Neon Rust — OOC

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Neon Rust — OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Humanity came from the stars and to the stars it would return, but when the people of Eden broke their earthly shackles it was not as one people. The rich and the powerful now live lives of luxury in their orbital palaces while the masses that put them there are left to despair, eking out an existence on a world ravaged by nuclear war and ecological collapse.

New Sevastopol, often simply just called The City, is the largest city in the Federal Republic of Arcadia, and home to the largest spaceport on Eden. It is simultaneously both a crumbling ruin overrun with psychotic gangs and a gleaming bastion of corporate power housing equally psychotic executives. However New Sevastopol is one of the few places on Eden where, while the decline of humanity is readily apparent, enough opportunity remains to warrant a flicker of hope for those willing to risk everything.

Character Hook

You are a resident of the Hawthorne district of New Sevastopol. Whether a local-born street rat trying to scrape enough credits together to secure their future, a fallen corporate executive out to rebuild their power base in order to enact their revenge, a dreamer looking to afford a ticket offworld, or an drug addicted merc just looking to score enough for a good time before you either OD or catch a bullet, you have set out to become an operator, a freelance agent hired for criminal jobs and deniable corporate activities.

While your goals are your own, you will need money, contacts and cyberware to achieve them. Buying, borrowing, begging, scavenging or stealing enough gear to equip yourself for the task at hand, you have managed to get in touch with a local fixer, Herkus De Smet, who is also relatively new on the scene. De Smet is putting together a team of operators for a job that promises to be the first stepping stone on your way to the big time.

Character Creation

System: Cities Without Number (CWN)
Level: 1
Stats: Standard per system (if rolling, link rolls)
Unseen Servant ID: 1064
Supplemental Material: There is no magic in this setting so the supplemental material that focuses on magic will not be used here. The Cyber Alienation rules will also not be used, so feel free to replace body parts to your heart's content.
Languages: New Sevastopol is a melting pot, with many different languages spoken by its denizens. While there is a mix of older languages, remnants of those spoken on Old Earth, and newer languages native to Eden, the majority of people in the city speak a regional dialect of Mandate, like most planets in the Valetel Epsilon Sector. All characters' first language choice should be this dialect of Mandate.
Party Limit: Unfortunately, with this being my fourth concurrent active game, I’m not sure how much capacity I will have to run this game as a DM. Therefore to make this game easier to manage, and to play to the strengths of the system, I am going to set a cap to the number of players in this game at 5. I will evaluate character’s based on their backstories, buy-in to the world, and general posting track record in order to determine who will make up the initial party. I reserve the right to only approve less than 5 PCs.

This will likely be a game that sees some PC deaths, so joining later is not completely out of the question, and I may also increase the size of the party or even run another party simultaneously if I find I am able to commit enough time to the game to manage that.

When creating your operator, please use the below character sheet template. The character generation section can be split out and attribute scores can be converted from horizontal to vertical if you prefer.
Character Sheet Template

Background: X
Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: XX
Height: XXX cm
Weight: XX kg
Languages: Mandate,

Major Injuries: None
System Strain: X/X
Initiative: +X


Melee AC: XX
Ranged AC: XX
Armor Soak: X/X
Trauma Target: X

Physical Save: XX
Evasion Save: XX
Will Save: XX
Luck Save: XX


Base Attack Bonus:

Attack Roll, Damage Roll, Trauma Die and Mult., (Shock dmg, Shock AC), XXXm/XXXm
Ammo: XX/XX

Attack Roll, Damage Roll, Trauma Die and Mult., (Shock dmg, Shock AC), XXXm/XXXm
Ammo: XX/XX


STR X (+X), DEX X (+X), CON X (+X), INT X (+X), WIS X (+X), CHA X (+X)

Skill Points: X

First Edge: Description

Second Edge: Description


Foci: Description
Cost | Type | Concealment | Sys. Strain

Cost | Type | Concealment | Sys. Strain

Cyber Maintenance: $X (5% Total Cost/Month)
READIED (Capacity: X/Half STR)
Enc | Item

STOWED (Capacity: X/STR)
Enc | Item

Enc | Item
$Starting money


Record any friends your operator has here. This is not necessarily a comprehensive list, just the friends that can provide you with a benefit as per the rules regarding contacts.

Record any acquaintances your operator has here. This is not necessarily a comprehensive list, just the acquaintances that can provide you with a benefit as per the rules regarding contacts.


Use this space to save rolls and calculations during character creation and on level advancement.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »


Active Operators
Li Fei, the Patchwork Prodigy | Technician | Prodigy, Hacker | Level 1
Ryoko Salo, Ex-Arabashi Enforcer | Corp Security | Wired, On Target | Level 1
Reiji del Rayo, the Reigning Racer | Performer | Prodigy, Voice of the People | Level 1
Kindred Palmer, Cyber PI | Soldier | Wired, Veteran's Luck | Level 1
Elodie Lind, Fallen Diva | Manager | Face, Voice of the People | Level 1

Inactive Operators

Deceased Operators

While you are free to explore and seek out your own jobs, to work towards any goals you have, once you are established operators there will be a number of jobs on offer to you at any given time, displayed here. Provided by local fixers, these will be a range of different missions for a multitude of different clients requiring deniable assets to perform a task of dubious legality.

A record of any important intel pertaining to any of your goals, important NPCs, ongoing schemes, or potential future missions will be kept here.

Completed Jobs
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »


System - Seuna
Atmosphere - Breathable Mix
Temperature - Temperate to warm
Orbital Period - 3.1 Years
Day Length - 28 Hours
Atm. Pressure - 1.01 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.98 g
Biosphere - Remnant
Population - ~800 million
Tech Level - TL3+

The megacorps make a point of restricting historical study in corp-sponsored schools, but some events are widespread common knowledge or have too many survivors to be edited out of public memory.

The world of Eden lies in the Seuna system of the Valetel Epsilon Sector. A promising verdant paradise, with characteristics highly suited to habitation, Eden was a thriving colony of humanity before the Scream, however like most worlds, when the jump gates failed, the world was thrown into chaos.

Over the centuries that passed, the inhabitants of Eden were able to rebuild, forming cities and nation states, rediscovering the technology of their ancestors. However, 50 years ago a cold war between the world’s two dominant superpowers, Orinov and Veridon, turned hot. The nuclear exchange only lasted a few hours but it was enough to cripple both nations and the planet’s ecosphere. With the superpowers breaking up into a number of successor states, vying with each other for power, and the planet experiencing ecological collapse, refugees flocked to the cities of the independent nations that were untouched by the nuclear fires of the war.

A number of corporations were able to capitalize on the power vacuum left by the superpowers' destruction, and they grew considerably in size and influence, surpassing many of the governments of the smaller remaining nations. With the promise of a future in the outer solar system and beyond, they were able to galvanize the masses, starting an economic boom as Eden looked to the stars.

A significant colony was established on Eve, Eden’s moon, and many space stations were built in orbit - the largest of which, The Ring, is built around the inactive jump gate in orbit. The promised salvation had come, but only for the rich and wealthy. They left Eden behind, save for the presence of the megacorps who remained to ensure a steady flow of vital resources to the new colonies and cities of the sky.

As this new reality set in, it sparked a wave of socialist revolutions across the planet, as the people rose up as one against those who had tossed them aside. However the might of the megacorps and their ability to rain down fire from orbit was too great a hurdle to overcome and the revolutions failed, the instigators locked away or executed. Many governments were ousted entirely or reshaped by the corporations after this, removing many of the last major limits on their power. With the failure of the revolutions, widespread despair set in on Eden, causing birth rates to plummet and populations to shrink. People now struggle over their share of an ever-shrinking economy while the megacorps seem intent on milking the planet dry before abandoning it for good.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

The Mega Corps

Six megacorps make up the major players in Arcadia. As the nation's largest city, all six have large regional headquarters in New Sevastopol and exert significant influence over the city and its districts.

The Major Players

Kurosawa-Callaghan Amalgamated Industries

The largest and the richest of all the corporations, Kurosawa-Callaghan Amalgamated Industries are headquartered in New Sevastopol, where they were founded. A burgeoning construction conglomerate at the time of the space boom, they were uniquely poised to benefit from the paradigm shift that saw Eden’s entire economy look to the stars.

Much of New Sevastopol’s infrastructure was built by Kurosawa-Callaghan in this time, including the space port, however they truly made their mark by leading the conversion of the old Mandate jump gate into the Ring orbital station. While they have diversified over time, using their wealth to buy up and absorb smaller corporations in other industries, the demand for more space habitats and colonies, and the demand for the resources to build them, has kept their focus on construction.

They are a calculating corporation that never reacts out of emotion, always focusing on profit above all else, making allies and enemies of the other corporations frequently, regardless of any previous grudges or alliances, if that’s what profit demands.

Robodyne International

Robodyne International]No one branch of Robodyne International is the same. Each branch operates almost as its own company under the large Robodyne umbrella, competing as much with each other as with the other corporations.

While some of these subsidiaries have diversified entirely away from it, the corporation's overall main focus remains on Cyberware. There is a significant following across all of Eden, known as Dynamism, which worships Robodune products almost like a religion. Dynamists range from eager consumers standing in line for days in order to be one of the first to get their hands on the latest piece of Robodyne chrome to zealous transhumanist terrorists who will bomb facilities of other cyberware manufacturers, or even other Robodyne subsidiaries, that they consider lesser.

Falcon Financial Securities

Falcon Financial Securities’ banks and financial products permeate life in New Sevastopol for citizens of all wealth brackets. Having lobbied, bribed and lucked their way into most institutions in the city, almost every transaction that happens flows through their systems at some point. It is all too common for people to end up effectively indentured slaves for Falcon when every facet of a person’s financials fall under the control of the corporation, trapping people in an endless spiral of interest and fees that incentivise making further use of their services.

Having wormed their way into handling the investments, loans and pension schemes of many of the other megacorps, they are often viewed as nearly untouchable despite having minimal paramilitary or security forces, as the damage they can do to the other corps with a few keystrokes far exceeds anything they could do with violence.

AGK Incorporated

The dominant agricultural megacorp in the FRA, AGK Incorporated’s automated soy and protein farms stretch from horizon to horizon in most of the rural regions of the country that can still support agriculture. With the continuing ecological collapse of Eden’s biosphere, food products have become increasingly unreliable as crops can easily fail, however AGK operates a steady and persistent PR campaign that maintains a good public facing image despite any measures they take to bolster their declining product.

In an effort to secure what remains of Eden’s dwindling cultivable land, AGK have fought a number of wars against the other agri-corps of Eden, although often any gains are negated by the effect the wars have on accelerating desertification.

Ultramax SAE

Ultramax SAE’s fortunes seem to swing from one extreme to another almost day to day, as does its stock price. The computing giant’s culture is highly competitive which sees its executives making reckless gambles that either pay off, accelerate that exec to new heights, or fail miserably leading to financial ruin of entire branches. Like Kurosawa-Callaghan, Ultramax was founded in New Sevastopol, and they benefited from its early boom, however due to its up and down nature Ultramax finds itself lagging behind the larger corporation.

While their older computing technology was some of the best in the world, with some production lines even holding their own still against newer tech, their current products are seeing them hemorrhage money thanks to yet another failed gamble.

Prometheus Energy LLC

The relic of an attempt by a number of nations to unify their power grids, Prometheus Energy LLC can be slow to respond to opportunities and threats alike, as its internal processes are mired in a byzantine bureaucracy of the various treaties, laws, and competing agreements that brought about its founding.

The FRA was one of these nations, and as such, Prometheus enjoys a monopoly on the nation’s power generation, outside of various private grids the other corporations operate to avoid relying on Prometheus. When New Sevastopol’s aquifer was contaminated it was Kurosawa-Callaghan that was contracted to build the desalination plants the City desperately needed, however Prometheus was able to leverage its monopoly on power generation to secure the contracts to operate the plants. As a result they now control the City’s supply of fresh water, as well as its power, and as a result prices have only dropped a small amount since the heights of the drought that saw thousands die. They continue to try and tighten their grasp on this precious resource, shutting down any attempts to create new sources of fresh water any way they can.

Other Minor Players

These are either large megacorps that have a smaller presence in the City compared to the major players, or simply smaller corporations without the power or influence of the major players.

Caldera Bio-technologies

Primarily focused on biotech, Caldera Bio-technologies are known for their groundbreaking genetics research. They put almost no limits, financial or ethical, on their staff’s research allowing them to push the envelope of the field. Headquartered in the neighbouring country of Caldera, they are not omnipresent across New Sevastopol like many of the other corporations. Instead almost all of their activities are contained within the district of Medina which Caldera has jurisdiction over thanks to a complex series of corporate mergers and takeovers.

Varangian Heavy Industries

The largest megacorp to emerge from the ruins of Orinov, Varangian Heavy Industries inherited the old superpower’s remaining industrial base as well as what was left of its special forces. Specializing in, as their name suggests, heavy industries, they produce vast quantities of raw and processed materials. Although they do have a reputation for subpar quality control, their sheer volume of production and low cost makes their goods viable options for many customers. They have historically had little presence in New Sevastopol, with their attention turned towards dominating the various successor states of Orinov, however they have recently been trying to make inroads into the City.

Engel, Hausmann & Voight Arms Systems

The biggest global arms manufacturer by market share. Engel, Hausmann & Voight Arms Systems, often shortened to EHV Arms Systems or simply EHV, is based in Lutteussia, a small country that is one of the successor states of the old superpower Veridon. They control the entire country, and exert hegemonic control over several others, putting its whole economy to work manufacturing their weapons tech for export to other countries and corporations. Their weapons technology is unmatched and they are the supplier of choice for operators and armies the world over. They are unafraid of putting their weapons tech to work themselves, often choosing to solve most problems with a liberal application of lead and depleted uranium.

