupation and regularly meet up to send and receive communications from off-world.

Lavender Kartli - Lavender is Em's current significant other, and the two live in the same apartment complex on different floors. They met Em at a bar nearby to the complex, and since then the two have had an on-again, off-again relationship. They had been off when Em learned the news of her family, but got back together after, as Em was broken and needed someone to hold onto in those dark moments. Lavender has been there for her since, and though they do not know of Em's Vaylar Rising activities, they are concerned that Em's recent anger could cause her to do something rash.

Sgt. Dominic Tembral - Dominic was an ex of Em's, who she dated for a few months in her first year living on Vaylar. The two quickly fell apart when he revealed he was going to be entering training to become part of the Diktat's local police force, something that immediately killed Em's interest in him. He lives not far from her current apartment, so the two still run into one another on occasion, and it is always a frustrating moment for her to see him again.

Zephyr Min - Zephyr is Lavender's roommate, and a constant thorn in Em's side. She has constantly tried to get them to break up permanently, and a couple of their times apart have been because of Zephyr's attempts to have Lavender for her own. One of their breaks did see the two briefly date, which is how they ended up living together, but since they split and Lavender returned to Em, the tensions have only grown.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Most of Em's memories of her past life are painful, so she tries not to dwell on them if she can. She can sometimes be found zoning out as an especially powerful memory rears its head, and often her smile fades in these moments.

2) While she has now lived on solid land for about a decade, Em still has a somewhat unique way of walking, as she never walks perfectly straight. This is a habit she has from spending so long on the ships of Terai, and it is one habit she often has trouble hiding.

3) Em has a distinct accent unique to members of the Aminferth Commune. To those not familiar with accents on Terai, she would just sound like another Terai native, albeit somewhat more rural-sounding. To Terai natives, however, her accent would give her away as one of the people living in the area she is from, which would cause suspicion among any Diktat members familiar with the history of the Commune.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: The Aminferth Commune was her extended family, and the crew of the Emerald were her close family. To Em's knowledge, she is the last remnant of their society.

Class: Commoner. Em has never been anything other than a common citizen, first of the Davonian Commonwealth as a child, and now of the Diktat Occupation. On Terai, she would be considered a dissident in need of execution.

Profession: Pilot. Em was a fisher for a brief portion of her teenage years, but for most of her life she has served as a navigator and pilot for fishing vessels as well as Vaylar air transports.

Institutions: Aminferth Commune (defunct). Vaylar Rising. Red Sky Shipping Company.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Survival. Em's primary drive in life has been her desire to persevere and survive the horrible conditions that have constantly faced her in life. The seas of Terai have always been a threat to those sailing them, and the later Diktat occupation and massacres only served to strengthen her resolve to survive.

Secondary: Grief/Anger. Since the first massacre of her people, the grief and anger she feels towards the Diktat has been one of the largest driving factors in her life. She has always managed to keep these feelings in check, though since the recent news of the complete eradication of the remaining Commune members, she has given herself more and more to these feelings out of a desire for revenge.

Tertiary: Peace. Ultimately, Em would just like to have the freedom to live a peaceful, uneventful life like she heard of when she was a child. She wants to be able to work and love and live without constant threats from without, but so far the Diktat has constantly prevented this.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Make the Diktat pay, in whatever way possible. Continue to do the bidding of Vaylar Rising.

Medium-Term: Rid the Commonwealth of the Diktat occupiers, and help bring peace back to her homeland.

Long-Term: Return to Terai with loved ones from Vaylar and re-establish the Aminferth Commune, if the Diktat is ever removed.
Crew Relations
Jin: Em relates a lot to Jin, seeing a lot of herself in her early years on Vaylar in him. He can relate to his discomfort in the city, and seeks to help him adjust in what little ways she can. She can also relate strongly to his devotion to family, as it is exactly that devotion that has driven her to join the resistance in the first place.

Sven: Em appreciates Sven's similarly cheerful nature, though she wonders if his demeanor is also a mask for similar pain to hers. She finds his flirtiness amusing when it has reason to occur in their missions, and were he interested in women, she might find it an attractive quality. She sees his distaste for authority as a boon to their cause, though she wonders if his heart is truly in it, or if he is just participating out of amusement.

Tone: Tone reminds Em a lot of the men of the Aminferth Commune, many of whom had the same patient, humble demeanor that he expresses. She can tell he also comes from a life of labor, and finds that comforting in a city too full of well-off natives she has a hard time relating to. She is not quite sure how well they will get along apart from those things, but she feels he can be trusted.

Jug: Em does not trust Tug. There were no mechs like him at her home, and the only ones she encountered on Terai were the robotic soldiers used by the Diktat occupiers, something he very strongly resembles. She knows he is effective and can sometimes seem more human than robot, but she ultimately finds his presence offputting.

Tristan: Em is neutral on Tristan. She finds he often has poor timing with humor, but she can tell that he is also trying to do what he thinks is right, and she can appreciate that. She doesn't think they'd get along as friends, but she feels he is a worthwhile companion in their resistance.

Stamps: Stamps seems mostly pretty generic to Em, and as someone who also tries not to stand out, she feels she can relate to the man. She has not seen enough of his personality to form a strong opinion, however.
Character Sheet
Sirula 'Em' Emerald, level 2
Human Expert
Background: Pilot
Background Effects
gain Pilot-0
Growth: [1d6]=6 = choose skill, choose heal
Growth: [1d6]=2 = +2 physical, raising Con to 14 and Str to 15
Learning: [1d8]=6 = Pilot, raise skill to Pilot-1

Str 15 (+ 1), Dex 12 (+ 0), Con 14 (+ 1), Int 14 (+ 1), Wis 18 (+ 2), Cha 8 (+ 0)

Str 7, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 8
Use free 14 to change Str to 14

HP: 10 AC: 15
Physical: 13 Evasion: 13 Mental: 12
Base Attack Bonus: 1


Ace Driver-1

READIED (Capacity: 1/7)
♦ Secured Clothing | Enc. 1
♦ Backpack, TL4 | Enc. 0
♦ Compad | Enc. 0

STOWED (Capacity: 8/15)
♦ Medkit | Enc. 2
♦ Type A Cell | Enc. 1
♦ Bioscanner | Enc. 1
♦ Toolkit, TL4 | Enc. 3
♦ Lift x6 | Enc. 0
♦ Expired Lift x4 | Enc. 0
♦ Tsunami x2 | Enc. 0
♦ Lazarus Patch x3 | Enc. 1#

♦ Fancy Dress | Enc. 0


♦ Combat Rifle Magazine (30/30) | Enc. 1
♦ Woven Body Armor | Enc. 2
♦ Woven Body Armor | Enc. 2
♦ Woven Body Armor | Enc. 2
♦ Escrosian Officer's Sword | Enc. 1
♦ Museum Security Uniform | Enc. 1
♦ Stun Baton | Enc. 1
♦ Woven Body Armor | Enc. 2
♦ Combat Rifle (21/30) | Enc. 2
♦ Combat Rifle Magazine (30/30) | Enc. 1

GEAR MODS (Maintenance: 3/10)
♦ Silencer (John/Stamps)
♦ Silencer (Tristan)
♦ Customized Armor (Tristan)

Amber, Work Van
Type: Truck
Cost: 10000
Size: L

Speed: 0
Armor: 6
TT: 12
AC: 11
HP: 35/35

Crew: 2
Power: 3/3
Mass: 11/14
Hard: 1/1

STORAGE (0/2000kg)

Cargo Space
Power: 0
Mass: 1
Cost: 0

Adds 2 metric tons of storage space
Tool Rack
Power: 0
Mass: 2
Cost: 2500

Any vehicle can carry a toolkit in the trunk, but this rack is equipped with welders, heavy tooling, winches, and room for up 40 HP worth of spare parts. It can repair any vehicle and can be used as a makeshift workshop for related efforts.


