Amongst the Flames — IC

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"This is good to hear, if somewhat unexpected. Not many take kindly to me for my appearance." Eoli says solemly, taking the Pommel's offered hand. After a brief shake, he steps back again, musing over the things that have been said. "It is grave news to hear of this unrest in the city. I fear many innocent lives may be lost if it comes to these families warring."
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Interesting. If my parents had had their way and I'd become a tenant, I like to think I'd have devoted my time to studying the gods." the young priest says, poking at the base of the fire. "Is there anything in particular you'd like to know?"
Juliette and Shirastasa
Now off the main road, the soldiers pin the priest to the wall. Their commander speaks, however he is out of earshot, and then turns his heel and walks away, followed by four of his men. Two out of the three remaining legionnaires continue to hold the priest and, once the officer is out of view, the other begins to beat the man.
Eoli & Geral
"They are many of your kind in the malachite blades," The Pommel says to Eoli with a nod. "Potentially yes. Hopefully the issues here with be resolved peacefully. As a mercenary company we usually prefer conflict, although this time we're getting paid either way."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo hms, thinking for a moment about which to ask first. Everything! But that's not a question. What to ask? Oh, I know. "Well, what is an average day here like? Are there many visitors? Do you have a lot of duties, other than tending this fire? Do the priests do research as well?" She catches herself before she asks too many questions, pausing for a moment. "I guess those for now, and I can ask more after. I have so many questions!" she finishes with a larger, excited smile.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Watching the soldiers lay into the priest, Shira'stasa gasps, her surprise quickly dissolving to a burning anger. She marches out into the open, calling out to the men attacking the holyman. "Get your hands off of this Priest of the Pantheon! You have no right to attack him so!" she cries out to them, the Tenant's hand almost marring the cover of her tome from squeezing it so hard.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral shrugs and shakes his head.
"The easy jobs are never fun anyway. That, and we do need to test new recruits with actual combat. Maybe we should take a few when we storm the bandit hold, see how they feel about an actual fight instead of standing around acting tough."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette is somewhat shocked as the Tenant reveals herself and yells at the guards, but remains hidden. I don't want to get involved in this. He's no priest of my god, and he sure wasn't preaching anything holy back in the temple. That was purely political. The noblewoman watches carefully to see how the scene will unfold, not keen on interfering unless necessary.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"The average day is fairly uneventful really, as an initiate at least. Our jobs are little more than a list of chores. There are always a lot of people though. This is the biggest temple to Sek-bas in the world after all. I believe some of the priests do research, it's more of a personal preference thing for them," the priest says, trying to rattle off answers to your barrage of questions. "The fire is a pretty big task so if it's your turn, you'll be doing it all day," he adds, poking at the base of the fire with a poker. "I'm Izzaddeen by the way," he says with a smile.
Juliette and Shirastasa
The soldier beating the priests stops and turns to face Shira'stasa. "This man's priesthood has by revoked by decree of the Rakhul! This is none of your business Tenant," he says locking eyes with her.
Eoli & Geral
"That is something we need to deal with. If you want I can temporarily assign you to the Chappe and put you in charge of it," the Pommel says to Geral. "You could have your pick of the men."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

His priesthood revoked for sharing his opinion, she thinks to herself, her anger growing. "Revoked on what grounds? Being reasonably critical on the incompetence of a cowardly tyrant? The Rakhul will have to beat everyone of his subjects, then. Everybody knows of his inability. And you agree with these notions of tyranny and fearmongering? You might even be more delusional than him," she responds, making no attempt to hide her now-soured attitude toward the Serran ruler.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette remains in disbelief as the Tenant opening speaks against the Rakhul just moments after a priest is beaten for the same reason. "What is she thinking?" the noblewoman whispers to herself. She's going to get herself killed if she keeps this up! Hopefully they'll respect her status enough not to harm her, although that didn't work so well for the priest. One can only hope.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Nice to meet you. Can I call you Izzy?" Cleo asks. Not waiting for his response, she continues her line of questioning. "So what do the other priests do most of the time, if not research? Just preach? Write sermons? Charity work? Pray?" I wonder if I should be a priest. It might be fun. Well, probably not as fun as being a Tenant. I think I will stick to that for now.

