Page 6 of 21

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:02 pm
by Namelessjake
Ilmoto is able to resuscitate the drowned man on the deck of the ship while meanwhile, Taliesin is able to rally some of the other passengers to help pull three more people from the water. One you recognise as a young assistant to the leaders of the Explorer's Guild expedition, while the other two appear to be dwarves, including the chief builder of the fleet and close friend of Lord Amardovis - Doldain Dodavek. However unfortunately both of the dwarves are in a bad condition needing further medical attention.

You hear screams coming from what remains of the Albatross and look to see people clinging to the masts and rigging, the last parts of the ship above the water, as they begin to sink beneath the waves. It isn't long before the ship is fully underwater and likely falling down through the depths to wherever its final resting place will be on the sea floor.

Round 9 Results

The Albatross has fully sunk. New people/supplies can only be spotted in the water for the next round after which there will be one more round before the supplies and people in the water are out of your reach and cannot be rescued.

You can now perform the same check one after another.

3 people are pulled from the water, 2 needing resuscitation.

1 person is resuscitated.

Sea Wolf: 258/400
Fire Intensity: 0
Supplies in the Water: 1
Supplies Saved: 0

People in the Water: 7
People Saved: 9
People Awaiting Resuscitation: 2 (Doldain Dodavek and Albatross Crew x 1)

People Saved
Tofyr Sobriall
Bishop Célia Brassard
Raaji Ullah
Albatross Crew x2
The New Elysian Congregation Member x 1
Explorer's Guild Member x 1
Crescent Consortium Member x 1
New World Trading Company Member x 1


Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:13 pm
by ratwizard
Snapping herself out of the daze and trying to ignore the spectral vultures, Zima steels herself and scans the waters, orienting herself in the direction of the screams. "There's another!" she cries out, pointing desperately at a flailing form amongst the spray of the sea.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 10:58 am
by Fialova
Once more, Caoimhe tries to help someone up onto the ship, one of the many still visible floating below. However, just as before, she is unable to maintain her grip and is unable to get anyone up.

Acrobatics: auto-success (cannot roll less than 12)
Athletics: [url=][1d20+6]=3+6=9[/url] = failure ._.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:53 pm
by BartNL
Once the man started breathing Ilmoto moves over to resuscitate the next person.

Acrobatics to not fall:
[1d20+3]=10+3=13 = Success
Heal check to help people
[1d20+3]=4+3=7 = Failure

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 12:47 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Nerves begin to take hold of Louie as he examines the unconscious pair on the deck. A pit grows in his stomach as he struggles to keep it together. He fumbles and buries his face into his hands. Keep it together, man. Everyone's counting on you. His thoughts only make the harsh reality cut deeper.
Acro: [1d20+10]=18+10=28
Heal: [1d20+6]=1+6=7 nat 1 :')


Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 8:40 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin tries to steady himself as he makes an attempt to save more survivors.
Acrobatics: FAIL.
Athletics: [1d20-3]=3-3=0 (includes the -4). Womp womp.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 5:45 pm
by Namelessjake
While your battle with the flames is won, the Sea Wolf's battle with the storm is still far from over. The ship rocks as its buffeted by the waves which thwarts your efforts to rescue more of the survivors.

Round 10 Results

You can now perform the same check one after another.

1 person is spotted in the water.

Sea Wolf: 258/400
Fire Intensity: 0
Supplies in the Water: 1
Supplies Saved: 0

People in the Water: 8
People Saved: 9
People Awaiting Resuscitation: 2 (Doldain Dodavek and Albatross Crew x 1)

People Saved
Tofyr Sobriall
Bishop Célia Brassard
Raaji Ullah
Albatross Crew x2
The New Elysian Congregation Member x 1
Explorer's Guild Member x 1
Crescent Consortium Member x 1
New World Trading Company Member x 1

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 8:00 pm
by ratwizard
"Please," Zima whispers to her spectral flock, the weary crack in her voice unheard by a soul amidst the heavy rain and claps of thunder. She closes her eyes for a brief moment, setting her jaw and forcing a deep breath into her lungs. As she opens her eyes again, the carrion vultures circle no longer. Instead, a small mob of figures stand beside her — the departed souls of those who sank with the Albatross. They lean out over the railing, holding ghostly ropes lashed to pockets of flotsam, pulling the Albatross survivors in with speed. It's working, she notes, a brightness filling her once again. I am sorry we could not save you, but together we may yet save them.


Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 12:06 pm
by Fialova
Again, Caoimhe attempts to pull people from the water, and again her grip is not strong enough to effectively aid anyone. The constant failure begins to wear on her, as she can see the people suffering below with little help. Her spirits are lifted slightly when she sees several people brought on board by her lover, however.

Acrobatics: auto-success (cannot roll less than 12)
Athletics: [1d20+6]=1+6=7 = failure :'D

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 12:57 pm
by BartNL
Struggling with his task, Ilmoto continues to the best of his abilities.
The boat shaking does not help, and Ilmoto does not make much progress.

Acrobatics to not fall:
[1d20+3]=6+3=9 = Failure
Heal check to help people
[1d20+3]=13+3=16-4=12 = Failure

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 1:02 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Louie snaps himself back into focus as he spies Zima's fruitful efforts, hope beginning to trickle back into him. There's still a chance then. He nods to himself, reassurance sweeping into his spirit just before despair could take hold. Working quickly, he moves to stabilize the unconscious, to save them before it's too late.
Acro: [1d20+10]=17+10=27
Heal: [1d20+6]=13+6=19
Number Resuscitated: [1d4]=4


Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:05 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin, feeling bitter about his previous failure to save any additional survivors, takes a moment to calm himself. After steadying himself against the swaying ship, he attempts once more to save some of the survivors.
Acrobatics: [1d20+3]=16+3=19 Success!
Athletics: [1d20+1]=20+1=21 Success! 1d4:[1d4]=2 Two saved.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:45 pm
by Namelessjake
You are able to pull most of those remaining from the water and render medical aid to whose in need, but two of those spotted in the water are lost to the storm. People keep watch for the next hour or so as the storm finally begins to relent - however only small pieces of debris are sighted.

Day breaks to calm seas and favourable winds, although a somber mood lies on the Sea Wolf, the loss of the fleet's flagship and many of its leaders a devastating turn of events. Spirits do lift somewhat as early in the morning sails are sighted and it isn't long before the Sea Wolf is joined by the remaining two ships of the fleet, both of which where able to successfully weather the storm. The good news continues as the Constellation reports finding a lone rowboat of survivors from the Albatross adding another ten souls to the number saved from the doomed ship, Hrogar - the mysterious second in command of the New World Trading Company - among them. A couple more members of your guild are with them but both Talrelia, Tofyr's number two, and the commander of the OCB knights, Ser Phelia Ortraud, are missing presumed dead along with some nine others from the guild.

Over the next couple of days what repairs can be made with the supplies salvaged from the Albatross are made, but morale remains low - especially among the New Elysian Congregation who mourn the loss of their Arch Bishop who had been revered as much as Elys herself by many of them.

It is a pleasant but overcast day, six days since the loss of the Albatross, when the sounds of a bell and the shout of the crewman up in the crow's-nest pulls you away from your daily routine and brings you up onto the deck. "Land Ho!"

There you find a crowd assembling towards the bow of the ship, pushing through it or peering around it you spot the source of the commotion. On the horizon lies a small jungle covered isle rises out of the water. It appears to be a small hill between perhaps five and eight hundred feet across and a couple of hundred feet tall, although it's exact size is hard to estimate. 

"Ah! The mainland must be close. We'll be on the new continent and off these ships soon," you hear the nearby Ser Percival excitedly exclaim - the young knight's attitude appears to have become more positive since the death of his commander.

"If not we can at least take on new stores of food and water," his fellow knight Ser Lyari chimes in.

"Imagine what creatures may live in such a place so isolated," Tenant Zaivil Akasik says, as the crowd continues to buzz with excitement. Looking out to sides of the ship you see similar crowds gathered on the Constellation and Esperence.

Final Round Results

6 people are pulled from the water.

4 people are resuscitated.

1 Supplies used to heal the ship 18 hit points.

Sea Wolf: 276/400

People Saved
Tofyr Sobriall
Bishop Célia Brassard
Raaji Ullah
Doldain Dodavek
Albatross Crew x6
The New Elysian Congregation Member x 1
Explorer's Guild Member x 2
Crescent Consortium Member x 2
New World Trading Company Member x 1

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 3:33 pm
by BartNL
Ilmoto lies awake at night. Every time Ilmoto hears shouting, he shoots up in his hammock. It's been two days already since the loss of the Albatross.
We've lost so many already, and for what? Has the curse of Kandoras followed us here? Have I not suffered enough? Me, father, mother... Will my progeny share my faith? What I'd give to spend one more night in the arms of Linnéa. Ilmoto rattles the fingers of his prosthetic hand. Am I destined to lose everything I hold dear?

