A Tale of Two Orphans — IC

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Spotting the elven woman, Caedus points her out to Johanna, quickly getting her attention. "There, outside the tent, speaking to the elderly man." He says, whispering in her ear.
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus listens closely to Dustin's tale, frowning as he does. Elmwood is proving to be both influential and contentious, if he was able to broker a marriage in this fashion. Despite his attempts to control the lives of both of his children, they both undermine him.

The knight places a hand on the younger man's shoulder, nodding assuringly. "The duty of marriage can wrest one's soul away, especially when others pull strings like a marionette." That is the price of nobility. Duty before love.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen's eyes widen in sympathy as he watches Dustin break down and reveal the truth. I had no idea... The elf puts a comforting arm around the man. "You both deserve happiness above all," he says with a gentle tone. There should be more to marriage than just producing children. They are all unhappy doing it, so why do they continue? "I don't think she resents you though. She probably resents her own father and Elmwood, but she's taking it out on you."

First Carl and now Robyn... Elmwood is a spiteful man.

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Post by Namelessjake »

Having been a member of the upper echelons of Tulrissian nobility his entire life, Dustin's tale is not one Drake is entirely unfamiliar with. "Betrothals are rarely a joyous affair for all involved parties, although that is usually born out of marrying a stranger not out of a father's spite," Drake says, clasping Dustin's free shoulder as Caelen puts an arm around the man.

"As Caelen says, the fault is not yours, and I doubt Miriam sees it that way. Perhaps in time you will both find ways to happiness, whether together, breaking the betrothal or through some other arrangement," he says, trying to offer the man some hope.

I wonder if we would have been happy, he wonders, as for the first time in a long time he thinks back on his own betrothal. A few years prior to the Imardanian invasion, his father had arranged a marriage pact, betrothing Drake, his heir, to the only daughter of the Lord of Eranor. They only met once and were not wed before her untimely death during a siege of Eranor, a result of a small war between Sorrow's Grasp and The Hollow started by border disputes among the smaller houses that lay on the boundary between the two realms.
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Post by BartNL »

Hellenbert is not impressed by Dustin's sharing his personal thoughts and feelings. What a tough life you must have, being groomed to replaced your father as councilman and getting to marry lady Miriam. I'd be lucky to find a homely girl, with half the dowry. And if she's likeable, praise the Plainsfather. Dustin and Miriam both have had everything handed to them. The least the could do now, is work hard to make that marriage work.
At least, I've heard some good gossip today. Mother will be overjoyed.

"I have no doubt that you are able to make this work, Dustin. Even if you can't see the answers to a good marriage now, that doesn't mean they can't be found." Hellenbert says, trying to cheer up the brat.
"To get back to the matter at hand, your father's informants and Madame Barschal both seem to be lacking or hiding information. I disagree with the notion that we should switch our investigation to the Madame. Not before we have exhausted our current investigation. Let's find out which guard or tower mage has been withholding information first. It's not like we could barge into Madame Barschal home, and demand answers anyway."
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Post by Fialova »

"You are certain?" Johanna asks, hunching somewhat as the target comes into view. "She looks so... small, unassuming." After a brief pause, she frowns and adds, "though that does match with Lord Atherton's tastes, I suppose. Very well, thank you for pointing her out to me. I will bring someone to keep an eye on her later, fortunately she does not seem to have noticed us." Satisfied, the woman brings you back towards the road to the city, and once out of earshot of the encampment she speaks again while walking.

"You have been very helpful to us, Caedus," she says, facing you as you continue onwards into the city. "And we do not want your aid to seem like it is underserving of a reward. You may have done so purely to aid in your release from our city's prisons, or maybe out of the goodness in your heart, but it matters not. The princess and I have discussed your assistance today and would like to offer you some nicer acommodations for the evening. Specifically, as a guest at my family's estate. You are not required to accept, but if you'd prefer a proper bed in an actual house rather than a slab in a dank cell, you are welcome to join me. You can wash, dine, and be prepared for the tournament tomorrow with some proper rest. What say you?"
Everyone Else
Dustin smiles again, first as Caelen puts an arm around him, and then Drake likewise clasps his shoulder. "Thanks, I appreciate the support. And I know I'll get through it, but the memories of how this all began are always tough. Though I know in my mind it is not me that is to blame, I can't help but to feel guilty, that I am robbing her of the love she desires by marrying her, even if I want this as little as she does." The man sighs, clasping Caelen's hand as he listens to Hellenbert speak.

"I can't make promises, but I can try to find out who reports to my father and get back to you all with names tomorrow. I can share them at the tourney grounds. Best place to meet would be near the cliff face, as that is the furthest from the day's activities and likely to be the least crowded area. Are all of you participating in the archery contest?"
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Post by ratwizard »

"Aye, near the cliff face," Valcus responds. "As for the archery, after today's practice, I may as well measure up against my betters."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

He nods as Johanna confirms, and hopes that the information truly is helpful to her. He listens to her offer as the two of them walk back toward the campground. He quickly nods, "Yes, of course, I would-" He starts, perhaps showing his excitement to leave the cell too quickly. He pauses and takes a deep breath before he continues: "I would deeply appreciate a proper bed to sleep in tonight. The cell wasn't the worst place I've slept in, but I do miss the comfort of being allowed to sleep without being watched by someone." He says with a soft laugh, and deep down he feels ready to retire after such a long day.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen gives a warm smile as Dustin seems to perk up slightly, returning to his usual self after the breakdown. Who knew he was holding so much inside him? "I'll be doing archery, yeah," the elf says, somewhat surprised at the sword-wielder's interest in that part of the competition. I'll just have to come out on top to prove myself...