"And are there many holidays? What do you do for them? There aren't really any major celebrations at the Great Library, it can get dull at times. Everyone is so serious all the time. You would think they would learn to live a little, you know?" I wonder what the initiates here do for fun. Maybe set stuff on fire. That's what I'd do, at least. But I guess I already do that. This place is so exciting! The tenant finds it hard to control herself, finally in the place she'd set out to go.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral smiles at that and takes a bow.
"Command of the Chappe sir? It'd be an honor. I'll look over the men and grab some of the veterans and a few of the new recruits. If you don't mind, there's two people I'd like to take with me, Eoli, as he was with the caravan when it was attacked, and there is a woman in the city who had her husband and family killed by the Blades, supposedly. I feel like they were bandits posing as us, and I would like to try and clear our name in such regard."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"If you'd like," the priest says with a smile. "That's pretty much all the priests do. Again it depends on which priest it is and how high up they are. We hold events for pretty much every holiday involving Sek-bas you've heard of. They're always very grand, it's quite impressive but really it's not much more than an ordinary service."
Juliette and Shirastasa
"I said this is none of your business Tenant. Be gone or I'll have your tongue," the soldier says, his hand moving to the hilt of his sword.
Eoli & Geral
"If you can find this woman you can take her. The decision is yours to make," the Pommel says to Geral. He quickly scribbles something down on a piece of parchment and stamps it with a seal before handing it to Geral. "Give this to the Chappe and they'll help you with everything you need."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"You overstep your bounds, soldier," Tenant Shira'stasa warns maliciously. "You mercilessly beat this man of the Gods and then dare threaten one of their scholars?" she asks, her eyes piercing his. "I can only imagine whose side the Gods will be partial to."

A zombified, grisly hand appears next to Shira'stasa after a graceful wave of her own. The disgusting apparition grasps and flexes its muscles, the flesh and tendons underneath sliding against the hardly-attached skin. "You might want to rethink your words, and back away from this man. I'm sure you've heard stories of the magics studied by the Tenants of the Great Library," she says, her tone both very even and very malicious.
Arcane Mutterings: Use an Arcana roll for a intimidate check: 3(1d20) +13 = 16
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh, that sounds exciting! When is the next one? I would love to see it, if I am still in the city. I probably should be. By the way, do you think I'd be able to stay here and study with the researcher priests for awhile?" She looks expectantly for a moment, before the look on the young man's face reminds her just who she is talking to.

