Escape Trajectory: Makkuro — IC

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Post by greysigil »

Kate & Tess
"Fair 'nough." Kate says, her brain chewing on all the information that's been dumped on her. When Tess turns to face her, she starts slightly, but looks back at the other woman, holding her gaze steady. She never really noticed just how pretty Tess' eyes were, before now. They seem so cold at a glance, but that's not all they are. They're deep, and intricate, just like her, I suppose. When Tess turns to point, she looks, sees the sign, and suddenly remembers why they came out this way. Shit, lost the plot there for a second. "Oh, yeah, looks like it. Les'see what they got." She says, following along.

"I... I'm just tryina be as good as I can be, y'know. I 'preciate the vote of confidence, though." She says as she walks. "And, I'm, not really sure what I want, right now. But,," Her breath catches as another wave of nerves washes over her, but she swallows it down. "Company might be nice. I'm used to lonely, honestly, but we can see where it goes. I do think, I want to talk to Cass, first, before agreein' t'anything for sure, but I'm willin' to leave the offer open, if that's all right with you."
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Post by Fialova »

Tess & Kate
"Definitely," Tess responds, finding amusement in Kate's cautious approach to her words. "Like I said, all you have to do is ask," she continues, as they reach the entrance to the shop in question. I can see why Cass has grown fond of her now. Her nervousness is certainly endearing, her gentle nature too. Though I wonder how fond he truly is.
I am ready to have the convo/scene move into the shop whenever, assuming grey is too.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru looks at his surroundings, somewhat in awe at how the station has transformed around him. Damn, when even their space station looks this good... Swanky. "I thought we were gonna try Kylen or Calhun first," the idol responds, eyeing Kaze curiously. "But if Warner thinks a guild could be useful too, could be worth checking out." Way out of my depth. One thing to lead a ship. Another to negotiate with a planet's worth of power players.

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Post by FinalTemplar »

As Cass speaks to the tech, Creed tries to run some math in his head, he attempts to plan for their next jump.
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Post by greysigil »

Also good to move into the shop.
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Post by BartNL »

"Agreed." Warner replies to Kaze's suggestion. "It's good to be seen as friendly opportunistic traders by house Dramir and the Carthage guild."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Hikaru, Warner & Kaze
You head towards the banner of the Cartage Guild and make your way through the door. You find yourselves in a small lobby, lined with displays showcasing models of an assortment of freighters. At the far end a couple of Cartage Guild employees man a desk, busy talking with what you assume is a merchant and a League supply officer.

As you approach, the League officer appears to finish up their business and takes their leave, requisition forms in hand. "Can I help you gentlemen?" the now free employee asks your trio. They are a larger man, with a round face, in their mid twenties. He wears fine clothes, with golden pins on his lapel, the symbols of both the Guild and House Dramir.
Cass and Creed
"Gotcha, I'll put the order through. You're the Makkuro right?" the tech replies, referencing their screen for the ship's name.

"For a frigate, we've got capacity. Our facilities are separate from the military ones, and the bigger ships can't dock anyway. The League brought their own tender ships so they're handling the repairs on the Berez," they explain.
-500 credits from Ship's Fund
Makkuro is refueled.
Tess and Kate
You head inside the hardware store, finding racks of tools to one side of the store and bins of various parts and materials to the other. A older mustachioed man greets you from behind the counter, before turning his attention back to another customer.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Makkuro, yeah," Cass confirms to the tech. He listens closely as they explain further. "Good to hear, thanks for the info. Pilote, you ready to go? Let's find out where Tess and the Chief went off to."
Gonna go look for Tess and Kate. Time for the boys to crash the girls' scene.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

"Absolutely," Kaze responds with a nod to Warner

Kaze comments, "Making a good first impression with the guilds is a solid step."

time to do some crashing lmao
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Post by Fialova »

