The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World — IC

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Some of these are fresh," Louie says, tracing a hand over the tracks. "Maybe even from today. And whatever they are, they walk on fours and travel in packs." He stands up scanning their surroundings with great care. "We should be careful. They could still be around, and they have claws."

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Post by ratwizard »

"Then it is settled, we must ensure they have not lingered. Another full sweep through the fort and its ruins should assuage any doubts we have." Zima looks up from the tracks, keeping her eyes ahead as she searches for any sign of the creatures with her new ocular device.
Perception to look for these special wolves:

Perception: [1d20+8]=10+8=18
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin did a double take, suddenly seeing the tracks Caoimhe had pointed out. "Interesting..." He says, carefully stepping over to look at them.

History check on the tracks to see if I can recall a beast that might have tracks like these: [1d20+13]=3+13=16 myehhh screw you too, dice
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Post by Namelessjake »

You scan around the surroundings with the ocular device, paying particular attention to the ruins of the half built building. After a minute or so of surveying, you fail to spot any sign of the creatures, however just as you are about to lower the binoculars, you catch a glimpse of movement in the plants and rubble by the building. Too fast for you to make out any detail, but large enough to suggest it could be one of the creatures that left the tracks.
From the details Louie provided, you can think of several animals referenced by ancient elven sources that could fit the description. However you are unable to pinpoint exactly which of those it would be, and there is also some evidence to suggest some of those animals are simply different names for the same beasts.
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima feels a chill down her spine as she catches movement across her scan of the ruins. "I saw something," she says, her voice tense and dry. "It was quick. Quicker than my eyes. It may be our quarry."

The seer points toward a spot of the ruins where rubble meets vegetation. "Over there." She turns to the others, particularly Caoimhe. "Shall we root it out?"

It wasn't a vision, was it? Sometimes I question my eyes.

Somebody else lead the way, I ain't going first.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin, unfazed by his inability to name the beast looks toward where Zima pointed out the movement. "Quickly." He says, putting a hand on the sheath of his blade as if to prepare himself to draw it before he quickly begins moving towards it, hoping to catch it before it runs off.

Taliesin will begin moving towards where Zima saw the thing. He's not sprinting, but he's moving quickly, with purpose.
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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto follows along, he grabs a bottle containing a green powder from one of his many pockets in preparation of what may come.

If a hostile comes charging at us, I want to interrupt it by casting Sleep. (cb2 in r20)
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Post by Namelessjake »

You are able to quickly get within 100 feet or so of the ruined building, which no further signs of the creature Zima spotted. This North-eastern corner of the building is still fully open, having yet to be completed by the builders of the First Fleet. A few piles of ruined supplies and building materials, as well as a couple of weathered tents and long grass stand between you and the opening to the building, which too is starting to be reclaimed by nature, with long grass and vines beginning to take root in the structure.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin cursed under his breath, clearly, he must have scared whatever it was off. He started to look around, seeing if he could find any tracks nearby.

Perception, looking for tracks or signs of life: [1d20+11]=16+11=27
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

What in the hells is it? Louie thinks, wide eyes trying to track whatever Zima spotted. He cautiously stalks behind Taliesin, keeping his bow close and ready. "Just be careful."
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Post by ratwizard »

"It was just here," Zima promises, anxiously scanning her surroundings. She stands close to Caoimhe as Taliesin looks for tracks. Was this what it was like for the First Fleet? To feel watched? Hunted?
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Post by Namelessjake »

Looking around for more tracks, you are able to make out many of varying ages, suggesting the creature or creatures frequent this area regularly. They tend to lead further into the structure, into what appears to be the beginning of a courtyard, and then further into the ruined building itself, through a half completed wall.

You also notice there are several gnawed bones scattered around the area, growing in concentration towards the opening in the interior wall of the building.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin kneels down, examining the tracks. "A congregation point, almost, like the creatures cross here regularly." He says, his eyes darting around in the different directions before realizing where they usually lead to, and points towards the ruined building, "There, that's where the tracks tend to lead. That's the best I can tell." He says, starting to follow the tracks up into the courtyard.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That'll put others in the camp in danger if we're not all careful," Louie says with a frown as he listens to Taliesin explain. "Unless we can take care of whatever they are..."

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Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe nods at her lover's words, as they all move closer to the structure with haste. "We do not even know what they are," Caoimhe responds, as Louie proposes the idea of fighting the strange creature that Zima had spotted. "If they are anything like the things that accosted us at sea, we should be treading lightly. If there are too many of them we will need help to cull them and make this clearing safe. We should investigate, but carefully. Hopefully we can avoid violence." Hopefully we can avoid further death.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Yes," Zima agrees, suddenly feeling vulnerable despite Caoimhe's presence. "If the creatures of this place were powerful enough to displace the First Fleet, then we need only seek to locate and identify them. Culling them may require the assistance of the rest of the Order."
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Post by Namelessjake »

As you make your way to the edge of the ruined half built courtyard, you hear several sharp hissings sound. Several creatures, about the size of wolves emerge from the ruined building. They appear reptilian, their scaled skin striped in browns and blues, with snake or lizard like heads. Their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

They slowly pace towards you as they hiss at you, baring their fangs as they do.

Roll Initiative!
Creature Appearance
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima flinches as she sees the source of the hissing appear — strange lion-like reptilians. She readies her mind for the coming struggle.
Burning 1 power point to add a +3 to my check.

