Way Down in the Hole — IC

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Post by ratwizard »

Round 10: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

Now a larger target, Josie is unable to avoid the nasty swing of one of the mace-wielding Powder Kegs, while the Talon is caught across his back with the rake of a flail. Alerio's magicks are enough to dull both while averting yet another arrow, though his grasp on the swirling eddies begins to wane.

Go: Hadrurus, Alerio
Samiira: hits and kills, moves.

Powder Keg 16: attacks Josie, 24 vs AC = hit for 12->7 damage, bloodying her.

Powder Keg 8: moves, Longbow attacks Alerio, 11 vs AC = miss.

Powder Keg 12: stands, charges Alerio, 20 vs AC = hit for 13->8 damage, marking him.

Powder Keg 17: Handaxe attacks Pohaku, (Hadrurus interrupts with Word of the Blinding Shield, nat 1, oof), 13 vs AC = miss, shifts.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by BartNL »

Effect: Regeneration 2, hp 12+3
Move: Shift to V28
Standard: Word of Exchange vs PK6 [1d20+12]=8+12=20vs AC for [1d8+5]=3+5=8
Activate Rune of Destruction: Before the end of your next turn, the next attack against the target from one of your allies deals extra damage to the target equal to your Wisdom modifier, and the ally gains temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. =+3
Rune of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you or to any other runepriests who are in this rune state.

No action: Serene blade, once per round gain 3 temp hp after being damaged
No action: If PK16 shifts an adjacent ally of my choice can make an AOO against PK16
Immediate Interrupt: Use Word of the Blinding shield if Pohaku is attacked

Combat Block

Longtooth Shifter (human) (Runepriest/Warlord Hybrid) 3
Languages: Grystok, Common
Age: 27
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 220 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 16
HP: 12+3/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +10 vs AC, 1d8+5
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d6+5

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Viper's Strike
Word of Exchange

Second Wind [X]
Guardian's Counter [X]
Longtooth Shifting[X]
Battlefront Shift [_]
Rune of Mending [X]
Inspiring Word [X]
Vengeance is Mine [X]
Word of the blinding shield[_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Shield of Sacrifice [X]

Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Heavy Shield, Longsword, Javelin x5, Desert Clothing, Bell and whistle, Crowbar, Filter mask, Footpads, Gambler's gear, Grappling Hook, Shovel, Climber's Kit, Tent, Dagger Boots, Sack x2, Oil 10 pints, (carried in sack) Pitons x20

Important Features
Rune Artistry - Serene Blade: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. Once per round immediately after an enemy deals damage to you with an attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. The number of temporary hit points increases to 5 + your Wisdom modifier at 11th level and 10 + your Wisdom modifier at 21st level.
Rune Master - Rune of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you or to any other runepriests who are in this rune state.
Rune Master - Rune of Protection: While adjacent to you, allies gain resist 2 to all damage. The resistance increases to 4 at 11th level and 6 at 21st level.
Master At arms: can sheathe and draw a weapon with the same minor action

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio clenches his fist tightly around his flail, releasing an unsteady sigh as he sees the form of Velasco go limp. No... But he cannot mourn. Steadying himself, the Talon prepares for the onslaught.
Minor: Sustain Moment of Glory
Josie and I continue resisting 5 all

Standard: Second Wind
Spend a healing surge to regain 9HP and gain +2 to all defenses until the start of my next turn

Move: Shift to V26

Ready Action: Disciplined Counter
If an enemy misses me with a melee attack, make a +10 vs Ref attack. On hit, deal 1d10+1 damage and slide the target up to two squares (or knock them prone). The target grants me a CA until the end of my next turn
Combat Block
Alerio Zavala

Male Deva Warpriest 3
Languages: Modern Serran, Old Serran, Grystok
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17 +2 (Shield of Faith), +1 vs bloodied enemies
Fort: 15 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Reflex: 11 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Will: 17 +1 vs bloodied enemies
HP: 18/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d10 damage
MBA (Charging): +10 vs Fort, 1d10 +6 damage
RBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Necrotic 6
Radiant 6
Lightning 5
Thunder 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Blessing of Wrath
Storm Hammer

Second Wind [X]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Smite Undead [_]*
Thundering Steel [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Healing Word [X][_]
Storm Surge [X]*
Create Water [_]
Hammering Wind [X]


Moment of Glory [X]
Shield of Faith [X]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Storm Domain: You gain resist 5 lightning and resist 5 thunder. In addition, when you use your healing word, the target gains a +2 power bonus to the next damage roll they make before the end of their next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Elemental Initiate: You gain a +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and your unarmed attack can deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You also gain proficiency with ki focuses.

Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Weapon proficiency (Triple-headed flail): You gain proficiency with Triple-headed flail.
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A Wan Smile
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 11: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

In the enclosure, two freed prisoners tear up the stairs beside Brandys, desperate for the high ground and a means of escape. Meanwhile, another picks up the flail with a nod to him and rushes back toward the downed door. Between the armed prisoner and the rattling kicks, flying debris, and other punishment dealt out by the rebellious spirits, the remaining Powder Keg is kept at bay — blood streaming from a tooth knocked loose.

Go: Pohaku
Hadrurus: regens, shifts, hits and pinatas.

Alerio: sustains, second winds, shifts.

Prisoners: Garvelli Bull Rushes PK7, misses. 2 prisoners continue running up stairs and along battlement. Gaoled prisoners attack PK7, 2 crits, 2 hits for 14 damage. 1 prisoner picks up flail, charges PK7. Hit for 6 damage, bloodying her.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco lay frozen on the rooftop, barely remembering what happened moments before. The arrows sticking out of his chest were a quick and painful reminder. In his final moments as Velasco looks up into the rainy sky, his life flashes before his eyes. His mother, his abusive father, his sister, Lin. He winces in pain, trying to force himself back up… yet he can’t.

A few dozen feet away, the sounds of clashing shields and weapons sound like a chorus of song. It sounds almost… beautiful.

<”I can’t let go… I still need to save them. Mom… Sancha…”>
<Damnit, kid… I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for you.>
Velasco wanted to cry. The pain, once screaming in his ears now feels like a dull thud.

<”There was so much I had left to do… Lin… mother… it's not fair.”>
<Nothin’ about your life was fair, kid. I tried everything I could to save you. . .
I gave you these powers thinking that they could help. That you’d live to see the end. . .>

A single tear forms in Velasco’s eyes.

<It’s time to let go.>
Goodbye, for now, friends. Velasco's part in this tale is over, but your tales will continue. Good luck.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pohaku will drag his halberd across the ground getting some momentum and swing at the powder keg infront of him

Standard action- [1d20+7]=14+7=21 jarring smash attack
jarring smash damage-[1d10+3]=6+3=9 jarring smash damage
Berserker fury damage-[1d8]=3
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 11: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

Pohaku's halberd strike leaves the handaxe-wielding man flagging. Nearby, the lieutenant keeps after Alerio, whipping at the Talon's feet with his flail.

Go: Brandys, Josie
Pohaku: hits and debuffs.

Powder Keg Lieutenant: shifts, Vexing Teamwork on Alerio, 24 vs AC = hit for 6->1 damage, and Alerio cannot shift if he has 2+ enemies adjacent. (save ends)
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by Fialova »

Finding her focus again, Josie flings three more of her hairpins at her surrounding foes, sending one reeling back in pain, while two slump lifelessly to the ground. Tears well in her eyes as a murderous look fills her eyes. With the closest enemies dispatched, she turns her attention to the few near Alerio, resume her wolf facade in preparation for her next attack.

