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New to the Project? -- Beginner FAQ and Guide

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:35 am
by ratwizard

Welcome to Ganoltir!

-- What is The Ganoltir Project?

In short, a multi-media world-building project. We are creating a historical fantasy world through D&D campaigns, wiki articles, creative writing, and cartography. The Project came to fruition initially in the form of a Minecraft server but has evolved mainly into lore discussions and playing D&D set within the setting.

-- I'm here for the D&D. How do I get started?

Making a forum account is the first step. You can join our discord group as well -- message me here (GROMkill) or on reddit (/u/GROMkill) for an invite link. We also have access to a modded 4th edition builder that has a wealth of content. We highly recommend using it, so let us know if you're interested. The next thing is to decide which campaign -- either new or in-progress -- you'd like to join. Get in touch with the DM through discord or the forum. Then, build your PC and post them using the rough template we have. Check out this guide for more information.

-- Wait, 4th edition?

Yep. 4th edition is widely known as the black sheep of the editions for how complicated and tactical the combat is. In face-to-face groups it can bog things down. However, in forum-based play-by-post roleplaying where things run slower and have much greater detail, the tactical nature is very rewarding.

-- Play-by-post? You guys don't use Roll20 for live play?

Playing live is definitely fun, but more or less restricts you to one campaign, as well as requires a set schedule. Playing over forums allows for much more detail with narration, character development, and roleplay in general. You can really get into it when you've got the freedom to think out how your character reacts, and then write it.

In addition, because posting in a game only takes a few minutes, we're able to run several campaigns at once. At the time of writing this, we have 4 campaigns running and 2 in the works to be ran. Previously we've had 6 campaigns running, with most of the players involved in each of them.

-- I want to know more about the setting and lore.

Great! We've prepared a primer for the setting that you can access here. That will give a brief overview of the general setting. In addition, the most updated version of the world map is here.

The most helpful resource in general is going to be our google drive that has documents for all of our lore so far. Send me a PM with a valid email address and I can add you to access it.

Alternatively, we've got a very new wiki that is slowly getting filled out. It is still very rough and only has a segments of content on it, but feel free to check out what we've got so far. Visit it here.