Initiative: [1d20+9]=15+9=24
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 28
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 4/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [_][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[_]
Living Missile Attack [_]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin continues forward, looking for the creatures- Whatever they were. Eventually, he ends up inside the courtyard. As he looks around, he's drawn to the hissing sounds - And is pleasantly shocked at what jumps out. "Absolutely magnificent!" He says, crouching down and holding the sheath of his sword tightly in his off-hand. "I hope we don't have to kill them, I'd like to study." He grins, ready to leap. "Prepare for the storm that is approaching."
Initiative: [1d20+3]=15+3=18.
Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Warlock's Curse
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [_]
Aegis of Assault [_]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [_]
Dimensional Thunder [_]
Host of Shields [_]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Warlock's Curse - Minor Action - Closest Enemy in LoS - Add 1d6 damage to one successful hit per turn. 
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Louie's jaw drops as the creatures emerge, both in fascination and fear. So the creatures of this land are both alien but familiar. Definitely not friendly though. He grabs his bow, readying himself for the fight ahead. "Can't imagine they'll hold back, so don't hold back too much either," the elf responds to Taliesin, not wanting to end up in more peril over scientific fascination.
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [_]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [_]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [_]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by BartNL »

[1d20+7]=15+7=22 Initiative

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [_]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [_]
Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [_]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [_]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe's eyes light up in excitement - and anxiety - as the strange creatures appear before them. Her thoughts race with ideas similar to those voiced by Taliesin, but the fear and apprehension on the faces of her allies, and especially Zima, give her pause from her typical initial inclinations. "We might be able to capture one alive, but protecting ourselves is most important, as well as making sure the camp is safe. We may only get fresh corpses to study, but that is more than enough if it means no casualties." There will be no shortage of new specimens to study in this land. If we must slay some first, so be it. Research takes time, and there are surely more of this species to be found.

Initiative, using sense threat feature: [1d20+13]=7+13=20 and all allies who rolled less than that result get +2 added to their final initiative.

Additionally, if I have any cover or concealment then I will use wood elf reactive stealth feature to roll stealth to hide: [1d20+6]=7+6=13

Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery


Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [_]


Stunning Palm [_]
Lifebind Attack [_]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Post by Namelessjake »

Two of the creatures dart at you quickly from the South. They come around a large pile of wooden rubble, both charging straight at Caoimhe. Leaping at her at the same time, one manages to bite down on her arm, while the other lunges at her with its claws. The bidirectional assault is enough for the creatures to pull the elf to the ground.

Go: Zima, Ilmoto

Leosaur 4: moves from (U,25) to (O, 24), charges Caoimhe (M,24), 29 vs AC = hit for 12 damage.

Leosaur 5: moves from (U,30) to (N, 28), charges Caoimhe (M,26), 30 vs AC = hit for 7 damage and knocks Caoimhe prone.
Map Info
Debris: The various piles of rubble are difficult terrain.

Plants: The larger thickets are thick and overgrown, providing concealment whilst being difficult terrain. Any individual plants provide no concealment but can be treated as normal terrain.

Building: The height of the building varies from around 40 to 50 feet. Due to the half built and ruined nature of the structure, the walls can be climbed with relative ease on a Athletics Check DC: 15
Enemy/Ally Info

Leosaur: About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

Alpha Leosaur: This creature is larger than the females and other males of the group. It is mostly likely the leader of the pack, a position achieved through use of its greater strength.
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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto watches as his friend falls.Caoimhe! Fuck!....
Let's keep our heads cool now. I have something for this. It worked well last time.
Ilmoto unleashes his fiery mechanical hound. It's short tail is wagging, a feature Ilmoto added in after the attack on their ship to keep track of structural damage to the flaming construct.
As the hound attacks the monster from it's side, Ilmoto moves forward, and shoots a wall of flame from his hands scorching the maned lizards.
Minor: Summon Magma Monster in M27
Move: Move to L24
Standard: Burning hands targeting Leosaur 4 and 5. [1d20+10]=10+10=20[1d20+10]=6+10=16 20 and 16 vs. reflex for [2d6r1+9]=4+9=13 fire damage. Half damage on miss.
Intrinsic Action: Magma beast attacks Leosaur 5. Ilmoto is slowed.
[1d20+10]=16+10=26 vs. reflex for [1d10r1+9]=10+9=19 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends)

Use shield when attacked

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [X]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [_]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [_]
Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [_]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima lets out a thin gasp as her elvish partner is brought to the ground by the creatures' onslaught. She scans the perimeter, hoping to see any phantom afterimages, but finds them alone and facing these beasts with their own power. Ancient elvish spirits of this isle, I beg you — grant me your wisdom, your blessing to aid one of your own.
Betrayal on Leosaur 5. 14 vs Will = Miss.
Betrayal Attack: [1d20+10]=4+10=14
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 28
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 4/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [_][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[_]
Living Missile Attack [_]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.
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Post by Namelessjake »

As Ilmoto burns the creatures, another joins the fray. Racing up to Ilmoto, it tackles him to the ground like Caoimhe.

Go: Louie, Caoimhe, Taliesin

Ilmoto: summons, moves, hits, misses, hits.

Zima: misses.

Leosaur 3: moves, charges Ilmoto, 28 vs AC = hit for 11 damage, knocks Ilmoto Prone.
Map Info
Debris: The various piles of rubble are difficult terrain.

Plants: The larger thickets are thick and overgrown, providing concealment whilst being difficult terrain. Any individual plants provide no concealment but can be treated as normal terrain.

