Fortune's Favor — IC

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Fortune's Favor — IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

The day has finally rolled around. Today could finally be your chance for an escape, your chance for greatness, your chance for riches. Most of all, it could finally be the chance to finally change things for you. You pace back and forth in your room, tattered note in hand as the nerves chew you away. Should you go? What if it's a trap? But what if it's not? Eventually, you decide: what more could you lose?

A Mysterious Note

Code: Select all

          Your empty pockets make more noise than full ones would.
              We know not of how it happened, nor do we care.
        We do know of your predicament, though. Perhaps we can help.
       We have a proposition for you. A favor for a favor, if you will.
                 Find us at Democles’ Redoubt, 7pm on Mardia

          Not all who come here are lucky, but who says you need luck?
          Fortune favors the bold. We shall see if you are bold enough.
                                    - Sal
A low rumble settles upon Teiros, filling the city with a sense of impending dread. It’s the first storm of the season and few look forward to it. As you step into the streets, you’re bathed in the brilliant orange hues of the sun as it dips below the horizon, a sharp contrast from the abyssal mass lurching beyond the coast. The air is pleasantly warm around you, though an uneasy stillness sets in, only interrupted by a shiver-inducing gust. As your eyes meet the Centurion’s, your steps grow hurried. You’re expected soon, after all.

Though ordinarily bustling with the life and chaos that has come to define Teiros, most of the streets tonight are deserted, save for the occasional anxious face passing by. Boisterous laughter erupts from a warmly-lit tavern, and you swear you hear quiet sobbing from a terrace above. Eventually, you find your way to your meeting place: Democles’ Redoubt, an ancient fort-turned-shrine dedicated to the Brennisian God of Luck, among other unsavory activity. It’s time to see what this ‘Sal’ wants.

Much like the rest of the city, the shrine is empty, barring a few others looking as confused and anxious as you. Upon closer inspection, you notice a hooded figure hunched over the shrine, appearing to give offerings to the Strange God. “So the season’s change is upon us,” remarks the figure's voice, higher-pitched than you expected but not unusually so. “The Ancients said Aradono was the time for strife, the time for change. I didn’t used to believe them, but I do now. A storm is brewing in Teiros,” the figure says ominously, beginning to stand. It turns around, pulling off its hood to reveal a young woman, likely in her late twenties. With a raised eyebrow and a smirk, she adds, “but will you be ready for it?”

As her smirk persists, her eyes move over each of you, as if to survey her winnings. “The bold are ready for it. You showed up, which means you’re one of the bold ones. Either that, or you’re a fool. So which is it?”

With her all-too-theatrical introduction completed, the strange woman gazes at the rest of you, as if to expect the questions and answers ahead.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Probably a fool," Nyx replies, looking the woman over quizzically. Some men, a child, and me - a clown? What could possibly require assistance from such a group? She'd been quite alarmed to see how many others were there waiting at the location when she arrived, one of the last to do so, but not as alarmed as when the woman removed her hood.

Handing the letter in her hand to the woman before her, she asks, "Are you Sal? You don't exactly look the part." Could it be short for something? It's not the most feminine of nicknames. As she asks she wonders to herself if it is even worth knowing, given her current situation. Anything to settle my debt and get out of this place.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso walks up to the meeting place, anxious and as excited as ever. He watches as the woman stands and lowers her hood, revealing her form. He snickers slightly, but dropped it as he quickly realizes that it was incredibly rude of him. "I am most certainly bold enough, what favor would you ask of me?" He chimes and walks closer to the middle of the room whereas he had stood near the entrance prior to. I must stand out amongst the others, I must make a name for myself! He clears his throat and puffs out his chest. "I am Narciso Angelo, ready to face whatever challenge you might send my way!" He exclaims, hoping to be praised for quickly offering up his blade in service for whatever may come, desperate now to get out of his hole.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Leaning against a pillar towards the side of the group, Ciraco takes a bite out of an apple he had stolen from a fruit stall he'd passed on his way to the shrine, it making a satisfying crunch.
"The last Sal I knew was much less attractive," Ciraco says, after swallowing his mouthful of apple, in response to the question from one of the others who had apparently been summoned along with himself.