Standard Action: Magic Stones on Powder Kegs 6, 16, and 17. This does not provoke OAs due to staff stuff.
Attack vs Powder Keg 6: [1d20+6]=11+6=17 vs Reflex = hit?
Hit: [1d4+4]=3+4=7 damage, +3 from debuff for a total of 10 damage, and the target is pushed to (V, 29). I gain 3 THP
Attack vs Powder Keg 16: [1d20+8]=5+8=13 vs Reflex = hit?
Hit: [1d4+4]=4+4=8 damage and the target is pushed to (Z, 28). They die.
Attack vs Powder Keg 17: [1d20+6]=10+6=16 vs Reflex = hit?
Hit: [1d4+4]=4+4=8 damage and the target is pushed to (AA, 32) (into fire?). They die.

Minor Action: Wild Shape
Effect: re-wolf

Minor Action: Wolf's Vitality
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, while I am in beast form, I have +1 speed. While in beast form and bloodied I also have regen 2

Save vs no shift: [1d20]=19 = finally

Combat Block
Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 3
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8+1
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 12+3/35 - regen 2
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 0

MBA (human form, staff): +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage, reach 1
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:
* +1 speed while not in heavy armor
* ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
* roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
* +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
* +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
* gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
* grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind [X]
Wolf Shape [X]
Elven Accuracy [_]
Thorn Spray [X]
Wolf's Vitality [X]
Predator's Flurry [X]

Savage Frenzy [X]

* this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:
Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA
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Post by greysigil »

"The very same. Are you regulars?" Brandys replies, taking a moment to flick the blood that hasn't washed off in the rain from his blade. He takes a step forward, as he hears a cry of anguish from the other side of the wall. A voice he recognizes, and a name he does not. That cannot be-- "Zhou Si??" He hisses as he rounds the corner, with a glance at the stranger that seems to know him.

He takes in the scene for a split second, eyes snapping to a familiar lupine shape, then trying to track the other figures in the melee. before focusing on the closest. Archer. He thinks, moving in to grab the figure, but finding no purchase.
Move: Walk to R24
Main: Grappling Strike vs PK8
[1d20+9]=6+9=15 vs AC, Miss.
Combat Block

Male Human Fighter 3
Languages: Grystok, Kurnish, Modern Serran
Age: 49
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 220 lbs.

Speed: 6 Sq
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 13
Fort: 20
Reflex: 14
Will: 14
HP: 14/41
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: [X]

MBA: Bastard Sword +9 vs AC, 1d10+4
MBA: Unarmed +7 vs AC, 1d4+4




Active Effects:


Item At-Will

Bull Rush Attack (Standard)
Grab Attack (Standard)
Opportunity Attack (Opportunity)
Grappling Strike (Can be used as OA)
Combat Challenge (Immediate Interrupt)
Combat Agility (Opportunity)
Footwork Lure (Standard)
Cleave (Standard)

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Guardian's Counter [_] (Immediate Interrupt)
Steel Serpent Strike [X] (Standard)
Slamming Rush [_] (Standard)
Second Wind [_] (Standard)
Forceful Drag [X] (Move)

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]

Seize and Stab [_] (Standard)




Important Features:
Class Feature: Combat Challenge Mark foes you attack. They get -2 to attacks not including you. Make basic melee attack against adjacent marked foe who shifts or makes attack not including you. Makr lasts until end of your next turn or marked by other.
Feat: Inescapable Hold Your grabbed creatures must escape against Fortitude with Athletics.
Feat: World Serpent's Grasp Knock slowed or immobilized targets prone on hit.
Feat: Heavy Blade Expertise +1/+2/+3 to weapon attacks with heavy blades; +2 to all defenses vs OAs when wielding a heavy blade.
Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) Grants proficiency with Bastard Swords

Item Features, None Yet
Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
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A Wan Smile
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 11: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

The felling of two more Powder Kegs causes scattered glances among the remainders though the Lieutenant does little more than grit his teeth and fight on. The archer on the roof lets out a yowl and sinks a fresh arrow into Pohaku's back. The Okani slumps to the mud below — his fury subsided for now. She repositions on the rooftop, nocking another arrow.

In the enclosure, the Powder Keg in the doorway to the gaol hacks down the prisoner carrying the liberated flail, nearly cutting Garvelli down with her backswing. She steps away from the doorway, stepping free of the debris being thrown at her. Samiira sees the woman's chest heaving with effort as she wipes the blood from her eyes.

Go: Samiira
Josie: hits 3x, kills 2x, pushes 1x, changes form, buffs, saves.

Brandys: moves, misses, marks.

Powder Keg 18: Longbow attacks Pohaku, pops Furious Assault, 16 vs AC = hit for 15 damage, Pohaku is downed and dying, moves.

Powder Keg 7: Double Slash, 26 vs Flail Prisoner = kill, 12 vs Garvelli = miss. Shifts. 14 of 28 prisoners remain.

Powder Keg 6: shifts, attacks Hadrurus, 14 vs AC = miss.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"You could say that," Samiira replies to the escaped prisoner, before she quickly turns her attention to the last of the powderkegs in the enclosure. Coming up behind her as she is distracted trying to contain the prisoners, Samiira grabs her by the hair and wrenching her head back to expose her neck which the assassin then puts her blade to, slitting the slavers throat and letting her fall to the floor choking on her own blood.

Move: Walk to (N,20)

Standard: MBA on PK7, 22 vs AC = hit for 13 damage, 10 or less HP remains, PK7 is killed.
Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 17/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [X]
Sohei Flurry [X]
Changeling Trick [X]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Cloak of Shades [X]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [X]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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A Wan Smile
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 11: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

The final Powder Keg in the enclosure sinks to the mud atop a growing mass of bodies she'd helped to create.

The archer that Brandys had engaged drops her bow, tearing out a scimitar that bites hard into his bare shoulder.

Josie, Hadrurus, Pohaku
You narrow your eyes at the arriving figure through the glimpses of lightning and pale moonlight.

He's shirtless and dirty, and holding a bastard sword, but there's no mistake — this is the same greying visage of the bartender of the Hawk & Halcyon, a backwater tavern a few day's ride south of Vyridis. Brandys was his name. You recall that the outpost was a recent connection made in the growing network of Unfettered fronts across the region.

For Josie, you remember visiting it recently and speaking with his business partner Elmyra.

Go: Hadrurus, Alerio
Samiira: walks, hits, executes.

Powder Keg 8: drops longbow, Scimitar attacks Brandys, 24 vs AC = hit for 8 damage.

Powder Keg 12: shifts, attacks Alerio, 14 vs AC = miss.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gritting through the pain and desperation, Alerio takes advantage of the Keg's blunder, knocking him off his feet with a blow to the knee. Growing tired of villainy, he once again whirls his flail into a destructive tempest, walloping the downed bandit square in the chest with a cacophonous, ear-shattering boom. The body twitches and flails as lightning courses through, until it lies limp.

