Amongst the Flames — IC

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral watches as Eoli attempts to ask directions, smiling to himself.
"Eoli, that's a uh... Eh. I'll let you figure it out."

He walks over to one of the street corners, dragging the bandit with him, nodding to a man.
"Need to bring a bandit to the Blades. Red Gate, which direction is that?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Perhaps we can read it together," Juliette responds to Cleo. It better not be a one-sided piece of garbage that tarnishes Imardin's good name. "Are we finished in this market, or do you two want to look around some more?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"I can't think of anything else I'd like to buy here, no," Cleo responds. No antique dealers in this tiny market, I'll have to check the larger one later. Hopefully they are as gullible as that last guy. "Shall we make our way to one of the temples?" she asks the others, stroking the cat a few more times and listening to it purr.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The passerby replies with a tirade of rather colourful language, none of which assists you in locating the Red Gate.
The man is very friendly and gives you detailed directions to the Red Gate, which is one of the Northern Gates near the river and about 20 minutes walk through the city.
"Under the chin if you don't mind," the cat purrs.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"The temples it is," Shira'stasa decides. She turns to the stall merchant. "Do you have suggestions on which temples to visit and where they are?" she asks. I hope the holy places here aren't teeming with bandits.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Well, that gentleman wasn't so gentlemanly." Eoli says, returning to Geral. "I've been around for a while and even I caught some new words. Did you manage to get any directions?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral shrugs and nods, motioning to the northern gates.
"Gotta know how to pick someone out of a crowd. Come on, it's not far."
He leads the way.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Eoli and Geral
You make your way through the streets with your captive, getting a few odd looks occasionally. After about ten minutes of walking you hear cheers erupting from a tavern as a fight breaks out on to the street. However the two men both appear to be too drunk to land a blow on each other and they soon collapse into the dust.
Cleo, Shirastasa and Juliette
The merchant smiles as he takes your money. "Well if you're new in town then of course you'll want to visit the Sek-bas and Sera-nua temples. They're not too hard to find..." The merchant says, giving you directions to the temples which are about ten minutes away.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

'Thank you, mister," Shira'stasa says politely with a smile that does not reach her eyes. Turning to Cleo, she speaks again. "Perhaps Sek-bas first. I'm sure that this one would enjoy that," the Tenant jests as she gives the cat a soft pet.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yeah, I would!" Cleo says, before seeing her friend pet the cat. "Oh, yeah, him too probably." She follows the example and pets the cat as well. "Juliette, would you like to come? It promises to be quite amazing, much more interesting than the one we saw the other day."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well, if you insist," Juliette says. "It'd be better than roaming a strange city alone, I'm sure." Though they'd better not try to push their heresy on me.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Excellent. Stick close," Shira'stasa suggests as she takes lead and heads off toward the temple of Sek-bas, following the directions that the merchant had given her. The tenant gives him a brief wave before they leave sight.

"This war," she says to her companions as they walk. "It is not unlike the civil war when Imardin established its independence, no? A party standing up against the Rakh, breaking free from the empire to establish its own state," Shira'stasa reasons.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Different reasons, though," Cleo muses in response, walking along with her friend. "Imardin's war was religious, this one seems more political." And why did it have to be in the middle of the country? Couldn't another fringe territory just revolt again instead of the leader of Azkahir? So annoying.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral watches the fight for a moment before shaking his head. He hopes those aren't the best examples of fighters this city has. If so, when the army follows the river and lays siege, it will not last long.
He pushes the bandit along, ignoring the bar almost entirely, though noting it's location for later.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Geral and Eoli
The rest of your journey passes quickly and uneventfully. The Red Gate is a medium sized gate, named for the colour of the wall it is built into. A small detachment of guards are stood underneath it, lazily leaning against the wall, talking amongst themselves and not paying much notice to the people passing through the gate.

The road out of the gate continues into the distance, loosely following the river, a field separating the two. To the right of the road stands the Malachite Blades' camp, dozens of tents flying the mercenary company's flag, stretch back from the road and the sound of steel on steel rings out from within.
By your estimation most of the Malachite Blades are here.
Cleo, Shirastasa and Juliette
The man's directions soon lead you on to a very wide road, lined with water features and vegetation. The road eventually opens up into a large square, in the centre of which stands a colossal fountain, depicting all the animal forms of the gods. The road continues forward but to the left stands the temple of Sek-bas and to the right stands the temple of Sera-nua. They stretch skyward, easily two of the tallest buildings in the city.

