Archer’s Companion

[quote="Dzance"]Archer’s Companion –
A Guide to Enhancing and Enabling Ranged Attacks


          arcane archer           






The archer excels in ranged combat, and is Team Player’s counterpart to artillery monsters. Effective archers utilize at-will ranged attacks, and can be further optimized for ranged attack enablers (such as animist/eagle shamans and Direct the Strike warlords) by bolstering an at-will ranged basic attack. This guide characterizes archers as ranged attack specialists from all traditions. Base features from classes are included, but for more specific ways to optimize various features (such as a striker feature), please refer to the corresponding class handbooks found here. Paragon Path and Epic Destiny features are only included if they provide a specific mechanical benefit pertaining to ranged attacks, which is this guide’s focus.



Scope of Guide:



I intend to categorize mechanical benefits that apply to ranged attacks in general. Included in these benefits will be specific riders that pertain to the ranged basic attack subset, which will typically preceed other sections. Where appropriate, this guide will also delineate weapon attacks from implements for quicker reference. General options that apply to a larger category of attacks (not limited to the ranged theme) may be overlooked, even if they have broad applicability. I did make some exceptions and included all Expertise feats, Weapon/Implement Proficiencies and Focus-style feats that provide feat bonuses to hit and damage; along with Whetstones and Dragonshards primarily for damage augmentation.  These are feats and items all dedicated archers should consider including in their quiver of options.  I also included weapon style feats that work specifically with ranged weapons and light blades (which include the ranged-only shuriken) that either augment ranged attacks or provide a general mechanical benefit. For additional information on breakdown of other weapon styles, check out Dielzen’s Guide to At-Wills here.



Other than RBA powers I don’t intend to include specific ranged power mechanics that do not augment or enable other ranged attacks, including ranged powers with situational boosts (like Influence of Acamar’s range boost with Star Pact, or Prayer of Two Paths not provoking opportunity attacks with secondary attack).  I included some daily powers that grant non-standard action ranged attacks every round (Rapid Eye Rays of Doom, Spitting Cobra Stance, Lightning Daggers, Crown of Stars, Wizard’s Fury, etc.), and may expound on at-will ranged attacks in the future.



This guide is intended to be a quick reference for characters who hope to explore all options for augmenting their ranged attacks. As such, subjective ratings for the time being are omitted. I intentionally left out some information such as ability score / deity worship / background feat prerequisites; base damage for ranged attack powers; and skill check bonuses (typically +2). This is not intended to be a substitute to referencing rules sources, but rather is an attempt to categorize basic rules elements pertaining to ranged attacks.






In the case that a bonus is given when ‘throwing’ a weapon, it is assumed to be restricted to weapon attacks only (e.g. no First Hunter bonus to implement attacks) since implement attacks gain no benefit from weapon properties. It is also assumed that players will have access to level-appropriate magic items or inherent bonuses (e.g. Unseelie Agent theme, Bracers of Infinite Blades, etc. don’t grant players a mechanical benefit specific to ranged attacks that can’t otherwise be obtained). Any feature that affects normal range and long range are assumed to be restricted to weapon powers since implement attacks do not make this distinction.



List of Abbreviations:

1h- = one-handed
2h- = two-handed
Adj = adjacent
AP = action point to take extra action
Atk = attack
CA = Combat Advantage
CD = Channel Divinity class feature
Crit = critical hit
Dmg = damage
ED = epic destiny
EoNT = end of next turn
EoCT = end of current turn
EoE = end of encounter
Evo = evocation school
FoB = Flurry of Blows monk feature
Hp = hit points
Ill = illusion school
Imp = implement
Isolated = No other creature is adjacent
LoE = Line of Effect
LoS = Line of Sight
Lvl = Level
MBA = melee basic attack
Mod = modifier
Nec = necromancy school
OA = opportunity attack
OoE = oath of enmity avenger feature
PP = paragon path
RBA = ranged basic attack
SoNT = start of next turn
Tgt = target
Thps = temporary hit points
Wpn = weapon



Symbol/Number Notation:



In the case of three numbers being separated by slashes (with respect to bonuses), the first number applies to Heroic tier, the second number applies to Paragon Tier, and the third number applies to Epic Tier. When two numbers that follow ‘range’ are separated by a slash, the first number refers to normal range and the second number refers to long range. In cases where those numbers are preceded by a ‘+’ symbol, those bonuses are added to the base weapon’s normal range and long range respectively. For magic items, the number in parenthesis preceding item rarity descriptor (Common/Uncommon/Rare) is the level of the magic item. When this magic item (wpn/imp/neck slot item) has higher lvl counterparts every five levels, this number is followed by the ‘+’ symbol. If a weapon and/or implement are in parentheses with other prerequisites, they must be used to gain the corresponding bonuses.



To Do:



Still need to flesh out: Bonuses against OA’s (all encompassing, not just vs. ranged attack subset), alchemical items, ammunition, light blade stuff, RBA swaps, etc.






No guide would be complete without mentioning LDB's pioneering efforts in handbook creations, whose handbooks include the king of ranged attack strikers (Rangers, Ho!).  Still the gold standard guide builder here.  Tribute should also be given to WEContact who designed the excellent Seeker handbook, covering the first RBA-oriented class.  DuelistDelSol gets knocks for covering the leading implement-based RBA striker in another top-knotch Sorcerer-Elementalist handbook.  Further, check out Fardiz's Guide to Basic Attacks for numerous ratings to RBA powers.  Many thanks to all the CO inspired archery gurus, and CO community in general!






[quote="Dzance"]Expertise and Proficiency



Acquiring proficiency and expertise in a weapon/implement of choice are considered necessary feat taxes (and are gold choices in the class guides) to have a modicum of competence in usage. Base proficiency is the most important; without it, you can not use the implement in question and will lose a +2 or +3 proficiency bonus to hit in the case of weapon attacks. An expertise feat by paragon tier is considered must-have as well to maintain adequate accuracy factored in to game math. For many classes, Superior Implement Training or Weapon Proficiency (superior weapon) are also highly desirable, especially if they include an accuracy boost.



The expertise feats all provide a feat bonus to hit and usually another situational bonus.



The following rules elements are listed with ranged attacks in mind. All implements can be used with ranged attacks so respective implement proficiency/expertise sources are not discriminated against; however not all weapons by default can be employed in ranged atks (outside of being improvised weapons, which is not generally recommended). However, all melee weapon categories have a venue to be employed in a ranged attack, described in the next category, ‘Augmenting Range’. As such, I decided to include most of the Proficiency and Expertise rules elements, including those not normally associated with ranged attacks (Gold Dwarf Weapon Proficiency, Pick Expertise, etc.).



The one exception is base class proficiencies. Due to the enormity of original and essentials classes, I will not be detailing the weapon nor implement proficiencies they provide. Many multiclass feats provide the implement proficiencies of the new class, which will also not be included. Superior Implement Training breakdown has been left out as well for now. One final mention goes to hybrids. One of the easiest ways to gain multiple class proficiencies is hybriding – you gain all the weapon and implement proficiencies of both classes (although by default only armor/shield proficiencies shared by both).



I also appended a ‘Melee Weapon Implement’ and ‘Ranged Weapon Implement’ section. These sections outline some unusual weapliment (weapons that can be used as implement) combinations only available through certain feats/paragon paths. These weapliments can access some ranged/thrown magic weapon properties and other rules elements, providing unique – and effective – synergy.



Ranged Weapon Expertise







  • Weapon Expertise (PH 2): choose wpn group, +1/2/3 wpn atks with chosen wpn grp; may select feat multiple times
  • Weapon Master (D 382, Weapon Focus, Weapon Expertise): gain benefits of Weapon Focus and Weapon Expertise with all proficient wpns
  • Bow Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, bow): +1/2/3 wpn atks; +1/2/3 to wpn dmg rolls vs. isolated tgt
  • Crossbow Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, crossbow): +1/2/3 wpn atks; ignore partial/superior cover with wpn atks
  • Sling Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, sling): no OA’s; +1/2/3 wpn atks


Class Features


  • Ranger (Hunter) (HotFK, 1st): Archery Style – Bow Hunter: gain Bow Expertise feat
  • Ranger (Hunter) (HotFK, 1st): Archery Style – Bow Hunter: gain Crossbow Expertise feat, treat any crossbow with Load Minor property as Load Free




Melee Weapon Expertise







  • Weapon Expertise (PH 2): choose wpn group, +1/2/3 wpn atks with chosen wpn grp; may select feat multiple times
  • Weapon Master (D 382, Weapon Focus, Weapon Expertise): gain benefits of Weapon Focus and Weapon Expertise with all proficient wpns
  • Axe Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, axe): can reroll 1 on dmg rolls but must use new result; +1/2/3 wpn atks
  • Bludgeon Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, hammer or mace): +1 feat bonus to squares push or slide with wpn atks; +1/2/3 wpn atks
  • Flail Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, flail): when hit with melee wpn atk that slides can knock tgt prone instead; +1/2/3 wpn atks
  • Heavy Blade Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, heavy blade): while wielded +2 bonus to all defenses vs. OA’s; +1/2/3 wpn atks
  • Light Blade Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, light blade): +1/2/3 bonus to dmg rolls against creature granting CA; +1/2/3 wpn atks
  • Pick Expertise (MME, pick): +1/2/3 bonus to dmg rolls against creature larger than you; +1/2/3 wpn atks
  • Polearm Expertise (MME, polearm): while holding 2h-polearm in both hands, +2 defenses vs. charge atks; +1/2/3 wpn atks
  • Spear Expertise (HotFL/HotFK): when charging +1/2/3 bonus to dmg rolls of wpn atks; +1/2/3 wpn atks
  • Two-Handed Weapon Expertise (HotF, 2h-melee wpn): when charging +1/2/3 bonus to dmg rolls of wpn atks; +1/2/3 wpn atks




Implement Expertise







  • Implement Expertise (PH 2): choose imp type, +1/2/3 imp atks with chosen imp; may select feat multiple times
  • Holy Symbol Expertise (HoS/CC, holy symbol): when atk enemy with imp atk, enemy can’t gain CA against you until your SoNT unless you use power or ability that grants CA; +1/2/3 imp atks
  • Orb Expertise (HotFL, orb): +1 feat bonus to squares push or slide with atks; +1/2/3 imp atks
  • Rod Expertise (HotFK, rod): +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex while holding rod; +1/2/3 imp atks
  • Tome Expertise (HotEC): enemies adj to conjurations or summonings grant CA; +1/2/3 tome imp atks
  • Totem Expertise (HotF/HotEC, totem): ignore partial cover and partial concealment on imp atks; +1/2/3 imp atks
  • Wand Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, wand): ignore partial cover and superior cover on imp atks; +1/2/3 imp atks




Weapon and Implement Expertise







  • Versatile Expertise (PH 2): choose wpn group and imp type, +1/2/3 atks with chosen wpn group and imp type; may select feat multiple times
  • Battle Song Expertise (D 402, bard): +1/2/3 atks with proficient wpns and wand or other items designated as bard imps; +1 push/pull/slide with bard atks and bard PP atks
  • Devout Protector Expertise (D 402, holy symbol proficiency): +1/2/3 wpn atks with 1h-wpns and +1/2/3 imp atks with holy symbols; allies gain +1 shield bonus to AC while you use a shield
  • Eldritch Fusillade Expertise (D 402, artificer, Crossbow Caster, crossbow or wand): +1/2/3 atks; you can draw/stow wand once/round as free action on your turn, and load crossbow as free action
  • Ki Focus Expertise (HoS/HotEC): +1/2/3 dmg rolls vs. bloodied enemy, +1/2/3 atks
  • Mighty Crusader Expertise (D 402, holy symbol proficiency): +1/2/3 atk bonus with 2h-wpn (wpn atks) and holy symbol (imp atks); ranged/area atks through holy symbol don’t provoke while wielding 2h-melee wpn
  • Staff Expertise (HotFL/HotFK): no OA’s with ranged/area imp atks, +1 reach with melee wpn atks, and +1/2/3 atk bonus
  • War Wizard’s Expertise (D 402, arcane class, heavy/light blade): +1/2/3 atk with arcane pwrs and basic atks; -5 penalty to hit allies with arcane atks
  • White Lotus Dueling Expertise (D 402, arcane class): +1/2/3 atk with with arcane pwrs and basic atks; gain proficiency with orbs, rods, staffs, or wands




Weapon Proficiency







  • Gritty Sergeant (D 366): gain proficiency in simple or military wpn of choice, +1 initiative
  • Noble Bred for War (D 366): gain proficiency in simple or military wpn of choice


Theme Features


  • Callidyr Dragoon (D 405, 1st, human or halfling): gain proficiency with a military melee wpn of choice and Mounted Combat feat
  • Horselands Nomad (D 404, 1st): gain proficiency with the shortbow and Mounted Combat feat




  • Dwarf (PH/HotFL): Dwarven Weapon Proficiency – gain proficiency with throwing hammer and warhammer
  • Gold Dwarf (NCS): gain proficiency with the war pick and maul (replaces Dwarven Weapon Proficiency)
  • Shield Dwarf (NCS): gain proficiency with handaxe, battleaxe, and light shield (replaces Dwarven Weapon Proficiency)
  • Eladrin (PH/HotFL): Eladrin Weapon Proficiency – gain proficiency with the longsword
  • Llewyrr Elf (Eladrin) (D 405): gain proficiency with the longbow and shortbow (replaces Eladrin Weapon proficiency)
  • Moon Elf (Eladrin) (NCS): gain proficiency with the longbow and shortbow (replaces Eladrin Education)
  • Sun Elf (Eladrin) (NCS): gain proficiency with the longbow and shortbow (replaces Eladrin Education)
  • Elf (PH/HotFL): Elven Weapon Proficiency – gain proficiency with the longbow and shortbow
  • Wild Elf (NCS): gain proficiency with the javelin, spear, and longspear (replaces Group Awareness)




  • Weapon Proficiency (PH/HotFL/HotFK): gain proficiency with single weapon of choice, may take multiple times
  • Hammer of Gond (D 403, artificer, warhammer): gain proficiency with warhammer; can be thrown with range 6/12; may use as implement for artificer and artificer PP powers
  • Heavenly Halberdier (D 404, runepriest, glaive or halberd): gain proficiency with glaive and halberd; when hit with runepriest at-will, can slide tgt 1 square as free action
  • Slashing Kama Style (D 404, monk, FoB, sickle): gain proficiency with sickle; when use FoB one adj tgt takes ongoing dmg the would have been dealt with FoB
  • Sneaky Staff (D 391, Sneak Attack, quarterstaff): gain proficiency with quarterstaff; wpn atks can use with Sneak Attacks and Weapon Finesse; treat as light blade with melee/close rogue powers
  • Battle Cleric Armaments (D 379, cleric): gain proficiency in one military wpn of choice and light shields
  • Bogtangle Warrior (D 386, human, Bogtangle Heritage): gain proficiency with blowgun and increase dmg die one size (d4 à d6); gain at-will blowgun ranged atk that slows or immobilizes
  • Claw Fighter (D 367, gnoll): gain proficiency with your claws for wpn atks (count as off-hand light blades); can use when not holding anything
  • Dusk Elf Stealth (D 382, elf, Dusk Elf Stealth, simple/military light blade): Gain proficiency with simple/military light blades, +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Dwarven Weapon Training (PH, dwarf, axe or hammer): gain proficiency with axes and hammers; +2 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Eladrin Soldier (PH, eladrin, longsword or spear): gain proficiency with spears; +2 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Extended Arena Training (DSCS, fighter, Arena Training): gain proficiency with two weapons as treat as additional Arena weapons
  • Foamgather Warrior [Foamgather Human Bloodline] (D 386, human, Foamgather Heritage): gain proficiency with the net; +1 net wpn atks; gain net melee/ranged at-will that grabs, and slides (melee) or pulls (ranged)
  • Githzerai Blade Master (D 378, githzerai, military heavy blade, bastard sword, or fullblade): gain proficiency with military heavy blades, bastard sword, and fullblade; +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Gnome Weapon Training (MP 2, gnome, simple/military hammer or pick): gain proficiency with simple and military hammers and picks, +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Goliath Greatweapon Prowess (PH 2, goliath, simple or military 2h-melee wpn): gain proficiency with simple and military 2h-melee wpns; +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Mastery of Knives (D 390, sorcerer): gain proficiency with kuki and katar, and treat at daggers when casting sorcerer spells
  • Minotaur Weapon Talent (D 385, minotaur): gain proficiency with battleaxe, handaxe, warhammer, and throwing hammer
  • Moonbow Dedicate (D 386, shortbow): gain proficiency with shortbow, can use as imp with for divine and arcane powers, +1/2/3 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Moonbow Stalker (D 386, rogue, shortbow): gain proficiency with shortbow, treat as crossbow for Sneak Attack and rogue powers
  • Symbol of the Sonnlinor (D 385, divine class): gain proficiency with all military axes, hammers, and picks; can use any proficient axe, hammer, or pick as imp for divine powers
  • Talenta Weapon Training (EPG, halfling, Talenta boomerang.sharrash/tangat): gain proficiency with Talenta boomerang, Talenta sharrash, and Talenta tangat; +2 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Turathi Weapon Training (PHR: TF, tiefling): gain proficiency with khopesh, scourge, sickle, scythe, scimitar, falchion; +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Valenar Rider Training (D 385, elf, shortbow or simple/military spear): gain proficiency with simple and military spears; +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls with shortbows and simple/military spears while riding a mount
  • Valenar Weapon Training (D 385, elf; scimitar, double scimitar, or falchion): gain proficiency with scimitar, double scimitar, and falchion; +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Versatile Duelist (D 381, rogue, 1h-military heavy blade): gain proficiency with 1h-military heavy blades; can treat as light blade and deal Sneak Attack damage with rogue powers
  • Vigilante Associate (D 376, short sword): gain proficiency with short sword; +1 feat bonus to damage rolls; gain CA vs. enemy you successfully Intimidate until your EoNT
  • Xendrik Weapon Training (EPG, drow, drow long knife or Xen’drik boomerang): gain proficiency with drow long knife and Xen’drik boomerang; +2 feat bonus to dmg rolls


Multiclass Feats


  • Blowgun Training [Multiclass Blowgun] (D 373, blowgun): gain proficiency with blowgun
  • Bola Training [Multiclass Bola] (D 368, bola): gain proficiency with bola; you can immobilize tgt until your EoNT by forgoing dmg, and knock the tgt prone on a crit
  • Garrote Training [Multiclass Garrote] (D 373, garrote): gain proficiency with garrote; when used to grab tgt, -2 to tgt’s escape attempts; gain CA with garotte each turn maintained with two hands; can use with sneak attack and counts as light blade for rogue melee atk powers
  • Net Training [Multiclass Net] (D 368, net): gain proficiency with net; when you hit, tgt is slowed until your EoNT
  • Spiked Chain Training [Multiclass Spiked Chain] (DMA/D 372, spiked chain): gain proficiency with spiked chain; can use as light blade, double weapon with stout (primary end) and off-hand (secondary end) properties
  • Whip Training [Multiclass Whip] (D 368/DMA, whip): gain proficiency with whip; one tgt hit per round takes -2 penatlty to atk rolls until your EoNT


Class Features


  • Fighter (Weaponmaster) (DSCS, 1st): Arena Training – treat all non-proficient wpns as improvised wpns, gain +2 proficiency bonus to atk rolls with improvised wpns, 1h-improvised wns deal 1d8 dmg, 2h-improvised wpns deal 1d10 dmg; you gain proficiency with two arena wpns you select, and any feats that grant feat bonuses to atk rolls or dmg rolls with one arena wpn applies to the other arena wpn
  • Warlord (Marshal) (MP 2, 1st): Archer Warlord – gain proficiency with military ranged wpns
  • Rogue (Scoundrel) (MP, 1st): Ruthless Ruffian – gain proficiency with club and mace, can use with Sneak Attack and rogue or rogue PP powers that normally require a light blade, if a club or mace deliver a rattling atk, add Str mod to the dmg roll
  • Druid (Sentinel) (HotFK, 1st): Druid of Spring – gain proficiency with scimitar
  • Assassin (Executioner) (HoS, 1st, shuriken, kusari-gama): Way of the Ninja – gain proficiency with shuriken and kusari-gama, Attack Finesse applies, and poisons can be added to shuriken as ammunition


Magic Items


  • Mage’s Weapon (AV, 2+ Uncommon, heavy/light blade): anyone proficient with simple weapons or dagger is proficient with this weapon
  • Razortail (D 396, 12+ Rare, whip): characters with a primal class are proficient with this whip


PP Features


  • Angelic Avenger (PH/CC, 11th, cleric): gain proficiency with one heavy blade of choice
  • Luckbringer of Tymora (D 365, 11th, cleric): gain proficiency with heavy blade of choice, use as imp for cleric powers
  • Self-Forged (EPG, 11th, any race but warforged, artificer): gain proficiency with battlefist, mace group
  • Shadowblade (D 379, 11th, assassin): gain and proficient with shadowblade wpn that is light thrown, range 5/10
  • Soaring Blade (PP, 11th, monk trained in Acrobatics): gain proficiency with all simple/military heavy blades; can use heavy blade as imp for monk power usable with light blade
  • Unseen Hand (PP, 11th, monk trained in Stealth): gain proficiency in hand crossbow, with FoB can tgt additional creature within 10 by firing loaded hand crossbow w/o provoking OA’s




Implement Proficiency






Theme Features

  • Elemental Initiate (HotEC, 1st): gain proficiency with ki focuses, +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed atks that can deal 1d6 dmg
  • Primordial Adept (HotEC, 1st): gain proficiency with rods, learn Primordial language