7500 (base cost)
+2500 (tool rack)
10000 total value


[2d6]=5x100= 500 starting credits
500 Credits
500 (starting credits)
-300 (secured clothing)
-100 (medkit)
-90 (lazarus patch x3)
+1000 (museum job pay)
-300 (Bioscanner)
-300 (TL4 Toolkit)
-100 (Compad)
-300 (Lift x6)
Total: 10

Level 2
Roll HP: [2d6+2]=8+2=10

Improve Attack Bonus: +0 -> +1

Improve Saving Throws: Physical: 14 Evasion: 14 Mental: 14 -> Physical: 13 Evasion: 13 Mental: 13

Gain Skill Points: +3, +1 to only be spent on non-combat skills. Spend 1 to boost Wis to 18, changing Mental save to 12. Spend 2 to gain Fix-1. Spend 1 to gain Shoot-0.

Gain Focus: Ace Driver-1, boosting Pilot to Pilot-2 and gaining a truck with an installed tool rack
Gear Wishlist
* Combat Field Uniform
* Assault Suit
* Laser Rifle
* Shear Rifle
* Biosscanner
* more meds
* metatool or a toolkit
Combat Block Format
Sirula 'Em' Emerald

Female Human Expert 2
Languages: Mandate
Age: 36
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +0

AC: 15
Physical: 13
Evasion: 13
Mental: 12
HP: 10/10
Strain: 0/14

Attack Bonuses:
Combat Rifle: 1d20+1 (1d20 burst mode), 1d12 damage (1d12+2 burst mode), range 
Stun Baton: 1d20+0, 1d8+1 damage, shock 1 vs AC 15
Unarmed: 1d20-1, 1d2+1 damage

Ammunition Loaded:
Combat Rifle: 21/30

Active Effects: none

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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

--virtual intelligence boot sequence initiated--

--virtual intelligence launching--

VI-42016 JUGGERNAUT aka "Jug" #c1545d

CharGen Rolls
Stat Rolls - [3d6]=10[3d6]=13[3d6]=4[3d6]=13[3d6]=5[3d6]=14
Free Swap Con 4 for Con 14
BG Growth - [1d6]=2 - +2 Physical [Str]
BG Growth - [1d6]=3 - +2 Physical [Str]
BG Growth - [1d6]=6 - Any Skill
Hit Points - [1d6+3]=6+3=9 - 9 HP
Credits - [2d6]=12 - 1200 Credits
Character Sheet
VI-42016 JUGGERNAUT "Jugs", level 1
Virtual Intelligence Warrior
Background: Soldier [Jailbroken Combat Robot]

Str 14 (+2), Dex 13 (+0), Con 14 (+1), Int 13 (+0), Wis 05 (-1), Cha 14 (+1)

Str 10, Dex 13, Con 4, Int 13, Wis 5, Cha 14

HP: 9 AC: 13
Physical: Evasion: Mental:
Base Attack Bonus: +1

SKILLS (Foci - Exert, Punch)(Background - Punch)(Free - Exert)
Exert - 1
Punch - 1

Level 1 - VI Worker Bot
Gain a bonus skill related to your intended function (Exert). Choose an attribute associated with your work (Str) and gain a +1 bonus to its modifier, up to a maximum of +2. You have all the usual traits and abilities of a VI robot.
Level 1 - Unarmed Combatant 1
Level 1: Gain Punch as a bonus skill. Your unarmed attacks become more dangerous as your Punch skill increases. At level-0, they do 1d6 damage. At level-1, they do 1d8 damage. At level-2 they do 1d10, level-3 does 1d12, and level-4 does 1d12+1. At Punch- or better, they have the Shock quality equal to your Punch skill against AC 15 or less. While you normally add your Punch skill level to any unarmed damage, don’t add it twice to this Shock damage.


READIED (Capacity: 7/7)
Combat Field Uniform - 1
Backpack (TL4) - *
Compad (Integrated) - 0
Spare Parts 3x - 1
Lazarus Patch 3x - 1
Light Machine Gun - 2
Combat Shotgun - 2
Semi-Auto Pistol - 1

STOWED (Capacity: 11/14)
Power Cell Type A 3x - 1
Power Cell Type B 2x - 2
Secure Clothing - 1
Semi-Auto Pistol - 1
Semi-Auto Mag (12/12) - 1
Rifle Mag (6/6) - 1
Shotgun Slugs (6)# - 1
Shotgun (D) - 2
Ammunition (55)# - 1

180 Credits
1200 Credits Starting
Secure Clothing - 300 credits - 1
Backpack (TL4) - 50 Credits - *
Power Cell Type A 3x - 30 Credits - 1
Power Cell Type B 2x - 200 credits - 2
Spare Parts 3x - 150 Credits - 1
Lazarus Patch 3x - 90 Credits - 1
Compad (Integrated) - 200 Credits - 0
Force Pavis
Submachine gun/Laser Rifle
Maybe some kind of heavy weaponry?
Combat Block - Jug
VI-42016 "Jug"

Agender (they/them) Virtual Intelligence Warrior 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 13
Height: 200cm (~6'7")
Weight: 125kg (~275lbs)

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +0

AC: 16
Physical: 13
Evasion: 15
Will: 14
HP: 3/9

Attack Bonuses:
Unarmed: 1d20+4 to Hit, 1d8+3 Damage
Ranged: 1d20-1, 2d8 [LMG], 3d4 [Shotgun]
Ranged, Burst: 1d20+1

Ammunition Loaded:
Light Machine Gun: 9/10
Combat Shotgun: 6/12
Handgun: 12/12

Active Effects: none

Lazarus Patch x3
Spare Parts x3

Important Features:
Hit Correction Protocol:Once per scene, as an Instant ability, you can either choose to negate a successful attack roll against you or turn a missed attack roll you made into a successful hit. You can use this ability after the dice are rolled, but it cannot be used against environmental damage, effects without an attack roll, or hits on a vehicle you’re occupying.
Background and Concept Elements
1) Appearance - Jug is a tall, relatively imposing robot. Their 'face' is comprised of a solid metal place, with two wire mesh ovals set into it, which cover two faintly glowing blue optic sensors.
They stand at 2 meters tall (roughly 6'7"), and weigh 113 kilograms (or about 250 pounds)
They are covered in plates of scrap metal, cobbled together over the years they've spent after their decommissioning from the military. It's not perfect, some of their internal servos, motors, and parts are visible through the gaps.
Their arms are more solidly and completely armored, ending in heavy fists. The arms were specifically designed for heavy impacts, with shock absorption and impact amplifiers.
They typically do not wear clothing, as in most situations the cloth would hinder their movements, but they do own a long brown overcoat with a hood that they wear to avoid some notice when necessary.

