Way Down in The Hole — OOC

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Way Down in The Hole — OOC

Post by ratwizard »


It is the 79th year of the 6th Era, Serranak. You are an agent of the Unfettered: a radical, underground paramilitary faction of abolitionists. A growing and effective force, the Unfettered seek to cull the plague of slavers and raiders prominent throughout Serranak — as well as the systems that engender such cruel groups to form. You serve under the careful leadership of primarily elvish origin, though the ranks consist of a myriad of folk from many backgrounds. With a headquarters in the ancestral elvish city Vyridis, you travel throughout Serranak undertaking orders to spy, disrupt, and report back. The Unfettered is well-funded by sympathetic yet foreign forces, and as a result has a loose network of volunteers at scattered, secret outposts in the form of taverns or farms.

Your reasons for joining the Unfettered are your own. Perhaps you've lost loved ones to slavers or raiders, and vowed to enact change. Perhaps you've been victim yourself to the ruthless regime at the Kelbis Mines, known as the Hole. Perhaps instead you seek this moral cause to atone for your own misdeeds. Whatever the reason, you have found a close-knit group with fire in their hearts who fight for freedom, equality, and self-determination — and you've sworn to stand beside them.
Setting and Lore

Nestled in the center of the Serranak region, just north of Beredin Steppe and south of the Ghryst, lies Kelbis -- a city of orcish origin but with heavy dwarvish influence. With part of the city being at the northern foothills of a large mountain, the majority of Kelbis’ infrastructure lies within the grottos and caverns both artificial and natural in creation. The populous is mostly a spread of orcs and dwarves, with small pockets of humans or elves in tightly-knit and usually poor districts within.

At some point in Kelbis’ history, the mining operations became controlled by a group of private individuals and companies, and now these business-oriented heads are part of the overall ruling class. The Mines bring much wealth to the citizens of Kelbis, and the wanton cruelty of the neighboring prisoners is lost on these denizens in favor of a lifestyle that feels comfortable and safe.

The Mines themselves are quite expansive, with separate wings for housing of the prisoners, mess halls, several barracks, and the shafts themselves. To keep up with the large number of prisoners handled, the Kelbis Mines employs a large force of watchmen and management behind the operations.
Character Hook

You are a prisoner of the Kelbis Mines, brought there either recently or many moons ago. Your origin is likely to be from Serranak or Northern Serran-- though you do not have to be born there.

The plurality of prisoners are criminals handed over from cities in the Ghrystbehn. Of this segment, many are truly dangerous criminals who have committed deeds that were too offensive for a fee or weregild. Among the crimes of this group, murder is common, as is grand larceny and treason. However, political dissidents, critical of the leadership in Razak or other major cities, have been known to find themselves sold to the Hole for their efforts.

Also common in the Hole are slaves, taken from raiders and slavers in the Beredin Steppe and Northern Serran. Typically these are people who live in the low-population and sparse settlements on the frontier, or shipped over from Shivan and the Bay of Chains. Many among this group are orcish and elvish, but humans and dwarves aren’t safe from being enslaved either.

In summation, the players will be criminals, dissenters, or slaves. If you have an idea that seems tangential to what I’ve laid out here, run it past me ahead of time.

As far as language go, I am not specifying a single language as required. Serranak is a melting pot and there exist a myriad of languages used by the citizens there, including Kurnish, Dwarven, Elven, Imardanian, Modern Serran, among others. Specifically in Kelbis, Kurnish and Dwarven are common, with some speaking Modern Serran and Imardanian. Language intersections and barriers are something that are an interesting part of this region and -- depending on language choices by players -- may serve as literary devices in this campaign.
A Day in the Life
Mornings begin with the wake-up call, in which prisoners are served their first meal within their cell blocks. There used to be a mess hall but after some rioting years back, it's not been used. The food itself is heartier to account for the hard labor required of inmates, but still of poor quality and quite bland.

After this, the Watchers shuffle prisoners out of the Cell Wing and toward the staging area at the mouth of the mines themselves. Fitted with a canteen, a pick, and torches, this time of day is heavily guarded by Watchers. Once the outfitting is done, the mining assignments are given by Pabos Filli, one of the hands-on staff members hired by the Board. The groups ranging from a half dozen to two dozen are escorted down the heavy stone switchbacks into the Plaza below, where the cavern branches off into many different paths.

Once at the Plaza, the Watchers send the groups toward their respective assignments for the day where they go to mine ore, make progress on new tunnels, or do other menial labor. Oftentimes a prisoner will be on hauling duty,
where a caravan of laborers pushing wheelbarrows will be sent with a fwe Watchers toward places that expect to have ore mined that day. This process goes on for several hours into the afternoon, when work is dismissed. This is usually done by the Last Call, when the final wheelbarrow caravans make their way through and let the groups know it is time to head back up.

Returning their equipment, the prisoners are sent back to their cells where they are fed their second and final meal for the night. There is no socialization period or free time. The prisoners are locked in the Cell Wing in their respective cells until morning.

In general, this persists without end. Occasionally when a prisoner breaks an infraction or is injured, they might be taken to the Watcher's Wing or the Infirmary respectively. You've seen some people taken during the evening out of their blocks for this reason, though some speculate that there is more going on than just punitive measures.

Character Creation Rules
System: 4e
Level 3
Stats: 25pt buy. (rather than 4e's default 22)
Race: Any published, refluffed as human, elf, orc, or dwarf (or any combination of two e.g. half orc/elf, half dwarf/human, etc.).
Class: Any published.
Feats: Choice of free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: Mundane armor, and up to two mundane weapons. 50 gp to spend on additional gear or equipment, but you may only keep up to 10 gp on-hand.
Skills: There are no class skill restrictions; any class can train any skill. You still must take the mandatory/bonus skills granted by your class as usual (e.g. Arcana for a wizard). Also, if after class selection (and prior to race, feat, theme, etc. selection) you possess fewer than 4 trained skills, train as many as it takes to get to 4.
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn’t have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: No
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but instead the ones listed below. Grystok will be the required campaign-specific language. If by (mechanical) race or some other means you are granted a language other than Grystok, pick one language from this list instead, even if you would normally have no choice in the matter (such as elves receiving Elven).
Hybrids: You will be allowed to take the feat "Hybrid Talent" as many times as you like as a hybrid character. Most hybrids are incredibly sub-par, and it allows for some really interesting combinations if you look hard enough. The CB does not allow for this option by default, though, so you will need to house-rule it and keep track of the benefits manually.
Grystok - This language, the most widespread in the Gryst region, developed over time as a trade language between the Grystbehn member states. It formed as a mix of the various common native languages, primarily Modern Serran, Kurnish, and Elvish, though there are influences from Dwarven and a variety of smaller local dialects as well.

Common - Common is a lingua franca in this world. Most people know at least some of the common tongue, and many speak it fluently, but it is not the primary language of any nation. People who only know Common are typically sailors, or other people who have spent most of their life traveling rather than in one place.

Tulrissian – The national language of Tulrisse, a primarily human agricultural-based kingdom.

(Modern) Serran – The primary language spoken by the small kingdoms of an expansive arid region known as the Serran Desert, which consist mostly of humans and orcs.

Old Serran - The language spoken in the old, now-collapsed Serran Kingdom. Very few people still speak it with any amount of regularity except for the priests and priestess of the Serran gods and the Tenants, who need to know it for many old texts.

Imardanian – The national language of the Imardanian thalassocracy, a naval nation bent on spreading its monotheistic religion to all of Voreld whether people want it or not. It is a very diverse nation, but humans still make up the majority.

Kurnish – The language of the orc tribes of Kurnhuelde, a varied region consisting of taiga, tundra, and more moderate biomes on the Kurnish Peninsula.

Andorian – A language that developed in the Andorian peninsula after it was settled by the Andor dwarves and became a prominent location in Voreld. It was originally a strange mix of Dwarven and Tulrissian, but has since grown into a distinct language of its own.

Dwarven – The common language of the many dwarf kingdoms that occupy the mountains that run down the center of Voreld.

Elven – A catch-all term in Voreld for any of the many distinct dialects spoken by the elf natives of Quellam, a continent to the east.

Gleiosian - A language spoken primarily on Gleios and the surrounding smaller islands it influences.

Brennisian - A language that originated on the Isle of Brennis, but spread after the small nation conquered a large region of the archipelago. It has since become much less prevalent than it once was.

Ghian - A language originating on Ghia, and spreading with its culture to the smaller nearby islands.

Chathran - A language spoken primarily on Chathra and Cianthum

Okani - A language spoken by the people of Mai'okon and the surrounding small islands under its influence.

Kawani - A language spoken by the native peoples of Mai'kawa, the island now known as D'armon. It was once a major language spoken by a regional power, but is now restricted to inland tribes descended from the old kingdom's inhabitants who fled to the mountains when the invasion forces arrived.

Vishan - An odd language that evolved from from both Ghian and Chathran, spoken on the islands of Visha
Original Hook
It is the 79th year of the 6th Era, Serranak. The Kelbis Mines, known colloquially as The Hole, are ran by a shadowy collective of government officials from the city itself. The Hole serves as the one-stop shop for authorities in the Ghrystbehn, or Ghryst Trade Confederacy, to dump off criminals -- whether dangerous or dissenting in nature -- as well as a frequent customer of the slavers plaguing Beredin Steppe and the Nilam.

The prisoners, whether career criminals, political dissenters, innocent slaves, or other unlucky individuals who have found themselves in the Hole, are treated to a life of misery. Newcomers are quickly thrown into the permanent cycle of frequent beatings, forced labor, poor rations, and unchecked violence between another. If only to exacerbate the mistreatment of the prisoners, tales of strange experiments sanctioned by Kelbis or foreign governments have made rounds. On top of that, hushed stories have spread through the Hole of a few murders by the watchmen who are supposed to oversee.

Your life’s tale is meaningless in a place like this. Innocent, guilty, undeserving or otherwise, no mortal deserves such treatment. It was only this week that whispered thoughts reached you, foretelling a riot against the recent string of murders by the guards. You have heard that some mean to escape this time. You mean to join them. Are you broken, beyond redeeming, too weak to free your bonds? Time will tell.

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A Wan Smile
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Post by ratwizard »

Character List
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Active PCs

Alerio Zavala, the Vigilante of El-Unod | Deva Warpriest (Leader), played by Scratcherclaw
Josie, the Amkharan Abolitionist | Elf Druid (Controller), played by TheWalrus42
Velasco Vasquez, the Blood Cursed | Vryloka Hexblade (Striker), played by FinalTemplar
Samiira Ka’Grappan, Unrelenting, Unforgiving, Unfettered | Changeling Assassin (Striker), played by Namelessjake
Pōhaku Kāhea ʻo Gore | Minotaur Berserker (Defender), played by Chanchabruhh
Hadrurus | Longtooth Shifter Runepriest|Warlord (Leader), played by BartNL

2x Strikers
2x Leaders
1x Controller
1x Defender
6 PCs total

Inactive PCs
Rajanikant Bhukar, the Shadow of Vengeance | Drow Hexblade (Striker), played by Pashalik
Shakumon, Exiled of Kresh Varduuz | Goliath Warden (Defender), played by AndItsAllGone
Korgul the Might | Half-Orc Fighter (Defender), played by Scarpel24
Cassandra Nalar | Dragonborn Elementalist (Striker), played by Neovenator
Tuya | Dwarf Runepriest (Leader), played by Datura
Gladia Starcrest, the Serpent's Light | Dragonborn Fighter|Warlord (Defender|Leader), played by KupoTheMagus
Atrix Setryanil, Slaver Hunting Storm Sorcerer | Dragonborn Sorcerer (Striker), played by Namelessjake

People of Note
Allies and Friends
Yldaren (pic)
An older elf, somewhere in his sixties. Previously the foremen of the group from the Hole. A former slaver, he has decided to join the Unfettered to make up for his sins. He is tough, level-headed, and sometimes a grump.

Brelnia (pic)
A young dwarven woman, somewhere in her 30s. She used to lead a mercenary group, who sold her out. After getting her revenge, she was locked up in the Hole. She is gruff, stubborn, but sometimes reckless.

A young fire-magic wielder, Cassandra was a former prisoner in Vanthar's group. She is mouthy, bawdy, and independent.

Vanthar (pic)
A former prisoner, part of Cassandra's group. Previously a tracker, guide, and scout, he has decided to join the Unfettered as well. He is reserved, perceptive, and independent.


Known Contacts

Former leader of the Grey Raiders and part of Yldaren's prisoner group. He was experimented on with Shakumon as part of a punishment. In a heightened state, he fled from the group. He appears to have attacked some of his former allies, started a fire, and moved on.

Ramis (pic)
A middle-aged human man from Imardin. Part of Yldaren's prisoner group. Cowardly and selfish. He left the group in Hadibair to return to his business selling goods up and down the Ghryst by boat.

A human nobleman from Kelbis. Part of Yldaren's prisoner group. Scheming and mysterious. He left the group in Hadibair.
The Fallen
A young orcish man. Part of Yldaren's prisoner group. He was strong, hard-working. Killed by Kavox Pruul and his men.

A orcish shaman. Part of Yldaren's prisoner group. Along with Korgul, he was experimented on as punishment. Later died of complications.

The Story So Far

The Story So Far
From Buried Cells to Blue Skies
Day 1
While working on a remote vein, a group of prisoners discover the body of a worker beaten to death. After delivering the news to the Watcher patrol, Korgul's insubordinance leads to the he and the group receiving lashes. Later, he is handpicked by the Watchers to be experimented on. Shakumon opts to join him out of solidarity.
Day 2
Yldaren introduces the group to Durnom, a Kelbis-based noble. He knows of a certain passageway that might lead out of the mines. In exchange for telling the group, he asks them to murder Yorvik, his business partner who informed the authorities on Durnom's illegal business endeavors. They agree.
Day 3
While walking down the mine chasm, Rajan calls down darkness and pushes Yorik. Yorvik and another prisoner fall to their deaths. The artificers question Rajan, but soon give up the search. Cassandra and Vanthar join the mining group for the day and are clued in. Durnom leads you to the abandoned passage. The group fights through cave spiders and reaches the surface foothills.

Outside, a guard finds the group and is suspicious. Josie mauls him in her wolf--form and makes him promise not to inform on them. Durnom makes for Kelbis, offering work in the future. The group moves on and camps on a nearby hill.
The Trek to Razak
Day 4
In the morning, Shakumon is in poor condition. The group find their way to Numinas, a nearby river village with a ferry. After leaving Shakumon and Korgul with the innkeeper and healer, they meet with Renelaus, a charismatic but strange man who follows something who offers them a day's work shoveling gravel to build a road. They split up in groups to perform their work.

Cassandra's group is attacked by Kavox Pruul, and Bazros is killed. She finds the others, who engage Kavox. He and his ally are killed, while one gets away. They take the two horses and Pruul's body, and bring the carts back to Renelaus for payment.

At the inn, Korgul appears to have gone into a frenzy and escaped. After gearing up and buying supplies, they head north and camp.
Day 5
The group continue north along the river, arriving in Poduz. They find that Korgul allegedly attacked and set fire to a Grey Raiders outpost here. Yldaren posits he might have headed to Razak next.

Velasco hears word of Kavox Pruul's body on a horse, and seeks the group out. After initially getting talked off, he follows the group for a few hours and reveals he is part of the Unfettered. Josie and the others allow him to join them to Vyridis. Together, the group makes camp.
Day 6
The party arrives in Razak. Ramis departs. Alerio and Brelnia meet with Paventis to gear up. Afterwards, Brelnia departs for now. Josie helps break in some wild horses. Vanthar introduces the group to Atrix, whose wife has been captured by Lazima Mataal. He mentions a job — guarding a caravan bound for Hadibair.

At the Roughsaddle, Velasco woos Lin the bartender while Josie finds herself in a serendipitous orgy with Cassandra. Together, the group meets Mazcoa, the caravan leader, and they agree to meet in the morning.
Hadibair and Back
Day 7
The next day on the road is quiet and uneventful. During watch shifts, Atrix learns more about the group, while Yldaren opens up to Alerio about his past as a slaver.
Day 8
The next day, one of the axels breaks and requires replacement. Velasco feels the call of Geral's sword, the blood magic keeping him together beginning to wane. The group finds a suitable log in the forest, as well as a passing hunter who owns the land. After a few hours of carpentry, the axle is replaced and the caravan moves on. Camp is made safely.
Day 9
The next day, the group comes across a Black Tarkan member left for dead on the road. After helping her, they allow her to rest in the cart on the way to Hadibair. The party makes camp for the night.
Day 10
In the morning, the group arrives at Hadibair. Mazcoa pays the group. Rajan departs. In exchange for a meal, the Tarkan (named Moveia) agrees to tell Atrix of Lazima's whereabouts — patrolling near Bancur but with an outpost near Gorbis. Before she can fully explain, Tuya shows up and batters the woman. After a tense scene is defused, the interrogation continues peacefully.

Velasco sends a coded message by post to the Unfettered. Josie and Tuya visit an herbalist, who gives information about Reza Reza, a dwarven-based slaver gang that may have done the hit on Valdurn. The group regroups at a tavern, rooms comped by Velasco.
Day 11
Vanthar rouses the group to inform them about an opportunity to ride a river boat back to Razak, cashing in on a favor he is owed. The group decides to sell the horses, so they visit Val Halcot, a horse trader and breeder. They are able to strike a decent deal to offload the two horses. On the way to the river boat, the group explains their escape from the Hole to Atrix and Tuya. The group meets Captain Martovais and boards the River Whisper, taking the rest of the day and evening to relax and recover. Cassandra and Josie share more about their lives with each other.
Day 12
In the morning, Alerio, Atrix, and Tuya are tutored in fishing by Vanthar. Alerio ends up catching a sturgeon, gaining quite the notoriety among the crew. Velasco and Josie chat until the former's raven warns him of a rider on the shore catching sight of them, and returning in the direction of Razak. Atrix shares a bottle of apricot schnapps with Yldaren. That night, the group feasts on Alerio's sturgeon catch.
Day 13
An uneventful day along the river.
To Vyridis
Day 14
The boat arrives in Razak, and the group fans out to run some errands. Alerio, Vanthar, and Yldaren visit Paventis to armor up, and then set off in search of Brelnia. They find her drinking alone in a bar, and convince her to join them on the trek north. Velasco visits Lin, professing his adoration for him and persuading him to leave Razak behind and travel with the group. Tuya visits a dwarven temple. Later, the group reconvenes at the stable to possibly purchase horses.
Day 15

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Greater Ghrystbehn & Serranak

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Post by ratwizard »

The Ghrystbehn

In 5E Y542, Razak proposed forming a trade alliance among many provinces in the Serranak area. Many of them including Hadibair agreed, and the Ghryst River Alliance, or Ghrystbehn, was formed.

The largest and most central city in the Ghrystbehn, as well as the initial founder. Initially little more than a group of orcish communities that migrated from the Kurnish Peninsula, Razak has grown to a melting pot that encompasses many cultures — primarily from the Dwarven Mountains, Imardin, and the Elvish villages lining the coast to the north.

A former Serran colony turned independent. A fellow member of the Ghrystbehn. The last safe bastion before the Beredin Steppe, protected by a fighting force called the Steelmarch.

A former Serran colony turned independent. A fellow member of the Ghrystbehn. As one of few fortified cities in the area, it is known for its warrior culture and famed academy.

A long-standing member of the Ghrystbehn, Hadibair is the key producer of most of the region’s lumber and exports thousands of tons downriver to the rest of the region as well as the Drekkis Valley. Known for its sandstone walls and being a cultural and religious sanctuary.

An orcish city and member of the Ghrystbehn. Sees a lot of trade from the surrounding non-Ghrystbehn cities of Beignac and Gaudienne.
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City-States of the Area

Over the last several centuries, Serranak was settled by colonists from many regions, including Kurnhuelde, Imardin, and the Dwarven Kingdoms. To this day, there are several major city-states that remain independent, yet still carry a strong impact in Serranaki affairs or culture.

Originally settled by elvish immigrants during the Second Era, the village of Agramor has held tightly to its Quellamese roots, with few non-elvish residents. Isolated from the rest of Serranak due to deep-seated rumors and sightings of the occult, the village only receives occasional trade from the nearby Imardanian city of Beignac. Many steer clear of Agramor, and what little is known about it generally comes from those who've moved emigrated.

A city initially founded by Kurnish colonists, but has seen centuries of dwarvish migration. Built into the side of a massive mountain in central Serranak, Kelbis contains a massive mining complex beneath it called the Kelbis Mines, or colloquially the Hole. The Kelbis Mines are an expansive labor prison, using indentured servitude as a means of producing a high quantity of metals used to supply the region. The council that runs the prison purchases prisoners from the Ghrsytbehn. Rumors say they also work with reputable slaving groups.

An isolated logging city with Imardanian origin. Originally settled by a pact of Elysian heretics that were run out by the Church, Gaudienne has come to be known as a refuge for Imardanian counter-culture, including many sects and even nonbelievers. It is one of few major settlements along the Ghryst that is not part of the Ghrystbehn, due to the city leadership refusing to fall in line with any formal alliance.

A Kurnish coastal city, known worldwide for its unparalleled gladiator arena, the Tjordek Ring. Travelers come from all parts of the land to spectate the fights, and its gambling culture is second only to Teiros. Many slaves or impoverished people fight in the pits, looking to gain fame, fortune, or freedom — though more often than not finding a swift end. The city is ruled by a cabal of wealthy Kurnish elites.

A small dwarvish town, originally settled by Garrundi colonists. During the emptying of Garrund's mines and its subsequent descent into lawlessness and chaos, many settlers went out into the Western Expanse to seek better lives. Valdurn was one far-reaching yet successful off-shoot, finding success trading with the nearby cities of Hadibair and Banuk.

A quant coastal city, and one of the few predominantly elvish communities on the continent. Heavily forested and mostly isolated from the rest of Serranak except by sea. Vyridis is home to the Unfettered, an underground faction set on combating the rampant slavery and inequality in Greater Serranak.
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The Beredin Steppe & Serranak

Originally home to two of the Serran Kingdom’s major cities and numerous smaller ones, the Steppe has now become a fearsome region of slavers and raiders. After the Kingdom’s failed invasion on the orcish homeland, the remains of the Serran armies retreated, heading back to their homes. The orcs never forgot, and when the Serran Kingdom began to collapse the orcs saw their opening and retaliated with great force, razing these northern towns to the ground.

Over time, much of the barren, barely fertile land has been resettled by nomadic groups of mostly orcs and Serranborn. Towns are few and far between, and though most have some semblance of law within their small borders, the areas outside these towns are full of outlaws of all sorts. Some abduct people to sell them into slavery, some simply raid for money, some are poachers, and so on, but all who live outside the towns are hardened and tough.

In recent times the men of the Burned Dunes, out of Bancur, have started to exert a small amount of control over the region. The Rakh fears that, left unchecked, the region will become just like Nabrand to their west, so what men can be spared are sent to hunt down and kill any outlaws encountered. The few towns near Bancur have started to grow and prosper more as a result, though those further out have suffered an influx of outlaws who decided to simply relocate. This shift has begun to affect the River Alliance as well, especially the frontier cities of Al’mina and Banuk.

Ruins of a Serran city.

Ruins of a Serran city.
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The Colonies

In its quest to expand, Imardin has colonized much of the coast of the Borstid Sea, focusing on developing new ports.

Once merely a frontier settlement like Chevalle, Beignac has over time evolved into a major trade hub. The forests to its south are home to many peaceful elven tribes, who trade furs and other animal products for tools and luxuries from the west. Likewise, the proximity to the orc settlements in Kurnhuelde makes Beignac a regular stop for traders traveling to or from the peninsula. A few years ago, the Imardin Navy declared that Beignac would become its next major hub, possibly in preparations for more eastward excursions in the future. In 6E Y82 work officially began on Fort Beignac, which looks to rival even Fort Victoire in scale.

Chevalle is a frontier settlement, founded around 150 years ago by its namesake, the explorer and entrepreneur M. Francois Chevalle. Seeking to extend Imardin’s influence even further than Beignac, in search of new trade opportunities, he traveled eastward until he reached the secluded bay where the settlement is located. In the distance was a single peak, and there were signs of natives present. Figuring he could trade with these locals, he set up camp with his traveling party and began to search around. He eventually came across an unusual sight, a mixed tribe of orcs and elves living peacefully, even interbreeding in some cases. They were friendly and traded with the new settlement, and this and other similar local tribes have been the main trade partners with Chevalle ever since. The goods produced by the unique local cultures sell for a premium in Ellisport, being seen by the aristocracy as rare, exotic treats to be fought over.
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Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio Zavala, the Vigilante of El-unod


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance: At 26 years old, Alerio stands at six feet tall, slightly taller than the average human man would find himself at, though not quite reaching the massive heights of the orcs he now finds himself in heavy contact with. He has a medium tone of skin, a sunkissed sign of his Serran lineage. Befitting a typical Serran man, he has black hair, kept neat and trimmed as per the Talon guidelines, and ever-observing brown eyes.

