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Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:34 pm
by ratwizard
"Rinsed by a whole decimal place," Li Fei calls over Kindred's shoulder, tsking in faux-empathy. These are just kids playing gangster. Where'd he even get a piece? Daddy's lockup?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 11:36 am
by BartNL
"Want to get back at them?"

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:57 pm
by Namelessjake
"For sure. No one crosses us! But how we meant to do that?"

"Yeah all we got is a name," the other adds. "What was it? Stalag?"

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:45 pm
by ratwizard
Li Fei listens closely as Kindred unravels the street rats in expert fashion.

Do I recognize Stalag? Survive/Int: [2d6+2]=7+2=9

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:54 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Only 300? Shit, these kids really are stupid. Bet they'd have done it for 100 if this Stalag dude really sold it. The corners of Reiji's lips can't help but curl as he listens to the back and forth. But hey, least they remembered this dude's name. Gives us something to go on.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:55 pm
by Namelessjake
Li Fei
The monikers, nicknames and aliases the gangers, operators and hackers of New Sevastopol go by are as varied as their owners. Stalag appears to be such a name, but while you have come across many in your line of work, this isn't one you recognise. You are able to infer at least that it is not a common alias, meaning it is likely if you are able to find a Stalag, it is probably the Stalag these wannabe gangers are referring to.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:15 am
by BartNL
And now we have a name. Stalag. Kindred muses.
"If that's all you got, it's all you got. If he turns up dead somewhere, poor out a drink for him." Kindred replies, making clear he will take care of the problem. "One last thing, that garage is untouchable now, for your own good. Next break-in the owner will hire private sec trigger happies. The type of goons that will light up the whole hood just because."

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:22 pm
by ratwizard
"Word of advice," Li Fei adds, nodding at the two kids. "Get a holster for that piece. You keep it in your waistband, you're gonna end up pissing from a tube when you forget the safety's off. They're a quarter-off at Canzo's this week."

She turns to the others. "We good here?"

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:46 am
by Namelessjake
"Sure thing. No need for that," one of the gangers replies to Kindred, clearly unnerved by the prospect of armed corper security on their street.

"Canzo's got it," the other adds seeming to take on Li Fei's advice.

"From now on, no ones gonna mess with the Vemon Vipers again!"

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:21 am
by Eintei
That was surprisingly informative, Elodie thinks, as she notes down the name 'Stalag'. Mister Palmer and Li Fei did a good job riling them up.

"I am good to leave now, unless there's anything else mister Palmer wants to do here," she answers Li Fei.

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:10 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"All good here," Reiji replies to Li Fei, still reeling from how much the teens gave away without a dollar spent. "And one more piece of advice, before you go printing jackets. Venom rolls off the tongue a bit better, yeah?" How fucking long have they been Vemon? That little red squiggly line must drive 'em nuts in their group text.

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:32 am
by Fialova
"You very much do not want enforcers on this street, so listen to their words," Ryoko responds to the goons, as she removes her hand from her holster. "They don't leave loose ends," she continues, as she turns back to the others.

"Yeah, good to go," she says, looking to Reiji and his motorcycle. These thugs are gonna end up painting the pavement, guarantee it. Hot-headed idiots.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:09 pm
by Namelessjake
The young gangers nod along to all of your parting advice, although how much will stick is unclear. With things at the garage wrapped up, you make for the Empress, again with Ryoko catching a ride with Reiji while the other three are forced to take the bus. Stepping up to the bar you can see that maintenance of the property is clearly not near the top of the owner’s list of priorities.

A large tough looking bouncer stands beneath the bar's bright blue neon sign, outside the stained door that leads to the interior. You hear the dull thumping of music from within.

