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Post by BartNL »

"Let's grab the uniform before we do anything that might get blood on it." John replies nodding in the direction of the guard that's still breathing.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Tristan and Em
As you wait, the room begins to empty as the other guests head for the main hall. With the crowd thinned, you spot one of the men you spoke to earlier on the veranda, Deucias. He catches you gaze and starts to make his way over towards you.

"Good to see you two again," he says with a smile. "I seem to have lost my husband - knowing him he's probably sneaked out for a cigarette. He knows I hate those things. Mine if I join the two of you on the way downstairs? I think Vibol's speech will be starting in a few minutes," he asks, checking his compad to confirm the time.
Everyone Else
With the guard out cold, the only resistance he puts up as you strip him of his uniform is that of his limbs - the dead weight making the task slightly less trivial than it would be with a willing participant.

Now in his underwear, the man remains unconscious although for how much longer is hard to say.
Examining the console, you find that the controls are a relatively simple affair, from here you have full control over the museum's security systems. You can turn off the exhibit alarms, deactivate the cameras, as well as delete their recordings of the night so far, all with a couple of button presses.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Sven frowns as he listens to John's words, only able to wonder what the man has planned for the remaining guard. I know leaving a witness isn't good for us, but fuck. He shakes his head, focusing on the console. Huh, simpler than I expected. They really don't expect a lot from these people.

He turns to Antoine, getting up from the console and waving a hand in front of him. "Oi bud, time to wake up. Can't stick around long. We gotta finish up here and then get out."
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine stays quiet, seemingly to react very little, if at all, to Sven's handwaves.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Sven groans, eyes growing wide in frustration as Antoine remains unresponsive. Now's not the time to shut down. He slightly shakes the man, hoping to jolt him out of whatever he's going through. "C'mon, snap out of it. Please," he pleads, voice breaking a bit. His face contorts to genuine concern as he looks in Antoine's blank eyes.
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine blinks, staring at the face of Sven before him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm here," he insists, trying to convince himself of the same. "I'm good. I'm here." He peers around the room, relieved to notice he is doing so with his own eyes and not from above. He does his best not to linger on the bodies that have formed somewhat of a pile. That was... Gotta figure that one out later.

"We, uh," he starts in. "We pulling the the feed on the cams? Shuttin' down the alarms? Say, how much time do we got?" He checks his burner for the time.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Sven feels relieved once Antoine finally responds. He cracks a smile, patting the man on the shoulder. "Welcome back. Almost thought we lost you somehow." He steps over to the console, reassuming his control over the museum. "All of the above. Can even delete tonight's recordings to cover half our tracks." He cocks his head back at pile of guards. Can't delete that.

"Not too long. Can give the other two the go ahead whenever we're all ready."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Vibol is due to start his speech in a few minutes, which gives you about 15 minutes until midnight.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan and Em
Tristan quickly puts on a fake smile, trying to hide his discomfort. I don't dislike these guys... but right now??? He quickly responds, "Please, feel free to head down. I can look for him if you'd like, you can find us good seats!" He says, fully knowing that he and Em have no intention of heading down. "If we see your husband we can let him know that you've already headed down there."
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Post by greysigil »

"Query: What should be done with the unconscious guard?" Jug asks, looking between their three comrades. "Extrapolation: We are almost out of time, so a decision must be made. Letting him live may be a liability, should he be able to positively identify us, but so too would any others that saw us. Additionally, I am given to understand humans that survive traumatic encounters experience a phenomenon called "Survivor's Guilt", which is harrowing in its own right, separate of the original event. Suggestion: It may be more merciful to kill him outright, to leave this as a simple tragedy rather than placing all of that onto him as a survivor. Consideration: However, I also understand that such cold blooded killing is unpalatable to many. Thoughts?"
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Post by BartNL »

"Anyone needs information from the guard? If not it'd even be a mercy to kill him now." John replies to the VI's query. He then grabs one of the batons to do the deed if no one replies positively. Just like killing a bug.
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Post by greysigil »

"Statement: I would spare you humans the trauma of taking the life of a helpless person, however if you are so inclined, I would not stop you. Consideration: How do you two feel about this?" Jug asks the others.
Active Characters
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine eyes the unconscious guard, stripped of his uniform, and frowns. Not right, just doing 'em dirty like that. Still, between him, and me... I'm choosing me.