They mirror each other in design, save for small decorative details. At least forty steps lead up to the entrances which themselves are huge. Each temple has several towers draped in banners and golden domes adorning its roof.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh wow!" Cleo says as she finally sets her eyes on the temple she'd long been waiting to see. It's even better than I imagined. Her eyes light up like a child receiving a treat, as she rushes up the steps ahead of the others. I wonder what the inside is like, I bet it's gorgeous!
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral pushes the bandit towards the mercenary camp with a smile. Sometimes, it's good to see some friendly faces. He calls out as he approaches.
"Hey, anyone around to give me a hand with a bandit?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Wow, these are quite impressive structures," Juliette says. It's just a shame all this wealth was used to worship these false gods when some lovely manors could have been built with it. Admiring the buildings, she thinks, I have to give them props. They've made a lovely, livable place in this godforsaken desert. Though I'd still take the Imardanian countryside any day.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

As he and Geral approach the Blades' camp, he gazes over the tents spread before him. Hm. Seems like only a small number of mercenaries for a group as famed as the Machalite Blades. Perhaps they have a main camp elsewhere.

Turning to Geral, he voices the thought. "Is this a forward camp of the Blades'? It seems rather small. Then again, my perceptions may be skewed by the sight of that army earlier today."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral shakes his head at the orc with a smile.
"No, no. I understand that entirely. Most of the blades are here, from what I can tell at least. Must be getting ready to storm the town we just came from. That, or they were hired to aid in the defense of the capital. Or just looking for prospective members. It all really just depends."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Cleo, Shirastasa and Juliette
Stepping inside the temple to Sek-bas, it immediately opens up into a large hall. The smell of incense hangs thick in the air as you see a small sermon being delivered at the far end of the hall to a group of worshippers. Elsewhere pilgrims are down on their knees, praying at various altars about the hall. The walls and pillars are lavished with detailed statues and banners. In the centre of the hall is a great fire pit constantly being tended to by Priests, the flames leaping up tens of feet into the air.
Geral and Eoli
A young man steps out from a tent towards you. He is armed and armoured in a very similar fashion to Geral. Although his armour appears much less weathered, almost untouched by the sands of the desert. "Just to the Chape or to the Pommel himself?" The young mercenary says, looking to Geral for an answer.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo rushes forward to gaze in the fire pit, using her arms to shield the cat from the smoke. Her eyes widen and glisten with the fire's reflection, and she stares into it for long enough that it begins to affect her vision. Once she notices the effect she turns away, a large smile on her face. "It's so magnificent!" she exclaims, before turning in a circle to take the whole temple in.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Wow, this is incredible," the Tenant says as she steps into the massive temple. "I think I was here once when I was very young," she says aloud to the others. "I'm going to listen in on the sermon over there for a couple of minutes." Shira'stasa steps over quietly to listen in, trying not to interrupt or draw any attention.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo follows, curious to hear the priesthood's lessons as well. I wonder how many people write this stuff? It must be a whole team of experts, crafting them to perfection every day!
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral shoves the bandit towards the young man, leaving his fate in their hands.
"To the Chape, we've got what information he has, and we'll be setting up an assault on a traitor encampment soon. Is the entirety of the Blade here? How many other Fullers?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Geral and Eoli
"You're a Ful- And you don't know what's happening?" The Malachite Blade says, taking a hold of the captured traitor. "Everyone is hear apart from one or two missions. Maybe you should go see The Pommel."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Hm. Quite a bit smaller than I would have imagined, then. Given the reputation of your group, and all." Eoli muses, watching as the young man comes out of the tent. After the bandit is handed over, he turns to the young mercenary, a questioning look on his face. "What news have we not heard? One gets somewhat behind on news when you're trapped in the desert for a few days."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Feeling out of place among the pilgrims and people of worship, Juliette doesn't know what to do with herself, so she busies herself with admiring the architecture. I hope to Elys that the temples back home eventually exceed these in grandeur. The Goddess deserves the best this world can offer.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral sighs as the young man leaves and shakes his head.
"I was out of the loop for a little while on a personal job for Rakh Jurhas protecting refugee caravans and such. Kind of bad when you show up with a large force of strength, you know? A more personal touch is called fro in those situations. That, and sending a Fuller from the Blades can be seen as a rather... strong act of kindness. We don't last this long through luck... Though, what could be going on right now may have to do with the recent attack. I might be called on to defend the capital. Who knows."

