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Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:08 pm
by Fialova
"We could also evoke heroes of the past if we want intimidation without it being purely based in terror," Telwari responds, as she mindlessly strums a simple melody on her lute. "I recall a tale from Gleios of a famed swordsman who made his name as a feared mercenary. The 'wind dancer,' they called him. There is also the most classic hero of Gleisian legend, Pharon, too. Perhaps something based on him?"

"I don't really see why we gotta change it, the Pelican seems fine to me, but you do what you want," Ernst responds, taking a seat against a nearby barrel now that the vote has finished. "More importantly, what's our new heading, if we ain't going to Murvos? Best we get the sails adjusted and the ship on its way before we do too much else."

Sea travel in this game will utilize a hex map version of the Voreld map we have had for years, with each hex on the map representing 10 miles of travel. All ships have a speed of miles/day in multiples of ten, so removing one 0 at the end will give the number of hexes each can move per day in normal circumstances. The Pelican's base speed is 130 miles/day, or 13 hexes.

Currently you are still on course for Murvos, about 35-40 miles from the coast. It is night time still, and the initial plan was to make port in the early morning, shortly before sunrise. If changing course, you will have to decide which way to go. I've included a zoomed in version of the map, showing your current position and your immediate surroundings with your nearest alternate ports visible. While these are not the only options you may choose from, they offer the quickest route to a new landing where you'll be free to make alterations to the ship and try to recruit more crew.
Hex Map, Post-Mutiny.PNG

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:41 pm
by Chanchabruhh
Kairon listens to Telwari's suggestion, nodding thoughtfully. "Evoking heroes of the past could give us a name with both respect and a touch of intimidation," he agrees. "The 'Wind Dancer' carries a sense of deadly grace, and Pharon embodies classic heroism."

He then turns to Ernst, considering his point. "The Pelican is a fine name, but perhaps a change is symbolic of our new beginning. We need to unite under a name that reflects our strength and purpose."

Kairon looks around at the crew, then back to Danelos. "I think 'Pharon's Fury' would be a strong name."
"As for our heading," he continues, "we need to decide quickly. Perhaps a port that’s less frequented, where we can lay low and resupply while we plan our next move. Any suggestions?"

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:36 pm
by BartNL
Can't have anything now, lich is a good name. Better than some Gleiosian legend.

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:58 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Pharon is hardly a god known for his fury," Castor corrects, not expecting Kairon to be familiar with the Gleiosian pantheon. "But something cheeky, like Pharon's Folly might work. And I quite like Wind Dancer."

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 2:11 am
by Namelessjake
Sébastien replies to Danelos' congratulations with a nod. I doubt my leadership will go unchallenged, but for now we are all aligned at least he thinks, glad that the close vote doesn't appear to have caused a permanent rift in the remaining mutineers.

"Harbinger's Approach sounds like a fine name to me," he says, weighing up the suggestions. "It also allows us to easily go by the Approach when making port or passing vessels that outclass us. Revealing our true name as one raises the black to strike fear into a prize and force their surrender," he elaborates.

"As for a heading, we will make for Talguta," he continues, eyeing Kairon for a moment as he note's the man's words referring to a collective decision. "We'll avoid Wastrel's Wharf for now, but Talguta itself will provide ample opportunities for us and its only two or threes days away. Castor, plot us a course," he explains before turning to the young navigator.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 10:22 am
by ratwizard
Sebastien prefers my suggestion, Danelos considers. An attempt to placate me, or the simple truth?

"The Approach," he repeats, nodding contentedly.

"Talguta is a wise choice. We should part ways with our cargo there, where few questions will be asked. Besides, there is no sense in holding onto goods that may connect us to that old fool."

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 1:26 am
by BartNL
"The approach." Terzo repeats, shaking his head. "I'll be up in the crow's nest."

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 1:20 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"I suppose that's a good name then," Castor says with a weak smile, somewhat disappointed that all of his suggestions weren't given much recognition. They were good names... It's fine. These men just feel the need to compensate for something is all.

"Oh," he adds, surprised at Sebastian's instruction. "Right away, Captain." He ducks into the former navigator's room, seeking out the logs and charts so he might plot their heading.

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 12:49 am
by Namelessjake
"Shout if you see any sails," Sébastien says to Terzo as the man takes his leave. If he's going to sulk every time I don't heed his suggestions he may be better off atop the mast.

"The rest of us should get to cleaning up the ship," he says as Castor also leaves. "Talguta may be a few days away, but there's about four different navies that could spot us between then and now."

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 11:26 am
by ratwizard
Danelos watches Terzo as he leaves, his placid eyes betraying none of the judgment he feels. Quick to kill, yet slow to clean up afterwards. And here again I regret not keeping that fool Charles about.

