Vaylar Rising — IC

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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan glances over at the others, grimacing. I can't let it happen again. He thinks with a soft groan. Kicking himself for putting himself on the line, he runs out in front of Sven, aiming at one of the officers. He lets off a shot, blasting the officer. "Make a break for the exit, go! I'll cover you." He shouts, not speaking at anyone in particular. He realizes rather quickly the situation he's put himself in and closes the door.
Move action, running north of Sven to the middle of the open doorway.
Standard action: Shoot Gun @ Officer 7.
To hit: [1d20+6]=13+6=19
Damage: [1d8+3]=4+3=7
On-Turn action: Close the door.
Combat Block
Tristan Arkwright

Male Human Warrior 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 26
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +2

AC: 18
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Mental: 15
HP: 6/6

Attack Bonuses: +1
Sniper Rifle: +4 to hit, 2d8+3
Revolver: +4 to hit, 1d8+3
Semi-Auto Pistol: +4 to Hit, 1d6+4
Unarmed: 1d20+?, 1d2+?

Ammunition Loaded:
Sniper Rifle: 0/1
Revolver: 6/6
Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12

Active Effects: +2 to Hit

Important Features:
Time to Rumble!: Once per scene I may choose to either negate a successful attack against me or turn a missed attack into a hit. This only applies to attacks I make, or are made against me.
Gunslinger: I can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn action. Additionally, I may add my Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon's damage roll.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
Eridas (#4040FF)
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Post by ratwizard »

"Hey!" Antoine shouts out as he catches Tristan peel off. He repeats it once more before he sees the door slam shut. He ain't gonna make it out if he's guarding that door, he realizes, the heroic — or stupid — act causing the psychic to slow a beat before continuing to make a break for it. Never asked nobody to sacrifice themselves on my behalf. He mulls over the terrible feeling as he runs. Let's just hope it's all worth it.
Move & Main

Double-run as far as possible. Route: East through Order's Lament, North through Generals of the Unification Wars.
Combat Block — Tone
Antoine "Tone" Anders

Male Human Psychic 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 43
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 11 (17 with Telekinetic Armory)
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 15
HP: 2/2
Effort: 3/4

Attack Bonuses:
Telekinetic Rifle: 1d20+2, 1d10+2
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Active Effects: Telekinetic Armory

Important Features:
Telekinetic Manipulation: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can manipulate objects as if with both hands and can lift up to two hundred kilograms with this ability.

Telekinetic Armory: Commit Effort as an On Turn action to create either a rifle or advanced melee weapon as well as armor out of telekinetic force. The armor is AC 15 plus Telekinesis skill. The gear can be invisible.

Personal Apparition: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can teleport up to 10 meters.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Post by Fialova »

Shit, he's gonna get himself killed, Em thinks, though like Antoine she continues running past the man. I'm not lookin' to do the same.

Move + Main Action: double move, following the same path as Antoine

Combat Block Format
Sirula 'Em' Emerald

Female Human Expert 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 36
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +0

AC: 15
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 14
HP: 7+10/7

Attack Bonuses:
Combat Rifle: 1d20-2 (1d20 burst mode), 1d12 damage (1d12+2 burst mode), range 
Stun Baton: 1d20-1, 1d8+1 damage, shock 1 vs AC 15
Unarmed: 1d20-2, 1d2+1 damage

Ammunition Loaded:
Combat Rifle: 27/30

Active Effects: 
* Tsunami - gain morale score of 12, +2 to hit, and 10 THP

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Post by Namelessjake »

As the officer Tristan shot at falls to the ground, Vibol's last bodyguard let's another mag round fly. Tristan manages to close the door, but the electromagnetically accelerated slug shoots through the wooden door like its paper, grazing the ex-gangster before smashing apart a shelf of keepsakes up against the far wall.

However, with the door shut, you are given a brief a few seconds of respite allowing Antoine and Em to move up to the end of the next exhibit, nearly able to get eyes on your evac point.

Round 2

Go: John

Tristan: Moves, shoots, kills,

Bodyguard 2: snap attacks, shooting at Tristan, 18 vs AC = hit for 4 damage.

Tristan: closes door.

Antoine: Double moves.

Em: Double moves.

Soldier 2: ?

Soldier 1: ?

Soldier 7: ?

Lynwood: ?
Ground Floor Battle Map
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.

All of the interior doors can be assumed to be propped open, to ease the movement of guests around the event, and can be closed or reopened if necessary with an on turn action. This excludes the red security doors, which require staff key cards for access and are closed, although with the exterior doors leading to the plaza and the courtyard.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Swampperson Prime
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Post by BartNL »

We need heroes like that. Shame it'd have to be him. I've started to like him. John thinks about Tristan's heroics as he runs for his exit.

Double move following Antoine and Em 8-)
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Post by Namelessjake »

As Stamps exits the gift shop, the door Jug closed is thrown open by an officer, laser pistol and ceremonial sword in hand. Behind him, the crowd rushes for the exit, carrying more military personnel along in the flow of bodies. Another officer breaks free of the tide, and levels her laser pistol at Jug, slicing the gift shop's cash register in half.

Round 2

Go: Sven

Stamps: Double moves.

Officer 1: Double moves, opens door.

Officer 8: Double moves.

Officer 10: moves, shoots at Jug, 11 vs AC = miss.

Soldier 8: ?

Kamal Madani: ?
Ground Floor Battle Map
Lobby Zoomed In
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.