Painted across his body, he has many traditional tattoos, showing his devotion to the Eagle God and helping him further channel his god’s spirit. While prowling the desert for wrongdoers in need of justice, Alerio dons lightweight feathered garb, complete with an eagle-like helm. Such attire makes him instantly recognizable as a Talon of El-unod, striking fear and uncertainty into the hearts of those wrongdoers who have seen them in action.

Personality: Having spent most of his life devoted to his god, Alerio is above all incredibly faithful and loyal, both to his god and to those he cherishes friendship with. Outwardly, he has a very serious demeanor, though this diminishes to those who have earned his trust and friendship. With a great devotion to El-unod, Alerio has a strong moral compass, particularly for what’s right and wrong. Given his history dealing with justice as well and injustice, he has developed strong empathy for others, though he knows this often does not excuse the actions some have taken.

With those living a moral and just life, Alerio is generally friendly and helpful towards them, believing people should be treated how they’ve treated others. He, however, does not take kindly to the wrongdoers in the realm, instead believing that they must face justice for their actions against others, particularly when children are involved. Given his own youth, Alerio is highly protective of children, no matter their walks of life. Though he’s generally an independent person, he recognizes seeking the help of others can make his life easier. In turn, he does his part to help others in need out as well. Having grown up impoverished and since lived in reasonably humble means, Alerio has rarely taken his life or possessions for granted. Though given his imprisonment, he realizes that he somewhat has now.

Early Life: Alerio Zavala was born to a reasonably wealthy family in Eagle Cliff, and his first years of life were those of pampering and luxury. As the only child of his parents, received all their love and attention, as well as anything they spent their money on. His parents, long before his birth, had become extraordinarily wealthy, to the suspicions of the “old money” in the city. Using their own wealth, these individuals hired investigators to delve into the Zavala family’s past. After weeks of turning up nothing, the investigators discovered reports of a couple in Crescent Bluff, matching the Zavalas’ description, scamming patricians out of large sums of money. Armed with this new information, these wealthy families reported the Zavala parents to the Talons of El-unod.

Their arrival was swift. The parents had tried to flee, but were cut down where they stood. Given that their wealth was obtained through unsavory means, the Temple of El-unod confiscated it, receiving it much like a large donation. Young Alerio’s fate, however, was the result of negligence or just general lack of care. As per the Temple’s instruction, he was to be sent to live with his next-of-kin, an aunt named Salia who resided in the city as well. Unfortunately, Salia had died a year prior, leaving the boy to his own devices to survive and get by.

Thieves and Ruffians: Now truly alone in the world, Alerio found himself transformed from a pampered child to a helpless waif. Initially, he took to begging to feed himself day after day. Given the charitable nature of the pious residents of Eagle Cliff, he was able to sustain himself a short while. However, soon this supply ended, as refugees poured into the city from a nearby village that had burned to the ground after a wildfire. With little other choice, the boy devolved into a life as a thief.

Given his small size and quick speed, as well as his helpless appearance, Alerio made the perfect thief: unsuspecting and effective. At first, he would steal only small amounts of coin. But after much experience, he grew bolder, pocketing jewelry and coinpurses in the bustling bazaar of the city. Unfortunately, this attracted the attention of thieves, both young and old, who decided to steal from him as well. This created a cycle of thieving among thieves, and physically assault as means of accomplishing this. Though the worst Alerio received was a black eye from another child, it nevertheless struck great fear into the boy, trapped in this endless violent cycle of thieving and fighting. At such a young age and at such a helpless state, it seemed to Alerio that he would spend his life this way.

But fate decreed something else. One overcast day, while the bazaar was particularly crowded, Alerio was at his usual prowling grounds, hunting for a target. As he spotted one and began to dart forward, a hand latched onto him. Turning around, he saw it was a young girl, wearing the traditional garb of those in the High Temple of El-Unod.

El-unod’s Embrace: The young girl was an apprentice at the High Temple, a girl named Aminah. She carefully led Alerio through the winding streets of the city, and up the gilded steps to the High Temple of El-unod. Here she extended an invitation for him to join her as in apprentice at the Temple. Seeing it as a way to escape the shackles of a life of crime, Alerio agreed and formally entered the temple, into the welcoming arms of El-unod and his devoted.

Life as an apprentice of the clergy was a simple one, yet a complex one. The beginnings of the apprenticeship were devoted to scripture, learning the basic principles of El-unod and his teachings. After becoming more familiar with the god and what he stands for, Alerio was taught the basics of the rituals and religious customs. As he grew older, these teachings were further expanded upon, solidifying his knowledge of El-unod and the High Temple's customs. Early on in this apprenticeship, he met a girl named Calixta. The two sparked a rivalry and periodically butted heads, competing over who knew the god's teachings best. As time went on, the rivalry became less hostile, eventually sparking a friendship.

On his 15th birthday, Alerio's initial apprenticeship had come to an end. With this, he was required to choose a specific area of the clergy to become a full member of, with additional training prior. Aminah had encouraged him to become a proselytizer, spreading the word of El-unod across the desert. Alerio, however, had different desires. Having grown up seeing hardships and injustice firsthand, he decided he wanted to join the enforcers of El-unods word: The Talons.

For Great Justice: Having made his decision, Alerio was inducted into the Talons. Unlike other roles in the clergy, his new apprenticeship did not revolve around specified rituals or duties. Instead, his training focused on something wholly different: combat. Having been involved in multiple scraps with rivals in the impoverished alleyways of the city, Alerio was no stranger to the basics of combat. He was, however, completely unfamiliar with divine combat: invoking the god's will and domain into the swing of a sword or path of an arrow. In order to help commune with El-unod, he was given multiple religion tattoos across his body, emboldening his newly-learned skills.

As Alerio's apprenticeship progressed, he found himself as a recruit in the city's guard: Eagle's Watch, a regiment of the Talons devoted to protecting and serving the city itself. The position was relatively uneventful, leading Alerio to develop a slight dislike for it. Though there was the occasional severe crime in the city, this was left to higher ranking members in the organization. He, however, was left to dealing with petty theft, much like he did himself as a child. Realizing the value of justice, Alerio took it upon himself to apprehend the same criminals who had harassed him as a child, as well as older thieves and gang members he had run-ins with. Given his own past and recognizing how Aminah changes his life, he did his best to turn children to the open arms of El-unod and the High Temple.

After a few years in Eagle's Watch, Alerio had grown weary of this job. Most days were exactly the same, and despite the occasional promotions, his duties are largely remained unchanged. Venting to his friend Calixta, she suggested he transfer out of the city guard, becoming a more traditional Talon, traveling across the region and stopping wrongdoers abroad. Excited at the prospect of seeing more of the world and doing much more with his life, he took her advice.

The Winged Crusader: As he had expected, his change in career greatly improved his happiness, allowing him to spread his wings well beyond the walls of Eagle Cliff. Having never left the city before, it incurred a sense of freedom in Alerio, as he was finally seeing the world. Petty thieves were no longer the only concerns he dealt with, as now he was able to see nearly every crime across the board. This aspect was a large shock, given the highly unsavory nature of some crimes. This, however, fueled his need to deliver the justice that El-unod required. Here, his combat skills rose to importance, much more than they had as a simple city guard. Some crimes required a death sentence, after all, he knew.

His new career changed him, both for better and worse. With each day came more wrongdoers, willingly causing harm to others. This caused him to feel isolated from the world, and that there was little hope for the denizens of the desert. This, however, also strengthened his resolve to spread El-unod's just light. For though there was little hope, they were not quite hopeless. Over time, he began to try and think about why those who commit crimes do so. This understanding helped him recognize that there were many causes of crimes besides bad people, and that social injustices were often neglected. Though he still dealt with these many crimes, he now recognized a new and more difficult quarry: stopping these social injustices. Though difficult, he was up for the challenge.

Corruption as Usual: Through rumors, Alerio caught wind of a corrupt patrician, Zahkah Kalina, in Crescent Bluff, notorious for his severe mistreatment of the impoverished of the city. Recognizing that this treatment could cause those in poverty is turn to crime, Alerio declared him his first target in his crusade against social and economic injustice. Departing Eagle Cliff for the final time, he began his trek for Crescent Bluff. Despite never having faced such a high-profile criminal before, Alerio felt confident. He assumed the man, clearly not much of a fighter, would willingly be brought to justice, or he'd be easy to subdue. Alerio underestimated Kalina, though.

Kalina had caught wind of Alerio's plan from an informant. Not desiring the attention of a Talon apprehending him, he created a scheme, hoping to stop the man before he came too close to ending the patrician's corrupt livelihood. The plan was fairly simple, as it merely relied on payoffs and political connections. It involved the murder of one of Kalina's political rivals, a man who was threatening the Kalina family business through shrew business tactics. Kalina would kill two birds with one stone. With the body planted and guards paid off, Alerio was promptly arrested for the murder. Hoping to put Alerio away for good, Kalina had him sent to the worst of the prisons in the region, if not all of Voreld: the Kelbis Mines.

Less Holy, More Holey: Unable to resist his arrest, Alerio went willing, rather than risking his life. The journey to the mines prompted many internal questioning in the man, for this was not the justice he had seen before and come to expect from El-unod. His first few days in the mines were spent in contemplation, wondering why his supposed god of justice had delivered him this severe injustice, especially one that would halt his own quest. Finally, though, the Talon figured it out.

To truly understand the social injustice many in the world faced, Alerio was being tested in the heart of injustice and corruption. He was sent right into the den of beasts to learn what could not be learned on its own: what harsh injustice truly feels like and how it changes people. Having spent a handful of months has taught him much of what it means. Now enlightened and well aware of the work he needs to do, he is intent on escaping the Hole, with El-unod as his guide.
1) Alerio would like to right the injustices within the Kelbis Mines as well as learn from them to further El-unod's message.

2) I'd like for Alerio's morals to be tested so he has to make tough choices, especially between his devotion to El-unod and to himself.
1) Alerio harbors a deep resentment for several of the Temple's high clergy, as they relish on opulent lifestyles while many in the city are starving. His devotion to El-unod, however, keeps him from leaving the church.

2) Alerio's parents were killed by Talons, the same group he now fights for. They were responsible for the accidental death of a wealthy man in Crescent Bluff, and an overly-zealous Talon enforcer believed they should face the justice.
People Tied to Alerio
1) Aminah is a Priestess of El-unod in Eagle Cliff and a close friend of Alerio. A devotee of El-unod and his message of justice, Aminah first led Alerio towards the path of righteousness. Though she had hoped he'd enter the clergy in the same manner as her, she is nevertheless glad that he takes part in spreading the goodness of El-unod. A woman with a strong moral compass and deep understanding of her god, Alerio has gone to her for guidance in the past. Aminah has dedicated her life to El-unod, entering the temple at the mere age of 7, and has pursued the path of righteousness since.

2) Calixta is a Talon of El-unod, much like Alerio. He had initially met her when he first joined the clergy, with her having joined just days before. At first, Alerio hated her, given her slightly abrasive personality. Given time, though, a friendship managed to stir up between the pair. Upon becoming Talons, the two often did jobs together, figuring it was significantly safer to work in a pair rather than alone. A master with the bow, Calixta has forced many wrongdoers to feel the talons of the Eagle.

3) Zahkah Kalina is a wealthy patrician out of Crescent Bluff and the one who initially had Alerio thrown in the Kelbis Mines. A corrupt man, much of Kalina's wealth derives from less-than-savory means. Additionally, he has been known to use his wealth and connections to bring misfortune upon others. Alerio had initially caught wind of this and sought to bring him to justice. Unfortunately, corruption and bribery led to Alerio's imprisonment instead. A snake of a man and a brilliant liar, Zahkah Kalina has used his influence to grow his wealth and manipulate the denizens of Crescent Bluff.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Alerio remembers the day Aminah first led him to the High Temple of El-unod. It was the first time in a long time that he had finally felt at peace and without worry of being robbed or attacked.

2) Alerio has often found himself lost looking up at the sky, as if waiting for the majestic eagle-form El-unod to soar past, looking for the next wrongdoer to swoop upon. He's found himself missing this, given his time trapped in Kelbis.

3) Alerio has many tattoos across his body. He believes they help him further invoke the spirit of El-unod and bring him closer to the god.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Alerio is unaware of any surviving family he may have. He was an only child, and his parents were both killed by who he thought was a deranged madman while he was at a young age.

Class: He is a member of the clergy in the High Temple of the Eagle in Eagle Cliff. This has afforded him a comfortable enough life, as well as one immersed in the religious traditions of Serran.

Profession: Alerio is a member of the Talons, the enforcers of El-unod's justice. He travels across the desert spreading El-unod's righteousness and righting the wrong done by others, delivering proper justice.

Institutions: Alerio is a member of the High Temple of the Eagle, the largest temple to El-unos in the Serran Desert.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Justice: Alerio is a strong believer that those who have done wrong must be delivered to the hands of justice. He strives to live by righteous and wholly good morals unless otherwise not possible.

Secondary: Faith: Tying in with the ideals of justice, Alerio's faith in El-unod drives him forward. Whether spreading the god's word or bringing wrongdoers to justice, Alerio invokes his patron god in his actions.

Tertiary: Friendship: For much of his life, Alerio has been alone, having only a handful of people he would consider friends. He would like to mend this by finally having true friends beyond clergy colleagues. As a result, he attempts to build these bonds with others.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Alerio would like to escape the bonds of prison and get out of Kelbis Mines.

Medium-Term: He would like to bring Zahkah to the justice he deserves for his crimes.

Long-Term: Alerio wants to shut down the Kelbis Mines, the embodiment of injustice in the region.
* Chainmail Armor
* Magic Ki Focus +1
Character Sheet
Alerio Zavala, level 3
Deva, Warpriest
Storm Domain
Background: Geography - Desert (+2 to Endurance)
Theme: Elemental Initiate

Str 8, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 12.

Str 8, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10.

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Reflex: 11 Will: 17
HP: 38 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 9

Religion +8, Endurance +10, Heal +11, Insight +11

Acrobatics, Arcana +1, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +6, History +3, Intimidate +2, Nature +6, Perception +6, Stealth, Streetwise +2, Thievery, Athletics -1

Level 1: Mark of Storm
Feat User Choice: Flail Expertise
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Triple-headed flail)

Warpriest daily 1: Moment of Glory
Warpriest utility 2: Shield of Faith

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Triple-headed Flail
Offhand:   Triple-headed Flail
Body:      Chainmail

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
Combat Block
Alerio Zavala

Male Deva Warpriest 3
Languages: Modern Serran, Old Serran, Grystok
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6 (-1)
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 15
Reflex: 11
Will: 17
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d10 damage
MBA (Charging): +10 vs Fort, 1d10 +6 damage
RBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Necrotic 6
Radiant 6
Lightning 5
Thunder 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Blessing of Wrath
Storm Hammer

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Smite Undead [_]*
Thundering Steel [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Healing Word [_][_]
Storm Surge [_]*
Create Water [_]
Hammering Wind [_]


Moment of Glory [_]
Shield of Faith [_]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Storm Domain: You gain resist 5 lightning and resist 5 thunder. In addition, when you use your healing word, the target gains a +2 power bonus to the next damage roll they make before the end of their next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Elemental Initiate: You gain a +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and your unarmed attack can deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You also gain proficiency with ki focuses.

Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Weapon proficiency (Triple-headed flail): You gain proficiency with Triple-headed flail.
Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:16 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by Fialova »

Josie, the Amkharan Abolitionist

Zhou Si (Josie).jpg

Character Sheet
Zhou Si (Josie), level 2
Zhou Si (Josie), level 3
Elf, Druid
Primal Aspect: Primal Predator
Elf Subrace: Wood Elf
Select option: Elven Accuracy
Select option: Wood Elf Reactive Stealth
Background: Occupation - Foe Killer (Learn new language)
Theme: Werewolf

Str 13, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 8.

Str 13, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 18 Fort: 12 Reflex: 16 Will: 16
HP: 35 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 8

Nature +12, Religion +6, Perception +12, Athletics +6

Acrobatics +4, Arcana +1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +5, Endurance +1, Heal +5, History +1, Insight +5, Intimidate +2, Stealth +4, Streetwise, Thievery +4

Druid: Ritual Caster
Feat User Choice: Staff Expertise
Level 1: Enraged Boar Form
Level 2: Cunning Stalker

Druid at-will 1: Grasping Claws
Druid at-will 1: Magic Stones
Druid at-will 1: Savage Rend
Druid encounter 1: Thorn Spray
Druid daily 1: Savage Frenzy
Druid utility 2: Wolf's Vitality
Druid encounter 3: Predator's Flurry

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: ---
Offhand:   ---
Body:      ---

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---

Ritual Book
* Animal Messenger
* Banish Vermin

All Items
Ritual Book (currently confiscated by prison)
Zhou Si is a bit taller than most girls in Ghia, though since moving to Serranak her height is more average in comparison to the orcs and Serran peoples she interacts with. Like most Ghians, she has pale skin with dark hair and brown eyes, traits not typically found together in the natives of Voreld, making her stand out a bit in a crowd.

When in her homeland and as a new traveler she tended to wear traditional Amkharan garb, loose robes in multiple layers of various muted colors. However, the longer she's lived in Voreld the more she's adapted to local customs of dress, particularly those of the elven societies of northern Serrank. Her cloth robes were replaced by leathers and hides, featuring intricate patterns and stained various shades of browns and greens. She began to wear a bandana over her face in more arid regions, and when outside of those regions she took to wearing it on her head over her hair.

The main bit of her appearance that is typical of Ghian women, something she is unwilling to change, is her intricately tied-up hair. Using many sharp pins, which can double as weapons if needed, she keeps her very long hair pinned up into a bun behind her head. Apart from her complexion and facial features it is the main thing giving away her ethnicity.

Though she is more accustomed to fighting in her wolf-hound form ever since being trained by the Masters at the temple, she still has some skills with a staff and with her bare hands, and as such is usually accompanied by a staff of some sort. It also serves to double as a walking stick, something that helps with the long marches she often has to make through the vast wilderness to reach a target, or to return to a camp or village.
Zhou Si is incredibly loyal to those she respects, and to her moral ideals in general. Her youth as an acolyte of the Hound instilled this trait in her from an early age, and it has been the driving force in her life ever since. She has a strong loyalty to her family, her country, and her monastic order, even if she did leave it all behind when moving to the mainland. Though she rarely encounters it, she is quick to defend her country from naysayers as a result.

More recently her loyalties have lied in the anti-slavery movement that has been spreading throughout eastern Voreld. Specifically, she feels a strong loyalty towards the elves of the region, who've been oppressed ever since they arrived on the continent millennia ago. Though she is not one herself, and had indeed very rarely ever encountered elves in the past, she has come to learn much about them and their ways, and has a deep respect for their culture.

Other than loyalty, her most prevalent personality traits are shrewdness, adaptability, and self-reliance. Though the anti-slavery movement is large and numerous, Zhou Si has spent much of her time supporting it alone. She prefers to venture into the wilderness to track more elusive targets, aid more remote locations, and overall is willing to put herself out there and do what is needed despite the difficulty. Her quick wit helps greatly in this, and her ability to hunt and track makes her a natural outdoorsman.

Without her adaptability she would never have survived in Voreld. For instance, she goes by Josie only due to the huge lack of cultural understanding of her homeland in Serrank. When told her name, most people assume she is saying 'Josie,' as a nickname for Josephine, and she has been mistakenly called Josephine in more formal occasions as a result. She occasionally politely corrects people, but overall is willing to just go with the flow rather than cause a scene over something so mundane. The cultural shock of moving to Voreld from Ghia was also made much easier from her ability to go with the flow, and it did not take the woman long to learn the ways of those around her to better blend in.
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life: Zhou Si was born in the small town of Zhou, north of Chentang, to a family of peasants. Like many peasant families, they had many more children than they were able to support, so they'd send the less 'useful' ones (usually the girls) away. Some were sent to become servants for nobles, some to the city to learn trades, and some, like Zhou Si, were sent to temples to join a monastic order.

Zhou Si was sent to a temple of the Hound in the hills between Chentang and Yunei. Like all young acolytes, she was initially raised with no responsibilities and simply spent most of her time playing with the other children and learning very basic arithmetic and writing skills.

At five she began her real education, which consisted of basic chores, daily physical training, and education on many different subjects. In everything she did at the temple, there was always an emphasis on loyalty. Loyalty to one's peers, to one's superiors, to oneself. Loyalty to self-improvement, to education, to one's training regimen. Statues and statuettes of the Hound were at every turn, a reminder to the acolytes what the temple meant, who it was in honor of, what really mattered. It all instilled itself at the very core of Zhou Si's being.

Oneness Achieved: The girl's time at the temple was unremarkable compared to that of the other acolytes she learned with. She was skilled, but not the most skilled. She was smart, but not the smartest, strong, but not the strongest. She made friends, enemies, impressed some of the monks, angered others. All in all she was just your average disciple of the Hound.

What really stood out about Zhou Si was her sense of loyalty. All disciples of the Hound were expected to embody the trait, as it was the trait their preferred spirit embodied, but everyone did so to different extends. Some preferred to focus on martial training, even when it would put them at odds with their chores or studies. Some did the opposite, more concerned with study or organization. Zhou Si, in her otherwise mediocre position, exemplified the balance that was expected of her by the monks, the loyalty both to oneself as well as others, to her home and to her spirit.

She awoke one morning, now in her late teens, to find that she was 'awakened' in another sense. She could feel a strong connection to the Hound, unlike any she'd ever felt before while praying or gazing on its imagery. She spoke to a monk, who referred her to a Master. He informed her that she had achieved Oneness with the Hound, something he himself had done many years before, and who many spend their whole lives aiming for.

Master of the Hound: With the realization she'd achieved mastery of her connection to the Hound, Zhou Si was initially ecstatic. It was not unheard of for those as young as her to do so, and in fact one of the other masters at the temple had been even younger than her when he made his connection to the spirit. However, she felt great pride in being one of the few to achieve such a feat, and without years of intense meditation and training.

Once it had been confirmed with the other masters that, yes, she was now to join their ranks, she began a new daily routine. Though she was still young and needed more education with her peers, her training regimen was moved to a private garden where the masters practiced and sparred. It was there she learned what true mastery yielded: the ability to take the form of a spirit.

No longer bound to the physical form of a mere human, Zhou Si began to learn how to live as a hound. The other masters taught her first the basics, how to walk with four legs, how to eat with her new shape, and so on. Once she'd mastered those they practiced wrestling, biting, pouncing, stalking, and every other technique used by real canines - especially wolves - to take down their prey. They also taught her how to do all this responsibly, to show loyalty to the natural order, and not to use the ability to transform lightly or too often.

Stagnation and a New Purpose: The longer Zhou Si learned from the Masters, the less her training began to matter to her. Sure, she was learning useful skills, ones most acolytes and monks only ever dreamed of achieving. On the other hand, she was spending less and less time with those her age, who she enjoyed, and the skills she was learning seemed to have little practical value, at least within the confines of the temple complex. She began to long for something new, a purpose in life which she felt she no longer had due to her prodigious awakening.

She found her purpose one day during her studies, when her class was learning of the history of the elves in Voreld. The class was taught in a matter-of-fact manner, but Zhou Si could not help but to become incensed at the mistreatment of the race by the orcs and humans they encountered in the eastern half of the continent. This sparked in her an interest in the subject, which she began to read on at length during her free time.

The more she read the more she learned about the history of oppression and slavery of the orcs in Kurnhuelde and the humans of the Serran Empire and, later, the Rakhii. Not only elves were subject to such atrocities, but elves were the only race with no other representation in those societies except as slaves, servants, or otherwise lower class citizens.

She began to speak to others about the subject, and in her conversations learned how the area had barely improved in the many centuries since the elves arrived. Elves were still mostly lower class citizens in Serranak and Serran, hunted by slavers, and treated poorly. Sure, people of other races suffered as well, and not all elves were treated so poorly, but it was still true that the elves of the region had it the worst.

A Life of Travel: In one of her training sessions with the other masters, Zhou Si brought up her desire to leave the temple to travel to Serranak. She'd learned of a semi-organized group of people in Serrank who were actively combating the slave trade, and wanted to do what she could to help. The masters were not thrilled to hear of the girls' desires, as they expected her to one day lead the temple in their stead, but they respected her decision. They provided what they could and sent her on her way, sad to see her go, but pleased she was doing what she believed to be right.

The young woman, now in her early twenties, spent many months making her way slowly from her homeland to the northern shores of Serranak. She had to switch ships many times, often at the last minute, and her lack of funds meant she was often stuck doing hard labor or stowing away to find passage. Her resourcefulness began to really show in these travels, as she found ever more ways to convince people to aid her, or to earn the trust of a crew.

Eventually she landed in Chevalle, where she stayed just long enough to gather supplies before venturing further south. She learned to live off the land and, with her training from her masters, managed to easily hunt down deer and other helpless creatures in her wolf-dog form.

'Josie' the Abolitionist: After much travel and hunting, Zhou Si eventually made her first contact with a group of the anti-slavers, who called themselves Abolitionists. Not having much knowledge of Ghia or its languages, they assumed she was telling them her name was 'Josie' and from then on it became what she was called in the mainland. It was not long before she stopped trying to correct people and simply embraced her new identity, accepting it as one of the many changes she was making in her life by being here.