"Oh, right, you are an initiate. You probably don't get to make those sorts of decisions, huh? Is there anyone I could ask about that? I'd love to learn as much as I can while I'm here, but I don't want to just bug everyone out of the blue." I hope he isn't annoyed by all my questions. I should stop, maybe he will be nice and try and put in a good word for me.
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The Enigma
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"You honor me with your words, Geral." Eoli says, grinning and bowing his head at the man as he finishes with the Pommel. "I'd be happy to join you, if it means saving some innocents in the future."
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"There's one in a couple of weeks I think. I think you probably could, but yes I am just an initiate," the priest says before looking around the room. "You'll want to speak to one of the High Priests. They're the ones with gold trimming on their robes."
Juliette and Shirastasa
Your cheap parlour tricks don't scare me Woman," the soldier says, apparently unfazed by your spell. The other two soldiers also now turn their attention towards you, dropping the priest to the ground and joining their companion.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Thanks! I will go look for one now. Maybe I'll see you around, huh?" Cleo says with a smile, before turning to look around some more. He seems nice, I hope the other initiates and priests are as nice. This place is great! Excited at the prospect of gaining a High Priest's blessing to stay, she quickly begins scouring the many people for one of the mentioned gold-trimmed robes. Maybe they will think I am a High Priest too if I keep wearing these, she thinks, smirking to herself.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette begins to slightly panic as the Tenant further aggravates the guards. Does she not know when to back down? Seeing no other choice, the noblewoman reveals herself in an attempt to either distract or calm down the guards. Feigning worry, she looks around the alley and upon looking at the guards says, "Oh, thank heavens! I seem to have lost my way in this massive city. Could you three guards escort a lady to an inn?" She smiles at the guards, hoping they do so.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The young initiate smilies and goes back to his duties. You survey the main room of the temple and spot three priests with gold trimming on their robes. One kneeling at an altar in a small alcove, one leading the sermon at the far end of the room, and one who you spot going through a door and into a corridor off the main chamber, however he shuts the door behind himself.
Juliette and Shirastasa
"Miss I'm afraid we're in the middle of something right now," the soldier says to Juliette,
noticeably surprised by her appearance.
"Strike them down," a voice says in your head.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Figuring it is her best bet for a conversation, Cleo makes her way towards the priest giving a sermon and stands quietly behind the others who are listening, planning to approach the man once he has finished.
How many people are listening? How old is the man, roughly? What is being said?
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The man is about 50 or 60 year old, his hair and beard are grey. About twenty to thirty people are seated, listening to his words. He appears to have taken over from the Priest who was dragged out of the temple earlier, and his sermon is a lot less political, preaching the simple tenants of the faith instead.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo waits around for him to finish talking. When he finally does, she approaches him with a smile, saying, "Hello. That was a lovely sermon. Did it take long to write?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, madame, they seem to be quite in the middle of dying," Shira'stasa says coarsely as she reacts to the Imardanian woman breaking her cover. She turns back to face the guards, guided by the strange voice in her head. Without questioning its motives or even who or what it is, her codex snaps to a certain page and the zombie hand issues forward menacingly. Now get on with it and die, she thinks to herself as she steps closer, her open hand encased in spectral flame, ready to blanket the soldiers in it.
Readying Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation. If they do not flee and instead approach/attack her, Shira'stasa will attack.
Combat Block
Shira'stasa Mavruna

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 7/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde


Second Wind [_]
Use Vulnerability [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Suggestion [_]
Grasping Shadows [_]
Shield [_] *
Arcane Mutterings [x] *


Flaming Sphere [_]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

* Only one may be readied at beginning of day


Important Features
Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Thank you. If I'm honest with you, that was completely off the top of my head. I don't know if you were here earlier, but I wasn't originally leading the sermon," the Priest says
Juliette and Shirastasa
The soldiers draw their swords upon hearing Shira'stasa's words, however they do not approach the two women.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

With the zombified hand sliding forth, Shira'stasa cries out in rage, her spectral fire jettisoned out toward the soldiers opposing her. The embers take on a spherical form in the center of the three men before erupting outwards with arcane strength, leaving them burned and bruised in various manners. "Run, old man! I've bought you time, now save your hide!" the Tenant shouts out to the beaten priest.
Surprise Action: Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation centered on C8. Hits Soldier 1, Reflex 21, for 9 force damage and knocked prone. Crits Soldier 2 for 11 force damage and knocked prone. Hits/Misses Soldier 3, Reflex 15, for 11 force damage possibly knocked prone.
Attack: 12(1d20) +9 = 21; 20(1d20) +7 = 27; 8(1d20) +7 = 15
Damage: 4(1d6) +5 = 9; 6(1d6) +5 = 11

The burst is a zone of flame lasting TENT. Enemies entering or starting their turn there take 2 fire damage.
Combat Block
Shira'stasa Mavruna

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 7/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde


Second Wind [_]
Use Vulnerability [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Suggestion [_]
Grasping Shadows [x] **
Shield [_] *
Arcane Mutterings [x] *


Flaming Sphere [_]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

* Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.


Important Features
Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh, yeah I saw him get taken away," Cleo says, giving her feline friend a few strokes on the head. "That was weird. Very impressive you were able to do that all without preparing, though. You must know so much!"

Realizing that she is coming across a bit strong so far, and not wanting to ruin her chance to gain access to the temple, Cleo forces herself to speak more calmly and professionally. "Pardon the outburst, I am just so relieved to have finally made it to the capital. My name is Cleo, I'm a tenant and I just arrived after a long journey from the Great Library. I was wondering if I could be permitted to stay and study at this wonderful temple for a time. You looked so important giving that sermon, I figured you would be the person to ask." Ugh, this is exhausting. I miss the others, at least with them I can talk like a normal person.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Encounter 6

Shira'stasa's blast knocks two of the soldiers to the ground. The other one is burned slightly by the remaining flames, but regardless he steps up to the tenant and takes a swing at her, narrowly missing.

