[quote="Lord_Ventnor"]This is Who I Am
A Guide to Themes
Alright, so you have your character idea in your head. You've got a race, a class, and a killer concept that makes it work. But, you feel that there's something that's missing. Your halfling spy needs smoke bombs for a quick getaway, or your Psion who dropped out of a Wizard Academy needs a spell or two to show that he does, indeed, know a little magic.
That's where the theme comes in. Introduced in the Dark Sun Campaign Guide, and elaborated on in Dragon 399, themes can help define your character in ways that a race and character class can't. Plus, it makes Heroic Tier that more interesting, which is always a plus.
As usual for guides like this, I'm going to be using the following rating system:
Gold stands for amazing/mandatory features. It's head and shoulders above any other choice. This won't show up often.
Sky Blue is awesome. This is the cream of the crop. It's not gold, but its definitely worth consideration.
Blue is good. These are solid picks that you can't go wrong with.
Black is okay. It's not the best option, but you're not handicapping yourself either.
Purple is meh. Situational at best, and a dead weight at worst.
Red is . They're either obsoleted by other choices or just downright terrible. Stay away.[/quote]
What is a Theme?
A Brief Overview
First thing to do with this guide is to define what a Theme is, as it isn't helpful if you don't know what's being discussed.
A Theme is, to go by WotC's definition, the third pillar of developing a character (the first two pillars are race and class). The idea of a theme is that it helps define your character's place in the world, and helps give some mechanics to story choices based off of a PC's background. It can also help differentiate two different characters.
For example, the Vampire class, introduced in Heroes of Shadow, is a class that doesn't have much variation in it. However, a Vampire with the Noble Adept Theme, and a Vampire with the Alchemist Theme, are differentiated from each other. One can use psionic tricks to direct damage away from itself and aid allies, while the other can craft helpful items that can help it deal with foes it might have trouble with, like swarms and insubstantial enemies.
The variation only grows with classes with a large amount of options, like the Weaponmaster Fighter. A Guardian Fighter with the Veiled Alliance Theme can use several close blast attacks to attract enemy attention, while a Great Weapon Fighter with the Wilder Theme can really pile on pain with multiple attacks and an improved critical hit range.
Basically, Themes add dimensions to a character that weren't there before.
Theme Types
There are two types of themes that this guide will be discussing: Dark Sun Themes, and Points of Light Themes. Both accomplish the goal that themes set out to create, but get there using different methods. Both types of themes have a few common elements: both grant a character a scaling Encounter Attack Power right from level 1, and both allow classes to swap their utility powers for Theme-specific utility powers.
Dark Sun Themes were introduced in the Dark Sun Campaign Guide. These themes were created when every class in 4e followed the AEDU-style of class, which means several of the classes introduced in the Essentials line of products can't use everything they have to offer. In addition to the benefits noted above, these themes allow characters to swap out Encounter Attack powers and Daily Attack powers that the theme offers, and they also qualify characters for Theme-specific feats and Paragon Paths. Since not all Essentials Builds use Encounter Attack Powers or Daily Attack Powers, they don't qualify for those.
Points of Light Themes were introduced in Dragon 399. These themes were created after the shift to the Essentials-style paradigm, and as such, all classes can benefit from what they offer. In addition to the goodies noted in the first paragraph, these Themes give characters 2 or 3 extra "class features." These features can range from extra languages, to skill check bonuses, to free minions or equipment.
One major difference between these two theme types is that PoL Themes are going to influence your character fairly heavily, since the extra Theme Features they grant you are always on. DS Themes on the other hand, can play an important role in your character if you swap for several Theme powers, or they could be limited to just the one extra power that you get at level 1.
Another big difference is that Dark Sun Themes are split along power source and role lines, where as the power source and roles of Points of Light Themes are blurred, and not so distinct.
Be sure to be aware of these differences when picking out a theme for your character.[/quote]
Dark Sun: The Elite
Although Athas is a blasted wasteland, not everyone in it suffers endlessly. There are several who have it made, whether through a shrewd business sense, noble blood, or the favor of one of the tyrannical Sorcerer-Kings. This doesn't make life any easier though; at the end of the day, only the strong survive.
Delaying Strike (Lv. 3/13/23): This power takes what was great about Quick Formation, and increases the damage, slows the target, and increases the shifting speed of either you or your allies. Oh, and the shifting is handed out as an effect, so you or your allies are repositioned even if you miss
Sly Gambit (Lv. 7/17/27): The initial damage on this power is weak, but making the target hit another enemy is sweet. You can also either get a bonus to AC, or force the enemy to provoke OA's when it attacks or shifts. Sweet.
Daily Powers
Blunt Force Strike (Lv. 5/15/25): First thing to note is that this power is reliable, which is handy. The damage is so-so, but (save ends) dazing is always nice. You also get a follow up basic attack, or can allow your allies to strike at different enemies. Overall, a fairly solid power, worth keeping around in Heroic Tier.
Hounding Presence (Lv. 9/19/29): If you hit the target, you can keep it from shifting for a while, and as an effect, you either get a pretty good defense bonus or force the enemy to grant combat advantage while your next to it. This power's okay for melee Traders, but Traders who rely on Ranged Weapons will want to look elsewhere.
Utility Powers
Slick Negotiator (Lv. 2): This provides a small bonus to a failed Charisma skill once per encounter. This doesn't really have any combat applications unless your into the whole "Intimidate foes into submission" schtick, in which you might want to look at this.
Deft Avoidance (Lv. 6): When an attack misses you, you force the enemy to grant combat advantage, and give either yourself or your allies a small shift. The nice part about this is that even if the foe is a square away, this still works.