All of the interior doors can be assumed to be propped open, to ease the movement of guests around the event, and can be closed or reopened if necessary with an on turn action. This excludes the red security doors, which require staff key cards for access and are closed, although with the exterior doors leading to the plaza and the courtyard.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Sven winces as laserfire slices through the air around him, adrenaline and the dose of Tsunami numbing any pain he might otherwise be feeling. He gives Tristan a look of surprise and concern before continuing his sprint. The fuck is he doing? This isn't some action flick where he can still get out of this on top.
Double run following the rest
Combat Block
Sven Svensson

Male Human Adventurer (Warrior/Expert) 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155lbs

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 14
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 15
HP: 8/8

Attack Bonuses: +1
Submachine Gun: 1d20+2 (+4 burst fire); 1d8 damage (+2 burst fire)
Unarmed: 1d20, 1d2+1

Ammunition Loaded:
Submachine Gun: 17/20

Active Effects: none

Consumables: Lift (Heal-0)
Important Features:
Partial Warrior: Gain +1 to attack at 1st and 5th levels. Gain 2 extra max HP each level.

Partial Expert: Gain an extra skill point for any non-combat, non-psychic skill with every level.

Close Combatant: I can use pistol-sized ranged weapons in melee without penalty. I ignore Shock damage from melee attacks, even when unarmored.

Connected: If I've spent a week in a not-entirely-hostile location, I can call upon one favor (up to mildly illegal) once per gameday.

Assassin: I can conceal an object no larger than a knife or pistol from anything less invasive than a strip search, including normal TL4 weapon detection devices. I can draw or produce this object as an On Turn action, and my point-blank ranged attacks made from surprise with this object cannot miss.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Sven follows after Stamps, as two of the officers in the lobby follow the crowd outside rather than choosing to engage you.

Round 2

Go: Jug

Sven: Double moves.

Bodyguard 2: ?

Officer 4: Double moves outside.

Officer 5: Double moves outside.
Ground Floor Battle Map
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.

All of the interior doors can be assumed to be propped open, to ease the movement of guests around the event, and can be closed or reopened if necessary with an on turn action. This excludes the red security doors, which require staff key cards for access and are closed, although with the exterior doors leading to the plaza and the courtyard.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

"Cease Pursuit." Jug outputs, as they shift their weight to turn to the closest officer. Using their still free arm, they wind up and deliver a punch to the Officer adjacent. While they cannot hope, they rely on the uncertainty of potentially knocking him off balance enough to facilitate a retreat, as they turn to run to the next door and point of cover.
Main Action: Punch Officer 1
To hit: [1d20+4]=12+4=16
Damage: [1d8+3]=2+3=5
Move Action: Run 10m East, eating an opportunity attack, and hopefully taking cover behind the next door.
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
Katherine "Kate" Meecham - #ff6814

Ezra Wynter // MEDUSA - #91c886
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Post by Namelessjake »

The officer swipes at Jug as the VI runs for it, but they are able to make it around the doorway to the next exhibit hall and into cover. The crowd continues to scramble for the exit, with some frantic civilians appearing further ahead, trying to escape the main hall via the Jungles of Sarma exhibit.

Two more suddenly burst out of the courtyard and into the poetry hall most of you find yourselves in, revealing several more civilians taking cover or hiding in the courtyard.

Round 3

Go: Antoine, Em, Tristan

Jug: Punches, hits, moves,

Officer 1: makes OA, 3 vs AC = miss, deals 2 shock damage.

Soldier 3: ?

Soldier 4: ?

Soldier 5: ?

Soldier 6: ?

Officer 9: ?

Crowd: run, hide, cower.

Officer 2: ?

Officer 3: ?

Deucias Madani: ?

Officer 6: Runs past the doorway to the lobby, headed outside.
Ground Floor Battle Map
Lobby/Gift Shop
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.

All of the interior doors can be assumed to be propped open, to ease the movement of guests around the event, and can be closed or reopened if necessary with an on turn action. This excludes the red security doors, which require staff key cards for access and are closed, although with the exterior doors leading to the plaza and the courtyard.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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A Wan Smile
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine beats feet, finally reaching the Jungles of Sarma exhibit as a storm of civilians move through in a panic. He pauses a moment. Peering around the corner he finds a number of armed soldiers already headed his way. With the Tsunami pumping in his veins, he spots one dart out into the open, laser pistol in hand. No, no, no, we're moving too slow, he realizes.

His eyes meet hers. Get.

Antoine blinks. Gone.

She crashes against the laminate floor, unmoving.

Run to the doorway into Jungles of Sarma


Telekinetic Rifle shot at Soldier 1. Hits 23 vs AC for 10 damage.
Telekinetic Rifle Attack: [1d20+4]=19+4=23
Telekinetic Rifle Damage: [1d10+3]=7+3=10
Combat Block — Tone
Antoine "Tone" Anders

Male Human Psychic 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 43
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 11 (17 with Telekinetic Armory)
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 15
HP: 2/2
Effort: 3/4

Attack Bonuses:
Telekinetic Rifle: 1d20+2, 1d10+3
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Active Effects: Telekinetic Armory, Tsunami (10 loaned HP, +2 to Hit, Reckless Abandon)

Important Features:
Telekinetic Manipulation: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can manipulate objects as if with both hands and can lift up to two hundred kilograms with this ability.

Telekinetic Armory: Commit Effort as an On Turn action to create either a rifle or advanced melee weapon as well as armor out of telekinetic force. The armor is AC 15 plus Telekinesis skill. The gear can be invisible.

Personal Apparition: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can teleport up to 10 meters.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Post by Fialova »

Following after Antoine, Em watches as the man looks towards one of the approaching soldiers, then as her body slumps lifelessly to the floor. The fuck was that? she thinks, as she aims her rifle and fires it towards the other visible armed soldier in the main room. Got 'em.

