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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Death save [1d20]=17
Save against Daze [1d20]=19
Save against Blinded [1d20]=18
Combat Block - Maveith Earthcarver
Maveith Earthcarver

Male Goliath (Half-Orc) Warden 8
Languages: Common, Serran
Age: 40
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 300 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 21
Reflex: 17
Will: 18
HP: -11/86
Bloodied: 43
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 14/14
Action Points: 0

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d10+9 damage
RBA: +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage



+5 item Bonus against being slowed or immobilized, +2 item bonus against effects with the charm, illusion, or sleep keyword

Active Effects:


Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Thorn Strike


Second Wind [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Form of Winter's Herald Attack [_]
Rough Strike [_]
Mountain Hammer [_]


Form of Winter's Herald [x]
Boiling Cloud [x]
Boiling Cloud Attack [_]

Maw of the Guardian Warhammer +1 [_]
Elven Battle Leather Armor +2 [_]
Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic Tier)
Gauntlets of Blood (Heroic Tier)
Iron-skin Belt (Heroic Tier)
Amulet of Mental Resolve +1


Scroll of Silence x2

Class/Path/Destiny Features/Feats:
Font of Life: At the start of each turn, a warden can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end.

A successful save ends that effect. The effect will not affect the warden that turn. For example, saving against being stunned or dazed allows the warden to act normally on that turn, and saving against ongoing damage prevents the damage that turn.

If the saving throw is failed, the warden can still make a saving throw as usual at the end of the turn.

Guardian Might: Wardens choose either Earthstrength, Lifespirit, Stormheart, or Wildblood. Each option allows the warden to use another stat modifier as a bonus to AC when not wearing heavy armor, instead of his or her Dexterity or Intelligence modifier. Each option also creates an additional effect when the warden uses second wind.
Earthspirit: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. In addition, when you use your second wind, you gain an additional bonus to AC equal to your Constitution modifier. The bonus lasts until the end of your next turn.

Nature's Wrath: As a free action once per turn(round?), and during the warden's own turn, a warden can mark each adjacent enemy until the end of the warden's next turn.

The warden also gains use of the warden's fury and warden's grasp at-will powers. These powers are immediate interrupts and immediate reactions, respectively, triggered by an enemy marked by the warden making an attack that doesn't include the warden as a target.

Crippling Crush (Feat): When you immobilize or slow an enemy with a weapon attack using a hammer or a mace, that enemy takes extra damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

Bludgeon Expertise (Feat): A character with the Bludgeon Expertise feat gains a feat bonus to weapon attack rolls using a hammer or mace equal to +1, or +2 at 11th level, or +3 at 21st level. You also gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares you push or slide creatures with weapon attacks you make with a hammer or mace

Deadly Draw (Feat): Whenever you pull or slide an enemy to a square adjacent to you, you gain combat advantage against that enemy until the end of your next turn.

Vicious Advantage (Feat): You gain combat advantage against immobilized targets and slowed targets.

World Serpent's Grasp (Feat): Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can choose to knock it prone.

Markings of the Elements:Give up resistance to all damage from stone's endurance to gain resist 5 to chosen damage type
Last edited by Chanchabruhh on Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

As her rider falls, Armeion quickly rushes into Aldegaard, attempting to gore him. Aldegaard is able to bring up his shield in time, deflecting the force of her attack before using his momentum to slip away, charging towards Winona. Catching her unaware as she is trying to deal with Malithas, he feints and swings out with his hammer, slamming it into her thigh. As this happens, Caiphus darts forward, finding a hole in Maveith's defenses as he stabs the stronger man in the ribs, laughing deviously. "Oh, I see a man in the back, as a matter of fact, his hammer as red as the sun!-" He says, disappearing and suddenly reappearing on Maveith's opposite side, with Aldegaard appearing in his place, flourishing his hammer, "As well, I say, EVERYONE ATTACK! I warn you, this'll turn into a ballroom blitz!" He sings, seemingly proud of himself.
Up next... Vigo!
Jozele death save, no change.
Runewatcher, Fire Burst vs Melador (Hit for 22), Fire Burst vs Caiphus (Hit for 22).
Runewatcher activates Fire Shield, gaining resist 10 cold and resist 10 fire until EOE. Creatures making melee attacks against Runewatcher take 2d6+6 Fire damage once per turn.
Armeion uses Gore vs Aldegaard AC. Attack: 24 vs AC, Miss.
Crusader Aldegaard shifts one square to W48 and then charges Winona.
Aldegaard replaces his MBA, using Hold Fast vs. Winona's AC. Attack: 33 vs. AC. Damage: 23, and the target (Winona) is immobilized until EONT Aldegaard. Half of this weapon's damage is physical, half is radiant.
Caiphus spends a minor action to use Echoing Weapon, causing his next weapon attack to deal bonus Thunder damage.
Caiphus spends his standard action using a Basic Attack vs. Maveith AC. Attack: 30 vs. AC. Hit: 11 physical damage + 4 thunder damage. Using Disruptive Words, Caiphus causes Maveith to become Dazed (save ends).
Caiphus uses Lesser Dimensional Step (No Action) in a close burst 5. Maveith takes 7 extra damage and Caiphus teleports to Y39, and teleports Crusader Aldegaard to W39.
Caiphus uses Harsh Songblade's daily power - Each enemy within 2 squares of Maveith is Dazed until EONT Caiphus.
The ground is normal terrain. The smaller barricades are simple wooden barricades, with spikes facing toward the middle of the ring. Given time, you could reasonably hop over them, but they do not break line of sight. The pillars (which look like wooden logs) are about as tall as the walls themselves. In theory, you could climb to the top, but it wouldn't be easy. Being behind a pillar counts as breaking line of sight, and will grant cover.
Auras: Fog Wall (Ayduib)(Burst 1 centered on X29)(Heavily Obscured, block LOS).
Winter's Herald Aura (Maveith)(Burst 2 centered on X39)(Difficult terrain for enemies).
Winter's Herald Aura (Melador)(Burst 2 centered on X40)(Difficult Terrain for Players).
Visions of Avarice (Ayduib)(Burst 6 centered on X40)(Pulls in enemies on Ayduib's turn).
Nature's Growth (Ayduib)(Burst 1 on X41)(Difficult Terrain vs All).
Rune of Undeniable Dawn (Rhun)(Centered on X38)(Grants +2 to all Defenses EONT).
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Post by Namelessjake »

Spotting Ayduib ahead looking wounded, Vigo calls out to him. "Keep it up old chap! We've a ways to go yet!" he shouts over to Ayduib, rallying the wounded puppeteer.