"$10 cover charge, each," he says after looking you up and down.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:51 pm
by Fialova
Ryoko frowns at the man's words, turning to her companions to allow them to respond first. No money here, and I know some of them are in the same spot. Either someone's ponying up, or one of the talkers gets to show off their wit. Otherwise, looks like we're SOL.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:11 am
by ratwizard
Yeah, not happening. Only got a fiver to my name, Li Fei considers, eyeing the run-down nature of the building's exterior. She takes out her phone, fiddling with a banking app, glancing at the others cautiously.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:57 pm
by Eintei
Elodie looks around the group. I get the feeling at least Li Fei and Ryoko either do not want to or cannot pay. Mr Palmer doesn't have any money either, which means... no, I'd rather not. I don't know them well enough to lend them so much money yet.
She turns towards the bouncer, hoping she sees something she can use.

My Face edge allows me to gain one temporary Acquaintance Contact for a week. Could I make this bouncer my contact for this week? For example, say that he's done some security work for me way back in the day?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:38 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Ten bucks? For watered down drinks and a lousy cover band? Reiji scowls, looking toward the rest of them. Cuz seems pretty broke. Maybe there's a back entrance? Or maybe can schmooze him into letting us in... He looks to the others for a moment, considering their next move.


Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:06 pm
by Namelessjake
The bouncer waits patiently for someone cough up, but as he waits and looks you over something catches his eye.

"Ms. Lind?" He asks, removing his sunglasses. "Sorry I didn't realise it was you. Anton Lasse,"" he continues, pointing to himself. "I was on your security detail for a few months, what? It must be fifteen? No, nearly twenty years ago now," he explains, his tough exterior softening.
You can indeed.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:51 am
by Eintei
Elodie blinks a few times, then she realises that indeed she has met this man before. "Ah, mister Lasse. Of course. You accompanied me during the Waterfall tour. I think that was eighteen years ago, now?" For the first time that day, Elodie's frown fades away and she genuinely smiles at the man. She remembers that tour well - she was nineteen and it was the first time she did larger venues than just small clubs. Anton still looks just as intimidating as back then, but she remembers him being nice.

"It's good to see you here. I hope you've been well?" She wants nothing more than stay here and talk about the good old days, but after a few seconds she remembers she's not alone. "Sorry. I wish I could stay here and catch up, but my associates here and I have some work inside. Could you let us in? Due to circumstances we can't pay the entry fee right now, but we'll be in and out very quickly. If you want some sort of guarantee, I can give you my contact information and if there is any trouble, you can call me and we'll figure it out afterwards."

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:05 pm
by Namelessjake
"Ah yes, the Waterfall tour. Feels like it was yesterday still," the man chuckles. "Times have been better, but I've been doing alright," he replies. "Of course, don't worry about it," he says, giving Eloide a dismissive wave as she talks of payment guarantees and stepping to the side. "Go on in."

The thumping of music fills your ears as you enter, following a staircase down until it opens up into the building's basement. The space is large and appears to have once been a theatre of some kind. Ornate wooden panels line the walls, although the paint is faded and peeling. The wooden dance floor is filled with dancing bodies, stumbling past each other in various states of intoxication. At the far end, up on the stage, a DJ wearing dark shades and sporting a red mohawk keeps the party thumping from his high perch. Above you, a few private boxes line the walls, playing hosting to shadowy figures obscured by the venue's lights. To one side of the dancefloor is a long bar dotted with bodies hovering over drinks.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:38 pm
by ratwizard
What the hell? Waterfall Tour? Li Fei wonders, staring inconclusively between the bouncer and Elodie. Did I just hallucinate this shit? Or did I forget to log my avatar out? She looks down at her feet, then up at the sky. Nah, real as ever.

"Yeah, so, thanks back there," Li Fei says as they enter the venue, her voice nearly a shout to overcome the din of low-budget club music and addled chatter. "You failed to mention that you're some sort of what, celebrity?"

Was, at least. How long ago did she say? Eighteen years? Sheesh. Mighta been in diapers.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:42 pm
by Eintei
"Thank you, mister Lasse. Have a good evening." She nods at the bouncer and starts walking inside. As they enter the club, she tells Palmer: "I suggest we create an emergency fund for on the job expenses to avoid situations like these in the future. Either that or ask our clients for a bit of money up front for covering any unexpected costs. I'll draft a proposal for both options once we're back. Perhaps either of them can get us some tax benefits."