Command Decision (Lv. 10): When you're hit, you can either expend a healing surge to get Temp HP proactively, or you can redirect the hit to an ally who is better able to take it. This power can be useful, but be sure your buddies are cool with you using them as meat shields.
Quick Defense: Whoever shifts as part of Quick Formation gets a small bonus to all defenses. All right.
Devious Opportunist: Quick Formation deals an extra 1[W] damage, but only if you have combat advantage. The power's nice, but damage was never really its point. Skip this.
Shady Dealer: The features of this path are all about social skill challenges, although the Action Point feature does prevent you from causing OAs for a round, which is nice. The powers are great, and are all about manipulating your enemies, including a domination daily power that still allows you to use the enemy's attacks on your turn even after the domination ends.
Beyond Warlords, Defender classes may want to look into this to allow them to get allies disengaged from the front lines, and skirmishing strikers like the Ranger or Monk may enjoy the mobility granted by Dune Trader powers, and the Command Decision power which will allow them to redirect damage onto a defender whose better able to soak damage than they are.
Adept's Insight: Not an attack power, but very useful nonetheless. You can add 1 to any attack roll, saving throw, or skill check you make. This power can also be augmented to add a d4 onto the result. All-in-all, very useful, much like a Deva's Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, except it can also be used on allies.
Unnerving Suggestion (Lv. 3/13/23): Although this is an At-Will power, it must always be used in Conjunction with power points, so it could in effect be considered an encounter power. At any rate, you daze a foe, and give a nearby ally a damage boost vs. said target, so this isn't too bad at all. Although if you have Psionic Augmentation as a class feature, you may end up keeping the level 3 version of this power. It won't deal much damage, but dazing a foe for 2 power points could be quite handy at Epic Tier.
Cruel Decree (Lv. 7/17/27): An area burst this time. It only damages enemies, slows said enemies, and gives allies in the burst a bonus to damage rolls. That said, like Unnerving Suggestion, it always consumes power points when you use this power. This power is definitely best served when you have a multiattacking striker like a Barbarian or a Ranger in the party, so that they can use the +2/+4/+6 bonus to damage rolls to best effect.
Daily Powers
Imperious Torture (Lv. 5/15/25): An interesting power to be sure. Basically, whenever the target's allies feel pain, the target feels pain. Also, bloody the target's ally, and the target falls prone. Handy at lower levels, but maybe not so much later on.
Face of Defeat (Lv. 9/19/29): You (save ends) daze a target, which becomes a stun when an ally hits it. The stun isn't (save ends) though, which kind of hurts this power a little bit. It's still rather nice, since stunning is always handy.
Utility Powers
Slave's Sacrifice (Lv. 2): If you get hit, you can have an ally take your place instead, if the ally is willing. You also give that ally a bonus to defenses, which is nice of you.
Enforced Competence (Lv. 6): If an ally fails a skill check or saving throw, you can give them another shot at it. Of course, if they fail that, they'll take some damage, but that's clearly their fault and not yours.
Psionic Sustenance (Lv. 10): An ally loses a healing surge, and you get some power points back. This power works best in a party that contains a Constitution-heavy character, like a Battlemind or Warden.
Mind Barrier Schooling: Modifying an ally's roll with Adept's Insight also gives that ally a boost the AC and Will, even if the ally's roll fails. Okay
Vanquishing Noble: Modifying an ally's roll with Adept's Insight is more likely to succeed now, since you now add 2 to the roll when the power is not augmented, or 1d6+1 when it is. A shame it doesn't apply to you, but that's how it is.
Psionic Scholar: Wheras the Mind General was a leader-ish path, this path definitely is a controller path. As features, you can daze enemies on an action point hit, gain psychic resistance, and can learn which of your enemies defenses is the lowest (no Paragon Power Points here, sorry). As for powers, you've got an immobilizing debuff for an encounter attack, a daily utility that both can save an ally from an attack and debilitate a defense on an enemy, and a daily power that can restrain, weaken, and inflict ongoing damage on 3 foes in a burst (meaning no chance of hitting allies). Overall, quite nice as a controller path.
Beyond those 3, the Monk will like the 1 power point granted by this Theme, as it allows the Monk to use all the cool Augment Feats that it couldn't use because it lacked Power Points. Leaders who don't really have very many tactical options, like Clerics or Bear Shamans, can certainly appreciate all of the slidey-ness that Mind General offers. And squishy Strikers or Controllers will like Slave's Sacrifice, because getting hit is definitely not fun for them.
Fearsome Command (Lv. 3/13/23): This power deals more damage than Templar's fist, and is also an area burst that slows. You can also help an ally automatically make a saving throw. The ally actually has to hit one of the enemies to make the throw, but it's still a great benefit.
Fettering Glare (Lv. 7/17/27): This power is a close burst, but it only targets enemies and knocks them prone. Plus you can grant an ally the ability to roll twice for his attacks, which is great. This is just an awesome power in general.
Daily Powers
Glare of Oppression (Lv. 5/15/25): An area burst immobilizing (save ends) power, you can give an ally who hits one of the targets regeneration. Unfortunately, the regeneration doesn't scale with the rest of the power, so you may find this less useful at higher levels.
Imperious Gaze (Lv. 9/19/29): Let's see what's amazing about this power. A close burst power that only hits enemies and dazes them (save ends). You can also give an ally a chance to regain an encounter attack power. The power has to be equal to or less than Imperious Gaze's level, so you might want to upgrade this if you get the chance.