Deciding to keep his focus on Crusader Aldegaard, Vigo levels his pistol at the man once more. A puff of smoke erupts from the weapon as he fires, and the rounded shot slams into the man, penetrating his armour, knocking him off balance. This gives Maveith a window of opportunity and the Earthcarver strikes out at the Crusader as well - hacking at him with his axe.

Move: Move 6 squares to the right avoiding the barricade with diagonal movement.

Minor: Inspiring Word on Ayduib. Ayduib can spend a healing surge and regain 11 HP, they can also choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain +2 AC and Ref until SONT.


Standard: Race the Arrow against Crusader Aldegaard.

28 vs AC hits for 15 damage + 4 from relentless wounding for a total of 19 damage.

Maveith Earthcarver makes an MBA against Crusader Aldegaard.

26 +4 due to my skirmishing presence = 30 vs AC = hit? for 15 damage + 4 from relentless wounding +4 from skirmishing prescence for a total of 23 damage.



Move: walk to (V,29)

Action Point -> Standard: Create Opportunity on Malithas Suncaller, 16 vs AC = hit? for 32 damage

Regardless of hit, every time until the end of the encounter that I make a ranged attack against Malithas, an adjacent ally of mine can either make an MBA as a free action or shift 4 squares.


Free: Only used if above hits, Spellscar Empowerment, Malithas is dazed until the end of my next turn, I take 9 damage.

Combat Block
Captain Vigo Vikus

Male Dragonborn (Orc) Warlord 8
Languages: Common, Gleiosian
Age: 62
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 181 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 22
Reflex: 20
Will: 20
HP: 50/59
Bloodied: 29
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage (Scimitar)
RBA: +14 vs AC, 1d12+9 damage (Screaming Bow Greatbow +2)




Active Effects:


Paint the Bull's-Eye
Direct the Strike
Acrobat Boots


Second Wind [_]
Dimension Shift [X]
Dragonfear [_]
Inspiring Word [X][_]
Race the Arrow [_]
Adaptive Stratagem [_]
Staggering Shot [_]
Dragon's Tenacity [_]
On My Mark [X]
Screaming Hide Armor +2 [_]/color]


Relentless Wounding [X]
Create Opportunity [X]
Spellscar Empowerment [?]

Bracers of Archery [_]
Steadfast Amulet +2 [_]
Screaming Bow Greatbow +2 [_]/color]


Potion of Healing (Heroic Tier) x2

Important Features:
Spellscarred harbinger: Once per encounter you can teleport 2 squares as a minor action.

Combat Leader: +2 power bonus to allies' initiative.

Skirmishing Prescence: When an ally makes an attack using an action point, they can shift 4 squares (my Int mod) as a free action.

Archer Captain: You and any ally within 5 squares ignore long range penalties.

Expert Combat Leader: Combat Leader bonus increases to +3.

Last Legion Officer: When I use a power that enables an ally to spend a healing surge, that ally can also choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain +2 AC and Ref until SONT.

Bow Expertise: +1 bonus to damage rolls for bows when attacking a single creature that is not adjacent to any other creature.

Adamant Arrow Student [Lesser Style]: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Perception checks. When you are attacking with a greatbow or a longbow and you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you can push that enemy 1 square.

Associated Powers: Nimble Strike, Paint the Bulls-Eye

Screaming Hide Armor +2: +2 to Intimidate Checks.

Screaming Bow Greatbow +2: When you use this weapon to hit an enemy with an attack power that doesn't have a damage type, the attack deals thunder damage, and the enemy is deafened until the end of your next turn.

Acrobat Boots +1 to acrobatics checks.
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Post by BartNL »

Spend a healing surge and regain 12 +11 = 23hp.
Also gain +2AC and Ref until start of Vigo's next turn.

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Post by FinalTemplar »