El-unod's vengeful destruction ceases in a brief moment of silence, the thunder's echo fading onto the sea. Yet Pohaku's pulse quickens as a stray bolt of divine lightning darts from body to body. He awakens, reinvigorated.
Reaction: Disciplined Counter on PK12
Attack: [1d20+10]=20+10=30 vs Ref = CRIT
Damage: 11 damage
PK12 is knocked prone and grants CA 

Minor: Sustain Moment of Glory
Josie and I continue resisting 5 all

Standard: Storm Hammer on PK12
Attack: [1d20+10]=14+10=24 vs Fort = Hit
Damage: [1d10+6]=6+6=12 thunder and lightning damage

Move > Minor: Healing Word on Pohaku
Pohaku spends a healing surge, regaining [1d6+10]=6+10=16 HP
Combat Block
Alerio Zavala

Male Deva Warpriest 3
Languages: Modern Serran, Old Serran, Grystok
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17 +2 (Shield of Faith), +1 vs bloodied enemies
Fort: 15 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Reflex: 11 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Will: 17 +1 vs bloodied enemies
HP: 18/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d10 damage
MBA (Charging): +10 vs Fort, 1d10 +6 damage
RBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Necrotic 6
Radiant 6
Lightning 5
Thunder 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Blessing of Wrath
Storm Hammer

Second Wind [X]
Disciplined Counter [X]
Smite Undead [_]*
Thundering Steel [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Healing Word [X][X]
Storm Surge [X]*
Create Water [_]
Hammering Wind [X]


Moment of Glory [X]
Shield of Faith [X]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Storm Domain: You gain resist 5 lightning and resist 5 thunder. In addition, when you use your healing word, the target gains a +2 power bonus to the next damage roll they make before the end of their next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Elemental Initiate: You gain a +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and your unarmed attack can deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You also gain proficiency with ki focuses.

Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Weapon proficiency (Triple-headed flail): You gain proficiency with Triple-headed flail.
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Post by BartNL »

Effect: Regeneration 2, hp 14+3
Standard: Word of Exchange vs PK6 [1d20+10]=14+10=24[1d20+12]=8+12=20[/url]vs AC for [1d8+5]=3+5=8 damage
Activate Rune of Destruction: Before the end of your next turn, the next attack against the target from one of your allies deals extra damage to the target equal to your Wisdom modifier, and the ally gains temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. =+3
Rune of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you or to any other runepriests who are in this rune state.
Move: if PK6 is killed move to Z32, if not shift to V29

No action: Serene blade, once per round gain 3 temp hp after being damaged
No action: If PK16 shifts an adjacent ally of my choice can make an AOO against PK16
Immediate Interrupt: Use Word of the Blinding shield if Pohaku is attacked

Combat Block

Longtooth Shifter (human) (Runepriest/Warlord Hybrid) 3
Languages: Grystok, Common
Age: 27
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 220 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 16
HP: 14+3/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +10 vs AC, 1d8+5
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d6+5

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Viper's Strike
Word of Exchange

Second Wind [X]
Guardian's Counter [X]
Longtooth Shifting[X]
Battlefront Shift [_]
Rune of Mending [X]
Inspiring Word [X]
Vengeance is Mine [X]
Word of the blinding shield[_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Shield of Sacrifice [X]

Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Heavy Shield, Longsword, Javelin x5, Desert Clothing, Bell and whistle, Crowbar, Filter mask, Footpads, Gambler's gear, Grappling Hook, Shovel, Climber's Kit, Tent, Dagger Boots, Sack x2, Oil 10 pints, (carried in sack) Pitons x20

Important Features
Rune Artistry - Serene Blade: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. Once per round immediately after an enemy deals damage to you with an attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. The number of temporary hit points increases to 5 + your Wisdom modifier at 11th level and 10 + your Wisdom modifier at 21st level.
Rune Master - Rune of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you or to any other runepriests who are in this rune state.
Rune Master - Rune of Protection: While adjacent to you, allies gain resist 2 to all damage. The resistance increases to 4 at 11th level and 6 at 21st level.
Master At arms: can sheathe and draw a weapon with the same minor action

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Post by ratwizard »

Round 12: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

The Talon and the gladiator both send another Powder Keg each to the packed earth — the former eyeing a pistol still in the dead man's grip.

With no immediate threat in the enclosure, the prisoners finally leave the gaol, stepping past over a dozen bodies of the fallen. They begin to arm themselves with whatever they can find and rally together. Garvelli picks up the dropped flail, rushing into the main grounds alongside Brandys.

With the lessening Powder Kegs and growing number of threats, the lieutenant barks an order in Imardanian, his voice booming out despite the heavy rain and thunder.

Go: Pohaku
Alerio: reacts, crits and prones, sustains, hits and kills, heals. Powder Keg drops a flintlock pistol that's been fired already this encounter.

Hadrurus: regens, hits and kills, switches state, moves.

Prisoners: Garvelli takes flail, charges PK8, nat 1. Remaining prisoners move up, two take swords from PK7 body, or Handaxe from another.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pohaku will stand and nod to Hadrurus before looking towards the powder keg and letting out a battle cry, almost animalistic then smearing some of his blood across his face like war paint.

Move Action-stand up

Minor Action- Berserker Fury (Melee basic attacks deal 1d8 Additional damage

Standard Action-Charge to AA37 and MBA
Attack-[1d20+7]=4+7=11 Melee basic attack
Combat Block
 Pōhaku Kāhea ʻo Gore (Boulder Hellscream)
Male Minotaur, Berserker (3)
Languages: Grystok, Okani
Age: 32
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 255 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 16/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left:9/12

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d10+3

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Feats: Brutal Reach, Improved Initiative, Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Saves: None

Active Effects: Berserker's Fury

At-Will Powers:
Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Vengeful Guardian
Savage Reach
Jarring Smash

Encounter Powers:
Second Wind [x]
Takedown Strike [_]
Goring Charge [_]
Batter Down [x]
Savage Cut [_]

Daily Power:
Life Ending Strike [_]

Utility Powers
Second Wind [_]
Defender Aura [x]
Ignore Pain [x]



Class Features

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter berserker fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects,

Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.

Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.

Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Arid Desert: Gain +3 AC and +2 Reflex when Wearing cloth/no armor and no shield: Gain resist 5 Fire at 4th level, Resist Fire 10 at 14th, Resist fire 15 at 24th

Poised Defender: Gain +2 bonus to AC while Defender aura is active and not wearing heavy armor

Racial Features

Ferocity: When minotaur's drop to 0 hit points or fewer, they can make a melee basic attack as an immediate interrupt action.

Heedless Charge: Minotaur's gain a moderate racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks provoked during a charge.

Goring Charge (use Str): Minotaur's gain one additional healing surge.

Theme Features

Takedown Strike: Gain the Takedown Strike Encounter Power


Brutal Reach: When making a Melee attack, Reroll weapon dice that show 1 when you're raging and wielding a two-handed reach weapon

Improved Initiative +4 to Initiative

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise +1/2/3 to attack rolls with two-handed melee weapons, +1/2/3 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee
Active Pcs
Kairon Lergaros, The Shaded Jester
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
Kaze Mori the Gunpowder Titan 
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 12: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

The grizzled and greying Powder Keg continues to shout and beckon the two remaining gangers, his voice weary but determined. Spinning on his heel, he sets off at a dead sprint northward — holding tight onto his arquebus as its shoulder strap bounces against him. The Talon lashes out with his flail, but the fleeing veteran is too quickly past his reach.

A rumble of voices emerges from the prisoners as the lieutenant passes close by them before he continues towards the dock. "Please! Help them!" comes the shout of one young woman, pointing back into the enclosure. "We need to stop their bleeding," comes the cry of another from the pack.

Brandys, Samiira
Inside the enclosure by the gaol entrance and the stairs, you recognize a number of the prisoners lay incapacitated, blood seeping from their wounds — but alive for an ephemeral moment.