Utility Powers
Reward the Obedient (Lv. 2): Giving an ally the ability to spend a healing surge and make a saving throw just because they ended their turn next to an enemy sounds fun, but you give up a Standard Action to do that. Maybe if the situation is really desperate, but only then.
Mantle of Might (Lv. 6): Let's see… encounter long debuff against foes who are next to you, which is nice for some close range arcanists, and you can give an ally an action point, which is all kinds of awesome.
Berate the Weak (Lv. 10): If you find yourself in dire straits, pull this out. Spending a healing surge, ending a dazed or stunned condition, or standing up are all excellent when pulled out at once. You also get to give allies moves, as long as the allies are moving next to an enemy.
Templar's Tugging Fist: You can slide a target hit by Templar's Fist. Not a bad benefit at all.
Benevolent Templar: Allies who get the Templar's Fist bonus to attack rolls also get it as a bonus to damage rolls. Not a bad feat by any means, but not amazing either.
Beyond Warlocks, Bards match up with both power source and role, and they'll make good use of the powers provided. Other leaders can also make use of this, as well as controllers who want to add some ally support to their repertoire.
Dark Sun: The Lower Classes
Life isn't easy when your dirt poor and living in a world where everything has psychic powers and wants to kill you. Fortunately, the unwashed masses of Athas have developed a variety of ways to survive, from schmoozing (and sometimes Assassinating) richer folks, to being the best damn fighter in the arena, to escaping slavery, and even forming resistance movements against their oppressors. Skill sets that can be the jumping off points for some Athasian Adventurers.
Fever Poison (Lv. 3/13/23): This power is very similar to Poisoned Strike, in that it deals 5 extra poison damage on a hit and punishes a foe for moving or attacking. Expect in this case, it dazes an enemy who does said actions. Very nice. It's only the damage that scales, but dazing is a great effect at all levels.
Crystal Spider Poison (Lv. 7/17/27): This power continues the trend of Minstrel Encounter powers that deal extra poison damage, and impeding foes for moving or attacking. Foes hit with this little number become weakened. The damage scales alright into epic, and weakening is a pretty nice condition, although its likely that you'll want to pick up a class power come level 27.
Daily Powers
Draining Poison (Lv. 5/15/25): The [W] damage is low for a daily, even at heroic tier. The ongoing 5 poison damage is nice at heroic, but doesn't scale into epic at all, and the [W] damage doesn't scale either (2[W] at epic tier is rather pathetic on a Daily power, especially for a striker). The slow isn't save ends either. And worst of all, this power doesn't have any miss effects. Overall, it is underwhelming.
Insidious Poison (Lv. 9/19/29): This power really isn't much different than Draining Poison, except there's no slowing effect and the ongoing damage is guaranteed the first turn, providing you hit with the power.
Utility Powers
Concealed Weapon (Lv. 2): You make a weapon you're holding invisible. This gives you combat advantage for an attack, which could be useful for some.
Envenomed Weapon (Lv. 6): You can make a foe vulnerable to poison for a round with this power. Obviously, this will make your minstrel powers all the more deadly.
Framing Assassin (Lv. 10): A daily stance, this allows you to use squares next to you that are occupied by enemies as the origin point for your attacks. This power is helpful for striking foes who like to hide behind their bigger allies, and other such tricks.
Stinging Poison: The target of your Poisoned Strike takes a temporary penalty to saving throws. A Saving Throw penalty on an attack you already want to be using is definitely welcome.
Distracting Poison: Adding a (save ends) combat advantage clause to Poisoned Strike at Paragon Tier is pretty nice, but maybe not a high priority.
Unwelcome Guest: This paragon path continues the "sneaky poisoner" abilities present in the powers. You can immobilize foes you attack on an action point, you get a free alchemist feat and free alchemy recipes, and your poison powers become poison and acid, which far fewer creatures resist. The encounter is pretty similar to Poisoned Strike, which is awesome, its utility will debilitate a foe like no one's business, and its daily is kind of underwhelming, but ongoing 15 poison damage is still nice. Overall, a great pick.
The real winners when it comes to Athasian Minstrels are Rogues and Assassins. Rogues will love all the ways that Minstrel powers will net them combat advantage, and Assassins will be able to take advantage of all the Poison support that their class gives them. If you're using the Minstrel Theme, I'd recommend multiclassing into Assassin just for some of their delicious poison feats.
Hidden Strike: When you strike an enemy, you can make a bluff check to become effectively invisible to a foe. While this is good enough on its own, creative ex-slaves might try to convince the DM that they've made it look like a different enemy hit the target.
Repel the Siege (Lv. 3/13/23): Whenever 2 foes flank you, you can lash out at them as an immediate reaction, push them, and even if you miss, you still won't grant combat advantage. The damage isn't too bad either, considering that you're attacking multiple foes at once. If you play against a highly tactical DM, this might prove useful. Otherwise, forget it.
Astonishing Wound (Lv. 7/17/27): Before you make the attack, you can make a Bluff check to get combat advantage as a part of the power. Enemies who grant Combat Advantage for the attack get immobilized, in addition to fairly solid damage the scales well. This is definitely one to consider, especially against mobile skirmisher enemies or long-ranged artillery enemies. This is also the only Escaped Slave attack that can be used with a ranged weapon.
Daily Powers
Turn the Tables (Lv. 5/15/25): An interesting retaliatory power that allows you to stand up from prone if you were prone. You also knock the enemy prone as an effect, and if you hit, you gain a bonus to defenses against the opponent's attack that, when stacking with penalties the foe will take from attacking while prone, will probably make the attack miss. A cool mental image to be sure, and solid on its own merits.
