The 2nd Fleet: Journey to the Edge of the Known World — IC

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Post by Chanchabruhh »

"Heidi's idea about survivors seeking refuge in the wreck is worth considering," he acknowledges. "Raj's focus on finding food supplies and planting materials is crucial for our survival."

"Taliesin's suggestion of salvaging timber for construction is practical," he continues. "And Doran's insight into the significance of the 'Discovery' site is intriguing." 
 Considering their options, Eldrin continues, "Given our limited resources and the need for efficiency, I propose we prioritize investigating the shipwreck first. It offers the potential for immediate aid and may provide clues about our surroundings. Once we've assessed the situation there, we can proceed to explore other areas of interest, including the 'Discovery' site."
 With his proposal made, Eldrin looks to the group for their agreement or further input.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Well lad, looks like you've been out voted," Ko says to Doran, clapping him on the back. "For what it's worth Discovery has a tantalising lure to it for me too," he adds.

"The wreck sounds good to me," Zemi says, although it is hard to tell if she is genuine or simply wants to please the group.

"Well I might even see youse again tonight if yer headed out t'wreck," Bagagos says with a chuckle. "Like I said, take what yer need, no harm in taking the extra food. I'll go see about requisitionin' youse a boat while you pack," he says, beginning to make his way towards the beach, although he pauses for a moment first to see if there are any objections.
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Post by BartNL »

"Looks like it. Any of you any experience navigating the sees?" Doran replies.
Last edited by BartNL on Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Fialova »

"Not apart from the voyage here, no," Heidi replies, at her new companion's question. I can't imagine many of us have, the sailors are already accounted for. Perhaps it would be best if a group of them were to accompany us, though, she thinks, as she ponders their course forward. 
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Only the underground lakes of the Mountains. Although with the island the Wanderer rests on blocking the winds, it shouldn't be too hard to get over there," Ko says. "Couldn't be much more than five or six miles. We should be able to row across in a couple of hours if we keep a steady pace."
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Post by BartNL »

And they still picked the one expedition that requires traversing the waters. How adventurous!
"Well, if none of you have any experience sailing or rowing, we better make haste.'
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I've experience enjoying the seas if it's any consolation," Raj says with a smirk, remembering many leisurely sailings in the bay at twilight. A drink in hand, the saltswept breeze, the setting sun. No better way to unwind when all of this is over. 

"Let's move swiftly then. We'll need reliable foodstuffs before we seek out more mouths to feed regardless." If any even remain. But if they've survived this long, I am certain they might survive a few days more.
Backpack x1
Bedroll x1
Waterskin x1
Trail Rations x7
Flask x1
Tent x1
Mirror x1
Flint & Steel x1
Lantern x1
Pint of Oil x2
Belt Pouch x1
Grappling Hook x1
Hempen Rope x1
Sack x2
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin smiles softly, "To the wreck indeed, then," he says. "I... admittedly don't know much about sea travel either, I was hoping someone else would." He kneels and begins looking through the supplies.

I would like to add a set of ropes to my backpack, a grappling hook, a hacksaw, and a set of tongs. Additionally, adding the 7 days of rations you've given us.
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Post by ratwizard »

“I’ve sailed or rowed or tacked the coasts of the Borstid since I was a girl,” Sister Armantine says, a proud smile on her face. She remembers the serious, distant look in her mother’s eyes, her attention always on the horizons — watching for a sneaking squall. She was most beautiful on the waters. It is a shame father never grew his sea legs.

”With any luck, this should be an uneventful journey to the wreck. Though we can follow any coastline or sandbars, just to be sure we are never over too deep of waters. I think we all are aware of what… oddities the seas of this land carry with them.”

Taking, in alphabetical order:

Backpack x1
Bedroll x1
Belt Pouch x1
Candle x5
Candle Clock x1
Chain (10 ft.) x1
Flask x1
Flint and Steel x1
Flotation Bladder x1
Hacksaw x1
Hempen Rope (50 ft.) x1
Map Case x1
Sacks x1
Tent x1
Writing Case x1
Waterskin x1

Rations, 7 days
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Post by BartNL »

Taking: 1x Dagger Boots, 1x Lantern, 1x Grappling Hook, 1x Hammer, 20x Pitons, 1x harness, 1x Chain (10ft.), 2x Hempen Rope (50 ft.), 2x Tent, 2x Bedroll, 1x Flint and Steel, 1x Lantern, 2x Oil pint, 1x Mirror, 7x rations,
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Post by Fialova »

"We have one person with experience, perfect," Heidi says cheerfully, before turning to face Armantine. "That means you can guide us in rowing over there. If it as easy as Ko suggests, we should be there in no time." 