Ilmoto stands on deck, tired after another restless night when he hears the call. "Land ho!"
Land, so this dreaded voyage may come to an end, at least for now.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 4:34 pm
by ratwizard
The days since the fire and the sinking of their flagship are harrowing for Zima. The panic and chaos from that horrible night serve as a grim reminder that their entire expedition could meet a final end in a simple mistake or unlucky break. In particular, the loss of Talrelia weighs on her as she performs her daily duties. Another brilliant soul taken before her time. Our expedition will be the weaker for it, too. Here is hoping the First Fleet will have a logistics officer that can assist until we can find someone to step in.

She spends the day doing her best to help calm the others around her, knowing that in turn that will calm her own feelings on the matter. The seer is surprised to find that the Imardanians have lost the Archbishop, wondering what sort of direction they may go without such an important leader to guide them forward. I can only imagine the confusion, the pain, and the disillusionment that may be among their ranks. I hope they find peace once we arrive.

Zima is below-deck reading once more when the calls of land are heard. She rushes to find Caoimhe, clinging to this scrap of good news with the entirety of her bruised spirits.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:18 am
by Fialova
The loss of the Albatross is difficult to accept at first, but after awhile it seems much like all of the other many losses Caoimhe had suffered - and caused - in her life. While her dreams were before plagued by those she had slain, and the family and allies she'd lost, as part of the Unfettered, they now were supplemented by the sinking of the great ship and the loss of most of its passengers. While tragic, she finds that the events barely affect her mood, as she'd spent the better part of her life learning to cope with such tragedy. Instead, she spends the next several days doing her best to ease the suffering and trauma that she can tell Zima is going through, not wanting the woman to have to suffer alone. 

While helping tend to the wounded, she is approached quickly by her lover once words of landfall are made. "We are finally nearly there," she says to the woman with a gentle smile, before hugging her tightly. "The comforts of the first fleet's encampment are near us, and we can get these folk proper care," she adds, tear falling from her eyes as she speaks. Some good news is certainly needed. Hopefully this boosts the spirits of all aboard.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 12:25 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Louie does his best to distract himself and keep busy in the days following the disaster, preferring to bury the anguish and loss than face it head on. The immense pressure weighs heavily, but he pushes on, feeling like he has to prove himself. What would Uncle do in a time like this? He'd find a way to turn this around, surely. And he'd believe I could do the same. It's what Voltzentens do. He sighs, staring at the calmer seas and wishing they had remained this way for the whole journey. We're so far from the rest of the world. We have to hope and pray we're shielded from further disaster.

He spends the next few days, making crude sketches of ducks in his notebook, a small comfort but one that keeps him going as despair becomes harder to avoid. He's instantly pulled away as he hears the call, rushing towards the bow with much of the others. He smiles, looking towards the sky to see if there are any seabirds. Have birds reached as far as here? Surely some have crossed the sea. For once, he feels relief.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 3:50 pm
by Namelessjake
You notice a curious lack of sea birds around. A sight you would certainly expect to see if this is indeed just the very edge of the continent.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:03 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Odd, the elf thinks, the lack of seabirds striking him as extremely unusual. "No seabirds," Louie wonders aloud, eyes darting across the cloud-filled horizon. "This may be a land quite unlike our own, right down to the animals."


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:12 pm
by ratwizard
Zima returns the hug, the warmth of Caoimhe calming her somewhat. "It will be a relief to be on land once again. I do not think I will ever gain my sea legs, as the sailors say. I doubt most Kandorans would."

She turns to Louie, unsure how to receive his discovery. "It is strange, yes? It looks no different from this distance, though I wonder what sort of life we may find there."

I wonder if the First Fleet came this way. Perhaps we will find evidence of their journey here?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:34 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin spends much of the night mourning the losses. What names he knows he mumbles in prayer, hoping that whatever sea gods watching over them now may help them pass along into the afterlife. 
As time goes on, Taliesin returns to his previous task of telling what scraps of tales he knows from his travels to try and keep spirits high, though many fewer tales than before. He sighs softly, as he hears the shouting, walking back up to join the others in seeing the land approach. "And alas, our time on the boats is ending. I can only hope our journey looks up from here." He says under his breath, grimly. 