Who is Master Now (Lv. 9/19/29): In addition to having an awesome name, this power lets you dominate an enemy. Sure, you have to have the foe grabbed, but it's still domination at level 9. You can also end the grab and dominate to make your victim the target of an attack against you. The damage doesn't scale at all, but for those who enjoy making enemies do what they want them to, this is a solid pickup.
Utility Powers
No Bonds Can Hold (Lv. 2): Basically, if someone tries to impede your mobility, you make an immediate escape attempt. Kind of situational, but could be handy.
Wary Defense (Lv. 6): A stance that gives you +1 to AC and a free shift every time an enemy moves adjacent to you.
Opportune Distraction (Lv. 10): You make a bluff check. If it succeeds, you're immune to Opportunity Attacks for 2 rounds. An excellent pickup for skirmishing PCs everywhere.
Slave Sympathy: Again, a good feat bonus to skills, but only when applied to slaves. Also, Sense Motive isn't a skill anymore. We call it "Insight" now.
Slave to None: You get a bonus to saving throws versus slowed, immobilized, and dominated. The bonus vs. dominated is what you're really after, if your DM likes to throw those kinds of monsters against you.
Other than Rogues, most any class that has Charisma as a primary or secondary can do well with this theme. If a frail striker or controller doesn't want to invest heavily in a theme, choosing this theme nets them a solid misdirection power that will keep them alive when enemies close in on them.
Savage Sweep (Lv. 3/13/23): A close burst attack that, while not possessing the greatest damage, includes an attack debuff on it. Not bad at all.
Murderous Rampage (Lv. 7/17/27): You damage a foe, and that enemy is suddenly a short-term danger zone for its allies. This power really shines in parties that include a lot of forced movement.
Daily Powers
Infuriating Challenge (Lv. 5/15/25): A pretty high-damage daily power that also forces a foe to grant you combat advantage no matter what. And if you miss with it, you still get a chance to swing again, as it's reliable. Not bad.
Bloody Blades (Lv. 9/19/29): A definite defender daily through and through. You begin with free movement and a close burst attack, but the real meat of the power is in the stance it gives you. Free damage equal to your attack ability is nice, but the ability to stop foes next to you from shifting is enough to make any defender drool. Just about every character who styles themselves a defender can make use of this, although if you go for the excellent Gladiator Champion Paragon Path, you'll want to swap this power out come level 16.
Utility Powers
Go with the Flow (Lv. 2): You react to a foe's movement as an immediate reaction, and get combat advantage. Not bad.
Bloodborn Menace (Lv. 6): Every enemy around you grants you combat advantage when you bloody or drop a foe. Neat.
Perceive Weakness (Lv. 10): When a foe misses you, your next attack against that enemy will hurt more and is more likely to connect. And you don't waste this power if the attack misses.
Disrupting Shove: You knock the target of your Disrupting Advance prone. Yes please.
Thrill of the Kill: Sure, dropping a foe to get a saving throw is nice, but giving up your second wind to do it? Really depends on if your leader can't hand you saving throw bonuses.
Keep Them Close: Every foe marked by you is automatically slowed. This is just about mandatory if you can regularly mark foes.
Jazst Dancer: Compared to Gladiator Champion, this isn't quite as good, although a bit more strikery. It also focuses on using Light Blades, so be sure to have your Rapier or Dragon Paw handy. With Dancer's Grace, you can ignore difficult terrain if you charge, run, or move as part of an attack power, which is handy. It's action point feature allows you to inflict ongoing damage when you make an attack with a light blade, and Painful Wounds makes it difficult for foes to save against Ongoing Damage, which certainly synergizes with the Action Point feature. The powers are all excellent, with Principle of the Razor allowing you to daze a foe, Arena Dancing giving you solid defense and mobility boosts, and Dance of the Whirling Razors allowing you to daze multiple foes while giving them ongoing damage. While not quite Arena Champion, this path is still very good in its own right.
Beyond Fighters, all the other Defenders will really enjoy this Theme, if only for the "Keep Them Close" feat. Keeping all your marks slowed is just a good policy to have as a Defender. Barbarians are also good Gladiators, especially if they want to really expand Defender as their secondary role; Gladiator Champion will certainly help in that regard. Finally, Rogues and Rangers can make good use of the Jaszt Dancer Paragon Path, especially since they have feats that make all of their daily powers inflict ongoing damage, which works very well with the Jaszt Dancer.
Dazzling Flash (Lv. 3/13/23): A very nice power indeed. You get a free shift as part of it, and the close blast attack it uses only hits enemies. Enemies who are hit by the power take a severe penalty to Opportunity Attacks and Immediate Action attacks. This penalty becomes an outright inability to use out-of-turn attacks if you enhance the power with a minor action. About the only thing bad about it is that it targets fortitude, which is usually a high defense for monsters (but this isn't always the case). Only the damage scales as the power is brought to higher levels, so you may well want to leave it at lower levels come level 13. After all, triggered action denial is what this power is all about.
Sandman's Veil (Lv. 7/17/27): Not too bad. The close blast of this power is smaller than that of Dazzling Flash, as is the free shift the power provides. The blast does only hit enemies though, and being hit means the enemy can only see your allies that are within 2 squares of it. Spending a minor action to enhance the power makes the free shift a teleport, which could prove useful if you have any teleport-enhancing items or feats, or you're surrounded by difficult terrain. Like Dazzling Flash, only the damage scales, which isn't this power's main point, so feel free to leave this at a lower level.