Move Action: move as close to door as possible, per discord discussion

Main Action: shoot Solider 7, in burst mode
Attack: [1d20-2]=12-2=10 vs AC = hit
Hit: [1d12+2]=7+2=9 damage

Combat Block Format
Sirula 'Em' Emerald

Female Human Expert 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 36
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +0

AC: 15
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 14
HP: 7+10/7

Attack Bonuses:
Combat Rifle: 1d20-2 (1d20 burst mode), 1d12 damage (1d12+2 burst mode), range 
Stun Baton: 1d20-1, 1d8+1 damage, shock 1 vs AC 15
Unarmed: 1d20-2, 1d2+1 damage

Ammunition Loaded:
Combat Rifle: 24/30

Active Effects: 
* Tsunami - gain morale score of 12, +2 to hit, and 10 THP

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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
Posts: 1916
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan holds his arm gingerly just above where he had been shot, "Damnit, Tris, move!" He mumbles to himself as he runs toward the open door where the others had just left through. Seeing the officers behind him, he quickly turns on his heel and shoots at one.
Move action: Move 3 squares down-right (diagonal), move 2 squares right.
On-turn action: Close half of the door.
Standard action: Shoot @ Officer 1
To hit: [1d20+6]=11+6=17
Damage: [1d8+3]=6+3=9
Combat Block
Tristan Arkwright

Male Human Warrior 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 26
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +2

AC: 18
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Mental: 15
HP: 12/6

Attack Bonuses: +1
Sniper Rifle: +4 to hit, 2d8+3
Revolver: +4 to hit, 1d8+3
Semi-Auto Pistol: +4 to Hit, 1d6+4
Unarmed: 1d20+?, 1d2+?

Ammunition Loaded:
Sniper Rifle: 0/1
Revolver: 4/6
Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12

Active Effects: +2 to Hit

Important Features:
Time to Rumble!: Once per scene I may choose to either negate a successful attack against me or turn a missed attack into a hit. This only applies to attacks I make, or are made against me.
Gunslinger: I can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn action. Additionally, I may add my Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon's damage roll.
Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
Eridas (#4040FF)
Narciso (#FFBF00) 
Taliesin (#4040BF)
Tristan (#2980b9)
Velasco (#800000)
Deimos (#f39c12)
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Tristan shoots behind him at the officers in the lobby as he runs. His round catches the officer Jug punched in the head, sending him crumpling to the floor and spraying blood over those behind him.

Meanwhile, near the Jungles of Sarma, another soldier, with a laser pistol acquired from a fallen officer, runs across the doorway, taking cover where the soldier dropped by Em had been only seconds earlier. She takes aim and fires at Em, but a civilian runs past as she does. Her expression turns from one of determination to one of horror as her laser beam cuts through the man, dropping him to the floor.

Round 3

Go: Stamps

Tone: Moves, shoots, hits, kills.

Em: Moves, shoots, hits, kills.

Tristan: Moves, shoots, hits, kills, closes door.

Soldier 2: Moves from the South of the main hall to Soldier 7's body taking cover, shoots at Em, 13 vs AC = miss, kills a Civilian.

Julian Lynwood: ?
Jungles of Sarma Map
Lobby and Gift Shop Map
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Swampperson Prime
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Post by BartNL »

Double move following Antoine and again. If John notices Em/Tone being attacked, end move in a place with cover
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Post by Namelessjake »

Stamps runs up to join Antoine and Em, taking cover at the edge of the doorway opposite Antoine. As he does, the unarmed soldier bravely charges at Antoine, attempting to grab the deactivated rifle from the psychic, although it slips through his grasp.

Meanwhile, two of the officers in the lobby, push up into the gift shop, taking cover behind the shelves of souvenirs before firing at Jug and Tristan. One of the laser beams puts a whole clean through Jug's right shoulder while the other narrowly misses Tristan, hitting the panicked man behind him in the chest.

Round 3

Go: Sven

Stamps: Double moves.

Officer 8: Moves into gift shop and takes cover behind shelf, shoots at Jug, 18 vs AC = hit for 3 damage.

Officer 10: Moves into gift shop and takes cover behind shelf, shoots at Tristan, 4 vs AC = miss, hits and kills civilian.

Soldier 8: moves to engage Antoine in melee combat, attempts to disarm, 16 vs AC = miss.

Kamal Madani: ?
Jungles of Sarma Map
Lobby and Gift Shop Map
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Seeing the soldier threatening Antoine, Sven rushes through the exhibit and unleashes a trio of rounds into the unarmed man. Back the fuck off, fascist.
Move: Run up to the others, getting sight on Soldier 8

Main: Shoot Soldier 8
Attack: [1d20+6]=20+6=26 vs AC = Crit
Damage: [1d8+2]=1+2=3
Combat Block
Sven Svensson

Male Human Adventurer (Warrior/Expert) 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155lbs

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 17
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 15
HP: 14/8

Attack Bonuses: +1
Submachine Gun: 1d20+2 (+4 burst fire); 1d8 damage (+2 burst fire)
Unarmed: 1d20, 1d2+1

Ammunition Loaded:
Submachine Gun: 14/20

Active Effects: none

Consumables: Lift (Heal-0)
Important Features:
Partial Warrior: Gain +1 to attack at 1st and 5th levels. Gain 2 extra max HP each level.

Partial Expert: Gain an extra skill point for any non-combat, non-psychic skill with every level.

Close Combatant: I can use pistol-sized ranged weapons in melee without penalty. I ignore Shock damage from melee attacks, even when unarmored.

Connected: If I've spent a week in a not-entirely-hostile location, I can call upon one favor (up to mildly illegal) once per gameday.

Assassin: I can conceal an object no larger than a knife or pistol from anything less invasive than a strip search, including normal TL4 weapon detection devices. I can draw or produce this object as an On Turn action, and my point-blank ranged attacks made from surprise with this object cannot miss.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Sven struggles to get a clean shot as the soldier grapples with Tone over the rifle. His bullets fly narrowly past the man, shattering the glass panes of the exhibit behind him.

Round 3

Go: Jug

Sven: Moves, hits.

Body Guard 2: Moves to Vibol's body on stage.

Officer 4: ?

Officer 5: ?
Jungles of Sarma Map
Lobby and Gift Shop Map
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

Alarms and alerts sound off inside Jug's systems, indicating that substantial damage has been sustained. Steam violently hisses from their right shoulder joint, but it remains functional, if just barely. They swap to the combat shotgun, level it at the officer as their soldier programming dictates to them: Eliminate All Hostiles. Time seems to slow inside Jug's perception, as their processor overclocks itself, wrestling against the bloodthirst.

