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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pohaku moves to the space above Hadrurus and strikes "Just like the arena eh"
Combat Block
Pōhaku Kāhea ʻo Gore (Boulder Hellscream)
Male Minotaur, Berserker (3)
Languages: Grystok, Okani
Age: 32
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 255 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left:12/12

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d10+3

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Feats: Brutal Reach, Improved Initiative, Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Saves: None

Active Effects: None

At-Will Powers:
Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Vengeful Guardian
Savage Reach
Jarring Smash

Encounter Powers:
Second Wind [_]
Takedown Strike [_]
Goring Charge [_]
Batter Down [_]
Savage Cut [_]

Daily Power:
Life Ending Strike [_]

Utility Powers
Second Wind [_]
Defender Aura
Ignore Pain [_]



Class Features

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter berserker fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects,

Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.

Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.

Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Arid Desert: Gain +3 AC and +2 Reflex when Wearing cloth/no armor and no shield: Gain resist 5 Fire at 4th level, Resist Fire 10 at 14th, Resist fire 15 at 24th

Poised Defender: Gain +2 bonus to AC while Defender aura is active and not wearing heavy armor

Racial Features

Ferocity: When minotaur's drop to 0 hit points or fewer, they can make a melee basic attack as an immediate interrupt action.

Heedless Charge: Minotaur's gain a moderate racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks provoked during a charge.

Goring Charge (use Str): Minotaur's gain one additional healing surge.
Theme Features

Takedown Strike: Gain the Takedown Strike Encounter Power


Brutal Reach: When making a Melee attack, Reroll weapon dice that show 1 when you're raging and wielding a two-handed reach weapon

Improved Initiative +4 to Initiative

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise +1/2/3 to attack rolls with two-handed melee weapons, +1/2/3 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Stay your hand," Samiira warns, noticing Velasco getting ready to attack behind her. "If you stay hidden behind me, any sentries should let their ally approach close enough for me to wring their neck so they can't shout out," she says, not wanting to accidentally raise the alarm by failing to efficiently kill a sentry.
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Post by Fialova »

As Hadrurus' feint works, Josie quickly grabs her staff and slams it down on the man, hoping their combined assault can end him quickly, before he can alert his companions. I guess he had not noticed all of us after all. Unfortunate for him, but good for us.

Start Josie at an square available that is not adjacent to the stairs, but one square away (in range of her reach weapon)

Standard Action: MBA on Powder Keg 2
Attack: [1d20+5]=12+5=17 vs AC = hit?
Hit: [1d8+1]=4+1=5 damage

Initiative: [1d20+5]=20+5=25

Combat Block
Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 3
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 35/35
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA (human form, staff): +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage, reach 1
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:
* +1 speed while not in heavy armor
* ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
* roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
* +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
* +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
* gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
* grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind [_]
Wolf Shape [_]
Elven Accuracy [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Wolf's Vitality [_]

Savage Frenzy [_]

* this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:
Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA
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Post by ratwizard »

Josie, Alerio, Pohaku, Hadrurus
As you surround the man and begin to brutalize him, he grunts in surprise, his free hand scrambling for the longsword at his waist.

Go: Hadrurus, Josie
Hadrurus: grabs

Alerio: hits, buffs

Pohaku: misses

Josie: hits, expends buff, bloodies
26 | Hadrurus
25 | Josie
20 | Powder Keg 2 (-23/??) — Bloodied, Grabbed
11 | Pohaku
10 | Alerio
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Post by Fialova »

Not willing to pass up this opportunity to end their foe before he can call for backup and alert the fortress of their presence, Josie quickly shifts to her wolf form and lunges at the main, clawing at his legs in hopes of hindering his movement. He will not survive us, but if we end him quickly we maintain the element of surprise.

Move Action: move back (from already non-adjacent position, see discord) so that Josie is at least 2 squares or more from the target, so she can charge.

Minor Action: Wild Shape
Effect: become wolf, no need to shift

Standard Action: Charge -> Grasping Claws on Powder Keg 2
Attack: [1d20+7]=5+7=12 vs Reflex = hit?
Hit: [1d8+6]=6+6=12 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of my next turn

Combat Block
Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 3
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 35/35
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA (human form, staff): +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage, reach 1
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:
* +1 speed while not in heavy armor
* ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
* roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
* +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
* +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
* gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
* grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind [_]
Wolf Shape [_]
Elven Accuracy [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Wolf's Vitality [_]

Savage Frenzy [_]

* this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:
Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA
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Post by BartNL »

Hadrurus wrestles the man towards the southern wall. hoping to end this quickly, and without easily visible evidence. Drop dead slaver scum The man drops down the wall, and as he lies there groaning, Hadrurus follows up with a javelin.

Standard action: Move a grabbed target [1d20+6]=14+6=20 vs fort. Hadrurus moves to AI 44 and attempts to move the grabbed target to AI 43
Minor action: Grab Javelin.
Free action: Use Action point
Action point standard action: RBA with javelin [1d20+7]=19+7=26 vs AC for [1d6]=5+5=10 dmg

See: Moving a grabbed target and Catching oneself

Immediate reaction: when hit use Vengeance is mine.
Immediate Interrupt: when an ally is attacked use Word of the Blinding Shield
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Post by ratwizard »

With Velasco creeping behind, you continue clockwise along the battlements, coming to the western circular tower. As you step atop the tower, the reflection of light on wet stone catches your eye. A tall, orcish woman arrives from the northern battlement holding a lantern. She wears a jack of plate under a treated leather coat that seems to be blocking out the rain well. At her waist is a sword, and on her back is a longbow.