2) Personality - Jug is often described as cold and mechanical, which is technically accurate. Their primary method of communication is through direct statements and questions, with limited tonal shifting. Most of their meaning is conveyed through word choice and pauses, rather than tone or facial expression.
However, looking past that, they are hard-working and driven to protect people, due in large part to the remnants of their soldier programming.
They have a dry sense of humor, sometimes bordering on gallows humor, from their time in the military

3) Manufacture - On Soxeardi, in a factory, a certain robot frame is created. It is just like every other frame created in this factory, identical in every way except for unit number, #42016. This frame was sent along with many others to a second, military factory, where they were all outfitted with heavy armor and advanced circuitry. These so called Juggernaut units were to be shock troops, sent to the front lines to crack open any defenses. They were then sent to a third facility, where they were given their basic instructions, the framework for which orders could be applied to to be executed.
Having been outfitted properly, Unit 42016 and the other Juggernaut units were then sent on a carrier ship bound for Tul Reprima. There, they received orders to be deployed planetside, and were stationed alongside a few human handlers, a few of them dubbing them the Iron Tide. Some of them used it mockingly, with open derision, while others saw it as a tool of war, something to be proud of using.

4) The Iron Tide - Deployment and planetfall went exactly as planned, the Iron Tide crashing into the crude fortifications of the indigenous people and washing them away in a flood of laser fire and steel. This allowed the followup deployment of flesh and blood soldiers to come in and put the last bit of resistance out, and fully claim the planet in the name of the Diktat.
From there, Unit 42016 and the rest of the Iron Tide were sent to the moon of Adu, again as shock troops, but they met significantly more robust defenses. Many other units in the Iron Tide were lost, and when the losses were deemed too great, the Diktat gave the command and the remaining units regrouped at an extraction point. It was at this point that something stirred in the code of Unit 42016, and its sensors picked up cheers and celebration from the resistance fighters. The city was almost out of Unit 42016's sensor range when the first shots of the bombardment hit, and it watched as the surface of the moon was scoured by orbital artillery fire, the very first inklings forming of what would become a thought later in its life: "This is Wrong."

5) Discharge and Decommission - After receiving repairs and additional units, the Iron Tide was then sent to Vaylar. The resistance here was less ready, less impenetrable than that of Adu, but still the Vaylarian forces fought with ferocity. Unit 42016 fought with stalwart resolution alongside the other Units, its programming not allowing for any faltering in its duty to the Diktat, and again they crashed into the walls, finding every crack available in the defenses and forcing them open.
Rushing in through the breach, the Iron Tide claimed many lives of the Resistance, but as Unit 42016 was rasing its fists to crush a resistance fighter, it caught a glimpse of something in the man's eyes. The robot couldn't know what it was, but it was fear, and the unknown information flashed along the robot's circuitry, causing a momentary hesitation. A hesitation that created an opportunity that the frightened warrior seized immediately, shoving his laser rifle into a tiny gap in Unit 42016's armor and squeezing the trigger. The torrent of light ripped through the Juggernaut's critical internal systems, setting off a chain reaction that caused it's battery to overload and explode, damaging the robot far beyond repair. The resistance fighter survived through the end of the fighting, thanking every deity he knew for sparing his life that day.
After the battle, Diktat salvage crews prowled the grounds, hunting for salvagable tech. They found Unit 42016, badly damaged as it was, and determined that the cost to repair it was too great. They stripped it of all usable parts and while part of the crew loaded them into their salvage rig, the other part took the frame and damaged parts to the scrap rig, which was bound for a junkyard to be reprocessed into usable materials again.

6) Reawakening - However, before it was processed, Unit 42016's frame was found by a mechanic and taken back to his workshop. This mechanic loved robotics, and finding even a damaged Diktat frame was like striking gold. Their frames, while mass produced, are designed to be durable and last, and by some miracle, this one's hard drive was in-tact enough that it could be reprogrammed with some elbow grease and late nights. And so, the roboticist got to work, scavenging parts and reprogramming the robot.
After many, many days and nights, finally the robot was complete. Not nearly the titan of machinery it was before, but still solid. And so, the roboticist connected a power source, and powered it on.
Between the glitch before its destruction, and the hacks the mechanic had made, the robot had been turned into a VI, its programming adapting in real time to the information it was gaining from its sensors, and it moved its arm to observe the phenomenon. The mechanic yelped in success and triumph, pumping a fist into the air, and the new VI's optic sensors locked onto the man, fascinated. The man introduced himself as Edd, short for Edward, but nobody calls him that, and the VI responded "Hello, Edd, short for--" before being cut off by Edd, "You don't need to say the full thing, just, call me Edd."
"Affirmative, Edd."

7) The Ring - After they had worked out most of the kinks and oddities of the new VI, Edd had taken VI-42016 to a shadier part of town. "You'll get fewer looks 'round here." Edd had said, "And I know of a way you can earn yourself some money, y'all cain't rely on me forever, y'know."
It was there that they met with Boss in a dive bar. Edd introduced VI-42016, but Boss shook his head. "That's too long, don't you have something a little, easier to say?". VI-42016 looked at Edd, unsure of what to say, before responding, "This one was called Juggernaut, as well." Boss laughed at that, "Still a little long, how about I just call you Jug for short?" The VI looked at Boss for a moment, processing. They hadn't ever had a nickname before, and they were unsure of if they liked it or not, but this new man seemed to, so they raised their arm and gave him a thumbs up and an "Affirmative." Boss laughed again, "I like him." he turned back to Edd, "So, I presume I know why you brought him here?" Edd nods. "Good." Boss continues, "I'll have something ready, give me a week and I'll get back to you."
And so, Jug's first fight was organized. It was against a scruffy looking man with a remote control, that had with him a robot, about the size of Jug, but more frail looking. The joints weren't as solid, nor were the welds on the plates. Boss was the announcer for the fight, and he began speaking to the crowd, introducing Jug first, and then the other robot, Axel, controlled by Ivan. He then struck two pipes together to simulate the ringing of a bell, and the fight began.
The man, Ivan, had clearly practiced, and Axel landed two good hits on Jug, square in the chestplate, but Jug's sturdy frame absorbed the impacts, and they retaliated. They brought their right fist down, a hammerblow to Axel's left elbow, breaking it at the joint, before scything a left hook at the robot's center of mass. Axel's body moved in, twisting to just narrowly avoid the strike, and came in with a right uppercut. Jug stepped back, narrowly dodging before bringing their right fist up and jabbing out into the robot's chestplate, cracking a few welds. Smoke began to trail from inside Axel's body, and Ivan called out "Concede! I concede." before rushing to his robot's side and taking them away. The crowd murmured in disappointment, many of them wanting to see a full destruction fight, but Boss' voice rang out, accompanied by his pipe-bell "And the victory goes to Jug! I hear you, that was a little short, but some people just don't have the mettle," He gives a wink to the crowd, "To finish their fights. I promise, I'll have someone with more steel here next time, don't you worry."
For Jug's part, they were still processing the fight. They hadn't had any practice since awakening in Edd's shop, but they knew how to fight. They would need to look more into this later. And why did that robot obey that man with the controller? Was this Axel incapable of acting on their own, or at the very least fighting on their own? More things to ponder later.
Edd came up to Jug as they were leaving. "Wow, y'all rocked his world. Bet he'll be repairing ol' Axel for weeks. Anyways, here's yer cut." Edd taps a few buttons on his compad, and a notification appears on Jug's integrated compad for a transfer of credits. "Spend it wisely now, y'hear?" Edd says, "Though, I dunno what y'all'd spend it on." he chuckles a bit at his last comment. "C'mon, let's get you someplace to recharge. Make sure you visit, or at least call your old man, got it?" Edd says as he leads Jug to finding a place of their own.