They reach out and slam the door closed, cutting off the visuals of the officers still in the gift shop, and the crowd beyond. "All Non-Combatants, Evacuate or Find Cover Immediately. This Area Is Exceedingly Dangerous." They output, their monotone voice echoing through the courtyard, as they storm past the civilians and into the exhibit of the Jungles. The steam hisses more gently from their shoulder as they come to a stop next to Antoine, taking cover on the wall next to him.
On-Turn Action: Swap to Combat Shotgun
On-turn Action: Close Door to Gift Shop
Full + Move Actions: Run full movement Northeast, through the courtyard, to end movement next to Tone, behind the wall that was always there.
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
Katherine "Kate" Meecham - #ff6814

Ezra Wynter // MEDUSA - #91c886
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Post by Namelessjake »

As Jug charges through the courtyard, to their left they spot a trio of unarmed soldiers near the courtyard's Western door, clearly unsure what to do. The crowd seems to respond to their command, with several of the civilians in the Jungles of Sarma exhibit braving the crossfire to flee back out into the main hall. Others move, trying to find the safest spots to cower, unwilling to risk running for it.

The officer by the door to the main hall leans around his corner, firing a laser beam at Stamps. The beam hits the statue behind the bureaucrat, scoring with carbon and slightly melting the stone general's face. Another officer, the one Antoine took aim at earlier from the balcony, comes running into the courtyard from the main hall, trying to flank the main group.

Round 4

Go: Antoine, Em, Tristan

Jug: Moves.

Soldier 3: ?

Soldier 4: ?

Soldier 5: ?

Soldier 6: ?

Officer 9: ?

Crowd: Flees, hides etc.

Officer 2: shoots at Stamps, 12 vs AC = miss.

Officer 3: Double moves into courtyard.

Deucias: ?

Officer 6: ?
Jungles of Sarma Map
Order's Lament and Courtyard Map
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine clenches his teeth, struggling against the grip of the soldier intent on tearing the ancient rifle out of his hands. He flinches when the bullets from Sven's machine pistol whiz past him, then again as he hears the rhythmic stomp approach right behind him. He spares a glance over his shoulder. The steam fumes billowing from Jug's shoulder is enough for him to realize they're not long for this world.

Antoine turns back. You want this thing, man? he asks the would-be hero, feeling the pulsing of telekinetic power rearrange the air around him, sending tiny eddies rolling through the growing steam cloud. Take it, then. With a frantic and powerful energy, Antoine rams the tip of the rifle toward rib. An invisible bayonet of force lances the struggling soldier, coating the barrel with blood and sending him to the floor.

"I got you," he gasps, eyeing Jug. "I got you. Just keep moving. Everyone, keep moving."

He dashes ahead, into the room, taking cover against a corner of the main exhibit.

Release Telekinetic Armor's Effort and re-commit it, generating armor and a Large Advanced Melee Weapon.

Telekinetic Weapon attack at Soldier 8. Hits 10 vs AC for 10 damage, killing him.
Telekinetic Armory Attack: [1d20+4]=6+4=10
Telekinetic Armory Damage: [1d10+2]=8+2=10

Run to the top of the east side of the glass exhibit in the center of the room.
Combat Block — Tone
Antoine "Tone" Anders

Male Human Psychic 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 43
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 11 (17 with Telekinetic Armory)
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 15
HP: 2/2
Effort: 3/4

Attack Bonuses:
Telekinetic Rifle: 1d20+2, 1d10+3
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Active Effects: Telekinetic Armory, Tsunami (10 loaned HP, +2 to Hit, Reckless Abandon)

Important Features:
Telekinetic Manipulation: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can manipulate objects as if with both hands and can lift up to two hundred kilograms with this ability.

Telekinetic Armory: Commit Effort as an On Turn action to create either a rifle or advanced melee weapon as well as armor out of telekinetic force. The armor is AC 15 plus Telekinesis skill. The gear can be invisible.

Personal Apparition: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can teleport up to 10 meters.

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Post by Fialova »


Move Action: run to cover on other side of central display

If possible to shoot from here, then...
Main Action: shoot Officer 2, in burst mode
Attack: [1d20-2]=20-2=18 vs AC = hit
Hit: [1d12+2]=6+2=8 damage

If not possible, then...
Main Action: Total Defense
Effect: immune to shock for the round and +2 AC til next turn

Combat Block Format
Sirula 'Em' Emerald

Female Human Expert 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 36
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +0

AC: 15
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 14
HP: 7+10/7

Attack Bonuses:
Combat Rifle: 1d20-2 (1d20 burst mode), 1d12 damage (1d12+2 burst mode), range 
Stun Baton: 1d20-1, 1d8+1 damage, shock 1 vs AC 15
Unarmed: 1d20-2, 1d2+1 damage

Ammunition Loaded:
Combat Rifle: 21?/30

Active Effects: 
* Tsunami - gain morale score of 12, +2 to hit, and 10 THP

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan takes another potshot, shooting at the last Officer he can see. He spins on his heel and runs toward the next room, trying to catch up to the others.
Standard action: Shoot @ Officer 10
Attack: [1d20+6]=6+6=12
Damage: [1d8+3]=8+3=11
Move action: 5 squares right toward the Exhibit of Generals entrance.
Combat Block
Tristan Arkwright

Male Human Warrior 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 26
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +2

AC: 18
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Mental: 15
HP: 12/6

Attack Bonuses: +1
Sniper Rifle: +4 to hit, 2d8+3
Revolver: +4 to hit, 1d8+3
Semi-Auto Pistol: +4 to Hit, 1d6+4
Unarmed: 1d20+?, 1d2+?

