[quote="ChaosMage"]I ran across a post mentioning the Planeshaper's ability to use an encounter power twice per encounter and it occured to me that, even though many of the go-to enounter powers to abuse have been nerfed, there are a lot of great encounter powers that are worth using more often if possible. Therefore, I'm collecting ways to use encounter powers more than once in the same encounter. I'm sure I didn't find them all, so any additions that others have would be appreciated.
I'm not currently planning on further organizing these or using the traditional color ranking system, but if there's demand for it I'll do a more formal guide rather than just the list I have here.
- Torq of Power Preservation: Neck slot, 15+. Daily power to have a chance at regaining an encounter power; don't expend the daily if you fail to regain the encounter power.
- Power Jewel: Wonderous, 5. Daily to regain a level 1 or 3 encounter power; must have reached a milestone.
- Armor of Exploits: Any Armor, 3+. Can store a martial encounter power and the use it as an item daily power. Requires the use of an AP to us an encounter power. Standard action to use, so no reason to store minor or move action powers.
- Mage's Weapon: Heavy or Light blade, 2+. Item encounter power to expend an arcane encounter attack power to regain a martial encounter attack power.
- Battlemaster's Weapon: Any weapon, 14+. Item daily power to regain an encounter power.
- Shield of Speed and Evasion: Any shield, 4. Item daily power to regain an encounter power when hit by a critical against AC or Reflex. The power has to be lower level than the shield; the Compendium doesn't show a higher level version, but I suspect there should be 14th and 24th level versions.
- Cloak of Translocation: Neck slot, 14+. Daily item power to regain an encounter teleport power.
- Ring of the Radiant Storm: Ring, 17. Daily item power to regain a radiant or lightning encounter power if you miss at least one target.
- Orb of Invasive Fortune: Orb, 20+. Daily item power to stop an enemy from recharging a power and cause you to regain an encounter power.
- Ring of Action Renewal: Ring, 20. Daily item power to regain a missed encounter power if you've reached a milestone; can be used before a milestone to regain the next encounter power you use if you miss on it, but that seems like it'd be waste of the power most of the time.
- Ring of Wizardry: Ring, 21. Daily item power to regain an arcane utility encounter power before a milestone or an aracane attack encounter power after a milestone.
- Resurgance Tattoo: Tattoo, 27. Reagin an encounter attack power anytime a nonminion scores a critical hit on you.
- Opal Ring of Rememberance: Ring, 29. Daily item power to regain an arcane encounter utility power.
- Dauntless Champion's Ring: Ring, 30. Daily item power to regain a random encounter attack power if you've expended all your encounter attack powers.
- Ring of Spell Storing: Ring, 20. Store an arcane encounter power less than the level of the ring and use it as a daily item power. Must spend an AP to use. The attack uses the ring as an implement, so no goodies from other implements.
- Greater Ring of Spell Storing: Ring, 30. As Ring of Spell Storing.
- Ring of the Dragonborn Emperor: Ring, 15. Daily item power to use an encounter power when you become bloodied; if you've reached a milestone, you can either use an expended power or use an unexpended power without expending it.
- Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might: Divine Boon, 3+. Has a daily power that lets you use an arcane encounter power; level is limited by the level of the boon.
- Salve of Power: Wonderous Item, 10. Has a daily power that lets you spend a healing surge to regain an encounter power.
Paragon Paths
- Chameleon: Changeling. 11th level, can choose an ally's encounter attack power of 11th level or lower and use it as an encounter power. You should be able to use an encounter power you already have if an ally has it too, but this lacks the specific wording of Adroit Explorer so may not be legal.
- Adroit Explorer: Human. 11th level, can choose an encounter power of 7th level or lower from your class and use it as your paragon path power; this can be a power you already have. At 21st level it can be a power of 13th level or lower.
- Blood Mage: Wizard. 12th level, daily utility to spend a healing surge to regain an encounter power.
