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Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 10:08 am
by ratwizard
Valcus nods at the younger Brandt. It will be good to have a local mind on this, especially one with such a keen mind. I still don't fully trust him, though. Perhaps we corroborate his allegiance with Master Galben and the Princess this evening before we consider laying every scrap of intelligence on the table before him.

"Captain Brandt, it was a pleasure to meet you. I thank you for receiving us in the Burnhold. This may have been the warmest welcome we have received yet in Menora." He gives the man a smile, extending a hand toward the man. A jovial and sincere patriarch. Ser Hellenbert is lucky to have him.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 4:48 pm
by Namelessjake
"Indeed, thank you for your hospitality," Drake says, echoing Valcus' sentiments towards their host and new ally.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:12 am
by BartNL
"Please stay a little longer, Marcia should be done making something to eat by now. And I myself could use some nourishment." Hellenbert replies.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 7:50 am
by ratwizard
Valcus nods, hardly eager to eschew the hospitality of their new, apparent allies. "We shall, and thank you again."
Ready to eat, then move forward back to the Elmwood estate to go knock and ask for Dustin if he's still in the backyard.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:23 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Caelen gives a smile and nods. "Aye, thank you for the hospitality," he says, grateful for a homecooked meal after so much time on the road or at inns. Something about it just hits different.
Ditto to Rat


Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:24 pm
by Namelessjake
Drake offers up a smile by way of agreement. Hopefully the food isn't as burned as the tower, he thinks, unsure of what awaits them.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 12:08 am
by Fialova
As the last words leave your lips, you can see a figure approaching out of the corner of your eyes. Turning to face it, you see that the figure is Johanna make her way back to you after she'd left earlier. "Ah," she says, as she draws close, looking towards the man before you. "Hello Hans. Why are you here, and not at the Tower?" she asks, seeming confused to see him.

"Jo Jo! Why, I had break in my duties and thought I'd scout out the competition," the man says, as confidently as he'd said everything before. "And good I did! Look, the famed 'Talon of Tanon' in the flesh," he continues, arm outstretched towards you. 

"We've met," Johanna says tersely, a look of annoyance on her face as she turns towards you. "A word?" she asks, motioning with her head for you to follow her.

"Ah, so you seek his company for your own. Of course, I won't deny the coyote her prey. Good luck, both with her and in the ring," Hansel continues, looking towards you with a large grin as he waits to see what you will do.
Everyone Else
"Yes, yes, you mustn't leave without at least sampling some of our hospitality," the Elder Brandt responds, shaking Valcus' hand while using his other to motion towards the staircase. "I'd join you, but this conversation has given me a lot to think about, and a lot of letters I need to write. You go on ahead, though. Hellenbert can be your host, he's adequate at it," the man continues, offering his son a cheeky grin before turning and making his way towards the other side of the room, opening it to reveal his study within.

"A home cooked meal does sound nice," Daria says to the younger Brandt. "Thanks for arranging it," she continues, as you are led downstairs and towards the door off to the side of the main floor, leading into the wooden extension of the building you'd seen from outside. Passing through the threshold, you find yourself in a large room that serves as pantry, kitchen, and casual dining room. A small, simple table sits in the center of the room - much less ornate, and much more damaged than ones you'd seen earlier. Scorch marks dot its top and the benches that line either side, as well as various cutes, dents, and other blemishes. 

The far wall features a series of ovens, a large cauldron, and a series of food preparation tables. There you see a woman you'd not yet met working rapidly, moving about as she checks on both the oven and the cauldron. "Ah, you're here so soon," comes the kindly voice of the woman - Marcia - just as she is removing something from the oven. "Please, take a seat," she continues, not turning from her duties in the kitchen. "Food's done soon, apologies for the wait young lord."

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 8:58 am
by ratwizard
Valcus smiles as they are led into more casual of atmospheres, the kitchen of the Burnhold. He finds himself longing for the bakeries of Twinriver. The woodsmoke, fresh bread... It almost feels like home, here, squared away in this familiar fragment of an unfamiliar kingdom. The rumble in his stomach reminds him that there's no good in hunting for spies without a proper lunch.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 1:21 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Caelen follows behind the lords, smiling as they reach the cozy kitchen and dining room. He finds himself feeling more comfortable here compared to a lofty dining hall with a dozen seats. I hope it's something good. I'm starved. He takes a seat, watching Marcia cook with a hungered anticipation.


Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 4:56 pm
by Namelessjake
Drake smiles as they enter the cozy kitchen and dining area, never one to insult a host. This is more like a roadside inn than a noble holding, he thinks, unimpressed. Hopefully the food is good at least.

He takes a seat at the table, waiting to see what the Burnhold's kitchen offers.

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 12:19 am
by BartNL
"Thank you Marcia. Your cooking warms is always worth the wait." Hellenbert replies, showing lack of decorum and genuine fondness for the woman.
"Dear guests, this room, while unimpressive at first glance, is the true hearth of the Burnhold. It is here were we fuel our fire. Today I want to share that with you all" Hellenbert pulls out some bottles of wine and glasses for his guests, making sure it's not of Imardanian origin.

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 9:48 am
by ratwizard
Valcus nods patiently at their host. "A gracious sentiment," he replies. "In some ways, it reminds me of home."

"Just a little for me," he says, looking toward the glass as Ser Hellenbrandt fills it. I need a clear mind to navigate the trappings set before us. And we cannot win a war by sitting around a fire and drinking our way through it. Still, I would not deny him this show of hospitality, especially when he remains a capable ally in our endeavors. Let us eat, and drink, and be done with the formalities.

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 1:22 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Thank you," Caelen says politely, more eager to eat than engage in more formal pleasantries of nobility. Always so strange that nobles can't seem to have a meal without an elaborate toast. He ignores the wine, not caring for the taste. Maybe a servant here can have mine. They work hard too.


Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 5:22 pm
by Namelessjake
"Shall we drink to the future of Tulrisse?" Drake suggests, taking his glass of wine from Hellenbert. "Our meeting was another step towards ensuring it has one," he adds.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 7:57 am
by ratwizard
"Aye," Valcus agrees, raising a glass. "We may all come from different corners of the Heartlands, but only through unity in our struggle will we see our people and our home through this." He smiles softly, the memories of Twinriver lingering in his mind.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 3:36 pm
by BartNL
Our people it is now. hmm. Well surely Menora would stand to gain as the centre of Tulrissian excellence. Hellenbert thinks, smiling at his guests.
"A toast on Turlrisse!" Hellenbert replies in agreement, raising his cup.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:20 pm
by Fialova
All but Caedus
"To Tulrisse!" Ser Daria shouts, joining in with the others as they toast to their newfound alliance. After the toast is done, Marcia steps up to the table and sets a large, simple wooden plate with a loaf of bread in the center of where you're all seated. It radiates warmth, clearly the item that had just been removed from the oven.

"A lively lot, well hope you've got a big appetite too," she continues, offering a warm smile as she turns to head back towards the end of the room where her cauldron is bubbling. "Stew won't be much longer dears, just a few minutes longer and it'll be perfect."

Daria reaches for the bread to tear a piece of for herself, but as she touches it she finds it is quite hot, and she instinctively moves her hand back in pain. Her smile fades slightly, the young woman clearly eager to dig in.
Let me know how much RP you'd like to do here, or if you'd prefer to move past the meal and on your way back to your next destination.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:29 pm
by ratwizard
I'm good to go!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:04 pm
by Namelessjake

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:59 pm
by Scratcherclaw

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:18 pm
by BartNL
We can move forward.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:33 pm
by FinalTemplar
Caedus feels his heart drop at her words, knowing that he's in some trouble. He nods to Hans before turning to follow Johanna. After some distance, he spoke up; "Yes?" He asks, "I've been going around and getting to meet the competition like you asked."

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:07 pm
by Fialova
Ser Hansel merely shrugs as the two of you to speak in private, instead returning to a group of women who have been eyeing him ever since he walked over. 

"What?" Johanna asks, seemingly confused by your words. Seeing the look in her eyes, however, realization apparently washes over her and she shakes her head at you. "Oh, no, sorry. I wasn't annoyed with you, I just don't like speaking to him. He's... a lot. And since he's the princess' bodyguard, we cross paths much more often than I'd like." She places her hands on her hips and forces a smile, before speaking further. 