Ammunition Loaded:
Sniper Rifle: 0/1
Revolver: 3/6
Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12

Active Effects: +2 to Hit

Important Features:
Time to Rumble!: Once per scene I may choose to either negate a successful attack against me or turn a missed attack into a hit. This only applies to attacks I make, or are made against me.
Gunslinger: I can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn action. Additionally, I may add my Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon's damage roll.
Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
Eridas (#4040FF)
Narciso (#FFBF00) 
Taliesin (#4040BF)
Tristan (#2980b9)
Velasco (#800000)
Deimos (#f39c12)
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Post by Namelessjake »

Tristan, Em and Antoine all drop their targets and continue to push towards the loading area. As they do, the solider that remains at the doors to the main hall fire off another laser beam with her salvaged pistol. The beam catches Sven fully in the chest, although his newly stolen combat armour is strong enough to withstand the blast.

Round 4

Go: John

Antoine: Hits, kills, moves.

Em: moves, shoots, hits, kills.

Tristan: shoots, hits, kills, moves.

Soldier 2: shoots at Sven, 17 vs AC = hit for 3 damage.

Julian Lynwood: Escapes

Kamal Madani: Escapes
Image Note Body guard 2 is still visible from the Jungle exhibit on the stage.
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Swampperson Prime
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Post by BartNL »

John shoots at the officer moving towards the group, as he follows Tone and Em out of the rom.
Main action: Burst fire at Officer 3 [1d20+2]=10+2=12
for [1d8+2]=1+2=3 damage
Move action: Follow Tone/Em and take cover
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Post by Namelessjake »

John's burst of fire drops the officer in the courtyard as he is able to join Em and Antoine behind the display of jungle plants. Meanwhile another officer moves in to take up the position of the one Tristan shot, firing at the gangster and scoring the stone bench that is his cover with black streaks of carbon.

Round 4

Go: Sven

John: shoots, hits, kills, movess

Officer 8: moves from lobby to Officer 10's corpse, shoots at Tristan, 12 vs AC = miss.
Image Note Body guard 2 is still visible from the Jungle exhibit on the stage.
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Sven shakes off the laser blast to the chest, seeing an opening for their door out. Almost out of here... He makes a dash for it, eyes meeting the mag pistol left behind by a corpse in the other room. Tempting... but I can't. Reaching the door, he quickly scans his keycard and ducks in for cover.
Move: Double move to doors

On-Turn Action: Open doors with keycard

Use remaining movement to get inside, to the left of the doorframe
Combat Block
Sven Svensson

Male Human Adventurer (Warrior/Expert) 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155lbs

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 17
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 15
HP: 11/8

Attack Bonuses: +1
Submachine Gun: 1d20+2 (+4 burst fire); 1d8 damage (+2 burst fire)
Unarmed: 1d20, 1d2+1

Ammunition Loaded:
Submachine Gun: 14/20

Active Effects: none

Consumables: Lift (Heal-0)
Important Features:
Partial Warrior: Gain +1 to attack at 1st and 5th levels. Gain 2 extra max HP each level.

Partial Expert: Gain an extra skill point for any non-combat, non-psychic skill with every level.

Close Combatant: I can use pistol-sized ranged weapons in melee without penalty. I ignore Shock damage from melee attacks, even when unarmored.

Connected: If I've spent a week in a not-entirely-hostile location, I can call upon one favor (up to mildly illegal) once per gameday.

Assassin: I can conceal an object no larger than a knife or pistol from anything less invasive than a strip search, including normal TL4 weapon detection devices. I can draw or produce this object as an On Turn action, and my point-blank ranged attacks made from surprise with this object cannot miss.
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Post by Namelessjake »

As Sven gets the door to the loading dock open and runs inside, he sees the far loading bay door is open, with a large six wheeled ambulance partially backed inside. Its rear doors are thrown open to reveal Jin dressed in a paramedic's uniform.

Meanwhile, Vibol's last remaining bodyguard runs towards the Jungles of Sarma from his body atop the stage, tears streaming down her face. Teary eyed, she raised her mag pisol and pulls the trigger. Em feels a searing pain as the electromagnetically accelerated round punches straight through her old Esriosian armour, hitting her in the abdomen and coming straight out the other side with her back armour plate finally stopping it.

Round 4

Go: Jug, Jin

Sven: double moves, unlocks door.

Bodyguard 2: shoots at Em, 18 vs AC = hit for 13 damage.

Officer 4: ?

Officer 5: ?
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

Jug meets Antoine's eyes, the unblinking blue glow flickering ever so slightly, and they nod once, short and sharp. A cascade of thoughts and processes flash across their circuits, something that the VI has difficulty recognizing, for how long it has been since this reaction occurred. The digital noise finally arrives at a crystal clear point: Solidarity. Comrade. Brother.

Their attention focuses on their core, on the two tiny plates rattling around in their hidden compartment. They remember the fallen, those left behind. We must keep moving forward.

They do not have teeth to grit, nor nerves to calm, but they quiet the alarms blaring in their head and banish them to the periphery, a problem to be dealt with later, once everyone is safe. They duck out from the wall and move forward, their heavy footfalls slowing for a fraction of a second when they see the grievous wound that Em sustained, and the bodyguard that delivered it.

"I will provide covering fire. I've got your backs." Jug outputs, mimicking Antoine, as they rush past the others, a trail of steam following behind them, ending at the boxes just inside the door of the loading dock and taking cover, combat shotgun at the ready.
Full + Move Actions: Full sprint to the boxes north of Sven and the door.
Combat Block - Jug
VI-42016 "Jug"

Agender (they/them) Virtual Intelligence Warrior 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 13
Height: 200cm (~6'7")
Weight: 113kg (~250lbs)

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +0

AC: 16
Physical: 13
Evasion: 15
Will: 14
HP: 3/9

Attack Bonuses:
Unarmed: 1d20+4 to Hit, 1d8+3 Damage
Ranged: 1d20-1, 2d8 [LMG], 3d4 [Shotgun]
Ranged, Burst: 1d20+1

Ammunition Loaded:
Light Machine Gun: 9/10
Combat Shotgun: 6/12
Handgun: 12/12

Active Effects: none

Lazarus Patch x3
Spare Parts x3

Important Features:
Hit Correction Protocol:Once per scene, as an Instant ability, you can either choose to negate a successful attack roll against you or turn a missed attack roll you made into a successful hit. You can use this ability after the dice are rolled, but it cannot be used against environmental damage, effects without an attack roll, or hits on a vehicle you’re occupying.
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
Katherine "Kate" Meecham - #ff6814

Ezra Wynter // MEDUSA - #91c886
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Good to see you guys, hope you enjoyed the party!" Jin says seeing Jug and Sven come running into the loading area. "Everyone coming?" He asks the duo, as the screams and gunfire continue in the rest of the museum.

