[quote="ls612"]Who am I Really?: The Theme Handbook
So, brave soul. I hear you want to adventure. That is an honorable profession, and a profitable one as well. I can see what race you are, and your training is obvious from your demeanor. But I still don't know the most important thing about you. Who are you, really? Not what you were trained to do, but what you are, what you have been before you even started adventuring. Answer me that, and your path to success will be opened.
Themes, originally debuted in the DSCS, and given a rules update in Dragon #399 and beyond, are the 'third pillar' of character design, alongside class and race. This guide will not only rate the themes on their virtues, but also tell you what class/race/build they work best in, as a theme that is good for a paladin might suck on a wizard etc.
Ratings system:
Red: A trap, obsoleted by something else, or just plain crap.
Purple: Situational at best. Substandard in most cases.
Black: Not bad. You could do worse.
Blue: Consider it, at least.
Sky Blue: One of your best options, period.
Gold: Mandatory. Not just the best. Mandatory. A very rare rating.
This Handbook covers the following sources:
PHB – Player's Handbook
PHB2 – Player's Handbook 2
PHB3 – Player's Handbook 3
D XXX – Dragon Magazine, issue XXX
DA XX – Dragon Annual, year XX
NWCS – Neverwinter Campaign Settings
HOTF – Heroes of the Feywild
BoVD – Book of Vile Darkness
AoE – Area of effect, often denotes a burst or blast attack.
AP – Action Point
BBEG – Big Bad Evil Guy (typically a Solo or an Elite)
DPR – Damage per round
eClass – Essentials Class, coming in or after Heroes of the Fallen Realms.
ED – Epic destiny
MAD – Multiple-attribute dependency. Otherwise known as stretching your ability scores too thin. Typically a designator for a build needing three or more ability scores to function.
MBA – Melee basic attack
NAD – Non-AC Defense (Fortitude, Reflex or Will).
OA – Opportunity attack
oClasses – Classes published from launch to HotFL, use the standard AEDU system.
PP – Paragon path
THP – Temporary hit points.
NOTE: Since the Dark Sun Themes are rather different and specific, I will refer you to Lord Ventnor's Theme handbook for those.
Props to:
Lord_Ventnor, first and foremost for his excellent work on this subject.
LDB, for the standard handbook formatting
All who post
Heroes of Nature And
The Alchemist is special among the themes in that instead of an encounter power, he gets a free alchemical item after every encounter. This allows unprecedented versatility and utility.
Lvl 1 Feature: This Feature is what makes the theme tick. Free alchemical item, any item, of your choice every encounter, as well as Alchemist feat, is not to be underestimated.
Lvl 5 Feature: Another recipe for free. Not stellar, but not crap either.
Lvl 10 Feature: A +2 to hit w/ any alchemical item is awesome for this guy.
Lvl 2 Utility: nice for getting through those pesky locked doors.
Lvl 6 Utility: Get out of danger as an encounter? Sign me up.
Lvl 10 Utility: THe only thing that keeps this at black is that it is party-unfriendly.
Animal Master
Lvl 1 Feature: Not rated, because it basically gives you a pet and a power, mostly story. CA is nice though.
Animals: -Cat
Lvl 5 Feature: Makes it less of a pain to get your animal minion back.
Lvl 10 Feature: Last I checked you still can't 'diplomasize the horses'
Lvl 2 Utility: Merge a move and a minor into a Standard? No thanks.
Level 6 Utility: Negate Flanking and +2 to defenses as an encounter is great.
Level 10 Utility: The only way this is useful is for noncombat scouting.
Order Adept
Lvl 1 Feature: This is pretty good as an encounter power. It Autoscales with level as well.
Lvl 5 Feature: Pretty darn good for an intermediate theme feature.
Lvl 10 Feature: NAD bonuses are always good.
Lvl 2 Utility: Blech. Avoid.
Lvl 6 Utility: Very situational. Wouldn't take.
Lvl 10 Utility: This is pretty decent for Arcane characters, Better for multiclass arcane characters with Power-Swap.
Wizard's Apprentice
Lvl 1 Feature: Daze is good at this level.
Lvl 5 Feature: Me likes free magic items.