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:58 pm
by Namelessjake
The ships continue to approach the island, which grows bigger on the horizon as you near it. As the fleet comes within about a quarter mile of the isle suddenly the trees appear to begin moving. They sway violently from side to side but after a moment of observation you realise the cause - it is not just the trees moving, the island itself moves.

The island seems to pitch to one side, creating waves as it begins to sink. Murmmers run through the stunned crowd as you watch the strange event unfold. The trees seem to cling onto the landmass for their lives as it contains to submerge one side first. In only a few moments the top of the hill is underwater and only the angle of the descent keeps the canopy of some trees on the far side of the island above the water. Those trees then too slip beneath the waves but are followed by something else rising up out of the water in their place. A tail, as long as the largest trees were tall, several tree trunks wide and with scales the size of shields. It emerges like the tail of a whale mid breach and is only visible for a moment before it follows the island underwater and disappears, but you hear audible gasps around you as it does.

Your three ships are suddenly left alone out at sea once more. The calm ocean has been whipped up by the displacement of the mysterious landmass, but it soon dies down as the waves dissipate.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 7:23 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Louie watches, mouth agape in awe and fear, as the island not only comes to life, but also sinks beneath the waves. "I... I didn't dream that, yes?" he says, blinking repeatedly as the ripples subside into calm seas again. I suppose that's why there weren't any seabirds. What a strange phenomenon.


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:13 pm
by ratwizard
Zima watches the island come alive and dive into the ocean, staying silent and focused. A hallucination gone awry is unfortunately quite common for Kandoran seers, but one of this size is rare and somewhat worrisome. I truly must find more time to meditate throughout my days aboard. I worry my attunement to the spirits may be faltering.

When Louie speaks, her mouth falls agape. "That... You all saw that too? I thought it was..." she trails off, shaking her head with a dazed look. The tales Taliesin weaves... I had assumed the fantastical nature was mere aggrandizement. Could these really be the Beast Gods their ancestors once feared?

"Are we safe?" she asks, turning to Caoimhe, though she knows her love cannot be certain either.


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:24 am
by BartNL
After the island disappears before their eyes, Ilmoto uses his good hand to rub his eyes.
"Well, that's odd.''
Ilmoto then carefully grabs a bottle with silvery powder from his pocket. He sprinkles some on his mechanical thumb, and blows the powder in the direction of where the island seemed to be.

Arcana check to see if magic is involved in the disappearance of the island:

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:52 am
by Namelessjake
As far as you can tell, what you just witness was a purely natural phenomenon with no magic at work.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:27 pm
by BartNL
After a short while the powder Ilmoto sprinkled returns in the palm of his hand, still silvery of colour.
Either, the spell didn't work here, or there is no magic involved in the disappearance. I wonder which is worse.
"As far as I know, what we just witnessed was no illusion. Let's stay alert.''

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:32 am
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin's joy rapidly turned to shock, gasping as the island slowly dropped down... down... and then vanished. He blinked once or twice before looking around at the others, confirming his suspicions. "That is... troubling for sure. Is perhaps the island alive?" He asks, knowing that to be unlikely. "Perhaps that was not the island at all, and we were tricked by some creature of the seas." He considers, touching his chin lightly as he does.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:35 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Louie's eyes remain fixated on where he last saw the fading ripples, Ilmoto's words piercing his curious daze. He blinks and releases a heavy sigh. "I figured as much. We should be grateful that it fled then, but we do need to remain vigilant." What other strange and enormous creatures will we find, I wonder? And will all be as docile?


Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:41 pm
by Fialova
Caoimhe watches in awe - and fear - as the landmass before them descends into the ocean below. Something that large could make short work of our ships, if it were indeed malevolent, she thinks, the idea of being beset by such a creature shaking her to her core. When Zima speaks, she turns to face the woman with worry in her eyes.

"Elven legends speak of great beasts that stalk the sky, air, and even the waves of their homeland. Most believe these to be exaggerations of otherwise normal creatures, like whales or elephants perhaps. But if there are more creatures like that lurking about the seas, perhaps their tales were not exaggerations after all." As she speaks, she finds herself moving closer to her love and gripping her hand tightly, finding it difficult to not feel anxious in their situation. We are like sitting ducks right now. Best we get to land before that decides to resurface.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:20 am
by ratwizard
Zima listens closely to Caoimhe's words, nodding frantically. She turns to Taliesin. "Are there any tales you have heard of gargantuan beasts in the great ocean? Such as during the Crossing? Anything that may perhaps shed light on what we just witnessed?"