She traveled with the group, which was based out of the mostly-elven city of Agramor. She learned two speak elven while with the group, and her knowledge of the common tongue continued to improve as her main form of communication in the area. She eventually managed to witness the more traditional elven society Vyridis, learning much about elven culture and symbolism, and beginning to adapt to their ways slowly over time.

Once she felt she had a solid grasp on the goals and methodology of the abolitionist movement she began to travel more on her own, volunteering for more dangerous tasks or ones in more treacherous areas. Her ability to blend in with the animals of the woods gave her a unique ability to stalk and ambush foes that none of her fellow freedom-fighters could replicate, and going solo made it easier for her to do so.

The Hell Hole: Though initially very successful in her pursuits, tales of the wolf-woman began to spread among slavers and the merchants and nobles whose businesses were being hurt by Zhou Si's actions. They staged a trap she was unable to anticipate, and the woman, now 28, was captured. There was talk of executing her on the spot, but ultimately the powers in charge decided that they'd prefer her suffer, and so she was sent to die a much slower, much more agonizing death in the mining prison known as the Hole.

Josie has now been in the Hole for a few months, and is determined to survive the ordeal. She does not accept that her fate is to die in such a wretched place, and she is merely biding her time until she can catch a guard off-guard and rip out his throat, hoping the confusion and panic that ensues would allow her to escape.

Character goal 1: Zhou Si would like to see an end to slavery. This goal is primarily aimed towards the eastern half of Voreld, namely Serran and Serranak, but her ideal goal is to see an end to the slave trade entirely.

Character goal 2: Since learning of the Hole's existence, and suffering its brutal punishment, she has also developed the goal of seeing the prison eliminated and its owners punished for the crimes against their fellow man they've committed by owning and operating such a deplorable location.

Player goal: I'd like to see Josie's sense of loyalty tested in a truly difficult way. Her whole life has seen her as an epitome of loyalty, but she's had no real opportunity to see this loyalty shaken. It would make a nice bit of character development if she could be confronted with some situation that puts her sense of loyalty in question, while hopefully overcoming it.

Character secret 1: Josie does not believe the Hound's teachings to be the most important of the spirits. She recognizes that she is most connected to him due to her strong sense of loyalty, and is appreciative of the special abilities she has due to being awakened to the spirit's presence, but she has believed for a long time that the Horse, the Bear, and the Bee are all more important.

Character secret 2: Josie can feel herself becoming more and more beast-like every time she uses her ability to turn into a wolf-hound, and the thought of her slowly becoming less 'human' worries her. However, she also recognizes that this ability is her most useful asset, so she is unwilling to simply stop.

Player secret: The trap to capture Josie was made possible, in part, due to there being a group of slavers who've infiltrated the abolitionist movement in order to dismantle it from within. They've successfully caused many deaths and arrests of anti-slavers, and have so far been able to remain undetected by the movement.

People Tied to Zhou Si
Masters Shu, Wei, and Wu: The three masters that Zhou Si spent most of her time training with were all old and wise, though they had a bit of a feud between them. They were all in the running for the head of the temple at one point, but were ultimately passed up in favor of Master Jin. They still bicker over minor differences in training style, and are clearly expecting to re-ignite their feud once Master Jin passes and one of them is next in line. They have all influence Zhou Si in one way or another, and see her as a star pupil.

Master Jin: A cunning Master of the Hound, and current Grandmaster of the temple, Jin is also one of the younger of the masters. He became grandmaster due to his shrewdness and youthful energy (at least in relation to his older competition), though he has been suffering from an illness for years that threatens to end his life prematurely. He worries for Zhou Si, but the two have always gotten along.

Ji Ning: Zhou Si's closest friend among the acolytes growing up, Ji Ning is a boy a few years older than her. He has always been much more talented than her in the physical training, and has grown to envy her mastery of the spirit ever since she became awakened. Zhou Si sometimes misses him and her other friends, though he is mostly glad she is gone, no longer able to overshadow him and the others their age.

Krendal: An orc woman who is a member of the abolitionist movement along with Zhou Si. She is one of the first people the girl met among the group, and though they did not initially get along they eventually became closer, now considering one another friends.

Bartholomew Abbott: A merchant who barely managed to escape Josie's ambush once, who now has a strong personal vendetta against her. He was involved in the trap that saw her captured, and was one of the men who suggested she suffer in the Hole rather than being killed on the spot. He has since become more invested in combating the abolitionist movement, and has even begun forcing his slaves to help in hunting down those who'd see them freed (with much supervision).

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
Memory: Zhou Si will awesome remember the piercing gaze of the various Hound statues and paintings from around the temple. She sees them when she sleeps, and sometimes when she closes her eyes. They serve as a reminder to stick to her path in life, and to always remain loyal to herself and to her fellow people.

Mannerism: Josie makes a lot of hand motions when speaking, a habit she developed out of necessity when first venturing away from Ghia. Her limited knowledge of the common tongue and inability to truly speak any language other than Amkharan made it so that her primary form of communications was through gestures and facial expressions. Though she now is fluent in both elven and the common tongue in addition to her native Amkharan, her habit of emphasizing her point through hand motions has remained.

Quirk: Josie has a fondness for raw and undercooked meat, a quirk she developed while learning how to survive as a hound. Most people are alarmed by this, so she tries to keep it to herself.

Quirk: Ever since learning more about them, Josie has had a fascination with elves and elven culture, which has led her to adapt more of their iconography and stylings into her wardrobe. This has led to many turned heads, as a Ghian woman in elven garb or wearing traditional elven jewelry is a very uncommon sight.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Zhou Si's family serves no part in her life and upbringing, other than in her birth and in indirectly choosing her path in life by sending her to the temple of the Hound. She has never known them, nor does she have any desire to. She considered the masters, monks, and acolytes of the temple to be her true family.

Class: Zhou Si was born a peasant, but raised in the monastic tradition. The monks of Ghia hold a relatively privileged position in society, though they receive no practical benefits. Rather, they are regarded for their wisdom, knowledge, and prowess in personal combat, and often sought-after for advice by the nobility or those of means. Now, on the mainland of Voreld, Josie is seen as a simple commoner of no importance, a vagabond who many are slow to trust.

Profession: Though she has never held a 'real' profession, Zhou Si has been both a monk and an outlaw/vigilante. She also performed many odd jobs to earn her way to Serrank, though none lasted longer than absolutely necessary.

Institutions: Zhou Si is a member of the Temple of the Hound in Amkhara, though she has not been back there in years. She holds the rank of Master, the second highest rank a spiritual Ghian can achieve, though she has chosen to live her life apart from the temple. She also now holds ties to both the Serrank anti-slavery movement and the elven villages and cities that are scattered across the region.[/sblock2]
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Loyalty. Everything Josie does is, in some way or another, driven by her strong sense of loyalty. Her success in her temple was a result of her sense of loyalty to her peers, and to her own self-improvement. Her decision to aid the anti-slavery movement in Serrank was due to a strong loyalty to her own sense of justice and morality.

Secondary: Helping Others. While not something that has defined her life until the last decade or so, Josie's current path in life is a direct result of her desire to aid the disenfranchised and oppressed of eastern Voreld. She is appalled that the slave trade has survived for millennia and still going strong, and seeks an end to it once and for all.

Tertiary: A Meaning to Life. Though not as major as her other drives, it has always been in the back of her mind that Zhou Si needs some sort of purpose to her life, a reason to live. As a child this was laid out for her, to study and become awakened. When this happened prematurely she was given yet another, master the form of the hound, learn to live as it does. However, once that became too easy she had to choose one of her own. That is when she chose her current path. Should she ever succeed in her goal she will be just as lost, and need to find a new meaning to her life.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Escape from the Hole, with as many others as possible.

Medium-Term: See the Hole closed and its supporters punished for allowing such a horrible place to exist.

Long-Term: See slavery abolished in Serranak, Serran, Kurnhuelde, and eventually everywhere.

PC Relations
Though she mostly keeps to herself, Zhou Si does pay attention to the other prisoners to see if she thinks they are worthy of her friendship or if they should be avoided.

Alerio: Zhou Si does not really know what to make of Alerio's serious demeanor. She cannot tell if he is a hardened criminal or an innocent like herself, but she keeps a close eye on him to try to discern which is the truth.

Rajan: Zhou Si does not trust Rajan. As another who keeps to himself, but shows great signs of charisma and a personable nature when interacting with others, she can only assume he is a con man of some sort.

Shakumon: Zhou Si is somewhat suspicious of Shakumon. His wildly-changing persona, ranging from friendly to reserved, makes her nervous about his motivations and goals.

Korgul: Zhou Si respects Korgul's straightforwardness, but the rumors of his actions that led to his imprisonment leave her wary of him nonethless. She hopes his outlaw group was similar to her own, and fighting for the common good rather than personal gain.

Yldaren: Zhou Si thinks very little of Yldaren. The rumors of his activity as a slaver put him towards the top of her list of least favorite inmates, and the fact he is so cordial with the Watchers doesn't help her opinion of him.

Brelnia: Zhou Si respects Brelnia is another strong woman, though she doesn't know if she should be trusted. She tries to keep on the woman's good side, as she'd rather not have to kill her.

Ramis: Zhou Si has no real opinion on white collar crime, so she doesn't really think badly of Ramis. She does find him odd and his accent confusing to understand, but otherwise she is fairly neutral on the man.

Baz: Zhou Si appreciates Baz's quiet nature and finds the man attractive. However, since he never talks about himself she can only assume he's done something truly horrible, so she is wary about trusting him.

Claw Gloves
Combat Block
Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 3
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 35/35
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA (human form, staff): +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage, reach 1
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:
* +1 speed while not in heavy armor
* ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
* roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
* +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
* +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
* gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
* grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind [_]
Wolf Shape [_]
Elven Accuracy [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Wolf's Vitality [_]

Savage Frenzy [_]

* this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:
Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA
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Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

This Guy, Probably


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Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajanikant Bhukar, the Shadow of Vengeance



Rajan is the second son of a merchant family in Kelbis. The Bhukars have made a lot of wealth in the last decade by bringing textiles into Kelbis and Kelbis-made crafts out. About a year ago Rajan's father, Hasan, arranged marriages for his two sons among Kelbis nobility. This is where things went wrong for Rajan. One of Rajan's betrothed's other suitors, Rennak,
did not take kindly to the Bhukars trying to enter the ruling class. He got Rajan framed for a murder and thrown in the Hole.


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Rajanikant Bhukar, level 2
Drow, Hexblade
Background: Occupation - Merchant (+2 to Bluff)
Theme: Son of Alagondar
Languages: Common, Ghrystok

Str 8, Con 10, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 20.

Str 8, Con 10, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18.

AC: 18 Fort: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
HP: 27 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 6

Stealth +11, Thievery +9, Bluff +13, Streetwise +11, Athletics +4

Acrobatics +4, Arcana +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance, Heal +1, History +1, Insight +1, Intimidate +8, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +1

Feat User Choice: Flail Expertise
Level 1: White Lotus Riposte
Level 2: Practiced Killer

Lolthtouched: Cloud of Darkness
Level 1 Hexblade Daily Power: Star Shackles
Level 2 Hexblade Utility Power: Ethereal Stride

====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Combat Block

Speed: 6
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Darkvision
Languages: Grystok, Common

AC: 15
Fort: 12
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

Active Effects: None


Eldritch Bolt
Flesh Rend

Second Wind []
Low Blow []
Cloud of Darkness []
Spirit Flay []
Ethereal Stride

Star Shackles [_]

8000FF = Rajan
808080 = desram

Last edited by Pashalik on Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon, Exiled of Kresh Varduuz


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements

Appearance: Shakumon is a massive orc from the remote region of the peaks surrounding Kresh Varduuz. He stands just over seven feet tall, with rich emerald skin and a shock of unruly black hair atop his head. His bulky arms and legs are criss-crossed with scar tissue and brands. The thick, brutish brow across his head hides unusually perceptive dark eyes. Teeth protrude from his closed mouth like small tusks. The perpetual snarl on his face, combined with his hulking form, give him an air of menace.

Personality: Shakumon has an outwardly surly demeanor, communicating often in grunts and abrupt sentences. Despite this, though, he is not a loner--he is possessed by the longing for a clan of his own to belong to. His experience as a young shaman’s apprentice, and later as a member of a bandit gang, inclines him to form close unspoken bonds to those he trusts. Paradoxically, however, his suspicion of betrayal leads him to keep most others at a distance. It is these contradictory impulses that drive his inscrutable and often bizarre behavior towards strangers--at once generous and kind, patient and reasonable, but simultaneously prone to fiery bursts of temper and silent disdain. Despite his background as a murderer and thief, Shakumon is a loyal and trustworthy companion.

Early Life: Shakumon was born into a clan of orcs that inhabited the upper reaches of the mountains around Kresh Varduuz. His tribe was an insular one, distrusting and hostile to outsiders. As a young orc, Shakumon’s affinity for and closeness with primal spirits of the mountain range was recognized by a tribal shaman, who took him as an apprentice. This shaman taught him how to harness the spirits of the storm and winter winds, transforming him with time into a warrior of great strength. He found kinship and closeness with the shaman and his spirits, teaching him the value of bonds. To his great sorrow, his apprenticeship would end under the grimmest of circumstances.

One harsh winter day, he attempted to do what his shaman had forbid, and tried to actually take the form of a blizzard spirit. He was too young, too inexperienced, and too headstrong. The Form of Winter’s Herald proved too much for him to control, and the wrath of the storm was unleashed. Shakumon can’t remember what happened next. All he knows is that he awoke naked next to the ravaged ruins of the shaman’s hut. The shaman’s frozen corpse was next to him.

What came next is unsurprising: shame, exile, and hardship. The only reason the tribal leaders spared his life was due to an ancient custom, forbidding to shed the blood of a tribesman touched by primal spirits. They warned him, however, that if he were to return this mercy would not be repeated. Bound by tribal honor, he left his mountain homeland.

A Band of Outlaws: Shakumon made his way to Serranak, where his desire for kinship led him to a group of bandits and horse thieves who preyed on merchant caravans and travelers. He was no horseman, but his near-supernatural endurance allowed him to run across the steppes day and night. For years he ran with them, enjoying the companionship and thrill of battle. He tried his best to bury the guilt of his crimes in self-pity, justifying them with the fact that he had no other place in the world.

Capture: Eventually authorities from Kelbis noted the rising economic damage of Shakumon’s bandit band and set out to destroy them. The bandits, as canny and crafty as they were, proved little match for an concerted effort aimed at their destruction. Many were killed and some, like Shakumon, were seen as potential prisoners for the mines. He was spared execution for the second time in his life, this time tossed into the deep pits of the Hole. He’s been down there for years now, his massive strength and imposing appearance helping to protect him from the worst degradations. He longs most for the mountains of his homeland, but has now all but given up the scant hope he once had of freedom.


1) Escape and freedom. This seems straightforward and obvious, but Shakumon’s bond with mountain and storm spirits sears inside of him, roiling in a constant longing to be reunited.

2)Shakumon also longs for a tribe of his own. He gets personal satisfaction from being relied upon and trusted, and his happiest memories are of the times he had trusted companions. He wishes to experience that once more.

3)I want Shakumon to somehow redeem himself for the mistakes and crimes of his past. If he gets an opportunity to use his primal abilities in service to true friends, that will be the highest fulfillment of his character.


1)The capture and deaths of his bandit brethren was not simply the result of good policing by the authorities. One of his former compatriots sold out his fellows in return for a sum of money from a powerful Kelbis merchant, who in turns profited nicely from his new prisoners.

2) He is responsible for the death of the first person to show him true kindness, the shaman who took him in as a young orc. This guilt causes him nightmares even to this day. He goes to great length to hide this from those around him.

People Tied to Shakumon

The only people Shakumon has any connection with are the handful of bandits spared execution and tossed into the Hole. Most of them he hasn’t seen in quite some time, and he assumes they’re now dead.

1) Garreth Tyne
A thief and killer, Garreth was the human leader of Shakumon's bandit gang. He led a life of crime since growing up as an urchin in one of the cities of the Ghrystbehn. A cruel and vicious man, Garreth never truly looked upon Shakumon as a compatriot and held a simmering enmity towards him. For his part, Shakumon saw Garreth as a competent leader who reminded him of some of the orc chiefs of his mountain home. Somewhere deep in the mines, Garreth has organized a new gang that ruthlessly amasses what small power and comforts the prisoners are afforded.

2) Talkasha
Talkasha is a craven orcish bandit who also fought with Shakumon's old gang. He affects the boisterous and intimidating persona of a hardened warrior, but in his heart he is a coward who fears death and pain above all else. He tipped off Kelbis authorities to the location of the gang's hideout, in exchange for his life and a purse of gold. He now works as an enforcer for one of Kelbis's elite families.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) One of Shakumon’s strongest memories is the day he first felt the presence of the primal spirits of the mountain storms. Their voices are dim now, but when he closes his eyes he can still hear them. This is as close as he ever comes to peace inside the mines.

2) The scars and brands across his body once served as tokens of history and loyalty to his bandit brethren. Now they’re just sad reminders of what he has lost.

3) Shakumon is prone to fits of melancholy and anger at where his life has led him. He knows that his own actions are why he’s in the mines, but he sometimes sees himself as the victim of fate.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: Shakumon’s family lives in the far peaks surrounding Kresh Varduuz. To them, he is a source of embarrassment and shame. He is truly outcast from them.

Class: He is an orcish exile and common criminal. He has never enjoyed wealth or comfort, and is widely despised among those who are aware of his existence.

Profession: At one time, Shakumon thought he might succeed his mentor and become a tribal shaman. Instead, he lived a life of banditry and crime.

Institutions: Shakumon holds no loyalty to any institutions.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Above all else, Shakumon wants to feel the spirits of the natural world within him. Life in the mines means these moments come rarely to him, and thusly wishes to be as far from them as possible.

Secondary: Companionship is something he craves. He’s found little solidarity with his fellow prisoners and longs to belong to a tribe that trusts and values him.

Tertiary: Shakumon knows that atonement for his crimes is impossible. Even so, he feels that if he has the chance to do good in this world, he will take it in hopes that some of the guilt which wracks him can be assauged.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Like all his fellow prisoners, Shakumon wants to escape the Kelbis Mines.

Medium-Term: He wants to surround himself with people who don’t care or have forgiven his past crimes, and feel like he has a clan once more.

Long-Term: Shakumon wants to continue the journey he started as a young orc, and form a more perfect bond with the primal spirits of storm and mountain.


* Hide Armor

  • Two-handed Maul
Character Sheet


Shakumon, level 2
Goliath Warden
Background: Geography - Mountains (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Earthforger

Str 18, Con 18, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8

Str 16, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8

AC: 15 Fort: 18 Reflex: 12 Will: 17
HP: 42 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 10

Nature +10, Endurance +10, Athletics +14, Perception +8

Acrobatics +1, Arcana +1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, History +1, Insight +3, Intimidate +0, Religion +3, Stealth +1, Streetwise +0, Thievery +1

Level 1: Crippling Crush
Feat User Choice: Hammer Expertise
Level 2: Improved Defenses

Warden daily 1: Form of Winter’s Herald
Warden utility 2: Endure Pain (Endurance skill power)


Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: ---
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Prisoner Outfit

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
Combat Block


Male Goliath Warden 2
Languages: Modern Serran, Kurnish, Grystok
Age: 32
Height: 7'1"
Weight: 310 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 15
Fort: 18
Reflex: 12
Will: 17
HP: 42/42
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 1

MBA: +5 vs AC, 1d4 damage (unarmed)

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: 1 at start of turn (Font of Life)

Active Effects: None


Warden’s Fury
Warden’s Grasp
Thorn Strike
Weight of Earth

Second Wind []
Stone’s Endurance []
Roots of Stone []
Stone Panoply []

Form of Winter’s Herald []
Endure Pain []



Important Features:

Mountain’s Tenacity: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Will.

Powerful Athlete: When you make an Athletics check to jump or climb, roll twice and use either result.

Font of Life: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end. On a save, the effect immediately ends, preventing it from affecting you on your current turn. If you save against being stunned or dazed, you can act normally on your turn. If you save against ongoing damage, you avoid taking the damage. If you fail the saving throw, you still make a saving throw against the effect at the end of your turn.

Guardian Might: Stormheart: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Constitution modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. In addition, when you use your second wind, you slide each enemy marked by you 1 square, and each enemy marked by you is slowed until the end of your turn.

Nature’s Wrath: Once during each of your turns, you can mark each adjacent enemy as a free action. This mark lasts until the end of your next turn.

Earthforger: Your origin becomes elemental. For purposes of effects that relate to creature origin, you are considered to be an elemental. In addition, you add one language you can read, speak, and write. Whenever you use your second wind, you gain a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.

Weapon Expertise: Hammer: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a hammer. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level and +3 at 25th level.

Crippling Crush: When you immobilize or slow an enemy with a weapon attack using a hammer or mace, that enemy takes extra damage equal to your constitution modifier.

Improved Defenses: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Posts: 20
Registered for: 7 years

Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by Scarpel24 »

Korgul the Might


Character Sheet

Korgul the Might, level 2
Half-Orc Fighter
Background: Society - Poor (+2 Streetwise)
Theme: Outlaw

AC 16 For 19 Ref 15 Will 11

Str 18 Con 16 Dex 16 Int 10 Cha 10 Wis 10

Max HP 37 / Bloodied 18 / Surge value 9 / Surges per day 12

Speed 6 / Initiative +4 / Pasive Insight +1 / Passive Perception +1

Languages: Common, Modern Serran

Low-light vision

Trained Skills:
Athletics (+10), Endurance (+11), Intimidate (+14), Thievery (+9)

Untrained Skills:
Acrobatics (+4), Arcana (+1), Bluff (+1), Diplomacy (+1), Dungeoneering (+1), Heal (+1), History (+1), Insight (+1), Nature (+1), Perception (+1), Religion (+1), Streetwise (+3)

Race features:
Furious Assault
Half-Orc Resilience (gain 5/10/15 thp first time bloodied)
Swift Charge (+2 spd when charging)

Class features:
Combat Challenge
Combat Agility
Brawler Style

Axe Expertise (+1/+2/+3 atk and Brutal 1 with axes)
Brawler Guard (+1 AC and Ref when 1 hand is free)
Strong-Arm Tactics (+2 Intimidate, Intimidate checks with STR mod)

Combat Block

Korgul the Might

Male, Half-orc, Fighter, Level 2
Languages: Common, Serran
Age: 27
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 11
HP: 37/37
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1

MBA: unarmed: +7 vs AC, 1d4+4
RBA: does not have anything to throw yet




Active Effects:


Combat Agility
Grappling Strike
Slash and Pummel

Furious Assault
Bash and Pinion
Second Wind
Surprise Strike
Quick Escape

Villain's Menace



Korguls life

[sblock3=Birth]Korgul was born of a forbidden affair between an important chieftain and a slave. Gorktar, his father, was one of the most respected Warlords of the middleclass of Rasak, right below the Orcish aristocracy that rules the city. Cerys, his mother, was an elf slave at the service of Gorktar's family. They both fell in love, a secret forbidden love that did not last long because Cerys was with child, and when the inevitable happened, and people of the house saw orcish fangs in the baby, they hunt them. Gorktar fled with the baby, losing all titles and posessions because of the atrocity of tainting the orcish legacy with slave's blood; but Cerys was killed with a crossbow bolt.[/sblock3]
[sblock3=Early life]Fortunately, Gorktar had some friends in the Lower Elements of the city of Rasak, so he and baby Korgul were able to hide for a few years. But Gorktar was heavily persecuted for his crimes, and his influence grew weaker and weaker. When he was finally caught, he managed to fool the orcs chasing him, making them believe he killed his son out of mercy, so the orcs just executed him. Young Korgul saw everything, hidden behind some crates, now under the protection of Old Ugarth, the last friend Gorktar had. Ugarth was poor, but he was the only reason most kids on the Lower Elements were not caught by slavers, they respected Ugarth and his old glory as a general. So Korgul learned to survive in the streets, learned to steal and to not gain too much attention to himself, having only the memory of his father and a necklace from his mother.[/sblock3]
[sblock3=Later life]Korgul grew tired of living under the shadows, being the lowest of the lowest, and despite Old Ugarth advice, he started to fight the guards and other dangerous people of the Lower Elements, coming home every night with bruises and wounds. Eventually Ugarth learned there was an inextinguishable fire in the kid's heart; it could be vengeance, or a desire to overcome himself, but something was burning. So he taught Korgul the basics of fighting, the martial stance of a true fighter, and the combat awareness one must have, and then he gave him a special axe training, the weapon of the old orcs. The handle felt light, and the blade swift, it was definitely the weapon for him, it made him finally feel he belonged somewhere. But the way of Korgul was not a noble one, seeking fight after fight in the Lower Elements, preferring a more dirty fighting style that one of a virtuose combatant. Years passed and Korgul became one of the best fighters of the Lower Elements, making a name for himself in the eyes of the worst criminals of Serranak.[/sblock3]
[sblock3=The Might]Starting as a simple grunt, Korgul, by skill and sheer force, quickly ascended to be the leader of the Grey Raiders, a group of misfits from Rasak who survived from pillaging. Like Old Ugarth had told him, it was customary to earn an earring piece with each acomplishment, so Korgul put his first earring when he became leader of the Grey Raiders. Under his command, the group of bandits became a serious and organized threat to the trading activity across The Gryhst, absorbing each of the minor groups in the area and Korgul getting an earpiece for each one. The final oposing group was the Dead Hand, led by Vondal Anvur, a tough dwarf from Yjolvich. To prevent losing followers, Korgul and Vondal agreed to have a fight to decide who would command all the bandit groups of Serranak. And after a vigorous duel, Korgul using his street smarts defeated Vondal, but unlike all other previous leaders, he did not kill Vondal, but saw potential in him, so as crazy as it is in the world of thiefs, he let him live and made him his 2nd in charge, earning his 10th and final earpiece and the name "Might".[/sblock3]
[sblock3=Getting Caught]After making the Grey Raiders the biggest criminal organization in Serranak, Korgul realized his long lasting desire was possible at last. He was going to bring down each and every one of the orcs that made his life miserable. He was going to take Razak. So he started striking its economy with constant raids, to force Razak's military forces to come out, and then he will defeat them in his terms. But his plans fall down way too fast, as a small elite group intercepted him and some of his men while moving from one outpost to another. Korgul fought bravely, but was defeated for the first time since he was a child by an orc in shining armor, a face he recognized from the Lower Elements, Slaghig Rucrett. Defeated and shocked, Korgul fell unconcious to the ground, only to wake up shirtless, in chains, and with so little light around.
The infamous pits...[/sblock3]


The main goal of Korgul is get out of the pits as fast as he can,
being here is just hindering his power.
After that he needs to see the state of the Grey Raiders all across Serranak,
to be able to restore his influence on all the bandits of the region.
Finally when he restores his power, he will go after Rasak and its discusting aristocracy, making all those purists orcs pay the same prize his parents paid.


