Escape Trajectory: Makkuro — IC

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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze, seeing Tess's anxiety, approaches her with a calm demeanor. He knows the feeling of walking into a warzone all too well, and he wants to reassure her as best as he can without saying too much. 

"I get it, Tess," he says, leaning against the wall nearby. "Warzones are never easy, and the unknown can be pretty terrifying. But we're not here to engage in any battles. We're in and out, quick extraction. We stick to the plan, and we'll be fine."

He glances at the screen displaying the battered warship, then back at Tess. "I've seen my fair share of these kinds of operations. The key is to stay focused and remember that we're a team. We look out for each other. Plus, we've got the skills and the ship to handle this. We'll get through it."

Kaze then tries to lighten the mood a bit, offering a small smile. "And hey, if things go south, I've always wanted to try out that plasma cannon. Could be a good chance to see what it can really do." He winks, hoping to ease some of her tension with a bit of humor.
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Post by BartNL »

Warner looks at the damaged Berez with a pained look.
There's always a chance it was under mother's superior command. She'd not shy away from Antheus, if they only let her. Warner sighs heavily. I've been wrapped up in the war for most of your life captain. Warner angrily looks over at Kaze as he quips about murdering good league and Anthean men.
"Let's not resort to wanton slaughter if we can avoid it. If not for moral reasons, we are damn well outgunned in this system."
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass nods at Warner's words of caution. "We'll have better luck chasing pirates in a frontier system. Right now, the Mak's greatest strength is her speed, and keeping ourselves away from trouble."

He turns to Hikaru. "What's the plan with House Kylen? We just gonna show up, try and make contact with them or another House, and work towards getting this letter? I'm out of my element when it comes to this political theater shit," he admits. 
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Post by greysigil »

"Thirded, best not open fire without a damn good reason." Kate echos after the doctor and the hacker.

"And yeah, me too, politics ain't my strong suit. At least in a warzone you're expecting to get shot, not all that cloak-and-dagger shit." She says, before looking around and noticing the others that are significantly less comfortable with the ambient danger.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Guess that depends," Hikaru starts at Cass's question. "Whether they already know we're here to meet them or not." That clearance code might've told a whole story. Who knows? He sighs, eyes fixated upon the damaged ship on the monitor. Just gotta be careful.

"If not, we should try to get a feel for this place first. But it's a Kylen facility our man's at, so having their favor might help us out there."

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Post by Namelessjake »

The Mak glides past the ships around the station, and Creed pilots you in towards Calhun's Redoubt. As you approach the docking ring, a large painted C-7 on the station's exterior directs you to your berth. While the docks are constructed around the two spinning habitation rings of the station, they themselves are stationary, fixed to the station's central spine, making docking maneuvers trivial and aiding the movement of cargo by ensuring the docks are kept in zero-g. You hear the clunk of the docking clamps as they grab ahold of the Makkuro, followed by the airlock indicators showing a hard seal.

Making your way off the ship and onto the station, you find the docks busy and alive with activity. Dockers, privateers, technicians and crewmen all hurry past in both directions, carrying cargo crates, fuel pods, ammunition crates and spare parts. The foot traffic through the docking ring is effectively doubled, with people walking on both the ceiling the the floor, making use of the advantages provided by a zero-g environment and mag boots.

There is no armed welcoming committee awaiting you, unlike your first arrival at Asteria Station, as no one seems to pay you any mind as they go about their business.

A nearby sign shows the harbormasters' office as being several berths to your left, a potential first port of call should you want to get the ship refueled and restocked with supplies, while it also provides directions to the right, leading to the inner ring.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Let's hit the harbormasters' office to refuel. Need another fuel pellet to spike out of here eventually," Cass suggests, trying to get a read on the foreign station's layout and vibe.

"After that, maybe we can take a lap, stretch our legs some. See what sort of businesses run on this place, private and public."
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Post by Fialova »

"It's not the battles that scare me, just... the void, if we lose," Tess responds, finding Kaze's offer of consolation sweet, if misguided. 