"Ah, Bartosz," she says, her wide-eyed look fading as she smirks at you. She continues in Grystok: "Is it my turn to stand under a roof, now?"
You creep along, staying at a distance for now while Samiira continues ahead in her disguised form. When Samiira reaches the western circular tower, you spot a glint of light on the wet stone. A tall, orcish woman arrives from the northern battlements, holding a lantern. She wears a jack of plate under a treated leather coat that seems to be blocking out the rain well. At her waist is a sword, and on her back is a longbow.

She seems to be speaking to Samiira for a moment. The orc's body language appears to be casual.
Hadrurus, Josie, Pohaku, Alerio
The Powder Keg manages to lean clear of the Amkharan's raking claws, but that only serves Hadrurus' efforts to wrestle him to the brink. "Non, non, s'il te plaît, non!" he begs through gritted teeth.

With a solid push, the man falls two stories, slamming hard against the wet ground beneath. A moan emanates before a javelin finds him. He lays still.
Josie: moves, changes shape, misses

Hadrurus: forcefully moves, PK2 fails save, falls, takes 8 damage, Hadrurus uses action point, hits, kills.
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Post by BartNL »

Hadrurus cracks his neck after seeing his latest victim depart the world of the living. "Now they won't find him. We do know now, our hiding place leaves some to be desired, though. We can head down to stay out of sight until Semiira and Velasco are done or we can make our own move. Sitting still will leave us exposed to anyone who needs a piss."
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Post by Fialova »

With the powder keg now deceased and tossed off the walls, Josie returns to her human form and to a crouched position near the others. "I don't see anywhere else that seems better to hide, do you?" she asks, at Hadrurus' suggestion of a new course of action. "Perhaps one of the other buildings would be empty, but then we are at risk of being caught by someone who needs to go in for some reason. Do any of you see the others?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

It is your turn.

Seeing their guard is down, Samiira lunges forward, drawing her blades and slashing at the powder keg.
Free: Quick swap to stow garotte and draw rapier and dagger duel wielded.

Standard: Quick Lunge to shift NW and attack Powder Keg 4.

16 vs AC = miss
Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 32/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Assassin’s Strike [_]
Cloak of Shades [_]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [_]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio breathes easy as the drunkard is finally dispatched, with the rest of the compound seemingly unaware. He chose his fate when he took innocents as prisoners. Tucking his flail back into his belt, he casts a glance across the fort while listening to the pair speak. "Yet should the tower remain unoccupied, they may sense something is amiss," the Talon mentions. "I will follow your lead however."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco quickly unleashes a bolt of magical energy at the powder keg.
Readied Action: Eldritch Bolt
To Hit: [1d20+7]=11+7=18 vs Powder Keg 4's Reflex.
Damage: [1d10+8]=7+8=15
Initiative: [1d20+8]=20+8=28
Combat Block
Velasco "V" Vasquez

Male Vryloka Hexblade 3
Languages: Grystok, (Modern) Serran
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 14
Fort: 13
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 29/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

Flesh Rend (MBA): +9 vs AC. 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Eldritch Bolt (RBA): +7 vs Reflex. 1d10+8 Force Damage.

Resist 6 Necrotic



Active Effects:


Eldritch Bolt
Flesh Rend
Convocation of Shadows
Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Spirit Flay [_][_]
Sign of the Golden Ram [_]
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Malicious Shadow [_]
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_]
Unnatural Vitality [_]
Item Daily [_]



Important Features:
Power Details
Convocation of Shadows - Free Action - Trigger: I reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, or an enemy adjacent to me drops to 0 hit points. Effect: I am insubstantial and phasing until the end of my next turn.
Eldritch Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - Target: One Creature. Attack: Charisma vs Reflex. Hit: 1d10+ Charisma Modifier force damage. Special: I can use this power as a ranged basic attack.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Force damage.
Flesh Rend - Standard Action - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs AC - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and can slide the target 1 square. The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the SONT. Special: I can use this power as a melee basic attack.
^To Hit: +9 vs AC. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Spirit Flay [_] - Standard Action - Target: One or two creatures - Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic and psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the EONT. Effect: Gain partial concealment until EONT.
^To Hit: +8 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic and Psychic damage.
Lifeblood [_] - Free Action - Trigger: I kill or bloody an enemy. Effect: Gain one of the following benefits - *Shift up to my speed. *Gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + one-half my level. *Gain +2 power bonus to attack rolls until EONT.
Sign of the Golden Ram [_] - Standard Action - Close Burst 2 - Effect: Burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of my next turn. Until the effect ends, I can use it's second power at-will.
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_] - Opportunity Action - Close Burst 2 - Target: Triggering Enemy - Attack: Highest Ability Modifier vs Will - Trigger: An enemy enters or starts it's turn in my area - hit: Highest Ability Modifier damage and shove target 3 squares from origin square.
Malicious Shadow [_] - Standard Action - Ranged 5 - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier cold and necrotic damage - Miss: Half damage - Effect: Conjure a shadow figure in a square adjacent to the target. The shadow lasts until EONT. While adjacent to the shadow, enemies grant CA to me. While it persists, can use the secondary power through the shadow at will.
^To hit: +6 vs Reflex. Damage: 3d8+5 cold and necrotic.
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_] - Immediate Interrupt - Melee 1 - Target: Triggering enemy - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Trigger: An enemy willingly leaves a square adjacent to the shadow on its turn. Hit: 10 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the EOT.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 10 cold and necrotic.
Unnatural Vitality [_] - Free Action - Trigger: Kill a non-minion enemy with a melee attack - Effect: Gain +2 power bonus to Death saving throws, and to saving throws against ongoing damage. In addition, I don't need to eat, drink, or breathe, making me immune to starvation and suffocation. These effects last until the end of my next extended rest.

