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Post by ratwizard »

Samiira & Velasco
This room is too inconsequential to map, so theater of mind.
You find yourself in a dark chamber, lit only by a few embrasures in the brick walls that let in the waning sunset and approaching moonlight.

There is a spiral staircase that leads both up, and down.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Samiira holds a finger to her lips, before pointing at Velasco and signaling him to watch the stairs coming up from the floors below. She then makes sure her garotte is wrapped tightly around her hands before she slowly starts to make her way upstairs.
Readying Garotte Strangle to shift 10 feet and attack the sentry.

Shifts to Sentry.
14 vs Ref = hit?
If hit, deals 10 damage (Sentry is killed if it has 10 or fewer HP remaining), target is grabbed until my EONT, taking they take -2 to attack rolls against me and cannot speak for the duration of the grab.
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Post by ratwizard »

You standby in the dim room, keeping watch on the stairs, while Samiira creeps up.
Your steps are silent as you climb the spiral staircase. The stairs reach open air, the remnants of a hatch splintered and broken, laying uselessly as rain trickles down inside. At the top of the tower stands the remnants of a wooden structure that once would have been a formidably-placed watchtower. Now, it's leaning form only reaches a few feet off the ground, with a fallen roof that obscures the east end of the fort from the tower's view. A man takes cover from the rains under the crooked roof. He leans against the central pillar inside, his back to you. A lantern rests near him, hanging on a hook.

The man makes no notice of your lurking. You creep forth, before lunging upwards and bringing the garrote tightly around his neck. He grunts in wordless pain and surprise, his hands instinctively clutching at his throat.
Hits Reflex 14 for 10 damage. Target is not bloodied, nor does Death Attack proc. Reminder you have Assassin's strike if you'd prefer it to proc here.

Also, surprise round is over. Roll initiative.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Initiative: [1d20+6]=18+6=24
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio stays silent with a watchful gaze as the drunkard emerges from the building. He feels relief once he realizes the booze has robbed the man of his senses. If all are as inebriated as this man, perhaps we may succeed with little trouble. He remains toward the rear, hoping the structure and storm are enough to conceal him.
Stealth: [1d20]=2 ha nope

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Post by ratwizard »

Powder Keg 3 got 16 to initiative. You may go first. To set the scene, you are under the ruined watchtower's crooked roof, out of sight from the south-eastern tower, and several paces from the edge in any direction.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Samiira pulls her garotte tighter, using her weight to strangle the man.
Main: Garotte Strangle
Shifts to Sentry.
17 vs Ref = hit for 12 damage(Sentry is killed if it has 10 or fewer HP remaining), target is grabbed until my EONT, taking they take -2 to attack rolls against me and cannot speak for the duration of the grab.
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Post by ratwizard »

The sentry sputters, his throat fully stopped from the tight pull of your garrote across it. Reaching up at the cord with both hands, he thrusts an elbow back to check you, but it only serves to redouble your grip as you use the momentum against him.

Glancing down, you notice him scrabble at a scabbard on his waistbelt, pulling a sword free.
You hit and deal another 12 damage. Total of 22 so far.

Powder Keg 3: Uses Bull Rush, nat 1 miss. Draws longsword.

Your turn again, round 2.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco waits for a moment as Samiira climbs the stairs. After a moment he follows, ensuring no one comes up behind him. As he approaches the top of the stairs he sees the guard's struggle for life.
Initiative: [1d20+8]=20+8=28
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Post by ratwizard »

Your steps are silent as you climb the spiral staircase. The stairs reach open air, the remnants of a hatch splintered and broken, laying uselessly as rain trickles down inside. At the top of the tower stands the remnants of a wooden structure that once would have been a formidably-placed watchtower. Now, its leaning form only reaches a few feet off the ground, with a fallen roof that obscures the east end of the fort from the tower's view.

Upon this ruined watchtower and beneath its crooked roof, Samiira clings onto a man from behind — her garrote pulled taut against his neck as he sputters and stumbles. He has managed to pull free his longsword from his scabbard.
Velasco & Samiira
Round 2

28 - Velasco
24 - Samiira
16 - Powder Keg 3 (-22/?)