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:43 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin paused for several moments upon being asked the question. He holds up a finger before he quickly pulls out several scraps of paper with his trademark hastily scrawled, barely legible text. He then pulled out another few blank sheets of paper, and with a quill attempted to once more piece together what he could of the tales.
History to recall the tale: [1d20+13]=20+13=33.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 3:36 pm
by Namelessjake
You pour over your notes on accounts of the crossing for a few moments, spotting several relevant pieces of information. The evidence for the existence of the enormous beasts the elves called the gods is generally considered inadequate in most academic circles - the only real surviving evidence being oral history passed down over the generations passing into myth and legend.

That said, most sources say that while the elves fled the wrath of the land, air and sea gods, the sea gods were by far the largest. They were said to be often followed by groups the warped and corrupted people of the sea and sky, who would scavenge for the scraps the gods left behind as they feasted.

Some of the new arrivals on the shores of Voreld reported being pursued by the sea gods until eventually the gods gave up and turned back towards Quellam and while this oft was not believed, many elves claimed more boats set sail from their homeland than arrived on the beaches of Kurnhuelde.

Many reports give different descriptions of the sea gods, such as large tentacled creatures, sea dragons, large shark like fish, giant crabs. You even find a note on an obscure and generally dismissed account of a beast so large trees grew on its back thinking it was an island.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:21 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin took some time but seemed to move very quickly as he transcribed - to his best approximations - what he could call ... a likely take, at least, as likely as any, of what was going on here. "Well..." He started, standing up and organizing his papers, putting away his quill and such. "As we all know, why we're all even here - the first elves took the crossing many generations ago. Many choose to say that those beings the elves of Quellam referred to as the 'sea gods' did not exist, or at least that there was no provable evidence of such. I think that -- whatever that thing was -- is our best physical proof of what the elves from back then thought were gods. Massive beasts and the like." He sighed, knowing that he couldn't really give them the information they required. "It is well believed within most elven communities that way more ships set sail than landed in Kurnhuelde. Some may have been laid waste by storms and natural occurrences, yes, but these creatures must exist in some form, and we will have to be on constant vigil. These things took many forms as have been described - Large tentacled creatures, sea dragons, large shark-like fish, giant crabs, and..." He trailed off as he looked over his notes one more time. "Aha! Yes, this was described before. I didn't think much of it before now but this creature was spoken about, but many chose to believe it couldn't exist. They once believed to exist a creature so large that trees grew from its back as if it were an island. I wish I had followed up with them on this story, but this was many moons ago now."

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:02 pm
by ratwizard
"An island that is not an island but a creature," Zima says, the words bringing her a sense of amazement and yet deep discomfort. "That is truly astonishing. Imagine the disbelief that the people of Voreld would have shown your kin when they arrived and told such stories."

She takes a deep breath and exhales, feeling some of the nervous energy wash away. So long as it does not endanger us, I hope we see another one of these strange, titanic beasts.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:35 am
by BartNL
Could it truly be one of the beast-gods of Quellam? If the continent is ruled by such creatures, we will not survive. Not all of us. Again.
"If these are the sea-gods of Quellam, we are getting close. We'd hear much more stories from sailors about beasts like this, if they roamed farther west. Let's stay vigilant for now.''

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 12:36 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Louie hms as he listens to Taliesin weave the tale of the sea gods, recalling similar in his ancestral stories, but having generally paid no mind to them. "You'd have thought those were simply tales to scare children after all this time. But here one is, in the flesh," Louie says, eyes warily on the mysterious sea. "We should be thankful it seemed docile enough. I'd rather not find out what it looks like beneath the waves."