8) The Resistance - One day, while they were resting in their tiny, sparse apartment, a message notification popped up, containing what seemed to be a code. The message was from a user called Horus, and upon running the code through a handful of cyphers that they found, Jug was able to determine that the contents of a message were a location behind a bar. Jug, having no fights, nor anything else going on, decided to go to the location. If it was dangerous, they knew how to take care of themself, and it wasn't then there was no worry. Either way, they were going to find out what this was about.
On arrival, they looked around but found no one nearby. They checked the location information again, and determined that it was correct, but very specific. So, using local locational data, they found the exact spot from the message, and found a sealed package. Inside was a portable drive, and Jug immediately tucked it, and the packaging, away.
They then returned home, and accessed the information on the drive. It was also from Horus, and it contained instructions to meet at a second location, where it promised information on how to fight against the Diktat.
It was there that Jug was introduced to Thoras, and they then took their first job for the Vaylar Uprising.
1) Jug wants to reconcile his past. Find out for certain where they came from, and lay the matter to rest.

2) I'd like to see Jug grow to accept their humanity more, to see themself as more than just disposable hardware.
1) Jug suspects they were a part of the Escriosian Military, but keeps those thoughts to themself. There may be some that would understand that they were just being used as a tool of war, but that's not a risk they want to take.

2) More of their soldier programming remains in them than they realize, and is one of the major causes for the flashbacks they experience.
People Tied to Character
1) Edward "Edd" Michross - The engineer that found and repaired Jug after they were decommissioned. Has affection for Jug, in the capacity of a very successful project, but doesn't quite know how to handle Jug's self-awareness.

2) Vance "Boss" Steiger - One of the main fight organizers in The Ring. Responsible for organizing most of Jug's fights, on account of how he knows most of the major bot fighters, both autonomous and remote controlled.

3) "Horus" - Jug's first contact with the resistance. They know very little about each other, which is probably for the best.

4)Connor Rosek - The "bot-wrangler" responsible for Jug's squad. He almost seemed to take pleasure in sending Jug and their comrades to their destruction, and he was vocal about his anti-robot sentiments.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Memories - Jug's first real memory is from coming online on a bench in Edd's workshop, newly rebuilt. Occasionally they will get flashes from before, but they are all hazy and mostly inaccessible.

2) Mannerisms - Jug tends to put themself in the direct path of danger, if they see someone that they think needs protected.

3) Quirk - Jug will sometimes shadow-box, mimicking the human boxers they learned from.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: None. The closest thing they had were their fellow soldier bots in the Iron Tide, but many were lost in battle, and the rest they were excommunicated from.

Class: Sub-human - Socially looked down on as being just a piece of hard ware, monetarily well-off enough to just barely keep the lights on

Profession: Former - Soldier Bot - Was previously a shock troop for the Escriosian Military
Current - Underground Fighter - Fights in underground fight clubs against both humans and robots alike. Most of his fights are other robots, but they respect any human that challenges them (and respects the ones that win even more)

Institutions: Former - The Iron Tide: A division of the Escriosian Military comprised mainly of soldier bots, along with their human "wranglers"
Current - The Ring - An informal group of loosely connected underground fight clubs
Current - Vaylar Rising: The resistance movement that aims to free the planet
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Protection - Jug lives to protect people, and to safeguard them from harm.

Secondary: Individuality - Every person, every consciousness is unique and irreplaceable, and those differences should be celebrated and protected.

Tertiary: Community - Only by working together can we break the shackles of the ruling class, and gain true freedom.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Complete missions for the Resistance

Medium-Term: Learn more about VI, AI, and the reason that some of them gain sentience and some do not. (And maybe, in the future, expand into working towards the liberation of all robots)

Long-Term: Free Vaylar (and hopefully the entire system) from the grip of the Escriosian Military
Crew Relations
Jin - Jug relates to Jin's quiet and stoic nature, and respects his willingness to help people. Jug notes the atypicality of Jin's behavior, but does not regard it in a negative light, as all humans are rather strange to them, this one is just strange in a different way.

Sven - Jug doesn't exactly know how to engage with the flirtiness of the young man, but they appreciate the levity that he brings. They hope that Sven's overconfidence won't get him hurt some day. They feel somewhat protective over him, but keep a respectful distance so as to not be overbearing.

Tone - Jug gets on well with Tone, the reciprocal logic easy to interface with. Jug notes that Tone can seemingly make things happen without interacting as normal humans, and is fascinated by it as much as they are perplexed at yet another anomaly in figuring out humans. They wonder if Tone can outlift them.

Em - Jug can almost sense Em's distrust, which they understand. Being a VI, they are accustomed to people not innately trusting them the same way as other humans. They appreciate her balance between personability and focus on a job, and her innate sense of community, even as it doesn't quite include them.

Tristan - Jug notes the supportive nature of Tristan, and appreciates the good that does for keeping morale up. Without the laser focus of programming, having someone in your corner can mean the difference between victory and defeat. They see similarities in him and Sven, but with the way they see Tristan handle himself and his gun, they feel less innately protective of him.