While their corporate presence in New Sevastopol is minimal, their weapons are a common sight in the hands of elite operators and well funded gangs.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

New Sevastopol - The City

Home to over 20 million people, New Sevastopol is one of the largest cities on Eden and the home of its largest main spaceport. It is part of the Federal Republic of Arcadia, commonly FRA or just Arcadia, however day to day its citizens’ lives are impacted to a much greater degree by the megacorps and the city’s numerous gangs, as the nation’s government has seen its power heavily eroded over the years.

The City is a sprawling urban jungle, a remnant of the boom the city saw during the exodus from Eden which saw The City’s population surpass 40 million, however now large portions of the city’s outskirts and suburbs are either abandoned, home to gangs or makeshift shantytowns. Maglev trains run through these areas as they bring resources into the city from the vast automated farms and mines that lie out in the badland that surround the city, but much of the City’s remaining population and economic activity is concentrated towards the city core that surrounds the spaceport.

9 years ago, a low yield nuclear device was detonated in the North of the City. Responsibility for the act was claimed by radical socialist terrorists, remnants of the extinguished revolutions. This blast killed tens of thousands and leveled several districts. The fallout has rendered a large area, known as The Red Zone, uninhabitable. In addition, the radiation poisoned the aquifer the City was built atop and freshwater became a scarce resource. The initial shortages were brutal with many thousands more succumbing to thirst, until a large number of desalination plants were able to be brought online along the coast. This alleviated the shortage, however these plants are owned by Prometheus Energy LLC and water still remains an expensive commodity to this day as the corporation maintains an effective monopoly on fresh water in the City, outside of the makeshift rain catchers which dominate the rooftops of the poorer areas.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Eastern Districts

Despite traditionally being the poorest region of the City, New Sevastopol’s eastern districts have weathered the plethora of crises that have rocked the City surprisingly well. There are still many serious problems and things only seem to be headed downhill, not that that is unique to the East of the City, but with others’ falls from grace, these districts have become much more typical representations of the City over the last few years. As residents of Hawthorne, it is the district you are most familar with by far, however you also have some details of the surround districts are common knowledge, such as the main gangs and megacorps active in each area.


Hawthorne is a dense cluster of mid rise apartments and a smattering of higher rise towers, to the North East of New Sevastopol’s centre. Thanks to some old local legal loopholes, it has long been known for two things, Ambrosia, a highly addictive drug, and VR experiences that depict sordid and highly illegal things. Dens that cater to addicts of either Ambrosia’s high or the rush of the VR experiences are dotted around the district, bringing in customers from across the city, and giving the district a seedy reputation.

Tensions are currently high in Hawthorne. There is no shortage of doomsday cults on Eden, however Death’s Hand, Hawthorne’s local variety, have gained a significant following in the area and its militant arm, The Bloody Horde, have effective control over a large proportion of the district. Death’s Hand believe that Eden is beyond saving in its current state. They wish to accelerate the end of society as only then, they believe, can a new better world rise from the ashes of the old one. With the Horde blackmailing a number of government officials, as they try to wrest more of the district into their control, the local police have been cracking down hard on the cult and its gang, only serving to whip up even more unrest leaving Hawthrone on the precipice of total anarchy.
Important Locations
None known yet.
Important People
Local Government
None known yet.
Kurosawa-Callaghan Amalgamated Industries
None known yet.

Robodyne International
None known yet.

Ultramax SAE
None known yet.
The Bloody Horde
The Bloody Horde are a gang made up of the more violent and hardline members of a local doomsday cult known as Death’s Hand. Acting as the militant wing of the cult, they favor blackmailing local government officials and corporate representatives to further the Hand’s goals. After a recent crackdown by the local police force, word on the street is that they are planning something big to exact their revenge.
Leader: Yasuko Hawk

The Brotherhood of Thorns
Operating with backing of the local government, the Brotherhood of Thorns keep the drugs following in the district, ensuring that the area’s drug dens remain well stocked bringing in wealth from the other parts of the city where such substances may be harder to come by and keeping money following into the hands of the local government through the various bribes and taxes then collect.
Leader: Federico “Brick” Gallardo

The 3189 Crew
The 3189 Crew, often shortened to just the 89, are a hacking group turned VR production house. After making a killing in a series of successful, high profile hacks, the 89 are spending their wealth trying to break into Hawthorne’s industry producing VR content for the district’s seedy VR dens. Their recent winning streak left their members with heavy pockets and many of them now sport the latest in weapons tech and cyberware among other displays of wealth.
Leader: Push
Herkus De Smet
De Smet is the fixer you have managed to make contact with to get yourself started on your path to becoming an operator. He is a relatively new fixer on the scene in Hawthorne and as such has yet to cultivate a large network of clients and operators. Despite this he seems to have corporate backing, already having a reputation for paying well. He is always well dressed, a fan of sleek dark suits that stand out in a district like Hawthorne but would make him unremarkable and nondescript in the City's core.
None known yet.


Horwood is a relatively unimportant district of the city, overlooked by many of its major players. Once an industrial area, it is now home to a large number of favela-like slums, built on the large lots left behind by the demolition of the abandoned factories. A large chemical factory still operates in the district, sitting on the bank of the East River. Operated by Prometheus Energy LLC, the chemical plant is the lifeblood of the local economy however it is dangerous work, potentially lethal work. A deadly chemical spill occurred at the plant around ten years ago, the toxic substances following through the slums. Most of the district’s long term residents bear scars and mutations from the incident, while any children that are born in Horwood are prone to deformations.
Important Locations
Horwood Chemical Plant - The chemical planet responsible for employing a large portion of the district's residents and the source of the chemical spill that has polluted the area.
Important People
Local Government
None known yet.
Prometheus Energy LLC
None known yet.

Ultramax SAE
None known yet.
The Azure Ring

3rd Street Disciples
None known yet.
None known yet.


Northlake is one of the lower density districts in the inner city. Originally a luxury development, it offered the wealthy of New Sevastopol large homes and suburban living without a painfully long commute to the city centre. These suburban developments were built around a large parkland and lake from which the district takes its name.

Over time, as the city’s richest departed for the orbitals, Northlake was mostly abandoned. The park has become a thick jungle, hosting camps of fugitive gang members and junkies, among other nefarious things. Many of the empty mansions have since been damaged beyond repair or taken over by squatters, but two of the megacorps, Falcon Financial and AGK, still maintain their own company-town subdivisions.

With the decline of the district around them, these gated communities have ramped up security, making getting in and out hard without the right passes or contacts, however as a consequence they are safe havens in a wild and feral area of the city.
Important Locations
None known yet.
Important People
Local Government
None known yet.
AGK Incorporated
None known yet.

Falcon Financial Securities
None known yet.
Northlake Outfit
None known yet.

Parkland Pact
None known yet.

The Arcadia Girls
None known yet.
None known yet.
None known yet.


Sat on the shores of the Carnlow Gulf with long sandy beaches and views of rockets lifting off over the gulf, Oceania became a popular and trendy district. This demand led to the construction of several large arcologies which tower over the district, providing their residents with stunning views of the ocean and the city. The arcologies, like the City beneath them, have declined in recent years, however as the district’s population shrunk over the years, its residents choose to move into the towers meaning life still thrives within them.

The relative emptiness of the buildings around the towers, and the district’s location on the coast, has led to it becoming a haven for smugglers. Hidden docks line the coast, letting small boats and submersibles bring contraband into the City, while networks of tunnels cut through the district’s abandoned buildings, allowing the goods to be easily funneled into the surrounding districts.
Important Locations
Sunrise Tower - The easternmost of Oceania's arcologies.
Important People
Local Government
None known yet.
Prometheus Energy LLC
None known yet.

Robodyne International
None known yet.

Falcon Financial Securities
None known yet.
The Gulf Highway Posse
None known yet.

Freedom Syndicate
None known yet.

The Sunrise Tower Squad
None known yet.
None known yet.
None known yet.

Smith Cross

Smith Cross is where the terminus of the maglev lines that lead into the city is located. From here resources are moved from the trains onto trucks and ferried to the spaceport or other districts that need them. While once this made Smith Cross the wealthy and influential centre of the city, the exodus from Eden moved the focus of the city towards the spaceport and its surrounding districts. In turn this led to the wealth that once supported Smith Cross following through the district instead of into it.

Despite this decline in relevancy the train station remains a vital location, linking the city to the rest of Arcadia and corporate interests outside of the city limits, as a result a number of megacorps remain heavily interested in the district’s goings on. The district is still relatively dense, however a number of large facilities and structures sit empty, abandoned by their owners who moved their operations closer to the spaceport.
Important Locations
Smith Cross Terminus - The terminal that receives the maglev trains coming into the city and their cargo.
Important People
Local Government
None known yet.
Prometheus Energy LLC
None known yet.

AGK Incorporated
None known yet.

Robodyne International
None known yet.

Ultramax SAE
None known yet.
The Rifle Company
None known yet.

The Smith Cross Syndicate
None known yet.

Falkner's Army
None known yet.
None known yet.
None known yet.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Core Districts

Focused around the Spaceport and the corporate towers of The Plaza, the Core area of New Sevastopol is the pinnacle of the city. While some of its outer districts can still be rough around the edges, the sheer amount of people and commerce that flows through these districts every day ensures that wealth permeates them all.


The reason that New Sevastopol has any relevance at all in the modern world. The Spaceport is a huge compound of launch pads, terminals and warehouses built on the shores of the Carnlow Gulf. All of the megacorps have a major presence here and security is tight. Due to its importance, there is something of an unspoken truce between the corporations within the Spaceport’s confines as any damage to the vital infrastructure would be catastrophic for all involved.

The Plaza

Filled with enormous glittering towers, the Plaza is the seat of corporate power in Arcadia and the City. Access into the district is highly limited to regular citizenry with corporate connections being a must. Many high ranking corporate employees never leave the Plaza, living and working exclusively within the district. The government and police’s presence in the Plaza is nominal at best, as the area is locked down by near omnipresent corporate security meaning the violent crime seen across the rest of the city is nearly entirely absent save for the occasional high risk clandestine operator mission or suicidal agitator attacks.


Barton was the epicenter of one of the biggest corporate conflicts New Sevastopol has seen in recent memory. With three different corporations deploying military forces unhindered by rules of engagement. The battle lasted only a few weeks, but the evidence it left behind remains to this day, from walls pocked with bullet holes, to burned out hover tanks blocking intersections.

Now the dust from the conflict has settled, Kurosawa-Callaghan are in the process of digging a canal through the district with the intentions of adding another route of access to the Concord Wharves for corporate shipping, but also to further cut off the rest of the city from the Core as Barton has historically been the easiest place for undesirables to slip into the area.

Concord Wharves

The wharves serve as an inner city port for the megacorps, for any cargo deemed too valuable to risk unloading at The Quays and then having to transport by road. Most of the local residents are employed by the Wharves. The high value and sensitive nature of much of the cargo passing through the Wharves has lead to a number of cyberware installations being mandatory for all employees. These mostly serve to allow the corporations to edit the memories of any workers that see something they shouldn’t, however other cyberware designed to make working the docks easier is also extremely common.


While power in New Sevastopol is highly concentrated among the elite, things are taken one step further in Nelson. Ongo Gablogian, a media mogul and executive for a subsidiary of Falcon Financial, rules the district’s main industry and by extension the district itself. All of Nelson’s gangs, government officials, police, and even the branches of other megacorps answer to Gablogian.

With this power, Gablogian churns out entertainment and propaganda alike, as hopeful actors, journalists and producers try to climb their way up his ladder, hoping his favour will win them fame and fortune.


Home to the Prometheus Energy desalination plants, Waterside is an important district despite its smaller population. The large facilities line the coastline while the rest of the district houses the workers that keep New Sevastopol’s fresh water flowing. Due to the high value of water, the district is known as a dangerous one. Raids on the plants by gangs and other corporations are a common occurrence, with the Prometheus Energy guards always on high alert and unafraid to respond with force, protecting their corp’s most valuable assets.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Central Districts

Far enough South to escape the devastation many of the Northern districts saw at the hands of the socialists, the Central districts lie too far from the Spaceport to be considered part of the City’s Core, however their position in the middle of the inner city make them the target of many different groups’ plans.


Most of Griffith is occupied by a sprawling slum of favela like shanty towns. Within this slum, the people have come to rely on themselves rather than the powers that would otherwise claim to run the district. While the Major Players seemed to be unbothered by this status quo, entirely uninterested in the district, recently Caldera Bio-technologies has been attempting to take over the district trying to expand their influence in New Sevastopol beyond their enclave in Medina.


Through a number of mergers, corporate takeovers and a healthy dose of government lobbying, Caldera Bio-technologies has supplanted all other megacorps in Medina, as well as the local government which has ceased to exist in almost all but name. As the ruling power of Medina, the corporation applies its mantra of innovation over regulation to their governance of the district, meaning Medina’s laws are significantly less far reaching than those of the rest of the City. As such the district has become known for both the availability of Caldera’s cutting edge gene therapies and its black markets where numerous goods and services can be acquired that would be illegal elsewhere in the City.


Most of New Sevastopol’s coastline has defences in place to protect the City from storm surges and cyclones in the Gulf. Several years ago, such a storm battered the City and Pontica’s ill-maintained defences unfortunately failed, flooding its streets. Since then, the contract to rebuild the sea wall has been highly sought after by several of the megacorps. With legal proceedings still ongoing and no end in sight, the district has adjusted to life with waterways where there were once roads, using small boats instead of vehicles and installing aquatic cyberware to make their lives easier.

The flooding also had another large impact on the district. As the waters rushed in, many were caught in the flow and swept away, drowning in the storm drains and basements of the area. Pontica’s gangs seized this opportunity, harvesting the dead for any intact cyber and healthy organs. While the dead of the floods are long since gone, the organleggers remain, sourcing implants and organs from all over the city to sell to anyone looking for items they can’t obtain through legitimate channels.