"We made our choice when we stepped through those doors: people who ain't our targets might become our targets," he reasons, nodding to Jug. "And I appreciate that, friend. I really do."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Sven stays silent during the exchange, a lump forming in his throat as he can no longer ignore the gravity of the situation. What a mess. If I'd just cracked the system the first time... He stares blankly at the screen, the blue glow fading into his blue eyes. "Just, uh, let me know when to get everything rolling."
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Post by Fialova »

Tristan & Em
"Yes, it will be a bit longer for me," Em responds to the man. We spoke briefly, we are not friends. Might be a friendly rich snob, but still a rich snob. "I must take my leave to the restroom, one of the hors d'oeuvres has not been sitting right with me," she continues, placing a hand to her stomach as she forces a frown. "But we'd be happy to meet back up with you down below, in a short while," she continues, as she turns towards the nearby restroom, hoping the man will get the hint. Just get down there on your own and don't blow our cover, please.
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Post by greysigil »

"Statement: We should not leave him bare like this. Many consider this a highly undignified position to be in, in death." Jug says, stepping towards the last living guard.
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine knows that Jug is right, even if he knows it's hardly worth the time. He sets his jaw and forces himself to look at the slain guards to determine if any of their uniforms are passable without much blood. Hell, this VI's got more humanity than some humans I've met. That's a damn blessing and a curse.
How fucked up are their uniforms? They were shot in the head, punched in the head, and punched in the chest.
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Post by Namelessjake »

While the three uniforms are mostly intact, they all have noticeable blood stains on them from the blood pooling around the various wounds that killed their wearers.
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Post by ratwizard »

"These ain't gonna work for us," Antoine concludes, gesturing toward the uniforms on the dead guards. Flipping the lights on, he looks for any sort of sheet, or blanket, or tarp within the room that he could throw over the alive guard to spare him some decency before his mercy killing.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"How about you just give the damn man his uniform back," Sven grumbles, glaring daggers at John. "Keeping it could just tie us to this fucking mess all over again."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Tristan and Em
"Oh - Ok, I'll see you down there then," Deucias says, a hint of dejection on his face. None the less he seems to accept your reasons and starts to head for the stairs. Leaving to two of you alone in the exhibit.
Everyone Else
Antoine looks around and is able to find a jacket hung up on a hook on the back wall of the office.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Uh, this should do just fine," Antoine says, feeling the uncomfortable edge of Sven's tone toward John. He takes a jacket from a hook by the back wall, bringing it over to the bare, unconscious guard. Sorry, fella. Was you, or us. He places it over the man's shoulders carefully. Goddamn, I sincerely hope all this awful shit we're up to turns out worth it in the end.

He takes a step back, nodding toward Jug. "Please," the man says, his voice weary.
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Post by greysigil »

"Statement: Understood. Please turn away, if this will affect you." Jug says, lowering their massive frame down to the floor in an approximation of a crouch.

They take the man's head in their steel hands and turn it to the edge of his neck's range of motion, then with a sharp burst of force, past the limit, snapping his neck.

They don't acknowledge the sound or feeling, the sickening crunch echoing in their frame. They lay the body back down, and stand back up to their full height. "Statement: It is done. Let us move on, if we have no more business here."
Active Characters
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine doesn't turn away, instead forcing himself to watch the act of violence. If he doesn't get the luxury of living, I don't get the luxury of hiding from this. He grunts as a cold chill travels up his spine in response to the sudden snapping of the guard's vertebrae.

He turns to Sven, taking a deep breath. "Cams and alarms," he reminds the man, before pulling out his burner. Missed messages? Shit, he thinks, before he realizes it was Sven during what must have been his out of body state.

Antoine taps out a quick message to the others. <Shutting security down. Will head toward the exhibits next.>
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Sven can only cover his ears and grimace as Jug ends the life. Gonna need a lot of liquid therapy tonight. He buries his face into his hands, taking deep breaths in a futile attempt to regain the person he was before this night. One thing when it's the movies... but this is real.

He struggles down a lump in his throat. "Yeah," he says weakly. He clears his throat, trying to shake himself out of the darkened mindset. Jug doesn't know how lucky they are to not have to feel. He presses a few buttons on the console, shutting down the cameras and alarms along with deleting whatever recordings were made that night. Like it never even happened...