Go: Brandys, Josie
Pohaku: stands, stances, charges and misses.

Powder Keg Lieutenant: runs, provokes Alerio OA with CA, 15 vs AC = miss, runs again towards dock.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by Fialova »

As most of the remaining slavers fall, Josie turns her gaze towards the fleeing commander of the group. She watches as he tries in vain to outrun her canine form, rushing after the man and biting at his legs in an attempt to slow his attempted escape. You will not get away with this you coward.

No Action: Regain 2 hp

Move Action: move to (O, 31)

Standard Action: Charge -> Grasping Claws to (H, 33) on Powder Keg Lieutenant
Attack: [1d20+10]=18+10=28 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: [1d8+6]=7+6=13 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of my next turn.

Combat Block
Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 3
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8+1
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 14+3/35 - regen 2
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 0

MBA (human form, staff): +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage, reach 1
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:
* +1 speed while not in heavy armor
* ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
* roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
* +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
* +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
* gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
* grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind [X]
Wolf Shape [X]
Elven Accuracy [_]
Thorn Spray [X]
Wolf's Vitality [X]
Predator's Flurry [X]

Savage Frenzy [X]

* this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:
Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA
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Post by greysigil »

"Tend to the wounded! Stop the bleeding as best you can! " Brandys barks at the gathering crowd, keeping his focus on the archer before him.
He lunges with his blade, delivering a cut to the slaver, then reaches in to seize her with his free hand.
Combat Block

Male Human Fighter 3
Languages: Grystok, Kurnish, Modern Serran
Age: 49
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 220 lbs.

Speed: 6 Sq
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 13
Fort: 20
Reflex: 14
Will: 14
HP: 14/41
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: [X]

MBA: Bastard Sword +9 vs AC, 1d10+4
MBA: Unarmed +7 vs AC, 1d4+4




Active Effects:


Item At-Will

Bull Rush Attack (Standard)
Grab Attack (Standard)
Opportunity Attack (Opportunity)
Grappling Strike (Can be used as OA)
Combat Challenge (Immediate Interrupt)
Combat Agility (Opportunity)
Footwork Lure (Standard)
Cleave (Standard)

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Guardian's Counter [_] (Immediate Interrupt)
Steel Serpent Strike [X] (Standard)
Slamming Rush [_] (Standard)
Second Wind [_] (Standard)
Forceful Drag [X] (Move)

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]

Seize and Stab [_] (Standard)




Important Features:
Class Feature: Combat Challenge Mark foes you attack. They get -2 to attacks not including you. Make basic melee attack against adjacent marked foe who shifts or makes attack not including you. Makr lasts until end of your next turn or marked by other.
Feat: Inescapable Hold Your grabbed creatures must escape against Fortitude with Athletics.
Feat: World Serpent's Grasp Knock slowed or immobilized targets prone on hit.
Feat: Heavy Blade Expertise +1/+2/+3 to weapon attacks with heavy blades; +2 to all defenses vs OAs when wielding a heavy blade.
Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) Grants proficiency with Bastard Swords

Item Features, None Yet
Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
VI-42016 "Jug" JUGGERNAUT - #c1545d
Katherine "Kate" Meecham - #ff6814

Ezra Wynter // MEDUSA - #91c886
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 12: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

Josie takes off north, hot on the heels of the fleeing lieutenant.
As you round the corner, you catch up with the man, tearing at his legs. You find a set of stairs that switch-back twice, leading down to the docks far below. At the bottom is a small dock, where the boat you had seen before sits moored and vacant.

Atop the roof, the archer looses another arrow at the proned Pohaku, before scampering up the angled roof. Her boots slip on the wet boards, however, and she makes little progress toward gainful escape from the hulking Okani.

Go: Samiira
Josie: regens, moves, charges hits and slows.

Brandys: hits, marks, grabs.

Powder Keg 18: Longbow attacks Pohaku, 19 vs AC = hit for 6 damage, fails Acrobatics (Balance) check, cannot move across roof.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Enclosure Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Stairs to the Dock: There are stairs down to the dock. These are steep steps down switchbacks, and quite perilous.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Swiftly moving from one target to the next, Samiira disappears into the crowd of prisoners. Emerging out of the crowd, she strikes at the last of the slavers trying to hold back the mass of escapees, piercing their heart with her blade.

"There are wounded over here," she calls out to the rest of her companions as the last of the powder kegs threatening the freed slaves is dealt with. I've done all I can to aid them, she thinks, knowing her prowess is in ending lives not saving them.

Move: Walk to (R,26)

Standard: MBA on PK8, 23 vs AC = hit for 10 damage, 10 or less HP remains, PK8 is killed.
Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 17/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [X]
Sohei Flurry [X]
Changeling Trick [X]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Cloak of Shades [X]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [X]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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Post by ratwizard »

Go: Hadrurus, Alerio
Samiira: moves, hits and executes.
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Post by BartNL »

Effect: Regeneration 2, hp 16+3
Move: Move to W35
Standard: ready action: use Lamb to the Slaughter after Pohaku get's up from prone against PK18 (pull to X36)
Rune of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you or to any other runepriests who are in this rune state.

No action: Serene blade, once per round gain 3 temp hp after being damaged
Readied action: use Lamb to the Slaughter after Pohaku get's up from prone against PK18 (pull to X36)

Combat Block

Longtooth Shifter (human) (Runepriest/Warlord Hybrid) 3
Languages: Grystok, Common
Age: 27
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 220 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 16
HP: 16+3/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +10 vs AC, 1d8+5
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d6+5

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Viper's Strike
Word of Exchange

Second Wind [X]
Guardian's Counter [X]
Longtooth Shifting[X]
Battlefront Shift [_]
Rune of Mending [X]
Inspiring Word [X]
Vengeance is Mine [X]
Word of the blinding shield[_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Shield of Sacrifice [X]

Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Heavy Shield, Longsword, Javelin x4, Desert Clothing, Bell and whistle, Crowbar, Filter mask, Footpads, Gambler's gear, Grappling Hook, Shovel, Climber's Kit, Tent, Dagger Boots, Sack x2, Oil 10 pints, (carried in sack) Pitons x20

Important Features
Rune Artistry - Serene Blade: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. Once per round immediately after an enemy deals damage to you with an attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. The number of temporary hit points increases to 5 + your Wisdom modifier at 11th level and 10 + your Wisdom modifier at 21st level.
Rune Master - Rune of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you or to any other runepriests who are in this rune state.
Rune Master - Rune of Protection: While adjacent to you, allies gain resist 2 to all damage. The resistance increases to 4 at 11th level and 6 at 21st level.
Master At arms: can sheathe and draw a weapon with the same minor action

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio grits his teeth in fury as the lieutenant tries to escape. No, you will pay for your crimes as your comrades did. He takes off after him, tailing behind Josie.
Minor: Sustain Moment of Glory
Josie and I continue resisting 5 all

Standard & Move: Double run to H32
Combat Block
Alerio Zavala

Male Deva Warpriest 3
Languages: Modern Serran, Old Serran, Grystok
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17 +2 (Shield of Faith), +1 vs bloodied enemies
Fort: 15 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Reflex: 11 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Will: 17 +1 vs bloodied enemies
HP: 17/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d10 damage
MBA (Charging): +10 vs Fort, 1d10 +6 damage
RBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Necrotic 6
Radiant 6
Lightning 5
Thunder 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Blessing of Wrath
Storm Hammer

Second Wind [X]
Disciplined Counter [X]
Smite Undead [_]*
Thundering Steel [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Healing Word [X][X]
Storm Surge [X]*
Create Water [_]
Hammering Wind [X]


Moment of Glory [X]
Shield of Faith [X]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Storm Domain: You gain resist 5 lightning and resist 5 thunder. In addition, when you use your healing word, the target gains a +2 power bonus to the next damage roll they make before the end of their next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Elemental Initiate: You gain a +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and your unarmed attack can deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You also gain proficiency with ki focuses.

Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Weapon proficiency (Triple-headed flail): You gain proficiency with Triple-headed flail.
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 13: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

Without Unfettered aid, the prisoners begin to triage those who might still be saved.
As you round the corner, you find Josie right on his heels as they head down a set of stairs. The stairwell switches back twice, leading down to the docks far below. At the bottom is a small dock, where a boat sits moored and vacant.

Go: Pohaku (and Hadrurus)
Hadrurus: regens, moves, readies action.

Alerio: sustains, double-runs.

Prisoners: return to the enclosure to begin triaging the fallen. 7 dead, 7 dying, 14 OK.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Enclosure Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Stairs to the Dock: There are stairs down to the dock. These are steep steps down switchbacks, and quite perilous.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by BartNL »

Trigger: Pohaku stands up, triggering read
Readied Action: Lamb to the Slaughter vs. PK18

[1d20+10]=10+10=20vs will. If successful, pull to X36. PK18 get's a save. when pulled down from height.
If successful, Pohaku can charge as a free action.

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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pohaku attempts to charge up the wall to reach the powder keg and loses footing, then he digs deep and thinks to himself before charging like a ox towards the powder keg.

"Kai te taaka, Paura Keg," Pohaku growled

dragging his Halberd before slashing from the belly to the neck of his target.
Free action- charge from Hadrurus's Trigger [1d20+9]=8+9=17 Athletics

Standard action- Charge Again [1d20+9]=12+9=21 Athletics

Melee Basic Attack-[1d20+8]=19+8=27 Basic Attack 

Damage- [1d10+4]=10+4=14 Melee Basic Attack Damage

Berserker Fury Damage- [1d8]=5 berserkers fury damage
Combat Block
Pōhaku Kāhea ʻo Gore (Boulder Hellscream)
Male Minotaur, Berserker (3)
Languages: Grystok, Okani
Age: 32
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 255 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 10/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left:9/12

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d10+3

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Feats: Brutal Reach, Improved Initiative, Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Saves: None

Active Effects: None

At-Will Powers:
Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Vengeful Guardian
Savage Reach
Jarring Smash

Encounter Powers:
Second Wind [x]
Takedown Strike [x]
Goring Charge [_]
Batter Down [x]
Savage Cut [_]

Daily Power:
Life Ending Strike [_]

Utility Powers
Second Wind [_]
Defender Aura
Ignore Pain [_]



Class Features

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter berserker fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects,

Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.

Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.

Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Arid Desert: Gain +3 AC and +2 Reflex when Wearing cloth/no armor and no shield: Gain resist 5 Fire at 4th level, Resist Fire 10 at 14th, Resist fire 15 at 24th

Poised Defender: Gain +2 bonus to AC while Defender aura is active and not wearing heavy armor

Racial Features

Ferocity: When minotaur's drop to 0 hit points or fewer, they can make a melee basic attack as an immediate interrupt action.

Heedless Charge: Minotaur's gain a moderate racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks provoked during a charge.

Goring Charge (use Str): Minotaur's gain one additional healing surge.
Theme Features

Takedown Strike: Gain the Takedown Strike Encounter Power


Brutal Reach: When making a Melee attack, Reroll weapon dice that show 1 when you're raging and wielding a two-handed reach weapon

Improved Initiative +4 to Initiative

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise +1/2/3 to attack rolls with two-handed melee weapons, +1/2/3 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee
Active Pcs
Kairon Lergaros, The Shaded Jester
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
Kaze Mori the Gunpowder Titan 
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 13: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

Samiira, Brandys, Hadrurus, Pohaku
Hadrurus' distraction gives Pohaku enough time to vault up the side of the building with his halberd, and cut the archer down for good.

To your north, you hear the sounds of fighting continue as Alerio and Josie give chase to the remaining Powder Keg, while to your west, the prisoners are doing their best to triage the injured. You likely will not be able to aid both.
Josie, Alerio
The grizzled lieutenant spins at your combined approach. "Piss off, mutt!" he barks in a thick accent, bringing his flail across Josie's forelegs in a brutal swing and counter-swing. He uses the moment of leverage to try and slide down the steep cliffside, but his boot catches and he tumbles a good third of the way — landing in a groaning heap one switch-back below you. He looks to be recovering immediately, however.

Go: Brandys, Josie, Samiira, Alerio
Pohaku: stands...

Hadrurus: hits, attempts to pull, enemy saves, Pohaku charges and attempts to climb but fails, attack fizzles...

Pohaku: charges, successfully climbs, hits and kills.

Powder Keg Lieutenant: Flail attacks Josie, 21 vs AC = hit for 14->9 damage, marking and slowing her TENT PKL. Action points, Flail attacks Josie, 25 vs AC = hit for 12->7 damage, shifts off ledge, falls 50 feet, takes 26 damage and is proned.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Enclosure Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Stairs to the Dock: There are stairs down to the dock. These are steep steps down switchbacks, and quite perilous.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Seeing Josie and Alerio take off after the last of powderkegs, Samiira follows suit running after them, taking the stairs as quick as she can to try and gain on the last of the slavers.

Move: Run to (J,32).

Standard: Run to (G,39).

I think that's as far as I can get.
Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 17/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [X]
Sohei Flurry [X]
Changeling Trick [X]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Cloak of Shades [X]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [X]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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Post by Fialova »

Hampered by the man's powerful blows, Josie struggles to walk after the fleeing commander. Unable to do much at range as a wolf, she once more drops her facade and stands, sending another of her hair pins flying at the man as another portion of her hair drops free. "This mutt will end you!" she shouts back at the man, as it pierces his flesh, leaving him noticeably more wounded. Piece of shit deserves to die more than any of the men he led. 

No Action: Regain 2 hp

Move Action: move to (H, 35)

Minor Action: de-wolf, shifting to (H, 36)

Standard Action: Magic Stones on Powder Keg Lieutenant
Attack: [1d20+6]=18+6=24 vs Reflex = it
Hit: [1d4+4]=4+4=8 damage and I opt not to push him. Target is bloodied.