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:46 am
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin ran a hand through his hair as he finished his short speech, still a little shaken. "Of course, I cannot personally validate the entirety of all tales I bring to you here, but I think that even if a fraction of what I've come to know is true, we should be on our guard." He says, walking slowly toward the front of the boat, looking out towards where the "island" had previously been. "Magnificent... absolutely, brilliantly magnificent. The sea gods exist? Even some of them? This is... fantastic." He says almost under his breath, his fear and shock turning quickly to the excitement that his life's work wasn't all for not.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 2:40 pm
by Fialova
"We do not need you to validate the tale, we've all witnessed one of these fabled creatures first-hand," Caoimhe responds to Taliesin reassuringly. All these centuries now, and so many of us have doubted their claims, assumed they were telling fictions to scare us. "With this sighting, even if the tales are exaggerated - or only part of the story - it seems clear, now, that our ancestors did speak the truth when telling of their homeland. At least about the seas." And hopefully only the seas. She grips Zima's hand more tightly as she thinks of the other legends she heard, and how she wishes they would not also turn out to be true.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:04 pm
by ratwizard
Zima withers at Caoimhe's words as she ponders other tales of Quellam she's heard — some from Taliesin himself. "Some of these stories must be true, at least in part," she insists. "I must admit, I am somewhat exhilarated and yet worried of what we might find when we arrive. If these other beasts spoken of in the tales exist in the way that this... sea creature does, then we must be careful."

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:00 pm
by Namelessjake
With the mysterious island gone and showing no sign of returning the crowds on the decks of the ships slowly begin to disperse as people return to their duties, however a sense of unease lies over the fleet as many new questions have been raised about the unknowns that you sail towards.

That night the ships are bathed in an eerie blue glow emanating from the waters churned up in their wake. The phenomenon draws crowds once again with many staying up most of the night until the blue glow begins to dim before the waters eventually return to normal. The tenants in particular debate the cause of the glow well into the early hours of the morning, with their theories ranging from a pocket of magically enhanced water to small luminescent creatures.

Two days later a flock of unfamiliar sea birds are spotted suggesting you are indeed nearing land. The fleet changes course to follow them but soon finds them congregating around the large bloated corpse of a whale floating in the ocean. The whale is the length of a ship, but not unusual compared to whales found in the waters around Voreld. What is unusual however is the large scratches and chunks missing from the carcass, suggesting a truly colossal creature has been feasting on the remains. Some of the birds eventually fly off after eating their fill. Eastward bound they continue to give the fleet a heading to follow which raises morale despite the increasing number of unsettling, the journey potentially nearing its end.

Early the next morning you are roused once more by the sound of shouts and and the tolling of bells. Assuming it could be land, you rush up onto the deck only to find it enveloped in chaos. Large tentacles rise out of the water and curl around the Sea Wolf threatening to pull the ship under, while many of the crew desperately try to fight off a number of strange humanoid creatures which clamber up the side of the ship and on to the deck. While they stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf, their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Roll Initiative!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:38 pm
by BartNL
Ilmoto spends some time trying to research the strange phenomenons.
We must be getting close now to Quellam. Really close.

As the strange creatures climb the deck, and tentacles grab the ship, Ilmoto braces himself and starts preparing a spell.

Arcana check to inspect the blue glowing water:
[1d20+7]=1+7=8+2=10 (Caoimhe)
Craft inferno oil for free (background)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 12:42 pm
by Fialova
Caoimhe can't help but to feel more and more unease as the ship proceeds further towards their goal. Each new sighting confirms her fears that the elven legends she'd heard, and assumed to be mostly exaggeration, are in fact truer than they realized, and potentially very dangerous. Her fears are only confirmed even further when the entire group is roused by the sounds of fighting outside.

The massive tentacles are the first thing she sees, and she stands a brief moment in awe - and a little excitement - at the sight of them. However, the fear quickly replaces all hope she has of studying the creature when the reality of the danger it poses sinks in. The strange fish-like people climbing onto the ship trigger her combat training, and she immediately rushes in, ready to make sure they do not lose any more of their crew or companions.

Sense Threat: use perception in place of init for rolling inititative, [1d20+13]=11+13=24
If anyone rolls lower than my initiative result (24), they add +2 to their final score.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 1:20 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin spends much of the next days checking, and double checking his research, trying to see if anything is lining up with what he has gathered over the years. 

At the sound of the chaos, Taliesin rushes to the deck, drawing his sword as he moves.
Init: [1d20+3]=16+3=19 +2 from Caohime = 21 total.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 1:24 pm
by ratwizard
Burning a PP to add +3. 4/5 left.