The music inside is deafening and not great, but it is still music and Elodie wonders if she can find a few moments to dance later on. The bass rings in her ear so loudly that she almost misses Li Fei's question, but she parses it after a few seconds. Wasn't expecting it to come out this quickly, but it can't be helped I suppose. "I wouldn't say I'm a celebrity anymore. Do you know the idol Aquamarine? I was her originally. I was let go and replaced by someone else about ten years ago, so most people who weren't big fans of mine back then have more or less forgotten about me and only know my replacement," she explains. "I'm not quite sure how old you are exactly, miss Li Fei, but I think it's safe to assume that most of my work was done when you were fairly young. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't really know any of it."

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:44 am
by BartNL
"Yes, she's great, isn't she." Kindred replies to Lin Fei. Taking pride in taking her on as employee.

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:47 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Reiji looks at Elodie, his eyes in a starstruck daze for a moment. "I knew you look familiar!" His voice rings with excitement, beaming brightly. "Damn, the OG Aquamarine in the flesh. My mom loved you. I was basically raised on your albums for a good few years." He crosses his arms, studying the former idol. "She's still boycotting your label for replacing you." That woman can hold a grudge... She still refuses to shop at TeraMart after they called her "ma'am" thirty years ago.

"But uh, yeah, emergency fund seems smart," he says, fumbling to regain his composure. "Could even pool some cash and get a cheapo used car down the line. Unless you guys wanna keep hoofing it to the bus stop." Would be nicer than twiddling my thumbs while I wait for the rest of them.

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 2:55 pm
by BartNL
Scratcherclaw wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:47 pm "My mom loved you. I was basically raised on your albums for a good few years."
That will sting. Kindred thinks, feeling sorry for Elodie.

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:05 am
by Eintei
Does everyone have to remind me about my age tonight? she thinks, though she takes great care to not show it on her face. She feels herself wanting to go down that spiral again, but then she sees the seemingly genuine excitement in Reiji's eyes and suddenly her age is slightly less important. She tells herself: You're a professional, Lind. Act like it. Be grateful for people like Reiji and his mother. And she really is grateful, so when she says: "I'm happy to hear that, mister del Rayo. Please tell your mother I'm thankful for her support," her voice is slightly softer and friendlier than normal.

Despite that, she can't help but let out an invisible sigh of relief when Reiji, who to her surprise also seems a bit off balance, starts talking about getting a car. "I think getting a car would be a good plan if we're going to work together more often. Having a savings goal to work towards is always a good idea, and it could save us a lot of time." Plus, I am exhausted with the bus. I don't know if they do it on purpose, but somehow all of them manage to smell like a full trash bag that should've been disposed of weeks ago.

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:57 pm
by ratwizard
Haven't been called a miss since I was eleven, Li Fei considers. "Yeah, you fucking kidding me? Of course I know Aquamarine." Made out in Tommy Calvo's shitbox many a time to that one album with that trippy cover art.

She bobs her head to the abysmal club music around them, as she calls out: "Show me, tell me, want me, here! Can I, tell you, want me, near!" She giggles, then her eyes widen. "Wait, was that one you? Or the new one? Shit, my bad. Sucks they dropped you, though. I bet your producer wanted somebody who looks underage again, the creeps. The whole industry seems like a scam."

Li Fei raises an eyebrow at Reiji's suggestion of going in on a car together. So, Helmet Guy thinks there's a 'down the line' between the five of us? Too early to tell. I'm in the presence of a star, though, so that's worth something.

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:20 am
by Fialova
"No shit?" Ryoko asks, as her new companion reveals her past idol status. Guess it makes a lot sense, she dresses so well despite working for that guy in this shithole town. Gotta come from a life of glitz to care that much about your appearance down here. "Yeah my mom was into you too. Was never really my thing - no offense - but good to know we have someone famous on our side when we need to play that card." 

Turning to Reiji, she says, "bold to already be speaking as a 'we', but I agree, we definitely need a ride, or rides. Your bike isn't very comfortable as a passenger, and like hell am I taking the bus. I plan to use some of the funds from this job to arrange for something."

