Escape Trajectory: Makkuro — IC

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Post by Namelessjake »

After reviewing the calculations and the data logs of your trip so far, Creed is able to spot the mistake. In his attempt to trim the course the Makkuro was caught in a metaspace current that was unaccounted for. Realising this, he extrapolates your current position and plots a new course.

Day 27

Back on course, you spend another six days in metaspace before reaching the edge of the Mardis system's gravity well, allowing you to step back down into realspace. The Makkuro jolts once more as it emerges in the rim of the system and you feel the effects metaspace had been having on you lift immediately.

The Makkuro's scanners immediately are able to identify the new star you now orbit as Mardis, and the systems begin pulling up all the data the ship contains on the system. Normally arriving in a civilised system such as this, you would expect to be able to see most of the system's traffic, with ships broadcasting their location to all via their transponders, however the scopes are empty. With the war on there are, without a doubt, a large number of ships currently in system, but everyone appears to be running dark, not wanting to announce their positions to the enemy.

"Let's maybe keep our transponder off too," Leena says, noticing the lack of any signals.
0201 - Mardis
Mardis - Mardis is a red giant, having left the main sequence and grown significantly after exhausting its supply of hydrogen in its core. It is estimated to have 300 million years left in its lifespan at which point it will turn into a white dwarf creating a large nebula.

The Shattered Halls
The Shattered Halls are a large, dense asteroid belt. The objects that make up the belt have the closest orbits to Mardis of any in the system. It is believed that this belt is made up of two or more planets that orbited far enough out to avoid being engulfed by Mardis when it became a Red Giant, however something then caused the planets to break apart, forming the belt.

Atmosphere - Thin
Temperature - Burning
Orbital Period - 4.3 Years
Day Length - 56.2 hours
Atm. Pressure - 0.05 atm
Surface Gravity - 0.41 g
Biosphere - No native biosphere
Population - None
Description - Damari may have once been temperate and perhaps could have even sustained life, with a thicker atmosphere and water. However, while it was the closest planet to Mardis to survive the star’s transition to a red giant, it was not spared. The increased stellar radiation has stripped Damari of any water and much of its atmosphere turning it into a scorching barren rock.

Atmosphere - Breathable mix
Temperature - Warm
Orbital Period - 5.9 Years
Day Length - 16.1 hours
Atm. Pressure - 0.97 atm
Surface Gravity - 1.04 g
Biosphere - Immiscible
Population - 792.3 million inhabitants
Tech Level - TL4
Description - The world where relations between the Diktat and the League finely have spilled over into all out war after the Diktat invaded and some of the locals appealed to the League for help. The League came to their aid, inducting the world formally into the League, although the ruling noble class were forced to relinquish some power, transitioning the planetary government from a feudal monarchy system to a parliamentary system. This invasion follows a smaller failed attempt in 3188 by the Diktat to replace some of the world’s powerful houses with others of its choosing in what was known as the Bronze Rebellion.

Much of the world is a desert, with the population centred around the temperate Mediterranean polar regions which are livable year round thanks to the planet's low axial tilt. These polar regions are known for their large vineyards and olive groves. Currently either side mostly occupies a single pole meaning much of the fighting is happening in the equatorial desert, leading to harsh conditions for troops on both sides fighting with no end in sight for nothing more than sand.

Post scream fusion technology was lost to the system. Much of Antheus' power is provided by large solar farms to this day despite having since been reconnected to the rest of the sector and the knowledge of fusion power.

It was highlighted on the star chart discovered in the Verilia Belt.

Arhun’s Rest - The largest of Antheus’ twin moons. It is a barren rock, its surface pocked with craters. It is home to several mining and military outposts, both abandoned and inhabited. However much of the surface is extremely dangerous, due to mine fields left over from the Bronze Rebellion.

Maeck’s Watch - The smaller of Antheus’ twin moons. It is non-spherical in shape, its mass not being large enough to force the moon into a sphere through gravity.

Kylen’s Hold
Gravity - 0.5 g
Population - 18,421
Tech Level - TL4
Description - The largest and most important of Antheus’ space stations. It is owned by the prominent Kylen family and serves as the planet’s main spaceport and shipyard. Several other stations exist, owned by other families, but their populations number in the hundreds rather than the thousands.