He stands up, stepping over to the door. "Done. Now let's get out of this fucking morgue."
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine sighs, nodding vigorously. "Not all at once, though. In pairs, like before. And steer clear of that rich lady," he says, nodding toward John. "Especially if you plan on switching outfits on her." That's just asking for further suspicion, seeing the maintenance Joe turn security in a manner of minutes.
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Post by Fialova »

Tristan & Em
After a brief period in the restroom to match her cover story, Em receives Antoine's message and smiles. Finally. She steps out of the room and, seeing the exhibit clear of all but her and her companion, she takes her compad again and responds, <Weapon exhibit clear, just us. Ready to go when you get here.>
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Post by BartNL »

"Let's keep them around for later. They're worthless now, but they might come in handy for our escape." John replies.
Is there a bag or sth. in the room that we can use to store the uniforms?
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Post by Namelessjake »

With the cameras and alarms shut down, John grabs a backpack and stows away the clean uniform. Sven, John, Jug and Antoine then make their way upstairs, only passing a couple of guests, stragglers making their way into the main hall who pay them little attention.

You all finally regroup in the Weaponry of the Unification Wars exhibit, which is empty save for the six of you, now with only glass and simple locks separating you from the weapons and ammo on display.

You hear a round of applause from the Main Hall and can see the lighting rig on the ceiling as it focuses down onto the stage. Despite lacking a line of sight to the stage you can only assume Vibol has stepped on to it to begin his speech. You hear the sounds of muffled speech, coming from the speakers below - the crowd's applause turning to laughter at something VIbol said.
+1 Backpack (TL4), enc 0
+1 Security Uniform, enc 1
Display Cases
Each display case can be opened silently using tools with either a Dex/Sneak or a Dex/Fix check, they can also be broken open with a Str/Exert check. Str/Punch can also be used to break the glass. Any weapons can then be reactivated by inserting the firing pin successfully, this requires a Dex/Fix or Dex/Shoot check. Failure means the weapon is either damaged by you or already damaged too much to be reactivated.

The display cases contain the following;

Case 1
Rifle, enc 2
Rifle, enc 2
Combat Rifle, enc 2
3 Rifle Magazines, 6/6, enc #1
2 Combat Rifle Magazines, 30/30 enc #1
20 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1

Case 2
Shotgun, enc 2
6 Shotgun Shells, enc #1
6 Shotgun Slugs, enc #1
Submachine Gun, enc 1
2 Submachine Gun Magazines, 20/20, enc #1

Case 3
Escriosian Officer's Sword, enc 1 (Medium Advanced Weapon)
Semi-Auto Pistol, enc 1
1 Semi-Auto Pistol Magazine, 12/12, enc 1
Combat Field Uniform, enc 1

Case 4
Woven Body Armor, enc 2
Woven Body Armor, enc 2
Woven Body Armor, enc 2
Backpack (TL4), enc 0

Case 5
Heavy Machine Gun, enc 3
Light Machine Gun, enc 2
4 Cans of Machine Gun Ammo, enc 1 each (each provides enough for 10 rounds of firing)

Case 6
Sniper Rifle, enc 2
12 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1
Semi-Auto Pistol, enc 1
1 Semi-Auto Pistol Magazine, 12/12, enc 1
Woven Body Armor, enc 2
Backpack (TL4), enc 0

Case 7
Shotgun, enc 2
Combat Shotgun, enc 2
20 Shotgun Shells, enc #1

Case 8
Rifle, enc 2
Rifle, enc 2
Combat Rifle, enc 2
2 Rifle Magazines, 6/6, enc #1
1 Combat Rifle Magazines, 30/30 enc 1
30 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1

Case 9
Semi-Auto Pistol, enc 1
Semi-Auto Pistol, enc 1
Revolver, enc 1
Submachine gun, enc 1
3 Semi-Auto Pistol Magazine, 12/12, enc #1
1 Submachine Gun Magazine, 20/20, enc 1
60 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1

Case 10
Advanced Bow, enc 2
Quiver of 12 arrows, enc 1
Combat Field Uniform, enc 1
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine walks briskly, averting the gaze of anyone that might be watching. When he finally reaches the otherwise empty exhibit room, he breathes an inward sigh of relief. "Good to see you two again," the man says to Em and Tristan. "I'll keep watch by the door, and whistle if I find trouble. As for the guns, I'm thinking we pick heavy before light." He points toward cases 1, 5, 6, and 8.

Antoine will have limited use here, with a +1 DEX but -1 to any appropriate skills for a 2d6 flat.

