The Complete Newbie’s Non-Rulebook Glossary
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:12 pm
This was originally written by Valenkosh of the WOTC forums, I am merely archiving it here due to that forum's deletion.
The Complete Newbie’s Non-Rulebook Glossary
How This Glossary Gets Assembled: Please post any definitions you think would helpful for members of the Character Optimization community to know. Also, please speak up if you have an alternate definition. I will update and organize the first post (or posts) of this thread as often as I can to keep the list up-to-date. As you may notice, some of the definitions below are directly lifted from different posts (in this and other threads). Blatant plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery. Thanks to everyone posting!
| = Vertical Bar (usually located above "Enter/Return" on a keyboard, used in build names to denote hybrid)
/ = Forward Slash (usually located with the question mark on a keyboard, used in build names to denote MC as well as Paragon Path and Epic Destiny)
COLORS = frequently used in bolded format in various char op handbooks to indicate a recommended scale of value for various features, feats, powers, items, etc.:
GOLD (most recommended);
SKY BLUE (2nd most);
DARK BLUE (3rd most);
BLACK (4th most);
PURPLE (5th most);
RED (least recommended)
AEDU = At-will, Encounter, Daily, Utility (usually used to indicate the sum of all of a character's powers)
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AIP = Arcane Implement Proficiency (feat)
AL = Average Level
AoE = Area of Effect (the area covered by a power, usually a burst or blast)
AoO = Attack of Opportunity (see OA)
AP = Action Point or Arcane Power (rulebook)
APL = Average Party Level
BA = Basic Attack (ranged or melee)
Bag of Rats = a metaphor used to describe taking a power that gives a benefit when you hit an enemy then using that power against creatures that are not a credible threat (such as a tiny rodent, or your ally) to get the benefit without risk.
Baladin = Paladin (class) emphasizing a balance between Strength and Charisma
Banish = to remove something from play, see RFP
BBEG = Big Bad Evil Guy (usually the toughest enemy in an encounter)
BG = Blackguard (class)
Blaster = a ranged implement build that values damage more than pure control
BM = Battlemind (class) or Bloodmage (a Wizard paragon path)
BraveLord = Warlord (class) with Bravura Presence (class feature)
BS = Bladesinger (class)
Buff = Make an ally more effective
CA = Combat Advantage (status effect)
Catch-22 = a situation in which an enemy faces a forced choice between two prohibitively negative outcomes - e.g. they take damage if they attack or if they do not attack (note: this is actually a "double bind" but "catch-22" is the CharOp lingo for such situations)
CB = Character Builder (online character generation tool available through DDI subscription)
Chaladin = Charisma Paladin (class) emphasizing Charisma
CharOp = Character Optimization
CO = Character Optimization
Conlock = Warlock (class) emphasizing Constitution
Control = determining, modifying, or denying the actions of enemies and/or allies
Convoker = Invoker (class) emphasizing Constitution
Crit-Fishing = trying to crit on anything less than a natural 20 on multiple attacks ("crit-fisher" = noun)
CS = Customer Service for WotC
DB = Dragonborn (race)
D-born = Dragonborn (race)
DC = Divine Challenge (Paladin class feature) or Difficulty Class (skill check requirement set by the DM)
Debuff = Make an enemy less effective
DDI = Dungeons & Dragons Insider (a current subscriber to WotC online content and CB)
DIS = Dual Implement Spellcaster (feat)
DMG = Dungeon Master's Guide (rulebook)
DP = Divine Power (rulebook)
DPE = Damage Per Encounter
DPR = Damage Per Round
DS = Divine Sanction (Paladin class feature) or Darksun (campaign setting rulebook)
Dumpstat = the ability score that is least important to a particular build
E-[Class] = Essentials version of a class, e.g. E-Cleric or E-Fighter (usually in juxtaposition to O-[Class], e.g. O-Cleric or O-Fighter meaning the original version of a class)
ED = Epic Destiny
Enable = allowing allies to do things they otherwise couldn't do (or would have a hard time doing)
EONT = End Of Next Turn
Essassin = Executioner Assassin (class), i.e. the Essentials version of Assassin, see also O-[class] and E-[class]
Feat Tax = any feat that all members of a class are obligated to take to function as expected (see Math Fix Feats)
