Amongst the Flames — IC

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"And you'll let me go when this boat gets where ever it's going?" The bandit asks holding a finger over Shira'stasa's map, ready to point out the location.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"On my word as a Tenant," Shira'stasa lies, as she motions again toward her codex. No, you poor excuse for a living body. I'll turn you into a charred pile of bone and flesh like the rest of your idiot companions.
Arcane Mutterings for a bluff check to lie outright: 1(1d20) +13 = 14
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Okay then, it's right about here," the bandit says pointing out a spot on the map about half a day's walk from the town of Bravais.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Of course. More sand to walk through. By Elys do I hate this infernal desert. We should have visited Forelle instead. I'm sure it's lovely this time of year. And it's not being torn apart by bandits and war! Bored of the mercenary and tenant's interrogation, Juliette watches the scene behind her, her eyes lighting up as fire and explosion paint the sky. It's almost like a festival... if it weren't for the death and destruction.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral looks at the spot on the map and leans back, thinking.
"At least we can stop in the city nearby, then move to the spot. I would say that's an easy enough trek. Even bandits must find water and food to survive, so it is likely they have a set route to the city to trade in secret. You have been a big help."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eoli harrumphs in response to Cleo's succestion, following with a terse terply. "Principally against it, but I may make an exception for bastards like that."

As the arrayed army comes into view outside of Thesus, his attention is momentarily taken from the conversation around him. Blasted fools, spreading death and destruction wherever they go. This war will be the ruin of this country, he thinks, scowling at the ranks upon ranks of soldiers bearing down on the city. "And just think. If he could get head out of his ass and pull this country together, I bet the Rhakul could figure out how to stop this desertification." he mutters.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa nods wordlessly at the bandit upon him giving up the location of his base. She waits until the others have had a brief look before shutting her tome closed with a dramatic slam and tucking it under her arm. The Tenant turns now to Eoli. "It isn't his fault, though. Perhaps Rakhul Unbalik hasn't been the best leader, but it is his idiot general from Azkahir whose push to civil war has brought the empire to a new low. If you want somebody to blame, it's Jurhas."

She narrows her eyes at the thought of many lives, bodies, souls going to waste for the sake of an egotistical war that will bring about no helpful change to the falling nation. He's no Rakh of mine, she thinks to herself about Jurhas. He'd made a good sacrifice for me to drain more power from Am-ines, the Tenant supposes, grinning at the idea. That'd stop this war and lead me to discover more of this power.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yeah, what good is this fighting doing anyone? None. And meanwhile there are these bandits on the loose and a magical vortex flying around. So dumb." Cleo looks around, wondering what the other passengers on the riverboat think of their small group's conversation. Hopefully none of these people want to stand up for him, not after his army just attacked the city.
What is the rest of the boat and its passengers like? How large is it? Roughly how many people, as far as Cleo can tell? What are they doing?
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eoli raises his eyebrows in surprise at Shira'stasa's information. "Ah, I was unaware of that detail. I knew there was a civil war, but was unaware of the specifics. I've been... relatively absent of the political world for quite a while."

He takes a moment to look back at the city, morbidly curious about the state of the battle.
Perception to spot details that are happen, because I want to: 13
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"With this whole region in civil war like you've said, I can only imagine how it will affect the rest of the world. The effects of it certainly won't stop at the mountains," Juliette says, still viewing the fiery scene before her. "I just hope the rest of the world isn't plunged into this chaos."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The boat is a cargo barge, a common vessel on the river. It is about 120 feet long and 30 feet wide. People are everywhere taking up every available space, on and in between the boat's original cargo, you guess there are at least 100 people on the boat. Most of them are either crying or sat silently watching the battle unfold on the river bank.
The siege weapons continue their unrelenting assault as shield formations push towards the walls. For now the defenders manage to repel some them with arrows and rocks but, where they reach the walls, the attackers raise ladders and begin to storm the walls, distracting the men atop the walls and allowing more ladders to be raised.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"It probably won't be that big of a deal," Cleo says in response to Juliette. "That 'Rakh', or whatever, is too aggressive, no one is going to want to join him after this attack. Then everyone will just beat him back and it will end, no reason to think it will get much further than central Serran."

