After the arguments on the Warlord Handbook thread, I thought it was worth doing to extra detail about basic attacks.
As with Zelink, I have university and exams are coming up, so this will happen slowly but I promise it will be completed and maintained.
So without further ado, I give you:
Back to Basics – A Guide to Basic Attacks
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
This handbook will use the following system for ratings:
Purple: Situationally useful, but overall pretty meh.
Black: OK. You could do worse than pick this.
Blue: Good stuff. You probably want this.
Sky Blue: You want this. Period.
Gold: Why haven't you taken this yet? A defining choice for a build, or even the whole class.
Please note these terms are relative to other things in the same genre (there are very few unusually basic attacks – some are just better than others).
AV – Adventurer's Vault
AV 2 – Adventurer's Vault 2
D XXX – Dragon Magazine, issue XXX
DMA 2009 – Dragon Magazine Annual 2009
DP – Divine Power
DSCS – Dark Sun Campaign Setting
FRPG – Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
HoS – Heroes of Shadow
HotEC – Heroes of the Elemental Chaos
HotF – Heroes of the Feywild
HotFK – Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms
HotFL – Heroes of the Fallen Lands
MM – Monster Manual
MM 2 – Monster Manual 2
MOTP – Manual of the Planes
MP – Martial Power
MP 2 – Martial Power 2
PHB – Player's Handbook
PHB 2 – Player's Handbook 2
PHB 3 – Player's Handbook 3
PHH 1 – Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 1
PHH 2 – Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 2
PHR: DB – Player's Handbook Races: Dragonborn
PHR: TF – Player's Handbook Races: Tieflings
PrP – Primal Power
BBEG – Big bad evil guy.
Bravelord – Refers to a Warlord with the Bravura Presence class feature.
Burst/Nova/Spike Damage – Generally understood to mean the highest amount of damage a character can inflict in the space of a single round. Usually, calculations for this allow 1 round of setup before the actual damage.
CA – Combat advantage.
DPR – Damage per round, which is generally meant to mean the character's expected damage value using At-Will powers against a standard enemy of the same level (eloquently described by Adslahnit as the Official CharOp Inanimate Block of TofuTM).
ED – Epic destiny.
HP – Hit points.
Lazylord – Refers to a build of Warlord that avoids attacking directly, instead taking powers that enable his allies to attack.
LX – Level X.
MAD – Multiple attribute dependency, which is defined as needing 3 or more ability scores for a given build.
MBA – Melee basic attack.
MC – Multiclass or multiclassing.
NAD – Non-AC defense.
OA – Opportunity attack.
PP – Paragon path.
RBA – Ranged basic attack.
Reslord – Refers to a Warlord with the Resourceful Presence class feature.
SAD – Single attribute dependency, which is defined as a build that really only needs 1 ability score.
Taclord – Refers to a Warlord with the Tactical Presence class feature.
THP – Temporary hit points.
Thanks to:
Lordduskblade – the basic handbook layout
Zelink – his Warlord thread started this whole thing.
Those who created and maintain the other handbooks – I crossreference my ratings for powers with their's.
AW1 (PHB2)- Overwhelming Strike – A free slide and shift for the cost of a feat (Power of Skill). The most accurate at-will MBA in the game.
AW1 (Drag 382) – Avenging Shackles – RBA but not what the avenger should be spending his standard action on. Marginally better if you have a eagle shaman in the party. Better if you have Divine Vengeance.
E1 (PHB2) – Whirlwind Charge – A 2[W] attack that can be used on the charge. It's special effect is made redudant by Badge of the Berserker.
E1 (Drag 383) – Raging Tempest – Can be used on the charge. However it is heavily DM dependent; the damage can be seen to be more than one instance of damage and that will get your static mods over again. If the DM view it all as once instance, it is overshadowed by Whirlwind Charge, if he sees it as two (or even three) then it is a double tap that can be used on the charge (and possibly a third tap).
D15 (DP) – Zealous Onslaught: Not great for a d15, but does include a free melee basic.
E17 (DP) – Accept No Defeat: A 3[W] with a weird miss clause (make an MBA), but you should never miss as an avenger so there are better options.
E17 (DP) – Wrathful Charge – A 2[W] power that can be used on the charge. You do more damage for each opportunity attack you prevoke. If for some reason you haven't taken a badge of the berserker (or have a lesser badge), this is better.
E17 (PHB2) – Spectral Charge – A 2[W] power that can be used on the charge and you gain insubstantional. If you are provoking attacks to charge at all then this is obseleted by Wrathful Charge.
E17 (PHB2) – Warding Blade – Gives you an improved version of polearm gamble for a round. If anyone excpet the target enters a square next to you or attacks you, you can attack them with an MBA an OA. This could potentially generate quite a few attacks.
E23 (DP) – Threatening Strike – 3[W] power vs fort that immoblises is reasonably solid. If you then move away from the target it is likely to trigger the secondary part of the power and give you the extra MBA. This is better for RetVengers who can do several MBAs in a round.
E27 (PHB2) – Astral Charge – A 1[w] power that stuns is really not enough at this level, even though it can be used on the charge.
E0 (PHB2) – Swift Charge – A free action power that grants you a no-action charge when you kill something? Sweet.
AW1 (PHB2) – Howling Strike – an at-will power that can be used on the charge with an extra 1d6/tier to damage. You even get a speed increase whilst raging.
D1 (HFW) – Life-Ending Smite – a 4[w] power that can be used on the charge. The biggest single attack you can get at level 1, but most of the other barbarian dailies, this does not put you into a rage (an end of encounter effect) so it does not take advantage of some of the support out there (e.g. Deadly Rage).
D1 (PHB2) – Rage Drake's Frenzy – a 3[W] gives you an MBA when you kill somethig for the rest of the encounter. Not too useful unless you are next to two things or have a way of moving when you kill something. Also beware the free action attack limit.
E3 (Drag 384) – Longstrike Charge – A power you can use on the charge that does slightly more damage than howling strike. You won't hold on to this for long.
E3 (PHB2) – Daring Charge – Not much better than howling strike (the special is nulified by badge of the berserker). Better if for some reason you are a Thaneborn with a lesser badge of the berserker.
D5 (PHB2) – Clawfoot Berserker Rage – A 3[W] attack that comes with an end of encounter effect. A rare condition but nice when it comes off.
D5 (PP) – Razor Wind Rage – A 2[W] close burst. The end of encounter effect gives you a huge boost to your rampage class feature. This is better if you have someone giving you guaranteed criticals (e.g. a warlord with death from two sides).
U6 (PP) – Primal Charge – Big bonus to speed while charging – ok, as you don't usually have much need of your minor action as a charger. However you rarely have need of your move action either and so it's rare to be more than 12 squares from a target.
D9 (PP) – Flying Serpent Rage – Shift 2 as move and do other actions after charging. That's actually pretty neat. Unfortantely the trigger is not as common as it might be.
E13 (PHB2) – Thunderfall – reasonable charge damage (3[W]) with a reasonable push and prone, but this is outshone by howling strike as soon as you hit epic, as you can do most of those things at-will.
D15 (HFW) – Bloodletting Assault – the big brother of Life-ending Smite, a 6[W] power you can use on the charge.
D15 (PHB2) – Thunderfury Rage – A 3[W] starting attack and a strong end of encounter effect. You get an MBA each time an enemy hits or misses you (as an immediate reaction).
E17 (PHB2) – Shoulder Slam – A 2[W] power that allows you to hit a second target for 1[W] if you hit the first target (which you should with the intrinsic accuracy bonus). The is better if the DM accepts that the second part of the power is still part of the charge and thus benefits from the charge kit (horned helm etc). This is also better for a barbarian with reach, to make the second attack easier.
D19 (PHB2) – Hydra Rage – A 4[W] opening attack that dazes. For the rest of the encounter if gives you an an MBA as a free action when you miss. Which isn't bad considering you'll never be as accurate as an avenger.
D19 (PP) – Elder Tuskerbrother Rage – A 5[W] power that you can use on the charge. Adds a push to your charges for the rest of the encounter.
U22 (PP) – Unexpect Clarity – Once per day allows you to change the MBA granted by rampage into a standard action.
U22 (PP) – Emboldening Courage – A free shift for all those around you when you hit or miss with a charge. Not bad.
E23 (PHB) – Craterfall – Can be used on the charge but less damage than howling strike. The latter can also knock prone with a feat. Avoid.
D25 (HFW) – Unmatched Precision – Big opening attack (can be up to 8[W], once you have used up all your encounter attack powers, allows you to roll twice for attack rolls for basic attacks and barbarian at-wills. Unless you have ways to gets through all your encounter powers very quickly (e.g. in 2 rounds) then this probably isn't worth it.
D25 (PP) – Rage of the Unbridled Beast – 4[W] is quite small at this level but comes with an AC debuff. The effect is nice – basically gives you polearm gamble for an encounter (an OA on any one who enters a square adjacent to you). This could generate quite a few MBAs.
E27 (PHB2) – Butcher's Feast – Big damage 6[W] and extra MBAs if you get attacked. An accurasy boost for Thaneborns. This power is often overlocked because it comes at the same level as Hurricane of Blades.
E27 (PP) – Crippling Assault – Probably does more damage than howling strike and some vulnerability never hurts. Not bad.
D29 (PHB2) – World Serpent Rage – Biggest weapon-based damage that can be used on the charge – 7[W]! Also helps to lock people adjacent to you and give damage bonuses if they are. If they move they eat your OA, if they shift you get to attack them anyway. Great Power.
D29 (PP) – Rage of the Thundering Rhino – Solid but not exception opening hit (5[W]). The effect gives bonuses to your basic attacks for the rest of the encounter. Not really enough for a capstone daily.
E0 (HS) – Dread Smite – Your essentials encounter power – adds cold and necrotic when you hit with an attack.
AW0 (HEC) – Elemental Bolt – A 1d12 RBA that you can boost up with your features and encounter powers.
AW1 (HFK) – Eldritch Bolt – 1d10 RBA at ranged 10, perfectly passible.
AW0 (HFK) – Moonfire Blade – A d12 mba that targets reflex and deals radiant damage and does extra damage when enemies don't run away from you.
AW0 (HFK) – Resplendent Blade – A pretty good MBA that deals radiant damage and damages an enemy other than the foe you targeted, which makes Star Hexblades the current best pact to handle multiple enemies at once. This what you'll be using if you take Student of Caiphon.
AW0 (HFK) – Flesh rend – A slide and a debuff on my MBA is pretty nice. This power would be rated high if it didn't do necrotic damage, which is so widely resisted.
AW0 (HFK) – Unraveling Strike – A small amount of vulnerability on demand but the power itself does untyped damage. Not that great.
AW0 (HFK) – Icy Skewer – Cold damage and extra defences against the target's attacks. Not bad at all.
AW0 (HFK) – Soul Eater – Again necrotic damage but not as good an effect as Flesh Rend.
AW1 (MP2) – Fading Strike – A dex based melee attack that hunter-style rangers can use for an opportunity attack. Comes with a shift 2 which is nice for the skirmishing sort.
AW1 (MP2) – Marauder's Rush – The ranger's version of howling strike. An at-will that can be used on the charge with a secondary stat to damage.
AW1 (MP2) – Throw and Stab – A two-attack at-will that doesn't quite compete with twinstrike because it cannot focus fire. You make a strength-based ranged atttack and a MBA against different characters.
E1 (PHB) – Fox's Cunning – A pretty nice counter-attack that takes place outside of your turn, it even comes with an attack bonus attached to make sure it lands. Less useful for greatbow rangers that twang from the back.
D1 (Drag 383) – Guardian's Arrow – Lets you play sub-defender for a bit. Considering the other great ranger immediate actions out there, you probably don't want this.
D1 (MP) – Partnered Savaging – Similar damage to Jaws of the Wolf for low level beast master rangers attacking their quarry. But beast damage horribly fails to scale.
E3 (MP2) – Avenging Charge – An offturn charge with an easy trigger? What's not to love. The only downside to this power is that it comes at the same level as Disruptive Strike; taken in a vacuum, it is better.
E3 (MP) – Paired Predators – Allows your beast to make an MBA. Good as far as beastmaster go, not so good in the bigger picture.
E3 (MP) – Encircle the Prey – Basically Paired Predators but trading 1[W] for a shift and a slide.
D5 (MP) – Spitting-Cobra Stance – Gives you an RBA if an enemy within 5 squares moves closer to you. I errata that changed this attack to an immediate action rather than an opportunity action hurt the rating slightly but still a strong power.
D5 (MP2) – Snarling Wolf Stance – an MBA as a reaction whenever you are hit or missed is pretty sweet for a two-weapon ranger.
D5 (Drag 381) – Predatory Charge – You and your beast companion charge the target. Like all the beastmaster powers mention so far, it is the best at the level for a beastmaster, but sub-par in the bigger picture.
D5 (Drag 383) – Flying Steel – Similar power to Spitting Cobra Stance. The trigger is easier, but it only works on a single target.
D5 (MP2) – Coordinated Charge – Very little reason to choose this over Preditory Charge.
D9 (DM 383) – Thousand Arrow Awareness – Rare for a ranger to get an area attack, so this is nice but the main of the ranger is to focus fire, which this does not do. The effect is much better if you have a controller who can slide enemies around on their own turn, to take advantage of the fact that the secondary attack is an opportunity action.
D9 (MP2) – Shocking Assault – A 3[W] that can be used on the charge. Nothing special.
E13 (Drag 377) – Storm in the Trees – A double tap and an MBA against a different target if you hit with both. Not bad.
E13 (Drag 383) – Warding Shot – A bit of control if you target an enemy without reach or a ranged attack. Otherwise it is just a 2[W] power. Poor for the level.
E13 (MP2) – Thread the Needle – a melee attack for hunter rangers (dex-mased melee). Reasonable damage if you complete the sequence.
D15 (Drag 383) – Tracking the Target – Punishes enemies for clustering. Better if you have a controller to cluster them for you.
D15 (MP) – Scent of Fear – Gives the beast a melee basic for a minor action each turn. As usual good for a beastmaster, but exceedingly poor overall. By this level the beast's damage has horribly failed to scale.
E17 (Drag 383) – Entrapping Arrows – You sort of get to play fighter for a turn – an area burst that allows you to make an RBA against anyone moving out of the burst, which immobilises on a hit. Better with a a controller who can force them out of the burst.
E17 (MP2) – Supressing Shots – The opposite of Entrapping Arrows, you get the RBA when anybody else enters the zone. Also Better with a a controller who can force them out of the burst.
E23 (Drag 383) – Dangerous Friends – Penalty for clustering. Nowhere near enough for this level.
E23 (PHB) – Cloak of Thorns – 2 debuffing attacks and then 2 more MBAs as a immediate reaction if an adjacent enemy misses you, pretty sweet.
D25 (Drag 384) – Vengeful Fangs Stance – Gives extra attacks and expanded crit range to your beast companion. Almost a passible beastmaster power.
