Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Ah, the Gods be damned... I'm sorry, stranger. So you've met 'em, too," the man says, as he steps into the light, still a few yards from you, his weapon lowered. You get a better look at him. He is stocky, a bit short, and decently well-built. His skin is tanned moreso than most Brennissians. His dark brown or black hair is close cropped, and he has a thick beard with braided ties around two dread-like strands that cascade down from his chin. He holds a thick rod of wood, likely used for some sort of hide-stretching in the workshop below.

"Who are you, then? I got worried when I heard noises at the door, and almost went feral on you when I found you up here about to bust in."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"I and a few others," Marcus says, looking out the window, "are holed up in the Gilded Mare. We've already had those creatures attack us multiple times, and those bastards on the other street blocked our path trying to make our way to the nearest guard barracks. All we want is something to put between ourselves and their claws, and some good leather seems like a decent start. So, how about it?" Marcus asks, pausing a moment before adding. "And can I let the others in? It's unsafe out there, as you can imagine."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I don't know what the fuck they are, or what they want, those creatures. However those men want nothing but trouble and misery, that's for sure. I'm willing to share my leather if you're willing to offer safety, but I'd like to see the rest of your men to make sure you're not duping me. Hop down, if you would," the man asks Marcus, motioning for him to do so.

Cassia gets a bit shifty as she notices something in the distance. "I think those walkers up ahead may have heard the fuss," she whispers up to Marcus and to the others. Weasel shakes his head in annoyance. "This tosser better hurry himself up, yeh? It's a meat grinder out here."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus hops down, eager to get things settled and everyone safe. A tanner would be beneficial to have around, this leather won't last us forever. Let's just hope we can get him back to the Mare in one piece.

He steps forward some once inside the building, looking to the man. "Well, shall we head downstairs, then? By the sound of it those things may have heard us, best to get everyone inside before they catch a glance or they will relentlessly throw themselves at your door. We've already seen it happen before."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Hold on, stranger," the man warns, stepping up to the window to peer down. Weasel lowers his blade gingerly, not intending to provoke the man. Cassia peers up and gives the man a decided nod. "Ah, a Watchman. I feel safer already," he says in a dry tone with a soft laugh, before turning back to lead Marcus toward the stairwell.
The tanner picks up a candlestick, igniting its wick with a sparking tool on his desk. The ex-soldier can see the rest of the minimalist contents of the bedroom (a small closet for storage, a simple bookshelf with a few beat-up looking texts, and a beautiful fur adorning the floor) as well as a narrow stairwell in the far wall.

They descend to the lower floor, which is a combination of the storefront and the small workshop. Marcus is able to make out various stretching racks, shelves of tanning agents, metal and wood tools, and a few chests, among other things. "Here we are," the man says, catching Marcus' wandering eye as they stop at the front door. He unlatches the heavy wooden bar and disengages the simple lock, before creaking the door open carefully, revealing the others. "Get in if you're going to get in," he says to them, impatiently.
Elene, Liviana, Redros
The tanner and Marcus disappear into the second floor and you wait a few moments before you hear someone fidgeting with the lock. Eventually the door opens up, revealing the tanner and Marcus. You get a better look at him. He is stocky, a bit short, and decently well-built. His skin is tanned moreso than most Brennissians. His dark brown or black hair is close cropped, and he has a thick beard with braided ties around two dread-like strands that cascade down from his chin. He holds a thick rod of wood, likely used for some sort of hide-stretching in his workshop. "Get in if you're going to get in," he says to you all, impatiently.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana wastes no time rushing through the door, not keen on spending another moment outside with any of the rotting creatures. "Thank you," she says to the man with a genuine smile. "It's good to see that not everyone has forgotten basic decency in this time of crisis."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes I'm starting to wish I'd taken up some of the previous offers I've received to whisk me away from this place to some place better... Most of them were lying of course, but right now I wouldn't mind being married to some fisherman or merchant. It'd certainly beat this..." Athena says, before quickly silencing her thoughts as she realises she is becoming rather cynical again.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

In the Gilded Mare, Bastia strolls up to where Athena and the others chatter. "Hah, I can't see a girl like you married to a fisherman," she says. "You'd die of boredom."