  • Sun Elf (Eladrin): gain proficiency with the orb, staff, and wand as implements (replaces Eladrin Weapon proficiency)




  • VARIOUS multiclass feats – gain class implement proficiencies
  • White Lotus Dueling Expertise (D 402, arcane class): +1/2/3 atk with with arcane pwrs and basic atks; gain proficiency with orbs, rods, staffs, or wands
  • Arcane Implement Proficiency (AP, arcane class): gain proficiency in one implement that belongs to an arcane class
  • Superior Implement Training (PH 3): you can use a single superior implement of choice; must be imp type you can already use


PP Features


  • Desert’s Voice (D 396, 11th, genasi): gain proficiency with totem as imp




Melee Weapon Implement







  • Hammer of Gond (D 403, artificer, warhammer): gain proficiency with warhammer; can be thrown with range 6/12; may use as imp for artificer and artificer PP powers
  • Eladrin Sword Wizardry (AP, eladrin, wizard, longsword): may use longsword as imp with wizard powers; treat as wand for applying class feature/feat benefits with wizards atk powers
  • Mastery of Knives (D 390, sorcerer, kukri or dagger): gain proficiency with kukri and katar, and treat as daggers when casting sorcerer spells
  • Symbol of the Sonnlinor (D 385, divine class, proficient axe, hammer, or pick): gain proficiency with all military axes, hammers, and picks; can use any proficient axe, hammer, or pick as imp for divine powers


Class Features


  • Wizard (Bladesinger) (NCS, 1st, 1-h light or heavy blade of choice) Blade Magic – select proficient 1h-light blade or heavy blade; can use as an imp and counts as a wand
  • Monk (PH 3, 1st, proficient wpns): proficient wpns can be used as imps
  • Assassin (D 379, 1st, proficient wpns): proficient wpns can be used as imps


PP Features


  • Arcane Trickster (MP 2, 11th, rogue trained in Arcana, dagger): you can use dagger as imp
  • Avernian Knight (MP 2, 11th, fighter, infernal pact, melee wpn): you can use any melee wpn as warlock imp
  • Eldritch Knight (D 395, 11th, fighter (knight) trained in Arcana, melee wpn): gain a lvl 7 wizard encounter power, can use a melee wpn as imp for the atk
  • Luckbringer of Tymora (D 365, 11th, cleric, heavy blade of choice): gain proficiency with heavy blade of choice, use as imp for cleric powers
  • Soaring Blade (PP, 11th, monk trained in Acrobatics, heavy blade): gain proficiency with all simple/military heavy blades; can use heavy blade as imp for monk power usable with light blade
  • Wizard of the Spiral Tower (PP, 11th, wizard, longsword): Choose proficient imp wand, staff, or orb, can use longsword as that imp when casting spells




Ranged Weapon Implement







  • Bow Caster (D 387, elf, artificer, bow): use bow as imp for artificer and artificer PP powers
  • Crossbow Caster (D 381, artificer, crossbow): use crossbow as imp for artificer and artificer PP powers
  • Moonbow Dedicate (D 386, shortbow): can use as imp with for divine and arcane powers, gain proficiency with shortbow, +1/2/3 feat bonus to dmg rolls


Class Features


  • Monk (PH 3, 1st, proficient wpns): proficient wpns can be used as implements
  • Assassin (D 379, 1st, proficient wpns): proficient wpns can be used as imps


Magic Items


  • Bard’s Songbow (D 390, 1+ Common, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers
  • Whistling Songbow (AV 2, 2+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free each ally within 5 +2 atk enemy hit until your EoNT
  • Pact Bow (D 369, 2+ Uncommon, bow, elf): counts as warlock imp, daily free to cast ranged/area warlock spell through bow using bows range and proficiency bonus to atk roll
  • Howling Songbow D 390, 2+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, when hit tgt with wpn, any creature granting cover takes enhancement bonus thunder dmg
  • Wailing Songbow (D 390, 2+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, hit tgt takes penalty to Stealth until your EoNT, encounter minor to ignore all concealment penalties to next atk roll against tgt hit
  • Songbow of Vanishment (AV 2, 3+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free invisible until your EoNT vs. enemy hit with bard power
  • Venomous Songbow (D 390, 3+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free deal ongoing poison dmg
  • Songbow of Lullabies (AV 2, 9+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free after hit with bard charm power, enemy gets slowed/immobilized/unconscious (save ends)
  • Shreaking Songbow (AV 2, 13+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free enemies hit with bard atk power moves Cha mod squares away avoiding unsafe squares/OA’s if possible
  • Moonbow (D 386, 13+ Uncommon, bow): can use as imp for divine/arcane powers, counts as silvered, creates own ammunition or can use ammunition, sheds bright/dim light in close burst 5
  • Songbow of Summoning (AV 2, 15+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free each ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy hit as free action


PP Features


  • Euphonic Bow (AP, 11th, bard, bow): use bow as imp for bard atk powers
  • Seldarine Dedicate (DP, elf/eladrin, cleric, longbow or shortbow): use longbow or shortbow as imp for cleric or Seldarine Dedicate powers
  • Spell Commander (D 381, 11th, artificer, bow or crossbow): use bow or crossbow as imp for ranged artificer atk powers






[quote="Dzance"]Ranged Basic Attacks





The most versatile archers excel at making ranged basic attacks. There are currently four weapon-based at-will ranged basic attacks in the game available from level 1. One is the universal Ranged Basic Attack available to all characters. The other three weapon-based RBA’s are available to the seeker class. There is also a magic item weapon that grants its own RBA. There are also 28 implement-based at-will RBA’s that can be obtained in the game. These are available to 4 arcane classes: wizard, sorcerer, sorcerer(elementalist), and warlock; 2 divine classes: invoker and avenger; and 1 psionic class: psion.



Weapon-based RBA’s can provide the longest range basic attacks in the game, and damage is dependent on the base weapon. Elemental Bolt is the highest dmg single target implement-based RBA, and only available through the elementalist class feature. A Divine Bolts RBA requires worshipping a diety of the skill domain and the Power of Skill feat, but then becomes the only basic attack in the game that can target two creatures. Magic Missile is the only RBA that doesn’t have a damage roll, but automatically hits. Psionic RBA’s do not scale damage at 21st level. And the War Wizard of Cormyr paragon path unlocks 9 at-will wizard powers that can be used as RBA’s.



The War Wizard of Cormyr level 11 feature allows you to select a wizard at-will (or encounter power) that has a target of one creature to count as an RBA. I did not include two wizard at-wills that have a target subset of “one creature” – Hypnotism “one enemy” and Restless Dead “one nonflying creature” – but some DM’s might allow one of those at-wills to be selected.

Powers listed require standard actions unless otherwise noted, and are of the frequency (At-Will, Encounter, Daily) listed is the respective section header.  Basic Attacks (including RBA's) by definition are At-Will. 



Weapon RBA’s





Note: Range depends on the weapon being used



All Classes



  • Ranged Basic Attack – Dex-based or Str-based (heavy thrown wpn)




Seeker (Wis-based primal)



  • Biting Swarm – tgt + adj enemies take -2 to atk rolls until your EoNT
  • Grappling Spirits – SLOW tgt, who can’t shift until your EoNT
  • Guardian Harrier – +Str mod dmg if tgt doesn’t move 2+ squares from starting position




Magic Items



  • Scepter of the Chosen Tyrant (FRPG, 28 Rare): can make range 20 RBA similar to MBA but dealing force dmg as at-will standard action power







Implement RBA’s





Note: Range = 10 unless otherwise indicated



Wizard (Int-based arcane)



  • Magic Missile (force/evo) – Range 20, no dmg roll (add imp enhancement bonus to dmg)), auto-hit

    • Staff of Missile Mastery (AV, 2+ Uncommon, staff imp): add enhancement bonus as item bonus to dmg; daily free for magic missile to have 2/2/2/3/3/3 tgts





War Wizard of Cormyr PP At-Will RBA options



  • Erupting Flare (fire/evo) – any creature that ends turn adj to tgt before EoNT takes Int mod fire dmg
  • Illusory Ambush (psychic/ill) – tgt -2 atk rolls until EoNT
  • Nightmare Eruption (psychic/ill) – adj enemies take Int mod psychic dmg
  • Phantasmal Assault (psychic/ill) – tgt grants CA and can’t make OA’s until your EoNT
  • Phantom Bolt (psychic/ill) – SLIDE tgt 1 square
  • Phantom Cage (psychic/ill) – take 5 psychic dmg if move before EoNT
  • Ray of Frost (cold/evo) – SLOW tgt until EoNT
  • Rotting Doom (necrotic/nec) – tgt vulnerable 5 All until your EoNT, includes Shadow keyword
  • Witch Bolt (lightning/evo) – Range 5, can sustain for auto-dmg until tgt is out of range




Sorcerer (Cha-based arcane)



  • Acid Orb (acid) – Range 20
  • Dragonfrost (cold) – PUSH tgt 1 square
  • Energy Strobe (varies) – Resist 5 until EoNT vs random dmg type (cold/fire/force/lightning/radiant/thunder)




Sorcerer(Elementalist) (Cha-based arcane, class features)



  • (Air) Elemental Bolt (lightning) – tgt vulnerable 3 your elemental atks until your EoNT
  • (Earth) Elemental Bolt (acid) – SLOW tgt until your EoNT
  • (Fire) Elemental Bolt (fire) – most damaging single tgt RBA
  • (Water) Elemental Bolt (cold) – slide each creature adj to tgt 1 square




Warlock (Cha-based arcane)



  • Eldritch Blast – can select Con-based instead of Cha-based at 1st lvl
  • Eldritch Bolt (force) –




Avenger (Wis-based divine)



  • Avenging Shackles (radiant) – Range 5, SLOW OoE tgt until EoNT




Invoker (Wis-based divine)



  • Avenging Light (radiant) – +Con mod dmg if adj to bloodied ally
  • Divine Bolts (lightning) – requires Power of Skill feat, targets 1 or 2 creatures
  • Sun Strike (radiant) – SLIDE tgt 1 square




Psion (Int-based psionic)



  • Kinetic Trawl (force) – PULL tgt 1 square
  • Mind Thrust (psychic) –
  • Mind Break (psychic) – Lvl 7, Tgt vulnerable 5 psychic until your EoNT
  • Psychic Brand (psychic) – Lvl 17, Range 20, tgt cannot benefit from concealment/total concealment until your EoNT
  • Decerebrate (psychic) – Lvl 27







Counts as RBA Encounter





Class Powers



  • Seeker (PH 3): Mischief Spirits (lvl 1) – ranged wpn atk, if hit tgt moves on its next turn it falls prone at its EoCT
  • Seeker (PH 3): Winter Spirit (lvl 3) – ranged wpn atk (cold), hit tgt is immobilized until its EoNT
  • Seeker (PH 3): Wasp Sting Spirit (lvl 7) – ranged wpn atk (poison), if hit creates zone burst 1 centered on tgt until your EoNT, any enemy that enters or starts in zone takes Wisdom mod poison dmg limited to once per turn
  • Seeker (PH 3): Raven Wing Shot (lvl 13) – ranged wpn atk, if hit tgt doesn't move at least 2 squares from start position takes 1d8 dmg
  • Seeker (PH 3): Convocation of Arrows (lvl 17) – ranged wpn atk, can target 1 or 2 creatures
  • Seeker (PH 3): Sinking Earth (lvl 23) – ranged wpn atk, until your EoNT hit tgt is slowed and adj enemies to it are slowed
  • Seeker (PH 3): Devouring Arrow (lvl 27) – ranged wpn atk (necrotic), hit tgt and adj creatures to it are weakened until your EoNT




PP Features



  • War Wizard of Cormyr (FRPG, 11th, wizard): select a wizard at-will or encounter power that has a target of one creature to count as an RBA




PP Powers



  • Crimson Hunter (PH 3, seeker): Ravaging Shot (lvl 11) – ranged wpn atk, hit tgt gains vulnerable 5 All until your EoNT







Counts as RBA Daily





Class Powers



  • Seeker (PH 3): Captivating Missile (lvl 19) – ranged wpn atk, hit tgt is dominated (save ends)







Use in place of RBA








  • Adamant Arrow Hunter [Greater Style] (MP 2, warlord, Adamant Arrow Student, greatbow or longbow): use ranged power in place of RBA – Blow-Through Assault, Hammer Shot, Hunter's Shot, Knockdown Shot, Thwarting Shot




Class Powers



  • Warlord (MP 2): Leader of the Bowmen (lvl 19) – daily ranged wpn atk can use in place of RBA, until EoE allies gain +2 bonus to ranged atk rolls and don’t provoke OA’s for making ranged atks




Magic Items



  • Supreme Skirmisher’s Bow (AV 2, 10+ Uncommon): encounter free make ranged at-will in place of RBA







RBA in place of MBA








  • Opportunistic Archer (MP, 11th, elf, fighter, Combat Challenge, bow): You can make an RBA in place of MBA from Combat Challenge that doesn’t provoke OA’s




PP Features



  • Peerless Hunter (HotFK, 16th, ranger (hunter)): when you make an OA you can make an RBA in place of an MBA
  • Seven Fates Archer (PH 3, 16th, seeker): when you make an OA you can make an RBA in place of an MBA that doesn’t provoke OA’s
  • Sharpshooter (MP, 11th, ranger): you can make OA’s with a bow or loaded crossbow that don’t provoke OA’s










[quote="Dzance"]Gain Extra Ranged Attacks



Non-standard actions allow characters to make additional ranged attacks during one’s turn and out of cycle.  This category focuses on acquiring ranged attacks as non-standard actions, without outside help.  Many of these attacks are gained as free actions.  Be mindful of the free action attack limitation which is: “A creature can take a free action to use an attack power only once per turn.”  Also note a later category – ‘Grant Extra Ranged Attacks’ that lists options to grant allies extra attacks. 



The ‘Gain Multiple’ sections either can grant multiple ranged atks with a single action or multiple attacks over the course of an encounter.  See Heather by Alraune for an insightful means to get lots of attacks each encounter through Arena Champion PP.



Sections are also delineated between 'Grant Ally (Multiple) RBA' and 'Grant Ally (Multiple) Ranged Attack.'  The latter section type covers a broader category of attacks not limited to RBA's such as At-Wills, Standard Actions, and Dailies. 



Gain RBA At-Will







  • Deft Hurler Style [Arena Fighting] (DMA/D 368, martial class): on hit with melee atk, forgo splash dmg to make RBA against one creature other than tgt of Cleave (fighter) at-will with a heavy thrown wpn that doesn’t provoke OA’s
  • True Arrow Style [Arena Fighting] (DMA/D 368, martial class): if miss with Careful Attack (ranger) at-will, grant CA until your SoNT to make RBA against same tgt as free action




Gain Multiple RBA At-Will







  • Archery Mastery (D 402, ranger at-will with lvl): swap ranger at-will with lvl for Aimed Shot, Clever Shot, or Rapid Shot ranger (hunter) at-will


Class Features


  • Ranger (Hunter) (HotFK, 1st): gain Rapid Shot at-will that allows you to take -2 penalty to atk rolls to make RBA against each creature in or adj to one square in range




Gain RBA Encounter






Theme Powers

  • Guardian (D 399): Guardian’s Counter – encounter immediate interrupt, when ally within 2 is hit you can swap positions and you are targeted by atk, then make a basic atk against attacker




  • Nature’s Doom (D 387, wilden, invoker, Covenant of Malediction): When bloodied enemy atks you or adj ally, you can use Wrath of the Destroyer racial power as immediate reaction to make an RBA (in place of charge or MBA) against the triggering enemy, and a hit dazes the enemy until your EoNT
  • Inevitable Accuracy (PH 3, 21st, seeker, Inevitable Shot): when you miss with Inevitable Shot, regain the use of the power


Class Features


  • Seeker (PH 3, 1st): Inevitable Shot – encounter free gain RBA against enemy within 5 squares of creature you missed, regain this power when you spend an AP
  • Hybrid Seeker (PH 3, 1st): Inevitable Shot (Hybrid) – as seeker’s Inevitable Shot, but only triggered by ranged atks from seeker and seeker PP powers


Class Powers


  • Warlord (MP 2): Vengeance is Mine (lvl 1) – encounter immediate reaction to make basic atk against enemy that hits you, and lets an ally within 5 move speed and make MBA against the enemy as a free action
  • Ranger (PH): Fox’s Cunning (lvl 1) – encounter immediate reaction to shift one and make a basic atk with Wis mod power bonus to atk roll against enemy that makes melee atk against you
  • Ranger (D 383): Warding Shot (lvl 13) – encounter standard ranged atk, and if hit tgt moves adj to ally before your SoNT make RBA with wpn against tgt as immediate reaction
  • Rogue (MP 2): Excrutiating Reminder (lvl 17) – encounter standard atk, and if hit tgt misses with an atk before your SoNT make basic atk against tgt with CA as an opportunity action (Ruthless Ruffian: if basic atk hits tgt grants CA until your EoNT)
  • Rogue (MP): Safe Bet (lvl 27) – encounter standard atk, and if hit tgt makes an atk before your SoNT shift Dex mod squares and make basic atk against tgt as an immediate interrupt
  • Seeker (D 389): Swirling Arrows (lvl 6, bow) – free action, when you miss with RBA granted from inevitable shot while wielding bow, regain inevitable shot and use it immediately


Magic Items


  • Rebounding Weapon (AV 2, 2+ Uncommon, ranged): encounter free, when miss enemy with this wpn make an RBA against a different enemy within 5 of that enemy
  • Weapon of Speed (MME, 5+ Rare, ranged or thrown): encounter minor, make RBA with the wpn
  • Backlash Tattoo (AV 2, 9 Uncommon): the first time you’re bloodied during an encounter make a basic atk as an immediate reaction


PP Powers


  • Whisperknife (MP 2, rogue): Vengeance’s Pursuit (lvl 11, dagger) – encounter standard melee atk, the first time tgt moves or makes atk that doesn’t include you as tgt before your SoNT, make RBA with CA against tgt as free action




Gain Ranged Attack Encounter







  • Cutthroat Novice (D 373, 4th, Cutthroat): swap 3rd or higher lvl encounter for Sudden Retaliation feat power – immediate interrupt vs. creature that attacked you or an ally, use melee or at-will ranged atk power vs. tgt (add one extra dmg die @11th) 
  • Deft Hurler Style [Arena Fighting] (DMA/D 368, Halfling, martial class): when use Second Chance to change a hit to a miss, you can use Sly Flourish (rogue) at-will as a free action to make a ranged atk


Class Features


  • Sorcerer (Elementalist) (HotEC): Elemental Escalation (lvl 1/3/7/13) – encounter free, add 1 additional creature to triggering sorcerer at-will, within 5 if melee or ranged, or adj to the burst or blast; atks deal +1d10/2d10(@17th)/3d10(@27th) extra dmg, plus additional effect depending on specialty

    • Air: fly half speed as free action/slide tgts 2/blind tgts until your EoNT
    • Earth: gain Cha mod thps/immobilize tgts until your EoNT/resist all ½ lvl until your EoNT
    • Fire: shift half speed as free action/ongoing 10 fire dmg/atk deals half dmg on miss
    • Water: +2 power bonus all defenses until your EoNT/daze until your EoNT/knock prone



PP Powers


  • Battlefield Archer (PH, ranger, archer fighting style): Combined Fire (lvl 11) – immediate reaction ranged atk vs. tgt of ally making a ranged or area atk
  • Resourceful Magician (D 376, bard, any other arcane class): Twinned Spell (lvl 11) – encounter free when hit or miss with arcane at-will power, or miss with melee or ranged arcane encounter atk, regain and immediately use the triggering power




Gain Multiple RBA Encounter







  • Inevitable Volley (PH 3, 11th, seeker, inevitable shot power): when you use inevitable shot you can make two RBA’s instead of one, each against a different tgt


Class Powers


  • Ranger (D 383): Entrapping Arrows (lvl 17) – encounter area burst 1 atk, if tgt leaves area before your EoNT make RBA as free action and end it movement if atk hits
  • Ranger (MP 2): Suppressing Shots (lvl 17) – encounter area burst 1 atk, until your EoNT you can make an OA against any enemy that moves into the area burst during its turn
  • Ranger (D 383): Dangerous Friends (lvl 23) – encounter ranged atk, when an enemy moves within 2 squares of tgt before your SoNT, make an RBA against the enemy as a free action
  • Seeker (D 389): Peerless Shot (lvl 17) – encounter standard ranged atk vs. 2 creatures, make RBA against any creature within 5 of creature you miss treating missed creature’s square as origin


PP Features


  • Arena Champion (DMA/D 368, 16th, trained in Intimidate, 1+ Arena Fighting feats, martial class): when successfully use Bluff to gain CA in combat, you can make a basic atk as a free action
  • Thay Infiltrator (D 370, 16th, ranger, Healing Word): when you use healing word on dying ally make RBA as a free action










Class Powers

  • Warlord (MP) Bloodthirsty Offensive (lvl 22) – daily minor stance, grant CA you and allies within 10 gain +2 (Bravura = + Cha mod) power bonus to atk rolls vs. bloodied creatures; each time you or ally within 10 takes AP, can take basic atk as free action before the extra action