Orbital Period - 31.2 Years
Day Length - 14.7 Days
Description - A Class III gas giant, Phenix is cloudless, appearing as a featureless azure-blue globe. It also lacks any major moons, although it has a ring system and a number of smaller satellites.

Calhun’s Redoubt
Gravity - 0.4 g
Population - 5,824
Tech Level - TL4
Description - Calhun’s Redoubt serves as the main anchorage for the fleets of Antheus. Since the outbreak of hostilities between the Diktat and the League, it has been the site of several skirmishes although it has remained in League aligned Anthean hands.

Orbital Period - 67.2 Years
Day Length - 14.7 Days
Description - Vaals is a large ice giant. It is a pale blue flecked with streaks of dark blue. Like Phenix it too lacks any major moons, however it has an extensive ring system made up of several major bands which were likely once small planetoids that were torn apart by gravitational forces.

Sarina’s Keep
Gravity - 0.5 g
Population - 1,891
Tech Level - TL4
Description - Sarina’s Keep is a space station that sits between the two largest bands of the rings of Vaals. It serves as an important refueling station, mining the ice giant and its rings to create the fuel required for both intra-system flight and interstellar spike drills.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze, new to the crew but quick to adapt, acknowledges Leena's suggestion with a nod. Despite the absence of visible threats, he remains vigilant, his keen senses attuned to any potential danger lurking in the shadows of space.

"I noticed we've all got our own unique skills. What's something you're particularly proud of accomplishing?"

Kaze will also will be offering assistance to anyone who may need help with their duties or tasks around the ship.
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Post by BartNL »

Warner spends his days planning around his lower food intake by exercising less, adding more nutritional supplements to his diet and by having sugary drinks. In his spare hours he tries to talk to the other crew members, and keeps a log of their symptoms if any

Int/Heal for downtime stuff: [3d6c1+2]=8+2=10
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Post by BartNL »

Warner ignores Kaze, not wanting to open up that can of worms.
Don't really need get a good conversation about the Bronze Rebellion going with that man.
"Keep them off." Warner orders Leena. Then he bites his tongue. You're slipping up Warner. You're the caring, overly sterile but somewhat annoying doc now, remember. Fuck that question. What am I proud off accomplishing? Everything. What the hell does that mercenary himself have to be proud off? Destroying his own planet for Diktat money. Scumbag. Warner coughs. "If the locals treat the area like a hot zone, it usually is. Let's stay vigilant." Warner says, now a lot friendlier.
"Oh and Kaze, that's an easy one. Took me and my team quite some time, but I had the pleasure of training locals in order to start a village hospital." Which they wouldn't have needed if the real hospital were still standing. Hope that little place has survived... Antheus will soon need it again. Diktat scum.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed spends most of the trip helping Cass, acting as his assistant for crafting mods. Eventually, however, he ends up back in the pilot's chair, pulling them out of the spike drive as they enter the Mardis system.
"Here we are. Mardis." He looks back at the others. "Should I begin charting a direct course to Antheus, or do you want to make a slow approach, captain?" He asks.

He looks over toward Leena, and says; "Flying this thing's my specialty, though normally with fewer complications." He says, trying to play off his calculation error.
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Post by ratwizard »

Pending further discussion in Discord, but Cass will continue making mods.

Beyond the first 3 mentioned, he will continue with these, the 500 credit cost for each paid by the recipients.

Tess, Customized mod for Gun
Warner, Customized mod for Armor
Kaze, Customized mod for Gun

6 level-1 mods built at a rate of 7->3.5->1.75 days per, comes out to 10.5 days of downtime used up with 1.5 spare.

Cass hardly minds Creed's piloting mishap, using the extra time to devote to his modding. He finds a nice rhythm, working with the pilot and the Chief in the workshop for long hours.

After replacing the scope on his collapsible rifle, he begins work on his Asteria-purchased security armor that was previously tested by the xenobeast. Removing some of the bulkier layers to instead add light-weight, more durable, and resistant plating, he finds himself immensely satisfied with the final product.

He continues his efforts, looking into the various armor and weaponry from some of the other crew. He chats as he goes, for as long as those want to stay behind — quiet and meticulously working otherwise.

Upon their arrival into Mardis, he reports back to the bridge.