He nods at Sebastien's directive. "The bodies should be dealt with first, then the blood. We need as much distance between us and them as possible — as you said, any ship could come across us. Also, any soap the mates might have lorded away should be collected, else we may find ourselves scrubbing the planks and our palms raw," the Gleiosian suggests as he heads below to haul the dead.

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2024 9:58 pm
by Chanchabruhh
"Aye i agree let me help take care of the dead and clean up the ship."
Kairon says as he follows Danelos.

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:41 pm
by Fialova
It takes hours - until the sun has risen for the day - but the small group remaining onboard is able to dispose of the corpses overboard and clear the deck of blood. It is tough work, made tougher by the meager light provided by the torches and lanterns of the ship, but once done you are able to finally feel some modicum of relief. The only remaining tasks are to make it to Talguta safely, and to decide on shifts for the difficult days of sailing to come.

Sea Travel
58 Krymikos, Y82 - the mutiny takes place late at night, decks are scrubbed and bodies disposed of

59 Krymikos, Y82 - Course redirected to Talguta from Murvos after the nighttime cleaning, no events of note occur

60 Krymikos, Y82 - Sailing towards Talguta continues, no events of note occur

61 Krymikos, Y82 - Sailing towards Talguta continues, no events of note occur. Landfall is made in Talguta shortly after high noon.

The next few days go by without issue, no other ships crossing your path as you sail through clear, open seas with good wind. As you approach the city from the south, the decision then arises of which docks to moor in. The southern docks were your typical port of call, as Demos had ties with the Agrypno merchants that frequent this area, which makes them the most dangerous for you now. That leaves you the Maluhi-controlled southeastern docks, the royal docks of Talguta's navy and finest merchants, the Blood Lion-controlled western docks, and the Magisters-controlled Northern Docks. 

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:14 pm
by ratwizard
Danelos commits himself to the grueling labor of hauling the bodies, scrubbing the decks, and preparing for their arrival into Talguta. It is hard work, and it is beneath him, but it will have to be so until they can hire new crew.

On the fourth day as they approach Talguta, Danelos grows both relieved and annoyed. Ah, the Isle of Bastards, come to cut my purse once more. I wonder where my father's armor has made it these days.

The Gleiosian finds himself convening with the others at their fledgling captain's call. "We are coin heavy and body short, so regardless where we stop, we will need to keep a tight grip on the Approach — else we may find ourselves strong-armed out of more than just our recent earnings."

"As for where we stop, I suggest we only do so long enough to off-load enough cargo to paint the hull and take on a few hands. Beyond that, the royal docks will likely see us better opportunities for both cargo and crew."

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:43 pm
by Namelessjake
Despite his newly elevated status, Sébastien joins the others in the backbreaking work of cleaning the ship. As the corpses are committed to the deep, he says a few words for their fellow mutineers who fell in battle and for a couple of the other fallen crew who were neither mutineers nor staunch Demos' loyalists.

He moves his scant few belongings into Demos' old quarters, settling in to the captain's cabin, leaving the others to take over the other cabins as they please.

We made it, he thinks as the isle comes into view on the horizon, glad that the hard sailing with a skeleton crew is nearly over and their journey was uneventful. If more of us had survived the munity, taking a prize quickly would have been a quick way to cement my captaincy. With so few of us, it is perhaps best we didn't encounter any other ships.

"Aye, the Royal Docks might be the best bet there. The Talguta city guard operates more like the gangs than they'd admit, but stealing a merchant ship would be go beyond their usual shakedowns," Sébastien agrees with Danelos, having spent many a shore leave in the city. "We may have to go further afield to find the sort of crew we're after, but the Approach will be safest in the Royal Docks."

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:21 am
by Chanchabruhh
Kairon nods and takes a deep breathe with a wicked smile

"Aye, royal docks it be anything we are looking for in perticullar or are we just looking to make some coin?. Either way im for anything this crew needs and maybe to find some info on a few things."

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:02 pm
by Namelessjake
"We'll offload the cargo we inherited and crew up the Approach to a better level," Sébastien explains to Kairon. "From there we'll reassess. We're going to need guns if we want to take anything worth a damn."

"Everyone should also keep their ears open for any leads on a good prize or score to be had," he adds.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:55 pm
by Scratcherclaw
As the others busy themselves with scrubbing the decks and ridding the hold of corpses, Castor gets to work making sense of the former navigator's messy organization and setting their course. That Sebastian trusts me enough to take on this role... I can't let him down.

He spends the sea days cleaning up his apparent new quarters, devising his own system for organizing the charts and logs. That night, he finds himself looking out his cabin's window at the horizon beyond, a wide smile as he takes in the luxury. The stars above, the sea's breeze, and a space that's his.

He rises early, watching the hazy Talguta gradually take shape. He beams, his navigation leading them true. Thank the gods, we made it. Let's just hope we don't run into any of Demos' old buddies...