D25 (PHB) – Tiger's Reflex – Gives a basic attack as an immediate interrupt when attacked. Better if you can force people to attack you (e.g. if a defender powerswaps for it).
D25 (Drag 381) – Thunderfury Charge – Yet another you and your beast charge powers. Meh.
D25 (MP) – Primal Rampage – Another charge power for you and your beast with a debuff.
D25 (MP2) – Aid the Beast – Best beastmaster power of any level. Gives you an RBA as a minor once per round. And the icing of a hit granting CA to your beast (reasonably irrevelent).
D29 (PHB) – Follow-Up Blow – with the free action attack limit, this power has become rather weak for a capstone daily.
D29 (Drag 383) – Imprisoning Arrows – A 5[W] starting attack, followed by an RBA as an immediate interrupt each time the target moves willingly. Not bad – overshadowed by Five Missile Dance.
D29 (MP2) – Culling Out – A 5[W] power that can be used on the charge with a "drag" effect – not great for a capstone daily, but usuable.
D29 (MP2) Gauntlet of Steel – This power depends on you have as great a speed as possible. If you have a controller to line up the monsters for you and you are fast enough, this can generate a large number of MBAs.
D1 (MP) – Handspring Assault – a 3[W] power that can be used on a charge and gives a shift after. Best designed for a rogue using a rapier, or one who has taken the feat Versatile Duelist to allow you to use heavy blades a large [W] powers are fairly irrelevent to a dagger user.
E3 (MP2) – Jumping Blade Assault – A 2[W] power that can be used on the charge that knocks them prone before you hit them? Pretty sweet. If you have taken Versatile Duelist, then you can also take advantage of Headman's Chop.
E17 (MP2) – Excruciating Reminder – A good pick for ranged rogues and not bad for melee either. 3[W] starting attack that rattles and an a basic attack is the target misses during the following round.
E17 (MP2) – Leaping Dagger Kick – the big brother of Jumping Blade Assault. A 3[W] power that can be used on the charge and adds a daze for artful dodgers.
U22 (PHB) – Hide from the Light – keeps you invisible as long as you only use basic attacks or at-wills.
E23 (MP2) – Cutthroat's Rebuke – a beefed up Riposte Strike. Without a catch-22 this power is quite poor. If you have someway to mark the target, then this is better.
D25 (MP2) – Bounding Assault – a 6[W] power that can be used on the charge. The special is obsoleted by Badge of the Berserker.
E27 (MP) – Safe Bet – A 4[W] power that can be used at melee or ranged. An easy trigger to get a big shift and a basic attack as an immediate interrupt. A nice and versatile power.
D29 (MP2) – Kiss of Death – Could generate a lot of MBAs with the right party but the fact that it only works on one creature lowers the rating somewhat. Better against solos.
E0 (HFL) Power Strike – This is your equivalent of other classes encounter powers. Adds extra damage to your MBAs and comes with bonus feat support.
AW0 (HFL) – Battle Wrath – +2/3/4 untyped bonus to your BAs. The default stance for non-charging slayers, and nice even when you are charging.
AW0 (HFL) – Berserker's Charge – +2 power bonus to speed and attack rolls when you charge. Awesome.
AW0 (HFL) – Duelist's Assault – double the damage bonus of Battle Wrath but with a condition that no one is adjacent to the target except you. Combines well with Cunning Stalker.
AW0 (HFL) – Mobile Blade – no that great – a free move after you hit, but nothing stops you from prevoking (unless you've just killed the target of course!).
AW0 (HFL) – Poised assault – +1 power bonus to hit. Accuracy is king. Not bad.
AW0 (HFL) – Unfettered Fury – An improved version of Power Attack, but not as good as Duelist's Assult. Unless you are on 105% accuraxy you probably don't want this.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Charging Ram – Opens your neckslot by not requiring you to take Badge of the Berserker and adds damage and control to your charges. Pretty Sweet.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Cunning Fox – You are unlikely to take damage on your turn unless you prevoke and if you were planning to charge to prevoke you should use Aspect of the Charging Ram or a Badge of Berserker.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Dancing Serpent – Worse than Aspect of the Lurking Spider and doesn't apply to your Dual Weapon Attack (your striker feature).
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Hungry Shark – Bonus to accuracy for MBA and shift 3 as a move action, nice but nothing special.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Lurking Spider – Nice skill bonuses and a power bonus to damage when you have CA. Nice.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Pack Wolf – Quite situational but if you can organise your party well you may get good milage out of this stance.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Regal Lion – Quite campaign dependent but if you routinely fight large of larger creatures this is a good bonus to attack rolls and defences.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Soaring Hawk – A Perception bonus is good for out-of-combat situations, but a bonus to speed and ignoring cover/concealment penalties isn't terribly useful.
AW0 (HFK) – Dual Weapon Attack – Your main striker feature – You effectively get a second MBA when you hit with an MBA (but it's technically not an MBA so you don't get any MBA boosters).
E0 (HFK) – Power Strike – Same as that of all the other essentials builds. Extra damage when you hit.
AW1 (PHB2) – Acid Orb – A range 20 basic attack is worth having. At 1d10, this is the biggest damage of any of the sorcerer RBAs. Unfortunately acid is not a damage type that is easily abusable, but is rarely resisted.
AW1 (PHB2) – Energy Strobe – Same as Acid Orb but with a random damage type, which makes it hard to optimise around.
AW1 (PHB2) – Dragonfrost – The best of the sorcerer RBAs. Cold damage (which can happily be built around) and an inbuilt push. Pretty Sweet. Especially good if you are dragonborn who MCs Fighter to pick up Draconic Arrogance.
AW1 (PHB2) – Ensorcelled Blade – A weapon power that can be used in place of an MBA which helps to set up a catch-22 situation if you can isolate your target. With the correct riposte optimisation this power gets even better.
EO (HFL) – Backstab – Improves your already good accuracy to insane levels and adds extra damage.
AW0 (HFL) – Acrobat's Trick – Power bonus to damage and an at-will climb speed, not bad.
AW0 (Hfl) – Ambush Trick – CA against everyone within 5 squares. Especially good for ranged thieves who find it harder to get CA.
AW0 (Hfl) – Escape Artist's Trick – Could be useful to set up a charge, but generally not something you would pick early on.
AW0 (Hfl) – Feinting Trick – You should never not have CA. You don't want this.
AW0 (Hfl) – Sneak's Trick – Reasonable for perma-stealth builds as a way to get around not having the cunning sneak class feature.
AW0 (Hfl) – Tactical Trick – Another nice way to CA and helps with your maneuverability.
AW0 (Hfl) – Thug's Trick – Possible that this would get you an extra off-turn attack but also may well do nothing.
AW0 (Hfl) – Tumbling Trick – Shift 3 as a move action and if you have a strength secondary this can add a bit of extra damage to your MBA.
AW0 (Hfl) – Unbalancing Trick – Knocking prone with your MBA is nice as long as you don't need to use another trick to get CA.
AW1 Vampire Slam (Hos): See above for details. This attack is what makes the vampire what it is, you will rarely use anything else.
AW1 (PHB) – Eldritch Blast – 1d10 RBA at ranged 10, perfectly passible.
AW1 (PHH1) – Eldritch Strike – One of the most poached powers in the game. A MBA that comes off either Charisma or Constitution and has a built in slide. This power is generally better off in the hands of another class or hybrided for (e.g. Warlock|Executioner).
AW0 (PHB) – Magic Missile – Ranged 20 so you should always be able to do something on your turn but it doesn't trigger your bladespells so rarely worth doing.
AW0 (NCS) – Shadow Sever – Knocks prone which is nice but deals necrotic damage which is widely resisted.
AW0 (NCS) – Dancing Fire – Not as good as Shadow Sever, you probably want to avoid unlike you're a Tiefling specialising in fire damage.
AW0 (NCS) – Dazzling Sunray – Radiant damage and a debuff to attacks. Remember when I said you want to double tap vulnerability? This combines very nicely with being a Morninglord, or just having one in the party.
AW0 (NCS) – Frost Bite – This does cold damage, which is the other damage type with which you can easily abuse vulnerability.
AW0 (NCS) – Lightning Ring – Considering this power doesn't hit (and thus no Promise of Storm from being a Stormsoul Genasi), lightning doesn't have enough support account for the lack of control on this power.
AW0 (NCS) – Unseen Hand – Force damage is generally not resisted and a slide 3 is pretty handy.
Druid (PHB2): You have at-will powers that can be used as MBAs in beast form (one of which is only for the charge) and combined with Claw Gloves you can make a quite a dent with your MBA. You don't really have an RBA.
AW1 (PHB2) – Savage Rend – The best of the Druid MBAs because of the inbuilt slide.
AW1 (PHB2) – Grasping Claws – A melee power that slows isn't that useful unless you plan to abuse WSG. Nicer if your DM prevokes a lot of opportunity attacks to reposition his monsters.
AW1 (PHB2) – Pounce – No real reason to use power over the ones above.
E13 (PHB2) – Claws of Retribution – Nice way for the Predator druid to increase his offturn striker damage. Especially nice when you MBA is Savage Rend.
D25 (PHB2) – Primal Tiger – Gives you the equivalent of polearm gamble for a round. Nice for polearm druids.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Cunning Fox – You are unlikely to take damage on your turn and aiming to miss is usually not a good idea.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Dancing Serpent – This is better than Aspect of the Lurking Spider for the hunter, for whom it is harder to get CA. Power bonus to hit and damage against isolated creatures, which combines well with Cunning Stalker.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Lurking Spider – Nice skill bonuses and a power bonus to damage when you have CA. Nice if you have a way to get constant CA at range.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Pack Wolf – Quite situational but if you can organise your party well you may get good milage out of this stance.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Regal Lion – Quite campaign dependent but if you routinely fight large of larger creatures this is a good bonus to attack rolls and defences.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Pouncing Lynx – There is very little reason not to start every encounter in this stance. You gain +4 to init that stacks with the init feats and +2 attacks in the first round of combat which stacks with superior reflexes. Awesome.
AW0 (HFK) – Aspect of the Seeking Falcon – A reasonable out of combat stance but generally you will always be in short range (15 for a crossbow, 25 for a greatbow) so most of this stances isn't that great in-combat.
AW0 (HFK) – Aimed Shot – Even worse for crossbow users, who ignore cover and concealment with there expertise anyway. Very rarely would you want to use this over Clever Shot.
AW0 (HFK) – Clever Shot – Good options and very versatile power.
AW0 (HFK) – Rapid Shot – A RBA against everyone in a pseudo close burst 1. If you have a tricked out RBA and a way to clump enemies (e.g. a wizard ally), then this is just awesome.
AW1 (PHB2) – Divine Bolts – A noted above, the best RBA in the game. Period.
AW1 (PHB2) – Sun Strike – Radiant damage and slide – not bad at all.
AW1 (PHB2) – Avenging Light – Similar to Sun Strike, but conditional extra damage is not as good as a slide.
AW1 (PHB3) – Kinetic Trawl – RBA vs reflex that pulls. This would be better as a push or a slide.
AW1 (PHB3) – Mind Thrust – An RBA in it's unaugmented form and very nice in it's augment 2 form for setting up a party nova round.
AW7 (PHB3) – Mind Break – At-will vulnerability to psychic and psychic damage is nice combination.
AW17 (PHB3) – Psychic Brand – Removing cover and concealment on your RBA is nice, it's augments are reasonable.
AW27 (PP) – Decebrate – As a basic attack this is fairly poor – just 1d10 damage at level 27. The augment 6 is a 3 target daze, which still isn't great.
E0 (PHB3) – Inevitable Shot – if you ever miss with a ranged attack you get an RBA as no action and you get this back every time you use an AP. Especially nice if you have the Battlefield Archer PP.
AW1 (PHB3) – Biting Swarm – An RBA with a debuff to attacks – the best seeker at-will.
AW1 (PHB3) – Grappling Spirit – The other Seeker RBA, which has some reasonable movement control.
AW1 (PHB3) – Guardian Harrier – Another RBA, it's control is not good enough to compete with the other too.
E1 (PHB3) – Mischief Spirits – Worse than your at-will RBAs so you don't want this.
E3 (PHB3) – Winter Spirit – An RBA that immobilises. You can get similar effects at-will, so this isn't that great.
U6 (Drag389) – Swirling Arrows – Rare that you would miss two attacks in a row. Not that great.
E7 (PHB3) – Wasp Sting Shot – Just not enough control to compete with your at-wills.
E13 (PHB3) – Raven Wing Shot – In general the damage of this isn't great for its level, but if you combine this will an immobilising effect (e.g. an adjacent fighter) then this is better and becomes a decent double-tap.
E17 (Drag389) – Seeker's Peerless Shot – Nothing great on a hit and an RBA on a miss. Not what you want.
E17 (PHB3) – Convocations of Arrows – Just damage but quite a lot of it for an RBA. No control which is just poor at this level.
D19 (PHB3) – Captivating Missile – A reliable dominating RBA, sweet.
E23 (PHB3) – Sinking Earth – RBA that restrains is ok but would have been better at a much lower level.
E27 (PHB3) – Devouring Arrow – Weakens the target and all creatures adjacent – not really sufficient as this level.
D29 (PHB3) – Trampling Shot – really not sufficient for a capstone daily.
Wizard (PHB): Now that Magic Missile is so poor, you really have nothing to say in either RBA or the MBA department. Unless you are genasi, in which case at least you have strength secondary, gives you a par(ish)-MBA. Neither the Witch nor the Sha'ir have anything to mention but the Bladesinger gets it's own section.
AW1 (PHB) – Magic Missile – Auto damage but no damage roll, so there is never a reason to waste a standard action on this.
AW1 (PH3) – Twisted Eye – Augment 1 allows this to be used as an OA and gives a debuff to attack rolls.
AW7 (PH3) – Ego Crush – Augment 1 allows this to be used as an OA and means the target cannot gain combat advantage UEoNT. The selling point of this power is the damage of the augment 2 version.
D9 (PP) – Lion's Charge – You are unlikely to be able to charge 3 targets at once, and unlikely to spec'd for charging. Avoid.
D25 (PP) – Sublime Fury – Taking attack penalties is almost never a good idea and you don't have a decent MBA to make this power work well.
AW27 (PHB3) – Cage of Cowardice – Not distinctly better than either of the lower level augment 1s for OAs.
D29 (DSCS) – Focused Rampage – You finally get an MBA!! If you have a warlord throwing basic attacks around, then you using Brutal Barrage instead could get pretty messy.
AW1 (Drag 379) – Wicked Strike – A basic attack that nerf your accuracy for a small amount of extra damage? No thank you.
AW1 (MP2) – Grappling Strike – Allows you to grab on your OA. Sweet for brawlers.
AW1 (MP2) – Threatening Rush– A mass marking power that can be used on the charge, though it takes a hit to damage.
AW1 (PHH1) – Knockdown Assault – Another power that can be used on the charge, but it has a no damage roll so doesn't benefit as much as others.