"Never turned it back on," Cass replies with a smirk to Leena. Glad to be back out of metaspace, he takes stock of the system's planets and inhabitants — lectures from his university days returning to him in fragments.

"Frontier medicine's tough work," he says to Warner, impressed, before turning to Kaze. "Uh, I dunno. Guess I'd say patching up the Mak, here. Engineering work was never my specialty, especially on the scale of military tubs. But I'd say I've got it figured out. Of course, I'm glad we got the Chief here now to do it proper." He chuckles.
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Post by Fialova »

"Getting sober," Tess responds plainly to Kaze. "Not that it fully stuck, but hey. No one's perfect," she continues with a shrug.

"We should get in and out as quickly as we can," Tess says, at Creed's question. "Not a good ideas to stick around a warzone any longer than we absolutely have to. I doubt we'd put up much of a fight against the ships in the system, and not really eager to find out."
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass nods at Tess' words. "No sense in smelling the flowers. We're flying dark, here, so we should do it quick. Especially so once we pick up Bao's guy."
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Post by Namelessjake »

As you talk, the comms panel lights up as the Makkuro gets pinged by long range LADAR. Another ship must be in the region monitoring for traffic arriving from the XK-539 system.
Make a program/int check if you wish to avoid detection.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Ah, shit," Cass says, tapping through a couple warnings that emerge on his screen. "Eyes are on us. Let me see if I can mask our signature." Transponder's off, good... Okay, running just heat. Let's see what we got cooking.

He runs a jamming package meant to conceal any heat emissions from prying sensors, but struggles against the parameters wildly differing from what he expects. Fuck, haven't done this fresh off a spike drill before. I should have prepared more.
Snake Eyes! Program/Int: [2d6+2]=2+2=4

Expert Reroll for this scene: Program/Int: [2d6+2]=4+2=6


Mysterious request per Jake: Know/Int: [2d6+1]=4+1=5
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru feels a level of serenity wash over him as the Makkuro finally leaves metaspace. Oh thank god... He closes his eyes and smiles as his body and mind calm.

He blinks a few times at Kaze, making sure he heard the man right. Would've thought he'd have asked that at the interview. Oh well. "Proudest? Uhh, either this thing we've got going here, or Strocho DanzeFest '97." Damn that was fun. The crowds, the lights, the shirts ripped off my body.

Looking to Creed, he says, "Yeah, just take us in. The longer we wait out here, the bigger target we could become. Especially if eyes are already on us." He eyes Cass's station, watching the man work with anxious intensity. Hope he pulls this off.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Cass tries his best to hide the Makkuro's sensor profile, but the scans continue focusing on your area of space and quickly are able on lock on to the patrol boat. With the lock made, you find yourselves being hailed almost immediately.

"Unidentified vessel this is the VLCN Joshua Pryde, you have entered restricted space. Identify yourself and state your intentions or you will be fired upon," comes the message.
From your time in the League Coalition Navy, you know that three classes of League ships are named after people. League capital ships are named after former presidents, while corvettes are traditionally named after diplomats and patrol boats after recipients of the League Star, the League's highest civilian honor.
Opposed check 8 vs 12 = fail.

The other ship now has a detection lock on you.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Damn it!" Cass slams a fist on the armchair of his crash couch. "They must have been watching for traffic coming from XK 539. We got unlucky there," he explains, the disappointment apparent in his voice. This shit's a lot harder without senior officers around to bail my ass out.

"Look, we're not breaking any of their laws. This might be a warzone but we're an independent vessel who's now in need of refueling, and we're planning to do so in the League-controlled South Pole anyways. Maybe we'll even get a fancy escort out of this."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru gives a shrug, unsure why Cass is so upset over it. "It's fine. At least it's the League instead of the Diktat. And like you said, it's not like we did anything. It's just a precaution."

He takes a seat at his console, not wanting to waste more time in a potential warzone if he can. "VLCN Joshua Pryde, this is independent Makkuro,the idol begins. No sense hiding it from them when they'll double or triple check everything anyway. "We have business in Dacron, and need to refuel otherwise."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Makkuro, authorization to enter space around Antheus can only be granted by Coalition Navy Fleet Command or one of the Great Houses," comes the Joshua Pryde's reply. "Sarina's Keep is still open to civilian traffic. You can refuel there before heading back out of the system."
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass simmers in his chair as the League ship redirects them away from their target. These rule-following chucklefucks. If only their top brass were, too.