The chaos of battle continues as swings miss and collide, feints and dodges occur, when Vigo, whose sniper eye rarely misses, aims at the Crusader. His shot finds purchase in the Crusader's armor giving Maveith an opportunity to swing for the final blow. Caiphus sees this moments before it happens, and shouts; "Aldegaard, swing now!" He manages to utter out before next swing, their Aldegaard trusting Caiphus' instincts as he swings his mighty weapon. "By Aradamus' spear, I SHALL BE AVENGED!" He shouts. Their weapons find their marks at the same time, with Maveith being heavily wounded by the man's swing, and Aldegaard finally collapsing under the weight of his enemies' blows, his stamina spent. With each hit against Aldegaard, Winona feels a sudden scorching pain against her head, before suddenly collapsing. Malithas spins on his heel, feeling revitalized - shooting out an orb in the visage of Voreld's beautiful sun in the midst of his enemies, and then with another movement pulls a solar bolt out of his staff, drawing the energy into the palm of his hand before letting it loose against Rhun, searing his eyes. "The Solar shall deal your punishment - Burning you to your sinful core." He says, kneeling in prayer.
Up next... Ayduib!
Vigo heals, hits, grants attack @Maveith.
Caiphus interrupts, using Prescient Warning to grant Aldegaard a free MBA. Winona takes 5 Radiant damage.
Aldegaard uses MBA against Maveith's AC. Attack: 35 vs AC. Hit: 26 damage, Resisted to 21.
Maveith uses MBA against Aldegaard, 30 vs. AC, Hit for 23 damage. Winona takes 5 Radiant damage. Aldegaard goes unconscious. Winona goes unconscious.
Melador spends a minor action to use Guardian Thorns on Caiphus, protecting him from attacks. Moves to Y38.
Maveith uses an OA against Melador, 34 to hit for 17 damage.
Melador uses a Free Action to mark Maveith and Rhun using Nature's Wrath until EONT Melador.
Ayduib heals, gains defenses, doesn't move.
Malithas spends an action point to get a Standard Action, Searing Orb as a burst 1 attack on square W38.
Attack vs Maveith Fort: 25 vs Fort, Hit. Damage: 17 Radiant damage, blinded (save ends), dazed (EONT Malithas).
Attack vs Rhun Fort: 26 vs Fort, hit. Damage: 17 Radiant damage, blinded (save ends), dazed (EONT Malithas).
Malithas downs Maveith, and spends an action point to get a Standard Action.
Bolt of the Rising Sun vs Rhun Reflex. Attack: 32 vs Reflex, Hit: 24, 10 after Insubstantial + Resist 2. Until EONT, Rhun does not have LOS beyond 3 squares.
The ground is normal terrain. The smaller barricades are simple wooden barricades, with spikes facing toward the middle of the ring. Given time, you could reasonably hop over them, but they do not break line of sight. The pillars (which look like wooden logs) are about as tall as the walls themselves. In theory, you could climb to the top, but it wouldn't be easy. Being behind a pillar counts as breaking line of sight, and will grant cover.
Auras: Fog Wall (Ayduib)(Burst 1 centered on X29)(Heavily Obscured, block LOS).
Winter's Herald Aura (Maveith)(Burst 2 centered on X39)(Difficult terrain for enemies) (Green Box)
Boiling Cloud Aura (Maveith)(Burst 1 centered on X39)(Concealment for allies, CON damage on start of enemy turn.)(Blue box)
Winter's Herald Aura (Melador)(Burst 2 centered on Y38)(Difficult Terrain for Players). (Purple box)
Visions of Avarice (Ayduib)(Burst 5 centered on X40)(Pulls in enemies on Ayduib's turn). (Yellow box)
Nature's Growth (Ayduib)(Burst 1 on X41)(Difficult Terrain vs All). (Pink box)
Rune of Undeniable Dawn (Rhun)(Burst 3 centered on X38)(Grants +2 to all Defenses EONT). (Orange box)
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Post by BartNL »

"Dark chasm, hear my call!" Ayduib calls in a singing tone.

Minor action: Visions of Avarice secondary attack target X40 primary attack VS: Malithas Suncaller and Crusader Aldegaard (no effect on other two enemies)
[1d20+13]=10+13=23 against will (assuming it hits Malithas)
[1d20+13]=6+13=19 against will of Crusader Aldegaard
[1d20+13]=3+13=16 vs Melador (if it misses, Melador is not targeted by Phantom Chasm)
On hit pull 5 squares towards X40. (no pull for Crusader Aldegaard)
On hit -2 will until the end of the encounter
Standard Action: Phantom Chasm targeting X40 close burst 1 VS Malithas Suncaller, Crusader Aldegaard, Melador and Caiphus
[1d20+13]=3+13=16[1d20+13]=10+13=23[1d20+13]=9+13=22[1d20+13]=8+13=21 vs will
for [2d6+8]=6+8=14 damage
On hit the target falls prone and is immobilized until the end of their next turn. On hit -2 will until the end of the encounter (doesn't stack with other -2 will as it's from the same source (feat) )
On miss the target takes half damage and falls prone.
Effect: Creates a burst centred on X40 that last until the end of the encounter. Any enemy who enters the zone falls prone.
Move action: maintain Wall of Fog W 28,29,30 X 28,30 Z 28,29,30 targeted spaces are heavily obscured and block LOS

Potion list for allies
Here is a list of potions, you can claim whatever you want, but leave some for the others.
Fire Beetle Potion (heroic tier) (4), Elixir of Fortitude (level 8) (4), Elixir of Reflexes (level 8) (4), Elixir of Will (level 8) (2), Potion of Clarity (Lvl 5) (3), Potion of Resistance (heroic tier) (4)
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Post by FinalTemplar »

As Ayduib says the words, once more his enemies are pulled towards the gravity well he created, Malithas and Melador almost slamming into each other. Suddenly, Caiphus begins to shout in fear as they believe they are falling into a chasm, waving their arms about wildly as they collapse to the floor. Malithas collapses as well, though doesn't scream in fear.
Ash moves forward, pulling his greatbow up, and taking aim. "With everyone down, this isn't so bad." he says, but misses. Alyssia takes aim once more, letting loose an arrow that sank into Rhun, and he falls to the ground. She attempts a second shot, this time into the fog, but does not hear any screams that would signify a hit.
Up next... Rhun and Winona!
Melador goes down.
Visions of Avarice vs. Melador: Hit.
Visions of Avarice vs. Aldegaard: Miss.
Visions of Avarice vs. Malithas: Hit. Effect: Malithas is pulled from V44 to X40. Already affected by -2 to Will defense.
Phantom Chasm vs. Malithas - 16 vs. Will - Miss. 7 damage received, falls prone.
Phantom Chasm vs. Aldegaard - 23 vs. Will - Hit. 14 damage, falls prone, immobilized EONT Aldegaard.
Phantom Chasm vs. Melador - 22 vs. Will - Hit. 14 damage, falls prone, immobilized EONT Melador.
Phantom Chasm vs. Caiphus - 21 vs. Will - Hit. 14 damage, falls prone, immobilized EONT Caiphus.
Ash uses a Freezing Arrow +2.
Ash uses Risky Shot vs. Rhun AC. Attack: 25 vs. AC. Miss.
Alyssia uses Clever Shot vs. Rhun AC. Attack: 35 vs. AC. Hit: 23 damage, halved to 11, resisted to 9. Rhun is knocked prone, and falls unconscious.
Alyssia gained an AP. Aimed Shot vs. V30. 19 to hit, miss.
The ground is normal terrain. The smaller barricades are simple wooden barricades, with spikes facing toward the middle of the ring. Given time, you could reasonably hop over them, but they do not break line of sight. The pillars (which look like wooden logs) are about as tall as the walls themselves. In theory, you could climb to the top, but it wouldn't be easy. Being behind a pillar counts as breaking line of sight, and will grant cover.
Auras: Fog Wall (Ayduib)(Burst 1 centered on X29)(Heavily Obscured, block LOS).
Winter's Herald Aura (Melador)(Burst 2 centered on Y38)(Difficult Terrain for Players). (Purple box)
Visions of Avarice (Ayduib)(Burst 5 centered on X40)(Pulls in enemies on Ayduib's turn). (Yellow box)
Phantom Chasm (Ayduib)(Burst 1 centered on X40)(Knocks enemies prone, potential Immobilized).
Nature's Growth (Ayduib)(Burst 1 on X41)(Difficult Terrain vs All). (Pink box)
Rune of Undeniable Dawn (Rhun)(Burst 3 centered on X38)(Grants +2 to all Defenses EONT).(Orange box)
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Death save: [1d20]=19
Daze save: [1d20]=19
Combat Block
Rhun of Agramor