Lvl 10 Feature: +2 to Arcana and addon language is subpar
Lvl 2 Utility: Invisibility is only until EoT, not EonT.
Lvl 6 Utility: Flying is awesome at this level.
Lvl 10 Utility: Strictly Noncombat power.
of Tome and Temple
Ordained Priest
Lvl 1 Feature: Your choice of two very good abilities to start. Shining symbol is Implement and AoE, but giving enemies -2 to attack isn't as good as Smiting Symbol's Defense bonus and THP. Either one is still great though.
Lvl 5 Feature: Well, at least you get the skill bonuses for free.
Lvl 10 Feature: Bonus for saving throws for adjacent allies. Good For melee characters.
Lvl 2 Utility: This is a pretty good leadery power for this level, with surgeless healing and free saving throws.
Lvl 6 Utility: Uhh, No.
Lvl 10 Utility: Well, I suppose you could do worse for this level.
Lvl 1 Feature: This can be a liability more than a boon. However, you can use it AFTER determining the result of the skill roll, so it may still have virtue
Lvl 5 Feature: Free skill training is pretty good at times.
Lvl 10 Feature: Don't underestimate the power of being able to read and write in any language.
Lvl 2 Utility: This can bail out your donkey in some skill challenges.
Lvl 6 Utility: 1/Ecnounter damage type change? Nah, I'll take something else
Lvl 10 Utility: I can see some uses for this power.
Lvl 1 Feature: Mechanically OK but has the potential for many hilarious RP moments.
Lvl 5 Feature: Meh, Skill bonuses…
Lvl 10 Feature: Roll twice on one of the most important skills in the game? I'll take it!
Lvl 2 Utility: No. Not for Combat, not for Anything.
Lvl 6 Utility: Weaker Shield plus shift? Could do worse.
Lvl 10 Utility: Seeing Invisible is to situational for me.
of Virtue
Lvl 1 Feature: Immobilizing on a charge 1/enc is a great way to stay sticky and hand out CA.
Lvl 5 Feature: skill bonuses are subpar at this level
Lvl 10 Feature: +1 to saves certainly holds it's own at this level.
Lvl 2 Utility: Only useful for Cavaliers.
Lvl 6 Utility: Surgeless healing is always good
Lvl 10 Utility: This essentially doubles your Defender aura radius, pretty nice.
Guardian Good for Defenders and Strikers. One of the best themes in the game.
Lvl 1 Feature: Single target protection done right, need I say more?
Lvl 5 Feature: Bonus to 2 best skills in the game is nice.
Lvl 10 Feature: Mostly RP, use this on a squishy for maximum effect.
Lvl 2 Utility: This is a great Defense bonus power at level 2
Lvl 6 Utility: Avoiding surprise can save your life (literally)
Lvl 10 Utility: Strictly inferior to the Level 1 feature on this theme
Lvl 1 Feature: Scaling surgeless healing is awesome
Lvl 5 Feature: RP only feature
Lvl 10 Feature: Use your stellar feature 2/encounter? Yeah!
Lvl 2 Utility: AoE saves and Defense bonuses
are nice
Lvl 6 Utility: Meh, kinda situational.
Lvl 10 Utility: Even more free healing, who could say no to that?
Lvl 1 Feature: Not as good as Hospitalier, but still blue.
Lvl 5 Feature: not as versatile as Wizard's Apprentice free item.
Lvl 10 feature: Yay skill bonuses. Diplomacy and Insight are good skills though.
Lvl 2 Utility: This can help some skill challenges.
Lvl 6 Utility: Saving throw w/ +2 isn't half bad at this level.
Lvl 10 Utility: Only useful if you have good initiative.
for Hire
values mobility and/or ranged attacks.
Lvl 1 Feature: This allows movement ignoring difficult terrain. An AC bonus and CA against enemies in Difficult Terrain is what makes this useful.
Lvl 5 Feature: Endurance shouldn't come up too often, even in skill challenges, compared to other skills.
Lvl 10 Feature: NAD bonus makes this a solid feature.
Lvl 2 Utility: kinda situational, but decent as an encounter
Lvl 6 Utility: CA on all ranged attacks is and +5 to perception is a good choice.