She looks on at the army as she talks, still in awe of the sight - primarily the flames. He may be an aggressive ass, but at least he has style.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"You can bet it will ripple outwards, Juliette," Shira'stasa says in response to the woman's pondering. "With how this Empire has shaped the politics our world, I can only imagine the chain effect it will have on the other nations. Some will see this as our country being weak and may use that to their advantage."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As the barge trundles down river the battle eventually fades from view and people settle down for the journey to the capital. The mood on the boat is solemn and most people keep to themselves. On the first day about a third of the passengers disembark, choosing to walk to Nhai rather than carry on to Crescent Bluff, much to the relief of the less crowded remaining passengers.

The next couple of days pass uneventfully, however on the forth day the desert starts to give way and, small farms and trees line the riverbanks. Finally, early the next morning the city comes into view. The barge slows down even more, having to navigate the now bustling waterways. You pass under bridge after bridge eventually reaching the harbour. The boat docks and people start to disembark.

The harbour teems with life as ships of all sizes are loaded and unloaded, and people of all races go about their business. In the distance towers and minarets litter the skyline.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo gazes, mouth agape, as the barge finally makes its way into the capital. It's the first time she's ever been, and she is awestruck by it's beauty and lush vegetation. The canals, the bridges, the buildings off in the distance, it is all exciting to her. It's even better than the stories make it out to be.

Once docked she girl can barely contain herself, and rushes off the boat as soon as there is a clear path. On the shore she stretches for a moment, glad to finally be on solid land again, before shifting her gaze to the busy foot traffic of the city. Wow! So many people! It's even more than the library! Approaching one of the passersby, she quickly asks, "excuse me, do you know the way to the nearest market?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral sighs as he stands, giving a shove to the bandit as he leaves the ship.
"Come on. Let's get a move on, things to do, people to see."
He didn't lie of course. He was going to let the bandit go after all... Just, not go entirely free. Whatever accounts for the law in this area will take care of him once he finds it.
The capitol is nothing new to him though. Plenty of places are as decadent and splendid as this one, the only difference really is how serious the patrols are and how rampant poverty is.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Following Geral off of the barge, Eoli tags along beside the mercenary and captive. "Mind if I join you? I'd like to see this fine gentleman off, as well." He says, stretching the kinks out of his legs after the long ride. "And an extra pair of hands is always helpful."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Hey! What happened to letting me go?!?" The captured bandit says, as Geral shoves him. "We had a deal!"
"There's a small one down that road over there," the man you asked says, pointing down one of the larger roads, sloowing his walk slightly. "If you're looking for anything specific then you'll want to try the Grand Bazaar," he adds before picking up his pace again and walking off. "Tourists," you hear him mutter just before he's out of earshot.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo smiles to the man as he gives her the directions he asked for, though the smile quickly turns to a scowl at his parting gibe. Ugh, what is his deal? She briefly considers trailing him and setting his pants on fire, but soon remembers that there are much more entertaining things to do in the capital than petty revenge. Next time he won't be so lucky.

With now some idea of where to head first, Cleo begins to stroll casually in the direction instructed, taking in the sights as she goes.
What is immediately visible on the way towards the first market mentioned? What sorts of buildings/people? How wide/busy are the roads? Any interesting smells or sights in the distance?
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Despite having stepped foot in the capital of the empire more than a handful of times, Shira'stasa is always taken by the beauty and power of the massive city. Feeling as if she's had enough of their prisoner for a lifetime, she tags along with her younger Tenant comrade to the markets. "What are we looking for?" she asks. Everything here is so peaceful. It's as if they don't even care about the war across the sands.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The road towards the market is wider than most and it is busy. Most people seem to either be leaving the harbour or going towards it. You spot the occasional wagon or camel amongst the crowds. Most of the buildins appear to be warehouses, the smell of fish and spices from them, overpowering most other smells.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral gives the man another push.
"I am. Letting you go straight to the authorities here. If you're lucky you'll just get some time in the cells. I'll see if I can't put in a good word. At least this way you're still paying for your crimes."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette giggles at Cleo's reaction to the city. I can only imagine how she'd react to Ellisport or Aerlynn."

Noticing the situation between Geral, Eoli, and the bandit, she thinks, That man may be a lowlife scoundrel, but the mercenary is no better, lying about a deal. So dishonorable." Although Juliette is no stranger to lies, having taken part in the grand scheme of gossip and fibs that fill the lives of Imardanian nobles.

