Amongst the Flames — IC

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"My colleagues and I haven't been seeing eye to eye on certain issues recently," the Priest says throwing another dirty look in the direction of the other clergymen. "I question our High Priest's integrity, yet he might as well be El-unod himself if you ask those sheep" He adds, seeming to be a bit more agreeable after venting some of his annoyance.

* * *

"Hello there," one of the other priests says, noticing Cleo. "It would appear you've met Ho'tar," he says looking over at the rest of the party. "Don't pay him any attention. Is there anything I can do to help?"

* * *

"With docks and markets this big you can find almost anything you need. I'll cover the fee, I did invite you all along after all. Although I imagine we'll be expected to help out a bit along the way," Kanan says to Geral. "Have you seen any of the others?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"I was just passing through town and was wondering if someone could fill me in on the temple's history a bit, but that man," she says, turning and glaring at Ho'tar, "seemed to only want to complain. If you aren't busy, would you mind instead?" Cleo's grimace fades a bit at the man's relative politeness.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Despite the hustle and bustle of the docks of the city, Cameryn has no difficulties finidng Kanan. Not wanting to be the first to arrive at the boat, the elf takes his time, meandering about the district and taking in the sights of the city. Once he sees that Geral is on the boat, Cameryn ends his leisurely stroll and struts to the boat. "Not a bad boat," he says, sitting down on the deck of the vessel.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral is about to answer Kanan when he sees Cameryn walk onto the boat and sit down, himself on the pier. He calls out to the elf.
"I doubt the captain wants someone sitting in the middle of his ship while he's trying to get ready to get underway Cameryn."
He looks to Kanan and shrugs.
"Besides Cameryn just now, not really. We separated when we finished our business in town, some went to get some supplies, I saw that much, but as for our two Tenants, I'd have to guess they're at the temples paying respect. That or looking at the libraries, who knows... We should probably make sure they don't annoy any of the crew while they work during the trip, I doubt they'd like being talked down to by a tenant, even if they don't mean it."
He sighs and shakes his head a bit, thinking on the matter.

"Besides that, I can handle the work. It's not the first time I've had to do some manual labor to get somewhere."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eoli holds his chin thoughtfully. "Hm... Interesting. If I may pry, would you care to elaborate?" He says, curious why a divide is forming in the priests. "Are you the only one questioning the High Priest?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Oh, shut up, Mister Bossypants. I have had a long day of walking, and I think I'm entitled to a little sitting. And I'm not in the middle of the ship. I know better than that," he says down to the mercenary. Guy thinks he knows everything. Idiot.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Power struggle in a temple... I've seen this before, Shira'stasa thinks to herself. "The unrighteous and egotistical soon find themselves put in their place by the Pantheon, good priest. If you are truly in the right, then pray for divine judgement to enter the temple and correct this schism," she suggests to the man.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"There's a few others, although we're definitely in the minority," Ho'tar replies to Eoli. "The rest seem to assume that as he is a High Priest he'd never do anything wrong. Well I'd argue that him leaving would solve the problem just as easily. Or perhaps some Legionnaires entering the temple and taking him away would..." He continues, addressing Shira'stasa's suggestion before seeming to get lose momentarily in his own thoughts.

* * *

"Oh of course," the Priest says to Cleo. "This particular temple started out as a hospital for the poor actually. Quite an oddity for one dedicated to El-unod, although I suppose it partly relates to justice. Eventually the hospital aspect was reduced over time leaving this place to be exclusively a place of worship. There's not a whole lot else to tell really. I do have a book in my chambers that goes into a bit more detail, I think it'd be of more use in your hands if you want it."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Certainly!" Cleo says, excited to receive yet another book for her studies. This town is great, if it wasn't such a pain to get to I think I'd actually kind of like it here. "It would make for some great reading on my travels," she finishes with a smile, eagerly awaiting the new text.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Curious, Shira'stasa delves deeper. "What exactly do you believe the High Priest has done wrong? Surely, you must have some sort of evidence to prove your claims," she says, neutrally. "For a man of your position, it would be quite foolish to substantiate a conspiracy without having some shred of proof to support you."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well you've probably heard this bit but, with the situation the way it is in Azkahir, some ex-Malachite Blades have been robbing people in the area around Nhai, Thesus and Bravais. Now I'm pretty sure the High Priest has been letting them use the temple as a sort of safe house here in Thesus," Ho'tar says before pausing for a moment. "I just don't have any physical evidence yet..." He adds a bit disheartened.