Lvl 10 Utility: This one is entirely dependent on how much your DM uses traps.
Lvl 1 Feature: Slow is a pretty good condition at this level, however doesn't scale well.
Lvl 5 Feature: Don't really know how to rate this from an optimization perspective, other than it scales slightly better than a straight up free magic item.
Lvl 10 Feature: Streetwise is not necessarily the most important skill, but you do get a +5 bonus in it.
Lvl 2 Utility: -2 to attack rolls against you is nice, and it lasts as long as you don't get hit.
Lvl 6 Utility: This is an innovative way of getting out of trouble, especially if you are surrounded.
Lvl 10 Utility: Martial Freedom gets a nice upgrade here.
Lvl 1 Feature: Not as good as Guardian's Counter, but prone still pretty decent.
Lvl 5 Feature: Intimidate and Streetwise are nice skills to have bonuses for.
Lvl 10 Feature: +1 to all defenses is an awesome feature while bloodied.
Lvl 2 Utility: You have better options for a daily utility.
Lvl 6 Utility: Nice for all you defenders out there, OK otherwise
Lvl 10 Utility: No thanks. Please move on.
Lvl 1 Feature: Daze is the 3rd best condition in the game, this gives it out as an encounter.
Lvl 5 Feature: Mostly an RP feature.
Lvl 10 Feature: See Mercenary level 5 feature.
Lvl 2 Utility: Very situational, almost Red.
Lvl 6 Utility: Concealment is nice, but you need the requisite terrain to get it here.
Lvl 10 Utility: This can win you an encounter on turn 1 if you use it right.
Themes (D400+)
Student of Evard (D400)
Lvl 1 Feature: Don't hurt yourself (literally) with this.
Lvl 5 Feature: Erhm.. No.
Lvl 10 Feature: +1 to hit in the first round of combat doesn't make this worth it.
Lvl 2 Utility: Crap. Do not take.
Lvl 6 Utility: This is about the only redemming thing about this theme.
Lvl 10 Utility: Nope. Not for a Healing Surge.
Gloomwrought Emissary (D400)
Lvl 1 Feature:
Weakened is quite good, especially if you are squishy in melee (like most shadow users) Add Rattling powers to neuter monster effectiveness even more.
Lvl 5 Feature: Skill bonuses. Move on.
Lvl 10 Feature: More skill bonuses. Rerolls though.
Lvl 2 Utility: Not as good as other utilities out there.
Lvl 6 Utility: Now, this is great. Insubstantial and fly in one Encounter power FTW.
Lvl 10 Utility: No. Please don't take this.
Fatedancer Since Charop doesn't use Fate Cards, I won't even deign to rate this one.
Iron Wolf Warrior
Lvl 1 Feature: This works amazing on chargers, which is who this theme was made to work with.
Lvl 5 Feature: Perception bonus keeps this from purple.
Lvl 10 Feature: Great for everyone, except for Minotaurs, who get this as a racial.
Lvl 2 Utility: Umm. Not as a daily.
Lvl 6 Utility: +to Hit on next attack and shift is good for both Defenders and Strikers.
Lvl 10 Utility: This is a lot of THP, and you get an attack bonus until they are all gone.It scales well also.
Lvl 3/13/23 Attack: The secondary attack does most of the damage and should have CA if you hit with the first attack.
Lvl 7/17/27 Attack: You can't attack the same guy twice, like the earlier one. No thanks.
Hordelands Nomad
Lvl 1 Feature: Free mounted Combat feat, no mount. How did this get designed.
Lvl 5 Feature: Situational skills, yada yada.
Lvl 10 Feature: +1 to saves across the board? Where do I go to sign up?
Lvl 2 Utility: Move ignoring difficult terrain. Not bad.
Lvl 6 Utility: Meh, again NO MOUNT!
Lvl 10 Utility: Hmm, after the last utility this one seems outshined.
Lvl 3/13/23 Attack: No Action extra damage on ranged attacks, and thunder/lightning is not resisted much. This isn't half bad.
Lvl 1 Feature: Minor Action Attacks. Me likesies.