Once on the station, Tess finds herself somewhat more at ease. Still in space, but at least this station's not at any risk of being shot open. She takes a deep breath before following after Cass towards the office. "Should probably look into where to get this letter of marque before we do too much exploring of our own. Not sure how long we can stay docked before they realize we don't actually have proper clearance from anyone in charge."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Then we should split up, cover more ground. It seems safe here for now," Cass suggests. "Glitter and Doc, or Kaze, maybe you look into making contact with House Kylen. I'll see if I can find us some work, even if it's just a shipping lane or an on-station contract. Might get us a letter of marque if Kylen doesn't pan out."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed spends most of the flight anxious, ready for the military ships to turn on them.

As he lands the ship in the hangar, he tries to calm himself down It's okay Eridas... We've got this. he thinks to himself, and pulls himself away. "Mover, keep the ship ready for a fast getaway. I don't trust any of this." he says, patting Mover on the shoulder.

He steps toward the others and says; "Okay, splitting up? Where?"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Huh," Hikaru manages, somewhat surprised that a military outpost seemingly let them dock without questions. Asteria was more careful than this... Guess that clearance code was all they cared about. "Worth a try, at least. We've just gotta be careful. I don't wanna end up in diplomatic trouble on top of everything else." He looks to Warner, cocking his head. "Care to join? Seems like you know your way around a place like this."
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Post by BartNL »

Lucky he asks me himself. I'd like to do this myself without having to insert myself. Warner gives the kid-captain a thumbs up.
"Yes captain. Ready in five." Warner replies. Wonder if any of my old contacts are around.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Not only do you know your way around places like this, you happen to know your way around this place itself, having spent time on Calhun's Redoubt in the past.

While it was a few years ago you were last here and some minor things may have changed, you know the rough layout of the station. The docks you are currently in, serve as the civilian entry point to the station, allowing civilian ships to dock to offload cargo and passengers. While the inner habitation ring, houses the residential and commercial areas needed to support the running of the docks and the station.

The other docks and ring they encompass, serve the various militaries of the Anthean Houses and would be home to the main offices of any representation they have on station. While that area is would be off limits to you currently, there should be some noble presence near the spine of the station which connects the two rings.
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Post by BartNL »

"This station is the main point of entry for civilians." Warner explains to Hikaru after they head off. "The Antheans don't form two sides, both sides are a patchwork of formal armies, local liberators, criminal enterprises, extremists, fanatics etc. the usual for civil wars. So our luck will have it that besides house Kylen, many others allied houses are also represented right here at the stations spine. Gives us options, different methods of approach."
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Post by ratwizard »

FinalTemplar wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:59 pm "Okay, splitting up? Where?"
"That's what we're trying to cover, beratna. You wanna come with? See what sort of private enterprise they've got going on out here?"

Cass listens closely to Warner explain the makeup of the station as well as their options, nodding along. "Good to know. The letter doesn't have to be from Kylen, we just need one to gain orbital access," he reminds the others. "And we still don't know if we can just walk out of that research lab with Bao's contact, or if we've gotta run."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

"Yeah, sure. Let's see what they've got going on."
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Post by Fialova »

"Alright, buddy system it is, then," Tess responds, before quickly turning to Kate. "Come with, we can have a girl's day while the boys all hang out together," she continues, holding out her hand for the woman to grab. "See what the station's got for rations, supplies for the workshop, or whatever else. Whaddya say?" she asks, hoping that the relatively new crew member will agree to accompany her. Gotta get to know her before Cass hogs her as her only friend. Plus she seems into him, so we can gossip. This'll be great.
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Post by greysigil »

Kate looks back, her eyes widening slightly at the invitation. She blinks twice in quick succession, before slowly reaching her own hand out to take Tess'. "Oh, well, y-yeah, sounds good to me. Might be they've got some good parts layin' around." She says, glancing around the room at the others. "Anyone needs anythin' specific, lemme know, I'll keep an eye out."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Good luck," Cass wishes the others. "I'll report back within the hour."
I'd like to consult the station directories, the harbormaster's office, any public markets to suss out who are the main players on Calhun's Redoubt, and to try and find legitimate work. Preferably a ship-based job, even if it's something as basic as shipping. Anything to possibly establish the legal means to land on Antheus.

Can I roll Trade/Int? Or Connect/Int?
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Got it," Hikaru says with a quick nod to Warner. "Flexibility is good. If we can get clearance to the surface without having to put a mark on our backs, I think we'd all feel a lot better." Signing up to be a merc just gives us more enemies. Even if we can outrun 'em, would rather that be a last resort. He crosses his arms as they walk toward the spine, frowning as he knows he's out of his depth. Ugh, this isn't just a red carpet interview. It's a goddamn war.