"But about that, any leads? Anyone suspicious stand out, or all just normal tourney-goers?" she asks, looking more calm now that she is away from the arrogant knight.
Everyone Else
The sun is high in the sky as you finish your meal and make your way out of Burnhold Estate. Hellenbert leads the group back down the way you came, passing the older, narrower streets of old and eventually reaching the newer portions of the city you've been accustomed to. When you finally arrive back at the main thoroughfare, you find that the afternoon is slowly approaching evening, with the sun getting ever closer the hill's peak in the sky. Where earlier you found it full of people making their way to the markets, you now find it busier with people returning from the lower levels to their homes. However, as one would expect, as you ascend to the higher elevations of the hill the crowd dwindles in size.

After a good amount of walking, you once more find yourselves turning down Limestone Boulevard as you make way for the Elmwood Estate. However, only a short ways down the street, you spot Dustin, Miriam, and Ser Emrys approaching from the other direction. They clearly spot you as well, with Dustin waving to greet you as he hastens his walk somewhat, stepping in front of the women he's with to get to you faster. Miriam and Emrys maintain their prior speed, walking close together while the elder sister holds her arm around the younger. 

"Ah, hey guys!" Dustin says, a mix of excitement and confusion clear in both his face and tone. "I thought you had more business, so we figured we'd head home while there's still light. Not sure if we'd get back in through the front door, but I can go ask Carl to let us in the garden gate if you wanted to head back for some more practice before the big day?"

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:36 pm
by FinalTemplar
Caedus visibly relaxes as she confirms that he wasn't under fire. "Sounds like something is going on in the Serran camp out near the gates, the elven woman I mentioned last night, the one who gave me the task, was there." He says, thinking back to the people he's met; "However, besides Hellenbert, most of the people I've met today were pleasant enough to speak to, by my count, and seemed to be focused on the event."

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:00 am
by Namelessjake
"Well that's awfully convenient," Drake says to the group as they spot the others up ahead, with Dustin in tow.

"Well met," he says, greeting the trio as they near. "No need for that, we were actually looking for you," he explains.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:24 pm
by ratwizard
Convenient indeed. Not another encounter with that Camden, praise Groddo.

"Greetings once more," Valcus adds. He approaches closer, lowering his voice. "Dustin, there was something about our investigation that we could sincerely use your aid with. Could we speak in private? Ser Emrys, and Miss Miriam, you are both welcome, though I'd be remiss If I kept you from retiring to your home."

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:22 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Caelen gives Dustin a wave, surprised at their luck for running into him so soon. "Good to see you again," he says with a smile. Hopefully he'll be able to help...

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:22 pm
by BartNL
"Well met again." Hellenbert greets his fellow Menorans with a polite bow and a smile.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:40 pm
by Fialova
"The... elven woman," Johanna repeats, racking her brain as she tries to recall who you mean. However, the realization is clear in her eyes as they go wide at the meantion of 'the task.' "The woman who asked you to 'take care of' Lill-" she begins, quickly catching her lack of formality before continuing, "I mean, the princess? Gods, what could she be doing in a refugee camp if she is one of Atherton's girls? Unless she is not actually one of his..." she continues, rambling mostly to herself, before turning back to you.

"What did she look like? Was she still dressed like a server from the Pinnacle, or in other garb? What was she doing? She seems dangerous, and I'm glad you brought her to my attention. I'll have to send someone to find and watch her."
Everyone Else
"Oh, me?" Dustin asks, seeming surprised by the news, but also flattered. He turns to his betrothed, whose face still shows signs of her earlier tears. Before he asks what he has planned, she shakes her head.

"I just want to go home," she says, her tone less demanding than before, instead sounding exhausted and somewhat dejected.

"I will escort her back, you may go with them on your own," Emrys responds, wrapping her arm around her sister as they continue on down the road. 

"Ok," Dustin responds, nodding to the two women before turning back to your group. "Where did you have in mind? You have lodgings in the city, yes? We could speak there."