Race Features
Blood Dependency: When bloodied, my healing surge value drops by 2.
Human Heritage: +5 to bluff checks to pass as a human.
Living Dead: I count as both living and undead, and can choose which type will apply on spells and effects that treat living creatures and undead creatures differently.
Necrotic Resistance: Gain necrotic resistance equal to 5 +1/2 level.
Vampiric Heritage: I can replace 2nd level+ utility powers with Vryloka utility powers.
Lifeblood: Gain the lifeblood power.

Class/Path/Destiny/Theme Features
Level 1 Occultist Feature: You gain proficiency with tomes.  You can master and perform rituals in the binding category as though you had the Ritual Caster feat.   In addition, you gain the sign of the golden ram power.
Gloom Pact Reward: Gain tiered damage bonus. This bonus is equal to my dex mod. At 5th level add 2, at 15th add 4, and 6 at 25th.
Gloom Pact Weapon: Gain the Scourge of Exquisite Agony warlock item, as well as the Flesh Rend and Spirit Flay attack powers.

:White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Bonus - I gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that you make with any weapon or implement with which you have proficiency. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level. I also gain proficiency with Orbs.
Arcane Familiar (Shadow Raven): Level One - I gain a familiar. For each familiar feat I have beyond this one, my familiar gains a +1 bonus to its defenses.
Improved Initiative -: Level Two - +4 to Initiative.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Initiative: 16

Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 32/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Assassin’s Strike [_]
Cloak of Shades [_]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [_]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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Post by ratwizard »

Samiira & Velasco
The orcish woman hardly has time to react as a disguised Samiira is upon her, while Velasco issues a blast of magical energy at her. She grunts as it catches her in the side, drawing a longsword from her scabbard.
Samiira: switches weapons, shifts, misses.

Velasco: hits.
26 | Velasco
16 | Samiira
16 | Powder Keg 4 (-15/??)
Alerio, Hadrurus, Pohaku, Josie
Looking across the fort, you catch a brief flash of violet light on the western battlements, above the entrance of the fort. Squinting through the rain, you see the back of Velasco as he moves on what must be another enemy.
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Post by Fialova »

And so they are dispatching a sentry as well. "It looks as if we might be nearing an end to their posted sentries," Josie responds to her companions, as the sight of Velasco's spell is seen across the way. "If not, we should soon know. It is unlikely any other sentries would have missed that sight. We should watch to see if anyone goes to investigate." She continues to watch, as she instructs the others, to see if any other powder kegs show signs of moving towards Velasco's apparent position.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco charges forward, trying to catch up to Samiira. As he approaches, he slashes at the powder keg.
Move action: walk 7 squares closer.
Standard action, charge the remaining 5 squares, Flesh Rend.
To hit: [1d20+9]=13+9=22
Damage: [1d10+8]=9+8=17, Necrotic damage.
Effect: PK4 takes -2 to attack rolls until SONT Velasco, I will choose not to slide the target.
Stealth: [1d20+3]=3+3=6
Combat Block
Velasco "V" Vasquez

Male Vryloka Hexblade 3
Languages: Grystok, (Modern) Serran
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 14
Fort: 13
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 29/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

Flesh Rend (MBA): +9 vs AC. 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Eldritch Bolt (RBA): +7 vs Reflex. 1d10+8 Force Damage.

Resist 6 Necrotic



Active Effects:


Eldritch Bolt
Flesh Rend
Convocation of Shadows
Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Spirit Flay [_][_]
Sign of the Golden Ram [_]
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Malicious Shadow [_]
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_]
Unnatural Vitality [_]
Item Daily [_]



Important Features:
Power Details
Convocation of Shadows - Free Action - Trigger: I reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, or an enemy adjacent to me drops to 0 hit points. Effect: I am insubstantial and phasing until the end of my next turn.
Eldritch Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - Target: One Creature. Attack: Charisma vs Reflex. Hit: 1d10+ Charisma Modifier force damage. Special: I can use this power as a ranged basic attack.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Force damage.
Flesh Rend - Standard Action - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs AC - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and can slide the target 1 square. The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the SONT. Special: I can use this power as a melee basic attack.
^To Hit: +9 vs AC. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Spirit Flay [_] - Standard Action - Target: One or two creatures - Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic and psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the EONT. Effect: Gain partial concealment until EONT.
^To Hit: +8 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic and Psychic damage.
Lifeblood [_] - Free Action - Trigger: I kill or bloody an enemy. Effect: Gain one of the following benefits - *Shift up to my speed. *Gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + one-half my level. *Gain +2 power bonus to attack rolls until EONT.
Sign of the Golden Ram [_] - Standard Action - Close Burst 2 - Effect: Burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of my next turn. Until the effect ends, I can use it's second power at-will.
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_] - Opportunity Action - Close Burst 2 - Target: Triggering Enemy - Attack: Highest Ability Modifier vs Will - Trigger: An enemy enters or starts it's turn in my area - hit: Highest Ability Modifier damage and shove target 3 squares from origin square.
Malicious Shadow [_] - Standard Action - Ranged 5 - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier cold and necrotic damage - Miss: Half damage - Effect: Conjure a shadow figure in a square adjacent to the target. The shadow lasts until EONT. While adjacent to the shadow, enemies grant CA to me. While it persists, can use the secondary power through the shadow at will.
^To hit: +6 vs Reflex. Damage: 3d8+5 cold and necrotic.
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_] - Immediate Interrupt - Melee 1 - Target: Triggering enemy - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Trigger: An enemy willingly leaves a square adjacent to the shadow on its turn. Hit: 10 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the EOT.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 10 cold and necrotic.
Unnatural Vitality [_] - Free Action - Trigger: Kill a non-minion enemy with a melee attack - Effect: Gain +2 power bonus to Death saving throws, and to saving throws against ongoing damage. In addition, I don't need to eat, drink, or breathe, making me immune to starvation and suffocation. These effects last until the end of my next extended rest.