Sunset is currently the place to be in New Sevastopol. Its grungy grassroots music scene of years past has led to rampant gentrification as the City’s wealthy have moved in on mass, supplanting the very counter culture that brought them there in the first place, replacing it with a sanitized commercially viable alternative. A number of the district’s original residents and musicians do remain, attempting to retain their place in Sunset and resisting their increasing irrelevancy.

The Oaks

Named for its groves of oak trees, said to be planted using seeds from Earth itself, The Oaks has deep religious significance for a group that follow a religion called Gaianism. The Gaianists believe that Eden is not doomed and that it is possible to revert the damage done by the Orinov-Veridon war and the rampant pollution caused by the megacorp’s rush to space. They preach regression to a lower technology level and less destructive way of life, hoping that if allowed to Eden will be able to heal itself, returning the planet to the lush fertile paradise it once was. While the religion is generally viewed as a legitimate one, it is not without its more extreme sects, with some unafraid to resort to terrorist or the use of the technology they hate so much if it means they are able to affect change.

Unfortunately a blight has infected and killed several of the oak groves the Gaianists find sacred and it looks like it will ultimately wipe all of the trees out in the near future, despite their best efforts to protect the remaining groves.

The Quays

New Sevastopol’s main seaport, much of life in the Quays revolves around the coming and going of cargo ships. It has a sizable but eclectic immigrant population as sailors going AWOL on shore leave is a common occurrence despite their employers best efforts to retain them for the return journey back to their country of origin.

People are not the only thing that has been introduced to the City via The Quays. A number of large wolf like creatures called Threx have overrun the district and spread in smaller numbers to the surrounding districts. Having stowed away on a foreign freighter, Threx breed fast and are nocturnal hunters that rarely turn up their nose at any potential prey. Many a person has gone missing walking around The Quays at night, with only their gnawed up cyber being recovered.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Northern Districts

While the City once stretched much further North, its outer districts were already in the process of being abandoned before the terrorist attack nine years ago. Now the Northern Districts only number a handful and they represent some of the poorest and most dangerous in the city, with their existing problems only exacerbated by the event.


Several years ago Barnes was the target of an attempt by Varangian Heavy Industries to gain a foothold in New Sevastopol. Establishing a presence in the district, they were able to muscle their way into its economy by undercutting all competition. More recently, in an attempt to compete and push the foreign corp out, the district’s factories have cut costs, safety standards and reduced wages. This shift has seen backlash from the district’s locals, sparking riots and sabotage, among other acts of violent protest, targeting the megacorps and the local government that supports them. However there are rumours that much of the discontent has been stirred up by Varangian Heavy Industries in an effort to maintain their foothold in the district.

Cavell Heights

Cavell Heights is where many of the Red Zone scavengers originate. Despite the lethality of scavenging the Zone, much of the district’s economy revolves around fixing up and repurposing junk found in the ruins, with all its residents hoping to one day hit on a surviving cache of megacorp technology or other hidden treasure that will set them up for life.

Recently the Heights have seen an increasing number of incursions made by the raiders that call the badlands past the Red Zone home. Attacking through the undefended Red Zone, the Raiders ride in guns blazing before taking whatever they can to replace their own dwindling resources outside of the City. These incursions have see the local government, corps, and scavenger gangs form something of an alliance to defend the district.

The Red Zone

The nuclear wasteland left behind after renegade socialists denoted a device in the City nine years ago. The Red Zone as it is known, was once a number of districts, which stretched the City’s boundaries Northwards, inhabited by millions of people. All that remains is irradiated rubble and roving gangs of scavengers desperate enough to brave the conditions in the hopes of finding something valuable. An elevated maglev track does run through the Zone, too vital a link to the mines and farms to the North of the City to not be repaired, however the trains are heavily guarded through the area due to the frequency of attempted hijackings.

The Warren

A labyrinth of crumbling tenements, rickety catwalks, claustrophobic alleyways and rooftop shanty towns. The Warren as it is known, is a heavily urbanised slum of tightly packed together buildings, resembling something more akin to an arcology than a regular city district. It is incredibly hard for outsiders to navigate, with long-time residents even being unaware of secret buildings and passageways hidden in the concrete jungle.

With little megacorp influence, it is one of the poorest districts in the City and many of its residents eke out what living they can, slaving away in small independent sweatshops.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Western Districts

The western districts across the Greenroy river are the last bastions of civilisation before the City gives way to near unending badlands and automated farmland. The nature of the districts reflects this, with it being a lower population area of the city, with the main job opportunities in the area revolving around either the farms or the sprawling industrial estates.

Jericho Fields

Home to the regional headquarters of AGK Incorporated, Jericho Fields is effectively entirely controlled by the corporation, with the other Major Players having little influence in the district. It marks the beginning of the vast automated farms that supply protein and biofuel for the City, with its population clustered in a AGK company town that surrounds its headquarters.


Due to a clerical error that has never been fixed, Jeddah is completely disconnected from Arcadia’s currency and banking systems. It has its own currency and as a result many of its own institutions, separate from the wider City and Nation. This had led to a fierce independent spirit in the district. The locals look out for each other and are distrusting of outsiders, content to be left alone in their small part of the City.

Thanks to the head ache of outside entities dealing with Jeddah’s economics, Corporate presence in the district is minimal and the area is usually overlooked by the megacorps and other larger powers in the City, for better and for worse.


Tsavo hosts a large number of refugees from the nation of Tsavo - the district’s old name having been supplanted by this association. Fleeing a brutal civil war, refugees from both sides came to find safety and peace in Arcadia. However it soon became apparent that the two groups’ differences were too great for them to leave their conflict in their home country. Tsavo now is a lawless ghetto, where Tsavan gangs continue to kill each other fighting a war they were meant to leave behind.


The home of the City’s illegal slave trade, Westshore’s gangs take unlucky debtors and trafficked immigrants and sell them to the highest bidder. Normally other gangs, or rogue corporate executives looking for cheap expendable labour.

As this practice is illegal, the district’s local government maintains a large number of road blocks, restricting movement around the district in an effort to curb the trade. However in reality this checkpoints have simply become a way for the local law enforcement to solicit bribes from those trying to buy or sell their fellow man.
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Just in case.
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Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Li Fei, the Patchwork Prodigy

Li Fei is a young woman of shorter height and an average-to-slim build. She has ginger hair that with lighter highlights at the tips. Her skin tone is the color of beach sand. She has a few scars across her chin and mouth that she does not cover up. She often wears lipstick, ranging from red to violet.

Li Fei often wears oversized clothing — typically a rugged, thick, blue coat akin to one a paramedic might wear. She wears soft gloves that hardly limit her sensory input, either medical latex, or dyed cloth. She wears combat or cargo pants with many pockets, and simple black zip-up boots. She is often seen carrying a heavy pack that contains cyberdoc supplies. When taking on an operation, she brings a semi-automatic carbine rifle. The black color has aged a bit, but appears well-maintained and with no personal effects on it.
Li Fei is a precocious young woman, highly intelligent and confident in her abilities. She comes across as quite arrogant to others. Despite that, yet her competency can never be denied, only discounted. She is haughty, impatient, and argumentative on the surface.

Getting to know her can be a challenge due to her somewhat abrasive exterior. However, beneath that she can be an empathetic and caring person. Beyond helping herself, she does care about helping others — especially those downtrodden by society.
Background and Concept Elements
1) Born to Learn — Born to two corporatists who had grown weary from the hellish conditions of Eden's society, Li Fei's first years of life were one of rigorous learning and structure. Her mother, an AGK bioresearcher, taught her the sciences and the curiosity demanded of them, while her father, a futures-actuary for Falcon Financial Services, assisted in her early technological training. Together, they instilled in her the hope and commitment toward a better future that they sought for the entire planet. Off the bat, Li Fei excelled in private school studies — the privileges offered to her parents from their moderately-ranking positions paying off immediately.

2) Academy of Tousannes — At the age of 9, Li Fei was enrolled in Academy of Tousannes, a didactic and hands-on youth program that had seen the rise of many corpo chief officers, both the old guard and the new. It was a massive opportunity for Li Fei. She was thrust into the world of the corporation, quickly learning everything from business fundamentals and financial analysis to programming and applied engineering. During the first few years, she thrived. Friends and rivals were of hardly any notice to her, the banalities of socializing lost on her other than as a resource for sourcing new ideas or resources. She was in the top of many of her classes, and caught the eye of many administrators and educators.

3) Alone — At the age of 13, Li Fei's home was raided in the middle of the night by security officers with covered badges. Her parents were whisked away before she even awoke. She was brought in, alone, to a security HQ where she underwent a traumatizing interrogation for nearly nine hours. After being detained for a full week, she was finally released back into a shared living co-op for other at-risk children. She had lost her parents, her home, everything she had known — except for the academy. A couple weeks later, she made her first leap into crime, hacking into a low-security database at one of the corporations. What she found was troubling: her parents were seemingly involved in the act of nuclear terrorism that shocked the City and had created what would later be called the Red Zone.

4) Drop-out — While Li Fei's parents had always held high expectations for her, they had also offered her a certain level of educational freedom and independence that she could justify it with. However, now under the thumb of the counseling wing of the academy as her guardian, her coursework and career path was being debated by suits in backrooms while she was practically a prisoner. She hated it. She rebelled every chance she could, though it seemed every effort to veer off course was righted once more by those above. After nearly two nears of undergoing constant emotional abuse and manipulation, she had had enough. Li Fei cracked into the systems of the academy, removing some files and replacing others. She made herself a ghost, and she walked out the front doors to never return.

5) Life on the Streets — Li Fei celebrated her 16th birthday as a nobody on the streets. She easily found menial work, repairing old tech like compads or speakers, supplementing her income when possible by writing simple programs for cash. She found stable housing, stable income, and did her best to disappear from society — tired of the world, and terrified of what the academy might do if they found her. Within another year or so, she had made a half-decent network of contacts, some of them among the Dynamist movement or Robodyne itself.

6) Back-alley Blues — At age 18, Li Fei opened her own cyberdoc back-alley shop named Red Devil Repair. She had done some contract work for the owner of the building, Morgan Leahy, and he gave her market rate for the downtrodden corner stall. It became her new home. Drawing from her experience in medicine from the academy, as well as her own pursuits of cyberware, she began doing minor repairs and surgeries for those willing (and cheap enough) to let a fresh-faced doc try her hand. Within two years, she had cornered the market of her small chunk of Hawthorne, Red Devil repair becoming a notable name among those with their ears to the ground. Around this time, an unmarked package showed up one day. Inside was a vague note and a rifle that used to belong to her parents. It had gone missing around the time of their arrest.

7) Dynamist Dealings — After getting re-discovered by Dintak Alomorez, a fellow former student at the academy, Li Fei began to dive deeper into the world of Robodyne and their high-class cyberware. She befriended Konstantin Walker, the owner of Furtive, and began to frequent his club. Getting in with some of the local Dynamist types, she began putting together a research portfolio on all the research and development scraps she could find or hack from their systems. Now on the verge of something big that Robodyne may soon be pushing, Li Fei decides she needs a head-start, and quickly. A cash injection to start — that would allow her to get out from under Leahy, and into something more independent. If she places herself in a good enough position, she can ride out the wave of Robodyne's newest tech drop, and maybe even begin to build a line of her own cyberware.
1) Li Fei wants to develop her own line of cyberware, something more equitable, modular, and independent.

2) Li Fei wants to get out of a back-alley cyberdoc chop shop and have her own high-tech clinic for surgeries. This could be combined with her own cyberline, making them exclusive one-stop shops.

3) I want Li Fei to have the opportunity (or literally need to) use more cyberware on her own person.
1) Her parents were among the Coalition For A Utopian Eden (CUE, or Q), and were among those responsible for the terrorist attack that created the Red Zone. Li Fei is known to the corpos as such but has been living relatively within plain sight, hardly a threat to their interests.

2) Li Fei is not her real name — it is one she created for herself upon leaving the academy and living on the streets.

3) Robodyne is aware that Li Fei has delved into their cyberware research, and keeps a file on her — though they underestimate her potential.

4) Li Fei has no idea what truly happened to her parents, whether they are lived, or executed by the corpos.
People Tied to Character
1) Father — A former futures-actuary for Falcon Financial Systems, and a member of CUE. He was cool-headed, analytic, and humorous.

2) Mother — A former bio-researcher for AGK and a member of CUE. She was charming, curious, and caring.

3) Konstantin Walker — see Contacts.

4) Dintak Alamorez —  see Contacts.

5) Arkus Finch — A Dynamist and operator who frequents Furtive nightclub. He is a cyber-head with a loud mouth. Li Fei has been following him for some time, trying to glean what she can from his wild claims and speculation about Robodyne's production. Arkus is arrogant, chatty, and bratty.

6) Tolanta 'Toz' Branton — A Dynamist who had previously come to Red Devil Repair. Li Fei botched a surgery which cost Toz a lot of money on a new cyberware set. Toz frequents Furtive as well, and Li Fei knows when to stick to the shadows or else be singled out. Toz is vengeful, competent, and quick to anger.

7) Morgan Leahy — the owner of the city block that Li Fei's cyberdoc chop-shop (and makeshift apartment) is a part of. He has noticed her ascent to mild notoriety around the block, and has raised his rates above the market rate in response. He is calculating, sociopathic, and is rumored to be a cannibal.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Li Fei holds many close memories of her childhood with her parents. The pain of their decision is hard to reconcile with, but it cannot deny her of the love they held for her in her early years. She wonders most days what their final fate might have been. In a strange but fond remembrance of them, Li Fei keeps her family rifle clean and maintained, hung on her wall almost like a shrine. She says a quick blessing in front of it before she leaves each day.

2) Li Fei fates hair in her face, preferring to keep it short and often held back with clips or ties.

3) Li Fei is left-handed, an annoyance to her especially since most tools, tech, and hardware assumes right-handedness. Despite that, she knows the left-handed rifle was her father's as he too was left-handed.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Dead or missing. None else present.

