Amongst the Flames — IC

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral stops at the top step to look up at the temple to Sek-Bas, examining it even though he's not overtly religious.
"Think this is my first time inside a temple in years. Which God is this temple devoted to, Shira'stasa? I haven't kept up on my gods in quite some time."

Inside he looks at the fire pit in the center all and smiles slightly. Something about the fire makes him feel at home.
"Pretty warm in here actually... I wonder how the priests keep cool in here with such a large flame."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Are you serious?" the Tenant asks, almost offended by his ignorance. "The Goddess Sek-bas. Do you really not know that? This temple is renowned across our country." She looks about the chamber as well, taking in its beauty. It's been many years since I've visited this beautiful temple. I'm sure our Goddess is pleased by our contribution to her name.

"Occasionally the fire pit will become the host of an even bigger bonfire that almost reaches the roof. During celebrations and such," Shira'stasa explains to the man.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I could ask you the same question about the desert, mercenary. I'm sure they know how to keep cool if they're living in Serran," the Imardanian woman says. Feeling the heat, she thinks, I certainly prefer the climate back home. All this sweating is vile.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"I spent many years wandering the desert, and even I know of Sek-bas, Geral." Eoli chuckles. "Granted, I was being constantly reminded of her with the sun's heat beating down on me day after day."

At the mention of the massive bonfire occasionally seen in the temple here, he takes an involuntary half step back, nervousness flashing across his face before returning to the normal placid expression.
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As you make your way down to the main chamber no one pays you any notice due to the large number of other cats in the temple. You come in earshot of the others as they are standing near the great fire pit. The first thing you overhear is Shira'stasa talking about celebrations in the temple.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral rubs at the back of his head a bit ashamedly, giving a small chuckle.
"Forgive me Shira'stasa. I am just an ignorant mercenary it seems... Maybe my time as a mercenary has beaten it out of my head, due to the numerous concussions and strikes. It's a surprise I still function."

To everyone else, he's pretty much being serious with a straight face. It is a mix of sarcasm and truth.
"Does anyone see Cleo? I hope she has not moved on since the fight..."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

I guess they are looking for me after all. I wonder what for? She decides to chill out near them for a bit, eager to eavesdrop, something she hadn't really gotten to do much since she left the Library. I hope they don't plan to drag me into this war that's been going on, not after I just found some peace and quiet.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa shrugs at Geral's apology. "The first step to enlightenment is to admit your ignorance. Perhaps there's still hope for you," she jests, grimly. "Although you'd do well to look to the Gods at a time like this and get in their good graces. Angering them in such a hostile environment could spell your death in this civil war."

The Tenant peers around the huge hall for a moment, not seeing Cleo. "I'm going to ask one of the priests," she says. Where could that girl have gone? the woman thinks to herself as she steps over to one of the priests. "Excuse me, have you seen a shorter woman than myself, dressed in similar robes of the Tenants? She stands out very well."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Let's just hope she's still here and hasn't gotten lost in the city looking for us," Juliette says, looking around the temple. "I'd imagine it's pretty easy to get lost in a city this size."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Ah yes, Cleo," the priestess, Shira'stasa decided to talk to, replies. "She should be around somewhere. I showed her to a room earlier. She expressed an interest in studying here."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Perfect. Would you mind showing me to where you left her? We've got an appointment that we need to make. Beautiful temple, by the way. Sek-bas smiles upon us in our time of need.""
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Hm, I guess they aren't going to say much else until they talk to me. Whatever. Not wanting to cause any issues, Cleo decides to climb back up to her room so that her friends don't have to go looking around for her.
Athletics to climb: 7

Climb speed is 7 because cat
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I suppose I can do that," the priestess replies. "Follow me," she says leading Shira'stasa, and anyone else who follows, through a door and into a corridor.