Catching up with Shira'stasa and Cleo, the noblewoman says, "Mind if I tag along? You two seem like much better company than those other two men."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"I was headed to the market first, then probably straight to the temples," Cleo responds to her friend on approach. She is a bit surprised when the foreign woman shows up, but not unpleasantly so. "Sure, do you like temples?" she asks excitedly in response to her request.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa raises an eyebrow at Cleo's question. This woman probably wouldn't relish the fact that we have temples to many Gods, and not any to Elys. She speaks up. "Let's head to the market, first. I want to get some supplies and see if there if there are any good books or documents," she mentions. "You're welcome to join, and we can part ways for a bit if you'd rather skip our temple pilgrimage."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Oh, the market! That sounds lovely. I always loved browsing whatever wares were sold back home. Unfortunately, I don't have much money to even purchase a little trinket," Juliette says, jingling her light coinpurse. "And then the temples, you say? Well, I never did have much interest in the Serran gods, as you might imagine, though perhaps it will be a learning experience." Oh the stories of this heresy I'll be able to tell when I get home!
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Geral and Eoli
"The Gods take you, you lying scum," The captured bandit says trying to spit at Geral. You spot a group of 4 soldiers casually walking along the harbour, talking amongst themselves.
Cleo, Shirastasa and Juliette
A short ways down the road you catch sight of the market. Nestled in a small square it bears a resemblance to the market in Thesus, albeit considerably smaller.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

As they arrive at the market, Shira'stasa peers around at the stalls and shops around her. "I wonder if there are any places to find some history tomes around here. I know it'd be nothing like the stock that the Great Library has, but I'm itching to read something new ever since I left Azkahir," she says.
What kind of shops are there? Do any of them look to sell books/codexes, etc?
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Most of the stalls look to be selling food or other typical luxuries such as spices and rugs. However you do spot one stall, staffed by a bored looking old man, piled high with books and scrolls.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"There seems to be a fine group of gentlemen up ahead that can relieve you of your burden, Geral." Eoli says, pointing out the group of soldiers. "Shall we go greet them?"

Looking at the captured mercenary, Eoli pities the man for a moment. Poor fellow. Geral never agreed to let you go, and I would never have let your kind get away without some punishment regardless. He sighs. But beliefs and reality are hard to juxtapose, as I often see.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral shakes his head at the man.
"They'd sooner take me for not honoring my agreement to the guild than one to a bandit like yourself. Don't think you're worth all that much..."
Geral nods to Eoli as he suggests the soldiers, and motions to them, getting their attention.
"Excuse me! I've got a bandit here in need of judgement. Do you men have any suggestions?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Geral and Eoli
The group of soldiers turn to face you. One of them looks at you for a moment before speaking, from his uniform you assume he is the others' superior. "Do I just have to take your word for that? And if he's a bandit why is he in the harbour, they'll usually outside the city walls."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral shrugs at the man.
"We grabbed him in Thesus during the attack. He was going to board one of the ships here, probably would have caused trouble for you. And it depends, how good is the word of a Malachite Blade Fuller around here?"
He tugs the mans sleeve up, showing the burnt tattoo on his left bicep, a destroyed version of his own Blade tattoo.
"And here's your proof, if you want it."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Geral and Eoli
"You were in Thesus?!? We've only heard rumours so far." The officer says, looking at the bandit's tattoo. "Is it true Rakh Jurhas had fire breathing beasts from the desert?" One of the younger looking men asks, before his superior throws him a disapproving look. "I believe you, although I'm not going to take him off you. There's a bunch of your friends camped outside the city, I'm sure they'd rather you dealt with this internally. I'd rather you did too, this is meant to be an easy posting."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eoli shudders at the thought of fire-breathing beasts. The man made flames are bad enough. Why the beasts as well?

"The only fire breathing beasts I saw were of the wood and iron sort, though the fireballs that they hurled were truly massive."
he says to the younger soldier, before turning to the senior. "If what you say is true, then I believe that all we are looking for is an escort to make sure that this man is delivered securely to the Machalite Blade's camp. Would you be willing to help in this endeavor?"
Diplomacy check to convince this guard to help us? :3 : 10
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Geral and Eoli
The man laughs at Eoli's suggetion. "Sorry but we've got better things to do. I think they're camped outside the Red Gate," He says before motioning to his men to continue their patrol. The soldiers start off again down the harbour leaving Geral, Eoli and the Bandit, who is still grumbling about being betrayed.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

History tomes sound nice, Cleo thinks as she browses the market herself. While she would love to purchase more interesting texts while in the capital, she first wants to see if she can find another buyer for her golden spearheads. Perhaps the people of this place are a bit more respectful of artifacts than that last man. "What do you think, kitty?" she says to the cat in her arms, not really paying attention to the fact that she'd not expressed her earlier thoughts aloud.
Cleo is specifically looking for a stall that seems to buy or sell antiques or knick-knacks, rather than more specific or useful items.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral watches the guards go before nodding to Eoli and shoving the bandit along.
"Sounds like as good an idea as any. We will see what my comrades will have to say about the bandit. Then perhaps we will part ways for a time before attempting to locate our mercenary friend with the annoying elf, as much as I dread having to talk to him again. I am not looking forward to him trying to sass us about being late."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The market is fairly small and seems to mostly need with everyday items, perhaps you'll have more luck in the famed Grand Bazaar.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Having not found what she was looking for, Cleo decides to see if Shira'stasa had spotted what she was. "See anything promising?" she asks, turning to her friend.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, I think so. Come with me," Shira'stasa advises as she steps over to the stall with the bored, old man. "Excuse me, fellow. I'm looking for any history tomes you might have, especially ones relating to military history," the Tenant says to the stall-keeper. The histories of wars was never my interest, but with this civil war brewing, knowledge of the past can be invaluable.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The man's face lights up with your arrival. "There are a couple here somewhere," he says, rummaging through his wares. "Here we go," he says, showing you a book. "This one is about the invasion of Kurnhuelde at the start of the era. I'm pretty sure I've also got a first hand account of the Imardanian uprising somewhere here too," he says, leaving the book out on the stall before going back to searching.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Excellent, this is just the thing I was looking for." Shira'stasa picks up the book and leafs through the pages, examining the quality of the book on the Serran invasion of the orc homeland. She takes out her coinpurse, estimating the cost to be a few gold pieces. Soon, this whole chaotic event will be in a tome of its own. Perhaps I will be the one to pen it, she thinks to herself. History in the making!
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Indeed, indeed." Eoli chuckles, following along while keeping a wary eye on the bandit. "He seemed so absorbed in his own troubles that he forgot that others have feelings, as well."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo follows as instructed, listening to the peddler describe his stock of tomes. "Oh that sounds interesting!" she says at the mention of the tome on the Imardanian uprising. A first hand account of a heretic revolt, how fascinating! I better get that before the others do, she thinks, figuring both Shira'stasa and Juliette would find it interesting.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Shirastasa, Cleo & Juliette
"Lets say 10 gold for that one. Ah here's the other!" The man says finally finding the second book. "This is a bit rarer, so I have to ask 20 for it," he says, placing the second book where the first one had been. "I must say it's nice to have some tenants in this part of the city. Most that come down from the Great Library tend to only frequent the Grand Bazaar. The locals aren't quite as appreciative of learned pursuits."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That Imardanian book sounds quite interesting!" Juliette says. "I haven't learned much about my country's history since I was a schoolgirl. Unfortunately, I haven't the funds to purchase it, unless I find that gypsy bitch again." If I do, I'm punching her right in the mouth and taking back what's mine.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh! I will take it," Cleo says in excitement at Juliette's lack of money. "Here," she says, handing the money over before observing its cover and leafing through the pages. Hm, The Heathen Uprising. I doubt she'll be quite as interested once she sees the title. "It's their loss," she responds to the merchant at the mention of the ignorant masses. "Maybe there wouldn't be a war going on if they were more educated. Such a shame."

With the transaction made, she turns to Juliette with a smile. "You are welcome to read it, knowledge should be shared after all. Maybe we can read it together!"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa hands the man ten coins, taking the book and putting it into her pack. "Thank you, mister," she says respectfully before turning to the others. "That's not true, Cleo... This war is the result of the egos of leaders, not the ignorance of the commonpeople. Although I do agree that it is their loss -- I despise people who avidly pride themselves on their own ignorance," the Tenant says. Knowledge is power. Those who seek ignorance are weaklings in this sense, she thinks to herself.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Thinking for a moment, Eoli realizes that he has no idea where this Red Gate is. "Excuse me," he calls out to a passerby. "Can you tell me how to get to the Red Gate from here? My friend has a delivery for the Machalite Blades."
Streetwise check to know where Red Gate: 1

Cool. Must be on the moon.
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