E1 (Drag 379) – Punishing Charge – The special effect of this powers is removed by the Badge of the Berserker. So this is merely a charge with extra con mod to damage. Not great.
E1 (MP) – Shield Bash – Not bad for a low level dwarf fighter but as this power doesn't scale, it becomes unusuable sharpish.
E1 (MP2) – Takedown Attack – A charge that knocks prone and hits a NAD (fort), not bad. However it required you to have a free hand and if you do so you are probably a brawler and thus not spec'd for damage.
D1 (DSCS) – Master's Edge – Nice against a melee solo, which will often have no choice but to move closer to your allies, allowing you either an MBA or a charge. However your natural stickiness will tend to keep any creature you hit locked next to you, so this power isn't quite as nice as it looks.
E3 (MP) – Probing Attack – A nice and meaty attack buff for you, and it can come up as part of an OA. A pretty nice setup power.
E3 (MP) – Rhino Strike – Again the effect is made redundant by Badge of the Berserker. A 2[W] charge with no effect is not what you want. Strictly worse than Bull Charge.
E3 (MP2) – Bull Charge – A charge attack vs fort that can allow you to push and knock prone. A strong choice.
D5 (Drag 378) – Dancing Defence – A sweet stance for the dual wielder (even just a spiked shield), allowing an extra attack per round and bonus to defences for subsequent attacks.
D5 (Drag379) – Brutal Advance – A nice damage + lockdown power, this combines a push and prone effect combination with a double-up attack that includes a charge. A powerful tool in the hands of a two-handed weapon Fighter.
D5 (MP) – Bedevilling Assault – An extra basic attack per round as long as someone else hits the target with a melee attack. Good against elites or solos.
D5 (MP) – Cometfall Charge – A straight damage power but quite a lot of it on the charge.
D5 (MP) – Hounding Longarm – Requires a reach weapon and allows you to make use of that reach. Without having marked the target, you get all the punishment of combat challenge, even from a short distance away. This combines very nicely with a second defender.
D5 (MP2) – Dervish's Challenge – Another strong dual wielder stance – a second attack to add to your OAs and IAs.
E7 (MP) – Trip Up – An extra attack when you hit with an MBA and knocks prone if you are a using polearm or spear. Serviceable.
E7 (MP2) – Echoing Assault – An ensured double tap – either they stay next to you are are attacked, shift and are hit by combat challenge, or move and are OA'd which actually allows you a third attack. Extra bonus for using an axe, hammer or mace.
E7 (MP2) – Hydra Charge – A close burst that you can use on the charge that comes with an attack debuff. Awesome.
E7 (MP2) – Opportunist's Rend – An MBA that is effectively 2 MBAs. Not bad at all.
D9 (Drag385) – Shield and a Hard Place – Requires a shield, but it can grab and be used on the charge. A fighter with a shield will not be built to charge or grab – very niche.
D9 (MP) – Piquing Dare – Doubles up your combat challenge and makes you extra sticky for a time.
D9 (Drag379) – Murderous Assault – A straight damage then a charge as an effect.
E13 (Drag375) – Salamander Lash – A nice way to add a slide to your combat challege and some decent damage with it.
E13 (MP) – Brutal Rebuke – Fighters don't want to use powers that can be used instead of an OA unless they have a decent effect as their normal OA stops movement. This doesn't have a great effect, so avoid.
E13 (MP2) – Strangehold – A dazing attack that grabs and can be used as an OA is a potential turn-ender, and as such is a quality tool in the arsenal of a Brawler.
D15 (MP) – Quicksilver Stance – You can shift half your speed and make an MBA as a stance action.
U16 (Drag385) – Shield Clamor – Costing a standard, makes this not worthwhile.
D15 (MP) – Boulder Charge – A multi-attack charge power, awesome.
E17 (MP) – Skirmisher Pounce – A charge against 2 targets with a shift in between.
E17 (MP) – Wild Strike – 4[W] power that can be used on the charge.
E17 (MP2) – Minotaur Charge – Lose 1[W] against Wild Strike but adds pushing and proning.
E17 (PHB) – Harrying Assault – Hit once then shift and make an MBA, nice as a double tap even if you don't have much of a dex mod.
D19 (MP) – Controlling Thrust – Though it only lasts for one turn (and can only be used by a Polearm/Spear wielder), it deals solid damage, it's charge-friendly, and extends your Immediate Interrupt as well. Decent enough.
D19 (MP2) – Battlefield Challenge – A big, charge-friendly attack that lets you continually mark an enemy as an opportunity action when he attacks another target (that said, it doesn't allow you to respond). This can come in very handy when dealing with an exceptionally slippery opponent or to keep multiple enemies tied up simultaneously. Decent.
D19 (PHB) – Strike of the Watchful Guard – This power comes in for decent damage, and essentially lays another Combat Challenge on your opponent, except that it can be enforced as a free action. That can be great for both double-up punishment effect when your mark is disobeyed or as a way to keep two separate targets locked down.
U22 (Drag382) – Martial Supremacy – Rerolls on your bread-and-butter moves (including OA's and Combat Challenge attacks), and it's available to you every encounter. An excellent choice.
E23 (MP) – Meticulous Stab – 1[W] over your standard OA but doesn't stop movement? Avoid.
E23 (MP2) – Behemoth Wrath – Solid damage, dazes, knocks prone, and it's charge-friendly. A pretty neat power.
D25 (MP2) – Goad of Blood – You use any of your melee at-wills or basics, pretty awesome for the charger or even just on your combat challenge or OA.
D25 (MP) – Ballista Charge – A reliable double tap you can use on the charge. Shame the secondary is based off dex.
D25 (Drag379) – Time to Die – A double tap that includes a charge and a push. Maybe not quite enough at this level.
E27 (MP) – Blood Rush – A 4[W] power that can be used on the charge, but not enough for this level.
D29 (DSCS) – Final Challenge – A 5[W] damage charge that does ongoing damage. Not quite there for a capstone.
D29 (MP) – Avalance of Steel – An 8[W] power that can be used on the charge, but plain damage isn't enough for a capstone daily.
D29 (MP) – Titan's Hammer – A 3[W] + stun on the charge. With the right feat you can get this as an encounter power 16 levels before.
D29 (MP2) – Exhilarating Assault – A hit, and you clean yourself out of any conditions, plus you get some hefty regen. Nice.
AW0 (Drag395) – Glimmering Blade – When you hit with an MBA you can teleport. Nice. (Eladrin only…)
AW0 (HFL) – Cleaving Assault – Bounces damage if you have a second creature adjacent to you. Ok if you're sticky enough.
AW0 (HFL) – Defend the Line – The main stance for the knight. Your MBA now slows, which combines nicely with World Serpent's Grasp to knock prone.
AW0 (HFL) – Hammer Hands – As a separate action from your attack, the push is not optimisable at all.
AW0 (HFL) – Measured Cut – A shift when you hit. A lesser version of Glimmering Blade, but available for all races.
AW0 (HFL) – Poised Assault – A no-strings-attached bonus to hit is a pretty good idea to have around, since a lot of what you do (including your ability to enforce your Defender Aura) is contingent on your attacks actually connecting.
AW1 (PHB) – Valiant Strike – Takes a feat (Power of Skill) to turn this into an MBA, and all it has over your standard MBA is that it has a slight accuracy boost. However that is exactly what you want on blackguard, so for a charge-spamming human blackguard this is not bad at all.
AW1 (DP) – Ardent Strike – You can use this on the charge whether you are str on cha based and it allows you to add more sanctioning at-will.
AW1 (DP) – Virtuous Strike – An all day MBA for Chaladins that give you a +2 power bonus to saves? Sweet.
D1 (DP) – Glorious Charge – A nice surgeless heal attached to a cha-based charge. Cool, but a larger area would help.
D1 (Drag383) – Driving Blades – Strength based charge, but ongoing is not that powerful.
E3 (DP) – Hold Fast – A 2[W] cha or str based power that can be used in place of an MBA and immobilises – very useful as an OA.
E7 (DP) – Blade of Light – A 3[W] power is not bad at this level, and you can charge with it. The defense bonuses are gravy.
D15 (Drag375) – Wayfinder's Charge – Get enemies in the way out of the way and make them pay for taking OAs, then hit the marked target for decent damage, halved on miss. Not bad.
D25 (DP) – Spurn the Unworthy – The attack itself isn't that good for this level, and all you get are an extra weapon die's worth of damage on your MBAs. Not impressive.
E27 (DP) – Terrible Charge – A stun on the charge. Not bad, but the figthter gets an equivalent power 14 levels earlier.
E27 (Drag381) – Charge of the Dead – By this level you should have chosen a single primary stat so you don't want to be attacking with both strength and charisma. On the other hand the secondary is still part of the charge, so this could be a good damage power. However it does necrotic damage which is widely resisted.
AW1 (Drag405) – Arcane Lance – An implement power that can be used on the charge. But it doesn't do enough damage to warrant consideration unless you are mounted, and then you wouldn't be able to teleport. Avoid.
E1 (FRPG) – Foesnare – An immbolise you can use on the charge. Not bad.
E3 (AP) – Blazing Lunge – A 2[W] power vs reflex, that can be used on the charge or an OA for assaultmages. Would be nice to have an effect alongside the damage.
E3 (FRPG) – Blastback Swipe – A 1[W] power that can be used on the charge or instead of your aegis of assault. Comes with a push. Nice.
E7 (FRPG) – Spikes of Agony – A 2[W] power that you can use as part of your aegis of assault. Helps to make you stickier for a round.
D9 (AP) – Troll Rampage – A charge attack that gives you regeneration if you hit and just heals you if you miss. Not bad at all.
U10 (AP) – Spider's Leap – Ensnarers can use this to jump charge. There are much better options.
E13 (AP) – Binding Light – Another power that can be used in place of an aegis of assault attack. It immobilises everyone else adjacent to you. Which is ok when you choose you location after a teleport.
E13 (FRPG) – Acid Burst Blade – Another power that can be used in place of an aegis of assault attack and damages enemies adjacent to the target.
D15 (AP) – Burning Mantle – The reliable part of this power stops it from being strictly worse than Acid Burst Blade.
E17 (AP) – Firelasher's Lunge – A 2[W] power that can be used on the charge or as part of your aegis of assault. The extra damage is not enough for this level. Worse than Acid Burst Blade.
E23 (AP) – Freezing Swordburst – The primary attack is equivalent to the damage you do with an at-will, though the immobilize is nice. The secondary attack is like a combination of pre-epic ray of frost and scorching burst, only without the range. Using it as an assault swordmage attack helps it, but not enough.
E23 (FRPG) – Meteor Strike – You get a melee basic attack. If it hits, you get two smaller attacks against Reflex that do a little damage. The damage isn't good enough on its own to recommend this power more highly, even though can use it as part of your aegis of assault.
D25 (FRPG) – Quicksilver Blade – Yes, it's only damage, but it's potentially a lot of damage over time. You're using fewer minor actions for your aegis at this level thanks to Total Aegis, so you should be able to make a stab each round against an enemy. Good for non-swordmages to steal too.
D25 (AP) – Invincible Rampage – Barely better than Troll Rampage, which is 16 levels earlier.
E27 (AP) – Wrath of the Arctic Wind – Knock prone, push 3 and immobilise on your aegis of assault is pretty good.
E27 (FRPG) – Maelstrom Blade – the biggest damage aegis of assualt power, 3[W] close burst 1, but still not that great.
AW1 (Drag379) – Warden's Lunge – An at-will you can use on the charge and marks. Useless now that it has been confirmed that a warden can mark with a free action after the charge. Only possible use is for polearm builds.
D1 (PHB2) – Form of the Fearsome Ram – +2 to chage attack is pretty sweet, along with a bonus to speed and extra pushing.
E17 (Drag379) – Reckless Ram Assault – 4[W] charge that knocks you and the target prone. Avoid unless you have acrobat boots.
D19 (Drag379) – Land Shark Charge – +2 to hit on the charge and no OAs is nice. And the attack is good, 4[W] and a bit of control and a defence boost. Not bad at all.
D29 (PP) – Form of the Grim Harvester – The guaranteed vulnerability from the attack is pretty nice, and you can get a few free basic attacks out of the form. It's dimmed by the company it keeps though.
AW1 (Drag395) – Intent Laid Bare – As a basic (augment 0) this just stops the target shifting. I guess this could be useful if for some reason you want to be a quazi-defender.
D5 (PHB3) – Fate Exchange – Gives you a basic attack and can be recharged. All you want in a leader power.
D5 (PP) – Meteoric Charge – This is awesome if you are in the right party and you can get the right positioning – you charge and give huge bonuses to others that charge.
AW7 (Drag395) – Clarifying Impact – As a basic (augment 0) this removes the benefits from partial cover or partial concealment. Not enough to be useful.
AW7 (PHB3) – Forward-Thinking Cut – The augment 1 is two attacks, one of which is a charge. Very nice indeed. The augmet 2 grants attacks which is also very good.
AW7 (PP) – Trailblazing Assault – All the augments can be used on the charge and the augment 2 allows an ally to charge too. Nice.
D19 (PHB3) – Temporal Acceleration – Slowed and can't shift is just a weak status effect for this level. The zone can help with your defender's stickiness, but they probably don't need the help, and you'll need a way to draw enemies into the zone. At least it can be used on the charge.
D19 (PP) – Reactive Jaunt Strike – The only Ardent stance power – Allows you teleport and make an MBA when an ally is bloodied or reduced to 0 hit points. Nice.
E1 (HFW) – Lesser Dimensional Step – You can teleport yourself and one ally next to the enemy you hit with your basic, preferably into a flank. Overall, its purpose is similar to Victim of the Feywild's except you use your weapon, and you'll usually want a Defender already next to the target. Where this power can really elevate itself is if you can get an MBA on something other than a standard (Eladrin MC Swordmage can get this very early).
E1 (HFW) – Lesser Flash of Distraction – Daze an enemy after you hit it with an MBA. Good to have at this level.
E1 (HFW) – Lesser Ringing Weapon – Extra thunder damage, combat advantage and concealment negation after you hit. This one's not nearly as good as the other two.
E13 (HFW) – Dimensional Step – An upgrade over the Lv. 1 Lesser power, this one allows your ally to make a basic attack (melee or ranged), in addition to the existing option to teleport next to the enemy you hit. A very good enabler for attacking and positioning, and even stronger if you have a way of doing a basic attack on something other than your standard.
E13 (HFW) – Flash of Distraction – Like the Lesser version, daze the enemy, and he also gets slapped with a -2 attack penalty. Not as great at this level as its Lesser variant was at Lv. 1, but not bad.
E13 (HFW) – Ringing Weapon – This wasn't good at Lv. 1, and 5 more damage sure doesn't make it good now. Avoid this.
E27 (HFW) – Greater Dimensional Step – Same as its Lv. 13 counterpart, with an extra d10 on the ally's attack enabled by this power. But this is still as good a choice as any, provided you have a means to make a basic attack on something besides your standard action. Plus there's something to be said about taking this one and also keeping its Lv. 13 predecessor in your arsenal (considering you can trigger them both off the same hit).