Tess & Kate
Once inside the store, Tess stops and turns back to Kate, placing both hands on her hips. "Alright, this looks like a good place to restock on stuff, yeah? Anything in particular you need to keep things going?" she asks, hoping the change in topic and the familiar atmosphere will help bring the other woman's nerves back down to a more normal level. 
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Hi there," Hikaru says with a slight smile, studying the regalia on the man before them. "We're from the free ship Makkuro, newly in the system. We came to ask if you had any sort of freelance work the guild might need done. We're even willing to trek to the surface if needed." And hopefully it's needed.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed nods, making a note of the Berez for later. "Yeah, lets go find the others." He says, putting his hands in his pockets.
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Post by greysigil »

Kate & Tess
The moment they step into the store, Kate's eyes have a shine in them, her mind already buzzing with projects new and old. She gives a cursory wave, nod, and smile combo to the man behind the counter, before turning her attention back to Tess. She blinks, once, as the conversation from the way here competes with the task they originally set out on, then she chooses to focus on the shopping. Huh, I guess this is what girls normally do when they go out. Bit nerdy though, innit usually clothes or something? I dunno.

"Yup! Should have everything we need, and I've got a list right here." She says, holding up her compad to show a notes app with a moderately extensive list. "We got kinda carried away on our flight here, so we ended up going through a surprising amount of parts, but nothing too wild." She looks at her list, then up at the shelves and racks, laying out a plan in her head of where to go first. "OK, I've got it, let's start over here." She says, starting to walk towards the parts section, pausing, reaching for Tess' arm, hesitating, then committing and looping their arms together.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Hikaru, Warner & Kaze
The round faced man listens intently as Hikaru talks. "Well there are always contracts we need ships for, but new to the system you say? That might complicate things slightly. Guild membership normally requires the backing of an Anthean noble. Although your ship's captain could be considered to be of high enough station to warrant an exemption," he replies, his face contorting in thought as he seems to mentally navigate the various rules and laws that make up the bureaucracy that governs the guild.

"What type of ship is this Makkuro and what's your cargo tonnage?" He asks, looking between the three of you expectantly.
Cass and Creed
You head for the habitation ring, soon finding a queue by a large door which you join. A few moments later the door opens and a crowd of people flow out into the docking ring. Once the carriage is clear, the line begins to move as you head inside. An automated voice plays instructing you to take up a position on the wall and grab on to one of the hand rails provided.

Following the other passengers as they step up on to the wall using their magnetic boots and the lack of gravity, the door soon closes and you feel the carriage shift, starting to move to one side as gains speed. The carriage accelerates until it has matched the speed of the habitation ring and, much like on Asteria Station, you feel the artificial gravity of the centripetal force generated by the spin pushing you downwards. What had initially been the floor when you entered the compartment now opens and you are able to step out onto the habitation ring.

The ring is much like any other station you have been on before, although the ceilings are much lower than on Asteria, which had the luxury of space granted by its asteroid based construction. A long corridor runs in both directions, disappearing up around the curve of the ring at either end. Several small shops, bars and cafes line the corridor here, while the businesses appear to give way to less advertised uses further from the carriage back to the docks.

Walking past the initial storefronts, which mostly seem to be bars and eateries, you find a selection of stores that benefit slightly less from the increased foot traffic of being by the entrance to the docks. Two stores in particular draw your interest, a pharmacy and a hardware store. In the rugged and unforgiving environment of space, most stores sell a more extreme version of what you might expect to find in a large city planet side. As such you would expect a space station pharmacy to be capable of restocking a ship's med bay as well as providing cold medication, and a hardware store to supply spare parts for weapon and space ship system tinkering on top of supplies for home DIY projects.

Recalling that Tess and Kate had mentioned restocking the workshop's supplies, you head inside the hardware store. There you find racks of tools to one side of the store and bins of various parts and materials to the other. An older moustachioed man stands behind the counter, while you spot Tess and Kate down one of the aisles, a plethora of materials in hand.
Tess and Kate
Heading down the aisles, Kate begins pointing out the supplies and materials that have been used up or are running low in the workshop and you start the task of collecting what you need. A few minutes later, as you are stocking up on an assortment of wires and other electrical components, you notice the familiar figures of Cass and Creed enter the store.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass navigates through the rest of the station, a sense of familiarity stemming from its ring-based infrastructure despite having never visited before. As they arrive in the hab ring, he peers around — finding the pharmacy and the hardware store. I need some more meds, he reminds himself, before considering a novel thought. Hold on, Warner might know how to manufacture that shit himself. I should ask him about that later.

