The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World — IC

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Seeing Caoimhe lying still on the ground, Louie's eyes go wide and he grits his teeth with a certain ferocity. Damn it all. He clenches his fists, advancing across the deck and towards the pelagic tendril off the bow. He gives a nod to Taliesin, affording his ally an opportunity to make a move as well.

He lets out a harsh battle cry. "They're faltering! Don't give them any quarter!" His shout stings at the tentacle, imbued with magic to embolden his allies and hinder the foe. Glancing at his downed ally again, he quickly pulls a restorative tonic from his satchel, holding it out. "Zima! Give her this," he barks out.
Move: Alter Time
I move to R22. Taliesin can move up to his speed as a free action (He can just take it at the start of his next turn if he wants)

Standard:  Stirring Shout on Tentacle 3
Attack: [1d20+10]=20+10=30 vs Will = CRIT
Damage: [2d6+19]=4+19=23 Psychic damage
Until the end of the encounter, whenever an ally hits Tentacle 3, they regain 6 HP

Minor: Take out Potion of Healing (heroic tier) for pass off
User spends a healing surge and regains 10 HP instead of their usual surge amount

Ready Interrupt: Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade
If an ally missed with a melee attack, I interrupt and make an attack (+12 vs Ref;1d10+7), and the target takes a -4 penalty to all defenses against that triggering ally's attack
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 28/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [X]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [X]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [X]


Stirring Shout [X] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [X]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima lets out a scream as she sees her lover stabbed and thrown about by the sea horrors. Caoimhe! she tries to call out, but her mind-link is deadened, buzzing with an empty and distant hum — no waking soul on the other side. Her vision narrows; every breath feels tight and labored like the greatest of weights rests upon her chest. Dazed, she wanders away from the threats before her with no concern for her own welfare.

The calling of Louie brings her back from a primal consciousness, and she squints blankly at the strange shape in his hands. Realization alights in her eyes, and she rushes toward the pair of them, snatching the vial from the scout's hands. She pries open her partner's mouth with gentle hands, carefully pouring the crimson fluid inside.

You're still with me, she thinks to Caoimhe, sensing her lover's mind-presence once more as the woman raggedly comes to. I won't let them take you yet.

Steeling herself, she turns to face the creatures once more, focusing the dwindling vestiges of her telepathic powers at their expense.

Walk to Q22, taking OA(s).

Take healing potion from Louie

Use healing potion on Caoimhe. She spends a healing surge and gains 10 points.

Action Point
Betrayal on Tentacle 2. 15 vs Will. If hits, slides 1 square up and takes an MBA against Deep One 2 with a +3 to attack.
Betrayal Attack: [1d20+10]=5+10=15

Prepared Action
Prepare Intellect Fortress to proc if I am hit within 2 of a defense. It will buff that defense +3 until EOMNT. (i.e. enemy hits 22 vs. AC 20->23 = miss)
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 36/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 5/6
Action Points: 0
Power Points: 0/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [X][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[X]
Living Missile Attack [X]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.

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Post by Namelessjake »

The tentacle is pushed back slightly once more by ZIma's efforts. As it does it slams into the nearby creature, spattering it across the deck of the ship. One of the nearby crew rushes forward, swinging at the tentacle as recoils from its attack.

Round 7

Go: Caoimhe, Taliesin

Louie: moves, crits, takes out potion.

Zima: moves, Tentacle 2 makes OA, 19 vs Ref = hit, Intellect Fortress +3 to Ref = miss, takes potion, uses potion, Caoimhe is no longer unconscious or dying, Action point! hits, slides, Tentacle 2 MBA against Deep One 2 crits (lol) for 35 damage, kills.

Crew 10: Moves to (M, 22), Attacks Tentacle 2, 21 vs AC = hit for 6 damage.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can attack and be attacked from any square within the purple outlines.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by Fialova »

In the midst of battle, Caoimhe feels an incredible pain before everything goes black. A moment later, she comes to again, awakened by Zima's warm embrace and the feeling of the potion being poured down her throat. She looks up at the woman, hearing her voice in her head, and feeling how panicked her lover is. Thank you, enaid, she communicates back with a smile, before she quickly leaps back to her feet. She leans over and kiss Zima on the cheek, before smiling again. You kept me safe instead.

Once back on her feet, she feels invigorated to keep going and rushes back towards the tentacle that had just knocked her to the ground. You won't get me that easily, you big ugly appendage, she thinks, as she works once more to draw its attention away from the crew. 