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Post by BartNL »

"Splendid." I will indeed be entering the archery round. Assuming I survive the lord Valcus' round.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Why forgo a chance at glory?" Drake asks with a smirk.

"Although my money will be on Caelen," he adds.
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Post by Fialova »

"Very well, I'd be happy to host you then," Johanna responds, offering a small smile in response to your acceptance of the invitation. "To be honest, I expected you would be happy for the opportunity. I know the cells are far from accommodating. And the princess took it upon herself to commission you some additional clothes to wear in such a setting, which has already been delivered," she continues, as you continue your trek back to the city. 

The rest of your travel to Johanna's home is relatively uneventful. You pass through the city gates once more, receiving polite nods and salutes from the gate guardsmen before you slowly trudge the long, winding main road up the hill. You finally turn at one of the highest streets, nearly at the hill's summit, and travel down a similarly winding road slightly down again, ending at a large estate nestled between cliff faces both above and below. From the exterior, the home appears to be nearly as large as that of Lord Atherton's estate, where you fought in the Pinnacle the night before. 

Entering the front door, you find yourself in a wide foyer greeted by a kindly middle-aged woman, who directs you to remove your boots and place them near the door. Johanna then leads you partway down a hallway before you reach a staircase off to one side. Climbing to the floor above, you are led down another hallway to a bedroom, which you are taken inside of. The room is spacious, but not extremely ornate. It is clearly used only in rare situations, as a thing layer of dust covers some of its wooden surfaces, such as a desk to one side, and a bookshelf mostly empty of contents.

"This is-" Johanna begins, "was my middle brother's room. He passed some years ago, so it finds little use now. It's yours for the duration of the tourney, as a guest of our hours. Word has already been sent to my parents that a famed knight and friend to the princess will be staying with us, so the servants will accommodate your requests as best as they can. You need simple ring this bell to call one," she continues, motioning towards a small brass bell on the bedside table.

After, she points to the only other door in the room, leading out of its left side, past your bed. "Through there is the lavatory. A bath has been can be drawn for you if you desire, and afterwards you are welcome to join us for dinner, though you have no obligation to. Do you have any questions for me before I retire to my own room?"
Everyone Else
"No offense to Caelen, but most of my money will be riding on Robyn, since she is showing," Dustin responds, at Drake's mention of the betting to come. "Though I do hope one of you comes out on top all the same," he continues, standing from his seat and patting Caelen back on the shoulder as he does so. 

"I will meet one of you at the cliff face tomorrow, or one of your retinue if needed. Ideally before the competition, but if it is not possible we can meet after. There won't be any good way to get away while the event is under way. If you need nothing else of me, however, I'll take my leave of you and return home now."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Very well," Valcus agrees. "Thank you for meeting with us. And enjoy the tournament tomorrow," he adds. It may be the last time for joy for many of these people before the war reaches them.

Once Dustin leaves, Valcus turns towards the others. "Perhaps we should go our separate ways for the evening, and reconvene in the morning."

I'm eager to meet with Rorin, and Johanna / Lillian before ending the evening. Could even do it at the same time. Then after that, the tourney!
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You never know. I might surprise you," Caelen replies with a faint smile, feeling a rare glimmer of confidence. Who knows how it might go? "Take care, Dustin."

He gives a nod to Valcus. "Alright, but be careful if you're going out alone."

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Post by Namelessjake »

Drake slightly smirks at Caelen's words to Dustin, impressed by the elf's confidence. Shooting targets or elk in the woods is a poor substitute for real battle, he thinks, confident Caelen's recent experience will be enough to best Robyn. All the events are simply playing at war I suppose.

He gives Dustin a nod goodbye as the man takes his leave.

"Aye the hour grows late."
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Post by BartNL »

"I will see you all tomorrow then".
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Post by ratwizard »

"Until then," Valcus says to the Menoran with a nod. Once the man has taken his leave, he turns back to the others.

"A long day, yes? I had one more inquiry to make. After meeting with Ser Hellenbert and his father, I feel we have gained a keen ally in our investigations. However, I want to be sure. I suggest we speak to the Princess. If she agrees, we should clue our new friend into her identity. It is clear the man has a thirst for the truth. Having the knowledge that we do would certainly allow him a greater grasp on what exactly is going on in this city."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"The less that is obscured, the clearer everything else should become," Drake agrees. "Those hiding the princess' involvement could appear to be apart of something more nefarious from the outside."