Male Goliath Runepriest 8
Languages: Common, Elven, Grystok
Age: 30 (24 in human years)
Height: 6'2
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +12
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 26
Fort: 21
Ref: 17
Will: 22
HP: meh/60
Bloodied: 30
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 6/8
Action points: 0

MBA: +16 vs AC, 1d8+8 damage
RBA: +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Resistances: Resist 2 All while bloodied, Resist 2 All from ranged/area attacks
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Word of Exchange
Word of Diminishment


Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Rune of Mending [_] [_]
Executioner's Call [_]
Words of Bravery [_]
Word of Befuddlement [_]


Rune of the Undeniable Dawn [X]
Shield of Sacrifice [_]
Rune of the Final Act [_]
Rune of Meritorious Alacrity [X]

Inspiring Longsword +2 [_]
Shadow Hound Armor +2 [X]
Gloves of Grace [_]


Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1)
Important Features
Rune Master: When I use a skill with the Runic keyword, I can enter either the Rune of Protection (adjacent allies resist 2 all damage) or Rune of Destruction (allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls vs enemies adjacent to me). I remain in the state I choose until I enter another rune state or the encounter ends.

Serene Blade: I'm proficient with military heavy blades. While not wearing heavy armor, I can use WIS to determine AC. Once per round immediately after an enemy damages me with an attack, I gain +4 temp HP.

Mountain's Tenacity: I gain +1 to Will.

Powerful Athlete: When I make an Athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Ironwrought: My origin becomes elemental. I gain +1 to Athletics and Endurance. Whenever I use Second Wind, the prior bonus increases to +4 til EONT. While bloodied, I gain resist 2 to all damage.

Battlewise: I use WIS instead of DEX for initiative checks.

Last Legion Officer: When I use a power that allows an ally to spend a healing surge, they can also choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain +2 to AC and Reflex til the start of their next turn.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Mark of Healing: When I use a healing power on an ally, they can also make a saving throw.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 bonus to attacks made with heavy blades. While wielding a heavy blade, I gain a +2 bonus to AC against OAs.

Elven Chain Shirt: I gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this shirt with light or no armor.

Shield of Deflection (heroic tier): I gain resist 2 all vs ranged/area attacks.

Demonskin Tattoo (heroic tier): When I spend an action point, I can choose a damage type (acid, cold, fire, lighting, or thunder) to Resist 5 until the end of the encounter.
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Post by Fialova »


Save vs Crown: [1d20]=5 = fail
Death Save: [1d20]=8 = fail
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Post by FinalTemplar »

"The dominoes are falling, spectators! They're falling down, down, down!" The announcer calls out. Malithas groans as he looks over towards the fog cloud. He reaches over to Aldegaard and attempts to revitalize him. "No... You do not get to be done yet. Your life is mine, Aurelius." Malithas utters.
Up next... Maveith, Runewatcher, Jozele, and Armeion!
Winona takes 4 instances of 5 radiant damage from Crown of Retaliation.
Malithas uses a Heal check to allow Aldegaard to use Second Wind without using an action: Heal result: 16, allowing Aldegaard to heal equal to his healing surge value.
Aldegaard uses Second Wind without spending an action and heals for 17 hit points.
At the end of Malithas' turn, the immobilized condition ends. Rhun saves against the Blinded condition.
The ground is normal terrain. The smaller barricades are simple wooden barricades, with spikes facing toward the middle of the ring. Given time, you could reasonably hop over them, but they do not break line of sight. The pillars (which look like wooden logs) are about as tall as the walls themselves. In theory, you could climb to the top, but it wouldn't be easy. Being behind a pillar counts as breaking line of sight, and will grant cover.
Auras: Fog Wall (Ayduib)(Burst 1 centered on X29)(Heavily Obscured, block LOS).
Visions of Avarice (Ayduib)(Burst 5 centered on X40)(Pulls in enemies on Ayduib's turn.)
Phantom Chasm (Ayduib)(Burst 1 centered on X40)(Knocks enemies prone, potential Immobilized).
Nature's Growth (Ayduib)(Burst 1 on X41)(Difficult Terrain vs. All).
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

"Neutralizing threats."

Runewatcher moves to U31 and unleashes Scattering Shock centered on Maveith.