Class: Upper middle class originally, now lower middle class

Profession: Cyberdoc by day, hacker & programmer by night.

Institutions: Her parents were involved in the Coaliation For A Utopian Eden (CUE), but she has stayed far from such radicalism especially as she's on many watch lists. Instead, she was involved in an academy before dropping out. Now, she has her own cyberdoc shop.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Survival & Getting Ahead — Li Fei places herself first before any others. She will not put herself into danger unless the results can outweigh the risks.

Secondary: Pursuit of Knowledge — Li Fei values learning all she can, whether it is about cyberware, surgery, programming, cyberspace, etc. She wants to incorporate any new info into her survival and interests.

Tertiary: Succeeding Where Her Parents Didn't — Li Fei loves and misses her parents, but she feels they failed her and themselves. She will push toward her goals where they couldn't.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Make enough cash to get out of her tenuous relationship with her landlord.

Medium-Term: Establish a proper clinic for cyberware

Long-Term: Develop her own line of cyberware that is better, cheaper, more modular, and more available than Robodyne's.
Character Sheet
Li Fei

Background: Technician
Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 22
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Languages: Mandate

HP: 4/4
Major Injuries: None
System Strain: 0/14
Initiative: +1


Melee AC: 12
Ranged AC: 13
Armor Soak: 3/3
Trauma Target: 6

Physical Save: 14
Evasion Save: 14
Will Save: 12
Luck Save: 15


Base Attack Bonus: +0

1d20+1 to hit, 1d10+2 damage, 1d8 Trauma Die, x2 Trauma Rating, 200/400 range
Mods: None
Ammo: 6/6


STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 14 (+1)
INT 18 (+3)
WIS 8 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

Skill Points: 0

Prodigy: Your Intelligence score becomes 18 and grants a +3 modifier.

Hacker: Description Gain Program as a bonus skill. You may begin play with an installed Cranial Jack cybersystem, a scrap deck, and eight program elements of your choice among available Verbs and Subjects. Each round, you gain a bonus Main Action that can only be used to perform hacking or cyberspace-related mental actions. This does not include drone piloting or vehicle driving.
Elements picked: Barrier



Cyberdoc-1: Gain Fix and Heal as bonus skills. You start play with a cyberdoc kit, and you can implant cyberware even if your Heal skill is level-0. You gain a +2 bonus on all cyber implant surgery skill checks. If you perform cyber maintenance for a person, the delicacy of your adjustments decreases the total System Strain cost of their implants by one point until their next maintenance interval.
Cranial Jack
$1K| Head | Touch | 0.25 Sys. Sys. Strain
Effect: A discreetly-placed plug socket in the user’s head or neck allows interfacing with cyberdecks and gear equipped with a jack line.

Cyber Maintenance: $50 (5% Total Cost/Month)
READIED (Capacity: 4/5)
2 | Rifle
0 | Street Leathers
0 | Gear Harness
0 | Smartphone, basic
1 | Grenade, smoke
0 | Trauma Patch
0 | 25 rounds of ammo
1 | Scrap Deck

STOWED (Capacity: 4/10)
2 | 2x Ammo mags
2 | Kit, Cyberdoc
0 | Bus pass, monthly

0 | Nothing
$500 to begin
$250 - Street Leathers
$25 - Backpack / Gear Harness
$50 - Trauma Patch
$25 - 25 rounds of ammo
$20 - 2x Ammo mags
$50 - Smartphone, basic
$25 - Grenade, smoke
$50 - Bus pass, monthly

Free - Scrap Deck (Hacker Edge)
Free - Kit, Cyberdock (Cyberdoc-1 Focus)
Free - Cranial Jack cyberware (Cyberdoc-1 Focus)
Free - Rifle (Signature item)

$5 balance


Konstantin Walker
Owner of Furtive, a nightclub that tends to bring in a lot of Dynamists and others decked out in cyberware. Li Fei patched him up after he was knifed in an alley, and in exchange, he occasionally shares a scoop with her.

Dintak Alamorez
Junior project lead for Robodyne, and a fellow prodigy specializing in R&D. Went to university with Li Fei. While he would never share current tech, she has bought past-cycle cyberware and gadgets from him, as well as gleaned tips on methods of jailbreaking them.

Attributes: [3d6]=10[3d6]=12[3d6]=8[3d6]=5[3d6]=8[3d6]=10

STR 10
DEX 12
CON 8->14
CHA 10

Technician (Fix-0)

Growth: [1d6]=1
+1 DEX
Growth: [1d6]=1
+1 DEX
Learning: [1d8]=1


Prodigy, INT
Hacker (Program-0)

Cyberdoc (Fix->Program-1) and (Heal-0)

Background Skill

HP: [1d6]=3

Ending Spread

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 14 (+1)
INT 18 (+3)
WIS 8 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

HP: 4


Prodigy (INT)

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Post by Fialova »

Ryoko Salo, Ex-Arabashi Enforcer

Ryoko is of average height with long, wavy dark brown hair. She has a toned, athletic physique that is accentuated with several pieces of cyberware - though not visibly. Her cybereyes - the first such implant - replicate the piercing blue eyes she'd naturally inherited from her father.

As an enforcer, she'd previously mostly been seen wearing her combat suit, though she now is mostly seen wearing plain clothes since her move to Hawthorne. She is not accustomed to choosing her own outfits, so they tend to look very plain and unfashionable, favoring function over form. Cargo pants or shorts and a simple t-shirt or tank top form the bulk of her recent attire, many such things clothes her mother still had from her siblings' younger days.
Ryoko is quite cautious and stern, traits she's developed in her decade-long career as a member of Arabashi Ltd's corporate security force. She tends to approach people and situations with bluntness and rarely seeks to draw conversations out for longer than they need to last to communicate information. She has tended to not have many close friendships or other relationships as a result of her rather gruff demeanor.

Despite the serious exterior, she can also be quite prideful, and will generally seek to compete with others if prompted, especially in physical competitions. She is a perfectionist at heart who seeks to be the best she can be, and sees such competitions as another opportunity to either prove her own superiority, or to find gaps in her abilities to be remedied. She can be a sore loser if competing in something she views herself as especially skilled in, such as combat exercises.
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life: Ryoko was born to Hinako Kimura and Federico Salo in the Barton district, prior to its decimation. Her father, Federico, was a middle manager in Arabashi Ltd, a subsidiary of Robodyne industries at the time. Her mother, Hinako, was a housewife. She was the fifth of seven children to be born of the pair, and grew up in a household heavily influence by the Arabashi Ltd brand and its corporate propaganda, as well as influence from Robodyne International as a whole. Her and her siblings - Chiharu, Arvo, Rauli, Miyuki, Sanae, and Linus - were sent to school in Arabashi Ltd's corporate headquarters, and all of their friends were children of other Arabashi Ltd employees. Her whole life, Ryoko had the expectation that she would one day also be working for Arabashi Ltd, and married to someone who did the same.

Adolescence: Throughout her childhood, Ryoko excelled in physical studies at the expense of more academic pursuits. She was enrolled in gymnastics and later wrestling, and briefly ran for the Arabashi school's track team. When the time came to really sit down and decide what she wanted to do with her life - specifically, which department she wanted to work for at the company - her mind always strayed from logistics and management towards security and enforcement, much to her father's chagrin. He knew the dangers involved and would warn her of the risks constantly, but the rebellious side of Ryoko only took this as more support for her decision. When her schooling was over, she immediately enrolled in the security officer training program at Arabashi Ltd, and began to learn the ropes.

Ryoko the Sec. Op.: Despite it being her first time working for a living, Ryoko saw her training and following career as a security operative as first taste at freedom in the world. She was given a small room in the corporate barracks to reside in, away from her parents, and finally got to feel like her own woman for the first time in her life. She aimed to be the model recruit, always making a point to show up to training on time, complete her assignments as quickly as possible, and overall suck up to the officers in charge. She eschewed socialization in favor of perfection, always trying to outdo her fellow trainees and earn the approval of their superiors like she did in sports in school.

After the months-long training program, she was promoted to Security Operative and afford a small stipend as well as a slightly larger barrack to reside in. She was implanted with her first set of cyberware - a simple set of cybereyes with infrared capabilities - and assigned a basic security detail at Arabashi Ltd's corporate headquarters. Now, each day, she'd stand watch and do... nothing. Very little happened during her job, and she started to feel the very initial signs of regret in her hasty decision to become a member of the corporation's security forces. The humdrum of her life felt like it dragged on, and the few times she did have to subdue someone hostile didn't make up for the myriad days in between that all came in went with nothing to show for it.

The Battle of Barton: After years of growing displeasure with her chosen career path, Ryoko would see the single greatest test of her abilities when all-out conflict sparked in Barton. During the weeks of fighting, she'd see most of Arabashi Ltd wiped out, as her family and many others were forced to flee the district for safer parts of the city. Despite the overwhelming devestation to the only area she'd known as her home, she reveled in the opportunity to show off her combat prowess, and earned a reputation as one of Arabashi's best security operatives in action. When the dust settled, she'd see herself promoted from the run-of-the-mill operative roll to that of a corporate enforcer, trusted with putting down threats before they could grow too large or dangerous.

Oceanic Enforcer: With the destruction of Arabashi Ltd's headquarters in Barton, Ryoko was transferred - in her new role - to their new headquarters, located in what was previously a satellite office in Oceania. There Ryoko would finally get to see the frequent action she'd desired in her early days, tasked with putting down gangs and smuggling rings, and the occasional Dynamist extremist groups who saw Arabashi as weak and deserving of destruction. Here she'd hone her skills and earn the many more cyberware implants she now has, all of which served only to make her more effective in her role at enforcing the corporations's will on the district.

The Dynamist Coup: Like most Robodyne subsidiaries, Arabashi Ltd had had its fair share of Dynamists and Dynamist sympathizers within its ranks, even despite the company's frequent clashes with Dynamist extremist groups. Those sentiments continued to grow over the years until they became a majority, and the old CEO of Arabashi Ltd was ousted in favor of a new, Dynamist CEO. This new CEO - Anselm Batyrov - saw any remaining anti-Dynamists within the corporation as a threat, and sought to clean house, which ultimately resulted in many of the security officers - Ryoko included - losing their jobs. It has not been long since her firing, and Ryoko is still extremely upset about it, the event only serving to further her distaste for Dynamism and all who support its cause. Now she is staying with her mother in her new home in Hawthorne, taking whatever work she can get to help pay for her maintenance bills and living expenses...

Character Goal: Ryoko, at her core, has it out for Dynamism and its sympathizers. She'd always had distaste for them prior to their takeover of her corporation, but since then her hatred has grown quite strong. Absent her own survival, her primary goal at this point in her life is to get back at the Dynamists - especially the ones who took over Arabashi Ltd - in whatever ways she can.

Player Goal: I'd like for Ryoko to grow more as a person and begin to see that her corporate life was ultimately not a good one, and that she should be grateful to the Dynamists for forcing her to put that life behind her for a chance at a better, less propagandized one.
Known: Ryoko had to watch her father die in the Battle of Barton, and has kept that a secret from the rest of her family ever since. The sight of him being turned to mist by a rival corporation's tank round has been seared into her memory, and she has recurring nightmares about the scene. This personal trauma is one of the things that drove her to fight so hard during the battle, and in her career since, and she hopes her siblings and mother never have to find out how violently he died.

Unknown: The Dynamists in charge of Arabashi Ltd are keeping tabs on Ryoko, and others that they let go, whom they deem as potential threats. While they have yet to openly seek those people harm, they remain a threat to Ryoko's safety, and that of her family, especially if she makes any moves against their Dynamist sect.
People Tied to Character
Federico Salo (deceased) - Ryoko's late father, who had previously been in middle management at Arabashi Ltd. Before his death, the two had a close bond, and she has been haunted by the sight of his death ever since. She still mourns him on the anniversary of his death each year, though silently and on her own, rather than in solidarity with the remainder of her family.

Hinako Kimura - Ryoko's mother, who had been an employee at Arabashi Ltd before settling into her role as a housewife. She now works at a pharmacy in Harthorne, a few blocks from her new home. She was a very cheerful, loving mother prior to the Battle of Barton, but since the deaths of her husband and two of her children, she is a shell of her former self. She and Ryoko had a strained relationship after the battle, as Hinako no longer wanted anything to do with Arabashi Ltd, but since her firing the two have begun to grow closer again.

Chiharu Salo - Ryoko's eldest sister, who initially worked for Arabashi Ltd before moving to another Robodyne subsidiary. She now lives in a very small home in the Plaza, where she and her wife enjoy a life of luxury. She and Ryoko barely interact with one another anymore, as Chiharu has mostly abandoned her own family in favor of her wife's much wealthier family, preferring to bask in their comfortable life rather than the more traumatic history her own family has to deal with.

Arvo Salo - Ryoko's eldest brother, who now works in middle management in Arabashi Ltd like their father. Unlike Ryoko, he is a proud Dynamist and supported their takeover of the corporation. He feels bad that Ryoko lost her job, but also feels it is her fault and that she should accept Dynamism. Ryoko sees Arvo as a traitor to her and the company as a whole, and has cut all contact with him since her removal from the company.

Rauli Salo (deceased) - Ryoko's second older brother, who worked in shipping and receiving at Arabashi Ltd's corporate HQ. He was killed in the Battle of Barton like their father. As children, Ryoko and Rauli were relatively close siblings, so his death hit her hard, though not as hard as that of her father's. Like her father, she quietly mourns Rauli's loss each year, wondering what could have been of his life if he'd lived.

Miyuki Salo - Ryoko's second older sister, who followed in their mother's footsteps in marrying someone higher in Arabashi Ltd before becoming a housewife. She now has three children of her own, living in Oceania, though Ryoko has never taken then the time to meet them. The two never really got along growing up, and don't talk much now apart from simple holiday greetings. Ryoko doesn't even know if Miyuki's husband remained on at Arabashi Ltd after the coup, or if they were ousted like her.