PP Features


  • Avalanche Hurler (MP, 11th, ranger, light/heavy thrown wpn): when take AP, first make RBA as free action without provoking OA
  • Flying-Blade Adept (MP, 11th, rogue, Quick Draw feat): when take AP, also make RBA with light blade as free action
  • Ocular Adept (D 394, 11th, ranger(hunter) or seeker): when take AP for ranged atk, make RBA against different tgt with spiriteye as free action
  • Reaving Axe Savant (MP 2, 11th, ranger, Reaving Axe Student feat): when take AP, make basic atk as free action before or after extra action against one creature prone, slowed, immobilized, or restrained
  • Sharpshooter (MP, 11th, ranger): When take AP, make RBA as free action before or after extra action with bow or crossbow
  • Watcher of Vengeance (D 377, 11th, avenger trained in Insight or Perception): when enemy granting you CA hits ally you see, spend AP as immediate interrupt to make basic atk vs. the enemy, if atk hits deal 2d6 extra dmg




Gain Ranged Attack AP






PP Features

  • Resourceful Magician (D 376, 11th, bard, any other arcane class): When spend AP to make arcane melee or ranged atk and hit no tgts you can tgt one additional creature with atk within reach for melee or within range for ranged atk




Gain RBA Crit







  • Two-Fisted Shooter (MP, rogue): Treat hand crossbow as off-hand wpn, can reload one-handed as free action; gain RBA as free action with hand crossbow in off hand when you score a crit
  • Ruthless Spellfury (AP, 21st, sorcerer): once per turn when crit with sorcerer at-will atk, make RBA that is a sorcerer power as a free action


Magic Items


  • Solitaire (Aquamarine) (AV, 16 Uncommon, wondrous): daily free on crit make a basic atk against same tgt


PP Features


  • Ardent Champion (DP, 16th, avenger, Censure of Pursuit, OoE): Once per round when score crit vs. OoE tgt, shift 1 and make basic atk vs. that tgt as free action
  • Euphonic Bow (AP, 16th, bard): when you crit with ranged bard atk you can make an RBA against tgt as free action




Gain RBA Ally Crit






Class Powers

  • Warlord (PH): Relentless Assault (lvl 25) – daily standard melee atk, until EoE whenever you or ally scores a crit, you and each ally can make basic atk as opportunity action




Gain RBA Kill






Magic Items

  • Impaling Weapon (AV, 18+ Uncommon, ranged wpn): once per round when atk with this wpn reduces tgt to 0 hp or less, make RBA against creature adj to tgt of atk




Gain RBA Daily






Theme Powers

  • Dune Trader (DSCS): Blunt Force Strike (lvl 5) – daily standard melee or ranged atk, then make basic atk against same tgt or two allies within 5 can make basic atks against different creatures (not the tgt) as a free action




  • Primal Sharpshooter [Multiclass Seeker] (PH 3): once per day you can use seeker’s inevitable shot power, don’t regain when you spend an AP; gain training in Nature; select a 1st-level seeker at-will atk power; can use once per encounter


Class Powers


  • Warlord (MP) Bloodthirsty Offensive (lvl 22) – daily minor stance, grant CA you and allies within 10 gain +2 (Bravura = + Cha mod) power bonus to atk rolls vs. bloodied creatures; each time you or ally within 10 takes AP, can take basic atk as free action before the extra action
  • Ranger (MP): Partnered Savaging (lvl 1) – daily standard melee beast atk, if tgt is quarry you can shift 3 and make basic atk against tgt


Magic Items


  • Quick Weapon (AV, 3+ Uncommon, any wpn): daily free when hit with this wpn make basic atk with wpn against tgt of choice
  • Swiftshot Weapon (AV, 3+ Uncommon, crossbow): This crossbow can be loaded with a free action; daily minor grants an RBA
  • Retributive Weapon (PH 3, 4+ Uncommon, bow or spear): daily immediate reaction when hit by enemy with melee/close atk to gain RBA that also pushes 2 on hit
  • Determined Weapon (AV, 8+ Uncommon, thrown): daily free upon miss with ranged atk, next round make RBA against tgt, then it returns to you
  • Shoulderbow (D 364, 9+ Uncommon, hand crossbow): can fire from shoulder with no hands as standard action with its own generated ammunition; daily minor make RBA with shoulderbow
  • Ricochet Weapon (AV, 11+ Uncommon, sling): daily free make RBA against different tgt within 2 after making a ranged atk against the first tgt
  • Inevitable Bow (D 389, 12+ Uncommon, bow): daily free make RBA against different tgt when miss with ranged atk
  • Retributive Bow (D 389, 13+ Uncommon, bow): daily immediate reaction when hit by enemy with melee atk to teleport 5 and make RBA vs. triggering enemy
  • Thunderbolt Weapon (AV, 13+ Uncommon, ranged): change dmg dealt by wpn to lightning at-will; daily free when make ranged atk, make RBA against second tgt within 10 and LoE from first that deals lightning dmg
  • Bloodiron Rod (AV, 14+ Uncommon, rod): daily immediate reaction when take dmg make RBA against source of dmg, on hit gain 10/10/15/15 thps
  • Ring of Draconic Zeal (D 365, 18 Uncommon, ring): daily free make a basic atk
  • Solitaire (Aquamarine) (AV, 16 Uncommon, wondrous): daily free on crit make a basic atk against same tgt
  • Jarlaxle’s Rapid Throw (NCS, 12 Uncommon, alt reward): daily minor make RBA with light thrown wpn




Gain Ranged Attack Daily







Class Powers


  • Wizard (D 380): Tome of Transposition (lvl 9) – ranged atk that dazes (save ends), on miss choose another ranged daily spell of equal or lower lvl from spellbook and immediately cast. It must tgt same tgt and deals half dmg
  • Runepriest (PH 3): Rune of the Hero's Resolve (lvl 22) – minor, you or ally within 5 gain thps equal to your current hps and can take a standard action as a free action


Magic Items


  • Orium Implement (VR, 5+ Uncommon; orb, rod, staff, wand): daily free when hit nonminion enemy with at-will arcane atk, repeat atk vs. nonminion enemy within range you have not yet targeted with the atk




Gain Multiple RBA Daily






Class Powers

  • Wizard (D 374): Wizard's Fury (lvl 1) – daily minor (you must know magic missile power), once per turn until the EoE you can cast magic missile as a minor action
  • Warlord (PH): Relentless Assault (lvl 25) – daily standard melee atk, until EoE whenever you or ally scores a crit, you and each ally can make basic atk as opportunity action
  • Ranger (D 383): Guardian Arrow (lvl 1) – daily standard ranged atk, choose ally adj to tgt, until EoE whenever tgt atks ally not marked by the ally you make an RBA with wpn as immediate interrupt
  • Ranger (D 383): Flying Steel (lvl 5) – daily standard ranged atk, until EoE if tgt ends turn without cover from you make RBA with a wpn as immediate reaction; effect ends if it has cover from you at end of one of your turns
  • Ranger (MP): Spitting Cobra Stance (lvl 5) – daily minor stance, make RBA against enemy within 5 that moves closer to you as immediate reaction
  • Ranger (D 383): Thousand Arrows Awareness (lvl 9 ) – daily standard area burst 1 atk, until EoE when creature moves into area make RBA with wpn as an opportunity action; can move area up to 3 squares as move action
  • Ranger (D 383): Tracking the Target (lvl 15) – daily standard ranged atk, whenever tgt moves adj to another enemy make RBA with wpn as immediate reaction
  • Ranger (MP 2): Aid the Beast (lvl 25) – daily standard ranged atk stance against tgt next to beast companion with thrown wpn, make RBA once per round as minor against one creature adj to beast companion, hit grants CA to you and beast until your EoNT
  • Ranger (PH): Tiger’s Reflex (lvl 25) – daily minor stance, make basic atk against enemy who atks you as immediate interrupt
  • Ranger (D 383): Imprisoning Arrows (lvl 29) – daily standard ranged atk, until EoE when tgt willingly moves make RBA against tgt as immediate interrupt that ends movement on hit
  • Seeker (D 389): Seeking Arrow (lvl 22, bow) – daily minor stance, while wielding bow, at start of each of your turns you regain the use of inevitable shot
  • Seeker (PH 3): Trampling Shot (lvl 29) – daily standard close blast 5, and make RBA with bonuses to atk/dmg rolls depending on number tgts hit/missed


Magic Items


  • Flameburst Weapon (PH, 3+ Uncommon, ranged): daily minor next RBA before your EoNT becomes burst 1/2/3 centered on tgt vs. Reflex, tgts hit take ongoing 5/10/15 fire dmg
  • Thunderburst Weapon (PH, 4+ Uncommon, ranged): daily minor next RBA before your EoNT becomes burst 1/2/3 centered on tgt vs. Fortitude, tgts hit take thunder dmg normally dealt by RBA
  • Boltshard Crossbow (AV 2, 7+ Uncommon, crossbow): daily standard make RBA against each creature in close blast 3/5/7 and push creature hit 0/2/2 squares
  • Staff of Missile Mastery (AV, 2+ Uncommon, staff imp): add enhancement bonus as item bonus to dmg; daily free for magic missile to have 2/2/2/3/3/3 tgts
  • Ring of Fury (D 366, 14 Uncommon, ring): daily free make 2 basic atks when first bloodied


PP Powers


  • Element Unchained (D 391, genasi): Duplicate Escape (lvl 20) – daily standard, create 4 duplicates in close burst 5 who each make single tgt basic atk against different creatures, can sustain minor to teleport, swap places and move them
  • Halfling Scoundrel (PH 2, Halfling): Halfling’s Taunt (lvl 20) – daily standard melee atk, until EoE if tgt atks must include you if no ally of yours is nearer, gain +2 bonus to defenses against tgt’s atks and if tgt misses make basic atk vs. tgt as opportunity action.
  • Ocular Adept (D 394, ranger(hunter) or seeker): Rapid Eye Rays of Doom (lvl 20) – daily minor stance, once per round can use minor action to make RBA against enemy within 5 and shift 1 on hit




Gain Multiple Ranged Attack Daily






Class Powers

  • Wizard (D 385): Summon Marilith (lvl 25) – when adj enemy misses you with melee atk, use basic or at-will attack that includes the enemy tgt as an opportunity action without provoking OA’s
  • Sorcerer (AP): Lightning Daggers (lvl 15) – ranged atk (lightning), until EoE can repeat atk as free action once per round during your turn
  • Warlock (DMA 2009, D 366): Crown of Stars (lvl 1) – ranged atk (radiant) that blinds tgt on hit, Sustain Minor to make ranged atk that deals Cha mod dmg on hit
  • Warlock (PH, CC): Summons of Khirad (lvl 9) – ranged atk that teleports tgt 3; until EoE each round can atk tgt in range as minor action that teleports tgt 3 squares on hit
  • Artificer (D 403): Synchronized Weaponry (lvl 25) – daily minor when selected ally within 10 hits enemy with wpn atk you can make arcane at-will wpn atk vs. same tgt as immediate reaction; when you hit enemy with wpn atk the selected ally can make basic wpn atk against same enemy as immediate reaction; sustain minor
  • Cleric (PH): Spiritual Weapon (lvl 5) – ranged atk that grants allies CA vs. tgt, you conjure wpn that lasts until your EoNT and can be moved 10 spending a move action, Sustain Minor repeats the atk continuing to grant allies CA




Most Targets






Class Powers

  • Ranger (PH): Hail of Arrows (lv 27) – ranged atk vs. each enemy in range



[quote="Dzance"]Augmenting Range



Here I decided to just highlight features that can increase range of powers, enable ranged options for melee weapons, and allow some ranged attacks to be used as melee attacks.  To help clarify, I only listed the rules element portion that provides this sort of augmentation, even if the element provides additional ranged attack augmentation.



RBA – Add Range to Melee Weapon






Magic Items

  • Whelm (OG, Paragon, Rare, artifact): warhammer gets heavy thrown, range 5/10 with RBA’s only




Temporary RBA – Add Range to Melee Weapon






Magic Items

  • Psychokinetic Weapon (PH 3, 2+ Uncommon, any melee): encounter standard to make RBA with wpn, range 5/10 if not specified, Augment 2 to deal +1[W] dmg
  • Dwarven Throwers (AV, 10 Uncommon, hands): encounter standard to make RBA with melee wpn as if heavy thrown using Strength mod for atk/dmg rolls, returns automatically




Add Range to Melee Weapon







  • Hammer of Gond (D 403, artificer): warhammer = range 6/12
  • Hurl Weapon (PP 140, barbarian): 1h-off-hand wpns get heavy thrown, range 5/10
  • Improvised Missile (PP 140, barbarian): improvised melee wpns get heavy thrown, range 5/10


Magic Items


  • Farbond Spellblade (AV 2, 2+ Uncommon): heavy/light blade gets heavy thrown, range 5/10
  • Hungry Spear (AV 2, 2+ Uncommon): spear gets heavy thrown, range 10/20
  • Dwarven Thrower (D 385, 2+ Uncommon): axe/hammer gets heavy thrown, range 6/12
  • Crashing Weapon (D 386, 9+ Uncommon): axe/hammer/pick gets heavy thrown, range 5/10
  • Aegis Fang (D 386, 19 Rare): craghammer gets heavy thrown, range 5/10
  • Throwing Shield (AV, 6+ Uncommon, arms): shield gets ranged 10 at-will attack power
  • Giantkind Gloves (D 369, 4+ Uncommon, hands): object can be hurled at range 6/12 (@4th), 8/16 (@14th), 10/20 (@24th) with granted at-will attack power
  • Heartwood Spear (Du 187, Paragon, Rare, artifact): spear gets heavy thrown, range 10/20
  • Axe of the Dwarvish Lords (DMG, Epic, Rare, artifact): greataxe gets heavy thrown, range 5/10
  • Hammer of Thunderbolts (MME, Epic, Rare, artifact): warhammer gets heavy thrown, range 10/20


PP Features


  • First Hunter (PP, 11th, warden): 1h-simple or military wpns can be thrown, range 5/10
  • Shadowblade (D 379, 11th, assassin): gain shadowblade wpn that is light thrown, range 5/10




Add Range to Melee Weapon Powers







  • Adamant Arrow Commander [Greater Style] (MP 2, warlord, Adamant Arrow Student, greatbow or longbow): can use melee warlord powers as ranged powers – Deadly Inspiration, Denying Strike, Inspiring War CrySunder Armor, Warlord's Doom, Wounding Focus
  • Harrowing Swarm Captain [Greater] (MP 2, warlord, bow or crossbow): can use melee warlord powers as ranged powers – Deadly Inspiration, Denying Strike, Incite Heroism, Rabbits and Wolves, War of Attrition, Warlord’s Strike
  • Harrowing Swarm Scout [Greater Style] (MP 2, ranger, Harrowing Swarm Student feat, bow or crossbow): can use bow or crossbow in place of thrown wpns using Dex mod instead of Str mod for atk/dmg rolls with the following ranged powers – Quick Throw, Ricochet Throw, Skewering Shot, Surprising Throw, Upending Throw
  • Harrowing Swarm Stalker [Greater] (MP 2, rogue, Harrowing Swarm Student feat, bow or crossbow): can use a crossbow in place of a light blade with melee powers as ranged powers – Audacious Strike, Dismaying Slash, Felling Gash, Setup Strike, Skirmishing Strike, Unbalancing Attack
  • Leaf Runner Pathfinder [Greater Style] (MP 2, warlord, Leaf Runner Student feat; hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, shuriken, or a sling): can use melee warlord powers as ranged powers – Battle On, Inspiring War Cry, Rabbits and Wolves, Surprise Attack, Uplifting Assault, Withdrawal Gambit
  • Reaving Axe Tyrant [Greater Style] (MP 2, warlord, Reaving Axe Student feat, 1h-axe): can use melee warlord powers as ranged powers – Beat them Into the Ground, Deadly Inspiration, Shutdown Smite, Steel Monsoon, War of Attrition
  • Skipping Stone Flurry (PP, monk, FoB, sling): when you FoB with sling in hand, you can replace one normal tgt with one creature within 10 without provoking an OA


Class Powers


  • Battlemind (PH 3): Winged Weapon (lvl 6) – encounter minor, next melee atk you make before your EoNT becomes ranged atk with range of 10; wpn returns to hand after atk


Magic Items


  • Southern Star Cleave the Boulder (D 404, 14 Uncommon, Grandmaster Training): encounter move, move your speed or shift half your speed, all melee atks you make before your EoNT can be made as ranged 10 atks instead




Add Melee to Ranged Powers (Implement)







  • Reaper’s Touch (DMA 2009/D 372; shadar-kai; invoker, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard): Avenging Light/Acid Orb/Dragonfrost/Eldritch Blast/Magic Missile = MBA
  • Sorcerous Blade Channeling (PHB 2, sorcerer, dagger): sorcerer ranged attacks = melee attacks
  • Staff of Channeled Invocations (D 387, 11th, invoker, staff): invoker ranged attacks = melee attacks


PP Features


  • Arcane Trickster (MP 2, 16th, rogue trained in Arcana, dagger): arcane ranged attacks = melee attacks




Increase Range (Weapon)







  • Blowgun Training [Multiclass Blowgun] (D 373): blowgun range 5/10 -> 10/20
  • Far Shot (PHB): projectile wpn range +5/+5
  • Far Throw (PHB): thrown wpn range +2/+2
  • Halfling Short Bow Hunter (D 381, halfling): shortbow range 15/30 -> 20/40


Class Features


  • Ranger(Hunter) (HotFK, 29th): any ranged wpn range +10/+10
  • Rogue(Scoundrel) (PH/CC, 1st): Sharpshooter Talent – replace Scoundrel Weapon Talent, gain Far Shot feat, choose crossbows or slings; +1 atks with weapon of choice


Magic Items


  • Distance Weapon (AV/HotFK, 1+ Common, ranged): ranged wpn range +5/+10
  • Weapon of Long Range (MME, 2+ Common, ranged): ranged wpn range +0/+10 (no long range penalty)
  • Determined Weapon (AV, 8+ Uncommon, thrown): thrown wpn range +Str or Dex mod/+Str or Dex mod
  • Gloves of the Wandering Star (AV 2, 19 Uncommon, hands): ranged attack powers +2 range
  • Kamestiri Uniform (AV 2, Uncommon, item set): crossbow range +1/+2 for each item in set (minimum 2) among Infighting Blade, Shipboard Armor, Boarding Boots, Pavise Charm, Endless Quiver – Kamestiri Uniform, and Kamesti Crossbow


PP Features


  • Cloaked Sniper (MP, 11th, rogue trained in Stealth, crossbow): crossbow range +5/+10


ED Features


  • Cosmic Soul (PP, 30th, any psionic class): all ranged powers and area powers have a range of “sight.”




Increase Range (Implement)







  • Far Spell (D 380, wizard): wizard powers +2 range (10 or less) or +5 range (11-20)
  • Superior Implement Training (PH 3/MME): imp powers +2 range with Distant property

    • Farseeing Totem (Deadly, Distant)
    • Echo Tome (Distant, Unerring)
    • Rowan Wand (Distant, Energized(lightning))
    • Mindwarp Staff (Distant, Energized(psychic))
    • Astral Symbol (Distant, Energized(radiant))

  • Moonbow Prelate (D 386, 11th, shortbow): divine and arcane powers +5 range


Magic Items


  • Symbol of Divine Reach (AV, 3+ Uncommon, holy symbol): divine powers +enchantment bonus to range
  • Staff of Unparalleled Vision (AV, 4+ Uncommon, staff imp): arcane powers +enchantment bonus to range
  • Wand of Allure (AV, 4+ Uncommon, wand): arcane charm powers +2/5/10 range (ignore cover/concealment)
  • Gloves of the Wandering Star (AV 2, 19 Uncommon, hands): ranged attack powers +2 range


PP Features


  • Euphonic Bow (AP, 11th, bard, bow): ranged bard attack powers = bow’s normal range (if greater), or bow’s long range with normal -2 penalty to the attack roll
  • Keen Eagle (PP, 16th, eagle shaman): ranged shaman powers with range of 5 or 10 become range of 20
  • Spell Commander (D 381, 11th, artificer, bow or crossbow): ranged artificer attack powers +5 range


ED Features


  • Cosmic Soul (PP, 30th, any psionic class): all ranged powers and area powers have a range of “sight.”




Temporary Increase Range






Theme Powers

  • Order Adept (D 399): Far Reaching (lvl 6) – encounter free to double range of a ranged/area arcane atk power




  • Inescapable Shot (PH 3, seeker, inevitable shot): RBA's granted from inevitable shot can tgt enemy within 10 squares of missed tgt instead of 5 squares




  • Sorcerer(Elementalist) (HotEC, 1st/3rd/7th/13th, sorcerer At-Will) – encounter free to add 1 additional creature within range 5 for melee/ranged atk, or adj to the burst or blast
  • Sorcerer (PH 2) Stretch Spell (lvl 2) – encounter minor to add Dex mod range to arcane ranged powers until your EoNT
  • Rogue (MP 2) Arm and Edge (lvl 2) – daily minor stance doubles normal/long range of thrown wpn/sling ranged atks
  • Rogue (MP 2) Uncanny Aim (lvl 22) – encounter minor +20/+20 range of next ranged atk before your EoNT


Magic Items


  • Pact Bow (D 369, 2+ Uncommon, bow, elf): daily free to cast ranged/area warlock spell through bow using bows range and proficiency bonus to atk roll, counts as warlock imp
  • Tension Wheel (EPG, 4+ Common, consumable, crossbow): as minor +2/+2 range and crossbow atk deals +2/4/6 extra dmg




Redetermine Line of sight/effect (Weapon)






PP Features

  • Keen Eagle (PP, 11th, eagle shaman): can determine LoS and LoE from spirit companion for ranged and area attack powers
  • Phrenic Master (D 394, 16th, eagle shaman): can use spirit companion’s square as origin for ranged and area powers; OA’s aren’t provoked if companion is not adj to enemies.