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:43 pm
by Namelessjake
"Yes we're staying at the Golden Sunrise Inn," Drake confirms, giving Emrys and her sister a nod goodbye. Seems as good a place as any to have this conversation, he thinks.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:12 pm
by ratwizard
"Thank you," Valcus says to Miriam and Emrys. "We won't keep him long." He gives the former a gentle nod, turning back to Dustin.

"Aye, let us be on our way then."

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:26 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Caelen looks at Miriam with a frown for a moment. I hope she'll be okay. Even with how she was the other day, no one should be made to feel like this. He nods to the departing pair, and then to his companions. "Aye," he agrees, voice a touch weak.

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:18 am
by Fialova
Everyone but Caedus
Dustin smiles and nods as your inn is suggested, and your group makes the relatively short trek from where you are now to the place you'd began your day. Inside, you are greeted as usual by the inn's friendly staff, before making your way back to one of your bedrooms. Once inside, Dustin takes a seat at a desk chair and looks to each of you with concern.

"So, what did you need my help with? If it's within my power, I'd be happy to assist in your investigations."

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:31 pm
by ratwizard
Valcus ponders as they walk, the many players of Menora circling his mind as he tries to understand the larger picture. Once returning to the room, he sits at a small bench. "We are looking into Queen's council," he admits. "To understand what vulnerabilities might pose a risk to Menora, we need to understand the people who help rule it. Now, your father, as I understand it he serves as a minister for foreign affairs. Could you perhaps tell us more about him, what he's like, what he does for the Queen?"

"And remember, our goal here is to rule in — or out — any wrongdoing. I would not ask you to paint yourself and your family a target. Only to help us understand, so we might focus our investigation where it ought to be."

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:15 pm
by BartNL
The direct approach, this could backfire horribly.
"There's a complot, Dustin. Against our Queen and city. We're not saying your father is involved, but someone around him must be." Hellenbert adds, trying to soften the blow.

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 3:12 pm
by Namelessjake
Drake let's Valcus and Hellenbert do the talking, not wanting to lay the pressure on too hard.

Hopefully meeting me a few times hasn't lessened the effect my renown has on him, he thinks, hopeful he can leverage Dustin's admiration if necessary.

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:05 pm
by Scratcherclaw
Caelen watches Dustin's reaction carefully, anxious as to how he'll respond. I hope their words are enough to keep him from panicking... or turning on us. He trusts us though, right?


Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:01 pm
by FinalTemplar
Caedus pauses, trying to remember. Curses. I should have taken more time, I should have known she'd ask. He nods, "I'm sure, she seemed to be helping around the camp, unloading carts. I could only see her so well from a distance, but she definitely took notice of me- and no matter what stories are being spread around about me, not many would watch so intently from afar." He says, trying to recall if there was anything else.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:17 pm
by Fialova
"This is very strange, truly," Johanna says, before placing her thumb and finger over the bridge over he nose and pacing for a moment in front of you. She says nothing for a moment, though she mouths as if she is considering her options to herself. After she is done, she stops and turns to you again, a frown as her only expression.

"You think you could point her out? You may know her face, but I've yet to see this woman, and who knows how many elves are among that camp. If I take you back there, will you show her to me? That way I can place someone to watch her."
Everyone Else
"Right," Dustin responds, more weakly than he had been speaking before, or anytime since you've met him. "Truth be told, I was surprised you'd not asked more of him back at the estate earlier. I know he's a good man, and I very much doubt he is involved in this all, but I'd be appalled if my doubts were misplaced and I allowed this city to fall because of them." He takes a deep breath followed by a heavy exhale before speaking again, turning to face Caelen initially.

"As we mentioned last night - at the pinnacle - my father is indeed the queen's chief diplomat," he begin, now turning back towards the two foreign lords. "Menora has some modicum of diplomatic ties to a number of other smaller nearby realms, but those are really not the queen's primary concerns with diplomacy, at least as my father has told it. We've done business with - and warred with - the lords of Garland and Volberg in the past, had trade deals with the warden of Redbridge, and so on. But to hear him put it, her majesty is chiefly concerned with our relationship with Bal."