Sanae Salo (deceased) - Ryoko's younger sister, who had been in her first year teaching at the Arabashi Ltd school when the Battle of Barton occurred. She died in the bombings on the HQ, her body never recovered. Ryoko used to spar with Sanae growing up, and was surprised when she went into education rather than corporate security. She can't help but to think that if Sanae had joined in her footsteps, she'd still be alive today. Like her father and brother, Ryoko mourns the loss of her sister each year.

Linus Salo - Ryoko's younger brother, who chose not to follow in his family's footsteps in joining Arabashi Ltd after witnessing 3 of his family members die in the company's service. He instead has chosen to live in Griffith away from the influence of the major corporations. Ryoko resented Linus for years for his decision - as did many of her other family members - but since the coup she has started to wonder if he might have been the wisest of them all. She has tried to reach out to him in recent weeks, but has been unable to find a working number for him, or his current address.

Reiji del Rayo - Ryoko's cousin, whom she barely knows. She is eager to get to know him as they work together in the newly forming crew, which he invited her to join.

Arabashi Ltd:
Ephraim Dulac - the man who was once Ryoko's squad leader for her enforcer group with in Arabashi Ltd. They've known each other for years, and though they've never been close outside work, they've always shared a bond of trust one would expect of their brothers and sisters in arms. He knows that Ryoko was only fired due to her outspoken distaste for Dynamism, and that he has only remained employed because he was more careful about revealing his similar sentiments. As such, he still views Ryoko with respect and is willing to aid her within reason.

Anselm Batyrov - the new Dynamist CEO of Arabashi Ltd, who has made it his mission to weed out any anti-Dynamist sentiment within the corporation. Ryoko, along with the others fired for their views, see the man as a stain on the company's proud history and despise him. Most of the remaining employees, meanwhile, see him as a savior who will bring their branch of Robodyne to even greater heights.

Lil Scotty - a skilled hacker who is a low-ranking member of the 3189 Crew. Ryoko met him doing a security detail for the gang, and helped protect him from some Blood Horde members he tried to pawn some intel off on. He now sees Ryoko as his guardian angel who can keep him safe from his seedy tendencies, and tries to call on her aid more than she'd like. The last time she helped him, she told him off for his lack of discretion and general disloyalty to the 3189, seeing it as a fast way for him to end up dead. Despite her annoyance with the man, she does see him as a useful person to know, as having a contact within the 3189 helps her get new jobs and firmware from the group.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Ryoko has vivid memories of the Battle of Barton, her first real taste of action in her career, and the event that saw three of her close family members killed. She especially recalls witnessing her father turned into a fine mist by an enemy tank, an image which has been seared into her mind and continues to haunt her dreams years later.

2) Ryoko is overly cautious, and will generally make an attempt to watch her surroundings. She has a tendency to regularly use the infrared scanner in her cybereye implants to check the areas she is walking in, even outside of her job, as she always expects hostility. This has only heightened since her arrival in Hawthorne with the prevalence of the local gangs.

3) Ryoko tends to be very unflinching in the face of danger, a tendency that formed when she obtained her current dermal armor. Most things fail to intimidate her, so even faced with armed opponents she tends to firmly stand her ground without fear. Time will tell how long before this gets her injured ore killed.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: The Salo family, as listed above. Her father and two of her siblings are deceased, but her mother and other four siblings still live, albeit all away from one another.

Class: She was previously pretty middle to upper-middle class both as a child and as a corporate enforcer. Now she is nearly homeless and poor.

Profession: Previously she was a corporate enforcer, now she is a merc looking for work where she can find it.

Institutions: Previously Arabashi Ltd, a subsidiary of Robodyne.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Pride. Ryoko was raised with a strong sense of corporate pride, and this developed later into personal pride at her athletic capabilities, and later pride in her work as a corporate goon. It has driven her to excel at her job and now that she has lost that job, it drives her to seek to reclaim as much of her past life as she is able to outside Arabashi.

Secondary: Fear. Since the Battle of Barton, Ryoko has become a very cautious person, fueled by the fear that witnessing her father die instilled in her. She seeks to excel at her job out of personal pride, but also in hopes of bringing stability that will prevent similar corporate warfare from occurring. Now that fear continues to eat at her as her future remains unclear and her bills continue to loom in the distance.

Tertiary: Hatred. Ryoko always had distaste for Dynamism and its supporters, but ever since the Dynamist coup of Arabashi Ltd, she has grown to hate them. She sees Dynamism as directly responsible for her current lot in life, and potentially responsible for a future Barton-esque situation, and she has a personal vendetta against anyone who'd willing support such a cause.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: In the immediate future, Ryoko is hoping that the newly-forming crew will work out and she can find a place to belong again, even if only temporarily.

Medium-Term: With the crew or otherwise, she is hoping to find some stability in her life once more. She seeks to move out of her mother's house to her own place again, and potentially find another enforcer career - anything that can afford her a similar quality of life to the one she'd had before, or at least close to it.

Long-Term: Once she is stable, she wants to work to undermine the Dynamism movement, and, if possible, see them ousted from Arabashi Ltd and the corporation returned to its previous values.

Character Sheet
Ryoko Salo

Background: Corp Security
Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 29
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Languages: Mandate,

HP: 4/4
Major Injuries: None
System Strain: 5.5*/12
Initiative: +2

* 5.5 strain from cyberware, does not go down over time


Melee AC: 20
Ranged AC: 20
Armor Soak: 0/0
Trauma Target: 7

Physical Save: 15
Evasion Save: 13
Will Save: 15
Luck Save: 15


Base Attack Bonus: +1

EHV Micro-Edge Katana, Mk I (Advanced Sword)
1d20+4 to hit, 1d10+2 damage, 1d8 trauma die w/ x3 multiplier, Shock 3/AC 13*, melee range
Mods: N/A

EHV Series F Handgun (Light Pistol)
1d20+3 to hit, 1d6+2 damage, 1d8 trauma die w/ x2 multiplier, 10m/80m✝ range
Mods: N/A
Ammo: 15/15


Flash Grenade
1d20+4 to hit (bounce 1d10 meters on miss), 10m/30m range, 5m radius
Effect: targets without sufficient protection make a physical save. On a failure to save, affected targets lose their next Main Action and take -2 to hit and to AC for 1d6 rounds. Effect does not stack, and cannot be applied more than once in the same round.
Remaining: 1/1

Gas Grenade
1d20+4 to hit (bounce 1d10 meters on miss), 1d10 non-lethal damage, 10m/30m range, 5m radius
Effect: creates a zone in affected 10m diameter that damages all targets within, then dissipates in 1 round. A successful physical save halves the damage, and breathing protection prevents damage entirely. Creatures in the zone gain full concealment until the gas dissipates, except against creatures with IR or augmented vision.
Remaining: 1/1

* I treat all enemy AC as 10 for the purposes of shock, assuming they are not immune to shock entirely
✝ I ignore long range penalties due to gunlink


STR 14 (+1), DEX 18 (+2), CON 12 (+0), INT 14 (+1), WIS 11 (+0), CHA 11 (+0)


Skill Points: 0

Wired: You may begin play with up to $200,000 worth of new or secondhand cyber. You don’t need to pay for installation and its maintenance is covered for the next two months. You can redeem this Edge later in your career by paying double the cost of the cyber you selected; if so, you can trade this Edge in for a different one with the GM’s approval.

On Target: Gain shoot-0 as a bonus skill. Your basic attack bonus is equal to your character level, instead of the usual half level, rounded down.


Shocking Assault-1: Gain stab-1 as a bonus skill. The Shock damage of your weapon treats all targets as if they were AC 10, assuming your weapon is capable of harming the target in the first place and the target is not immune to Shock.
Emergency Stabilization Factor
$30k | Body | Medical | Sys. Strain 1
Effect: When brought to zero hit points by an injury that does not instantly kill them, the user automatically stabilizes, gaining one System Strain, and will regain consciousness at the end of the scene with 1 hit point. If they are already at maximum strain, this cyberware does not function.

Dermal Armor II
$80k | Skin | Touch | Sys. Strain 2
Effect: Heavier subcutaneous plating acts as Dermal Armor I with a base ranged and melee AC of 18, and +1 to trauma target. In addition, the user can ignore the first instance of Shock in a round.

Muscle Fiber Replacement I
$50k | Limb | Touch | Sys. Strain 1
Effect: Artificial muscle fibers are implanted as replacements for the user’s own flesh. The subject gains a Strength score of 14, or +2 if already 14 or higher.

Cybereyes (pair)
$10k | Sensory | Touch | Sys. Strain 0.25
Effect: These cybereyes are clearly artificial, though most are styled in attractive or striking fashions. They all have perfect 20/20 vision and integral flash protectors, but additional functionality must be implanted separately. A user with a pair of cybereyes or syntheyes halves the System Strain cost of cybernetic eye implants.

Eye Mod/Infrared Vision
$5k | Sensory | Medical | Sys. Strain 0.25 (0.5 halved)
Effect: The infrared vision this mod allows permits basic navigation in dark areas and makes the presence of heat sources such as humans, engines, and infrared tripwires very obvious. The user gains a +1 bonus on any Notice checks to detect the presence of thermally-unshielded living creatures.

$25k | Sensory | Touch | Sys. Strain 1
Effect: Hardwired control points interface with the onboard targeting systems of most modern firearms. When using a modern firearm, the PC ignores range penalties and negates up to 2 points of hit penalties for cover, concealment, or prone targets. Once per scene, as an Instant action, they can reroll a missed attack roll with a gun.

Cyber Maintenance: $10k (5% of $200k/Month)(first two months are free)
READIED (Capacity: 6/7)
Enc. 0 | Ordinary Clothing
Enc. 1 | Advanced Sword
Enc. 1 | Light Pistol (loaded)
Enc. 1 | Knife
Enc. 0 | Smartphone (basic)
Enc. 1 | Light Pistol magazine (loaded)
Enc. 1 | Grenade, gas
Enc. 1 | Grenade, flash

STOWED (GEAR HARNESS) (Capacity: 1/14)
Enc. 1 | Light Pistol magazine (loaded)
Enc. * | ammunition x15

Enc. X | Item
$500 (starting cash)
-$25 (ordinary clothing)
-$0 (Advanced Sword) (free starting item)
-$200 (Light Pistol)
-$20 (knife)
-$25 (gear harness)
-$50 (smartphone, basic)
-$20 (empty magazine x2)
-$50 (grenade, gas)
-$50 (grenade, flash)
-$60 (ammunition x60)

friendless for now  :cry:

Ephraim Dulac: the man who was once Ryoko's squad leader for her enforcer group with in Arabashi Ltd. They've known each other for years, and though they've never been close outside work, they've always shared a bond of trust one would expect of their brothers and sisters in arms. He knows that Ryoko was only fired due to her outspoken distaste for Dynamism, and that he has only remained employed because he was more careful about revealing his similar sentiments. As such, he still views Ryoko with respect and is willing to aid her within reason.

Lil Scotty: a skilled hacker who is a low-ranking member of the 3189 Crew. Ryoko met him doing a security detail for the gang, and helped protect him from some Blood Horde members he tried to pawn some intel off on. He now sees Ryoko as his guardian angel who can keep him safe from his seedy tendencies, and tries to call on her aid more than she'd like. The last time she helped him, she told him off for his lack of discretion and general disloyalty to the 3189, seeing it as a fast way for him to end up dead. Despite her annoyance with the man, she does see him as a useful person to know, as having a contact within the 3189 helps her get new jobs and firmware from the group.

STR 10, DEX 10, CON 12, INT 13, WIS 11, CHA 11
Use free 14 to change Dex to 14

Background Choice: Corp Security
gain Stab-0 for free
growth: [1d6]=1 = +1 any stat, raise Int from 13 > 14
growth: [1d6]=2 = +2 physical, raise Dex from 14 > 16
growth: [1d6]=4 = +2 physical, raise Dex from 16 > 18

Contacts: one will be ex-coworker, other is rolled
rolls = [1d4]=1[1d6]=6[1d8]=6[1d10]=6[1d12]=7[1d20]=17
d6 = a doc, tech, hacker, or other skilled pro
d8 = last significant interaction was a minor argument over different ideals
d10 = they think i'm going to make it big
d4 = i just met them within the past month
d12 = i met them by covering up a major mistake they made
d20 = they get me in touch with a type of criminal

Edges: Wired, On Target
Wired Starting Cyberware 
Emergency Stabilization Factor (30k) 1 SS
Dermal Armor II (80k) 2 SS
Muscle Fiber Replacement I (50k) 1 SS
Gunlink (25k) 1 SS
Cybereyes (pair) (10k) .25 SS
Eye Mod/Infrared Vision (5k) .25 SS

gain shoot-0 from On Target

Focus: Shocking Assault-1
raises stab to -1

Starting HP: [1d6]=4

Starting Save Scores: Phys 15, Eva 13, Ment 15, Luck 15

Starting Attack Bonus: +1

Free Skill: stealth-0

Use this space to save rolls and calculations during character creation and on level advancement.
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Posts: 4048
Registered for: 11 years 8 months

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Reiji del Rayo, the Reigning Racer

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance: Reiji is a reasonably tall man, standing at 180cm with a lithe but toned build sculpted from years of athletics. He has short black hair, typically well-coiffed up with pomade if not flattened by his helmet. His brows are thick and intense, making his dark brown gaze almost appear to pierce and amplifying his expressions.

He typically wears casual attire, namely in athletic, athleisure, and racing styles. When racing in particular, he often opts for a red and blue branded jacket and his classic candy red motorcycle helmet. His helmet is adorned with stickers, branded sponsorships intermixed with bits of personality.