In the channel, the tanner guides Liviana, and Weasel into his workshop. Cassia stands outside, stepping back from the distantly approaching figures. "C'mon! Get inside!" she whispers to Redros and Elene as she steps through the threshold.
You enter the tannery's lower floor, which is a combination of the storefront and the small workshop. You are able to make out various stretching racks, shelves of tanning agents, metal and wood tools, and a few chests, among other things.
The Gilded Mare -- Lobby: Athena,Burtin, Drozga, Smock, Isdren, Rorsi, Guthrik, Jozanta, Bessia, Matilda, Bastia.

Channel -- Tannery: The Tanner, Marcus, Liviana, Cassia, Weasel.

Channell -- Waterfront: Redros, Elene
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods as the distant figure approaches, quickly stepping into the tannery.
"Pardon me, but is there another exit to this place? I do not think we can leave the way we came in."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene slips into the building after Cassia, quietly tucking her improvised lockpick back into her clothes. "We should prob'ly get up to th' upper floor. More time to escape if they try breakin' in here."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"If we stay quiet they may not even find us in here," Marcus says in response to the urchin. "Now get in, and shut the door behind you," he continues. Even if they attack us here, with this man's leather we should be better suited to fight back.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Nah, front door's the only one," the tanner says in response to the woodsman. He turns to Elene. "Yeah, my quarters are upstairs. It'll be a bit tight but we might be able to wait these things out." He leads you up to the upper level and you stay quiet as you wait for the walkers.

After a few moments, they can hear them shamble past the door of the tannery. "Think we're safe for now. But they went in the direction of the Mare," Cassia notes.
The Gilded Mare -- Lobby: Athena,Burtin, Drozga, Smock, Isdren, Rorsi, Guthrik, Jozanta, Bessia, Matilda, Bastia.

Channel -- Tannery: The Tanner, Marcus, Liviana, Cassia, Weasel,
Redros, Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes, they won't pester us if we don't draw attention to ourselves," Liviana says, glad that everyone is safely inside. Turning to the tanner, she says, "So, if you have a successful business here, can we assume that you're skilled in your craft?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Course I am. Couldn't pay the lease were I not, miss. This channel's pretty expensive, but it gives my goods some needed exposure from the rich-folk like you here in the Calepha district." He reaches down and picks up a pair of fancy moccasins to show her. "Learned how to make these back in Serranak. The orcs of the Kurnlands can work wonders with their leather, and I thought I'd try my hand at it," he says, proudly.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Excellent," Liviana says as the man explains his skills. "Anyhow, what's your name? No reason to forget introductions just because we're in a crisis."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Mahren. Born and raised in Serranak, but traveled a lot in my teens," the man says.

"Your Brennissian sounds even better than mine,"
Cassia notes, impressed.

Weasel smirks. "Not a hard task when you sound like ye've got a rat in yer mouth. Just sayin'." The Watchman doesn't look amused.

"Aye, I've a thing for tongues, I suppose. Worked as a translator for a time," he explains, ignoring the man's teasing. "Anyways, who're you lot? Seem like quite the motley crew."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Marcus," says Marcus, not caring for lengthy introductions. "I run the All-Seeing Eye a few blocks over. This is Cassia, a watchman, and Weasel, some street thug. The other man seems to be a huntsman, the girl is a street urchin, and this finely dressed woman is our princess."

He walks over and takes the moccasins to look them over once they are safe from the creatures, eyeing the craftsmanship with delight. "So, how would you like to share some of this leather with your fellow survivors, then? We could definitely use it, especially seeing how the animated corpses are not the only threat to present themselves..." he trails off, thinking once more to the men across the way. Fucking cunts.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I've seen your building a few times. Nice area," Mahren says. "Nice to meet the rest of you, I -- hold on, the princess? Princess Liviana?" His face is a mixture of confusion and skepticism. "It is an honor to meet you. Apologies it's in a disagreeable setting," he says, with a quick bow. Marcus' questions pique his interest elsewhere, and he turns back to the ex-soldier.