1) The person currently at the head of the purist orcs is actually Korguls brother, the oldest son of Gorktar, Burtor Greenscarred. He was 6 months old when Gorktar ran away with baby Korgul, and was adopted by the Greenscarred family because of the strong bloodline of Gorktar. Only the Greenscarred family and Old Ugarth know this.
2) Old Ugarth realized a long time ago that he could not change the system, so the respect the soldiers pay to him is actually part of a deal between Ugarth and the Orcish aristocracy. The soldiers would not capture children under his protection if he disuades the people of the Lower Elements from rioting. This deal exist even before Korgul was born.

People Tied to Korgul

[sblock3=Old Ugarth]Korgul's mentor is not just a wise old man. Ugarth Stoneskin was born in the golden era of Rasak, and with a pure bloodline he had every advantadge growing up. He became a top soldier in the military academy of Rasak, and was quickly promoted to captain because of his strategic mind. He led several attacks against bandits, raiders and locals to stablish the mercantile empire of Rasak, finding victory in impossible scenarios. He finally ascended to General and was given all the honors. But when he sat back as part of Rasak's aristocracy, he realized the corruption around him. All the advantages he had as a child were taken away from others, workers or slaves, and the orcish elite protected themselves behind the military and the law. Luxury had too high of a price. Eventually he could not look away anymore and fled the upper city, all he could think of was helping the slaves and bandits.
So he became a protector in the Lower Elements, helping children to survive and avoid slavery, and preventing the soldiers from taking them with his reputation.[/sblock3]
[sblock3=Vondal Anvur]Life was almost too easy for a sneaky dwarf, when everybody thinks of your kind as honorable no one suspects you took the money. Vondal's reputation increased (or decreased) as a capable thief in Yjolvich. Being able to bring down the hammer with powerful sneak attacks made Vondal a suitable leader for his bandit companions, forming out of the dust a fearsome gang called the Dead Hand. With his power at it's highest,
Vondal felt the challenge of a half-orc was nothing to worry about, but he lost and was spared by this character, now being 2nd in command amongst his mates. But fortune favors the swifty dwarf, and the half orc was put down on the pits. With a headless thievery empire in front of him, Vondal hesitated to act, as the debt of his life was too big to the half orc. Or was it?[/sblock3]
[sblock3=Slaghig Rucrett]A soldier born in the most dangerous corner of the Lower Elements, his willpower took him from stealing for food to being one of the most efficient soldiers in all Razak. He soon became a paladin, vowing to never return to his previous life and always act has honorable as he could. But his willpower hesitated when commanded to hun Korgul the Might, because he remembered his old partner in his childhood misfortunes. But a criminal is a criminal, so he followed the orded. Little does Slaghig knows the secret agenda of his superiors, always working for the orcish purists and slavers[/sblock3]

Personality traits

[sblock3=Mannerisms]Korgul is a very straightforward man, he has never hide the fact he is an outlaw, and he forgoes diplomacy in favor of a more direct approach. Whenever he needs to convince someone, his axe or his strenght do the talking. He is very proud of himself and what he has accomplished, even at the cost of a few scars in his face. And unlike what it may seem, Korgul is not bloodheaded. He always thinks first the most efficient way to win a fight or to get what he wants before acting.[/sblock3]
[sblock3=Personal effects]Korgul loves his axe, Widowsteel, a battleaxe Old Ugarth gave him. It always felt extremely light in his hand, and although it was not magical (to his knowledge), Korgul felt more powerful with Widowsteel in one hand and a fist in the other.
His earpieces are the ultimate proof of what Korgul has earned with his own hands, so the 10 pieces are not just valuable to him, but a mark that he is the leader of all bandits in Serranak, a mark recognized by both bandits and the military.
But his most valuable possesion is the necklace that belonged to his mother. It only has the symbol of an old elf god of the moon, but Korgul can feel his mother's warmth when holding the necklace, it's like it contains her essence.[/sblock3]


Korgul would like to recover his axe, although he has not seen it since the ambush. He would also like a suitable armor to fight, hide or scale.

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Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by ratwizard »

Brelnia Ovteka, Fallen Mercenary Captain



Character Sheet

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Brelnia, level 2
Mul, Knight
Knight Feature: Shield Finesse
Born of Two Races: Born of Two Races (Dwarf)
Background: Bloodstone Runehammer (+2 to Perception)

Str 20, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12.

AC: 12 Fort: 18 Reflex: 12 Will: 12
HP: 37 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 9

Intimidate +7, History +5, Thievery +7, Dungeoneering +6

Acrobatics +2, Arcana, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Endurance +6, Heal +1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +3, Religion, Stealth +2, Streetwise +4, Athletics +6

Level 1: Dwarven Weapon Training
Feat User Choice: Bludgeon Expertise
Level 2: World Serpent's Grasp

Knight at-will 1: Battle Guardian
Knight utility 1: Defend the Line
Knight utility 1: Hammer Hands
Knight utility 2: Glowering Threat

Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)
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Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by Neovenator »

Cassandra Nalaar, the Firehawk of el-Rayad


Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements

Personality: Cassandra is, first and foremost, passionate and outspoken, and doubly so since the awakening of her dormant magic. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and you would have to be oblivious to not know how she’s feeling at any given moment. Cassandra is brash, anything but shy about what she wants, and has a temper that she has difficulty reigning in. If she can think of a smart remark, often she’ll make it. Cassandra was raised to be a woman of her word (an important trait in a merchant’s daughter) and will do whatever is in her power to keep her promises to herself or others. In combat, she takes an artillerist’s approach, preferring to remain at range and unleash bolts of fire upon her enemies from a distance.

Physical Description: Cassandra is a young, fair-skinned human with hazel eyes and deep red hair, which falls to between her shoulder blades and literally ignites when she calls forth enough of her fire magic (or when she becomes angry). She stands five feet and six inches tall and is lean at 138 pounds.

Early Life: Cassandra was born the only child of Lucian and Amaya Nalaar in a small village along the Gryst. When she was only a few years old, however, the family relocated to the Beredin Steppe, traveling from settlement to settlement selling Lucian’s goods and bringing news. Thus Cassandra grew up on the road, helping her father and mother with trading as she grew older and her natural charisma making her an excellent dealer.

The Raid: A few weeks after Cassandra’s 21st birthday, she and her family made their way to a newly established settlement south of the Ruins of Kazanor. Lucian hoped to make a tidy profit since the settlers were already running low on necessities. Just before midnight on the Nalaars’ third night in the unnamed hamlet, a group of bandits attacked. They came in on horseback howling and yelling loud enough to wake the dead and they showed no mercy. Settlers attempting to flee were run down and trampled under hoof or felt the bite of steel. Amidst the confusion, Lucian urged his wife and daughter to flee into the night. Amaya and Cassandra did not make it far, however, as the bandits had sent outriders to round up anyone managing to slip past the main force. When the two were brought back to what was left of the hamlet, they were shoved unceremoniously into a small group of terrified survivors. The leader of the raiding party, a heavily scarred orc, held up a hand with six fingers and bandits stepped forward, grabbing six of the survivors, including Cassandra’s mother. Almost before she could cry out, tall man who had pulled Amaya away slit her throat, an act mirrored by five other outlaws nearby. The leader said something in Kurnish, but Cassandra didn’t hear any of it as she stared in shock at her mother’s body until something blocked her: the man who had killed her.

An Awakening: Leering down at her with yellowed teeth, he rasped, “Pretty young thing ain’t ye…” and reached down to grab her by the arm. At that point, something inside Cassandra snapped. Her hands glowed from within, illuminating the bones and blood vessels and the lines in her palms. Growing in intensity, the heat erupted through her skin until her hands were engulfed with fire like two torches. A snarl twisted her tear-streaked face as she instinctively thrust her hands towards the outlaw who had killed her mother. Fire leapt from her fingers, engulfing him as he began to scream. For several moments that seemed to last an hour, everyone left alive stared transfixed at Cassandra, who in turn was staring at her still burning hands. Though the fire burned with intensity, she felt no pain, only a mild warmth. Then, the leader shouted, “KILL HER, FOOLS!” and the outlaws hurriedly tried to seize weapons that had been dropped. Cassandra gave them no opportunity, however. With a yell, she began spraying fire toward every bandit in her sight. Panicked survivors, aided by the distraction, took the opportunity to run or attack their enemies.. In the chaos, many of the bandits began to flee south and, cursing, their leader followed. Blood seemingly boiling with rage and magic, Cassandra tried to follow, but felt the world growing dimmer with every step until she fell unconscious to the ground.

The Firehawk of el-Rayad: Upon waking, Cassandra found herself in a bedroll and alone in a room. Outside, the surviving villagers were caring for the wounded or picking through wreckage from homes and wagons the bandits had set alight. Some shied away at her approach, clearly spooked by her magic, but others thanked her, knowing that without her attack, the outlaws would have never been driven away. A middle-aged woman her father had introduced her to before the attack was giving out orders, but she stopped at Cassandra’s approach. The woman told her three things: she had been asleep for two nights and a day, her parents had been buried in marked graves beneath a willow tree, and which direction the bandits had gone. Unhitching a horse, Cassandra rode hard to the south, stopping only for a few minutes at the two graves under the willow.

Code: Select all

	While she had little to no idea how to track sign in the wilderness, Cassandra thought she knew where the bandits would stop to lick their wounds.  If they continued south rather than changing direction, the outlaws would run smack into the town of el-Rayad, on the edge of territory the Burned Dunes Rakh was attempting to assert control over. The soldiers likely did not yet wield enough power in the area to drive out all bandits, but their presence would likely scare off most.  It would be an ingenious place to lay low.  Several days later, on riding into the small town, Cassandra discovered that she was right.  She overheard several townsfolk discussing the presence of a group of men led by a orc with six fingers on each hand.  It didn’t take long to discover the group was holed up in a makeshift tavern in the middle of town.  As rage filled her, Cassandra felt not just her hands, but her hair, ignite.  Ignoring the yells of startled townsfolk, she blasted the door off the tavern and strode forward.  Inside, the nearest bandit to the door received a stream of fire to the face before he could do more than unsheath his battered longsword.  Tavern-goers and bandits alike sprinted for the exits in a panic as, in a blind fury, Cassandra indiscriminately hurled lances of fire at any man carrying a weapon.  She spotted the six-fingered orc just as he slipped out of a back exit and pursued him through the now burning building.  Seeing the bandit leader putting his shoulder to a door down a hallway, Cassandra blasted a hole through the failing wall and stepped outside just as the orc did the same a dozen yards away.  They both emerged into a narrow alleyway that dead-ended into another wooden building behind the outlaw chieftain.  Standing in the mouth of the alley facing the man who had ordered the callous deaths of her parents and the other settlers, Cassandra’s mouth curved into a wicked smile.  Her entire body began to glow as she flung her arms wide.  The bandit chief lifted his axe over his head and mounted a last, desperate charge.  Just before he reached her, Cassandra exploded with flame, extending from her outstretched arms like the wings of a huge bird and racing forward towards her enemy.  

[sblock3=Birth of the Firehawk]Image[/sblock3]

Funneled down the alleyway, the torrent of fire slammed into the orc mere feet from the newly minted pyromancer with enough force to knock him off his feet before he was incinerated. At that moment, a unit of Burned Dunes soldiers shoved their way through the awestruck crowd in time to witness the final conflagration. They rushed forward as Cassandra staggered backwards, the flames around her extinguished. As they pulled her away and bound her hand and foot, silent tears streamed down her face. Miraculously, outside of the bandits, there were no deaths in the Great Fire of el-Rayad, though many were injured either with burns or during their flight from the blaze. The tavern, of course, had burned down to the ground along with a tailor’s shop and the smithy next door. Several other buildings had been set ablaze but were saved by the men of the town in a bucket brigade. The Burned Dunes soldiers quickly decided that they weren’t well equipped to deal with someone with Cassandra’s abilities and, since no one but known outlaws had been killed, execution was unnecessary. And that’s how Cassandra Nalaar, now known as the Firehawk of el-Rayaad, ended up in The Hole.


Cassandra’s Goal: Fight corruption and lawlessness in the Beredin Steppe.

My goal for her: I would like to see Cassandra perhaps try to explore the origin of her mysterious powers. Is she connected to one of the incarnations of the god of fire? Is innate fire magic somehow inherited in her family every few generations?


Cassandra knows: Wealthy landowners in various parts of the Beredin Steppe secretly keep small groups of outlaws on payroll. They’re useful for driving people away from advantageous land and intimidating or “discouraging” competitors, amongst other things. With there being little to no rule of law in the Steppe outside of the region nearest the Burned Dunes, there is almost nothing to discourage such dealings. Lucian learned of where such things were occurring through his business contacts and taught his daughter to steer clear. Things are a little different now, however...

Cassandra doesn’t know: that she’s adopted. Cassandra was left, swaddled in fine silks, as a baby at the temple of El-unod in Eagle Cliff. Those who left her headed south and did not return. A few weeks later, Lucian and Amaya Nalaar stopped at the temple on their way north. Lucian intended to begin trading in the Beredin Steppe, closer to where he was born in Grystbehn. His wife, saddened by their inability to have a child of their own, took an instant liking to the baby girl at the temple and the priests there were happy to find the child a home.

People Tied to Character

Durgat Redstream is a blind, middle-aged half-orc from Razak. He also makes the highest quality dyes you can find east of the Dwarven Mountains despite his infirmity, so Cassandra’s father always made a point of stocking up before making trips south into the Steppe. Durgat is extremely competitive and does not allow his lack of sight to interfere with his love of games and keeping score. The young Cassandra always enjoyed trips to Durgat’s shop, despite the fact that she rarely won at many games against the wily half-orc.

Duraina Truegust is the youngest (24) blacksmith in the town of Banuk, but also one of the most talented. Her master had originally been hesitant to take on a female apprentice, but Duraina quickly proved that she belonged with her natural skill. When her master broke his leg badly, he gave up the forge to Duraina, as he had no sons. She’s human and not unpleasant on the eyes, though very muscular due to her line of work. Duraina and Cassandra met as teenagers and became fast friends who kept in touch any time Lucian’s route took his family to the eastern Grystbehn.

Loreena Duststone is an apprentice wizard who formerly studied magic in Tulrisse. Unfortunately, her parents’ livelihoods literally went up in flames in the small town of el-Rayad where they had moved to take advantage of new opportunities. When her mother’s tailor shop and her father’s smithy burned down, Loreena was forced to leave Tulrisse. Furious at both her prematurely ended studies and her family’s sudden destitution (their savings had not yet recovered from establishing themselves in el-Rayad at the time of the fire), she learned of the now imprisoned arsonist and wished she could have sought her own measure of revenge....

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1)Vengeful. If you do her a serious enough injury, she will crush you, ruin your name, and salt your fields.

2) Bluntly says what other people are hinting or hiding.

3) Freaked out by bugs and spiders and kills them on sight, preferably with fire

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Cassandra was raised by her parents, Lucian and Amaya Nalaar. She lived almost all of her life on the road and spent much of her time assisting her father, a wandering merchant. They would most likely have been considered lower middle class. They made enough money to get by and, at times, did fairly well, but never well enough to put down roots in one town or city. Cassandra was a natural negotiator, which helped a great deal when bartering or selling goods. This lent itself towards her having a very mercantile perspective on life, though she was never completely sold on trying to take over her father’s business eventually. She has never been married nor has she had children.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Rebellion and Liberation - Cassandra believes that people are suffering because corrupt individuals are abusing their power, both creating the conditions that enable banditry and using it their advantage. Those people need to be torn down from their seats of authority so that a better system can be put in place and common people can be free to live their lives in a world that doesn’t create conditions in which banditry can thrive.

Secondary: Power - Cassandra seeks power for two purposes. First, the more she possesses, the more likely she is to survive this ordeal in the Kelbis Mines. Second, becoming more powerful can only help her in her primary goal of fighting corruption. Additionally, though she is almost afraid to acknowledge it, the times she feels most alive are when the fire is raging through her in a fight.

Tertiary: Order - Though her means can at times be chaotic, Cassandra is motivated by the desire to bring order to lawless places. She wants to cast down corrupt officials and put better in their place. She believes that laws should protect and serve the people from chaos and corruption.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Escape from prison

Medium-Term: Remove corrupt individuals from positions of power and ensure that new laws and leaders are put in place to protect people.

Long-Term:Discover the origin of her powers


Bracers of the Perfect Shot (heroic)
Cloak of Distortion
Cloth Armor of Sudden Recovery
Ashen Rod of the Dragonborn OR any Incendiary Dagger
Boots of Free Movement OR Acrobat Boots
Burning Gauntlets
Eagle Eye Goggles


Character Sheet
Cassandra Nalaar, level 2
Dragonborn, Elementalist
Elemental Specialty: Fire Elementalist
Fire Elementalist: Ignition
Dragonborn Subrace: Bozak Draconian
Select option: Arcane Blood
Select option: Bozak Instinctive Flight
Select option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Constitution
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Fire
Background: Learn Grystok
Theme: Primordial Adept

Str 10, Con 18, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 18.

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16.

AC: 17 Fort: 16 Reflex: 14 Will: 18
HP: 35 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 8

Arcana +7, Intimidate +12, History +9, Diplomacy +10

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +5, Dungeoneering, Endurance +5, Heal, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion +2, Stealth +3, Streetwise +5, Thievery +3, Athletics +1

Level 1: Improved Defenses
Feat User Choice: War Wizard's Expertise
Level 2: Unarmored Agility

Level 2 Elementalist Utility Power: Spatial Trip
Primordial Adept Starting Feature: Vezzuvu's Eruption
Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: ---
Offhand:   ---
Body:      ---

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---


Combat Block

Female Fire Elementalist
Languages: Modern Serran, Grystok, Kurnish, Common

Age: 22
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 138

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 10
Senses: None

AC: 17
Fort: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 18
HP: 35/35
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage
RBA (unarmed): +3 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
RBA (Elemental Bolt, unarmed): +5 vs Reflex, 1d12+1d6+9 damage




Active Effects:


Elemental Bolt

Second Wind []
Vezzuvu's Eruption []
Dragon Breath[]
Elemental Escalation []
Spatial Trip[_]



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Class Features

Elemental Bolt: gain the use of elemental bolt, an at-will ranged attack power that can be used in place of a ranged basic attack.

Elemental Power: gain a bonus to damage rolls of arcane powers, depending on level and Constitution modifier.

Elemental Resilience: may use Constitution modifier in place of the Dexterity or Intelligence modifier bonus to AC when not wearing heavy armor.

Elemental Versatility: gain an additional sorcerer at-will attack power at 9th level and at 19th level.

Elemental Specialty (Fire): gain the ignition power, elemental bolt damage increased by 1d6

Elemental Soul (Fire): at 5th level: resist 10 fire, at 15th level: +2 bonus to saving throws against ongoing fire damage, at 23rd level: teleport up to half speed as a move action, at 25th level: resist 10 and +2 bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage for choice of either lightning or thunder

Escalating Elements: gains the use of an elemental escalation power corresponding to the choice of Elemental Specialty (fire).

Racial Features

Arcane Blood: You gain a +1 racial bonus to the damage rolls of your arcane attack powers. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. This benefit replaces Dragonborn Fury.

Instinctive Flight: You gain a flight speed of 6 squares (altitude limit 1). You cannot use this fly speed if you are carrying more than a normal load. You must land at the end of your turn. This benefit replaces Draconic Heritage.

Dragon Breath (Fire): gain the dragon breath encounter power (Key Ability - Constitution)

Theme Features

Implement Proficiency: Rods

Add Language: Grystok (subbing for Primordial)

Power Selection: Vezzuvu's Eruption


Improved Defenses Cassandra gains a +1 Feat Bonus to Fort, Will, and Reflex. This increases to +2 at level 11 and +3 at level 21.

War Wizard's Expertise This expertise feat gives a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that are made with a light blade or heavy blade. The bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. When using an arcane attack power with a light blade or heavy blade, attack rolls on allies take a -5 penalty.

Unarmored Agility +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Item Features:


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Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco Vasquez, the Blood Cursed. (#800000)
Outfit appearance

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1) Personality: At a young age, Velasco was a bright and cheery young boy, in spite of the near constant pain he was in. He was curious about everything, and kept an open mind trying to learn about anything he could. As he got older, he started to care less and less due to just about everyone in his life abandoning him. He was meant to die, so why should he care about anyone else? Later, after submitting to the sword, he walked around with confidence, thinking he was cured. In the month since, he's been looking for a more permanent fix to his problem, and has turned into a more cautious observer while still outwardly holding on to that "who cares" attitude.

2) Appearance: Tall, pale skinned due to keeping indoors and even at that, keeping his skin as covered as possible to hide his flaking skin. Before finding the sword, his hair was medium-length jet black hair that was falling out as he came closer to his day of death. After obtaining the sword, he has snake-like tattoos that wind down his body and arms, as if binding his skin together. His hair is now a bright silver in comparison to the previously jet black color. His left eye is brown and his right eye is blue from the genetic defects that have plagued him since birth, marking him as someone out of place.

3) Born of Cursed Blood: Velasco was born in the harsh Serran desert to a wealthy human merchant named Lorencio I and an elvish slave woman named Aileen. Velasco was the youngest of four children, three male and one female named Lorencio II, Sancha, and Garsea. Very early on Velasco was informed he would die before he became an adult, due to disease ((OOC: Genetic decomposition. Perhaps actually blood related?)). With both the disease and his half-breed status, Lorencio I (Velasco's father) chose to abandon him and keep him locked in the house, using the mentality of "Can't besmirch the family name if you never leave!" to keep in there and out of sight. During this time Velasco's condition kept him in near constant pain, but thanks to his mother's kindness he kept a smile on his face and his brain open to new knowledge and opportunity.

4) Ticking Timebomb: As Velasco grew older, his condition became worse. His father, only after begging and pleading from Aileen (and getting tired of seeing his flaking, decaying skin) procured a full-body outfit for Velasco. It kept him covered and stopped him from shedding everywhere, and he was tasked with keeping it clean, and Lorencio made it a multi-piece outfit so he could keep it clean better. During this time, Velasco saw his mother less and less as his father would literally beat her to stop her from seeing him. He started spending time alone, reading books to try and figure out how to cure himself. Not finding many options, he turned down the dark train of thought to suicide. At this time, Velasco's mentality was "If I can't save myself, I will end my pain permanently".

5) The Sword: A month before his eighteenth birthday, Velasco decided to finally take matters into his own hands. Sneaking into his father's vault of priceless collections, he approached the greatest of his father's possessions, he found the sword of the ancient mercenary "Geral", or at least that's the name inscribed on the plaque below it. "Father cares so much about this sword," He said aloud. "He keeps it in such pristine condition. Cares more about it than his own flesh and blood." Velasco scoffed, carefully removing the blade from it's seemingly golden pedestal and flourishing the sword slowly. "Let's see how much he gives a shit when his precious sword is covered in the blood of his half-breed shit-stain..." He trailed off, reversing the grip in his hands and gritting his teeth. He motioned the sword towards himself once before pulling back, and... He froze, an outside source seemingly stopping him. "Hey, kid. Don't do that." An ethereal voice rang out in his head. "What? Who said that?" He asked, scared and opening his eyes. "It's the sword, you half-wit. Don't kill yourself using me, jesus. Your father abandon you, or something?" The sword asked. "Don't answer that. Look, you seem to be in trouble, perhaps we can make a deal..." The sword trailed off, and proceeded to explain a ritual that would bind Velasco together, mentioning offhandedly that he would need to kill and keep killing to maintain the "cured" state. Velasco ignored that and took part in the ritual anyways, causing rather lengthy snake-like tattoos to wrap around his body, entwine, and end down at his wrists, the faces looking outward from the underside. Enthusiastic, Velasco put the sword back on the altar. "Hey kid, you're not gonna want to put me back here. You need me." which Velasco ignored and went about his business. The tattoos required him to keep his body hidden, but quickly they started to fade. He wrongly assumed this was part of the healing process before his skin started to flake again like before.

