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Post by ratwizard »

"Fire's sure to attract the guard," Roof Boy says. "If the flames or the tide don't get them first. Course, it doesn't help your brother."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius looks at Roof Boy for a second longer before looking away- he puts a hand on his hip as he lets out a sigh. "Perhaps I could help delay them. I think it'd be better for you to get in there to... disable, the boat." He looks to Alierin, giving her a nod. "This is most important to you, and I think you'd be the best at getting in there without being seen."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Could work," Alierin agrees, mulling over Dess' suggestion. "If they're distracted I could probably sneak behind them. We just need to thing of a way to get Gerirl, and ourselves, out of there before the guards arrive," she adds, going quiet as she attempts to work the problem.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, I like that," Aeron says, giving Dess a nod. "If we can cause a big enough scene, Gerirl may be able to slip away unnoticed too." He shrugs to the others. "It's just a matter of how, especially if they're on a schedule."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Just pay attention to the order of things," Roof Boy advises with a frown. "If you sink their dinghies before they head out, there's no way to pin them to their work. Our employers need these fellows dead, gone, or caught in the act."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

"So, perhaps Alierin heads down, maybe with another? Aeron and I should stray a little farther up the pier to catch them, and delay them if possible... Do we know which dinghy was theirs?" Dessarius fully turns away from roofboy now to ask the others; "I have not previously been fully informed, so tell me now and tell me true. What is our end goal here? And how best should we achieve it."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Our employer wants this crew gone," Alierin explains to Dess. "The 'easiest' way to achieve that is we just walk up to them and kill them, but that's not really an option, which means getting them caught in the act by the city guard. That itself should be easy enough, the problem is just that my brother Gerirl is apart of the crew, so we need to figure out a way to get him out of there so he doesn't join the others in the clan gaol."

"It could be risky, but I could approach them before they head out, saying I've been looking for Gerirl as our mother has taken a turn or something. Try and get him off the job. Then we just need to arrange for the clan to be waiting when the boats come back in," she suggests.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That may actually work," Aeron says, considering Alierin's plan. "A simpler plan, but maybe that's preferable to us going in circles, overthinking everything. Any plan has risk, but I'd say this could be worth it."
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Post by ratwizard »

"It's risky," Roof Boy says, his brow furrowed. "Donleg might get suspicious, you knowing just where to find Gerirl. You seem a good liar, but is your brother?"

Cymril shrugs. "Well, he lied to you about this whole thing, right Ali?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

"He did," Alierin agrees with Cymril.

"If knowing where to find him is suspicious, maybe not me but Aeron. I've sent everyone out looking for him and you just happened to be searching this part of the city," she suggests.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Whatever works," Aeron says with a shrug. "We just have to be convincing enough that they don't start questioning it. I think I might be able to pull it off."

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Post by Fialova »

"Os yw'n mynd i ffwrdd yn y porthladd, yna beth? Rydym yn suddo'r llong felly? Neu dal i edrych i gael eu dal?" Sisera asks, switching to elven as her grasp of Kurnish leaves her unconfident in her ability to express their options. "Bydd pwy bynnag sy'n dod at y grŵp ar y tir yn sefyll allan os cânt eu gweld ar y môr, a fydd yn gwneud pethau'n fwy peryglus. Efallai ein bod yn rhannu pwy sy'n dod at Gerirl a phwy sy'n dod at y llong."

Elven Translation
"If he gets away at port, then what? We sink the ship then? Or still look to get them caught?" ... "Whoever approaches the group on land will stand out if spotted at sea, which will make things more dangerous. Maybe we split who approaches Gerirl and who approaches the ship."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"We have to get them caught after the fact, so we wouldn't be approaching Gerirl and the boats at the same time anyway," Alierin replies to Sisera, also switching to elvish for her.

"If we want to sink the boats, we have to do it with them on board so they don't survive. Getting them caught by the clan seems easier and less... grey," she adds.
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Post by ratwizard »

"The plan where we don't have to kill them ourselves gets my vote," Cymril adds.

Roof Boy's face grows skeptical. "The clan will hang them anyways. It's the same result. I don't care which one happens as long as it gets done. So you're gonna get her brother out, let them do their run, and have the guard waiting when they return?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Same result but there is a difference," Alierin responds to Roof Boy.