"There," the technician says, pointing toward the hardware store as the two of them make for it.

Inside, he spots Tess and Kate. They look like they're getting on well, he realizes. Something flashes over him. Jealousy? Curiosity? Amusement? He can't quite place it, but the feeling is gone as soon as the pair notice him.

"Tess, Chief," Cass greets them with a grin. "No luck here, but at least we know where to find work once we're all cleared for it. You need a hand carrying those?"
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Post by greysigil »

Kate, fully engrossed in combing the shelves for the parts she needs, misses Cass and Creed's entrance, jumping almost imperceptibly as the seem to appear next to her and Tess. The ghost of a blush touches her ears as her memories of the previous conversation push back into her focus, as she turns, notices his expression, and returns his grin with a smile of her own. "Oh! H-hey Cass, Creed." She adds, with a nod to the pilot. Speaking of the devil, huh? "Sure, if you're offering. We've got quite the list, after how long we spent in the workshop on the way here." She says, barely cognizant of the implications.
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Post by Fialova »

"Hi boys," Tess says with a grin as Cass and Creed come into view, maintaining her position with arm looped around Kate's. Looks like he had some reaction, she thinks, noticing a brief look in the man's face after seeing the two of them together. Maybe they'll actually have reason to talk about those feelings now. She watches the two of them interact, half tempted to simply watch and listen, but finding no fun in staying silent either.

"Yeah you guys really wiped out the stock it sounds like. Kate made such a large list, any help would be great. Then you can slave away some more on our next voyage," she responds with a light chuckle. "What kind of work did you find?" she asks Cass, turning his way at his mention of their future prospects.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Yeah, we really did," Cass admits, thinking back to the couple weeks of work spent in the machine shop. "New tools, new projects, you know? Shit's addictive enough." He smiles, stepping over to help haul some of their merchandise.

"Uh, none yet, actually. Seems like we're shit out of luck until Glitter and the new guys get that letter secured. But we got the Mak refueled for the next drill and we found the House terminals where jobs get posted."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Her captain would be me. She's a refitted patrol boat," Hikaru says with a proud smile, leaving out the details of her refitting. "Sixty tonnage, but makes up for it in speed. If you need something done quick, we can make it happen."
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze will nod and listen until as his captain speaks, His posture relaxed but alert paying attention to everything around him
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Post by greysigil »

"I hope they're doin' alright. The Captain seems pretty good with words though. Not sure about those other guys, hope they're not causing any trouble. Kate says around the pile of parts she's collected. "Glad it was a smooth refuel, a fed ship is a happy ship." she says, slightly awkwardly, her mind running with other thoughts and questions to ask. Later. Get back to the ship, first, and find a better moment.
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Post by ratwizard »

"He's not bad," Cass admits, shouldering the load of manufacturing supplies. "C'mon, let's get all this back to the Mak and regroup with Glitter and the new guys."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed spends much of their walk trying not to get lost in the new place, his eyes constantly drawn toward each new stimulus. Creed does take note of the places to eat along the way... mostly for later. Maybe the others will want to get a bite before going further - It has been a few weeks since their last proper outing.

He follows Cass into the hardware store, catching sight of Kate before he sees Tess slightly after. After a moment to register what Tess had said, he quickly grabbed some of the supplies to help carry them.
Not expecting a thorough list, Jake. If there's even one that stands out, I'm happy with that. But not every place has to have a neat spot to dine.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Hikaru, Warner & Kaze
"Hmmm, given the times we live in I'm sure an exemption can be made. Although it will of course require the approval of the station Guildmaster, Vutir Dramir," the man replies, turning to his terminal to check something. "He is currently, um... engaged. But if you would take a seat, so to speak, I can introduce you shortly," he says, gesturing to a waiting area to one side of the lobby. While out of the way of the main pathways to and from the entrance, zero-gravity renders seating useless, therefore the waiting area is little more than an empty square.