Magic Items


  • Greater Dancing Weapon (MME, 15+ Rare, any melee): at-will minor to animate wpn; can move 6 with move action and originate wpn atks with it from its square




Redetermine Line of sight/effect (Implement)






Magic Items

  • Emerald Frog (D 384, 14 Uncommon): can use square frog occupies as origin for ranged and close attack powers


PP Features


  • Keen Eagle (PP, 11th, eagle shaman): can determine LoS and LoE from spirit companion for ranged and area attack powers
  • Phrenic Master (D 394, 16th, call spirit companion power): can use spirit companion’s square as origin for ranged and area powers; OA’s aren’t provoked if companion is not adj to enemies
  • Witchmaster (D 390, 11th, warlord and warlock): can use ally square as origin for warlock ranged atk powers; if ally is adj to an enemy OA’s are provoked from enemies adj to you; otherwise OA’s are not provoked




Temporary Redetermine Line of sight/effect






Familiars (via Arcane Familiar feat, etc.)

  • Arcane Eye (D 374): encounter determine range/LoS/LoE for one ranged arcane imp atk from eye and ignore concealment
  • Falcon (AP/HotF): encounter determine range of your ranged arcane atks until your EoCT
  • Shadow Incarnate (D 374): encounter minor determine range/LoS/LoE of your arcane atks until your EoCT


Class Powers


  • Seeker (D 389): Peerless Shot (lvl 17) – encounter standard ranged atk vs. 2 creatures, make RBA against any creature within 5 of creature you miss treating missed creature’s square as origin


Magic Items


  • Seeker Weapon (MME, 3+ Uncommon): encounter minor to be able to select target behind blocking terrain or out of line of effect if clear path can be traced within range; no penalties to cover or concealment vs. the tgt


PP Powers


  • Disciple of the World Serpent (PH 2, shaman, Call Spirit Companion power): Seal of the Serpent (lvl 12) – encounter minor choose self or ally within 5 to ignore cover, superior cover, concealment, and total concealment and do not require LoS or LoE vs. a target within 5 until your EoNT





[quote="Dzance"]Augmenting Accuracy



For the astute archer, accuracy is everything.  The most important accuracy augment most archers should consider is a suitable Expertise feat, suitable weapon proficiency, and/or a superior implement, described in the preceding 'Expertise and Proficiency' category.  After acquiring such base proficiency, archers should consider other ways to further augment accuracy and circumvent typical ranged attack penalties described below.
I included 'Accuracy – Universal' and 'Accuracy – Situational' sections.  My rule of thumb for delineating whether an accuracy augment is universal or situational is as follows: in the beginning of combat (surprise round), if the character can target any enemy within range and gain the accuracy bonus then it is a universal augment that can be applied broadly.  These are bonuses under PC control.  If the damage augment requires a specific sequence of events (such as contingency on previous hit), or enemy placement (isolated) I consider it situational.

In the 'Accuracy – Gain/Keep Combat Advantage' section, I included rules elements that allowed a PC to remain hidden (which grants CA by definition).

The -2 underwater penalty to hit only applies to non-spear and non-crossbow weapons by default.
For now, I decided to append a catch all 'Temporary Augment Accuracy' section that lists the myriad of choices to either provide a temporary accuracy boost or temporary negation of typical ranged attack penalties rather than append 'Temporary X' to the corresponding sections.  I also broke out temporary accuracy boosts in a separate section strictly covering RBA attacks.



RBA – Augment Accuracy







  • Archery Mastery (D 402, ranger at-will with lvl): swap ranger at-will with lvl for Aimed Shot, Clever Shot, or Rapid Shot ranger (hunter) at-will
  • Distant Vengeance (D 382, avenger, OoE): while no enemy is adj, you gain OoE benefit to RBA’s against OoE tgt
  • Intelligent Blademaster (FRPG, swordmage, melee wpn): replace Str with Int mod to make basic atk
  • Precision Throw (MP 2, martial class, proficient thrown wpn): replace Str mod with Dex mod for RBA’s
  • Serene Archery (D 386, proficient bow): replace Dex mod with Wis mod to make RBA’s
  • Deft Blade (MP 2, 11th, martial class, light blade): can tgt AC or Reflex with basic atks
  • Deft Aim (PH 3, 21st, bow/crossbow): can tgt Reflex instead of AC with RBA’s


Class Features


  • Warlord(Marshal, bow) (MP 2, 1st, bow): Archer Warlord – replace Dex mod with Str mod to make RBA’s
  • Ranger (Hunter) (HotFK, 1st): gain Aimed Shot at-will that to make RBA ignoring penalty from cover or concealment, and only -2 penalty from superior cover or total concealment


Class Powers


  • Fighter (D 382): Martial Supremacy (lvl 22) – encounter minor stance that lets you reroll fighter at-wills and basic atks with the wpn keyword


Magic Items


  • Eagle Eye Goggles (AV, 2/12/22 Uncommon, head): +1/2/3 item bonus to atk rolls with RBA’s


PP Features


  • Crimson Hunter (PH 3, 11th, seeker): +1 atk rolls with RBA’s
  • First Hunter (PP, 11th, warden, 1h-simple/military wpn): when thrown, +2 atk with RBA vs. tgt adj to an ally
  • Peerless Hunter (HotFK, 11th, ranger (hunter)): If you miss with Aimed Shot the tgt takes half dmg




Temporary RBA – Augment Accuracy









  • Improved Inevitable Shot (PH 3, seeker, inevitable shot): the RBA granted from inevitable shot ignores cover and concealment, but not superior cover nor total concealment




  • Bard (HotF): Lesser Flash of Distraction (lvl 1) – encounter no action, enemy hit with basic atk using wpn is dazed until your EoNT
  • Bard (HotF): Lesser Ringing Weapon (lvl 1) – encounter no action, when hit enemy with basic atk using wpn, hit enemy takes 5 thunder dmg, and until your EoNT grants CA and cannot benefit from partial concealment
  • Bard (HotF): Flash of Distraction (lvl 13) – encounter no action, enemy hit with basic atk using wpn is dazed and takes -2 penalty to atk rolls until your EoNT
  • Bard (HotF): Ringing Weapon (lvl 13) – encounter no action, when hit enemy with basic atk using wpn, hit enemy takes 10 thunder dmg, and until your EoNT grants CA and cannot benefit from partial concealment
  • Bard (HotF): Greater Flash of Distraction (lvl 27) – encounter no action, enemy hit with basic atk using wpn is stunned until your EoNT
  • Bard (HotF): Greater Ringing Weapon (lvl 27) – encounter no action, when hit enemy with basic atk using wpn, hit enemy takes 15 thunder dmg, and until your EoNT grants CA and cannot benefit from partial concealment
  • Seeker (D 389): Seeker’s Due (lvl 3) – encounter standard, ranged wpn atk and gain +2 power bonus to atk rolls with RBA’s until your EoNT


Magic Items


  • Perfect Hunter’s Weapon (PH, 30 Uncommon, ranged): daily standard get LoS/LoE to any creature within 10 until your EoCT, then make RBA with +5 bonus to atk roll


PP Powers


  • Arena Champion (DMA/D 368, trained in Intimidate, 1+ Arena Fighting feats, martial class): Bloodletting Strike (lvl 20) – daily standard make wpn basic atk and on hit deal 2[W] extra dmg, tgt takes 10 ongoing and -2 defenses (save ends both)




Accuracy – Universal







  • Deadeye Slinger (MP 2, rogue, sling): slings gain +3 proficiency bonus and High Crit property
  • Foamgather Warrior [Foamgather Human Bloodline] (D 386, human, Foamgather Heritage, net): gain proficiency with the net; +1 net wpn atks; gain net melee/ranged at-will that grabs, and slides (melee) or pulls (ranged)
  • Improvised Missile (PP, barbarian, thrown improvised melee wpn): +2 feat bonus to atk/dmg, improvised melee wpns get heavy thrown, range 5/10
  • Midnight Blade Student [Lesser Style] (MP 2, fighter, ranger, rogue, melee light blade): Target Reflex instead of AC with at-wills – Dual Strike, Gloaming Cut, Throw and Stab
  • Prime Beast Strike (D 381, Halfling, Beastmaster ranger): +1 atk with melee/ranged if no ally is closer to you or beast companion
  • Sunspray Warrior (D 386, human, Sunspray Heritage): +1 melee/ranged atks while mounted, gain melee at-will
  • Improved Prime Shot (PH, 21st ,Wis 17, ranger, Prime Shot): +2 ranged atks with Prime Shot


Class Features


  • Warlock (PH, 1st): Prime Shot – +1 ranged atks if no ally is closer to tgt
  • Ranger (PH, 1st): Prime Shot – +1 ranged atks if no ally is closer to tgt (no Beast Mastery)
  • Rogue(Scoundrel) (PH/CC, 1st, dagger): Scoundrel Weapon Talent – shuriken wpn dmg die increases 1 size, +1 wpn atks with daggers
  • Rogue(Scoundrel) (PH/CC, 1st, crossbows or slings): Sharpshooter Talent – replace Scoundrel Weapon Talent, choose crossbows or slings; +1 atks with weapon of choice, gain Far Shot feat
  • Rogue(Thief) (HotFL, 1st; light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings): Thief Weapon Talent – +1 atks with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings
  • Seeker (PH 3, 1st, light/heavy thrown wpns): Spiritbond – +1 atks with light thrown and heavy thrown wpns


Magic Items


  • Alchemical Launcher (D 385, 5 Common, living construct, arms): +1 atks with consumable alchemical item powers


PP Features


  • Keeper of the Hidden Flame (PH 2, 11th, druid): +1 ranged/area/close atks vs. nearest enemy
  • Peerless Hunter (HotFK, 11th, ranger(hunter)): no -2 penalty to Rapid Shot attack rolls




Accuracy – Situational







  • Closing Advantage (AP, swordmage): when hit with ranged/area swordmage power, +1 atk/dmg with melee swordmage powers until your EoNT.
  • Heaven’s Arrow (D 387, invoker): +2/3/4 feat bonus to atk with ranged invoker powers vs. isolated tgts


Class Features


  • Warlock(Binder) (HoS, 1st): Shadow Twist – +1 ranged/area atks vs. isolated enemy


PP Features


  • Battlefield Archer (PH, 11th, ranger, Archer Fighting Style): You can designate up to Wisdom mod quarries and gain +1 bonus to atk rolls vs. quarry
  • Flying-Blade Adept (MP, 16th, rogue, Quick Draw, light blade): tgt of ranged atk crit has -2 AC until EoE




Accuracy – Gain/Keep Combat Advantage







  • Black Arrow Style (D 373, martial class trained in Stealth): gain CA with Deft Strike (rogue) at-will with cover/concealment; or remain hidden after missing with Twin Strike (ranger) at-will.
  • Hidden Sniper (HotFK): gain CA with ranged attacks with partial concealment
  • Distant Advantage (PH 2/HotFK): gain CA with ranged/area atks vs. enemy flanked by your allies
  • Shadow Skulk (PH 2, gnome): Remain hidden after missing with ranged/area atk
  • Bloody Channeling (D 390, 11th, Sorcerous Blade Channeling): SBC attack has CA against enemies taking ongoing damage


PP Features


  • Peerless Hunter (HotFK, 20th, Ranger(Hunter)): gain CA against enemies within 5 with ranged wpn atks
  • Cloaked Sniper (MP, 12th, rogue trained in Stealth): remain hidden, shift 1 after missing with ranged atk with cover/concealment




Accuracy – No penalty cover/concealment







  • Crossbow Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, crossbow): +1/2/3 wpn atks with crossbow; ignore partial/superior cover with crossbow wpn atks
  • Arcing Throw (PP, 11th, warden, spear): ignore cover from tgt’s allies with spear as thrown wpn
  • Leaf Runner Pathfinder [Greater Style] (MP 2, warlord, Leaf Runner Student feat; hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, shuriken, or a sling): can ignore cover and concealment with the following melee powers as ranged atks – Battle On, Inspiring War Cry, Rabbits and Wolves, Surprise Attack, Uplifting Assault, Withdrawal Gambit
  • Leaf Runner Sneak [Greater Style] (MP 2, rogue, Leaf Runner Student feat; hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, shuriken, or a sling): can ignore cover, concealment, and take only -2 penalty vs. tgt with total concealment or superior cover with the following ranged atks – Fell the Strong, Killer’s Ambush, Numbing Shot, Perfect Sniper, Shadow Steel Roll, Surprising Assault
  • Leaf Runner Sniper [Greater Style] (MP 2, ranger, Leaf Runner Student feat; hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, shuriken, or a sling): can ignore cover, concealment, and take only -2 penalty vs. tgt with total concealment or superior cover with the following ranged atks – Arrow of Vengeance, Hobbling Shot, Hunter’s Shot, Knockdown Shot, Shadow Wasp Strike
  • Point-Blank Shot (PH, 11th): ranged atks ignore cover, concealment, superior cover from tgt within 5


Magic Items


  • Homing Weapon (D 365, 7+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): atks with wpn ignore partial concealment
  • Phasing Weapon (PH, 14+ Uncommon, ranged): ranged atks ignore cover and superior cover
  • Wand of Allure (AV 2, 4+ Uncommon, wand): ranged arcane charm powers ignore cover and concealment
  • Sure Shot Gloves (AV, 9 Common, hands): ranged wpn atks ignore cover
  • Gloves of Accuracy (AV, 16 Uncommon, hands): at-will minor to ignore concealment and cover until your EoNT


PP Features


  • Daring Slinger (MP 2, 16th, rogue, sling): ignore cover from tgt’s allies
  • Sharpshooter (MP, 16th, ranger): ignore cover and concealment from quarry


ED Features


  • Master of the Eternal Hunt (PH 3, 21st, seeker): ranged atks ignore cover, superior cover, concealment, and total concealment vs. enemies within 10




Accuracy – No penalty long range (weapon)







  • Archer Captain (MP 2, archer warlord): no penalty to you or ally within 5
  • True Arrow Style (DMA, D 368, martial class): Sly Flourish (rogue) at-will has no long-range penalty
  • Distant Shot (PH, 11th):


Magic Items


  • Weapon of Long Range (MME, 2+ Common, ranged or thrown): ranged wpn range +0/+10 (no long range penalty)
  • Kamesti Crossbow (AV 2, 9+ Uncommon, crossbow): no long range penalty, daily free don’t expend power (and no miss effect) if you miss every tgt


Class Features


  • Ranger(Hunter) (HotFK, 1st): Aspect of the Seeking Falcon (Stance) – no penalty, +2 speed, +2 Perception


Class Powers


  • Seeker (PH 3): Eagle’s Aim (lvl 6) – at -will minor to ignore penalty until your EoNT


Magic Items


  • Weapon of Long Range (MME, 2+ Common, ranged or thrown): ranged wpn range +0/+10 (no long range penalty)
  • Sniper’s Weapon (AV, 13+ Uncommon, crossbow):
  • Longshot Gloves (AV, 21 Uncommon, hands): at-will minor to ignore penalty until your EoNT


PP Features


  • Avalanche Hurler (MP, 16th, ranger, light/heavy thrown wpn):
  • Daring Slinger (MP 2, 16th, rogue, sling):




Accuracy – No penalty prone target







  • Grounding Shot (PH 3): ignore penalty and +2 dmg vs. prone tgts


Magic Items


  • Hrothmar’s Guantlets (AV 2, 18 Uncommon, hands):




Accuracy – No penalty run







  • Running Shot (PH, 11th, elf): ignore penalty with ranged atks




Accuracy – No penalty underwater






Magic Items

  • Quenchquiver weapon (D 381, 7+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): no atk penalty underwater, does not require (but can use) ammunition, daily free push hit tgt 2 and knock prone
  • Waterbane weapon (AV, 8+ Uncommon, axe/crossbow/heavy blade/light blade/spear): no atk penalty underwater; daily minor next atk roll with wpn has +2 power bonus or +5 power bonus vs. creature with aquatic/water keyword
  • Coral Armor (AV, 13+ Uncommon, scale or plate): atks with wpns underwater take no penalties




Temporary Augment Accuracy






Racial Utilities

  • Elf (D 405): Long View (lvl 2) – encounter minor to gain CA vs. one visible tgt until your EoNT with longbow/shortbow wpn atks




  • Ancestral Battle Accuracy (D 385, 11th, elf, scimitar, double scimitar, falchion, shortbow, spear): using Elven Accuracy can reroll any atks with close/area atk power


Class Powers


  • Warlord (MP 2): Pin Cushion (lvl 1) – encounter standard ranged atk, until your EoNT you and allies gain a power bonus to ranged atk rolls against the hit tgt equal to Int mod or Wis mod
  • Rogue (CC): Hide from the Light (lvl 22): daily minor allows you to remain invisible until EoE unless move more than 2 squares on your turn or make atk other than basic atk or at-will atk


Magic Items


  • Pact Bow (D 369, 2+ Uncommon, bow, elf): daily free to cast ranged/area warlock spell through bow using bows range and proficiency bonus to atk roll, counts as warlock imp
  • Wailing Songbow (D 390, 2+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, hit tgt takes penalty to Stealth until your EoNT, encounter minor to ignore all concealment penalties to next atk roll against tgt hit
  • Seeker Weapon (MME, 3+ Uncommon, ranged or thrown): encounter minor to be able to select target behind blocking terrain or out of line of effect if clear path can be traced within range; no penalties to cover or concealment vs. the tgt
  • Targeting Weapon (AV 2, 3+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): on crit deal 1d6 dmg per plus or tgt grants CA until your EoNT, daily free against enemy hit you and allies can roll twice on atk rolls and use either result until your EoNT
  • Weapon of Accuracy (MME, 3+ Uncommon, ranged or thrown): encounter minor +2 power bonus next atk roll with this wpn during encounter
  • Foe-seeking Bow (D 389, 3+ Uncommon, bow): daily free enemy loses concealment or cover and grants CA for triggering atk
  • Raider’s Crossbow (D 391, 5+ Common, crossbow): +2 item bonus to atk rolls during surprise round; after surprise round atk shift 3 squares as free action
  • Homing Weapon (D 365, 7+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): atks with wpn ignore partial concealment; daily free next atk ignores partial cover
  • Scout’s Bow (D 381, 8+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): daily free ignore concealment or cover against hit enemy and know location until EoE
  • Elukian Clay Weapon (AV, 12+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): can draw as same action used to atk with wpn; daily free reroll missed atk with +2 power bonus
  • Sniper’s Weapon (AV, 13+ Uncommon, crossbow): no penalty for long range, daily minor gain Wis mod power bonus to next atk made this turn
  • Mindiron Weapon (AV, 14+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): half dmg becomes psychic; encounter free atk will defense and add psychic dmg type
  • Bracers of Archery (AV, lvl 6/16/26 Uncommon, arms, bow or crossbow): +2/4/6 item bonus to dmg rolls, daily minor ignore cover next atk this turn with bow/crossbow
  • Bowstring of Accuracy (AV 2, 8 Uncommon, wondrous; elf, drow, or eladrin, bow): +2 bonus to elven accuracy power within 10 squares of eladrin or drow ally, encounter free to expend fey step or Lolthtouched to reroll missed attack roll with bow


PP Features


  • Arrow of the Moonbow (D 386, 11th, Channel Divinity, bow): When take AP to make atk, roll one atk roll twice
  • Battlefield Archer (PH, 11th, ranger, Archer Fighting Style): On AP you can reroll one ranged atk or ranged dmg roll instead of taking extra action
  • Euphonic Bow (AP, 12th, bard, bow): daily minor stance to ignore cover, superior cover, and concealment
  • Sylvan Archer (MP, 11th, elf, ranger): When take AP, ranged atk rolls take no openalty for cover, superior cover, concealment, or total concealment until your EoNT


PP Powers


  • Disciple of the World Serpent (PH 2, shaman, Call Spirit Companion power): Seal of the Serpent (lvl 12) – encounter minor choose self or ally within 5 to ignore cover, superior cover, concealment, and total concealment and do not require LoS or LoE vs. a target within 5 until your EoNT
  • Keeper of the Past (D 385, elf; bard, shaman, or warlord): Ancestral Avatar (lvl 12) – daily minor can select archer patron to gain +2 power bonus to ranged atks and ignore -2 penalty for cover, sustain minor




[quote="Dzance"]Augmenting Damage



My rule of thumb for delineating whether a damage augment is universal or situational is as follows: in the beginning of combat (surprise round), if the character can target any enemy within range and gain the damage bonus then it is a universal augment that can be applied broadly.  If the damage augment requires specific types of enemies (e.g. lycanthropes), or a specific sequence of events (such as contingency on previous hit), or setup (such as Hunter’s Quarry minor action) I consider it situational.



I included general feats that provide feat bonuses to damage but left out feats are element-based.  For more information on optimizing element-based attacks check out Dielzen’s guide here.  I also only included item bonuses that granted a specific item bonus to ranged attacks, but the optimized archer often looks elsewhere for item bonuses to damage (which are often broader categories that include the ranged attack subset).  As with all typed bonuses, only the highest applies so don't overlap items/feats that grant same type bonuses.  Archers with weapons or weapon implements would also do well to invest in dragonshards (detailed in this category) and/or whetstones (detailed in 'Consumables' category) if available.