Combat Block
Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 3
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8+1
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 3/35 - regen 2 in wolf form (not applicable next turn)
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 0

MBA (human form, staff): +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage, reach 1
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:
* +1 speed while not in heavy armor
* ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
* roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
* +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
* +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
* gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
* grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind [X]
Wolf Shape [X]
Elven Accuracy [_]
Thorn Spray [X]
Wolf's Vitality [X]
Predator's Flurry [X]

Savage Frenzy [X]

* this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:
Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio's eyes go wide as the fleeing lieutenant plummets off the ledge. He peeks over, eyeing the collapsed figure. Seeing an opportunity, he grabs a rogue chunk of masonry and tosses it below. Perhaps it will strike your head, and you will rethink this course. Else, we shall stone you.
Minor: Sustain Moment of Glory
Josie and I continue resisting 5 all

Standard: RBA on Lieutenant
Attack: [1d20+1]=19+1=20 vs AC = Miss
No Action: Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
22 vs AC = Hit
Damage: [1d4]=4
Combat Block
Alerio Zavala

Male Deva Warpriest 3
Languages: Modern Serran, Old Serran, Grystok
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17 +2 (Shield of Faith), +1 vs bloodied enemies
Fort: 15 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Reflex: 11 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Will: 17 +1 vs bloodied enemies
HP: 17/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d10 damage
MBA (Charging): +10 vs Fort, 1d10 +6 damage
RBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Necrotic 6
Radiant 6
Lightning 5
Thunder 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Blessing of Wrath
Storm Hammer

Second Wind [X]
Disciplined Counter [X]
Smite Undead [_]*
Thundering Steel [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [X]
Healing Word [X][X]
Storm Surge [X]*
Create Water [_]
Hammering Wind [X]


Moment of Glory [X]
Shield of Faith [X]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Storm Domain: You gain resist 5 lightning and resist 5 thunder. In addition, when you use your healing word, the target gains a +2 power bonus to the next damage roll they make before the end of their next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Elemental Initiate: You gain a +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and your unarmed attack can deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You also gain proficiency with ki focuses.

Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Weapon proficiency (Triple-headed flail): You gain proficiency with Triple-headed flail.
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Post by greysigil »

Brandys scans the grounds, checking for remaining threats, vaguely aware of Zhou Si and the others giving chase to the fleeing lieutenant. Seeing none immediately, he lets his guard down, just a bit. When did this blade get so heavy? he muses, letting the tip fall and pierce the earth beside him. When did I get so old? Perhaps, I should have stayed at the Hawk, with Elmyra.

Bracing himself on the pommel, he turns to the group of now-former prisoners milling about, praying that his knees do not give out as he addresses them. "Friends, comrades. The battle may be won, but there is work left to be done! Those of strong constitution, seek out the fallen that yet live and give aid. Those who cannot, search the grounds for supplies, anything of use." We may not be able to save everyone, yet still we must try. He grimaces, and he desperately hopes that it looks more determined than exhausted.
Bluff check to boost morale: [1d20+13]=1+13=14
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
Brandys - #50955f
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 14: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

Alerio, Josie, Samiira
As you round the corner, you find a set of stairs that switches back twice, leading down to the docks far below. At the bottom is a small dock, where a boat sits moored and vacant.

Partway down the switchback, the lieutenant lies prone, but quickly rising.
The bricks and hairpins meet their target as an approaching Samiira gives chase to the remaining Powder Keg.
Brandys, Hadrurus, Pohaku
In the enclosure, the prisoners listen closely to Brandys — weary nods and grunts sounding their approval. In pairs, a handful of armed survivors including Garvelli heads off to the rest of the fort in search of supplies.

Go: Hadrurus, Pohaku
Samiira: runs, runs.

Josie: regens, moves, changes form and shifts, hits and bloodies.

Alerio: sustains, grabs brick, hits.

Brandys: DC 14 Bluff check succeeds, 1 success so far.

Prisoners: begin to fan out to check for supplies.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Enclosure Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Stairs to the Dock: There are stairs down to the dock. These are steep steps down switchbacks, and quite perilous.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by BartNL »

Effect: Regeneration 2, hp 18+3
Move+Standard: Hadrurus moves over to a prisoner that needs medical aid, in order to help them.
Heal: [1d20+9]=15+9=24

No action: Serene blade, once per round gain 3 temp hp after being damaged
Readied action: use Lamb to the Slaughter after Pohaku get's up from prone against PK18 (pull to X36)

Combat Block

Longtooth Shifter (human) (Runepriest/Warlord Hybrid) 3
Languages: Grystok, Common
Age: 27
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 220 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 16
HP: 18+3/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +10 vs AC, 1d8+5
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d6+5

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Viper's Strike
Word of Exchange

Second Wind [X]
Guardian's Counter [X]
Longtooth Shifting[X]
Battlefront Shift [_]
Rune of Mending [X]
Inspiring Word [X]
Vengeance is Mine [X]
Word of the blinding shield[_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Shield of Sacrifice [X]

Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Heavy Shield, Longsword, Javelin x4, Desert Clothing, Bell and whistle, Crowbar, Filter mask, Footpads, Gambler's gear, Grappling Hook, Shovel, Climber's Kit, Tent, Dagger Boots, Sack x2, Oil 10 pints, (carried in sack) Pitons x20

Important Features
Rune Artistry - Serene Blade: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to determine your AC. Once per round immediately after an enemy deals damage to you with an attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. The number of temporary hit points increases to 5 + your Wisdom modifier at 11th level and 10 + your Wisdom modifier at 21st level.
Rune Master - Rune of Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you or to any other runepriests who are in this rune state.
Rune Master - Rune of Protection: While adjacent to you, allies gain resist 2 to all damage. The resistance increases to 4 at 11th level and 6 at 21st level.
Master At arms: can sheathe and draw a weapon with the same minor action

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Post by ratwizard »

Round 14: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

Alerio, Josie, Samiira
Gritting his teeth, the lieutenant crawls forward, tumbling over the second switchback. This time, he seems to roll with the fall, his momentum carrying him further down the dock and almost to the moored caravel.
Brandys, Hadrurus, Pohaku
Shrugging off his own pain, Hadrurus is able to begin treating the several wounded prisoners while the uninjured ones stand by to assist.

Go: Pohaku, Alerio, Josie, Samiira, Brandys
Hadrurus: regens, unbloodies, succeeds DC 14 Heal check — 2 successes so far.

Pohaku: skipping forward but can still act in next initiative block.

Powder Keg Lieutenant: crawls off edge, falls 30 feet, takes 6 damage and is still prone. Crawls once more.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Enclosure Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Stairs to the Dock: There are stairs down to the dock. These are steep steps down switchbacks, and quite perilous.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pohaku after taking a few deep breathes and will check this long, low shack he is at
 Perception Check to search-[1d20+8]=20+8=28 Perception Check
Combat Block
Pōhaku Kāhea ʻo Gore (Boulder Hellscream)
Male Minotaur, Berserker (3)
Languages: Grystok, Okani
Age: 32
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 255 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 10/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left:9/12

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d10+3

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Feats: Brutal Reach, Improved Initiative, Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Saves: None

Active Effects: None

At-Will Powers:
Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Vengeful Guardian
Savage Reach
Jarring Smash
Encounter Powers:
Second Wind [x]
Takedown Strike [x]
Goring Charge [_]
Batter Down [x]
Savage Cut [_]
Daily Power:
Life Ending Strike [_]
Utility Powers
Second Wind [_]
Defender Aura
Ignore Pain [_]



Class Features

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter berserker fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects,

Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.

Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.

Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Arid Desert: Gain +3 AC and +2 Reflex when Wearing cloth/no armor and no shield: Gain resist 5 Fire at 4th level, Resist Fire 10 at 14th, Resist fire 15 at 24th

Poised Defender: Gain +2 bonus to AC while Defender aura is active and not wearing heavy armor

Racial Features

Ferocity: When minotaur's drop to 0 hit points or fewer, they can make a melee basic attack as an immediate interrupt action.

Heedless Charge: Minotaur's gain a moderate racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks provoked during a charge.