E27 (HFW) – Greater Flash of Distraction – Stun an enemy until the end of your next turn after you hit him. Stunning's great, as always.
E27 (HFW) – Greater Ringing Weapon – Third time is absolutely not a charm for this effect.
Cleric (PHB): The cleric now has both a strength-based and wisdom-based MBA, but no RBA of which to speak. You have few powers that are usable as MBAs. Lazer clerics have no basic attacks at all.
AW1 (PHB) – Righteous Brand – This requires Power of Skill to make it a str-based basic attack. Gives an ally in burst 5 a +3 power bonus to attacks against the target. A strong choice for a battle cleric.
AW1 (Drag385) – Sonnlinor's Hammer – A wis-based MBA that adds a small amount of extra damage. Could be useful to avoid melee training at higher levels.
AW1 (HFL) – Storm Hammer – Targets Fort, thunder and lightning damage, and can be used as an MBA on the charge. Devout warpriests push 2.
D1 (Drag383) – Gift of Incomparable Strength – Marks for the rest of the encounter vs AC for good damage. So only take it if you really want to sub as a defender. You can use it on a charge as well.
E13 (DP) – Angel's Rescue – A strength-based attack you can use on the charge. Allows you to slide an ally adjacent to you after you charge.
E13 (PHB3) – Iron Reboubt – Under the rune of destruction, this gives you a mark with a knight's mark punishment.
AW1 Inevitable Wave (PHH2): A charge attack that boosts people charging the samae target. Solid, and especially good if you have charge-barb/ranger/exection/whatever. This is the easiest way for a warlord to damage damage himself at-will.
E1 Vengeance is Mine (MP2): Two out-of-turn attack as a response to getting hit (one by one you and one by an ally). Nice.
E1 Luing Focus (MP): An MBA in damage terms that pulls another enemy to you somewhat. Requires some not-always-attainable early Charisma, and the sturdiness to survive a concentrated enemy assault, too. Not unsalvageable if you're lacking in the "force fireball formation" department, but not a world-beater either.
E3 Flattening Charge (MP): If you hit, you knock them down (CA for you). If not, CA for them. Swingy, but it can be effective. The ability to hit Fort and regen the power for Bravuralords opens up some potentially decent charge spam. If you need to be a fill in striker, this is perhaps worthy of a look?
E3 Follow Me In (MP): A charge for you, and some charge incentive for an ally. OK, I guess. But dedicated chargers will have the badge, and anyone else isn't gonna have a real stellar charge.
D5 Brave Warriors (MP2): A charge that gives allies a hit bonus for charging for the rest of the encounter. A bit corner-case, but that is offset by that charging is actually some characters' bread and butter strategy. But its only +1, which is not as good as it might be.
D9 Dangerous Leader (MP2): A decently damaging charge power, with some free healing for all your allies every time you charge. Hard to realize its full potential since most Walords can't really spam charge attacks; if you can, this is quite good.
D9 Iron Dragon Charge (PHB): The pinacle of the charging warlord's armoury. Free charges for your ally when you charge for the whole encounter (makes certain characters very happy). Find a way to charge every round (easier said than done), and this is fantastic.
E13 Headstrong Bravery (MP): You charge in for solid damage, impose a mark, and grant allies a huge damage bonus if you're a Bravelord. Who cares if you grant CA? It is a great nova enabler, which is always good in my book.
D15 Arkhosia's Fury (MP): A straight charge with an aditional MBA. Not what your warlord ought to be doing.
D15 Bravura Charge (MP2): Effectively Stand the Fallen but usuable on the charge. Not bad for the warlord who wants to heal but keep up his damage.
E17 Bloody Termination (MP): It's conditional to the enemy being Bloodied, but single-target multiattacking is rare on a Warlord, and you do buff yourself on the follow-up hit. Serviceable.
E17 Into the Breach! (MP): A charge that lets an ally charge as well, with a bonus if you're Inspiring. It can be good, especially with a dedicated charger-type in your party. This is the encounter power version of Iron Dragon Charge.
D19 Inspiring Charge (MP): The improved version for Bravura Charge, not bad.
D19 Assault of the Ram (MP2): While it does have decent damage and it is charge-friendly, CA on a charge is a rather underwhelming benefit, especially if you consider how popular permafrost is among charging characters.
D19 Leader of Bowmen (MP2): A nice buff that opens up tactical options for you and your party by denying OA's on Ranged attacks. Godly in a Ranged-heavy party.
D19 Break the Tempo (PHB): A beautiful power for Int-based Melee Warlords, it gives you a devastating option to exercise against a single enemy, which can take Elites or Solos out of the fight altogether, provided you keep one Minor and one Immediate Action reserved every turn.
E23 Wave of War (MP2): Wait… isn't this Warlord's Rush from L17, but charge-friendly? Not quite as impressive as its cousin, but a decent alternative.
D25 Forceful Leader (MP2): 5 HP for every charge is hardly appropriate for a Daily of this level, even if it lets you charge as well. Not your power of choice.
D25 Help Where It's Needed (MP2): I'm having a hard time seeing how I'd want to pick this over Stand the Fallen, unless Mark of Healing isn't available, and even then it's debatable (though being charge-friendly is a respectable boost). Skip.
E27 Devastating Charge (PHB): A charge with a marginal damage bonus for other chargers, and only for a turn. Not good enough at this level.
D29 Flawless Snare (MP): Since you have no real way of forcing your opponent to take the attack, this is essentially just a big attack that is charge-friendly. That doesn't really fly at this level.
D29 Legendary Charge (MP2): Inspiring Charge, minus the shift, with a bit more damage and 10 levels later. Not worth the investment.
[quote="Fardiz"]Granting Attacks
Barbarian E3 (PP) Rippling Blades – You never aim to miss, and this power is horribly plain on a hit.
Psion AW17 (PHB3) Forced Opportunity – Nice and versatile power. In its unaugmented form, it is an improved version of Commander's Strike, and in its augment 4 form, it is almost comparable with Hail of Steel (while being repeatable).
Rogue D9 (MP) Into Harm's Way – Not bad, but horribly overshadowed by Knockout at this level.
Rogue D15 (MP) Vicious Cooperation – Increased likelihood of Sneak Attack damage being dealt, but when does a rogue ever miss? 4[W] is not great if you are using a dagger. Again as I striker, I wouldn't touch this.
Rogue D29 (MP) Deathweaving Strike – Not bad, but this isn't a capstone striker daily (c.f. Five Missile Dance). However this is as good as the cha-based rogue gets and with the right party and the right set up, this can do a lot of damage. Since the rider is quite significant, brutal rogue should probably avoid this, however it is slightly redeemed by the fact it targets reflex and is reliable.
Seeker E17 (PHB3) Sprite Dance – The only power you would take as a Seeker at level 17. You hit the target, tele them next to your melee striker and he can MBA them as a immediate. The fact that the ally has to use an immediate to get his swing is a pain, but hey, this is the seeker – what can you expect?
Warlock E23 (DSCS) Command of Execution – If you hit, you daze the target and give two allies a free MBA or charge at the target. For Sorcerer-Kings look no further – each allies gets to add your curse damage damage. Sweet.
Warlock E27 (DSCS) Price of Defiance – Not really worth it unless you are Sorcerer-King pact and spend your fell might. At this point ping-ponging off your allies can be great fun.
Wilden Racial Wrath of the Destroyer (PHB3) – An easy trigger (a bloodied enemy attacks you or an adjacent ally) grants you a charge or an MBA. Not a bad racial at all.
The Other Leaders
Ardent (PHB3): You have various options for granting attack which can become quite destructive at higher levels. You are especially promising in a charge-savy party.
AW1 Ire Strike (PHB3): The lazy ardent’s spammable at-will. Unaugmented it just grants an MBA with a small amount of psychic vulnerability, but when you start to augment it the vulnerability can be more of a factor. With some party organisation (a party that specialises in psychic damage) the Augment 1 can be almost as good as the Augment 2, and can obviously be used twice as many times.
D1 Implanted Suggestion (PHB3): As an effect, whenever the target tries to attack, an ally adjacent to it gets a free MBA. As the creature is also dazed on a hit, it is unlikely that it will move away, making the extra MBAs likely. Unfortunately this is best used on a solo or elite (as they are more likely to have multiple attacks or survive more than one round) and they tend to have bonuses to saves. Still a very strong choice for this level.
D1 Wormhole Plunge (PHB3): Not a great choice, even though it grants an MBA as an effect. If the zone was sustainable it would be better, but as it you should probably avoid it.
AW3 Guarded Prison (PsP): You’re not a defender but with a reach weapon (or a Blade of the Eldritch Knight) you might be able to make something of this. The Augment 2 turns on ally adjacent to the target into a fighter for one round. Most of the time the monster will stay where it is (it has at least two enemies adjacent to it after all) and you will have wasted two power points.
D5 Fate Exchange (PHB3): As long as you have a semi-passable MBA, this is a very strong power. You and an ally both get an MBA with +2 to hit, and when you hit you toss out surges and saving throws. Nice.
AW7 Courageous Strike (PHB3): This takes some setup but you can reap some great rewards. The Augment 2 is a close burst 1 which allows adjacent allies to make MBAs on a hit as an opportunity action (so you can only grant one MBA per ally) and also gives a large buff to AC for you and your allies in the burst. If you are tag-teaming with a defender, the lower Augments are also very useful.
A good setup for this power: (M = Monster, A = Ardent, B = Barbarian, F = Fighter, R = Rogue)
So the Ardent does a close burst 1, hits the three monsters, the Rogue can hit M1 with CA, the Barb can hit M2 and the Fighter can hit M3. The Barb and Fighter will then get the Ardent’s wis mod bonus to AC.
AW7 Forward-Thinking Cut (PHB3): One or two allies can make a charge attack for augment 2? That’s crazy good, considering the quantity of charge-spamming builds out there. The con bonus to damage is just gravy.
AW7 Mindlink Strike (PHB3): The Unaugmented version is worse than Ire Strike, and the Augment 2 is worse than Courageous Strike. The Augment 1 is only good if there are no melee strikers in your party and you find yourself granting attacks to the defender. This power’s rating is only as high as it is due to its versatility.
AW7 Trailblazing Assault (PsP): On the Augment 2, both you and an ally get a charge attack. The ally gets a large bonus to the attack roll and a bonus to defence and healing if they hit. Depending on your build (and party composition), there is question of whether this or the Augment 2 of Forward-thinking Cut is better.
D9 Passage of Swords (PHB3): Dazed on a hit and an effect of forced movement coupled with a few MBAs at the end. With the right positioning this is a really strong choice.
D9 Spatial Anomaly (PsP): Doesn’t pip Passage of Swords. Teleport instead of slide and a few temps do not compensate for the limitation on attacks or the bonus to damage.
D15 Coordinated Effort (PsP): An extremely versatile power for a minor action. One ally (or you) makes a basic attack, one charges, one spends a surge, one can shift and one can fly. Top quality leader daily.
AW17 Diamond Defense Assault (PHB3): The Augment 1 gives and ally a free action MBA when a target moves or shifts (this would stack with combat challenge). Chances are the monster would respect the pseudo-mark and you would have wasted your turn.
AW23 Revelatory Slash (PHB3): The new lazy-ardent at-will. The Unaugmented version grants an MBA at range 10 that causes the target to grant CA. The Augment 2 causes the target of the MBA to be dazed as long as it was granting CA to you (not the person making the attack) already. The Augment 6 allows any two allies to use any at-will (twin strike anyone?) and grants temps on a hit. A great enabling leader power.
AW23 Concerted Strike (PsP): This is just nowhere near the power of Revelatory slash. You have to hit to get your enabling off and even then the enabling isn’t as powerful. Only consider this if you are traveling with a team of essentials strikers.
D25 Victorious Vision (PsP): Two MBAs that daze with a little extra damage doesn’t cut it as a daily at this level. The miss damage is no consolation.
AW27 Exhilarating Strike (PHB3): This is not a power to spam as its low Augments are frankly terrible. However the Augment 6 is a repeatable Hail of Steel (close 5 basic attack or charge) and as you get 3 at-wills at any one time, I would recommend this be one of them, purely for the Augment 6.
AW27 Unconscious Assault (PHB3): While this is clearly designed to make monsters hit each other, the Unaugmented version can actually be used to make an MBA with +2 to and +(10+con) to damage. That’s not bad at all. The Augment 2 allows you to reposition. You wouldn’t use the Augment 6 on an ally except in a very strange situation as it actually does damage to the target.
D5 Smokepowder Blast (Drag403): A daily that creates one MBA. Not that great by leader standards.
D25 Synchronized Weaponry (Drag403): This struggles because it eats up the IRs of the enabling target for just a straight-forward MBA. However, for an artificer, this is repeated attack granting, even if isn't that great.
D29 Tactical Detonation (Drag381): This requires a controller to group the enemy together and then several allies to have MBAs. This is really not great for a capstone daily.
Bard (PHB2): Your enabling comes with a side order of chessmastering, both for allies and enemies. However a lot of is based off implement attacks and requires hitting and you may struggle slightly for accuracy, so take every chance you can to boost your to-hit bonus.
AW1 Staggering Note (Drag383): The go-to bard at-will, combining both repositioning and enabling. On hit, this grants a free MBA to an ally and also pushes the enemy two squares (the ally can attack at any point before, during or after the push), along with your cha mod damage. It also targets will making it reasonably accurate.
E1 Thunder's Calling (AP): This is like an encounter version of Staggering Note. It has a longer slide (equal to your con mod) but it has the restriction that you only get a basic attack out of it (and that has to be an RBA) if the target ends up adjacent to no creatures. There are few times you’d use this over Staggering Note.
E1 Blunder (PHB2): This is a straight up improvement on Staggering note. The attack gains a +2 power bonus to hit (or 1+int) if you are a cunning bard. Serviceable.
E3 Unicorn's Charge (Drag387): Providing a charge this early on isn't that great, but charges get easier and easier to optimise so this power increases in worth.
E7 Prescient Warning (HotFW): This is a very strong power – you grant an basic attack as an immediate interrupt when your ally is hit by an attack, giving them the chance to kill the monster and thus negate the damage.
E7 Urge to Victory (HotFW): This is reasonably conditional but nice when it happens. If your striker somehow is forced to miss his turn, he can still be useful (especially as this power allows the ally to charge).
E13 Couplet of Deceptive Weakness (AP): A double tap off turn if an enemy moves adjacent to you. If you are a melee bard, then this isn’t a bad choice at all.
E13 Dimensional Step (HotFW): You don’t want this as a regular bard, but for a Scald, this is right up your street.
E13 Harmony of the Two (PHB2): No real reason to use this over staggering note, unless you are trying to have a small amount of enabling while not using an implement.
D19 Increasing the Tempo (PHB2): You give out 4 basic attacks to an ally all at once, however no more than two can be against the same target, so a melee character would need at least two enemies adjacent.