He nods along as the captain and Danelos speak. "Smart thinking as always, Dani," the man says with an affectionate smile. "Taverns by the port might get us both, leads and potential crew. I can't think of anywhere else an out-of-work sailor might linger."

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:36 pm
by ratwizard
Danelos smirks at the younger Gleiosian's praise. "It bears repeating that each of us should keep a low profile, even around the checkered shores of Talguta. News travels fast, and few folk respect a mutineer."

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:28 pm
by BartNL
"Sailors always talk when drunk, so I'll be having a drink myself and find out what I can." Terzo replies to his captain.

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:47 pm
by Fialova
With the royal docks decided on, Castor is able to guide the ship around the island to the enclosed harbor that makes up the largest and most 'official' of the city's numerous ports of call. The natural crescent bay the docks reside in are further enclosed by a long jetty, connecting side of the land enclosing the bay to a small island with a lighthouse, which looms over you as you sail in. Once in the harbor, you find dozens upon dozens of ships anchored in the water or moored at once of the handful of deep docks.

Aiming to play it safe, you let down the anchor and lower a rowboat to head to shore, loading it with any wares you deem fit to take with you at the moment. Ernst and Telwari remain aboard the vessel in your absence, with the bulk of you boarding the rowboat and rowing ashore. It is a short row of a quarter hour or so for you to reach the nearest of the smaller, wooden docks along the coast, where you are greeted by one of Talguta's port authority. He is a serious-looking elven man with greying black hair, and taller than is typical for elves. He approaches, glancing over the lot of you and, not seeing an obvious captain, states to no one in particular, "papers?"

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:59 pm
by Namelessjake
"Here," Sébastien says to the agent of the port authority, reaching into his jacket pocket and producing Demos' papers as he steps from the rowboat up onto the wooden dock. We should get our hands on some fresh papers as soon as we can, in case anyone comes looking for Demos.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:30 am
by ratwizard
Danelos travels light, preferring to leave any valuable freight or goods on the ship until they've made a decision on where it will be sold. The Royal Docks may be safe from cutpurses, but in their absence lays a greater threat in extorters.

He stays quiet as their captain hands over their former captain's papers. He neither looks nor sounds Gleisoian, Danelos considers. I should be ready to assume Demos' identity should the need arise. He clasps his hands behind his back, posture rigid, an authoritative — if bored — look upon his face.

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:28 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Castor watches the exchange somewhat anxiously. Let's hope no one notices our skeleton crew while we're here. Surely that's a giveaway that something happened here. His eyes flick between Seb and the port authority, remaining hopeful they'll disembark without issue.


Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:58 am
by Chanchabruhh
Kairon nods and checks his equipment, He says a small prayer to Whakaruru looking to the ocean praying for guideance he then waits in a state of meditation.

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 12:37 pm
by Fialova
"Captain... Demos." the man says, as he slowly reads over the paper. "Of the Pelican. That'd be you?" he asks, eyebrow raised, as he gazes back at Sébastian. Several men move hurriedly about behind him as he speaks, hauling crates from another nearby rowboat on the cramped dock. The man makes an effort to shift his position to avoid being in their way, but you can tell from his overall demeanor that he takes no pleasure in being here.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 3:45 am
by Namelessjake
"Me? no," Sébastien scoffs. Maybe I could pull off being a Gleosian in Ghia or Visha, but Talguta sees far too many of their ships come through. He might even speak it, he thinks eying the port authority lackey.

"This is him," he adds, gesturing to Danelos.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:07 am
by ratwizard
A keen captain knows when to choose his battles, Danelos thinks, glancing toward the Imardanian.

"Aye," the Gleiosian grunts in disinterested approval, looking past the port authority officer as he scans the docks for other activity.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:11 pm
by Chanchabruhh
Kairon will open his eyes and stand's a few feet off to the side from Danelos, watching the exchange between them trying to stay close incase something is needed

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 12:49 pm
by Scratcherclaw
I guess those two already have an understanding. But it's smart. No one could pass for a Gleiosian captain quite like my dashing Dani. As the exchange is ongoing, Castor looks to the docks, curious what goods are being hauled and whether the crates name their contents. It wouldn't hurt to know what's in demand, right?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2024 5:04 pm
by BartNL
"Ándale, Capitan! The crew is thirsty. Invite your friend over to the tavern if it's gonna take any longer." Terzo shouts to the officer and Danelos.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2024 7:52 pm
by ratwizard
"I heard you already!" Danelos barks over his shoulder in a thick Gleiosian accent. "Speak out of line again and you can drink the bilgewater."

He turns back to the port authority, giving him an apologetic smirk. "Sorry. Impatient bastards. Need anything more, officer, or may we proceed?"