"What if we play the undercover card? We're Coalition Navy, you know, flying bogus merc flags so we can sniff out double-agents and Diktat spies. We could remind this pencil pusher we're on the tail of one now, and we could really use not having our cover blown and the trail going dead."
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Post by Fialova »

"Sounds like a bluff that could get us shot if it doesn't work out," Tess cautions. It's clever, but this a warship. Last thing we need is to give them a reason to fire on us. Not like we'd be in much of a position to fight back. "Like maybe they'd buy, it but that seems like a long shot. And then they know us to be liars in the face of navy law, which just makes us look even more suspicious than we were before. I don't like it."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Harsh, but fair," Cass admits. "Fine. Toss it. If we end up flying to Sarina's Keep, they might lose their detection lock on us, which could give us a second chance at coming in under the radar. Though if they sweep us a second time..." He shrugs. "Not looking good, either."

"Being honest, this shit looks a little more sticky now that we're out here. I mean, what are the chances Bao's guy might be detained by the League? That, uh, almost makes popping Miss Holland's ex-wife look easy."
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Post by Fialova »

"Who says we even need to fly the Makkuro to grab the target?" Tess muses, trying to formulate a plan of her own. "What if we make our way to Sarina's Keep, and once there grab another ship to extract the person Bao wants freed? Could rent a ship if there are any available, or just hire a shuttle or another crew or something. I am sure there is a whole heap of smugglers skulking about, looking to move stuff in and out of Antheus past the navy blockades. Maybe even steal something small if we really think we can get away with it, and we don't find any alternatives."

She pauses, considering her own idea and finding it worrying, though less so than the one Cass had proposed. "It's also a long shot, probably, but would leave our own ship out of any suspicion from the navy. Half of us do the job, the other half stay here to refuel and 'tune up' in the port while we do our thing. Something to consider at least, yeah?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

I'm going to rule that with long range scans like this, if you know the other ship is there, you are able to work out the ship's hull class.

In this case the VLCN Joshua Pryde is a frigate class ship.
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Post by BartNL »

Would Warner be able to identify this Vessel?
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed hesitates momentarily after the transmission comes through, tapping the console rhythmically.
Do I reasonably think I could evade their sensors after getting to Sarina's Keep?: pilot/int [3d6k2+2]=6+2=8 checking for like, would I think that's a realistic thing I can do
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Post by Namelessjake »

Make a Know/Int check.
Avoiding sensors is more a comms department thing, however you definitely could attempt to aid the check by flying in a way to make the ship harder to track.
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Post by BartNL »

Know/Int [2d6-1]=7-1=6
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Remind me to thank Bao for leaving this information out," Hikaru says, his expression souring as he listens to the response from the Joshua Pryde. He gives Cass a side eye at the mention of the potential job in Alldis. "You forget this is a literal warzone? Outside of your admittedly valid hang ups with it, the only warzones on Alldis are the beach bars at happy hour."

Looking to Tess, he gives her a shrug. "Not a bad idea. Strike squad for the surface, and whoever else stays topside can get a feel for leads for our next jobs. But hey, maybe they'll let us on if we name drop," he says, turning back to his communications display.

"Apologies," he begins in response to the navy ship. "We were under the impression that House Kylen expected us and had granted us access. Maybe that authorization fell through the cracks." The idol maintains his confidence, unsure himself if he's even saying a lie. Details, Bao. Come on.
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Post by Namelessjake »

There is a pause for a few moments following Hikaru's message, but a reply eventually does come.

"Makkuro, we don't have any record of that I'm afraid. You'll have to head to Calhun's Redoubt and clear things up with Fleet Command and House Kylen. Transmitting a clearance code for the space around the Redoubt to you now. Make sure you're transmitting it when you arrive or they may open fire on you."