"Oh Captain? I'll just need your name too," the man asks.
Everyone Else
Paying for the supplies, you head back the way you came, returning to the docks and relieving yourselves of your burden, stowing the new materials in the ship's workshop.

From there you make your way along the dock, soon arriving at the point where the civilian docking ring connects to the station's spine, a large tunnel like opening to your right flanked on either side by Anthean noble standards each displaying a different geometric styled symbol. At the threshold the floor curves away from you, as it reorients to line up with the spinal structure of the station. Walking around the corner in your mag boots, you find yourself in a wide corridor that extends for quite some distance to a security checkpoint of some kind at its far end. The corridor is more ornate than the docking ring, which had a utilitarian and industrial feel to it, featuring leafy covered panels and zero-g water features, making the area feel more like a city park than a metal tube in the void of space. It also differs in that only one of the surfaces is used as a thoroughfare, effectively giving the area an "up" despite its zero-g nature.

This area is just as bustling as the docking ring, however the people moving around are noticeably different, most are dressed formally, in either League or Anthean military dress or civilian business suits. Some stop to chat in the central park, but most walk with purpose, coming and going from the doors that line the corridor on either side. Above each door sits a standard, bearing the symbol of a house or guild, with one instead incorporating the flag of the Valetel League into an Anthean style design.

Creed and Cass are able to recognise three of the symbols, from the terminals in the Stationkeeper's Arms, as that of The Cartage Guild, The Extraction Guild, and The Shikari.
You take note of a few eateries you pass on the residential ring.

Zevin's - a place that appeared to be serving traditional Anthean food, a cuisine that is unfamiliar to you.
The Cellar - a wine bar serving small plates.
Tranquility - a cafe, serving mostly breakfast and lunch dishes.
Mirage - a fine dining establishment.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass' posture straightens as they enter a more formal space, and one where eyes will undoubtedly be on them. Out of my element here. Let's hope our Anthean friends know what the fuck's going on.

He points out the three sigils to the others. "Maybe we shoot them a message, yeah? Don't want to walk in on something tender."

The tech pulls out his compad and connects to the local infranet.

Text to Hikaru
We're at the main hub for the Houses. Should we join or stay out here?
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Captain Hikaru Tsukiakari," the idol says with a smile, making no effort to come up with a fake identity when the Valetel military apparatus could easily verify his words. He gives a nod, taking a seat at the man's suggestion. "So far, so good," he mutters to his companions.
Text to Cass
Up to you. Waiting to meet with Dramir guildmaster at Cartage Guild right now. Might get us some easy trading gig? Won't turn down backup though. These two aren't chatty
(img3318.png attached)
>selfie of Hikaru giving a side eye to Warner and Kaze who are staring blankly ahead

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Post by BartNL »

Does the name Vutir Dramir mean anything to Warner?
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Post by Namelessjake »

Make an Int/Know check.
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Post by BartNL »

Int/know [2d6-1]=6-1=5
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Post by Namelessjake »

While you recall many of the names prominent in Anthean politics, Vutir Dramir is not one that is familiar to you.
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Post by greysigil »

As the corridors transition into a more upscale look, Kate unties the arms of her jumpsuit from around her waist and zips it up over her tank top. Might as well cover up. Don't wanna look like I've got no manners.

"What're those? Company logos?" She responds, looking closer at the sigils, her eyes narrowing slightly. "But, yeah, should probably check in first."
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Post by ratwizard »

"House emblems," Cass answers, recognizing them from the terminals he'd seen earlier. "You've got the, uh... Cartage Guild, the Extraction Guild, and that one over there's for the Shikari. We'll want to go over there," He points toward the entrance to the Cartage Guild. "Sounds like Glitter could use a bail-out here. If all goes well, we might have our first easy job."