Personality: Reiji is a contagiously energetic man, excitable and full of life regardless of the pitfalls life throws at him. Even without energy drinks or coffee, he's oddly wired and ready to get things done. Owing to this energy, he's somewhat of an optimist, although even this has had its limits. Likewise, he's energized by new thrills, nearly infinitely fearless while toeing the line with reckless. Some level of caution keeps him in check as he won't put himself into too much peril.

Reiji is an incredibly charming young man, easily able to talk one's ear off and keep them entertained throughout. This has earned him a large following both online and offline, his public persona hardly different from his own self. His infectious charisma lends itself to his high confidence and promiscuity, and his tongue has gotten him in trouble one time or another.

Early Life: Reiji was born in New Sevastopol, the sixth child of a corporate manager and a part-time housekeeper. A solidly middle class upbringing near the Plaza, Reiji always felt safe, cared for, and loved. As the youngest, he was especially doted upon by his parents, siblings, and extended family alike. Though he didn't know it yet, this would also come with immense pressure: the expectations of his parents and the successes of his siblings a looming cloud over the boy. After all, he was special. Or that's what they all told him. 

Another Brick: When he was 6, Reiji was enrolled in a private school district run by Kurosawa-Callaghan's education subsidiary, his tuition and fees covered by his father's employee entitlements. While the first several years of schooling went by fine, with the early basics covered, this quickly changed for Reiji. When he was about 11 or 12, schooling became more rigid and as if he were being forced into a mold. All the while, Reiji's mind was caught in the cloud, dreaming of far off excitement and exotic places. When his schooling performance diminished, his parents pushed him further and his stress increased.

His saving grace was always the hour in gym each day. Though it wasn't a true escape, it gave him a focus and an outlet to work off the growing stresses. He discovered he had quite a knack for athletics, his natural body even triumphing over teenagers already souped up with the latest in cyberware. The school caught on, and he was soon encouraged to join one of the many sports teams if they were to overlook his grades. To them, it was both an experiment to human limits and a path toward bragging rights. At times, they even attempted basic cybernetic enhancements on him to further his performance, but his body rejected them all. Despite this, he soon rose as a star for the school's swimming, cycling, and running teams.

Neon Highways: As the years passed, Reiji felt his love for these sports falter as he was once again forced into a mold, his future seemingly planned out for him. Though the rush of winning once made him burn bright, he felt himself fading. And so he consigned himself to doing the bare minimum and skating by. As he slipped, his mother couldn't help but notice. Hoping to reignite his flickering spark, she saved her earnings and got to planning. And on Reiji's 16th birthday, he awoke to a bright red motorcycle awkwardly crammed into his bedroom.

He was flabbergasted, and he felt an excitement he'd not known for years. His mother explained to him that even when times may seem bleak, he'd now always have the freedom to go where he wanted and carve his own path. From then on, Reiji took that advice, sneaking out to etch his name on the empty, neon-bathed highways. His freeways.

Go Live: After graduating, Reiji found himself lost for a time and unsure where to take his life. Through this, his midnight rides continued. Caught in a storm one night when he was 20, Reiji sought refuge in VR gaming cafe on the edge of Hawthorne. Unbeknownst to him, he stumbled into a free-for-all VR racing tournament. Coaxed on by the cafe's staff and figuring why not, he decided to join the tourney. When he first put on the headset and felt his hand on the throttle, it was almost an alien feeling, yet still familiar. Looking at the roadways, he was dazzled with exotic locales like he'd never seen. And he chased that thrill.

He lost himself in the sensation, only coming back to reality as the whoops and cheers echoed past his headset. It was then that he realized he'd won. The cafe celebrated as the storm raged outside, and Reiji never wanted that feeling to end. In the aftermath, a few people asked if he streamed. He didn't, but now he had the idea. Once the storm broke, he raced home, and soon @RaidenRei was born.

The Raiden Showman: As the years passed, Reiji's platform grew at a decent rate, though his following remained meager. Everything changed when he joined a collaboration tournament, meeting famed streamer HexQueen. She quickly called attention to him as she commentated the tournament, turning the fledgling streamer into an online name. After this, more and more came to watch him race online and stayed for his unique gift of gab. He worked carefully to curate his personal brand and develop merchandise as his popularity boomed, and sponsorship deals soon flooded in. Beyond the digital landscape, the asphalt still called like a siren and he began joining street races, cultivating an even wider audience of fans.

Yet in time, he still worried about plateauing in life, hitting a peak with nothing but a plummet afterwards. Though he still found passion in streaming and racing, he still yearned for more. New skills, new thrills, and never knowing what to expect. When he'd heard that De Smet was looking to put a team together, he figured why not? After all, think of the views.
1) Reiji wants to continue growing his channel in such a way that he can rely on it and sustain his future.

2) I'd like Reiji to be able to prove that cyberware isn't needed to get ahead in this city.
1) When he was just beginning streaming and strapped for cash, he signed a contract that gave a VR porn studio the rights to his likeness for their productions and experiences. He regrets his judgment and loss of autonomy, and he refuses to mention it so the word won't get out.

2) Pharos Red, a subsidiary of KCAI's Virtual Reality Entertainment Division and a corporate sponsor of Reiji, keeps a close eye on him and his apartment to make sure he doesn't say or do anything that would harm the brand's reputation.
People Tied to Reiji
1) Kaito del Rayo is one of Reiji's older brothers and has been a lifelong friend and mentor to him. He's serious and highly protective of his family, though has always cut Reiji some slack as the youngest. He works as an actuary for Falcon, affording him good job security and a comfortable life. He's content, focused, and dislikes change.

2) Alessa D'Alsem is a popular streamer in the City and one of Reiji's closest friends. After meeting during a collab stream some time ago, they became fast friends and routinely collaborate to grow their respective platforms. Even though her channel is significantly larger than his, it's never about the views for her. She's sarcastic yet sweet and doesn't take herself, or anyone, too seriously.

3) Niall Reznik is a friend and routine hookup of Reiji's, living nearby in Hawthorne. The two met on a dating app and regularly get together to drink, game, and otherwise enjoy the other's company. Though Niall wants something more serious, he conceals this to not damage the friendship. He's coolheaded, well-spoken, and empathic.

3) Hinako Kimura is Reiji's aunt, the sister of his mother Emiko. Since moving to Hawthorne, and at his mother's concerned encouragement, he's begun to visit her occasionally and keep her company. Though a figure at little more than holidays, birthdays, and funerals growing up, the pair have begun to reconnect and bond over the latest in movies and television. Reiji can feel the hurt permeating beneath the woman, happy to provide a distraction and an escape from loneliness if even for a time. He drives his own mother out once or twice a week so that she might spend time with her sister.

5) Vedrana Paure is Reiji's upstairs neighbor, and is rumored to be an ex-socialite who's fallen on hard times. She regularly pounds on his door or calls the landlord if his stream gets too loud, while having no problem letting her lapdog yip at all hours. Despite her diminished status, she claims to still have connections to bigwigs in the City. She is narcissistic, charismatic, and remarkably petty.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Reiji fondly remembers his first motorcycle, a gift from his parents for his 16th birthday. He loved it, treating it as if it were his own child. It was left wrecked after a car bomb went off in his neighborhood a couple years later. He managed to salvage its emblem, keeping it as a memento.

2) After a quite sheltered childhood, Reiji has come into independent adulthood as somewhat promiscuous. Beyond the usual apps for fun, he even occasionally streams on the cam site OuiPlay.

3) Reiji has an odd obsession with bubble tea, with it being his go-to drink and even seeking out bubble tea vendors to sponsor his stream.

4) Reiji usually keeps a small tube of pomade on him, ready to remedy any helmet hair.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Reiji comes from a fairly large family. His father Edu is a middle manager at KCAI and his mother Emiko a part-time housekeeper. He has three older sisters (Ayaka, Hana, and Yui) and two older brothers (Shinji and Kaito), all relatively middle-class. Likewise, he has over ten cousins, including Ryoko.

Class: Reiji was raised in and has remained within the middle class of the City.

Profession: He's a professional esports streamer, primarily in VR racing. He likewise races on the physical streets.

Institutions: Reiji is a member of Fusion (Stylized FU/sion), a competitive esports team in the City.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Thrills: Monotony gets old real fast and Reiji is always chasing that next high, that new experience. Though he's not one to put himself into excessively needless danger, he still craves the rush. Besides, it'll get him more views.

Secondary: Real Connections: It's a lonely world, and even worse when Reiji's is riddled with fakes, creeps, and parasocial relationships. He only has a few people who really know him and care about him, and he'll do what he can to change that... albeit with caution.

Tertiary: Cash: Cash is king, baby. And without it, Reiji would starve to death, or worse. Though he's got some level of standards and dignity, he'll almost always chase that dollar sign.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: He'd like to meet his monthly subscriber goal and continue driving engagement.

Medium-Term: He wants to grow his channel into something indefinitely sustainable.

Long-Term: Reiji wants to either carve out his place in Eden, or bring his family and settle in the stars.
Character Sheet
Reiji del Rayo

Background: Performer
Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 25
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Languages: Mandate, Genkyokai

HP: 3/3
Major Injuries: None
System Strain: 0/9
Initiative: +3


Melee AC: 13
Ranged AC: 16
Armor Soak: 2/2
Trauma Target: 6

Physical Save: 15
Evasion Save: 12
Will Save: 12
Luck Save: 15


Base Attack Bonus: +0

Light Pistol
1d20+3 to hit, 1d6+3 damage, 1d8 trauma die w/ x2 multiplier, 10m/80m range
Mods: N/A
Ammo: 15/15

Baseball Bat (Club)
1d20-2 to hit, 1d4^ damage, 1d6 trauma dice w/ x2 multiplier, Shock 1/AC 18, melee range
Mods: N/A


STR 13 (+0), DEX 18 (+3), CON 9 (+0), INT 9 (+0), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 14 (+3)

Skill Points: 0

Prodigy: My Dexterity score becomes 18 and it grants a +3 modifier instead of +2.

Voice of the People: I gain both levels of the Pop Idol focus and an additional Friend Contact related to my art.


All Natural: I cannot accept any implants except for minor cosmetic ones with an unmodified System Strain cost of zero. I gain any skill as a bonus. At 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 10th levels, I can pick an attribute and increase its modifier by +1, up to a maximum of +3. I can still suffer Traumatic Hits, but I'll never suffer major injuries.

Pop Idol Level 1: I gain Perform as a bonus skill. Once per game week, within an hour of messaging, I can mobilize about a hundred of my fans to perform an act of my choice, no more than mildly criminal or slightly dangerous.  My fans don't have any special skills but can do anything ordinary workers or civilians would. Once per month, I can mobilize them for donations or merch purchases, getting up to $1,000 per character level. This is doubled at 5th level and quadrupled at 10th level.

Pop Idol Level 2: I can mobilize up to a hundred fans per level, though large mobs might draw law enforcement. I have fan leaders who can pass along my wishes and conceal my involvement in the crowd. My donation and merch earnings are doubled. My Charisma modifier is increased by +1, to a max of +2.
Incompatible with Cyberware
READIED (Capacity: 1/6)
Enc 0| Reinforced Clothing
Enc 1| Light Pistol (15 rounds)
Enc 0| Backpack
Enc *| Smartphone

STOWED (Capacity: 4/13)
Enc 1| Magazine (15 rounds)
Enc 1| Baseball Bat (Club)
Enc 1| VR crown
Enc 1| Clothing, ordinary

Enc *| Motorcycle
-$0 (Motorcycle)
-$200 (Light Pistol)
-$100 (Reinforced Clothing)
-$25 (Backpack)
-$50 (Smartphone, basic)
-$10 (Ammunition, empty magazine)
-$30 (Ammunition, 30 rounds)
-$50 (VR crown, cheap)
-$25 (Clothing, ordinary)


Alessa D'Alsem, aka @HexQueen: A popular streamer and content creator across Eden and Eve, known as HexQueen to the digital world. She's been a close friend of Reiji after she was a guest commentator for a VR collaboration event he took part in. She lives in Sunset, sparing her guest bedroom and using her popular connections for him when needed.

Iberico: A mechanic at DriveByte, an autobody and repair shop in Hawthorne. Reiji met him at a live race after accepting a sponsorship deal from DriveByte. As part of the sponsorship deal, he's happy to fix and maintain Reiji's equipment.

Akemi Lark, aka DJ Pearl: A popular DJ who cycles between the most popular clubs in the City. Reiji gave her a lift to a show after her car broke down, and now he makes it a point to see some of her shows. Likewise, she often shares rumors about the going-ons in the City.

STR 12, DEX 6, CON 9, INT 9, WIS 10, CHA 10

Replace 10 Cha with 14

Background: Performer (Perform)
Growth: [1d6]=6 (Any skill: Drive)
Growth: [1d6]=2 (+1 to Any: Str, 12>13)
Learning: [1d8]=1 (Perform)

Contacts: 1 friend, 2 acquaintances

Edges: Prodigy (18/+3 in Dex) & Voice of the People (Perform > Drive, Cha mod +1)

Focus: All Natural (Shoot as bonus skill, increase Cha mod by +1)

HP: [1d6]=3

Bonus skill: Talk
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Post by BartNL »

Kindred Palmer, Cyber PI
Kindred looks like a regular middle aged man. Upon close inspection it will become clear that this man has been heavily altered with cybernetics. Aside from that, he is a man of average height and build. His hairline is not where it once was, to Kindred's regret.