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 2:59 am
by Eintei
Elodie attempts to stifle a giggle at hearing Li Fei call out the words to one of her old songs. She tries to hide it with a cough, though she's unsure if it was successful. Didn't think it was her kind of music. "That one was originally mine, but they created a new version for my replacement after I left," she explains. "And sadly, that is more or less what happened. They replaced me with someone younger."

Well, I didn't know I was that popular with mothers. If Galaxy Express had just aimed their marketing at a different crowd, maybe they wouldn't have had to replace me, she thinks bitterly as she listens to Ryoko. "It can sometimes open doors. But I'm not as recognizable as I used to be, so it's a bit of a coin toss," she admits. As she finishes talking, she slowly becomes more aware of the smell of sweat and booze and the way her shoes stick to the floor. I want out of here. "Either way, now that that is out - should we go look for our man? We can perhaps finish our talk about shared transportation somewhere more quiet."

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:23 pm
by ratwizard
"Yeah," Li Fei agrees. "Remember." She casually taps the back of her right hand where the infiltrator had bore a tattoo. "If not him, then somebody else with it."
Notice/Wis to look around?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:40 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Right, yeah," Reiji says, finally regaining his composure as the starstruck fades. Would it be wrong to ask for an autograph or a pic for mom? Later though. Business first. "Or somebody who knows of him," he says to Li Fei. "Least there'll be loose lips with this much booze in the air."


Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:55 pm
by Namelessjake
Wis/Notice to look around or Cha/Connect to ask around.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:49 am
by ratwizard
"Gonna take a peek around on my own," Li Fei says nodding toward the crowd. "Here." She taps a few buttons on her smartphone, sharing her contact info to your devices, before she steps off.

She keeps her eyes low, on the lookout for any relevant tattoos or markings.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:29 pm
by BartNL
Kindred tries to find a place from where he can observe most of the bar.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:42 pm
by Eintei
"I will go and see if anyone here has any information to share," she tells the rest. She rises on her tiptoes, trying to stick to the ground as little as possible. Then she swallows and makes her way into the crowd, looking for someone who is sober enough to be able to give her useful information, but also drunk enough to not remember her.

Cha/Connect:[2d6]=8+2=10 I think I made a mistake typing out the roll - if I read it correctly it didn't actually register my +2 Cha modifier. So I rolled an 8 and then can add my Cha modifier and that makes 10. But do let me know if I misread it.

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 4:53 pm
by Fialova
Ryoko nods as Li Fei reminds them of the tattoo, before everyone splits to search the club on their own. Not wanting to strike up a conversation with anyone, she instead focus on trying to spot such a tattoo from a distance as she wanders through the space, eyeing its patrons with suspicion.

Notice/Wis to look for the tattoo: [2d6]=9

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:15 pm
by Scratcherclaw
With everyone splitting off in separate directions, Reiji heads toward the bar. Bartender would remember someone like that, right? Especially if they're a regular.
Cha/Connect: [2d6+2]=7+2=9


Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 2:10 am
by Namelessjake
Li Fei
The lights and the movement of the dancers make it hard to properly check all of the bar's denizens for anyone bearing the tattoo on their hand. You look for a few minutes but fail to spot anyone with the tattoo.
Both on the dancefloor and in the booths that surround it, you are able to find plenty of potential sources of information that fit your criteria. Asking around about the Northlake Outfit and the tattoo turns up little, however asking about the stolen truck proves more promising. A couple of the bar's drunken patrons, while not knowing specifically about Asher's missing Trailblazer, are able to point you in the direction of one Eduardo Wenter, an out-of-work mechanic known for an addictive personality, loose lips and working under the table for many of the district's gangs. A regular to the Empress, you are told he is usually found either here drinking or downstairs in the ambrosia den.
The lights and the movement of the dancers make it hard to properly check all of the bar's denizens for anyone bearing the tattoo on their hand. However after looking for a few minutes and failing to spot anyone with the tattoo, you are fairly confident there is no one here with the tattoo.

