Page 9 of 21

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:40 pm
by Fialova
"Look!" Caoimhe exclaims, as she spots the bobbing buoy in the water. "It's faded, but that was clearly read. So we need our port side to the land, right?" she asks, turning Illoren with the question she already knows the answer to. I wonder how far away the camp is from here, and how much they were able to construct. This is so exciting!

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:01 pm
by FinalTemplar
"For what it's worth-" he pauses, hearing Caoimhe exclaim she sees the buoys- "Be exceptionally careful of the plants here. I'll try to touch base with the explorers in the camp, but piecing together context from old tales, there's a decent chance the plants here are either largely poisonous, or in other ways deadly." He nods, trying to catch the eyes of at least his companions to make sure they hear him. "This island is dangerous enough. I don't want to hear about you lot getting sick from trying to ingest some plant."

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:40 pm
by Namelessjake
"Correct, good spot," Illoren says in reply to Caoimhe, matching her own excitement with his own. "I'll go tell the captain," he adds before leaving you, headed for the Sea Wolf's aftcastle.

You see him converse with Captain Pierna and the first mate for a few moments, before the captain appears to issue some orders to the nearby crew. The crew work quickly, raising signal flags to let the rest of the fleet know what has been spotted, as Pierna begins to turn the Sea Wolf on to a new Southerly heading.

Over the next hour, you head a few more miles down the coast when another of the buoys is spotted. This one is also red, seeming to confirm that you are on the correct heading. You soon sail around a small island sat just off the coast, only a couple of miles across, however as you round the island - now facing East - it reveals that the coastline you had been following was that of island itself.

Long and thin, this barrier island appears to sit about six miles from the true coastline, obscuring it from your original view. The mountains to the East loom closer now, and on the horizon to the North East the land appears to disappear into the mouth of a large river or bay. You suddenly hear a shout come from the crow's nest.

"Sails! Off the port bow!" 

The crowd gathered on the deck now turns to look and as the Sea Wolf rounds the tip of the barrier island you see the unmistakable sight of a wooden ship run aground on a small shale beach. Tattered sails and ropes flap in the breeze, hanging from her remaining two masts, the other having toppled over and disappearing into the forest behind her. The crowd grows quiet, excited conversation replaced by hushed whispers of speculation.

Tofyr trains his spyglass on the grounded vessel.

"That's The Wanderer," he confirms after a moment. "It looks like she was run aground perhaps by a storm. Her long boats are missing so the crew must be somewhere else. We must be close to Port Amardovis. If not it would make more sense to repair the ship than abandon her," he concludes. 

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 3:09 pm
by BartNL
Ilmoto, standing close to Tofyrm looks at the ship in the distance. This is odd. The First Fleet did not employ reckless sailors."Tofyr, I would like to investigate. We have seen an island disappear and an attack of sea-creatures and those monstrous tentacles. Those monsters carried items that may very well have been taken from the Wanderer's crew. While this looks like a normal stranding, we can't be sure. It'd be problematic if it's something stranding ships. And it will allow us to find out if it's worth to recover the ship.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:01 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin seems hesitant as he listens to Ilmoto's words, but nods slowly. "Yes... We should investigate. There may be more to this than we think, and I'd rather confirm it than leave it to rest." He says, grimly. Under his breath he mutters a prayer, hoping that the Wanderer's crew made it out safe. "Besides, if there is any remnant of the crew left on the ship, perhaps giving them a proper burial could create good omens for the remaining journey, or if they're alive, could help us make our way to shore. Supplies, as well- They may not have been able to take everything with them."

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:41 pm
by ratwizard
Yes, there will be much time for discovery and research, Zima agrees with Caoimhe, the thought exciting her. It would do well for morale were we to domesticate a creature of this land, I should think.

Zima's stomach sinks as the ruined form of The Wanderer comes into view, hoping that the crew was able to find alternative shelter nearby. "Yes, indeed," she agrees with Ilmoto and Taliesin. "Perhaps there may be a clue as to where we might find where any survivors went next."

She turns to their leader and his looking glass. "Do you see anything, Tofyr?"