The comms panel lights up once more as you start to receive the transmission from the navy ship.
From your time fighting for the League, you know that three classes of League ships are named after people. League capital ships are named after former presidents, while corvettes are traditionally named after diplomats and patrol boats after recipients of the League Star, the League's highest civilian honor. As the Joshua Pryde shows up as a frigate on the sensors, it is either another patrol boat or a corvette.
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Post by Fialova »

Well that's certainly one way to bluff our way through, Tess thinks, watching in a mixture of awe and worry as Hikaru name drops one of the major houses. Hope that lie doesn't come back to bite us in the ass, last thing we need is the League navy actively hunting us too.
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Post by ratwizard »

Fialova wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 9:37 pm She pauses, considering her own idea and finding it worrying, though less so than the one Cass had proposed. "It's also a long shot, probably, but would leave our own ship out of any suspicion from the navy. Half of us do the job, the other half stay here to refuel and 'tune up' in the port while we do our thing. Something to consider at least, yeah?"
"Might work, though I don't feel too hot leaving the Mak behind," Cass admits. "Though we do have capable hands aboard." He gives Leena a nod.

As their captain makes a gambit, Cass tightens up in his seat. He raises an eyebrow as they get the benefit of the doubt, and clearance to at least land on a non-civilian alternative.

"Well, neither option is Antheus, but we can figure out next steps on the way. We want to head to Calhun's Redoubt, or Sarina's Keep?"

Bao didn't seem to identify his actual contact we're supposed to get. How can we get word back to confirm more details? Would we have to do so from a civilian station to ensure the League isn't possibly decrypting our messages?
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Would kaze know anything about house Kylen?
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Post by Namelessjake »

Bao named his contact as one Dr. Rousseau in his message to you. As for contacting him, there is no FTL communication so the only way to send a message back to him would be to have it carried back to the XK- 39 system on a ship. Any reply would also need to be carried back to the Mardis system before you could receive it.
Refer back to this post for what you know on House Kylen.

You would also know that usage of mercenaries, like yourself, is incredibly common during conflict on Antheus. Starting or joining a mercenary company or starship are often ways lesser noble houses or commoners will try to make a name for themselves. Independant starships are often awarded a letter of marque by the great houses, giving them permission to fight on their behalf in exchange for payment. You would assume possessing a letter of marque would be enough to be allowed into Anthean orbit.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Taking a break from his tasks, Kaze decides to share his thoughts with the crew, hoping to provide some context and maybe ease some of the underlying tension.
Approaching the common area where some of the crew are gathered, he speaks up. "Just a thought, everyone. On Antheus, it's common for mercenary companies and independent starships to get letters of marque from the great houses. It’s a way for them to legitimize their actions and get paid for fighting. If we get close and need a way to justify our presence, we might be able to use that angle. Assuming we can get our hands on one, or bluff it well enough."
He looks around, gauging their reactions. "It’s something to keep in mind, at least. Might give us a bit of an edge or some breathing room if things get tight. How do you all feel about it?"
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass listens closely to the Anthean's explanation. "If we had the breathing room, I'm betting we could really navigate this clusterfuck and sidle up to one of the great houses for a shot at consistent work. But no offense to your home — I'm not keen on staying any longer than we need to get Bao's doc out, and our credits in the bank. At least for now. So I'm thinking we forge one."

He eyes Kaze a moment longer. "Actually... you, uh, must have had a letter of marque yourself, yeah? I'm sure there's some names you could give us that'd help." The technician shrugs. "Of course, no pressure. I know too well what it's like, burning bridges."
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze listens to Cass's suggestion, nodding in agreement with his assessment. "You're right, Cass. Antheus might offer opportunities for consistent work, but for now, our focus should be on completing Bao's job and securing our credits. We can always reassess our options once we're clear of this mess."
He considers Cass's question about his own past and the possibility of providing names for a forged letter of marque. There's a momentary flicker of hesitation in his eyes before he responds. "I appreciate the thought, Cass. And yes, I've had dealings with various mercenary companies and noble houses back on Antheus. I can definitely provide some names that might carry weight if we decide to go that route."
He pauses, his expression thoughtful.

"But I'd advise caution. Forgery is a risky business, especially when it involves official documents like a letter of marque. We'll need to ensure it's convincing enough to pass scrutiny."

Kaze's tone is measured, but there's an underlying seriousness to his words. He knows the potential consequences of tampering with official documents, especially in a place as politically volatile as Antheus. Despite his reservations, he's willing to help if it means increasing their chances of success.
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Post by BartNL »

"Having the wrong letter of marque, whether fake or legitimate, will put a bigger target on our backs than having none would." Warner replies sternly. "None of us also know exactly how alliances lie now."
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Post by ratwizard »

"We're open to other suggestions," Cass says, looking between Kaze and Warner, the two aboard with experience on Anthean politics. "What would you say we do here, to get access to House Kylen's lab?"