Feylock = Warlock (class) with the Fey Pact (class feature)
FR = Forgotten Realms (campaign setting rulebook)
FRW - Fortitude, Reflex, Will (not very common, see NAD)
Friendly = usually an AoE that targets only enemies
Frostcheese = more critical way of referring to using a frost weapon/cold power with Wintertouched (feat) and Lasting Frost (feat) for permanent combat advantage and +5 damage, aka Permafrost
FWIW = For What It's Worth
Gish = a traditionally non-melee character that is built for melee actions
Healic = Cleric (class) specializing in healing
Hellock = Warlock (class) with Infernal Pact (class feature)
HTH = Hope That Helps (most common) or Hurl Through Hell (level 29 Warlock power)
IAoP = Iron Armbands of Power (magic item)
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
IMO/IMHO = In My Opinion / In My Humble Opinion
Imposer = Wizard (class) specializing in Orb of Imposition (class feature)
InspLord = Warlord (class) with Inspiring Presence (class feature)
Intvoker = Invoker (class) emphasizing Intelligence
KAM = Kulkor Arms Master (a Fighter paragon path)
Kicker = anything a power does other than damage, aka Rider (e.g. an extra effect based class feature, weapon, implement, or other conditions)
Kite = when a character uses flying powers to float above a combat (usually at a safer range than down on the ground)
Lazy-[Class] = Descriptor of any class that specializes in granting attacks to others without making attacks him/herself
LazyLord = Warlord (class) specializing in granting attacks to others without making attacks him/herself
'Lock = Warlock (class)
LSM = Low System Mastery (describes those who don't know the rules well, insist that they're right, and get belligerent when told why they're wrong)
MAD = Multiple Ability Dependency (when a character build relies on high numbers in three or more ability scores)
Malvoker = Invoker (class) with the Covenant of Malediction (class feature)
Math Fix Feats = collective name for feats that improve the overall numbers associated with attacks, defenses, etc. (see Feat Tax)
MBA = Melee Basic Attack
MC = Multiclass (see also "/" above)
MM = Monster Manual (rulebook) or Magic Missile (Wizard at-will attack)
MMO = Massively multiplayer online games
Mob = Mobile Object (anything a character targets in combat - usually an enemy)
Mook = Minion
MP = Martial Power (rulebook)
NAD = Non-AC Defense (i.e. Fortitude, Reflex, or Will - see FRW)
NADs = plural of NAD (see FRW)
Nerf = a change in a game mechanic or feature that reduces its power (frequently used by WotC and DMs)
Nerfbat = a metaphor for describing what WotC or DMs use to nerf a game mechanic or feature
Newbie = Someone new to D&D, the CharOp forum, or both
Noob = Variant of Newbie
Nova = Usually when a character unleashes an especially large amount of damage/powers/effects over one or two rounds. A round of unprecedented Wupp Ass. The turn you set your sights on that nasty adversary and pull out all the stops.
Nova, Daily = Nova that utilizes whatever means possible, including daily attack and daily utility powers
Nova, Encounter = Nova that utilizes AP's, a Set up Round, and Encounter/At Will powers
O-[Class] = Original version of a class, e.g. O-Cleric or O-Fighter (usually in juxtaposition to E-[class], e.g. E-Cleric or E-Fighter meaning the Essentials version of a class)
OA = Opportunity Attack (sometimes OAttack) or Opportunity Action (sometimes OAction)
OoE = Oath of Enmity (Avenger class feature)
OP = Original Poster or Original Post (the first post in a message thread) or Over Powered (as in something needing to be nerfed) or Optimization/Optimize (see CharOp & CO)
OPR = Once Per Round
OPT = Once Per Turn
Orbizard = Wizard (class) emphasizing the orb implement
Ossassin = Original Assassin (class), see also Essassin
OTOH = On The Other Hand
PEACH = Please Examine And Critique Honestly (usually accompanies the description of a build that needs feedback)
Permafrost = less critical way of referring to using a frost weapon/cold power with Wintertouched (feat) and Lasting Frost (feat) for permanent combat advantage and +5 damage, aka Frostcheese
Ping-Pong = forcefully moving an enemy in a (semi-)perpetual manner between two or more sources of damage
PHB = Player's Handbook (rulebook)
Poach = gaining a power from another class through multiclassing, Hybriding and/or feats
PP = Paragon Path or Power Point (less common)
Primary Stat/Score = the most important ability score for a character