Go: Shira'stasa, Juliette
Shira'stasa: hits, hits, misses.

Initiatives are rolled.

Soldier 3: takes 2 fire damage, walks to (D, 4), misses Shira'stasa.

Priest: cowers.

Note: Juliette is not currently involved in the fight as far as the soldiers are concerned.
Map Info
Buildings: You can climb up onto the roof of any building if you really want to.
Enemy Info
Soldier: These are low ranking soldiers in the Serran Legion. Assigned to guard duty in the capital, it is unlikely that these men have ever seen a real battle and their experience is probably limited to breaking up drunken bar fights.
22 Soldier 3 (D, 4) | HP: -2/?? |
20 Priest (A, 10) | HP: 1/1 |
17 Shira'stasa (C, 3) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 7/7 | AP: 1/1 |
17 Juliette (B, 1) | HP: 33/33 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Soldier 1 (C, 7) | HP: -9/?? | Prone, granting CA
6 Soldier 2 (B, 8) | HP: -11/?? | Prone
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"You learn a few things over the years" the Priest chuckles. "I suppose that can be arranged. I doubt you're the first tenant to take up residence here. It's not really my area though, but I'm sure we have some spare quarters somewhere. I'll go see if I can find someone who'll be able to sort you out. Wait here," he says with a smile, before walking off towards the door you saw another high priest go through earlier.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You men clearly don't know how to treat a lady!" the noblewoman says upon her request being denied. Stepping next to the Tenant, she says, "Need a hand, I assume?" as she pulls out her sickle.
Minor: Defender's Aura
Enemies take -2 to attack rolls on attacks that don't include me as a target

Move: Walk to D2

Standard: Run Down on Soldier 3
Attack: 2(1d20) +9 = 11 vs AC = Miss. Boo

Vengeful Guardian: If any of these enemies shift or attack Shira without targeting me, I can make a free MBA (1d20+9; 1d10+5) with 1d8 extra damage
Combat Block
Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 33/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura


Second Wind [_]
Disrupting Advance [_]
Savage Cut [_]

Shrug It Off [_]

Life-Ending Strike [_]


Important Features
Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.
+ Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
+ Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
+ Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral pats Eoli on the back as he clutches the note, grinning at the man.
"You fought well, as did the tenants. If fighting were all it took to gain recognition though, you'd probably be the godfather of my future kids, if I have any. But your words, wisdom, and the way you hold yourself mark you as a man trusted, and that's what counts for me. I may be a mercenary, but I hold honor and duty above all others when it comes to leading, and the way I carry myself, if I do it poorly at times. Now come on, the rest of the men can wait, but if that woman's still in the city, she'd be a welcome aid to our mission. She sure fought like a woman possessed, and doubtless she would jump at the offer to kill more men like the ones that murdered her family. Maybe there's a place for her in our outfit..."

Geral waves Eoli on as he makes for the city.
She left with the tenant girls, unsurprisingly. I probably reminded her too much of her enemies to stick around, and the tenants... I have not made the best of impressions, whatever the case. I do hate that, they are good people, even if the younger one is a bit fiery. In... More ways than one. Rather fitting. I should try to find where the tenants reside here, perhaps they can lead me to her.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

As the soldier charges forward to attack her, Shira'stasa narrowly avoids his swing before she uses her dark powers to assault their minds. "Flee, you cowards! Lest you become ash!" she calls to them, and it proves to be effective. All three of them back off several feet, their fear present on their faces. The tenant takes position behind her Imardanian companion, hardly acknowledging her presence, while the terrible hand apparition persists.
Standard: Beguiling Strands, a 5x5 with left center edge on C4, targeting Soldiers 1, 2, 3. Hits all, Will 24, 27, and 25, dealing 5 psychic damage and pushing them each back 3 squares.
Attacks: 15(1d20) +9 = 24; 20(1d20) +7 = 27; 18(1d20) +7 = 25

Move: Walk back to C1

Minor: Sustain Mage Hand.