"Tell me a bit about the other houses, yeah? Which would be our best bet, do you think?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

Make a Int/Know check.
Make a Connect/Cha check.
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Post by Fialova »

Tess & Kate
"Let's go, then," Tess says, beginning to lead Kate forward by the hand as the two make their way into the station proper. "Big place like this has got to have a lot on offer, especially with the war on," she says, as they break away from the rest of the group to head off on their own. "Repairs aplenty, I'm sure. Can't hurt to stock up, and plus, we've not really hung out much since you joined, y'know? How are you liking it on the Mak?" Tess asks, glancing towards the other woman with a large smile. Hopefully she's starting to feel at home with us, and not just like we're another set of employers to ditch when a better gig comes her way.
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Post by BartNL »

Int/Know: [2d6-1]=11-1=10
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Aye aye," Mover replies to Creed, giving the pilot a thumbs up without looking away from his console as he continues through the last of the docking procedures.

Outside of the ship you opt to split up with Cass and Creed heading for the harbor master's office and Tess and Kate heading for the habitation ring, leaving Hikaru, Warner and Kaze in the docking bay, planning to head for the station's spine.
While it has been some time since you've set foot on Antheus, with your vested interest in the planet you do your best to keep abreast of any news and politics coming out of the system - at least to the degree that ship carried communications allows.

While there are technically hundreds of nobles houses, many of those lack resources or holdings, simply serving the other more powerful houses. With House Calhun and therefore the Redoubt being League aligned, you would expect most of the prominent League allied houses have a presence here.

League Aligned Houses

Great Houses
House Kylen
For the past few decades House Kylen has been the most powerful of all the noble houses of Antheus. Over the years others have come close to matching their power, however those houses have waxed and waned, while House Kylen endures. They rule the largest city on Antheus, Ksar Birkir, in the South Pole, along with several other important holdings planetside and in space, usually ruled in their stead by smaller cadet branches of the family.

House Calhun
Maybe House Kylen's closest competitor and another house of the Southern Pole, House Calhun is powerful, especially militarily, with a decently sized household army, fleet, and ownership of Calhun's Redoubt of one of their holdings. Despite this, the two have been joined by marriage since an alliance was brokered by League diplomats during the Bronze rebellion.

House Khalas
Another Southern Great House, House Khalas was the prominent house on the planet before Kylen. It is an incredibly wealthy and prestigious house, although it lost much of its real power due to complacency. There are rumours their position in the alliance is tenuous, as the tradition oriented house is unhappy with the concessions to democracy the other houses have agreed to at the League's behest.

Minor Houses
House Sarina
A minor house with few holdings on Antheus itself. They are only really notable thanks to an ancient charter granting them the entirety of Vaals as a holding. While the gas giant has few moons suitable for mining, the construction of Sarina's Keep and its value as the system's primary starship fuel refinery has lead to a rise in prominence for House Sarina as space travel has become more common over the years.

House Dramir
A minor house, whose political power mostly comes from their prominence in the Cartage Guild, with many of its high ranking positions filled by members of House Dramir. The guild that oversees trade on Antheus and in the Mardis system. They have invested heavily in spaceships, although they are mostly free traders and bulk freighters.

House Venir
A house with a reputation for a desire for glory, they have been known to insert themselves into the small petty wars of other houses, simply looking to find glory in battle. They often make heavy use of privateers and mercenaries, skirting the Anthean tradition of mercenary companies or ships needing a noble Captain by offering their smaller holdings as payment. These are mockingly called Lifetime Appointments as the new nobles usually meet their demise not long after, with the title reverting to House Venir to be granted to the next mercenary they wish to employ.

House Nadatu
A minor house whose modest holdings lie on the edge of the desert. They are not of much note but are familiar to you thanks to their support of the Hornets during the Bronze Rebellion, with much of the fighting you took part in occurring on their lands.

Diktat Aligned Houses

Great Houses
House Eedlon
The North of Antheus is weaker and poorer than the South, however there is still one house in the North that most people would class as a Great House. The ruling house of the largest city of the North, House Eedlon with their Diktat backing, are the main instigators of the current war.

Minor Houses
House Redgar
A more minor house of the South, House Redgar is notable in that it has swapped sides from the Bronze Rebellion. Allowing Diktat forces to land in their lands in the Southern hemisphere.