Radiant Mafia = a radiant-damage-focussed party of characters with at least one Morninglord (paragon path) that inflicts vulnerable 10 radiant on all enemies
RAI = Rules as Intended (usually means what WotC supposedly meant with some particular RAW but the RAW may be ambiguous)
RAW = Rules as Written (usually means WotC rulebooks, magazines, and rules updates)
RBA = Ranged Basic Attack
RC = Rules Compendium (updated print version of all the rules - generally the most reliable reference for the basic rules of the game - not to be confused with the less reliable online DDI Compendium)
RecLord = Warlord (class) with Resourceful Presence (class feature)
RFP = Removed From Play, see Banish
Rider = anything a power does other than damage, aka Kicker (e.g. an extra effect based class feature, weapon, implement, or other conditions)
RoB = Rain of Blows (level 3 Fighter power, less common since its nerf)
RoS = Rain of Steel (level 5 Fighter power, less common)
SA = Sneak Attack (a Rogue class feature)
SAD = Single Ability Dependency (when a character build relies on a high number in only one ability score)
Secondary Stat/Score = the second most important ability score for a character
SM = Swordmage (class)
SoB = Storm of Blows (level 13 Fighter power) or Storm of Blades (level 13 Barbarian power) - neither use common
SONT = Start of Next Turn
Staffizard = Wizard (class) emphasizing the staff implement
Starlock = Warlock (class) with Star Pact (class feature)
Sticky = a quality of defenders when they keep enemies adjacent
Straladin = Paladin (class) emphasizing Strength
Stunlock = to keep an enemy stunned for multiple turns (traditionally while denying the enemy the chance to save against the stunned condition)
Stunlocker = a controller emphasizing stunlocking
TacLord = Warlord (class) with Tactical Presence (class feature)
TBH = To Be Honest
Team Monster = the collection of enemies in any given encounter
Tertiary Stat/Score = the third most important ability score for a character
TO = Theoretical Optimization (optimizing in ways that cannot see much actual game play because of limited or hyper-focussed rules finagling, juxtaposed with Practical Optimization)
Tomeizard = Wizard (class) emphasizing the tome implement
TS = Twin Strike (Ranger at-will attack)
Unfriendly = usually an AoE that targets indiscriminately allies and enemies
Vuln = Vulnerable
Wandizard = Wizard (class) emphasizing the wand implement
WotC = Wizards of the Coast
WrathVoker = Invoker (class) with Covenant of Wrath (class feature)
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
The Complete Newbie’s Non-Rulebook Glossary
- Purpose of This Glossary
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- This is NOT the D&D Forum Glossary
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- How to Use This Glossary
- [SHOW]
How This Glossary Gets Assembled: Please post any definitions you think would helpful for members of the Character Optimization community to know. Also, please speak up if you have an alternate definition. I will update and organize the first post (or posts) of this thread as often as I can to keep the list up-to-date. As you may notice, some of the definitions below are directly lifted from different posts (in this and other threads). Blatant plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery. Thanks to everyone posting!
| = Vertical Bar (usually located above "Enter/Return" on a keyboard, used in build names to denote hybrid)
/ = Forward Slash (usually located with the question mark on a keyboard, used in build names to denote MC as well as Paragon Path and Epic Destiny)
COLORS = frequently used in bolded format in various char op handbooks to indicate a recommended scale of value for various features, feats, powers, items, etc.:
GOLD (most recommended);
SKY BLUE (2nd most);
DARK BLUE (3rd most);
BLACK (4th most);
PURPLE (5th most);
RED (least recommended)
AEDU = At-will, Encounter, Daily, Utility (usually used to indicate the sum of all of a character's powers)
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AIP = Arcane Implement Proficiency (feat)
AL = Average Level
AoE = Area of Effect (the area covered by a power, usually a burst or blast)
AoO = Attack of Opportunity (see OA)
AP = Action Point or Arcane Power (rulebook)
APL = Average Party Level
BA = Basic Attack (ranged or melee)
Bag of Rats = a metaphor used to describe taking a power that gives a benefit when you hit an enemy then using that power against creatures that are not a credible threat (such as a tiny rodent, or your ally) to get the benefit without risk.