Lvl 5 Feature: Percepion and Insight are the two greatest skills in the game.
Lvl 10 Feature: Shame that the save bonus is not for everything, but fear and daze/stun/dominate are good to resist.
Lvl 2 Utility: OK, not as good as some defense powers though (cough Shield cough)
Lvl 6 Utility: Again, nothing to get excited over yet not half bad.
Lvl 10 Utility: Hmm, for a daily I might not take this.
Lvl 3/13/23 Attack: Subpar. I wish that this great theme didn't end this way.
Lvl 1 Feature: Nice first turn boost, but not very flexible.
Lvl 5 Feature: Skills, move on.
Lvl 10 Feature: Piddly extra damage on a crit, this can do better.
Lvl 2 Utility: Uhm, this as a daily? Spare me.
Lvl 6 Utility: Fighters Like this, most others don't.
Lvl 10 Utility: Ohh, this is a nice power that also scales well. It's really too bad that it is in such a subpar theme.
Lvl 1 Feature: This one is too situational to be good.
Lvl 5 Feature: Uhh, this one is also situational.
Lvl 10 Feature: Skills, move on.
Lvl 2 Utility: Improved Elven Accuracy, quite good.
Lvl 6 Utility: OK, but nothing to write home over.
Lvl 10 Utility: Until EoE, you gain defense bonuses and CA against enemies. Not bad.
Wild Hunt Rider
Lvl 1 Feature: Yech, this is not a good first impression.
Lvl 5 Feature: Free ritual, nice.
Lvl 10 Feature: +2 bonus to certain saves, one good thing about this theme.
Lvl 2 Utility: Sure, mobility, but this one is mediocre. CA though, so it is better then others.
Lvl 6 Utility: Uhh, please avoid this one.
Lvl 10 Utility: Nice, gives a good power for the defender out there.
Oracle of the Evil Eye
Lvl 1 Feature: This is the crappiest attempt at a striker feature I have ever seen. I know it is a theme, but you could still make the evil eye meaningful.
Lvl 5 Feature: Skills, Bluff and Intimidate to be specific.
Lvl 10 Feature: This is the only reason to take this theme, it gives you LL vision, or, even better, Darkvision for those with LL vision from their race to begin with.
Lvl 2 Utility: Not bad, see invisible at level 2 is definitely not common.
Lvl 6 Utility: Meh, could be better but I'm not complaining.
Lvl 10 Utility: Nah, you probably have better options by now.
Fey Beast Tamer
Lvl 1 Feature: This is the keystone of this theme, get a free companion that can do combat. Guide for all the different companions will come later.
Lvl 5 Feature: CA against guys in your buddy's aura? Sign me up!
Lvl 10 Feature: Pretty good, but RP/fluff feature.
Lvl 2 Utility: OK, but nothing stellar here. Free healing though deserves at least a black rating.
Lvl 6 Utility: Don't take this, it eats your move actions.
Lvl 10 Utility: The use of this one is dependant on your type of companion, but overall is not very good.
Sidhe Lord
Lvl 1 Feature: Why take this when you can have the FBT companion instead?
Lvl 5 Feature: RP only feature
Lvl 10 Feature: OK, but better than the skill bonus you expect here.
Lvl 2 Utility: Gives your ally an AP use and gives you an additional AP as an encounter? Get me on this!
Lvl 6 Utility: Sure, buttloads of THP as an encounter sounds good to me.
Lvl 10 Utility: Nah, after the other utilities you can pass this one up.
Unseelie Agent
Lvl 1 Feature: Don't be fooled by this, it is only really useful at level 1 before you have a real magic item, after that you can do better.
Lvl 5 Feature: RP feature
Lvl 10 Feature: Roll twice for intimidate, not bad.
Lvl 2 Utility: Darkvision as an encounter is not a bad deal at this level.
Lvl 6 Utility: Nope.
Lvl 10 Utility: RP utility, please don't take this if you are reading this forum.
Lvl 3 Attack: OK, but it requires your special (and subpar) weapon to use.
Lvl 5 Attack: This is a daily, you can do much better here.
Lvl 1 Feature: Not very good start feature, but it gives skills. Take the Continue the Story feature.