Birth: Kindred is the son of a refugee mother and a Hawthorne pyscho gang chief. Kindred was around 3 years old when his mother gave him up to an AGK Incorporated orphanage.
Early life: The orphanage Kindred grew up in provided decent education and living circumstances. --A good worker needs a healthy childhood, an AGK Incorporated childhood--
Youth: As a teen Kindred was assigned to be trained as part of the corporate peace program. As such Kindred was trained in security, weaponry, military tactics and such.
Corporate peace making: Kindred spend his early adulthood in active deployment as a peacemaker. As a professional peacemaker, Kindred was mainly responsible for investigating and eliminating hostiles that were a threat market access. Kindred would find that blackmail was often far more effective than bullets. Though bullets often did do the trick too. During his employ, Kindred was wounded many times and he was cybernetically enhanced too maintain corporate standards.
After 15 years of corporate conflicts, the upkeep for Kindred's cybernetics would become excessive and so he was fired.
Post Peace: After some time on the streets after losing his employ, Kindred would become a witness in a murder on a fellow hobo. Finding the local corporate security and police ineffective, Kindred would spend his days investigating the hit. Ultimately he found evidence that the murder was a cover up operation to hide a local government official's involvement in skimming off the local narcotics trade. Kindred then used this information to blackmail the official to gain a PI license and rent a cheap office/bedroom in a building owned by the government.
Recent Life: Kindred has build himself a reputation as a skilled and reliable freelance intelligence and security provider. His main expertise is stalker cases; finding out who a stalker is, where they live, and what their daily routines are. This is also how he first met Elodie Lind.
A few years ago Kindred decided to hire his old client Elodie Lind as a secretary.

Kindred wants to keep the peace in his area while earning enough money to keep his life going and his body running.
Kindred spends his free time trying to find about his parents. Though it's been some time since he last found any good lead.

Kindred has many secrets. His biggest one is probably the most dangerous. As an AGK Incorporated peace keeper, Kindred created a log of company strategies that could prove very valuable for any competitor. Though selling these logs would also paint an enormous target on his back.
Kindreds father is alive, sort off. Gangers don't usually live to old age. About 40 years ago Kindred's father came to that conclusion too, and he decided to transfer his brain and nervous system into a box-like shell plugged into a VR machine. He's been long forgotten by the other gang members. The lifespan of gang members being short and all. The box that houses his brain and nervous system is believed to be part of the VR-machine he is plugged into. So it's owners don't see any reason to disconnect it.

People tied to Kindred
Wrench is a cold and tough of nails mechanic. Wrench has been responsible for keeping Kindred not falling apart for the last decade or so. Kindred took a job for her collecting payments due years ago. Wrench offers Kindred discounts for tracking down defaulting clients and she can provide him with upgrades.
Joe 'Blue' Bishop: Poster boy of a long forgotten 'more blue on the street', John was formerly a male model, now in his late forties he has joined the law enforcement he was once a poster boy for. Blue provides good intel on a broad variety of topics. Most importantly, Blue has a good insight on who is 'protected' or 'untouchable' and who is 'fair game'. Not fucking around with the 'protected' is key to any PI's business.
Lily Marigold: Lily is a lower level AGK incorporated corpo pencil pusher. She is also one of Kindred's 'siblings' from the orphanage. Kindred has reconnected with her as she needed assistance in blackmailing a rival AGL coworker. Needless to say it was Lily who got that raise.
Clay Brown: Clay is Kindred's younger brother. A massive man, Clay makes an excellent peacekeeper. He is great at his job of coercing and occasionally fighting. Clay is dumb as a brick and as such makes a perfect AGK peacekeeper. Kindred has no doubt though that he can rely on Clay to help him out, if the help he needs is the 150kg of muscle and guns kind of help.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
Kindred regularly replays old memories as he tends to forget details.
Kindred's prefers to have bright blue eyes. Those tend to leave good impressions. Sometimes he changes them to grey or green for fun or to mess with people.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Kindred has no real family to speak off left. Most of the brothers and sisters he grew up with died in battle or soon after finding themselves on the streets after 'retirement'. A handful did manage to get regular corporate jobs. Kindred tries to avoid those 'siblings' like the plague..

Class: Kindred's job connects him corporations and individuals with some wealth, but generally he's just a step or two above the poor masses. On rare occasions he works for the ultra rich through proxies.

Profession: Private eye. Kindred is a licensed private investigator.

Institutions: Kindred tries his best not to become an accessory to any institutions. He does try to stay in good standing with the local groups in Hawthorne.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Kindred wants to maintain an independent lifestyle and be his own boss.
Secondary: Kindred would like to upgrade to some high quality cybernetics to make life easier.
Tertiary: Kindred wants enough cash to last him the rest of his life.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Get jobs, get paid
Medium-Term: Grow his business, find more affluent clientele
Long-Term: Retire

Character Sheet

Background: Soldier
Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 52
Height: 187cm
Weight: 100 kg
Languages: Mandate

HP: 2/2
Major Injuries: None
System Strain: 6.25/12
Initiative: +1 and roll twice pick highest


Melee AC: 14
Ranged AC: 16
Armor Soak: 5/5
Trauma Target: 7

Physical Save: 14
Evasion Save: 14
Will Save: 13
Luck Save: 15


Base Attack Bonus: +0

Heavy Pistol
1d20+1, 1d8, 1d6x3, 10m/100m* no penalty beyond normal range
Ammo: 08/08

1d20+1, 1d4, 1d6 x3, 1/AC 15, 10/20m


STR 09 (+0), DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), INT 14 (+1), WIS 15 (+2), CHA 14 (+1)


Skill Points: 0

Veteran's luck: Once per scene, as an Instant action, trigger this ability to gain one of two effects: an attack roll that just hit you is instead treated as a miss, or an attack roll you just made that missed is instead treated as a hit. This ability can be applied to vehicle weapons used by the operator, but it cannot protect against environmental damage, vehicle crashes, falls, or other harm that doesn’t involve an attack roll.
You may begin play with up to $200,000 worth of new or secondhand cyber. If secondhand, you roll once per system for its defect and may end up with unusable junk. You don’t need to pay for installation and its maintenance is covered for the next two months. You can redeem this Edge later in your career by paying double the cost of the cyber you selected; if so, you can trade this Edge in for a different one with the GM’s approval. See page 27 for example packages of cyber you might pick to suit your character’s concept.


Alert: Description
You are keenly aware of your surroundings and virtually impossible to take unaware. You have an instinctive alacrity of response that helps you act before less wary persons can think to move.
Level 1: Gain Notice as a bonus skill. You cannot be surprised, nor can others use the Execution Attack option on you. When your group rolls initiative, your vigilance allows them to roll twice and take the higher roll.
Cost | Type | Concealment | Sys. Strain

Cranial Jack
1K | Head | Touch| 0.25
Effect:A discreetly-placed plug socket in the user’s head or neck allows interfacing with cyberdecks and gear equipped with a jack line.

Iron Hand Aegis
40k| Limb| Touch| 1
Effect: Absorption plates and kinetic ablation units are implanted in the user’s arms and linked with a reactive ballistic calculator. Once per scene, as an Instant action, the user can deflect a successful ranged bullet, arrow, or thrown weapon attack, including burst or suppressive fire. Surprise attacks cannot be deflected this way, nor can melee attacks or explosives.

Active Sense Processor
50k | Sensory | Medical | 1
Effect: Augmented sensory processing grants a +1 Wisdom modifier for all skill checks involving sensing or noticing things, up to a +2 modifier maximum.

Cybereys (pair)
10k | Sensory | Touch | 0.25
Effect: While a single cybernetic eye can be implanted, it is recommended that both be replaced at the same time to improve neural adaptation. These cybereyes are clearly artificial, though most are styled in attractive or striking fashions. They all have perfect 20/20 vision and integral flash protectors, but additional functionality must be implanted separately. A user with a pair of cybereyes or syntheyes halves the System Strain cost of cybernetic eye implants.

Ear Mod/Filter
10k | Sensory | Medical | 0.5
Effect: The user’s sense of hearing is sharpened remarkably, allowing them to follow individual conversations in a noisy crowd, eavesdrop on whispers up to twenty meters distant, and gain a +2 bonus on all hearing-related Notice checks.

Eye Mod/Low Light Vision
5k | Sensory| Medical| 0.25* halved from 0.5
Effect: This mod grants low-light vision, allowing clear sight to normal distances in any light condition better than pitch blackness.

Eye Mod/Tactical View
10k | Sensory | Medical| 0.25* halved from 0.5
Effect: These eyes can receive text or video transmissions and play them on an inset in the user’s normal vision. Outline and pattern
discrimination is enhanced; when specifically looking for things or keeping watch, gain a +1 bonus to any relevant Notice check.

Eye Mod/Zoom
10k | Sensory | Medical| 0.25* halved from 0.5
Effect: The user’s vision can zoom in on distant targets. The user can see objects within 500 meters as if they were standing next to them. The hit penalty for a ranged weapon’s long range is eliminated

Sensory Recorder
10k| Sensory| Medical | 0.5
Effect: The user can record up to 180 minutes of sensory input. If they have a jack line into a transmitter or cyberware capable of transmitting data, they can share these recordings in real time or afterwards.

Coordination Augment I
50k | Nerve | Medical| 2
Effect: The user’s natural mindbody interface is tightened. The subject gains a Dexterity score of 14, or +2 if already 14 or higher.

Cost | Type | Concealment | Sys. Strain

Cyber Maintenance: $9.8k (5% Total Cost/Month)
READIED (Capacity: 4)
Enc | Item
1 Heavy Pistol (1d8 dmg, Trauma 1d6/x3)
1 Armored Clothing (AC 16/14, Damage Soak 5, +1 Trauma
1 Knife (1d4 dmg, Shock 1/AC 15, Trauma 1d6/x3)
- Smartphone, basic

STOWED (Capacity: 9)
Enc | Item
3 3x magazines and 24x cartridges
1 1x Trauma Patches

Enc | Item
$Starting money
-$9.8k upkeep cybernetics


no friends for me :(

Wrench: A cold and tough of nails mechanic. Wrench has been responsible for keeping Kindred not falling apart for the last decade or so. Kindred took a job for her collecting payments due years ago. Wrench offers Kindred discounts for tracking down defaulting clients and she can provide him with upgrades.
Joe 'Blue' Bishop: Poster boy of a long forgotten 'more blue on the street', John was formerly a male model, now in his late forties he has joined the law enforcement he was once a poster boy for. Blue provides good intel on a broad variety of topics. Most importantly, Blue has a good insight on who is 'protected' or 'untouchable' and who is 'fair game'. Not fucking around with the 'protected' is key to any PI's business.

STR 9, DEX 9, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 4, CHA 13

Creation rolls:

Background: Soldier
Shoot: (0)

+2 mental -> +2 int
+2mental -> +1 wis, +1 cha
+2 physical -> +2 con

Veteran's Luck

Wired starting Cyber
Total: 296k 6.25 sysstr (need adjustment)
Limb: 40k 1 sysstr
Iron Hand Aegis 40k 1 sysstr
Sensory: 105k 3 sysstr
Active Sensory Processor 50k 1 sysstr
Cybereyes (pair) 10k 0.25 sysstr
Eye Mod/Tactical View 10k 0.25 sysstr (halved)
Eye Mod/Low Light Vision 5k 0.25 sysstr (halved)
Eye Mod/Zoom 10k 0.25 sysstr (halved)
Ear Mod/Filter 10k 0.5 sysstr
Sensory Recorder 10k 0.5 sysstr
Nerve: 50k 2 sysstr
Coordination Augment I 50k 2 sysstr
Head: 1k 0.25 sysstr
Cranial jack 1k 0.25 sysstr

Alert: notice (0)

Free Skill: Notice (0->1)

Hit points:
Level 1: [1d6+1]=1+1=2

Use this space to save rolls and calculations during character creation and on level advancement.

Crew Relations:
Elodie Lind: Elodie has been working as Kindred's secretary for some time. She runs most of the business aspects, so Kindred can do his job. She's one of the few people Kindred can tolerate having around for multiple hours without becoming very annoyed.
Last edited by BartNL on Mon May 13, 2024 3:44 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Post by Eintei »

Elodie Lind, Fallen Diva


Background and Concept Elements
Elodie Lind, 37, is an ex-idol turned administrative assistant. While she's not officially specialized, she always seems to end up working for PI's. She's currently assistant to Kindred Palmer after the mysterious disappearance of her former employer. While she's not unhappy with her life, Palmer serves as a reminder of what she once was – a pop idol ready to take over the singing world, and she's still bitter about how that dream all ended.

Elodie grew up rather poor in the Hawthorne district, with her parents always working and unable to give her. She spent her free time singing on livestream ever since she was twelve, found a reasonable following by pure luck, and became an officially signed idol at the age of 15. Originally she joined a group of teenage idols, which quickly fell apart. Being the most popular and the most skilled of them all, her manager then vouched for her to start a solo career. She signed on with Galaxy Express, the music subsidiary of Kurosawa-Callaghan Amalgamated Industries. And thus Aquamarine was born, a mermaid-themed idol with the marketing personality of being a 'cool beauty'. Despite her name being Aquamarine, her signature colour was actually cyan. No one really knows why.

After a difficult start, Aquamarine eventually found success in the charts and ended up being an important act in the idol landscape for the years to come. At the height of her popularity, when she was in her mid-twenties, she was a common name within the idol community and sold out large venues with ease. She even landed some acting roles and modeling gigs. Her signature song, 'Brighter than all the Stars', a pop-rock song about her rise to fame, could be heard all over several nets and was even featured in one of the long-running commercials for Kurosawa-Callaghan. And although it was hard work, she did it with everything she had. Her success allowed her and her family to climb out of poverty and move to Oceania, when it was still trendy. Elodie was sure that she was set for life, until the week she turned 28.
Three days before her birthday and a week after she sold out one of the biggest stadiums in the city, she was called in for a talk with management. She went in on top of the world and went out without a job.

With her 28th birthday coming up, management had deemed her too old. Although they had originally planned to give her any implants and any plastic surgery necessary to keep her in the game, they came back on that decision after a run-in with very successful up-and-coming singer Aurora, an 18-year old girl who was the spitting image of Elodie at that age and even had a similar voice. And thus, they decided that Aurora was going to be the new Aquamarine and Elodie was out.