* My stance ends from being knocked unconscious. Regain consciousness from healing potion. *

Minor Action: use Agile Recovery to stand

Standard Action: use Second Wind
Effect: spend 1 surge to regain 10 hp, putting my total at 23. gain +2 to all defenses until the start of my next turn

Move Action: move to (M, 24)

Free Action: use Nature's Wrath to mark Tentacle 2

No Action: prepared to use Warden's Fury or Warden's Grasp as mark punishment if either condition is violated by the Deep One

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 23/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 7/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north
+2 to all defenses until SONT


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [X]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [X]
Eternal Mountain [X]

Stunning Palm [X]
Lifebind Attack [X]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin flourishes his sword swiftly before sheathing it again. He charges forward, channeling his lightning-infused energy through the katana, before leaping up and slashing out at the Tentacle, hoping to relieve this one of its autonomy. "Stormlord, give me strength!" He shouts, releasing the energy from his blade.
Move Action: Move from S21 to M23.
Minor Action: Apply Warlock's Curse against Tentacle 2.
Standard Action: Eldritch Strike vs Tentacle 2 AC: [1d20+12]=14+12=26, Damage: [1d8+9]=7+9=16[1d6]=5 21 damage total. Force the tentacle to slide 1 square back.
Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 33/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [X]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [X]
Dimensional Thunder [X]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Wed Mar 01, 2023 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ser Elvia's lightning blast continues, finally bringing down its target. As the creature dies the lightning arcs off her sword into the sky for a a moment before slowly dissipating. Ser Lyari swings her longsword at the portside tentacle - already weakened, the tentacle is cleft in two, the end falling onto the deck and the rest retreating back beneath the waves.

With now only one creature and one tentacle left attacking the ship, many of the crew including the captain and the first mate, begin moving towards the bow to deal with the remaining appendage, which is still able to keep the Sea Wolf in place on its own.

Round 7

Go: Ilmoto

Caoimhe: stands, heals, moves, marks.

Taliesin: moves, curses, hits, slides.

Ser Elvia: sustains Witch Bolt on Deep One 1, deals 10 lightning damage, kills.

Crew 1: Attacks Deep One 3, crits for 12 damage.

Ser Lyari: Makes an MBA against Tentacle 2, 19 vs AC = hit for 11 damage, kills.

Captain Pierna: Double Moves to (M, 18).

Tekito Shimashu: Double Moves to (N, 36).

Crew 3: Double Moves to (Q, 33).

Tofyr Sobriall: Moves to (P, 24), Designates Tentacle 3 as Hunter's Quarry, Hunter's Teamwork against Tentacle 3, 31 vs AC = hit for 15 damage.

Crew 5: Double Moves to (L, 15).
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by BartNL »

With the third tentacle down, Ilmoto advances to destroy the last assailants.

Move action: move to T16
Minor action: move Magma beast to U27
Standard Action: Fire Shroud against Deep One 3
[1d20+9]=18+9=27 against fort
Reroll from Evocation Apprentice: [1d8+9]=3+9=12
For 12 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage

Immediate Reaction
Use Contingency robe when able (damaged by an attack while bloodied)

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 31/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [X]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [X]

Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [X]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil[X]

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Post by Namelessjake »

The crew continue to move up the length of the ship. while Ser Percival and Tenant Zavil attempt to dispatch the sole remaining sea creature. At the ship's bow, the tentacle smashes into Tekito, knocking the First Mate to the floor.

Round 8

Go: Everyone

Ilmoto: moves, moves magma beast, hits, bloodies.

Crew 2: Double Move to (L, 26).

Crew 6: Double Move to (U, 28).

Deep One 3: Takes 5 fire damage, Attacks Crew 1, 16 vs AC = miss.

Tenant Zavil: Attacks Deep One 3, 18 vs AC = miss.

Ser Percival: Sure Strike on Deep One 3, 28 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Tentacle 3: Tentacle Whip against Tekito, 29 vs AC = hit for 24 damage, bloodies, pushes, prones.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin, reacting to the chaos around him, immediately bolts - heading up to the bow. "Stormlord, may my blade strike true!" He exclaims, charging forward toward the final tentacle.
Move action: M23 > L29.
Minor Action: Warlock's Curse @ Tentacle 3.
Standard Action: Charge @ Tentacle 3 with Eldritch Strike.
To Hit: [1d20+13]=14+13=27
Damage: [1d8+9]=8+9=17[1d6]=3 Total: 20 damage.
Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 33/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [X]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [X]
Dimensional Thunder [X]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

With only one of the gargantuan tentacles remaining to assault the ship, Louie grits his teeth and loosens an arrow towards it. It fails to pierce the creature's toughened flesh though. Damn it all... At least we've turned the tides though.
Standard: Jinx Shot on Tentacle 3
Attack: [1d20+12]=3+12=15 vs AC = Miss 

Ready Interrupt: Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade
If an ally missed with a melee attack, I interrupt and make an attack (+12 vs Ref;1d10+7), and the target takes a -4 penalty to all defenses against that triggering ally's attack
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 28/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [X]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [X]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [X]


Stirring Shout [X] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [X]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto breathes a sigh of relieve as the fight is now clearly in their favour, and his friends and allies are safe.