Race Features
Blood Dependency: When bloodied, my healing surge value drops by 2.
Human Heritage: +5 to bluff checks to pass as a human.
Living Dead: I count as both living and undead, and can choose which type will apply on spells and effects that treat living creatures and undead creatures differently.
Necrotic Resistance: Gain necrotic resistance equal to 5 +1/2 level.
Vampiric Heritage: I can replace 2nd level+ utility powers with Vryloka utility powers.
Lifeblood: Gain the lifeblood power.

Class/Path/Destiny/Theme Features
Level 1 Occultist Feature: You gain proficiency with tomes.  You can master and perform rituals in the binding category as though you had the Ritual Caster feat.   In addition, you gain the sign of the golden ram power.
Gloom Pact Reward: Gain tiered damage bonus. This bonus is equal to my dex mod. At 5th level add 2, at 15th add 4, and 6 at 25th.
Gloom Pact Weapon: Gain the Scourge of Exquisite Agony warlock item, as well as the Flesh Rend and Spirit Flay attack powers.

:White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Bonus - I gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that you make with any weapon or implement with which you have proficiency. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level. I also gain proficiency with Orbs.
Arcane Familiar (Shadow Raven): Level One - I gain a familiar. For each familiar feat I have beyond this one, my familiar gains a +1 bonus to its defenses.
Improved Initiative -: Level Two - +4 to Initiative.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Samiira follows up on Velasco's attack, using the opening to drive her sword through the powder keg's neck. She pulls the blade out and watches the woman crumple to the floor. That was sloppy, she thinks, sheathing her weapon.
Standard: MBA, 31 vs AC = hit for 17 damage.

Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 32/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Assassin’s Strike [_]
Cloak of Shades [_]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [_]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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Post by ratwizard »

Samiira & Velasco
The orcish sentry gags as she is stabbed in the side and the throat at once. She falls to the wet stones below, her head bouncing hard against them as the light from her eyes fades quickly.

With the immediate threat dispatched, you take a quick glance at your surroundings. To your west, you can get a good view of the road that continues toward the colonies. To your north, the battlements continue to the end of the cliffline, before cutting east. Just below you within the fort is some sort of enclosure — the muddy ground empty for the most part aside from a large washing basin in the far corner, as well as what looks to be a leather ball of some sort sitting out in the rain. There is a thick wooden gate in the eastern side that appears closed from the other side.

The larger stone building opposite you has a single door accessible via the enclosure, which is shut and bolted from the outside.

To your immediate east is a long, wooden staircase that descends along the wall into the enclosure.
Velasco: moves, charges, hits and bloodies.

Samiira: hits and kills.
Hadrurus, Alerio, Josie, Pohaku
In the distance along the western battlement, you see Velasco continue forward at a sprint until he is out of sight — likely somewhere along or near the western tower.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"No alarm has been sounded yet. That is well," Alerio replies, peering through the rainfall at the apparent battle. "Perhaps any others might brush it aside as a strange flash of lightning."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"I wonder what lives in there?" Samiira muses, noticing the enclosure and the ball. "Seems like too large an enclosure for the camp dog. Maybe it's best we avoid it," she adds.

"Locked from the outside," she notes, seeing the building. "That must be where they keep their prisoners."
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Post by BartNL »

"We can move west for now, and try to get an eye inside the southern building. We can have one of us remain here and pretend to be the sentry we disposed of."
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku nods, considering Alerio's plan. "I'll stay behind and take the sentry's place," he says quietly, his voice firm with determination. "My size and build are close enough to his that in this weather, I should be able to fool anyone who glances this way."
He glances at the others. "Move quickly and stay low. If anyone approaches, I'll try to distract them or mislead them until you can make your move any thoughts?."
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Post by Fialova »

"That works," Josie responds to Pohaku with a nod, before turning to her other companions. We leave one behind, but he should be safe with how few sentries still remain.

Is Hadrurus suggesting moving west along the wall itself? Or going down the ladder?
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Post by BartNL »

My idea is to move along the wall, and to stay low/stealthy.
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Post by Fialova »

Alright. Is Hadrurus going first, or would he wait for someone else to take point?
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Post by ratwizard »

OOC - Hadrurus, Josie, Alerio, Pohaku
If you are moving westward along the south battlement, roll a Stealth check.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

May the storms and inebriation cover our steps. With the others at the lead, Alerio continues forward.
Stealth: [1d20]=5
Use Memories of a Thousand Lifetimes to add [1d6]=1 (of course ha) to the roll

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco follows Samiira's eyes and looks down at the enclosure with the ball. "Agreed, I can only imagine what they've got in there." He looks over toward the building now, catching the lock, "But we may have to get into the enclosure anyway. Should we continue along the battlement first? I want to hope there's another way in." He asks, a clear level of hesitation showing in his voice, but still determined to save those people.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Let's," Samiira agrees with Velasco. "Same as before, in case there's any more sentries," she adds, before stepping back out from the tower to continue along the battlements.
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Post by BartNL »

Stealth: (unequip shield+foodpads) [1d20+2]=19+2=21
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Post by Fialova »

Stealth: [1d20+4]=5+4=9
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Post by ratwizard »

Hadrurus, Alerio, Josie
The three of you inch along the southern battlements toward the southwestern tower. As you go, you spot movement to your north — somebody ascending the steps that lead down toward the docks. As they step into the glow of the torches outside the main hall, you identify him as a human. He wears a padded vest over a chain shirt, and on his back is slung a longbow.