"That sounds like the plan though," she adds, looking to see if any of the others have anything more to say on the plan.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, it's different from doing it ourselves. Just... the clan upholding the law," Aeron says with a frown, knowing how unequally the laws are applied in the bay. "Let's get to it then."

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Post by ratwizard »

With an idea in motion yet few minutes to spare, you set off from Ramjan Lumber toward the far end of the Southward Docks that Gerirl had described to you. Roof Boy follows along — the first time he's taken part on a task directly. At this evening hour, few people are afoot on the piers, making it a quiet jaunt, though hard to avoid notice from the spare passerby.

You reach the particular wharf, jutting out and somehow mostly unmarred from the war. There is a chill breeze on the air. The warped planks creak and groan as the tide pulses with a slow but steady rhythm. Toward the water, you spot a dilapidated shack, a faded anchor emblazoned on its facade. Two loading doors sit wide open. Outside of it, three figures linger, speaking in unheard tones. You see another figure further down, at the edge of the wharf, facing the bay.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Well then, you're up," Alierin says to Aeron.

"The rest of us should say out of sight," she adds, looking around for somewhere less conspicuous to wait.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dess nods toward Aeron; "Lets go." He says and starts to wander over.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron takes a deep breath and strides toward the three figures. I hope this works... He looks around, painting a look of concern across his face. He squints through the darkness as he approaches, trying to make out the faces ahead.
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Post by ratwizard »

Aeron sets off down the wharf, hoping to get a better look at the shadowy figures ahead.
You approach alone, and within moments the three figures notice your presence, ending their discussion and turning toward you. In the moonlight, you can get a better look at them — two young orcish men, and a young Serranborn man too. They are dressed plainly, and you can see one of them is armed based on the sheath at his hip.

Immediately, they began walking your way in a calm but alert manner. "Hey, you need something?" one of the orcs calls out, waving you down.
Everyone Else
Part of the way down the wharf, the three figures spot Aeron and begin to approach him.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"He's got this," Alierin says aloud as she sees the figures approach Aeron.

Lying isn't exactly in his nature but he's good at convincing people.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron studies the trio, casting a stray glance toward the weapon before meeting their gaze. So they're armed. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. He steps over to them, bearing a frown. "Sorry to bother you all. You haven't seen an elf pass by, have you? Dark hair, blue eyes, goes by Gerirl."
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Post by ratwizard »

Two two orcs exchange a glance, before the first one turns back to you. "I've seen him around. What's going on?"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron feigns surprise at the orc's revelation, looking relieved. "Really? Is he around?" he asks semi-truthfully, unsure if the lone man by the waterfront is even Gerirl. "His sister's looking all over for him. Their mom's taken a turn for the worse, I'm afraid, and they both really need to be at her side." He frowns, looking to them with pleading eyes.

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Post by ratwizard »

The first orc frowns, studying you for a moment, before turning back to the Serranborn. "Tell the boss," he says. The human heads back toward the shack while the two orcs stand where they are, clearly not allowing you further entry.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron gives a nod and continues to frown, watching the Serranborn disappear into the building. Hope this works...

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Post by ratwizard »

A moment later, a greying orc with a missing ear walks out of the shack, a haste to his step. Behind him trails Gerirl, who looks your way with eyebrows raised.

Donleg approaches you, sizing you up blatantly. "Gerirl, you know him?" He stands with hands on his hips, hardly hiding the long blade sheathed at his waist. He seems to be wearing a strange pair of oversized leather gloves.

"Yeah," Gerirl answers.

"What's the problem? And make it quick," the smuggler demands of you.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"His mother," Aeron begins, gesturing to Gerirl while maintaining his feigned frown. "It's..." He lets out a sigh, hoping to sell it further. "She's been ill and she's taken a turn for the worse. His sister sent me looking for him since he needs to be by their mother's side right now. Please," he pleads.
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Post by ratwizard »

Donleg glances back at Gerirl, whose jaw slips open. "No," the elf manages, starting to step forward.

