I'm don't plan on include powers or conditional bonuses there are just far to many, with varying levels of conditon. So these are just the constant bonuses. Unless it's a very common condition (like while your concious), or constantly achiveable (like 40+ arcana, or blooded).
I may expand on this in the future.
4315: Total Monsters
Save ends: 1872 (43%)
Prone: 675 (16%)
Slowed: 539 (12%)
Immobilized: 514 (11%)
Restrainted: 200 (5%)
Weakened: 295 (7%)
Dazed: 729 (17%)
Stunned: 378 (9%)
Dominated: 141 (3%)
Unconscious: 76 (2%)
Sources: (I wouldn't put much faith in these numbers, alot of things are poision/fear resist)
Poison: 1279 (30%)
Fear: 615 (14%)
Charm: 393 (9%)
Genasi (earth): +1
Warforged: Death Take 10
Shadar-Kai: Death, Unconcious +2
Dwarf: Prone Extra Save
Githzerai: Daze, Dominate, Stun +2
Kalashtar: Daze, Dominate Save at the start of your turn instead of the end.
Genasi 1(plauge): Disease +5
Genasi (water): Damage +2
Warforged: Damage +2
Githyanki: Charm +2
Eladrain: Charm +5
Dwarf: Poison +5
Halfling: Fear +5
Gnome: Illusion +5
Crusading Zelot: +1 until you fail
Scorned Noble: +2 without allies
Arcane Student Who Saw Too Much: daze, stun, immobilize, restrain +1
Cormyr (Wheloon): Charm +2
Myth Drannor: Charm Reroll
Recent Convert: Charm Reroll
Moonshae Isles: Fear Charm +2
Cormyr (General): Fear +2
Haunted Veteran: Fear Reroll
Slayer: +1; Extra Save
Knight: Extra Save
Warden: Extra Save
Warpriest (sun): Death +2
Thief: Immoblize, Restrain, Slow Reroll
Resilent Focus: +2 Feat
Stubborn Survivor: +2 while you have no APs.
Imperishable Destiney: +1 per milestone
Courageous Mind: +1 while bloodied.
Enhanced Font of Life: +1 with font of life
Born of Shadow: +1 in dim or dark.
Death Scorned: Death +1
Diciple of Death: Death +5 Feat
Diciple of Freedom: Immobilize, Slowed, Restrain Extra Save
Martial Freedom: Slow, Immobilize +5
Superior Will: Daze, Stun Extra Save
Dispater's Iron Discipline: Daze, Stun, Dominate +Int or Cha
Focused Mind: Daze, Stun +4 Feat
Tenacious Resolve: Damage +5 Feat
Idomitable Halfling: Psycic Damage +5 Racial
Earth Mote Stability: Falling +4 Feat
Tenacity For Living: Fire and Necrotic Damage +4 Feat
Legacy of Stone: Poison +2 Racial
Carrion Eater: Poision, Disease +4 Feat
Poison Inured: Poison +Con
Idomitable Halfling: Charm +5 Racial
Elemental Boon: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder +2
Fey Senses: +2 Racial
Broken Shackles: Charm +2
Battle Hardened: Feat +5
Many feat bonuses to saving throws are strictly outclassed by Resilent Focus. So i'm not listing anything that give a +2 or less feat bonus, even if the do some with other quality benifits (Nusemnee's Atonement for instance).
Ring of Protection: +1 Item
Fortune Stones: +1 Item Set Bonus
Bloodthread Armor: +2 Item
Horreb Ritual Cube: +2 Item
Nullifying Ring: +3 Item
Wrestlers Gloves: Falling +1 item
Ring of Perfect Grip: Falling +5 Item
Immunizing Armor: Poison Damage Auto
Wildfire Totem: Fire Damage +2
Fireburst Armor: Fire Damage Auto
Demonwrought Armor: Fire Damage Auto
Elukian Clay Armor: Acid Damage Auto
Periphat of Wound Closure: Untyped Damage +Enh Item
Stanching Armor: Untyped Damage +Enh Item
Skin of Agonies: Untyped Damage Auto
Armor of Sudden Recovery: Damage +1 Item
Armor of Cleansing: Damage +2 item
Amulet of Bodily Sanctity: Damage +2 Item
Perpetual Resolve Vestments: Damage Early Save
Silver Sky Tabard: Damage Extra Save
Grace Ring of Lightning: Daze, Stun +1 Item
Grace Ring of Salvation: Daze, Stun +1 Item
Grace Ward Ring: Daze, Stun +1 Item
Unvanquished Grace Ring: Daze, Stun +1 Item
Ring of Eladrain Grace: Daze, Stun +1 Item
Grace Ring of Prowless: Daze, Stun +1 Item
Circlet of Continuity: Daze, Stun +2 Item
Helm of the Mental Juggernaut: Daze, Stun +2 Item
Coif of Focus: Daze, Stun +5 Item
Gaj Headress: Psychic Damage, Daze, Stun, Dominate +2 Item
Crownring of Tchazzar: Daze, Stun, Dominate +3 Item
Anakore: Immobilize, Restrained +2 Item