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 2:15 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"I wouldn't think they'd have traveled far, with the look of that forest," Louie says, giving the wreck a cursory search. "Perhaps far enough to rendezvous with the rest of the fleet?" Maybe the other ships sent rescue boats to pick up the stragglers.

However, he can't help but shake the feeling that the optimistic thoughts are far from the truth, as evidence towards the contrary begins to pile up. Gods, what if the seas weren't responsible for them running aground?


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2023 9:25 pm
by Fialova
As everyone mentions their desire to investigate, Caoimhe can't help but to wonder why. "This ship must have run aground years ago, if it's the Wanderer," she responds, glancing to the beached vessel with a mixture of curiosity and concern. I'd love to explore it too, but would it not be wise to find Port Amardovis first? We have good wind still, and we are close. It seems unwise to stop now when we can simply return to the site later. It is clearly not going anywhere if it has been here for the past three years. "Whatever survivors there were of the wreck, they will certainly not still be here. Should we not continue onwards for now?"

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:56 am
by ratwizard
Zima frowns, her curiosity surrounding the wreckage checked by the sound logic of her partner. "This is a fair point," she admits. "Besides, we should aim to warn the First Fleet about the attacks we've incurred. Even if they are no stranger to these sea-people, they should at least be told that danger may yet be close again."

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 3:46 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Aye, or if they were, we'd surely see signs of it," Louie speaks up, looking at the abandoned state of the wreck. "Campfire or signal banners or anything. But it looks as though it hasn't been touched in some time." He stares at it for another minute, furrowing his brow before shaking his head. "Yes, onwards."


Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:40 pm
by Namelessjake
"Nothing obvious," Tofyr says in reply to Zima's question. He lowers his spy glass and offers it out to anyone else who wishes to examine the wreck.

"I'm inclined to agree with all of you. We should definitely investigate this - however for now our priority should be to find Port Amardovis. Once we're settled there we can organise an expedition if necessary. We may simply find the crew of the Wanderer when we find the town in which case they can tell us what happened,"  he says in agreement with the emerging consensus.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:22 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin frowned slightly but nodded. "You're right, I jumped too soon. Let us make it to the port, and then after that, we can send a few backs to search the wreckage." He says, agreeing with Caoimhe. "Zima also makes a good point, warning them about the dangers we faced may make the future a little bit safer."

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:06 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"A sound plan," Louie says, already growing anxious to get off the ship and onto land after looking closely at the wreck. Gods, what if they were not so lucky when they encountered those creatures? No, no, I'm sure they were fine and a storm just took them off course...


Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:27 pm
by ratwizard
"Yes, once we're settled," Zima agreed with Tofyr. "It will be good to have our feet on dry land once more."

Between the fires and the attacks, I am not sure I ever want to step foot on a boat again, she considers. Though we will need to, in order to return home.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 3:04 pm
by BartNL
"Fair enough. We should be able to find our way back here using the buoys." Ilmoto adds, confirming he is okay with not exploring the stranded vessel for now. This still worries me though. I have a feeling we are leaving our backs exposed this way.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 9:51 am
by Namelessjake
With the decision made to keep going, the fleet keeps following the buoys - now headed North East. It is only an hour before the bells sound once more as the crow's nest reports spotting a signs of a settlement nestled between some cliffs and the mouth of a large river.

The ships adjust their course slightly and it isn't long before you are able to spot the settlement from the deck too. From this distance you can make out both a ship and a large building about three stories tall - almost certainly making this Port Amardovis. The Sea Wolf is once again abuzz with excitement, however as you draw closer the excitement once again turns to worry and concern.

The ship, that from a distance appeared anchored just of the coast, is run around and heavily damaged like the Wanderer, and the building appears to be either unfinished or in ruins. There are signs of tents and supplies scattered around the beach and the immediate inland terrain, however from a mile or two away you can still see no signs of activity.

Eventually the trio of ships of the 2nd Fleet lays anchor about one thousand feet off the coast. From here the ship wreck is identifiable as that of the Spirit of Durduum, confirming that this is a settlement built by the men and women of the 1st Fleet. The fleet's leadership retire to the captain's quarters to plan the next moves, leaving many on the deck of the ship looking at the ruins before them in disbelief.

The deliberations are short however, and the Sea Wolf's crew begin preparing a long boat for launch as both Tofyr and Captain Pierna make their way over to your group.