Supplies to Take

Backpack x1
Ball Bearings x1
Bedroll x1
Belt Pouch x1
Candle x5
Flint and Steel x1
Hempen Rope (50 ft.) x1
Lantern x1
Map Case x1
Sack x2
Trail Rations x7
Waterskin x1

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Post by Chanchabruhh »

"Thank you, Bagagos," Eldrin says with a nod of appreciation as the crates are unveiled. "We appreciate the provisions. We'll do our best to make good use of them."
Supplies Taken Backpack x1, Belt Pouch, Waterskin, Chain (10ft)
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Post by Namelessjake »

IV: The Wreck of The Wanderer

After you all finish taking the supplies you need from the crates. You set off back towards the beach, making your way through the now bustling camp, as your fellow members of the fleet start their tasks for the day. As you walk past the ruined building that dominates the camp, you can already spot craftsmen and masons hanging from ropes around the structure hard at work repairing and finishing the work started by the 1st Fleet.

Heading past the last of the tents and supply stockpiles, the ground beneath your feet turns to sand as you arrive at the beach. Crews are still ferrying people and goods back and forth between the port and the ships out in the bay, but the beach is much less busy than it was the last few days now that the majority of the people and goods have been unloaded.

You spot Bagagos further down the beach towards the cliffs stood by a beached wooden boat and make you way over to him, sending a large group of small crabs scurrying away as you path cuts through their spot on the sands.

"Here youse go," Bagagos says gesturing to the boat as you arrive. A small launch from one of the ships, it lacks any sails but has room for around twelve, with multiple oars. "She's been kindly donated by t'crew of the Constellation," Bagagos explains. "Though you'd best be on yer way before any of 'em notice," he adds, cracking a smile.

"Well then," Ko says, slinging his pack off his shoulder and dumping it into the boat. "Let's get her in the water."
Supply Pool
Artisan's Tools x 1
Backpack x 4
Ball Bearings x 3
Bedroll x 4
Belt Pouch x 8
Caltrops x 3
Candle x 90
Candle Clocks x 9
Chain (10 ft.) x 0
Crowbar x 2
Dagger Boots x 1
Drill x 1
Fire Kit x 5
Flask x 3
Flint and Steel x 7
Flotation Bladder x 1
Footpads x 3
Grappling Hook x 0
Hacksaw x 0
Hammer x 2
Harness x 1
Hempen Rope (50 ft.) x 14
Horn x 2
Lantern x 1
Lantern, Bull's Eye x 2
Listening Cone x 2
Manacles, Iron x 1
Map Case x 10
Mirror x 4
Oil x 16 pints
Pitons x 40
Sacks x 5
Shovel x 2
Snares x 4
Ten-foot Pole x 1
Tent x 8
Tongs x 1
Waterskin x 5
Writing Case x 11
Supplies With Current Party
Taliesin, Scholar of Elvish Lore
Backpack x 1
Hempen Rope x 1
Tongs x 1
Hacksaw x 1
Grappling Hook x 1
Trail Rations x 7
Sister Armantine Peroult, the Pious Pioneer
Backpack x 1
Bedroll x 1
Belt Pouch x 1
Candle x 5
Candle Clock x 1
Chain (10 ft.) x 1
Flask x 1
Flint and Steel x 1
Flotation Bladder x 1
Hacksaw x 1
Hempen Rope (50 ft.) x 1
Map Case x 1
Sacks x 1
Tent x 1
Trail Rations x 7
Waterskin x 1
Writing Case x 1
Backpack x 1
Ball Bearings x 1
Bedroll x 1
Belt Pouch x 1
Candle x 5
Flint and Steel x 1
Hempen Rope (50 ft.) x 1
Lantern x 1
Map Case x 1
Sack x 2
Trail Rations x 7
Waterskin x 1
Miraj "Raj" Zaferro, the Crescent's Cunning
Backpack x 1
Bedroll x 1
Waterskin x 1
Trail Rations x 7
Flask x 1
Tent x 1
Mirror x 1
Flint & Steel x 1
Lantern x 1
Pint of Oil x 2
Belt Pouch x 1
Grappling Hook x 1
Hempen Rope x 1
Sack x 2
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
Backpack x 1
Bedroll x 1
Belt Pouch x 1
Chain (10ft) x 1
Waterskin x 1
Backpack x 1
Bedroll x 2
Chain (10f.t.) x 1
Dagger Boots x 1
Flint and Steel x 1
Grappling Hook x 1
Hammer x 1
Harness x 1
Hempen Rope x 2
Lantern x 1
Lantern x 1
Mirror x 1
Pints of Oil x 2
Pitons x 20
Tent x 2
Trail Rations x 7
Waterskin x 1
Kobek "Ko" Ravunri, Subterranean Soldier
Backpack x 1
Bedroll x 1
Shovel x 1
Trail Rations x 7
Waterskin x 1
Zemi Nihar, Eager Explorer
Backpack x 1
Bedroll x 1
Flint and Steel x 1
Hempen Rope x 1
Trail Rations x 7
Waterskin x 1
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Post by ratwizard »