U22 Climactic Chord (AP): This really ought to be a daily attack power (c.f. the warlord D15 Warmaster’s Assault). A huge burst (ranged 10) that allows allies to make a basic attack or use an at-will power with a large bonus to hit and damage. Awesome.
U22 Note of Aggression (AP): You provide an MBA for any ally within 10 as a minor action. Sweet.
E23 True Prescient Warning (HotFW): This is still a nice power, but doesn’t get as large boost as one might like over its lower level cousin.
E23 True Urge to Victory (HotFW): The chance of people not attacking on their turn is pretty low by this level, as PCs have more and more ways to escape status effects.
E23 Rhythm of Disorientation (PHB2): This can be very nice with the right set up. A big party-friendly burst that does damage and knocks the target prone, and then one ally adjacent to each target hit can take an MBA as a free action.
E27 Surge of Valor (PHB2): This is especially good for Valorous bards – you hit the target, then every ally within 10 squares can shift 2 and make an MBA with a substantial power bonus to hit and damage.
D5 Hallowed Advance (DP): A decent hit for yourself, and an MBA and healing for an ally.
D5 Inspire Fervor (HotFL): The same hit as above, and given a reasonable setup, you can get several MBAs out of it.
D19 Beacon of Doom (DP): A decent hit, but the effect is what you are after; a large penalty to defences. Each failed saving grants a BA for an ally within 10 squares, and when the enemy saves, each enemy within 5 gets a BA. It is just a bit of pain because you can't be sure where the enemy will be when the enabling occurs (compare to Hail of Steel).
E23 Rebuke the Wrathful (DP): Like the above power, you can't control where the enemy will be when it attacks. However if you can force it to attack (domination etc), then this power is even better.
E23 Shared Secrets (NCS): You get one MBA out of this power, and a decent penalty to attack roles if you can set it up right (At least -2). Better against solos.
E27 Valorous Charge (NCS): You and each ally can charge or make an MBA and get a large bonus to all defences. One of the best encounter enabling powers in the game.
D9 Rune of Boundless Fury (PHB3): A decent starting hit and then a strong piece of enabling for it's level, especially if you can get someone to immobilise the target.
E17 Rune of the Astral Phoenix (PHB3): A slightly worse version of Hail of Steel, but still allows every ally adjacent to the target to make an MBA. Not bad for its level at all.
E17 Word of Healing Assault (PHB3): 2 allies within 5 can make a basic attack and gain a decent heal if they hit.
E23 Rune of Rising Fury (PHB3): Damage then is not as good as damage now. However this does give you the flexibility, meaning you don't have set up any sort of formation.
D25 Rune of the Conquering Sign (PHB3): This is quite a good power. If you can prevent the enemy from saving, you effectively get a free Hail of Steel at the start of each of the target's turns.
AW0 Spirit's Prey (PP) – The OA from your spirit companion. Instead of biting the enemy yourself, you get one of your allies to shoot it with an RBA instead.
AW1 Spirit Infusion (DSCS) – The best attack-granting at-will in the game. It grants the target a basic attack with +2 to hit and +Int to damage. The only issue is that some DMs say that the spirit disappears before the attack, so the ally doesn't get the bonuses for being adjacent to the companion. YMMV.
AW1 Claws of the Eagle (PP) – Only grants a ranged basic attack, but at least it does come with a rider of making the target grant combat advantage. However in the right party, it can be your go to at-will, if you haven't taken Spirit Infusion.
E1 Ironbreaker Claws (PP) – Reasonable for stalker shamans. If you hit you do decent damage and allow an ally to make an MBA with your int bonus to hit.
D1 Great Watcher Spirit (PP) – Allows two allies within two squares of each other to make a basic attack, and prevents allies adjacent to your companion from granting combat advantage to the end of the encounter. First in class for granting multiple BAs with one action.
E3 Sly Fox Spirit (PP) – Allows one ally to make a basic attack and then a second to do so if the first hits. Once you get to a certain level, your strikers shouldn't be missing often, so you should get the second attack the majority of the time.
E7 Spirit of Weakness (PP) – On a hit you weaken the target and grant an MBA to an adjacent ally (with +int to damage for stalkers). Not bad, however I would suggest Call to the Blood Dancer at this level.
D9 Four-Armed is Forewarned (Drag395) – You grant an MBA against up four adjacent enemies. This can be pretty potent with the right set up, but I often find it hard to make this power generate more than three attacks.
D9 Ancient Warlord's Inspiration (PHB2) – Since you don't have a lot of use for your immediate actions, this power can probably generate at least as many MBAs over the course of a fight than Four-Armed is Forewarned, and does not require much set up. It also comes with an initial hit of your own.
E13 Spirit of the Killing Shot (PP) – Damn nice for Stalkers – you grant an MBA with + int to hit and damage and the attack does max damage if it hits (i.e. maximise all dice that would have been rolled). One of the few enabling powers that compete with Death From Two Sides at this level.
E17 Boar's Toss (PP) – The shaman's version of Hail of Steel (at the same level). It is a wider effect (all allies within 10 of the target) but only grants RBAs. Still not a bad choice, if you choose not to MC warlord and powerswap (or if you have a ranged-heavy party).
E17 Flesh Ripper's Claws (PP) – A decent hit for yourself, and then an MBA for an ally that knocks prone. Better for Protectors, who grant another attack to the ally if the enemy stands up next turn.
E23 Spirit of the Ram (PP) – Given that the Warlord has nothing at this level, this power is by far the best of the attack-granters at this level. Given a bit of set up, you can grant several charges and give them a decent attack and damage bonus.
E27 Immolating Spirit (DSCS) – First power that allows an enemy to charge, which is handy as that is easy to optimise. Their charge also does extra damage and allows them to spend a surge. Not bad.
D29 Fury of Athas (DSCS) – If you can get your party set up right it can be pretty devastating. Each ally makes a basic attack and if they hit, the target is stunned and takes ongoing 10. Stunning 3-4 monsters alongisde the damage is pretty sweet.
D29 Sea of Serpents (PHB2) – Gives everyone in the blast 5 the equivalent of the fighter's combat challenge while within the burst and a decent initial hit. Not bad.
D29 Heart of Bedlam (PP) – This is a standard action does nothing straight away, so if you are allowed to use this power before combat, it is rather more useful. The slight gimic of this power is that you can either grant a BA to your ally or force your enemy use it's BA if that has an interesting rider (which they quite often do). Once you have set the power rolling, it is free enabling for the rest of the encounter.
The Warlord
AW1 Opening Shove (MP) – This is almost strictly inferior to Commander’s Strike, as you need to hit to enable.
AW1 Commander's Strike (PHB) – You have to be in melee range and it only grants an MBA, however this is still the second most potent at-will attack-granting power in the game.
AW1 Direct the Strike (MP2) – This works at range and can grant either an MBA or RBA, but does not come with the extra damage support. I consider the powers about equal. Lazylords will take both.
E1 Powerful Warning (MP2) – For an InsightLord this effectively grants an ally a disruptive strike, and it is still a strong power for other Warlords.
E1 Vengeance is Mine (MP2) – Two out of turn attacks in response to getting hit. Awesome.
E1 Provocative Order (Drag381) – An ally gets to charge. Reasonable, better if you have a dedicated charger.
E1 Race the Arrow (MP2) – A top quality power for the RangeLord, and even better sb if you have a chargespammer.
E1 Hammer and Anvil (PHB) – You attack and if you hit, your ally gets to attack with a small damage bonus. Not bad, but not quite as good as some other choices at this level.
D1 Orchestrated Offensive (Drag384) – Despite the name, this power does not allow you focus fire. However it does allow two allies to charge, which can be a lot of damage if the party is so optimised.
D1 Concentrated Attack (MP) – A swing for you and a decent swing for an ally. Only one ally gets an attack but at least it can be against the same target as you.
D1 Lead by Example (MP) r – Far better on a miss than a hit. Avoid.
D1 Create a Target (MP2) – With some forced movement, this can be extremely strong (especially if your DM interprets a move as a bunch of individual moves, each of which provokes from a different ally). The down side is that the effect can be saved out of and thus may not last very long.
D1 Leader's Instincts (MP2) – A slightly better version of Hammer and Anvil. Reliable.
D1 Lamb to the Slaughter (Drag381) – This provides up to 3 charges at once. This can be deadly, but is even more party dependent than other Warlord powers.
E3 Devastating Offensive (Drag381) – A better version of Hammer and Anvil. You get some chessmastering and a slight bonus for Taclords and RecLords.
E3 Interrupting Strike (Drag384) – Annoyingly conditional. You effectively mark the target, but the punishment has to come from an ally, and they have to hit to make the -2 to hit come into play (and it uses up their immediate action). Possible uses at very low level, but you almost certainly want to avoid.
E3 Battering Command (MP2) – You’d do more damage using Commander’s Strike (sb). You don’t want this.
D5 Scent of Victory (MP) – Not bad towards the end of a combat if you want to finish it up quickly.
D5 Staggering Spin (MP) – The most offense-oriented power at this level – you attack each enemy adjacent to you and then push them and generate several attacks from your allies.
D5 Create Opportunity (MP2) – Very good for the RangeLord. You can continue to enable as you do whatever else you fancy doing for the rest of the encounter.
D5 Directed Combat (Drag384) – You will almost always be able to use this power, however it's not as powerful as many of the others on this list.
E7 Provoke Overextension (MP) p – The big brother of Brash Assault. It’s not worth picking up unless you are a BraveLord with a Knight ally (or Fighter if it is marked) in which case it is reasonable (b). You are going to be attack, so you want to get two attacks out of your defender to make this a useful trade.
E7 On My Mark (MP2) bl – An improved version of Hammer and Anvil but it can be used at either melee or ranged. A flexible power but not too stellar.
E7 Surprise Attack (MP) – Taclords should take this rather than the above but even without rider, it is probably better.
D9 Awakened Wrath (Drag381) – Weirdly conditional and too hard to get the power’s full potential (seeing as most Warlords won’t be able to control when they are bloodied).
D9 Stay on Target (MP) – You need to be wielding a heavy thrown weapon (which is unlikely). It also takes an immediate reaction from both yourself and all your allies. And it only allows RBAs so it’s probably not what you want.
D9 Shift the Field (Drag384) – Supposedly the big brother of Orchestrated Offensive, but it doesn’t allow them to charge and still requires every attack to be against a different target. Not what you want.
D9 Iron Dragon Charge (PHB) – A very nice power which can produce quite a few charges over the course of a combat. If you are a Bravelord built around charging, you definitely want this.
D9 Ready the Charge (MP2)
D9 Knock Them Down (PHB) – Prone is such a trivial condition. If this power gave the allies real MBAs then it would be worth looking at, but it doesn’t so it isn’t.
U10 Rallying Deflection (MP) – A utility that grants a charge? Awesome! Shame the trigger is not as easy as it might be.
E13 Unified in Blood (MP) – An off-turn attack for both you and your ally on the not uncommon condition that your ally gets bloodied (and as the healer you can wait for him to become bloodied before healing him, just to get this power off).
E13 Bolstering Insight (MP) – An MBA and a cancelled attack. Not much better than Powerful Warning (sb) and not on the par of other powers at this level.
E13 Blade Burst Trap (Drag384) – An reasonably easy trigger (you or an ally within 5 being hit) gives an ally an MBA against every enemy adjacent to them. The attacks daze, though as this is off-turn, said daze might not last very long.
E13 Impromptu Attack (MP2) – A very easy trigger (An ally hits with an attack within 5) and grants two off-turn attacks, as long as you get the setup right.
E13 Invitational Assault (Drag381) – Hammer and Anvil with a bit of chessmastering. By this level you want rather more than this. If you can use this, use Death From Two Sides (g) instead.
E13 Pincer Maneuver (MP) – Two MBAs with a shift before each happens with a decent bonus for BraveLords. A good choice for Lazylords.
E13 Ventured Gains (MP) – Far too difficult to use effectively unless you have the monster stat block in front of you. Avoid.
E13 Death from Two Sides (MP2) – This is the strongest single-target enabling power in the game. You can’t ask for much more than a crit on demand.
E13 Signal the Charge (MP2) – Serviceable but not much better than Race the Arrow from 12 levels earlier.
E13 Beat Them Into the Ground (PHB) – The encounter version of Knock Them Down and just as woeful.
D15 Call to Action (Drag384) – This is rather overshadowed by War Master’s Assault but it does have its niche in long range enabling.
D15 War Master's Assault (MP) – The whole party gets to charge or make a basic attack with bonuses. A good power for Cha-based non-Warlords to steal (e.g. Paladins, who are general part leader in any case).
D15 Archery Duel (MP2) – A decent starting hit, but the chance of your allies with a decent RBA being hit by a ranged attack very often is not particularly high, and the ally would probably not want to use the immediate for a straight-forward RBA at this level.
D15 Band of Fellows (MP2) – Since it is no longer reliable, you never want this over War Master’s Assault (sb).
D15 Driving Volley (MP2) – Requires a small amount of set up, but this can basically become a triple-attack version of Hammer and Anvil (bl).
D15 Warlord's Gambit (PHB) – Unless you have some way to encourage the monster to keep attacking you, this won’t generate many attacks.
U16 Forbidden Ground (MP2) – This takes a standard action to set up, so if you can do it before combat starts, then this is much better. A lot of forced movement helps too.
E17 We Will Not Fail (MP2) – You don’t want to be missing, so don’t plan around it.
E17 Forced Respect (MP2) – A decent 1-2 punch for the InsightLord, but other Warlords should avoid.
E17 Pincer Shot (MP2) – Not enough at this level, a simple hit and reposition and an MBA for an ally.
E17 Hail of Steel (PHB) – The power to which all other enabling powers are compared to. You want this. No arguments.
D19 Exhorted Counterattack (MP) – Two off turn attacks, which daze and some healing. Not bad at all.
D19 Anticipate the Target (MP2) – This would be better if it was not save ends. Unfortunately this would not be triggered by forced movement, so this power is closer to an immobilised (save ends).
D19 Storm of Carnage (MP) – You are a leader, it is your job to make your allies not miss. You don’t want to plan for missing.
D19 Unleash Hell (MP) – This would be pretty awesome in a ranged-heavy party, but I find that these are very unusual. And the requirement to be wielding a heavy thrown weapon is a pain too.
D19 Victory Surge (PHB) – This can create an awful lot of extra attacks and it is the gift that keeps on giving with its sustain ability.
D19 Windmill of Doom (PHB) – War Master’s Assault (sb) was better than this, 4 levels ago.
U22 Rush of Battle (MP) – Allowing everyone to use minor actions to attack with for a round as a utility power is incredibly powerful. The RecLord bonuses are just gravy.
E23 Blood Begets Blood (MP) – The improved version of Ventured Gains (r) and seeing as you still don’t have the stat blocks in front of you, so this is still useless.
E23 Pillar to Post (PHB) – Requires you to be flanking, but at least it comes out as a triple-hitter. Certainly nowhere near as good as Hail of Steel (g).