6) Flight from Home: Nearly two-weeks after finding the sword, Velasco was kneeling down holding the sword, tears in his eyes. "What do I have to do to keep this going...?" Velasco asked. "I told ya, kid. You're going to have to kill, and keep killing. Your life will have to be paid for in blood." the sword re-explained. "I will do as you ask, Geral." Velasco obliged, calling it by the name on the plaque. He saw no choice but to do as it said, and snuck out, using the hood and mouth-cover to at least mostly cover his face under the cover of darkness. He went to a nearby slave hut and cut down the family inside while they slept. A mother, a daughter, and two young children. "Good, kid, that should keep you going for a little longer." The sword said to him. After sheathing the sword, he attached the scabbard to his back and returned home, climbing up the side of his house back into his room. At first, he felt excited, rejuvenated, whole. But this wouldn't last, and quickly his mind started to race. "What if someone finds out? What if my father kills me himself? What do I do?!" He worried. It was only two weeks away from his birthday now. Without another word between him or the sword he gathered his few possessions and left, and as a final spit in his father's coffin he stole a handful of gold coins, which he hoped would be enough to get him away. "Anywhere is better than here." he thought, and fled, picking a direction and starting to wander the seemingly endless expanse of desert hoping to find a new place to call home.

1) Cure his curse (genetic defect) permanently.
2) My goal for Velasco is for him to find a lover and grow old with them.

1) He murdered slaves to extend his life.
2) Velasco's mother's full name is Aileen Julanis, and she is well known back in Vyridis.

People Tied to Character
1) Lorencio I - Velasco's father. At nearly 50 years old, Lorencio has spent nearly his entire life collecting wealth in coins, jewels, and priceless artifacts. Is relatively active in the slave trade. Is 6'0 tall, but incredibly fat. ("Wretched pig. The world would be better off without men like him." - Velasco Vasquez)
2) Aileen - Velasco's mother. Only recently turning 40 years old, Aileen has done her best to love each child like her own. She was unfortunately chosen by Lorencio to be his wife after his previous wife died, and while with him has birthed a single child. She's about average height for an Elf, yet has retained her youthful appearance even after all of these years. ("My mother. Aileen was her name. I miss her dearly; It's been nearly five years since her and I last spoke." Velasco Vasquez)
3) Lorencio II - Velasco's oldest brother. At the age of 26, Lorencio has kept up to his namesake of being a slimy, wretched bastard. He does what he wants without care, as his father's money can pay off any trouble he gets in. He's been introduced into the slave trade, and seemingly agrees with it wholeheartedly. He has blue eyes, short black hair, and a well-built body. Minus the eyes, which he gets from his mother, he's almost a striking copy of Lorencio I in his younger years. ("I hate him. He was the one who took to beating me first, and was the best at it. Never once could I say I ever loved him." - Velasco Vasquez)
4) Sancha - Velasco's step sister. At the age of 24, she's unfortunately been stuck with her mother in the slave trade since the age of eight. She tried her hardest to be kind to Velasco, but mostly ignored him as to not be looked upon even poorer by her father. She is much taller than her mother, with tanned skin and bright green eyes. Her hair is long and blonde, usually kept tied up in a pony tail. ("She was so pretty, my sister. Other than my mother, she was the only female in my life for many years. Though, I could only look upon her with pity in the years after walking in on my brother abusing her." - Velasco Vasquez)
5) Garsea - The youngest of Velasco's older siblings. Garsea took after his mother more than his father. He had thick and curly brown hair, and vibrant blue eyes. He wasn't nearly as well built as Lorencio II, but he kept thin while learning from his father on how to be a good collector of expensive objects. When he dies, most of his collection has been left in the will for Garsea to keep and hold on to. ("I don't hate Garsea. In fact, I imagine that he was very similar to what his mother once was. Kind, caring, and intellectual." - Velasco Vasquez)
6) Krendal - Velasco knows Krendal well enough, considering Krendal is his handler. Velasco struggles with Krendal's serious demeanor but understands where she's coming from and respects her for his efforts to prove herself. Velasco sees a lot of himself in Krendal, actually - a half-breed with a history that he's struggling to shake, though Krendal's had time on her side to do that successfully. ("She's an idol, honestly. Everything I aspire to be - Successful, independent... Caring." - Velasco Vasquez.)
7) Yzgo - Velasco isn't very close to Yzgo, but deeply respects the stories he's heard about the elf. ("Yzgo is everything I think that I am. Strong, ambitious, taking the fight against the slavers... I couldn't be more wrong." - Velasco Vasquez.)
8) Cymren - Velasco doesn't like Cymren much, but does his best to not piss him off. ("I feel like Cymren can see right through me when I speak to him, eyes that pierce through flesh into the soul. I'm not sure how I was able to get a spot in the Unfettered, honestly... He scares me." - Velasco Vasquez.)
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Memory: Velasco has one memory as a child of being held by his mother after a nightmare, in which she told him that everything would be okay.
2) Mannerism: Velasco tends to force an elvish accent, trying as hard as he can not to be recognized as a Serran half-breed mutt.
3) Quirks: Velasco has a book of poetry from his mother which he reads often, and sometimes reads them aloud.

Background - Family/Class/Professions/Intitutions
Family: Living. Velasco is not on speaking terms with his family, and if he returned he would likely be killed on sight.
Class: Upper class.
Professions: None.
Institutions: None.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary - Find a permanent cure for his illness.
Secondary - Obtain more power through any means necessary. (Wealth, weapons, magic, etc.)
Tertiary - Free as many slaves as he can, and return home to set his mother and sister free.

Goals - Short-term/Medium-term/long-term
Short-term - Acquire wealth.
Medium-term - Obtain power.
Long-term - Free his mother and sister.
Character Sheet
Velasco Vasquez, level 3
Vryloka, Hexblade
White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Choose Implement Proficiency: White Lotus Dueling Expertise (Orb)
Theme: Occultist
Background: Touched by Darkness (+2 to Stealth)

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 17, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 20.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18.

AC: 14 Fort: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 17
HP: 29 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

Stealth +13, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11

Acrobatics +4, Arcana +1, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +2, Heal +1, History +1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +5, Religion +1, Streetwise +6, Thievery +4, Athletics

Level 1: Arcane Familiar
Feat User Choice: White Lotus Dueling Expertise
Level 2: Improved Initiative

Level 1 Hexblade Daily Power: Malicious Shadow
Level 2 Hexblade Utility Power: Unnatural Vitality

Scourge of Exquisite Agony (Geral's Bastard Sword), Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Tome Implement, backpack, hempen rope (50ft.), torch (x5), bedroll, flint and steel, waterskin, walking cane, 10 days of trail rations. MONEY: 11g, 8s.
Combat Block
Velasco "V" Vasquez

Male Vryloka Hexblade 3
Languages: Grystok, (Modern) Serran
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 14
Fort: 13
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 29/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

Flesh Rend (MBA): +9 vs AC. 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Eldritch Bolt (RBA): +7 vs Reflex. 1d10+8 Force Damage.

Resist 6 Necrotic



Active Effects:


Eldritch Bolt
Flesh Rend
Convocation of Shadows
Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Spirit Flay [_][_]
Sign of the Golden Ram [_]
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Malicious Shadow [_]
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_]
Unnatural Vitality [_]
Item Daily [_]



Important Features:
Power Details
Convocation of Shadows - Free Action - Trigger: I reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, or an enemy adjacent to me drops to 0 hit points. Effect: I am insubstantial and phasing until the end of my next turn.
Eldritch Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - Target: One Creature. Attack: Charisma vs Reflex. Hit: 1d10+ Charisma Modifier force damage. Special: I can use this power as a ranged basic attack.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Force damage.
Flesh Rend - Standard Action - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs AC - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and can slide the target 1 square. The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the SONT. Special: I can use this power as a melee basic attack.
^To Hit: +9 vs AC. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Spirit Flay [_] - Standard Action - Target: One or two creatures - Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic and psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the EONT. Effect: Gain partial concealment until EONT.
^To Hit: +8 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic and Psychic damage.
Lifeblood [_] - Free Action - Trigger: I kill or bloody an enemy. Effect: Gain one of the following benefits - *Shift up to my speed. *Gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + one-half my level. *Gain +2 power bonus to attack rolls until EONT.
Sign of the Golden Ram [_] - Standard Action - Close Burst 2 - Effect: Burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of my next turn. Until the effect ends, I can use it's second power at-will.
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_] - Opportunity Action - Close Burst 2 - Target: Triggering Enemy - Attack: Highest Ability Modifier vs Will - Trigger: An enemy enters or starts it's turn in my area - hit: Highest Ability Modifier damage and shove target 3 squares from origin square.
Malicious Shadow [_] - Standard Action - Ranged 5 - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier cold and necrotic damage - Miss: Half damage - Effect: Conjure a shadow figure in a square adjacent to the target. The shadow lasts until EONT. While adjacent to the shadow, enemies grant CA to me. While it persists, can use the secondary power through the shadow at will.
^To hit: +6 vs Reflex. Damage: 3d8+5 cold and necrotic.
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_] - Immediate Interrupt - Melee 1 - Target: Triggering enemy - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Trigger: An enemy willingly leaves a square adjacent to the shadow on its turn. Hit: 10 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the EOT.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 10 cold and necrotic.
Unnatural Vitality [_] - Free Action - Trigger: Kill a non-minion enemy with a melee attack - Effect: Gain +2 power bonus to Death saving throws, and to saving throws against ongoing damage. In addition, I don't need to eat, drink, or breathe, making me immune to starvation and suffocation. These effects last until the end of my next extended rest.

Race Features
Blood Dependency: When bloodied, my healing surge value drops by 2.
Human Heritage: +5 to bluff checks to pass as a human.
Living Dead: I count as both living and undead, and can choose which type will apply on spells and effects that treat living creatures and undead creatures differently.
Necrotic Resistance: Gain necrotic resistance equal to 5 +1/2 level.
Vampiric Heritage: I can replace 2nd level+ utility powers with Vryloka utility powers.
Lifeblood: Gain the lifeblood power.

Class/Path/Destiny/Theme Features
Level 1 Occultist Feature: You gain proficiency with tomes.  You can master and perform rituals in the binding category as though you had the Ritual Caster feat.   In addition, you gain the sign of the golden ram power.
Gloom Pact Reward: Gain tiered damage bonus. This bonus is equal to my dex mod. At 5th level add 2, at 15th add 4, and 6 at 25th.
Gloom Pact Weapon: Gain the Scourge of Exquisite Agony warlock item, as well as the Flesh Rend and Spirit Flay attack powers.

:White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Bonus - I gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that you make with any weapon or implement with which you have proficiency. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level. I also gain proficiency with Orbs.
Arcane Familiar (Shadow Raven): Level One - I gain a familiar. For each familiar feat I have beyond this one, my familiar gains a +1 bonus to its defenses.
Improved Initiative -: Level Two - +4 to Initiative.

Level Up!
**Level up!** Velasco is now level 3!
- Improved Pact Weapon ! - Gain an additional use of my Pact Weapon's encounter power. Still can only be used once per turn.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Fri Sep 15, 2023 3:13 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Atrix Setryanil, Slaver Hunting Storm Sorcerer


Background and Concept Elements
Appearance - Atrix stands about six feet tall, with medium length brown hair and piercing blue eyes. The past months he has spent in the Serrank region have left his fine clothes somewhat worn and ragged. His beard and hair have also grown out longer than he usually wears them, from both his circumstances and a desire to conceal his identity.

Personality - Atrix is intelligent and cunning, however he can be quick to temper, something which has been exacerbated by his current situation, and he will often lash out with the destructive power he wields. He feels guilty for being able to escape while his wife could not, this guilt often manifests as anger. Due to his upbringing he sees himself as above most other people, although this view has been challenged recently whilst he has also been forced to hide it as a means to blend in better.

Early Life - Atrix was born to an influential family in the upper echelons of Cru’uinsh society, whose wealth came from a lucrative silver mine it owned for generations. His grandfather served as a member of the Council at the time of his birth and his Father too joined the council later in Atrix’s childhood. This level of wealth and influence meant that Atrix had an easy childhood, never lacking for anything and mostly getting whatever he desired. As is common in Cru’un, the family owned many slaves which attended to the family’s household and other business ventures.

Aetherial Academy - Atrix began to show an affinity with the Aether around the age of six and his family were easily able to secure him a place at the Aetherial Academy which he began to attend by the time he was eight. He proved to be a competent mage, particularly in the case of magic involving lightning, wind and water, although he showed little interest in other areas of magic, most of his mentors noting he had something of a destructive streak. He developed friendships with many of the other students, particularly those related to other council members, an early form a political networking often encouraged.

Eventually Atrix graduated from the academy at the age of sixteen, and began to assist his Father and Grandfather with the family’s affairs their time on the Council kept them from, including much of the management of the family’s silver mine. The larger decisions were still left to his elders but he managed much of the day to day operation of the mine and the slaves it employed, although he never saw the need to visit the mine itself.

Marriage - A couple of years after his graduation, Atrix’s Grandfather was taken by a fever and died a short time later. With no other members of the Setryanil family meeting the age requirements to be considered for election to the council, the family was reduced to just one seat on the council, a significant reduction in their influence over Council affairs.

Atrix’s Father quickly organised a match for Atrix, the daughter of a fellow Councilor. The marriage was an arranged one, to create a political alliance within the Council - not an uncommon occurrence amongst the scheming Council members - with Atrix having no say in the decision. He met his betrothed, Syndra, just a few times before the ceremony, the pair bonding over their shared circumstances.

To relief of both, they found they made a good couple and they slowly fell in love with each other. A few years later Syndra gave birth to twin girls, Alais and Ymma.

Later Life - As a new father in his mid twenties, Atrix initially spent as much time with his family as possible, leaving the management of the family’s mine to its overseers and other non-slave employees. His Father eventually convinced him to return to his duties, interested in making sure his son would have enough experience to eventually be considered for a seat on the Council.

Returning to work, Atrix found that production had dropped steadily over the last few years, and he decided to take a more active role in running the mine that he had previously. He paid regularly visits to the mine and found a growing contempt amongst the slaves, that was impacting production, with the workforce even occasionally downing their tools over issues. He found this behaviour unacceptable for property of the Setryanil family, and began to crackdown hard on the workforce hoping to stomp out any problems before they grew too great.

He found the threat of a small jolt of lightning was usually more than enough to get most slaves back in line, and if not the real thing was normally successful.

Journey to Serranak - Almost a year ago, a new vein of silver was discovered in the mine. Atrix planned to journey to the Bay of Chains to purchase more slaves himself. Syndra, ever an adventurous spirit, suggested that they take a route over land rather than sailing all the way around the Kurnish Peninsula, wanting to see some more of the world for herself. After some convincing, Atrix agreed and the pair departed along with a group of slaves for protection and to attend to their needs, leaving their daughters at home under the care of their other household slaves.

The trip proved to be an enjoyable journey until one day on the banks of the Ghryst, they were beset upon by slavers. Many of their party were killed in the initial attack. Atrix manage to kill two of the slavers himself, but their group was quickly overwhelmed, with the Setryanil’s slave protection quickly surrendering. Atrix managed to escape however Syndra was captured. He tried tracking the slavers, but not being familiar with the area he soon lost the trail.

Post Raid - About six months have now passed since the attack, in that time Atrix has travelled around Serranak hunting down slavers for any clues as to his wife’s whereabouts, vowing not to return home to their children without her. He has tried to keep his identity as a slave owner hidden, due to the best information coming from those opposed to the practice. Due to his wife’s circumstances and his increased interaction with those also oppressed through slavery, he has begun to question its role in Cru’unish society.
1) Atrix wants to find and rescue his wife from her slaver captors or whoever she has been sold to, so that they can return to their family back on Cru’un.

2) I would like for Atrix to continue down the path he has began to walk towards becoming an abolitionist. I were potentially like for him to rescue Syndra only for her to die causing him to become fully dedicated to the cause due to a desire for revenge.
1) Atrix is an influential Cru’unish slave owner, a fact which he keeps to himself as he searches Serranak for his wife.

2) Unknown to Atrix, his wife Syndra has ,following her capture, been sold to a wealthy slave owner.
People Tied to Character
1) Syndra Setryanil - Atrix’s wife. The two were paired up in an arranged marriage to secure a political alliance, however their relationship grew with them eventually falling in love with one another. She is beautiful and has an adventurous streak.

2) Alais Setryanil - One of Atrix’s twin daughters. Aged 10 Alais is enrolled in the Aetherial Academy and shows promise in magics similar to her father.

3) Ymma Setryanil - Atrix’s other daughter, she takes more after her mother unlike her sister.

4) Lazima Mataal - The slaver who attacked Atrix’s group and captured Syndra.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Not wanting to be recognised by any one who may know the name and either want try to exploit the family’s wealth or get revenge other past grievances, Atrix has recently taken to not using his family name.

2) Atrix strongly remembers the birth of his daughters, never having felt such immediate unconditional love before.

3) Atrix is often very quick to use his magic, due to its everyday nature amongst the mages of Cru’un.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Atrix comes from the influential and wealthy Setryanil family. His Father, the current patriarch of the family, sits on the Council of Cru’un. Atrix himself has a wife and two young daughters, aged ten.

Class: Atrix comes from the upper echelons of Cru’unish society.

Profession: Coming from a wealthy family Atrix has no real profession, he has over the years tended to and overseen various family business ventures, including their large silver mine.

Institutions: Setryanil Family, Aetherial Academy
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Family - Most of Atrix’s life has revolved around family, whether it be actual family members and their well being or the more abstract concept of the family as an institution and its standing, power and influence.

Secondary: Power - Likewise, much of his life on Cru’un has been part of building power, both physical in the form of his magic abilities and political.

Tertiary: Revenge - Recently Atrix has been driven by not only the desire to find and rescue his wife, but also the desire for revenge against the perpetrators, believing it will ease his own guilt to punish those who are truly responsible.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Locate his wife Syndra in Serrank.

Medium-Term: Rescue Syndra from whoever holds her.

Long-Term: Return to his family in Cru’un
character sheet
Atrix Setryanil, level 3
Dragonborn, Sorcerer
Build: Storm Sorcerer
Spell Source: Storm Magic
Dragonborn Subrace: Kapak Draconian
Select option: Kapak Instinctive Flight
Select option: Dragonborn Fury
Select option: Sinuous Agility
Select option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Dexterity
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning
Background: Bozak Draconian (+2 to Intimidate)
Theme: Wizard's Apprentice

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 20.

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 14, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 18.

AC: 16 Fort: 12 Reflex: 14 Will: 18
HP: 30 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

Arcana +6, History +8, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +15

Acrobatics +4, Bluff +6, Dungeoneering, Endurance +2, Heal, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion +1, Stealth +4, Streetwise +6, Thievery +4, Athletics +1

Level 1: Tempest Magic
Feat User Choice: Staff Expertise
Level 2: Unarmored Agility

Sorcerer at-will 1: Lightning Strike
Sorcerer at-will 1: Blazing Starfall
Sorcerer encounter 1: Whirlwind
Sorcerer daily 1: Howling Tempest
Sorcerer utility 2: Good Timing
Sorcerer encounter 3: Stormy Emotions

Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Staff Implement, Bedroll, Backpack (empty), Candle (2), Flint and Steel, Flask (empty), Dagger, Tent, Torch (2), Trail Rations (10), Bolas (Smoke or Sand) , Coinpurse of 12.65gp
Combat Block
Atrix Setryanil

Male Dragonborn Sorcerer 3
Languages: Grystok , Cru'unish
Age: 34
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6 (Flying 6)
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 10
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 12
Reflex: 14
Will: 18
HP: 35/35
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA (Staff):+4 vs AC, 1d8 damage
RBA (Dagger): +7 vs AC, 1d4+3 damage

Resistances: Resist 5 Thunder, Resist 5 Lightning.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Blazing Starfall
Lightning Strike

Second Wind [_]
Dragon Breath [_]
Whirlwind [_]
Color Orb [_]
Stormy Emotions [_]

Howling Tempest [_]
Good Timing [_]



Important Features:
Storm's Embrace: When I roll a natural 20 on an attack roll for an arcane power, I can push the target 1 square and then fly 4 squares after applying the attack's other effects.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attack rolls when bloodied.

Kapak Instinctive Flight: I gain a fly speed of 6 squares, altitude limit of 1, however I must land at the end of my turn.

Tempest Magic: +1 feat bonus to damage rolls on arcane powers using the lightning or thunder keyword. Increases to +2 when bloodied.

Staff Expertise: When I make a ranged or area attack with a staff as an implement I don't provoke OAs. When I make a melee attack with a staff, the weapon's reach is increased by 1.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Posts: 80
Registered for: 4 years 2 months

Re: Way Down in The Hole OOC

Post by Datura »

Tuya (still needs an affix or last name or clan name), Dwarf Runepriest

dwarf crop 3.jpg

Here's my proposal for a new character to join the game. Much of this is subject to change in order to fit in better with the game setting. I'm including plenty of cliches, tropes, archetypes, etc., because why not?


She is short and stocky, and a lot stronger than she looks. Looks like a typical dwarf, slightly dowdy in appearance (though non-dwarves may not be able to tell). She often has ink-stained fingers, with the ink in disturbing colors that are sometimes visible to other senses besides eyesight. Although they're not visible when she's clothed, she has tattoos of certain runes, some of which were inked and imbued with power by her rune-master teacher. She plans to add more as she gains power and knowledge, and as she meets other powerful rune-masters.

(more details will be added once I settle on a character image -- in general, she looks like an average dwarf in her coloring, probably brownish skin, brownish hair, brownish eyes (maybe hazel or maybe gray-brown), average looks and definitely rather matronly in appearance.)


She is responsible, hard-working, methodical, disciplined, careful -- and thus knowledgeable and skilled and experienced in her very narrow areas of expertise. Good at logistics and understanding people (their motivations, what they're likely to do, etc.), but not too worldly otherwise. An experienced wife, mother, sister, daughter, employee, member of the community, etc., who knows how to work with others to achieve a common goal. A decent cook/baker with the kind of instincts that make her want to ensure that everyone around her is well fed, has tea or equivalent, and is otherwise taken care of. She can be very bloody-minded, as one would expect from a mother and a librarian (for example, the librarian in Bloom County -- Thwonk! goes the battleaxe, and "119 weeks overdue, dear" the librarian sweetly says).

Mannerisms and Quirks

She usually has the fixings available to make a pot of tea at a moment's notice. She usually carries paper and pens/ink with her. She has a great deal of respect for the written word and other types of recorded knowledge and lore. She often will act like a concerned mom once she gets to know someone.

Ten-Minute Background: I need to fill in some details, especially names of people and locations

Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements

1) Tuya is living a settled life -- middle aged, married, grown or mostly grown children, comfortably situated, a known place in her community, learning about runes while working at the local temple (or equivalent). Then the raiders came... Now she's on the road, trying to find her family. That's the basic character concept/trope.

2) Early life: Tuya was born into a large and well-established clan, probably somewhere in the Dwarven Mountains near Valdurn. Her childhood and upbringing were uneventful and conventional.

3) Young adulthood: Tuya did some solo traveling as a young adult, mostly traveling with dwarf merchants, and staying in the dwarf quarters of various towns both in and out of the Dwarven Mountains. She was curious and wanted to see the world. She was also feeling somewhat stifled in her childhood area since everyone knew everyone and most of them were related. She supported herself as a housekeeper, cook, tavern/inn helper, general assistant, etc. In one of the cities, she ended up pregnant. She went to another city where she could be anonymous and stayed there until the child was born. The child was given to others to raise. This wasn't a happy occasion, and sadder but wiser, she started drifting homewards soon after.

4) Maturity: Tuya returned home. She married, had children, became an upstanding member of the community. She took a job in the local temple (or equivalent). She discovered runes and started learning about them, including how to create and use them. She still had a sense of adventure, a taste for new experiences, but indulged that desire from a base of family and community -- marrying an outsider, learning some fighting skills, learning about runes, cooking some foreign/ethnic dishes with exotic seasonings, reading stories written by and about other lands and cultures, opening her home to travelers, etc.

5) (More might be added later)

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Family: Tuya loves her husband and children and would do just about anything for them. She also has a strong sense of duty towards her clan. She thinks that everyone should have a place to belong even if you rebel against it, and that everyone should have ancestors to look out for them as well as having (or finding or adopting) ancestors to honor. One should do the right thing so the ancestors are not shamed, and also so that you will be respected within your clan.

Secondary: Learning: Tuya is utterly fascinated by runes and rune-lore, and wishes to master this secret language of the gods. Other than rune-lore, she's not particularly well-educated beyond what is typical for a dwarf of her class and culture.