After some turns and a flight of stairs, you stop at a wooden door which the priestess knocks on.
You make it back to your room safely and as you drop to the floor from the window you hear a knock at the door.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Well they certainly move fast, Cleo thinks, exhausted from the climb. She quickly resumes her natural human form, and walks to the door. "Hello?" she asks, as she swings it open.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa smiles as the door opens to reveal her younger compatriot. "Ah, there you. I was beginning to wonder where you wandered off to," she says. Glancing at the priestess who had not left their presence, the Tenant turns back to Cleo. "Shall we make our leave? We have an appointment to make and there is a lot to explain beforehand."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"An... appointment?" Cleo asks, still incredibly curious what sort of situation she is being dragged into. "Is it with one of the priests?!" she asks excitedly, knowing that it probably isn't, but hoping nonetheless.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Come, we can discuss it with the others," Shira'stasa says in reply, mindful of the priestess listening in. She leads her friend out to the main area of the temple, where they reconvene with the rest of the travelers. "Geral, I'm assuming the offer of the job extends to Tenant Cleo, too, yes?" she asks. The Gods know that her powerful command of the arcane would be a boon to us.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral looks to Shira'stasa and nods, though he turns to Cleo when he says this.
"I was hoping she would accept, actually. Her skills with fire would be useful. After all, everyone here has seen her fight at least once I believe. The offer is simple, accompany me and the others as we go to clear out a hideout of ex-blades looking to rob passerby. I will be taking a small accompaniment of Points, perhaps an Edge as well. The risk should not be too great given numbers... And you would be paid. In gold, and perhaps what items they had taken. I am sure they have robbed tenants in the past. Perhaps you will find a book or two to bring to your libraries?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo frowns a bit at Shira'stasa's words, not liking the lack of information. Why won't you just tell me? But when Geral speaks her mood changes, first to pride in response to his compliments, then to a cruel excitement at the mention of their quarry.

"Ex-blades? Like the ones we fought at the temple in Thesus? Oh, I'll gladly come along if I get to beat up more of those assholes," she says with a devilish look in her eyes. I'd do it for free, but there is a reward on top? Sign me up! "Just give me a moment to gather up my things. Luckily I hadn't really gotten to unpacking yet!" she continues excitedly, as she moves back into her room.

She gathers what few belongings she'd removed from her pack and shoves them back inside, before turning to the cat on her bed. "You be good, okay? I'm sure the priests will keep you fed if you follow the other cats around," she says to him, before making her way back to the door. "So where to?" she finishes, as she shuts the door behind her.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, like those scum," Shira'stasa replies. "It's good to have you along, Cleo. I might go insane without another Tenant to talk to. I wonder how the Library is holding up throughout this chaos," the woman says. Perhaps once this job is done, I can hire an escort to see me back to the Great Library. There are few things I have left in this world, and I'd hate to have lost such a wondrous place.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I would hope that this rebel king won't attempt to attack your library," Juliette speaks up as Shira'stasa mentions it. "I've heard much about how much knowledge is contained within, and I can't imagine what would happen if such things were lost. Perhaps when you return, you should create copies of work and have them sent to more stable regions." Like Imardin. I'm sure we could benefit from some of their discoveries.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"They'd be fools to try," Cleo says, as she walks along after the others. "Not only because of how important the collective knowledge of the Library is, but also because of its inhabitants. It's not a coincidence that both of the Tenants you've met so far have experience dabbling with magical abilities. That knowledge is one of the cornerstones of the Tenancy, and a bunch of armed peasants would be hard pressed to face the experts who practice there."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"The Library rests in a very defensible position. It's not impossible, but it'd a difficult task to siege it successfully." The Tenant turns to the sellsword. "Geral -- when are we scheduled to leave for this encampment?" she asks.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The party leaves the temple of Sek-bas behind. You pass through the crowded streets as you make your way towards the Red Gate, with Geral leading the way. The sun is starting to set, painting the sky a deep orange, as you arrive at the Malachite Blade's camp.

A few words and nods from Geral and you find yourselves being ushered into a large tent. A lone man in armour, his older age starting to show, stands looking over a map laid across a large ornate table in the centre of the room. He looks up from the map as you enter.