D25 Wave of Defeat (MP) – A mildly improved daily version of Hail of Steel? Not at this level.
D25 Herding Barrage (MP2) – Requires a bit of set up but it can lead to decent damage to three enemies.
D25 Relentless Assault (PHB) – This power can get just silly. A decent starting hit but the effect can give you a huge number of basic attacks. Look at the synergy between this power and Death From Two Sides (g).
D25 Stir the Hornet's Nest (PHB) – Only grants an attack if you miss, so if that is your goal, avoid this power.
E27 A Plan Comes Together (Drag384) – How to give a monster a really bad day. For daring to start its turn, it gets hit twice, dazed and knocked prone. Sweet.
E27 Warlord's Indignation (MP) – An out of turn Hail of Steel that knocks prone. Good if you can get the set up.
E27 Abrupt Skirmish (MP) – Can do decent damage but takes far too much set up to be effective.
E27 Combined Arms Assault (MP) – 2 RBAs or charges, nice with the right set up.
D29 Break it Up (MP2) – A very nice stance which gives an ally an MBA whenever you hit with a ranged attack for the rest of the fight.
D29 Victory by Design (Drag384) – For some bizarre reason your 5th allies gets shafted out of a charge or basic attack. It’s basically a large version of Hail of Steel. It just doesn’t cut it.
D29 Deific Rallying (MP) – Another variant of Hail of Steel with some temps. Underwhelming.
D29 Loyal Squadron (MP2) – Much better on a miss, and really not worth miss-whoring. Avoid like the plague.
D29 Partners in Battle (MP2) – Same as above. You shouldn’t miss at all at this level.
[sblock=Themes]Starting Power Chaosmade (Drag408) – A decent AP boost (which can be given 2/enc after level 10) but as far actually granting a basic attack, there is only a 1/6 chance of that happening.
Starting Power Disgraced Noble (BoVD) – Similar to a Warlord power, you knock the target prone and then an ally can make an MBA against it. Not bad, but there are better enabling powers for most leaders.
D5 Dune Trader (DSCS) – Again, similar to a Warlod power, you hit one target and two allies can make an MBA against differnt targets. Lots of attacks but no chance to focus fire.
D5 Elemental Priest (DSCS) – A standard action that sets up the ability to grant MBAs as a minor action. Not bad at all.
Starting Power Guardian (Drag399) – A top quality theme power. One the easy trigger of an ally within 2 squares being hit, you get to take the attack and then make a basic attack against the enemy. Sweet.
F10 Iron Wolf Warrior (Drag400) – Not a bad feature on top a pretty decent theme. You get to attack just before you get knocked down. Unfortunately the feature is badly worded but I would say that it is a reaction to the attack, so even if you kill the monster that hit you, you still go down.
F10 Melee-Magthere Champion (CoS) – This features makes the starting power decent if not stellar (would be better as an interupt so the defence bonuses kick in for the attack). You effectively get a set of strikebacks.
Starting Power Outlaw (Drag399) – Adding a daze when you hit with a basic attack with CA. Not bad at all.
Starting Power Purple Dragon (Drag407) – There are some classes for which this is pretty much +1 to hit – at will stance for +1 to hit with MBAs, or various options. Not bad.
E3, E13, E23 Sohei (Drag404) – The quintessential theme for strikers because of its minor action attack theme power. The powerswaps at the aforementioned levels are powers that allow you to charge and then use the minor action attack after charging. The E23 is especially nice as it is a multi-target charge.
U2 Treasure Hunter (ItU: DSH) – Shift two after hitting with an MBA. Would be a decent option for chargers if there weren't much better themes out there.
Starting Power Ironwrought (HotEC) – You have a top quality enabling power that requires you to hit? How does rolling to hit twice once per encounter sound? This is especially useful for Warlords wanting to land Death from Two Sides or Hail of Steel. [/spoiler]
Epic Destinies
F21 Invincible Vanguard [Any Martial Class] (MP2) – Making your basic attacks on the charge invigorating is meh (especially because it doesn't include powers that can be used in place of MBAs), however the ability to use powers after a charge is awesome. It means that you charge into something and then unload two minor action attacks into it in the same turn.
F24 Invincible Vanguard [Any Martial Class] (MP2) – Not the best res feature but it's a free charge once per day.
U26 Invincible Vanguard [Any Martial Class] (MP2) – The bonus to speed is rarely needed but extra damage on a crit never hurts (except the target of the attack of course).
F30 Invincible Vanguard [Any Martial Class] (MP2) – You can finally get rid of that neck-slot you've worn for 28 levels! Also generates you a load of free-action charges, shame about the free-action attack nerf.
F21 Star-Favored Champion [Any Martial Class] (MP2) – Never optimise to miss, especially at epic.
F30 Martial Archetype [Any Martial class, Paragon Multiclassing in a Martial Class] (MP) – You will have picked multitaps form a martial class and if your base class is avenger (who are the only one who have a reason to PMC ranger) then you will crit enough to explode against all enemies adjacent to you. But then again you only want one person adjacent to you so this might not be as good as it first appears.
U26 Mythic Spirit [Any Primal Class] (PP) – Saves an allies from being knocked to 0 once per day, giving them a decent heal a free basic attack. Serviceable.
F24 Sovereign Beast [Druid, Wild Shape Power] (PP) – You can charge with a druid encounter power once per encounter and knock the target prone. Not that great, as there aren't many druid double-taps.
F21 Legendary Sovereign [Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, or Warlord] (MP2) – A great feature, an enlarged Hale of Steel whenever you crit.
U26 Legendary Sovereign [Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, or Warlord] (MP2) – A big chunk of temps but the power bonus will not be that useful because most people don't use basic attacks or at-wills that much at epic.
F30 Grandmaster of Flowers [Monk] (PsP) – You can fly when you charge. Meh. There are much better charging EDs.
F24 Raven Knight [Must Worship the Raven Queen] (Drag380) – Insubstantial and phasing when you charge. If you charge every turn, you take half damage all the time, which is pretty sweet.
[quote="Fardiz"]Heroic Tier Feats
Feats are sorted by power source, then class (by alphabetical order), then race (by alphabetical order) then overall alphabetical order.
Charging Admixture [Minotaur, artificer, curative admixture power] (Drag387) – Minotaurs are rarely artificers and even if you take this option, this feat is not good.
Reaper's Touch [Shadar-Kai; invoker, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard class] (Drag372) – Keyed to various decent RBAs, making them into MBAs. Very useful to aid the enabling leader.
Eladrin Swordmage Advance [Eladrin, swordmage] (AP) – A feat that pretty much every Eladrin Swordmage (and a good reason for Eladrin to MC Swordmage). A free action MBA whenever you use your racial teleport.
Elemental Assault [Genasi, swordmage with aegis of assault] (FRPG) – +3 damage to your mark punishment will be pretty low of your list of priorities.
Escalating Assault [swordmage with aegis of assault] (FRPG) – By the time you are level 7 you will have at least two interrupts aside from aegis of assault. You really won’t get much millage out of this feat unless you have long, dragging combats and your DM violates your mark a lot.
Intelligent Blademaster [Swordmage] (FRPG) – Pre-errata Melee Training (sb) for the Swordmage. As a melee defender, you want this.
Golden Lion of Urik [Greater Pact] [Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact class feature, Yellow Cloak of Urik feat] (Drag390) – Using your fell might to grant a basic attack with extra damage is a good use of it.
Spirit Master of Lalali-Puy [Greater Pact] [Warlock, Sorcerer-King Pact class feature, Spirit Talker of Lalali-Puy feat] (Drag390) – Same as above but affecting a different set of powers.
Power of Skill [Any divine class, must worship a deity of the skill domain] (DP) – This feat defines many character options (especially Avengers with Overwhelming Strike). Turning a top quality at-will power into a basic attack is extremely good.
Bane's Tactics [Divinity] [Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Bane] (Drag372) – It is not worth a feat to use a melee attack as an OA 1/enc when you could just take heavy blade opportunity (sb).
Gruumsh’s Battle Fury [Divinity] [Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Gruumsh] (BoVD) – Again, it is unlikely that you will worship an evil god but this is a pretty nice CD, allowing an ally to make an MBA or charge as a free action.
Vecna's Final Command [Divinity] [Any channel divinity power, must worship Vecna] (Drag395) – The chance of you worshipping Vecna is a normal campaign is not high but if you do, this is a really good channel divinity. You can use it either to grant ally an basic attack or force an enemy to make one.
Dodgy Charge [Half-orc, avenger, oath of enmity power] (Drag386) – Feats are precious on an Avenger and unless you really need a specific neckslot, take the Badge of the Berserker (g) instead. Half-orc is not a primary Avenger race but if you have chosen this combination then the feat may be worth a look.
Invigorating Pursuit [Avenger, Censure of Pursuit class feature, oath of enmity power] (PHB2) b – Persuit avengers might want this before Powerful Charge (b).
Reaper's Touch [Shadar-Kai; invoker, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard class] (Drag372) b – Keyed to various decent RBAs, making them into MBAs. Very useful to aid the enabling leader.
Nature’s Doom [Wilden, invoker, Covenant of Malediction class feature] (Drag387) – Changing an MBA into an RBA once per encounter (even an RBA as good as Divine Bolts) is not worth a feat.
Wrath of the Crimson Legion [Tiefling, paladin] (Drag381) – There is no reason not to take this as a tiefling paladin. It both saves you an at-will (no need for Virtuous Strike) and gives you a better version of Call of Challenge for a feat.
Flail Strike [Power strike power] (MME) – Not bad for a flail-using essentials character, forcing the targeted enemy to remain prone or eat an OA.
Heavy Blade Strike [Power strike power] (MME) – Turn your striker feature into a fully-fledged second attack. Much better if you have a way to move after killing an enemy. Really quite good if you have a Reaper’s Kopesh (shift 1 square and then put two MBAs into a second enemy).
Light Blade Strike [Power strike power] – You definitely won’t want this power in paragon (Deft Blade (sb) is better and doesn’t lose you damage) but perhaps it has its accuracy niche in heroic.
Mace Strike [Power strike power] r – Even worse than the above feat, as fortitude is usually the highest NAD.
Deft Hurler [Arena Fighting] [Dex 13 or halfling race, any martial class] (Drag368) – Not a bad choice for fighters using a Farbond Spellblade. An RBA to anyone within 10 rather than just str mod damage to someone else adjacent.
Warborn Fury Style [Arena Fighting] [Con 13 or warforged race, any martial class] – Additional chessmastering can be useful, and this feat is at least keyed to an at-will that you will use occasionally.
Spirited Rider [Arena Fighting] [Wis 13, Mounted Combat, any martial class] (DMA) – Ok for Fighters to cleave on the charge. Still not worth the feat, but it’s even worse for Warlords.
Barreling Charge [Any martial class] (MP2) – A trap feat. The rules have been changed so you don’t have to stop as soon as you get into reach.
Battle-Scarred Veteran [Arena Fighting] [Con 13, any martial class] (Drag368) – Conditional +stat to damage on a not particularly good at-will is not worth a feat.
Daring Performer [Arena Fighting] [Cha 13, any martial class] (Drag368) – A Warlord is unlikely to have expanded crit-range and Brash Assault is already a poor power.
Deft Footwork [Dex 13, any martial class] (Drag368) – It is almost never worth shifting instead of attacking for an OA.
Formation Fighting [Any martial class] (MP2) – Again far too conditional. A bonus to OAs equal to the number of allies adjacent to the target is not worth a feat.
Hunting Wolf Style [Any martial class] (Drag373) – Having an invigorating charge over a standard MBA, is really not worth a feat.
Overrun Critical [Any martial class] (MP2) – You’ve just crit someone on the charge? It’s either dead or as near dead as no matter. By the time you have feats spare to consider this, you don’t want it.
Precision Ambush Style [Any martial] (Drag373) – Surprise rounds are extremely rare and so you shouldn’t waste feats for little gain.
Precision Throw [Any martial class] (MP2 – Heavy thrown weapons are generally a poor choice. It is not worth the feat to be able to throw them with dex.
True Arrow Style [Arena Fighting] [Dex 13, any martial class] (Drag368) r – If as a ranger you are missing with Careful Attack, something is dreadfully wrong.
Untamed Berserker Style [Arena Fighting] [Con 13, any martial class] r – Warlords have no reason to boost con. This would be yet another waste of a feat.
Devoted Challenge [Dwarf, fighter, Combat Challenge class feature] (MP) – By far the best of the combat challenge-enhancing feats. You get your secondary stat to attack and damage, making you extremely sticky.
Keeper of Storm [Genasi, fighter, Combat Challenge class feature] (MP) – If you are a stormsoul genasi fighter, you should have a way of making all your attacks do lightning damage. A feat to make one attack do lightning is garbage.
Opportunistic Accuracy [Wis 13, elf, fighter] (MP) – Far too conditional to be worth it.
Warforged Superiority [Warforged, fighter, Combat Superiority class feature] (MP2) – Your OAs already stop movement but prone is a nice bonus to have, especially if you make a lot of OAs.
Arkhosian Fang Mauler [Greater Style] [Fighter, Arkhosian Fang Student feat] (MP2) – It’s not worth taking an of the encounter powers alongside this feat to use them instead of your combat challenge.
Black Hood Butcher [Greater Style] [Fighter, Black Hood Student feat] (MP2) – Same as above.
Desert Moon Swordmaster [Greater Style] [Fighter, Desert Moon Student feat] (MP2) – Same again.
Forceful Opportunist [Fighter, Fighter Weapon Talent class feature] (Drag379) – Much better than the above feat as it give you both a push and mobility. Remember that as a fighter your OAs will stop movement.
Hewing Charge [Fighter, Fighter Weapon Talent class feature] (Drag379) – One of the reasons a standard charger fighter can out-do a slayer. It slightly screws over your NADs but if you go str-con, then this feat seriously adds to your damage.
Hunting Spear Warder [Greater Style] [Fighter, Hunting Spear Student feat] (MP2) – The charging Fighter does not want any of these powers.
Ironstar Crusher [Greater Style] [Fighter, Ironstar Student feat] (MP2) – It’s not worth taking an of the encounter powers alongside this feat to use them instead of your combat challenge.
Kulkor Battlearm Warrior [Greater Style] [Fighter, Kulkor Battlearm Student feat] – Fighters don’t mind giving allies bonuses to AC, as this increases their Catch22. However they probably won’t use any of the powers to charge with.
Longhand Guardian [Greater Style] [Fighter, Longhand Student feat] (MP2) – A polearm fighter may consider this feat as it is basically a +1 to AC as long as you keep hitting. However none of the powers it is keyed to are anything to write home about.
Mobile Challenge [Fighter, Combat Challenge class feature] (Drag378) – Fighters get lots of feat options and this isn’t that stellar. After you make your combat challenge you get to shift.
Moradin's Forge Champion [Greater Style] [Fighter, Moradin’s Forge Student feat] (MP2) – The only kind of fighter using such a two-handed weapon would be a charger and they would appreciate not being immobilised, slowed or restrained. Still not really worth the feat, given that it needs an entry feat.