Minor action: move Magma beast to S29
Standard Action: Command Magma beast to charge to Q32 and attack Tentacle 3
[1d20+10]=14+10=24+1=25 vs. reflex
For [1d10+9]=9+9=18 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage

Immediate Reaction
Use Contingency robe when able (damaged by an attack while bloodied)

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 31/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [X]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [X]

Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [X]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil[X]

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima breathes deeply, a rush of relief filling her mind once Caoimhe kisses her and makes toward the fray again. Unsteady, the seer turns towards the remaining tentacle. Behind it, a massive spectral wave grows and grows, but her control over the spirits seem to have been exhausted, and she fails to do more than watch the vision dissipate like a passing dream.

Mind Thrust on remaining Tentacle. Critical miss.
Mind Thrust: [1d20+10]=1+10=11
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 36/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 5/6
Action Points: 0
Power Points: 0/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [X][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[X]
Living Missile Attack [X]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.

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Post by Fialova »

With only one tentacle remaining, Caoimhe rushes up the stairs to the forecastle, keen to finish off the massive creature.

Move Action: Surefooted Stride
Effect: move to (M, 31), ignoring difficult terrain. Until the end of my next turn, I have +2 AC and Reflex to enemies within difficult terrain.

Standard Action: Thorn Strike on Tentacle 3
Attack: [1d20+11]=7+11=18 vs AC = hit
Hit: [1d8+8]=6+8=14 damage, and the tentacle is pulled 1 square towards me (so I should now be in normal melee range)

Free Action: use Nature's Wrath to mark Tentacle 3

No Action: prepared to use Warden's Fury or Warden's Grasp as mark punishment if either condition is violated by the Deep One

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 23/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 7/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north
+2 to all defenses until SONT


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [X]
Surefooted Stride [X]
Roots of Stone [X]
Eternal Mountain [X]

Stunning Palm [X]
Lifebind Attack [X]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Post by Namelessjake »

As many of the crew continue the charge forward, the Captain - seeing the battle nears its end, makes his way back to the ship's wheel, reading himself to take control of his vessel once more. Tofyr loosens two more bolts, dropping the last of the sea creatures before completely missing the writhing tentacle. Some of the crew and other defenders of the Sea Wolf are more lucky, striking the tentacle. As it recoils from a piercing thrust by the ship's first mate, a sailor levies their pistol at it. The shot being the last blow dealt against it before it too slips back beneath the waves, following the previous 3.

The Sea Wolf's hull groans as it is released from the grip of whatever creature the tentacles belonged to. Captain Pierna acts quickly, commanding his crew back into action to catch the wind and get moving again. The ship begins to pick up speed once more, the slumped remains of some of the tentacles falling over board as the ship moves away, leaving you on the deck amongst the dead to catch your breath.

Short Rest?

Taliesin: moves, curses, charges, hits, bloodies, regains 6 HP.

Louie: misses.

Ilmoto: moves magma beast, charges, hits.

Zima: misses.

Caoimhe: moves, hits, pulls, marks.

Crew 10: moves to (L, 27), shoots at Tentacle 3, 15 vs AC = miss.

Ser Elvia: Charges Deep One 3, 29 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Crew 1: Attacks Deep One 3, 20 vs AC = hit for 8 damage.

Ser Lyari: Charges Tentacle 3, 18 vs AC = hit for 7 damage, gains 6 HP, no longer bloodied.

Captain Pierna: Double moves to (P, 8), takes ship's wheel.

Tekito Shimashu: stands, charges Tentacle 3, 32 vs AC = hit for 7 damage, gains 6 HP.

Crew 3: Attacks Tentacle 3, critical miss.

Tofyr Sobriall: Twin Strike, against Tentacle 3, crit miss, against Deep One 3, 29 vs AC = hit for 8 damage, kills.

Crew 5: Moves to (L, 21), shoots at Tentacle 3, critical miss.

Crew 2: Moves, to (M, 29), shoots at Tentacle 3, 23 vs AC = hit for 9 damage.

End of Encounter.Tentacle Whip against Tekito, 29 vs AC = hit for 24 damage, bloodies, pushes, prones.
ImageI accidentally deletled the red X through the top middle tentacle, it is still dead.
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.

Deep One: These are aquatic humanoid creatures much like the others attacking the side, however these are larger and appear more intelligent. They wield primitive spear weapons made of driftwood and coral, as well as wear a crude form of armour.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.
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Post by ratwizard »

When the final tentacle slips back into the ocean and the ship is still once more, Zima drops to her knees, her chest rising and falling heavily with each breath. Without words, she surveys the deck. Bodies are strewn about — many are creatures, but some are crew. Despite the losses being insignificant compared to the sinking of their flagship, the violent and proximal manner of their slaughter deeply unsettles the seer. I knew many of them, is all she can seem to think. And now they're dead. Is this all that awaits us on this cursed expedition?

Short Rest
Regain encounter powers and PP, no surges spent.
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 36/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 5/6
Action Points: 0
Power Points: 5/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [_][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[X]
Living Missile Attack [X]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.