Cass turns towards Tess, knowing she's likely drawn attention of her own. "I'm out of my element here. Maybe you should take point?"
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze will nod towards Hikaru

"Yeah sounds solid to me cap, plus this will give you a chance to see my skills." he will say with a smirk with his calm demenor
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed adjusts how he holds the supplies as his allies figure out where they're going next. "Bailing the captain out of trouble? Easy." He says with a small laugh.
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Post by Fialova »

"Oh, sure," Tess responds, having spaced out somewhat during the drudgery of hauling their new stock to the ship and returning to the repetitive corridors of the station. She does her best to avoid any sights of the vast endless expanse outside of them, trying to focus her thoughts on her earlier conversation with Kate rather than the certain death that awaits past several inches of metal and plastic. At least Asteria was inside a rock, this place is horrible if you let your mind wander too much.

"I can't say I've interacted with these guilds before, what should I expected from Cartage? Pompous asses? Conniving merchants? You seem to know some stuff about them," she asks, turning to face Cass. 
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass grins, flattered he appears to have his shit together even if he may not. "Yeah, I dunno. Less exciting, and risk-averse is my guess. I bet the supply chain around here is a mess with the war on. If they're paying outsiders to have goods moved, it's because they don't have the assets to do it themselves. Anyways, we just need to get past the front desk, and Glitter there should have a better idea."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Hikaru, Warner & Kaze
About ten minutes pass as you wait, with a couple of different merchants and ship's captains coming and going as they pick up and drop off files and cargo manifests with the Guild's reception staff, until you spot the rest of your group enter the lobby.
Everyone Else
You head towards the banner of the Cartage Guild and make your way through the door. You find yourselves in a small lobby, lined with displays showcasing models of an assortment of freighters. At the far end a couple of Cartage Guild employees man a desk, busy talking with what you assume, from their dress, is an Anthean merchant captain.

You quickly spot Hikaru, Warner and Kaze, in a small waiting area to one side of the lobby. While out of the way of the main pathways to and from the entrance, zero-gravity renders seating useless, therefore the waiting area is little more than an empty square.
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Post by ratwizard »

"That was easy," Cass mutters to the others as they make their way over to their captain and new hires in the lobby.

"Mak's refueled and resupplied," he says, his tone curt. "Now all we need's work. You get an appointment yet?"
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze does a small wave to the rest of the the group as he puts a earbud in
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Still waiting on our guy," Hikaru says, relieved that the rest of his crew has joined him. "But figured it'll be easier to negotiate when he can really see how competent we are. That's better than just my word alone." Plus I might need bailing out if he asks anything too techy about the ship... I really gotta study up.

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Post by BartNL »

"We are waiting for Vutir Dramir. Can't say I've heard of him before, but the Dramir house holds a lot of power in the Carthage guild. They are important players." Warner says.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Right, sounds good," Cass says with a nod, feeling a tinge of anxiety without a strong advantage in the scenario. He drums his fingers on his compad. Hope they're cool with giving work to independent off-worlders. Some of these groups get butthurt about that shit.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed grimaces to himself as Hikaru explains the situation, but shakes away the feeling. "The group of us should be able to convince them we know our stuff."
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Post by Namelessjake »

A couple more minutes of waiting pass before the round faced man from the desk makes his way over to you.

"Captain Tsukiakari, the Guildmaster is ready for you," the man says with a wide smile. "If you'll follow me," he says leading you back past the desk and down a short corridor. Opening the door at the end of the corridor, you step into a large room and suddenly feel the pull of gravity once more, rendering your mag boots unnecessary. Artificial gravity is not a rare technology, but it is an expensive one, especially this far from the post-scarcity industry of Strocho.

The back wall of the office is dominated by three large glass windows which provide a view of the azure-blue orb that is the gas giant Phenix. The office itself is lavish, plush velvet curtains hang over the windows and ornate antique furnishings are topped with anicent looking collections of relics and status symbols.