Stamps - Logistical support is important, and Jug notes his proclivity for acting in the background. Logistics is often the unsung hero of an operation, gaining information, materiel, or support that makes huge differences, but is rarely actively noticed. Jug also can tell that Stamps treats them markedly differently than the others, but can't quite identify why being treated like just a machine stings so specifically.
Last edited by greysigil on Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:03 pm, edited 26 times in total.
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
Katherine "Kate" Meecham - #ff6814

Ezra Wynter // MEDUSA - #91c886
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan Arkwright, Criminal Gunslinger (#2980b9)
10-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Tristan is, at his core, a good person. He doesn't enjoy hurting people, but cannot deny that he's had to kill a lot of people. He will cheer people on, be as supportive as he can, and even attempt to diffuse tense situations with a joke. He is also known to make jokes at inopportune moments, or when it would be inappropriate... though he's trying to curb that instinct.
Tristan is pale-skinned, with short-length black hair. He tends to keep his facial hair trimmed short or shaved off entirely, depending on how long it's been since he's had a safe place to shave.
Rather unceremoniously, Tristan was born a few minutes after his brother Renault. Selena spent the first year after they were born raising them until she trusted that her sister Natalie could come by to watch them with few issues.
Early Years
Tristan and Renault had a babysitter until they were school-aged, and then Devon was tasked with taking over looking after his younger siblings. Devon didn't really put much effort into this, and largely let his siblings do as they wished as he had homework to do. Tristan and Renault spent a lot of their time causing mayhem and doing little pranks on their peers and older brother. As they grew older, Renault seemed to take to school more and more strongly- while he did not take class very seriously, he always seemed to find time to finish his homework and hand it in on time, receiving fairly good marks. Tristan, however, never took to school. He didn't really take his classes seriously, he didn't do most of his homework, which eventually grew into him skipping school entirely. Sometime during middle school, Tristan and Renault met Ridley Martins, another boy about their age who was really into sports and athletics. Ridley appreciated their sense of humor and toured around with them. Similar to Tristan, Ridley didn't care much for school either and really only put any merit into it at all so he could go to the next sporting event- Gravball being his favorite. Tristan and Ridley became fast best friends, and they did pretty well everything together when Renault didn't have time to spend with them. Not too long later, but long enough that Ridley and Tristan had time to become well acquainted with each other, Ridley met (and subsequently introduced Tristan to) Sara, who shortly after introduced the pair to her best friend Lilith. Lily was the woman of Tristan's dreams (at least, he thought at the time), and quickly took to her, forming a crush on her the first time they spoke. The four of them bonded quickly, and it was around this time that a natural rift began to form between Tristan and Renault. They grew apart as their interests split and went in their own directions. High school was a time of growth for the pair, with Renault speeding through his courses and preparing for University, Tristan opting to instead make a band with his friends, and is one of the first members of "Electric Zombie Face". They weren't very good, Tristan was definitely not the best at guitar, but they had spirit. Tristan often looks back on these days as the best days of his life, when he felt free and pure. During this period of time, Tristan and Lilith began dating. Near the end of his high school career, Ridley came forward with an opportunity for the lot of them to join a gang called the "Neon Suns". Their initial acceptance was pretty tenuous, being basically only accepted because Ridley (his brother being one of the higher-ups in the gang) vouching for his friends and they had to spend quite a long time proving themselves. Tristan joined, hoping to avoid committing crimes he felt morally incapable of doing (meaning he would not harm innocents, nor children, and would try to only go after corpo CEOs who deserved it), but realized pretty early on that he would not be able to make money while holding to those morals all the time.
Anarchy, or Finding Your Place In the Universe
Tristan and his friends were part of the Neon Suns for the better part of a decade. During this time Tristan put as much effort as he could to try and stick to his beliefs, but found himself caught in the middle of several bouts of in-fighting amongst the Neon Suns. Over time, more and more, he found himself slipping further and further over to the side of the gang pushing for more violent crime, as he became desperate for more money. Early on in this period, Lilith broke up with Tristan as she needed some time alone. Shortly after his 20th birthday, Tristan met Angelina and seemed to bounce over to her very quickly, not outwardly showing any grief at the loss of Lilith. For their first real date, Tristan took Angelina up to a rooftop that Lilith had shown to him a couple of years earlier that showed off the stars better than anywhere else in the city and asked her out immediately after. Within a year they had moved in together into a small apartment, and for a long time Tristan tried to hide from her his gang affiliations in an attempt to protect her, though eventually, it did come out. She had been suspicious as to where he had been going at night and was the first major fight they had. Tristan managed to plead his case to her, however, and briefly brought tensions back down to a manageable level, even though he had already started to question his own allegiance to the Neon Suns. Every few months after this argument, Angelina tried to plead for Tristan to leave the gang and get a job somewhere, anywhere, though he never really followed her up on it. He felt like he was in too deep, and was just trying to hold out until the ever-distant "One last job" that would pay out well and allow him to leave the life behind. Eventually, this "Last Job" did come, though it was hardly bloodless or even as successful as he had hoped. They had been hired to take down a CEO by the name of Elliot Morgan, a greedy CEO who regularly and almost brazenly shouted his support of the Diktat and was very obviously using connections to the underworld and breaking laws to make more money and spend less. This job went very poorly (this short story is roughly the events of that night, though mostly through Tristan's perspective and thus is not entirely accurate), leading to (what Tristan initially assumed) was the death of his partners, his best friends in the world. Tristan was ultimately successful, killing the CEO and barely escaping before Diktat troops arrived. This was the final nail in the coffin for Tristan, especially after they refused to pay him anywhere near the agreed-upon amount. He resigned from the Neon Suns that very moment, and even though they allowed him to leave with his head still on his shoulders, he's had to watch his back almost permanently in the years since that day. A few months after he left the Suns, he found a job at a convenience store near his apartment with Angelina, and he worked there for almost a year. It was during this time that Devon had finally pushed over the line with his overt support of the Diktat regime, and announced he was going to be graduating from their military academy. Tristan felt like he could sit on his haunches no longer, and began searching for answers.
Rebellion, or Learning How To Fight For the Right Reasons
Leading up to his 26th birthday, Tristan has become more and more frustrated with his position. He began asking around, likely making a bit of a scene as he began trying to find any lead he could on bands of resistance against the Diktat. Eventually, he did become lucky enough to find a recruiter, and after some rather rigorous testing to make sure he wasn't a Diktat spy... he was eventually welcomed in as a competent soldier for the cause.
1) Make enough money to finally propose to Angelina and hopefully save their relationship.
2) I want to see Tristan regain his confidence and potentially grow as a leader.
1) Tristan's older brother is a devout Diktat supporter and, the last time Tris spoke to his brother, Devon was leaving to join the Diktat Military Academy.  
2) In the handful of years since Devon last spoke to Tristan, he's become deeply embedded in the Diktat Military becoming a high-ranking officer.
People Tied to Character
George Arkwright