Daily Powers
Psychic Veil (Lv. 5/15/25): A vs. Will close burst power is always nice, and hitting enemies with this deafens them and gives them a small penalty to OAs and immediate action attacks. While this penalty isn't as great as Dazzling Flash, it is (save ends), and you can even give the foe psuedo-ongoing damage by enhancing this attack with a minor action. Unfortunately, only the damage with the attack scales, so I don't see this being a good pick at higher levels.
Sequestering Veil (Lv. 9/19/29): Unlike the other Veiled Alliance attacks, this power isn't party-friendly. It's an area burst this time, which restrains foes and prevents them from teleporting (save ends), which can be really handy, and in addition makes all your allies who aren't next to the targets have concealment from them. This power targets Fortitude, but in this case, you'll be using it on skirmishers, so that's actually a benefit in this case. In addition, enhancing this power with a minor action means foes take a penalty to their saving throws against the effect, which is just what you want. Only the damage scales in paragon tier, but at level 29, it becomes an area burst 2. Whether this power is worth a level 29 daily slot is definitely something to consider, however.
Utility Powers
Veiled Arcana (Lv. 2): You or an ally get combat advantage when using an Arcane attack, for the cost of a minor action. Solid.
Veiled Escape (Lv. 6): A nice pickup, which boosts either you or an ally's shift and gives the target concealment. Useful if you have a Cunning Rogue in the party, or for a ranged character who's too close to an enemy for comfort.
Sensory Absorption (Lv. 10): This power doesn't really have combat application. Still, seeing an hearing as if you were in another creature's space may have its uses, especially in an espionage or stealth campaign.
Expanded Excision: Any enemies next to Excise from Sight's target also lose sight of whoever becomes invisible. Depends on how often enemies cluster up.
Dependable Excision: Even if Excise from Sight misses, you still become invisible anyway. Having a dependable invisibility power can be useful.
Beyond Wizards, any class with free minor actions can use this well. Sorcerers, in particular, can make good use of the ally-friendly close blasts to help deal good damage and help their friends out at the same time. Other controllers can also make good use of the powers; druids are used to being near the front line, so they may like to pick them up. Fighters also can work, surprisingly enough; ally-friendly mass-marking and enemy debuffs sure sound good to me.
Dark Sun: The Wilds
The City States of Athas are not the be-all end-all of civilization. Even out in the desert wastes, there is still life. People outside the walls of the City States have to rely on unusual talents to survive, whether it is harnessing the power of the elemental spirits of Athas's untamed wildlands, or utilizing a freak psionic mutation that imbues one with uncontrollable psychic power. Whatever method one uses to survive, it is hopefully enough to beat back all of the savage predators, raiders, and monstrosities that compete for the scarce and disappearing resources of a dying world.
Bloodthirsty Elemental (Lv. 3/13/23): Unlike Spirit of Athas, this power is a pure debuff, the spirit this power conjures forcing enemies to grant combat advantage. It sticks around until the end of your next turn, when you can dismiss it to make a close burst attack that removes an enemy's ability to shift. This power works rather well in helping defenders lock down enemies.
Elemental Justice (Lv. 7/17/27): Unfortunately, not that good. An attack bonus is handy, but you could be using that standard action to hand out an attack bonus while damaging an enemy. Which is unfortunate, because this is a very nice power otherwise.
Daily Powers
Vengeful Elementals (Lv. 5/15/25): You conjure four spirits on the battlefield who enhance your allies' melee attacks. You can make one disappear as a minor action to allow the ally to make a basic attack, the basic attack getting a damage bonus if you sub this power in at higher levels. The bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls doesn't scale, but allowing your allies to attack four times per encounter as a minor action is pretty nifty.
Primordial Retribution (Lv. 9/19/29): Like Vengeful Elementals, you conjure four four spirits. These spirits don't enhance ally attacks, but instead are expended to restrain foes and hit them with ongoing damage. Restraining a foe is definite option denial, so if there's one foe you don't want to move, hit them with this. At higher levels, the foe takes some damage on top of ongoing 5 and restrained, but restraining up to 4 enemies a pop 4 times in an encounter is the real draw of this power. The fact that the 4 spirits can block enemy movement just by floating in the movement path is also a plus.
Utility Powers
Scion of Stone (Lv. 2): A daily conjuration that slightly boosts the defenses of allies next to it. You can expend the spirit to give the ally temporary HP that scales rather well.
Retrieving Elemental (Lv. 6): A fairly mobile conjuration that that pushes any creature next to it, friend or foe. Expending this spirit gives an ally a substantial shift.
Elemental Boon (Lv. 10): This spirit is all about healing the party, boosting the value of a healing surge by your primary modifier. And if any ally is dying, you can expend it to put them back on their feet. Unfortunately, since this requires a Standard Action to conjure, it's not really as good as it first appears. If you really need the extra healing that bad, try multiclassing to pick something instead that doesn't eat up a standard action.
Elemental of Guardianship: When Spirit of Athas disappears, the bonus to defenses its grants last a turn longer, and double. This is a solid enhancement to that power.
Warding Elemental: Spirit of Athas now gives allies near it resist 5 all. This is very, very helpful.
Smoking Crown Initiate: This path is kind of odd. The features aren't amazing, with minor fire resistance (which stacks with any other resist fire you have, which is nice) that can be shared with allies at level 16. The action point feature makes you mark enemies for an ally (like Vicious Mockery), and also makes terrain next to you difficult terrain for the rest of the encounter. The encounter power is a blast that hits all creatures and makes them marked by an ally, which means you can have an ally marking himself oddly enough. Its utility power creates terrain that damages and hinders your foes. And the daily is actually pretty awesome, which basically duplicates the Warden's Form of Winter's herald on an ally, except it includes autodamage on any foe who tries to escape. Overall, kind of meh, but the daily is fantastic.