- Battlelord of Kord: Warlord. 12th level, daily utility to expend inspiring word to regain an encounter attack power.
- Long Night Scion: Warlock. 12th level, encounter utility to regain a cold warlock encounter attack power.
- Voice of Thunder: Bard. 12th level, daily utility to regain a thunder bard encounter attack power.
- Ardent Champion: Avenger. 20th level, daily to regain an encounter power on a hit.
- Swordsmaster: Fighter. 16th level, regain a fighter encounter power when you crit with a blade. 20th level, daily to regain a daily on a hit and an encounter if every attack misses.
- Student of the Seven: Bard, must be multiclassed. 11th level, regain an encounter power gained from a multiclass feat when you spend an AP.
- Soul Guide: Cleric. 11th level, can spend an AP to regain a radiant encounter power.
- Ancestral Incarnate: Deva. 11th level, when you spend an AP the extra action can be used on an expended encounter attack power of up to your level -4.
- Cannith Mastermaker: Mark of Making. 16th level, once per encounter expend a daily magic item use to regain an arcane encounter attack power.
- Spellscarred Savant: Spellscarred. 11th level, spend an AP to regain a spellscarred encounter power. 16th level, expend a spellscarred encounter power to let yourself or an ally regain an arcane encounter power.
- Astral Weapon: Paladin. 11th level, spend an AP to regain a paladin encounterpower.
- Sword Marshal: Warlord. 11th level, spend an AP to regain a warlord encounter power.
- Wizard of the Spiral Tower: Wizard, longsword. 11th level, spend an AP to regain a wizard encounter power.
- Student of Caiphon: Warlock. 20th level, daily to let yourself and every ally in 10 squares regain a power; this is an encounter power if you roll 1-5 on a d6 and a daily power otherwise.
- Academy Master: Any Arcane. 12th level, encounter power to regain an arcane encounter attack power when you miss every target. 20th level, daily power that lets you use a more powerful version of an arcane encounter attack power without expending the normal use of the power.
- Spellstorm Mage: Wizard. 11th level, once per day regain a power based on a wisdom check; may regain an ecounter utility, encounter attack, daily utility, or daily attack power, depending on the check result.
- Arkhosian Blademaster: Warlord. 16th level, regain the lowest level encounter attack power that you've expended when you use your second wind. Combos well with anything that lets you use your second wind as a minor or free action and anything that lets you use your second wind more than once per encounter.
Epic Destinies
- Planeshaper: 21st level, can choose an encounter power each day and use it twice per encounter.
- Demigod: 30th level, can regain an encounter attack power after using all encounter attack powers once per encounter.
- Chosen of X: 30th level, can regain an encounter attack power after using all encounter attack powers once per encounter.
- Archlich: 26th level, daily utility to regain an arcane fear or necrotic encounter or daily power. More likely to be used on a daily. 30th level, regain an arcane encounter attack power when an enemy within 5 squares is reduced to 0 hp.
- Archmage: 26th level, daily utility to regain any arcane power. More likely to be use on a daily.
- Deadly Trickster: 24th level, don't expend a power if you roll an 18 or higher on its first attack roll. 26th level, daily utility to regain all your daily and encounter powers (except this one).
- Legendary General: 26th level, daily utility to allow each party member to regain any power of level 25 or below that does not allow you to regain another power.
- Martial Archetype: 21st level, when you score a critical hit you regain a martial encounter attack power.
- Redeemed Drow: 24th level, can expend your Lolthtouched power to regain an encounter power.
- Sovereign Beast: 30th level, reduce a nonminion to 0 hp with a beast power to regain an encounter attack power.
- Godhunter: 30th level, once per day can turn attack from a higher level opponent into a miss and regain an encounter power.
- Arcane Sword: 21st level, regain a swordmage encounter attack power when you use an AP. 30th level, a swordmage encounter attack power becomes an at will power.