"Ah Geral, Eoli, it's good to see you return so soon," he says. "I am Imaad Ahmadi, the leader of the Malachite Blades, or The Pommel as we say," he says, addressing the others. He walks over to a smaller table laden with golden goblets and a large pitcher, "Wine anyone?" He asks, pouring himself a goblet and one for those who take him up on his offer.

"Now Geral assures me, you are all able warriors and you have something of a bone to pick with these men out in the desert. I'll see to it that you'll get paid as well. You'll be joined by a few other Malachite Blades and they'll be getting paid so it's only fair. You brought this information to us so I'm considering it to be your operation, the other Blades are simply at your disposal," The Pommel pauses, taking a swig of his wine.

"If you leave tomorrow it shouldn't take you too long to get there, we'll provide you with horses. Obviously you'll travel to Nhai, but from there it's up to you which way you go. To Thesus and then to Bravais would be the normal route, but these aren't exactly normal times. Via Azkahir might be a good idea or you could travel off the road, but you'll have to make your you stock up on supplies in Nhai for that. They're just my thoughts on the matter anyway, it's up to you. We've had a couple of tents prepared for you for tonight, but if you have any questions now is the time to ask them."
Location of Bandit Encampment
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo follows after the others, frowning a bit as she leaves the city gates. Not even a day, and I'm already leaving it behind. Hopefully it's still here when I get back, she thinks, remember the events in Thesus a few days prior.

At the encampment Cleo graciously accepts the wine, giving a small nod but staying silent while the man talks. She'd hoped his long-winded speech would shed a bit more light on what it is she'd signed up, but once he finishes she realizes she'll need to probe for more information. "Uh, yeah, I have a question. What exactly are we doing? These guys were kind of cryptic, and it'd be nice to know just what's going on," the Tenant says, before taking a few more sips of her wine.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral nods as he looks over the map, considering their options.
"Azkahir might be the best as you say. From there we proceed to Bravais and prepare. A decent route..."

When Cleo talks he looks up.
"Do you remember the ex-blade we caught? He gave up one of their hideouts for us. I came here to get permission to assault the hideout from the Pommel, as part of our duty is upholding the name of the Blades. That and there's probably some stuff they've captured we can claim as a reward straight from them. I thought I explained this, but I suppose not. Forgive me."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"We should pass by Thesus if we can, or at least close enough that we can get a glimpse of what is going on." Are they really planning to siege it? Has it already fallen? This entire situation is so crazy.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

At the mercenary leader's offer, Juliette happily accepts the wine. Wine is exactly what I need after everything that's happened so far.

At Cleo's suggestion of passing Thesus, she says, "That route seems much too dangerous, getting involved in a war and all. And I'm not sure an army would take kindly to travelers. We can get news of the city from passersby, but for now, I agree with Geral's suggested route."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Anywhere north of here is involved in the war, Juliette," Shira'stasa notes. "Azkahir, Bravais, and most likely Thesus are now under the Rakh's command. It doesn't matter which road we take, we will still be walking into his territory."

She thinks for a moment, pondering how her mother living in Azkahir is faring. I hope the revolt wasn't too hard on her... She's a hard soul, though. And this Jurhas seems like a rigid man, but not an unjust one. A welcome change to a stagnant empire.

The Tenant speaks up once more. "I want to travel north through Nhai and Azkahir. I have a mother in the Rakh's new capital, and I want to find her while we pass through." She turns to Cleo. "We can ask some of the Rakh's men themselves on news of Thesus, if it has held or if it has fallen."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

I want to see it, not ask about it. Those fire were so enchanting! Cleo sighs, and shrugs. "I suppose that is the best, route then. And how long is not too long, hm? The less time I spend in that desert the better," she says, turning to look expectantly at the Pommel.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well you could be in Nhai in just over a day, then it's about two days to Azkahir, another to Bravais and then half a day or so to locate the camp," The Pommel says, glancing at the map.