Just about any leader who wants to focus on healing can make use of the Rainbringer, although the Cleric is a special case, since it possesses two At-Will healing powers that will generate extra temporary hit points on allies like no tomorrow. As the powers also have a controllerish bent to them, Druids, Invokers, and Wizards can also make use of them.
Armor of the Land (Lv. 3/13/23): Now this is a good one. First off, you get resist 5 all for 2 turns, which is just fantastic. You also get an interrupt power that allows you to knock an enemy prone if it moves near you, and the damage isn't that bad either. This is an excellent defender power, through and through. Just be aware that this is a polymorph power though.
Armor of the Living Dunes (Lv. 7/17/27): As an effect, you become immune to forced movement, so if you face a lot of enemies that slide you, that's good. The real meat of the power is the close blast attack that pushes and blinds all the creatures caught in it. The damage isn't the greatest, but its adequate considering how nice of a condition blind is when applied to enemies. This is another polymorph power, so be aware of that.
Daily Powers
Storm of Debris (Lv. 5/15/25): Another wonderful defender power. You get the ability to mark and automatically damage all foes who start their turns near you (and the autodamage scales). It also gets you a close burst power that slows foes, but that's kind of incidental to the mark and autodamage part. This is a polymorph power though, so be aware of that.
Of Wood and Stone (Lv. 9/19/29): Another polymorph power, this is basically all about buffing the allies right next to you, granting them resist 5 all and making them immune to forced movement. The attack this form grants you also allows you to weaken a foe. It's solid in melee-heavy parties, but kind of useless otherwise.
Utility Powers
Sandstep (Lv. 2): You get a 3-square shift and concealment, which is also given to allies next to you. A nice mobility power.
Lifting Winds (Lv. 6): You allow yourself or an ally to fly a distance based on your primary ability modifier, and grant whoever just flew the power to push foes around willy-nilly. Not bad.
Balm of the Guardian (Lv. 10): A more leaderish defender power, you spend a healing surge, give nearby allies some solid temporary HP, and give enemies vulnerability to Thunder damage. A solid package, although limited since it's a daily.
Mark of Elements: Your Mark of Thunder could also deal fire, cold, or lightning damage if you want to. Handy for getting by resistances, and helpful for taking advantage of vulnerabilities, like the one created by Wintertouched, for example.
Persisting Thunder: Mark of Thunder becomes a (save ends) effect instead of being until the end of your next turn. Not a bad way to keep an enemy's eye on you for a few rounds.
Demanding Spirits: If an enemy marked by you ignores your mark, you can pull that foe closer to you as an immediate reaction. This feat is more for those secondary defenders who want to give their theme-granted marks some consequences for being ignored, although this could also be used by some actual defenders who can only punish their marks at melee range.
Voice for the Ravaged: Unlike everything else about the Primal Guardian, this path doesn't use Weapon Powers (although it doesn't use Implements either), and can be taken by a non-Primal Guardian Shaman. The features are okay, mainly about helping out allies. If you have a Tiefling Pyromancer or Frostcheese Ranger, they'll probably appreciate Spirit Ride. Wrathful action damages all foes next to you, and Bountiful Returns hands out Temporary HP and shifts to all allies near you when you use a Primal Daily Attack. The powers are a little more subtle, with an Encounter that deals light damage but makes the target hit someone else, a utility that gives surgeless healing and a defense bonus to allies near you, and a close burst that stuns foes, and dominates those who fail against stun, with dazing as an aftereffect. It's kind of odd, but it's not really that bad.
Other good Primal Guardians are Fighters and Battleminds, who make good use of Generic Marks. Barbarians have the toughness to survive being a defender every now and then, and the features provided by this theme can provide the marks that will help them succeed at that secondary role. Other Constitution-based Leaders and Strikers who want to help take the heat off the party can also help, although they should be careful about getting in over their heads.
Stalking the Prey (Lv. 3/13/23): If no ally is next to you or your target, you get combat advantage for this attack, which helps if you find yourself separated from allies for a turn. Hitting with this attack nets you combat advantage for your next turn too, which isn't a bad thing. The [W] is fairly solid.
Flensing Wind Strike (Lv. 7/17/27): The [W] for this damage is absolutely pitiful for a striker power. The extra damage if a foe doesn't move could be helpful, possibly getting you an OA, but this is really more a controller power than a striker power.
Daily Powers
Nomad's Pursuit (Lv. 5/15/25): A fairly nice "hunting" power that gives you scaling mobility, provided you use it to close on on the target of this power, and aren't next to any allies. The damage is okay, but not amazing, for a Striker power.
Monstrous Savagery (Lv. 9/19/29): This power is similar to the Battlemind's Brutal Barrage, except it provides a (save ends) attack penalty instead of knocking an enemy prone. The power's damage scales kind of oddly, first providing you with an attack bonus at level 19, then upping the damage at level 29. In the end, probably not worth it, unless you have a serious vulnerability-abusing party on your hands.
Utility Powers
Lone Resolve (Lv. 2): You start your turn alone, you get a saving throw that is highly likely to succeed. Kind of like a Warden's Font of Life, only once per day. Sure, the power recharges if the save fails, but you don't want the save to fail in the first place.
Dune Dancer (Lv. 6): If an enemy hits you with an attack while no allies are next to you, you basically reposition yourself next to that enemy and get combat advantage. The fact that this free repositioning scales with your primary ability modifier means that this power becomes really good at higher levels.