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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto tries to find a quite place below decks to rest and recover.
I am well past the point of no return. Many are dead yet I am alive and alone again. Alone and alive, only to suffer more of this curse. Oh Linnéa, why did my lust for answers win from you?

Short Rest:
Spend 1 healing surge.
Craft Inferno Oil for Free (Alchemist background)

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 7/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Shield [_]
Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [_]

Burning Hands
Arcane Mutterings
Shock Sphere

Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) [X]
Summon Magma Beast [X]

Fountain of Flame

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil[_]

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Louie takes a deep breath of the sea air, his legs failing beneath him as he near-collapses onto the deck. Have you no mercy, gods? Are our lives simply toys for your amusement? Or is this a godless land? He sighs, slowly tending to his minor wounds, looking skyward for any semblance of normalcy.
Short Rest!
Spend 2 healing surges to regain all HP
Regain encounter powers
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 7/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [_]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [_]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [X] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [X]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin flourishes his katana quickly before sheathing it. He takes a knee as the final creature falls back into its watery abyss, and winces. He begins to utter a soft prayer, hoping that it will be enough to tide him over until nightfall.
"Oh great and powerful Stormlord, your lightning has blessed me on this day. With your power, I brought a swift end to the foes that befell our company and saved many lives... or as many as we could. I pray to you, begging for you to safeguard our ship to the island of Quellam. Ever your loyal servant, I give to you my prayers and respect." He finishes his prayer and wheezes slightly, his side and back heavily bruised from the tentacles. 
Religion to see if my prayers are answered this time: [1d20+6]=1+6=7 Womp Womp.
Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 33/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [X]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [X]
Dimensional Thunder [X]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fialova »

It takes a moment for Caoimhe's nerves to calm once the final tentacle slinks below the waves, but once she is finally able to register that the fighting is over, she breathes a deep, heavy sigh. Letting her arms finally fall limp to her sides, and allowing her body to relax, she slowly walks back down the steps to Zima. Seeing the fear and panic in her lover's eyes, she can't help but to remember the early years of her time in the Unfettered, and the feelings she imagines must be much the same as what Zima is experiencing now. She grabs and embraces the woman, holding her tight in hopes that it will help to ease her mind.

"It's over now," she says, as she leans back from the hug, grabbing both of her hands in her own after. "We are safe," she continues, offering her a reassuring smile, though is unsure how reassuring it will be. Whatever that massive creature was, hopefully we've seen the last of it. But whatever could it have been? And what were those creatures that came with it? I'd love to study them, but we need to see to everyone's wounds first, she thinks, finding it difficult to set aside her curiosity at the unknown creatures for the time being.

Short Rest: regain encounter powers, spend 2 surges to get to 49 hp.

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 49/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 5/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north
+2 to all defenses until SONT


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [_]

Stunning Palm [X]
Lifebind Attack [X]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Post by ratwizard »

Zima is shaken from her thoughts by Caoimhe's embrace, and she exhales unevenly. Holding her love's hands, the seer nods. "We are," she agrees. "But to see you lying there..." Zima shakes her head, searching for the right words. "It was the greatest terror I've felt. You need to be more cautious, my love. I am stronger than you think, but only if I have you with me."

She squeezes Caoimhe's hands before letting go and finding her footing once again. Zima peers around, spotting Louie among the recovering combatants. "Thank you. I am certain you saved her life."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Louie gives Zima a meek smile, his cheeks flushing slightly as he's caught off-guard by her genuine gratitude. "I, uh..." he stumbles over his words for a moment, the weight of what just happened almost causing his tongue to trip underfoot. "It's what anyone else would've done, should've done. I am glad she is well now." He lets out a heavy sigh, eyes scanning the deck. "Gods know we need to look out for our own, now more than ever."
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Post by Namelessjake »

While the ship's defenders catch their breath, some of the other crew and passengers make their way up from the cabins and holds below. The crew begin to collect the dead, preparing the bodies of their fallen shipmates for a burial at sea. Meanwhile the bodies of the slain creatures are gathered up be disposed of - although it isn't long before Tenant Zaivil Akasik takes over the project, intending to preserve some samples of the creatures and make detailed notes and drawings before the last of them are thrown overboard.

His closer inspection of the bodies turns up a few items of interest which attract several of the other Tenant and Explorers on board.

"These appear to be dwarven made," Tofyr says as you stand over a small mithril amulet, a pair of dark leather goggles and a deep black battleaxe embossed with silver. All of which were found on the bodies of the sea creatures.

"They're in remarkably good condition given that these creatures appear to live underwater," Zaivil Akasik adds from a few feet away where the Tenant is sat making a sketch of one of the less mutilated creatures.

"You don't think they encountered the First Fleet too?" Iloron asks, looking to Tofyr.

"It is the only rationale answer. Their other weapons and armour don't suggest they possess the level of craftsmanship to make these themselves."