Armantine giggles at Bagagos' joke, grateful for the distraction from anxious thoughts. "They'll forgive us when we come back with good news," she says, slinging her pack into the boat before helping to launch it.

Goddess, I pray — may our journey be swift, and our return undaunted.

Can I also retroactively grab a waterskin? That would have been smart.
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Post by BartNL »

Doran grabs an oar.
"Any of you know some good songs for rowing?'

Can I retroactively grab a waterskin?
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin considers an oar for a moment, thinking about Doran's question. He moves to help the boat get pushed into the water and begins to hum a tune. "Gwylich, gochel, ferch y môr... gochel clywais ef yn crio..." He begins to sing softly in elvish the tale of an elf who was thought to have betrayed her people. The 'daughter of the sea' who was sent away, her father dead, and her mother left alone. The daughter is said to have left to sea long before the great exile of Quellam, never to return, but held a great power over the elements. "A chladdu'n ddwfn o dan y tonnau, wedi'i fradychu gan deulu ... i'w genedl â'i anadl olaf gwaeddodd, gwyliwch ferch y môr." He finished singing solemnly, and after a moment returned to the present, "I apologize, you asked for a rowing song, but that's the closest I know to that kind of thing. It's a song that was passed..." He paused. "Its a song I heard on my travels, when I went from village to village."

Elvish Translation
Loosely it's largely as I described, "Beware, beware, the daughter of the sea, beware I heard him cry", the last part is "Buried deep beneath the waves, betrayed by family, to his nation with his last breath cried, beware the daughter of the sea". In-character Taliesin would have sung more, which is what the non-speaking parts were, but I didn't want to take up a full post writing in Welsh.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

"Thank you, Bagagos," Eldrin says with a nod of gratitude as he takes in the sight of the small launch. "We appreciate the generosity of the crew."

With Ko taking the lead in preparing the boat for launch, Eldrin steps forward to assist, lending his strength to the task at hand. As the boat is lowered into the water, Eldrin can't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. They were finally setting off into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the wilds of Quellam.

With a determined nod to his companions, Eldrin steps into the boat, ready to begin their expedition. "Let's make the most of this
he says, his voice steady with resolve. "Our journey begins now."
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Post by ratwizard »

"It's beautiful," Sister Armantine remarks, taking a deep breath and smiling. "I wish I had learned the Old Tongue. It is a wonder that you can still find our peoples' songs. Where did you travel to learn that one?"

"I know a few working songs from my days at the Abbey. I'm afraid they're all in Imardanian, though. And they sound much better sung in choir — not from me croning, alone." She lets out a soft chuckle. "I could teach you all one, if you'd like. Don't worry, they're about labor, not prayer."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin smiles and nods slightly. "I learned it from my travels in the northern Serran desert. They were surprisingly one of the more welcoming villages I came across in my time alone." He says softly. "Please, there's no need for us to row further in silence. Teach us a song, I'd love to add it to my notes." He finishes, hoping to encourage her.
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Post by Fialova »

"An old elvish tune, and now an Elysian hymn?" Heidi asks, feigning excitement at the musical variety they're experiencing on their brief trek across the bay. "As the scholar said, please teach us. It is much better than the lapping of the waves and the squawking of the gulls." Which work tune will she sing, I wonder? I remember so few of the worker's tunes from my childhood. There was the Loader's Low, I remember father singing that one on occasion. Something about a Mermaid? The church hymns have pushed most of them from memory by now.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Through your efforts, the small boat is launched and you all are able to clamber aboard before it leaves the shallows. Six of you take up the oars and you quickly find a rhythm, pulling away from the beach and headed towards the island off the coast.