Goring Charge (use Str): Minotaur's gain one additional healing surge.
Theme Features

Takedown Strike: Gain the Takedown Strike Encounter Power


Brutal Reach: When making a Melee attack, Reroll weapon dice that show 1 when you're raging and wielding a two-handed reach weapon

Improved Initiative +4 to Initiative

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise +1/2/3 to attack rolls with two-handed melee weapons, +1/2/3 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee
Active Pcs
Kairon Lergaros, The Shaded Jester
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
Kaze Mori the Gunpowder Titan 
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Post by Namelessjake »

Samiira curses as the remaining powderkeg drops over the side of the staircase and falls onto the dock below. Unwilling to risk following him directly, she continues her own descent, hopping down the stairs where she can to avoid the switchbacks and regain some ground on the man.
Move: Run to (F,34), "falling" 5ft between (G,33) and (F, 33).

Standard: Run to (E,34), "falling" 5ft between (F,38) and (E, 37).
Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 17/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [X]
Sohei Flurry [X]
Changeling Trick [X]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Cloak of Shades [X]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [X]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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Post by Fialova »

As she regains proper footing, Josie races partway down the steps after the man, throwing another of her hairpins at him as more of her hair falls free.

Move Action: move to (G, 33)

Standard Action: Magic Stones on Powder Keg Lieutenant
Attack: [1d20+6]=6+6=12 vs Reflex = miss
- Free Action: Elven Accuracy
- Effect: reroll the attack, [1d20+6]=19+6=25 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: [1d4+4]=1+4=5 damage, and the target is pushed to (B, 29), in the ocean

Combat Block
Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 3
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8+1
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 3/35 - regen 2 in wolf form (not applicable next turn)
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 0

MBA (human form, staff): +5 vs AC, 1d8+1 damage, reach 1
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:
* +1 speed while not in heavy armor
* ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
* roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
* +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
* +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
* gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
* grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind [X]
Wolf Shape [X]
Elven Accuracy [X]
Thorn Spray [X]
Wolf's Vitality [X]
Predator's Flurry [X]

Savage Frenzy [X]

* this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:
Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

The Talon shakes his head as he watches the lieutenant crawling like a fool toward to his freedom, or his demise. You have nowhere left to run. He lets out a sigh, resigned to letting the veteran agents finish off the coward, and makes his way back toward the fort's courtyard to aid the freed.
Minor: Sustain Moment of Glory
Josie and I continue resisting 5 all

Standard & Move: Double-run to the courtyard
Combat Block
Alerio Zavala

Male Deva Warpriest 3
Languages: Modern Serran, Old Serran, Grystok
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17 +2 (Shield of Faith), +1 vs bloodied enemies
Fort: 15 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Reflex: 11 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Will: 17 +1 vs bloodied enemies
HP: 17/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d10 damage
MBA (Charging): +10 vs Fort, 1d10 +6 damage
RBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Necrotic 6
Radiant 6
Lightning 5
Thunder 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Blessing of Wrath
Storm Hammer

Second Wind [X]
Disciplined Counter [X]
Smite Undead [_]*
Thundering Steel [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [X]
Healing Word [X][X]
Storm Surge [X]*
Create Water [_]
Hammering Wind [X]


Moment of Glory [X]
Shield of Faith [X]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Storm Domain: You gain resist 5 lightning and resist 5 thunder. In addition, when you use your healing word, the target gains a +2 power bonus to the next damage roll they make before the end of their next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Elemental Initiate: You gain a +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and your unarmed attack can deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You also gain proficiency with ki focuses.

Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Weapon proficiency (Triple-headed flail): You gain proficiency with Triple-headed flail.
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Post by greysigil »

Well, no rest for the weary. We can celebrate once we are rid of this blasted place. Brandys thinks to himself, doing his damnedest to not collapse. He grits his teeth and stands up fully, pulling the blade free of the ground before turning to assist in the search.
Perception check: [1d20+8]=18+8=26
Looking for not only supplies, but also any of the items/gear Brandys had before his capture.
Active Characters
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Post by ratwizard »

Round 15: Assailing the Sailor Slavers

Alerio, Samiira, Josie
Alerio's roiling winds continue for another moment before finally subsiding as he makes his way back inside the fort, leaving the two women on the pursuit of the lieutenant.
You return to the courtyard. Hadrurus tends to the prisoners, while the others have begun to fan out amongst the rest of the fort in search of supplies.

Before long, some of the others are already bringing back bandages, various herbs of questionable medicinal use, warm clothing and stew, and even some fresh bread.
Samiira, Josie
The lieutenant growls, picking himself up from the worn dock planks, before padding across the short gangplank and onto deck — where you lose sight of him.
You rush into the barracks, a dim and stinking trove of nearly two dozen cots and bunks. Lining the walls are a number of footlockers. Tearing through their contents, you come across a number of bandages and an assortment of warm, dry clothing that should help the injured. In your search, you also find what appears to be some of your personal belongings, carelessly scattered in a heap in the far corner. Anything of true value has been taken, leaving only the sentimental and practical behind — such as your armor and pack.

You head back, bringing with you your belongings, the bandages, and a heap of dry clothing.
You dash into the shack, looking for anything of use to the prisoners who lay injured and dying. The western room appears to be a kitchen and makeshift larder. There are various pots and barrels of dried foodstuff in various array, as well as a stewpot with glowing coals beneath it. There is a large table in the center, where food must be prepped, though at present the various cutlery and serving tools have been haphazardly shoved to one side. In the corner is a shelf containing a crude assortment of herbs, some of which might have medicinal value.

Continuing into the eastern room, you find it mostly packed full with crates and barrels. With a quick sniff you realize this is where the majority of bulk food is kept for both prisoner and Powder Keg alike.

You bring back some of the herbs, the pot of warm stew, and a fresh hunk of bread.
You keep hard at work, tending to the wounded. Before long, some of the others are already bringing back bandages, various herbs of questionable medicinal use, warm clothing and stew, and even some fresh bread.

Go: Everyone
Pohaku: skipping forward into this initiative block... passes DC 14 Perception check for supplies, 3 successes now.

Samiira: double-runs.

Josie: moves, hits and attempts to push, PK Lieutenant rolls an 18.

Alerio: sustains, escapes combat.

Brandys: Passes DC 14 Perception check for supplies, 4 successes now.

Prisoners: Prisoners aid in scouting

Pohaku: skipping to after Powder Keg Lieutenant to merge initiative blocks

Hadrurus: skipping to after Powder Keg Lieutenant to merge initiative blocks

Powder Keg Lieutenant: stands up, moves onto caravel, rolls stealth, 23 vs Passive Perception, success... ???
For those continuing onto the boat, let me know. I will need to give you live updates as it'll be a different map.
Map Info
Heights are listed on the map in feet.

Walls & Battlements: Generally 20' tall. The battlement along the front entrance and east wall are in rough shape, and will require an Acrobatics check to cross. The walls can be climbed, but being slick with rain you will face a challenging DC.

Towers: Generally 25' tall, except for the south-western one that is 35' tall (plus an even higher watchtower on it)

Grounds & Enclosure: The fort's grounds are packed dirt, sodden with rain but otherwise traversable as normal.

Enclosure Stairs: There are stairs in the northwest, leading from the enclosure to the western tower.

Stairs to the Dock: There are stairs down to the dock. These are steep steps down switchbacks, and quite perilous.

Buildings: Heights as listed. The three buildings have sloped rooves and will require a DC 10 Acrobatics check to cross their peak, or an DC 10 Athletics check to climb over at half speed.
Enemy Info
Powder Kegs: A ragtag band of Imardanian navy deserters, Borstidian pirates, Grystoki slavers & raiders. They seem to be moderately armed, favoring jack of plate, longswords, axes, and bows. The higher-ranking members have been seen to carry firearms.
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Post by Namelessjake »

You can't hide, Samiira thinks, seeing the man disappear onto the boat. As she follows after him, expecting an ambush, she let's her stolen coat fall to the floor, changing her face into that of another slain sentry from the walls. Different clothes and a familiar face should at least give him reason to pause if he sees me before I see him, she thinks as she crosses the gangplank.
Minor: Changeling Disguise to change into the female sentry Samiira and Velasco killed.