House Viridian
Once a great house of the North, House Viridian saw a fall in imminence in the years leading up to the Bronze Rebellion, which lead to them being one of the instigators of the rebellion, hoping to regain some of their power over the southern houses.
Cass & Creed
You explore the docks, making your way towards the harbourmaster's office. There, speaking to the reception you discover orders for fuel, repairs, and supplies can be put in through their office. With rates seeming to be about standard, despite the war. Asking about work they direct you to a portside bar at the tip of the semi circle structure that constitutes the civilian docking ring, called the Stationkeeper's Arms.

Reaching the bar you find the zero g bar, with a large glass window providing a view of Phenix below and many of the warships at anchor just off the station. The bar is several stories tall, crisscrossed with gantries that provide strap-in seating and tables, although most of the patrons appear to prefer to stay on the float, close to a railing or surface to ensure they don't get stuck. The clientel seems pretty typical for a port bar, pilots, crewmen, technicians and dockworkers rubbing shoulders with merchants or other passengers passing through, along with a couple of people in Valetel and Anthean naval uniforms.

Asking about work the bartender, a grizzled looking woman in her fifties who moves in the zero g space as if born to it, directs you to several screens in the corner of the room. From what you have gathered so far, Antheus is ruled by its noble houses under a feudal system, with several inter-house run guilds that help facilitate the bigger plans and infrastructure a space going civilisation requires. The screens now in front of you appear to represent three of these guilds; The Cartage Guild, The Extraction Guild, and The Shikari.

The three terminals prompt you for access codes, in order to get past the log in screens displaying the guild's seals.
Kate & Tess
You head for the habitation ring, soon finding a queue by a large door which you join. A few moments later the door opens and a crowd of people flow out into the docking ring. Once the carriage is clear, the line begins to move as you head inside. An automated voice plays instructing you to take up a position on the wall and grab on to one of the hand rails provided.

Following the other passengers as they step up on to the wall using their magnetic boots and the lack of gravity, the door soon closes and you feel the carriage shift, starting to move to one side as gains speed. The carriage accelerates until it has matched the speed of the habitation ring and, much like on Asteria Station, you feel the artificial gravity of the centripetal force generated by the spin pushing you downwards. What had initially been the floor when you entered the compartment now opens and you are able to step out onto the habitation ring.

The ring is much like any other station you have been on before, although the ceilings are much lower than on Asteria, which had the luxury of space granted by its asteroid based construction. A long corridor runs in both directions, disappearing up around the curve of the ring at either end. Several small shops, bars and cafes line the corridor here, while the businesses appear to give way to less advertised uses further from the carriage back to the docks.

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Post by BartNL »