A large man sits at a large desk made from a dark almost black wood, inlaid with golden symbols of House Dramir. Dressed in Anthean finery, the buttons of which threaten to burst open at any moment due to the man's large stomach, as you step in he is busy gorging himself on a bowl of fresh olives and dates.

"Lutar! What do you want you moon-faced assassin of joy?" The man roars, barely looking up from his food as you enter.

"Uncle, may I present Captain Tsukiakari of the patrol boat Makkuro and his um...retinue," your escort replies, glancing at your large group for a moment. "Captain Tsukiakari, this is Guildmaster Vutir Dramir, the guild's representative here on the Redoubt."

"Hmpf, well met I suppose. What can I do for you Captain?" Vutir asks, looking up and gesturing for you to sit at one of the chairs by his desk as he pops another date into his mouth. 
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass clicks his mag boots off, more of a subconscious reaction at this point after years in and out of stations. He had seen offices like this one, officers like this one too — more concerned with the pleasures of the rank than the work that needs doing. Stuffing his face while his planet turns to glass.

He stands tight-lipped and rigid, his naval training keeping him in line as he glances over toward Hikaru. Alright Glitter, you've probably seen your share of gluttonous execs too. Get us some work.
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Post by BartNL »

Warner takes a step forward and speaks up in his officer voice: "Allow me to introduce you to my captain, sir. This is Captain Tsukiakari of the Makkuro, sir."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru gives the guildmaster a polite smile and a bow, giving Warner a quick nod and warmer grin. "A pleasure to meet you," he says, hiding his disgust with his well-practiced public persona's tone. Uncle? This dude sure knows how to treat his family. He brushes off the thought, focusing on the task at hand. "We sought you out in hopes that the guild might have any freelance work needed from a ship of our caliber, including any runs to the surface. If there's something you might need done quick, we could be the ship to do it."

"We were told you'd be the man to speak with when it came to this guild membership, in lieu of backing from a noble."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes, yes, my nephew already made the introductions," Vutir responds to Warner, rolling his eyes. "I see you too have an idiot in your company captain, if you find a way to get rid of yours please do tell me," he continues, glancing at Lutar briefly.

"Well we have plenty of fine noble merchant captains in our guild," the guild master says clearly unimpressed.

"Uncle, I believe they could be of use in fulfilling this contract," Lutar interjects, handing the guild master a dataslab.

"We still haven't got anyone for that? I would have thought Captain Fador would have taken it at the very least," Vutir replies incredulous, however Lutar responds with a simple shake of his head.

"Well still, it flies in the face of a hundred years of tradition. I'm sorry captain, but we can't just be letting anyone into the guild. We have reputations to uphold, how else can our clients trust that you won't abscond with their cargo, you see?"
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass bristles as the improvident guildmaster belittles their ship's doctor. He glances over at Warner, but doesn't dare address the barb. Move past it. We'll have to suck up to this lazy fucker if we want to tap into his deep pockets.

"I'd imagine upholding a reputation also means fulfilling your contracts," Cass speaks up before he can even consider if it is a good idea to do so. "If your guild's passing this job around, why don't you let our crew in on it? We can prove we're good for it, and you can keep your noble merchant captains at what they're suited for."

Besides, it's not like we need this job anyways. We just need access to get Bao's contact out. Still, I won't turn down an opportunity to make some credit around Antheus.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Wow, this guy's a real asshole. Bet he causes a scene every holiday with his family, if they even invite him anymore. Hikaru maintains his polite smile through the insult, not eager to cause a diplomatic crisis for any of them. "These are different and more desperate times, Guildmaster Dramir, are they not?" he begins, nodding along with Cass. 

"I understand you wishing to uphold that long and noble tradition, I do. But the war has changed things, and if no one's taken that contract, then the Makkuro will gladly be your lifeline." Worse comes to worse, we can schmooze a bit. Stroke his ego and maybe he'll change his tune.
Talk/Cha: [3d6c1+3]=6+3=9

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