"If you go that way anyway," he adds.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Sounds reasonable," Shira'stasa replies to the man. "And who are these men that will be joining us? I'd like to know who we will be traveling with before we are on our way." She looks between Geral and The Pommel expectantly. They could be no better than the trash we're cleaning up, she thinks to herself. I sure hope not.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Are any of them cute?" Cleo asks, before realizing who she was asking. Well I guess they wouldn't think so, but I've had enough of wandering the desert with old men and vagrants. At least let our consorts be decent to look at for once, and not whiny brats like that elf.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"There'll be men of The Chappe, they deal with our internal affairs. This assignment is what they're trained for," The Pommel replies to Shira'stasa ignoring Cleo with a somewhat disapproving glance.

"I'm letting Geral have his pick, so they'll likely be the best. If he can remember who that is anyway," The Pommel laughs. "Now if there's nothing else, you should rest. The men outside can show you to your tents."
The Pommel's mention of your memory causes your mind to drift. For just a moment you're walking towards a young girl crying on the floor, your sword in hand, before you snap back to reality.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral's face is downcast as he looks at the map. His eyes are glossy, for a moment, his mind elsewhere, gone from the current reality. His arms are crossed, his fingers tapping on the pommel of his blade, suddenly snapping around the hilt as he jolts back.
He looks to Shira'stasa, and then to the Pommel, realizing where he is. He brings a hand to his forehead and rubs at it, eyes squinting shut for a moment.
"Ah, forgive me, I... I was lost in thought. It has been some time since I was back. We shall have to see if the best was changed, eh?"

He gives a smile, though it doesn't feel real. Sleep will likely be good for him. He hopes.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Gladly," Shira'stasa says in reply to the Pommel's suggestion of rest. "And Geral," she begins, waving a hand at him. "Guarantee that we're not working with any amateurs. I'd like to live through this job and see the Library again." She steps outside, piquing the attention of one of the men to guide her to a tent.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yeah," Cleo responds in agreement. I bet all the veterans are ugly, though. "Rest sounds nice," she says, turning back to the Pommel. "I'm ready to head to the tents when everyone else is."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette nods along politely as the others speak, not particularly interested in the inner workings of their plan. As Cleo brings up the tents, the Imardanian says, "I'm ready to sleep as well. It's been a long, tiresome day, so some rest is much-needed." With a yawn, she glances at the others, hoping they too are ready to sleep.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The party, deciding to retire for the night, leaves The Pommel's tent. One of the guards leads you to a small circle of tents around a camp fire, close to the edge of the encampment.

Meanwhile Geral stays a while longer, picking out the members of The Chappe who will join the party on the road to the Bandit camp, before he too is lead to the same circle of tents.

The next morning, you wake early to the sound of the mercenary company going about its daily routine. The clash of steel and neighs of horses hard for anyone to sleep through.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo groggily awakes, instantly regretting agreeing to this venture. I could have slept in my own room, in a bed, in the temple of Sek-bas. Why did I agree to come here, again? She rubs her eyes and yawns a few too many times, tries unsuccessfully to fall back asleep, and eventually gets up and gets dressed. She frowns as she notices how dirty her robes have gotten over the last few days, once again annoyed that she was not staying at the library.

Once finally ready to face the day, a good hour or so after she initially awoke, Cleo steps out into the daylight and looks around.
What does she see?
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Stepping outside you see the remains of the camp fire from last night in the centre of the tent circle. By one of the tents, atop a crate, sits a man sharpening a sword.

"Ah you're awake," he says, noticing you. He wears armour similar to Geral's, although he looks younger, around your own age. He falls under your definition of "cute". "I'm Khaled. I'm one of the members of the Chappe accompanying you," he says setting down the sword and standing up. "The others are with the horses."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shaking from what seemed to be a nightmare, the sound of steel ringing in the air startles Shira'stasa awake. She panics for a short moment, confused and afraid, before realizing where she fell asleep last night. The mercenaries' encampment... I am safe, for now.