Round 5

Go: Antoine, Em, Tristan

Jug: double moves.

Jin: total defense.

Soldier 3: ?

Soldier 4: ?

Soldier 5: ?

Soldier 6: runs from courtyard into main hall.

Officer 9: ?

Crowd: Runs, hides, etc.

Officer 6:
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine stumbles as the mag round pierces Em's armor. "C'mon, c'mon," he reassures the medic, throwing an arm over her shoulder to steady her. Supporting her weight, he pushes ahead and into the loading zone, the familiar sight of Jin's face giving the psychic great relief. Not out of here yet, he remembers. He helps Em into the ambulance before hopping inside himself.

"You'll want to get up front," Antoine warns Jin, turning around to watch the door. "We got all Hell coming after us."
Release Telekinetic Armor's Effort and re-commit it, generating armor and Telekinetic Rifle.

Main & Move
Double-run to the ambulance.
Combat Block — Tone
Antoine "Tone" Anders

Male Human Psychic 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 43
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 11 (17 with Telekinetic Armory)
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 15
HP: 2/2
Effort: 3/4

Attack Bonuses:
Telekinetic Rifle: 1d20+2, 1d10+3
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Active Effects: Telekinetic Armory, Tsunami (10 loaned HP, +2 to Hit, Reckless Abandon)

Important Features:
Telekinetic Manipulation: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can manipulate objects as if with both hands and can lift up to two hundred kilograms with this ability.

Telekinetic Armory: Commit Effort as an On Turn action to create either a rifle or advanced melee weapon as well as armor out of telekinetic force. The armor is AC 15 plus Telekinesis skill. The gear can be invisible.

Personal Apparition: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can teleport up to 10 meters.

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Post by Fialova »

Em, in a great deal of pain, and finding it difficult to stay upright after the shot, does her best to make it back to the ambulance with Antoine's aid. Shit, that hurt.

Move Action & Main Action: run to ambulance, in much pain

Not sure what type of action using drugs in combat is, the book doesn't specify from what I can tell. If it's an on-turn action, then...
On-turn Action: Use expired lift on self
Effect: Recover [1d6+1]=3+1=4 hp after 5 minutes of rest, gain 1 system strain

Combat Block Format
Sirula 'Em' Emerald

Female Human Expert 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 36
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +0

AC: 15
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 14
HP: 4/7
Strain: 2/14

Attack Bonuses:
Combat Rifle: 1d20-2 (1d20 burst mode), 1d12 damage (1d12+2 burst mode), range 
Stun Baton: 1d20-1, 1d8+1 damage, shock 1 vs AC 15
Unarmed: 1d20-2, 1d2+1 damage

Ammunition Loaded:
Combat Rifle: 21?/30

Active Effects: 
* Tsunami - gain morale score of 12, +2 to hit, and 10 THP

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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan bolts toward the others and slides the last few feet behind the glass case. He takes a knee, checking his revolver. "Three shots left. Enough to make it out of here." Tristan says quietly, panting. "I took out a few more of them on the way out. Are the others okay?" He asks Stamps, holding his side as the pain catches up.
Move&Main Action: Double move up next to Stamps.

Reaction ready: If I get shot, no I don't (Veteran's Luck hasn't been used yet, I will use that if another enemy manages to hit me.)
Combat Block
Tristan Arkwright

Male Human Warrior 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 26
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +2

AC: 18
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Mental: 15
HP: 12/6

Attack Bonuses: +1
Sniper Rifle: +4 to hit, 2d8+3
Revolver: +4 to hit, 1d8+3
Semi-Auto Pistol: +4 to Hit, 1d6+4
Unarmed: 1d20+?, 1d2+?

Ammunition Loaded:
Sniper Rifle: 0/1
Revolver: 3/6
Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12

Active Effects: +2 to Hit

Important Features:
Time to Rumble!: Once per scene I may choose to either negate a successful attack against me or turn a missed attack into a hit. This only applies to attacks I make, or are made against me.
Gunslinger: I can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn action. Additionally, I may add my Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon's damage roll.
Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
Eridas (#4040FF)
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Post by Namelessjake »

As the others start to clamber into the ambulance, Tristan joins John behind the display case, dodging a laser beam as he does.

Round 5

Go: Stamps

Antoine: double moves.

Em: double moves.

Tristan: double moves.

Soldier 2: shoots at Tristan, 11 vs AC = miss.
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Post by BartNL »

"Thought you were a goner. Em is hurt, but she's still standing and close to our exit." John replies to Tristan.

John double moves towards the ambulance, if he can reach the vehicle enter. If he can't, he stays on the left side of the doors for cover.
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Post by Namelessjake »

As Stamps becomes the third of the team to make it to the getaway vehicle, the remaining enemies continue to close in.

Round 5

Go: Sven

Stamps: double moves into ambulance.

Officer 8: double moves from gift shop to courtyard.
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

C'mon, Tristan, just a little further. Sven watches the man anxiously before looking back to the others piling into their getaway car. With clenched fists, he runs the rest of the way and hops on the ambulance.
On-turn to close half the door?