"Finding Port Amardovis like this is unexpected," Tofyr begins. "We've decided the Explorer's Guild is the most equipped group in the fleet to deal with this situation, and I've volunteered you for our first expedition," he continues.

"You're to row ashore and investigate. Make sure the area is safe and see if you can find out what happened to the 1st Fleet. Perhaps they were forced to move to another location and left a trail for us," he says, you are unable to tell if his suggestion is one he believes to be a possibility or if it is just wishful thinking.

"The priority though is making sure the area is safe," the Captain chimes in. "We've can't keep people on the ships forever, so the sooner we can start unloading the better."

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:27 am
by ratwizard
Zima's jaw falls slack as she stares out over the ruined or incomplete state of Port Amardovis. "It's... it's quiet," she whispers. "There's nobody here."

She stays mostly silent while the leaders disappear into the captain's quarters, hardly speaking even to Caoimhe. I cannot believe we have come all this way, and they are gone.

When the directive is ordered, Zima stares at Tofyr, her face a mixture of horror and confusion. "Will the Order accompany us? Or... or any others from the Fleet? Despite our apparent prowess, we are but researchers and explorers," the seer protests. "What if there are more of these seafolk there? We have seen what mortal danger they can pose."

I do not like this, my love, she admits to Caoimhe.

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:30 pm
by Fialova
Caoimhe spends the hour excitedly gazing at the passing coast, leaning over the railing to get a better look as it passes them by. She tries to spot any life she can in the tree line, or flying past overhead. She watches the waters below them for signs of coral or sea mammals swimming alongside, while also keeping an eye out for more of the creatures that had accosted them. When the port is spotted, she is among the first to see, and rushes to the forecastle to take in the view. However, as it becomes clear that their voyage is not ending on a happy note, her excitement quickly dies.

Hearing Zima's quiet words of disbelief, Caoimhe tries her best to keep her spirits up for both of their sake. We were accosted by pirates at our camp on Kandoras, and the jungles were teeming with dangerous creatures. It is possible that they had to abandon this settlement for another, further inland, to avoid those creatures from the sea. She knows the alternative is that the first fleet perished while constructing the port, but she tries to put that thought out of her mind for the time being.

As the leaders return from their deliberations, Caoimhe listens to their decision with somber acceptance. We were first into the fray into the unknown's of Kandoras, it is no surprise they will send us into such dangers again. They are right, there is no one more experienced than us for this task. Though Zima was not there the first time, she was safe in their caverns. She has not had to endure these hardships before. She grips the woman's hand tightly, turning to her with the most reassuring look she can muster plastered across her face.

Enaid, we are the only ones who can do this. I will be sure to keep you safe, as always. And then, once the camp is cleared, we can have safety in numbers once more. Her smile wavers somewhat with the last psychic words to her beloved, as she struggles to hide her own worries. The first fleet was more prepared than we were for this. What could have happened to them, she thinks, her thoughts now her own again.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 1:26 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Louie's stomach drops as the near-abandoned basecamp comes into view, his worst fears realizing. He takes a step forward, feeling as though he's wading through knee-deep dread. No, no, this can't be. Why would it be abandoned? Maybe they found a more suitable foothold elsewhere?

He shakes his head, frowning as he can't look away from the bleak prospects on the horizon. "Surely there will be evidence of what happened ashore. We should keep an eye out after it's safe."


Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:12 pm
by BartNL
A camp on the shore. Unsafe, knowing what things dwell beneath these seas. Ilmoto thinks, his face looking sour.
And here's our second chance to explore a wreck, looks like I get to have it my way anyway. Ilmoto sighs, as he realises he got what he wanted.

"Just like old times, eh, Caoimhe." Ilmoto says to his friend, with a dour smirk as his mind drifts back to the horrors they faced together on the island of Kandoras.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 6:44 pm
by Fialova
Caoimhe can't help but to find Ilmoto's words somewhat reassuring. Even in the darkest times, he can find it in him to joke. I admire that. "Yes, it's quite similar, isn't it?" she asks the man, turning to face him once he speaks. "Let us hope that the end result is as good as that expedition was, something to keep our spirits up as we go," she continues, hoping that memory of their success on Kandoras would help to lift Zima's spirits some.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 10:14 am
by ratwizard
Zima listens to Caoimhe's thoughts to her, finding comfort in her lover's assurance. She manages a thin smile at Ilmoto's remark, understanding the similarities and experiences from the Explorer Guild's Kandoran expedition.