His eyes are focused on where you saw Velasco moments before, but his head snaps toward the rear two of you: Alerio and Josie. His posture goes rigid and he reaches for his bow.
Please roll initiative.
While Josie, Hadrurus, and Alerio move along the southern battlements toward the southwestern watchtower, you stay behind to play false sentry on the southeastern one.

About halfway across, their movements slow as they appear to catch sight of something north of them.
Please roll initiative.
Velasco & Samiira
With Samiira in the lead, you begin to make your way north along the battlements, hoping to get a better look at the enclosure and find another way inside the stone building.

As you step out from the cover of the tower, you catch movement coming from the main grounds. A human man steps into the glow of the torches outside the main hall. He wears a padded vest over a chain shirt, and on his back is slung a longbow. While his eyes scan the battlements near your position, something else south of him catches his attention and he draws his bow.
Please roll initiative.
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco & Samiira
Velasco follows closely behind Samiira, watching the guard.
Initiative = [1d20+8]=18+8=26
Combat Block
Velasco "V" Vasquez

Male Vryloka Hexblade 3
Languages: Grystok, (Modern) Serran
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 14
Fort: 13
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 29/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

Flesh Rend (MBA): +9 vs AC. 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Eldritch Bolt (RBA): +7 vs Reflex. 1d10+8 Force Damage.

Resist 6 Necrotic



Active Effects:


Eldritch Bolt
Flesh Rend
Convocation of Shadows
Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Spirit Flay [_][_]
Sign of the Golden Ram [_]
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Malicious Shadow [_]
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_]
Unnatural Vitality [_]
Item Daily [_]



Important Features:
Power Details
Convocation of Shadows - Free Action - Trigger: I reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, or an enemy adjacent to me drops to 0 hit points. Effect: I am insubstantial and phasing until the end of my next turn.
Eldritch Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - Target: One Creature. Attack: Charisma vs Reflex. Hit: 1d10+ Charisma Modifier force damage. Special: I can use this power as a ranged basic attack.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Force damage.
Flesh Rend - Standard Action - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs AC - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and can slide the target 1 square. The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the SONT. Special: I can use this power as a melee basic attack.
^To Hit: +9 vs AC. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Spirit Flay [_] - Standard Action - Target: One or two creatures - Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic and psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the EONT. Effect: Gain partial concealment until EONT.
^To Hit: +8 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic and Psychic damage.
Lifeblood [_] - Free Action - Trigger: I kill or bloody an enemy. Effect: Gain one of the following benefits - *Shift up to my speed. *Gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + one-half my level. *Gain +2 power bonus to attack rolls until EONT.
Sign of the Golden Ram [_] - Standard Action - Close Burst 2 - Effect: Burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of my next turn. Until the effect ends, I can use it's second power at-will.
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_] - Opportunity Action - Close Burst 2 - Target: Triggering Enemy - Attack: Highest Ability Modifier vs Will - Trigger: An enemy enters or starts it's turn in my area - hit: Highest Ability Modifier damage and shove target 3 squares from origin square.
Malicious Shadow [_] - Standard Action - Ranged 5 - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier cold and necrotic damage - Miss: Half damage - Effect: Conjure a shadow figure in a square adjacent to the target. The shadow lasts until EONT. While adjacent to the shadow, enemies grant CA to me. While it persists, can use the secondary power through the shadow at will.
^To hit: +6 vs Reflex. Damage: 3d8+5 cold and necrotic.
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_] - Immediate Interrupt - Melee 1 - Target: Triggering enemy - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Trigger: An enemy willingly leaves a square adjacent to the shadow on its turn. Hit: 10 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the EOT.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 10 cold and necrotic.
Unnatural Vitality [_] - Free Action - Trigger: Kill a non-minion enemy with a melee attack - Effect: Gain +2 power bonus to Death saving throws, and to saving throws against ongoing damage. In addition, I don't need to eat, drink, or breathe, making me immune to starvation and suffocation. These effects last until the end of my next extended rest.

Race Features
Blood Dependency: When bloodied, my healing surge value drops by 2.
Human Heritage: +5 to bluff checks to pass as a human.
Living Dead: I count as both living and undead, and can choose which type will apply on spells and effects that treat living creatures and undead creatures differently.
Necrotic Resistance: Gain necrotic resistance equal to 5 +1/2 level.
Vampiric Heritage: I can replace 2nd level+ utility powers with Vryloka utility powers.
Lifeblood: Gain the lifeblood power.

Class/Path/Destiny/Theme Features
Level 1 Occultist Feature: You gain proficiency with tomes. You can master and perform rituals in the binding category as though you had the Ritual Caster feat. In addition, you gain the sign of the golden ram power.
Gloom Pact Reward: Gain tiered damage bonus. This bonus is equal to my dex mod. At 5th level add 2, at 15th add 4, and 6 at 25th.
Gloom Pact Weapon: Gain the Scourge of Exquisite Agony warlock item, as well as the Flesh Rend and Spirit Flay attack powers.