Non-PP/ED Powers
- Simulacrum: Artificer 29. The Simulacrum can use all of your artificer encounter powers and does not count towards your use of such powers.
- Warlord's Resurgence: Warlord 25. Allows an ally to reuse an encounter attack power and, if you've expended all of your encounter attack powers, recovers a warlord encounter attack power.
- Fighter's Resurgence: Fighter 25. Regain the use of a fighter encounter attack power if you've used all your encounter attack powers.
- Ranger's Resurgence: Ranger 25. Regain the use of a ranger encounter attack power if you've used all your encounter attack powers.
- Rogue's Resurgence: Rogue 25. Regain the use of a rogue encounter attack power if you've used all your encounter attack powers.
- Warlord's Recovery: Warlord 9. Allows an ally to reuse an encounter attack power and, if you've expended all of your encounter attack powers, recovers a warlord encounter attack power.
- Fighter's Recovery: Fighter 9. Regain the use of a fighter encounter attack power if you've used all your encounter attack powers.
- Ranger's Recovery: Ranger 9. Regain the use of a ranger encounter attack power if you've used all your encounter attack powers.
- Rogue's Recovery: Rogue 9. Regain the use of a rogue encounter attack power if you've used all your encounter attack powers.
- Renewl: Warden 22. Daily to regain the use of an encounter attack power.
- Reverent Mettle: Cleric 10. Something of a special case- it doesn't recharge other encounter powers, but is itself recharged by the use of Channel Divinity. Check the Channel Divinity section on ways to recharge CD and make the most of this power.
- Divine Mastery: Epic, divine class. Regain a divine encounter power when you spend an AP.
- Martial Mastery: Epic, martial class. Regain a martial encounter power when you spend an AP.
- Epic Resurgence: Epic. Regain an encounter power the first time you score a critical hit in an encounter. If a power targets multiple creatures, only the first attack roll counts.
- Sacrifice to Caiphon: Warlock, Con 13. If you miss all targets of a warlock encounter power you can damage yourself to regain it.
Racial Powers
This section is devoted to using racial powers more than once per encounter. While there are some ways to have more than one racial encounter power (drow and genasi, for instance), this is focused on being able to use the same power multiple times. Note that some of the generic methods listed above can be applied to racial powers; if a method recovers an "encounter power" rather than an "encounter attack power," it should be something you can apply to racial encounter powers as well.
Generic/Multiple Possibilities
- Steelsky Liberator: Human, dragonborn, genasi, half orc PP. 11th level, when you spend an AP regain the use of your racial encounter power.
- Ascendant Lineage: Paragon Feat, don't expend MoaTL if you fail the triggering roll.
- Inner Dragon: Fighter PP, 11th level, use Dragon Breath for free when you use an action point, even if it's already been used. Make sure to use your breath before the AP.
- Ninefold Master: Arcane PP, 11th level, use Dragon Breath for free when you use an action point, even if it's already been used.
- Ancient Soul: Heroic Feat (requires Dragon Magic Sorcerer), regain Dragon Breath if you take damage of the same type, assuming it gets through your resistance. Also makes Dragon Breath an Arcane Attack power, which can open up other methods of recharging.
- Spirt Breath: Paragon Feat (requires a primal class), regain Dragon Breath when you use a daily primal power with a keyword matching your Dragon Breath.
- Dragon Warrior: Epic Feat (requires con 17 and a martial class), regain Dragon Breath when you're first bloodied. Make sure to use your breath before you're bloodied.
- Draconic Restoration: Epic Feat, regain Dragon Breath when you use your second wind.
- Draconic Triumph: Epic Feat, regain Dragon Breath when you reduce a nonminion to 0 HP.
- Wyrmtouched Amulet: Neck slot, 19+. Daily item power to use your dragon breath as a reaction to being bloodied even if it's already been used.
- Curseborn: PP, 11th level, regain a Lolthtouched power when you spend an AP.
- Spiral Tactician: Tactical Warlord PP, regain Fey Step when you spend an AP.