Building: The height of the building varies from around 40 to 50 feet. Due to the half built and ruined nature of the structure, the walls can be climbed with relative ease on a Athletics Check DC: 15
Enemy/Ally Info

Leosaur: About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

Alpha Leosaur: This creature is larger than the females and other males of the group. It is mostly likely the leader of the pack, a position achieved through use of its greater strength.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin looks around and assesses his situation. "May the thunder god guide my steps." He says, crouching down slightly. He grips the sheath and hilt of his sword firmly, before quickly sheathing and unsheathing it. He disappears and reappears a moment later just past one of the wolf-like creatures, then slashes backwards toward it at incredible speed.
Minor Action: Warlock's Curse vs Leosaur 4.
Standard Action: Taliesin uses Dimensional Thunder, and teleports 3 squares to N25. Attack (Leosaur 4): [1d20+11]=16+11=27, hit:[2d8+9]=10+9=19. Effect: Each creature adjacent takes ongoing 5 Thunder Damage (Save Ends).
Finally, on a successful hit I add [1d6]=4.
Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Warlock's Curse
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [_]
Aegis of Assault [_]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [_]
Dimensional Thunder [x]
Host of Shields [_]
Tyrannical Threat [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Warlock's Curse - Minor Action - Closest Enemy in LoS - Add 1d6 damage to one successful hit per turn. 
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
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Post by Fialova »

Caoimhe's excitement is quickly shattered as she is rushed by two of the strange creatures, knocked off her feet in the process. She quickly leaps back up, however, and lunges at both of the closest animals in retaliation, hoping to knock them over as well. Let's see how you like it.

Minor Action: Agile Recovery to stand

Free Action: Nature's Wrath to mark the Leosaur at (M, 26) (name is not visible on the map)

Move Action: Eternal Mountain Movement Technique
Effect: gain resist 4 to all damage until the end of my next turn. Opt not to shift

Standard Action: Eternal Mountain Attack Technique
Attack vs Leosaur 4: [1d20+8]=6+8=14 vs Fort = hit?
Attack vs Leosaur ? (same one I marked): [1d20+8]=1+8=9 vs Fort = critical miss
Hit: [2d8+5]=5+5=10 damage (+1 if target is bloodied) and the target is knocked prone.

Prepared to use one of my two immediate actions in retaliation against my marked target if it opts to go after Zima 
Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery


Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [X]


Stunning Palm [_]
Lifebind Attack [_]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Taking a brief step back, Louie's eyes scan the beasts approaching them and he steadies his bow. He gives the bowstring a disconcerting pluck, its sharp tune ringing into one of the creature's ears and making it roll backwards. Down with you, creature.
Minor: Skald's Aura
Activate my aura 5. Anyone within can use a minor action to have themselves or an adjacent ally spend a healing surge and regain 1d6+2 HP, up to 2 times

Move: Walk to I26

Standard: Staggering Note on Leosaur 4
Attack: [1d20+10]=13+10=23 vs Will = Hit
5 damage and Taliesin can make an MBA
MBA Attack: [1d20+12]=2+12=14 vs AC = Miss

Leosaur 4 is pushed to O24
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [_]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [_]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [_]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by Namelessjake »

As Caoimhe stands and fights back alongside Taliesin, more of the creatures rush into the fray. It now is Taliesin's turn to be knocked to the ground as one of the creatures bites his arm and drags him down to the ground. Another charges at Louie, but the elf is able to dodge it as it snaps at him.

The Alpha of the pack also moves towards your group, however its movement is more cautious and deliberate than the others. Its presence seems to urge the rest of the pack on in their attack and one of the creatures tears at Ilmoto - the downed explorer making for easy prey.

Similarly another attacks Taliesin now he is also on the ground. Caoimhe manages to avoid another attack though.

Go: Zima, Ilmoto

Taliesin: curses, teleports, hits, bloodies.

Caoimhe: Stands, Marks Leosaur 5, misses x2.

Louie: auras, moves, hits, Taliesin MBA misses, pushes.

Leosaur 2: moves, charges Taliesin, 24 vs AC = hit for 6 damage, Taliesin is knocked prone.

Leosaur 1: moves, charges Louie, 19 vs AC = miss.

Alpha Leosaur: moves, grants MBA to Leosaur 3, Leosaur 3 MBA against Ilmoto, 23 vs AC = hit for 14 damage, bloodies. (assuming shield shouldn't proc as it wouldn't prevent the hit)

Leosaur 4: attacks Taliesin, 22 vs AC = hit for 17 damage, takes 5 thunder damage, fails save.

Leosaur 5: Attacks Caoimhe, 18 vs AC = miss, takes 5 thunder damage, saves, takes 5 fire damage, bloodied, saves.
Map Info
Louie - Skald's Aura 5 - Anyone within can use a minor action to have themselves or an adjacent ally spend a healing surge and regain 1d6+2 HP, up to 2 times.

Debris: The various piles of rubble are difficult terrain.

Plants: The larger thickets are thick and overgrown, providing concealment whilst being difficult terrain. Any individual plants provide no concealment but can be treated as normal terrain.

Building: The height of the building varies from around 40 to 50 feet. Due to the half built and ruined nature of the structure, the walls can be climbed with relative ease on a Athletics Check DC: 15
Enemy/Ally Info

Leosaur: About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

Alpha Leosaur: This creature is larger than the females and other males of the group. It is mostly likely the leader of the pack, a position achieved through use of its greater strength.
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima's heart slams in her chest, her throat tight and her mind clouded. Spirits, where have you gone? she pleads, watching helplessly as her companions are mauled by the horrible feline creatures.

Panic envelops her. Her vision goes white. She closes her eyes, then opens them once more.

"They return," she whispers, a prayer of thankfulness. Surrounding her now are the once-inhabitants of Port Amardovis, their spectral bodies lurching toward the beasts with otherworldly strength and unquenchable fury. One of the leosaurs is pulled within the fray, before dozens of invisible hands rake and tear and gouge — then come the teeth. Faces with no eyes, no features save for a gaping maw draw close, growling and gnashing as specks of spittle burst from their cracked and bleeding lips. They scream as one solitary, huddled mass as the entropic mound of flesh grows, locking the leosaurs into agony and terror only felt in their bestial minds.