"After that I've got a good marching tune if you're interested in more song," Ko says to Heidi. "Travelling through the less travelled tunnels in the Dwarven mountains can look the same for days on end, you need something to pass the time and a good song helps," he says as he heaves his oar.
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Post by BartNL »

"Serran deserts, dwarven tunnels. Now we're talking!"

Can I retroactively grab a waterskin? (see previous post)
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Post by ratwizard »

"Not quite a hymn," Sister Armantine says. "Catchier, I confess. Here, I will try and show you what I mean." She smiles warmly, clearing her voice and humming a note to find the pitch. She begins singing a bouncing tune in Imardanian, her head nodding to the marching rhythm. Her voice is plain, but pleasant.

"Champ à la charrue et orge née, de la graine à la récolte
Un tiers pour le moulin, un tiers pour se reposer, un tiers pour l'hiver donc pour garder

Thym, rose et plumeuse, mis à sécher sur la grille
Lentille, haricot, pour les rejoindre ainsi, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient pleins en sac

Travaillez ainsi et travaillez longtemps, de la providence des champs et du fourrage
Sueur du front et mains fatiguées, diligence qui vient d'où

Alors armez-vous et continuez, poussez jusqu'à ce que nous n'en puissions plus
Jusqu'à ce que nous gagnions le repos, si doux qu'il chante, fini ensuite par la corvée quotidienne."

She lets out a soft laugh, her cheeks warming as she feels tinge of embarrassment and yet pride for her memory of the songs from many years ago. "It goes longer, but that is the verse I remember most."
Imardanian Translation
"Field a-plow and barley born, from the seed to harvest reap
A third for mill, a third to rest, a third for winter so to keep

Thyme and rose, and featherwort, laid to dry upon the rack
Lentil, bean, to join them so, until made full into a sack

Toil so and toil long, of field and forage providence
Sweat of brow and tired hands, diligence that cometh whence

So steel ourselves and carry forth, push until we cannot more
Til' rest we earn, so sweet it sings, finished then with daily chore."
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Post by Namelessjake »

+1 Waterskin
+1 Waterskin
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"And I thank the gods for that. Imardanian songs are usually a bit choral for my tastes," Raj posits as he keeps to a steady rhythm with rowing, his tensing arms readily visible and surprisingly built for a man of such outward hedonism. How they find devotion in their faith to such drab music, I will never know. Perhaps they collectively become so depressed that divinity is truly the only savior.

He shrugs to himself, looking toward the sun above. "Much less lively than our songs from beneath the sweltering sun. Gods, the bazaars are always so teeming with life." He clears his throat, taking a deep, steady breath. His voice is smooth as fine silks as he begins an invigorating and exotic Serran melody.

"Oh dioses gemelos, bendecid esta tierra, concédenos el tesoro
Ciudad de arenas del desierto, agua y oro debajo

Sangre vital y rubíes rojos, monedas preciosas brillando
Cuatro manos reparan nuestra fortuna, que deseamos que tal vez no sepamos"

The tune changes midway, his voice exuding a certain passion.

"Aviva ahora la llama naciente, arde más brillantemente, baila con las almas en llamas
Que la brasa se enganche y la chispa roja y dorada alcance nuevas alturas

Que nos falte nada que la moneda pueda comprar
Nunca veas que el río de la riqueza se seque

Que encontremos fortuna después de la vida
Por esto oramos, oramos, oramos, oramos doblemente"

Serran Translation
"O twin gods bless this land, to us treasure bestow
City of desert sands, water and gold below

Lifeblood and rubies red, precious coins cast aglow
Four hands our fortunes mend, that want we may not know

Stoke now nascent flame, brighter burn, dance with souls afire
May ember catch and red-gold spark rise to new heights

May we want for naught coin can buy
Never see wealth's river run dry

May we find fortune after life
For this we pray, we pray, we pray, we pray twinfold"
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Post by Namelessjake »

Your sing song continues as you row, with Ko breaking out his marching song from his time as a mercenary in the Dwarven Mountains, although it turns out to mostly be an assortment of profanity and vulgarity only barely held together by a melody. The weather is fair and the coastal waters are calm, allowing you to make good progress.