:White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Bonus - I gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that you make with any weapon or implement with which you have proficiency. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level. I also gain proficiency with Orbs.
Arcane Familiar (Shadow Raven): Level One - I gain a familiar. For each familiar feat I have beyond this one, my familiar gains a +1 bonus to its defenses.
Improved Initiative -: Level Two - +4 to Initiative.

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Post by Chanchabruhh »

With a deep breath, he focuses his attention back on his companions, ready to act at a moment’s notice.

Combat block
Pōhaku Kāhea ʻo Gore (Boulder Hellscream)
Male Minotaur, Berserker (3)
Languages: Grystok, Okani
Age: 32
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 255 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left:12/12

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d10+3

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Feats: Brutal Reach, Improved Initiative, Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Saves: None

Active Effects: None

At-Will Powers:
Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Vengeful Guardian
Savage Reach
Jarring Smash
Encounter Powers:
Second Wind [_]
Takedown Strike [_]
Goring Charge [_]
Batter Down [_]
Savage Cut [_]
Daily Power:
Life Ending Strike [_]
Utility Powers
Second Wind [_]
Defender Aura
Ignore Pain [_]



Class Features

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter berserker fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects,

Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.

Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.

Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Arid Desert: Gain +3 AC and +2 Reflex when Wearing cloth/no armor and no shield: Gain resist 5 Fire at 4th level, Resist Fire 10 at 14th, Resist fire 15 at 24th

Poised Defender: Gain +2 bonus to AC while Defender aura is active and not wearing heavy armor

Racial Features

Ferocity: When minotaur's drop to 0 hit points or fewer, they can make a melee basic attack as an immediate interrupt action.

Heedless Charge: Minotaur's gain a moderate racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks provoked during a charge.

Goring Charge (use Str): Minotaur's gain one additional healing surge.
Theme Features

Takedown Strike: Gain the Takedown Strike Encounter Power


Brutal Reach: When making a Melee attack, Reroll weapon dice that show 1 when you're raging and wielding a two-handed reach weapon

Improved Initiative +4 to Initiative

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise +1/2/3 to attack rolls with two-handed melee weapons, +1/2/3 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee
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Post by BartNL »

Initiative: [1d20+6]=2+6=8
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Post by Fialova »

Shit, Josie thinks, as another of their foes steps out and immediately spots her. She grabs her staff, eyeing the man with the same level of focus he has towards her. 

Initiative: [1d20+5]=12+5=17
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio's gaze darts to the man on the ground, his stomach dropping. This is not good. Let us hope few are sober enough to answer his eventual calls.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Velasco and Samiira
"Hopefully the others can deal with him before he alerts more of the powder kegs," Samiira says to Velasco, realising they are likely too far away to aid the others in dealing with the raider.
Initiative: [1d20+6]=6+6=12
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Post by ratwizard »

Encounter Begin!

As the lone Powder Keg draws his bow, the Unfettered infiltrators seize the moment...

Go: Pohaku, Velasco, Josie, Samiira
No yet.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversible as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require an Acrobatics check to move over.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows — though you suspect some of the higher-ranking members may carry firearms.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Knowing they are still too far away to help the others, Samiira keeps moving along the walls, hoping to remain unseen as she gets closer to either aid in the battle to come or to continue their task of removing any sentries in the towers.
Double Move: double walk to (I,19)

If still unseen I would like to remain so. Stealth check if necessary: 24

Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 32/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Assassin’s Strike [_]
Cloak of Shades [_]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [_]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pohaku will grunt as he moves to another position, weapon drawn

"Looks like ive spotted one powder keg, but i doubt that its gonna be this easy." Pohaku will say to Alerio with a stern and focused tone 

Move to AH34 and hold his position behind Alerio

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco groans, hating that he can't help. He runs along the wall behind Samiira.
Double move to I15.
Stealth = 28.
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Post by Fialova »

Josie attempts to hop down the roof below, but trips over an uneven surface on the wall and falls to the roof below. She then stands back up, annoyed with herself for the fall.

Move Action: Hop down and move to (AG, 27))...
Acrobatics: [1d20+4]=9+4=13 = fail
Effect: ...fall to (AG, 30), taking [1d10]=2 fall damage and becoming prone.

Move Action: Crawl and hop down to (AG, 27)...
Acrobatics: [1d20+4]=19+4=23
Effect: land in (AG, 27), still prone.

Combat Block
Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 3
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 35/35
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA (human form, staff): +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage, reach 1
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:
* +1 speed while not in heavy armor
* ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
* roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
* +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
* +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
* gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
* grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind [_]
Wolf Shape [_]
Elven Accuracy [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Wolf's Vitality [_]

Savage Frenzy [_]

* this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:
Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 1: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

Josie lands with a creaking thump against the roof of the wooden shack below, while Pohaku advances. The Powder Keg raises his bow in the direction of Alerio, loosing an arrow at the Talon that clatters against the stone wall beneath him. Doubling back, the man yanks the door open, slamming a closed fist on it. "To arms! To arms!" he shouts in stilted Grystok to those within. "Strangers on the walls!"

Your fitful slumber is awoken once more to a muffled crash and the cry of one of your captors from outside the makeshift jail. "To arms! To arms!" comes the voice in stilted Grystok, close enough for you to hear him through the rain. "Strangers on the walls!"