"Think it's been shown I can't hold out this place on my own. Some help would be great, yes. I recall the Watchman -- Cassia, right? -- mentioning the Gilded Mare. That's just down the road, been there a few times. That where you guys holding up?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods to the craftsman.
"It is indeed where we reside, for now. The bottom floor is defensible, though we have used most of our materials in doing so. We were hoping to find weapons, however our path was blocked, as you know. Forgive me, I thought I knew most leather workers in the city, as I often sold my hides to them, yet, I do not recall you."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Definitely," Athena says, agreeing with Bastia. "I'd imagine the same is true for you actually. How about it? Is there a special someone in your life?" She asks, curious to learn more about one of the group's more mysterious members.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I didn't buy local. I had a small web of suppliers, most of it imported from Kurnish or Tulrissian lands. Pretty expensive, but it helped make the best product, really," the tanner explains to Redros. "But that sounds wonderful. Count me in, so long as I can give my talents to the group in exchange for my safety."

Back in the Mare, Bastia responds to Athena. "Yeah, I was courting this guy... Jassen's his name. He's kind of an idiot, but he's got a strong arm and he comes from a noble family. Probably got himself dead out there playing the hero," she says, bitterly. "Maybe he's still out there," Guthrik says hopefully, but Bastia shakes her head. "No sense in looking if we lose people on the way. Forget him."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Seems like we will be keeping one another safe, then. Your hides will protect ours," Marcus says, walking towards the window. Though hopefully we can find a smith, soon. Leather is fine, but not my cup of tea. He peers out the window, checking to see if the coast is clear.
Perception to perceive the street: 14
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Aye, I plan them to at least," Mahren says in response. "We clear?"

Weasel peers around the workshop. "We gonna take any of this with us or come back for it tomorrow?" he asks, curiously.
You don't see any threats on the boardwalk.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Seems like it," Marcus says, turning back to the others. "We should put on any completed pieces you have for the trip back, then carry as much as we can hold. There should be enough space in the Mare for you to setup a makeshift tanning station."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Most of the products on display are more... luxury items. Shoes, pouches, wallets, the like. I know how to make armor, but I don't think you'll find anything like that here, at least not yet."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"How big are the pouches?" Liviana asks the leatherworker. "If they're large enough, perhaps they can be used to transport some of the things you require for your craft. It would allow us to take more in one trip than normal."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Noble eh?" Athena queries. Probably not That noble. If I haven't been able to woo a proper nobleman I doubt she could.

"Well you never know, he could still be out there. Guthrik, Weasel and Smock are proof there are people out there still alive."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Small, Your Grace. Not much use of toting around materials or equipment. Though we can try and find some sort of cart or wheelbarrow in the district to be of use, I'd imagine." Mahren sighs. "Well, then -- why don't we head on over to your makeshift domicile? I'm sure it's quite more inviting than mine."

Back in the Gilded Mare, Bastia smirks. "Sure. If Smock made it through this horror, than I bet there are a few milk-nans and invalids that did too," she says, causing a couple chuckles from those near. "'Ay! You're lucky I got this bunk leg now, tramp. I'd smack you meself." The woman laughs coldly at his empty threat before turning back to Athena. "Aye, noble. Never took to lineages or that paltry nonsense, so I couldn't tell you if his family was landed, unlanded, or some pretenders to big money. But he's fancy, alright."
The Gilded Mare -- Lobby: Athena,Burtin, Drozga, Smock, Isdren, Rorsi, Guthrik, Jozanta, Bessia, Matilda, Bastia.

Channel -- Tannery: The Tanner, Marcus, Liviana, Cassia, Weasel,
Redros, Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena laughs at Bastia and Smock's exchange. "I doubt you could, even with a good leg," she says to Smock. "I know the sort very well," Athena says back to Bastia, thinking back on some of her old clients.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"I don't know if I'd say that," Marcus replies, stepping towards the exit. "But yes, let's grab what we can carry and make our way back. As much leather as we can, we will need it if he is to craft us anything useful. It may be some time before we can get back over here, might as well bring enough for you to work with in the meantime," he responds to the man, not eager to just leave everything behind after all it took just to find the place.
Just how much leather can I see, if any, in the area I am in now? And how much was below? Was there visible raw material, or was everything finished pieces? Etc.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Don't only focus on the leather, Marcus. We need to remember the tools needed for such a craft as well. There's little use in having such a supply of leather if nothing can be done with it," Liviana replies to Marcus' suggestion.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Just pack!" Elene interjects, peeking out the windows into the street beyond. "We don't have much time."
Perception to see where walkers are: 17
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Being too hasty will only lead to problems, as something vital could be forgotten. Not to mention that it may create more noise," the princess responds to the urchin. We're not stealing, so we need not rush out. Though I'm sure she's simply used to the ways of thievery.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yes, quickly and quietly will do. We don't want to go too fast, but it would be nice to get back and get some rest before the night is over. It has been long enough already," Marcus says, fully sick of being out and about by now. Let's just hope tomorrow is better. Is it too much to hope this is all just a bad dream?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Mahren grabs a small pouch that holds his simple, easy-to-carry hand tools. The man nods when Marcus finds three medium-sized segments of hide that have been worked into usable shapes. "The rest I have on hand is all smaller cuts that won't be good for any sort of protection unless we have something to plate them onto."