Versus Rhun [1d20+14]=6+14=20 Versus Fortitude

Versus Maevith [1d20+14]=7+14=21 Versus Fortitude

Versus Crusader Aldegaard [1d20+14]=2+14=16 Versus Fortitude

Versus Calphus [1d20+14]=14+14=28 Versus Fortitude

Versus Melador [1d20+14]=9+14=23 Versus Fortitude

Versus Suncaller [1d20+14]=17+14=31 Versus Fortitude

Rhun 2 sq. left
Maevith 2 sq. diagonal down-left
Calphus 1 sq. up


[1d20+19]=2+19=21 Versus Reflex against Crusader Aldegaard [2d8+12]=13+12=25 lightning damage (save made for 12 lightning instead)

(Calphus) [1d20+14]=16+14=30 versus Refl [2d8+12]=4+12=16 lightning

(Melador) [1d20+14]=14+14=28 versus Refl [2d8+12]=12+12=24 lightning

(Suncaller) [1d20+14]=16+14=30 versus Refl [2d8+12]=11+12=23 lightning


Last edited by KupoTheMagus on Fri Sep 08, 2023 4:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by ratwizard »

The Horselord slips one step further from this mortal coil.


Death Save (gimme a 20): [1d20]=6
6 - Failure 1.

Readied: Once, if hit with an attack targeting Will between 17 - 24, Jozele will use an immediate interrupt to gain a Will defense of 25 against that single attack — causing it to miss.
Combat Block - Jozele
Jozele im Farroq al-Jaquim

Male Minotaur (Human) Barbarian 8
Languages: Common, Serran
Age: 28
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 24
Reflex: 17
Will: 16
HP: -8/75
Bloodied: 37
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 0

MBA: +15 vs AC, 1d10+10 damage
RBA: +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage




Active Effects:
• Once, if hit with an attack targeting Will between 17 - 24, Jozele can use an immediate interrupt to gain a Will defense of 25 against that single attack. (Elixir of Will)
• Dying, Prone


Howling Strike
Howl of Fury


Second Wind [_]
Mark of the Vigilante [X]
Goring Charge [_]
Swift Charge [X]
Resurgent Strike [_]
Blade Sweep [_]
Crushing Charge [X]


Life-Ending Strike [X]
Primal Vitality [_]
Rage of the Crimson Hurricane [_]
Rage Strike [_]
Indomitable Shift [_]

Vanguard Lance +2 [_]
Marauder's Hide Armor +2 [_]


Elixir of Will [X]

Important Features:
Ferocity: At 0 HP, Jozele makes an MBA as an immediate interrupt.

Heedless Charge: +2 racial bonus to all OAs during charge.

Vigilante Level 5 Feature: +5 power bonus to Intimidate checks against those who recognize Jozele as a vigilante.

Powerful Charge: +2 to damage and bull rush attacks when charging.

Mark of Handling: Mounted speed +2 and +1 feat bonus to AC for mount.

Reckless Charge: When charging, can take a -2 to AC to gain a +1 to attack.

Cunning Stalker: CA against lone enemies with no creates adjacent other than Jozele.

Spear Expertise: +1 damage on spear charging attacks.

Vanguard Lance +2: In additional to 'Mounted' and 'Versatile' tags, charges deal an additional +1d8 damage, and criticals are +2d8 damage.

Horseshoes of Speed: Mounted speed +1 (total of 11.)

Marauder's Armor +2: When charging, Jozele gains +1 AC TENT.

Lesser Badge of the Berserker +2: When charging, +4 bonuses to all OAs provoked by charge's movement.
Combat Block - Armeion

Female Dire Boar (Tuskenhorse) 6

Speed: 8 (+3)
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 12
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 21
Reflex: 17
Will: 16
HP: 85/85
Bloodied: 42
Surge Value: 21


Gore (+9 vs AC, 1d10+9 (or 1d10+14 against prone targets)
Death Strike

Important Features:
Rabid Charger: When she charges, Armeion makes a Gore attack in addition to Jozele's charge attack.

Furious Charge: When she charges, Gore deals an extra 5 damage, pushes 2 sq, and knocks prone.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

some good ol saves

Death save [1d20]=17
Save against Daze [1d20]=19
Save against Blinded [1d20]=18
Combat Block - Maveith Earthcarver
Maveith Earthcarver

Male Goliath (Half-Orc) Warden 8
Languages: Common, Serran
Age: 40
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 300 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 21
Reflex: 17
Will: 18
HP: -11/86
Bloodied: 43
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 14/14
Action Points: 0

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d10+9 damage
RBA: +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage



+5 item Bonus against being slowed or immobilized, +2 item bonus against effects with the charm, illusion, or sleep keyword

Active Effects:


Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Thorn Strike


Second Wind [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Form of Winter's Herald Attack [_]
Rough Strike [_]
Mountain Hammer [_]


Form of Winter's Herald [x]
Boiling Cloud [x]
Boiling Cloud Attack [_]

Maw of the Guardian Warhammer +1 [_]
Elven Battle Leather Armor +2 [_]
Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic Tier)
Gauntlets of Blood (Heroic Tier)
Iron-skin Belt (Heroic Tier)
Amulet of Mental Resolve +1


Scroll of Silence x2

Class/Path/Destiny Features/Feats:
Font of Life: At the start of each turn, a warden can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end.

A successful save ends that effect. The effect will not affect the warden that turn. For example, saving against being stunned or dazed allows the warden to act normally on that turn, and saving against ongoing damage prevents the damage that turn.

If the saving throw is failed, the warden can still make a saving throw as usual at the end of the turn.

Guardian Might: Wardens choose either Earthstrength, Lifespirit, Stormheart, or Wildblood. Each option allows the warden to use another stat modifier as a bonus to AC when not wearing heavy armor, instead of his or her Dexterity or Intelligence modifier. Each option also creates an additional effect when the warden uses second wind.
Earthspirit: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. In addition, when you use your second wind, you gain an additional bonus to AC equal to your Constitution modifier. The bonus lasts until the end of your next turn.

Nature's Wrath: As a free action once per turn(round?), and during the warden's own turn, a warden can mark each adjacent enemy until the end of the warden's next turn.

The warden also gains use of the warden's fury and warden's grasp at-will powers. These powers are immediate interrupts and immediate reactions, respectively, triggered by an enemy marked by the warden making an attack that doesn't include the warden as a target.