Nerathan High Blade Soldier [Greater Style] [Fighter, Nerathan High Blade Student feat] (MP2) – Yup you guessed it. Take Uncanny Dodge instead.
Ninth Legion Shield [Greater Style] [Fighter, Ninth Legion Student feat] (MP2) – You wouldn’t want to take any of these encounter powers for your combat challenge, and the feat itself isn’t good enough to justify the entry feat.
Ninth Legion Student [Lesser Style] [Fighter or warlord; proficiency with any one-handed pick or one-handed spear] (MP2) – The Fighter should ignore this but the Warlord may want to use Direct the Strike (sb) as his OA. An ally’s basic attack will almost always be better than the Warlord’s.
Ogremight Bruiser [Greater Style] [Fighter, Ogremight Student feat] (MP2) – A top quality charger-fighter feat, granting you expanded crit-range and the ability to use Anvil of Doom (sb) on the charge. This feat can be enough excuse to use a mordencrad rather than a gouge and it means you can choose a PP apart from Draven Marauder (sb).
Partisan Polearm Infantry [Greater Style] [Fighter, Partisan Polearm Student feat] (MP2) – The polearm Fighter does not intend to hit the same creature more than once in a row (see Polearm Gamble (sb)). He should also not be built to charge.
Reaving Axe Brute [Greater Style] [Fighter, Reaving Axe Student feat] (MP2) – The wording is slightly dodgy (it is not clear whether the creature provokes just from you or from everyone adjacent) but it is still a decent feat. However you won’t want to use any of the powers.
Red Cloak Tough [Fighter, Red Cloak Student feat] (MP2) – You don’t want any of those powers for OAs either.
Savage Axe [Fighter] (Drag378) – Adding your tertiary stat to OA damage isn’t usually worth a feat, however if you have a way to force a lot of OAs (e.g. Fighter MC Cleric/Tactical Warpriest) then you might want to consider it.
Swift Spear [Fighter] (Drag378) – This is so not worth a feat. The spear build wants to push the enemy as far away as possible so you can prone them with Polearm Momentum.
Surprising Charge [Dex 17, fighter or rogue] (MP) – Probably the largest single damage increase that you can get from a feat (remember that both a gouge and a lance are spears). It is not hard to have CA on every attack and so you should always get this bonus.
Unbalancing Shield Shove [Fighter] (Drag385) – Similar to Forceful Opportunist but CA is not as good as a push.
Constricting Serpent [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (serpent)] (MP2) – The only MBA your beast companion is likely to make is an OA, and these immobilising is not the worst thing in the world.
Goring Boar [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (boar)] (MP2) – A push two for your boar is not worth a feat.
Harrying Raptor [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (raptor)] (MP2) – While adding immobilisation to your creature’s MBA might be useful, making it grant CA is just never going to be worth it.
Mauling Bear [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (bear)] (MP2) – Same as above but with grabbing instead of immobilising.
Pouncing Cat [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (cat)] (MP2) – A second attack still won’t make the beast companion do anywhere near enough damage to make it worth choosing beastmaster powers.
Snapping Lizard [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (lizard)] (MP2) – Same as before, +5 damage is not enough for your beast companion to be the least bit threatening, except at very low levels.
Savage Wolf [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (wolf)] (MP2) – Same as above, your companion’s MBA stopping movement could be quite useful.
Venomous Spider [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (spider)] (MP2) – This doesn’t quite stop movement but slow sometimes will.
Adamant Arrow Hunter [Greater Style] [Ranger, Adamant Arrow Student feat] (MP2) – Allows you to use various ranger encounter powers as RBAs but none of the particularly good ones.
Arkhosian Fang Duelist [Greater Style] [Ranger, Arkhosian Fang Student feat] (MP2) – This isn’t a great feat until level 27, when charging with Death Rend becomes awesome! (sb)
Beast Protector [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature] (MP) – Now that it has been confirmed that this feat doesn’t work with Sharpshooter, there is not much reason to take this feat.
Coordinated Opportunity [Ranger, Beast Mastery class feature] (MP) – A conditional +2 damage to OAs is not worth a feat.
Furious Charge [Half-orc, ranger, Hunter’s Quarry class feature] (MP2) – You shouldn’t miss on the charge every encounter but if you do, having a reroll could be handy.
Hunting Spear Skirmisher [Greater Style] [Ranger, Hunting Spear Student feat] (MP2) – It is not worth taking any of those powers to charge with.
Ironstar Marauder [Greater Style] [Ranger, Ironstar Student feat] (MP2) – A ranger should never use a mace or a flail. And those powers suck anyway.
Kulkor Battlearm Hunter [Greater Style] [Ranger, Kulkor Battlearm Student feat] (MP2) – You will not want to choose any of these powers.
Kulkor Battlearm Rattler [Greater Style] [Rogue, Kulkor Battlearm Student feat, Ruthless Ruffian class feature] (MP2) – The RR is a joke of a Rogue, and this feat does not help it.
Opportunity Knocks [Rogue] (MP2) – CA is trivially easy to get in much more reliable ways.
Red Cloak Rake [Greater Style] [Rogue, Red Cloak Student feat] (MP2) – Just like the much unused F16 of Daggermaster (g). If you, as striker, crit something, it shouldn’t live until your next turn most of the time. You also won’t use any of the powers.
Surprising Charge [Dex 17, fighter or rogue] (MP) – Probably the largest single damage increase that you can get from a feat (remember that both a gouge and a lance are spears). It is not hard to have CA on every attack and so you should always get this bonus.
Two-Fisted Shooter [Rogue] (MP) – Even after the free action nerf, this is still an incredibly good feat. It gives you an RBA whenever you crit and also allows you to use the hand xbow as an offhand weapon.
Arkhosian Fang Commander [Greater Style] [Warlord, Arkhosian Fang Student feat] (MP2) – If your DM provokes a lot of OAs (or you have an ally who can force them) then using Death From Two Sides as an OA could get pretty silly. Otherwise the feat isn’t that great.
Black Hood Executioner [Greater Style] [Warlord, Black Hood Student feat] (MP2) – It is not worth taking any of those powers to use for OAs.
Covered Retreat [Warlord, Resourceful Presence class feature] (Drag381) – There are many good Warlord feats but this is not one of them. Why would you take a feat to let an ally shift with your OA when you could take a feat to use Direct the Strike instead?
Desert Moon Zephyr [Greater Style] [Warlord, Desert Moon Student feat] (MP2) – Same as above.
Guide the Shot [Warlord] (MP2) – Unless you have a ranged-heavy party you want to concentrate on giving out melee bonuses. Rangers often have their own way of dealing with cover and concealment (e.g. Crossbow Expertise).
Hunting Spear Chieftain [Greater Style] [Warlord, Hunting Spear Student feat] – You might actually want to one of these powers on the charge if you are a BraveLord. Most Warlords should avoid however.
Ironstar Bravo [Greater Style] [Warlord, Ironstar Student feat] – There are decent powers here but they require you to use a mace or a flail and you don’t want to use that sort of weapon when you are charging.
Kulkor Battlearm Captain [Greater Style] [Warlord, Kulkor Battlearm Student feat] – A Warlord is unlikely to want to use a +2 proficiency weapon but if he does, this isn’t a bad feat. Allies rarely have feat bonuses to AC and there are some decent powers keyed to it.
Lend Strength [Warlord] (MP2) – Considering you will often be enabling against adjacent enemies, this a pretty decent damage boost for your granted attacks.
Moradin's Forge Marshal [Greater Style] [Warlord, Moradin’s Forge Student feat] (MP2) – Using Hail of Steel as an OA could be very amusing but chances are that if won’t come off very often.
Nerathan High Blade Captain [Greater Style] [Warlord, Nerathan High Blade Student feat] (MP2) – Obsoleted by Uncanny Dodge.
Ninth Legion Commander [Greater Style] [Warlord, Ninth Legion Student feat] (MP2) – There are some decent powers there to use as OAs, however the main benefit of the feat is not enough to justify the entry feat.
Ninth Legion Student [Lesser Style] [Fighter or warlord; proficiency with any one-handed pick or one-handed spear] (MP2) – The Fighter should ignore this but the Warlord may want to use Direct the Strike (sb) as his OA. An ally’s basic attack will almost always be better than the Warlord’s.
Ogremight Ravager [Greater Style] [Warlord, Ogremight Student feat] (MP2) p – This is a lot less use to you can it is to the Fighter. The Warlord rarely wants to charge himself, he’d rather get someone else to do it for him.
Rending Chains Warmaster [Greater Style] [Warlord, Rending Chains Student feat] (MP2) – Terrible for many reasons – a Warlord won’t use a flail, won’t have boosted wisdom and rarely needs to make basic attacks.
Risky Charge [Warlord, Bravura Presence class feature] (Drag381) – Warlords should generally not be concentrating on their own damage. However if you are making a charging BraveLord, it is not an awful feat. Barbarians need to wait until epic for their charges to knock prone.
Reckless Charge [Any primal class] (PP) – Untyped accuracy bonuses are hard to come by and this one might well be worth taking for a primal charger even though it gimps your AC.
Stone Step Spirits [Dwarf, any primal class] (PP) – Charge range is not normally a problem, even for dwarves.
Eager Charger [Mul, barbarian, swift charge power] (Drag391) – You will almost never be out of charge range. A tertiary stat to damage once per encounter is not worth a feat.
Fearsome Charge [Barbarian, Rageblood Vigor class feature] (PP) – A push on swift charge is not worth a feat.
Ruthless Rampage [Barbarian, Rampage class feature] (Drag384) – Far too conditional for a tiny bonus. Avoid.
Thaneborn Fury [Barbarian, Thaneborn Triumph class feature] – Inflicting -2 to attack rolls with one attack per encounter is not worth a feat.
Cheetah's Speed [Druid, wild shape power] (Drag383) – It is so rare to be out of charge range that it is not worth spending a feat for a conditional bonus to speed.
Enraged Boar Form [Druid, wild shape power] (PHB2) – A better version of powerful charge for the druid. The charging druid could take this very early on in his career.
Predator's Burst [Druid, Primal Predator class feature, wild shape power] (PP) – Considerably worse than the above but it is another untyped damaged bonus to charging.
Stampede [Druid, wild shape power] (Drag383) – Unless you kill the target, you will eat an OA every time you use the benefit. However if you have a defence bonus against OAs, then this feat might still be useful for setting up charges.
Improved Inevitable Shot [Seeker, inevitable shot power] (PHB3) – Ignoring cover and concealment on one attack per encounter is not worth a feat.
Inescapable Shot [Seeker, inevitable shot power] (PHB3) – You are unlikely to be shooting at a target that has no enemies within 5 squares of it.
Bloodthirsty Spirit [Shaman, Watcher Spirit class feature] (Drag387) – A very conditional small bonus. You don’t want this.
Sudden Roots [Warden] (PHB2) – Wardens are zone defenders, so any feat that keep enemies close to you is a good one to have.
Psionic Celerity [Augment] [Psionic Augmentation class feature] (PP) – Worse than Fast Runner. Avoid.
Psionic Reflexes [Augment] [Psionic Augmentation class feature] (PsP) – You would be very unlikely to want to waste your power points in making your OA more accurate.
Internalize the Basic Kata [Monk, Flurry of Blows class feature, Unarmed Combatant class feature] (Drag404) – Full melee-training for the Monk and the side bonus making OAs trigger your flurry of blows.
Psionic Ferocity [Minotaur, Ferocity racial trait, any psionic class] (Drag389) – You don’t want to waste a feat and a power point/encounter on 4-6 damage per encounter.
Rampaging Thought [Minotaur, any psionic class] (Drag 389) r – Obsolete with the Badge of the Berserker.
Shadow Overflow [Born of Shadow feat] (HoS) – Considering the entry-feat isn’t that great, this feat usually won’t be worth it. Especially as necrotic damage is commonly resisted.
Horns of the Shadow Reaper [Minotaur, assassin, assassin’s shroud power] (Drag382) – Nowhere near enough benefit for all those prerequisites.
Horned Nightmare [Minotaur, assassin, shade form power] (Drag385) – Phasing on the charge some of the time is not worth a feat.
Merciless Nature [Wilden, assassin, wrath of the destroyer power] (Drag385) – No, just no. Combat advantage for one attack given a condition, not a chance.
Effortless Dilettante [Half-elf, you must have chosen a melee attack power for your Dilettante racial trait] (Drag385) – If you need an MBA so much, take melee training instead. The only tiny niche is using twin-strike on the charge 1/enc.
Gorebrute Charge [Longtooth shifter] (PHB2) – Considering most shifters use a blood fury weapon to control their bloodied status, this could be a decent damage bonus.
Bloodied Ferocity [Minotaur] (PHB3) – A free attack when bloodied is not a bad option.
Brutal Ferocity [Minotaur, Ferocity racial trait] (PHB3) – +2 to hit and damage less than once per encounter is not a good feat.
Ferocious Frenzy [Minotaur, Ferocity racial trait] (Drag385) – That could generate quite a few attacks, but as you usually cannot control when you are reduced to 0hp, this is not a great feat.
Goring Shove [Str 15, minotaur, goring charge racial power] (PHB3) – A push 1/enc is not worth a feat.
Honor's Path [Minotaur] (Drag385) – If this stacked with your OA, then it still wouldn’t be a great feat but as it is, don’t even look at it.
Minotaur Soul [Minotaur, revenant] (Drag376) – As a revenant you never plan to be unconscious, and you have much better past-life choices than minotaur.
Opportunity Gore [Minotaur, goring charge racial power] (Drag369) – You get to use your racial for every OA you make, meaning that your OAs prone, even if the damage is piddling.
Springing Charge [Minotaur] (PHB3) – Finally a good minotaur feat! A free action charge when you crit with a charge is a great use of a feat.
Streak of Light [Pixie] (HotFW) – Combine this with Surprising Charge (sb) on your Pixe Execution|Warlock/Fighter and never look back.
Surge of Thunder [Wilden, Nature’s Aspect racial trait] (Drag393) – It is not worth a feat to boost your OAs for a small fraction of the combat, however if you are in the aspect of elements, this does make you quite sticky so might be useful for Wilden defender.
Alchemical Opportunist [none] (Drag373) – Alchemical items are not worth using. Ever.
Blade Opportunist [Str 13, Dex 13] (PHB) – Pretty much the only build that will want this is the Polearm Gamble glaive-wielding Fighter, who ought to have the stats anyway. For that is build it is pretty good (b).
Child of Wind [Born of the Elements feat] (HotEC) – This would be a decent feat if it wasn’t for the godawful entry feat.
Combat Intuition [none] (PHB3) – Far too conditional for the benefit.
Combat Reflexes [Dex 13] (PHB) – Same as Blade Opportunist. That build is the only one that can be sure to make an awful lot of OAs, so it is worth making the accuracy on them insane.
Fast Runner [Con 13] (PHB) – You are almost never out of move+charge range.