Baladin = Paladin (class) emphasizing a balance between Strength and Charisma
Banish = to remove something from play, see RFP
BBEG = Big Bad Evil Guy (usually the toughest enemy in an encounter)
BG = Blackguard (class)
Blaster = a ranged implement build that values damage more than pure control
BM = Battlemind (class) or Bloodmage (a Wizard paragon path)
BraveLord = Warlord (class) with Bravura Presence (class feature)
BS = Bladesinger (class)
Buff = Make an ally more effective
CA = Combat Advantage (status effect)
Catch-22 = a situation in which an enemy faces a forced choice between two prohibitively negative outcomes - e.g. they take damage if they attack or if they do not attack (note: this is actually a "double bind" but "catch-22" is the CharOp lingo for such situations)
CB = Character Builder (online character generation tool available through DDI subscription)
Chaladin = Charisma Paladin (class) emphasizing Charisma
CharOp = Character Optimization
CO = Character Optimization
Conlock = Warlock (class) emphasizing Constitution
Control = determining, modifying, or denying the actions of enemies and/or allies
Convoker = Invoker (class) emphasizing Constitution
Crit-Fishing = trying to crit on anything less than a natural 20 on multiple attacks ("crit-fisher" = noun)
CS = Customer Service for WotC
DB = Dragonborn (race)
D-born = Dragonborn (race)
DC = Divine Challenge (Paladin class feature) or Difficulty Class (skill check requirement set by the DM)
Debuff = Make an enemy less effective
DDI = Dungeons & Dragons Insider (a current subscriber to WotC online content and CB)
DIS = Dual Implement Spellcaster (feat)
DMG = Dungeon Master's Guide (rulebook)
DP = Divine Power (rulebook)
DPE = Damage Per Encounter
DPR = Damage Per Round
DS = Divine Sanction (Paladin class feature) or Darksun (campaign setting rulebook)
Dumpstat = the ability score that is least important to a particular build
E-[Class] = Essentials version of a class, e.g. E-Cleric or E-Fighter (usually in juxtaposition to O-[Class], e.g. O-Cleric or O-Fighter meaning the original version of a class)
ED = Epic Destiny
Enable = allowing allies to do things they otherwise couldn't do (or would have a hard time doing)
EONT = End Of Next Turn
Essassin = Executioner Assassin (class), i.e. the Essentials version of Assassin, see also O-[class] and E-[class]
Feat Tax = any feat that all members of a class are obligated to take to function as expected (see Math Fix Feats)
Feylock = Warlock (class) with the Fey Pact (class feature)
FR = Forgotten Realms (campaign setting rulebook)
FRW - Fortitude, Reflex, Will (not very common, see NAD)
Friendly = usually an AoE that targets only enemies
Frostcheese = more critical way of referring to using a frost weapon/cold power with Wintertouched (feat) and Lasting Frost (feat) for permanent combat advantage and +5 damage, aka Permafrost
FWIW = For What It's Worth
Gish = a traditionally non-melee character that is built for melee actions
Healic = Cleric (class) specializing in healing
Hellock = Warlock (class) with Infernal Pact (class feature)
HTH = Hope That Helps (most common) or Hurl Through Hell (level 29 Warlock power)
IAoP = Iron Armbands of Power (magic item)
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
IMO/IMHO = In My Opinion / In My Humble Opinion
Imposer = Wizard (class) specializing in Orb of Imposition (class feature)
InspLord = Warlord (class) with Inspiring Presence (class feature)
Intvoker = Invoker (class) emphasizing Intelligence
KAM = Kulkor Arms Master (a Fighter paragon path)
Kicker = anything a power does other than damage, aka Rider (e.g. an extra effect based class feature, weapon, implement, or other conditions)
Kite = when a character uses flying powers to float above a combat (usually at a safer range than down on the ground)
Lazy-[Class] = Descriptor of any class that specializes in granting attacks to others without making attacks him/herself
LazyLord = Warlord (class) specializing in granting attacks to others without making attacks him/herself
'Lock = Warlock (class)
LSM = Low System Mastery (describes those who don't know the rules well, insist that they're right, and get belligerent when told why they're wrong)
MAD = Multiple Ability Dependency (when a character build relies on high numbers in three or more ability scores)
Malvoker = Invoker (class) with the Covenant of Malediction (class feature)
Math Fix Feats = collective name for feats that improve the overall numbers associated with attacks, defenses, etc. (see Feat Tax)
MBA = Melee Basic Attack
MC = Multiclass (see also "/" above)
MM = Monster Manual (rulebook) or Magic Missile (Wizard at-will attack)
MMO = Massively multiplayer online games
Mob = Mobile Object (anything a character targets in combat - usually an enemy)
Mook = Minion
MP = Martial Power (rulebook)
NAD = Non-AC Defense (i.e. Fortitude, Reflex, or Will - see FRW)
NADs = plural of NAD (see FRW)
Nerf = a change in a game mechanic or feature that reduces its power (frequently used by WotC and DMs)
Nerfbat = a metaphor for describing what WotC or DMs use to nerf a game mechanic or feature
Newbie = Someone new to D&D, the CharOp forum, or both
Noob = Variant of Newbie
Nova = Usually when a character unleashes an especially large amount of damage/powers/effects over one or two rounds. A round of unprecedented Wupp Ass. The turn you set your sights on that nasty adversary and pull out all the stops.