Go: Velasco, then Samiira
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Post by BartNL »

I think we should remain hidden. No sense in going down now, and a stealth takedown at a distance seems risky.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco moves quickly, finding a burst of energy from within himself. He leaps forward and draws his sword in an attempt to slash the guard.
Move action: move into range of the guard.
Standard Action: Flesh Rend - @Powder Keg 3
To hit: [1d20+9]=11+9=20
Damage: [1d10+8]=7+8=15.
Effect: Target takes -2 to attack rolls until SONT Velasco. Will choose to not use the movement portion.
Combat Block
Velasco "V" Vasquez

Male Vryloka Hexblade 3
Languages: Grystok, (Modern) Serran
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 14
Fort: 13
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 29/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

Flesh Rend (MBA): +9 vs AC. 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Eldritch Bolt (RBA): +7 vs Reflex. 1d10+8 Force Damage.

Resist 6 Necrotic



Active Effects:


Eldritch Bolt
Flesh Rend
Convocation of Shadows
Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Spirit Flay [_][_]
Sign of the Golden Ram [_]
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Malicious Shadow [_]
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_]
Unnatural Vitality [_]
Item Daily [_]



Important Features:
Power Details
Convocation of Shadows - Free Action - Trigger: I reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, or an enemy adjacent to me drops to 0 hit points. Effect: I am insubstantial and phasing until the end of my next turn.
Eldritch Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - Target: One Creature. Attack: Charisma vs Reflex. Hit: 1d10+ Charisma Modifier force damage. Special: I can use this power as a ranged basic attack.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Force damage.
Flesh Rend - Standard Action - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs AC - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and can slide the target 1 square. The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the SONT. Special: I can use this power as a melee basic attack.
^To Hit: +9 vs AC. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Spirit Flay [_] - Standard Action - Target: One or two creatures - Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic and psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the EONT. Effect: Gain partial concealment until EONT.
^To Hit: +8 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic and Psychic damage.
Lifeblood [_] - Free Action - Trigger: I kill or bloody an enemy. Effect: Gain one of the following benefits - *Shift up to my speed. *Gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + one-half my level. *Gain +2 power bonus to attack rolls until EONT.
Sign of the Golden Ram [_] - Standard Action - Close Burst 2 - Effect: Burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of my next turn. Until the effect ends, I can use it's second power at-will.
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_] - Opportunity Action - Close Burst 2 - Target: Triggering Enemy - Attack: Highest Ability Modifier vs Will - Trigger: An enemy enters or starts it's turn in my area - hit: Highest Ability Modifier damage and shove target 3 squares from origin square.
Malicious Shadow [_] - Standard Action - Ranged 5 - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier cold and necrotic damage - Miss: Half damage - Effect: Conjure a shadow figure in a square adjacent to the target. The shadow lasts until EONT. While adjacent to the shadow, enemies grant CA to me. While it persists, can use the secondary power through the shadow at will.
^To hit: +6 vs Reflex. Damage: 3d8+5 cold and necrotic.
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_] - Immediate Interrupt - Melee 1 - Target: Triggering enemy - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Trigger: An enemy willingly leaves a square adjacent to the shadow on its turn. Hit: 10 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the EOT.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 10 cold and necrotic.
Unnatural Vitality [_] - Free Action - Trigger: Kill a non-minion enemy with a melee attack - Effect: Gain +2 power bonus to Death saving throws, and to saving throws against ongoing damage. In addition, I don't need to eat, drink, or breathe, making me immune to starvation and suffocation. These effects last until the end of my next extended rest.

Race Features
Blood Dependency: When bloodied, my healing surge value drops by 2.
Human Heritage: +5 to bluff checks to pass as a human.
Living Dead: I count as both living and undead, and can choose which type will apply on spells and effects that treat living creatures and undead creatures differently.
Necrotic Resistance: Gain necrotic resistance equal to 5 +1/2 level.
Vampiric Heritage: I can replace 2nd level+ utility powers with Vryloka utility powers.
Lifeblood: Gain the lifeblood power.

Class/Path/Destiny/Theme Features
Level 1 Occultist Feature: You gain proficiency with tomes.  You can master and perform rituals in the binding category as though you had the Ritual Caster feat.   In addition, you gain the sign of the golden ram power.
Gloom Pact Reward: Gain tiered damage bonus. This bonus is equal to my dex mod. At 5th level add 2, at 15th add 4, and 6 at 25th.
Gloom Pact Weapon: Gain the Scourge of Exquisite Agony warlock item, as well as the Flesh Rend and Spirit Flay attack powers.