Time to see if the new hires have any experience in leadership and flexibility.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"My vote's on the Redoubt," Hikaru responds as they consider their next destination. "Could always agree to do House Kylen a favor to get access, or this letter of marque or whatever. I'm sure there's something they need done that they'd rather have a third party handle, right?" He bobs his head side to side as he ponders their options. "And if that doesn't work, maybe some other hired mercs could smuggle us in."

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Post by FinalTemplar »

"Going to the Redoubt could be safe, but it'll be slow - This sort of thing always takes time. Going to Sarina's Keep is risky... but we'll know if it worked right away." He says, looking at the captain. "I'd rather not get caught on their ship longer than I need to." He says, his voice lowering a bit as he finishes speaking. "There's also a chance, though, that they'd be amenable to our goals here. As Hikaru said, maybe they have other work they need to be done down there that their uniform would be too loud for."
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Post by Fialova »

"The letter of marque seems the safest route, I agree," Tess responds. "Some legitimacy will go a long way here, I think. Asteria and Idarete seem fine with reputation and proven skill, but clearly the military control of this region won't allow for anything like that. We gotta go legit or risk getting blown out of the sky, and I don't really want to think about the latter," she continues, trying her hardest not to imagine the cold void of space simultaneously freezing and suffocating her. Risking the ire of some corporate execs is one thing, but no way we wanna get on the League's bad side in a warzone full of League warships. We'd be dead within the week.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Alright, so the Redoubt it is," Cass says with a shrug. "If we wanna take our time, do it right, and establish some contacts here, I'm cool with that. To be honest, I feel safer in a warzone than back home on Alldis."

He pauses, clearing his throat uncomfortably. "Speaking of, Holland's deadline's around the corner. Won't make it unless we refueled and headed that way within a day or two. The rest of you cool, passing that up? I've already said my thoughts on it."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Can't say I feel the same. Not when a Diktat cruiser could just blow us out of the sky at a moment's notice," Hikaru says at Cass's resistance to visiting Alldis. "Like, your Alldis business is beyond awful, but I don't even wanna think about the war crimes that might be happening this side of the galaxy." The idol grimaces, thinking of history lessons about wars that always seemed to bring out the worst in people.

"But as for Holland, she can get fucked. Would love to visit the inner League worlds again at some point, but not for someone like her."
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Post by BartNL »

"We should be able to obtain the letter on Calhun's Redoubt. Having the Mak available on the planet is a huge benefit." Warner replies, carefully considering his words. "I recommend against forging a fake. That's playing with fire. And we'll have to be more vigilant with Escrosian ships and stations in the future. If they ever find out the Mak has a letter of marque, we'll be shot on sight."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed shrugs, glad that they've decided where to go first, at least. Once we get permission to land, the rest will be easy. Right? He thinks to himself and begins piloting toward the Redoubt.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass turns a bit red at the reponses from Hikaru and Warner. Yeah, what am I saying? It's a war, there's no way this shit is anything close to safe. Probably one of the hottest places in the sector, and here I am with my bullshit about 'let's forge a mercenary license.' Ah, well, at least it got the two new guys to share an opinion. Cunningham's Law and all.

"A warzone's got supply lines, both military and private. Supply lines bring pirates. Might be some bounties we can take care of, or some sensitive cargo to move, much like Bao's doc."
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Post by Fialova »

"We might get a bit of work, but probably not best to stick around too long, otherwise we might end up in the Diktat's sights like Warner said," Tess continues, before quickly adding, "again." One ship chasing us is one thing, but this is the center of both nations' military might right now. Definitely don't want to stick around long enough to be seen as a target by one of them with an entire fleet only a short trip away.

"Seems like we should get the letter, do Bao's job and any others we can realistically pull off within a couple days, then bounce before there is room for us to become a known enemy of the Escrosians. In and out, then off to somewhere much less dangerous ideally."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed pilots a course for the Redoubt.
Pilot/int to trim course: [_3d6k2+2]=(5+6)=11+2=13.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Day 28

Creed plots a course and you leave the Joshua Pryde behind, heading for the gas giant Phenix and the Anthean anchorage, Calhun's Redoubt, in its orbit. The rest of the day passes uneventfully and the blue orb of Phenix soon appears on the Mak's scopes the next morning.