Turning now towards Hellenbert, he continues, "As I am sure you know, though the others might not, Bal is not only our closest neighbor, but also our most formidable. Their mages rival our own, and their knowledge of enchantment far surpasses ours. While the Tower and our city's walls are impressive and highly defensible, they pale in comparison to Bal's great line of defense: the mountain itself. A single point of weakness, a seemingly-endless supply of wealth, and scholars to rival any kingdom we know of. As my father puts it, they are the single greatest threat to our survival, and simultaneously our greatest potential ally. The queens of the past have all made it a point to stay in Bal's good graces, and Queen Millicent is no different."

Take a brief pause to catch his breath, and returning his attention to Valcus and Drake, Dustin speaks again. "To my knowledge, that has been my father's chief duty in his tenure as her majesty's advisor. I am sure he has had a hand in other, smaller dealings, but he is primarily an ambassador between our queendom and their kingdom, making numerous trips there over the years. I've visited with him on a few of them, and I have to say, their praises are no exaggeration. I have never seen a more magnificent, more awe-inspiring, more terrifying place than that subterranean city. I can see why all the queens of the past have feared angering them, and have sought peaceful, prosperous relations. I do not know if that helps. I pray to the gods that Bal is not in bed with these foreign invaders, because if they are, we might as well bend our knees in servitude now. I do not see a way we could fight them off on their own, let alone both them and Imardin."

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:50 pm
by FinalTemplar
He waits for her to respond and takes a second. He nods rapidly; "Yeah, I can point her out." He says.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 8:59 pm
by Namelessjake
Drake listens intently as Dustin speaks.

Change out the people and the place names and its the same all over Tulrisse, he thinks. Everyone is so concerned with what their neighbour is doing, who is probably more alike them than they realise, that they don't see the larger enemy, he thinks, the young noble's summary of Menoran foreign relations reminding him of his father's own attempts at diplomacy over the years with the realms bordering the Spear.

"There's no doubt the dwarves could present a threat, especially if they have sided with the Imardanians. Although we can't rule out that others may be wisphering in your father's ear, exagerating the threat they pose so that the eyes of the Tower are turned towards the mountains when they should be facing towards the coast," Drake says, hypothesising how the current status quo may be benefiting Imardin.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:18 am
by BartNL
"If the dwarves are the threat that they could be, it'd be in their interest to work with our other enemies too, yes." Hellenbert reasons. "Then again, we've had good relations with Bal for generations. And a good neighbour is valuable to the vaultdwellers too. The biggest risk and flaw I see in this explanation of yours, is that maintaining it apparently has caused the chief diplomat to not notice an invasion from another direction. Someone would have been responsible for informing you lord father about the petty neighbours of ours, and how Imardin has been invading from the coasts. Would you happen know who this person would be?" Hellenbert asks, his eyes glaring.

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:44 pm
by ratwizard
If a city like this can stand in fear of another, I can only imagine the wealth and power that Bal may hold, Valcus thinks, the scale of things making him feel uneasy. He listens quietly to first Dustin, and then the other men as they opine and question further.

Ser Hellenbert makes the same point I had considered. How can one tasked with knowledge of foreign statecraft be caught so unawares? The only true answers I can believe are incompetence, complicity, or being misled himself. But a man of his position — who would be more in touch than he? Only the Queen Herself, I should think.

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:17 pm
by Scratcherclaw
What would Bal have to gain from joining the northerners? If they're that strong, why would they need the help? Caelen's thoughts race as he listens to nobles consider Holworth's role in all of this.


Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 10:56 pm
by Fialova
"Lead on, then," Johanna responds, following as you retrace your recent path to the refugee encampment outside the city. As before, there is a large mass of people and it is difficult to truly pinpoint any one person among them, but you try your best. 

make a perception check

Everyone Else
"That..." Dustin begins, his brow furrowing at the inquiries of both Drake and Hellenbert. "That is a good question. When in his usual capacity, my father is the source of information himself, providing the Queen news from Bal while simultaneously keeping our dwarven allies abreast of any news from the surface. I guess I never thought to ask him where his intel for other regions come from. I'd guess advisors of his own? Likely mages of the tower, or perhaps even some among the city guard, anyone with their hand on the pulse of the city and incoming news. I doubt there is a dedicated single person, but - I'll be honest - I know much less of his dealings locally than of those abroad." The man sits with a hand now to his face, clearly racking his brain in search of a more solid answer to the question as he awaits any follow-up questions you may all have.