Management originally made Elodie sign an NDA about the real reason for her being fired, but as these things go, it somehow got leaked. It caused a huge scandal in the fanbase, which then split into people who supported Elodie and people who supported Aurora. It made the first few months as Aquamarine extremely hard on Aurora, though after the first dust settled many fans decided they preferred the music and the persona over the person and started following Aurora after all.

Elodie tried to bring out a new album under a new name, but by now her name was irrevocably tied to the Aquamarine scandal and she could find no team to put it together. Her old manager took pity on her and forced general management to retroactively add an extra clause to Elodie's termination contract: they would pay for a form of tertiary education, since Elodie had barely finished high school. So eventually, despite not wanting to quit the industry at all, Elodie found herself studying to be an administrative assistant.

After her studies she got into contact with a PI who specialized in the entertainment industry. He hired her hoping to use her connections in his favor, and she happily – sort of – worked with him until he retired three years later. She then worked for a female PI, who died in the line of duty, and then for an eccentric detective who just disappeared after a job one day. Elodie stuck around, waiting for him to came back, but after three months she cut her losses and left the job. Though most news sources assumed he was dead at this point, Elodie wasn't so sure. Still, with him gone he wasn't paying her, so she felt she didn't have a choice.

She eventually ended up applying with Kindred Palmer, a PI she still knew from her idol days. He'd once helped her track down a stalker who was coming after her and thus, she knew he was trustworthy. Nowadays she does his administration, correspondence with clients, his books and often accompanies him on his cases. Through her work she's gotten an affinity for detective work, though that interest pales in comparison to her passion for singing and dancing. She even researches a mystery on the side – she has reasons to believe that her former employer, Conan Adler, is still alive somewhere. This is based on a few images shared with her by fans, in which he showed up in the background despite being declared dead. She has a whole file with information on him.

She's mostly left her idol days behind her with a pained heart, though some die-hard fans still follow her. She's still active on her social media channels, though not as much as she used to. It's enough for her to retain a small but dedicated fanbase of a few thousand people. She is mostly popular among those between 25 and 45, who consider her a nostalgic icon of sorts. The fact that she performed as Aquamarine, with mostly mermaid-inspired costumes, heavy make-up and a cyan wig means that she isn't recognizable all that much to most people at first glance. She'll sometimes get recognized by some of her die-hard followers, but that happens once every few months at most.

As her yearly income has gone down quite a bit since becoming a personal assistant, she was forced to sell her place in Oceania and has been forced to move back to Hawthorne, though she lives one of the higher floors of the high-rise buildings. An inside joke between her and her friends is that at least she has a nice view. In addition to knowing the the eastern districts very well, she is extremely familiar with the Nelson district, having spent most of her time when she was still an idol there. She also occasionally travels to the Sunset district for music shows if her schedule allows.
She's currently in more than fulltime employment under Kindred Palmer, following him as an operator.
Elodie's main goal is to assist Kindred Palmer, as she is paid to do. It's about the only way she nowadays know how to keep herself going, so her goal is to have him be as successful as possible. She also has a small side goal of her own: she hopes that by working on cases with Palmer, she'll run into information about her old employer, Conan Adler. She's not convinced he's actually dead, he was way too smart for that, and thus she's still looking for him.

Elodie carries one big secret with her: she was the one to leak the information about why she was fired to the press, knowingly breaking her NDA. Somehow nobody suspected her, however, and she let the unlucky intern who was blamed instead take the fall for her. It's something she highly regrets, though she feels she can't come out with it now as she's afraid it will end up with her being dragged to court. Somehow she has escaped that until now, but she's always at least a little bit afraid she'll suddenly be summoned for trial.
An important secret that's kept from her is from her old employer. Despite all his talks about nobility and good triumphing over evil, Conan Adler has turned his back on justice and ended up signing up with an underground crime group. After years of PI'ing, he became jaded with reality and once this group offered him safety and money in exchange for protection and his skills, he folded. He was too embarrassed to tell Elodie, however, as he correctly predicted this would be a huge disappointment to her. As such, he pulled his disappearance act and is currently living on the wrong side of the law, albeit with reluctance.
People Tied to Character
Elodie's most important friend and confidante is Meredith Skyler (58), her old manager. Meredith, who has been with Elodie since she entered the entertainment industry at 15, took her under her wing immediately and the two have been close ever since. Meredith is even more organized than Elodie and comes across as extremely cold at first. That coldness doesn't necessarily disappear the more you get to know her, but it does become clear that she's fiercely protective of all of her clients and will do anything she can to keep them safe. She tried all she could to keep Elodie in the business, but when she failed due to higher-ups being unwilling to go along she all but forced them to pay for her schooling. Meredith is still working for Galaxy Express and is one of the most successful in her field. It allows Elodie to retain a link to her old life and old world, as well as a good friend.

There's also her most recent employer before Palmer, Conan Adler (40), though he is currently not in active contact with her. He was an idealistic PI of about Elodie's age, who one day disappeared and then never came back. Elodie suspects foul play and searches for signs of him while on missions with Palmer, though she keeps it on the down-low.

She's also still in contact with her first employer, Nolan Maxwell (72), who has retired to the Smiths Cross district and spends most of his time trainspotting. Though retired, he is still very sound of mind and has some connections with the police. They grab tea sometimes.

Then there's Lian Zhang (35), one of her old background dancers. They quit alongside her in solidarity and the two of kept up a good friendship in the first few years after that. Though the friendship has largely run its course now, the two of them still keep in touch through the occasional message. Lian teaches dancing in Northlake to the children and the few adults that have the time to spare in the gated company town of Falcon Financial. And as people tend to get a bit... looser within their own company town, it means that Lian occasionally catches the interesting bit of Falcon gossip, either straight from the parents or via their children.

Lastly there is Aurora, 27, the young woman who replaced Elodie as Aquamarine. Though they barely ever talk, the two of them are still connected through their role as Aquamarine. Galaxy Express has learned from their mistakes: they have plans to give Aurora any implants and surgeries necessary to keep her in the role until she's at least 35. Elodie, who occasionally runs into her at the Galaxy Express parties she reluctantly visits, resents her for that. In exchange, Aurora resents Elodie for making the start of her career more difficult because of the whole scandal. The two of them aren't near each other a lot, but if they are, room temperature will drop to below freezing point. There's no telling if either side wouldn't try to take revenge on the other if they were given the chance.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
Elodie is a calm, reserved woman who has thoroughly cultivated the art of keeping a straight face. Even during her idol days, she was a reliable one, who kept all of the other band members in check and made sure everyone neatly followed the schedule. With her type A personality she could almost qualify as one of the managers, were it not for the fact that all of her control freak tendencies faded away the moment she was on the stage. Whenever she was in the spotlight, all else would fade away and she would suddenly become one of the most relaxed people in the city.

She still has that tendency, she assumes, but since she hasn't been on stage in almost ten years she's been high strung for just as long. Her clothing is always ironed, there is never a hair out of place and every book on her shelf is labeled and organized by subject, color and alphabet. It's what makes her such an effective assistant, but it's also what has labeled her 'difficult to work with' in the past.
Elodie holds a lot of bitterness towards the idol industry. During her thirteen years in it, she gave up the experience of being young, assuming she'd be set for life, only to have it blow up in her face. At the same time, she misses the spotlight, the performing and the perks that being a famous idol brings. As a result, she simultaneously has some internal anger to everyone in the industry for having what she wants.

She has still kept up with her singing and dancing lessons as a form of stress relief. So while she isn't in the same shape as she was at 25, she can still hold a good show if needed.

She has also kept up her social media presence during her entire career and the times after. Though she's not overly active, she'll post things about cases she and Kindred solved, or shorts of her singing lessons and dance moves. It's just often enough to keep the fans that she still has engaged with her.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Elodie was an only child. Her parents, both from the Horwood district originally, moved back there after Elodie lost her idol gig to take take of her maternal grandparents. The toxic residue in the district eventually caught up with all of them, and by the time Elodie turned 35 all of her grandparents and parents had passed away. She doesn't hold particularly fond memories of them, but she's still thankful for all they've done fo her.

Class: Elodie was originally lower class, having moved to upper class during her time as an idol. She's currently lower middle class at best, with much of the money she earned while she was famous being gone by now.

Profession: She has gone from an idol to a personal assistant, after having taken some management-related classes.

Institutions: Elodie is still tied to Galaxy Express, as they still own all of her old material. She's still invited to some of their parties and reluctantly goes. By extent, she's also still attached to Kurosawa-Callaghan Amalgamated Industries. Though on a day to day basis she doesn't notice it much, they can theoretically call her back anytime for dealing with old copyrights for paying her residuals if they want to use her music.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Recognition. Elodie is proud and ambitious and although she has given up a life in the spotlight, she still wants to be recognized for what she does. It can be as simple as a cash payment or a thank you, but Elodie will try and get the recognition she thinks she deserved.
Secondary: Truth. Elodie wants to know the truth about every case in as much detail as possible.
Tertiary: Order. Elodie feels like she has no grip on the world around her. Part of the reason why she´s so strictly organized is because she feels like it´s the only way she has any form of control. She wants to find order and control in everything she does.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short term: support Kindred Palmer as an operator.

Mid term: Find clues on Conan Adler's whereabouts

Long Term: Come to terms with the fact that her career as an idol is over

Character Sheet
Elodie Lind

Background: Manager
Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 37
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Languages: Mandate,

HP: 5/5
Major Injuries: None
System Strain: 11/11
Initiative: +1


Melee AC: 13
Ranged AC: 10
Armor Soak: 2/2
Trauma Target: 6

Physical Save: 15
Evasion Save: 14
Will Save: 13
Luck Save: 15


Base Attack Bonus: 0

Light pistol
1d20-1, 1d6, 1d8/x2, 10m/80m
Mods: None
Ammo: 15/15

1d20-1, 1d4, 1d6/x3, (1/AC15), 10m/20m
Mods: None


STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+1), CON 11 (+0), INT 14 (+1), WIS 14 (+1), CHA 15 (+2)

Skill Points: X

Face: Gain Connect as a bonus skill. Once per game week, whenever it’s convenient, gain one temporary Acquaintance Contact of your choice, describing them in any way the GM finds acceptable. You lose touch with this Contact after you use this Edge again, but you can use this Edge to connect with them again at a different time. You may also provide favors or payment sufficient to
cement the relationship at the GM’s discretion.

Voice of the people: You are a rocker, graffiti artist, poet, demagogue, or other rabble-rouser with a considerable reputation. You gain both levels of the Pop Idol Focus and an additional Friend Contact related to your art.


Authority: You have an uncanny kind of charisma about you, one that makes others instinctively follow your instructions and further your causes. Where this Focus refers to followers, it means NPCs who have voluntarily chosen to be in your service. PCs never count as followers.
Level 1: Gain Lead as a bonus skill. Once per day, you can make a request from an NPC who is not openly hostile to you, rolling a Cha/Lead skill check at a difficulty of the NPC’s Morale score. If you succeed, they will comply with the request, provided it is not harmful or very uncharacteristic.
Pop Idol (through Voice of the People: Whether a street musician, graffiti artist, underground journalist, cam girl, folk singer, or Robin Hood-esque thief, you have a devoted following of enthusiasts who are willing to help you when you need them.
Level 1: Gain Perform as a bonus skill. Once per game week, with an hour or so of messaging, you can mobilize about a hundred of your fans to perform some act of your choice, provided it’s no more than mildly criminal or slightly dangerous. Flashmobs, getaway drivers, scouting reports, tailing people, or instant parties might all qualify as services. Your fans don’t have any special skills, but they’ll do anything ordinary workers or civilians could do. If you mobilize them for donations or merch purchases, you get $1,000 per character level, doubled at fifth level and quadrupled at tenth. You can’t mobilize them to buy your content more than once per month.
Level 2: You can mobilize up to a hundred fans per character level, though major mobs are likely to draw a law enforcement response. You’ve cultivated fan leaders who can pass along your wishes deniably, concealing your involvement in the crowd. Your donation and merch earning amounts double. Your Charisma modifier increases by +1, to a maximum of +2.
No Cyberware installed
READIED (Capacity: 5)
1 | Light Pistol
1 | 1 Magazine and 15 Cartridges
1 | Knife

STOWED (Capacity: 10)
2 | 2 Magazines and 30 Cartridges
1 | Fashionable Clothing


Starting money from Face package: $125
-4 for bus face. Remaining money: $121

Elodie's most important friend is Meredith Skyler, a 58 year old woman with long curly hair who is always dressed in a sharp suit. She was Elodie's manager back in the day and stood up for her when she was fired. Meredith is one of the top managers of Galaxy Express, Elodie's old label, and thus still has many contacts in the industry.

1. Nolan Maxwell, a 72 year old retired PI whose most striking physical characteristic is his huge moustache. He was Elodie's employer and they still keep in contact occasionally after he retired. He still has some contacts with the Hawthorne police, as he used to work with them quite a lot back in the day.
2. Lian Zhang, 35, and one of Elodie's old background dancers when she was still touring. They now teach dancing in Northlake to the children and the few adults that have the time to spare in the gated company town of Falcon Financial. And as people tend to get a bit... looser within their own company town, it means that Lian occasionally catches the interesting bit of Falcon gossip, either straight from the parents or via their children.

STR 10, DEX 9, CON 11, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 15
Ability rolls: [3d6]=10[3d6]=9[3d6]=11[3d6]=13[3d6]=13[3d6]=15
DEX 9 -> 14

Background: Manager
Administer (0)

Growth roll: [1d6]=2
INT 13 -> 14
WIS 13 -> 14

Learning rolls: [1d8]=6[1d8]=3
Lead (0)
Trade (0)

Edges: Face (Connect (0)), Voice of the People (Perform (0))

Focus: Authority (Lead (1))
Pop Idol (through Voice of the People)

HP: [1d6]=5

Starting gear: Face package

Free skill: Administer (1)

Use this space to save rolls and calculations during character creation and on level advancement.
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