Master of My Domain: A Warpriest Miniguide


Master of My Domain:
A Miniguide to Warpriests

Why Play A Warpriest?

Simple to build and play, but effective.

Unlike many leaders, you can still be effective even when you miss with several of your at will and encounter attacks.

You get to pick from a lot of support since clerics have been around for a long time.

Tough Frontline Leader with options for off defending, striking or control.

Why not play a Templar instead?

You get different class features and powers for each domain.  You have smite undead and a unique channel divinity power as well as a unique utility power based on your domain.  You get a starting feature like using your wisdom for int skill checks or damage resistance.  And at level 10 you get another feature, usually one that makes your divine encounter powers more powerful like a free teleport or making enemies automatically grant CA.

At level 4 all warpriests get the very good daily power Holy Cleansing and at 8 get a free daily ally Resurrection at the end of each extended rest.

You also automatically get a boost to your healing word at both level 1 and 5, usually doing something like letting the target shift or giving you temp hitpoints.  Potentially you will get another boost at level 16 if you go devout warpriest for your path, such as targets go invisibile or get a free basic attack.  Altogether this can make your healing word the best "healing word" type power out there.

Warpriests alone qualify for the potentially very effective devout warpriest paragon path.  That path boosts one of your at wills at 11 and gives your healing word yet another boost at 16.  It gives you divine resurgance as your level 11 encounter power, which recharges one of your warpriest encounter powers level 20 or lower and recharges you and an ally's second wind.  Each domain gets a unique level 12 utility and 20 daily as well.  Some of the builds that come from this have very good tricks.[/quote]



Hitpoints: 12+con (+5/lvl) 
Surges: 7+con mod (con is almost always your secondary stat)
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chain. heavy shield
Weapon/implement Proficiencies: Simple melee and ranged weapons, Holy Symbols.  Clerics are one of the few melee classes that can stick with a simple weapon like a mace, but depending on build you probably want to upgrade to a +3 proficiency weapon.  Most builds will stick with 1-H and shield.
Bonus:  +1 will and +1 Fortitude

Healing Word
This is a solid minor action healing power.  Each domain gets different tricks revolving around it as they level, which makes it one of the best healing options in the game.  You get a boost to it at  levels 1, 5 10, and if you go devout warpriest for your paragon path, then at 16.

Channel Divinity
Not as good as a lot of other divine classes since you are a bit more limited in what yours potentially does because you are usually tied to a specific domain.  All warpriests get smite undead, a good single target weapon power vs undead, and one channel divinity that comes with their domain at level 1.


Other Powers

Warpriests all get a utility power at level 1 based on their domain, but most of these don't do that much.  You also get Holy Clensing at level 4 and a free daily ally ressurection at level 8.  





Recommendations are post racial boost.

Strength You only need this for upgrading to scale and a few other feats.  If you keep track of weight you want this a 10+.  Otherwise 8-13 depending on feat needs.

Constitution This should be your second highest stat.  Some builds need it as high as 18 post racial.  16 is usually good enough however.  (Corellon and Oghma can pick a different secondary stat if they really want to because Corellon only has one feature that potentially uses con and Oghma doesn't have con riders, but can exploit dizzying mace which needs a high con)  16-18.

Dexterity Helps with reflex and some feat prereqs.  Helps initiative too, but you are probably going to want a wisdom for initiative feat at some point.  10-13

Intelligence Helps your skills and reflex.  Only reason to put points into it is if you get a racial boost anyways to boost your reflex or if you need it for a wierd build like a Correlon or Earth mc artificer build.  8-10 otherwise.

Wisdom Your main stat.  A few builds have mostly autoeffect powers, but you should be shooting for a post racial 18 most of the time.  18-20.

Charisma A few utilities and dailies have riders based on this and some might want a 13 for multiclassing warlock.  But this can be your dump stat too. 8-13.






Top tier

These either have wis/con or wis and something else really useful.


Deva:  Best Sun and Selune Race because of radiant recovery.  Wisdom bonus too.

Dwarf: Great feat support, second wind as minor and good stats.

Half-Elf: Dilletante!  And good stats.

Human: No secondary stat, but you get an extra feat and pick up another cleric at will like sacred
flame or sonnlinor's hammer.  Also good paragon path in adroit explorer.

Mul: About equal to the dwarf and you can get dwarf or human feats.

Svirfneblin: Good stats and racial features.  Only downside is small, which is not that good for warpriests, but not a big deal if you use a rapier or singing stick.  If you get mass marking somehow it has a very good racial feat that synergizes with that.

Wilden: Another wis/con race with decent racial powers.  Not much for feats.


Good Choices

These all at least have a wisdom bonus.  Getting a different secondary stat like dex or strength can still be useful for things like feat prereqs.





Elf: Wis bonus and the reroll and other racial features are nice.  One of the better Corellon races because you get a longbow if you want to go with a dex/wis bow build.

Drow: Wis bonus and good racial features.  Not a bad choice for Oghma or Death controllerish builds.

Goblin: Wis/dex.  Goblin Tactics is great.  Only downside is small, which is not that good for warpriests, but not a big deal if you use a rapier or singing stick. 

Hamadryad:  Good racial features and the power feyborn majesty is decent.  Not much else

Hengoyokai: Wisdom bonus, but the racial features are not that practical and no support.

Kalashtar: They have a decent racial path for sun domain with lightwalker.

Longtooth Shifter: Good racial power at least.  Not much else.

Razorclaw Shifter: Ok racial power.  Not much else.

Shadar Kai: A couple of good racial feats for warpriests

Thri Kreen: Overall a very solid race.  Fast and with some support.

Githzerai:  Good features and support with some good feats and ok path choices.

Shardmind:  Decent features and path support.

Goliath: Good racial features and some decent feats.  Unfortunately you probably want to stick with 1-H weapons.  But if you want to go with a build like a strom warpriest with a spear this is an ok choice.  Half-giant thug and goliath juggernaut are decent paths.

Minotaur: Ferocity (you will want melee training for sure) and the extra surge are nice, but goring charge just isn't that good and the paths are not that good.  A few good feats like bloodied ferocity and mythic senses and vigilant recovery is decent.

Decent Choices

These all at least have a con bonus and something else useful:






Dragonborn: Con gives you lots of racial synergy.  Plus some good paths (mithral arm, scion of arkhosia, adamant instructor, stormdragon, & inner dragon)  and plenty of great feats.

Halfling: Hard to get hit.  Some decent feats.  Better for templar though since they like two handed weapons.

Halforc: Good base features and some decent feats.

Hobgoblin: Very good racial features and decent support.  Benefits from using a shield.

Genasi: Good feat support. 

Kobold (DSH) Con/cha or dex boost and decent racial features.  No longer quite as shifty as they were, but even an encounter minor action group shift is a good addition for most clerics.  Small

Revenant: Lots of feats and you can poach from another race.

Satyr: I love the racial power and flavor.  Too bad not much for feats or paths.

Tiefling: A couple good paragon paths and tons of feats, though warpriests don't really do fire.  Domination domain works well with hellfire blood, as does hellfire arcanist.

Warforged: A couple good feats like warforged faith and warforged tactics.







Domain Differences

Here is a quick summary of the different domains:

Corellon: It is focused on having radiant and force powers you can use either ranged or melee so a thrown weapon is a good option and this is the only warpriest so far that is effective with only a ranged weapon.  It also has some good movement for both you and your allies and by default is probably the most mobile leader build out there.  Only has ok default powers otherwise.  The obvious optimization routes are focusing on radiant or cold damage and boosting the free teleports you get at level 10.  Out of all the warpriest builds it gets by far the least out of a high con so if you want to play a race without a con bonus like an elf you won't miss the lack of a con bonus.

Death: It is focused on automatic damage and is the only one that uses an implement for its at will and encounter powers.  It has good at wills, but several of its encounter powers are pretty bad even though they autohit and should be power swapped out for invoker, avenger, or similar powers as soon as possible and you should look at reserve manuever in paragon too.  If you swap out those powers it has some pretty good class features and devout warpriest features if you like autodamage and damage boosts.  It can be built into a solid front line psychic lock controller build.

Domination: A focus on pushing, proning and intimidation.  It has a lot of psychic and fear powers to expolit and if I wanted to do an off striker warpriest this would be my first choice.  Very good at wills with both a proning attack that can be used on a charge and a push attack that targets will, pushes, and lets an ally shift.  Fairly good encounter powers overall and a good devout warpriest features and powers.  It also is good at ally shifts and generates some temp hitpoints.

Earth: You can get a lot of damage resitance with this domain, especially if you go with the devout warpriest path, and it has a good bit of pushing and proning along with some AC boosting.  And you tend to target fortitude with weapon powers so you will normally be fairly accurate.  You get to slide with healing word starting at 5 which is useful and your enemies will be granting CA when you hit them with encounter powers starting at 10.  Its a bit boring, but will toughen up your party.

Oghma:  It starts out ok, but I think its the most effective overall of the warpriests once you get to mid paragon.  You focus on dazing and psychic powers so you can debuff very well.  You need to go devout warpriest, end of discussion.  It makes one of your at wills immobilize and your healing word grants basic attacks for free at level 16.  Obvious optimization route is to mc fighter for dizzying mace and maxing the number of healing words you get through gamblers word/unforgettable cudgel and supreme healer.  And throw in psychic lock at some point.  Only need con for dizzying mace, not for other riders.

Selune: Has a lot of defense boosting options and your attacks tend to do cold and radiant damage, which is a good combination.  Decent damage resistance and temp hitpoint generation.  About the only cleric build where you should do both cold and radiant optimization, although you will be doing less cold damage later on.  Devout warpriest gives you at will save granting so that is a good option if mark of healing is not available.

Storm: Starting out it is the most damage focused build and has good ally movement enabling.  Focus on thunder and lightning powers.  Simple and effective.  I would strongly consider mark of storm and flail expertise with a tripple headed flail or else get a spear for polearm momentum.  One of the few warpriest builds I would consider using a two handed weapon since I think the spear and polearm feats could be worth it with a greatspear.  Trident through a background or tratnyr with a feat could also work.

Sun:  The best healing/save granting warpriest build and probably the easiest to play as well.  Its powers do radiant damage and you should have more than enough save granting that you won't need mark of healing.  Its encounter powers get to be a bit repetetive and I would switch out one through reserve manuever or a power swap.  I would go with a radiant themed paragon path like morninglord or radiant servant instead of devout warpriest.  Obvious optimization route is to focus on radiant damage boosts and buffs that trigger off dealing radiant damage and boosting the effectiveness of the saves you grant.

Torm: These do a little bit of everything.  They have decent defensive at wills and healing word can teleport and shift allies and potentially grant saves.  Their encounter powers do everything from grant temp hit points, blind, prone, let allies spend surges, let you shift, and at level 27 grants every one in the party a free action charge or BA.   Probably the hardest warpriest to get bored with over time and they have probably the best leader encounter power in the game with valourous charge.  I would probably only take devout warpriest if you don't take mark of healing.






My Quick Ranking of The Domains

This can vary by what you do with it, but from top to bottom is a quick ranking.  You can make any of the builds into a good PC with enough work, but the more you need to work on wierd tricks and power swaps the lower the rank.  And having a good option in Devout Warpriest helps a lot,


Oghma: This depends on what tier you are at, but this is the domain with the most obvious potential once you hit paragon.  It has a good debuffing option with dizzying mace, the best enabling of any cleric starting at level 16, and is the best at knowledge skills from level 1.  Doesn't really need to do power swaps much either, though reserve manuever is good to take in paragon.

Pretty Good:

All three of these have good ally movement enabling for a cleric and have some good ways to boost party DPR.  They have fairly good devout warpriest options as well.  Storm probably wants to switch out an encounter power, but Domination and Torm don't really have to as much as other warpriests.

Domination: Best off striker potential and good at will powers powers.  Good devout warpriest options too.

Storm: Good mobility and damage boosting options and if you want to do a charge package the one I would go with.

Torm: Least need to switch out powers of any domain and a good variety of powers with a decent amount of movement enabling.


These three mainly suffer in being reactive instead of proactive compared to the others and you need to switch out at least one encounter power.

Selune: Decent defensive powers and options along with some CD radiant vulnerability starting at level one.  Lots of good stuff, but nothing jumps out as great.  Good devout warpriest option that is useful for when no mark of healing is an option.

Sun: By default its useful and good at wills and best default save granting of any leader build, but very repetetive powers and the Devout Warpriest option is not good.

Earth: Main thing it has going for it is very good defensive bonuses, a good devout warpriest option and weapon vs Fort powers.


These mainly suffer from multiple bad encounter powers and features that don't help with being a leader.

Death: You should power swap 2 out of 3 encounter powers.  Not a good start, but the rest of the build is salvagable through wise multiclassing since you have good at wills, devout warpriest features, and decent class features.  You have to work to save it, but can be an effective frontline psychic controller build if you do it right.

Corellon: Its unique at least in that you are very mobile for a leader, can attack at either range or melee with all your attacks, and the only one where you can truly dump con if you want to for some reason.  Some of the encounter powers stink, devout warpriest is not very good, and the at wills are not that great for a leader.  It feels the least leadery of all the builds and more of a stand alone PC, which I don't like.   Net builds, teleporting boosts, artificer/spell commander, and radiant tricks are about your only good choices, but its not possible to get all those going at once.







You start out with the mace as your best default choice.  It has good enchantments, but you will often want to upgrade to a +3 proficiency weapon like a tripple headed flail or bastard sword.  If you have a background that grants you a martial weapon proficiency, then rapier, longsword, or alhulak are all good choices depending on what feats your want.  Most warpriests will want to stick with a one handed weapon.  Singing stick works if you want to boost your accuracy and use a mace enchantment like unforgettable cudgel.  Some domains have specific build goals that limit what weapons or weapon groups are good for them and that is discussed in each domain build summary below.




Holy symbols are good for a free item slot, but most warpriests will only have implement daily powers.  There are a good number of weapliment choices out there for you, through items, multiclassing or a theme like elemental initiate.  Death domain is the only one with implement at will and encounter powers by default and they might look at pick up staffs through a multiclass feat since that is normally their best option.  Or maybe a ki focus.






The best background for a warpriest is often one that will give them a martial weapon proficiency, usually a rapier or athulak, though warhammer, trident, and longsword can also work depending on domain as does warpick for small warpriests.  Gritty Sargeant and Noble Bread for war are your two choices for that.  Otherwise go for one that boosts a skill you want or gives you perception as a class skill, or maybe endurance, or that gives you some other nice feature like a boost to initiative.  Con is usually your secondary stat so the backgrounds that let you swap that out for hitpoints are not that useful for you.







More than other classes you might want to consider themes with encounter power swaps.  Either for the sake of variety or because you have a bad one (or two).  Darksun has some, but besides the wilder most of them are not as good as the later ones like sohei or iron wolf warrior that give you a bunch of class features too.  Many warpriests will want to power swap out at least one encounter power and that is discussed by domain below.

Great Themes


Iron Wolf Warrior (D400) Good for charging off striker builds and death domain warpriests with a weapliment for the level 7 power swap.  Has good power swaps for storm domain warpriests and others as well since most of the other non-darksun ones don't get attack power swaps.

Elemental Initiate (HOEC) Ki Focus Proficiency!  That lets you use weapliments regardless of deity or weapon choice so you will want to consider it just for this.  But wait, there's more! You also get a free skill at level 5 and a +1 bonus to will.  And a solid reaction off striker power at level 1 and a very good level 2 encounter movement power swap.

Guardian (D399) For those trying to minor in defender or who want some more off turn attacking.  Good level 2 utility.  Good skill boosts too.

Ironwrought (HOEC) Roll twice for a melee attack as the encounter power with extra damage if both hit.  And DR while bloodied at 5.  Solid!

Kinght Hospitaler (d400) Shield of devotion power is a good immediate reaction power like reverent mettle.  You can use it twice per encounter at 10.  It also has good utilities.

Pack Outcast (NevWin) This is a solid path for melee builds with free CA and a good level 2 utility.

Ooze Master (D415) Mainly skyblue for death domain warpriests for its minor action implement attack.  But any warpriest with a weapliment can get use out of it and if you don't mind getting an implement or weapon that does acid damage then the level 10 CA feature is ok.

Reaver (BOVD) A solid theme for melee clerics.  A good buff for a melee weapon attack and useful level 2 movement utility.  Also some free temp hitpoints at level 10.

Sohei (D404) Very good minor action weapon power.  Plus good power subsititutions for warpriests and a good level 2 utility.  And good boosts to skills and some saves.

Tuanthan (HoF) Human or half elf.  Good level 2 utility and decent other features.


Good Themes




Devil's Pawn (NevWin) A party unfriendly autodamage close burst power.  Also gives you fire resitance later on.

Disgraced Noble (BOVD) The power Dirty Deed lets an ally make a basic attack against an adjacent enemy as an effect and since clerics don't get many of those so that is the main reason to take the path.  And you get a chance to prone.  The rest of the theme is just ok, with some charisma bonuses and a small bonus to allies saves.

Earth Forger (HOEC)  A good off defender theme.  Party unfriendly close burst power that gives you DR and some other decent features.

Gloamwrought Emmisary (D400) A decent free action weakening+shift power and some ok boost to skills.

Mercenary (D399) Good basic melee theme with no action prone power.

Neverwinter Noble (Nevwin) A decent off defender theme for humans.

Noble (D399) Get some enabling with the theme power.  Use the free item for a symbol of the holy nimbus (its common).  Decent utility powers.

Order Adept: (D399) This gives you a good level one minion clearing power.  And you can swap out for wizard utilities, like shield.  And a bonus to will.

Outlaw (D399) I can see dizzying mace builds taking this for the free action daze power. 

Ordained Priest: (D399) Pick between two good first level powers: a good defensive melee weapon power or a close blast radiant power.  Also religion and insight with bonus to your allies saves.  The encounter attacks also count as a divine encounter radiant power, so it will trigger the level 10 feature of a few domains (sun, corellon, selune, and torm). This is the only theme so far that will do that for any domain besides Torm and the other potential Torm ones are not worth taking for warpriests otherwise.
Primordial Adept (HOEC) A good implement controllerish theme.  Either a cold blast power (with push and vuln cold) or a area fire power (with prone difficult terrain), both party unfriendly.  The kicker is that at level 10 you either get a +2 power bonus to cold and lightning or fire and thunder damage.  For someone who has a lot of correllon or storm domain type powers that could be useful. 

Seer Good tactical feature and bonuses to useful skills

Sensate This is only a good choice for those domains that are not already granting temp hitpoints since the overwhelmeing reason to take this theme is that it gives you temp hitpoints when you use an encounter or daily attack power.  So Death and Sun don't want this and neither does Storm once you hit level 10.  But the other domains can get a lot out of this and its particular good for earth domain who are already very tough to hurt.  Also gives you a nice boost to skills at level 10, but no free power and the utilties are only ok for a cleric.  

Sidhe Lord (HoFey) Only reason to take this is the wierd level 2 action point utilty.  It will give you good enabling most encounters.

Son of Alagonder (D403) Good melee weapon theme. Dazing free action power and you help allies flank better.  Also free temp hitpoints when bloodied.

Spellscared Harbinger (Nevwin) Good extra movement or utitliy powers.

Wilder (Darksun) The only darksun one I am including.  I would only use for a death domain that wanted to do the powerswap at level 7.  Its psychic damage theme with a good bit of damage and debuffing.

Wizards Apprentice (D399) You will need a weapliment or holy symbol, but it has a good dazing power and gives you a free common item.  The level 6 movement utility is decent.  I mainly include this since Oghma and Death domain builds might like the encounter power.

Ok Themes




Cipher (D414) This is mainly helpful to get you into position at the start of combat.  Most warpriests are not that mobile and this helps with that.  Otherwise not that much and no starting power. 

Firecrafter (HOEC) The powers don't scale well, but are an ok powerswap choice for warpriests who want some variety and if I wasn't playing a warpriest like that I would not consider it.  The basic encounter power is party unfriendly aura, but gives you a free minor action shift 3 at level 1.  Something like Lesser Roaring Flames works for a death domain warpriest for a level 7 swap.

Seeker of Illifan (D403) Lets you reroll a 1 and you can't be surprised at level 10.







How to Master Your Domain:
Sun, Storm, Earth, Death, Domination





You are a save granting/radiant damage machine.  You and your allies get a bonus to death saves.  You get soothing light as your CD power, which is a bit repetetive with your other powers, but a good save granting power.  Your healing word heals a little more than others at first and this goes up as you level, at 5 it grants temp hitpoints keyed to con mod, and with devout warpriest it ups that to 5+con mod at 16.   Your utility means you don't need to ever buy a torch.  At level 10 you automatically have CA with your divine radiant encounter powers.  Keep that in mind for invoker and avenger power swaps, even though warlock is my preferred MC option for this build.

All of your at will and encounter powers except for the level 7 series searing brand ones have effects that go off on a miss.  Blessing of battle does untyped damage, but gives an ally DR equal to your con mod.  Brand of the sun does radiant and gives out a save to you or an ally, with a bonus if you go devout warpriest.

Build Tricks
Radiant damage optimization.  That usually means going for a path like morninglord or radiant servant instaed of devout warpriest.  And taking feats like solar enemy, punishing radiance, radiant advantage, and font of radiance.

I like deva for this since radiant recovery means you can consistently take a beating since you get temp hitpoints when you do radiant damage.  That takes two feats with deva heritage if you are not a deva.

Warlock is my preferred MC choice because I love starfire womb and the extra saves it gives you and would take dire radiance so you have a minor ranged radiant threat.  If you have starfire womb, superior will is less needed.

Don't invest too much in healing, but I would invest in items and feats that make my granted saves more potent.  You can also skip mark of healing.  The one time I played an epic tier one of these (see here) it was constantly handing out saves with a massive bonus to a bunch of common conditions.

Recommended Level Swaps
When I played one of these in Epic, I found that the sun burst power level 1 series is repetetive with everything else you can do (save/temp hit points/radiant damage) and wished I had swapped it out.  It does a little more than your at wills, but not much more.  Switching it out for a battlemind or avenger weapon power would not be a bad idea or with an invoker blast or warlock immediate power if you have a weapliment.  Generally I would go cleric with reserve manuever since there are so many good radiant damage options and that also means I get CA, but that is not essential. 

The level 3 resurgent sun series of powers are worth swapping out if you think you have enough healing already, but I would not switch those out until paragon.





You have a good focus on damage and ally movement.  You start out with lightning and thunder resistance and your channel divinity power gives an ally a little extra lightning damage with their next melee weapon attack.  A decent power if you have an ally with a close weapon power, but otherwise its not much by itself though it stacks with your other similar abilities.  You can also create water.  Your healing word gives allies a power bonus to their next damage roll at level 1, at 5 it does thunder damage to an enemy adjacent to the target keyed to your con mod, and at 16slides you or an ally your con mod if you went devout warpriest.  At 10 when you use a divine thunder encounter attack power you get temp hit points keyed to your con mod.

You have two decent at wills: blessing of wrath gives an ally a bonus to his next damage roll vs the target keyed to your con mod as an effect.  Storm hammer targets fort, can be used on a charge and does thunder/lightning damage and also pushes 2 if you go devout warpriest.

Build Tricks
Mark of storm is a an obvious one.  That lets storm hammer push 2/slide 1 in paragon and you can add to that with things like bludgeon expertise/spear push and rushing cleats.  Your weapon choice is important.  You can go flail for flail expertise with tripple headed flail or spiked chain, which lets storm hammer prone in paragon with mark of storm.  Or you can go polearm/spear for polearm momentum if you mc fighter.  Polearm gamble wouldn't be a bad choice either then.  In that case great spear or tratnyr are good choices if you want to spend a feat and halberd/glaive/trident if you want to use a background.  Several of your powers prone already if you want to stick with bludgeon expertise to just get a good push, then mace (no feat), warhemmer (background), or craghammer (feat) all work.  More than most other warpriest you can afford to not use a shield and then go polearm with a charge package and hafted defense.

There is a lot of lightning/thunder support in feats and items.  The big feats to look at: Mark of Storm, Storm Sacrifice, Thunder's Rumble, Resounding Thunder (depending on paragon path and power swap choices), and Oncoming Storm.  Lightning Arc is ok too, but you won't have room for it probably.

Recommended Level Swaps
The thundering steel set of powers is ok, with the level 27 one the only one that does something besides damage.  They do decent damage and boost an allies damage a little.  I would consider swapping with battlemind for lightning rush or for an invoker thunder power or maybe the avenger's peal of thunder once you hit paragon.

The other powers you get (hammering wind and wrathful lightning) are very good and I would keep them.





You focus on party damage resistance and defense.  You and your allies get bonus to saves vs ongoing damage.  Your channel divinity grants scaling DR and your utility power gives you a perception check with a bonus to find hidden things.  Your healing word halves the damage the target takes the next round, can be slid your con mod at level 5, and at 16 you and your nearby allies get DR keyed to your con mod.  At 10 your divine melee attack powers that target fort cause hit enemies to grant CA (no other wisdom cleric powers count as this, but a small number of avenger ones do).

Your at wills are good.  Burden of earth pushes and as an effect you or the next ally to attack the target gets a +1 to hit.  Earth's endurance as an effect gives you or an ally a +2 bonus to ac and fort and with devout warpriest it gives it to you and an ally.

Build Tricks
I would go with mark of warding since it increases the benefits of Earth's Endurance and your similiar powers.  I would go for offense buffing utilties and dailies since you won't need much more defense.  Although you could also go overboard and load up on weakening type powers, but that would slow combat even more which is a bit tedious for most players.

With a spear/polearm this gives you similar choices to what you get with storm warpriest mentioned above.  Polearm momentum/spear push with rushing cleats for at will push and prone vs bludgeon and bludgeon expertise with just a long push.  The big reason to not go polearm momentum is that a lot of your powers already prone and if you have a slowing or immobilizing ally you can take world serpents grasp instaed.  Powers like granite shield can get up to a 5-7 push with little investment, which can be useful.  Most monsters have a speed of 6 or more, but combined with a controller who is slowing or immobilizing that can take a lot of melee focused creatures out of melee for a round.  So I would be tempted to stick with a mace or maybe upgrade to a singing stick or craghammer if you go with bludgeon expertise.

Another option is to make int your secondary stat and go artificer for Arcane Armorer for your paragon path.  This is good for something like a deva, hamadryad, or shardmind warpriest if you are starting at 16+.  That lets you add your wis mod to any resistance you hand out at level 16.  You don't lose that much for not investing heavily in con if you are not going to go devout warpriest: a few of your powers will do less damage, you won't have inherntly good DR with blessing of battle (why I don't like this if starting much below level 16 unless you can retrain your stats then), and you won't slide enemies as far with healing word.  There is normally not much payoff for going that route until level 16 other than that artificer has some good power swaps and you will be good at knowledge skills.  You don't get DR with your Healing Word this way, but your other resists from stone's resolve, obsidion shield, and blessing of battle will be much higher, along with moment of glory, ramparts of light and any other resist power you have (hello Shocking Feedback!).  Energy conversion is also a potential utility power switch.

Recommended Level Swaps
I don't like the level 7 series Blessing of Dest that much.  Its not terrible, but at level 7 all it does is automatically prone with some damage if you hit.  Avenger is good since the level 23 powers avenging strike and vengeful apparition fulfill the level 10 requirement of automatic CA while being better powers than Earthen Chains.  I like the Earthen Hail level 1 and Granite Shield level 3 series, although they are a bit repetative with what you can do with your healing word and at wills.





Your CD feature gives out temp hitpoints to either you or an ally that is bloodied.   You gain resist 5 necrotic and using healing word gives you temp hitpoints.  You can also learn which enemies have lower HP than your bloodied value using your utility power eye of the vulture which is useful to know where to allocate damage.  At level 5 you can use healing word as a reaction to an ally dropping below 0.  At level 10 you do autodamage keyed to your con mod as a free action to an adjacent bloodied enemy at the start of your turn. 

Unlike other warpriests, your default attacks are all implement attacks.  Your at wills are good debuffers.  Death's shadow gives them an automatic -2 to defenses vs the next attack and does cold and necrotic damage.  If you go devout warpriest you also get a +2 to your next attack against them.  Tenebrous blessing reduces their next rounds damage keyed to your con mod automatically while doing psychic damage

All in all a solid debuffing package for a build that unfortunately has some clunker encounter powers.

Build Tricks
I highly recommend going for mc invoker.  Mc druid also works, but with less feat support.  Why?  Because you need to power swap.  Those both give you access to staff implements as well if you want that.  Otherwise you can stick with a holy symbol and put something like a mace of healing or weapon of shared wrath in your weapon hand.  Holy symbol expertise and staff expertise are both good feats.

Adding psychic lock is always a plus since you will probably have several powers that do psychic damage.  You will probably have the least need to upgrade to a weapon and will have a weak OA unless you go for a weapliment.  I think your goal for the build should be as a solid frontline debuffer potentially with lots of autoeffect damage powers.

There are a few ways to add necrotic vulnerability through things like the consumable dark clover, but overall necrotic is not that well supported and its one of the most resisted damag types.  Some items like a stone of shadow would be good to add as well, since it will let you reroll a miss.  Breaching guantlets are not a bad idea either, though they won't reduce resistance to your level 10 damage feature.

Recommended Level Swaps
The level 1 Inevitable Doom series of powers is a must for power swaps.  Autobonus damage if an ally attacks the target.  Its DPR (9) is not much more than if you attack it with an at will and there are no other effects for the level 1 version.  The higher level ones do a little more, but there are a lot better powers you can get from reserve manuever or from another class the druid or invoker.

The level 3 Death Shadow series are great so keep them.  Close burst immediate reaction with psychic damage and a good buff effect!

The level 7 Raven's Talon series are not as bad as the level 1 if you combine them with eye of the vulture.  But you can get something better, especially at higher levels.  I would swap them out with reserve manuever for something like brilliant idea or sever the source.






Your base feature is free intimidate training and your utility power Inspire Dread gives you a boost to intimidate once per encounter.  Your channel divinity Cruel Inspiration is good, a minor action save with a +5 bonus, but it deals psychic damage to your ally.  The target of your healing word gets temp hitpoints, at level 5 gets to stand up or shift, and an enemy in the burst grants CA if you go devout warpriest.  At level 10 when you drop or bloody a non minion with a divine fear power you can push nearby enemies 3 squares, so this works with your at wills, but not all your encounter powers which is a bit different than other warpriests.

You have 2 very good at wills that both have fear and shadow keywords.  Fell strike is a proning at will you can use on a charge.  Icon of Fear targets will, pushes 1, and lets an ally shift next to the target.  And if you go devout warpriest enemies take con mod psychic damage if they end their turn next to you.  Arguably the best overall cleric wisdom/weapon at will.

With your encounter powers potentially granting you extra attacks and other tricks mentioned below you have the best off striker potential of any warpriest.  A solid package of fear, proning, and punishment.  And next to Torm you have the least need to powerswap your encounter powers.

Build Tricks
Probably more than any other warpriest you can pull off being an off striker.  Devout warpriest is a good option for your paragon path.  I would probably go with a striker style theme like sohei or elemental initiate.

For weapons I see two main options.  If going with a hammer or mace you can pick up bludgeon expertise to push a little more with your pushing powers.  Or you can go flail/bastard sword/rapier with light blade expertise or devout protector expertise.  Bastard sword or longsword with a background is an option if you can qualify for heavy blade opportunist and blade opportunist, otherwise you will want melee training early or to get an MBA through being human or halfelf. 

You will want a decent OA at some point because a few of your powers provoke.  Banes tactics lets you use an at will for an OA once an encounter if you can't get Heavy blade opportunist and bane is the theme of the article so its a nice fit.  Melee training is ok, but you have better options since you have a charging MBA already.
Psychic lock is a feat to get in at some point and worldserpent grasp is decent too.  For dragonmark you might want mark of healing if you can fit it in, but cruel inspiration means you can grant at least one save an encounter already.  Hopefully your allies can resist psychic.  Last legion defender is another one to look for since you have a few powers that increase the likelyhood of you hitting with OAs and spectral step will nake you insubstantial when you use action points.

Ways to abuse the fear keyword: Mc assasin has a few that work: nightmare master gives free dazing on a hit (until start of next turn), nightmare killer is better than weapon focus, and nightmare step is a slide on a miss.  MC warlock and starfire womb gives you saves when you hit.  Hellfire blood feat is untyped +1 to hit.  Foulborn Heritage is a untyped +1 to hit while bloodied, while bloodied enemies take -2 against you.  Magnificents tsor horrid dispatch is a +1 item bonus to fear attacks. (16 uncommon)  Ring of sorrows is you and allies you can see get +1 untyped bonus to fear attacks.(18 uncommon)   So foulborn herritage, hellfire blood, horrid dispatch, and the ring of sorrows is an extra +3 to hit, +4 while bloodied.

Recommended Level Swaps
Unlike most you don't have any you have to swap.  Maybe Dreadful Warrior (level 7) and Inspire Terror (level 13) if you don't go fighter.  There are a couple invoker and avenger powers with the fear keyord those levels, but I would be more likely to go with something like fury's advance if going off striker.  Or else battlemind for lightning rush or brutal barrage.  Clerics only have one other fear power and it doesn't do damage so you won't be triggering your level 10 feature with a cleric swap. 

And then I would probably switch out Sundred Bravery (level 27) for valorous charge or healer's reproof




How to Really Master Your Domain:
Corellon, Oghma, Selune, & Torm





You get to make saves vs charms at the beginning of your turn.  Your utility is a daily aura that boosts your parties perception and gives out low light vision and you have an interesting teleportation channel divinty power.  Your healing word lets allies shift through difficult terrain at 1, at 5 can shift 1 (or keyed to your con if elf/eladrin/halfelf which is the only time con really matters to you), and at 16 turns the target invisible if you go devout warpriest.  At 10 when you use a divine force or radiant encounter power you teleport 1.

All your at will and encounter powers are melee or ranged weapon.  Brand of the wild lets you or an ally shift one.  Graceful switch does both radiant and force (hard to resist) and lets you switch weapons around and with devout warpriest causes the target to grant CA to an ally.

Not your typical leaderish package, but this is the only warpriest build that can do ranged or melee at all times and you are a lot more mobile than any other leader by default.

Build Tricks

I would be tempted to go warlock and then get starfire womb and even a familiar like that boost your teleport distance at level 10 like an arcane wisp.  But if you want attack power swaps then invoker works well for more radiant divine encounter damage and druid is thematic if you want some stunning or domination implement powers.  If you go warlock I would go ahead and make con my secondary stat for the power swap option for an immediate warlock power.

Repeating the sun domain advice about radiant damage.  Go for a path radiant servant instead of devout warpriest.  The only thing I really like about devout warpriest here is the invisibility healing word trick.  Feats like solar enemy(if allowed to do this build with a sun deity), punishing radiance, radiant advantage, and font of radiance.  I like deva for this since radiant recovery means you can consistently take a beating since you get temp hitpoints when you do radiant damage.  That takes two feats with deva heritage if you are not a deva.

Weapon is tricky.  You can get two different ones and switch them around via graceful switch.  Drow long knife is the best thrown weapon for accuracy and damage, but its not really worth a feat over dagger.  Tratnyr is a similar choice, but not as accurate.  Trident is ok, but takes a background and not that accurate.  Dagger is the only +3 option without a feat.  Net Training is an interesting choice since all your weapon attacks will slow and there are good flail weapliments, but it uses up your multiclass slot so no encounter power swaps through novice power.  And they errated it so the slowing won't work with implement powers anymore.  Otherwise getting an enchantment that lets you throw a weapon (Farbond spellblade w/rapier or bastard sword; crashing, dwarven thrower) is a good choice.  Bow works too if you want a ranged warpriest.  I think if I had to pick, Net Training is the most interesting option along with a bunch of big AOE daily implement attacks and worldspeakers grasp.

Other big option: Make int your secondary stat and mc artificer for spell commander paragon path.  You are the only warpriest where making int your secondary stat won't hurt and the only one that uses a ranged weapon normally. 

Mark of Passage is a good option to up your mobility, though Mark of Healing also works.

I wouldn't take corellon's grace until you have multiple uses of channel divinity even though it is a good channel divinity power.

Recommended Level Swaps

I would be very tempted to switch out faerie flame Strike level 1/13 series of powers.  The level 27 version of the power (Strikes of Woe and Weal) is a good healing power at least.  Harmony of blades only does damage so switch that out to one of the many great level 17 cleric powers through reserve manuever.  The level 7 Fey Beguiling series is a great set so keep those for sure since they have some good abuse potential.




You get to use your wisdom for intelligence skill checks, so make sure to dump int.   Your utility power, Sudden Inspiration, and channel divinity power, Knowledge to Spread, both help with allies' skill checks.  All your allies in the burst of your healing word get a bonus EONT to their next save and the target of healing word gets a save at level 5, with the devout warpriest feature giving them a basic attack at 16!  Where did that come from?  That is the best Healing Word combo so far.  At 10 your psychic divine encounter powers cause the target to automatically grant CA EONT.

Your at wills are a mix.  Blessing of Knowledge causes the target to automatically grant CA, so I doubt you will be using that past mid heroic considering what happens with your encounter powers by then.  Singing Strike is really good however: thunder and radiant damage and the target automatically takes a -2 to its attacks EONT.  With devout warpriest it is also immobilized.

Over a good package with a lot of debuff options that takes off like an enabling rocket at level 16.  I consider it the most potentially powerful of all warpriests in the hands of an optimizer at paragon and epic.

Build Tricks

Go devout warpriest.  Both for getting a good immobilizing at will and for the level 16 feature.  The action point feature (allies can shift) and level 20 power (close burst daze) are good too and the utility will be occasionally useful.  All warpriests want to try take gamblers word and supreme healer, but you should have gamblers word by 16 and supreme healer by 21.

MC fighter for dizzying mace.  Con mod penalty to the targets attacks when you daze them with a mace.   I would go with a theme with a daze power (wizard apprentice, son of alagondar, or outlaw) along with dailies that stun or daze.

Psychic lock should also be on your list as a potential feat, though you can retrain it late epic for something else unless you have a psychic theme power or something.


Your other good choice would be to MC shaman.  Go watcher shaman for the encounter RBA trigger.  Pick up a shaman enabling encounter power through a power swap.  Reserve manuever for one of the quasi enabling cleric powers like deadly lure.  By late paragon you could easily be handing out a half dozen or so basic attacks most encounters, which for a cleric is fairly good.

You don't need mark of healing because of your level 5 feature.  Oghma's recall is not that great of a channel divinity power.

Recommended Level Swaps

In early paragon you might want to use reserve manuever to swap out inspired steel for astral flare if you have a holy symbol or weapliment.  Inspired steel is a fine power, but astral seal + dizzying mace is really powerful.  Besides that you have a solid set of powers for the most part and they do different things as they level including some enabling with shared secrets and autoblind with brilliant idea.





You start out with radiant and necrotic resistance.  You have a great channel divinity power in Life and Light that gives allies necrotic resistance and enemies radiant vulnerability.  You have a daily utility power for making your weapon silvered and radiant.  Your healing word reduces damage dealt by adjacent enemies, at 5 gives bloodied allies damage resistance in the burst, and at 16 with devout warpriest prevents enemies from regaining hitpoints.  At level 10 allies adjacent to enemies you attack with divine encounter radiant powers gets temp hit points keyed to your con. 

Your have too good at wills both do radiant damage.  Blessing of light as an effect causes the enemy to take radiant damage keyed to con next time it hits you or an ally.  Brand of the moon does cold as well and as an effect gives a +2 power bonus to you and nearby allies saves, plus gives out a save to you or an ally at 11 with devout warpriest

A solid overall focus on ally damage reducation/temp hitpoints and radiant damage/boosting party damage. 

Build Tricks
Build up your radiant tricks like a Sun domain warpriest would.  Partner up with someone else who has radiant damage tricks.

Devout warpriest is really good, but so is radiant servant.  If you go devout warpriest you won't need mark of healing and there are no other dragonmarks great for you.

Your con is important for a lot of your riders, especially when compared to the other neverwinter warpriests, and I would probably want a 18 con/18 wis starting set.

Warlock is good for starfire womb, but I would probably go invoker for a potential close radiant power swap and some of their radiant damage exploits.

One of the few clerics who can do cold vulnerability tricks, but I would probably stick with radiant ones instead.

Recommended Level Swaps
Some of your powers just do damage so you might want some other cleric radiant powers.  Illuminating blow series (level 1) is really good damage boost for a multiattacker however so in the right party it doesn't need to be swapped out.  The higher level silverlight blow (level 13) make things like sohei flair and flame strike more useful.  Staggering Moonglow (level 27) isn't as good as the same level invoker or cleric powers you can pick from. 

Moonshadow bow (level 3) is one I might swap out for an area effect radiant power from an invoker or for a cleric one with reserve manuever.  Gleaming Strike (level 17) is a bit repetitive with its damage resistance and that is a good level for cleric powers to swap out or for soulforge hammering (avenger) or astral dust or glimpse of radiance (invoker).   

Peacemakers Light (level 7) is really good with either cold or radiant vulnerabilty parties and Moonstrike is good too (level 23) so I would keep those.





Your base feature is that you don't have to attack allies when subjected to an effect like dominated. Your channel divinity power Outmanuever is an effective ally teleport power, but it is a standard action so i am not sure it will get much use.  I might use it when blinded and adjacent to an enemy or maybe when an ally is down a pit, grabbed, or immobilized.  Similarly true strike is an at will utility, that is also a standard action.  Its useful when immobilized and you are not next to an enemy.   At level 10 when you use a divine attack encounter power your allies can shift 1.

Your healing word gives a +2 power bonus to defenses at level 1, at level 5 lets the target teleport next to you, and at 16 allies in the burst can make a save with devout warpriest.

Your at wills are ok: Blessing of Law is ok and it does a little extra damage keyed to con as an effect if an enemy attacks an ally.  You will probably use Shielding Strike more, which gives a +1 power bonus to an ally adjacent to the enemy and at 11 with devout warpriest it goes to all adjecent allies.

You have a good focus on ally movement and defense buffing and can be a good off defender.   Unlike most other warpriests your strength is more in your encounter powers.

Build Tricks
Buff your healing word.  It already does a +2 power bonus to defense and that stacks with shielding word, which gives an untyped +2.  With mark of warding that goes up to +5 total.  With devout protector expertise your allies also get a +1 shield bonus to AC.  Last legion officer adds another untyped +2 to ac and reflex to ally when they spend a surge from your powers or lets them shift.  So that gives them a potential +8 to ac, +7 to reflex, and +5 to will and fortitude with each use.

Mark of warding works really well for you since you hand out a lot of bonuses to defenses and if you go devout warpriest PP you don't need mark of healing anyways.  If you don't do that I would go with tactical warpriest as your next best choice especially if you want to off defend.

Con effects a few of your riders, but its not essential that you buff it that much.  I would consider putting some points into strength/dex to get scale proficiency and specialization or plate proficiency.  A starting spread like 13 16 14 8 18 10 or 13 15 10 8 20 10 is better for you than most other warpriests since you will make an attractive target if you are buffing your allies defenses all the time or marking with tactical warpriest.

I would  consider taking Torm's Justice at some point.  You will get more use out of it than Outmanuever.

Recommended Level Swaps
Unlike most other warpriests you don't really need to do this.  Your powers are all fairly good and effective.  A few get a bit repetetive with your features and shielding strike, but not that much.  A lot of your powers like Honorable Challenge are very good and Valorous Charge is the best leveel 27 leader power I have seen.





Daily Powers

You can pick from any cleric daily power you want.  Most of the best daily powers you can pick from need an implement, so you might consider getting a good holy symbol or getting a weapliment/ki focus.  I am included all the powers from the warpriest sources like Heroes of Shadow, even though I might not like them, for completions sake. 

You can get away without an implement if you want to depending on power choice.  If you wanted to go that route I would probably pick Moment of glory, Inspire Fervor, Blade Barrier, Tree of Creation or Aura of Astral Radiance, Fire Storm or Supernel Radiance, Call to the Hungry Ghost, and Ordained Victory.  That list has several implement powers that are still good on a miss: Moment of glory doesn't matter if you hit, blade barrier doesn't have an attack roll, tree of creation is half damage on a miss and you want it for its effect anyways, Fire storm does half damage on a missand has a sustainable autodamage effect, supernal radiance has a decent effect with automatic ongoing damage, and call to the hungry ghost is half damage on a miss with a good effect.

Level 1

Moment of Glory is the easy pick this level since its broken good, though for earth domain its a bit repetetive with what you already can do and higher level selune warpriests might not like it as much either.  Beacon of hope, Lesser aspect of Wrath and Nimbus of Holy shielding are decent choices as well.



Beacon of Hope(PHB) One of the best level 1 powers overall.  Use it early and boost your heals for the rest of the encounter.  It targets will and is close burst.  Post errata the effects bonus healing still works for later powers like consecrated ground and spirit of life.

Font of Tears (DP) Close burst dazed saves ends. OK sustainable zone that lowers enemies attack.

Inflict Wounds (HoS) Melee 1 auto necrotic damage.

Moment of Glory (DP) Large blast with an ok effect on enemies, but a nice sustainable resist 5 for all your allies in it.  Resist 5 all encounter long is vastly overpowered in actual game play.  I have read comments by people saying that at even low paragon this has trivialized encounters.  Best power for level and worth taking for any cleric build, though earth and selune domain warpriests might want to look elsewhere.

Curse of Misfortune (D380)   Debuff penalizes enemies attacks (save ends) and does some automatic psychic damage in close burst.  


Lesser Aspect of Wrath (HoFL)vs will with a good personal effect: temp hitpoints, encounter long autodamage effect, and power bonus to attack

Levy of judgment (HoFL) vs AC Good damage, but effect is ally gets to reroll 1 attack

Nimbus of Holy Shielding (HoFL) close burst vs will Allies get +2 power bonus to all defenses for encounter.


Level 5

Inpire Fervor is Good enabling and Iron to Glass is wicked debuffing, with servitude in death being a decent semi domination power.  This is about the only level where a weapon power is one of your best choices for a daily.





Iron to Glass (DP) vs will. Very fun attack debuff that gets worse and does not go away.  Will effectively neuter most melee focused enemies for the encounter.

Revealing Light (DP)  Targets reflex and great against lurkers, but not much else. You ignore concealment and cover and they can not become hidden (save ends). Much more situational than the other powers.

Servitude in Death (HoS) Ranged vs will that does necrotic damage.  When the enemy dies it becomes a dominated ally with one hitpoint that you can keep until it dies again. This has potential to be abused in a few situations, but your average new ally can be killed fairly easily.

Sundered Fortune (D386) Area burst vs will with a decent save ends debuff to the enemies attacks. 


Divine Castigation (PLES1) vs AC for Damage.  Each time targeted enemy attacks you or an ally, you get a OA.    Normally clerics are not great at OAs, but with power of skill, heavy blade opportunity, or other tricks like swift spear this can be a great power.  Note according to the rules compedium, OAs are a melee 1 attack so you can't use this with reach weapons.

Inspire Fervor (PLES1) vs AC Each ally within 2 can shift 2 and make a MBA.  Clerics don't really enable attacks in heoric, but this lets you do it once a day.


Consecrated Ground (PHB) Uses charisma for auto damage and healing (no implement or weapon keyword).  You can no longer move the zone and for a close burst 1 in my experience its not big enough a lot of encounters.  Only black if you have a decent charisma.

Level 9

Blade barrier is my favorite, but dismissal, flame strike and rebuke violence are good as well.





Blade barrier Auto damage and auto save ends damage in a wall. Combine with forced movement for fun.

Dismissal (DP) vs will Interesting power. Guaranteed to remove an enemy from the battle for at least 1 round, possibly a lot more depending on if you hit and its type. About equal to rebuke violence.

Flame Strike (PHB)  Decent damage and high ongoing fire damage (save ends) to a large area. vs reflex, but not much on a miss and not very leadery.  I like blade barrier more if you have any forced movement in your party, but a lot of people love this power for its party friendly damage.

Rebuke Violence (DP) vs will. Target can't attack (save ends), the save is potentially tougher and you can keep attacking it unlike with dismissal

Vengeful Ghosts (HoS) Blast vs will for necrotic damage.  Creates zone that makes enemies grant CA.  Only including this is because its a decent close power.




Champion of the Gods (HoFL) close burst vs ac.  You get a power bonus keyed to you con for damage rolls, and strength/athletics checks.


Crushing Despair (HoS) vs ac for psychic damage.  You can keep the psychic damage up all encounter if allies are able to surround the foe, but no other leader benefits.

Divine Punishment (HoFL) vs AC.  Just single target damage, but it goes up if you have bloodied allies.  no leader type boosts or effects.


Pariah's Curse (HoFL) vs AC  Effect is enemies that end there turn adjacent to enemy take 10 damage.

Level 15

Sacred Arimistice is powerful, but tricky to pull off right.  I like Tree of Creation and Brilliant Censure a lot, but Aura of Astal radience is also good and doesn't need an implement. 





Brilliant Censure (DP)   vs fort Close burst that blinds (save ends) and for the rest of the encounter your allies do extra damage if they are near you.

Drain Life (Hos) Automatic necrotic damage.  You take damage too.

Seal of Warding (PHB) Close burst, targets will for good damage and does radiant. Creates sustainable zone of difficult terrain that grants you and your allies cover from ranged attacks. The difficult terrain effects your allies to and they may not want to be in it. I would take tree of creation over this.

Sacred Armistice (D379) Targets allies too! Large blast vs will that prevents creatures from attacking (save ends) and your healing word also buffs defenses for rest of encounter.  Very powerful if you hit since unlike stun enemies don't often have a way to get out of it, but tricky to set up since you often will be going towards the end of initiative if you don't invest in things like battlewise and you really don't want to hit party members with this attack.

Tree of Creation (D375) Close burst vs will that does radiant damage. Sustainable zone that protects against will/psychic attacks and lets allies make saves against dazed, dominated, and stunned conditions at beginning of turn. Does a little bit of auto radiant damage. Really good effects, but situational.


Levy of Damnation (HoFL Vs Reflex for decent damage.  You and allies get to roll twice for damage against target.


Aura of Astral Radiance (HoFL) Sustainable Aura 2 that autoheals bloodied allies and autodamages enemies keyed to your wisdom mod.


Manifestation of Wrath (HoFL Close burst 1 autodamage keyed to wisdom, and you get same number of temp hitpoints.  You get +2 bonus to attack rolls for the encounter

Level 19

I like moment of peace and suprenal radiance, but miraculous intervention and fire storm are also good.






Fire Storm (PHB) area 3 burst vs Reflex for fire damage. Sustainable zone of fire that autodamages enemies who end their turn in the zone. No effect besides damage and not very leadery, but its a lot of party friendly damage.

Miraculous Intervention (DP) Immediate interrupt vs will. Let target spend a surge and attack enemies around him for stunned save ends.

Moment of Peace (DP) vs will Target in giant blast: attacks deal no damage (save ends) or for until end of your next turn if you miss.

Shakles of the Grave (Hos) vs fort in blast. TARGETS ALLIES TOO for necrotic damage.  Similar to level 5 servitude in death since first enemy to die while in the zone becomes your dominated servant, but you don't get to pick which enemy this effects.

Supernal Radiance (DP)  vs will Some radiant damage in a large close burst.  Effect is ongoing radiant damage/stops enemies from being concealed save ends.


Gaze of the Sun (HoFL): Targets allies as well.  Blast 5 vs reflex that does 20 ongoing damage (10 on a miss) and while taking the damage they can't hide/have concelament/be invisible.  Supernal Radiance is very similar and almost always better, although sometimes this will do more damage.


Wrathful Judgement (HoFL When the enemy you pick damages an ally, you can as an immediate interrupt deal half the damage to the enemy.

Level 25

Sacred word is perfect for warpriests.  Call to the Hungry Ghosts is good as well. 





Call to the Hungry Ghosts (Hos) Big blast vs will for necrotic damage.  It creates a good sustainable zone that weakens enemies that end their turns there and consistently grants your party temp hitpoints.

Life Lanterns (DP) vs will Weakens (save ends) up to 3 enemies and can daze enemies/provide some surgeless healing.

Sacred Word (PHB) Stuns enemies in close burst 2 with psychic damage, but no stun on a miss and targets fortitude. 


Subjugating Strike (HoFL) vs AC for Force damage and daze (save ends) if you hit, half damage on a miss.  Effect deals 10 points of force damage to nearby enemies.  Pretty sad for level 25 daily considering the other ones are stunning on a hit, increasing your reach, creating sustainable zones etc.   

HopeKiller (HoS) Decent damage and target provoke OA from your allies that are not targets of its attacks.  Good potential for catch 22 situations with your defenders and melee strikers.


Divine Battlelord (HoFL) Close burst that knocks enemies prone and gives you a power bonus to melee damage and strength/athletics roles keyed to con.  Enemies that end turn next to you take 10 radiant damage for the encounter.

Level 29

Ordained victory is actually a good weapon power.  I still like astral storm and breath of the stars the most.





Astral Storm (PHB) Area burst that targets reflex with hard to resist damage and creates a big sustainable zone does lightning damage.  The errata made it smaller and less damaging than before, but is still a good area power.

Breath of the Stars (DP) Innocent vs Fort. Big blast of cold that pushes and dazes.  Allies in blast get lots of surge free healing.  My favorite power right now for this level.

Chains of the Peacemaker (DP) vs Will Really hinders one creature's attacks with a save ends and an aftereffect

Enforced Surrender (DP) vs will Dominates and then lets allies beat up on one creature.


Ordained Victory (HoFL) vs AC for good untyped damage and allies get to roll twice for all attacks against the target.  Unless you have avengers or others in your party who already roll twice this is a good buff.

Ravage (HoS) It does your bloodied value of automatic damage and you lose a healing surge. It can be a lot of auto damage at least.

Visage of the Gods (HoFL) vs will. Melee 1 for some reason. Necrotic and psychic damage.  The grand effect of thsi keystone power: knocks prone (but this has a fear keyword so I think some enemies will be immune to that effect)  Why is it so hard to make some good level 29 cleric melee powers?  Ravage will do more damage most of the time.



Utility Powers

Clerics have way too many standard action utility powers.  Sometimes they are very good, but you need to watch out that you do not take too many.  Go for minor action and immediates when possible.  Also don't overload on healing and watch out for duplicating what you do with your attack powers.  For instance, a sun warpriest probably dosen't want to focus on healing and save granting utilities.

Level 2



Unfortunately clerics do not have any absolutely great utility powers this level like they do every other level, but they do have a few good ones.   Angelic Witnesses, Bless, Divine Skill, Return From Death's Door, Sacrificial Aegis and Shield of Faith are the ones this level that are not standard actions (several of these were errated to minor actions).





Angelic Witnesses (D379) Creates at least on angel that occupies a square and heal an ally extra when they spend a surge.  Each time you use healing word or channel divinity it creates another.  They need to be sustained, but can be moved. 

Blackened Soul (HoS) Good bonuses and lots of healing for a dying ally.

Return From Death's Door (DP) Good long ranged immediate interrupt for dying allies. If you are doing your job right you will not you need it much, but it is great when you need it.

Sacrificial Aegis (D384) You take a surge worth of damage and an ally gets twice as much in temp hitpoints. 

Shield of Faith (PHB)  With the errata this is now a minor action which ups its usefullness a lot in my opinion.  Probably the default choice for most clerics.

Level 6

Post errata the two best choices this level are still probably spirit of life and stream of healing and which one you pick should depend on party makeup and how you have otherwise built your character.  Divine favor or holy celerity are the other good choices this level, particularly if you think you have enough healing already and are worthy of more attention now and bastion of health is a good choice, but they provoke OA.  If you take a daily power this level, you should probably take an encounter power at 10 or vice versa.




Divine Favor (DP) It is a standard action, but a good buff to put on a striker or controller.

Gravesite (Hos) Creates a decent sized sustainable zone, where you and allies do extra damage and where you all get some surgeless healing when an enemy dies in the zone. 

Light of Revelation (HoFL) Innocent Creates small sustainable zone that deals radiant damage to enemies when they attack in the zone.  Also gives you and alles bonus to insight and perception.

Mark of Victory (HoFL) You and allies get +2 power bonus to attack one target.

Siezed Destiny (D380) You and allies get temp hp keyed to your wisdom mod and +2 to will for encounter.  Its biggest drawback is that it is a standard action and has good competition from Spirit of Healing/Stream of Life.

Soul Cage (HoS) Hard to rank divination power that is mostly useful for roleplaying situations.  You can question a dead enemy or view a distant area.

Spirit of Healing (DP) Surge free healing for allies equal to your wisdom mod per round for whole encounter (pre errata this was 3X wis mod). Eats up actions, but worth it and heals more than Stream of Life for allies with multiattacks. Danger of losing it if stunned, etc.  Some argue this is better than Stream of Life and with some party makeups it will be, especially since it can potentially heal a lot more if you have people like wizards and rangers in your party with lots of multiattacks.  Post errata this is still a good power, but not as much of a auto choice as before.  Post errata this gets knocked down a little since the base healing was lowered by 66%.  With the right items this is still skyblue, but you have to work for it now.

Stream of Life (DP) Seems pretty easy to abuse if you have any access to regeneration since regeneration does not "reduce" damage (like a potion, divine power or are a longtooth shifter), which will heal at about the same rate you take damage. Encounter long surge free healing to potentially all your allies is really nice. Heals potentially more at than spirit of healing, does not need to be sustained, and uses less actions, but has shorter range and damages you.  Can be used out of combat to bring entire party back from 0.  I prefer this to spirit of life since you can use it the same encounter as another sustainable daily, especially for melee clerics who have to worry more about move actions and for higher level characters since you can get regeneration potions easily then.  Errata knocked down the amount of healing it gives out, but if you have easy access to regeneration through race, feat, or Divine Power this is the best option for the level


Bastion of Health(PHB) C OK long range healing. Becomes less useful over time as you get more healing powers.  Its ranged so it provokes if you are in melee.

Holy Celerity (DP) Allows you or an ally to ignore pretty common mobility conditions for a round.  This is blue because you can use it on yourself and it is a minor action, but if you have mark of healing or other at will save granting or teleporting you might not need it.  It works on things like immobilized EONT too so its even useful then.

Level 10

Reverent Mettle is my personal favorite this level for those with a strong charisma since you can potentially get 2 uses of it an encounter in heroic with that number growing if you expand the number of times you can use channel divinity, all as immediate actions.  Word of vigor is a good choice for anyone.  My favorite daily this level is probably wall of shields, but battle surge is always an easy choice and both knights of unyielding valor and umbral soul are interesting.




Battle surge (HoFL) Same as mass cure light wounds, but with a bonus to next rounds attacks.

Knights of Unyielding Valor(PHB) Interesting control options.

Phantom Vigor (HOS) This would be a good power if it wasn't a standard action.  It gives you and your allies temp hitpoints in exchange for surges and gives out a nice encounter long boost to speed and atheltics.  But Battle Surge is pretty similar and doesn't use up surges.  And cloak of courage does close to the same thing, doesn't use surges, and is an encounter power at a level where all the good stuff is standard actions.

Radiant Armor (HoFL) immediate interrupt to reduce damage from one attack.  Reverent mettle will get a lot more use.  Battle Surge will heal more.


Umbral Soul (Hos) This is a good defensive boost (inubstantial and weakened) to put on an ally that is not focused on damage.

Wall of Shields (HoFL) Creates a sustainable wall that boosts allies AC and immobilizes enemies.  Probably my favorite daily cleric utility this level, though I normally take word of vigor or reverant mettle this level.


Healer's Balm (DP) Short range, but lets you relieve an ally with a save bonus for you. Strength clerics might want this since they tend to be short granting saving throw abilities, but other types might not be as interested.

Prophetic Protection(D386) C Interrupt.  When you ar ally is hit with crit, enemy must reroll attack with a penalty = to your cha mod.


Reverent Mettle (D379) C Reduces damage ally takes as close burst immediate interrupt.  You get to keep using this each time you use a CD power so this makes divine fortune more useful if you have not taken any additional channel divinity powers.  At epic this can be used up to 3 times an encounter fairly easily and clerics are normally action starved when it comes to utilities.

Shielding Word (PHB) Immediate Interrupt. Kind of like shield for the wizard, but just AC for an ally. Blueif you know how close your DM came to hitting.

Word of Vigor (DP) Close burst 1 surge healing. Also helps if you run out of healing words.

Level 16

All my favorite ones this level are standard actions: Divine Armor, hallowed Ground, Astral Shield, Cloak of courage.




Chosen Servant (HoFL) Ally gets to make an immediate save whenever subjected to effect.

Sphere of Shadows (HoS) A big stealthy zone for your party.  You all get concealment while in the zone and are able to hide more easily.   This will vary by party, but is a good bit different than what you normally get and some parties with sniper rogues or others who like to hide will love it.

Divine Armor(PHB) The bonus you get is only ok, but encounter long damage resistance is nice. Depending on your party this might become less useful at epic when this sort of resistance becomes more common.   Hallowed ground gives a better buff, but this effects targets rather than an area.

Hallowed Ground (PHB) The bonuses are all power bonuses, but they are varied and it is a close burst 5 zone.  Main drawback is that it is a standard action, but so is divine armor.

Astral Shield (PHB) Untyped AC bonus that lasts till the end of the encounter every encounter that can be moved around.

Cloak of Courage (DP)  Surge worth of temporary hitpoints for nearby allies.  As written you can use it precombat after you short rest, which is cheesy, but works RAW.  Its not a healing power so you do not get to add bonuses. Less useful if your party has hellocks, rageblood barbarians, etc. in it. 

Unexpected Return (DP) A reaction healing power for when allies drop. Hopefully you will not have allies dropping to 0 each encounter, but it has good action economy. All the other encounter powers this level are standard actions.

Level 22

Good choices, but again lots of standard actions: Clarion Call of the astral seal is a poweful single target heal/protection power, Mass Cure Serious Wounds is huge multitarget surge free healing, and adjure the chosen is a very good enounter power party buff.  The two good minor action powers are purify for those who have neglected saving throw granting and the damage resistence power ramparts of light.




Clarion Call of the Astral Sea(PHB) Teleports them till the beginning of their next turn, heals them up, range and lets them move to a new location

Death Shield (Hos) I am tempted to rate this red, but it has some action economy value since you can activate it out of combat and the ally stays up for a little longer.  The first time your ally would drop to 0 it is at 1 instead.  I would be more in favor of this power if it was at a lower level.

Mass Cure Serious Wounds(DP) Heal most (if not all) of the damage for everyone around you without spending any surges. Probably best healing power of the level.  So if you are a battle cleric that neglected your healing powers than this is a good choice, but pacifists clerics probably don't need it by this point.

Purify(PHB) Ends all save ends condition in a burst.  Errata made this a minor action, but it was a good power even before this change.


Adjure the chosen(DP) Everyone in a close burst gets a power bonus to speed, damage, and attacks and crits on a 18-20.  Only reason it is not skyblue is it is a standard action.

Ramparts of Light (DP) Minor action DR 20 for an ally.  Adjure the chosen is the only other encounter power.  CB has listed this as a daily in the past, but its encounter



Multiclassing and Power Swaps

You have good options for multiclassing depending on if you more want to off-defend, off striker, or off control.  All of the following either have good encounter attack power swaps or good feat/paragon path support.  Alas you can't hybrid warpriests like you can templars.  Most warpriests have at least one bad to only decent encounter power where they can get a better option from cleric with reserve manuever or where they should use novice power.  Here is MWAO's guide to poachable powers.

If you can get bracers of mental might (level 6 uncommon arm item) that adds in all the strength based classes as encounter power swap options.  For instance warlord (hail of steel), fighter (come and get it), barbarian (curtain of steel), paladin (mark of terror), and warden (guardian's pounce) are all then potential options for powerswaps.

Strictly for Corellon builds who go for a "coreswtich build" with Spell Commander or for high level Earth domain builds that go Arcane Armorer.  For Correllon make int your secondary stat, grab a ranged weapon like a crossbow, and go to town.  They have some good immediate powers like shocking feedback that are worth swapping out for if you go that route.

Either Hero fo faith (short oath, new skill) or Disciple of Divine Wrath (long oath, no skill) works.  Avengers have a few decent minor action and immediate action powers like fury's advance, peal of thunder, and vengeful parry.  Dervish of dawn is a decent paragon path for radiant builds.

This is mainly for Domination builds since assassins have good feat support for the fear keyword as mentioned in their entry above (nightmare killer, nightmare step, and nightmare master).  Acolyte of the veil gives you shadowstep as an encounter power and stealth or acrobatics, practiced killer gives you a skill + extra damage with a 1-h weapon once an encounter, which is simpler than shadow initiate with shrouds, but less damage.

New skill and a 1 encounter one round mark.  The real reason to take this is to followup with Psionic dabbler to grab an augmented at will like lightning rush or brutal barrage.  One of the few con attack classes.  Blackstone guardian is a good path.

Crazy good implement encounter power swaps like charm beast and thundercrash.  The intro feats give you access to nature skill and staff with sentinel initiate and harbinger of nature's wrath both good choice.

Not much for power swaps without bracers of mental might, but the intro feats wrathful warrior and battle awareness are both good.  Followed up by the great feat dizzying mace for Oghma builds.  Storm warpriests should possibly look at polearm momentum if they have a spear or polearm.  Everyone can potentially use grit, slashing storm and wary fighter.

Unless you go divine secret keeper you won't get a new skill, but that gives you ritual caster.  Both it and acolyte of divine secrets give you staff proficiency and acolyte gives you an invoker at will as an encounter power for some close or ranged offense.  They have many good control encounter powers to swap for.  They also have some good feats like invokers blaze, invoker's blaze, invoker's aura, and invoker's implement expertise.  Blightspeaker is a good path for death domain and this is that domains default mc choice.

Walker of the dark path is probably your best multiclass choice if you have a decent charisma and it gives you a new skill.  You mainly want this for feats like protectors commitment and virtuous recovery.

The intro feat gives you a lot including some potential enabling if you go watcher and have an RBA in the party. and mending spirits the only way to pick up another encounter multiclass heal.  Some power swaps like sly fox spirit boar's toss are good if you want some enabling.  For Ogmha builds who don't want to go dizzying mace, this is one of the better ways to build an enabling cleric since with reserve manuever for something like deadly lure and a power swap for a shaman enabling power you can be handing out a lot of basic attacks for a cleric.

Initiate of the faith gives you warlock implements and an attack keyed to con, probably dire radiance or hellish rebuke.  You mainly want this for radiant and domination builds to get starfire womb, which gives you a save when you deal radiant or fear damage.  It has some ok consitution keyed implement power swaps like killing flames.

Other Power Swap Options

Reserve manuever.  You have to wait for paragon for this, but it lets you swap out for a cleric power after a rest.  See my handbook for your best choices each level.


Iron Wolf Warrior, Sohei, Wilder, and Firecrafter are your best options, probably in that order.

Improving Your Basic Attacks

A few warpriests get at wills they can use on a charge.  Humans can take sonnlinor's hammer and half elves can take a power like overwhelming strike with power of skill or eldritch strike with constiution for a good slide power.

But since many warpriests want to be good at both OAs and charging and you might not play a human or half elf you need to impove your basic attack at some point.  The one exception is a death domain build since they may only wield an implement, but even then some of these tricks may work for them.  Off defender builds really want a good OA as do Domination builds. 

Melee training is an easy option, but you will not do much with your attacks besides damage unless you put some feats into it.  Heavy Blade Opportunity is doable with a race like elf or githzerai if you go 14 14 15 8 18 10 for your starting stats and just boost con and wis and is a better choice than melee training if you have a charge at will like with storm or domination.

Rapidstrike braces let you sub a single target at will (including an implement at will) for a melee basic attack 1/encounter, but that is a level 15 arm slot item, which means no iron armbands of power.  There are a few items that do similar things, but as a daily power with a charge attack like boots of the mighty charge.

A few feats like swift spear and hammering iron will also improve your OA if you have room for them and those make melee training a more attractive option.  Mark of sentinel is a decent dragonmark since it lets you shift with OAs, but most warpriests have better dragonmark options.




A general good plan is to boost your healing word through feats.  Shielding word, gambler's word, last legion officer, and supreme healer are all good choices since you have a really good healing word already.

You should also take a multiclass feat along with the basics like an expertise and improved defenses feat.  There is a good dragonmark feat for almost every domain and build.  At some point you will want to take an initiative boosting feat.








General Recommendations

Weapon proficiency: Tripple headed flail is often your best choice if you don't get a racial or background martial weapon, but it varies a little by domain.  Its ok to stick with a mace, but I would generally want to boost your hit and damage some.  Death domain can avoid this feat if they want as well.  Singing stick can work if you want mace enchantment and +3 proficiency.  See domain entry for details.

Healer's implement A decent boost to your heals.

Devout Protector Expertise  Gives a nice shield bonus to all your allies. Works with holy symbols and your weapon attacks and gives a shield bonus to allies while you use a shield.

Holy Symbol Expertise is good for death domain, unless they go with a staff from druid or invoker and then they should consider staff expertise

Bludgeon Expetrise is good for earth and stone since they both can get at will pushing. 

Verstaile Expertise There are a few weapliment options that technically require this, but ask your DM.  Something like Devout protector expertise may not work with Symbol of the Sonnlinor by a very strict RAW for instance.

improved Defenses You need this eventually unless you take all the similar feats like superior will.

Superior Will A nice extra save at the beginning of your turn for stunned/dazed.  You will want it eventually, but can put it off until paragon.

Novice Power Many warpriests will want to swap out an encounter attack power with another class.

Channel Divinity Varies by domain how useful these are.  Can be up to skyblue.

Last Legion Officer An untyped bonus to ac and reflex or a free shift when you let an ally spend a surge.

Resilient Focus (HOFL) If you can fit it in its a +2 feat bonus to saves.  This outdates a lot of other feats.

Shielding Word An untyped bonus to targets defense when you use healing word.

Battlewise This is the best way to boost your initiative unless you can get a similar feat like wary fighter.

Melee Training  You shouldn't take this right away, but if you have a DM who likes to provoke OAs this is good.  It also helps a few builds to charge when dazed or similar.  Death domain probably doesn't want it.  Storm and Domination might want to find some other way to improve OAs like HBO.  See section on basic attacks in earlier post.

Scale Proficiency If you can manage the strength it will boost your ac and lower your skill penalty and with scale spec in paragon will up your speed too. 

Plate Proficiency: Torm warpriests should consider this.  I like scale specialization better if you have the stats for it.

Weapon Focus: not high on your list of priorities, but for someone like a storm, domniation, or selune domain build its not a bad choice, especially if you pick up minor action/immediate action attacks.

Mark of Healing: A few builds like Torm, Sun, and Selune can all have enough save granting to not need it.  Death and Domination domains probably get the most out of it and don't have another one they are interested in.  Corellon, Oghma, Earth, and Storm might want to consider it too but like other ones as well.  Torm & Selune might like it in heroic or if they don't go devout warpiest.

Mark of Passage: Only Correllon should even consider this unless you get shifting/teleporting from somewhere else.

Mark of Storm: Oghma and Storm domain can get use out of this.

Mark of Warding: If you get a mark somehow or if you are doing Earth or Torm domains this is good.











General Recommendations

Gambler's Word Your healing word is really important and this will give you some extra uses of it.  Unforgetable cudgel and other ways to boost crit chances help here too.

Chain Specialization If you don't have the strength for scale proficiency, but do have a good dex like an elf or longtooth shifter, then this is a good feat.

Scale Specialization If you have the stats its fairly good and improves your speed.

Solid Sound For Storm warpriests or if you get another constant source of thunder attacks a nice boost to NADs.

Uncanny Dodge Except for death domain warpriests with holy symbol expertise, this will be fairly useful since you will be in melee a lot.

Armored by Faith This varies a little by build, but is decent temp hitpoint generation if you use channel divinity a lot.

Reserve Manuever Every warpriests should really consider this and for a few like Death and Correllon it is a must have, if for nothing other than to switch out for valorous charge at 27 if you are not a Torm warpriest.  All warpriests should at least consider switching out one encounter power for another better cleric power unless you used Novice Power already, but Torm can get away without using it more than others.









General Recommendations:

Divine Mastery Recharge an encounter power whenever you use an action point.

Glorious Channeler This depends on what channel divinity powers you have taken.

Supreme Healing You should have a very effective healing word at this point.  This doubles how good it is.

Epic Reflexes Your reflexes will be far behing your will and fort without this feat.

Shared healing If you have comrades succor you won't need this as much, but its not bad for spreading out healing surges.

Superior Initiative If you have room for it, it will help some.

Blind Fight A fairly useful feat that you should qualify for.

Racial Feats
(I am only included races mentioned in the race section)





Feats are heroic unless noted.


Radiant Recovery This feat is a big reason to play a deva.  Near constant temp hit point generating for Sun or Selune.

Battle Intuition Better than battlewise


Dwarvev Weapon Training Unless you need a mace or spear or something for a specific build goal this is an efficient feat and the damage boost applies to weapliment attacks as well.

Dwarf Battle Priest A few domains won't get much use out of it, but its a lot of temporary hitpoints for you.

Dodge Giants By paragon you will be facing a lot of large enemies and this is a nice boost.

Dwarven Durablity (Paragon) You have a lot of surges, but this makes them work better and gives you some more.  Its hard to not take if you do long work days.


Breath of Life Makes your breath party friendly and grants temp hitpoints.

Radiant Breath Radiant breath is nice.


Blessing of Corellon Some extra no action healing



Gitzerai Blade Master Bastard Swords and extra feat damage, including to weapliment attacks.

Miryath's First Strike Do a lot of extra psychic damage with your first attack.  If you are already doing psychic damage this is a good add on.



Markings of the Victor Roll twice for first attack


Extra Manifestation I am not going to go into a lot detail about all the racial feat options they get, but this is a good one.


Lost in the Crowd You probably won't get many of the good halfling feats templars might go after, but this will be a fairly consistent boost.

Half Elf

Adept Dilletente Depends on what power you pick.  Something like thunderwave or magic weapon can become really useful with this.

Versatile Master (Paragon) Turns that encounter power you pick into an will.  For some builds this is very good. 

Half Orc


Thirst for Battle+3 to init and another healing surge.


Hobgoblin Weapon Training You probably want a tripple headed flail, but it works for spiked chain, greatspear, and gouge too.


Dragon's Indominability (DHS) This plus superior will means you won't need to worry much about dazed or stunned.


Action Surge I like this since you probably did not pick heroric effort.

Shadar Kai
Ghostly Rejuvenation (paragon) This feat is one of the main reasons to go shadar kai.  Insubstanitla is a nice boost for allies with healing word and similar powers

Beasthide Shifting (paragon) Resist 2 while shifting.


Hellfire blood For Domination builds


Warforged Tactics A fairly consistent +1 to hit.




Paragon Paths

Devout Warpriest


Warpriests alone can get Devout Warpriest for their paragon path.  These are pretty good for the most part and mix with your other abilities, with a boost to one of your at wills at 11 with transcendent blessing and a boost to healing word at 16. You also get divine resurgence at level 11 instead of getting a new encounter power.  It recharges your and an ally's second winds and recharges one of your domain encounter attack powers of level 20 or lower.  So if you are doing power swaps with this path you will want to keep at least one domain power of level 17 or lower, which shouldn't be hard to do.  For Oghma warpriests it is almost mandatory that you take this path.

Correlon: I don't like the action point feature since it only helps if you spend it on a move action and you are already very mobile.  The powers are ok.  The level 16 feature of your healing word making the target invisible makes up for most of that, but that is only thing I really like abou it. I would normally go for radiant exploit path like radiant servant or morninglord.

Death: Most of it is based around autodamaging enemies, even the encounter utility.  The healing word feature boosts the damage a specific enemy takes that round.

Domination: A good ally movement action point feature and fell strike get even better by punishing enemies for ending their turn next to you with psychic damage keyed to Con mod.  The healing word feature is relatively weak compared to other domains, but making an enemy grant CA is ok. A good daily utilty with more enemy proning and a daily power that lets you and nearby allies make minor action basic attacks and you get a short boost to your attacks too.

Earth: Your healing word grants damage resistance keyed to con mod to everyone besides the target.  Action points prone an enemy.  You can make a wall of earth and your daily can potentially petrified (save ends).  Hardly any PC powers petrify so this is pretty unique.

Oghma: The main reason to go Oghma is to get access to this path.  The level 16 feature lets your healing word grant MBAs.  With gamblers word and supreme healer thats 8 free action MBAs an encounter in epic.   Everything else is solid about the path: action point gives your party a good shift, singing strike immobilizes, the utility power lets your party reroll initiative and perception/insight checks, and the daily power is a solid close burst dazing attack.



Selune: Good sticky action point feature that will tie down enemies next to you. Brand of the moon grants saves to you or ally.  And a good level 20 blinding autodamage power.  The only drawback is that it was a very situational healing word boost that you will rarely get anything out of.

Storm: Action point feature dazes, healing word slides, your utlity slides, and your daily lets you auto damage adjacent enemies.



Sun: You action points give your party surge free healing, you can make a wall that heals allies and hinders enemy movement, healing word also grants temp hitpoints, and your daily blinds (save ends) in a close burst.  Not bad, but a bit repetitive with what you already do and you will be giving you allies a lot of temp hitpoints already.  I would go for radiant servant, morninglord, or tactical warpriest over this almost all the time.

Torm: Healing word feature is excellent, especially if you can't get mark of healing.  The other parts of the path are ok, with a very situationally useful action point feature for concealed enemies.  The level 20 daily is a solid power that lets you teleport and MBA as an interrupt all encounter long.  If you can't get mark of healing this is a good option, but if you can I would probably look at another path.  I like tactical warpriest more for Torm.



Other Cleric Paths

Paragon of Victory Good action economy path with lots of options.  The level 11 feaure is good, but requires you drop a non minion enemy.  The action point feature is a save or bonus to damage rolls.  The encounter power is minor action use a cleric at will power.  The daily utiltiy is a solid area heal/buff.  The daily power is a 3 person at will attack enable for a minor action.  You need a decent MBA for the level 16 feature



(Tactical) Warpriest  Best path for most melee clerics who want to off defend.  All the features of this class are good: rerolls, ac boost, good action point feature, good leadery powers, an at will mark with good punishment, and an excellent utility power.



Angelic Avenger  Gives you proficiency with a heavy blade of your choice with good radiant tricks.  Decent choice for sun or corellon domain builds.

Astral Savant Focuses on radiant and cold damage. The level 16 power lets you reuse a CD power any time someone in your party gets hit with a crit, which should happen most long encounters. 



Miracle Worker Probably the best choice if you want to focus on healing.  Ups your healing word to d8s and its action point feature is good if you have standard action healing attack powers.  It has a good immediate attack power with an easy trigger and a daily that can be very effective.

Radiant Servant For sun domain or if you have other radiant damage sources.  You crit on a 19-20 with cleric radiant powers.   The action point feature and encounter power got toned down significantly in the templar update, but this is still a good path for non-hybrids.  The utiltiy power eats up standard actions, but is fairly powerful.



Zealous Demagogue Good bonuses for allies and a good potentially rechargable encounter charge enabling power, but you need at least one charger in the party to make it worth while.  One of the best enabling options for clerics and the path has great fluff too.  You might want a bloodfury weapon starting at 16. 

Luck Biringer of Tymora  It gives you a heavy blade proficiency that you can use as a weapliment for free.  The powers are wisdom implement powers and for some reason it gives you an excellent area burst encounter vulnerability power (save ends) at level 20.

Other Non Cleric

Morninglord Must worship Amaunator. Lots of radiant vulernability and high crit.  High charisma helps.  Generally considered the best path for lazer clerics and radiant mafia builds.

Blackstone Guardian (Battlemind) The action point feature is very good, but the real benefit is the powers, which include an encounter petrify EONT.  Unfortunately you won't get anything out of the level 11 feature and won't get much out of the level 16 feature.  A good choice if going off defender.

Blightspeaker (Invoker) Get free hp (keys off your wisdom) when you score a crit, your enemies are vulnerable to your attacks when you spend an action point, and they take damage when they save against your powers.  The only thing holding back a better rating is that the powers are not that great.  I like it for death domain.

Adroit Explorer (Human) This is a decent paragon path for any character. More action points and you get an encounter power recharge, though devout warpriest also does this.  I would look into this for corellon and sun domain mainly and Torm if you have mark of healing.

Lightwalker (Kalashtar and worship Path of Light) the utility power is good. Other effects are good as well with resistances, surge free healing, and radiant powers.

Hammer of Judgment (Avenger) Storm Warpriests who start with at least a 12 int can get some good push effects going.  At level 16 you can be pushing 6+ at will.

Lyrandar Wind Rider (mark of storm) Storm Warpriests get a +1 boost to attack and a con mod boost to damage with lightning and thunder powers.  The rest of the path is fine too.

Epic Destinies

You probably want one that boosts your wisdom or at least your con.  If not it needs to someone else special like a permanent bonus to flight or big boost to your attack or defenses.  I am not going to pick through all of them, but here are some of the more common ones I think people should look at.

Destined Scion Boring, but has good bonuses to hit, stats, and saves.

Demigod/Chosen  Similar to destined scion

Exalted Angel Some good resistances and at will flight.

Saint Get some good defensive boosts and immune to domination.  Torm is already sort of immune so not for them.

Eternal Seeker I have never been a big fan of this destiny, but it works well for warpriests since they can power swap out without spending feats.

Revered One  This is mainly worth it since you can get a bunch more uses of channel divinity. 

Sublime Flame (Silver Flame) Your radiant/fire attacks are more effective and you get an extra daily power usage.

Avatar of Death A decent choice for death domain, with your powers ignoring necrotic resistance and a boost to wis/int.  The level 30 feature is thematically appropriate to the domain build

Avatar of Life Wis con boosts and some other leadery features like letting allies second wind as minor and extra saves.  It works for any other life deity out there.  Pelor for sun domain, arawai and silvanus for storm domain, and chauntee for earth all work.

Reincarnate Champion (primal) wisdom bonus and you count as member of other races along with getting their powers.

Soul of the World (Deva) Like reincarnate champion but better

Avatar of Io (Dragonborn) Real good potential if your powers match your dragonbreath.

World Tree Guardian (primal) good damage resistance features keyed to con and regeneration that keys off your surges

Adamantine Soldier (fighter/warlord) good tough destiny.

Invincible Mind (battlemind) IF you powerswaped for a battlemind power I would consider this.