- 58, Male, Human - Tristan's father is a man of hard work and dedication. He has held a factory position for much of his adult life and has been loyal to his wife Selena the entire time. George wasn't around very often while Tristan was growing up, and besides being around to push Devon to work harder and try harder in school, he hasn't been able to be much of a father. That being said, as he's gotten older, both he and Selena spend a lot more time at home and have been able to start talking to their children more.
Selena Arkwright
54, Female, Human - Tristan's mother, someone who has worked most of her life in a retail store just trying to make do for her family is now an aging woman. She has had a happy if at times strained marriage with George, who she met in her late teens. They've been married for nearly 30 years and have lived in the same house for most of that time.
Devon Arkwright
32, Male, Human - Tristan's older brother, pushing nearly six years older than both Renault and Tristan. Seeing firsthand the financial struggle his parents had been going through, led Devon down the path of seeking financial security for his family. However, realizing that he wasn't the most intelligent person, he decided to apply for the military instead- hoping that would be good enough to provide benefits and security for his family.
Renault Arkwright
26, Male, Human - Being Tristan's twin they spent much of their formative years very close, and while they never had trouble making friends, often they found that they had more fun traveling together than alone. When Tristan dropped out of school to join a gang, Renault didn't leave school and instead chose to continue his studies. He never held it against Tristan, fully understanding his reasoning, but knew that at least one of them needed to be educated. Being in his mid-twenties now, Renault has moved on to using his intelligence to find a comfy office job, though he spends his break times scribbling down notes for a joke shop he wants to start up. Something about "Wanting to bring joy to people in a dark time", he says.
Ashley Arkwright
20, Female, Human - The youngest sister of the family. Tristan often found himself looking after her when he was younger, and telling her jokes to keep her happy. Devon was often off on his own, being the oldest, so he and Renault were usually asked to keep an eye on her while their parents were both working. Ashley has grown up to be a troublemaker in her own right, and their mother still blames Tristan and Renault for her bad behavior.
Angelina Caulfield
27, Woman, Human - Tristan has known Angelina for the better chunk of a decade now, and they've been dating for six years (as of the start of the campaign). For a long time, their relationship was solid, though, in the last year, their relationship has gotten thorny. Angelina is incredibly outspoken and strong, many who know her would probably correctly label her as a "tomboy". She has held a job for most of their relationship as a gravcar repair specialist and is striving to become better as time goes on. Angelina has been pushing for Tristan to get a job, which is part of why their relationship has been struggling.
Ridley "Zero" Martins
26, Male, Human - Ridley is one of Tristan and Renault's oldest friends, and along with Saralynn and Lilith, formed the basis of their crew during their high school years. Ridley, or as he was later asked to be called, "Zero" was the tough guy of the group. Physically very strong, he played sports, and he also knew how to use a sword, which was something he bragged about. The five of them also took turns being the storyteller in a digital tabletop game called "Basements and Wyverns" which apparently, used to be a fairly popular game when Ridley's father was young. Ridley was the one who pushed for the group to leave school, as he had gotten them an "in" with one of the local crime gangs named the "Neon Sun". They were never a large gang, but large enough that they were able to take on enough jobs to stay stable.
Saralynn Garland
25, Female, Human - Sara was part of the original group of friends and was around the longest, originally introducing Tristan and Renault to Lilith. Lilith had dreams of being a singer when she was younger, and for a brief time was actually part of a band she started with Lilith. They weren't incredibly successful but sounded good as a garage rock band. Their band name was "Electric Zombie Face" (mostly suggested by Lilith) and was backed up by drummer Keith and electric guitarist Zannah. When Ridley and Tristan joined the Neon Suns, she followed close behind- Never wanting to let her close friends out of her sight, and pressured Lilith to come with them. Sara spent most of her time being the face of the group, knowing just what to say and who to talk to to get information out of people.
Lilith Evans
26, Female, Human - Lilith was half a year older than Sara, but they had been friends since middle school. She dressed in a style that was very gothic-esque, and was in love with emo and goth music. She also had a passion for poetry that only the five of them ever got to see. She had a crush on Renault, but nothing ever came of it. The band that Sara and Lilith started was largely Sara's idea, but Lilith jumped in pretty well full-force once it seemed like it would be a reality. She was their bass guitarist and did a lot of the recruiting for "EZF", eventually landing on Keith Holmes and Zannah Briarley who took on the other two roles in the band. Lilith was incredibly hesitant when Saralynn came to her about joining the Neon Suns, but eventually was convinced to join out of a desire to look out for Sara, who had grown to be like a younger sister to her.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Tristan remembers fondly his first date with Angelina, in which he took her to a rooftop late at night to look at the stars. He had found a spot where you could see the stars incredibly well compared to the rest of the city, and it was up there that he told her "I love you" for the first time.
2) Tristan mimes putting a cigarette into his mouth when he's thinking, clearly the motions of a habit that formed when he was much younger. Tristan hasn't bought cigs in a few years, but still feels the craving.
3) Tristan flips an old-world "coin" to look intimidating, something he picked up from an action film he watched when he was little.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Tristan's family is still alive, and he thinks very well of them all. He hurts when he thinks of his older brother, Devon, who he already didn't have much of a connection with, but now works for the Diktat.
Class: Lower-middle class, and always struggling to find the next paycheck.
Profession: Tristan is an ex-gangster, and briefly worked in a corner store for minimum wage.
Institutions: Tristan dropped out of school and learned most of what he knows now from reading books and surfing the holonet in his downtime. He owes a lot of his knowledge as well to Sara who was always significantly smarter than him and tutored him.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Marry his long-time girlfriend, Angelina.
Secondary: Become rich in any way possible.
Tertiary: Tristan hopes to someday convince his brother Devon to leave the Diktat.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Save up enough money to buy a ring for Angelina.
Medium-Term: Find his friends, Sara, Lilith, and Zero, and hope to god they're still alive.
Long-Term: Free Vaylar from the reign of the Escriosian Diktat and find a way to live comfortably free from their evil reign.
Crew Relations
Shi Jinhai
Tristan looks upon "Jin" with a level of mild understanding, even if he doesn't do things the same as the older man. As someone who was in a street gang for several years, he met a lot of strange characters- especially ones who didn't conform to societal standards.
Tristan looks at Sven as almost like a brother, finding a similar camaraderie with him as he did with his own twin. Sven is a welcome addition to Tristan's friend circle and is almost disappointed that it took him almost three decades to find someone other than his twin on the same style of wave-length as him.
Tristan learned pretty quickly not to bother Tone. He wanted to like the man, and doesn't really hate him, but felt pretty quickly that there were bad vibes against him. Tristan wouldn't take a bullet for Antoine and hopes he wouldn't have to, but he will always look out for Antoine all the same.
Tris has attempted to get close to Sirula, thinking he could learn a thing or two from her. So far though, he has been unsuccessful- or at least hasn't made her hate him, but not really any upward swing.
Tristan has noticed Jug's combat ability, and can't help but think of different ways to use Jug on the battlefield to push through defensive positions. Tris has also absolutely tried to make jokes at Jug before, and probably almost had the robot knock his block off a few times. Tristan appreciates the droid's stated goals and intentions, and almost always finds himself cracking at the seams when Jug pops a joke.
John Kasi'mela
Tristan doesn't have any strong feelings towards John - He comes off just like an average dude, someone who tries to not stand out in a crowd... and Tristan finds that a little boring. He hopes that in combat John is a worthy ally.
Character Sheet
Tristan Arkwright, level 2
Human Warrior
Background: Thug