Forceful Push on Leosaur 3, sliding it one square to the right.

Hypnotic Pulse centered on Talisein, targeting Leosaurs 2, 3, 4, 5.
Hits 26 vs Will on L2, taking 16 damage, and is dazed (save ends).
Hits 28 vs Will on L3, taking 16 damage, and is dazed (save ends).
Crits(!) vs Will on L4, taking maximum 19 damage, and is dazed (save ends).
Hits 26 vs Will on L5, taking 16 damage, and is dazed (save ends).
Hypnotic Pulse Attack: [1d20+10]=16+10=26[1d20+10]=18+10=28[1d20+10]=20+10=30[1d20+10]=16+10=26
Hypnotic Pulse Damage: [2d6+7]=9+7=16
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 28
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 4/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [X][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[_]
Living Missile Attack [_]
Hypnotic Pulse [X]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.
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Post by BartNL »

Ilmoto falls, but is satisfied to see Caoimhe has managed to recover herself. It hurts. After Ilmoto lands on the ground he quickly tosses a canister wired to a bundle of tiny arrowheads connected high into the air. As the canister floats in the air, the arrows find their targets with a whisper of a spell. Then after moment of silence the jets of fire shoot out from the canister, targeting all nearby monsters.
Minor: Swordmage Warding (+3 AC until the end of the encounter)
Move: Stand up
Standard: Fire Shroud targeting Leosaur 1,2,3,4 and 5. for [1d20+9]=10+9=19[1d20+9]=8+9=17[1d20+9]=9+9=18[1d20+9]=11+9=20[1d20+9]=1+9=10
19,17,18,20,10 vs fortitude. (if Zima dazed target add +2 due to CA) (If the 20/19/18/17 miss use heroic effort for +4)
for [1d8r1+9]=8+9=17 fire damage and 5 ongoing fire damage.
Intrinsic Action: Magma beast attacks Leosaur 5. Ilmoto is slowed. (if Leosaur 5 is dead, charge Leosaur 3 for +1 attack)
[1d20+10]=3+10=13 vs. reflex
(I'll just assume this misses)

Use shield when attacked as interrupt
Use Robe of Contingency when attacked and damaged as immediate reaction

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [X]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [X]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [_]

Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [_]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ilmoto's canister tears through the attacking creatures, killing the first of your attackers and wounding two more. Meanwhile one of the creatures, with Taliesin on the ground, goes in for another attack however despite his predicament the elven scholar is able to block the creatures bite with his blade.

Go: Louie, Caoimhe, Taliesin

Zima: pushes, hits x4.

Ilmoto: wards, stands, hits Leosaur 1, misses Leosaur 2, heroic effort turns miss into hit, bloodies, hits Leosaur 3, bloodies, hits Leosaur 4, kills, misses Leosaur 5, Magma Beast attacks, misses.

Leosaur 3: attacks Taliesin, 19 vs AC = miss.
Map Info
Louie - Skald's Aura 5 - Anyone within can use a minor action to have themselves or an adjacent ally spend a healing surge and regain 1d6+2 HP, up to 2 times.

FeaturesDebris: The various piles of rubble are difficult terrain.

Plants: The larger thickets are thick and overgrown, providing concealment whilst being difficult terrain. Any individual plants provide no concealment but can be treated as normal terrain.

Building: The height of the building varies from around 40 to 50 feet. Due to the half built and ruined nature of the structure, the walls can be climbed with relative ease on a Athletics Check DC: 15
Enemy/Ally Info

Leosaur: About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

Alpha Leosaur: This creature is larger than the females and other males of the group. It is mostly likely the leader of the pack, a position achieved through use of its greater strength.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Taking a careful step back as one of the beasts approaches him, he takes aim and fires an arrow near point-blank at it. It pierces its thick hide, leaving it vulnerable to a later strike. Tough bastards. Is everything in this land like this?
Move: Shift to J27

Standard: Prophesized Strike on Leosaur 1
Attack: [1d20+12]=20+12=32vs AC = Crit!
Damage: [2d6+17]=9+17=26

The next time myself or an ally attacks Leosaur 1 before the end of my next turn, the attacker rolls d20 twice and uses either result

Ready Interrupt: Rhyme of the Blood-seeking Blade
If an ally misses a melee attack, I make an attack against their target (+12 vs Ref, 1d10+7). On hit, the target takes a -4 to all defenses against the triggering attack
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [_]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [_]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [_]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

(No RP currently)
Minor action: Aegis of Assault on Leosaur 5. Effect: Target is Marked. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Move Action: Stand.
Standard Action: Tyrannical Threat
Attack 1: [1d20+8]=7+8=15 (+2 because Dazed, 17 total) vs Leosaur 2 Will.
Attack 2: [1d20+10]=14+10=24 vs Leosaur 3 Will.
Atack 3: [1d20+10]=11+10=21 vs Leosaur 5 Will.
Effect: Each target in burst successfully hit by my attack is affected by my Warlock's Curse. Until EOE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).
Damage: [1d10+7]=1+7=8

Spend AP to gain an extra Standard action
Eldritch Strike VS Leosaur 5's AC. Attack: [1d20+12]=15+12=27
Damage vs Leosaur 5: [1d8+9]=4+9=13
Effect: On a hit, slide Leosaur 5 to N26.
Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 29/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Warlock's Curse
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [_]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [_]
Dimensional Thunder [x]
Host of Shields [_]
Tyrannical Threat [X]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Warlock's Curse - Minor Action - Closest Enemy in LoS - Add 1d6 damage to one successful hit per turn. 
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Go: Caoimhe

Leosaur 3: takes 5 fire damage, fails save.