"It is true — this Guild suffered greatly, but the discoveries brought our peoples together, both Voreld and Kandoras." She nods, committing the thought to heart. "Perhaps there can be great things here, as well, in spite of the grim losses we have seen thus far. We owe it to our fallen friends and colleagues to try."

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:40 am
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin's mood was already soured upon seeing the wreckage and watched the coast with a deep sense of dread. His mood floated upwards slightly as the camp came into view in the distance, but sank quickly again as they got closer.
"We're to... to go first?" He said, and perhaps for the first time since leaving port did he sound truly unsure of himself. "And make sure... the coast is clear, right. Right. Sure, we can do that." He said, trying to force confidence back into his voice. 

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:17 am
by Namelessjake
"A couple of the knights will accompany you yes," Tofyr says in reply to Zima. "They are being fetched now," he adds. "We don't want to send too big of a party ashore though, if it is dangerous a small group should be able to avoid it more easily and get back to the ship unharmed."

The Sea Wolf's crew soon finish preparing the long boat for you, and after gathering any equipment left in your quarters you climb in and hold on as the crew lower the boat down into the water. The two knights assigned to join you are Ser Lyari who fought alongside you several days prior fending off the creatures from the sea, and Ser Karoz the young orcish member of the Order's contingent. With Ser Phelia Ortraud lost along with the Albatross it appears Ser Lyari has taken command of the other knights, although as a knight errant she is still young and inexperienced, only just out ranking the others and even then not holding a rank that would traditionally give her command.

The longboat begins to bob about in the swell as it reaches the water. The ropes are untied and pulled back up to the Sea Wolf and you push yourselves away from the larger vessel with oars. Over 20 ft long and build to hold many more than your current number, the longboat has six oars and should be able to quickly make it to the shore.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 5:27 pm
by ratwizard
Zima's worries are assuaged somewhat by the presence of the knights of the Order, even as junior as they are. She waits patiently while the crew prepares the longboat. As she climbs down onto its only deck, the seer peers back up at the Sea Wolf, admiring its sturdy frame that has thus far withstood both fire and fiend. A marvel, to be sure. My people will not believe of such a construction unless they could perceive it themselves. I'm not sure I would, either. She gives the vessel a soft smile, admiring the lupine figurehead on the mast. I will be back, she promises both it and herself. Beside it, the spirit forms of many other wolves sit proudly — a family, perhaps. The vision fades, and Zima takes an oar.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:02 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Louie takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself as his eyes keep lingering on the basecamp's tragic state ashore. Perhaps I should have stayed home. But then again, who knows what opportunities are to be had here? Maybe we can still succeed where others have failed. He gives the longboat a quick glance, his anxiety flaring up yet again. Let us hope those sea beasts prefer further from shore... Gods, gone are the days where my biggest worry is a sick duck. He steps into the boat, his sea legs keeping him sturdy after so long away from land. Taking a seat, he grabs an oar, gaze set upon the shore.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:55 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin took a deep breath, feeling a little emboldened at least by the idea that the knights would be accompanying them. After some time, he got into the longboat with the others and as if to try and calm the nerves of the others, though also mostly himself, he began to speak; "A long, long, time ago; under the stars that blanket the sky; once there was an elf. They held a blade strong and true, crafted with the finest metals. Some say it was a rather basic weapon, an early design of what would later become a more common weapon; but others say it was a rather ornate weapon, inlaid with a gem in the crossguard and had designs running up the length of the blade;" he began, taking a moment to recall. "Runes, filled with magical power, each corresponding to a word of power that when spoken aloud seemed to grant them power beyond imagination. It was said this warrior slew many beasts in their time, and though I don't entirely believe the tale, I like to think it is a pleasant thought. One of our ancestors had the power to protect their tribe from the fauna of this land." He looked up at the island ahead of them, holding his journal tightly. "I want to believe that both this elf and their sword existed, even if they never actually made it off the island. Though, as the tale goes, they did eventually make their way across to Voreld in the crossing, and their blade was lost to history." He said solemnly. "Much has changed since then, though. And I think we may have enough skill to at least give us a fighting chance against any who would attack us here." Taliesin paused briefly again after that, before speaking up again; "If the tales are to be believed, her name was Eilwyn." He said softly, tracing soft patterns into his journal with the tip of his finger.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 3:14 pm
by Fialova
Caoimhe is glad to see the knights joining them, having found them impressive in the fight against the great sea beast and its human-like minions. She gives them each a smile as they join the explorer's in the longboat, eager to reach shore and explore, even if she is also uneasy at the apparently abandoned state of the settlement. Whether they perished or fled, we will learn something from this place, and knowledge is always important to any adventure. Let us hope, whatever the reason, that we can offer the rest of the passengers a safe place to rest their heads on dry land.