Hammering Iron [none] (PHB3) – Combined with bludgeon expertise this gives you a push 2 on your OAs. Yes, there is a reason there is no polehammer in 4e.
Last Legion Defender [none] (Drag396) – Very conditional but untyped bonuses to AC are hard to find.
Mark of Sentinel [Dragonmark] [None] (EPG) p – The upgrade of Deft Footwork, however beware that Dragonmarks are not allowed in many campaigns.
Melee Training (PHB2) – If you are a non-strength melee class and you don’t have a feat that is similar to the pre-errata version (e.g. Intelligent Blade Master (sb)), then you almost certainly want this feat at some point, just to give you an opportunity attack, or to be something for the Warlord to wield.
Opportunistic Shove [None] (PHB3) – You pretty much never want to exchange damage for a push.
Powerful Charge [Str 13] (PHB) b – Another typed bonus to charging damage rolls. You will probably want this eventually if you are a charge build.
Righteous Fury [Trained in Intimidate] (Drag377) – Like power attack, you would only want this if your accuracy is insane. However it might be worth a look for avengers.
Shining Purpose (Multiclass Bahamut) [10th level, Noble Indoctrination] (Drag378) p – Not really worth the feat to swap your daily for this. When you hit, you allow one ally to spend a surge and make an MBA.
Serene Archery [Wis 13, must worship Sehanine] (Drag385) – One of only two variants of Melee Training (sb) for RBAs. However there are not often you would want this, unless your leader is a Shaman.
Spear Expertise [None] (HotFW) – See Two-Handed Weapon Expertise.
Student of the Plague [Multiclass Spellscarred] [You have a spellscar] (FRPG) – See Zathris’s guide to Spellscars but a feat for a minor action to gain +2 to charge speed is not worth it.
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise [None] (HotFW) – If you are a charger you want this and a gouge. Unless you are a using a lance, in which case you want Spear Expertise.
Whip Expert [Multiclass] [Whip Training, 8th level] (Drag368) – The whip is no longer a flail so will never be used by anyone ever (except possibly a lazylord with commander’s strike who also wants to use a shield).
Paragon Feats
Inexorable Pursuit [avenger, Censure of Pursuit class feature, oath of enmity power] (PHB2) – Avengers are notoriously feat-starved and so you don’t want use a feat to make charging your Oath slightly easy, as there is rarely an issue in this area.
Wrath of Defeat [runepriest, Wrathful Hammer class feature] (PHB3) – Generally not worth it except for a revenant.
Deft Blade [any martial class] (MP2) – Untyped accuracy bonuses like this (reflex is general two points lower than AC) are what make using a light blade so amazing.
Hammer Shock [any martial class, trained in Intimidate] (MP2) – Causing your MBAs to give out -2 to hit is not the worst used of a feat.
Impaling Spear [any martial class] (MP2) g – Alongside Surprising Charge, this is the feat that makes the gouge the epitome of the charger’s weaponry.
Lashing Flail [any martial class] (MP2) – Combined with Flail Expertise (g), this is means that your MBAs prone on a hit. This is very nice for defenders whose mark punishment is an MBA.
Piercing Pick [any martial class] (MP2) – The pick does not get much other support and fort tends to be the highest of the NADs. However if you are using a pick anyway, you might want to consider this.
Wicked Blade [any martial class] (MP2) – Best case scenario, that you are a fighter with a 10% crit chance and using a bastard sword (if you were using a fullblade you won’t even look at this feat). You would do 2d10 = 11 damage on 10% of your MBAs, so this feat is worth significantly less than a feat that gave you +1 damage. Avoid.
Stonefoot Reprisal [dwarf, fighter] (MP) – Keeping your location is important for a fighter but a lot of pushes and slides come from ranged, for which this feat is useless.
Fey Charge [eladrin, fighter] (MP) – Despite the errata to prevent this from combining with Eladrin Swordmage Advance (sb), this is a still a top quality feat to allow you to tele-charge all encounter (until you miss).
Opportunistic Archer [elf, fighter, Combat Challenge class feature] (MP) – There is no reason for a fighter to use a bow. Ever.
Avalanche Reaver [goliath, any martial class] (MP2) – Given a push enhancer (e.g. Rushing Cleats) this could be useful for setting up a second charge on an AP against the same target.
Tail Trip [tiefling, fighter, Combat Challenge class feature] (PHR: T) – A tielfing fight could make good use of this. Both your OAs and your combat challenge proning make you incredibly sticky.
Clobbering Brawler [fighter, Brawler Style class feature] (MP2) – The brawler is not the type of fighter you want to optimising MBAs on, and crits dazing on MBAs is not worth a feat.
Combat Opening [half-elf, fighter, Combat Challenge class feature] (MP) – As a fighter, you should have a top-quality MBA so it is not worth wasting a feat to let someone else be your mark punishment.
Plunging Blade [fighter] (Drag378) – Fighters are one of the few classes that don’t tend to use light blades and expanded crit range on a small fraction of your attacks is not worth a feat.
Pinning Challenge [fighter, Fighter Weapon Talent class feature] (Drag379) – This feat makes the two-handed weapon user damn sticky – both your OAs and your combat challenge now immobilise.
Reckless Attacker [fighter] (MP) – Extra attacks are always nice, even if this comes with a slight caveat.
Staggering Challenge [fighter, Combat Challenge class feature] (Drag378) – A fighter can knock prone on his MBA and still do damage by using a flail.
Striking Resurgence [fighter] (MP2) – Self-healing without losing out on offence is a good deal (except for dwarves who will never second wind as a standard).
Tactical Superiority [fighter, Combat Superiority class feature] (MP2) – Your OAs stop movement already, so no need for them to slow.
Bestial Death Strike [ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (boar or lizard)] (MP2) – Your companion won’t go down every fight and even if it did, it’s MBA will be shockingly poor by this level.
Gliding Beast [ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (cat or raptor)] (MP2) – Your companion will rarely hit with its MBA and thus this is not worth wasting a feat on.
Poisonous Beast [ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (serpent or spider)] (MP2) – The only thing that your companion’s MBA is useful for is OAs that stop movement. Ongoing 5 just doesn’t cut it.
Rampaging Beast [ranger, Beast Mastery class feature (bear or wolf)] (MP2) – See above.
Opportunistic Sneak Attack [rogue, Sneak Attack class feature] (MP) – The invisible cunning sneak rogue might make enough opportunity attacks to make this feat worthwhile but all others should avoid.
Roundabout Charge [rogue, trained in Acrobatics] (MP) – Mostly obsoleted by Badge of the Berserker (g). However it could still be useful for charging around blocking or hazardous terrain.
Impetuous Charger [Cha 15, warlord] (MP) – Causing the target of your charge to grant CA to all your allies is a good use of a feat. Not to mention the fact that the MC warlord feats are top-notch too.
Charging Rampage [barbarian, Rampage class feature] (PHB2) – The main way for the barbarian to stay competitive in the damage market is to charge, so to charge again when you crit is a good thing. You should choose rages that can be used on the charge so that you don’t need to waste a standard action getting into a rage. Minotaur barbarians should take Springing Charge.
Rageblood Recovery [barbarian, Rageblood Vigor class feature] (PHB2) – You would only consider this if you have no leader in your party. The ability to possibly spend a surge each encounter shouldn’t be a good use of a feat.
Thirsty Blade [barbarian] (PP) – There is only really one build that would make good use of this feat this feat and that would really prefer to be using a hammer (Fighter/Rampaging Brute). However if you are short of damage-increasing feats, this might be worth a look and adjust your tactics.
Font of Vengeance [warden, Font of Life class feature] (Drag379) – Far too conditional for just str mod of damage. Certainly not worth a feat.
Wildblood Retribution [warden, Wildblood class feature] (PP) – Makes you extra sticky for a round when you second wind by granting you a free-action MBA on your turn if someone breaches your mark.
Simple Precision [monk] (PHB3) – Untyped bonuses to hit are few and far between. Take every one you can.
Opportunity Breath [dragonborn, dragon breath racial power] – The rebreather may want this but nobody else does.
Web Spinner [drow] (Drag379) – Crit targets don’t tend to survive long enough for immobilisation to become important.
Fierce Charge [gnoll, ferocious charge racial power] (Drag367) – Using at at-will on the charge once per encounter is not worth a feat (with the possible except of a gnoll ranger charging with twin-strike).
Bloodborn Recovery [minotaur, Ferocity racial trait] (PHB3) – You would be lucky ever to see this in your entire adventuring career – being knocked unconscious and then scoring a crit with the MBA you are granted. Certainly not worth a feat to spend a surge if that unlikely event happens.
Bloody Gore [minotaur, goring charge racial power] (PHB3) – Goring charge isn’t a great racial power and so it’s not worth a feat to conditionally recharge it.
Agile Opportunist [none] (PHB2) – If you otherwise have little use for your immediate actions and have someone who can slide you around every encounter, then this is a good feat. Otherwise I would choose something else.
Grazing Shot [none] (PHB3) – Never plan to miss. The main class that works around RBAs (the seeker) already has ways to get out of missing.
Heavy Blade Opportunity [Str 15, Dex 15] (PHB) – The feat that is required on battleminds to make them into semi-viable defender. Using any weapon at-will for OAs is a good use of a feat (e.g. Brutal Barrage or Twin-Strike).
Opportunity Sidestep [none] (PHB3) – It is not worth a feat to shift after you OA.
Polearm Gamble [Str 15, Wis 15] (PHB) – One of the most hotly debated feats, on whether it is triggered by forced movements on teleports. This can be a very nice feat (OAs are optimisable to the point where you should never miss with it) but become less so as more and more monsters have reach.
Repel Charge [none] (PHB3) – Can be nice but depends on your DM. If you are charged a lot then go for it, extra attacks as opportunity actions are not to be sneezed at.
Two-Weapon Opening [Two-Weapon Fighting feat] (PHB2) – Free action MBA against a target you just crit. Especially nice for characters with expanded crit ranges, e.g. Daggermaster Rouges or Draeven Marauder Avengers.
Epic Feats
Ruthless Spellfury [sorcerer] (AP) – By this level the regular sorc won’t be using at-wills very often and thus this won’t trigger particularly often. However for the elementalist (who lives off his at-will RBA) this is a top quality feat for a class that doesn’t get much in the in the way of free action attacks.
Charging Aegis [swordmage, Swordmage Aegis class feature] (AP) – In generally Swordmages at this level have better things to do with their standard action that charge but if you often find yourself short of minor actions to make with, this might be worth a look.
Halo of Warding [avenger, oath of enmity power] (Drag382) – A nice way to make sure you always get the benefit of your Oath of Enmity or at least get an OA when an enemy moves adjacent to you.
Preserver's Command [invoker, preserver’s rebuke power] (Drag387) – Granting a basic attack at the cost of a huge bonus to your attack rolls is not the greatest use of a feat.
Rune of Battle [Rune] [runepriest] (PHB3) – The runepriest is not known for his attack-granting capabilities but this feat is definitely worth taking (as you, unlike the archer warlord, probably will have expanded crit-range) to grant an MBA to an adjacent ally whenever you crit.
Allied Opportunity [fighter, Combat Challenge class feature] (MP2) – This increases your stickiness even further (especially at epic when you can use combat challenge 2/round) because if an enemy violates your mark, they have to eat 2 MBAs.
Inevitable Challenge [fighter, Combat Challenge class feature] (Drag379) – You are an epic fighter, you shouldn’t be missing.
Knock-Back Swing [Con 17, fighter] (MP) – Your OAs immobilise anyway and most creatures at epic have reach, so a push won’t normally be that useful.
Unstoppable Charge [Str 21, Con 17, fighter] (MP) – A very nice feat that allows you to combine the twin damage sources of charging and multi-attacking. Shame about the high con requirement but you generally need that for your expanded crit range too.
Quick Beast Command [Wis 17, ranger, Beast Mastery class feature] (MP) – You’re a ranger, you ought to have decent minor-action attacks. The beast’s damage scales awfully.
Artful Provocation [Cha 17, rogue, Artful Dodger class feature] (MP) – There are much easier ways to get CA by this level.
Enabling Shot [warlord] (MP2) – You’re a leader so you probably won’t even have expanded crit-range. Generally not worth a feat but you will be shooting at targets adjacent to your allies so the benefit might come up every so often.
Fate Favors the Bold [warlord, Bravura Presence class feature] (MP2) r – This isn’t worth an epic feat; a stat bonus to damage to the basic attack granted by your Bravura Presence. Even for a Bravelord, it is not worth pushing charisma, as all the best warlord powers are either int-based or require a different presence.
Learn by Doing [warlord] (MP2) – At epic with a warlord in the party, your allies shouldn’t be missing with granted attacks very often or you are doing your job wrong.
Tactical Action [warlord, Int 19, Tactical Presence class feature] (Drag368) – You’ve just given the ally a huge bonus to hit with his attack, they really oughtn’t to be missing.
Overpowering Charge [barbarian] (PP) – Proning on every charge is pretty nice.
Sweeping Blade [barbarian] (PP) – This won’t come off every encounter. Avoid this feat unless you have a way to constantly generate OAs (e.g. Tactical Warpriest).
Triumphant Spirit [shaman, Stalker Spirit class feature] (PP) – You have better uses for your epic feats as your allies should not be dropping all that often. More use if you have a party full of revenants.
Earthstrength Might [warden, Earthstrength class feature] (PP) – A way to keep damaging the enemy even when you need to self-heal? Awesome. Crazy good for dwarf wardens, who now get a minor action MBA 1/encounter.
Dragon's Grasp [monk] (PsP) – No one uses the grab action in epic. Even the brawler (who occasionally does want to MC monk) uses other powers which allow him to grab targets.
Fist of Night [drow] (Drag382) – At epic you should never build around missing, especially in this situation of guaranteed CA.
Brutal Charge [gnoll, ferocious charge racial power, Fierce Charge] (Drag367) – The main reason people use Reincarnate Champion (Gnoll). Hurricane of Blades on the charge anyone?
Vicious Stomp [minotaur, goring charge racial power] (PHB3) – Finally something that makes goring charge worth using! Combining this with Opportunity Gore gives you an OA that prones with a small amount of damage and then gives you a full-bloodied mba against the target on the floor. Very nice for a minotaur fighter or warden.
Cleaving Axe [None] (PHB3) – Normally this would require you to be adjacent to two enemies when you drop the first but this is much better if you have a way to move when you kill something. This gets downright dirty when you have a belt of breaching and a reaper’s axe. You kill a minion, teleport 5 squares, shift one square and then unload two MBAs into a standard (one free action, one no action).
Deft Aim [none] (PHB3) – The RBA is not as trick-outable as the MBA but this is a jolly nice feat for those classes that specialise in them (hunters/seekers).
Two-Weapon Flurry [Dex 19, Two-Weapon Fighting] (PHB) – Generally you won’t make enough OAs to make this worthwhile but an invisible melee cunning sneak rogue might consider it and would have the accuracy to hit even with the -5.