Also, Jake, Telekinetic Manipulation lets me apply 200 kg of force. Is there room to argue I could bend the non-glass parts of the case quietly?
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Post by BartNL »

"Let's free these machines from the oppressor first. Anyone else have some preference, Tommy? " John says as he moves over to the Heavy machine gun's case.

Dex/Sneak to pick the lock on case 5. [2d6]=6
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Post by ratwizard »

"It's all the same to me — never pulled the trigger myself. Don't mind you loading me up with whatever we need hauled out of here," Antoine offers, making his way back toward the door to keep watch.
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Post by Fialova »

Em nods to Antoine as he greets her, glad to finally see her companions again, and not just the rich snobs here for the event. "Shootin's not my specialty," she responds, finally able to break free of the faux-posh accent she'd been putting on before. "So anything where I can just point and shoot and the spray will be almost certain to hit somethin', that's what I want." One of those shotguns, maybe. Or some sort of automatic might work too. I'm here to keep us alive and fly when needed, gunning's for someone else.

Watching as the others begin to open the cases, she continues, "I don't think I will be too much help getting those cases open, but once you got 'em, let me know and I can start working on the firin' pins."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"The more we can get, the better. And maybe some of that armor," Sven says, setting down his backpack and working to open one of the cases. "Can toss anything extra in our bags."
Dex/Sneak to unlock Case 8: [2d6+2]=6+2=8
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Post by Namelessjake »

John and Sven get to work on two of the cases. Sven is quickly able to pop his case open, but John struggles with the lock.
Case 8 unlocked.

Case 5 remains locked.
Antoine OOC
I would say you can use Telekinetic Manipulation to open the cases, however as it would still be equivalent to just forcing the cases open by hand it will still make noise, although not as much as smashing the cases open.
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine eyes the case with the machine guns, watching John struggle with the lock. "Here, let me try my hand," he offers cordially. With nothing but his own hands this time, he feels around the case carefully. Eventually, he hears a soft click. "Alright, she's open."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan briefly paces next to Em as they wait for the others to arrive, he begins nervously glancing between each of the cases. He seems to be matching what he sees to his firearm knowledge - Which one would be best to use here? What causes the fewest casualties - Accuracy is key.

Eventually, the others arrive and he takes a deep breath, nodding towards Antoine. "Good to see you. Let's kit up, shall we?" He says, approaching one of the cases. He looks deeply, almost lovingly at the revolver in the case. "Why, hello beautiful." He mumbles to himself. Instead, however, he walks toward one of the open cases and pulls out the first gun he sees. He takes a moment as he examines the LMG. "Solid construction. I wish I had this back when I was working for the Suns."

Rather swiftly, he pops the shooting pin back in place and carefully puts it down. "One gun sorted... off to the next, I guess." He says.
Shoot/dex to fix the firing pin: [2d6+3]=9+3=12
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Post by greysigil »

"Greetings." Jug says simply join reuniting with the rest of the team. "Statement: Arms are a lesser priority for me, however a ranged option would be sound. Something close quarters, a shotgun or sub-machine gun would be ideal. Consideration: We should also acquire weapons that will be useful in the future. I can carry the excess. They add, scanning over the cases.

"Statement: I will leave the cases you you, unless force is required. I will keep watch." they say, taking a position in roughly the center of the room and scanning for movement.
Active Characters
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Post by Fialova »

As the first case is opened, and Tristan begins working on one of the guns, Em grabs the combat rifle and begins to do what she'd come to do. Guns are just machines, shouldn't be too difficult to figure this out, she thinks, as she attempts to activate it with one of the firing pins.

Em attempts to activate the combat rifle from display case 8
Dex/Fix: [2d6]=4
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Taking the metatool back from Antoine, Sven deftly unlocks the next. "Armor and another pack in this one," he says, opening up the display.
Dex/Sneak to open Case 6: [2d6+2]=9+2=11
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Post by Namelessjake »

As Sven and Antoine open two more cases, Tristan is able to easily slide one of the firing pins into position on the LMG, restoring it to working order. Em however, finds that combat rifle she picked up is missing another of its internal components and cannot be reactivated without more time and a proper workshop.
Open Cases And Their Contents
Case 5
Heavy Machine Gun, enc 3
Light Machine Gun, enc 2 - Reactivated
4 Cans of Machine Gun Ammo, enc 1 each (each provides enough for 10 rounds of firing)

Case 6
Sniper Rifle, enc 2
12 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1
Semi-Auto Pistol, enc 1
1 Semi-Auto Pistol Magazine, 12/12, enc 1
Woven Body Armor, enc 2
Backpack (TL4), enc 0

Case 8
Rifle, enc 2
Rifle, enc 2
Combat Rifle, enc 2 - Broken
2 Rifle Magazines, 6/6, enc #1
1 Combat Rifle Magazines, 30/30 enc 1
30 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine watches Tristan assemble the gun with clear training behind his movements. Damn. This motherfucker knows his way around a gun.