Move to the Ambulance
Combat Block
Sven Svensson

Male Human Adventurer (Warrior/Expert) 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155lbs

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 17
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 15
HP: 11/8

Attack Bonuses: +1
Submachine Gun: 1d20+2 (+4 burst fire); 1d8 damage (+2 burst fire)
Unarmed: 1d20, 1d2+1

Ammunition Loaded:
Submachine Gun: 14/20

Active Effects: none

Consumables: Lift (Heal-0)
Important Features:
Partial Warrior: Gain +1 to attack at 1st and 5th levels. Gain 2 extra max HP each level.

Partial Expert: Gain an extra skill point for any non-combat, non-psychic skill with every level.

Close Combatant: I can use pistol-sized ranged weapons in melee without penalty. I ignore Shock damage from melee attacks, even when unarmored.

Connected: If I've spent a week in a not-entirely-hostile location, I can call upon one favor (up to mildly illegal) once per gameday.

Assassin: I can conceal an object no larger than a knife or pistol from anything less invasive than a strip search, including normal TL4 weapon detection devices. I can draw or produce this object as an On Turn action, and my point-blank ranged attacks made from surprise with this object cannot miss.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Sven pulls half of the door shut before piling into the back of the ambulance. Vibol's bodyguard moves up to take cover in the door way to the exhibit, firing another round at Tristan which shatters more of the glass display walls, sending a rain of broken glass falling down on him.

Round 5

Go: Jug, Jin

Sven: closes door, double moves into ambulance.

Bodyguard 2: shoots at Tristan, 3 vs AC = miss.

Officer 4: ?

Officer 5: ?
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

"Just a little farther, I have got you covered." Jug outputs in Tristan's direction, holding position, watching the door vigilantly.
Move Action: Hold Main Action
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Copy that," Jin replies to Antoine, climbing over you and the medical equipment inside the back of the ambulance to reach the cabin at the front, hopping into the driver's seat.

Round 5

Go: Antoine, Em, Tristan

Jug: holds action.

Jin: Moves to front cab of ambulance.

Soldier 3: ?

Soldier 4: ?

Soldier 5: ?

Soldier 6: ?

Officer 9: ?

Crowd: runs etc.

Officer 6: ?
Full Museum Maps
Ground Floor Map
Upper Floor Map
Map Info
Each square is 2m x 2m, however this is just for reference, you are not fixed rigidly to the grid and each person takes up 1m x 1m.
Enemy Info
Tobias Vibol: The head of the propaganda arm of the Escriosian government in Davonia, and your target.

Bodyguard: Vibol's personal bodyguards. Likely to be undercover military or police, they are probably armed with concealed weapons, and it is likely they are wearing some form of protective armour, either secured suit jackets or something else underneath their outfits.

Ethan Alegre: Kasi'mela local turned Escriosian war hero turned propaganda star. He is dressed in a military dress uniform with a visible side arm.

Officer: Adorned in dress uniforms, complete with side arms and, in a couple of cases, ceremonial swords. None of them are immediately recognisable to you as any of the top brass of the occupation, however they are certainly not far from the top of the totem pole.

Soldier: Regular enlisted of the Esriosian military, with enough political or professional connections to be granted an invite to this prestigious event. They are unarmed and wear the dress uniforms of their respective branches.

Julian Lynwood: The museum's curator who purchased Jug from Em the previous day.

Deucias Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Kamal Madani: One of the men Tristan and Em spoke to on the museum veranda.

Crowd: The rest of the crowd is composed of civilians from Escriosian and Vaylan high society. They are unlikely to be any threat. Many are probably innocent, just born into wealth and privilege, while many are likely highly complicit in the oppression of the occupiers. As most of the crowd would attempt to hide or flee at the outbreak of combat, I will process their actions in one go at the end of each round.
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan jumped as the glass shattered next to him. "Shit, shit, shit." He says under his breath and launches forward. He quickly smacks the button to close the door as he makes it through, bolting for the evac vehicle. "Go, go!" he shouts.
Move&Main action: Double move toward evac vehicle.
On-turn action: Close door.
Combat Block
Tristan Arkwright

Male Human Warrior 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 26
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185

Speed: 10 meters
Initiative: +2

AC: 18
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Mental: 15
HP: 12/6

Attack Bonuses: +1
Sniper Rifle: +4 to hit, 2d8+3
Revolver: +4 to hit, 1d8+3
Semi-Auto Pistol: +4 to Hit, 1d6+4
Unarmed: 1d20+?, 1d2+?

Ammunition Loaded:
Sniper Rifle: 0/1
Revolver: 3/6
Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12

Active Effects: +2 to Hit

Important Features:
Time to Rumble!: Once per scene I may choose to either negate a successful attack against me or turn a missed attack into a hit. This only applies to attacks I make, or are made against me.
Gunslinger: I can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn action. Additionally, I may add my Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon's damage roll.
Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
Eridas (#4040FF)
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Post by Fialova »

As most of the others find their way to the getaway vehicle, Em quickly reaches for one of the expired lift and applies it to herself. She can feel it beginning to work on herself, but knows it is still not enough to counteract the Tsunami's effect that is soon to expire. Damn, gotta use another one. Hopefully no one else it too beat up.

Main Action:  Use expired lift on self
Effect: Recover [1d6+1]=4+1=5 hp after 5 minutes of rest, gain 1 system strain

Combat Block Format
Sirula 'Em' Emerald

Female Human Expert 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 36
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +0

AC: 15
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 14
HP: 4/7 (+5 more in 5 mins, still not enough to negate Tsunami loss)
Strain: 3/14

Attack Bonuses:
Combat Rifle: 1d20-2 (1d20 burst mode), 1d12 damage (1d12+2 burst mode), range 
Stun Baton: 1d20-1, 1d8+1 damage, shock 1 vs AC 15
Unarmed: 1d20-2, 1d2+1 damage

Ammunition Loaded:
Combat Rifle: 21?/30

Active Effects: 
* Tsunami - gain morale score of 12, +2 to hit, and 10 THP

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A Wan Smile
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Post by ratwizard »

"Let's go, c'mon," Antoine barks at Tristan and Jug. He watches the doors and the side of the building carefully, his hands trembling in anticipation. Almost out of this death trap.