Lone Nomad (Lv. 10): A stance that gives you resist all 7? I'm down with it. Just be sure not to end your turns next to an ally, or the stance ends.
Dune's Advantage: If you hit a foe granting you combat advantage with Wasteland Fury (something you want anyway to get the power's bonus damage), you daze the enemy you hit. Dazing is a really good condition, making this a solid pickup.
Endurance in Solitude: A bonus to healing with Second Wind is nice, but not a real big priority for most characters.
Sand Reaver: A more strikery path, this path is all about ending bloodied foes. Its action point feature gives you a bonus to attack bloodied enemies, you get a boost to your healing surges, and at level 16, your attacks vs. bloodied creatures impose attack penalties on said creatures. The attacks include a close burst that forces a foe to eat an OA if it stays near you, a stance that gives you a damage bonus whenever you drop a foe, and an attack that makes a foe not shift, and may allow you to spend a healing surge. Overall, not bad, although there are better striker paths.
Avengers also make good Nomads, since their class features encourage them to fight one-on-one with enemies. The combat advantage aspects of the path appeal to Rogues, and Defenders who define the front line, like Fighters and Wardens. Finally, Seekers can make good Ranged Nomads, hitting foes from afar with bows or gythkas.
Wildfire Bolt (Lv. 3/13/23): The damage isn't that good for a power that hits only one target, but if you manage to critically hit with this power, you can inflict ongoing damage on that enemy and on surrounding enemies. Critical hits are hard to predict, though, even if you use this power right after psychic surge.
Mind Clash (Lv. 7/17/27): The damage is a little better than Wildfire Bolt, and critting with this power nets you some extra damage and a daze. Without critting, though, this power is subpar.
Daily Powers
Psionic Shelter (Lv. 5/15/25): Just not a good power in general. An immediate reaction attack vs. a foe that attacks you, you get a defense bonus as an effect. Problem is, the defense bonus won't help against the triggering attack, and it doesn't even last long unless you get lucky with some critical hits, which means the defense bonus might end up being entirely useless. There are definitely better dailies out there.
Chaotic Thoughts (Lv. 9/19/29): Definitely a nice striker power. The initial damage is kind of low, but the ongoing damage scales well, and if your foe fails its save, it takes damage equal to the failed save, which is an interesting twist. Hitting the foe with a crit dazes that foe as well, which is definitely helpful.
Utility Powers
Wilder's Armor (Lv. 2): You get a temporary bonus to defenses for a minor action, and you get some temporary HP if you crit while that defense bonus is up. Could be useful.
Wild Repulsion (Lv. 6): A stance that gives you resist 5 to all damage, and this resistance increases if you score more critical hits. Just resist 5 by itself would have been good.
Psychic Feedback (Lv. 10): A stance that makes foes take damage whenever they hurt you. Scoring a crit allows you to end the stance to hurt the foe more. The damage provided by this power doesn't scale, though, so while it may serve well in late heroic and early paragon tier, you might end up replacing it later on.
Wilder Rejuvination: You get Temp HP for scoring a crit that goes to you and your allies. Again, crits before epic are hard to predict.
Enhanced Psychic Surge: The crit range from Psychic Surge is expanded. As expanded crit range is Psychic Surge's reason for existing, this is definitely something you want.
Wielder of the Way: An odd weapon-wielding path that can also be used by non-Wilder Battleminds. Its features include expending a power point during a rest to give temporary bonus damage to a weapon you wield, paragon power points, an action point feature that gives you a Power Point back if you attack with the AP, and at level 16, a bonus to saving throws if you hit with an augmented weapon attack. Its encounter attack is low damage, but when augmented makes the enemy provoke OAs whenever it attacks. Its encounter power makes a weapon you wield daze the next foe it hits. Its daily power dominates a foe you hit. This path only really works for Battlemind and Ardents, and there are likely better paths out there, but its not terrible either.
Beyond Psionic Classes, classes that make multiple attack rolls can make good use of Psychic Surge. Rangers, Barbarians, and Avengers all possess the multi-attacks that can really benefit from the expanded crit Range, Rangers especially due to possessing several minor action attacks. Tempest Fighters also possess enough multi-attacking encounter powers that they might see Psychic Surge as a worthy investment.
Points of Light: Heroes of Nature and Lore
In the days since the fall of Nerath, a lot of knowledge about how the world works has disappeared. Fortunately though, it's not all gone, and there are groups of people dedicated to keeping it around. Whether it is a Guild of Alchemists, a lone wanderer teaching others the secret to befriending beasts, an Order of Magicians, or a lone Wizard and her dutiful apprentice, there are those who ensure that the world's secrets are not forgotten.
One thing to note is that many alchemical items are currently uncommon, which means they can't be created without a DM's permission. So be sure to clear that with your DM first.
Free Alchemical Item: At the end of a short rest, you can create one Alchemical item for free. This effectively makes said item your theme encounter power, which means that you have an incredibly versatile power on your hands. Know you're going to be facing a skirmishing wolf pack? Make a tanglefoot bag! Wraiths in your future? A dollop of Ghoststrike Oil is just what you need? Mobs of minions? A blast of Alchemist's Fire should do the trick! Just remember that you can only have 1 free item at a time, so you can't stock up on free stuff. There has to be a limit somewhere.
Level 10: In addition to another free recipe, you get an untyped bonus to your Alchemical Item attack rolls, which is good if you favor them.