Crippling Crush (Feat): When you immobilize or slow an enemy with a weapon attack using a hammer or a mace, that enemy takes extra damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

Bludgeon Expertise (Feat): A character with the Bludgeon Expertise feat gains a feat bonus to weapon attack rolls using a hammer or mace equal to +1, or +2 at 11th level, or +3 at 21st level. You also gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares you push or slide creatures with weapon attacks you make with a hammer or mace

Deadly Draw (Feat): Whenever you pull or slide an enemy to a square adjacent to you, you gain combat advantage against that enemy until the end of your next turn.

Vicious Advantage (Feat): You gain combat advantage against immobilized targets and slowed targets.

World Serpent's Grasp (Feat): Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can choose to knock it prone.

Markings of the Elements:Give up resistance to all damage from stone's endurance to gain resist 5 to chosen damage type
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Runewatcher steps forward, blasting forward a bolt of thunderous energy, jolting his enemies. Armeion charges forward, attempting to attack Ash, but trips on the sand, sliding harmlessly forward to land at his feet. Aldegaard stands, a massive, bloody dent in the center of his chest and his helmet has tumbled harmlessly to the ground- He looks pretty unhealthy, for a living being. "I am once more pulled from the brink of death. My life is not yet over. I will bring about your end!" He shouts, punching himself in the chest a few times as he spits out some blood, seemingly rejuvenated.

Up next... Vigo!
Runewatcher moves forward and uses Scattering Shock.
Jozele fails one death save.
Maveith saves against dazed and bloodied, with no change vs. dying.
Armeion charges vs. Ash. Attack: Nat 1.
Aldegaard: Stands from prone, then as a minor action Aldegaard uses Lay on Hands, spending a healing surge and healing himself. He also uses Shield of Discipline, gaining Resistance to all damage until EONT Aldegaard.
Caiphus: Stands from prone, and uses Skald's Aura to heal himself, allowing him to spend a healing surge. He then uses the power "Song of Serendipity", and begins to sing.
The ground is normal terrain. The smaller barricades are simple wooden barricades, with spikes facing toward the middle of the ring. Given time, you could reasonably hop over them, but they do not break line of sight. The pillars (which look like wooden logs) are about as tall as the walls themselves. In theory, you could climb to the top, but it wouldn't be easy. Being behind a pillar counts as breaking line of sight, and will grant cover.
Auras: Fog Wall (Ayduib)(Burst 1 centered on X29)(Heavily Obscured, block LOS).
Visions of Avarice (Ayduib)(Burst 5 centered on X40)(Pulls in enemies on Ayduib's turn.)
Phantom Chasm (Ayduib)(Burst 1 centered on X40)(Knocks enemies prone, potential Immobilized).
Nature's Growth (Ayduib)(Burst 1 on X41)(Difficult Terrain vs. All).
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Post by Namelessjake »

"You too Rhun! This fight's not over yet!" the orc shouts out, as he continues to press forward.

"Youshould have stayed down Aldegaard!" He shouts over to their opponent, seeing the armoured man standing once more. He shoots him again, knocking him backwards and off balance.

Seeing the blow down the crusader, Vigo quickly reloads and fires off another shot - this time at Malithas. However, lying on ground, the suncaller presents a smaller target and the shot misses narrowly.

Move: Move to (Y, 34).

Minor: Inspiring Word on Rhun. Rhun can spend a healing surge and regain 3 additional HP, they can also choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain +2 AC and Ref until SONT.


Standard: Staggering Shot on Crusader Aldegaard.

29 vs AC = hit for 32 damage.

Aldegaard is pushed 4 squares to the right. The first time he moves on his next turn, he is knocked prone at the end of the move.


Action Point -> Standard: RBA against Malithas Suncaller, 15 vs AC = miss.

Combat Block
Captain Vigo Vikus

Male Dragonborn (Orc) Warlord 8
Languages: Common, Gleiosian
Age: 62
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 181 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 22
Reflex: 20
Will: 20
HP: 59/59
Bloodied: 29
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage (Scimitar)
RBA: +14 vs AC, 1d12+9 damage (Screaming Bow Greatbow +2)




Active Effects:


Paint the Bull's-Eye
Direct the Strike
Acrobat Boots


Second Wind [_]
Dimension Shift [X]
Dragonfear [_]
Inspiring Word [X][X]
Race the Arrow [X]
Adaptive Stratagem [_]
Staggering Shot [X]
Dragon's Tenacity [_]
On My Mark [X]
Screaming Hide Armor +2 [_]/color]


Relentless Wounding [X]
Create Opportunity [X]
Spellscar Empowerment [X]

Bracers of Archery [_]
Steadfast Amulet +2 [_]
Screaming Bow Greatbow +2 [_]/color]


Potion of Healing (Heroic Tier) x2

Important Features:
Spellscarred harbinger: Once per encounter you can teleport 2 squares as a minor action.

Combat Leader: +2 power bonus to allies' initiative.

Skirmishing Prescence: When an ally makes an attack using an action point, they can shift 4 squares (my Int mod) as a free action.

Archer Captain: You and any ally within 5 squares ignore long range penalties.

Expert Combat Leader: Combat Leader bonus increases to +3.

Last Legion Officer: When I use a power that enables an ally to spend a healing surge, that ally can also choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain +2 AC and Ref until SONT.

Bow Expertise: +1 bonus to damage rolls for bows when attacking a single creature that is not adjacent to any other creature.

Adamant Arrow Student [Lesser Style]: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Perception checks. When you are attacking with a greatbow or a longbow and you hit an enemy with a power associated with this feat, you can push that enemy 1 square.

Associated Powers: Nimble Strike, Paint the Bulls-Eye

Screaming Hide Armor +2: +2 to Intimidate Checks.

Screaming Bow Greatbow +2: When you use this weapon to hit an enemy with an attack power that doesn't have a damage type, the attack deals thunder damage, and the enemy is deafened until the end of your next turn.