:White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Bonus - I gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that you make with any weapon or implement with which you have proficiency. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level. I also gain proficiency with Orbs.
Arcane Familiar (Shadow Raven): Level One - I gain a familiar. For each familiar feat I have beyond this one, my familiar gains a +1 bonus to its defenses.
Improved Initiative -: Level Two - +4 to Initiative.

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Post by Namelessjake »

As Velasco joins the fight, Samiira continues strangling the sentry.
Main: Sustain Garotte Strangle
deals 16 damage (Sentry is killed if it has 10 or fewer HP remaining), target is grabbed until my EONT, taking they take -2 to attack rolls against me and cannot speak for the duration of the grab.
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Post by ratwizard »

Velasco & Samiira
Velasco's blade scores the man across the belly, and he staggers wildly, bearing even more weight on his neck against Samiira's garrote. At her continued tug, his eyes loll back, and his knees buckle.
Velasco: hits, bloodies.

Samiira: sustains, kills.

Each of you, roll Acrobatics, Stealth, or something else to try and mitigate any noise from his fall.
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Post by Namelessjake »

As the man's body goes limp, Samiira does her best to slow his fall. One down.
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Post by ratwizard »

Samiira & Velasco
Samiira catches the man, only his boots scrabbling across the floor as he goes down. Then, quiet.

A moment later, the pair of you hear a distant voice, seemingly from the grounds. Peeking over the watchtower, you see the drunken man who had exited the building is now calling up to the southeastern tower, where the others are hiding. He appears to be addressing them in some capacity, though you cannot hear his voice — only the echoes of it that bounce off the walls.
Alerio, Josie, Hadrurus, Pohaku
Per Scratch's roll and Bart's OOC suggestion, I am proceeding as if all are staying up top.

Rolled Stealth for remaining PCs:
Josie: 8
Hadrurus: 9
Pohaku: 13
As the drunken man continues, he catches a glimpse from atop the battlements and cracks a grin, approaching your way. Stumbling a moment, he squints hard against the rain and the darkness, waving a hand as if to make you out. "Vous troooiiiiis... vous vous relâchez, d'accord?" he calls up your way in a thick Imardanian accent with a pronounced slur to it. "Écoute, si tu racontes des histoires, tu dois entendre cette blague qu'Emantu a dite! Ça fait comme... euh, comme..."

His babbling starts to trail off, as he scratches his head in confusion.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Let's hope the others can deal with that," Samiira says to Velasco, quickly turning her attention back to the man on the floor. "You cut through his clothes a bit, but the outer layers should still be convincing," she says, starting to pull off the man's jacket.

With his jacket free, she throws it on. She takes one last look at the man's face, before her own starts to change. Her features morph as her skin lightens, until a few moments later the man she had just killed now stands before Velasco.

"This should make it easy to approach the other sentries," she says to Velasco, her voice now deeper and masculine. "If only I knew Imardanian."
Changeling Disguise
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Post by Fialova »

"What is he saying?" Josie whispers to the others, turning to her companions in hopes that one of them speaks Imardanian. "He seems to have spotted us, so we'll need to do something soon before he alerts others. He might even realize we're not part of his group, though, at this distance and with how drunk he is."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I do not know," Alerio says, the drunken slurring making the foreign language even more incomprehensible to the Talon. "Perhaps we may gesture him over and silence him as he nears?"

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Post by ratwizard »

Velasco & Samiira
The thick jacket comes away from the dead man's body, and soon enough, Samiira has mimicked his appearance perfectly save for her underlayers.
The Powder Kegs being originally Imardanian navy rejects, they would speak Imardanian primarily. However, as sailors, some may also speak Common — and their time on the Borstidian coast may preclude them to have some familiarity with Grystok as well.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Let's check the lower levels of this tower and then move on to the next one," Samiira suggests. "Stick to the shadows but stay close. I'll get close and garotte any sentries, then you can move in to finish them off," she says, before heading for the ladder back down the tower.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku narrows his eyes, trying to gauge the drunken sentry's intentions. He turns to Josie and whispers back, "He's definitely seen us, but his mind is muddled by drink. We need to act quickly before he sounds an alarm."
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Post by BartNL »

Is there an empty bottle nearby, or does anyone have one?
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Post by ratwizard »

I don't see anything listed on you four's character sheets, but a couple of you have waterskins — 4 in particular for Pohaku.