Tertiary: Justice and Stability: Tuya disapproves of slavery, tyranny, cruelty, and other injustices of the world. She wants peace and prosperity and a happy family/clan life for everyone. Until now, she's mostly put her ideals into action locally ("think globally, act locally") by working towards community harmony, helping those who are down on their luck, etc.

Tertiary 2 (Quaternary?): Exploration and Novlety: Tuya is fasincated by things that are new and different to her. She enjoys new experiences even though she doesn't want to make them a lifestyle. (In other words, she's content with a conventional existence, with a lagniappe of novelty to enrich rather than replace that existence.)


1) Tuya wants to find her people. If possible, she'll rescue them. Or if that's not possible, she'll avenge them. This may well include destroying the organization that is responsible.

2) Tuya wants to learn more about runes, to master the entirety of Rune Lore to the limits of her abilities. This will happen as she levels up.

3) Tuya would like to learn how to do rituals. She knows some, but would like to learn more. She'd also like to be able to make alchemical items, possibly including things that explode (i.e. bombs).

Obviously, some of this depends on how long the game goes on and how much non-combat we'll be doing, so that taking these feats and investing in the possibilities would be useful for the long-term plotline. We can re-fluff the rituals and alchemy to be rune-related, too. At this point, she doesn't have the feats or supplies necessary for either rituals or alchemy, except for the potential for the rituals included in the Mark of Healing feat. I might switch out her character theme to something like Alchemist to get alchemy as a bonus feat, which will get her started on this goal. Alchemy in 4e is kind of underpowered and overpriced, though, so hopefully you can do some adjustments with it the same way you're doing adjustments for rituals. Also, I'll probably need to switch one of her trained skills to Arcana so she has access to more rituals/alchemical formulae.

If alchemy isn't going to be too useful, then I won't worry about themes and skills and what-not, and Tuya will have a different goal.

4) Player goals: None yet. I may have more after playing for a while.


1) Tuya had a child long ago, before she was married. She was in (some other place, maybe Kelbis?) at the time. I haven't decided yet if it was rape or a seduction by someone who took advantage of her naivete or a legitimate mutual relationship. Although she didn't know it at the time, the father is a powerful person from an even more powerful family/clan (I don't know what species/race). She gave the child up before she returned home. She might have left the baby in a temple or organization that takes in foundlings, or she might have left it with the father's family, or she might have hidden it from the father and his family by leaving it with someone else she knows who can keep the baby safe and raise it well. For some reason, she was not able to keep the child, and she doesn't want anyone to know about this interlude from her youth. She probably told her husband, though. She believes the child to be well cared for, and also believes it's safest for her and the child to have no further ties.

2) Tuya doesn't know this, but someone high up in the organization she works for and/or the town she lives in is in cahoots with the Big Bad and betrayed them to (or otherwise conspired with) the raiders. One must hit all the cliches, after all.

3) Tuya's husband has some big secrets in his past, too. Tuya may or may not know what they are, and she definitely doesn't know all of them. I don't know all of his secrets yet, either. He probably used to be the bodyguard for someone important, and he probably has some kind of dangerous knowledge or some kind of secret artifact. He changed his name and moved far away in order to hide from his enemies. I'm not sure if the enemies include his former employer, or if he did what he did in order to help his employer. It might be that he used to be someone important rather than merely being employed by someone important, and is hiding in a new life.

4) It is possible that some of the gods are helping Tuya, for their own purposes. She wouldn't know this. They might send dreams or occasionally a bit of extra power or divine assistance.

People Tied to Character

1) Tuya's family -- her husband, Pazon. He is a fighter-type who has taught her a lot and trains regularly with her. She is wearing and using his armor and weapons. She also has grown children and possibly even some grandchildren, in addition to lots of other relatives in the clan and community. Some of these people were captured by raiders/slavers.

2) Tuya's uncle-equivalent (though it's some word that is far more precise than uncle, something that indicates exactly which relative and what his relationship is with her family, clan, etc.). He is part of the temple/organization she's working for. He is getting very old. Part of why she's working there is to keep an eye on him. Part of why is because she's become fascinated by runes, and he was able to get her the chance to apprentice with the temple/organization's rune-master. She started out as a general housekeeper, doing cleaning and cooking and handyman kinds of things. Then she was able to add the library to her duties. The uncle-equivalent has lived long enough to have contacts throughout the dwarven world and beyond. He is a follower of Fauren, the Builder.

3) Tuya's teacher, the rune-master in the temple/community she's in. After she worked for the library for a while, doing general library work (shelving, dusting, sweeping, mending books, lending out and retrieving books, etc.), he agreed to take her on as a student. She started with calligraphy and has moved on to the study of runes and their lore. He's a middling-level rune-master who knows that Tuya will eventually need a better teacher if she continues to work hard, but only if she's willing to leave their community. He has been communicating with someone who is a high-level rune-master. Tuya might or might not know who the high-level rune-master is, but that person knows who Tuya is since her rune-master teacher has written about her to the high-level rune-master. It might be that the high-level rune-master is associated with the Great Library. He is probably a dwarf from Durduum who works at the Great Library.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) Tuya believes that tea is a good cure-all when one isn't sure what else to do. So she usually carries the means to make tea with her.

2) She usually has something to write on and something to write with. As a result, she often has ink-stained fingers, with the ink in disturbing colors that are sometimes visible to other senses besides eyesight.

3) She covers everything with runes, both merely ornamental as well as power-imbued. Sometimes it'll be engraved, sometimes tattooed or inked or chalked, sometimes just a tracing in the air or on a surface with a finger, or sometimes only envisioned with intent.

4) Memory 1: She was tired, that day. After her daily tasks were done, she'd spent hours crafting a new rune, containing and directing its energies under the supervision of her teacher. They were deep in the building, far from the surface and far from the rest of the complex. That way, if anything went wrong, they'd be the only ones hurt. Or maybe just her, since her teacher had better shields than she did and wasn't tied into the energy of the emerging rune the way she was.

Once finished, they walked back through the tunnels to the complex. Her teacher nodded to her, and left to go to his own quarters. She went upstairs by herself, thinking longingly of clean clothes and a bath to wash off the sweat and dirt. Rune-crafting was harder than it looked, and of course she was never able to do it neatly the way her master could. He could wear white and not get dirty. She always ended up covered with the residue of everything in the vicinity, from ink to gravy.

She left town and started for home. Home was a small village a few miles away, nestled in a ravine on the edge of the mountains.

It was quiet. So quiet that she didn't even realize at first that anything was wrong. She continued along the road. At first, it was a charcoal smell, of burning wood or paper. Again, that could have been nothing more than the wind blowing the smoke the wrong way from someone's camp.

Another curve, another hill. The smoke smell was stronger, and it had a bitter undertone. By now she should have been seeing people out and about, fishing or herding animals or traveling along the path.

Hmm, that's odd, she thought to herself, still only slightly concerned. She kept walking, along the river, over the hills, through the woods.

And then she came around the last curve and saw. Smoke, drifting low to the ground, acrid and dark. Wreckage. Things in the street.

She stepped up her pace. More destruction. Burned buildings. (So that's what the smell is from, she realized.) Bodies, of livestock and people.

She hurried to her house. It was still smoldering. Her heart sinking, she ran to see if anyone was inside, dead or alive. No. Whew! She sank to her knees in relief. And then her brow furrowed. No dead bodies, but also no live bodies. Everyone and everything was gone.

She doesn't remember much more.

She wasn't the only survivor. A fair number of people were able to hide. They told her of the raiders who swooped down on the village. People were kidnapped. Livestock was taken. Buildings were looted. (At least my books survived, she thought to herself. I hope they find a new home rather than being used as kindling or compost.) The raiders' trail out of the village was unmistakable. The survivors sent a messenger to the authorities, to bring reinforcements and assistance. It would take at least a week before they could expect an answer.

Tuya retrieved her husband's armor and weapons -- they were stored elsewhere, and the raiders didn't find it in their quick smash-and-grab. She won't wait, can't wait, not while the trail is so clear. She set off in search of her family. She will not be stopped by anything short of death, and even then, her angry spirit may well continue her quest.

(It's possible that her family was the target of this attack. She might have been the target, due to the child she gave away so many years ago. It's also possible they were targeting her husband for a secret from his past. Or maybe they're just unlucky.)

5) Memory 2: Early in her marriage. A quiet evening with her husband. She was pregnant with their first, but still able to do everything without getting too exhausted. They had practiced earlier, and done the outdoor chores, and then went inside for dinner. They sat by the fire after eating and talked, one topic leading to another in the way that happens between good friends. She smiled to see the carved wood in the house, the work of her spouse. She was lucky to have him as a husband, lucky to love and be loved. Lucky that he seemed to feel the same way about her. Then they went to bed (another beautifully-carved piece) and made love. She wept a bit in happiness. Pregnant women are known to be emotional; she's normally more pragmatic than this. "This moment is perfect," she thought. "I never want to forget." And all the years later, all the children and events and chores and everything else, she still remembers, and it still makes her smile.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: Tuya is part of a large and respectable family/clan that has branches in all the major dwarven communities. She is married and has grown children and even a few grandchildren

Class: Very solidly middle to upper middle class, from a clan that has many artisans, merchants, and academics (including academics with the temples)

Profession: General housekeeping and rune librarian for a dwarven organization, probably a temple of some sort. She is working as a calligrapher and apprentice/journeyman rune-master/rune-librarian as part of her pay for being the general housekeeper/cook/handyman in a local temple/organization. Someone in the temple (a relative?) facilitated this arrangement. She's there partly to help take care of him as he ages as well as because it's the best way to learn about runes, one of her abiding interests.

Institutions: TBD, though it will include the organization she works for and possibly the order of runemasters that her teacher belongs to.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Rescue or revenge

Secondary: Learn more about runes wherever she goes until she is a full master

Tertiary: Be a clan matriarch in her old age (she may well outgrow this ambition if the game/adventure lasts long enough)

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Find her people, and either rescue or avenge them.

Medium-Term: Find more rune-lore and learn more about doing rituals and alchemy.

Long-Term: Become a rune-master.

character sheet -- still needs a background benefit, maybe adjust trained skills and character theme, maybe choose a god or gods (Dwarven Divinism as a cultural/traditional thing seems adequate as far as gods, without needing to choose one as a personal patron)

character sheet

Tuya, level 2
Dwarf, Runepriest

Runepriest Class Feature: Rune Master
Runepriest Class Feature: Runic Artistry -- Serene Blade
Runepriest Class Feature: Rune of Mending

Background: +2 to Dungeoneering (TBD)
Theme: Knight Hospitaler (TBD)

Str 18, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 19 Fort: 15 Reflex: 13 Will: 16
HP: 33 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 9

Athletics +10, Heal +9, Insight +9, Religion +6

Acrobatics +2, Arcana +1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +8, Endurance +6, History +1, Intimidate +0, Nature +4, Perception +4, Stealth +2, Streetwise +0, Thievery +2

Level 1: Mark of Healing
Free Expertise Feat: Heavy Blade Expertise
Level 2: Last Legion Officer

Runepriest at-will 1: Word of Binding
Runepriest at-will 1: Word of Exchange
Runepriest encounter 1: Executioner's Call
Runepriest daily 1: Rune of Endless Fire
Runepriest utility 2: Mark of Skilled Effort

Knight Hospitaler theme encounter 1: Shield of Devotion

Runpriest healing: Rune of Mending

Scale Armor, Light Shield, Longsword, Dagger, Sling (disguised as a belt), Sling Bullets, Javelin (disguised as a walking stick similar to a sword stick, when not stowed in a pack), maybe a handaxe, Bedroll, Backpack (empty when purchased), Candle (2), Flint and Steel, Flask (empty), Dagger, Torch (2), Trail Rations (if there's enough gp left), miscellaneous small things of low value (paper and something to write with, teapot and tea, change of underwear and socks, etc.)

combat block

Combat Block

Tuya #3CB371 (mediumseagreen)

Female Dwarf Runepriest 2
Languages: Grystok, Dwarven
Age: 50
Height: 4' 1"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 15
Reflex: 13
Will: 16
HP: 33/33
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Longsword):+9 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (Dagger (5/10)): +5 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
RBA (Sling (10/20)): +4 vs AC, 1d6+1 damage
RBA (Javelin (10/20, heavy thrown)): +7 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: +5 racial bonus to saving throws against poison.

Active Effects: None.

Rune State: None.


Word of Binding
Word of Exchange

Second Wind (Dwarven Resilience optional) []
Rune of Mending [] []
Executioner's Call []
Mark of Skilled Effort []
Shield of Devotion []

Rune of Endless Fire [_]



Important Features:

Class Features
Rune Master: Some of your powers have the runic keyword. When you are going to use a runic power, you first choose one of the runes noted in the power—either the rune of destruction or the rune of protection—and then use the power, applying the chosen rune's effects. The moment you choose the rune, you enter its rune state. You remain in that rune state until you enter another rune state or until the end of the encounter. Whenever you enter the rune state of the rune of destruction or the rune of protection, you gain an additional benefit. The benefit lasts while you're in the rune state.

Rune of Destruction
Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you or to any other runepriests who are in this rune state.

Rune of Protection
While adjacent to you, allies gain resist 2 to all damage. The resistance increases to 4 at 11th level and 6 at 21st level.

Rune of Mending: You gain the rune of mending power. This rune restores your allies' health and grants them additional power based on your rune state.

Runic Artistry: Runepriests follow one of the major traditions of rune magic: the path of the Wrathful Hammer, the way of the Defiant Word or the tradition of the Serene Blade.

Serene Blade
You gain proficiency with all one-handed and two-handed military heavy blades. While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. Once per round immediately after an enemy deals damage to you with an attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. The number of temporary hit points increases to 5 + your Wisdom modifier at 11th level and 10 + your Wisdom modifier at 21st level.

Racial Features
Cast-Iron Stomach: You have a +5 racial bonus to saving throws against poison.

Dwarven Resilience: You have the dwarven resilience power.

Dwarven Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the throwing hammer and the warhammer.

Encumbered Speed: You move at your normal speed even when it would be reduced by armor or a heavy load. Other effects that limit speed (such as difficult terrain or magic) affect you normally.

Stand Your Ground: When an effect forces you to move—through a pull, a push, or a slide—you can move 1 square less than the effect specifies. This means an effect that normally pulls, pushes, or slides a target 1 square does not force you to move unless you want to. In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, you can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone.

Theme Features
Knight Hospitaler Starting Feature (Level 1): You gain the shield of devotion power.

Heavy Blade Expertise: Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a heavy blade. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, while wielding a heavy blade, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.

Mark of Healing: Benefit: Whenever you use a healing power on an ally or use Heal to allow an ally to spend his or her second wind, that ally can also make a saving throw. You can master and perform rituals in the restoration category and the Remove Affliction ritual as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.

Last Legion Officer: Benefit: When you use a power that would enable an ally to spend a healing surge, that ally can also choose to shift 1 square as a free action or gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex until the start of his or her next turn.

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Moogle PC: Gladia Starcrest

Post by KupoTheMagus »

Gladia Starcrest, the Serpent's Light

The Story So Far: A Child Of Stars
Gladia was born to an unknown father and a mother in poverty. She was birthed in the backroom of the local tavern and delivered by Saiyo Lunither, a family friend of her mother's. At an early age, Gladia wanted to explore the vast world before her. The colors and sights she saw in immediate attention only kept her entertained for so long. When she turned five, her mother sat her down to explain their situation; of how she'd gotten captured and forced to work these slave barrens, and how her father had left them. At least Gladia was safe and had someone to take care of her.

Then came the day Gladia had the displeasure of meeting her. A slender half-orc woman, no taller than seven feet. One of the many "masters of the pit", as they were called. She and her entourage struck fear into the slaves, ensuring them that this was the only life they'd know. No one would ever leave the dredge, as it was called. This would be the only time the half-orc would stoop so low to be seen down here; she wanted to make sure her servants knew their place. She would notice the little elven girl and kick her, kick her hard. Laughing to herself, she'd lean down to the scum and whisper "This is what a lowly knife-eared pig deserves. You should be lucky I let you live at all." Before Gladia could say anything, her mother burst from a nearby stall to protect her baby. Ghlena had no fleeting kindness for those below her. Ghlena's entourage grabbed Gladia's mother and brought her along.

It would be seven months before Gladia saw her again. She'd weep by her haybale in the same room she was born, playing cards with Saiyo. Every night, he'd promise that mother would return. Every night, she'd lie awake disappointed. Sometime around midnight, at the peak of summer, she'd stumble back through the doors of the bar. Beaten, bruised, and with a look of guilt. Shame. Saiyo would want to yell at her for not being there for Gladia for nearly half a year, but now wasn't the time to yell. Now was the time to plan.

Gladia began to fight in the pits. Mother was pregnant and unfit to earn money. Saiyo was kind but wasn't going to let them live there for free. Every time she fought, Ghlena was there. Every time, the fights got harder and harder. Gladia persevered. Gladia began to make friends in the ring. The masters became annoyed; positive feelings were looked down upon. The nail that sticks out gets struck the hardest. After besting a large dire beast in the ring, Gladia began to showboat. She looked upon the masters who glared at her with disgust. Ghlena had to hammer the nail down. She began to speak of her father and his antics in the ring. How she had seduced him to make her mother angry. How she had removed his head from his body to silence the pig that birthed Gladia. Gladia protested until Ghlena pulled a cloth sack out and dumped a severed head onto the arena floor. The eyes, the courage behind that smile. There was no doubt. This was the man that birthed Gladia. Gladia went to toss her sword at the masters but realized how fruitless it would be. The stadium looked upon her. They couldn't show sorrow, lest they be the next in the ring. She returned to the stables quietly, stirring with rage.

It wouldn't be long until her half-brother was born. With their mother growing old and sick, Gladia took it upon herself to raise him. She'd teach him everything she knew; from the stalls that sell the freshest bread, to guard routes to make sure he didn't get himself injured, hiding spots when the lords passed through, and places to lay your head down without fear of being robbed. Jaheel began to spit up blood frequently. No doctor in the slums could treat him; whatever condition he had, he had to bear it. He would tell her "Don't worry sis, I can be strong for the three of us."

Then the morning came. A patrol entered Saiyo's Cantina looking for their mother. Unable to hide her, Saiyo brought her out of the back room. Gladia knew what was to come. She tried to stop the guards, but mother looked back and smiled. That damn smile always calmed her heart. Deep down, she knew it might be the last time she saw it. Sure enough, a public execution was held. Lies were made up about her mother. Thief. Harlot. Murderer. These titles rang throughout the arena. The axe was raised and brought down with the force of a judge's gavel. Her head rolled forward with no life in her eyes. The only thing that remained was the same smile Gladia's father held. Gladia wept. She tried to scream, but her words failed.

That night, she gazed upon the stars. Something, something was watching. She knew the spirits her mother had talked about didn't exist; they would have saved her. Gods would never intervene in a cursed place like this. What remained? She focused her vision. The stars themselves? She didn't think stars had thoughts or emotions. They were merely something pretty in the sky to look at on a clear night. The message they gave her was clear. She began to rally the people of Saiyo's Cantina. The older man had gazed at her and saw the same life he'd seen in himself many moons ago. Tonight was the night. Tonight, the slavers fall. Tonight, we take what's rightfully ours.

She'd be the one to toss the first torch; the rest would follow shortly after. The tunnel that had been dug underneath the cantina would suffice; it would have to. She would begin to help other slaves finally ready to see the outside world through the fire. In those embers, she laid eyes upon Ghlena. Ghlena's usual make-up was off, only the ugly soul behind it stood there. An arrow went flying through the air toward Gladia. It had stuck in her shoulder, but the plan must be carried out. She shrugged off the pain and continued. The last of those willing to run began to make their way through. Jaheel would be last. She'd look behind whilst holding his hand. The ceiling began to cave. A scream was heard. Jaheel looked behind him, knife in hand, and smiled at his sister. He managed to pull away from her and ran towards the screaming. She reached for him, but the cave's collapse was imminent.

The small encampment of people began to leave the Ring. Where would they go? How would they eat? Would people even believe them? These are the questions that started. Then came the in-fighting. People began to disagree with the decision they had made. Fists were thrown. In the ensuing fight, Gladia slipped out. She began to follow the stars for an answer. She needed allies. No one would ever suffer under the hand of the master on her watch ever again.

She'd lost count. Three, maybe four days since leaving. Barely anything to eat or drink. The shore was close, she heard the water flowing. Her legs couldn't carry on anymore. The sand below her acted as a cushion for the gravel underneath. She laid on her back and gazed upon the stars once more. She closed her eyes and dreamt. Dreamt of her brother, who was probably sitting in prison. Dreamt of her mother, who she missed dearly. Dreamt of the world that could be. A world without servitude. A free world.

When her eyes opened again, she wasn't on the beach. She looked up at a mud-hut-style ceiling. She began to sit up, but an older man sat at her bedside and laid her back down. She looked into his eyes revealing clear pupils. He wasn't looking directly at her; his vision appeared... clouded? He began to speak.

"Rest. Your wounds are still being tended. I will have food ready for you soon."

She stayed silent. Looking down, she saw a burn wound from the fires. Only, it was bandaged. Something was cooling the pain. He finished whatever he was wrapping and began to stand.

"You may stay here should you wish. Your things are over on the table behind me. We'll talk more in the morning if you're still here."

The morning came, and the man was sat at the very same table. She made sure to be careful when getting up and made her way over to the table. The man spoke once again.

"From what I can tell, you can fight. You can lead. Tell me, what do you wish for?"

This question had stumped her. She'd just woken up in a strange place, and now this even stranger man was asking her questions she just... didn't have the answers to.

"I wish to fight for freedom. My home is scarred by slavery. I've barely escaped with my life."

He handed her a piece of parchment with an address.

"Look for Choun. Tell him Victor Azmadi sent you. Tell him of your homeland. He'll listen."

She only muttered a quiet "Thank you" before collecting her things. She couldn't stand to go there now, however. She had just run from her problems. Why would anyone want to take in someone that just... runs from their problems?


That was nearly two years ago. She had finally mustered up the courage to seek redemption. The village that she had called home for these two years finally outgrew her explorative side. The longer she waited here, the longer people suffered. She set out towards Vyridis with hope in her heart.

"A creaky old building? Doesn't seem like the place of heroes." She opened the doors to find... a soup kitchen. Many of the cities' homeless were in line. Only one thing to do. She got to the end of the line with a plate in hand. At last, she approached the worker, a burly tan-skinned dwarf.

"Um... are you Choun?"

He looked up from the bowl of soup. "If I were, who'd be asking?"

It took a lot in her to not snap. She gulped down whatever anticipation she had. "Victor Azmadi sent me. I... my homeland is in ruins, and I've barely escaped with my life. He told me to look for Choun."

The dwarf took one look at her and waved his hand for her to follow him.

"I take it he didn't explain everything... welcome to the resistance."

In this backroom, a couple of beds were laid out side by side. Only one man stood in it. A dark-skinned human with tattoos up and down his body. He looked... familiar. It began to flood back to her. The dreads. The yelling. The amount of blood he's spilled. For once, seeing a familiar face wasn't a source of pain. It was one of comfort. The man before her was none other than Boulder Gorescream, another slave in the pits. In that moment, she knew she had a new place to call home.

Crew Relations

Hadrurus: The last Hadrurus spoke to Gladia was warning her about going it alone. Hadrurus never did understand her brain, and while she didn't particularly get along with him, it was comforting to see he was still alive.

Boulder: Boulder is one of the few people that pushed Gladia to keep fighting when the going got tough. It's good to see an old friend in good health.

Velasco: Haven't Met.

Josie: Haven't Met.

Olatya: Haven't talked to, but heard of during talks with Agirri.

Cymren: Cymren reminds Gladia a bit too much of her former captors, despite his lead over the Unfettered. While Gladia is willing to take orders, she's wary of him.

Yzgo: Gladia feels as if she's heard of Yzgo, but can't quite put a finger on it. In any regard, they share a hatred for the rings together.

Krendal: Krendal seems a bit cold to be working for an organization built around saving lives, at least from what Gladia's seen.

Agirri: Gladia sees Agirri as a sparring partner, one that reminds her much of her friends in the pits. There's something familial there.

Gladia's Goal: To rid the pits of their masters, starting with Ghlena Telristo.
Kupo's Goal: I'd like to see Gladia save many lives and reunite with her brother.
1. Gladia paid off several fighters who were stronger than herself to throw fights, often getting them beatings or worse. It's not something she's proud of, but desperate times called for drastic measures.

2. Both Gladia's and Jaheel's fathers were pronounced dead by the pitmasters, but both of them currently live. Where they've gone and what personas they've adopted is up to speculation.
NPCs Tied to Your Character
1: Jaheel, Gladia's younger brother. While the two had different fathers, the mother was the one to raise them. He's a bright young kid with a knack for tinkering. Jaheel was too frightened to flee the pits and stayed behind.

2. Bruestauhf, Gladia's tag-team partner. Often, the arena masters would pit gladiators in 2v2 or 3v3 combat. Bruestauhf is Gladia's most trusted fighting partner. He usually uses a flail to trip opponents while Gladia lands a finishing blow.

3. Saiyo, a bartender stationed in the pits. Saiyo aided in Gladia and many others' escapes. He took care of Jaheel during Gladia's fights.