Acrobat Boots +1 to acrobatics checks.
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Post by BartNL »

"Dark shadow, hear my call and cloud the mind with song!" Ayduib sings loudly.
A shadow singing a song to the same tune of Ayduib appears, it sings loud yet inexplicably soothing and lures those in it's vicinity.
Move Action: Crawl to X31
Standard Action: Hypnotic pattern at AA43 (triggers opportunity action on Alyssia's and Malithas turn)
Minor action: Visions of Avarice secondary attack target X40 primary attack (no effect as targets are were I want them but it maintains the zone)
On hit pull 5 squares towards X40.
On hit -2 will until the end of the encounter
Effect: remove Wall of Fog W 28,29,30 X 28,30 Z 28,29,30 targeted spaces are heavily obscured and block LOS

Opportunity Action
Use Hypnotic pattern power in Close burst 3
Requirement: The Hypnotic Pattern power must be active to use this power.
Trigger: An enemy starts its turn within 3 squares of the pattern
Target: The triggering enemy in the burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: The target is pulled 3 squares toward the pattern and is slowed until the end of your next turn. It can move into the pattern's square.
[1d20+12]=16+12=28 (bonus is +13 so =29 vs will against Alyssia on start of her turn (assuming she starts her turn still in range)
[1d20+13]=14+13=27 vs will against Malithas on start of his turn (assuming he starts his turn still in range)

Potion list for allies
Here is a list of potions, you can claim whatever you want, but leave some for the others.
Fire Beetle Potion (heroic tier) (4), Elixir of Fortitude (level 8) (4), Elixir of Reflexes (level 8) (4), Elixir of Will (level 8) (2), Potion of Clarity (Lvl 5) (3), Potion of Resistance (heroic tier) (4)
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Vigo aims his weapon and shoots Aldegaard, knocking the knight back unconscious and then attempts to shoot Malithas, but misses, his bullet landing in the sand next to the Suncaller. Ayduib crawls forward, attempting to take more of his enemies out of the fight. Ash runs forward, shooting an arrow into Ayduib's back; "Alyssia, now!" He shouts, and after being dragged forward, also knocks another arrow and sends it flying into Ayduib, finally sending the wizard into an unconscious state.
Up next... Rhun!
Vigo moves, heals an ally, attacks, hits, and deals damage, and downs Aldegaard. Attack Malithas, miss.
Rhun heals for 18, and shifts to Y36, no longer Dying.
Ayduib moves, continues visions of of avarice, ends Wall of Fog, and continues Hypnotic Pattern.
Ash moves, triggers AoO-
INTERRUPT! Armeion Gores Ash. Attack: 24 vs AC, Hit: 18 damage.
Ash continues his move. Standard action to use Create Opportunity vs Ayduib: 26 vs AC, Hit: 33 damage. As a minor action, use Inspiring Word on Malithas. Malithas spends a surge and heals for 1d6+Surge value. 
Alyssia is pulled 3 squares toward AA44, and Slowed until EONT Ayduib. Alyssia uses a basic attack against Ayduib, Attack: 26 vs AC, Hit: 22 damage. Ayduib is Downed. Alyssia gains an AP, and uses Disruptive Shot against Vigo. 31 vs AC, Hit: 25 damage. Vigo is Dazed (save ends). Alyssia moves to AC46.
Map Info
The ground is normal terrain. The smaller barricades are simple wooden barricades, with spikes facing toward the middle of the ring. Given time, you could reasonably hop over them, but they do not break line of sight. The pillars (which look like wooden logs) are about as tall as the walls themselves. In theory, you could climb to the top, but it wouldn't be easy. Being behind a pillar counts as breaking line of sight, and will grant cover.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Rhun grits his teeth, wiping the dust, sand, and dried blood from his eyes. He takes a deep breath, the runes along his body beginning to glow. With a swift roll, he moves closer to his downed ally and calls to his ancestors. Rejuvenation begins to course through the pair's veins as some of their wounds begin to subside. We still have fight in us. He gets to his feet, clutching his blade and shield tightly, not ready to give up yet.
Standard: Second Wind
Spend a healing surge, bringing me to 33HP, and gaining +2 to all defenses til start of next turn. Additionally gain +2 to AC and Ref til start of next turn (+4 to AC/Ref, +2 to Fort/Will)

Minor: Rune of Mending on Maveith
He spends a healing surge and regains an additional [1d6]=5 HP
He can shift 1 square or gain +2 to AC and Ref til the start of his next turn
Trigger Rune of Protection and give myself, Maveith, and Runewatcher +1 to all defenses until the end of my next turn

Move: Stand from prone
Combat Block
Rhun of Agramor

Male Goliath Runepriest 8
Languages: Common, Elven, Grystok
Age: 30 (24 in human years)
Height: 6'2
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +12
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 26
Fort: 21
Ref: 17
Will: 22
HP: 33/60
Bloodied: 30
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 4/8
Action points: 0

MBA: +16 vs AC, 1d8+8 damage
RBA: +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Resistances: Resist 2 All while bloodied, Resist 2 All from ranged/area attacks
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Word of Exchange
Word of Diminishment


Second Wind [X]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Rune of Mending [X] [_]
Executioner's Call [_]
Words of Bravery [_]
Word of Befuddlement [_]


Rune of the Undeniable Dawn [X]
Shield of Sacrifice [X]
Rune of the Final Act [_]
Rune of Meritorious Alacrity [X]

Inspiring Longsword +2 [_]
Shadow Hound Armor +2 [X]
Gloves of Grace [_]


Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1)
Important Features
Rune Master: When I use a skill with the Runic keyword, I can enter either the Rune of Protection (adjacent allies resist 2 all damage) or Rune of Destruction (allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls vs enemies adjacent to me). I remain in the state I choose until I enter another rune state or the encounter ends.

Serene Blade: I'm proficient with military heavy blades. While not wearing heavy armor, I can use WIS to determine AC. Once per round immediately after an enemy damages me with an attack, I gain +4 temp HP.

Mountain's Tenacity: I gain +1 to Will.