"House Kylen can grant us everything we'd need of course. But then we better have a good plan. House Calhun is both their main competitor and strongest ally. So unless we find someone unhappy with that arrangement, no dice. If we do however, it's probably the most useful house to have on our side. Then there's the third great house, house Khalas. Wealthy, prestigious but no strong military power. And that's what matters most since the Bronze rebellion. They are allied for geopolitical reasons, not ideologically. They don't exactly love the league, and that may extend to people like ourselves. Smaller houses are also good options. Warner explains to Hikaru. Then Warner points out some of the many signs about house Sarina and their fuel."Don't be fooled with house Sarina, they may have a heavy present at the ports, but that's because they are an up-jumped fuelling station. They may very well be the most important of the minor houses, but that's only when it concerns fuel and space travel. House Dramir is somewhat similar. They control the cartage guild, and that's about it. They would be a good source of future jobs. Then again, if either those houses owe you a favour, you are in a good position to get things done." Warner remembers the Hornets getting paid for 'securing' trade routes for house Dramir. We helped them monopolise whole routes. They paid us in the weapons and supplies so we needed to fight for our shared interest against the Diktat. Smart bastards."House Venir is very friendly to mercenaries and the like." Warner points out a wanted poster that promises very good pay for little work. "They pay very well, no lies there, but there's always a catch. They like to reward mercenary captains with lifetime appointments of small holdings." Warner takes a good look at Hikaru. "If you want to live past the ripe old age of 25, stay clear of them and their promises. If you want to become a sidenote in the annals of a forgotten Anthean hold, go for it." Warner warns the boy-captain. If I didn't talk him out of working for Venir, I'll have to start looking for a new crew. Or maybe... the house Nadatu. Warner continues walking down the station after giving his explanation of the important houses. Then, once the lecture seems over he continues: "Last, and generally least of the houses important to us, is house Nadatu. Tough people they are. Their holdings are small, and then most of it is desert and other unusable land. To make things worse, it's also where a lot of the fighting has happened. But I do have good relations. They'll hear what I have to say. They owe me that at least. Of course there's also Diktat allied houses; Eedlon, Redgar, Veridian and countless smaller ones. Don't start asking around for them here, not even as a joke. I'd sooner strangle you myself on the spot than having to deal with allegations of being a Diktat spy." Warner replies with a cold look in his eyes.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Of the housesWarner lists, one stands out to you. You recall meeting Maximillian Redgar III on Asteria Station and taking him to help deal with the pirates.
You recognize House Viridian as the house who ruled over your home village, although with being the house you fought for while a mercenary with the Iron Wolves.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Cass and Creed
After being given the run-around, Creed takes a few moments to read the screen. "Access codes, huh? I wonder if that's related to the letter that we got the others looking into." He says and starts stroking his chin
as he thinks. "Or, I guess, could be based on membership with one of the guilds, yeah?" He asks, tilting his head. "Well... since that's a bit of a dead end, do we wanna see what kinds of supplies the harbourmaster has available? I'm sure we could use some fuel anyway."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru nods along, listening to Warner describe the geopolitics of Antheus and its house. He raises an eyebrow at the mention of House Redgar. Huh, so that weirdo was kind of a big deal. At least in these parts. He considers their options for a moment, gears turning in his head. "Right, Kylen could give us all we need and more." Dangerous enemy though if they don't like us snooping around their lab. "Hard pass on Venir. I kinda like living," he says with an anxious chuckle. 

"So if not Kylen or Calhun, maybe Dramir or Nadatu then. Playing merchant for House Dramir wouldn't be too hard, and might keep us out of a firefight, yeah? And it sounds like we could fall back on Nadatu, worse comes to worse." He nods, trying to formulate a game plan for how they might approach each. The smaller houses have less to offer us, but they might not require as much in return then.
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Post by BartNL »

"Care to share your thoughts, mr. local?" Warner ask Kaze.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze nods, collecting his thoughts before speaking. "Sure thing" he says, his tone respectful but carrying an undercurrent of the hardened mercenary he is.

"House Viridian, they ruled over my home village and I fought for them with the Iron Wolves. I've still got some connections there possibly so people who might remember me might be of use."
He pauses, "We approach them right, play up our usefulness, and we might get that letter of marque without too much hassle. It'd give us the access we need, and maybe even some support while we're in orbit."
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Post by greysigil »

Tess and Kate
Kate follows Tess, pulled slightly off balance by the other woman's enthusiasm. She keeps a firm grip on her hand, not in a death grip, just with to make sure they don't get separated in the crowd. "Yeah, I guess we haven't, huh. Not-- not that I've been avoiding you or anything, just--" She cuts her ramble short, trying to calm her nerves, both from the amount of people and the attractive woman's hand she just realized she's holding.

She mulls over the question, and as they settle into the carriage, she responds. "It's,, nice. Cozy. A lot more, chaotic and informal than my last ship, that's for sure, hah." The laugh is mixed, genuine amusement at the antics and banter she's seen, tinged with a bittersweet note. Wonder what Syd and the crew are up to, these days. It's been a while since I've heard from them, I hope they're OK, I wonder if they're looking for me. I hope these guys like me, at least enough to keep me around for a while.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Uh..." Hikaru casts a glance at the merc, somewhat dumbfounded at the suggestion. "You forget we're on a League station, bud? Why the hell would we even consider that?" He shakes his head wildly, hoping no one else was in earshot. All brawn, I guess. Seriously, talking about connections with the enemy side? Shit, I hope those connections don't fuck us over.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass and Creed
Cass stares at the login screen for a moment, before casting a wary glance over his shoulder. I could crack into this shit quicker than any of these spacers would notice, he estimates. Still, wouldn't do us jack shit when it comes to getting work. Even with a spoofed credential, we still gotta show our face to get paid.