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:54 am
by ratwizard
"Perhaps he, too, is being misled. Though I suspect that a challenging endeavor, if he is truly commanding as wide a network as the Queen's foreign advisor might require."

Valcus scratches his beard, satisfied that Dustin has provided what he can, but dissatisfied they're hardly closer to any tangible answers.

"Very well, then. Thank you for all you've done — first with telling us about the Pinnacle, then introducing us to who you have, and giving us the lay of the land. Menora is lucky to have one like yourself. I can see that." He pauses. "Though there is one more concern. Your betrothed — she seemed so troubled, back at the Elmwood estate and once more upon the road. If I ask too private a question, please say so, but what might have upset her? Was it something that we may have unwittingly caused?"

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:45 pm
by Scratcherclaw
"Maybe Barschal gives him news on Imardin," Caelen considers as Dustin seems to be at a loss. "Whether she's involved or kept in the dark too." He looks to Valcus, eyes widening again in concern and empathy as he hears the lord's question. I hope it wasn't anything we did...


Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 3:21 pm
by FinalTemplar
Caedus tries to hide his minor annoyance as he leads Johanna back toward the camp. [color=#?]I want to help, I do, but gods I've already walked here today. I just walked back to the grounds when she found me![/color] He thinks to himself. However, as they approach the camp, he slows down and looks around, hoping to spot her again.
Perception to spot the elf: [1d20+8]=10+8=18.

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:40 pm
by Namelessjake
The web of suspects grows ever wider. This was less helpful than we'd hoped, Drake thinks, starting to feel like they are no closer to uncovering the conspiracy than when they first arrived in the city. We can only hope Rorin has been able to turn up something of use.

"Barschal seems like the best person to next set the gaze of our investigation on," the lord replies to Caelen.

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:05 pm
by Fialova
It takes some time of searching through the crowd but you eventually spot the elven woman again, and this time she does not yet seem to notice you. She is seated outside a tent, with some of the other refugees in the camp, listening to a conversation between an elderly man - one who looks to have some level of importance - and a small family of refugees. While she appears to be involved somehow in the exchange, you are unsure in what way.
Everyone Else
Dustin shakes his head as the conversation turns towards mention of Madam Barschal. "She and my father are not close, that I can say for certain. No, the madam is the queen's confidant directly, and, if anything, the other top advisors see one another as competitors for the queen's favor, not collaborators working in tandem. They keep up appearances with one another as is expected of them, but from what I have seen and heard, they generally seek to bring their council directly to her majesty rather than sharing it in advance to others, in hopes that their input will curry favor, grant them new responsibilities, and overall improve their station here in Menora. My father has told me as much many times in his lessons on diplomacy. 'The key to success is to keep your cards close to your chest,' to borrow one of his favorite phrases," the man says, offering a light chuckle at the last words.

His lightheartedness quickly disappears again, however, at Valcus' question of Miriam. "That was..." he begins, repositioning himself in his seat as he does. "That did not have anything to do with you, nor with the war either. At least not directly." He sighs and hangs his head back in his seat for a moment, before leaning forward and clasping his hands together in front of him. "I told Caelen some of this last night, but we are not betrothed due to any sense of love or attraction. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. We are betrothed as a punishment, though more on her end than mine. For me I was young and eligible, so my father agreed, not knowing the whole situation. Miriam, though," he continues, his eyes welling up somewhat as he recounts the words. 

"Well, she was the reason Robyn had a falling out with Master Elmwood. He did not approve of their growing romance, and sought to sever any hope of them being together. He convinced Miriam's father to arrange the betrothal with my own, and Robyn chose to leave rather than deal with her father's behavior any longer. Miriam has resented me ever since, and I can't blame her." He sighs again, his face now red from the emotional outburst. "I tried to tell her not to come today, but she chose to anyway. I can only imagine seeing Robyn's old bow shed is what set her off, but who's to say? We don't talk much. We mostly just try not to think about the future together at all," Dustin finishes, hanging his head low as a tear streams down his cheek.