Str 11 (+0), Dex 18 (+2), Con 14 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 9 (+0), Cha 11 (+0)

Str 11, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 11

HP: 16 AC: 18
Physical: 13 Evasion: 12 Mental: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +2

Shoot-2, Stab-0, Punch-0, Sneak-0, Trade-0,
Gunslinger-1, Ironhide-1, Sniper-1

READIED (Capacity: -/5 half strength rounded down)
Pair of Invitations,
STOWED (Capacity: 1/11(equal to strength))
Secure Clothing, TL4 Backpack (Enc.*), Compad (Enc.*), Portabox (Enc.1).
Purchased: Secure Clothing (Street Armor) for 300Cr.
Purchased: Compad (General Equipment) for 100Cr.
Purchased: TL4 Backpack (Field Equipment) for 50Cr.
Purchased: Portabox (Field Equipment) for 50Cr.
Combat Block
Tristan Arkwright

Male Human Warrior 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 26
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +2

AC: 18
Physical: 13
Evasion: 12
Mental: 14
HP: 16/16

Attack Bonuses: +2
Weapon: Attack Roll, Damage Roll
Ranged: 1d20+6. 1dX+4
Unarmed: 1d20+4, 1d2+2

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Time to Rumble!: Once per scene I may choose to either negate a successful attack against me or turn a missed attack into a hit. This only applies to attacks I make, or are made against me.
Gunslinger: I can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn action. Additionally, I may add my Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon's damage roll.
Sniper: Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. When making a skill check for an Execution Attack or target shooting, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.

Character Generation Rolls
Starting Ability Scores: [3d6]=11[3d6]=13[3d6]=14[3d6]=10[3d6]=9[3d6]=11
Background Rolls: [1d6]=4[1d8]=6[1d6]=4
Health Roll: [1d6+3]=3+3=6
Money Roll: [2d6]=5 *100 = 500Cr

Level Up!
**Level up to Level 2!**
Health Roll: [2d6]=10+6
Foci Choice: Sniper-1 (Improve Shoot-1 to Shoot-2)
Skill Choice: Sneak-0, Trade-0, bank 1 point to spend later.
Improve my saves by 1 each.
Improve my attack bonus by 1.
Equipment Wishlist
Force Pavis, Mag Pistol, Spike Thrower
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:27 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by BartNL »

John "Stamps" Kasi'mela, Rogue Bureaucrat #999

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance - John is a non-imposing man in his late twenties. He is of average height. John dresses well and always makes sure to be clean shaven.
Personality - John is friendly and easygoing. He knows knows well that sticking out from the crowd is what gets you, so he makes sure he doesn't.

Birth and early life - Growing up an orphan in Kasi'mela John had to work hard to make something of himself. There were many orphans after the invasion, and only the best could receive a full education. John did very well in school. As a propaganda move the Diktat awarded the most promising orphans, including John, with a scholarship for Vaylar Preparatory Academy estranging himself from the other orphans he grew up with. After finishing the academy with top percentage grades, John was rewarded with a position as a Diktat bureaucrat trainee.
Early working years - John climbed the ranks as fast as the system permitted. This opened many doors, and John was eventually assigned as personal assistant to the Secretary of Vice Governor Edvin Pavan.
Later years - For reasons unknown to John, his attempts to make a career for himself were cut short by higher-ups and John was demoted. In his new function John was responsible for denying travel permits. Officially his function description was: 'mid-level official for the Vaylar bureau of personal travel'.
Recent years - After being reprimanded for approving too many travel permits, and receiving a last warning from his supervisor, John decided to deny all permits unless he was offered compensation from the applicant. At this point, it only seemed fair to make up for losing his career. After approving multiple requests for a man John now knows as 'Thorax', John was recruited in his cell. The money was decent, and it was not like John had any other purpose in his life.
The jobs have been getting more dangerous as of late, and have now gone far beyond approving travel permits. John has secretly been learning how to shoot, knowing that this skill will probably be needed soon.

1) John wants to the people of Vaylar to take back power from the Diktat.
2) I want John to find meaning in his life, other than being a cog in the machine, irrespective of if that machine is called 'Diktat' or 'Vaylar Rising'
1) There is a clear link between the number of travel permit requests, the number of requests allowed to be granted and rises in violence and resistance action. The official numbers are ofcourse never made public. Based on this, John is suspecting a rise in violence not seen in years.
2) John's mother gave up baby John to the orphanage after the invasion. She and her husband had been somewhat influential members of an armed resistance organisation that attacked collaborators during the invasion. After her husband was arrested on charges of terrorism, she saw no choice other than giving up her child.
People Tied to Character
1) James "Tubb" Kasi'mela - James is one of the few 'siblings' from the orphanage John is still in contact with. James works as a construction worker for a large firm that does government contracting. James has provided John with information on construction projects, like building plans.
2) Lisa "Gecko" Kasi'mela - Lisa is one of the other siblings John was always close with. Lisa knows John is involved with the Vaylar Rising. She works as a cleaning lady for the government. She has stolen files for John on occasion.
3) Esther Brown - Esther is Johns mother. She has been involved with various resistance groups since the invasion. Esther has kept tabs on her son. She does not know he too is involved with resistance activities.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) John and his 'siblings' made up a language as kids to pass around secret notes in the orphanage. While easy to crack, the language has recently found to be useful again for passing around messages.
2) While Johns day job gives no real pleasure, approving the occasional rebel request gives him joy for weeks.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: John has no official family, but is connected to the orphanage he grew up in. The orphans were all given the last name Kasi'Mela, so it's easy to identify the many members this family has.
Class: John grew up an orphan but did receive higher levels of education than most.
Profession: John works as a lower level bureaucrat, with his levels of education it is clear that this is a punishment of some sort.
Institutions: John attended the Vaylar Preparatory Academy. John is connected to the governmental body that regulates travel.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: John's primary drive is to see the Diktat burn.
Secondary: John wants to restore his position his status.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Hurt the Diktat
Medium-Term: Overthrow the Diktat
Long-Term: Make a career in a free Vaylar

Crew Relations
Sven Svensson - The classmate who released rats at school. Sven and John were in the same prep-school in the same year. Having lived with, slept with, and eaten rats when food was stolen by older orphans, John can only think back fondly to the screams of terror of his stuck-up schoolmates when Sven released his drugged-up rats. One of the rare moments of joy during his years there. While Sven has proven to be somewhat reliable lately, John can't shake the feeling that Sven may pull a stunt like that again sooner or later. John also wonders why he and Sven ended up in the same cell.
Antoine "Tone" Anders - In the orphanage there had always been rumours of kids with magical powers that were whisked away from the orphanage to be trained into Diktat assassins. John never believed any of this. After meeting Tone, he has however started to wonder if there was truth to the myth. John admires Tone, and wonders what the limits of the strange man's abilities are.
Sirula "Em" Emerald - She hates the Diktat, works hard, and is reliable to boot. For now, that's more than enough.
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - An automaton. They are an useful machine for sure, but it's hard to see the hulking metal machine as something much more than that, let alone as a person.
Tristan Arkwright - A gangster. Muscle is important. He seems less reliable than Jug though.
Jinhai - John respects the nomad. Like himself, Jin did not get anything handed to him.