"We can only hope it was a lone dwarf that perhaps fell overboard," Iloron suggests. "If the First Fleet lost a ship during The Crossing... With only two ships they would be in a dangerous position," he says, shaking his head.

"Can any of you make use of these?" Tofyr asks, turning to the your group nearby, apparently ignoring Illoron's suggestion. "They at least may still be able to serve our expedition well, even if their previous owner cannot."

Amulet of Resolution +1
Level 2
Value: 520 gp
Item Slot: Neck
Enchantment: +1 Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Power: (Daily) No Action. Use this power when you fail a saving throw. Reroll the saving throw, using the second result even if it's lower.
Rarity: Uncommon

Eagle Eye Goggles
Level 2
Value: 520 gp
Item Slot: Head
Enchantment: Gain a +1 item bonus to ranged basic attack rolls.
Rarity: Uncommon

Adamantine Battleaxe (+2)
Miltiary one-handed melee weapon
Level 8
Value: 3,400 gp
Damage: 1d10
Proficient: +2
Range: -
Weight: 1 lb.
Enhancement Bonus: +2 to attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d10 damage per plus
Group: Axe
Properties: Versatile, Untyped damage done with this weapon ignores a number of points of resistance equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus (4).
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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto doesn't want/need anything.
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Post by ratwizard »

With morale waning after the death of many crew and the vicious attack, Zima does her best to help with the cleanup — though her wounded body and mind limit her capacity. She peers over the recovered equipment, running a hand over the amulet. She shakes her head slowly. "I have no use for them, but somebody may." The seer looks up to find the glistening outline of a dwarf standing before her. She nods at them, and they nod back. If only you could speak to me, and tell me what happened here. But you cannot, can you? You are a spirit, and you are gone from this plane.

The thought triggers some memory in her brain, something pushed far back into the recesses until now. "I spoke to one of them," Zima announces suddenly. "I reached out, with my mind. I didn't mean to, really. I couldn't understand why they would attack us so. But it spoke back to me..."

A chill tickles her spine as she remembers the dreadful, alien manner of their communication. "It — they wanted sacrifices. They wanted to... eat us," she trails off, her hands tightening in discomfort. Are they people? They must be. But what? Are they what remains of the First Fleet? Her mind races with questions, and she looks to the others for answers.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Louie feels a lump grow in his throat as the leaders speculate how such dwarven crafts came into the possession of the malicious sea creatures. Gods, let's hope their ships escaped the tentacled wrath as we did. He examines the findings, holding the goggles between his fingers for a few moments before shaking his head. "Quality handiwork, but I've no need."

His throat grows even tighter and he shudders, Zima's words echoing through his pointed ears. "That they are capable of thought, and such malevolent thought too... I'm grateful we staved off their assault."
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Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe offers a smile in return, as Zima thanks him for the aid. "Yes, thank you," she responds, giving him a polite bow as she does so. "You have kept the two of us together, and that is worth everything to me. Please, allow me to repay you however you need."

As some time passes, and the others begin their inspections of the bodies, Caoimhe is close beside. She can't help but to sate her curiosity by investigating the bodies and equipment of the creatures, sticking close by to the expedition leaders who are leading the investigations. She is as alarmed as everyone else to learn that some of the equipment is not the same as the others, but apparently of dwarven make instead. "Perhaps, if these creatures reside underwater, then these were scavenged from the Albatross," Caoimhe responds, as the others theorized about the items' origins. "We do not know where these beings call home, but could they not have been following us for some time before deciding to attack? If they are as intelligent as they seem, it could have been planned to strike us now rather than before or later."

As her lover tells of the communication she had with the creatures, Caoimhe listens in a mixture of fascination and fear. What could they be aiming for? What purpose do these sacrifices serve, and how many are they looking to claim for them? They attacked an entire ship worth of soldiers and explorers, did they mean to sacrifice all of us? And how many more or out there, plotting to continue their goal? "That is... alarming," Caoimhe responds, once the tale is told. "Let us hope, then, that we do not run into anymore of them. If we do, though, then at least we know that they are extremely hostile." 

Caoimhe likewise does not need any of the items, instead preferring to investigate them further.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

After a few moments, Taliesin slowly stands and walks over to the others, trying to hide the small limp in his step. He glances around at the others, realizing that he's joined in late on a conversation of great importance. "They were... sentient? Intriguing. I feel like I should be more surprised that they wanted to eat us, but that seems a common trait amongst creatures that once plagued my ancestors." He kneeled down close to another one of them and examined it closer. "Oft were the dangers that came after our people. Large and dangerous, many of them, but some were just smaller and faster than them. It troubles me still that I murdered sentient beings, even though it was either them or I... I cannot even take solace in that their kind may have once hunted mine people. I'm sure they had families of their own, lives outside of this."