Lvl 5 Feature: Again, a subpar feature. Take either one, it will not matter too much.
Lvl 10 Feature: This is again a not very good feature. Take the Heroic Recovery option to suck only slightly less.
Lvl 2 Utility: Sorta like the Seer feature, except it's not free. Pass this up.
Lvl 2 Utility: Noncombat power, with mostly RP purposes.
Lvl 6 Utility: RP power.
Lvl 6 Utility: Daily mark that requires a sustain is not a good deal
Lvl 10 Utility: This is the only good utility here, and it is quite good. Makes the creature attack someone other than you as an encounter, I'd take this.
Lvl 10 Utility: Not bad, not bad.
NWCS/Forgotten Realms
Devil's Pawn
Lvl 1 Feature: Close burst minion popper, and a penalty to defenses and attack rolls for nonminions is a great power.
Lvl 5 Feature: No, Pass.
Lvl 10 Feature: Fire resist is one of the best resistances out there, and this gives you 10 of it. Take it.
Lvl 2 Utility: Might be black for Hellocks.
Lvl 6 Utility: Nope. Infernal warlocks might use this though.
Lvl 10 Utility: Now, this is pretty good. Flying allows you to avoid many attackers, and somewhat mitigates the loss of Healing Surge spending. Infernal Locks like this even more.
Oghma's Faithful
Lvl 1 Feature: Not an attack power. Useful Out of Combat though.
Lvl 5 Feature: Reroll any skill 1/enc could do worse.
Lvl 10 Feature: Too situational for good use.
Lvl 2 Utility: Depends on your Insight and Initiative.
Lvl 6 Utility: Automatically negates an attack, and gives out save penalties. Take the theme for this.
Lvl 10 Utility: Might be good, but take a look at the above utility.
Spellscarred Harbinger
Lvl 1 Feature: Take the invisibility and it's good. Otherwise it is OK.
Lvl 5 Feature: Dazing for self-damage is not good. Don't use this.
Lvl 10 Feature: Well, if you took Invisibility at level 1 you should take the teleport. You won't use it often though.
Lvl 2 Utility: A good utility power at this level? That is a shock.
Lvl 6 Utility: Redirect an attack to an adjacent enemy? TAKE IT, TAKE IT.
Lvl 10 Utility: Not as good as Mnemonic Enhancer. I will not rate this Gold 😉
Heir of Delzoun
Lvl 1 Feature: No Power, No sale. A crappy feature at that.
Lvl 5 Feature: Well, an additional healing surge is OK, but why are you taking this theme anyway?
Lvl 10 Feature: Situational skill bonus is below average, even for this.
Lvl 2 Utility: Please don't take this.
Lvl 6 Utility: You would have to be stupid to sacrifice a healing surge for negating forced movement.
Lvl 10 Utility: I'm starting to wonder if this theme even deserves purple.
Ilyanbruen Guardian
Lvl 1 Feature: Teleport my AND my ally 5? Sounds good for heroic.
Lvl 5 Feature: Skills, yada yada, move on.
Lvl 10 Feature: Fey Step as a minor is great throughout your career.
Lvl 2 Utility: Mini fey step as an encounter, passes muster.
Lvl 6 Utility: Well, there are better dailies at this level for you, wizard.
Lvl 10 Utility: I'd be tempted for this. It's a good choice. You know you want it.
Dead Rat Deserter
Lvl 1 Feature: Nice fluff and RP, but not useful in combat or Skill challenges for the most part.
Lvl 5 Feature: Skills, no surprise. Stealth and Bluff if you're wondering.
Lvl 10 Feature: Power's OK at first but scales absolutely horribly.
Lvl 2 Utility: If you're a rogue or avenger, this is Better.
Lvl 6 Utility: I'll pass on this one.
Lvl 10 Utility: This can get you perfect position at the start of the encounter.
Neverwinter Noble
Lvl 1 Feature: This gives a 1/enc defense bonus and scaling THP, a great addition to any leader.
Lvl 5 Feature: There's a feat that gives this same benefit, so this saves a feat for melee.
Lvl 10 Feature: Skills with fluff, big whoop.