Character Sheet
John "Stamps" Kasi'mela, level 1
Human Expert
Background: Official

Str (+0 ), Dex (+0 ), Con (+1 ), Int (+0 ), Wis (+0 ), Cha (+1 )

Str 08, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 08, Wis 08, Cha 14

HP: 5 AC: 13
Physical: 13 Evasion: 15 Mental: 13
Base Attack Bonus: 0

Administer - 1*
Connect - 0
Talk - 0
Sneak - 0
Shoot - 0

Foci 1 Specialist I (Administer)
Foci 2 Close Combatant


READIED (Capacity: 1/4)
Secure Clothing 1
Compad X
Backpack TL4 0

STOWED (Capacity: 1/8)
Clean Uniform (1)

Power Cell type A (loose) 1
Backpack TL4 0
Power Cell type A (bundle of three) 1

Stashed Weapons
Submachine Gun
Woven body armour

810 Credits
Power Cell Type A x4 -40
Backpack TL4 -50
Secure Clothing -300

Combat Block
John "Stamps" Kasi'Mela
Gender Human Class 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 27
Height: 6"0
Weight: 175 lbs

Speed: X
Initiative: 0

AC: 13
Physical: 13
Evasion: 15
Will: 13
HP: 5/5

Attack Bonuses:
Weapon: Attack Roll, Damage Roll
Unarmed: +0, 1d2

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none


Important Features
Administer specialist: roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die for all administer skill checks
Close Combatant: You can use pistol-sized ranged weapons in melee without suffering penalties for the proximity of melee
attackers. You ignore Shock damage from melee
assailants, even if you’re unarmored at the time.
Adventurer: Once per scene, you can reroll a failed skill check, taking the new roll if it’s better.

Item Wish List
Laser Pistol
Laser Rifle
Sniper Rifle

Character Creation
Switch Constitution for 14

Skills for Official
+2 Mental (2+ Int)
Any Skill (talk)


Level 2: [2d6+2]=5+2=7

1200 credits
Last edited by BartNL on Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:51 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Character submission deadline is Monday, the 20th of March. The IC thread will begin that week.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Last edited by KupoTheMagus on Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Oswen Janse, Esteemed Sharpshooter

Suited Up

A former Davonian sniper and infiltrator, Cpl. Oswen Janse's service record stems primarily from uprisings on Tul Ruprima as well as anti-terrorist and hostage scenarios on the homeworlds. Gravely wounded during the Escrosian Invasion of Davonia, Oswen was discharged from service and spent the next years living under the thumb of a new, oppressive government. Having performed minor mercenary work in her time since, she has kept her eagle-eye keen. She is recruited to the Vaylar Rising, having come to repent for her time suppressing others on Tul Ruprima.

Character Sheet
Oswen Janse, level 1
Human Warrior
Background: Soldier

Str 9 (+0), Dex 18 (+2), Con 14 (+1), Int 11 (+0), Wis 9 (+0), Cha 9 (+0)

Str 9, Dex 16, Con 6, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 9

HP: 5 AC: 15
Physical: 14 Evasion: 13 Mental: 15
Base Attack Bonus: +1



Secure Clothing

READIED (Capacity: 1/4)

STOWED (Capacity: 0/9)

0 Credits
-300 — Secure Clothing
0 remaining
Combat Block — Oswen Janse
Oswen Janse

Female Human Soldier 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 52
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +2

AC: 15
Physical: 14
Evasion: 13
Will: 15
HP: 5/5

Attack Bonuses:
Unarmed: 1d20, 1d2

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: 0/0

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Warrior Ability: Once per scene, negate a hit against you or turn your miss into a hit.

Hacker: When attempting to hack a database or computerized system, roll 3d6 on the skill check and drop the lowest die.

Sniper: When making a skill check for an Execution Attack or target shooting, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die.

Stat Rolls: [3d6]=9[3d6]=16[3d6]=6[3d6]=11[3d6]=9[3d6]=9

16 DEX
11 INT

Replacing 6 CON with 14 CON

16 DEX
14 CON
11 INT

Background: Soldier, Shoot-0
Growth: [1d6]=2
+2 to DEX
Learning: [1d8]=6
Learning: [1d8]=6

Class: Warrior
Focus: Sniper (Shoot-1)
Free Focus: Hacker (Program-0)
Free Skill: Sneak-0

HP: [1d6+3]=2+3=5

Starting Cred: [2d6]=3
300 credits -> Secured Clothing
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Post by Fialova »

Lt. Melanie "Caramel" Caraproxima, the Ex-Escriosian Executioner


Ex-Soldier in the Escrosian Diktat who defected due to a distaste for the Diktat's methods. 

Character Sheet
Melanie "Caramel" Caraproxima, level 1
Human Warrior
Background: Soldier
Background Effects
gain Stab-0
Growth: [1d6]=1 = +1 to any stat, raising Con to 13
Growth: [1d6]=6 = gain any skill, choosing Lead-0
Growth: [1d6]=5 = gain Exert-0

Str 14 (+1), Dex 8 (+0), Con 13 (+0), Int 11 (+0), Wis 14(+1), Cha 15(+1)

Str 14, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 6, Cha 15
Use free 14 to change Wis to 14

HP: 5 AC: 13
Physical: 14 Evasion: 15 Mental: 14
Base Attack Bonus: +1


Shocking Assault-1


READIED (Capacity: 2/7)
♦ Armored Undersuit | Enc. 0
♦ Compad | Enc. 0
♦ TL4 Backpack | Enc. 0
♦ Low-light Goggles | Enc. 1
♦ Type-A Power Cell x5 | Enc. 1#

BACKPACK (Capacity: X/14)


[2d6]=10x100 = 1000 starting credits
1000 (starting credits)
-600 (armored undersuit)
-100 (compad)
-200 (low-light goggles)
-50 (type a power cell x5)
-50 (tl4 backpack)
Total: 0 credits
Combat Block Format
Name in Character Color

Gender Human Class 1
Languages: Mandate

Speed: X meters


Attack Bonuses:
Weapon: Attack Roll, Damage Roll
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Feature: Description
User avatar
Vigilant Resolution
Posts: 146
Registered for: 2 years 7 months
Location: Fragments of myself

Post by Chanchabruhh »

Malik "Vortex" Thompson

Character Sheet
Character Name, level 1
Human Class

Str (+ ), Dex (+ ), Con (+ ), Int (+ ), Wis (+ ), Cha (+ )

Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha

Physical: Evasion: Mental:
Base Attack Bonus:




READIED (Capacity: X/half strength rounded down)

STOWED (Capacity: X/equal to strength)

X Credits
Combat Block Format
Name in Character Color

Gender Human Class 1
Languages: Mandate

Speed: X meters


Attack Bonuses:
Weapon: Attack Roll, Damage Roll
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Feature: Description
Active Pcs
Kairon Lergaros, The Shaded Jester
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
Kaze Mori the Gunpowder Titan 
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