Initiative w/ PP: [1d20+9]=20+9=29

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 3:09 pm
by Scratcherclaw
On the day of the seabirds, Louie perks up and watches them with great interest, taking care to sketch the new species into his notebook. It's good to know there's even some familiar with the unfamiliar. We must be getting closer to land. Too distracted with the birds, he pays little mind to the whale's grisly mortal wounds.

He awakens in the chaos, rushing to the deck to see the commotion. He's speechless as he sees a horror straight from a cheap Imardanian novel. What in the gods' names? He's pulled from his daze as the strange humanoids begin climbing the ship. Grabbing his bow, he readies himself to defend the expedition from the gill-bound hostiles.
Initiative: [1d20+10]=19+10=29


Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:59 am
by Namelessjake
Louie and Zima are the first to ready themselves to fight as you emerge out onto the deck. Off the starboard bow you see the other two ships of the fleet similarly ensnared by the great tentacled beast and embroiled in a defence against the strange creatures from the depths.

Go: Louie & Zima

No yet
Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 2:33 pm
by ratwizard
Zima shrieks as she arrives topdeck, the terrors of the sea having leapt from her nightmares to the reality before her. Despite the crawling fear that chokes her voice high in her throat, she manages a shrill warning: "Tofyr!"

Moving to the center of the deck, the seer closes her eyes for a moment, trying desperately to call the spirits of the world to manifest themselves to her benefit. When she opens her eyes, however, she only sees the same exact result: terrible monsters from the sea threatening to slaughter everyone she cares about. I... there are too many of them...
Walk to R18

Betrayal on SC13. Nat 1 miss.
Betrayal Attack: [1d20+10]=1+10=11
Combat Block - Zima
Mazimbaru "Zima" Ela Koza

Female Kalashtar Psion 5
Languages: Common, Kandoran
Age: 24
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+9 with PP)
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 4/5

MBA: +1 vs AC, 1d4-1
RBA (Mind Thrust): +10 vs Will, 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Mind Thrust
Mage Hand

Second Wind [_]
My Mind Is My Own [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity [_]
Far Hand [_][_]
Forceful Push [_][_]
Intellect Fortress [_]

Living Missile[_]
Living Missile Attack [_]
Hypnotic Pulse [_]
Orb of Mental Dominion +2 [_]
Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]



Important Features:
Orb Expertise: +1 to the number of squares for forced movement on orb attacks.
Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect rendering you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you cannot make another one at end of turn.
Telepathy 5: You can communicate with any other creature that has a language and is within line of sight and within 5 squares. This allows for two-way communication.

Shimmering Cloth Armor +1: Ranged or area attacks do not provoke OAs.
Amulet of Seduction +1: When you impose a charm effect (save ends), the target takes a -2 penalty to the first save.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:57 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Zima's shout ringing through his ears, Louie too notices the leader becoming threatened by the pelagic humanoids. Damn it all. This is not the welcoming party I had hoped for. Pulling an arrow from his quiver, he draws his bow. Releasing it, he inspects as it pierces the air towards the creature. He sighs, though, as the shaft plunges itself into the wooden planks of the deck. Gods, preserve us.
Standard: Prophesied Strike on Sea Creature 21
Attack: [1d20+7]=4+7=11+5=16 vs AC = Miss
(apparently accidentally looked at +7 damage and used that as the mod in brainfog. mod is +12)

Ready Interrupt: Arrow of Warning
If an enemy attacks Tofyr, I attack that enemy (+12 vs Ref). On hit, 3d10+7 damage and Tofyr can make an at-will against that enemy with a +1 bonus to attack. On miss, half damage
Combat Block
Llewellyn "Louie" Volzenten

Male Changling Skald 5
Languages: Common, Andorian, Elven, Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 27 (22 in human years)
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Ref: 18
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Changeling Disguise
Staggering Note
Jinx Shot

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Changeling Trick [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Prophesied Strike [X]
Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade [_]
Skald's Aura [_]
Moment of Escape [_]
Alter Time [_]


Stirring Shout [_] *
Arrow of Warning [_] *
Compulsion [_]

* Can only use one per day


Important Features
Master of Song and Story: I gain two 1st-level dailies, but I can only use one a day.

Skill Versatility: I gain +1 to untrained skills.

Mental Defense: I gain +1 to Will.

Shapechanger: I have the shapechanger subtype. I can alter my appearance. I'm subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Halaster's Clone: I don't age. I'm immune to all diseases of my level and lower.

Mark of Scribing: I learn four languages. I gain +2 to diplomacy checks.