The startled murmurs of the twenty-eight others spread like a plague, their tired and sweaty bodies filling the all-too-humid chamber. The newest dozen slaves were led in yesterday, leaving many of you sleeping two or even three to a cot, if not the stone floor itself.

"They're under attack?" comes a voice — a young elvish woman.

"More raiders, must be," comes another, an older orcish man.

A young human man hisses in response, bringing a finger to his lips. "Quiet and listen!"
Roll Initiative. You will begin in loose combat order beginning with Round Two.

The room is L-shaped, and full of cots, and slaves, and little else save for a few spare chamberpots. There is a door on the short end that you know faces opposite the main hall the slavers use. There is another door on the long end, this one leading out into a guarded enclosure you are typically let out to during the day to bathe or relieve yourself.

Go: Hadrurus, Alerio
Samiira: moves, moves, rolls a 22 Stealth.

Pohaku: moves, moves.

Velasco: moves, moves, rolls a 26 Stealth.

Josie: moves, hops down, takes 2 damage and falls prone, stands.

Powder Keg 5: Longbow attack on Alerio, 13 vs AC = miss. Moves, opens door, shouts within.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversible as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require an Acrobatics check to move over.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows — though you suspect some of the higher-ranking members may carry firearms.

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Post by greysigil »

Initiative: 19
Combat Block

Male Human Fighter 3
Languages: Grystok, Kurnish, Modern Serran
Age: 49
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 220 lbs.

Speed: 5 Sq
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 20
Reflex: 14
Will: 14
HP: 41/41
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Bastard Sword +9 vs AC, 1d10+4




Active Effects:


Item At-Will

Bull Rush Attack (Standard)
Grab Attack (Standard)
Opportunity Attack (Opportunity)
Grappling Strike (Can be used as OA)
Combat Challenge (Immediate Interrupt)
Combat Agility (Opportunity)
Footwork Lure (Standard)
Cleave (Standard)

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Guardian's Counter [_] (Immediate Interrupt)
Steel Serpent Strike [_] (Standard)
Slamming Rush [_] (Standard)
Second Wind [_] (Standard)
Forceful Drag [_] (Move)

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]

Seize and Stab [_] (Standard)




Important Features:
Class Feature: Combat Challenge Mark foes you attack. They get -2 to attacks not including you. Make basic melee attack against adjacent marked foe who shifts or makes attack not including you. Makr lasts until end of your next turn or marked by other.
Feat: Inescapable Hold Your grabbed creatures must escape against Fortitude with Athletics.
Feat: World Serpent's Grasp Knock slowed or immobilized targets prone on hit.
Feat: Heavy Blade Expertise +1/+2/+3 to weapon attacks with heavy blades; +2 to all defenses vs OAs when wielding a heavy blade.
Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) Grants proficiency with Bastard Swords

Item Features, None Yet
Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Post by BartNL »

Standard+Move: Hadrurus moves into the SW tower, and tries to find ladders or stairs going down. If he has enough move, he goes down and moves towards PK5.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio winces as he watches Josie fumble her hop to the roof below, the weight of his armor becoming readily apparent as he considers his options. No. An injury at such a time could prove deadly. He continues down the wall after Hadrurus, in hopes of finding a staircase or ladder.
Double Move: Walk to AH24, following Barts
Combat Block
Alerio Zavala

Male Deva Warpriest 3
Languages: Modern Serran, Old Serran, Grystok
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6 (-1)
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 15
Reflex: 11
Will: 17
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d10 damage
MBA (Charging): +10 vs Fort, 1d10 +6 damage
RBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Necrotic 6
Radiant 6
Lightning 5
Thunder 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Blessing of Wrath
Storm Hammer

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Smite Undead [_]*
Thundering Steel [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Healing Word [_][_]
Storm Surge [_]*
Create Water [_]
Hammering Wind [_]


Moment of Glory [_]
Shield of Faith [_]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Storm Domain: You gain resist 5 lightning and resist 5 thunder. In addition, when you use your healing word, the target gains a +2 power bonus to the next damage roll they make before the end of their next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Elemental Initiate: You gain a +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and your unarmed attack can deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You also gain proficiency with ki focuses.

Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Weapon proficiency (Triple-headed flail): You gain proficiency with Triple-headed flail.
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 2: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

From within the main hall comes a din of raised voices and clustered shouting, the words muffled by the heavy spray of rain cascading all around. Velasco and Samiira creep clockwise along the northwestern battlements while Hadrurus and Alerio push toward the southwestern tower.
As you enter the tower, you find yourself in a dark chamber, lit only by a few embrasures in the brick walls that let in the waning sunset and approaching moonlight.

There is a door to the north, as well as a spiral staircase that leads both up, and down. Taking the stairs down, you come to a small, L-shaped chamber at the base which must be ground level. With no windows or embrasures, it is quite dark here, save for a lit candle on the far wall. There is a door north of you that seems to lead toward what must be a smaller partitioned room, and likely the ground entrance to the tower.

The dusty room is tiled with old sheets of stone in a loose pattern. On the east wall, you spot a large trunk, as well as a half-dozen barrels about a foot tall that line the wall.
As you enter the tower, you find yourself in a dark chamber, lit only by a few embrasures in the brick walls that let in the waning sunset and approaching moonlight.

There is a door to the north, as well as a spiral staircase that leads both up, and down. The sound of Hadrurus' hurried steps come from downstairs.
I did not render this second level. Say you're 8 squares behind Hadrurus' position on the bottom floor were you to continue down.

Go: Pohaku & Velasco
Hadrurus: double-moves, enters SW tower second floor, goes down stairs, arrives at bottom floor.