History to see if I can recall such creatures from my research: [1d20+13]=8+13=21
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Post by Namelessjake »

The stories passed down from the original elves of Quellam tell of creatures, elves warped into aquatic beings by their worship of the sea gods. However these creatures don't appear to fit the varying descriptions of these aquatic beings. There are a couple of other tales, even more obscure and ancient, that tell of great Quellamese heroes defending their lands against invaders from the sea. Many believe these stories simply suggest some elven tribes practiced raids against rival tribes - however you can posit that such invaders could as likely have been creatures like the ones before you. Perhaps a lesser race, corrupted by the sea gods long before the elves ever were.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin examines the creature further and at some point begins to speak, but does not look away. "These creatures are... different, I don't seem to recall them in any of the texts I've read or stories I've heard, at least not specifically." He pauses. "I've heard of elves who held the sea gods in high reverence who were warped and turned into aquatic beings... But these do not look like them. I've heard tales of elven heroes as well who protected their lands from aquatic invaders... Though I cannot fully confirm that these are those same invaders, but it is possible. Creatures corrupted by the sea gods long before my kind ever delved into such secrets."

Adding the Amulet to my inventory.
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima is unsettled by Taliesin's recanting, though she listens to every word. He has not heard of these creatures? Then they must be a brand new civilization, or perhaps... an undiscovered one at the time of the Crossing, the seer postulates. "It is not so strange to think that history has not seen their kind yet. After all, my people were once lost to the passage of time. And yet, here I am, standing before you — living proof that we cannot know all souls that this dirt, this earth, this sea might contain. Perhaps this is true of the strange folk from the waters, too."

She sighs, steadying herself. "My chief concern lies in the fate of the First Fleet. Surely we cannot be the first to have fallen victim to their onslaught."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Louie grows briefly flustered again at Caoimhe's gratitude, meekly scratching at the scruff of his neck. "I, uh... No repayment necessary," he says, returning a smile. "We've all gotta look out for each other here, now more than ever."

He grimaces as thoughts race through his head, hearing Zima voice her concerns. "I wish you weren't right, but it's likely you are. But if we were able to escape their grasp, it's possible our forerunners did too." He nods, mostly to himself as he tries to cling onto some sort of hope regarding the fates of their predecessors.

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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto is has retreated for rest and recovery. I am fine with moving forward.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin frowned with grave concern. After a moment he cleared his throat and looked up; "We need to hold onto hope." He rubbed his own arm gently as he looked out towards the sea. "Hope that the first fleet made it through, and also that we won't see any more of these things before we get there."
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Post by Namelessjake »

III: New Shores

Unclaimed, the axe and the goggles are stowed away in the ship's hold along with the rest of the Explorer's Guild's equipment. A short and solemn ceremony is held for the dead and they are laid to rest in the sea. With the ship underway again, you return to your original course and soon catch back up to the other two ships. Another flock of birds are spotted, restoring some much needed hope that landfall is indeed close.

A few more days pass uneventfully, save more some rougher seas as you pass through a small squall. However on the fourth day after you again awaken to the sound of bells and cries above. Along with many others you rush to get up onto the deck, fearing the worst. However as you emerge from below, you are greeted by a very different scene to that a few days prior. The deck is abuzz with an energy you haven't felt since things started to go wrong with the lost of the Albatross.

As the Sea Wolf ploughs through the swell, she crests the top of a large wave and as she tilts downward what has everyone so worked up is revealed to you. Ahead, for the first time in months, the horizon is no longer just a flat blue expanse. A large vegetation covered landmass stretches as far as the eye can see. Further still, behind the coastline, distant snow capped mountains appear through the hazy air. 

"Hopefully this time it doesn't submerge when we get close," you hear Ser Elvia say a short ways away, where she is talking to Tofyr. The guild expedition leader has his eye glued to a large ornate spyglass, enraptured by the sight of the vast terra incognita before you. 

Tofyr cracks a smile at the Arc Knight's joke, although his eye remains glued to his spyglass. "I believe this time won't have to worry about that," he replies. "Hopefully we have taken a similar path to the First Fleet and Port Amardovis will be easy to locate," he adds as he continues to scan the coastline.
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Post by BartNL »

Day 1 after the attack
Ilmoto spends the day mostly keeping to himself. Using his studies as an excuse to avoid others.
Not like many wanted to be around him, after he spend the morning and early afternoon scraping tentacle and fish creature gunk of the deck.
Day 2 after the attack
Using the gunk, Ilmoto spend the day experimenting on it's potential uses.
The tentacles slime does prove to be a somewhat effective shampoo as it makes hair shinier, but the fish-smell does offset these benefits. Also lack of steady supply would prevent commercial success of a tentacle monster slime based shampoo.
Day 3 after the attack
Ilmoto spends the day in a better humour than the previous days, taking a break from his studies on shampoo to help the crew with chores using his magic to enhance brushes and the like.
Day 4 after the attack
The bells strike fear into Ilmoto's heart and as cries from above join the ringing of the bells, images of monsters start spooking in Ilmoto mind. In a composed manner, Ilmoto collects his gear and his valuable belongings, not wanting to lose them in case of an attack. As he reaches the main deck and hears the cries are of relieve, Ilmoto let's out a sigh before a smile forms on his face. There may be some hope yet.
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima spends the next few days doing all she can to distract her overwhelming sense of dread and anxiety from the aftermath of the bloody attack. She stays close to Caoimhe for most of it, ensuring that they are together if another wave of the seafolk arrive. Instead, she finds a droning peace, one that she refuses to lull her into a false sense of security.