Bard of All Trades: I gain +3 to all untrained skills.

Improved Initiative: I gain +4 to initiative.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attacks made with weapons I'm proficient at and any item designated a bard implement. I gain a +1 bonus to the number of squares I can push, pull, and slide creatures with bard attacks.

Healer's Hide Armor +1: When I use a healing power that lets a creature spend a healing surge to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Acrobat Boots: I gain a +1 to acrobatics.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power that enables me or an ally to regain hit points, the target gains an additional +1 HP.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 5:38 pm
by Namelessjake
The creatures from the deep claw at the crew although one of the crew is able to strike back, dealing a quick killing blow to the creature, although seeing one of their number fall seems to do little to dissuade the attackers.

Go: Caoihme

Zima: walks, misses.

Louie: misses, readies.

Sea Creature 8: Attacks Ser Lyari, 1 vs AC = crit miss, shifts to (M, 25).

Sea Creature 11: Attacks Crew 3, 24 vs AC = hit for 7 damage.

Sea Creature 17: Moves to (M, 29), attacks Crew 8, 30 vs AC = hit for 3 damage.

Sea Creature 24: Moves to (M, 6), attacks Crew 4, 25 vs AC = hit for 8 damage.

Crew 7: Walks to (S, 26), melee attacks Sea Creature 21, 18 vs AC = miss.

Crew 10: Melee attacks Sea Creature 10, 24 vs AC = hit for 8 damage, Sea Creature 10 is killed.

Map Info
Aft/Forecastles: The Aft and Forecastles of the Sea Wolf are about 10 ft above the main deck. Both have stairs to the port and starboard allowing access, although the walls can also be climbed with an athletics DC: 15.

Rigging & Masts: If you wish to climb the Sea Wolf's rigging it can be done so with an athletics DC: 10. The masts are 100 ft tall and require an acrobatics DC: 15 to not fall off of each turn unless in the crows nest squares. On the deck level, the masts don't take up any full squares and so can easily be moved around, entering any of the squares they occupy as normal.

Ship's Wheel and Anchor: The squares occupied by the ship's wheel on the aft castle and the anchor on the forecastle are both difficult terrain.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

The side of the Sea Wolf is littered with features which make it climbable, athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The main deck of the ship is 20 ft above the water level while the fore and aft castles are an extra 10 ft higher.

Tentacles: As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square. They are numbered 1-4 in a clockwise direction starting from the upper leftmost. On their turn they will either attack enemies in range or attempt to deal damage to the Sea Wolf.
Enemy/Ally Info

Sea Creature: These strange humanoid creatures stand on two feet and are comparable in size to a human or elf. Their necks have gills, their clawed hands and feet are webbed, and dorsal fins protrude from their heads and backs, making them something half way between fish and man.

Tentacles: The tentacles of a great beast beneath the waves, which threaten to pull the Sea Wolf under. As they are constantly moving, their squares can be entered and they can be attacked from any adjacent square.


Captain Pierna: The Captain of the Sea Wolf and disgraced former Imardanian Naval Officer. He wields an ornate sword and pistol set.

Tekito Shimashu: The first mate aboard the Sea Wolf, Tekito is originally from Talguta and there are rumours amongst the crew that she was originally a pirate before meeting Captain Pierna. She fights with a Ghian blade.

Tenant Zavil: Armed with only a short sword and a staff, the zoologist from the Great Library is far from a skilled warrior.

Tofyr Sobriall: A Veteran Explorer's Guild member and one of its highest ranking members, leading the expedition. While he is a scholar and explorer by nature he has seen his fair share of combat in his endeavours, particularly in his youth, skilled with both the sword and crossbow.

Illoren Dorquen: The now second in command of the Explorer's Guild contingent of the Fleet, following the death of Talrelia during the loss of the Albatross. He is a seasoned explorer but not much of a fighter, only carrying a short sword for defence.

Ser Percivall: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. He is the son of a prominent Order commander and by all accounts is only here to further his career. While he is not wearing his full armour he is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Lyari: One of the young OCB knights assigned to your expedition for protection. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Ser Elvia: The leader of the Arcane Knights on the expedition. While she is not wearing her full armour she is better armed and protected than most.

Crew: The various crewmen and crewwomen of the Sea Wolf. They wear no armour but they are seasoned sailors and equipped with pistols, swords and axes.