After an hour of rowing at a steady pace, you appear to be about halfway to the island when the calm water to one side of the boat breaks as a large pinkish-red spiked dorsal fin begins to emerge from the water. It continues to rise until it stands almost six feet tall, a slender dark shape lies in the water beneath it - making the creature at least twice the length of your boat. It swims alongside for a few moments, before speeding up and cutting across your path ahead, beginning to circle you.
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Post by ratwizard »

Sister Armantine sits quietly, enjoying the exotic Serran song, and even the bawdy ballad from Ko. A colorful crew we have. What they lack in faith, they make up for in personality.

She startles at the sound of the water breaking, watching a fin emerge — larger, and longer than any sea creature she had seen before the voyage. "Do not panic," the Sister advises. "Keep your pace steady, undaunted. Otherwise it will sense our flight." She holds her oar with white-knuckled grip, but dares not hasten her rowing. Goddess, it's huge. And quick.

"Perhaps we can distract or frighten it. As large as it may be, it is still a beast with the instincts of one."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin sits and enjoys each person's song, taking a moment each time to find the tune, and begins humming along under his breath. After some time he's startled back to reality by the presence of the massive creature. "Should we try hitting it?" Taliesin asks, also continuing to row as best as he can. "Perhaps, if we strike it right, it will leave."
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Eldrin nods in agreement. "Agreed. We should maintain our rhythm and readiness, but be prepared to defend ourselves if necessary. Let's hope it's just passing by and means us no harm."

He listens intently, his spirit lifted by the melodies that fill the air.

"We must remain composed," Eldrin advises, his voice steady and resolute. "Panicking will only provoke it further."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Striking it in the eye or such might work, but more likely it will simply respond and capsize us," Sister Armantine reasons. "As Eldrin says, let us remain composed until it shows interest or aggression."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Taliesin grimaces, hoping that its circles do not coincide with their forward momentum. Perhaps we will anger it through our inaction, and then all will be for naught. He thinks to himself, keeping a slight eye on it's movement.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

A lump forms in Raj's throat as he watches the ripples around the massive dorsal fin. Gods above. I can only hope there's only one lurking below. He takes a deep breath, channeling a calmness he's developed from years in a high-stress profession. "Just remain ready to defend ourselves. If it starts back toward us, gouge out its godsdamned eye," he says, clenching his teeth as his grip on the oar tightens.
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Post by ratwizard »

"One step ahead of you," Sister Armantine says to Raj's suggestion. She peers down from her rowing to her runed halberd laid neatly next to her. I shall be their protector, as you, Goddess, are mine.
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Post by BartNL »

"Don't fear. It's just a fish. Fish don't usually hunt boats." Doran replies.
Nature check to see what Doran knows about such creatures: [1d20+12]=8+12=20
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Post by Namelessjake »

If this creature is like it's smaller Voreldian counterparts, you are likely correct that it won't hunt your boat. Cases of such happens are extremely rare and normally caused by other circumstances causing the animal to be starved and desperate or feeling threatened.

It is most likely that the creature is simply curious and trying to ascertain what your boat actually is. Sharks in the Forelle Sea have even been known to take small bites out of boats before realising they are not edible and losing interest.
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Post by Fialova »

As the creature approaches, and talk turns to its potential hostility, Heidi breaks her cheerful facade and reaches for her rifle. "I will keep it in my sights. If it aims to attack us, it will catch a bullet first." Letting her oar hang limp in its socket, the woman gazes down the barrel of her firearm, keeping it trained on the beast before them. We will not be fish food today. The sea has taken enough of this expedition.

Heidi will ready twin strike on the creature, in case its course changes to be clearly coming at their boat.
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Post by BartNL »

"Don't just shoot for no reason, you'll only end up scaring it. It might want to take a nibble or two from the boat to figure out what's happening. But that should be the worst of it. Try your best not to fall out the boat though." Doran replies.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Eldrin nods in agreement with Doran's cautious approach, his gaze fixed on the creature as it circles their boat. "Indeed, let's avoid provoking it unnecessarily," he concurs, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.