The platform you're standing on is pretty bare. There's some rubble and a few spare stones from the eroding structure. It doesn't look like the sentries were stationary on this part of the battlements.
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Post by BartNL »

Hadrurus takes his waterskin, get's up in view of the man and takes a big sip and and beckons him to come up for a drink.
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Post by ratwizard »

Samiira & Velasco
You head back down the spiral staircase, reaching the same level you were at before. There is another door, this one that leads to the western battlement, north of your immediate position.

The stairs also lead further downwards, toward what must be the base of the tower.
Alerio, Hadrurus, Pohaku, Josie
The man stares at Hadrurus as he steps from the shadows to reveal himself. "Hé, tu fais partie des nouveaux?" He asks. "Déjà bu au travail? Très bien, laisse-moi d'abord pisser avant de voir ce que tu as dans cette peau, alors, recrue."

With a grin, he steps past you toward the eastern wall. He approaches a small divot in the eroding ground against the walls, unbuckling his belt and beginning to urinate. He grunts as he does, his babbling continuing but unheard by you.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio glances at the drunkard with a degree of unease. He keeps a low voice, not wanting an unfamiliar voice to alert the man. "Perhaps if he draws nearer, we could..." He looks to the others, giving a push gesture with his hands.
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Post by BartNL »

I am a bit confused, is this man at the top or bottom of the wall? How could we push him off?
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Post by ratwizard »

Alerio, Hadrurus, Pohaku, Josie
The man is beneath you, on ground level, urinating against the eastern wall that reaches up to approximately two stories. As a reminder, the southeast tower's top is flush with the surrounding battlements of the eastern and southern walls, all at two stories tall.

I think Scratch was suggesting if the man climbs up the ladder from ground level, he receive a push back down.
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Post by Fialova »

"He seems unfazed by us. Perhaps he cannot tell we are enemies from this distance. Might be good to just ignore him, he doesn't appear alarmed and will probably just return as if nothing happened." He must be quite drunk to not realize there are more of us than there should be. Hopefully the others are just as drunk, that should make this operation quite simple.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That is true. Perhaps it is to our boon, if Samiira is successful in her own task," Alerio responds, keeping a watchful eye on the drunk man. "He may yet believe their sentries are on duty." Though let him not report Hadrurus' invitation to drink.

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Post by Namelessjake »

Samiira continues making her way down the tower, wanting to make sure it is clear before moving to the next one.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco follows behind, trusting Samiira.
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Post by ratwizard »

Alerio, Pohaku, Hadrurus, Josie
The man finishes urinating, and he begins to head back toward the south-eastern tower, making for the ladder. "Très bien, drôle de gars, j'y vais. J'espère que vous en avez laissé à partager," he calls up as he begins to climb.
Samiira & Velasco
You quietly descend the tower's staircase, coming to a small, L-shaped chamber at the base which must be ground level. With no windows or embrasures, it is quite dark here, save for a lit candle on the far wall. There is a door north of you that seems to lead toward what must be a smaller partitioned room, and likely the ground entrance to the tower.

The dusty room is tiled with old sheets of stone in a loose pattern. On the east wall, you spot a large trunk, as well as a half-dozen barrels about a foot tall that line the wall.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"It may prove difficult to ignore him now," Alerio whispers, watching with apprehension as the drunkard begins his way up the ladder. Perhaps now we may push him off... Or lure him toward the tower's edge.

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Post by Namelessjake »

"We'll check through there, and then go back up and make our way to the next tower," Samiira says quietly to Velasco, gesturing for him to hide to the side of the doorway before she makes her way over to the door and opens it.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco nods, keeping his sword drawn as he carefully moves down the stairs. He makes his way over to the side of the door, wincing a bit before crouching down, making sure he's out of sight.
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Post by Fialova »

"We can wait until he is fully on the ramparts, then toss him to the sea," Josie responds, eyeing the drunken man with caution and curiosity. He seems completely unfazed by us, he should be easy to catch off guard, if he is even capable of mustering being on-guard in his current state.
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Post by ratwizard »

Alerio, Pohaku, Hadrurus, Josie - OOC
For context, while the Powder Keg clearly noticed one or more of you at first, only Hadrurus has truly stepped out of cover to address the man directly.