The flame burst ends.
Combat Block
Shira'stasa Mavruna

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 7/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde


Second Wind [_]
Use Vulnerability [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Suggestion [_]
Grasping Shadows [x] **
Shield [_] *
Arcane Mutterings [x] *


Flaming Sphere [_]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

* Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.


Important Features
Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

This is so much easier than I expected! Cleo can barely contain her joy, and takes a seat on the ground, or the nearest bench or chair if there are any present. She tries her best to seem calm and collected as she very impatiently awaits the man's return. While she waits she gently pats and scratches the cat, something to do to pass the time.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Juliette's sickle misses its mark, but Shira'stasa successfully knocks the men back further into the alley way. While his companions pick themselves up off the floor, one of the soldiers continue's their advance, slashing at Juliette and hitting the Imardanian. The Priest now takes Shira'stasa's advice, running past the women and back out onto the main street.

Go: Shira'stasa, Juliette
Juliette: activates aura, walks, misses.

Shira'stasa: hits x3, walks, sustains.

Soldier 1: stands.

Soldier 2: stands.

Soldier 3: walks to (D, 3), hits Juliette for 8 damage.

Priest: runs away and leaves encounter.
Map Info
Buildings: You can climb up onto the roof of any building if you really want to.
Enemy Info
Soldier: These are low ranking soldiers in the Serran Legion. Assigned to guard duty in the capital, it is unlikely that these men have ever seen a real battle and their experience is probably limited to breaking up drunken bar fights.
22 Soldier 3 (D, 3) | HP: -7/?? |
17 Shira'stasa (C, 3) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 7/7 | AP: 1/1 |
17 Juliette (D, 2) | HP: 25/33 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Aura 1, enemies take -2 to attack rolls on attacks that don't include me as a target,
8 Soldier 1 (C, 10) | HP: -14/?? |
6 Soldier 2 (B, 11) | HP: -16/?? |
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well, that is really not a way to treat a lady," Juliette says, recovering from the soldier's attack. "Now let me tell you something about myself. When you hit me, I hit back. Harder." With this, she strikes the man with incredible force, the sickle's blade slicing through its foe.
Move: Shift to D1

Standard: Savage Cut on Soldierboi3
Attack: 19(1d20) +9 = 28 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 14(2d10) +8(1d8) +5 = 27
Combat Block
Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 33/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura


Second Wind [_]
Disrupting Advance [_]
Savage Cut [X]
Shrug It Off [_]


Life-Ending Strike [_]


Important Features
Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.
+ Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
+ Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
+ Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

As Juliette's sickle cuts into the man's flesh, Shira'stasa's terrible apparition glides closer toward him. The agony and fear in his eyes shows through, and he steps back from the women. Rightly so, the Tenant thinks to herself.
Move: Mage Hand moves to D4, forcing Soldier 3 to grant terrified CA.

Standard: Beguiling Strands, a 5x5 with left center edge on C2, targeting Soldjaboi3. Hits for 5 psychic damage, pushing him back 2 squares, where he still grants CA.
Attack: 17(1d20) +9 = 26

Minor: Sustain Mage Hand.
Combat Block
Shira'stasa Mavruna

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 7/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde


Second Wind [_]
Use Vulnerability [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Suggestion [_]
Grasping Shadows [x] **
Shield [_] *
Arcane Mutterings [x] *


Flaming Sphere [_]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

* Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.


Important Features
Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
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The Enigma
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"I thank you again for your words. If only more had come my way when I was younger." Eoli says, smiling as he follows the man out towards the city again. "Lady Juliette is indeed a force to be reckoned with, though I hope she finds peace in the future. The anger she feels can only lead to self destruction, in the long run."
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As both the women's attacks hit, the soldiers start to move forward again. Juliette is hit once more by one of the men, as the two two draw near.

Go: Shira'stasa, Juliette
Juliette: shifts, hits,

Shira'stasa: moves Magehand, hits, pushes, bloodies, sustains.

Soldier 1: walks to (C, 4).