Staff of the Evader: Slow, Immobilize +2 Item
Elven Battle Armor: Slow, Immobilize +5 Item
Cloak of Archnida: Immobilize, Restrain +2 Item
Amulet of Physical Resolve: Weakened, Slowed, Immobilize +2 item
True Kiss of the Mistress: Immobilize, Restrain, Slow, Stun +2 Item
Torog's Lamentation of the Shackled: Slow, Immobilize, Restrain +Enh Item
Boots of Free Movement: Slow, Immobilize, Restrained +2 Item
Star-Strewn Scarf: Blind +2 Item
Matrakk's Lenses: Blind +5
Life Charm: Death Auto (not 20+)
Kord's Relentlessness: Death +2 Item
The Fading One – Life Drain: Death +2 Item
Periphat of Recovery: Death +2 Item
Verve Armor: Death +2
Survivor's Belt: Death Reroll
Cobra Strike Ki Focus: Poison +2 item
Amulet of Physical Resolve: Poison +2 item
Circlet of Revelations: Char +5 item
Amulet of Mental Resolve: Charm, Illusion, Sleep +2 item
Tanatherial Staff: Charm, Illusion +Enh Item
Eye of Deception: Illusion, Charm +2 Item
Amulet of Psychic Interference: Charm, Illusion, Psychic Early Save
Circlet of the Urbane: Charm, Fear, Illusion, Psychic +2 Item
Cognizance Ring: Charm, Fear, Illusion, Psychic +1 Item
Nightmare Ward Armor: Charm, Fear, Psychic +2 Item
Courtier's Cape: Charm, Fear +2 Item
Amulet of the Inner Voice: Charm, Fear +2 Item
Spirit Reliquary: Fear, Charm +Enh Item
Helm of Hero's: Fear +2/2/5 Item
Ring of the Ghost Knight: Fear +5 Item
Symbol Of Curage: Fear +Enh Item
Fortified Armor: Fear +Enh
Savage Weapon: Fear +Enh Item
Vistani Eye Amulet: Gaze +Enh Item
Devilblind Weapon: Devils +Enh
Ring of Life: Necrotic +5 Item
Mul Battle Slave: +2 while bloodied
Anointed Champion: +2
Scion of Absence: +2
Grim Blackguard: +2
Valiant Cavalier: +2
Warforged Juggernaut: +2
Stone Caller: Prone Extra Save
Vistani Execrator: Blind Extra Save
Self Forged: Damage +2
Self Forged: Death Take 10
Horizon Walker: Death +Wis
Flamebrow Commander: Death +Cha
Godfragment: Death +3
Raven Herald: Death +4
Ancestral Incarnate: Dazed, Stun +2
Hell's Keeper: Daze, Immobilize, Restrain +2
Radiant Servent: Immobilize, Restrain +2
Champion of the Labyrinth: Immobilize, Slow +4
Basilisk's Fury Adept: Immobilize, Restrain, Slow +2; Petrify Extra Save
Halfling Scoundral: Fear Extra Save
Divine Hand: Fear +2
Astral Weapon: Fear +2
Battlelord of Kord: Fear +5
Watcher of Vengence: Charm, Fear, Illusion +2
Deadstalker: Charm, Fear +2
Four Winds Master: Charm, Fear +5
Stealsky Liberator: Charm, Fear +5
Shire Knight: Charm Extra Save
Azure Guard: Poison +2
Spellscarred Savant: Spellscared, Plaugechanged +2
Avatar of Hope: +1
Destined Scion: +2
Demiurge: +5
Sages of Ages: +5, Reroll with a very high arcana
Heir of Syberys: +2 Cumulitive when you fail
Mythic Spirit: +2 while not bloodied
Free Soul: Extra Save
Unyielding Sentinel: Reroll
Reborn Champion: Death +2 (effectively)
Avangion: Death +1/2 your highest ability score (so +4/5)
Star Favored Champion: Death Take 20
Mythic Spirit: Death Skip
Raven Consort: Death +2 cumulitive
Eighth Seal: Daze, Dominate, Stun Extra Save
Topaz Crusader: Daze, Dominate, Immobilize, Restrain Immune
Punisher of the Gods: +5 from your imortal curse target
Dragonheart: Charm, Fear Extra Save
Avatar of Hope: Fear Immune
Exalted Angle: Fear Immune
Grandmaster of Flowers: Charm, Fear, Psychic Take 10
elemental companions feat, wellspring of life, shared perseverence, power of freedom, invoke resilience, courageous example, harbinger of rebirth, emboldening presense, vengence's reward, tenacity for living, shield the fallen, saving grace, touch of salvation, hero's poise, guardian spirit, inspiirational survival.
Gatekeeper of the golden palace (gives you and allies a bonus equal to number of your adjacent allies), justiciar, emerald guardian, devout warpriest.
mantle of the golden general, symbol of sacrifice,
Seal Death's Door: +2 death.
So yea, a huge number of things against Fear and Charm, yet not alot of Fear and Charm enemies. [/quote]