Are you preparing any actions to trigger, or just waiting for him to continue climbing for now?
You open the door, which leads to a cramped room with another door opposite you — this one seeming to lead to courtyard. In the room there is a dilapidated workstation containing dusty smithing tools and supplies, including an ancient-looking anvil. On the other wall are various sacks. One of them has tipped over, revealing a variety of metal fixings, nails, and other hardware. You imagine this may have been used once for maintenance of the fort and its garrison's equipment, though it has seen little use in the decades since.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"All clear, let's head back up," Samiira says as she sees the room is empty. She starts the climb back up the tower, this time taking the door that leads out on to the wall and making her way towards the next tower.
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Post by ratwizard »

Velasco, if following Samiira
You suspect a third sentry is afoot somewhere along the western / northwestern portion of the battlements based on the count and description from Josie. Make a Stealth check if you are leaving the tower to continuing in that direction behind Samiira.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio would wait for him to climb, keeping to the shadows a bit. He was down to toss the guy into the sea from the start
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Post by BartNL »

Hadrurus want's the guy to climb up, and offer his hand as the man reaches the top of the ladder. Then he want's to grapple and toss the man from the tower outside on the cliffside.
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Post by ratwizard »

Alerio, Hadrurus, Pohaku, Josie
The Powder Keg continues climbing up to the ladder. From the angle, you can see he wears simple breeches and jack of plate that's been mottled by the rains. At his waist sways a sheathed longsword. As he nears the top, Hadrurus lowers a hand to help him up. "Merci, recrue. Maintenant, où—" he says, his words stopping immediately as he looks past Hadrurus at the other three of you.
You have gained a surprise round. Powder Keg 2 is granting CA to all, and is considered on the same level as you all. Act in whatever order you please, but also roll initiative.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco nods and follows Samiira onto the wall, crouching as low as he can while they move.
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Post by ratwizard »

Velasco & Samiira
As the two of you exit the tower to the north, you find yourself at the ruined gatehouse that makes up the entrance of the fort at ground level.

Built into the gatehouse beneath you is a large, wooden double-door about two body-lengths tall, closed shut. While much of the tower's construction so far appears to be in disrepair, the door, you notice, must be newly built.

Further along the battlement after a turn westward is a rounded tower, similar in construction to the one you could see on the northeastern corner. It is slightly raised up from the battlements you walk along, but you don't see any movement from that direction.

You do, however, spot movement to your east. The man you saw previously leave the main hall is now climbing the ladder up to the southeastern tower. Hadrurus holds a hand out to the man to help him with the final rung up.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Dangerous evening to be a lone powder keg," Samiira whispers to Velasco, spotting the man likely being helped to his death across the other side of the for. She continues to make for the next tower that contains a lantern, intent on dealing with the next sentry.
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Post by BartNL »

Hadrurus pretends to offer the slaver his hand. As the man reaches out, Hadrurus leans in and takes his arm in a lock.

Grab attack: [1d20+8]=16+8=24 vs. reflex

Last edited by BartNL on Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco glances across for a moment and then looks up toward the next tower, and nods resolutely. He continues to follow behind Samiira, ready to strike if things go wrong.
May I ready an Eldritch Bolt to shoot off if an enemy pops out?
Eldritch Bolt - Ranged 10 - 1 creature - 1d20+7 vs Ref to hit, 1d10+8 damage
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

He has seen us. We must act fast. As Hadrurus grabs hold of the drunkard, Alerio swings his flail, bludgeoning and piercing the man's flesh.
Init: [1d20+1]=9+1=10

Assuming adjacent...
Surprise attack: Blessing of Wrath on PK2
Attack: [1d20+12]=18+12=30 vs 
Damage: [1d10+6]=9+6=15
Myself or one ally gain a +3 bonus to the next damage roll against PK2 until EONT
Combat Block
Alerio Zavala

Male Deva Warpriest 3
Languages: Modern Serran, Old Serran, Grystok
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6 (-1)
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 15
Reflex: 11
Will: 17
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d10 damage
MBA (Charging): +10 vs Fort, 1d10 +6 damage
RBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Necrotic 6
Radiant 6
Lightning 5
Thunder 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Blessing of Wrath
Storm Hammer

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Smite Undead [_]*
Thundering Steel [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Healing Word [_][_]
Storm Surge [_]*
Create Water [_]
Hammering Wind [_]


Moment of Glory [_]
Shield of Faith [_]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Storm Domain: You gain resist 5 lightning and resist 5 thunder. In addition, when you use your healing word, the target gains a +2 power bonus to the next damage roll they make before the end of their next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Elemental Initiate: You gain a +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and your unarmed attack can deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You also gain proficiency with ki focuses.

Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Weapon proficiency (Triple-headed flail): You gain proficiency with Triple-headed flail.
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