Soldier 2: walks to (B, 5)

Soldier 3: walks to (D, 2), hits Juliette for 4 damage.
Map Info
Buildings: You can climb up onto the roof of any building if you really want to.
Enemy Info
Soldier: These are low ranking soldiers in the Serran Legion. Assigned to guard duty in the capital, it is unlikely that these men have ever seen a real battle and their experience is probably limited to breaking up drunken bar fights.
22 Soldier 3 (D, 5) | HP: -39/?? | Granting CA, Bloodied
17 Shira'stasa (C, 3) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 7/7 | AP: 1/1 |
17 Juliette (D, 1) | HP: 21/33 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Aura 1, enemies take -2 to attack rolls on attacks that don't include me as a target, Savage Cut
8 Soldier 1 (C, 4) | HP: -14/?? |
6 Soldier 2 (B, 5) | HP: -16/?? |
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The cat purrs gently as you stroke it. About fifteen minutes pass as Priests come and go without paying any attention to you, until a female priest walks over to you. "Ah you're the Tenant. I'm told you're studying here and need some quarters. If you'd like to follow me," she says leading you through the same door the high priest disappeared through earlier. "We don't exactly have many visitors staying with us, so I'm afraid all we have for you is the same quarters an Initiate would be assigned. Although if there's anything you need, let me know and I'll try to help sort it out. I'm Soria," she continues, as she leads you down a series of corridors and up stairs. Eventually she unlocks a door and steps aside, handing you the key. "Here we are."

The room is small and sparse. It contains a bed, a small desk and chair, and a chest. A small glassless window provides a view of a small courtyard in the temple complex.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Nice to meet you, Soria. I'm Cleo. And a small room is more than enough, I am just thrilled to be allowed to stay!" the girl says, again trying not to come off too strong too fast, and somewhat failing. "You don't mind if this little guy stays here with me, do you?" she asks, not wanting to give up her new friend so soon.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette grows angrier as the soldier continues lashing out at her. So what if I attacked him? He had it coming! And he should know not to hit a lady! She retaliates once more, slashing at the soldier.
Move: Shift to D0

Standard: Run Down on Soldjaboi3
Attack: 10(1d20) +9 = 19 vs AC = Hitplz?
Damage: 7(1d10) +5 = 12
Soldjaboi3 is prone
Combat Block
Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 21/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura


Second Wind [_]
Disrupting Advance [_]
Savage Cut [X]
Shrug It Off [_]


Life-Ending Strike [_]


Important Features
Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.
+ Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
+ Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
+ Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

As Juliette engages one of the soldiers and the others approach, Shira'stasa issues forth her decaying hand servant. "Flee, before she hacks you to pieces!" the Tenant cries out, sending the soldiers back several steps to free themselves from its grasp. The man that the Imardanian woman had knocked down has no choice but to crawl back the best he can.
Move: Mage Hand moves to C5, forcing Soldiers 1 and 2 to grant terrified CA.

Standard: Beguiling Strands, a 5x5 with left center edge on C2, targeting Soldiers 1, 2, and 3. Hits Soldiers 1, 2, and 3 with Will 17, 23, and 16, dealing 5 psychic damage and pushing them each back 3 squares.
Attack: 8(1d20) +9 = 17; 14(1d20) +9 = 23; 5(1d20) +7 = 12
Memory of 1000 Lifetimes (12 Will ->16 Will): 4(1d6) = 4

Minor: Sustain Mage Hand.
Combat Block
Shira'stasa Mavruna

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 7/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde


Second Wind [_]
Use Vulnerability [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [x]
Suggestion [_]
Grasping Shadows [x] **
Shield [_] *
Arcane Mutterings [x] *


Flaming Sphere [_]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

* Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.


Important Features
Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Despite Shira'stasa's efforts to push back the soldiers, two of them continue their advance, one striking out at the Tenant but luckily he narrowly misses.

Go: Shira'stasa, Juliette
Juliette: shifts, hits,

Shira'stasa: moves Magehand, hits, pushes, sustains.

Soldier 1: walks to (C, 2), misses Shira'stasa.