"Yeah, dead end for now. At least we know where to go once we get access," Cass says to the pilot. "Sure, back to the harbormaster. Of course, I was really hoping to make cred, not spend it."
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze offers a shrug. "let's focus on the task at hand then," he says.
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"Let's." Warner replies as he stares daggers at Kaze.
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Post by Fialova »

Tess & Kate
"Yeah, it's been fun," Tess says, a smile still on her face as they head further into the station. "And you seem to be fitting in well, yeah? I know you and Cass certainly get along," she continues, commenting on their many days together working in the ship's new workshop. Fast friends for sure. And from the looks she gives him, maybe something more? She stifles a chuckle at the thought. "But we all appreciate you and the work you do."

As the row of shops comes into view, Tess glances around for signs of any focusing on starship parts, or tools that could be used in the repairs of one. Should she spot one, she'll lead Kate in that direction as they speak more.
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Post by greysigil »

Kate & Tess
"Well, thank ya much, the Makkuro is a good ship, and we seem t'be takin' well to each other, so I'm glad y'all think I'm worth the spot." She responds, keeping a similar eye out, with special attention paid to any particularly rare parts. "An' I mean, seems natural Cass 'n I'd click, both techies, both ex-mil, plus he's the one that got my foot in th'door, y'know, on account of how well we worked together back on Asteria." She adds casually, fully missing the possible implications for a solid minute, until something clicks in the back of her head, and a slight blush creeps in as she tries to guess if that's what Tess actually meant.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Right," Hikaru responds, clearing his throat as he tries to clear past the awkwardness. "Let's hit up Kylen first then, yeah? And don't say anything about those connections, Kaze." He shakes his head, continuing to follow Warner toward their quarry.
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Post by Fialova »

Tess & Kate
Tess smirks, as Kate's face begins to flush. I guess I was right, she's so into him. Can't say I'm surprised. They are together constantly, he's nice to her, and honestly not that bad looking. He just needs to do a better job at grooming and he could look pretty cute. At least he's good in bed. 

"You like him, right?" Tess asks plainly, her smirk turning into a more comforting smile as she tries to ease the other woman's nerves. "I've seen how you look at him. He's cute and smart, I can see why you'd be into him." She pauses, gazing at Kate to gauge her reaction. She is not subtle at all, this girl. Like a schoolgirl crush, I'm surprised no one else has brought it up. Or maybe I'm imagining things, but I seriously doubt it.
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Post by greysigil »

Kate & Tess
Kate's blush grows incandescent at how directly Tess worded the question. "Wait I mean-- I don't-- I,, uhh.. kiiinda?" She trails off, before stopping herself mentally, focusing and manually reorganizing her thoughts into something more comprehensible.

"What I mean is, I hadn't thought about it, him, that way, specifically? Like, I'm, not real good at relationships, an' it's only been a few weeks since we met, and, y'know, aren't you two, a thing already...? I wouldn't want to, get in the way or anythin', y'know?" She manages to keep her rambling mostly on track, but can't help it veering directly into her biggest worry about this entire situation. Her free hand finds its way up to her face, subconsciously covering part of her scar as she adjusts and re-adjusts her hair while she returns Tess' gaze.
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Post by Fialova »

Tess & Kate
Tess' eyes widen a bit at Kate's response, both out of surprise and some small amount of concern, as she clearly is taken aback by the comments. Too forward? Maybe a bit, but would she have even said anything if I wasn't? She should be more honest with herself, you don't get what you want by hiding it.

"I mean, we are I guess," Tess begins, continuing to walk with Kate still in tow. "A thing, that is. But, like, we've been sleeping together for a couple weeks. So what? I'm sleeping with him because we get along, have a little in common, and, most importantly, because we both wanted to. It's not like we're gettin' married or anything, and it's not like we're exclusive either. You know I'm an escort, right? Like, Holland hired me to sleep with her before we left her office, and if someone on this station wants to do the same, I'm gonna do it. He knows that," the woman continues, chuckling at the last words. Would honestly love to see him try to stop me, but there's no way he would. He knows me too well by now.

"Hell, I'd be sleeping with more of the crew if they wanted to," she muses, stopping in her tracks, though still facing forward. "You might have work to do during the days on-end in space, but I'm mostly just passing the time, looking for something to do. Sex is a nice distraction from all that. You're ever lonely, all you gotta do is ask," Tess continues, offering the other woman a playful wink, as she turns to face her. However, after seeing the anxiety in Kate's face, and her nervous fiddling with her hair, her facial expression grows more serious. She places a hand on her shoulders to comfort her, before speaking again.