She spends the evenings in her journals, documenting her first encounter with the new people of the sea. It was only years ago that my people were made First Contact with. And now here I am, performing the same with another lost people. It is a strange irony, to be on both sides of this now. I can only hope there are other among their folk who lack the singular purpose that these ones did. She finds herself feeling optimistic about that, even in spite of the violence she's just witnessed.

When the bells sound the seer begins to panic. With shallow breaths, she follows Caoimhe topdeck, her eyes frantically searching the waters for danger.

"Oh!" is all she can manage, finding the tremendous stretch of land before her. We made it... She grasps Caoimhe's hand and holds it tight, her current worries fading for now.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Relief begins to wash over the young elf as the sights of the seabirds return, and this time without their habitat submerging without a trace. He looks at the landscape before them in awe, the majestic mountain peaks almost reminding him of those in Andor. I wonder what other similarities it may bear to our home. I suppose we'll find out rather quickly, hm?

A wide smile spreads across his face. Though he knows caution is still important, given their prior experience with the tentacle, he is eager to set foot on dry land once again. Oh to be a duck, able to seamlessly move between land, sea, and air. Our sea legs will take some time to shake off, but at least we'll have relative safety to recover in.

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Post by Fialova »

While her endless curiosity about the creatures they encountered sticks in Caoimhe's mind, she knows there will be plenty of time for further observation down the line. Instead, she spends the days immediately after their traumatic encounter - and her near-death - trying to rest and recuperate, and spending as much time with Zima as she can. The two converse and gaze out on the sea, Caoimhe taking in their surroundings while also constantly keeping an eye out for future threats from below. Knowing what lies beneath the waves, the elf can no longer simply gaze upon the waves as a source of calm wonder, but instead now seems them as a veil obscuring the dangers that lie in the depths below. How many of those giant beasts are there? And if there are more, do they all come accompanied by an army of violent creatures to kill for them? How do these creatures even survive on eating people if the elves left this land millennia ago? Did the ones who stayed behind grow in such numbers that they can serve to feed an entire species of sea-giants, or do they eat other creatures as well?

Caoimhe leaps up from her rest when the bell tolls again, expecting the worst once more, and prepared for another fight. She cautiously ascends the steps to the deck above, holding Zima's hand, but making sure to go first in case the creatures have returned for a second attempt at devouring their crew. When the landmass comes into view instead, she is able to relax once more and lets out a deep sigh as she releases her worries along with her breath. Finally, we have made it - my ancestors' homeland. Hopefully the first fleet was able to establish a camp large enough that we need not sleep in tents tonight.

Feeling the tight grip on her hand, and hearing her lover's voice in her head, Caoimhe turns to face Zima and offers her a smile. Yes, we're finally here. Dry land once more. I cannot wait to feel the beach's sand beneath my feet.
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Post by ratwizard »

Earth beneath my feet I have longed for for months, Zima admits to Caoimhe, sharing a smile with her. Years ago, you stepped on the sacred and ancient grounds that my ancestors once did. And now, I am eager to share that experience with you, here. She squeezes her hand before turning to Tofyr.

"Did the First Fleet establish any formal protocol on where they might establish their base camp? Perhaps any sort of signs, or trailheads to follow. I imagine it would be on the coast, perhaps where a river might empty, yes?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Precisely my dear," Tofyr says, lowering his spyglass and turning to Zima. "Port Amardovis, named for our late-expedition leader, should have been founded somewhere along the coast. The plan was that in anticipation of our arrival one of the ships would then sail a week or so up and down the coast dropping colored buoys to show us which way to go once we find one," he explains.

"Red means head along the coast with our portside to the land, yellow means starboard," Illoren says, joining you by the side of the ship to gaze at the new land before you. Taroka, his pet owl, circles overhead. "She'll be glad to be off the ship," Illoren adds offhandedly, looking up at the bird as it soars past.
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"Then we shall keep our eyes on the waters for red, or for yellow," Zima says, an excitement growing within her. She looks up at Taroka, smiling. "I wonder what sort of flying creatures we might find here. There must be bats, or birds, like Voreld. Taliesin, what do your people's legends say?"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Let's hope their buoys didn't drift from wind and storm too. But surely we'll see sign of them along the coast as well," Louie says, keeping his eyes upon the horizon ahead. He eyes Ziima, a lump forming in his throat as he recalls the many tales shared in his youth, tales which seem closer to reality after their prior encounter with the sea creatures. "I'm not sure you really want to know..."
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Post by ratwizard »