Soldier 2: walks to (B, 2)

Soldier 3: stands.
Map Info
Buildings: You can climb up onto the roof of any building if you really want to.
Enemy Info
Soldier: These are low ranking soldiers in the Serran Legion. Assigned to guard duty in the capital, it is unlikely that these men have ever seen a real battle and their experience is probably limited to breaking up drunken bar fights.
22 Soldier 3 (D, 5) | HP: -56/?? | Granting CA, Bloodied
17 Shira'stasa (C, 3) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 7/7 | AP: 1/1 |
17 Juliette (D, 0) | HP: 21/33 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Aura 1, enemies take -2 to attack rolls on attacks that don't include me as a target, Savage Cut
8 Soldier 1 (C, 2) | HP: -19/?? |
6 Soldier 2 (B, 2) | HP: -21/?? |
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I'm sure that'll be just fine," Sorai says, petting the cat. "Quite an apt animal to keep here too. There's quite a few other cats around the temple as well."
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Well, I can't wait to meet them. And I'm sure he can't either," Cleo responds with a smile, excited at the prospect of getting to chat with more of them. I will learn so much here, I bet those cats know all sorts of secrets!

"Well, I will get settled in then," Cleo continues. "Is there a dining hall in this complex, or will I need to find a tavern for meals outside?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette laughs as the soldier fails to hit Shira'stasa. Pathétique. Turning her attention towards the closer guard, she strikes at him with great force, knocking him backwards and into the other guard.
Standard: Disrupting Advance on Soldier 1
Attack: 19(1d20) +9 = 28 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 19(2d10) +5 = 24
Soldier 1 is push to C4 and knocked prone.
Soldier 3 is knocked prone.
Combat Block
Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 21/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura


Second Wind [_]
Disrupting Advance [X]
Savage Cut [X]
Shrug It Off [_]


Life-Ending Strike [_]


Important Features
Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.
+ Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
+ Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
+ Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
Posts: 818
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral lets out a sigh as he walks into the city, looking about at all of the people.
"Now... The question is where to start. Let's ask a guard where the local Tenant's library is and try there first. If anything, they'd know where Shira'stasa and Cleo are. Heck, maybe we can convince them to come with us eh?"

Once Geral spots a guard he waves over to them and walks over.
"Excuse me, could you tell me where the Tenant Library is?"
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"There is a dining hall, but I'd recommend a tavern" Sorai laughs. "Initiates aren't necessarily the best chefs. Anyway I'll leave you to get settled in," she adds with a smile before leaving Cleo and her feline companion alone in the room.
Eoli and Geral
"The other side of the kingdom," the guard says laughing. "But if it's not the Great Library you're looking for then there are a couple of Tenant libraries in the city. One is the biggest, after the Great Library anyway," he soon adds, actually doing his job. He proceeds to give you directions to the main library in the city, near the temples, as well as directions to a couple of smaller libraries in the city.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo chuckle's at the woman's comment, setting her bag in a corner once she leaves. She takes a quick peek outside the window and strokes the cat a few more times, then lays it on the bed, telling it, "this will be weird, but everything will be alright." Stepping out of sight of the window, she then once more assumes her feline form, and hops on the bed next to the real cat.

"Hey! Remember me?" she purrs, looking into her new pet's eyes at eye level. "Bet you didn't know I was the cat you met before, did you?"
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The Enigma
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Thank you, guardsman." Eoli says, bowing his head slightly to the man, before beginning to walk in the direction of the main library. "Shira'stasa and Cleo have likely made themselves at home in the biggest library." He comments to Geral. "They are tenants, after all. I doubt Lady Juliette would have wandered far. She seemed somewhat curious."
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

The Tenant takes a step back, knowing that the soldiers closing in on her could possibly mean her death. They will not strike me down, she thinks to herself, forcefully. Another wave of fear flashes through a couple of the men's minds as she assaults their sanity via the terrifying hand creature. They cower back after Juliette had knocked them to the cobblestone underfoot.
Move: Shift to C0.

Standard: Beguiling Strands, a 5x5 with left center edge on C1, targeting Soldiers 1, 2, and 3. Hits Soldiers 1 and 3, dealing 5 psychic damage and pushing them each back 3 squares.

Minor: Sustain Mage Hand.
Combat Block
Shira'stasa Mavruna

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 7/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde


Second Wind [_]
Use Vulnerability [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [x]
Suggestion [_]
Grasping Shadows [x] **
Shield [_] *
Arcane Mutterings [x] *


Flaming Sphere [_]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

* Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.


Important Features
Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
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