Louie: shifts, crits, bloodies, readies.

Taliesin: marks, stands, hits x3, spends AP, hits, kills.
Map Info
Louie - Skald's Aura 5 - Anyone within can use a minor action to have themselves or an adjacent ally spend a healing surge and regain 1d6+2 HP, up to 2 times.

FeaturesDebris: The various piles of rubble are difficult terrain.

Plants: The larger thickets are thick and overgrown, providing concealment whilst being difficult terrain. Any individual plants provide no concealment but can be treated as normal terrain.

Building: The height of the building varies from around 40 to 50 feet. Due to the half built and ruined nature of the structure, the walls can be climbed with relative ease on a Athletics Check DC: 15
Enemy/Ally Info

Leosaur: About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

Alpha Leosaur: This creature is larger than the females and other males of the group. It is mostly likely the leader of the pack, a position achieved through use of its greater strength.
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Post by Fialova »


Move Action: Shift to (K, 24)

Standard Action: Thorn Strike on Leosaur 1
Attack: [1d20+11]=11+11=22 vs AC = hit?
Hit: [1d8+8]=6+8=14 damage and the target is pulled to (J, 24). I gain resist 3 against the target's attacks until the end of my next turn.

Free Action: Nature's Wrath to mark Leosaur 1 until the end of my next turn

Prepared to use one of my two immediate actions in retaliation against my marked target if it opts to go after Zima 
Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery


Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [X]


Stunning Palm [_]
Lifebind Attack [_]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Post by Namelessjake »

Taliesin dodges another attack, while Caoimhe avoids two. One from the creature she lured over to herself and the other from the alpha of the pack which charges in trying to knock her down.

Go: Zima, Ilmoto

Caoimhe: shifts, hits (rolled again in case of crit through Louie's power, it didn't), pulls, marks

Leosaur 2: attacks Taliesin, takes 4 psychic damage, 15 vs AC = miss, saves against Dazed, takes 5 fire damage, saves.

Leosaur 1: attacks Caoimhe, 19 vs AC = miss, takes 5 fire damage, saves.

Alpha Leosaur: Charges Caoimhe, Critical Miss!
Map Info
Louie - Skald's Aura 5 - Anyone within can use a minor action to have themselves or an adjacent ally spend a healing surge and regain 1d6+2 HP, up to 2 times.

FeaturesDebris: The various piles of rubble are difficult terrain.

Plants: The larger thickets are thick and overgrown, providing concealment whilst being difficult terrain. Any individual plants provide no concealment but can be treated as normal terrain.

Building: The height of the building varies from around 40 to 50 feet. Due to the half built and ruined nature of the structure, the walls can be climbed with relative ease on a Athletics Check DC: 15
Enemy/Ally Info

Leosaur: About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

Alpha Leosaur: This creature is larger than the females and other males of the group. It is mostly likely the leader of the pack, a position achieved through use of its greater strength.
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima catches sight of the alpha predator on the move and decides to use its momentum against it. A phantom rope appears before her laying on the grass. Left behind from the settlers, she considers, pulling its weightless form taut with ease. The alpha sprawls past Caoimhe, toward one of its own.

Betrayal (Augment 1) on Alpha Leosaur. Hits 28 vs Will. It is slid to I24, then makes a MBA as a free action against Leosaur 1, with a +3 bonus to the attack. He rolled a 9 plus whatever bonuses he has.
Betrayal Attack: [1d20+10]=18+10=28
Betrayal MBA: [1d20]=9

Shift to L25

Use Louie's Skald's Aura on Ilmoto, spending his surge and healing him for 14, and unbloodying him.
Skald's Aura: [1d6+12]=2+12=14
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 28
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 3/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [X][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[_]
Living Missile Attack [_]
Hypnotic Pulse [X]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.
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Post by BartNL »

Reinvigorated by the Skald and his ally, working together, Ilmoto steps out of the line to box in the monsters. I've got you now. His eyes turn to dark flames and the creatures step back and cower as the dark flames consume their mind, then the mechanical hound tears into one of them from behind. Ilmoto smiles. Stupid creature, if you only knew the horrors I have faced, you would've run at my sight.
Zima's turn: Spend a healing surge and heal 14, no longer bloodied
Move: Shift to M23
Standard: Beguiling Strands vs. Leosaur 2 and 3 [1d20+9]=11+9=20[1d20+9]=16+9=25 for 5 psychic damage. Each creature hit cannot shift until end of their next turn (Summon Magma beast) Push Leosaur 2 to M26 and Push Leosaur 3 to N26
Intrinsic Action: Magma beast attacks Leosaur 2. Ilmoto is slowed.
[1d20+10]=9+10=19 vs. reflex
for [1d10+5]=10+5=15 for 19 fire damage and the target takes 5 ongoing fire damage and is slowed (save ends both) (accidentally added +5 instead of +9 as builder doesn't show bonuses for summon damage)

Use shield when attacked as interrupt
Use Robe of Contingency when bloodied and attacked and damaged as immediate reaction

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 29/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 7/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [X]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [X]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [_]

Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [_]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Zima causes the Alpha to kill one of the other Leosaurs, as Ilmoto puts down another, swinging the numbers greatly in your favour. One of the beasts snaps at Zima, but now, with less threats to be aware of, the seer is able to jump out of the way.

Go: Louie, Caoimhe, Taliesin

Zima: hits, slides, Alpha Leosaur hits for 8 damage, kills, shifts, heals Ilmoto.

Ilmoto: shifts, hits x2, pushes x2, hits, kills.