"I have heard of your people's Sky Gods," Zima adds, sensing the apprehension on the scout's face. "I mean not of them, but instead the many other beasts of the sky — there must have been others, yes? In Peregozupale, bats or insects were the only winged creatures known to us. I still marvel at birds, every time I see one." She watches Taroka still, a distant smile on her face.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

After their conversation, Taliesin gives a polite yet curt bow to the rest of his companions, "Excuse me, I have much to do." He says, stepping away quickly below the deck. He gathers up his books and gives a small prayer as he begins to read. Much of Taliesin's time after the attack, and after the break, is spent thinking and pouring through his notes about what potential threats they could face while on the island, hoping to give them any kind of an edge. 

With the sound of the bells, Taliesin attempts to rush to the bridge, hand on the sheath of his katana ready for the worst- but as he sees the island appear on the horizon in front of him... he smiles, relaxing greatly. "By the gods... the land of my ancestors!" His eyes begin to well up with tears as the reality of his life's research becomes apparently real. He hesitantly makes his way toward the edge of the boat, gripping it tightly as if gripping onto reality itself. He hears the talks about the buoys and- though his eyes are filled with joyous tears- he sets about keeping an eye out for them.
"Flying creatures?" He says in response to the growing excitement of Zima. "I've heard many tales- Some seem mildly outlandish. The other issue is some of the tales have been translated from elvish to our common tongue, so names that they may have had for them have been washed into our language, and thus might not be accurate, but..."
He stopped to think about it. "I've heard tales of what could be large bats, though lacking much fur, and instead having more bird-like feathers on the crest of their heads. Thick, leathery skin with a large wingspan that seems to hunt at night and the early hours of the morning." He says, thinking about it some more. "I heard as well that at one time there was a breed of friendly 'birds' here, slightly larger than what we would consider a hawk to be, that could be tamed and used by animal handlers to hunt and protect."
He nods a bit, always overly proud of himself for being able to recall facts like these almost on command, with how he's organized his thoughts.

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Post by ratwizard »

Zima listens, finding Taliesin's historical recollection fascinating. "It must have been a shock to your people when they arrived on the shores of Kurnhuelde. So many different life-forms, and I speak not even of the folk they encountered." Taking the historian's cue, the seer peers out across the shores of the island, searching for any signs of bouys.
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Post by Namelessjake »

The deck gradually gets more crowded as the fleet continues towards the landmass, as nearly the ship's entire complement are eager to get a look at the new continent and what will presumably be your home for several months if not years.

While much of the specifics of the flora and fauna of Quellam has been lost, mixed in with the oral histories and legends over the centuries, however one useful thing you find is that the newly arrived elves in Kurnhuelde were particularly wary at first of many different vegetables and fruits suggesting that a high number of Quellam's native plant life may be poisonous.

As the ship draws closer to the coast, you catch a glimpse of something bobbing up and down in the waves. It becomes clearer as the ships continue on their heading and you are able to make out what appears to be a small wooden buoy. The wood is worn and weathered by the sea, however you can make out flecks of red paint on the buoy meaning it was likely once entirely red.
As you draw closer to the coast you are unable to spot anything in the water.
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima keeps her eyes trained on the waters, feeling somewhat deflated that nothing has been spotted yet. "All clear over here," she calls over her shoulder. Worry begins to creep into her mind, but she beats it back with an indefatigable optimism despite their struggles until now.
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Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe smiles and nods as her lover mentions the similarities between now and when she had first visited Kandoras. It's poetic, she responds, turning to face Zima and offering her a warm smile. I'm so glad I get to share this journey with you.

She listens as the others speak of tales and creatures of the land, and she nods along as the others recount their own recollections. Aine never mentioned much about the fauna, but it will be so excited to witness new species with our own eyes, she continues psychically to Zima. We must catalogue them all. Perhaps we can even tame some and bring them back to camp! Imagine all of the possibilities that this land has to offer, she continues, her eyes wide with wonder as she watches the coast go by them.

As the others begin to look for the buoys, she decides to assist as well, peering out into the distance in hopes that their path will become clear.

Perception to spot which way to go: [1d20+18]=8+18=26 (she has +5 from her explorer feature)
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Post by Namelessjake »

As the ship draws closer to the coast, you catch a glimpse of something bobbing up and down in the waves. It becomes clearer as the ships continue on their heading and you are able to make out what appears to be a small wooden buoy. The wood is worn and weathered by the sea, however you can make out flecks of red paint on the buoy meaning it was likely once entirely red.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, to see the world from their eyes," Louie says, gazing across the water wistfully. "And old records say they weren't exactly met with open arms when they arrived. To risk your life, maybe even against that same tentacled beast, all to face more hardship." Yet I suppose they at least had their lives, and each other. Some things are irreplaceable.

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