* * *

"I'll just be a moment," the Priest says to Cleo before heading inside. The other Priests had already moved on, going about their business, leaving Cleo standing on her own in the courtyard.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo glances around some more as she awaits the man's return, watching the other people in the courtyard and merely observing the designs of the temple. This is such a magnificent place, I wonder how the temple in Eagle Cliff must look. Or even the ones in the capital! I can't wait.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Robbers?" Shira'stasa echoes, thinking back to the ambush days ago. "Could be the scum that attacked us on the road from Azkahir. Some group left us for dead on our way to Nhai... If they're loitering around Thesus, then maybe we bring them to justice somehow."

She narrows her eyes. "Is this just a gut feeling, or did you see or hear something?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Suspicious men, rumours, that sort of thing," Ho'tar says to Shira'stasa. "That does sound like it could be at least part of the group that attacked you. If you're in town for a while and serious about finding them, we may be able to help each other."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eoli's face darkens at the thought of the slaughter of the refugees. "And this supposed holy man is offering protection to that kind of people?" he spits, angrily grinding his staff into the ground. "I'd be more than happy to find these miscreants and correct their behavior. If nothing else, perhaps we can avenge those with us that died."

The High Priest of the god of justice, allowing... nay, encouraging unjust men to do their work. Pah!
Last edited by PureZaros on Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral taps his foot for a while as he waits for the rest of the group, looking over at Cameryn and feeling the hate. He shakes his head and looks over to Kanaan.
"I'm going to head into the city and check the temples for our errant tenants. How long do we have before the ship leaves?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"About an hour I think," Kanan says looking about the boat for the captain. "The boat won't wait though. My mission is of great importance... and more importantly this crew want to make their delivery and get paid," he laughs.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral nods and starts walking with a smile.
"I understand that! I'll see if I can't get them back."

With that he starts walking down the streets. Though he isn't really the best at navigating streets... And he's pretty sure the temple was three lefts and a right turn ago... Unless it's two rights and three streets forward from where he is. He's not too sure.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

You bumble through the streets for a while, getting lost in the crowds several times. Eventually you stumble across an archway bearing an Eagle, through which you recognise Shira'stasa and Eoli. However your pockets feel lighter. Upon checking them you discover you are missing 40 gold pieces. A pickpocket must have robbed you while you were lost in the crowds.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral groans out loud as he realizes he's been robbed. Great, of course he was robbed bumbling through the streets like that, must have been an easy mark... Well. What can you do, money is just money. He spots Shira'sasta and Eoli and walks over, waving.
"Hey, there you two are. Hope I'm not interrupting, we've got about an hour before the ship leaves without us."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We'll take the next boat we can get to the capital. There's something more important at hand here, Geral -- This man believes that this temple of El-unod's High Priest is harboring some ex-mercenary thieves from the Malachite Blades. I think they might be the ones that robbed us and left us for dead."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral stands there for a moment and crosses his arms, looking at her.
"Hm... And here I thought marking them might dissuade that. We do not mark lightly Shira'stasa. Many of them are murderers, beyond simple mercenary work. Innocents. Stealing from our clients. Selling out our clients, even killing them. And most take side work as slavers when they think we don't know. If he is harboring them, then they must be paying him. Do you have proof? Do they bear the broken blades of the dishonored? I'd do it for free either way, a High Priest harboring criminals like that is a disgrace to the very gods they seek to uphold."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I don't have any physical proof yet. I've just heard and seen things, however with your help I believe it shouldn't be too hard for us to find some," Ho'tar says to Geral. "Ho'tar," he adds offering a hand to the Mecenary