Alchemist's Escape (Lv. 6): You throw a smoke bomb and use it to escape foes' notice. Useful if you find yourself getting mobbed, or want to reposition yourself for a flank and not get hit by an opportunity attack.
Goblin Oil (Lv. 10): An interesting power, to be sure. You create a zone that forces acrobatics checks. Creatures that fail it fall prone, and gain a vulnerability to fire damage, which is nice if you or an ally are into burning things.. It's not ally friendly though, so be careful about using it.
Two other things to note: Warforged have several exclusive items with really jive with Alchemical items, making them probably the best users of this theme. The Alchemist Savant Paragon Path is also a good pickup if you want to continue focusing on Alchemical items as a major part of your character, although you'll need a good Intelligence modifier if you want to make the best use of it.
Cat – A helpful companion if you favor sneaking around, cats remove penalties for quickly moving while hidden.
Dog – Dogs can help you track dudes, giving you a sizable perception bonus to do so.
Hawk – Hawks help you spot creatures from the air, giving you a big perception bonus when looking for them.
Monkey – Tricky little monkies can pick pockets for you
Raven – Ravens can perform sleight of hand, and are also the quickest animal minion you can have.
Distracting Attack: If you're within 5 squares of your animal minion and an enemy, you can get combat advantage on that turn. Not a bad way to spend a minor action, and you can keep your pet relatively safe too.
Level 10: You gain a variety of skill bonuses when you interact with natural beasts. Could prove useful to, say, persuade a wild horse to be your mount, or something like that.
Guard My Back (Lv. 6): If an enemy flanks you, and you have your animal minion next to you, you get a defense bonus and don't grant combat advantage. Not bad, but it relies on your animal minion being in the thick of things, and they really can't take a hit.
Shared Sight (Lv. 10): This power is not meant to be used in the middle of combat; it's a scouting power, through and through. That said, sending a hawk or raven to scout out what lies ahead means your party has valuable intel for coming battles, which is definitely helpful.
Beyond those two, and class that has stealth, thievery, or perception can benefit from a minion's bonus, and getting combat advantage is never a bad thing (especially if you multiclass rogue to get a once-per-encounter sneak attack).
Level 10: Your arcana bonus from level 5 doubles, and you get a free +2 bonus to Will. Yeah, this is real nice.
Far Reaching (Lv. 6): This power is of limited use, unless you fight in very big battlefields or you use a lot of short-ranged arcane powers.
Mnemonic Enhancer (Lv. 10): This power is nice for those longer encounters, since it recovers an arcane encounter attack that you used. Only the lowest-leveled one, though, so be sure it's a good one.
Finally, Weaponmaster Fighters can like Argent Rain. Hey, ranged multi-marking is a nice pickup!
Level 10: You get an arcana bonus, and an additional language. A decent, if not mindblowing, addition to your abilities.
Winged Sted (Lv. 6): Flying is a nice movement mode. Ignoring difficult terrain and getting up on high places without needing to climb is nice.
Minor Polymorph (Lv. 10): This isn't a combat power, but a scouting one. What's kind of odd is its open-endedness; you can turn into just about any tiny natural beast. Still, something you can use when being attacked might be more usful overall.
[quote="Lord_Ventnor"]Points of Light: Heroes of Tome and Temple
Some characters get their start through organizations like a church or a library. Said organizations will likely charge their members to find lore or artifacts that pertain to their goals. And sometimes, a PC can just see the future.
Smiting Symbol: A weapon attack that buffs one allies defenses, and grants them scaling temporary hit points. The ally buff and Temp HPs happen as an effect, so missing isn't a biggie here.
Shining Symbol: This is an implement attack that hits multiple foes and debuffs their attack rolls. While these are obviously good, it doesn't have the reliability of Smiting Symbol.
Level 10: A permanent bonus to saving throws. A very nice benefit.
Word of Protection (Lv. 6): A huge bonus to defenses for your whole party, but none of you can attack or the effect ends. A good power if you want your party to retreat, but practically useless in a offensively-tailored party.
Sanctifying Word (Lv. 10): This is overall similar to Word of Protection, only your party can attack. Also minor undead punishment. Overall, kind of meh.
Use Vulnerability: If you succeed on a hard knowledge check on an enemy, you get fairly substantial against that enemy based off of your Intelligence modifier. Failing the check nerfs your attack, so you obviously want a high knowledge skill if you use this power.
Level 10: You know every language now, which can be helpful. You can also use Arcana decipher magic scripts, although I'm not sure if anything prevented you from doing that before.
Inimical Lore (Lv. 6): You and your allies can deal elemental damage for a round in each combat. Helpful if you encounter a lot of enemies with weaknesses, or could be used to make the whole party exploit radiant or cold damage if one of your party members is into that.
Defensive Lore (Lv. 10): This power is actually pretty cool. You choose one creature origin, and severely debuff foes in a zone you create with this power that can be sustained. Said debuff includes an attack penalty, a defense penalty, and halving damage. If you have a party that can slide or immobilize foes, this could potentially help neuter a difficult fight. Just be careful to not hurt allies with this power; it doesn't discriminate between a fire elemental and a genasi buddy.
Level 10: You roll twice on perception checks. As perception is widely regarded as one of the game's most crucial skills, getting a free reroll every time is a pretty awesome feature.
Moment of Peril (Lv. 6): A classic seer trope: seeing an enemy's attack before they've made it, and stepping aside as they strike. That's basically what this power does for you, and as it includes a shift, that makes it extra awesome.
Eye of Seeing (Lv. 10): For one encounter per day, you can boost your perception and insight checks, and can see invisible creatures. Could be helpful, but kind of situational overall.