In epic tier, there are a number of feats that provide an expanded crit range of 19–20 that pertain to ranged attacks.  I decided to include these since feats provide the broadest rule element options available to a permanent expanded crit range, without stymieing the character to a particular paragon path, magic item or such.  I also decided to include ability score pre-requisites in parenthesis, which in many cases need to be planned for during the character’s career pre-epic.

The 'RBA – Augment Damage' section lumps augments found in all the other sections in this category, specific to RBA's only.  'Temporary Augment Damage' is a catch all section that lists damage augments that require the use of an action point or have daily or encounter usage. The 'Temporary RBA – Augment Damage' compiles a similar list that is RBA-specific.  Also check the 'Consumables' category for other sources of 'Temporary Augment Damage'



RBA – Augment Damage







  • Grazing Shot (PH 3, 11th): when miss with RBA that doesn’t deal dmg on miss, tgt takes Dex mod dmg
  • Primal Eye (PH 3, 11th, seeker): add Dex mod or Str mod to RBA’s


Magic Items


  • Bracers of the Perfect Shot (PH, 3/13/23 Common, arms): +2/4/6 item bonus to dmg rolls with RBA’s
  • Incendiary Ring of Fireblazing (MME, 14 Rare, ring): can deal fire dmg instead of normal with basic atk


PP Features


  • Crimson Hunter (PH 3, 16th, seeker): score crits on 19–20 with RBA’s
  • First Hunter (PP, 11th, warden, 1h-simple/military wpn): when thrown, RBA deals extra Con mod dmg




Temporary RBA – Augment Damage







  • Draw First Blood (MP 2, martial class): basic atks against undamaged enemies deal +Wis mod dmg


Class Powers


  • Bard (HotF): Lesser Dimensional Step (lvl 1) – encounter no action, when hit enemy within 5 with basic atk using wpn, deals 1[W] extra dmg and 1 ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy
  • Bard (HotF): Lesser Ringing Weapon (lvl 1) – encounter no action, when hit enemy with basic atk using wpn, hit enemy takes 5 thunder dmg, and until your EoNT grants CA and cannot benefit from partial concealment
  • Bard (HotF): Dimensional Step (lvl 13) – encounter no action, when hit enemy within 5 with basic atk using wpn, deals 1[W] extra dmg and 1 ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy and then make basic atk as a free action
  • Bard (HotF): Ringing Weapon (lvl 13) – encounter no action, when hit enemy with basic atk using wpn, hit enemy takes 10 thunder dmg, and until your EoNT grants CA and cannot benefit from partial concealment
  • Bard (HotF): Greater Dimensional Step (lvl 27) – encounter no action, when hit enemy within 5 with basic atk using wpn, deals 1[W] extra dmg and 1 ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy and then make basic atk as a free action, dealing 1d10 extra dmg if it hits
  • Bard (HotF): Greater Ringing Weapon (lvl 27) – encounter no action, when hit enemy with basic atk using wpn, hit enemy takes 15 thunder dmg, and until your EoNT grants CA and cannot benefit from partial concealment


PP Powers


  • Arena Champion (DMA/D 368, trained in Intimidate, 1+ Arena Fighting feats, martial class): Bloodletting Strike (lvl 20) – daily standard make wpn basic atk and on hit deal 2[W] extra dmg, tgt takes 10 ongoing and -2 defenses (save ends both)




Damage – Feat Bonus Non-element







  • Implement Focus (HotFL/HotFK, proficient imp): Select proficient imp type for +1/2/3 dmg feat bonus
  • Weapon Focus (PH, HotFL, HotFK): deal +1/2/3 dmg rolls with wpn atks of wpn group you choose (may select feat multiple times)
  • Weapon Master (D 382, Weapon Focus, Weapon Expertise): gain benefits of Weapon Focus and Weapon Expertise with all proficient wpns
  • Dusk Elf Stealth (D 382, elf, Dusk Elf Stealth, simple/military light blade): +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls; gain proficiency in simple/military light blades
  • Dwarven Weapon Training (PH, dwarf, axe or hammer): +2 feat bonus to dmg rolls; gain proficiency with axes and hammers
  • Eladrin Soldier (PH, eladrin, longsword or spear): +2 feat bonus to dmg rolls; gain proficiency with spears
  • Githzerai Blade Master (D 378, githzerai, military heavy blade, bastard sword, or fullblade): +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls; gain proficiency with military heavy blades, bastard sword, and fullblade
  • Gnome Weapon Training (MP 2, gnome, simple/military hammer or pick): +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls; gain proficiency with simple and military hammers and picks
  • Goliath Greatweapon Prowess (PH 2, goliath, simple/military 2h-melee wpn): +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls; gain proficiency with simple and military 2h-melee wpns
  • Moonbow Dedicate (D 386, shortbow): +1/2/3 feat bonus to dmg rolls, gain proficiency with shortbow, can use as imp with for divine and arcane powers
  • Talenta Weapon Training (EPG, halfling, Talenta boomerang/sharrash/tangat): gain proficiency with Talenta boomerang, Talenta sharrash, and Talenta tangat; +2 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Turathi Weapon Training (PHR: TF, tiefling; khopesh, scourge, sickle, scimitar, or falchion): gain proficiency with khopesh, scourge, sickle, scythe, scimitar, falchion; +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Valenar Rider Training (D 385, elf, shortbow or simple/military spear): gain proficiency with simple and military spears; +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls with shortbows and simple/military spears while riding a mount
  • Valenar Weapon Training (D 385, elf; scimitar, double scimitar, or falchion): gain proficiency with scimitar, double scimitar, and falchion; +2/3/4 feat bonus to dmg rolls
  • Vigilante Associate (D 376, short sword): gain proficiency with short sword; +1 feat bonus to damage rolls; gain CA vs. enemy you successfully Intimidate until your EoNT
  • Xendrik Weapon Training (EPG, drow, drow long knife or Xen’drik boomerang): gain proficiency with drow long knife and Xen’drik boomerang; +2 feat bonus to dmg rolls




Damage – Item Bonus






Magic Items

  • Bracers of Archery (AV, lvl 6/16/26 Uncommon, arms, bow or crossbow): +2/4/6 item bonus to dmg rolls, daily minor ignore cover next atk this turn with bow/crossbow
  • Dwarven Throwers (AV, 10 Uncommon, hands): +2 item bonus to thrown wpn dmg rolls
  • Firebird (AV 2, 27 Uncommon, head): Fire imp atks deal +4 item bonus to dmg rolls




Damage – Universal







  • Axe Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, axe): can reroll 1 on dmg rolls but must use new result; +1/2/3 wpn atks
  • Blowgun Training [Multiclass Blowgun] (D 373, blowgun): treat blowgun as crossbow or sling for Sneak Attack
  • Halfling Short Bow Hunter (D 381, Halfling, shortbow): shortbow gains brutal 2
  • Improvised Missile (PP, barbarian, thrown improvised melee wpn): +2 feat bonus to atk/dmg, improvised melee wpns get heavy thrown, range 5/10
  • Moonbow Stalker (D 386, rogue, shortbow): gain proficiency with shortbow, treat as crossbow for Sneak Attack and rogue powers
  • Power Throw (PH 3, heavy thrown wpn): -2 ranged atk for +2/4/6 dmg
  • Prime Slayer (MP, 11th, elf, rogue): +2 dmg bonus with ranged atk if no ally is closer to tgt than you
  • Ruthless Hunter (FRPG, drow, hand crossbow): hand crossbow dmg is d8, gains High Crit property
  • Silent Shot Student [Lesser Style] (MP 2, ranger or rogue, shortbow or any crossbow): deal Int mod extra dmg when hit creature with at-will – Careful Attack, Gloaming Cut
  • Treetop Sniper (MP 2, elf, rogue, bow): can treat bow as crossbow for Sneak Attack and any rogue powers that require a crossbow
  • Versatile Duelist (D 381, rogue, 1h-military heavy blade): gain proficiency with 1h-military heavy blades; can treat as light blade and deal Sneak Attack damage with rogue powers


Class Features


  • Rogue(Scoundrel) (PH/CC, 1st): Sneak Attack – deal 2d6/3d6/5d6 extra dmg once per turn when hit enemy granting CA with light blade, hand crossbow, shortbow, or sling
  • Rogue(Thief) (HotFL, 1st): Sneak Attack – deal 2d6/3d6/5d6 extra dmg once per turn when hit enemy granting CA with light blade, hand crossbow, shortbow, or sling
  • Rogue(Thief) (HotFL, 1st; light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, or slings): Weapon Finesse – gain +2/3(@9th)/4(@15th)/5(@25th) dmg rolls with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings
  • Assassin(Exectutioner) (HoS, 1st; 1h-wpn, garrotte, blowgun, or shortbow): Attack Finesse (Executioner): wpn atks deal +1d8/2d8/3d8 extra dmg once per turn with 1h-wpn, garrotte, blowgun, or shortbow
  • Assassin(Executioner) (HoS, 3rd/13th/23rd): Death Atk – drop enemy to 0 hp if your melee/ranged atk reduces enemy to 10/20/30 hp or few


Magic Items


  • Prime Shot Weapon (AV, 2+ Common, ranged): deal 1/2/3 extra dmg if no ally is closer to tgt than you
  • Serpent’s Kiss Bow (AV 2, 18+ Uncommon, bow): On crit tgt can’t shift until your EoNT; gain Brutal 1 property, encounter free hit enemy grants CA to allies until your SoNT
  • Hammer of Thunderbolts (MME, Epic, Rare, artifact): warhammer deals +2d10 thunder and lightning dmg as part of thrown wpn atk
  • Arrow of Fate (Du 172, Epic, Rare, artifact): can function as rod, staff, or wand, any wpn of spear group, or ammunition for crossbow, longbow, or shortbow of +6 enchantment; can ignore resist (dmg amount varies) from dragons or creatures of elemental/immortal origin, gain daily close blast dmg and possibly gain close burst stun atks


PP Features


  • Avalanche Hurler (MP, 11th, ranger, light/heavy thrown wpn): increase damage die of heavy/light thrown wpn used as ranged wpn by one size
  • Daring Slinger (MP 2, 11th, rogue, sling): wpn atks deal +2/4 damage bonus
  • Shadowblade (D 379, 11th, assassin, shadowblade): gain 1d8 dmg shadowblade +3 prof light blade wpn that is light thrown, range 5/10
  • Swift Strider (PH 3, 16th, Seeker, Spiritbond): after move 3+ squares, light/heavy thrown wpns deal +Str mod dmg until your EoCT
  • Verdant Stalker (MP 2, 11th, rogue trained in Stealth): ranged atks while hidden that deal Sneak Attack die treat Sneak Attack die rolls of 1 or 2 as 3




Damage – Situational







  • Bow Expertise (HotFL/HotFK): +1/2/3 wpn atks with bow; +1/2/3 to wpn dmg rolls with bow vs. isolated tgt
  • Manticore’s Fury (MP 2, ranger):  if hit enemy with melee atk, +2/4/6 dmg with next ranged atk before your EoNT; if hit enemy with ranged atk, +2/4/6 dmg with next melee atk before your EoNT
  • Closing Advantage (AP, swordmage): when hit with ranged/area swordmage power, +1 atk/dmg with melee swordmage powers until your EoNT.
  • Focused Spellfury (AP, sorcerer): when hit 2+ enemies with sorcerer at-will atk, +2 dmg with ranged and melee atks until your EoNT
  • Grounding Shot (PH 3): +2 dmg vs. prone tgts and ignore penalty
  • Reaving Axe Slayer [Greater Style] (MP 2, ranger, Reaving Axe Student feat, 1h-axe): crit knocks enemy prone who provokes OA when stands up; can use Str mods instead of Dex mods for atk/dmg rolls with the following ranged encounter powers – Arrow of Vengeance, Bloodlust Strike, Hawk’s Talon, Hobbling Shot, Lightning Shot, Thwarting Shot
  • Sly Hunter (PH, 11th, bow): +3 bonus to dmg rolls vs. tgt with no creature within 3
  • Steady Shooter (PH, 11th, crossbow): +3 bonus to dmg rolls if you haven’t moved since the end of your last turn


Class Powers


  • Wizard (HotEC): Flame Arrow (lvl 1) – at-will standard grants you and adj allies +1d6/2d6(@21st) dmg with next ranged atks before your EoNT


Magic Items


  • Moonbow (D 386, 13+ Uncommon, bow): can use as imp for divine/arcane powers, counts as silvered, creates own ammunition or can use ammunition, sheds bright/dim light in close burst 5
  • Lunia’s Bracelet (AV 2, 3 Uncommon, arms): your wpns are treated as silvered
  • Shield of Silver Light (AV 2, 4 Common, arms): you and allies within 5 treat wpns as silvered


PP Features


  • Hellborn Shadow (MP, 16th, tiefling, ranger): quarry hit with melee/ranged atk loses fire resistance/immunity until your EoNT
  • Sylvan Archer (MP, 16th, elf, ranger): ranged atks deal +Wis mod to Hunter’s Quarry dmg
  • Unseen Hand (PP, 11th, monk trained in Stealth): gain proficiency in hand crossbow, with FoB can tgt additional creature within 10 by firing loaded hand crossbow w/o provoking OA’s




Damage – Dragonshard






Magic Items

  • Eberron Shard of Animosity (EPG, 1+ Uncommon, magic wpn): +1/3/5 dmg rolls vs. elementals and immortals
  • Eberron Shard of Ruin (EPG, 1+ Uncommon, magic wpn): +1/3/5 dmg rolls vs. objects
  • Eberron Shard of Lightning (EPG, 2+ Uncommon, magic wpn): +1/3/5 dmg with lightning atks
  • Khyber Shard of the Fiery Depth (EPG, 2+ Uncommon, magic wpn): +1/3/5 dmg with fire atks
  • Siberys Shard Merciless of Merciless of Cold (EPG, 2+ Uncommon, magic wpn): +1/3/5 dmg with cold atks
  • Siberys Shard of Radiance (EPG, 3+ Uncommon, magic wpn): +1/3/5 dmg with radiant atks, unaffixed illuminates burst 10 with bright light
  • Siberys Shard of the Mage (EPG, 3+ Uncommon, magic wpn): +1/3/5 dmg with imp atks
  • Eberron Shard of Bleeding Wounds (EPG, 5 Uncommon, magic wpn): increase ongoing dmg dealt by 2
  • Khyber Shard of Death's Embrace (EPG, 8+ Uncommon, magic wpn): daily free on crit enemy gains ongoing 5/10/15 necrotic
  • Khyber Shard of Life Drinking (EPG, 8+ Uncommon, magic wpn): daily free regain 10/20/30 hps when bloody enemy




Damage – Convert






Magic Items

  • Screaming Bow (AV 2, 4+ Uncommon, bow): untyped dmg becomes thunder dmg against enemy hit, who is deafened until your EoNT, daily free enemy hit and each creature adjacent gains vulnerable 5/10/15 thunder (save ends)
  • Shock Weapon (MME, 3+ Uncommon, spear): ranged atk untyped dmg becomes lightning dmg
  • Lightning Strike Bow (D 386, 10+ Uncommon, longbow or shortbow): can change all dmg to lightning dmg; also deals double dmg to objects
  • Mindiron Weapon (AV, 14+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): half dmg becomes psychic; encounter free atk will defense and add psychic dmg type
  • Taulmaril the Heartseeker (D 386, 25 Uncommon, longbow): can change all dmg to force and lightning dmg; also deals double dmg to objects; quiver of Anariel can not be separated 7+ squares without teleporting adjacent




Damage – 19–20 Crit Range







  • Bard Implement Expertise (AP, 21st, Con 15, Int 15, Cha 21, bard, bard imp): use arcane power
  • Bow Mastery (PH 2, 21st, bow or crossbow): make ranged atk
  • Hand of Divine Guidance (D 382, 21st, avenger, OoE): vs. OoE tgt
  • Invoker Implement Expertise (D 387, 21st, invoker, invoker imp): use divine power
  • Psion Implement Expertise (PP, 21st, Int 21, Wis 15, Cha 15, psion, any imp): use psionic power
  • Sorcerer Implement Expertise (AP, 21st, Str 15, Dex 15, Cha 21, sorcerer, sorcerer imp): use arcane power
  • Swordmage Implement Expertise (D 387, 21st, Int 21; Str 17 or Con 17, swordmage, swordmage imp): use MBA, swordmage, or swordmage PP power
  • Warlock Implement Expertise (AP, 21st, Con 17, Cha 17, warlock, warlock imp): use arcane power
  • Wizard Implement Expertise (AP, 21st, Dex 15, Int 21, Wis 15, wizard, wizard imp): use arcane power


PP Features


  • Death Arrow (PH 3, 16th, Seeker, Bloodbond): score crits on 18–20 affected by Rattling Arrows penalty




Damage – High Crit







  • Blowgun Training [Multiclass Blowgun] (D 373, blowgun): blowgun gains High Crit property
  • Deadeye Slinger (MP 2, rogue, sling): slings gain High Crit property and +3 proficiency bonus
  • Ruthless Hunter (FRPG, drow, hand crossbow): hand crossbow gains High Crit property, dmg is d8
  • Two-Fisted Shooter (MP, rogue, hand crossbow): treat hand crossbow as off-hand wpn, can reload one-handed as free action; gain RBA as free action with hand crossbow in off hand when you score a crit


PP Features


  • Flying-Blade Adept (MP, 11th, rogue, Quick Draw, thrown light blade): thrown light blades have High Crit property




Damage – Splash







  • Adamant Arrow Commander [Greater Style] (MP 2, warlord, Adamant Arrow Student, greatbow or longbow): deal Str mod dmg to one enemy granting cover to hit enemy tgt
  • Adamant Arrow Hunter [Greater Style] (MP 2, warlord, Adamant Arrow Student, greatbow or longbow): deal Dex mod dmg to one enemy granting cover to hit enemy tgt
  • Fanged Magic (AP, longtooth shifter, arcane class): when hit with arcane atk while shifting, one adj enemy to tgt takes takes 2/4/6 dmg


Magic Items


  • Howling Songbow (D 390, 2+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, when hit tgt with wpn, any creature granting cover takes enhancement bonus thunder dmg




Temporary Damage – Splash






Magic Items

  • Bow of True Arrows (D 389, 5+ Uncommon, bow): when miss enemy that benefits from cover from its allies with encounter or daily ranged power, each creature granting cover takes enhancement bonus dmg




Temporary Augment Damage







  • Practiced Killer (D 402): once/encounter, deal 1d8/2d8/3d8 extra dmg using 1h-wpn, garrotte, blowgun, or shortbow; gain assassin (executioner) skill and  ki focus proficiency


Class Powers


  • Wizard (D 385): Summon Balor (lvl 29) – daily minor, while balor is present, deal 15 extra fire and lightning dmg with basic, at-will, and encounter powers; creatures that hit you with melee atks take 10 fire dmg
  • Warlord (MP): Unleash Hell (lvl 19) – ranged atk that crits 18-20, each ally within 5 can make RBA against an enemy as free action gaining Cha mod power bonus to atk and dmg rolls, any ranged atks you and allies make until your EoNT score crits on 18-20


Magic Items


  • Venomous Songbow (D 390, 3+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free deal ongoing poison dmg
  • Unraveling Weapon (PH 3, 4+ Uncommon, bow or spear): shift 1 square when you bloody an enemy with seeker ranged atk, daily free ignore immunities/resistances of enemy hit with seeker atk
  • Malaeura, the Emerald-Eyed (Poisoned Weapon) (DMA/D 367, 15+ Uncommon, longbow): daily free deal ongoing poison and weaken enemy (save ends both)
  • Knifethrower’s Gloves (AV, 6 Uncommon, hands): daily Free when hit with thrown wpn atk, +5 power bonus to dmg roll

PP Features

  • Cloaked Sniper (MP, 11th): When spend AP can deal Sneak Atk dmg a second time during round and shift 1 square if AP atk hits
  • Daring Slinger (MP 2, 11th, rogue, sling): On AP treat 1 or 2 on dmg die rolls vs. hit tgt as 3 and daze until your EoNT
  • Death Arrow (PH 3, 11th, Seeker, Bloodbond): On AP reroll any dmg dice that come up as 1 or 2 with ranged or area atk
  • Harrowing Swarm Archer (MP 2, 11th): On AP when you hit tgt with a ranged atk you deal ongoing dmg




[quote="Dzance"]Miscellaneous Boons



This category captures ranged attack rules elements not listed anywhere else, and includes the most controlling general augments in the archer's arsenal.