* * *

The Priest Cleo had been talking to earlier finally returns, book in hand. "Here you are," he says, handing it to Cleo with a smile. "Hopefully it will satisfy you, if not I'd be happy to answer any of your questions in future. Just ask for me here at the temple, my name is Jandar. Actually, if you're not busy tonight, we could open a bottle of Torusian wine and I could tell you everything I can?" He says, with a hopeful look on his face.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"I was actually planning to leave shortly, but if I get held up in the city for some reason I will definitely come by," she says, a bit flattered the man would invite her over. A private lecture from an actual priest, how exciting! He must think I have potential.

"Thanks for the book! I need to get back to my group now, our boat is probably waiting on us." She smiles and waves as she walks back towards Shira'stasa and Eoli, noticing that Geral had joined them as well. He must be here to speed us along, how typical. Her smile fades as she notices that they are still conversing with the rude priest from before.

"Time to go, I guess?" she asks at her approach, looking specifically at Geral.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We've hit a snag, Cleo," Shira'stasa says curtly to her fellow Tenant. "This priest here believes that the High Priest is harboring mercenaries, really awful ones. They might be the same figures who ambushed us days ago," she explains.

"The boat can wait -- there is plenty of time to see the beauties of the other Serran cities. I'm sure our friend will understand that we must seek justice for our attackers." She narrows her brow. Vengeance, not justice. I will put them down myself if I have to.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral shakes the mans hand with a nod.
"Geral of the Malachite Blades."
When Cleo comes over though, his questions have to wait.
"Shira'stasa is right. I can't just leave suspected ex-members of the Malachite Blades running around, and the fact the High Priest may be hiding them makes it all the more important. I would be grateful if you and Eoli both helped me, Cleo. I won't be charging for this, but they may have some of their ill-gotten gains on them, and I wouldn't really expect to be able to find their previous owners. You're welcome to whatever you want from them if you help."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Weren't we chasing after some magical evil?" Cleo asks, looking at the others incredulously. And going to see some much more interesting temples than these. "You sure do change your minds quickly."

She takes a moment to think on their words while waiting for a response, and the idea of vengeance against their attackers does sound pleasing. This time I won't be caught alone and off-guard, they can burn like the others. "I suppose if it means I can pay back the men who attacked us with some pain of their own, then Crescent Bluff - and that thing - can wait." I can take the priest up on his private lessons after all, too.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral smiles as he nods at Cleo.
"Thank you. I'm sure my guild would appreciate your efforts as well. There will be other boats, and that thing can wait as long as it has to for us to find it. Kanaan is looking for it anyway. Besides, I'm honor bound to ensure these men cause no further harm."