During your surveillance you do notice a number of the bar's patrons disappearing through a door at one end of the bar, guarded by another security guard. Based on De Smet's information on the venue, you suspect that is likely the entrance to the Ambrosia Den that the Empress conceals.
You speak to the bartender, but they seem unfamiliar with any regulars that fit the description you have pieced together so far.
You find a perch on one end of the bar that gives you a good view of the whole establishment. While the distance, combined with the lights and movement of the dancing patrons makes it hard to spot anyone bearing the tattoo, you do notice a number of the bar's patrons disappearing through a door at one end of the bar, guarded by another security guard. Based on De Smet's information on the venue, you suspect that is likely the entrance to the Ambrosia Den that the Empress conceals.

After splitting up, you eventually regroup near Kindred's perch at the bar several minutes later.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 10:14 am
by ratwizard
"No dice," Li Fei admits, her face reddening like her hair. Thought for sure I'd see it somewhere. Maybe only higher-up gangers get it inked. Or maybe they're just not here tonight.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 3:26 pm
by BartNL
"Downstairs, that's where our answers are enjoying their drink." Kindred states.

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 5:35 am
by Eintei
"Someone I spoke to mentioned an Eduardo Wenter, a mechanic. He might have seen the truck." Elodie tells the rest. "I assume he will indeed be downstairs. I found no information on the Northlake Outfit, however."

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 3:58 pm
by Fialova
"Well the entrance down stairs is over there," Ryoko says, motioning towards a door at one end of the bar that is guarded by another security guard. "Complete with another person to talk past. Any ideas? I doubt we can rely on this one to also know Elodie from her past." 

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 11:29 am
by ratwizard
"I wonder if this place is up to date on its fire code," Li Fei says, peering about the club.
Are there any fire alarms, either physical, or possibly digital I could cyberspace my way to?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:46 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"This side of town? Doubt it," Reiji says to Li Fei, scanning the room with some apprehension as the thought of being engulfed in a fire appears. "Place like this would just slip any inspector some cash and they'd go on their way."

He shrugs as his cousin mentions another bouncer to contend with. "Even if it's not an old friend, could still talk our way past them. Maybe play the old 'do you know who I am?' or something."


Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 11:26 pm
by Namelessjake
Li Fei
Looking overhead, amongst the lighting rigging for the stage, you are able to spot a number of sprinklers. While they appear to be simple mechanical devices, it is likely a building of this size has some sort of electronic controller for its systems. The register at the bar is likely networked to the building's instance of cyberspace, along with the alarms and sprinklers, while it is also possible other networked devices may be accessible elsewhere in the Empress.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2024 7:31 pm
by ratwizard
"Might be time for a shower," Li Fei says casually, nodding upwards toward the sprinklers. "Unless anyone's got another idea." She idly taps her fingers against the beat-up cyberdeck jammed in a deep pocket of her oversized coat.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 5:05 am
by Eintei
Elodie doesn't particularly feel like getting wet right now and she can't really get her umbrella out here in the middle of the club, but she nods at Li Fei regardless. "The "do you know who I am"-method tends to get... mixed results, in my experience," she tells Reiji. Either it works, or I get that awful blank stare that means they have no clue who I am, or we raise suspicion. With a bit of bad luck, both of those last two. She shudders at the thought, though she tries to hide it. "I'd prefer to let miss Li Fei give it a try first."

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 8:42 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"As long as it doesn't send our guy running too," Reiji replies with a shrug. "Gonna be a lot harder to pick him out from a panicked, drenched crowd. But worth a try."


Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:41 pm
by Fialova
"If he comes running from downstairs, at least he'd be easy to spot," Ryoko responds, glancing towards the guarded door. "And the floors might not be connected, could just set off these and leave the basement dry." She begins to walk to a spot near the guarded door, looking for a place to stand watch for when the sprinklers go off. Someone needs to be nearby when things begin, either to catch people running out or to slip in. Might as well be me.

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:34 am
by ratwizard
"Need to find a quiet corner, if such a thing exists in this sweat lodge." Li Fei takes a look around the club, hoping for a booth or some other place that might still have a sight line to hardware.

Anything semi-obscurable that is still in sight of the fire system or till or any other part of the network?