Leosaur 3: attacks Zima, 18 vs AC = miss, saves against dazed, takes 5 fire damage, saves against fire damage.
Map Info
Louie - Skald's Aura 5 - Anyone within can use a minor action to have themselves or an adjacent ally spend a healing surge and regain 1d6+2 HP, up to 2 times.

FeaturesDebris: The various piles of rubble are difficult terrain.

Plants: The larger thickets are thick and overgrown, providing concealment whilst being difficult terrain. Any individual plants provide no concealment but can be treated as normal terrain.

Building: The height of the building varies from around 40 to 50 feet. Due to the half built and ruined nature of the structure, the walls can be climbed with relative ease on a Athletics Check DC: 15
Enemy/Ally Info

Leosaur: About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

Alpha Leosaur: This creature is larger than the females and other males of the group. It is mostly likely the leader of the pack, a position achieved through use of its greater strength.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the lesser beasts falling one my one, Louie turns his focus on the largest of the creatures, shouting out at it, "Damn you to hell!" Magicks weave through his words, causing them to strike at the alpha's very mind and leaving it vulnerable to the elf's allies.
Standard: Stirring Shout on Alpha Leosaur
Attack: [1d20+10]=14+10=24 vs Will = Hit
Damage: [2d6+7]=10+7=17 psychic

Until the end of the encounter, whenever an ally hits Alpha Leosaur, they regain 6 HP

Ready Interrupt: Rhyme of the Blood-seeking Blade
If an ally misses a melee attack, I make an attack against their target (+12 vs Ref, 1d10+7). On hit, the target takes a -4 to all defenses against the triggering attack
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [_]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [_]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [X] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [_]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin spins on his heel, flourishing his blade as he sheathes it. He locks eyes on the last of the smaller leosaur, and strikes out- his blade finding it's mark in the flesh of the creature.
As a minor action, activate Host of Shields - Until the Stance ends, gain +2 to AC and REF.
As a standard action, Eldritch Strike VS Leosaur 3.
Attack: [1d20+12]=19+12=31.
Damage: [1d8+9]=1+9=10[1d6]=4 14 damage total. Effect: Slide Leosaur 3 into N26.
Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 29/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Warlock's Curse
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [_]
Blazing Pursuit [_]
Fiery Bolt [_]
Dimensional Thunder [x]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [X]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Warlock's Curse - Minor Action - Closest Enemy in LoS - Add 1d6 damage to one successful hit per turn. 
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+4 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until the stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
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Post by Fialova »

Continuing to narrowly avoid the blows of the strange creatures, Caoimhe choose to focus her attention on the pack leader, aiming to prevent it from getting near anyone else - especially Zima. She solidifies her stance before going for a solid, strong jab against the creature's face, hoping to anger it and keep its attention solely focused on herself. 

Free Action: Nature's Wrath to mark Alpha Leosaur until the end of my next turn

Standard Action: Lifebind Attack on Alpha Leosaur
Attack: [1d20+11]=10+11=21 vs AC = hit?
Hit: [3d8+7]=19+7=26 damage, and I regain 6 hp (from Louie's power)
Miss: if I miss, use Louie's prepared immediate interrupt attack, Rhyme of the Blood-seeking Blade. If I still miss after that, then half damage.
Effect: mark penalty for the creature is increased to -5 for the duration of the encounter, or until I end my turn more than 5 squares from the target

Prepared to use one of my two immediate actions in retaliation against my marked target if it opts to go after anyone besides me
Combat Block

Female Elf Monk|Warden 5
Languages: Common, Elven, Andoran, Kandoran
Age: 36
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 7 (ignore difficult terrain on shifts)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Fort: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Reflex: 18 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
Will: 14 (+1 vs ranged from more than 5 squares away)
HP: 52/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Unarmed w/ Ki Focus): +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 damage (+1 vs bloodied)
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
* I cannot be blinded
* When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT
* I always know which way is north


Eternal Tide Flurry of Blows
Five Storms
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Nature's Wrath
Agile Recovery


Second Wind [_]
Surefooted Stride [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Eternal Mountain [X]


Stunning Palm [_]
Lifebind Attack [X]

* Potion of Clarity, lv5 (2)
* Potion of Healing, heroic tier (2)
* Antivenom, heroic tier (2)
* Blinding Bomb, lv3
* Tanglefoot bag, lv2

Important Features:
Class Features
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Only gain Flurry of Blows power, and that only procs on monk powers. Can take feats that require this features.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike weapon.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC in cloth armor or no armor.

Nature's Wrath (Hybrid): Once during each turn, I can mark one adjacent enemy as a free action. Gain two mark punishing powers.

Racial Features
Sense Threat: When I roll initiative, I can use perception instead of my normal initiative check. When I do so, nearby allies who get a lower result add +2 to their result.

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: If I have any cover or concealment when I roll initiative, I can make a stealth check to hide at the same time.

Theme Features
Lv1 Explorer: I always know which way is north, and gain +5 to any check to avoid becoming lost, to find my way to a specific location, or to spot a distant landmark.

Lv5 Explorer: When determining travel time for myself, and up to 10 companions, group's speed is equal to the slowest member +1. People who travel with me gain +2 to endurance checks during travel.

Hybrid Focus: gained Unarmed Combatant class features

Hybrid Focus 2: gain Unarmored Defense class features

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 damage with ki focus attacks against bloodied enemies

Unarmored Defense: +2 AC in cloth armor or no armor

Item Features
Robe of Eyes: I cannot be blinded

Cloak of Distortion: +1 to all defenses against ranged attacks made from more than 5 squares away

Iron Body Ki Focus: When I hit a target I gain resist 3 to that target's attacks until my EONT

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Post by Namelessjake »

As the Alpha is targeted, it claws back at Caoimhe. To the east, behind the debris and abandoned construction materials you hear a low roar and the sound of something moving around. The source of the sounds soon appears from behind a pile of rumble. A large repitile, not too dissimilar to the pack of creatures you have nearly defeated, slowly makes its way towards you. Either attracted by the smell of the fresh kills or the sounds of battle, the large creature snarls as it approaches on all fours. It has a prominent redish orange mane, with bright blue markings on his head. It appears to have a powerful jaw and large claws.