Geral looks to the priest giving these accusations.
"If that's all settled... Does anyone have any ideas on how to go about this? Our tenants in particular? I am not a very religious man, and I'd assume there is something to accusing a High Priest of such actions. That, and I'd rather not end up in jail for busting down his bedroom door for nothing."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Accusing him blindly without any hard evidence would be a stupid move, not to mention the possibility of being detained by the local authorities. We should peek around the temple for a bit and see what kind of clues we can gather ourselves. Praying to El-unod would probably help. I doubt our God would enjoy these unjust men slandering one of his temples." She looks around for a second, taking stock of the situation. "Where's the elf?" she asks, casually.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As time passes, Cameryn grows more annoyed that Geral and the others haven't returned. Although he doesn't like them much, the prospect of an evil creature capable of destroying the world being released doesn't sound pleasant either. Why must those morons be so slow? That brat is probably arguing with that idiot mercenary. He gets off the ship and paces the docks for a moment before stopping near Kanan. "I don't really like them, so I don't really want to go looking for them, but if they don't think your mission is important enough to arrive on time, then are they really worth it?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh! I know," Cleo says, as the others discuss ways that they could gather clues. "One of the more polite priests - over there - invited me to a private lesson later this evening in his chambers. I could maybe snoop around while I'm up there."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Perhaps not," Kanan replies to Cameryn clearly deep in thought. "Although having been in the temple you and your companions may be very useful to the Golden Spears if Vor-kaleth is at large once more. We can't really afford to wait for them," he says before stepping towards the boat. "You can go find them if you want, I won't stop you, but I think you know what needs to be done. The Golden Spears might even be able to teach you a few things."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral looks to Shira'stasa for a few moments, as if not registering her question before turning to Cleo and nodding.
"That sounds like a good plan. Let us know what building he's in and we'll be close by, or at least as close as we can manage. If the rumors are true, those dishonored fools won't take well to you searching about their hideout. If something happens we should have a way to alert each other, that way we can come rushing in to assist you."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Like what?" Cleo asks, disinterested. "I could stick a burning rag out of the window or something I suppose, but there is not much else I can think of. Besides, he seemed friendly enough; I will be fine." What is his deal? Worry, worry, worry, all the time. What an incredibly stressful life he must lead.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"The elf, Geral," Shira'stasa interrupts, her voice louder but still calm. "Did he get himself lost in the city?" She turns to Cleo. "A good idea, but don't get caught up in something dangerous while you're in there. These aren't your normal thieves we're dealing with, it seems like."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral looks at Shira'stasa once more, wavering just a bit. He sighs and shakes his head.
"No. He's not lost. He's on the boat with Kanaan. I went to go find all of you and let you know how long we had before the boat left. He told me we had less than an hour, so the boat will probably leave shortly with Cameryn on it.

"Let's just think about what we're doing here and what kind of person Cameryn is. We are not going to the capitol today and will likely have to get on another boat tomorrow, pay our own fare to do so, and find Kanaan in the city. That is how Cameryn will most likely view it based on his view of us, meanwhile we are bringing murderers and thieves hiding under a High Priests roof and protection to justice, most likely on the end of our swords and, in the case of Cleo, fists. So.

"Do we really want to bring Cameryn in on this, who will whine, complain, and spout insults the whole time, and make some sort of joke about the priest inviting Cleo back to his place for a private lesson?"

He looks to the rest of the group, waiting for their response. Cameryn would probably rather sit on that boat and go off by himself rather than waste time with them, people he views as inferior. It would, in Geral's mind, be like trying to make a mountain flip upside down. Nigh impossible without a lot of leverage.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eoli grinds his teeth as the conversation flows around him. That followers of El-unod would disregard their own beliefs to this extent made him angry. What on earth is that high priest doing? Are the bandits threatening him or is it a mutual agreement? None of this is making sense, but one thing is certain. A man able to abandon his faith like that is not to be trusted.

Becoming aware of the conversation again just as Cleo gives her suggestion and comment, he glowers somewhat. So naive... Like a small puppy. While Shira'stasa questions Geral, Eoli leans down to speak to the small tenant. "It is still wise to exercise caution, Cleo. After all, if these men are able to overlook one of the central pillars of their faith, who knows what else they're willing to do."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Cameryn smiles at the notion of leaving the bossy mercenary and bratty girl behind to save the world. "I think I'll take you up on that offer. You certainly seem like better company." And I doubt any slave hunters would look for me in Ariol.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

He makes a decent point. "I will stay safe," Cleo says to Eoli, though directed at everyone. "But he said he wanted me to come by later, he's probably busy right now. I will go do something else until night falls." Back to the market! she thinks, as she heads in that direction.

Once she has found her way back to the market stalls she looks around a bit more carefully, having no need to rush like before. I wonder if there is any candy around here. I haven't had candy in ages.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Cameryn joins Kanan on the boat and it is not long before orders are given, the moorings are untied, and the boat sets off downstream on it's journey to the capital.

* * *

Meanwhile the rest of the group, deciding to stay in Thesus, keep themselves occupied in the market until nightfall, and Cleo's rendezvous with the Priest Jandar. However, despite searching, Cleo fails to find any candy.