Heidi's readiness to defend the group earns a respectful nod from Eldrin, acknowledging her vigilance in the face of potential danger. "Your vigilance is appreciated," he says, his tone sincere. "Let us hope it does not come to that."

With Sister Armantine's reassurance and Raj's calming words, Eldrin feels a sense of unity and resolve among the group. "We'll stay vigilant," he says, his grip firm on the oar. "But let's remain composed and ready to act if needed."

As the creature continues its curious circling, Eldrin keeps a watchful eye on it, prepared to respond swiftly and decisively should the situation escalate.
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Post by Namelessjake »

The creature circles the boat a couple more times, although its last lap is lazier than the others, bringing it out wide and further away from the vessel. It then turns in more sharply and begins swimming directly at the boat, still in Heidi's crosshairs.

If you are attacking please roll attack and damage.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Raj grips tightly onto the side of the boat, watching cautiously as the massive fish slices through the waves toward their boat. "I hope you're right, Doran, or you get to be eaten first."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Hush," Sister Armantine says quietly, trading her oar for her halberd. "And be still. It may yet be a bluff charge."

She clutches the runed weapon close, keeping seated while stooping low in the boat. "Hold on in case it isn't, though."

If it comes for us, I'd like to stab at its eye with my halberd.
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Post by Fialova »

As the creature turns and rushes towards them, Heidi fulfills her promise, quickly firing off not one, but two shots from her rifle towards the creature. We are not your food, creature, but you will be ours if you continue this.

Readied Action: Twin Strike on Fin Fish
Attack 1: [1d20+15]=19+15=34 vs AC = hit?
Hit: [1d10+4]=1+4=5 damage
Attack 2: [1d20+15]=13+15=28 vs AC = hit?
Hit: [1d10+4]=9+4=13 damage
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Post by Namelessjake »

The gunsmoke from Heidi's rifle obscures your vision on the small boat, but you are still able to make out the dorsal fin heading towards the boat, Heidi's attack only seeming to have egged on the creature as it now propels itself towards the boat at speed.
Heidi hits twice for a total of 18 damage.

Armantine: make your attack and damage rolls.
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Post by ratwizard »

Sister Armantine holds steady, her eyes locked onto the approaching fin. She waits for the smoke to pass before standing from her seat, her halberd in both hands. Goddess, grant me your strength!

Aiming for where she assumes eyes must be on such a beast, she drives her polearm deep into the water, finding it met with the immediate resistance of what can only be flesh and scale. "Doran, look alive!" she calls out, wrenching her weapon free. "I think we've made it angry."

Righteous Brand: [1d20+10]=20+10=30

Crits 20 AC.

Max damage of 18 + 6 rolled from Dynamic Weapon for a total of 24 damage.

Doran gets +3 power bonus to melee attack rolls against this creature until EOMNT.

Crit damage: [2d6]=6
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Post by Namelessjake »

Sister Armantine's thrust is true, burying her halberd deep into the fish's body, however it is not enough to holdback the force of beast. The fish barrels into the side of the boat, its teeth splintering wood and nearly overturning the boat itself, which rocks back and forth violently threatening to throw you into the water.

Fish: Moves up to the side of the rowboat and attacks the boat for 9 damage.

Everyone must make a DC 15 Acrobatics check or they fall overboard.

Everyone roll initiative.
Boat HP 41/50
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Post by ratwizard »

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Post by Fialova »

Acrobatics: mod is 16, auto-succeed

Initiative: [1d20+13]=17+13=30 and if for some reason my init isn't the highest result I can move up to my speed before anyone else's turn begins.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Acrobatics-[1d20+4]=10+4=14 Initiative-[1d20+4]=7+4=11
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Post by BartNL »

"Angry? I can see you and Heidi made it scared. Many animals get scared when you hurt them. And scared animals sometimes lash out. The trick usually is not hurting them." Doran replies in his typical friendly manner while looking absolutely unfazed by the fish rocking the boat.

Acrobatics: [1d20+7]=19+7=26
Initiative: [1d20+5]=10+5=15

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Post by ratwizard »

"Then consider this as me lashing out," Sister Armantine adds, her voice unsteady as she loses her balance.
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