Go: Zima, Ilmoto, Louie

Louie: hits.

Taliesin: assumes stance, hits, kills, slides.

Caoimhe:marks, hits, heals,

Alpha Leosaur: moves, attacks Caoimhe, 28 vs AC = hit for 8 damage.

Maned Carnosaur: Moves into encounter.
Map Info
Louie - Skald's Aura 5 - Anyone within can use a minor action to have themselves or an adjacent ally spend a healing surge and regain 1d6+2 HP, up to 2 times.


Debris: The various piles of rubble are difficult terrain.

Plants: The larger thickets are thick and overgrown, providing concealment whilst being difficult terrain. Any individual plants provide no concealment but can be treated as normal terrain.

Building: The height of the building varies from around 40 to 50 feet. Due to the half built and ruined nature of the structure, the walls can be climbed with relative ease on a Athletics Check DC: 15
Enemy/Ally Info

Leosaur: About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

Alpha Leosaur: This creature is larger than the females and other males of the group. It is mostly likely the leader of the pack, a position achieved through use of its greater strength.

Maned Carnosaur: A large four limbed reptile. It's torso and tail are a dull grey and black with a striped pattern however it has a bright orange-red mane, and blue highlights to its scales on its face. It has a powerful jaw and clawed forelimbs.
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Post by BartNL »

"Get him boy!" Ilmoto commands, pointing at the last of the smaller monsters. His hound pounces on the monster, biting and scorching the creature with fire. I'll have to figure out what to do with that monstrosity in a bit.

Minor: Command Magma Beast to J24
Standard: Magma beast attacks Alpha Leosaur [1d20+10]=15+10=25 vs. reflex for [1d10+9]=8+9=17 fire damage and the target takes 5 ongoing fire damage and is slowed (save ends both)

Use shield when attacked as interrupt
Use Robe of Contingency when bloodied and attacked and damaged as immediate reaction

Combat Block
Ilmoto Brandt

Male Human [Human] Mage level 5
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian, Common
Age: 32
Height: 5"7
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 20
Will: 18
HP: 29/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 7/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
Magic Missile RBA: no roll, 8 damage


Active Effects:


Beguiling Strands
Freezing Burst
Magic Missile
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Flaming Weapon


Encounter [_]
Burning Hands / Skewering Spikes [X]
Heroic Effort[_]
Arcane Mutterings / Shield [_]
Shock Sphere / Fire Shroud [X]
Second Wind [_]
Action Point [_]

Item Encounter [_]


Daily [_]
Sleep (wizard spell) / Fountain of Flame [_]
Fireball / Summon Magma Beast [X]

Item Daily [_]
Robe of Contingency +1 [_]

Inferno Oil

Important Features:
Alchemist Feature: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level alchemical item (such as alchemist's fire). You can use this formula without needing training in any skill associated with it. At the end of a short rest, you can create one alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You must know the formula for the item you create. You can have only one such item prepared at a time.
Pyromancy Apprentice: +1 dmg with arcane fire attacks. Ignore fire resistance.
Evocation Apprentice:When you roll damage for an arcane evocation power, if any of the dice come up with a result of 1, pick one of them, reroll it, and use the new result.
Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Blade Initiate:Once per day, when you are wielding a blade, you can invoke the Swordmage Warding class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC if you have one hand free).
In addition, you can use swordmage implements.
Alchemist: You can make alchemical items your level or lower.
War Wizard's expertise +1 atk with haevy and light blades, -5 penalty to hit your allies
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly
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Post by ratwizard »

Zima focuses on the remaining leosaur, trying to turn her mind against its own. Her attention is broken by the roar of a new foe, this one much larger. The seer takes a subconscious step toward Caoimhe. "It's massive," is all she can manage.

Mind Thrust on Alpha Leosaur. Misses 14 vs Will.
Mind Thrust Attack: [1d20+10]=4+10=14

Walk to L24

Ready Interrupt
Intellect Fortress, should I be hit by an attack that a +3 to that defense would negate.
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 28
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 3/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [X][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[_]
Living Missile Attack [_]
Hypnotic Pulse [X]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Louie feels the hair stand up on the back of his neck as he catches sight of the massive creature emerge in the fray. What in gods' names... He attempts to pluck a discordant note on his bowstring, but his aim proves unsteady as fear sets in.
Standard: Staggering Note on Maned Carnosaur
Attack: [1d20+10]=7+10=17 vs Will = Miss

Move: Shift to J26

Ready Interrupt: Rhyme of the Blood-seeking Blade
If an ally misses a melee attack, I make an attack against their target (+12 vs Ref, 1d10+7). On hit, the target takes a -4 to all defenses against the triggering attack
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [_]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [_]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [X] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [_]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ilmoto's mechanical hound manages to wound the smaller beast, however the new creature charges at Taliesin. It grabs him in its jaws, biting down hard. The elven scholar feels his wounds burning as something in the beast's salvia appears to be corrosive.

Go: Caoihme, Taliesin

Ilmoto: moves summon, hits, bloodies.

Zima: misses, moves.

Louie: misses, shifts.

Maned Carnosaur: charges Taliesin, 28 vs AC = hit for 10 damage and 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends), Taliesin is grabbed.
Map Info
Louie - Skald's Aura 5 - Anyone within can use a minor action to have themselves or an adjacent ally spend a healing surge and regain 1d6+2 HP, up to 2 times.