Donleg lifts a brawny arm, stopping the young elf. "Hold on," the smuggler interjects. "We've got a job to do."

"Don, it's my mom," Gerirl insists. "She's... I need to be there."

"We're short a man already." Donleg turns, eyeing you again. "You stay, take his place." He lets go of Gerirl's shoulder, but beckons you.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

A lump forms in Aeron's throat as he hears the aged orc's words. It's for Alierin. And for Gerirl, stupid as he may be. I'll just have to wiggle my way out before it's too late. He lets out a sigh and nods. "Fine," he says, giving Gerirl a pat on the shoulder. "Tell your sister why I can't be by her side too, could you for me?"

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius looks around quickly, tapping his foot. He looks back at Aeron on the dock. He grimaces, "Do you think it's going well down there?" he asks the others, worrying slightly. "Should we wait?" He asks, looking back at Alierin. "Should someone see if we can catch sight of the guards to see how long we have?"
Perception, looking for Coast Guard: [1d20+6]=18+6=24
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Post by ratwizard »

Gerirl gives you an apologetic nod. "Of course," he says. "And, um, thanks. Good luck." He hurries off toward the boardwalk, where the others lie in wait.

Donleg gives the both of you a wary look, before beckoning you back toward the shack. "Nothing you do or see tonight leaves this pier. Got that?" he says, turning back over his shoulder with a dangerous look.
Everybody but Aeron
Moments later, you see not Aeron return, but Gerirl. He is at a slight jog, finding you laying low at the mouth of the pier.

"Where's Aeron?" Cymril demands.

"He had to stay. Donleg wouldn't let me go without a substitute," he explains with a grimace. "What do we do now?"
You keep an eye on the bay. It is a clear night, the rains of the morning long gone. You see a creeping fog off in the distance on the horizon, but it's a coin toss if it will head this way or not.

Moored out in the center of the bay are a number of ships, and you spot the occasional dinghy or canoe. However, you do not see the typical fare for the Groznid Clan's watchmen — small, fast single-sail boats that sometimes patrol the waters. If they are out here tonight, they must be south of here, by the Low Docks, or out beyond the bay near Alu Koroviz for now.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Why are all the men in my life such idiot? Am I destined to clean up their messes forever? Alierin thinks exasperatedly as Gerirl reveals, it is now Aeron in danger instead of him.

"Well, the plan was to find a way to get the clan guards here to catch them in the act. That still needs to happen," she says after thinking on the situation for a moment. "At least, with Aeron in your place, he knows our plan so hopefully he can find away to get out of there in time. Unless anyone has any other ideas?" She asks, wondering if there's a better way to extricate Aeron from the gang of smugglers.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius grunts softly, looking back toward the group as Gerirl appears. If Aeron did not return, I'm sure he did so thinking that was best. He shifts a bit as he stands with them, and frowns softly. "How long were you there? Did you learn anything else while you were with them? I know you said you were transporting something, but did you find out what?"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

It's hardly the first time I've had to hear that, Aeron says to himself, giving the orc a shallow nod. "Got it." But how to get away before it's too late... I guess I've got the boat ride to figure that out.

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Post by ratwizard »

Everyone but Aeron
Gerirl catches his breath, listening to your line of questioning.

"Not long," he answers Dessarius. "They're moving cages of birds. I couldn't get a good look, but they sounded familiar, like the type I've heard upriver."

He continues. "There's seven of us tonight. Three standing watch at the door, and one down the pier. Donleg, Aeron, and another are inside."
Walking your way past the three sentries, you follow Donleg inside the dilapidated boathouse. It is dim, and smells of tar, and stiflingly cramped with cargo.

Looking closer, you identify stacks of what appear to be cages, with blankets, sheets, tarps pulled over them and secured with twine. From beneath the coverings you hear muffled sounds of cooing and the occasional chirp.

The center of the shack gives way to open sea-water, where two dinghies are moored. An older elvish man is already in the process of loading some of the covered cages into one of the vessels, sparing you a curious glance before continuing.

"Get to work," Donleg commands you. "Help him fill that one first. Then we'll send it out and load the second one." The greying orc pulls his sleeves up, wasting no time as he resumes loading.
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