Alerio: double-moves, enters SW tower second floor.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversible as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require an Acrobatics check to move over.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows — though you suspect some of the higher-ranking members may carry firearms.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco continues past Samiira and hugs the wall tightly as he walks around the corner. He approaches the door and attempts to open it.
Move: Double-Move walk to M22.
Stealth to try and stay hidden: [1d20+13]=20+13=33
Combat Block
Velasco "V" Vasquez

Male Vryloka Hexblade 3
Languages: Grystok, (Modern) Serran
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 14
Fort: 13
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 29/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

Flesh Rend (MBA): +9 vs AC. 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Eldritch Bolt (RBA): +7 vs Reflex. 1d10+8 Force Damage.

Resist 6 Necrotic



Active Effects:


Eldritch Bolt
Flesh Rend
Convocation of Shadows
Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Spirit Flay [_][_]
Sign of the Golden Ram [_]
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Malicious Shadow [_]
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_]
Unnatural Vitality [_]
Item Daily [_]



Important Features:
Power Details
Convocation of Shadows - Free Action - Trigger: I reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, or an enemy adjacent to me drops to 0 hit points. Effect: I am insubstantial and phasing until the end of my next turn.
Eldritch Bolt - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - Target: One Creature. Attack: Charisma vs Reflex. Hit: 1d10+ Charisma Modifier force damage. Special: I can use this power as a ranged basic attack.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Force damage.
Flesh Rend - Standard Action - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs AC - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and can slide the target 1 square. The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the SONT. Special: I can use this power as a melee basic attack.
^To Hit: +9 vs AC. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic damage.
Spirit Flay [_] - Standard Action - Target: One or two creatures - Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex - Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier necrotic and psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the EONT. Effect: Gain partial concealment until EONT.
^To Hit: +8 vs Reflex. Damage: 1d10+8 Necrotic and Psychic damage.
Lifeblood [_] - Free Action - Trigger: I kill or bloody an enemy. Effect: Gain one of the following benefits - *Shift up to my speed. *Gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + one-half my level. *Gain +2 power bonus to attack rolls until EONT.
Sign of the Golden Ram [_] - Standard Action - Close Burst 2 - Effect: Burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of my next turn. Until the effect ends, I can use it's second power at-will.
Sign of the Golden Ram (2nd) [_] - Opportunity Action - Close Burst 2 - Target: Triggering Enemy - Attack: Highest Ability Modifier vs Will - Trigger: An enemy enters or starts it's turn in my area - hit: Highest Ability Modifier damage and shove target 3 squares from origin square.
Malicious Shadow [_] - Standard Action - Ranged 5 - Target: One creature - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier cold and necrotic damage - Miss: Half damage - Effect: Conjure a shadow figure in a square adjacent to the target. The shadow lasts until EONT. While adjacent to the shadow, enemies grant CA to me. While it persists, can use the secondary power through the shadow at will.
^To hit: +6 vs Reflex. Damage: 3d8+5 cold and necrotic.
Malicious Shadow (Secondary) [_] - Immediate Interrupt - Melee 1 - Target: Triggering enemy - Attack: Charisma vs Reflex - Trigger: An enemy willingly leaves a square adjacent to the shadow on its turn. Hit: 10 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the EOT.
^To hit: +7 vs Reflex. Damage: 10 cold and necrotic.
Unnatural Vitality [_] - Free Action - Trigger: Kill a non-minion enemy with a melee attack - Effect: Gain +2 power bonus to Death saving throws, and to saving throws against ongoing damage. In addition, I don't need to eat, drink, or breathe, making me immune to starvation and suffocation. These effects last until the end of my next extended rest.

Race Features
Blood Dependency: When bloodied, my healing surge value drops by 2.
Human Heritage: +5 to bluff checks to pass as a human.
Living Dead: I count as both living and undead, and can choose which type will apply on spells and effects that treat living creatures and undead creatures differently.
Necrotic Resistance: Gain necrotic resistance equal to 5 +1/2 level.
Vampiric Heritage: I can replace 2nd level+ utility powers with Vryloka utility powers.
Lifeblood: Gain the lifeblood power.

Class/Path/Destiny/Theme Features
Level 1 Occultist Feature: You gain proficiency with tomes.  You can master and perform rituals in the binding category as though you had the Ritual Caster feat.   In addition, you gain the sign of the golden ram power.
Gloom Pact Reward: Gain tiered damage bonus. This bonus is equal to my dex mod. At 5th level add 2, at 15th add 4, and 6 at 25th.
Gloom Pact Weapon: Gain the Scourge of Exquisite Agony warlock item, as well as the Flesh Rend and Spirit Flay attack powers.

:White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Bonus - I gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that you make with any weapon or implement with which you have proficiency. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 21st level. I also gain proficiency with Orbs.
Arcane Familiar (Shadow Raven): Level One - I gain a familiar. For each familiar feat I have beyond this one, my familiar gains a +1 bonus to its defenses.
Improved Initiative -: Level Two - +4 to Initiative.

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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

Brandys listens with his eyes closed a moment longer. Can not a man get some rest? Ah well, let us see what is to be done.
He rises from his spot on the floor, joints aching, and mimics the young human's finger-to-the-mouth gesture. "Raiders would be louder, more brash." He whispers, offering a weary smile to the others. "Take heart, mayhaps this diversion will give us an opportunity." He cups a hand to his ear, straining to listen for any further information.
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
Katherine "Kate" Meecham - #ff6814

Ezra Wynter // MEDUSA - #91c886
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