"I'm bold but I'm not that bold," he adds, following one of the others speaking up with an overabundance of enthusiasm. He takes another bite out of the apple, with it making another but slightly less satisfying crunch. Being that bold gets you killed. Fast.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Neither bold nor foolish," Idrig voices from under a hood of his own. "But this is a means to an end."

The Durduumi sniffs the air, catching unfamiliar scents on the wind. Different people from different places with different endgames. He narrows his eyes at Sal, curious about her the most. But in the end, there will only be one to please, and it is none of the others.

"What's the task at hand?" the dwarf asks, already tired of the theatrics.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Pashalik »

Gau glides quietly through the nearly empty streets, flitting in and out of alleys, keeping rails, stalls and other bits of the urban terrain between himself and his mark. Gau chose his mark because his short, stocky build stood out somewhat in a crowd, but with the unusual emptiness of the place, it was hardly needed.

Soon the mark ducks into a rundown building. Gau pauses, sniffs the air, and begins to circle around the place for other openings. He quickly finds a partially collapsed wall and presses in as close as he safely can, his bare feet making no sound on the old stones. He prays those inside will speak a language he knows, and listens.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I heard they're looking for new talent down at the Tribune. Maybe you should go audition," Luca remarks at the woman's grand reveal, rolling his eyes at the over-the-top theatrics involved. The woman does not reply, but instead shoots an icy gaze at the Brennisian man.

Her eyes move between each in front of her as they speak, one brow perched higher in great interest. "I know what you're capable of, cara. The only foolish thing you've done is get caught," she replies to Nyx, her voice harsh yet reassuring. As the Cru'unish woman holds out her letter, the stranger waves it away. "I don't need to see it. I wrote it after all. But I'm not Sal since there is no Sal. It would have been foolish to reveal my identity in a note."

She shakes her head, having been seemingly lost in thought for a brief moment, but now sprung back to reality. "For now, you may call me Gina."

Her eyes widen as Narciso approaches and makes his proclamation, positioning her hand to cover her mouth and stifle any laughter. After a moment, she regains her composure and replies, "Well your eagerness is certainly admirable, though are you bold or are you brash? I guess we will find out soon." Choosing to momentarily ignore the man's question, she averts her eyes to the flirtatious man. "You are bold," she says with a devilish smirk and suggestive eyes. "Bold enough to flirt with the woman who hold your life in her hands."

Gina's eyes finally meet the dwarf's as she replies, "Straight to the point? I like it." Ushering the others to come closer, she lowers her voice. "Now to the matter of the job. It's simple really, but it could lead to more if you pull it off. If you're interested, we could come to a partnership of sorts and continue our arrangement." Her eyes flick between each of you, as if to gather the collective reaction. As she does, you begin to feel drops of rain plummet down, few in number but a sign of what's to come.

"So what's the actual job then?" Luca interjects, hoping to speed up the already-cryptic process enough so that he may remain dry.

"Yes, yes, I was getting to that," she responds hastily. "Long story short, something was stolen from me. A necklace, very expensive and very special to me. I think one of those Barone bastards took it but I'm not sure. I want you to get it back for me." As the rain's pace continues to quicken, she lifts her hood up.

"Ask what you will and let me know if you're in. If you are, I will give you all the details at my home."

Roll stealth to stay sneaky if you move at all
Brennisian translation
Cara = Dear
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso, now feeling slightly hurt by her rejection of his show, quietly listens and nods as she speaks to the group of them. "Well, as I said I most certainly accept. I feel like our goals, somewhere down the line, could intertwine and we could help each other. So, I'm in."He says confidently, looking around at the others, a more level tone in his voice now.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Does it pay?" Nyx asks, the woman's words only causing more questions to be raised in her own mind. Why the secrecy if we are just fetching a lost heirloom? And is it really so important they she needs this many people to locate it? Seems like there is more to this story than meets the eye.