Debris: The various piles of rubble are difficult terrain.

Plants: The larger thickets are thick and overgrown, providing concealment whilst being difficult terrain. Any individual plants provide no concealment but can be treated as normal terrain.

Building: The height of the building varies from around 40 to 50 feet. Due to the half built and ruined nature of the structure, the walls can be climbed with relative ease on a Athletics Check DC: 15
Enemy/Ally Info

Leosaur: About the size of wolves emerge, they appear reptilian, with scaled skin striped in browns and blues. They have snake or lizard like heads and their backs are covered in spikes which grow in number towards the head where, on some of the presumably male creatures, they form a something resembling a mane.

Alpha Leosaur: This creature is larger than the females and other males of the group. It is mostly likely the leader of the pack, a position achieved through use of its greater strength.

Maned Carnosaur: A large four limbed reptile. It's torso and tail are a dull grey and black with a striped pattern however it has a bright orange-red mane, and blue highlights to its scales on its face. It has a powerful jaw and clawed forelimbs.
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin lets out a scream of pain as he attempts to strike back at the beast, trying to stab down into it. After his attack, he disappears, reappearing a few feet away, hopefully out of danger for the moment.
Minor action: Warlock's Curse vs Maned Carnosaur. Cursed!
Standard Action: Blazing Pursuit vs Maned Carnosaur's AC.
Attack: [1d20+11]=11+11=22
Damage: [1d8+9]=4+9=13
Warlock's Curse: [1d6]=5
Effect: If Blazing Pursuit hits, and the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target, I do not need LOS for this teleport.
Move action: Fey Step, teleport to M30.
Saving Throw: [1d20]=14 Saved!
Combat Block

Male Elf Swordmage|Warlock Level 5
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Modern Serran
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 16
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 19/52
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Eldritch Strike +12 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage
MBA: Shielding Blade Longsword +6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage


Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: +5 Racial Bonus against Charm Effects

Active Effects:

Eldritch Strike
Sword Burst
Warlock's Curse
Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Fey Step [X]
Aegis of Assault [x]
Blazing Pursuit [x]
Fiery Bolt [_]
Dimensional Thunder [x]
Host of Shields [X]
Tyrannical Threat [X]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - +12 vs AC - 1[W]+9 damage, slide target 1 square.
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - +8 vs Reflex - 1d6+4 Force
Warlock's Curse - Minor Action - Closest Enemy in LoS - Add 1d6 damage to one successful hit per turn. 
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close Burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The ally and I shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Personal - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Aegis of Assault - Minor Action - Close Burst 2 - Target One Creature in Burst - Effect: Mark Target. If my marked target makes an attack and doesn't include me in the attack, it takes -2 to hit. If the attack still hits and the marked target is within 10 squares, I can use my immediate reaction to teleport to a square adjacent to the target and make an MBA against it. Can't take the immediate reaction if no open squares exist near the target.
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - +11 vs AC - 1[W]+9 Fire damage. If the target is within 5 squares at EONT (enemy), as a free action I can teleport to a space that must be adjacent to the target. (Aegis) I can teleport to a space adjacent to the target even if I do not have line of sight to that space.
Fiery Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - One creature - +8 vs Reflex - 3d6+7 Fire damage +1d6 (once per round). Adjacent enemies take 1d6+8 Fire damage.
Dimensional Thunder - Standard Action - One Creature - +11 vs Fort - Effect: Teleport a number of squares equal to Con modifier - 2d8+9 Thunder damage - Effect: Each enemy adjacent (to me) gains ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends).
Host of Shields - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until the stance ends, gain +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex.
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - Target: Each Enemy in Burst - +8 vs Will - Hit: 1d10+7 Psychic damage, and place my Warlock's Curse on the Target, +1d6 once per round - Miss: Half Damage. Infernal Pact: Place my Warlock's Curse on the Target. Effect: Until EOTE whenever I'm attacked by a Cursed creature, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).

Class Features
Swordbond - By spending 1 hour of meditation with a light or heavy blade, I forge a special bond with it. As a standard action, I can call my bonded weapon to my hand from up to 10 squares away. Only 1 bond at a time. 1 hour of meditation can restore the weapon as long as I can recover a fragment of the blade.
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Aegis of Assault - Once per Encounter, regain use if target is reduced to 0 hp.
Eldritch Pact - Fey Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike - I use Constitution as my Key ability with Eldritch Strike.
Warlock Will (Hybrid) +1 to Will Save.
Racial Features
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History
Eladrin Education: +1 Bonus Skill
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: Gain proficiency with the Longsword
Eladrin Will: +1 bonus to Will. In addition, gain a +5 bonus vs Charm effects.
Fey Origin: Considered a Fey Creature in terms of origin.
Fey Step: Gain the Fey Step power.
Trance: Rather than sleep, may Trance for 4 hours to gain the benefits of an extended rest. During this time, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Theme Features
Level 1 Guardian: Guardian's Counter (Encounter Power)
Level 5 Guardian: +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Eldritch Blade - When I use Eldritch Strike and wield a Longsword, I gain a +1 bonus to my attack roll.
Eladrin Soldier - I gain proficiency with all spears and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with longswords and all spears.
White Lotus Riposte - After hitting an enemy with an Arcane at-will Attack power, if they hit me before SONT that enemy takes damage equal to the ability mod of the attack power's damage. (4 Damage)
War Wizard's Expertise - Gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks made with light or heavy blades. Also, when using an arcane attack power with a light or heavy blade, my attack rolls take a -5 penalty against my allies.
Active PCs
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