As Taliesin begins to speak a tale of the elven homeland, Caoimhe turns to listen, becoming quite absorbed in the story. Once finished, she says, "that was a lovely tale, it would be fascinating to know what happened to her and her legendary blade. If only we had it with us now."

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:06 am
by ratwizard
Zima listens to Taliesin's tale, finding it to be a welcome distraction from her anxieties as they paddle. Whether such a story has been embellished or is rooted in crystal-clear truth matters not. After all, the legends my people told for thousands of years after being sealed away grew on their own, but that doesn't make them any less meaningful.

"Then I call upon mighty Eilwyn and her fabled blade," the seer says with a smile. "May we be inspired and emboldened by her courage and strength."

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 3:28 pm
by BartNL
"Some enchanted weapons have been around for ages on our continent. Such items could have survived all this time. And as the elves were able to craft ships that crossed the oceans all those years ago, it can be presumed they were able to craft magical blades. With a bit of luck, we may find one." Ilmoto says after Taliesin finishes his tale.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:43 am
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin nods, agreeing with their responses. "I believe I have a few more tales of her I can draw upon, but later." He says. "When we have a long enough moment that I can recall them all." He says softly, looking down at the water.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 11:55 am
by Namelessjake
With the island to your rear providing some shelter from the winds and waves of The Crossing, the rowing is relatively easy going - only requiring some greater effort as you enter the surf where the waves break against the shores of Quellam. About ten minutes after disembarking the Sea Wolf, you find yourselves as the first of your expedition to step foot on the continent. You pull the boat up onto the sand before taking a moment to survey your surroundings.

Port Amardovis is quiet, with no signs of activity anywhere. The only sounds are those of the jungle trees swaying in the wind and the crash of the waves as break some yards behind you. Occasionally the distant and unfamiliar trill of a bird unknown somewhere in the trees punctuates the otherwise uninterrupted sound of the surf.

The beach you find yourselves on, is small and sandy. It is scattered with several piles of crates and barrels. Some are still neatly stacked, with the containers appearing to be intact and sealed, while others are strewn about haphazardly or have been smashed open. Further along the beach to your left, you can see what appears to be another long boat like your own, although it appears heavily weathered and damaged.

Past the damaged longboat lies the end of the beach, where a large rocky cliff rises up out of the sand. At its base sits the Spirit of Durduum, dashed on the rocks beneath the cliff. She appears even more heavily damaged than the Wanderer, with large holes in the side of her hull. The water laps at her back half, where it has begun to rot the damaged timber.

Looking to the North lies the structure you saw from the Sea Wolf. It appears to have been a large building, maybe three of four stories tall, with a tower at its fore. Now somewhat closer, the building appears to be both in ruins and unfinished - its construction apparently abandoned and the structure then suffering further damage. A mixture of supplies, debris and camps surround the structure, although many of the tents which make up the camps appear to have collapsed themselves.

From where you are stood, there appears to be more signs of the first fleet's settlement further back before the treeline. The Jungle surrounds the settlement on all sides, and while its trees are a far cry from those the first elvish refugees used to build their boats, they are all at least twice the size your would expect on Voreld.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 12:29 pm
by ratwizard
Zima waits until a wave has receded before hopping down from the side of the longboat into the sands. Oh, land, she thinks, a great relief washing over her like sunlight emerging from an obscuring cloud. It is almost enough to distract her from the macabre thoughts that unravel as she peers about the site of Port Amardovis, clearly unfinished, unfulfilled.