Lvl 2 Utility: Small defender aura, might be useful.
Lvl 6 Utility: essentially the Guardian feature without the basic attack.
Lvl 10 Utility: Ich, why did this great theme include this?
Scion of Shadow
Lvl 1 Feature: Blindsight for a single turn as a daily, no thanks.
Lvl 5 Feature: More surge value in dim light or darkness, assassins would like this a lot, although anyone can use it.
Lvl 10 Feature: Guess what goes here.
Lvl 2 Utility: Assassins again love this one.
Lvl 6 Utility: Very nice encounter, CA candy and concealment is a great buff.
Lvl 10 Utility: Subpar. I wish that this were less situational.
Uthgardt Barbarian
Lvl 1 Feature: This is the only redeeming feature in this theme, It disallows OA against you. (Chargers look here)
Lvl 5 Feature: Situational skill bonuses, meh.
Lvl 10 Feature: More skills? Please.
Lvl 2 Utility: No. Don't take this.
Lvl 6 Utility: See above.
Lvl 10 Utility: Bit better than the other offerings in this theme, but still not too good.
Renegade Red Wizard
Lvl 1 Feature: Illusionists look here, not much for others.
Lvl 4 Feature: Trade the second specialty for OoI Lite, the best Wizard feature? I'd say yes.
Lvl 5 Feature: Spellbook stuff. Don't know quite how to rate this.
Lvl 8 Feature: No. Trust me.
Lvl 10 Feature: Again, fluff.
Bregan D'earthe Spy
Lvl 1 Feature: Any flying power at level 1 is something to take.
Lvl 5 Feature: Take your great power from level 1 and make it last till EoE 1/day. This sounds like a terrific idea.
Lvl 10 Feature: Negate bonus to hit you from CA, not to be ignored.
Lvl 2 Utility: Man, after all that goodness, this standard utility seems weak.
Lvl 6 Utility: This could see some use by Rouges and TWF Rangers.
Lvl 10 Utility: If you want this theme to shine, don't take this power.
Son of Alagondar (D402)
Lvl 1 Feature: Daze on a hit with CA and an extra +1 to hit? Sign me up!
Lvl 5 Feature: Guess what I'm going to say here. No prizes for guessing skills.\
Lvl 10 Feature: Small boon when first bloodied, Useless if you are a half-orc.
Lvl 2 Utility: I can say this from actual play, this power could have been a lifesaver.
Lvl 6 Utility: Pretty situational, if you are a striker you don't normally want this one.
Lvl 10 Utility: You aren't the defender, so don't take more hits than you need to.
Seeker of Illefarn (D402)
Lvl 1 Feature: Uhh, this for a level 1 feature is NOT GOOD.
Lvl 5 Feature: Well, at least it's perception you are getting.
Lvl 10 Feature: About the only redeeming feature of this theme really.
Lvl 2 Utility: Party mobility as a daily at this level could merit a second look.
Lvl 6 Utility: EonT bonus on perception (meh) and ranged attacks (now we're talking).
Lvl 10 Utility: Avoiding OA from moving is OK, but nothing special.
Sarifal Feywarden
Lvl 1 Feature: If you are a Pryomancer Mage or a Genasi blaster you will like this. Otherwise avoid.
Lvl 5 Feature: Better than the normal skill feature, as it gives a ritual.
Lvl 10 Feature: A paltry defense bonus at this level is underpowered.
Lvl 2 Utility: Uhh, nope. Do not be tempted by the fancy summon, it sucks.
Lvl 6 Utility: Now, this is a nice feature for a defender. Too bad that blaster wizards and just wizards in general want to get hit as LITTLE as possible.
Lvl 10 Utility: Now, you get access 4 different utility options. Take Blur. It's the best of your options for almost everyone
Callidyrr Dragoon
Lvl 1 Feature: Mounted Combat without a mount, Why Wizards, why?
Lvl 5 Feature: Skills, no big deal here.
Lvl 10 Feature: Nope. This is not good at all.
Lvl 2 Utility: Not bad for a defender. However, you defenders should be taking Guardian.
Lvl 6 Utility: No. Maybe at level 2, but not now.