Free?: Doff male sentry's coat.

Standard/Move: Move onto the ship.
Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 17/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [X]
Sohei Flurry [X]
Changeling Trick [X]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Cloak of Shades [X]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [X]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Seeing his comrades emerge with medical supplies, Alerio quickly moves to helping Hadrurus tend to the injured prisoners. The time for suffering has ceased. Now is the time for healing.
Combat Block
Alerio Zavala

Male Deva Warpriest 3
Languages: Modern Serran, Old Serran, Grystok
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17 +2 (Shield of Faith), +1 vs bloodied enemies
Fort: 15 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Reflex: 11 +1 vs bloodied enemies
Will: 17 +1 vs bloodied enemies
HP: 17/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d10 damage
MBA (Charging): +10 vs Fort, 1d10 +6 damage
RBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Necrotic 6
Radiant 6
Lightning 5
Thunder 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Blessing of Wrath
Storm Hammer

Second Wind [X]
Disciplined Counter [X]
Smite Undead [_]*
Thundering Steel [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [X]
Healing Word [X][X]
Storm Surge [X]*
Create Water [_]
Hammering Wind [X]


Moment of Glory [X]
Shield of Faith [X]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Storm Domain: You gain resist 5 lightning and resist 5 thunder. In addition, when you use your healing word, the target gains a +2 power bonus to the next damage roll they make before the end of their next turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Elemental Initiate: You gain a +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and your unarmed attack can deal 1d6 damage instead of 1d4. You also gain proficiency with ki focuses.

Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Weapon proficiency (Triple-headed flail): You gain proficiency with Triple-headed flail.
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Post by BartNL »

[1d20+9]=3+9=12 perception to spot stuff
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Active Pcs
Kairon Lergaros, The Shaded Jester
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
Kaze Mori the Gunpowder Titan 
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Post by Fialova »

Dammit, Josie thinks, as the man moves onto the ship and out of sight. She considers pursuing further, but her aching wounds and Samiira's transformation make her decide otherwise. Instead, she begins to head back up the stairs, hoping to search the fort for a way to sink the ship with the man in it.
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Post by ratwizard »

Hadrurus, Pohaku, Brandys, Alerio
One by one, the injured prisoners are pulled out of the mud and the rain, and brought back into the gaol — cleared of whatever debris possible. The simple bunks and cots that once held imprisoned souls now hold injured ones, treated by the combined efforts of Hadrurus' and Alerio's keen hands and medicinal wisdom. The herbs brought in are of sparing use, but help numb the pain long enough for the work to be done. Bleeding is stopped, wounds are cleaned and bandaged.

Brandys and Pohaku remain to help dole out dry clothing, warm stew, and whatever foodstuffs can be pilfered from the Powder Keg's stores. The survivors sit in a huddled mass within their former gaol, sipping from bowls and speaking in hushed tones.

The door Brandys had lifted off its hinges still lays in the mud just outside. The heavy rain sprays past the threshold, the occasional flash of lightning illuminating the sweaty faces and matted hair.

Garvelli stands near the doorway, keeping an eye out. "I think they're all dead, or gone. I don't hear any more fighting," he says, peering out toward the main grounds. "What's your plan here?" he asks, turning to the three Unfettered agents.

Of the 28 prisoners excluding Brandys, 7 were killed outright by the Powder Kegs, and 7 were gravely wounded. Of those 7 wounded, you were able to save 6. One did not make the journey inside.
You clear the gangplank in three paces and climb aboard the tight caravel. The storm has shaken up some of the gear and rigging, much of which you find now strewn across the deck, slick with rain. Knowing the man couldn't have gone far you peer about the fore and aft.

You spot a short corridor that leads under the aftcastle, at the end of which the grizzled man stands in the open doorway to a cabin. He has a pistol raised in your direction. After a moment, he lowers it — though not entirely. "Kela," he barks, squinting through the spray. A name, you assume. "Where in the fuck you were? You hide down here? Play at kisses again with that putain d'idiot?"
Roll a Bluff check.
You race back upstairs, making for the main grounds. You see the others hauling the last of the injured prisoners into their former gaol. Aside from the tangle of Powder Keg corpses, the courtyard appears to be empty.
Where to?

Samiira: changes form, drops coat, moves onto ship.

Alerio: succeeds DC 14 Heal check, 6 successes so far.

Hadrurus: fails DC 14 Perception check, 1 failure so far.

Pohaku: fails DC 14 Athletics check, 2 failures so far.

Josie: heads back upstairs

Leaving combat / initiative order.
Samiira Map
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Post by Namelessjake »

Samiira raises her hands slightly as the man aims his pistol at her, slowly bringing a single finger to her lips, indicating for the man to be quiet. "There's one of them on the ship," she says quietly as she slowly steps towards the slaver, hoping to distract him further with an enemy that doesn't exist.
Bluff: [1d20+14]=2+14=16 vs insight. oof

If he sees through the disguise I plan to charge him immediately.
Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 17/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [X]
Sohei Flurry [X]
Changeling Trick [X]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Cloak of Shades [X]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [X]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.
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Post by ratwizard »

The lieutenant scowls at you, before he spins the pistol in his hand, extending the butt toward you. "Take it, then," he orders. "And watch here. No more lazy."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Thank you," Samiira says, taking the pistol in her hand and pulling the trigger in one smooth motion.
Combat Block
Samiira Ka’Grappan

Female Changeling Executioner 3
Languages: Grystok , Kurnish
Age: 36
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 when dual wielding)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16 (17 when dual wielding)
Will: 14
HP: 17/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/7
Action Points: 0

MBA (Rapier):+10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Dagger):+10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Garrote):+9 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA (Dagger): +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage

Resistances: None.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Changeling Disguise
Garrote Strangle
Poisoned Dagger
Quick Lunge

Second Wind [X]
Sohei Flurry [X]
Changeling Trick [X]
Assassin’s Strike [X]
Cloak of Shades [X]


Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier) [X]
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier) [_]

Important Features:
Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger quality.

Attack Finesse (Executioner): Once per turn I can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack using a one-handed weapon, garrote, blowgun or shortbow.

Quick Swap: Once per turn I can draw or stow a weapon as a free action and then draw another weapon.

Death Attack: When I hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals damage, I can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has 10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Poison Use: I know the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons. During an extended rest I can prepare 1 vial. I must know the recipe and have a poisoner’s kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isn’t used before the start of my next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time. Only I can use my assassin poisons, and I am immune to the effects of the ones I create.

Two-Weapon Defense: +1 AC and Reflex while wielding a weapon in each hand.

Nimble Blade: +1 to attacks with light blades when I have CA.

Cunning Stalker: Gain CA against enemies with no other adjacent creatures.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 to damage rolls with light blade weapon attacks with CA.

Unarmored Agility: +2 feat bonus to AC when wearing cloth armor or no armor.
Known Assassin Poison Recipes
Bloodroot Poison (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it is dazed (save ends).
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You pour the poison into a drink or onto a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (heroic tier)
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to your melee weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4 extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Poison) ✦ Consumable (Minor Action)
You apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.

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