The seer has a sudden urge to piece through the crates both broken and sealed, though the sense of danger in her gut convinces her otherwise. "Perhaps we should secure the area before we investigate further?" she suggests, turning to Caoimhe and the others for their input.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 12:55 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Louie feels a heaviness in the air stepping ashore, almost struggling to breathe as his first step onto dry land carries such dread. This should have been a moment of excitement, but I can't shake the uneasiness... His eyes scan the abandoned camp, taken by just how dilapidated it is up close. How long has it been like this? That the ship has already begun to rot. He nods to Zima, unsettled eyes dashing around. "Aye, that might be wise. And stay in groups."

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:44 am
by BartNL
"We should get the lay of the land, let's start with climbing a tree or the structure to get a better view." Ilmoto adds, looking at Caoimhe when he mentions climbing.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 5:47 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin walks forward into the destruction of the camp, surveying it with great sorrow. He steps towards the closest of the buildings and utters a soft prayer; "Ble bynnag y bydd dy lwybr yn arwain, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn dy arwain i lawenydd mawr. Gorffwyswch yn dda, ac yn hawdd." He says and spends another few moments of silent contemplation and prayer before returning to the others.

"I will scout as far up as the treeline if any would walk with me." He rests a hand on the sheath of his katana as he looks out towards said trees, scanning them for signs of movement. "I feel we'll be able to secure this place well enough in order to reclaim it for the expedition."

Elvish Translation
Elvish prayer: "Wherever thy path may lead, I hope it leads you to great joy. Rest well, and easy."

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 3:45 pm
by Fialova
Caoimhe finds herself torn between her fascination at the sights and sounds of the new land, and her desire to get to the bottom of whatever brought the port to its ruined state. Each piece of debris distracts her from the alien flora and fauna that surround them, while each new bird call once more pulls her attention to the skies above, hoping to spot one of the creatures enjoying its natural habitat. The words of the others helps her to ground herself, however, and when addressed she focus her attention on her companions.

"We are in an unknown land of unknown dangers, and our first expedition clearly was not able to hold its own well in this position. We should all stick together if we are going to investigate safely," she says, as the idea of splitting into groups is posed. "Perhaps we can search the perimeter together, then return to the camp itself to make sense of what occurred?" Climbing into that abandoned structure seems dangerous, but it might be the only way to truly know what is happening here. Let's hope it can still hold a person in its current state.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 1:32 pm
by ratwizard
"A perimeter, yes," Zima agrees. "Any high ground we may find can help us secure the area before we begin to investigate the ruins." She points towards the treeline away from the coast. "I believe we should start there."

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 1:14 pm
by Namelessjake
You head down the beach, reaching the tree line, before turning inland and following it deeper into the ruined settlement. From here, as the noise of the ocean becomes quieter, you can make out the sound of a river or stream somewhere in the trees. You soon pass by some of the other smaller ruins, more just piles of rubble and timber than a discernable structure, and several tents.

From here you can see that up ahead the tree line bends to the right before it eventually gives way to reveal part of the small river you had heard a few moments before. The river is crossed by a wooden bridge, next to which stands the remains of a wooden watch tower. The clearing opens up to the North as well, where you spot several piles of lumber and a number of tree stumps - presumably evidence of the First Fleet's resource gathering efforts.

Port Amardovis Map

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 6:51 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Catching sight of the river, Louie feels some semblance of normalcy returning as the sound somewhat soothes him. To hear the rushing river back home. I suppose everywhere has such constants. He can't shake a feeling however, and stares at the ground. "This seems like an ideal place for a camp. I can't imagine they've willingly abandon it." He glances around, looking for any logbook or papers left amongst the ruins.
Perception: [1d20+6]=1+6=7 ha no


Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:06 pm
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin walks with the others, loosely gripping the sheathe of his sword as the group walked. "I am also mildly confused. I wonder what happened." He says out loud. He gently scratched at his chin, looking around.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 1:54 pm
by Namelessjake
You have a glance at the small ruins closest to your position along the treeline, however you fail to spot anything of interest. From what you can see from the amount of rubble and the lack of other items, they were potentially not yet fully constructed and yet to be put into use by the First Fleet - having likely fallen to ruin do to their unfinished status.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 2:28 pm
by ratwizard
"With a defensible and well-supplied position as they had, I can't imagine they would have simply abandoned it for anything less than a death sentence... or worse," Zima reasons. She looks out upon the clear-cut field, the severed stumps sprawled out like a burial ground. A vision passes over her: a crew of lumberjacks laboring away at the ethereal trees, their axes rising and falling in rhythmic pattern as steel bites into live wood — a song of those dead or gone. And of their labors, little came, she considers, eyeing the ruined and half-built encampments with deep sadness.

"That watch tower would make a worthy vantage point," the seer says, pointing it out to Louie. "Do you think it is sturdy enough for you to climb? I can aid you should the footing be unsafe."

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 11:01 am
by BartNL
"There might be traces of magic. It would offer an unsatisfactory but easy explanation." Ilmoto says, while moving closer to the tower.[/quote]

Find a magic presence using Arcana: [1d20+12]=6+12=18

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 11:03 am
by FinalTemplar
Taliesin nods at Ilmoto, following him over toward the tower. "Here, let me help. I would like to know what happened here, too." He says, taking a deep breath before reaching out towards the tower's ruins, kneeling down, and putting his other hand firmly on the ground.

Arcana, aid another: [1d20+13]=1+13=14

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 11:10 am
by Namelessjake
Following Ilmoto and Taliesin, you head towards the wooden watch tower. As you draw near, you are better able to make an assessment of its state. While about half of the tower has collapsed, or perhaps been torn down judging by the splintered and broken planks, the other half remains standing and looks sturdy enough to still support at least one person's weight. However the portion of the structure still standing is not entirely intact, large trios of gashes are etched into the wood as if it has been clawed at by large talons.

With Taliesin's help you examine the tower for any clear signs of magic, however the tower's condition seems to be entirely due to mundane causes.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 12:47 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Louie frowns looking up at the structure, knowing the whole camp is in a dilapidated state. Who knows how much attention to structural soundness was added before it was abandoned? Hardly looks to be in good shape though. He offers Zima a weak shrug. "Maybe, but after all that time on a ship, keeping balance shouldn't be too hard." His eyes go wide as he sees the giant talon marks upon what remains. "If it's even safe to with whatever did that around..."
Perception to examine the talons further, size, how fresh they look: [1d20+6]=18+6=24

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 1:02 pm
by Namelessjake
You examine the scratches more closely. They are each a couple of inches wide and most are at least a foot long. The deeper layers of wood exposed by clawing is weathered nearly to the same degree as the rest of the wood, meaning these marks are far from fresh - potentially even months or years old.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 1:22 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Some slight relief washes over Louie when it becomes clear the markings are far from new, perhaps dating back to when it was constructed. "It hasn't been around for awhile, at least. I wonder if that's what drove our predecessors away." Giving Zima a nod, he attempts to ascend the remains of the watchtower.
Athletics: [1d20+5]=10+5=15
Acrobatics: [1d20+10]=5+10=15

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 1:54 pm
by Namelessjake
Louie begins his ascend of the roughly 60 ft tall structure. Climbing up the remains of its original ladder and the tower's structural supports, he makes good progress. About halfway up, one of the ladder's damaged rungs gives way, however the Andorian elf manages to keep his footing and manages the rest of the climb without incident.

Reaching the top of the ruined tower you pull yourself up on to the platform and catch your breath for a moment, taking in the view. To the North, the jungle-like forest stretches the 10 or so miles you can see, obscuring your view of anything that lies beneath. To the East you can just about make out the opposite bank of the wide river which appears similarly foliaged to your current surroundings.

Further still, to the North West, something else catches your eye, it takes you a second to believe what you are seeing, but the top of a large tree pokes up over the horizon. You estimate it to be about 20 miles away, which based on its size would make the tree about 1000 feet tall. While the other trees seem to be bigger than they would be on Voreld, this is the first that fits the legends told by your ancestors.

Taking your eyes from the colossal tree for a moment, you notice that on the other side of the platform, teetering close to the edge, is a wooden chest banded with iron.
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