As you draw closer, your screens light up with contacts as the Makkuro detects not only the station itself but also a small armada. A ping queries the Makkuro but the clearance provided to you by the Joshua Pryde goes through and you receive a flight plan to dock at the Redoubt.

Calhun's Redoubt

Serving as the main fleet anchorage for the fleets of the Great Houses of Antheus, Calhun's Redoubt is a large and imposing space station, though much smaller than Asteria with its asteroid construction. Its central spine hosts an array of sensors and enough defensive guns to turn even battleship into piles of slag in only a few minutes. The spine supports two docking rings, the interiors of which are spun up to provide artificial gravity for those aboard. The two rings appear to bristle with smaller gunships, free traders, shuttles and cargo lighters, whilst the larger ships of the League aligned houses and their league allies sit further away from the station, in a defensive posture.

The ships are an eclectic mix of class, roles and designs, with sleek League Coalition Navy corvettes parked up alongside aging anthean frigates and mercenary patrol boats that look like they were probably raiding shipping in the system's trade lanes not too long ago. Despite the variety of ships and the distracting stream of launches and supply vessels moving between the station and the anchored fleet, two ships in particular stand out. The VCLN Berez and the the Herald of the Storm, both fleet cruisers.

Pia lets out a long whistle, pulling up the League cruiser on her screen. "That cruiser was in a hell of a fight," she says examining the VLCN Berez's hull, which is covered in black laser scoring and shredded with holes. A couple of tender ships are alongside and crews can be seen hard at working patching the ship up. "If it made it back to port in that condition I bet the other ship looks even worse," she adds.

Your flight plan directs you towards berth C-7 on what appears to be the civilian of the two rings, hosting mostly supply ships and free traders while the smaller warships and launches from the fleet appear to be docked around the other ring.
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Post by ratwizard »

In the day's travel to Calhun's Redoubt, Cass takes a break from his manic schedule in the workshop. He spends some downtime with the crew, especially Tess, also finding time to work at the comms desk. The Mak's simple, but elegant. I need to learn her signature better, figure out what signals I'd need to transmit to counteract her heat emittance. That spotter wouldn't have caught us, if I spent less time playing gearhead in the garage and more time doing what I'm supposed to. Especially now that we have the Chief for that.

The next day, Cass marvels as the Anthean space-port comes into visual range. "No kidding," he says to Pia, his eyes glued to the damage across the VCLN Berez. "Look at all that deep laser burn and gauss rounds. If they got in a scrap that large, and that recently, I think we might just go under the radar around here."
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Post by Fialova »

Tess spends much of the day lounging around the ship, finding it hard to stay calm and comfortable knowing that they are walking into a military facility in an active warzone. She distracts herself with simple games on her phone, chatting with the crew, and hanging out with Cass when he is free of his duties. I know this mission is maybe morally better than Holland's job, but at least hers wasn't going to put us in the middle of a war. The price we pay for trying to be better people, she thinks, as they finally approach the station they're headed to.

A large knot forms in her stomach as Pia pulls up the warship and its many holes. She imagines the terror of being on the ship when it took those hits, and the people that were likely sucked into the void of space by the breaches in its hull. This won't be us, we're just here to pick up one man and jet, she repeats to herself in her head, trying not to think about the same thing happening to all of them. "Not sure I even want to think about that," she admits, at the mention of the state of the other ship. "Let's just... let's make sure that's not us, yeah?"
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass nods with certainty, finding the need to allay Tess's fears. "We're one of the fastest tubs out here. Anything short of a cruiser class, and our armor should hold long enough to skip out. But we'll play it safe, just to be sure."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yeah," Hikaru says, the risks of being in an active warzone weighing down upon him. "We've just gotta look out for ourselves. This isn't our war to fight so let's not get too wrapped up in it, okay?" Can't wait to get to better systems again... He lets out a heavy breath, trying to relax for the mission to come.

He takes note of the ring they're assigned to dock in. "If things don't pan out with House Kylen, could still go for that smuggling plan. I'm sure some of those supply ships hit the surface, right?"
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