Folding the letter and placing it back in her pouch, she adds, "I don't exactly have the luxury of much free time, and if I'm going to spend it retrieving something for you I'd like to know there is compensation." Perhaps this can earn me enough to get those stupid clowns off my back.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Pashalik »

Gau keeps his breathing slow and measured as he strains to hear the conversation.


Perception to listen in:3(1d20) +6 = 9[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Now that enthusiasm I like," Gina replies excitedly to Narciso, flashing a grin towards him. At the Cru'unish woman's question, she remarks, "Right, how could I forget. Yes, it will pay, and offer much more. Revenge, freedom, power, whatever you'd like. We'll discuss my proposal more at the villa."

With this, she returns her eyes to those before her who haven't spoken more, expecting them to have questions as well.

While you hear the normal conversation fine at this distance, you're unable to discern the whispered words between the hushed tones and increasing patter of the rain
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco winks at Gina as she smirks in his direction. He then stays quiet as the others ask questions.
"Well you had me at 'Yes it will pay', He says to Gina after one of the others questioned tje reward for the task. He chalked up Gina's mention of other rewards to her theatrics.

"Where's your villa and when are we meeting? " He asks, taking another bite of his apple. Two meetings? Surely she could have jist given us the job here....

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"Well in that case, I suppose I'm interested in hearing more," Nyx responds, at the mention of pay. Hearing the man with the apple speak, she adds, "if not tonight then I should get back soon." Who knows how long I can stay out before those clowns get suspicious?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig listens to the discussion, unsurprised by the decision to meet at a second venue. First meeting's to suss out any red flags. Second meeting's always the real one, he reminds himself, having had many employers with such care in their onboarding.

"No questions," the dwarf says aloud. "Suppose I'll have many once we've met in private. Are you leading us there, 'Sal'?" He pulls his hood tighter, its treated material causing rivulets of falling rain to slide across him and drip harmlessly to the cobblestones below.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Can't pass say I'd pass up the gold. Not like the casino pays me enough," Luca remarks with a subtle smirk as he looks towards the others in his group.

A wide smile spreads across Gina's face as those before her express interest, even with details kept vague. "Your guess is correct, dwarf. I will lead you there." Glancing at those before her, as well as the vacant shrine, she says, "We'll head there now. Stay close and watch your backs." The rate of rainfall has quickened now, with the distant sky lighting up with an ever-increasing rate of lightning. With a new destination in mind, you begin to follow the strange woman down the cobblestone streets and narrow alleyways.

"I do apologize for the secrecy, but I can't take any chances. Especially this close to Moretti territory," she says as her pace quickens.

Luca's eyes dart between the buildings surrounding them, being all-too-familiar with the Moretti clan as a Teiros-native. "Makes sense. They've got eyes and ears everywhere around here."

"Exactly," Gina replies. "That's why we must speak in private. I can't risk wandering ears."

If Gau is planning on following, roll for stealth. Or he can reveal himself if he'd like
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"The Morettis," Idrig repeats, amused by the thought. "Hm." Dangerous folk. Soon as I pay my debts to those miscreants, I'm leaving this shit-heap of a city.

He follows along, his paranoia getting the better of him as he watches for any signs of disturbance. Course, they can't blame me for doing work behind their collective backs. How else am I supposed to make their blasted payment?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso pulls up his hood as they walk, keeping quiet and just listening. His focus is around them now, not really on the party themselves as they talk. His hand now goes to the note in his pocket, poking it as he fidgets absentmindedly.