RBA – Misc Boon







  • Archery Mastery (D 402, ranger at-will with lvl): swap ranger at-will with lvl for Aimed Shot, Clever Shot, or Rapid Shot ranger (hunter) at-will
  • Pinning Challenge (D 379, 11th, fighter, Fighter Weapon Talent, 2h-wpn): when hit a marked tgt with a basic atk, tgt is immobilized until your SoNT


Class Features


  • Ranger (Hunter) (HotFK, 1st): gain Clever Shot at-will that to make RBA that also slides 2, knocks prone, or slows (save ends)


PP Features


  • Peerless Hunter (HotFK, 11th, ranger (hunter)): If you miss with Clever Shot slide tgt 1 square




Temporary RBA – Misc Boon






Class Powers

  • Bard (HotF): Lesser Flash of Distraction (lvl 1) – encounter no action, enemy hit with basic atk using wpn is dazed until your EoNT
  • Bard (HotF): Flash of Distraction (lvl 13) – encounter no action, enemy hit with basic atk using wpn is dazed and takes -2 penalty to atk rolls until your EoNT
  • Bard (HotF): Greater Flash of Distraction (lvl 27) – encounter no action, enemy hit with basic atk using wpn is stunned until your EoNT
  • Rogue (MP 2): Kiss of Death (lvl 29) – daily minor stance, whenever chosen creature is adj and takes dmg from melee or ranged atk, make MBA with light blade as free action; your basic atks against tgt gain rattling keyword


Magic Items


  • Hungry Spear (AV 2, 2+ Uncommon, spear): encounter standard, tgt hit with RBA gets immobilized (save ends); spear gets heavy thrown, range 10/20


PP Features


  • Cloaked Sniper (MP, 11th): When spend AP to make an RBA with CA, can deal Sneak Atk dmg a second time during round and shift 1 square if AP atk hits
  • Seven Fates Archer (PH 3, 11th, seeker): on AP to make an RBA, tgts hit are immobilized and grant CA until your EoNT


PP Powers


  • Arena Champion (DMA/D 368, trained in Intimidate, 1+ Arena Fighting feats, martial class): Taxing Strike (lvl 11) – encounter standard make basic atk and on hit weaken tgt until your EoNT
  • Shadow Dancer (HoS, teleportation at-will or encounter, trained in Stealth): Shadowy Tendrils (lvl 11) – encounter standard, teleport 5 and make basic atk, teleport 3 one hit tgt and daze until your EoNT


Magic Items


  • Ring of Unwelcome Gifting (AV 2, 17 Uncommon, ring): resist 3 ongoing; daily free transfer one ongoing dmg effect from you to enemy hit with basic atk (or non basic at-will atk after one milestone today)




Defense Boost







  • Harrowing Swarm Student (MP 2, ranger, rogue, or warlord, bow/crossbow proficiency): The following at-wills gain the rattling keyword – Nimble Strike, Paint the Bulls-Eye, Sly Flourish


Magic Items


  • Entrapping Weapon (AV 2, 2+ Common, bow or crossbow): on crit, 1d6 dmg per plus or enemy is restrained until your EoNT
  • Duelist’s Bow (AV 2, 2+ Uncommon, bow): enemy hit takes -2 penalty to ranged/area atk rolls until your EoNT
  • Darkstrike Armor (AV 2, 12+ Uncommon, leather or hide): when hit enemy with Prime Shot bonus ranged atk, +2 AC against the enemy until yout EoNT


PP Features


  • Death Arrow (PH 3, 11th, Seeker, Bloodbond): enemies adj to tgt hit by ranged atk when you are hidden from that tgt take -2 penalty to atks until your EoNT




Temporary Defense Boost






Class Powers

  • Wizard (D 385): Summon Succubus (lvl 9) – while succubus is present, each creature you hit with basic atk or at-will atk takes -4 penalty to atk rolls to hit you until its EoNT


Magic Items


  • Songbow of Vanishment (AV 2, 3+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free invisible until your EoNT vs. enemy hit with bard power


Paragon Path Powers


  • Flying-Blade Adept (MP, rogue, Quick Draw feat): Nimble Deflection (lvl 12, light thrown light blade) – encounter immediate interrupt when hit, make RBA treating attacking creature’s atk roll as tgt AC, if your atk hits triggering atk misses




Forced Movement







  • Adamant Arrow Student (MP 2, ranger or warlord, greatbow or longbow): Push enemy 1 square when hit by at-will – Nimble Strike, Paint the Bulls-Eye
  • Bludgeon Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, hammer or mace): +1 feat bonus to squares push or slide with wpn atks; +1/2/3 wpn atks


Magic Items


  • Forceful Weapon (AV, 16+ Common, bow): any arrow fired by bow pushes hit tgt 1 square


PP Features


  • Arrowhead Commander (MP 2, 16th, warlord, Adamant Arrow Student): push +2 with ranged attacks




Temporary Forced Movement






Class Powers

  • Wizard (D 385): Summon Earthwind Ravager (lvl 25) – while ravager is present, each creature you hit with basic atk or at-will atk is pushed 2 squares


Magic Items


  • Quenchquiver weapon (D 381, 7+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): no atk penalty underwater (bow), does not require (but can use) ammunition, daily free push hit tgt 2 and knock prone




Move Self







  • Deft Hurler Style (DMA, D 368, martial class): Twin Strike (ranger) at-will grants shift if miss twice wielding two light thrown wpns
  • Closing Pledge (DP, pursuing avenger): shift 1+Dex squares ending closer to OoE tgt after hitting with ranged atk
  • Leaf Runner Pathfinder [Greater Style] (MP 2; ranger, rogue, or warlord; hand crossbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, shuriken, or a sling): +2 feat bonus to Stealth, +1 speed until your EoNT when you hit with the following at-wills – Deft Strike, Nimble Strike, Paint the Bulls-Eye
  • Midnight Blade Brawler [Greater Styler] (MP 2, fighter, Midnight Blade Student feat, melee light blade): +1 shift until your EoNT when hit an enemy with a martial encounter/daily power on your turn; +2 damage with some fighter melee encounter powers
  • Midnight Blade Marauder [Greater Styler] (MP 2, ranger, Midnight Blade Student feat, melee light blade): +1 shift until your EoNT when hit an enemy with a martial encounter/daily power on your turn; use Dexterity mod instead of Strength mod with atk/dmg rolls of some ranger melee encounter powers
  • Midnight Blade Whisperer [Greater Style] (MP 2, rogue, Midnight Blade Student feat, melee light blade): 1 shift until your EoNT when hit an enemy with a martial encounter/daily power on your turn; after atk with some rogue melee encounter powers can shift 2 squares and make Stealth check to hide as a free action
  • Silent Shot Hunter [Greater Style] (MP 2, ranger, Silent Shot Student feat, shortbow or crossbow): enemy hit takes -2 penalty to Perception until your EoNT; shift 2 squares as free action before attacking with a ranged ancounter power – Blow-Through Assault, Hammer Shot, Hunter’s Shot, Knockdown Shot, Lightning Shot, Shadow Wasp Strike
  • Silent Shot Phantom [Greater Style] (MP 2, rogue, Silent Shot Student feat, shortbow or crossbow): enemy hit takes -2 penalty to Perception until your EoNT; shift 2 squares and make Stealth check to hide as free action before attacking with a ranged ancounter power – Blindside, Guerilla Blitz, Perfect Strike, Powerful Shot, Rogue’s Luck, Trickster’s Blade


Class Features


  • Ranger(Scout/Hunter, 1st) (HotFK): Aspect of the Cunning Fox (Stance) – shift 2 squares whenever hit/miss with ranged/melee atk; take ½ dmg from atks that hit you on your turn


Magic Items


  • Unraveling Weapon (PH 3, 4+ Uncommon, bow or spear): shift 1 square when you bloody an enemy with seeker ranged atk


PP Features


  • Cloaked Sniper (MP, 12th, rogue trained in Stealth): remain hidden, shift 1 after missing with ranged atk with cover/concealment




Temporary Move Self






Class Powers

  • Wizard (D 385): Summon Marilith (lvl 25) – while marilith is present, you can shift whenever you hit with a basic atk or at-will atk
  • Wizard (D 385): Summon Djinn Stormcaller (lvl 29) – while djinn is present, teleport 3 as free action before or after making a basic or at-will atk; gain fly speed 8 (hover)


Magic Items


  • Raider’s Crossbow (D 391, 5+ Common, crossbow): +2 item bonus to atk rolls during surprise round; after surprise round atk shift 3 squares as free action




Saving Throw Penalty







  • Blade Channeling Mastery (D 390, 11th, Sorcerous Blade Channeling, dagger): SBC tgt attacked takes -3 penalty to first saving throw to remove effect from the attack




Status Effect







  • Bola Training [Multiclass Bola] (D 368, bola): gain proficiency with bola; you can immobilize tgt until your EoNT by forgoing dmg, and knock the tgt prone on a crit
  • Net Training [Multiclass Net] (D 368, net): gain proficiency with net; when you hit, tgt is slowed until your EoNT
  • Staggering Shot (MP, 21st, ranger, Hunter’s Quarry): forgo ranged atk Hunter’s Quarry dmg to slow tgt until your EoNT (obseleted by Hobbling Strike feat)


PP Features


  • God Warder (HotEC, 16th, trained in Religion): restrain immobilized enemy hit with ranged/melee atk




Temporary Status Effect






Theme Powers

  • Outlaw (D 399): Surprise Strike – encounter no action when hit enemy granting CA with basic atk or at-will wpn atk power, enemy is dazed until your EoNT




  • Reaving Axe Slayer [Greater Style] (MP 2, ranger, Reaving Axe Student feat, 1h-axe): crit knocks enemy prone who provokes OA when stands up; can use Str mods instead of Dex mods for atk/dmg rolls with the following ranged encounter powers – Arrow of Vengeance, Bloodlust Strike, Hawk’s Talon, Hobbling Shot, Lightning Shot, Thwarting Shot


Magic Items


  • Crashing Weapon (D 386, 9+ Uncommon, axe, hammer, or pick): get heavy thrown, range 5/10, daily free upon hit with ranged atk tgt and adj creatures fall prone
  • Songbow of Lullabies (AV 2, 9+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free after hit with bard charm power, enemy gets slowed/immobilized/unconscious (save ends)
  • Paralyzing Weapon (AV, 13+ Uncommon, ranged wpn): daily free hit tgt is immobilized and weakened until your EoNT
  • Shreaking Songbow (AV 2, 13+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free enemies hit with bard atk power moves Cha mod squares away avoiding unsafe squares/OA’s if possible
  • Serpent’s Kiss Bow (AV 2, 18+ Uncommon, bow): On crit tgt can’t shift until your EoNT; gain Brutal 1 property, encounter free hit enemy grants CA to allies until your SoNT
  • Aegis Fang (D 386, 19 Rare): craghammer gets heavy thrown, range 5/10; daily free, tgt hit with ranged atk and adj creatures fall prone


PP Features


  • Daring Slinger (MP 2, 11th, rogue, sling): On AP treat 1 or 2 on dmg die rolls vs. hit tgt as 3 and tgt dazed until your EoNT










Magic Items

  • Thoughtstealer (AV, 9+ Uncommon, thrown wpn): daily free upon hit secondary atk vs. Will to learn answers to yes/no questions
  • Climber’s Rope (MME, 6 Common, bow or crossbow): fire this projectile at tgt in normal range, either wall, ceiling or similar to create magic connecting rope that lasts until EoE or dismissal as minor




[quote="Dzance"]Loading, Swapping, Retrieval



The ability to load and draw weapons is of high import to a weapons-based ranged attacker, and even implement-based archers value utilitarian aspect of being able to swap implements quickly.

Projectile weapons – blowguns, slings, bows, and crossbows – utilize ammunition and require both hands to reload.  Some have the Load Free property, which allows them loaded with the same action used for an attack.  Others have the Load Minor property and require a separate minor action to reload.  By default, only the blowgun, crossbow, and superior crossbow have the Load Minor property; all other projectile weapons are Load Free.  A special case exists for the Repeating Crossbow.  As long as its magazine has bolts (maximum capacity of 10), it is Load Free.  After the magazine is emptied it requires a standard action to replace it.

After starting this guide, I came across LazyNinja's Bag of Blades guide here, and and Kryx's Juggling Implements guide here.  Both elaborate on Free Action draw and stow options and perks.  I came across a few other options before discovering these guides that weren't listed, which I placed in the 'Draw as Free Action' section.



Load as Free Action (weapon)







  • Blowgun Training [Multiclass Blowgun] (D 373): can reload blowgun as a free action
  • Eldritch Fusillade Expertise (D 402, artificer, Crossbow Caster, crossbow or wand): +1/2/3 atk with crossbow/wand; you can draw/stow a wand once per round as free action on your turn, and load a crossbow as free action
  • Speed Loader (PH 2/HotFL/HotFK): Treat crossbow with Load Minor property as Load Free


Class Features


  • Ranger(Hunter) (HotFK, 1st): Treat any crossbow with Load Minor property as Load Free


PP Features


  • Cloaked Sniper (MP, 11th, rogue trained in Stealth): Treat any crossbow with Load Minor property as having Load Free property
  • Ocular Adept (D 394, 11th/16th, ranger(hunter) or seeker): Ranged wpn no longer require ammunition, actions to load (11th), or hands to wield it (16th)


Magic Items


  • Swiftshot Weapon (AV, 3+ Uncommon, crossbow): This crossbow can be loaded with a free action; daily minor grants an RBA




Draw as Free Action






Class Features

  • Ranger (PH, 1st) Hunter Fighting Style – gain Quick Draw as bonus feat; can sheathe a wpn as a free action; +4 AC vs. OA’s provoked from ranged atk


Magic Items


  • Elukian Clay Weapon (AV, 12+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): can draw as same action used to atk with wpn; daily free reroll missed atk with +2 power bonus
  • Jarlaxle’s Rapid Throw (NCS, 12 Uncommon, alt reward): draw light thrown wpn as free action




Auto-Return (weapon)






Class Features

  • Artificer (EPG): mundane wpn returns to artificer like magic thrown wpn does
  • Seeker (PH 3): Spiritbond – proficient thrown wpn returns to hand after the attack


Class Powers


  • Battlemind (PH 3): Winged Weapon (lvl 6) – encounter minor, next melee atk you make before your EoNT becomes ranged atk with range of 10; wpn returns to hand after atk


Mundane Items


  • Talenta Boomerang (EPG): automatically returns to proficient wielder’s hand after ranged atk
  • Chatka (DSCS): automatically returns to proficient wielder’s hand after ranged atk
  • Xen’drik boomerang (EPG): automatically returns to proficient wielder’s hand after ranged atk


Magic Items


  • Dwarven Throwers (AV, 10 Uncommon, hands): encounter standard to make RBA with melee wpn as if heavy thrown using Strength mod for atk/dmg rolls, returns automatically




Unlimited Ammunition






PP Features

  • Ocular Adept (D 394, 11th/16th, ranger(hunter) or seeker): ranged wpn no longer requires ammunition, action to load (11th), or hands to wield it (16th)


Magic Items


  • Armbow (EPG, 3+ Common, crossbow, living construct): crossbow is 1h and doesn’t expend bolts
  • Quenchquiver weapon (D 381, 7+ Uncommon): no atk penalty underwater, does not require (but can use) ammunition, daily free push hit tgt 2 and knock prone
  • Shoulderbow (D 364, 9+ Uncommon, hand crossbow): can fire from shoulder with no hands as standard action with its own generated ammunition; daily minor make RBA with shoulderbow
  • Moonbow (D 386, 13+ Uncommon, bow): can use as imp for divine/arcane powers, counts as silvered, creates own ammunition or can use ammunition, sheds bright/dim light in close burst 5
  • Endless Quiver (AV/MME, 9 Common, wondrous): quiver produces non-magical arrows/bolts for bow and crossbow atks
  • Endless Quiver – Kamestiri Uniform (AV 2, 9 Uncommon, wondrous): quiver produces non-magical arrows/bolts for bow and crossbow atks
  • Arrow of Fate (Du 172, Epic, Rare, Artifact): can function as rod, staff, or wand, any wpn of spear group, or ammunition for crossbow, longbow, or shortbow of +6 enchantment; can ignore resist (dmg amount varies) from dragons or creatures of elemental/immortal origin, gain daily close blast dmg and possibly gain close burst stun atks




Frees Hand/s







  • Thri-kreen (DSCS): has two extra hands ???
  • Warforged (EPG): Can attach and embed various components ???




  • Two-Fisted Shooter (MP, rogue): Treat hand crossbow as off-hand wpn, can reload one-handed as free action; gain RBA as free action with hand crossbow in off hand when you score a crit


Magic Items


  • Armbow (EPG, 3+ Common, crossbow, living construct): crossbow is 1h and doesn’t expend bolts
  • Shoulderbow (D 364, 9+ Uncommon, hand crossbow): can fire from shoulder with no hands as standard action with its own generated ammunition
  • Winged Shield (D 394, 15 Rare, arms, light shield): don’t need to hold shield to gain shield bonus to AC/Reflex
  • Greater Dancing Weapon (MME, 15+ Rare, any melee): at-will minor to animate wpn; can move 6 with move action and originate wpn atks with it from its square; if hit returns to hand or falls in your space; enemies can provoke OA’s from it; and you can make an MBA as a daily minor


PP Features


  • Cloaked Sniper (MP, 11th, rogue trained in Stealth): treat hand crossbow as an off-hand wpn
  • Ocular Adept (D 394, 11th/16th, ranger(hunter) or seeker): ranged wpn no longer requires ammunition, action to load (11th), or hands to wield it (16th)




Temporary Frees Hand/s






Magic Items

  • Dancing Weapon (PH, 20+ Rare, heavy/light blade): daily minor to animate wpn in your square; you can deliver basic atks and atk powers through weapon; if you don’t atk with it, it makes MBA at enemy within 2; sustain minor to keep animated




[quote="Dzance"]Avoiding Opportunity Attacks



In this category, I highlighted features that allow the character to not provoke opportunity attacks or improve defenses against opportunity attacks, provoked by an adjacent foe when using a ranged attack.



RBA – No provoke OA’s







  • Deft Hurler Style [Arena Fighting] (DMA/D 368, martial class): on hit with melee atk, forgo splash dmg to make RBA against one creature other than tgt of Cleave (fighter) at-will with a heavy thrown wpn that doesn’t provoke OA’s


PP Features


  • Ocular Adept (D 394, 11th/16th, ranger(hunter) or seeker): Ranged wpn no longer requires ammunition, action to load (11th), or hands to wield it (16th), and RBA’s with it don’t provoke OA’s (16th)




No provoke OA’s







  • Mighty Crusader Expertise (D 402; holy symbol and 2h-melee wpn): ranged/area atks through holy symbol don’t provoke while wielding 2h-melee wpn.  +1/2/3 feat atk bonus with 2h-wpn (wpn atks) and holy symbol (imp atks)
  • Sling Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, sling): no OA’s, and +1/2/3 atk bonus with sling wpn atks
  • Staff Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, staff): no OA’s with ranged/area imp atks, +1 reach with melee wpn atks, and +1/2/3 atk bonus
  • Combat Casting (AP, swordmage): after hitting with melee swordmage power, no OA’s with ranged/area swordmage atks until your EoNT
  • Defensive Throw (MP 2, ranger, Marauding Style): after hitting with melee atk, no OA’s with thrown wpn ranged atks until your EoNT
  • Drow Fighting Style (D 367, drow, light blade and hand crossbow): while holding a light blade and hand crossbow, you don't provoke OA's with hand crossbow
  • Harrowing Swarm Captain [Greater Style] (MP 2, warlord, Harrowing Swarm Student feat, bow or crossbow): you don’t provoke OA’s from tgt of your atk
  • Harrowing Swarm Scout [Greater Style] (MP 2, ranger, Harrowing Swarm Student feat, bow or crossbow): you don’t provoke OA’s from tgt of your atk
  • Harrowing Swarm Stalker [Greater] (MP 2, rogue, Harrowing Swarm Student feat, bow or crossbow): you don’t provoke OA’s from tgt of your atk
  • Menacing Sorcery (assassin, sorcerer, assassin’s shroud): ranged sorcerer atks don’t provoke from creature subject to your assassin’s shard
  • Opportunistic Archer (MP, 11th, elf, fighter, Combat Challenge, bow): You can make an RBA in place of MBA from Combat Challenge that doesn’t provoke OA’s
  • Psionic Staff Focus (PP, 11th, psion): ranged psion atks don’t provoke OA’s vs. adj tgt (obsoleted by Staff Expertise)
  • Defensive Enchanting (D 381, 21st, artificer): ranged arcane atks don’t provoke OA’s


Class Features


  • Wizard(Bladesinger) (NCS, 1st, 1h-melee wpn): ranged/area atks don’t provoke while holding 1h-melee wpn
  • Ranger(Hunter) (HotFK, 9th): Your ranged atks don’t provoke OA’s


Magic Items


  • Staff of Spell Blasting (AV 2, 14+ Uncommon, staff imp): ranged/area arcane atks don’t provoke OA’s from adj enemies targeted by the atks
  • Shimmering Armor (AV, 4+ Uncommon, cloth): your ranged/area atks don’t provoke OA’s
  • Shadowdance Armor (SotAC, 5+ Uncommon, cloth or leather): your area/ranged atks don’t provoke OA’s
  • Alchemical Launcher (D 385, 5 Common, living construct, arms): your ranged/area atks with alchemical items don’t provoke OA’s
  • Razordark Bracers (AV 2, 11 Common, arms): Your warlock at-wills don’t provoke OA’s
  • Survivor’s Boots (AV 2, 16 Uncommon, feet): While bloodied you don’t provoke OA’s (includes movement)


PP Features


  • Avernian Knight (MP 2, 11th, fighter, infernal pact, melee wpn): when use melee wpn as imp ranged arcane powers don’t provoke OA’s
  • Whisperknife (MP 2, 11th, rogue, light blade): ranged atks with light blade don’t provoke OA’s




Temporary no provoke OA’s






Theme Powers

  • Cormyrian Battle Mage (D 407, non-evil sorcerer or wizard): Defensive Casting – as minor encounter utility, ranged/area arcane powers don’t provoke OA’s until your EoNT


Class Powers


  • Warlord (MP 2): Archery Commander (lvl 5) – daily standard (includes ranged atk) until EoE you and allies within 2 don’t provoke OA’s from ranged atks
  • Ranger (MP): Wary Shooter (lvl 16) – encounter minor utility, you don’t provoker OA’s until your EoNT


Magic Items


  • Point Blank Weapon (AV, 3+ Uncommon, ranged): A ranged atk with this wpn doesn’t provoke an OA using the free action encounter utility
  • Rod of Time Distortion (MotP, 3+ Uncommon, rod): A ranged atk with this imp doesn’t provoke an OA using the free action encounter utility


PP Features


  • Avalanche Hurler (MP, 11th, ranger, light/heavy thrown wpn): When take AP, first make RBA as free action without provoking OA
  • War Wizard of Cormyr (FRPG, 11th, wizard affiliated with Cormyr): ranged/area powers from AP don’t provoke OA’s




Change origin, No provoke OA’s






PP Features

  • Phrenic Master (D 394, 16th, call spirit companion power): Can use spirit companion’s square as origin for ranged and area powers; OA’s aren’t provoked if companion is not adj to enemies
  • Witchmaster (D 390, 11th, warlord and warlock): Can use ally square as origin for warlock ranged attack powers; if ally is adj to an enemy OA’s are provoked from enemies adj to you; otherwise OA’s are not provoked




Temporary change origin, No provoke OA’s






Class Powers

  • Swordmage (AP) Mirrorblade Army (lvl 29) – daily standard sustain minor, creates Con mod images within 10; can originate attacks from them until they are destroyed/not sustained
  • Artificer (D 381) War Proxy (lvl 1) – daily standard (includes close atk) until EoE, can use ally within 10 to originate ranged wpn atks
  • Artificer 15 (D 381) Spellmaster’s Pawn (lvl 15) – daily standard (includes close atk) until EoE can use ally to originate ranged arcane atks




Defense Bonus vs. OA’s







  • Defensive Mobility (PH/HotFL/HotFK): +2 AC vs. OA’s
  • Battle Caster Defense (PH 3): +4 AC vs. OA’s provoked from ranged/area atks
  • Heavy Blade Expertise (HotFL/HotFK, heavy blade): while wielded +2 bonus to all defenses vs. OA’s; +1/2/3 wpn atks


Class Features


  • Ranger (PH, 1st): Archer Fighting Style – gain Defensive Mobility as bonus feat
  • Ranger (PH, 1st): Hunter Fighting Style – +4 AC vs. OA’s provoked from ranged atk; gain Quick Draw as bonus feat; can sheathe a wpn as a free action
  • Ranger(Scout/Hunter, 1st) (HotFK): Aspect of the Cunning Fox (Stance) – take ½ dmg from atks that hit you on your turn; shift 2 squares whenever hit/miss with ranged/melee atk
  • Rogue(Scoundrel) (PH/CC, 1st): Artful Dodger – gain Cha mod bonus vs. OA’s


Magic Items


  • Point Blank Weapon (AV, 3+ Uncommon, ranged): +2 item bonus to AC vs. OA’s provoked by ranged atks




Temporary Defense Bonus vs. OA’s






Paragon Features

  • Battlefield Archer (PH, 16th, ranger, Archer Fighting Style): When you take AP for extra action or to reroll ranged atk/dmg roll, +5 AC vs. OA’s until EoE




[quote="Dzance"]Augment Ally



This category lists rules elements that either (1) bolster ally ranged attacks in some way, or (2) bolster allies in some way when the archer makes a ranged attack, or (3) bolsters allies in some way with a ranged weapon power.