Dressing into her senior Tenant robes, the woman sighs. She feels tired, like a weight pulling on her soul. When will I be home again, in the recesses of the vast Library? Or will I ever? The questions without answers plague her thoughts as she gathers her belongings into her heavy travelling pack and steps out of the tent. Shielding her eyes from the beautiful rising sun, Shira'stasa takes stock of the surroundings.
Me too, me too
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Stepping outside you see the remains of the camp fire from last night in the centre of the tent circle. By the camp fire you she Cleo talking to what appears to be a young Malachite Blade. You catch the end of what he says, "the others are with the horses."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo allows a moment for her eyes to adjust to the sun, shielding them at first. When she finally lowers her hand she spots the man who talks and is pleasantly surprised by what she sees, her mood improving slightly as her mouth unconsciously turns into a slight smile. I guess they aren't all ugly old men after all. Maybe this trip won't be so bad.

"Hello, Khaled," she says, stepping forward to the man. "I'm Cleo, a Tenant from the Great Library. So what's a Chappe, anyway? Is that like a Captain? Sounds like an odd name, what language is it?" she asks, curiously. Maybe the Malachite Blades take their rank names from some other nation's traditions.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral had laid awake in his bed the night before, thinking on the memory he'd seen when talking to the Pommel.
Odd timing that... I haven't had a moment of clarity like that in a while, what's it been, days at least? A month? Nothing's changed it seems. I still can't remember what happened.
He brought a hand to his forehead, running it through his hair, feeling the scar at the back of his head with a grimace before shutting his eyes and falling asleep.

The next morning he sat up in bed slowly and yawned, his hand shaking as he reached for his blade, clenching his fingers around it before sighing.
"... Keep it together. You've got a job. Let's make it worth the pay."

He gets dressed, tying his blade at his side as usual, and walks out of the tent, his face already hidden by his hood as it usually is. He looks around, taking a deep breath and rolling his arms back, feeling his back crack with tension.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Cleo and Shirastasa
"Sort of, we're the part of the company that deals with internal issues. Like these men we're hunting down. Every rank is named after part of a sword and its sheathe," the young blade says. "Geral here for example is a Fuller," he adds, pointing to Geral emerging from his tent.
Emerging from your tent, you see Shira'stasa and Cleo talking to one of the men you selected for the mission. You recall his name as being Khaled. As you step outside you catch the end of what Khaled was saying; "Geral here for example is a Fuller,"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Ah," Cleo responds, blushing a bit at her ignorance. How could I not know it was Serran? "I don't really know that much about swords," she says. "I prefer to use my fists," she continues, punching forward a few times as she says it.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette yawns as she awakens, disoriented for a moment from her new view. Well, it's nothing like waking up to Lake al-Farsa, but canvas has a certain... charm to it I suppose. Stretching, she rises from her bedroll and redresses into her usual attire. I'm going to have to buy some new dresses when I return home. The sand is simply devastating to this fabric.

Exiting her tent, she spots the others and walks to them, eager to start the day. The sooner she can get revenge, the sooner she can get home, she figures.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa keeps quiet, sharing a silent giggle with herself at Cleo's advances. You wouldn't guess that she's a brilliant Tenant judging by her flirting alone, the Tenant thinks to herself. Gods, it's been so long since I've even had the time to look at men in a way as that. My studies and now this civil war... I wonder if there will ever be a time in my life that I will settle in. Shira'stasa flags Juliette over, noticing her dressed and ready for the day.

"Have you ridden before, Madame Juliette?" she asks, curiously.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral rubs the back of his head through his hood as he walks up behind Cleo, giving a slight yawn, looking past her at the young man.
"Giving her a run down on how we operate, huh? Probably a good idea since we're working together."

He gives a soft sigh as he undoes a crick in his neck, shaking his head back and forth.
"Damn I miss beds already... Right, there's the Blade, Hilt, and Scabbard. Each handle their own duties. I'm a Blade, dealing with the mercenary aspect. Handle jobs, do the fighting, guard, that sort of thing. The Hilt handles the administrative duties, finding jobs, ensuring equipment is in order... Gives out jobs... The Scabbard deals with ensuring the men stay in line. Internal affairs, which includes hunting down Blades that have left us and sully our name. They are also in charge of banishing Blades that are too... Rough, cowardly... Ones that use the Malachite Blades as an excuse for their impulses."

He looks at the young man, giving him a nod.
"How goes the preparations, Khaled? Are you ready for the journey?"
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