"So, what's the deal, Sal? I know you can't go into details, but can you say anything else on the way there?" Narciso asks, looking back towards Sal now to make sure he's not going to walk into anyone.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Pashalik »

Gau tries to listen, but misses much of what was said due to the building storm. It doesn't faze him, he knows well that words carry little information, compared to body language and circumstance.

He follows as the group leaves their initial meeting place. They begin to move through the narrower streets and back alleys. With a primal grin, the Tiger of Teiros disappears into his stone jungle.


Stealth: 16(1d20) +11 = 27[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Lead on bella," Ciraco says to Gina as she starts to lead the group out of the shrine.

As he steps outside, Ciraco takes one last bite of the apple before tossing what's left on the ground where it bounces across a few cobbles before coming to a stop. He pulls up his hood with both hands in a single swift motion.

No one backing out, even at the mention of both the Barones and the Morettis. That is interesting.

Brennisian Translation
bella = beautiful
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"All I can say for now is I have much more in mind for you all than just one job," Gina remarks to the half-Brennisian boy as the group rejoins a section of the main road, a wide cobblestone incline leading to some of the city's upper reaches. Stopping for a moment and turning to address the group, she adds, "I'd like to change the face of Teiros as we know it, but I can't do it alone. That's where you come in."

"I don't know," Luca chimes in, shaking his head with a developing smirk. "Teiros has a gorgeous face! You just don't want to see her without all that makeup and jewelry."

Returning a smirk at the faux-gladiator, Gina replies, "That's what I mean. I want to strike below the surface, at the true city." Turning once more and continuing her trudge forward, she finally says, "We're almost there." After another minute or two of walking, you arrive at the gates in front of an elaborate villa complex, overlooking the city below. "Welcome, new friends, to Villa Salucci!" Gina says, beaming, opening the iron gates and beckoning you to enter.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso looks up, raises an eyebrow, and nods. "So this is our base of operations, yeah?" He asks and crosses his arms. "I like it." He confirms and takes a few steps toward the villa and snickers. "Lead the way, madam Gina." He finishes. He could certainly get used to this whole 'mafia' deal, especially if it means getting back at those who wronged him.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

I wonder who these Morettis are, Nyx thinks, as she quietly follows the rest of the group to Gina's estate. She didn't fully trust the woman, and even less so the others, but what else was she to do? Spend the remainder of her days working as a card dealer hustling tourists? No, clearly this woman is worth listening to.

Listening half-heartedly to the others talk, Nyx instead marvels at the city around her as they slowly move up the street to higher elevations. It's so much like Cru'un, she thinks, the hilly ascent causing feelings of nostalgia to well up inside her. Perhaps a bit less civilized, but still nice. Her awe only increase as she reaches the entrance to their future employer's estate, the grandeur of it greater than anything she'd witnessed before outside of the Aetherial Academy itself.

"You live here?" Nyx asks, somewhat shocked that the person hiring them for theft appears to be a member of the local aristocracy. "All by yourself?"


History to see how much Nyx knows about the Teiros families: 7 lol[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Nice place," Ciraco says to Gina as they enter the Villa, impressed by the building. Beats our room above the smithy that's for sure.

"The rent must be astronomical, " he jokes.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

The woman's optimism leaves Idrig curious. Perhaps her naiveté about this world is something exploitable. His eyes widen as they arrive at the impressive villa, studying the facade closely.

The dwarf keeps his mouth shut, letting Nyx ask the questions. A crime family I haven't heard of? Or just a single entrepreneur?

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gina nods to the half-Brennisian man at his query, replying, "That it is. And do not ever call me 'madam' again. Do I look that old to you?" Her last words sting a bit more, suggesting sharp dissatisfaction with being called such an honorary. "But yes, this is my home," she adds to the cardshark, ushering her new guests inside. Straight ahead is an ornate marbled fountain, with sculpted dolphins and various forms of fish. The steady raindrops continue to ripple in its pool, distorting the usually-tranquil scene. To your right appears to be a small storage shed, while your left boasts an impressive stairway up to the mountain-hugging villa's main entrance.