"Not trying to rile you up or anything, was just curious, and if you wanted to see where things go with him, I think you should go for it. Besides, I know he's been thinking about you some too, y'know. I see how he looks at you." Does she not see it? Has anyone? Maybe I'm just thinking about this too much. Maybe I need to find something to actually do around the Makkuro during all this downtime we have had lately. "It wasn't that way at first, but lately for sure, after you two have been spending so much time together. It's not too different to how he looked at me when we first met." With the last words, her smirk returns, before she finishes with, "granted, he did see me naked when we first met, so that was a bit different. But not like we had much choice in the matter." 
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Cass & Creed
Eridas shrugs, turning away from the terminals; "I don't want to spend cred either. Maybe we could trade our skills for supplies." He says and walks out with Cass back toward the harbormaster.
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Post by greysigil »

Kate & Tess
Kate blinks a few times, meeting Tess' gaze, her mismatched eyes sliding in and out of focus as her brain tries desperately to catch up. He has?? I guess I wasn't really around much mentally while we were spiked, I thought he was just, real into his projects. Wait, what does she mean, they're a thing and not a thing? Double wait, if they met with her being-- "What d'ya mean, you were naked when y'all met. She blurts out, the thought short circuiting her out of the train of thought she was riding. "Sorry, that was rude. Lemme take a step back here. Try an', sort m'self out." She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and releases it slow and controlled.

When she opens her eyes again, they're steadier, less erratic. She gently, lightly, leans into Tess' hand. "Sorry, yeah, all that was, a bit much all at once, I don't mean to worry ya." The flush catches at the edge of her face again, but not as frantic this time. "Um. How-- how does he look at me? Has he said anything?"
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Post by Fialova »

Tess & Kate
Tess can't help but to chuckle as Kate once more freaks out, this time at the revelation of their first encounter. "I mean, we were in a prison cell changing from some jumpsuits to our normal clothes. Not a big deal," she continues. "But, like, of course he was gonna look. I'd have looked in his shoes. Who doesn't wanna see a naked cute girl?" she adds, turning and winking towards Kate again. 

At her final questions, Tess pauses a moment, placing a finger on her chin as she thinks. "Well, I don't know. It's not like he's ranting and raving about you or anything, it's just subtle stuff, y'know? Glances here and there, longing looks when otherwise focused. The little early signs of interest. I mean, I could be wrong. But doesn't seem I was about you." She pauses again, turning back to the woman with a more neutral expression. "You're hot, and you're sweet, and he clearly sees that and likes it. They're the same things I like about you too," she continues, smirking with the last words as she continues to lead them through the shopping area in search of an appropriate business for their needs. She really must not spend a lot of time around other people, but that's alright. Now she's got our little Makkuro family to get to know and hang out with. 
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Post by greysigil »

Kate & Tess
"I s'pose that makes sense. Y'all are, in fact, rather pretty yourself." Kate says, accidentally finding a coherent response amidst her general flusteredness. The flutters and nerves rise again, but she breathes through it, riding the wave and clinging to her composure. C'mon girl, hold it together. You're actin' like you've never even had a thought of the like. Quit bein' in denial, and get this all sorted out.

"An' I could see that, he don't seem to be the type to be loud an' proud with his feelin's, least not these kinds. Not literally, mind, on account of how you're havin' to spell all this out for me. Which, I do appreciate, you're much better at this kind of thing than I am. S'pose it's worth talking to him about, at least, see what he has to say." She replies, somewhat trailing off at the end as she starts to think aloud. Her attention is snapped back as Tess says point blank-- "You like me too? Like, on the same kinda level-like?" Kate's voice is less surprised than it has been, she's more confirming what she heard, and processing out loud.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Hikaru, Warner & Kaze
As Warner gives you his rundown on Anthean politics, you make your way along the dock, soon arriving at the point where the civilian docking ring connects to the station's spine, a large tunnel like opening to your right flanked on either side by Anthean noble standards each displaying a different geometric styled symbol, recognisable to Kaze and Warner as the symbol of Antheus as a whole and the symbol of House Calhun. At the threshold the floor curves away from you, as it reorients to line up with the spinal structure of the station. Walking around the corner in your mag boots, you find yourself in a wide corridor that extends for quite some distance to a security checkpoint of some kind at its far end. The corridor is more ornate than the docking ring, which had a utilitarian and industrial feel to it, featuring leafy covered panels and zero-g water features, making the area feel more like a city park than a metal tube in the void of space. It also differs in that only one of the surfaces is used as a throughfare, effectively giving the area an "up" despite its zero-g nature.