- Feral Fey Step: Primal Feat, use Fey Step as an immediate reaction the first time you're bloodied in an encounter, even if you've already used it.
- Fey Charge: Replace charge movement with Fey Step; if you hit with the charge, don't expend Fey Step.
- Opportunistic Accuracy: Fighter Feat, when you miss with your reroll on an OA Elven Accuracy is not expended.
- Genasi Soul Armor: Leather, Hide, 4+. Daily Item Power that grants a specific manifestation's power; can be used a second time if you already have the power.
- Elemental Warrior: Epic Martial Feat, 1/encounter when you score a crit with a melee weapon, regain a genasi racial power.
- Fey Beguiler: PP, level 20 daily power regains Fade Away.
- Halfling Quickblade: Rogue PP, 11th level, spend an AP to regain Second Chance.
- Minotaur Horned Champion: Defender or Striker PP, 11th level, use Second Wind to regain Goring Charge.
- Opportunity Gore: Heroic Feat, use Goring Charge on OAs without expending it (even if it has been expended).
- Bloody Gore: Paragon Feat, regain Goring Charge when first bloodied in an encounter.
- Reaping Renewal: Epic Feat, can use Dark Reaping twice per encounter.
- Check your original race for ways to regain that power.
- Avernian Emissary Wrath: Assassin feat, use Infernal Wrath once per encounter when you miss your Shroud target, even if it's been expended.
- Lingering Wrath: Fighter Feat; not technically a reuse, but causes the effects of the power to last as long as you keep the target marked.
- Infernal Warrior: Epic Martial Feat, requires Cha 17, can use Infernal Wrath as a reaction to being crit, even if it's been expended.
Channel Divinity
This section is devoted to being able to use Channel Divinity more than once power encounter. The generic abilities above aren't sufficient here, since regaining a Channel Divinity power doesn't overried the general rule on only using one CD power per encounter; indeed, to use the same CD power more than once per encounter, you generally need a way both to regain your use of CD and a generic way of regaining encounter powers to regain the specific CD power you wish to reuse.
- Medic's Weapon, any weapon, 4+. Daily Power to gain an additional use of CD for the encounter.
- Crusader's Weapon, mace or hammer, 9+. Daily Power to gain an additional use of CD for the encounter.
- Symbol of Turning, holy symbol, 4+. Daily Power to use Turn Undead, even if you've used a CD power already.
- Rod of Divinity, rod, 3+. Daily Power to gain an additional use of CD for the encounter when you hit with a divine power using the rod.
- Octogram of the Sovereign Host, holy symbol, 3+. Daily Power to regain CD.
- Star of Corellon, holy symbol, 8+. Daily Power to gain an additional use of CD (or healing word) for the encounter.
- Champion's Hauberk, chain or scale, 13+. Encounter power to trade a use of healing word for and additional use of CD.
- Symbol of Divinity, holy symbol, 2+. Daily Power to gain an additional use of CD for the encounter when you hit with the symbol.
Paragon Paths
- Dervish of Dawn: Avenger. 16th level, if you become bloodied during an encounter you can use a second CD that encounter.
- Unveild Visage: Avenger. 11th level, when you spend an AP you gain an extra use of one of your CD powers this encounter. Should be sufficient to reuse the same CD power without a second method of regaining encounter powers.
- Astral Savant: Cleric. 16th level, regain the use of a CD power when you see an enemy score a crit. Should be sufficient to reuse the same CD power without a second method of regaining encounter powers.
- Soul Guide: Cleric. 11th level, can spend an AP to gain an extra use of CD.
- Sivis Truenamer: Mark of Scribing. 11th level, when you spend an AP you regain CD.
Epic Destinies
- Revered One: 24th level, can use each CD power once per encounter.
- Glorious Channeler: Epic. Can use CD twice per encounter, but you must use two different CD powers; even if you regain a CD power using one of the generic methods, this won't allow you to use that one twice.