with that, Geral starts to walk towards where he believes the Pommels would be, based on his knowledge of his own guild, speaking behind him to Eoli.
"You can come if you want, no real concern of mine. It's your life after all, and we do risk ours on a regular basis."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Cleo Shirastasa & Juliette
The sermon at first seems to be fairly standard, preaching the values of faith. However the priest leading the sermon starts to change the topic to the revolt in the desert. "The Empire struggles to feed itself, yet the Rakhul stays shut up in his palaces living a live of luxury unimaginable to most common people. He doesn't care about this great nation and its people. He hasn't even publicly acknowledged the fact one of his best generals has convinced entire legions to revolt. He is no leader and the sooner we cast him aside, the sooner the Gods will look favourably upon us and the harvests will be bountiful once again."
Eoli & Geral
You quickly find the large tent of The Pommel, situated near the centre of the camp. Two men stand guard outside the entrance, but they step aside when they see Geral's approach. Inside are several people pouring over maps and other documents, currently discussing the camp's latrine situation. Your entrance distracts them and many of them look up. "Geral! We were starting to think you were dead," the oldest looking man says.
You recognise the man as The Pommel, Imaad Ahmadi.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Hmph, why is this being mentioned in a sermon? This is a temple, not a political forum. Cleo looks around, curious to how the other attendants of the sermon are reacting to it. And really, would they so readily throw away all of their traditions for a warmonger?
Watch the others observing the sermon for their reactions. What is the general opinion, or at least what does it seem to be?
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa face sours up as the religious message turns to one that is more based in the politics of the empire. There are better ways to revolt than to siege cities. Why couldn't this general just assassinate the Rakhul? He seems power-hungry to me, like he is using the Rakhul's inaction to further his own cause. She whispers to Cleo: "Who is this one to say that he knows just as the Gods do? How disrespectful."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Most people listen to the man as if it were a normal service. However at either end of the spectrum some people stand up and leave, while others occasionally applaud the priest.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo smiles as some of the people leave in disgust, sharing their sentiment yet not wanting to leave so soon. "I agree, it is blasphemy. It is a wonder that Sek-bas has not set him aflame already for such talk in her most holy temple." Perhaps I should do it for her? The thought causes her to let out a small laugh.

Feeling a bit emboldened by her friend's agreement, and that of the many others who chose to leave, Cleo decides to speak up. "Excuse me, sir priest," she begins, in her best fake polite voice, one she rarely had cause to use. "Is this really a subject that should be talked about in a sermon? I can't imagine the goddess of flames would approve of you using your position as her servant to further your own political agenda."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral smiles at the man as he walks in, grinning widely.
"They came close, sir, but luck still favors me! Tell me, how is the guild faring with the recent attack? I take it this is not simply a friendly reunion."
When he reaches the table he glances over the maps, hoping to get an idea of the situation.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa picks up right where her younger companion leaves off. "Can any of us presume to know exactly which side of this war the Gods above would side with? Isn't it a bit overbearing to decide for them?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Cleo Shirastasa & Juliette
"The once fertile plains are now Desert and people starve. Do you think the Gods are still with us? You mention our Goddess, Sek-bas. I would associate deserts with fire, as I'm sure many people here would, perhaps she is angry with us and this is punishment," the priest says, half responding to the Tenants, half continuing to preach.

Gasps are heard from behind you along with the sound of heavy footsteps and the chink of metal. You see eight legionnaires marching towards you, lead by what appears to be a high ranking officer. The officer nods and two of the men step forward and seize the Priest. "You would defile this house of a god? You serve only to prove that we no longer curry their favour. The Gods have forsaken us and you protect those responsible..." the Priest's voice fades as he is dragged out of the temple, the rest of the soldiers following without a word.
Eoli & Geral
"If I'm honest we're not really sure," the Pommel says. "We voted to break our contract with Jurhas, two days before he captured Thesus. We received an offer he couldn't beat. From one of the patrician families here in the capital. No one can match their money. But we've now camped out here with no orders other than to keep ninety percent of our men here. The coin comes in anyway so I'm not complaining, although we have been taking on small jobs to try and maintain discipline," he says gesturing at several of the maps. A young Malachite Blade enters the tent and hands the Pommel a small scroll. He breaks the seal and reads it quickly. He dismisses the man and pockets the scroll before continuing. "Other than that, we're just waiting. We're not the only ones either. The Red Legacy, The Quickscars, The Boneforge Company, and The Silverswords, to name a few. All camped around the city like us, and all under the employ of various patrician families. I imagine there's trouble brewing between the families, but they could be planing a play for the capital, before Jurhas takes it for himself along with their assets."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Well that was a bit extreme, Cleo thinks as she watches the man dragged off. She harumphs and folds her arms. "I guess we won't be seeing him again," she says, looking around the room for another priest to talk or listen to.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Good riddance. The man clearly wasn't in the right state of mind. The last thing anyone needs in a time of crisis is someone to create fear among the people," Juliette says as the priest is taken away.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral sighs at the Pommel's words and shakes his head.
"Most likely rich men hoping money can save power. Jurhas is just up the river, with plenty of siege to take over this capital. It's as if the guards simply don't care for their own charges, more content to waste time lazing at the docks than patrolling. Were the money not as good as you say, we'd be wasting our time. I would not be surprised if we were to turn on the guards before each other in an attempt to curry favor with Jurhas by turning over the capital to his army without a fight..."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