4. Telgener, a nobleman who's bet the most on Gladia. He's tried to woo her on occasion, much to her disdain. Still, he helped source most of Gladia's weapons.

5. Ghlena Telristo, one of the pit's many masters. Ghlena had a hatred towards Gladia and all other elves, subjecting them to more difficult fights in an attempt to have them killed off.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1. Gladia is always happy to receive proper rewards. Things that most would consider day-to-day commodities such as bread or a good bed's rest bring her the brightest days.

2. Gladia has two effective modes of conversation: brutally honest gladiator, and concerned family member. There is no in-between.

3. Gladia has a very strange sleep schedule and has yet to accustom herself to anything considered normal. Many of her fights took place at night time, and this reflects when she walks around during the day, tired and dazed.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Gladia's only remaining family member is Jaheel, her younger brother. He was left behind in the escape.

Class: Being born to a gladiator 'fight-for-your-life' family, Gladia has never seen more than the luxuries of a kitchen. 

Profession: Gladia has been an arena-fighting spotlight hogger since the age of 25.

Institutions: The slaves of the slums were merely taught at a basic schooling level, to ensure entertaining fights between two mildly intelligent opponents.
Primary: Gladia's hatred for "indentured servitude" pushes her to preserve free will, and stop whoever would oppose it.

Secondary: Gladia's younger brother was always with her growing up, and she took care of him after their mother was executed.

Tertiary: Gladia loves the spotlight. New arenas and new opponents provide opportunities for her to show off.
Goals: Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short Term: Find the slavers who captured her family originally and find out why.

Medium Term: Gather the funds needed to pay for treatment for her brother's condition.

Long Term: Become a world-renown arena star.
Character Sheet
Gladia Starcrest (Kupo), level 3
Dragonborn (Elf), Fighter|Warlord
Warlord Leadership: Battlefront Leader (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlord: Hybrid Warlord Fortitude
Hybrid Talent: Fighter Combat Talent
Fighter Combat Talent: Arena Training (Hybrid)
Arena Training (Hybrid): Arena Weapon (Bastard sword)
Arena Training (Hybrid): Arena Weapon (Trident)
Dragonborn Subrace: Standard Dragonborn Racial Traits
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragonfear
Background: Dragonborn - Dishonored (+2 to Streetwise)
Theme: Guardian

Str 16, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16.

Str 14, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14.

AC: 15 Fort: 16 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 35 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9

Intimidate +11, Streetwise +11, Acrobatics +9, Perception +7

Arcana +1, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +2, Heal +2, History +3, Insight +2, Nature +2, Religion +1, Stealth +4, Thievery +4, Athletics +4

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Glorious Victory
Feat User Choice: Spear Expertise

Hybrid at-will 1: Viper's Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Weapon Master's Strike
Hybrid encounter 1: Steel Serpent Strike
Hybrid daily 1: Lamb to the Slaughter
Hybrid utility 2: Who's Next?
Hybrid encounter 3: Warlord's Strike
Combat Block
Gladia Starcrest

Female Elf Gladiator (Fighter/Warlord Hybrid) 3
Languages: Grystok, Elven
Age: 33
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 14
HP: 35/35
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d8+3
RBA: +7 vs AC, 1d8+3

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Viper's Strike
Weapon Master's Strike


Who's Next? [_]
Warlord's Strike [_]
Steel Serpent Strike [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Dragonfear [_]


Lamb to the Slaughter [_]



Equipped Gear
Main Hand: Bastard Sword
Offhand:   Spiked Shield
Body:      Leather Armor

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Other Inventory
Adventurer's Kit
Grappling Hook

Boon:      ---
Important Features:
Glorious Victory: Once per encounter, when you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points or fewer with an attack, you can spend a healing surge.

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Last edited by KupoTheMagus on Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:51 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Way Down in The Hole — OOC

Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku Kāhea ʻo Gore (Boulder Hellscream)

Backstory-From Shore to Arena: Boulder's Odyssey of Freedom
Boulder Gorescream's life has been defined by a harrowing journey from a tranquil childhood in the coastal village of Mai'okon. Born into a close-knit family of fishermen, he grew up alongside his younger sister, Manalani, with whom he shared a deep bond. Their days were filled with stories from their grandparents, learning the art of navigation and the traditions of their Mai'okon heritage.

However, at the age of 24, Boulder's life took a tragic turn when the village fell victim to a ruthless pirate raid led by the notorious Kaimana, his childhood friend consumed by envy and now the leader of the Unbroken Chain, a group of slavers. Captured and separated from his family, Boulder was thrown into the merciless world of slavery, enduring 6 Years of brutal labor and gladiatorial combat. His sole purpose became revenge against Kaimana and the Unbroken Chain for their betrayal Amid the shadows of the arena, he formed alliances with fellow slaves, including the fierce gladiator Hadrurus and the resolute Gladia, with whom he would later orchestrate a daring escape from the clutches of the Ring breaking out at the age of 30.

Along the way, Boulder became embroiled in a relentless battle to discover the fate of his beloved sister, not knowing if she is alive or dead. Amidst his journey, he faced the monstrous sea serpent, Leviathun, a terrifying encounter he barely survived, but whose remains provided the materials to forge his iconic halberd, "Tidebreaker's Fury." Today, as a member of the Unfettered, Boulder tirelessly fights against the chains of slavery, yearning for justice, and the hope of one day reuniting with Manalani.

Present day Boulder now 32 was docked in Vyridis and that was when he crossed paths with the Unfettered, an organization dedicated to eradicating slavery and seeking justice. Recognizing his unwavering commitment and formidable skills, the Unfettered extended a hand of alliance. Boulder joined their ranks, channeling his thirst for retribution into a mission to end the very institution that had torn his life asunder. Now, with his new allies, Boulder stands resolute, determined to obliterate the Unbroken Chain, liberate those in chains, and seek the truth about his sister's fate while forging a legacy of justice and freedom for all

Crew Relations

Hadrurus: Boulder and Hadrurus formed a powerful alliance during their time in captivity. They supported each other through the trials and tribulations of the Tjordek Ring, relying on their shared resilience and determination. Their friendship is rooted in mutual respect and a common goal: to bring an end to slavery. As members of the Unfettered, they continue to fight side by side, drawing strength from their shared experiences and unwavering dedication to the cause of freedom and justice.

Gladia: Boulder served as a source of support and encouragement for Gladia during challenging times and that their friendship has endured over the years. Old friends who remain a positive presence in each other's lives can provide valuable emotional support and a sense of continuity. Boulder's role in motivating and uplifting Gladia in difficult moments showcases the power of enduring friendships and the impact they can have on one's well-being and resilience. Their bond is a testament to the strength of their connection and the importance of having someone who believes in you during challenging times.

Velasco: Haven't Met.

Josie: Haven't Met.

Olatya: Haven't Met.

Cymren: Haven't Met.

Yzgo: Haven't Met.

Krendal: Haven't Met.

Agirri: Haven't Met.

Boulder's Goal:
Expose Kaimana's Crimes: Boulder's foremost goal is to gather concrete evidence of Kaimana's involvement in the Unbroken Chain's activities, including the capture and enslavement of innocent people. He aims to expose Kaimana's crimes to the world and bring him to justice. Boulder harbors a burning desire to confront Kaimana face to face, to demand answers for his betrayal, and to understand how someone he once considered a friend could become a slaver and tormentor. and to
Dismantle the Unbroken Chain as Boulder's ultimate goal concerning Kaimana is to dismantle the Unbroken Chain entirely. He seeks to free all the enslaved individuals under Kaimana's control and to ensure that the organization can no longer perpetrate such atrocities.

2) Boulder's character arc could revolve around his transformation from a former slave and gladiator seeking personal revenge to a compassionate and determined advocate for freedom and justice.
1) I sold some of my fellow slaves out to get information on the group that enslaved me and sold me revealing that the Main slaver Leader of the unbreakable chain is his childhood friend Kaimana Māhele iwi kuamoʻo
2) Boulder is unaware of the fate of his younger sister Manalani.
People Tied to Character
1) Kaimana Boulder's childhood friend Kaimana was always envious of the love that boulder received growing up and always was looking for a way to get a advantage over boulder even if it ment he would need to hurt or kill people in the process.

2)Mai'okon Elder Kaela: Boulder's Family friend and confidant. Kaela is an elderly, wise figure from Boulder's young age of 7 in Mai'okon. She was a close friend of Boulder's grandparents and played a significant role in his upbringing. Kaela is a source of guidance and wisdom for Boulder. She offers advice, shares stories of his family's traditions, and encourages him to stay true to his values and heritage, even in the face of adversity.

3) Gladiator Trainer Marcus Voss: was Boulder's mentor during his time as a gladiator Marcus Voss was a former gladiator who had earned his freedom and became a trainer in the arena. He recognized Boulder's potential and trained him in combat, teaching him the skills needed to survive. Marcus serves as a mentor figure in Boulder's life, imparting combat expertise and life lessons. Despite the brutality of the arena, he instilled in Boulder a sense of honor and resilience that continues to guide him.

4) Unfettered Operative Lyra The Unfettered member who recruited Boulder. Lyra is a skilled operative of the Unfettered. She encountered Boulder during a rescue mission and recognized his determination and combat skills, leading to his recruitment. Lyra remains a close ally and friend of Boulder within the Unfettered. She provides mission assignments, guidance, and valuable insights into the workings of the organization, helping Boulder navigate the world of anti-slavery activism.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Caring for Others is big for him. He might exhibit a nurturing side, caring for those in need and protecting the vulnerable, reflecting his commitment to preventing others from enduring what he went through.

2)Boulder exhibit's a remarkable resilience, refusing to be broken by his past experiences. He will stand tall and firm in the face of adversity, demonstrating strength in both his physical presence and demeanor showing that Mai'okon's spirits will not be easily broken.

3) carries a lot of deep emotional scars from his time as a slave and gladiator, with haunting memories of the violence, cruelty, and suffering he witnessed and endured during his time as a slave and gladiator while dealing with the loss every day of his loved ones.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: The family that Boulder did have is dead that includes his Mother, Father and Little sister

Class: a ex-slave struggling to find his place in society. He carries the experiences of his past with him, which can impact his social interactions and opportunities. While he is no longer bound by the chains of slavery, he faces the challenge of rebuilding his life and identity

Profession: Anti-Slavery Activist due to surviving the harsh conditions of slavery and the brutality of the arena has made Boulder mentally tough and resilient. He is unlikely to be easily deterred by obstacles.

Institutions: The Unfettered
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Boulder's drive is the pursuit of freedom and justice for himself and others. His traumatic experience as a slave and gladiator in Tjordek would has instilled in him a deep desire to ensure that no one suffers as he did and to fight for the freedom and rights of those oppressed by slavery and injustice.

Secondary: Boulder has a drive to empower himself and others through education, self-defense training, and skills development. This drive could stem from a desire to ensure that individuals are better equipped to avoid falling into slavery.

Tertiary: To achieve his primary goals of freedom and justice, Boulder is looking to build alliances and partnerships with like-minded individuals, organizations, or even sympathetic authorities. These alliances would help in his mission to combat slavery.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Building alliances with fellow slaves, escaped slaves, or abolitionist groups is essential. These alliances can provide him with support, resources, and the means to execute his long-term plans.

Medium-Term: establish safe houses or support networks for escaped slaves, providing them with shelter, food, and assistance in reintegrating into society.

Long-Term: Personal Healing On a personal level, long-term healing and recovery from the trauma of slavery and captivity for Boulder. finding closure, and ultimately finding peace.
Character Sheet
Boulder Gore-scream, level 3
Minotaur, Berserker
Heartland: Arid Desert
Goring Charge Key Ability: Goring Charge Strength
Background: Western Hinterlands - Hunting Tribe (+2 to Nature)
Dark sun Theme - Mercenary

Str 16, Con 16, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 14.

Str 14, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 14.

AC: 16 Fort: 16 Reflex: 15 Will: 13
HP: 43 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 10

Endurance +9, Perception +8, Intimidate +8, Athletics +9

Acrobatics +3, Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History +2, Insight +1, Nature +3, Religion +2, Stealth +3, Streetwise +3, Thievery +3

Level 1: Brutal Reach
Level 2: Improved Initiative
Feat User Choice: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Berserker at-will 1: Jarring Smash
Berserker at-will 1: Savage Reach
Berserker encounter 1: Batter Down
Berserker daily 1: Life-Ending Strike
Berserker utility 2: Ignore Pain
Berserker encounter 3: Savage Cut

Halberd, Hempen Rope (50 ft.) (3), Lantern, Manacles, iron, Adventurer's Kit, Grappling Hook, Waterskin (4)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Halberd
Offhand:   Halberd
Body:      ----

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---

Combat Block
Pōhaku Kāhea ʻo Gore (Boulder Hellscream)
Male Minotaur, Berserker (3)
Languages: Grystok, Okani
Age: 32
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 255 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left:12/12

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d10+3

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Feats: Brutal Reach, Improved Initiative, Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Saves: None

Active Effects: None

At-Will Powers:
Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Vengeful Guardian
Savage Reach
Jarring Smash

Encounter Powers:
Second Wind [_]
Takedown Strike [_]
Goring Charge [_]
Batter Down [_]
Savage Cut [_]

Daily Power:
Life Ending Strike [_]

Utility Powers
Second Wind [_]
Defender Aura
Ignore Pain [_]



Class Features

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter berserker fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects,

Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.

Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.

Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Arid Desert: Gain +3 AC and +2 Reflex when Wearing cloth/no armor and no shield: Gain resist 5 Fire at 4th level, Resist Fire 10 at 14th, Resist fire 15 at 24th

Poised Defender: Gain +2 bonus to AC while Defender aura is active and not wearing heavy armor

Racial Features

Ferocity: When minotaur's drop to 0 hit points or fewer, they can make a melee basic attack as an immediate interrupt action.

Heedless Charge: Minotaur's gain a moderate racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks provoked during a charge.

Goring Charge (use Str): Minotaur's gain one additional healing surge.
Theme Features

Takedown Strike: Gain the Takedown Strike Encounter Power


Brutal Reach: When making a Melee attack, Reroll weapon dice that show 1 when you're raging and wielding a two-handed reach weapon

Improved Initiative +4 to Initiative

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise +1/2/3 to attack rolls with two-handed melee weapons, +1/2/3 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee

Item Features:[/sblock2][/sblock]
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Last edited by Chanchabruhh on Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:52 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Post by BartNL »


Ten minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance - Hadrurus is tall, broad shouldered and extremely muscled. His body is scarred, most of his scars are lashes. Not untypical for (former) slaves. Hadrurus still dresses in his gladiator clothing, as he relieves in killing his enemies as the thing they created themselves.
Personality - Hadrurus is quiet and prefers to let others do the talking. He has developed a sense for when staring menacingly and grabbing your sword is helpful in a conversation. Hadrurus is kind and calm, but easily looses his composure when confronted with slavery or slavers.
Birth and Early Life - Hadrurus remembers a woman, probably his mother and her singing. He has forgotten what her face looks likes and what the song she sang was. His earliest memory after those vague fragments, were of spending what seemed an eternity on a boat, being thirsty and shouting in a strange tongue.
Serranak, life as a young slave- When Hadrurus was offered for sale on slave market he bit of the finger of a slaver who was checking his teeth. Master Felix, owner and trainer of slave gladiators based in Tjordek, was so amused that he decided to buy Hadrurus and have the young boy train for a career as an gladiator. Most gladiators are older when they enter training. On the other hand some masters strongly believe that 'the children have the future'. Hadrurus spend his childhood training relentlessly. Training often consisted of beatings so he could 'get used to pain'. Occasionally, weak and sick slaves from the mines were pitted against teen would-be gladiators in the arena. It was never a contest, but it taught Hadrurus a valuable life lesson: Life is cheap and killing is easy.
Pit fighter - In his late teens, a decade after being enslaved, Hadrurus became a true gladiator. With his long training, he was valued for his experience. He mostly entered in team combat as a leader and coordinator of gladiators of lesser tactical skill.
Escape From Tjordek - One day, after another glorious fight in the arena Hadrurus was and his master were invited to a dinner-party by another slaver. Affairs like these were not uncommon, Hadrurus being some sort of attraction to the wealthy guests. Hadrurus was considered docile enough to bring to these events, and had attended many before. That night, when everyone was deep in their cups, one of the guests started boasting that he could easily have beaten Hadrurus. What was unusual is that when a guard tried to convince the affluent drunk to stop waving his sword around and stop challenging Hadrurus, the drunk slashed the guard across his face in accident. Chaos ensued, and Hadrurus realised that this might be the best chance he ever had at getting out. He can't remember how many died at his hands that night nor how, but he did remember that it felt good, because it was something he did out of free will. When the sun dawned the next morning Hadrurus found himself outside of the city deep in the mountains. With him, was a small group of other escapees.
Freedom - After fleeing into the desert with other escaped slaves, Hadrurus survived by attacking merchants heading towards the slavers cities. One day, after carefully tracking a caravan for days in setting up an ambush, his target, a slaver, was attacked by a different group. Not wanting to lose out on the spoils, Hadrurus decided to enter the fray as a third party and to make out with whatever loot the group of assailants would let him get away with. To his surprise, these 'bandits' focused their attack not on stealing treasure but on freeing the slaves that were under transport, by arming them and on keeping those unable to fight safe. The slavers were well-armed, and managed to encircle the attackers and their new slaves. Then Hadrurus remembered a lesson of his youth. Your team is life, the enemy your death. Then he decided that as these anti-slavers were not his enemy, they might as well be his team if only for the moment. So he did what he did best, help shape those around him into a formidable fighting force. After routing the slavers, a man introduced himself to Hadrurus as Yzgo of the Unfettered, an abolitionist organisation consisting mostly consisting of former slaves like himself.
Unfettered - It's been two years or so since Hadrurus was adopted into the Unfettered. As many had a past like his own, he fit right in. Being an outlaw instead of being a slave came with many challenges, but for Hadrurus taking up arms and killing the slavers was never one.
1) Kill all slavers and free all slaves
2) Stab all dead slavers again to make sure they stay dead.
3) I want Hadrurus to explore possible futures beyond killing slavers.
4) I'd like for Hadrurus to be reunited with his mother.
1) Hadrurus doesn't know that he is an Imardanian from Sorlix.
2) Hadrurus parents were also captured when he was. His father was a prominent gladiator until he got too slow, and was killed in the arena. His mother is a house slave in a merchants house in Razak.
People Tied to Character
1) Master Felix) Master Felix has raised Hadrurus as a gladiator after purchasing him as a young boy. Felix is an infamous trainer of gladiators. He likes to start training gladiators young. Felix is generally considered one of the less cruel masters, as he was not keen on corporal punishment.

2) Yzgo, a high ranking Unfettered officer who recruited Hadrurus. Yzgo was a pit-fighter like Hadrurus, and they've bonded about their shared past.

3) Tullia: Hadrurus lost mother. Unbeknown to Hadrurus, she is alive and a house slave in Razak.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Killing the slaver scum was the first time Hadrurus ever felt good about killing. He's been trying to chase that rush since.

2) Hadrurus lacks common wisdom and knowledge. Instead he understands in interprets the world around him like the arena.

3) The only real memory Hadrurus has of his childhood before slavery are a few notes to a song.

4) Hadrurus was taught to speak up and speak loudly so that the spectators could here him well. Due to that, he now prefers to speak very softly and is easily talked over by others.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: none known.

Class: Ex-Slave and current outlaw

Profession: Hadrurus was a gladiator by trade, no he is an outlaw fighting slavery

Institutions: Hadrurus is a member of the Unfettered organisation. He provides them with tactical insight, and his skill in arms.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: End Slavery

Secondary: Become something more than a living weapon

Tertiary: Find a purpose in life beyond killing slavers
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Hadrurus wants to help expand the Unfettered.

Medium-Term: Free slaves and kill slavers.

Long-Term: Create a land free of slavery in which he can find a different purpose for himself.
Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
level 3
Longtooth Shifter, Runepriest|Warlord
Runic Artistry: Serene Blade
Warlord Leadership: Battlefront Leader (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlord: Hybrid Warlord Will
Hybrid Talent: Rune Master
Theme: Guardian
Background: +2 Endurance

Str 20, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10.

Str 18, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10.

AC: 19 Fort: 16 Reflex: 14 Will: 16
HP: 34 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 8

Athletics +10, Endurance +8, Heal +9, Perception +9,

Acrobatics -1, Arcana, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +4, History, Insight +4, Intimidate +1, Nature +4, Religion, Stealth -1, Streetwise +1, Thievery -1, Athletics +5

Level 1: Improved Initiative
Level 2: Hybrid Talent
Feat User Choice: Master at Arms

Hybrid at-will 1: Word of Exchange
Hybrid at-will 1: Viper's Strike
Hybrid encounter 1: Vengeance is Mine
Hybrid daily 1: Lamb to the Slaughter
Hybrid utility 2: Shield of Sacrifice
Hybrid encounter 3: Word of the Blinding Shield

Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Heavy Shield, Longsword, Javelin, Desert Clothing, Bell and whistle, Crowbar, Filter mask, Footpads, Gambler's gear, Grappling Hook, Shovel, Climber's Kit
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Combat Block

Longtooth Shifter (human) (Runepriest/Warlord Hybrid) 3
Languages: Grystok, Common
Age: 27
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 220 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 16
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +10 vs AC, 1d8+5
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d6+5

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Viper's Strike
Word of Exchange

Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Longtooth Shifting[_]
Battlefront Shift [_]
Rune of Mending [_]
Inspiring Word [_]
Vengeance is Mine [_]
Word of the blinding shield[_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Shield of Sacrifice [_]

Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Heavy Shield, Longsword, Javelin x5, Desert Clothing, Bell and whistle, Crowbar, Filter mask, Footpads, Gambler's gear, Grappling Hook, Shovel, Climber's Kit, Tent, Dagger Boots, Sack x2, Oil 10 pints, (carried in sack) Pitons x20

Important Features
Rune Artistry - Serene Blade: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. Once per round immediately after an enemy deals damage to you with an attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. The number of temporary hit points increases to 5 + your Wisdom modifier at 11th level and 10 + your Wisdom modifier at 21st level.
Rune Master - Rune of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you or to any other runepriests who are in this rune state.
Rune Master - Rune of Protection: While adjacent to you, allies gain resist 2 to all damage. The resistance increases to 4 at 11th level and 6 at 21st level.
Master At arms: can sheathe and draw a weapon with the same minor action

Crew Relations
Gladia: Hadrurus respects her skill. For a period they were repeatedly pitted against oneanother in the arena as 'eternal rivals'. That was all for show, and Hadrurus never really cared for that. As showmanship is worthless now, Hadrurus wonders how she will hold up.
Velasco: A strange man. Hides his face, hides his heart. Dresses like a master. Hadrurus doesn't understand why he chooses to wear a mask all the time without it being forced upon him. Hadrurus doesn't really trust him because of that.
Josie: Nice girl. Really hates the masters, and Hadrurus likes that about her.
Boulder: A fellow pitfighter, but more than just a colleague. Hadrurus and Boulder fought with and against one another on many times. One night Hadrurus and Boulder made a deal to look out after one another. They both fulfilled this promise to each other after the escape from the arena. Hadrurus likes having Boulder around in his life again. He wonders what would have happened if he had joined the man on his adventures before joining the Unfettered.
Last edited by BartNL on Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Samiira Ka’Grappan, Unrelenting, Unforgiving, Unfettered #8A3324


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance - Samiira is Serranborn, with dark skin, hair and eyes. She wears her hair in medium length dreadlocks. She is 5’7'' and around 140 lbs with a somewhat athletic physique. At the age of thirty six, she is the mother of three children and bears the stretch marks to prove it.

However her appearance is not always what it might seem.

Personality - Samiira has been through a lot and often comes across cold and uncaring. She spends a lot of time on the fringes of society as she travels around making few connections. However her trauma has also tempered her resolve, strengthening her will and making her highly driven and motivated. Deep down she is loving and caring however very few see this side of her.

Into Chains - Samiira was born in a small fishing village not too far North of Eagle Cliff. It was a poor village and its residents lived a simple life. She was 6 when the Charred Banner, a mercenary-turned-slaver band based out of the ruins of Merenn, descended on the village. Striking late at night, they went from house to house capturing anyone they could find. Samiira, along with her parents and four siblings were taken captive and forced to march North. They were taken back to the slaver’s camp in Merenn, where they were imprisoned along with their other captives.

A few weeks later they were shackled together and forced to march North once more, this time bound for Shivan. Upon reaching Shivan they were marched through the streets to the open air slave markets by the port. The Charred Banner already had a deal to sell the able bodied to another group of slavers from the Ghrystbehn who planned to take the slaves up the Nilam and then cross the Serrank to sell them to the Kelbis Mines. This included Samiira’s father and older brothers.

The rest of the captured Serrans were to be auctioned off to the highest bidders.

Concubine - Samiira was bought by a group of orcs from Kresh’Grappan. While an insular and self-sufficient clan, they would occasionally journey to Shivan for slaves. She was taken back to Kresh’Grappan, first by boat up the Kurnish coast and then over land up the mountain and into the clan’s territory. There she was claimed and taken as a concubine by a high ranking member of the clan, an orc by the name Vakma Ja’Grappan. In his thirties, he already had two older concubines, another young Serran woman called Nuzha who had also been bought in Shivan several years prior, and an orc named Okirri who had been captured from a rival clan in a raid prior to that. The two women were kind and took the young Samiira under their wings, helping her through her ensuing ordeal the best they could.