Lvl 10 Utility: Again, a fancy summon power with no real use.
NOTE: For some reason the Harper's Agent theme STILL isn't showing correctly on my OCB, so I can't rate it yet. I'm going to complain to Wizards about this.
Book of Vile Darkness Themes
NOTE: These themes are all 'evil' themes and are therefore illegal in LFR sanctioned play. They will also probably raise the eyes of many Dms, so be prepared with a very good story if you want to play one of these.
Lvl 1 Feature: Hit and gain damage and THP, or miss and get deafened and grant CA. So-so.
Lvl 5 Feature: Bonus to NADs while bloodied, not bad.
Lvl 10 Feature: Skills, skills, wait what? Penalty to hit you during Round 1? Sign me up please!
Lvl 2 Utility: No, this does not do more damage than it deals to you.
Lvl 6 Utility: Well, two of these benefits are crap, but +1 to attacks until EoE is nice.
Lvl 10 Utility: No. Avoid.
Disgraced Noble(BoVD)
Lvl 1 Feature: It doesn't scale as well as I'd like, but it is a better version of the Mercenary's feature. The MBA after all happens AFTER the target is proned.
Lvl 5 Feature: Skills, move along here.
Lvl 10 Feature: This is one of the major theme faux pas, making two skills features. The save bonus is OK though.
Lvl 2 Utility: This one is far to situational to be of any use.
Lvl 6 Utility: Good to get the attack off of you and onto the defender, and gives out CA for both of you. Not bad.
Lvl 10 Utility: No, don't take this one.
Infernal Slave(BoVD)
Lvl 1 Feature: The power is useless, but you get a flat +1 to hit with fire attacks, pretty niche but useful for some. *looks at Tiefling Hellocks*
Lvl 5 Feature: No, I don't want my NADs to be sinusoidal.
Lvl 10 Feature: Nothing beneficial here at all.
Lvl 2 Utility: Nope.
Lvl 6 Utility: Still nope.
Lvl 10 Utility: This is the only thing that might have been half useful, but there are better encounter rechargers by this point.
Lvl 1 Feature: It is an ally-unfriendly burst with no miss chance, so long as you use this wisely you'll be fine.
Lvl 5 Feature: This is where the gravy starts, get an attack bonus every time you drop an enemy. Nice.
Lvl 10 Feature: Free THP, yay.
Lvl 2 Utility: This is an ENORMOUS shift for a level 2 encounter.
Lvl 6 Utility: Unless you use a reach weapon this one is good.
Lvl 10 Utility: Me likesies the ability to avoid annoying conditions (daze, stun, dominate)
Vile Scholar(BoVD)
Lvl 1 Feature: Skills, a language, and a good control power, what's not to like?
Lvl 5 Feature: More skills than usual, but still a skills feature.
Lvl 10 Feature: I personally try not to hit my allies, so I do not like this one.
Lvl 2 Utility: Best if used on a ranged striker, where the slowed won't hurt as much, but gives HUGE bonus to DPR.
Lvl 6 Utility: OK, but there are so many better options that you shouldn't take this.
Lvl 10 Utility: Nah, not at all.
Black-Hearted Knave(D406)
Lvl 1 Feature: Nice damage, but it hurts your ally too much to be that useful.
Lvl 5 Feature: Subpar skills.
Lvl 10 Feature: Skills again? You've got to be kidding me.
Lvl 2 Utility: There are better shifts at this level, move on.
Lvl 6 Utility: This is about the only part of this theme that might be considered 'useful'.
Lvl 10 Utility: And we had Shield what, 8 levels ago? Pass on this.
Infernal Prince(D406)
Lvl 1 Feature: The extra no-attack damage is great, but this is an encounter.
Lvl 5 Feature: Skills, of the bonus and reroll flavor.
Lvl 10 Feature: Regain your encounter with a bonus against bloodied enemies. Mediocre.
Lvl 2 Utility: This is situational for all but leaders, and they want MORE healing, not less, so anyhow avoid this,
Lvl 6 Utility: The usefulness of this is entirely dependant on your bluff score and what you are fighting, so this can be either good or bad.
Lvl 10 Utility: Uhh, I would not take this as a daily.