Powers listed here are standard actions unless otherwise noted. 



Augment Ally Basic Attacks






PP Features

  • Spell Commander (D 381, 16th, artificer): an adj ally makes a basic atk they can use any at-will arcane power – ranged power replaces RBA and melee power replaces MBA




Augment Ally Ranged Attacks







  • Archer Captain (MP 2, archer warlord): no long range penalty to you or ally within 5
  • Leading Fire (MP, elf, warlord, Combat Leader, bow): When you hit enemy, each ally within 10 gain +1 bonus to atk tgt until your SoNT


Class Powers


  • Warlord (MP 2): Paint the Bulls Eye (lvl 1) – at-will ranged atk, until your EoNT allies gain bonus to dmg roll against tgt equal to Int mod or Wis mod


PP Features


  • Arrowhead Commander (MP 2, 11th, warlord, Adamant Arrow Student feat): when your ranged atk  pulls, pushes, or slides enemy into or out of square adj to ally, that ally gains +2 to atk rolls until your EoNT
  • First Hunter (PP, 16th, warden): Choose an ally the first time you hit each round, the next ranged atk that ally makes vs. that enemy gains before your EoNT gains Con mod bonus to dmg rolls



Temporary Augment Ally Attacks










  • Directing Inspiration (MP 2, warlord, inspiring word power): tgt of inspiring word gains +1 bonus to atk rolls with ranged or area atks, or +1 bonus to all defenses against ranged or area atks until your EoNT


Class Powers


  • Artificer (D 381): Mental Beacon (lvl 23) – encounter ranged atk, until your EoNT allies can roll twice with ranged atks vs. hit tgt
  • Warlock (DSCS): Fail Me Not (lvl 16) – daily minor close blast 3 zone, allies within zone gain +2 power bonus to atk rolls and + Int mod power bonus to dmg rolls with melee and ranged atks; whenver affected ally misses all tgts with melee or ranged atk gains vulnerable 5 All until its SoNT, sustain minor
  • Invoker (DP): Deluge of Blood (lvl 5) – daily immediate reaction vs. enemy within 5 damaged by a melee or ranged atk, on hit tgt is dazed and ongoing 10 (save ends both), on miss tgt gets ongoing 5; you are dazed until your EoNT
  • Cleric (PH): Blazing Beacon (lvl 3) – encounter melee atk, ranged atks vs. hit tgt gain +4 power bonus to atk rolls until your EoNT
  • Shaman (PP): Spirit of the Hunter's Soul (lvl 19) – daily ranged atk, one ally within range 10 gains +5 power bonus to dmg rolls vs. tgt until EoE, if the ally is adj to your spirit companion gains Int mod to the power bonus
  • Warlord (MP 2): Pin Cushion (lvl 1) – encounter ranged atk, until your EoNT you and allies gain a power bonus to ranged atk rolls against the hit tgt equal to Int mod or Wis mod
  • Warlord (MP 2) Archery Commander (lvl 5) – daily ranged atk, until EoE you and allies within 2 don’t provoke OA’s from ranged atks
  • Warlord (MP 2): Leader of the Bowmen (lvl 19) – daily ranged wpn atk can use in place of RBA, until EoE allies gain +2 bonus to ranged atk rolls and don’t provoke OA’s for making ranged atks
  • Warlord (MP): Unleash Hell (lvl 19) – daily ranged atk that crits 18-20, each ally within 5 can make RBA against an enemy as free action gaining Cha mod power bonus to atk and dmg rolls, any ranged atks you and allies make until your EoNT score crits on 18-20
  • Warlord (PH, CC): Stir the Hornet’s Nest (lvl 25) – daily ranged atk, on hit each ally gains Int mod power bonus to dmg rolls with ranged atks vs. tgt, on miss one ally makes RBA vs. tgt with Int mod power bonus to dmg roll
  • Ranger (D 383): Back on Target (lvl 16, bow or crossbow) – daily immediate interrupt, grant ally ranged atk reroll with +4 power bonus vs. enemy within range 


Magic Items


  • Whistling Songbow (AV 2, 2+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free each ally within 5 +2 atk enemy hit until your EoNT
  • Targeting Weapon (AV 2, 3+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): on crit deal 1d6 dmg per plus or tgt grants CA until your EoNT, daily free against enemy hit you and allies can roll twice on atk rolls and use either result until your EoNT
  • Serpent’s Kiss Bow (AV 2, 18+ Uncommon, bow): On crit tgt can’t shift until your EoNT; gain Brutal 1 property, encounter free hit enemy grants CA to allies until your SoNT


PP Powers


  • Arrowhead Commander (MP 2, warlord, Adamant Arrow Student feat): Strike Here (lvl 12) – daily minor stance, whenever you hit enemy with ranged atk, the next ally to hit ignores tgt resistances
  • Captain of Fortune (MP 2, warlord): Lady Luck Smiles (lvl 11) – encounter melee or ranged, on hit whenver ally within 5 makes a melee or ranged atk roll ally can roll twice and use either result
  • Disciple of the World Serpent (PH 2, shaman, Call Spirit Companion power): Seal of the Serpent (lvl 12) – encounter minor choose self or ally within 5 to ignore cover, superior cover, concealment, and total concealment and do not require LoS or LoE vs. a target within 5 until your EoNT
  • Keen Eagle (PP, shaman, Call Spirit Companion power, Watcher Spirit): Hunting Eagle (lvl 12) – encounter immediate interrupt, when ally makes a ranged or area atk move spirit companion adj to tgt and ally gains +2 power bonus vs. the tgts adj to spirit companion


ED Powers


  • Legendary Sovereign (MP 2): Sword of the Soverign (lvl 26) – daily free, when crit each ally within 10 gains THPs and your Cha mod power bonus to atk/dmg rolls of basic atks and at-wills until EoE




Augment Ally Defenses






PP Features

  • Seven Fates Archer (PH 3, 11th, seeker): you can take -2 penalty to a ranged atk roll to grant adj ally +2 AC until your EoNT




Temporary Augment Ally Defenses









  • Directing Inspiration (MP 2, warlord, inspiring word power): tgt of inspiring word gains +1 bonus to atk rolls with ranged or area atks, or +1 bonus to all defenses against ranged or area atks until your EoNT


PP Powers


  • Seven Fates Archer (PH 3, seeker): Intercepting Shot (lvl 12) – encounter immediate interrupt, when enemy hits adj ally make an RBA against enemy with -2 penalty to atk roll, if hits ally gains +5 bonus to all defenses and if the atk still hit ally takes half dmg from it




Temporary Forced Movement






Class Powers

  • Bard (AP): Song of Duplicitous Allure (lvl 7) – encounter standard ranged atk, until your EoNT each time tgt is hit with a ranged atk you pull tgt 1 square




Temporary Heal Ally






Magic Items

  • Healing Weapon (AV, 14+ Uncommon, ranged): daily standard to have one creature within 20 regain hp as if spent healing surge




Temporary Increase Ally Range






Class Powers

  • Ardent (PH 3): Bend Space (lv 2) – encounter minor one ally within 5 gains + Wis mod range to its ranged powers until your EoNT




Temporary Move Ally






Class Powers

  • Bard (HotF): Lesser Dimensional Step (lvl 1) – encounter no action, when hit enemy within 5 with basic atk using wpn, deals 1[W] extra dmg and 1 ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy
  • Bard (HotF): Dimensional Step (lvl 13) – encounter no action, when hit enemy within 5 with basic atk using wpn, deals 1[W] extra dmg and 1 ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy and then make basic atk as a free action
  • Bard (HotF): Greater Dimensional Step (lvl 27) – encounter no action, when hit enemy within 5 with basic atk using wpn, deals 1[W] extra dmg and 1 ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy and then make basic atk as a free action, dealing 1d10 extra dmg if it hits


Magic Items


  • Songbow of Summoning (AV 2, 15+ Uncommon, bow or crossbow): counts as imp for bard and bard PP powers, daily free each ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy hit as free action




[quote="Dzance"]Grant Extra Ranged Attacks



This is the counterpart to the ‘Gain Extra Ranged Attacks’ category. An archer ideally has one or more ranged attack enablers that can grant the archer a ranged attack out-of-its-turn. In most cases the attacks granted are (ranged) basic attacks, which is the focus of this category. Many of these attacks are granted as free actions. Keep in mind the free action attack limitation which is: “A creature can take a free action to use an attack power only once per turn.”



Powers are assumed to take a standard action unless otherwise specified, and the frequency usage – at-will, encounter, daily is specified in the section header.  Further, if ability score modifiers provide bonuses in the power description, they are based on the ability scores of the player who used the power to grant the extra attacks.

Sections are delineated between 'Grant Ally (Multiple) RBA' and 'Grant Ally (Multiple) Ranged Attack.'  The latter section type covers a broader category of attacks not limited to RBA's such as At-Wills or Standard Actions (both of which can also be used for RBA's). 



Grant Ally RBA At-Will






Class Features

  • Shaman (PH 2, 1st, eagle shaman): Spirit’s Prey – opportunity action, when enemy adj to spirit companion leaves square without shifting ally within 10 squares of spirit companion can make an RBA with CA vs. the tgt as a free action


Class Powers


  • Warlord (MP): Brash Assault (lvl 1) – melee atk, tgt can choose to make an MBA against you with CA as free action, but then an ally within 5 can make basic atk vs. tgt with CA as free action
  • Warlord (MP 2): Direct the Strike (lvl 1) – ally within 5 can make basic atk as free action vs. enemy of your choice within 10 you can see
  • Shaman (DSCS): Spirit Infusion (lvl 1) – ally adj to spirit companion can make basic atk with +2 power bonus to atk roll and +Int mod power bonus to dmg roll, spirit companion disappears
  • Shaman (PH 2): Claws of the Eagle (lvl 1) – ally adj to spirit companion or within 3 squares of you can make basic atk vs. tgt adj to spirit companion, if atk hits tgt grants CA until your EoNT




Grant Ally RBA Encounter







  • Gruumsh’s Battle Fury [Divinity] (BoVD, CD): Can use Gruumsh’s Battle Fury CD power free action to grant ally charge or basic atk as free action after dropping enemy below 1 hp, ally grants CA until your EoNT
  • Preserver’s Command (D 387, 21st, Preserver’s Rebuke CD power): when use Preserver’s Rebuke, forgo hit bonus to grant hit ally a basic atk


Class Powers


  • Bard (AP): Thunder’s Calling (lvl 1) – ranged atk and slide hit tgt Con mod squares, if isolated after slide ally within 10 can make RBA vs. tgt as free action
  • Bard (HotF): Prescient Warning (lvl 7) – immediate interrupt vs. enemy that hits ally within 10, grants the ally free action basic atk dealing 1d8 extra dmg on hit
  • Bard (HotF): Urge to Victory (lvl 7) – immediate reaction, when ally within 10 ends turn without attacking, ally can make basic atk or charge as free action even if dominated or stunned, dealing 1d10 extra dmg on hit
  • Bard (HotF): Dimensional Step (lvl 13) – no action, when you hit enemy within 5 with basic atk using wpn, deal 1[W] extra dmg and 1 ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy and make basic atk as a free action
  • Bard (PH 2): Harmony of the Two (lvl 13) – melee atk, ally within 2 can make basic atk vs. hit tgt as free action
  • Bard (HotF): True Prescient Warning (lvl 23) – immediate interrupt vs. enemy that hits ally within 10, grants the ally free action basic atk dealing 3d10 extra dmg on hit
  • Bard (HotF): True Urge to Victory (lvl 23) – immediate reaction, when ally within 10 ends turn without attacking, ally can make basic atk or charge as free action even if dominated or stunned, dealing 3d10 extra dmg on hit
  • Bard (HotF): Greater Dimensional Step (lvl 27) – no action, when you hit enemy within 5 with basic atk using wpn, deal 1[W] extra dmg and 1 ally within 5 can teleport adj to enemy and make basic atk as a free action, dealing 1d10 extra dmg on hit
  • Warlord (MP 2): On My Mark (lvl 7) – melee or ranged atk, ally of choice can make basic atk vs. tgt as free action, gaining Int or Wis mod power bonus to hit if your atk hit tgt (Skirmishing Presence – ally can shift 3 squares before atk)
  • Warlord (MP): Provoke Overextension (lvl 7) – melee atk, hit tgt must make basic atk vs. you as free action and if atk misses an ally can make a basic atk as a free action (Bravura Presence – you gain Cha mod bonus to AC vs. granted basic atk and ally gains same bonus to his atk roll)
  • Warlord (PH): Surprise Attack (lvl 7) – melee atk, on hit ally within 5 can make basic atk with CA vs. tgt of choice (Tactical Presence – ally gains Int mod bonus to atk roll)
  • Warlord (MP): Unified in Blood (lvl 13) – immediate interrupt melee atk vs. enemy within 5 that bloodies ally (move your speed before you atk), bloodied ally can make basic atk vs. hit tgt as free action
  • Warlord (MP 2): We Will Not Fail (lvl 17) – free action ally within 10 can make basic atk vs. enemy you miss as free action, dealing 5 + Int mod extra dmg on hit
  • Shaman (PP): Spirit of the Killing Shot (lvl 13) – ally adj to spirit companion can make basic atk as free action dealing maximum dmg on a hit (Stalker Spirit – ally gains Int mod bonus to atk and dmg rolls)


Magic Items


  • Hellthorn Weapon (D 392, NWCS, 10+ Rare; flail, heavy blade, spear, or staff): you are considered a devil; encounter free, when you miss with atk vs. AC, allied devil adj to tgt can make basic atk vs. tgt as free action, if allied devil hits tgt takes twice wpn’s enhancement bonus extra fire dmg
  • Demonomicon (HotEC, 13+ Rare, tome): encounter free when use arcane summoning power, creature gains elemental origin and demon keyword, +2 power bonus to atk rolls and +4/+6(@23rd or 28th) power bonus to dmg rolls, and if not commanded by your EoCT makes a basic atk vs. closest creature


PP Features


  • Karmic Shaper (AP, 16th, bard, Virtue of Prescience): When you use Virtue of Prescience, one ally within 10 can make a basic atk as free action vs. triggering enemy


PP Powers


  • Flamebrow Commander (MP, warlord, Bravura Presence): Flamebrow Assault (lvl 11) –melee atk, before atk a bloodied ally within 5 can make a basic atk as a free action gaining Cha mod bonus to the atk roll, you gain +2 bonus to melee atk if ally hits, -2 penalty to melee atk if ally misses
  • Infernal Strategist (MP, warlord, Resourceful Presence): Flexible Authority (lvl 12) –immediate reaction, ally within 10 who takes an AP can choose from various benefits, which include making a basic atk as a free action but granting CA until its EoNT
  • Minotaur Kinspeaker (D 369, minotaur, leader role): Unleashed Beast (lvl 11) – ally within 10 makes a basic atk, gaining resist 10 until your EoNT if atk hits
  • Spell Commander (D 381, artificer): Spell Tracer (lvl 11) – ranged atk, ally within 5 can make basic atk vs. hit tgt, gaining +2 power bonus to atk roll if ally uses arcane power as its basic atk
  • Twiceborn Leader (MP, warlord): Reminiscent Assault (lvl 11) – melee atk, ally within 10 can make a basic atk if your atk reduces tgt to 0 hp or fewer
  • War Chanter (PH 2, bard, Virtue of Valor): Victorious Smite (lvl 11) – melee atk, ally within 5 can shift 3 and make basic atk as free action vs. tgt gaining Con mod bonus to atk and dmg roll




Grant Ally Multiple RBA Encounter







  • Golden Lion of Urik [Greater Pact] (warlock, Sorcerer-King pact, Yellow Cloak of Urik feat): expel your fell might to augment any of the following powers when you hit 1+ enemies to grant an ally within 5 to make basic atk as a free action and deal Int mod extra thunder dmg – Awaken the Dragon, Frigid Darkness, Howl of Doom, Manipulating Thunderbolt, Soul Flaying, Unholy Glee
  • Ancient Covenant of Nessus (tiefling, invoker, Divine Covenant): when use divine encounter or daily on your turn you can allow one target of power to make basic atk as a free action who takes 5/10(@11th)/15(@21st) + Int mod fire dmg after resolving the atk
  • Tactical Action (21st, Int 19, Tactical Presence): When ally spends AP and misses, ally can make basic atk vs. tgt as a free action


Class Powers


  • Cleric (DP): Rebuke the Wrathful (lvl 23) – ranged atk, on hit the first time the tgt atks before your EoNT each ally within 10 squares of tgt can make basic atk vs. tgt as an opportunity action
  • Cleric (NCS): Valorous Charge (lvl 27) – you and each ally within 5 can charge or make a basic atk as a free action, and gain Con mod bonus to all defenses until your EoNT
  • Runepriest (PH 3): Word of Healing Assault (lvl 17) – 2 allies within 5 can each make a basic atk as a free action, on hit can spend healing surge and regain 2d10 extra hps (Rune of Destruction – basic atks deal Con mod extra dmg; Rune of Protection – each ally gains resist 5 all until your EoNT)
  • Runepriest (PH 3): Rune of Rising Fury (lvl 23) – melee atk, on hit 3 allies can make a basic atk vs. the tgt as a free action once during their next turns (Rune of Destruction – allies have CA vs. the tgt for their basic atks; Rune of Protection – allies can shift 1 shift as free action after making their basic atks)
  • Warlord (D 384): Interrupting Strike (lvl 3) – melee atk that marks until your EoNT, if hit tgt makes atk before your EoNT that doesn’t include you as tgt an adj ally can make basic atk vs. tgt as immediate interrupt, on hit tgt takes -2 penalty to triggering atk roll
  • Warlord (PH): Beat Them Into the Ground (lvl 13) – melee atk, on hit each ally within 5 can make basic atks vs. tgts of choice as free actions that deal no dmg but knock prone on hit (Tactical Presence – Int mod bonus to ally atks)
  • Warlord (MP): Ventured Gains (lvl 13) – melee atk, if atk bloodies tgt 2 adj allies can make basic atk vs. tgt as free actions (Bravura Presence – allies gain Cha mod bonus to dmg rolls), you grant CA until your SoNT
  • Warlord (PH): Hail of Steel (lvl 17) – melee atk, every ally within 5 can make basic atk vs. hit tgt
  • Warlord (MP): Blood Begets Blood (lvl 23) – melee atk, if tgt is bloodied or reduced to 0 hp or less by atk 2 allies within 5 can make basic atk as free action (Resourceful Presence – replace 2 with 3 allies)
  • Warlord (MP): Abrupt Skirmish (lvl 27) – melee atk after pull enemies adj in close burst 2 atk, each adj enemy can make MBA against you as free action but each ally can make basic atk against the enemy as opportunity action triggered by enemy’s atk (Bravura Presence – each ally gains your Cha mod power bonus to the atk and dmg roll)
  • Warlord (MP 2): Combined Arms Assault (lvl 27) – ranged atk, 2 allies can charge or make RBA’s vs. tgt as free action (Skirmishing Presence – the allies gain Int or Wis mod power bonus to the dmg rolls)
  • Warlord (MP 2): Insightful Assault (lvl 27) – you and 3 allies in close 20 can make basic atk vs. chosen enemy as free action (Insightful Presence – the basic atks deal extra Wis or Cha mod dmg)
  • Warlord (MP): Warlord’s Indignation (lvl 27) – immediate reaction melee atk vs. enemy that hits you with melee atk, on hit knock tgt prone and each ally can make basic atk vs. tgt as opportunity action
  • Shaman (PP): Sly Fox Spirit (lvl 3) – 1 ally adj to spirit companion can make basic atk as free action, if atk hits a second ally adj to spirit companion can make basic atk as free action
  • Shaman (PP): Boar’s Toss (lvl 17) – melee spirit atk; slide hit tgt 2 squares, move spirit companion adj to tgt, and each ally within 10 can make RBA vs. tgt as free action (Watcher Spirit – allies gain Dex mod power bonus to RBA dmg rolls)
  • Ardent (PsP): Guarded Prison (lvl 3) – Augment 2 melee atk, if hit tgt willingly moves or shifts before your SoNT 1 ally adj to you or tgt can make basic atk as immediate interrupt
  • Ardent (PsP): Concerted Strike (lvl 23) – Augment 6 melee atk, on hit 2 allies within 5 can make basic atk as free action with Con mod power bonus to atk roll, allies cannot tgt original tgt or same tgts