"We should make haste then" he adds.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus spends much of the walk to Johanna's home in a daze. What sort of luck has he sprung upon? A lay and a place to sleep that isn't a wet, smelly stone floor? On the same day? Caedus smiles to himself. Perhaps I'll return to my bride-to-be's arms sooner than I thought.
He does as he's told and follows Johanna to the room she identifies as her middle brother's room. He nods slowly. "I'd like to get washed up and join you all for dinner that would be..." He hesitates for a moment, knowing he'd have to keep up the façade for a little longer that night, "It would be lovely." He says, giving Johanna a soft smile.
I'm down to keep RPing, but if you want to keep things moving forward Caedus will have a bath, get changed, and join the others for dinner.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Smart," Caelen says with the guard out of sight. "And maybe she's learned more on her end today. But we shouldn't be out too late so we can rest up for tomorrow." We can hardly do our best in the tourney if we're tired and groggy.
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Post by ratwizard »

"We should make for the home of her friend," Valcus suggests. "If we can't reach the Princess that way, we can try that feather she gave us." Grabbing a few things from his pack, he gets ready to head out once more.
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Post by Fialova »

Exiting the inn room and returning to the lower floor, the hostess at the door bids you farewell as you take leave of the Golden Sunrise Inn. Stepping onto the street, you find that the day is coming to its end, with the sun beginning to dip behind the hill as the last of the day's sunlight begins to wane. As you take the familiar path back down the hill, through the winding streets, to Burnhold, you arrive just as dusk finally gives way to night.

Stepping into the estate grounds, you find that the yard is now absent its servants, who are likely all gathering for an evening meal in the woooden ground floor kitchen area. 
Let me know specifically what you plan for Hellenbert to do/which room(s) you want him to go to, or who you want him to seek out, and I can continue the scene from there.
"Very well, I will send for one of the servants to begin preparing it, then," Johanna says. She gives you a slight nod, before she makes her way out of the room and shuts the door behind her, her footsteps slowly fading as she makes her way away from your guest bedroom. Once alone, you are able to take in the room in its entirety.

The back wall of the room - opposite the door to the hallway - has a large bed in the center, freshly made with fine sheets for you in orange and white patterns. On the wall, on either side of this bed, are two windows looking out over the estate's back gardens, though most of the area is obscured by the dark of the evening as the sun quickly sets behind the hillside. The right side of the bed features a bedside table with a small drawer, which you find to be locked, a small keyhole suggesting where to unlock it should you find its key. 

From the door, to your right, is the aforementioned bookshelf, nearly empty, situated in the corner near one of the windows. Next to it, closest to you, is a simple wooden desk with a thin layer of dust and another locked drawer underneath. At the foot of the bed is an unlocked and partially open footlocker, which you find to be empty, likely meant to hold your clothing and army during your stay.

To the left of the door, along the same wall as it, is a wooden day bench wide enough to comfortably sit two people, or, less comfortably, three. It features two wide cushions on top of the seat, both in the same orange and white design scheme as the bedding, and a small footstool is placed underneath the center of it. Past this, in the corner, is a stone pedestal with a wooden carving of a head shape, though the head bears no distinguishing features. From the looks of it, this was meant to seat a hat or helmet on top for display, though nothing adorns the featureless head at the moment.

Lastly, along the left side wall is a low, wide dresser, which you find to be still partially full of excess linens and a handful of assorted small objects, though most of the drawers are empty. Above the dresser is a wooden placard that clearly once held a weapon or two on display, though, like the bust, it is now devoid of any contents. This dresser is then situated next to the doorway leading into the lavatory that Johanna pointed out before.

As you take in the room alone, you soon hear lighter footsteps than Johanna's heading more hurriedly down the hallway, before a few small knocks are made at the door. "Um, excuse me Ser Marcus," comes the voice of a boy through the door. "I've been sent to prepare a bath for you, is it fine for me to come in?"
Everyone Else
"I'd like to stay behind, if that's alright," Ser Daria responds, as the rest of you make your plans to see the princess' friend. "Meeting with so many highborn lords today has been an interesting experience, but exhausting. I am not sure I've the energy left to meet with a princess." She looks to each of you, clearly eager for a sense of agreement from one of you, her eyes resting mostly on Valcus.
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus nods. "I understand completely. An exhaustion of a different kind than I'm used to. We shall see you on the morrow, then, Ser Daria, and many thanks for accompanying us this evening." The young lord gives her a warm smile.

He turns towards the two others. "To Fiora's, then."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Ser," Drake says, giving Daria a nod in parting.

"Fiora's," he echoes. "We shouldn't dally too much, a good performance tomorrow could depend on a good night's rest tonight."
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Post by BartNL »

It's been a day. Hellenbert thinks as he enters the yards. He takes a leisurely stroll through the garden, before heading inside. Let's have some tea with mum.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, lead the way," Caelen says to the lords, giving Daria a smile and a wave as they make ready to depart.

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus nods at Johanna and begins to discard his equipment as he takes in the room. Taking note of the footlocker, he puts his scale armor down on the bench for now, then hears the door. "Please, come in." He says just loud enough for the person at the door to hear him.
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