Ka’Grappan - Samiira endured the years as one of Vakma’s wives, tending to his every need and suffering his irrational and inconsistent punishment. At 14 she bore him her first child, a boy named Irvek. She would go on to ultimately have two more children, a girl named Druga, and another boy named Romal. While she had previously dreamed of escaping and fleeing back to her village in Sera, her children quietened these thoughts. However as the children grew older, Vakma’s influence on them grew stronger and more apparent, particularly in Irvek and Romal.

One autumn, several years later when Samiira was twenty five, Vakma purchased a pair of young elves to add to his harem, named Amelira and Sulri. Neither no older than twelve, Samiira tried to help them, in the same way the older wives had helped her as a young girl, however it seemed to be too much for the young girls and they attempted to escape. Discovering their absence Vakma was enraged - unleashing his anger on Samiira and his other wives before taking off after the two elves.

The harsh winter conditions of the mountain meant the escapees had not gotten far and they were easily recaptured by Vakmar and his men after only a few hours. Seeing Sulri as the instigator, and having already developed a fondness for Amelira, Vakma set his dogs on Sulri. The beasts tore her apart in front of Amelira, who seemed broken by the experience. Samiira continued to try and support the young Amelira and the two developed a close sister-like bond, however Amelira was never the same again.

Escape - Only a few months after Sulri’s death, Samiira was beaten half to death by her husband in one of his drunken rages. The two events made her realise that she could not continue living like this, and that it would only be a matter of time before Vakma killed her, or worse.

Once healed and now resolved to escape, Samiira began to prepare - hiding food and supplies in the rock piles outside of the settlement. With everything in place she slipped out of bed in the dead of night and made her way to her children’s beds. She planned to take them and any of the other wives and children that would come with her, however when she roused her children and told them they were leaving the two boys resisted. The disturbance began to rouse the entire household and Samiira was forced to flee alone.

After quickly retrieving her cache of supplies, she left the settlement behind, trudging out into the snows, headed West. Taking the more dangerous Western route over and down the mountain made it hard for Vakma and his men to follow and she was soon able to lose them entirely in a blizzard.

Recaptured - Eventually Samiira reached the coast and began to follow it, eventually making her way to Valdriz. There she was able to buy passage on a boat headed South along the Ghryst, using Vakma’s money that she had squirreled away. However just South of Fort Karstid, just one day from her planned disembarking, the boat was attacked by slavers. Samiira fought back but was captured along with many others and taken aboard the barge the slavers called home.

Once aboard, the slavers drank and celebrated their success. Samiira’s clothes were torn from her body and she was passed around by the men, powerless to do anything, before being tossed back into the hold naked and chained up with the other slaves as their captors continued their revelry above.

There once more in chains, after only a couple of months of freedom, she decided that she would kill herself as soon as an opportunity presented itself, rather than endure more suffering at the hands of a new master.

However that night one of the slavers, an orc, made his way down into the hold, keys in hand. Samiira resigned herself to what was to come, however as the orc stepped towards her, within the flicker of the candle light, his face changed and a human now stood before her. The man reassured her as he unlocked her shackles and wrapped a cloak around her, before making his way to the others chained up in the hold and releasing each of them in turn.
He then led them up from the cargo hold and off of the barge. On their way they passed through the room where the slavers had been partying, however their bodies were strewn about the room, sat in chairs and draped over tables. Some with their throats slip, others with foam dripping from their mouths.

Once off the barge, the man explained he was a member of a group known as the Unfettered and they were free to go. The would-be slaves thanked the man quickly and soon disappeared into the night, however Samiira remained. She begged the man to teach her his ways, so she too could strike back against the evil of slavery. He was reluctant at first, but after telling him her story he relented and agreed to train her.

Training - The Unfettered assassin, named Lagdan, operated as a solo agent, around the Beredin Steppe and the Bay of Chains, relatively cut off from the rest of the organisation. Samiira traveled with him for a little over a year as he tracked and killed slavers in the region.

He taught her how to fight from the shadows, how to mix poisons and how to kill. However the most important ability he taught her was the magical ability to change her appearance at will. It came as a final test of sorts. She had to mix a complex poison and ingest it herself - if done correctly and if she was strong enough she should survive, Lagdan said. Taking the poison, Several days of intense pain followed as the venom coursed through her veins rewriting her biology, but she endured, as she had endured before.

“Now you’re like me,” were Lagdan’s first words to her once the poison had run its course. It took some time to master and control but now she could become anyone; man or woman; human, elf, orc or dwarf, all at a moments’ notice. With this power, the duo could infiltrate anywhere with ease, escaping the notice of any city guards or hired henchmen.

Once Lagdan decided he had taught Samiira everything he knew, he told her to travel to Vyridis and meet up with the rest of the Unfettered. Reasoning the doubling up of their skills was a waste, and they would better serve the cause if they split up. Samiira agreed, but stated there was something she must do first.

Return to Kresh’Grappan - Disguising herself as an orc, it was easy for Samiira to make her way through Kurnhuelde back to the clan lands of Clan Grappan. While it had been nearly four years since she escaped she still knew the terrain surrounding the settlement well and she was able to observe her husband for two days before making her move. She made contact with Amelira while she was out gathering firewood, a babe swaddled across her chest in a swing.

Then that night, disguised as Amelira, Samiira made her way to her husband’s bed. Playing the part, she began to lull him into a false sense of security. However when the moment presented itself, she wrapped a garrotte around his neck and pulled hard, revealing her true form to the orc warlord and staring deep into his bulging eyes as she choked the life from him. Nuzha and Okirri were surprised at first, but kept quiet until the deed was done, both of them glad to see the last of their husband.

After slitting Vakma’s throat to be sure, Samiira spoke with the other wives. They took her up on her offer of escape and fled with her and Amelira, however the only child they took with them was Amelira’s newborn, a boy named Lavi, knowing the other older children would likely resist as they had when Samiira first escaped.

Unfettered - Once they were far from Kresh’Grappan they split up, with Nuzha returning to Sera and Okirri settling in Groznid Bay, while Samiira, Amelira and Lavi made their way to Vyridis.

After reaching the town, Samiira helped the other two get settled before she made contact with the Unfettered as Lagdan had instructed her to. There she met Krendal Ka’Odimo and, after explaining her story, was officially inducted into the Unfettered.

Samiira has spent the last six years or so traveling around the Ghrystbehn as an Unfettered assassin, eliminating high value slavers, slave brokers, and slave owners using her unrivaled powers of infiltration and murder. She has a particular vendetta against those that engage in the sexual slave trade, having been a victim of it herself.

While she has spent much of her time working as a solo agent, only returning to Vyridis from time to time, she has recently been recalled for reassignment.
1) Samiira wants to free all the slaves she can, placing a particular focus on those subjected to sexual slavery like she was.

2) I would like to see Samiira get some more catharsis from her trauma, possibly to the point where she can envision a new life not so motivated by revenge.
1) Samiira has the magical ability to change her appearance at will, gained from the consumption of an arcane and deadly poison. She can appear as any gender and any race, having learned the ability from her mentor Lagdan. He never told Samiira how he learned of the process in the first place but she assumes he was once a mentee like herself.

Several in the Unfettered do know of Samiira’s abilities, however it is not something she is particularly open about.

2) While Samiira knows that her children fell under their father’s influence both before and after her escape from Clan Grappan, unknown to her, her eldest son Irvek has stepped into his father’s role in the clan after his death.

3) The origin of Samiira and Lagdan’s shapeshifting powers have mostly been lost to time. They are the vestiges of an ancient order of shapeshifting assassins with the various poisons and techniques they employed have been passed down over the centuries despite the order’s decline. While Samiira and Lagdan represent one lineage of the order, they are not the only one.
People Tied to Samiira
1) Vakma Ja’Grappan (Deceased) - Samiira’s ex-husband. Vakma was a powerful high ranking member of Clan Grappan. He bought Samiira when she was a young girl as an addition to his harem. He was prone to drunken rages and would regularly abuse his slave wives both physically and sexually. He was killed by Samiira when she returned to Kresh’Grappan and choked him to death with a garotte before slitting his throat.

2) Irvek Ja’Grappan - Samiira’s eldest son. He has a fiery temper like his father and was easily molded by him, resulting in his refusal to go with Samiira when she made her escape, also convincing his siblings to also remain. Now a strong young man, he has stepped into his father’s role in the clan, amassing his own power, wealth and slaves.

3) Druga Ka’Grappan - Samiira’s second eldest child and only daughter. She is kinder than her brothers, taking more after Samiira than Vakma, however she was still swayed by Vakma and her brothers and did not escape with Samiira.

4) Romal Ja’Grappan - Samiira’s youngest child, similar to Druga, Romal is less like his father than Irvek, however he always looked up to his older brother and this is what Samiira thinks led to him refusing to go with her also.

5) Lagdan - The Unfettered assassin who recruited and trained Samiira. He taught her how to fight, make deadly poisons and change her appearance at will. He still operates as a solo agent of the Unfettered out to the East, rarely making contact with the larger Unfettered network around the Ghrystbehn, therefore Samiira has only met him again a handful of times since they spent around a year together training, however they remain good friends. While Samiira knows Lagdan as a human in his thirties, she is aware, given their abilities, that may not actually be who he truly is.

6) Amelira - Now in her mid-twenties, the elven Amelira was another slave wife of Vakma Ja’Grappan, before being freed by Samiira on her return to Kresh’Grappan. Originally from The Isle of Murldinn, she was captured by slavers and bought in Groznid Bay by Vakma’s men. Amelira is still haunted by her past but lives free in Vyridis, with her child. Samiira took Amelira under her wing when Varkma added her to his harem, and the two share a sisterly bond. Samiira will often stay with Amelira whenever she finds herself back in Vyridis.

7) Lavi - Amelira’s son. Around seven years old, the half orc-half elf child views Samiira as an aunt. He is energetic and full of life, unlike his mother, having been spared the horrors of his father. Samiira loves the boy like one of her own, despite his paternity, however she can’t help but feel saddened that her own children will not have the same sort of life Lavi will lead.

8) Krendal Ka’Odimo - Samiira’s Unfettered handler. While she often operates relatively independently and with fairly free reign, she still occasionally checks back in with Krendal in Vyridis. Despite the woman’s origins in Shivan, Samiira has grown to respect her dedication and abilities.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Being abducted at a young age Samiira lost her Serran faith in Kurnhuelde but she still finds some comfort in the Kurnish spirits, having relied on them in her darkest moments on Kresh’Grappan.

2) Similarly, Samiira has also forgotten a lot of her native Serran tongue, only remembering some simple words and phrases. She can be insecure about this and tends to avoid any conversation in Serran.

2) Samiira remembers the brash young Talon that often patrolled the area North of Eagle Cliff that was home to her village. She remembers him telling her and the other children that he was there to keep them safe, however he was nowhere to be found the day the slavers came, either simply away from the area or unwilling or unable to intervene.

3) Samiira remembers the first time she held her son Irvek in her arms. Practically still a child herself, holding the newborn baby gave her a modicum of hope that her life would contain some joy and not just suffering.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Samiira has had several families. Her first was that of her birth, however they were split up after being enslaved and she knows not of their fate - only that her father and brothers were originally sent to the Hole.

Her second family was her children with Vakma, and to an extent his other wives. Although her children rejected her in favour of their father and she hasn’t seen Nuzha or Okirri since freeing them.

These days she considers Amelira and her seven year old son Lavi as her family. Viewing her fellow ex-slave wife as a sister and treating Lavi as her own when in Vyridis.

Class: Safiza has spent most of her life as a slave. Now she exists on the fringes of society, rarely staying in one place too long as her Unfettered assignments take her across the Ghrystbehn and Beredin Steppe.

Profession: Unfettered Assassin

Institutions: The Unfettered, Clan Grappan (Formerly)
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Revenge - While Samiira has exacted revenge against her ex-husband and master, she still is driven to strike back against the system that enabled him.

Secondary: Help Other Women - Samiira, once powerless, now has the power to aid others and free them from or prevent them from sharing the fate that was once hers, something she will endeavor to do.

Tertiary: Family - While Samiira has has several families, losing two of them, she wants the best for Amelira and Lavi who she now considers her family.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Regroup with the Unfettered in Vyridis and complete her next mission.

Medium-Term: Ensure Amelira and Lavi’s safety.

Long-Term: See all those that perpetuate slavery killed and the system dismantled.
Crew Relations
Josie: A fellow Unfettered veteran. Samiira has met Josie quite a few times over the years. She respects her loyalty and abilities, hearing good things about her from the other members of the Unfettered, although she has never attempted to get particularly close with her. At first Samiira did question Josie’s motives, as she appeared to not have any reason to fight for the cause, however Josie has dispelled any doubts over the years. As far as Samiira knows, she does not know what it means to be a slave.

Velasco Vasquez: A rookie, still young and inexperienced - and untested. Samiira has only met Velasco a couple of times and is yet to fully trust him, finding him a strange individual. She questions his ability as a solo agent. He does not know what it means to be a slave.

Hadrurus: Samiira has met Harurus three or four times before during his time with the Unfettered. She respects his quiet and calm demeanor, however she has heard he often loses his composure when confronted with slavers, something which only confirms her main thought on the gladiator. He is trained to fight for show, not to kill. However he does know what it means to be a slave.

Pōhaku Kāhea ʻo Gore: Much like Hadrurus, Samiira has only met Pōhaku a handful of times. Similarly, she doesn’t doubt the ex-gladiator’s strength, she doubts their ability to kill effectively, although she admires their dedication to the cause. He knows what it means to be a slave.

Olatya Rydell: Samiira admires what Olatya has done in her life, even if she has only met their elusive leader a few times.

Cymren Ederno: Cymren is capable, however his previous mercenary associates never sat well with Samiira, due to her experience with the Charred Banner. Despite this, and despite their duties rarely overlapping, he has never given Samiira any reason to doubt him.

Yzgo: Having already been trained by Lagdan, Samiira benefited little from training with Yzgo. She has still shared a drink or two with him and gets on well with the elf. They have a mutual respect, and unlike the other newer ex-gladiators, Samiira knows he is highly capable of killing their enemies.

Krendal Ka’Odimo: Krendal has been Samiira’s handler for many years. While she often operates relatively independently and with fairly free reign, she still occasionally checks back in with Krendal in Vyridis. At first their relationship was a strained one, with Samiira used to the more independent action she partook in with Lagdan, and also due to Krendal’s Shivani past, however the two have grown to respect each others’ dedication and abilities, becoming friends.

Agirri Alvos: Samiira has only met Agirri a couple of times with how new he is to the Unfettered. She can see potential in him, but is unsure of why he has been chosen for future leadership, believing he should have to prove himself first - his arrogance on the matter doesn’t help things either.
Character Sheet
Samiira Ka’Grappan, level 3
Changeling, Executioner
Versatile Defense: Executioner Two-Weapon Defense
Executioner: Attack Finesse (Executioner)
Guild Attacks: Red Scales
Poison Use: Bloodroot Poison Recipe
Poison Use: Carrion Crawler Brain Juice Recipe
Background: Occupation - Infiltrator (Learn Deep Speech)
Theme: Sohei

Str 16, Con 10, Dex 20, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Str 16, Con 10, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.

AC: 19 Fort: 15 Reflex: 17 Will: 14
HP: 32 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

Stealth +11, Perception +6, Thievery +11, Streetwise +7, Bluff +9

Acrobatics +6, Arcana, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +1, Heal +1, History, Insight +3, Intimidate +2, Nature +1, Religion, Athletics +4

Level 1: Nimble Blade
Level 2: Cunning Stalker
Feat User Choice: Light Blade Expertise

Executioner utility 2: Cloak of Shades

Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier), Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier), Dagger, Garrote, Leather Armor, Rapier, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Belt Pouch (empty), Candle (4), Crowbar, Flint and Steel, Flask (empty), Footpads, Grappling Hook, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Mirror, Poisoner's Kit, Lantern, Disguise, Tent, Coinpurse of 8 silvers and 3 copper.
Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 32/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Assassin’s Strike [_]
Cloak of Shades [_]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [_]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

Brandys, the Benign Barkeep #50955f
Background and Concept Elements
1) Appearance - Brandys is an old man. Certainly not ancient, but well into his (late 40's, early 50's?). He wears his years proudly, and between his more-salt-than-pepper hair and beard and the many lines in his face, it would be hard not to. Many of the lines are from the ready smile he has, but life has not always been as kind to him. He stands at a solid 5 foot 11, and he is built for labor. Bigger than most, his body is layered in thick muscle and healthy fat, from years of farm work as a lad, a wandering hedge knight as a young man, and hauling kegs and eating well in his later years.

2) Personality - Brandys is, at his core, a kind man. He always tries to see the best in people, and help them reach it, even those who do not believe themselves worthy of that help. However, with age comes experience and wisdom, and he knows well that some people are too stubborn to change, and he is not nearly so naive as he was when he was younger. He hates killing, but he is more than willing to fight to defend himself and others.

3) Early Life - Bran doesn't know where he was born. His parents, a Kurnish couple living in Vyridis with no children of their own, had adopted him from the orphanage after years of no luck in having children of their own. They were by no means a wealthy family, but they earned a modest life for their family, his father in the fields, and his mother a bartender at a local tavern. As soon as he was old enough, he joined his father out in the fields, until one fateful day, when he wandered too far away from the safety of civilization, and was abducted.

4) Captive - Bran's time spent as a captive are a blur, he can't remember how or why he was taken, or for how long. Random chance, like as not. He remembers the rough wood of the cart he was kept in, the rougher rope of his bindings, and the impossibly blue eyes of the girl, about his age, that was tied up with him. He remembers the shape of their conversations, kept in hushed tones while the brigands were asleep, even if he can't remember what they talked about. He remembers specifically when they agreed on an escape plan, she would cause a distraction, while he ran for help. He remembers fighting her on it, but she was gone before he could say anything. He remembers the last look they shared, each sparing a single glance back as they ran in opposite directions.

When he had found help, and returned to the site he thought he remembered, there was no trace of the brigands, or the girl, anywhere to be found.

(a/n: from here were going bullet points, bc i dont have the brain to make it prose rn lmao)
5) Recovery - Home safe at last, Bran spent the next several months in a paranoid, anxious state. Eventually returned to the fields, until he was older, and decided to leave home to be a wandering knight, to help out other people where he could. (The beginnings of his "help everybody" mentality)

6) Wanderer - Vague details of traveling Gryst and helping people. Meets Elmyra in this time, they travel together for a time.

7) Settling Down - Getting older, Bran and Elmyra decide to start their own tavern, name it the Hawk & Halcyon as a nod to the freedom of youth, and how those days are always remembered as better than they really were. They do good work, still helping people, but in a different way, and eventually make a small name for themselves.

8) Calling - Bran and Elmyra are contacted by the Unfettered, to let them use the H&H as a safehouse and speakeasy. They agree, knowing that they would be able to help many more people this way.
1) Resolve all the loose ends in his life, so that he may finally rest, at the end of his days.
2) Make the Voreld a safer place, for everyone.
OOC) I'd like to see Brandys reunited with his sister. No real preference for if it's a happy reunion or not though.
1) Known - Brandys is still suspicious of the Unfettered. By no means opposed to their goals, and more than willing to help, but he can't shake the worry that they may attempt some kind of power grab, once they're more established. It's probably just paranoia, though.
2) Unknown - The girl he left behind is actually his half-sister, who had run away from the orphanage and never came back. Between the trauma, and the time, the only thing he can remember about her is her eyes.
People Tied to Character
1) Brewmaster Koto - A kind soul, who has spent his life studying, mastering, and attempting to perfect the art and science of creating alcohol. He taught Brandys the arts, and has watched with no small amount of pride as he has grown into a respectable brewer in his own right. The recipe for Frostburn Wine, a distilled spirit made from grain and sucklemint, was a collaboration between the two of them.
2) Elmyra - Brandys' business partner, and closest friend. They met decades ago, and even tried making a relationship work, but they decided that they would be better as friends, and have remained as such since then.
3) Ashdrea - Called Ash by most, she is a regular at the Hawk & Halcyon, and a wandering knight. She reminds him of himself, when he was younger.
4) Bastard - Brandys can't remember his name, but he bears a particular grudge against the man that captured him, all those years ago. Nothing will get the distinctive scar across his neck and shoulder out of his mind.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Memories - Too many to count, and many more forgotten. (will also flesh out later)
2) Mannerisms - Kind, cordial, professional, he works very hard to ensure everyone has a warm welcome and feels safe and at home. And most of it is a front; he is a tired old man, who feels as though he has lived too long, but he has to keep going for those around him.
3) Quirks - Despite being a fairly accomplished brewmaster, he very rarely ever partakes. Most alcohol isn't to his taste, so he will ask friends and patrons to taste test new recipes instead.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: A modest family of Orcs that adopted Brandys when he was young. They made their living working, his father a farmhand and his mother a barkeep for one taverns in Vyridis. It was their love and support that helped him recover the most. They lived well into their twilight years, and passed peacefully at home.
Class: Middle - Running one's own small business isn't easy, and Bran has had more than a few lean months, but with the assistance from the Unfettered and Elmyra, business has been slowly growing.
Profession: Brewmaster - Trained by Master Koto, Bran brews and distills his own alcohol for his tavern.
Institutions: Freelance - Bran has worked hard to build up the name of the Hawk & Halcyon together with Elmyra, not wanting to be in service to anyone, be they slavers or wealthy merchant-barons. His association with the Unfettered is new, and he is not quite sure how closely he wants to be associated yet.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Community - "Nothing worth achieving was ever achieved alone, we all have to help each other out."
Secondary: Independence - "Every man, woman, and child deserves the freedom to do as they please, so long as they harm none, as well as the security to recover from failure."
Tertiary: Rest, and Legacy - "I am so, so tired. I have lived a good life, but it is yet to be complete. I must keep going, I must ensure a better life for those that come after me."
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Short Term - Report back to the Unfettered, and touch base with Elmyra.
Medium-Term: Find and/or rescue the girl from the slavers that he feels like he abandoned, or learn her fate and lay her memory to rest.
Long-Term: Aid the Unfettered in ridding the region of slavers, and all those who would subjugate others.
Character Sheet
Brandys, the Benign Barkeep, level 3
Human, Fighter
Build: Great Weapon Fighter
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
Birth - Among Another Race: Among Another Race (Half-Orc)
Background: Birth - Among Another Race, Geography - Urban, Aglarond (Grants +1 Language, Perception to Skill list, +1 Perception), Pivotal Event - Escape, Occupation - Artisan, Recent Life - Freeing Slaves
Dark Sun Theme: Guardian

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 14.

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 14.

AC: 19 Fort: 20 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 41 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 10

Bluff +8, Streetwise +8, Endurance +8, Perception +7, Athletics +10

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Intimidate +3, Nature +1, Religion, Stealth +3, Thievery +3

Human: Heavy Blade Expertise
Feat User Choice: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard sword)
Level 1: Inescapable Hold
Level 2: World Serpent's Grasp

Bonus At-Will Power: Grappling Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Cleave
Fighter at-will 1: Footwork Lure
Fighter encounter 1: Steel Serpent Strike
Fighter daily 1: Seize and Stab
Fighter utility 2: Forceful Drag
Fighter encounter 3: Slamming Rush

Bastard sword, Scale Armor, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Gambler's gear, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Lantern, Oil (1 pint) (4), Sack (2), Trail Rations (10), Frostburn Whiskey

0 GP
0 SP
0 CP
Combat Block

Male Human Fighter 3
Languages: Grystok, Kurnish, Modern Serran
Age: 49
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 220 lbs.

Speed: 5 Sq
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 20
Reflex: 14
Will: 14
HP: 41/41
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Bastard Sword +9 vs AC, 1d10+4




Active Effects:


Item At-Will

Bull Rush Attack (Standard)
Grab Attack (Standard)
Opportunity Attack (Opportunity)
Grappling Strike (Can be used as OA)
Combat Challenge (Immediate Interrupt)
Combat Agility (Opportunity)
Footwork Lure (Standard)
Cleave (Standard)

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Guardian's Counter [_] (Immediate Interrupt)
Steel Serpent Strike [_] (Standard)
Slamming Rush [_] (Standard)
Second Wind [_] (Standard)
Forceful Drag [_] (Move)

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]

Seize and Stab [_] (Standard)




Important Features:
Class Feature: Combat Challenge Mark foes you attack. They get -2 to attacks not including you. Make basic melee attack against adjacent marked foe who shifts or makes attack not including you. Makr lasts until end of your next turn or marked by other.
Feat: Inescapable Hold Your grabbed creatures must escape against Fortitude with Athletics.
Feat: World Serpent's Grasp Knock slowed or immobilized targets prone on hit.
Feat: Heavy Blade Expertise +1/+2/+3 to weapon attacks with heavy blades; +2 to all defenses vs OAs when wielding a heavy blade.
Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) Grants proficiency with Bastard Swords

Item Features, None Yet
Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
Katherine "Kate" Meecham - #ff6814

Ezra Wynter // MEDUSA - #91c886
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