PP Features


  • Devout Warpriest (HotFL, 16th, cleric (warpriest), Oghma Domain): when you use healing word tgt can make basic atk as free action


PP Powers


  • Battlelord of Kord (MP, warlord): Tempest of Triumph (lvl 11) – melee atk, if atk reduces tgt to 0 or fewer hps ally within 5 can make basic atk as immediate reaction gaining Cha mod to dmg roll, if allies atk reduces tgt to 0 hps a different ally within 5 can gain same benefit, which repeats until atk fails to drop tgt to 0 hps or fewer or you run out of allies within 5
  • Caravan Master (DSCS, Dune Trader theme): Desert Skirmish (lvl 11) – you and 1 ally, or 2 allies within 5 can shift 2 and make basic atk as free action, until your SoNT any enemy willingly moving adj to tgt must stop moving
  • Catalyst (PsP, ardent): Violent Impulse (lvl 11) – 3 allies within 5 can make basic atk as free action each against different tgts dealing 2d6 extra psychic if only one atk hits, or 2d6 extra psychic dmg if only two atks hit (Augment 2 – each ally deals 3 extra psychic dmg with the basic atk)
  • Shady Dealer (DSCS, Dune Trader theme): Rope the Mark (lvl 11) – ranged atk pull hit tgt 5 squares, and either make at-will melee with CA vs. tgt or 2 allies can each make RBA vs. tgt as free action
  • Talaric Strategist (PH 3, ardent): Anticipation Tactics (lvl 11) – Augment 2 immediate interrupt vs. enemy within 2 that makes melee atk, 2 allies or you and 1 ally within 3 can shift 2 as free action and make basic atk vs. triggering enemy


Epic Destiny Features


  • Legendary Sovereign (MP 2, 21st): Once per encounter on crit each ally within 10 can make a basic atk as a free action




Grant Ally Multiple Ranged Attack Encounter






Class Powers

  • Ardent (PH 3): Revelatory Slash (lvl 23) – at-will augment 6, two allies within 10 can make at-will atks as free actions, ally that hits gains 15 thps




Grant Ally RBA AP






PP Features

  • Anarchic Adept (PsP, 11th, ardent): when you take an AP, bestow power of chaos on adj ally or ally adj to tgt of atk that randomly bestows one of following boons: (1) no effect, (2) ally shifts as free action, (3) ally gains +1 power bonus to atk rolls until your EoNT, (4) ally gains Cha mod thps, (5) ally gains Cha mod bonus to dmg rolls on next atk, or (6) ally can make basic atk as free action
  • Catalyst (PsP, 11th, ardent): when take AP and hit with first atk roll an adj ally can shift 1 as free action and a different ally within 5 can make basic atk as free action
  • Euphonic Bow (AP, 11th, bard): when you take an AP, one ally within 10 can make a basic atk as a free action




Grant Ally Ranged Attack AP






PP Features

  • Spell Commander (D 381, 11th, artificer): when you take an AP, one ally within 10 can make a basic atk or 1st lvl at-will arcane power as a free action




Grant Ally Multiple RBA AP







  • Tactical Action (21st, Int 19, Tactical Presence): When ally spends AP and misses, ally can make basic atk vs. tgt as a free action


Class Features


  • Warlord (MP, 1st) Bravura Presence – when ally you can see spends an AP the ally can choose to take advantage of presence before atk roll: on hit the ally makes a basic atk or takes move action as a free action; on miss the ally grants CA until its EoNT


Class Powers


  • Warlord (MP) Bloodthirsty Offensive (lvl 22) – daily minor stance, grant CA you and allies within 10 gain +2 (Bravura = Cha mod) power bonus to atk rolls vs. bloodied creatures; each time you or ally within 10 takes AP, can take basic atk as free action before the extra action


PP Features


  • Freedom Fighter (D 390, 11th, Escaped slave theme or warlord): when you take an AP all allies marked or grabbed within 10 can make basic atks as free actions, on hit the mark or grab ends, if no ally is marked or grabbed 1 ally within 5 can make basic atk as free action




Grant Ally Multiple RBA Crit






Class Powers

  • Warlord (PH): Relentless Assault (lvl 25) – daily melee atk, until EoE whenever you or ally scores a crit, you and each ally can make basic atk as opportunity action


Epic Destiny Features


  • Legendary Sovereign (MP 2, 21st): Once per encounter on crit each ally within 10 can make a basic atk as a free action




Grant Ally Multiple RBA When Crit






Magic Items

  • Tattoo of Shared Vengeance (AV 2, 10 Uncommon, wondrous): when nonminion enemy scores crit on you dealing dmg, each ally with tattoo can make basic atk as free action




Grant Ally RBA Daily







  • Shining Purpose (D 378, 10th, Noble Indoctrination): swap 9th lvl or higher daily for Shining Purpose daily free, ally within 3 can spend healing surge and make basic atk vs. your hit tgt with +2 power bonus to atk roll as free action, dealing 1d10/2d10(@19th)/3d10(@29th) extra radiant dmg


Class Powers


  • Ardent (PsP): Coordinated Effort (lvl 15) – minor, you and each ally within 5 (maximum 5 tgts) can get one of following boons (each can only be gained once): (1) fly Cha mod squares as free action, (2) shift speed as free action, (3) spend healing surge, (4) make basic atk as free action, or (5) charge as free action
  • Warlord (MP): Concentrated Attack (lvl 1) – melee atk, ally within 10 can make basic atk vs. tgt as free action gaining Int mod bonus to atk roll and dmg roll
  • Warlord (MP): Leader’s Instinct’s (lvl 1) – melee atk, ally can make basic atk vs. tgt as free action with +2 power bonus to atk roll
  • Warlord (PH, CC): Stir the Hornet’s Nest (lvl 25) – ranged atk, on hit each ally gains Int mod power bonus to dmg rolls with ranged atks vs. tgt, on miss one ally makes RBA vs. tgt with Int mod power bonus to dmg roll
  • Ardent (PH 3): Fate Exchange (lvl 5) – you and ally within 5 teleport swap positions and then each make basic atk as free action with +2 power bonus to atk roll, for each atk that hits your or one ally can spend a healing surge and make a saving throw; regain power if both atks miss


 Magic Items


  • Weapon of Shared Wrath (PH 3, 2+ Uncommon, melee): daily immediate reaction when enemy that bloodies you, ally within 5 can make basic atk as free action
  • Arms of War (AV 2, Heroic, item set): for each two items of set – weapon of great opportunity, helm of exemplary defense, dual-threat guantlets, pincer shield – gain +1 bonus to OA rolls, with 4 items gain Ally’s Opportunity daily free power: when you make OA ally within 5 can make RBA vs. tgt of OA
  • Tectuktitlay’s Sacrifice (DSCS, 10+ Uncommon, Sorcerer-King’s Boon): when you reduce non-minion to 0 hps or fewer make saving throw as free action, gain daily immediate reaction when ally reduces enemy to 0 hps or fewer that ally shifts 1 square and makes basic atk as free action with no/+2(@20th)/+3(@30th) bonus to atk roll and dmg roll


 PP Powers


  • Caravan Master (DSCS, Dune Trader theme): Fighting Retreat (lvl 20) – melee or ranged atk, you or ally within 5 can shift speed as free action, or you and 1 ally within 2 can shift 2 and make basic atk vs. tgt as free action
  • Combat Veteran (PH, CC; warlord): Superior Tactics (lvl 20) – melee atk, on hit grant ally within 10 AP who hasn’t used an AP in the encounter, on miss 1 ally within 10 can make a basic atk as a free action


Epic Destiny Powers


  • Mythic Spirit (PP, primal class): Fate Averted (lvl 26) – Immediate Interrupt when ally within 20 is reduced to 0 hps or fewer by an atk, you teleport tgt to square adj to you, heal tgt 1 + its bloodied value, and the tgt can make a basic atk as a free action




Grant Ally Ranged Attack Daily






Class Powers

  • Bard (PH): Arrow of Warning (lvl 1) – immediate interrupt ranged atk vs. enemy attacking an ally, attacked ally can make an at-will atk vs. targeting enemy as free action gaining Wis mod bonus to atk roll
  • Runepriest (PH 3): Rune of the Hero's Resolve (lvl 22) – minor, you or ally within 5 gain thps equal to your current hps and can take a standard action as a free action


Grant Ally Multiple RBA Daily






Theme Powers

  • Dune Trader (DSCS): Blunt Force Strike (lvl 5) – melee or ranged atk, then make basic atk vs. same tgt or two allies within 5 can make basic atks vs. different creatures (not the tgt) as a free action
  • Elemental Priest (DSCS): Vengeful Elementals (lvl 5) – conjure four elementals within 10 that last until the EoE that grant adj allies +1 power bonus to atk rolls and +1d6 bonus to melee dmg rolls, can dismiss one elemental as minor action to let one adj ally make basic atk as a free action (with +3(@15th)/+6(@25th) power bonus to dmg roll)


Class Powers


  • Artificer (D 403): Synchronized Weaponry (lvl 25) – minor, when selected ally within 10 hits enemy with wpn atk you can make arcane at-will wpn atk vs. same tgt as immediate reaction; when you hit enemy with wpn atk the selected ally can make basic wpn atk vs. same enemy as immediate reaction; sustain minor
  • Bard (PH 2): Increasing the Tempo (lvl 19) – ally within 10 can make 4 basic atks (no more than 2 vs. same tgt)
  • Cleric (DP): Beacon of Doom (lvl 19) – melee atk, tgt takes -4 to saving throws (save ends), upon failed save ally within 10 can make basic atk vs. tgt as free action, when successfully save vs this effect ally within 5 can make basic atk vs. tgt as free action
  • Runepriest (PH 3): Rune of the Conquering Sign (lvl 25) – melee atk, tgt is affected by the conquering sign (save ends), until the sign ends each ally within 5 of the tgt can make a basic atk as a free action vs. tgt at start of each of it’s turns
  • Warlord (MP 2): Create a Target (lvl 1) – melee atk and push tgt Int mod squares, whenever tgt is pushed, pulled, or slid one ally can make basic atk vs. tgt as opportunity action (save ends)
  • Warlord (MP): Lead by Example (lvl 1) – melee atk, on miss two allies within 5 can shift 1 and make a basic atk as a free action
  • Warlord (D 384): Orchestrated Offensive (lvl 1) – melee atk, two allies within 5 can make charge atk, basic atk, or shift speed as free action, allies must select different tgts than original or each other
  • Warlord (D 384): Shift the Field (lvl 9) – melee atk, two allies within 5 can make a basic atk vs. different tgts than the original or each other
  • Warlord (MP): Stay on Target (lvl 9) – ranged atk, each ally within 2 can make RBA vs. tgt as immediate reaction gaining Int mod bonus to dmg rolls
  • Warlord (MP 2): Archery Duel (lvl 15) – ranged atk, until EoE whenever ranged atk hits ally that ally can make an RBA vs. attacker as immediate reaction
  • Warlord (D 384): Call to Action (lvl 15) – three allies within 10 can make basic atk, charge, or spend healing surge; each ally who atks must choose different tgts and deal +1d10 dmg on a hit
  • Warlord (MP): War Master’s Assault (lvl 15) – you and each ally within 3 can charge or make basic atk as free action gaining Cha mod power bonus to atk and dmg rolls
  • Warlord (PH): Warlord’s Gambit (lvl 15) – melee atk, tgt gains +2 atk and dmg rolls vs. you until EoE, when you are attacked ally within Int mod squares can make basic atk vs. tgt as immediate interrupt
  • Warlord (MP 2): Anticipate the Target (lvl 19) – immediate reaction ranged atk vs. enemy hit by your ally, whenever hit tgt moves during its turn an ally can make basic atk vs. it as opportunity action (save ends)
  • Warlord (MP): Exhorted Counterattack (lvl 19) – immediate reaction vs. enemy that hits ally within 20, ally regains hps as if spent healing surge and makes 2 basic atks vs. attacking enemy as opportunity action, hit enemy is dazed (save ends) (Inspiring Presence – ally regains Cha mod extra hps and gains Cha mod bonus to the dmg rolls)
  • Warlord (MP): Unleash Hell (lvl 19) – ranged atk that crits 18-20, each ally within 5 can make RBA against an enemy as free action gaining Cha mod power bonus to atk and dmg rolls, any ranged atks you and allies make until your EoNT score crits on 18-20
  • Warlord (PH): Victory Surge (lvl 19) – melee atk, on hit until your SoNT each ally within 10 can make basic atk as free action after their standard actions, on miss until your SoNT one ally can make basic atk as free action after its standard action, sustain minor repeat miss effect
  • Warlord (MP): Bloodthirsty Offensive (lvl 22) – minor stance, grant CA you and allies within 10 gain +2 (Bravura = + Cha mod) power bonus to atk rolls vs. bloodied creatures; each time you or ally within 10 takes AP, can take basic atk as free action before the extra action
  • Warlord (MP): Rush of Battle (lvl 22) – minor, until your SoNT each ally within 5 can make basic atks as minor actions (Resourceful Presence – each tgt gains Cha or Int mod bonus to the basic atk rolls)
  • Warlord (PH): Relentless Assault (lvl 25) – melee atk, until EoE whenever you or ally scores a crit, you and each ally can make basic atk as opportunity action
  • Warlord (MP 2): Break it Up (lvl 29) – minor stance, whenever you hit enemy with ranged atk one ally adj to that enemy can shift Int or Wis mod and make basic atk as free action, if no ally is adj to enemy one ally can make RBA against it as free action
  • Warlord (MP): Deific Rallying (lvl 29) – each ally within 20 gains 20 thps and make basic atk as free action (Inspiring Presence – each ally gains Cha mod additional thps and gains Cha mod bonus to basic atks’ dmg rolls)
  • Warlord (MP): Flawless Snare (lvl 29) – melee atk, whenever tgt atks you before your EoNT each ally within 10 can make basic atk as opportunity action triggered by its atk (Bravura Presence – each ally gains Cha mod bonus to basic atk’s atk roll and dmg roll), can use this power in place of MBA when charging
  • Warlord (MP 2): Partners in Battle (lvl 29) – ranged atk, on hit tgt is dazed (save ends); on miss an ally can make basic atk gaining Int or Cha bonus to atk roll, on hit tgt is dazed until your EoNT and during your next turn you can use this power vs. tgt again
  • Warlord (D 384): Victory by Design (lvl 29) – melee atk, 4 allies within 10 can make a basic atk, charge atk, or shift speed as free action, charge or basic atks deal 1d10 extra dmg on hit and can not tgt original tgt or same tgts as allies
  • Rogue (MP): Deathweaving Strike (lvl 29) – melee atk, on hit slide tgt 1+Cha mod and any ally adj to tgt during this movement can make basic atk vs. tgt as opportunity action with CA and dealing Cha mod extra dmg on hit
  • Shaman (PP): Great Watcher Spirit (lvl 1) – 2 allies in area burst 1 within 10 can make basic atk as a free action, until EoE any ally adj to spirit companion does not grant CA
  • Shaman (PH 2): Ancient Warlord’s Inspiration (lvl 9) – ranged atk, conjure spirit adj to tgt until EoE, if an ally starts turn adj to spirit or in its space you can spend immediate reaction to allow ally to make basic atk as free action, can move spirit 5 squares as move action
  • Shaman (DSCS): Fury of Athas (lvl 29) – each ally within 2 from spirit can make basic atk as free action, tgt hit by atk is stunned and takes ongoing 10 dmg (save ends both)
  • Shaman (PP): Heart of Bedlam (lvl 29) – until EoE as free action at beginning of your turns you cause one creature within 2 of spirit companion to make basic atk as free action vs. another tgt of your choice
  • Ardent (PsP): Victorious Vision (lvl 25) – 2 allies within 3 can make basic atk as free action, if atk hits ally takes 5 extra psychic dmg and is dazed (save ends), on miss enemy takes 15 psychic dmg and is slid 1 square


PP Features


  • Champion of the Vigil (D 390): Remain Vigilient (lvl 20) – free action when roll initiative, you and each ally within 5 can make Stealth check as free action only requiring partial cover or partial partial concealment to become hidden, then each tgt makes basic atk vs. enemy from which it’s hidden


PP Powers


  • Umbral Cabalist (D 383, warlock, vestige pact): Vestige of Kulnoghrim (lvl 20) – area atk, gain access to vestige of Kulnoghrim; Pact Boon: one creature within 5 or affected by Warlock’s curse makes basic atk vs. tgt of choice as free action




Grant Ally Multiple Ranged Attack Daily







Class Powers


  • Bard (AP): Climactic Chord (lvl 22) – minor, each ally within 10 can make basic atk or use at-will atk power as free action gaining Cha mod power bonus to atk and dmg rolls







This category focuses on consumables that grant a ranged attack-specific or ranged weapon specific benefit.  Whetstones are highly recommended if available (weapon or weapliment only), since they provide a benefit that lasts all encounter.  Even the lowly augmenting whetstone can provide a small accuracy/damage boost to weapons or implements behind the curve (such as a level 5+).  Other whetstones can provide even more compelling benefits, which don't overlap.  Reagents should also be explored if available and provide bonuses to certain types of encounter/daily powers, but are beyond the scope of this guide.









Magic Items

  • Alchemist’s Acid (AV, 2+ Uncommon, consumable, ammunition): on hit deal acid and ongoing acid dmg; use range of ranged weapon 
  • Alchemist’s Fire (AV, 2+ Uncommon, consumable, ammunition): area burst 1 that deals fire dmg; use range of ranged weapon
  • Alchemist’s Frost (AV, 2+ Uncommon, consumable, ammunition): on hit deal cold dmg and slow until your EoNT; use range of ranged weapon
  • Tension Wheel (EPG, 4+ Common, consumable, crossbow): as minor +2/+2 range and crossbow atk deals +2/4/6 extra dmg
  • Alchemical Silver (AV, 5+ Uncommon, consumable, wpn or ammunition): as standard, treat one wpn or group of ammunition (30 arrows, 10 crossbow bolts, 20 sling bullets, or 5 shuriken) as silvered until EoE










Magic Items

  • Arrow of Fate (Du 172, Epic, Rare, Artifact): can function as rod, staff, or wand, any wpn of spear group, or ammunition for crossbow, longbow, or shortbow of +6 enchantment; can ignore resist (dmg amount varies) from dragons or creatures of elemental/immortal origin, gain daily close blast dmg and possibly gain close burst stun atks










Magic Items

  • Elixer of Giant Strength (MME, 9/19/29 Uncommon, consumable): as minor, gain +2 power bonus to dmg rolls of basic atks with thrown wpns until EoE, ends if you roll natural 1 or 2 to hit










Magic Items

  • Augmenting Whetstone (AV, 6+ Uncommon, consumable): melee/ranged wpn touched as minor gains +2 to 6 (scales every 5 lvls) enhancement bonus atk/dmg rolls until EoE
  • Frozen Whestone (AV, 7+ Uncommon, consumable): melee/ranged wpn touched a minor deals 2/4/6 extra cold dmg until EoE
  • Whetstone of Venom (AV, 9+ Uncommon, consumable): melee/ranged wpn touched as minor deals 5/10/15 ongoing poison on next creature hit
  • Caustic Whetstone (AV, 10+ Uncommon, consumable): melee/ranged wpn touched as minor deals 2/4/6 ongoing acid until EoE
  • Tempest Whetstone (AV, 10+ Uncommon, consumable): melee/ranged wpn touched as minor deals 2/4/6 lightning dmg to enemies within 2 squares of hit tgt (who doesn't take this extra dmg)
  • Whetstone of Combustion (AV, 10+Uncommon, consumable): melee/ranged wpn touched as minor until EoE gives creature hit vulnerable 5/10/15 fire against next fire atk that deals dmg to it