Nova, Daily = Nova that utilizes whatever means possible, including daily attack and daily utility powers
Nova, Encounter = Nova that utilizes AP's, a Set up Round, and Encounter/At Will powers
O-[Class] = Original version of a class, e.g. O-Cleric or O-Fighter (usually in juxtaposition to E-[class], e.g. E-Cleric or E-Fighter meaning the Essentials version of a class)
OA = Opportunity Attack (sometimes OAttack) or Opportunity Action (sometimes OAction)
OoE = Oath of Enmity (Avenger class feature)
OP = Original Poster or Original Post (the first post in a message thread) or Over Powered (as in something needing to be nerfed) or Optimization/Optimize (see CharOp & CO)
OPR = Once Per Round
OPT = Once Per Turn
Orbizard = Wizard (class) emphasizing the orb implement
Ossassin = Original Assassin (class), see also Essassin
OTOH = On The Other Hand
PEACH = Please Examine And Critique Honestly (usually accompanies the description of a build that needs feedback)
Permafrost = less critical way of referring to using a frost weapon/cold power with Wintertouched (feat) and Lasting Frost (feat) for permanent combat advantage and +5 damage, aka Frostcheese
Ping-Pong = forcefully moving an enemy in a (semi-)perpetual manner between two or more sources of damage
PHB = Player's Handbook (rulebook)
Poach = gaining a power from another class through multiclassing, Hybriding and/or feats
PP = Paragon Path or Power Point (less common)
Primary Stat/Score = the most important ability score for a character
Radiant Mafia = a radiant-damage-focussed party of characters with at least one Morninglord (paragon path) that inflicts vulnerable 10 radiant on all enemies
RAI = Rules as Intended (usually means what WotC supposedly meant with some particular RAW but the RAW may be ambiguous)
RAW = Rules as Written (usually means WotC rulebooks, magazines, and rules updates)
RBA = Ranged Basic Attack
RC = Rules Compendium (updated print version of all the rules - generally the most reliable reference for the basic rules of the game - not to be confused with the less reliable online DDI Compendium)
RecLord = Warlord (class) with Resourceful Presence (class feature)
RFP = Removed From Play, see Banish
Rider = anything a power does other than damage, aka Kicker (e.g. an extra effect based class feature, weapon, implement, or other conditions)
RoB = Rain of Blows (level 3 Fighter power, less common since its nerf)
RoS = Rain of Steel (level 5 Fighter power, less common)
SA = Sneak Attack (a Rogue class feature)
SAD = Single Ability Dependency (when a character build relies on a high number in only one ability score)
Secondary Stat/Score = the second most important ability score for a character
SM = Swordmage (class)
SoB = Storm of Blows (level 13 Fighter power) or Storm of Blades (level 13 Barbarian power) - neither use common
SONT = Start of Next Turn
Staffizard = Wizard (class) emphasizing the staff implement
Starlock = Warlock (class) with Star Pact (class feature)
Sticky = a quality of defenders when they keep enemies adjacent
Straladin = Paladin (class) emphasizing Strength
Stunlock = to keep an enemy stunned for multiple turns (traditionally while denying the enemy the chance to save against the stunned condition)
Stunlocker = a controller emphasizing stunlocking
TacLord = Warlord (class) with Tactical Presence (class feature)
TBH = To Be Honest
Team Monster = the collection of enemies in any given encounter
Tertiary Stat/Score = the third most important ability score for a character
TO = Theoretical Optimization (optimizing in ways that cannot see much actual game play because of limited or hyper-focussed rules finagling, juxtaposed with Practical Optimization)
Tomeizard = Wizard (class) emphasizing the tome implement
TS = Twin Strike (Ranger at-will attack)
Unfriendly = usually an AoE that targets indiscriminately allies and enemies
Vuln = Vulnerable
Wandizard = Wizard (class) emphasizing the wand implement
WotC = Wizards of the Coast
WrathVoker = Invoker (class) with Covenant of Wrath (class feature)
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary