Crivens! A Pictsie’s Guide

the bigjobs will ne'er know what hit 'em


Stats:  +2 Cha, +2 Dex/Int    Useful for plenty of classes, if not exactly an ucommon combo.
Size: Tiny  More on this later.
Speed: 4.  Fly 6 (altitude 1)  More on this later.
Skills: +2 Nature, +2 Stealth  Stealth is a great skill, you probably won't notice nature.
Fey Origin: You are fey.  Really just flavor.
Pixie Magic:



  • Pixie Dust  Useful leader-like power, but probably won't be used every combat.
  • Shrink  Combines with Wee Warrior to let you use weapons.  Could have other imaginitive uses.

Speak With Beasts: Let's you speak with beasts .  A good RP device, but it may never come up.
Wee Warrior





  • Reach 1  Same as everyone else.
  • -5 to Str some checks  You'll just have to squeeze though a crack, or ask a fey bear to help.
  • Small weapon rules  No gouge or fullblade for you.

Weapon Rules:  




  • You effectivly use small weapon rules.  Same as halflings and gnomes.
  • Shrink does NOT allow you to use 2-handed or versitile weapons.  Again, you use small weapons.
  • Shrink is an encounter power, so if you get more then 1 new thing, it will take an additional 5 minutes.  and you though your girlfiend dressed slowly… 
  • Shrink makes wepons improvised and armor unfit for non-pixies.  So don't expect to do much items trading in the middle of combat.



Extended Features:


2: Ventriloquist Prank:  Small and random effect.
6: Pixie Invisibility:  Invisibility is powerful.
10: Gift of Flight:  You already have pixie dust.
16: Fairy Dance:  Nice power to help and hamper movement.
22: Pixie Teleport Trick:  You're already highly mobile, out of turn movement isn't gunna help too much.


Streak Of Light: Easiest way to get CA for any charge build.
Teeny Target: Good for certain defenders.  Note that does NOT let you stealth (though cover stacks with hidden).
Flitting Harrier (11): Possibly useful for charging into enemy's spaces, or for moving into flanking (move into their space, and out, rather then walk around), but most pixies will just shift, or have the badge of the beserker.


None [/quote]


Rules: RAW beef.

(Offical clarifications by WoTC)

Flight Rules Notes:



  • [sblock Altitude Picture][/sblock]
  • You can (temporarily) fly higher then your altitude limit.
  • If you end your turn above the altitude limit, you fall.
  • If you are knocked prone, you fall instead.
  • When you fall, you drop your flight speed (6) squares before you start your "real" fall, which can be reduced by acrobatics.
  • Thus, if you are 1 square up, you have to be knocked prone twice to actually be prone.
  • Since you are flying, you can be pulled/pulled/slide up or down.
  • If you are up 1 square, you do not flank medium creatures with those on the ground, but in turn, you do not get flanked.
  • Falling does not trigger stealth, since it is not your movement.
  • It's a minor action to "fall" prone, which could be useful for a quick decent.
  • Flying prevent's you from being seen by tremmorsense.

Size Rules notes:





  • You can enter the space of other creatures.
  • Other creatures can enter your square.
  • You do NOT flank when sharing a square.
  • You are adjacent to any creature in the same square.
  • You are still subject to close burst powers while in the caster's square.
  • Close blast powers can't hit you while in the caster's square.
  • There is some RAW debate as to weather you are adjacent to your own square.  Thus you might not get an OA if someone moved out of it.  I belive it is RAI to do so.

Speed Rule Notes:





  • You loose your fly speed if you are overburdened.  Thus you need to watch your weight, especially those in heavy armor.
  • There's alot of debate on this, and thus far, no clear answer.

    • Does "+2 to speed" affect fly speed?
    • If you "shift your speed" is that 4, or 6?
    • Does your shamans compainion move 4 or 6?


Hexblade Notes:  There's 2 interpritations…





  • You draw your impliment (minor)
  • create your pact weapon (minor), which is now held but not wielded.
  • use shrink on your pact weapon (minor), which is now wielded.







  • You draw your impliment (minor)
  • create your pact weapon (minor),
  • Specific pact weapon rules "You can make weapon attacks with your pact weapon" let's you use it while it's still too big.



I lean toward the first interpritation as RAW, but i wouldn't rule that way in any homegame.



Going Weee! while Wee.


Jumping:  The most straight forward use of flight is by "jumping" over enemies, you can easily get to the back row and start on their controllers.  You can also "jump" (shift) up 2 squares and charge down. [sblock example jump diagram]
X= path
E = enemy avoided
t = target.

  X         X 

Short Charge:  Pixies can charge INTO enemies squares, allowing them to charge 1 square away (or shift away and charge).  This will provoke an OA, so consider badge of beserker, or Flitting Harrier.  Also, you'll be stuck together (for better or worse, untill death (or 2 shifts) do us part).

OA away!:  By hovering directly a square over, or In an enemy's square, it must shift 2 squares to get away (unless it burrows…).  Thus, most non-skirmisher's won't be able to escape without an OA.  You could still shift up 1 square on your turn however, so even ranged attackers might like this.

Can't touch this:  Simialr to above, but you sit above an ally (or in it's square).  This is mostly for defenders (or those who want to be defended), and those with aura's (lightning fury PP).

Don't get stepped on:  Similar to above, except the enemy does it to you.  Be wary of a soldier standing on your wizard.

Blast Proof: While in an enemy's square, you can not be targed by close blasts.  Burst will still affect you.  You'll need some high knowlage to take advantage of this.

Athletics:  You already can "jump" further then a tri-kreen monk, and shouldn't have a problem "climbing" either.  So this skill is virtually useless to you.  (unless you need to climb a 40 square wall or just like showing off).

Bombardier:  Get an Immovable Shaft, fly up, slap one of these down, and enjoy raining death from above.  Floating lanterns and mage hand are also very popular, just be ware of the wieght limit, item HP, and your DM's Cheeze Limit.

Mini Mount: Since your tiny, you can ride small and medium things such as a beastmaster's spider or Raptor (Bombardier at level 1)  Or just a gnomes.

Stealth: With vitual immunity to tremmorsense, a racial bonus, dex bonus, and great mobility and positioning for OA's, Pixies are the tied with kobolds for the best perma-stealth characters.  More here.

Weapon Choice:




  • Rapiers, and Daggers (for short range) will probably be the choice for most pixies.
  • Drow Long Knife: If you want a heavy blade for HBO, this is where to find it.  Scimitars also work.
  • Pike: A small reach polearm.  For those who like polearm stuff.
  • Lance: Take advantage of streak of light.
  • Heavy War Picks: If you want a 2-hander.  You'll still be behind the bigjobs in damage, but not by too much.
  • Other picks: Usually best to stick with the lightblades +to hit over + damage.
  • Shortbow, Hand Crossbow, blowgun, sling  Big loss of damage here.  Consider sticking with a dagger unless you need the range.






Mini bonuses:

Mark of Storms: +1 to speed, as well as opening alot of other shinanigans
Pick Expertise: Easy untyped bonus damage.  Consider stacking heavy warpick, pick expertise, and two-weapon expertise.
Antipathy Gloves: Sit over an enemies square, and they can't (usually) get away.
Goblin Totem: Easy item damage.
Feybeast Tamer: You can use them as mounts, and will always get their aura benifit.
Climb the Giant:  Nice encounter shift.
Giantdoger Armor: Encounter out of turn shift.  Going up can let you stay out of combat for a turn.
Boots of the Dryad:  Not hard to qualify, but you ignore most difficult terrain anyways.
Wand of lightning:  Shrink something, trap it, unshrink.  Alot of work for a little damage, but "free" damage.
Goliath's Belt:  Let's you grab goliaths.
Halfling Boots: Redundant.[/quote]





Scoundrel: +Dex and +Cha, and the mobilty you want, and innate stealth.  The quintisental pixie.
Thief: +Dex and Cha, streak of light, and mobility.  Still the quintisental pixie.  Example.
Hexblades:  +Dex and Cha, streak of light, mobility combo with a very strong MBA for charging and stealthy OA's.
Bard: +Cha and Int, and pixie dust fit's right in with them.
Binder: Perfect stats, and mobility helps get your pack boon more often.  Note that Binder's are considered a lesser class.
Bladesinder: +Int and +Dex, streak of light to charge an artillary.
Executioner: +Dex and Cha, mobility is nice, as is their stealth benifits.
Knight: No Str, but melee training fixes that.  The aura, hammer hands (in an ally's square), can do wonders.  Especially good if you add stealth.
Scout: +Dex, and mobility.  You're likely using raiper and dagger so you won't loose any |W|'s.
Skald: +Cha and Int.  Mobility helps you place your auras, though you loose a little in weapons.
Monk: +Dex, +Cha possibly overkill on the mobility and no weapon issue.  Iron Soul+ Stealth can be superb.
Swordmage: +Int and swordmages like playing with positions.
Vampire: +Dex and Cha, both very importaint to vampires.  Add great positioning so you can push or pull in the appropriate direction, and take a few (but not too many) hits.  Possibly some charge stuff.  Plus RP points.
Warlock: +Cha and Int, and mobility for primeshot.  (remember to count verticly).
Arcanist: +Int and Dex.
Ardent: +Cha, and being able to ensure people are in your mantle are good.
Artificer:  +Int, and mobility are nice.
Assassin: +Dex and Cha, but mobility is a redundant. Shrouds are also just a poor mechanic.
Berserker: No Str, but charging with streak of light and using the aura in someone's square works out pretty well.
Blackguard: +Cha, and streak of light for charging, but low |W|'s, and you need to watch your weight.
Cavalier: +Cha.  And an aura, but it's somewhat weak, and you need to watch your weight.
Mage: +Int
Marshal: No Str, but +Int and +Cha, along with some nice positioning and pixie dust to help ensure allies get their bonuses.  Works better as a lazylord.
Paladin: +Cha.  Positioning helps with some blurst powers.  Make sure you watch your weight.  Consider going Cha/Dex.
Psion: +Cha nd Int.
Ranger: +Dex, mobility for prineshot, but low |W|'s.  However you can ride beasts, raptors are paticulaly impressive.
Slayer: No Str, but melee training can fix that.  Mobility helps replace the lack of |W|s. Get's better if you add stealth.
Sorcerer: +Cha and Dex
Weaponmaster: No Str, but mobility, placement, and all the other tricks fighters have can make up for it.  You also get major style points for grappling something 6 sizes bigger then you.
Witch: +Int
Warlord: No Str, but 2 secondaries, mobility, and a good leader racial .  Better as lazylords.
Avenger: No Wis, Mobility helps maintain your oath, but your missing out on the big |W|.
Barbarian: No Str, no big weapons, but streak of light makes them viable.
Battlemind: No stats, but flying + blurred step you pretty sticky.  Stealth + HBO can be wicked.
Hunter: +Dex
Ruenpriest: No stats, but mobility and positioning is one of the major weakness of runepriest.
Templar: No stats, poor weapons,  mobility adds a little though.
Druid: No Wis, but mobility is useful.  You retain flight in beast form, which is great for RP (swarm of butterfly's anyone?).
Sentinel: No Wis, but you could ride your beast.
Invoker: No Wis, and no need for mobility.
Protector: No Wis, doesn't really need mobility.
Seeker: No Wis, +Dex, but loss of |W|'s and range hurts alot.
Shaman: Now Wis, and no need for mobiilty.  They do a bit better as lazy animist, pixie dust helps with that.
Warden: No stats, and tend not to move around.
Warpriest: No stats, poor weapons.[/quote]