"Keep doing what you're doing," he says to the man. "Come on, all, let's get him more to work on. Here, lemme load that for us." He takes the light machine gun from Tristan, grabbing one of the cans of ammo to begin loading it. This is some surreal shit right here. Certified Davonian firepower, and it's in... our hands. After all these years...
Loading the LMG with a can of ammo.
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Post by Fialova »

Expert reroll: [2d6]=5 ._.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

With Antoine focused on loading the spare firepower into bags, Sven turns to the next case. Easy. Within a moment, he has it unlocked as well.
Dex/Sneak on Case 1: [2d6+2]=7+2=9
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Post by FinalTemplar »

After working on the lmg, Tristan moves on, grabbing another gun. "While I'm doing this, can you open the case with the revolver? I've got my eye on it. We might want to grab that shotgun, too."
In order I will work on: Sniper Rifle, 1x Semi-Auto Pistol, 1x Combat Rifle

Attempt to repair Sniper Rifle: [2d6+3]=8+3=11.
Attempt to repair Semi-Auto Pistol: [2d6+3]=5+3=8.
Attempt to repair Combat Rifle: [2d6+3]=6+3=9.
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine nods at Tristan. "Anything you say, boss. Just keep those pins moving and we'll handle the rest. Hey, over here, Seb," he calls, catching the thrown metatool as he makes for one of the cases with a few handguns in it as well as a machine pistol. Getting the hang of things, he manages to get it open after a moment.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Things continue to progress smoothly, with more cases opened and Tristan successfully reactivating more of the weapons.
Open Cases And Their Contents
Case 1
Rifle, enc 2
Rifle, enc 2
Combat Rifle, enc 2 - Reactivated
3 Rifle Magazines, 6/6, enc #1
2 Combat Rifle Magazines, 30/30 enc #1
20 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1

Case 5
Heavy Machine Gun, enc 3
Light Machine Gun, enc 2 - Reactivated
4 Cans of Machine Gun Ammo, enc 1 each (each provides enough for 10 rounds of firing)

Case 6
Sniper Rifle, enc 2 - Reactivated
12 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1
Semi-Auto Pistol, enc 1 - Reactivated
1 Semi-Auto Pistol Magazine, 12/12, enc 1
Woven Body Armor, enc 2
Backpack (TL4), enc 0

Case 8
Rifle, enc 2
Rifle, enc 2
Combat Rifle, enc 2 - Broken
2 Rifle Magazines, 6/6, enc #1
1 Combat Rifle Magazines, 30/30 enc 1
30 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1

Case 9
Semi-Auto Pistol, enc 1
Semi-Auto Pistol, enc 1
Revolver, enc 1
Submachine gun, enc 1
3 Semi-Auto Pistol Magazine, 12/12, enc #1
1 Submachine Gun Magazine, 20/20, enc 1
60 Rounds of Ammunition, enc #1
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan continues working.
Semi-Auto Pistol 1: [2d6+3]=6+3=9.
Semi-Auto Pistol 2: [2d6+3]=5+3=8.
Submachine Gun: [2d6+3]=6+3=9.
Revolver: [2d6+3]=6+3=9.
Tristan will keep the revolver. Is there a holster of some kind with it?
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Mon May 20, 2024 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Not wasting another moment, Sven works to unlock the next case.
Dex/Sneak on case 7: [2d6+2]=10+2=12
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Post by ratwizard »

"Once more," Antoine says to Sven, taking the metatool. "Gonna need some way to haul all this shit outta here." He heads toward one of the cases with a military pack and a few suits of armored uniforms, still in decent shape.

Been a long, long while since I tried apparition. But if my sense of direction ain't goin' out yet, I'm pretty damned sure Jin's ambo's gonna be just below us. Could be that I play mule. He mulls on the thought as he works.
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