With the streets now mostly empty and only lit by the moon, and the torches of the occasional patrol of legionaries, the party meet up again outside the entrance to the temple of El-unod.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

A scowl adorns Cleo's face as she approaches the others at the temple, her annoyance at not finding any good stalls for candy still fresh in her mind. "What exactly are you wanting me to keep an eye out for?" she says, arms crossed.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral scratches his chin as he thinks, looking at Cleo.

"Sad to say, it will be fairly obvious if the High Priest is hiding those dishonorable bastards. If they've been out raiding caravans again, they'll be pretty boisterous... Come to think of it, they may be boisterous either way. Just keep an eye and ear out for anything out of place. Since this is supposed to be a home for the priesthood, I would have to say any weaponry. Oh, and before I forget."

He tugs his sleeve up, showing the mark on his shoulder.

"Unlike mine, theirs will be burned. Now, sometimes this leaves a pretty nasty wound, so if you see any favoring an arm or a leg or scratching at one part over and over, they may have a burned blade there. They would also go to a lot of trouble to cover it up to avoid being killed on sight given their reputation, so heavy clothes, bandannas, that sort of thing, something to cover up the mark.

"Beyond that... Good luck Cleo, and be careful. These men were once my responsibility, and I don't want you or anyone else harmed for something I should have dealt with long ago."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eoli nods sagely as Geral finishes his instructions. "That should do it, though I'll add one last thing. If you do happen to find yourself in trouble, make as much noise as you can and I'll have my little helper over there in a flash." As he says this, he raises his hand and calls a small, bright will-o-wisp to rest in it.
"I'd rather not have another person get injured when I can prevent it." he scowls, shooing the little ball of light away, where it floats up into the sky and joins the starry background.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Wait," Shira'stasa says, her face and tone hinting at a bit of worry, as she tugs slightly at Cleo's cuff. "I should go with you. We're both Tenants and I doubt anybody would think twice about us being in the temple," she reasons. "I don't want you to go alone on this, and I think I might be able to help." She looks to Cleo for her response.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Makes sense," Cleo replies, her face returning to its typical smirk. She begins to walk into the temple, and when she and Shira'stasa are fare enough from the others she whispers, "admit it, you just want to hear the lecture, huh?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

No, sweet Cleo, I want to torch these sellswords who wronged me myself until their bones sizzle and their flesh sloughs off, the Tenant thinks to herself. "Yes," she lies. "The history of these temples is fascinating," she adds as they step closer.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral watches the two tenants go again, his hand resting on his blade as he waits with Eoli.
"They can handle themselves... Cleo is a skilled combatant, and she has Shira'stasa with her. I would have liked to have Kanaan here with us, but this is more of a personal matter, and we couldn't go imposing on him."

He sighs and shakes his head, picking a spot on the wall to relax and wait the long wait that comes with this sort of job.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Cleo and Shira'stasa head into the temple. Much less busier than earlier, there are only a few Priests dotted around the place. You spot Jandar talking to another Priest who he quickly ends his conversation with once he sees Cleo. "Ah it's good to see you, I'm glad it didn't work out with your boat," he laughs as he joins the Tenants. "I never got your name earlier did I? Oh! and you brought a friend," he says, noticing Shira'stasa for the first time, his smile disappearing for a moment.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eoli simply nods in reply to Geral. He moves to a spot near the mercenary, but not too close, sitting cross-legged with his back to a pillar. After a few minutes of silence, he sighs and shifts. "We could probably be looking around out here for any kind of suspicious activity." Eoli grumbles. "Lis-beht take me if I'm to sit here doing nothing while those two are up there doing gods-know what."
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yeah! She is another Tenant I'm traveling with, and she sounded really interested when I mentioned you wanted to give me a run-down of the temple's history. It sounds fascinating." She gives a smile to the man, both out of genuine excitement and to conceal that she is about to try to spy on him.

"Oh, my name? It's Katrin, pleased to meet you." She gives a polite bow. "Shall we head to your chambers then?"
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