This area is just as bustling as the docking ring, however the people moving around are noticeably different, most are dressed formally, in either League or Anthean military dress or civilian business suits. Some stop to chat in the central park, but most walk with purpose, coming and going from the doors that line the corridor on either side. Above each door sits a standard, bearing the symbol of a house or guild, with one instead incorporating the flag of the Valetel League into an Anthean design.
Warner and Kaze
In addition to the League aligned houses Warner mentioned, you note the presence of the standards of The Cartage Guild, The Extraction Guild, and The Shikari, the three most prominent guilds in Anthean society, providing freight and haulage services, performing terrestrial and space mining, and providing customers with access to a network of honuorbound bounty hunters respectively.
Cass and Creed
You make your way out of the Stationkeeper's Arms and head back down along the dock towards the harbourmaster's office. As you arrive, the technician at reception you spoke to earlier looks up from their terminal to greet you. "That was quick. You need any repairs before you head back out there?" They ask as you approach, seemingly assuming you have found the work you were looking for.
Tess and Kate
Walking past the initial storefronts, which mostly seem to be bars and eateries, you find a selection of stores that benefit slightly less from the increased foot traffic of being by the entrance to the docks. Two stores in particular draw your interest, a pharmacy and a hardware store. In the rugged and unforgiving environment of space, most stores sell a more extreme version of what you might expect to find in a large city planet side. As such you would expect a space station pharmacy to be capable of restocking a ship's med bay as well as providing cold medication, and a hardware store to supply spare parts for weapon and space ship system tinkering on top of supplies for home DIY projects.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

"Alright, Warner," he says, keeping his voice low as they move. "Seems like we've got a lot of players in this game. With the Cartage Guild and Extraction Guild here, there might be some work in logistics or mining operations. The Shikari... well, they could be useful if we need muscle or someone found. Might be worth checking in with one of these guilds for a potential lead or contract."
He glances around, trying to gauge the mood of the bustling corridor. "Any thoughts on who we should approach first? I'm leaning towards the Cartage Guild. They usually have their fingers in a lot of pies and might know something useful."
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Post by ratwizard »

"No repairs," Cass answers, thankful they avoided a scrap on their way in. "Just a refuel."

His eyes wander around the office as he waits for the technician to process their purchase. "Hey, quick question. How's the queue here for the shipyard, say for a frigate-class? I saw that cruiser when we pulled in, the Berez. Hell of a fight it must have had. Is the League taking priority over indie tubs, or you guys running on a 'first come, first served' basis?"
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Post by Fialova »

Tess & Kate
"Well," Tess begins matter-of-factly, glancing towards Kate as she speaks. "That's pretty hard to say, since I don't really know Cass' feelings beyond what I've seen and pieced together." She stops walking, turning now to face Kate head on. "I didn't really mean my comment as a schoolgirl confessing a secret crush. Hell, secret attraction is not really my thing at all. You're an attractive woman, I've known that since you first interviewed for the position. You also so far seem like a good person, and those two things are all I need to be into you." Tess shrugs, her face now more serious than before, rather than mischievous. I thought it was obvious after checking her out when we first met. Maybe she's just not used to being looked at like that? Or at least not by women? Who knows.

"But I'm into a lot of people, and not everyone is into that I guess, so I was more just stating a fact than making a pass at you. But hey, if you are into it, let me know. The Mak gets cold and lonely sometimes, and if you want company you just gotta ask," Tess continues, her smirk returning with the last few words. "But I know you've been looking at Cass, so I kinda figured that's whose bed you'd be warming, if anyone's." After a brief pause, she adds, "not that you really need to pick just one. I don't." She gives another wink, before turning back and pointing towards the sign for the hardware store. 

"Now that seems like what we've been looking for. Wanna go?" she asks, as she begins walking slowly in that direction while she awaits the other woman's response. That was maybe too much at once, but oh well, too late to do anything about that now. Hopefully she gets her feelings all sorted. Wonder if they'll shack up or just keep awkwardly pining after one another while they work two feet apart. Hope they do, then I can ask Cass for all the juicy deets.
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