Hold the rest of my actions until spotting a hostile target.
Combat Block — Tone
Antoine "Tone" Anders

Male Human Psychic 1
Languages: Mandate
Age: 43
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190

Speed: 30 meters
Initiative: +1

AC: 11 (17 with Telekinetic Armory)
Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Will: 15
HP: 2/2
Effort: 3/4

Attack Bonuses:
Telekinetic Rifle: 1d20+2, 1d10+3
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Active Effects: Telekinetic Armory, Tsunami (10 loaned HP, +2 to Hit, Reckless Abandon)

Important Features:
Telekinetic Manipulation: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can manipulate objects as if with both hands and can lift up to two hundred kilograms with this ability.

Telekinetic Armory: Commit Effort as an On Turn action to create either a rifle or advanced melee weapon as well as armor out of telekinetic force. The armor is AC 15 plus Telekinesis skill. The gear can be invisible.

Personal Apparition: Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. Antoine can teleport up to 10 meters.

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Post by Namelessjake »

Tristan runs for the door to the loading area, dodging another desperate shot from one of the Escriosian officers. He slams the door shut, hearing an electronic click as it relocks itself, before he makes for the ambulance with Jug following close behind. The two jump in, closing the doors and Jin hits the accelerator.

The vehicle lurches forward, quickly pulling out onto the road and away from the museum. The city is alive with the sounds of sirens and as you drive you can spot the flashing lights of emergency vehicles reflecting off the glass skyscrapers of downtown as they approach from all angles. Jin hits a button above his head and adds to the chorus of sirens, firing up your getaway vehicle's own lights.

"Something else must have happened tonight too. The sirens started in the distance a few minutes before I heard the gunfire inside.," Jin says, once he's settled in after getting some distance from the museum. As he drives, the five human members of the team start to crash as the tsunami begins to wear off. Luckily for Em, the lift she applied is enough to keep her conscious through the combat stim come down, despite her gunshot wound.

"So, did you get him?" Jin asks.
Tristan: moves,

Officer 8: snap attacks Tristan, 4 vs AC = miss.

Tristan: shuts door which locks, moves into ambulance.

Jug: moves into ambulance.

Em: uses 2x expired lift, healing 9 HP over the next 5 mins, +2 sys strain, 4/14

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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

"Target Eliminated." Jug outputs from their position in the back. "Additional Casualties: 4 Security Guards, Prior to The Assassination. 9 Active Combatants. 1 ""War Hero""--" They specifically pause before and after those words, denoting their distaste of the concept. "And 4 Civilians." They finish their report, their monotone voice offering neither comfort nor criticism, simply stating the facts.
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
Katherine "Kate" Meecham - #ff6814

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yeah," Sven says weakly, wincing through the resurging pain now that the Tsunami has worn off. Fuck, that stings. Will look even worse tomorrow, I bet. He takes a low breath, trying his best to ignore it. "What Jug said. Ethan Alegre won't be smiling on your TV anytime soon." Four civilians? Shit. Glad it wasn't more though. Not like we tried to go for them. Just rich dumbfucks who ran toward the gunfire instead of away.
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Post by ratwizard »

Antoine is quiet for several minutes, his rapid breathing the only noise he makes while his body attempts to recover from the sprint. He watches Em apply her stims with a pained look, knowing the mag round she took nearly killed her.

With the combat drugs leaving his metabolism, Antoine's hands begin to tremble once more — though so do his arms, his legs, his neck, his eyes. An intense pain fills his temples and forehead, no longer suppressed by the sensory antagonists from the Tsunami. He gags, grabbing a nearby sheet and vomiting into it, then once more. "S-Sorry," he manages, his voice uneven and stilted. To anyone paying attention, his umber skin tone has gone quite pallid and grey — his posture a loose hang as if he can hardly hold himself up enough to sit.

Been a long while since MES sickness, he considers, wondering whether he'd used his powers more today than he had in the last two decades. Forgotten what it feels like. It's like... flexing a muscle that ain't been used in far too long. Smarts like a bitch, but at least didn't have to torch back there. The thought causes a visceral reaction in his belly, a throbbing wave of nausea pulsing through him once more. Might not have made it out had I done so.
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Post by Fialova »

Em quickly applies a second expired lift after the first, before quickly doing what she can with the materials available in the ambulance to clean and dress her wound. This really fuckin' sucks, holy shit, she thinks, gritting through the pain as she applies some alcohol on the spot, before covering it with a bandage and gauze. Once everyone is inside, and the vehicle starts moving, she does her best to find a relaxing position to lay in with the pain she is feeling. 

"We got it done, took a lot of those other fuckers with 'im too," Em responds to Jin, confirming what her companions had already said. "All in all, went a hell of a lot better than I expected. We all got out alive, even if just barely," she continues, before groaning slightly in pain from her fresh wound. Nearly died back there, damn. Even unprepared for a fight they lit us up. But we got the guns, got our mark, now we just gotta get back in one piece and rest before the next one I guess.
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Tristan collapses before the vehicle even begins to move, and the adrenaline fades. As the moment passes and he feels his hands stop shaking, he clicks the safeties back on again, takes a seat, and then looks around at the others. We got lucky. I got lucky. But I couldn't let it happen again. He offers a grim smile to the others; "I'd say that was a successful job. Not the cleanest that I've been a part of, but we all made it out." His smile fades as he continues; "I've watched too many drop dead on their first job." He glances over at Em, and looks at her bandages from a distance, wincing as he realizes his wounds.
Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
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Post by BartNL »

"We did it. No chance to confirm from up close, but we hit our target down for sure." John replies. "Let's patch up and reload our weapons. In case their are any surprises."

Would it be possible to mount the heavy machine in the back of the ambulance? How long does it take to mount/unmount such a weapon?
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