You see a few priests about the temple; one tending to the great fire in the centre of the temple, one performing a ritual at a small shrine and a few others talking amongst themselves
Eoli & Geral
"Well when it comes down to it, we'll do whatever the people paying want," the Pommel says. "So is there anything I can do for you and your friend here?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

As soon as she spots the man tending the fire, Cleo quickly makes her way over, not waiting for her friends. "It's so beautiful," she says on approach, both to the man as well as to herself. "Do you do this every day? It looks like an amazing job to have!" She tries to keep her tone professional, but it is not difficult to sense the excitement in her voice.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa grabs Juliette's arm and leans in to whisper. "C'mon, let's follow them to see what they'll do to him. I've never seen a military presence this enforced," she says with a worried face. The Tenant steps along hurriedly, trying to follow the soldiers to keep watch of the preacher's fate.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Curious about the workings of the Blades, and not really having anything else to do, Eoli follows Geral into the tent. He stands there quietly as Geral and the Pmmel talk shop, listening to the conversation and quietly mulling it over in his head. So this city may soon become the battle ground of some kind of civil war?

Eoli looks up as the Pommel mentions him. "Hm?" He glances over at Geral, unsure of who should be answering the question.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette follows the Tenant, dashing behind her as best as she can. Oh, do I love drama. And it beats sitting here. "He was speaking pretty poorly of the Rakhul it seemed. And with this war going on, that could be borderline treason in their eyes," the noblewoman says. This should be fun.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

"That's the way of things ins't it?"
He smiles at the Pommel, used to this sort of thing by now if nothing else. At the mention of his friend Geral turns to him and smiles again.
"Ah, this is Eoli. He helped me get this far after I was separated from my charges. Some ex-blades had decided to attack the caravan I was with at the time. We took down a few, but there's only so much even I can do. In fact, it was with his help I captured one of the bastards in the last town before it was attacked. They had been working with the priest in the city to extort money from the merchants passing through, though, he didn't count on us hearing of his plan... We brought one back with us, if you have the time. We already have the location of their base if you wish me to share it."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The Priest stands and turns to look at you, he looks to be about your age. "Not every day, but as an Initiate here at the temple it is often one of my duties," the man says with a smile. "What brings a tenant to the temple?" He asks noticing your robes.
Juliette and Shirastasa
Following the men out of the temple you see the soldiers continuing to drag the man along long the road, turning the heads of most passers-by. A short way along the main road, they turn left down another slightly smaller street.
Eoli & Geral
"Ah yes, we've heard about them," the Pommel says when Geral brings up the ex-Malachite Blades. "If you're a friend of Geral's then you're a friend of all of ours," he says to Eoli offering the Orc a hand. "I'm sure the Chape will get any information we need out of him, although if you know where they're operating from we can at least start to make plans."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa keeps on the trail of the armed soldiers, hanging back a bit before she steps into the narrower street to avoid being obvious. "It's not everyday that you see someone of the holy caste removed from their post and drug through town. While I don't agree with the preacher's methods, his words weren't off-based. The Rakhul does seem to lack the gall to lead this Empire through troubled times," she says to Juliette as she edges closer. "I want to see first-hand what happens to those who speak out against our ruler."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Not just any Tenant," she responds with a smile, holding out her hand to shake. "I'm Cleo, I study the gods with my primary focus being on Sek-bas. I'm on a sabbatical right now to learn all I can about her from this very temple."

Once their hands disconnect, she can't help but to glance at the fire every so often as she continues speaking. "You must know a lot, even just as an initiate. I'd love to hear what you know if you've got time, though if you are busy I'll understand." Maybe he will let me do whatever he was doing to that fire. I wonder if anyone has every accidentally stepped into it. It's a good thing temples are made of stone...
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Silencing the outcriers is the sign of a tyrant, so I wouldn't be surprised if the punishment is cruel and unjust," Juliette says, still following closely behind Shira'stasa. I hope it isn't anything too gruesome though. She shudders at the thought of the man's intestines strewn across alley, a mutilated corpse nearby. Gross.
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