Smock turns red at Athena's comment and he turns away, staring once again into the hearth, frustrated. Bastia raises an eyebrow at Athena's words and she speaks up. "Ah, you're a pretty girl. I can see why the noble boys would chase you around Vizidel," she jests.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them," the man says, taking whatever he can carry and slinging it over his shoulder.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well they don't do it nearly as much as I'd like," Athena says. There had been men who'd wanted to marry her, but for Athena they had just been a coin purse and a stepping stone. She felt she was far from reaching her potential, although right now none of that seemed to matter. "I suppose none of it really matters now," she says, echoing her thoughts.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Right, then," Weasel says as Mahren hands him a bunch of the smaller cuts of leather to carry. Cassia shoulders some of the load as well. "Let's get a move on now, yeh? I'm sick o' this night already," the chubby brigand says. "Aye, this will do fine for now. I'll lock up after everyone's out," Mahren says, stepping toward the door to let the others out.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes, let's get back to the Mare as quickly and quietly as we can," the princess says as she begins to exit. "And let's not try anything funny like before, Marcus. Trying to push that monster in the canal created a lot of noise, and that's one thing we don't need right now."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Ignoring the princess' comment, Marcus steps to the door and turns to the others. "Would one of you more perceptive people care to check the road?" he asks, not wanting to go through the same song and dance of him looking, not finding anything, and waiting for someone else to look again.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene attempts to rub some of the grime off of the window, before peering out into the street again. "I'm workin' on it."
Perception check to see if it's safe: 23
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You don't see any threats outside from the window.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Seems safe enough. Let's go." Elene says, quietly opening the door and slipping out into the street beyond.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The lot of you step out carrying the various supplies. You look down the boardwalk toward the south-east, where it eventually gives way to the plaza that the Gilded Mare is. Cassia and Marcus set the pace taking point, and within a short couple minutes, the plaza itself is within your sights. There are no threats presently.

"The ones that went past the tannery musta kept goin', even past the plaza," Weasel surmises quietly.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Good. Let them bother someone else for a change, the break from their incessant shambling is welcome." Marcus steps forward into the plaza, eager to get back into the Mare as soon as possible. Hopefully things have been less eventful for the others than they've been for us.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros follows the group out into the plaza, keeping close to the tannery as he looks down the road.
"They must have seen the fire further down... We were right not to continue onwards, we would have been caught between this group, and whatever was ahead of us. That would not have been the best of circumstances."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

In the Gilded Mare, Isdren is peeking out one of the cracks when suddenly he whispers raspily to the others. "There are some survivors outside! I think it may be them!" The heavy door is shut tight, and Guthrik steps up next to it. "Careful, now," he says. The tavern-owner lowers his brow. "Make sure that it's them before you pry that thing open. Don't want a repeat of those two idiots."

Outside, Cassia raises a hand to halt. "There are a few up this main avenue," pointing northeast. "Don't think they'll see us unless we make a bit of noise, but we should be silent otherwise."
Outside group, make stealth checks if you'd like to cross the plaza to the front door.
The Gilded Mare -- Lobby: Athena,Burtin, Drozga, Smock, Isdren, Rorsi, Guthrik, Jozanta, Bessia, Matilda, Bastia.

Calepha Plaza: Mahren, Marcus, Liviana, Cassia, Weasel,
Redros, Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"As always," Marcus says, as he inches forward, attempting to be stealthy.
Stealth: 9
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

I can't wait until this crisis is over and I can be as noisy as I want, Liviana thinks as she trudges forward.
Stealth yo: 14(1d20) +2 = 16
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene creeps forward as well, nervousness once more welling up inside of her as she begins to shiver.
Stealth Check: 11
That natural 1, dammit.
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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