Powerful Athlete: When I make an Athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Ironwrought: My origin becomes elemental. I gain +1 to Athletics and Endurance. Whenever I use Second Wind, the prior bonus increases to +4 til EONT. While bloodied, I gain resist 2 to all damage.

Battlewise: I use WIS instead of DEX for initiative checks.

Last Legion Officer: When I use a power that allows an ally to spend a healing surge, they can also choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain +2 to AC and Reflex til the start of their next turn.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Mark of Healing: When I use a healing power on an ally, they can also make a saving throw.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 bonus to attacks made with heavy blades. While wielding a heavy blade, I gain a +2 bonus to AC against OAs.

Elven Chain Shirt: I gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this shirt with light or no armor.

Shield of Deflection (heroic tier): I gain resist 2 all vs ranged/area attacks.

Demonskin Tattoo (heroic tier): When I spend an action point, I can choose a damage type (acid, cold, fire, lighting, or thunder) to Resist 5 until the end of the encounter.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

"Another of the combatants stands again! At this point, I truly wonder who will survive??" The announcer shouts to the crowd with a laugh. Malithas looks toward Aldegaard once more, gritting his teeth. "You wasteful fool. You scorn me with your inability to do what I tell you." He whispers, reaching his hand out toward Vigo, and shouts: "Sole obcaecari!".
Up next... Maveith, Runewatcher, and Jozele!
Malithas moves north one square to W40. Malithas uses Bolt of the Rising Sun against Vigo. Attack: 30 vs AC, Hit: 14 radiant damage. Effect: Vigo does not have LOS to any creature greater than 3 squares away from him.
The ground is normal terrain. The smaller barricades are simple wooden barricades, with spikes facing toward the middle of the ring. Given time, you could reasonably hop over them, but they do not break line of sight. The pillars (which look like wooden logs) are about as tall as the walls themselves. In theory, you could climb to the top, but it wouldn't be easy. Being behind a pillar counts as breaking line of sight, and will grant cover.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »


Casting Fire Burst on Melanor. Hit and Damage is left to right.
28 for 23
18 for 27
27 for 18
31 for 21

Save for Half.

Int Vs Reflex (Fire Burst) [1d20+14]=14+14=28[3d6+11]=12+11=23[1d20+14]=4+14=18[3d6+11]=16+11=27[1d20+14]=13+14=27[3d6+11]=7+11=18[1d20+14]=17+14=31[3d6+11]=10+11=21
Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by ratwizard »

Death Save: Failure! Death Save (gimme a 20): [1d20]=2
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Standard: Boiling cloud attack
Popping Boiling cloud attack against Malithas [1d20+16]=3+16=19 and [1d20+16]=6+16=22 vs Caiphus

Minor: Soothing Wind
Maveith spends a healing surge and regains an additional [2d6]=5 HP
gain +2 to AC and Ref til the start of his next turn

Move: Stand from prone

Combat Block - Maveith Earthcarver
Maveith Earthcarver

Male Goliath (Half-Orc) Warden 8
Languages: Common, Serran
Age: 40
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 300 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 29
Fort: 24
Reflex: 20
Will: 21
HP: 47/86
Bloodied: 43
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 13/14
Action Points: 0

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d10+9 damage
RBA: +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage



+5 item Bonus against being slowed or immobilized, +2 item bonus against effects with the charm, illusion, or sleep keyword

Active Effects:
Rune of Protection- +1 to all defenses until start of next turn.
Healing Surge- gaining +2 to all defenses until start of next turn. Additionally gain +5 to AC until start of next

Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Thorn Strike


Second Wind [x]
Roots of Stone [_]
Form of Winter's Herald Attack [_]
Rough Strike [_]
Mountain Hammer [_]


Form of Winter's Herald [x]
Boiling Cloud [x]
Boiling Cloud Attack [_]

Maw of the Guardian Warhammer +1 [_]
Elven Battle Leather Armor +2 [_]
Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic Tier)
Gauntlets of Blood (Heroic Tier)
Ironskin Belt (Heroic Tier)
Amulet of Mental Resolve +1


Scroll of Silence x2

Class/Path/Destiny Features/Feats:
Font of Life: At the start of each turn, a warden can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end.

A successful save ends that effect. The effect will not affect the warden that turn. For example, saving against being stunned or dazed allows the warden to act normally on that turn, and saving against ongoing damage prevents the damage that turn.

If the saving throw is failed, the warden can still make a saving throw as usual at the end of the turn.

Guardian Might: Wardens choose either Earthstrength, Lifespirit, Stormheart, or Wildblood. Each option allows the warden to use another stat modifier as a bonus to AC when not wearing heavy armor, instead of his or her Dexterity or Intelligence modifier. Each option also creates an additional effect when the warden uses second wind.
Earthspirit: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. In addition, when you use your second wind, you gain an additional bonus to AC equal to your Constitution modifier. The bonus lasts until the end of your next turn.

Nature's Wrath: As a free action once per turn(round?), and during the warden's own turn, a warden can mark each adjacent enemy until the end of the warden's next turn.

The warden also gains use of the warden's fury and warden's grasp at-will powers. These powers are immediate interrupts and immediate reactions, respectively, triggered by an enemy marked by the warden making an attack that doesn't include the warden as a target.

Crippling Crush (Feat): When you immobilize or slow an enemy with a weapon attack using a hammer or a mace, that enemy takes extra damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

Bludgeon Expertise (Feat): A character with the Bludgeon Expertise feat gains a feat bonus to weapon attack rolls using a hammer or mace equal to +1, or +2 at 11th level, or +3 at 21st level. You also gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares you push or slide creatures with weapon attacks you make with a hammer or mace

Deadly Draw (Feat): Whenever you pull or slide an enemy to a square adjacent to you, you gain combat advantage against that enemy until the end of your next turn.

Vicious Advantage (Feat): You gain combat advantage against immobilized targets and slowed targets.

World Serpent's Grasp (Feat): Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can choose to knock it prone.

Markings of the Elements:Give up resistance to all damage from stone's endurance to gain resist 5 to chosen damage type
Active Pcs
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