With everyone inside, she closes the gate behind her. Leading the way up the stairs, she says, "I live here with my family. What's left of it, at least. It's mostly my cousins and the servants, and my brother when he's around."

"Your family must have nice taste," Luca remarks with a smirk, his eyes wandering around the handsome estate.

As you finally reach the villa's entrance, the door opens before you, a rugged, yet young man standing in the doorway. By the look on his face, he's been caught offguard, but the surprise transitions into a smile. "Ah, Gina, you're back. Sono queste le reclute?" Gina returns a smile, remarking, "Loro sono. Le guardie raddoppieranno le loro pattuglie stasera. Non possiamo rischiare di essere stati seguiti da un Moretti."

"Very well," he replies, moving past her. With him out of the way, you enter the villa. The entry hall is quite simple, warmly lit with marble flooring. There are archways on each walls, and a large balcony overlooking the room from above. "I can give you the grand tour later," Gina says with a plain smirk, leading you into an adjacent parlor. "For now we've got business to attend to."

She takes off her raincloak and seats herself on a leather sofa, gesturing the rest of you to do the same. "I'll get straight to business. I'm looking for more than just one job. The Saluccis are entering the underworld but we can't do it alone. And that's where you come in." She glances towards each of you once more, as she's done much this evening. "If you're willing, and if you can be trusted, I'd like you all to be my alpha team of sorts. Getting jobs done, doing the dirty work, taking down the other crime families."

She leans up from her seat and gazes much more intently at each face. "Are you interested?"

Luca's brow perks up at the proposition. "Well this certainly got interesting," he says with a sly smirk. "I can't say I'd pass up an offer like this."

While the name sounds familiar to you given your time in Teiros, you're unable to place any association with them. All you can assume is they must be a prominent family in the city.
Brennisian Translation
[sblock=Brennisian Translation]

"Are these the recruits?"

"They are. Have the guards double their patrols tonight. We can't risk having been followed by a Moretti."[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

More mention of that name. They must really be intimidating, the young woman thinks, continuing to follow inside the villa after the strange man leaves, presumably to carry out his orders. The thought of being inside such a well-defended complex with so many strangers, surrounded apparently by guards, leaves Nyx quite nervous, though she does her best to hide it. How did stealing a necklace turn into combating organized crime?

At Gina's offer she thinks for a long moment about the prospect, but for all the thoughts of potential fortune come more thoughts of home in Cru'un. "I'm not so sure," the girl responds, looking towards the wealthy woman. "I'm just trying to earn money to get out of debt, not put myself in even more," she says, as she glances towards the others to see their reactions as well. "Though I can't say I'd be sad to see the Buffone's knocked down a peg," she continues, more thinking aloud.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig clears his throat, eyeing Gina quizzically after her pitch is laid out. "It's coin I'm after," he admits. Though I'm intrigued by the chance to pay back the Morettis for my debts. Hm, I wonder if they accept death and dismemberment as valid currency?

He takes a deep breath, shrugging. "Suppose I say yes," the dwarf poses. "What kind of pay can I expect? And more importantly, what kind of protection can I expect?"

Idrig fiddles with a flask at his belt, anxiously. "You know how these Teiros gangs do. They're more than just a woman, her cousins, and some poor, unlucky sods she's hired. They're trained killers, smugglers, movers and shakers. We take one misstep, and we're gone." He snaps his fingers for emphasis.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Pashalik »

Gau waits, motionless, for the band to go through the gate. When he judges they're far enough, he makes for the wall and scrambles up it without missing a beat. On the inside, he darts from cover to cover, looking to circle the manor, and hopefully discover a window he can eavesdrop through.


Athletics v wall: 20(1d20) +9 = 29[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gina gazes upon Nyx with understanding, though not one to easily give up, she retorts, "I can understand that given your current employer, but rest assured. I'm not like those clowns." Relaxing back in her seat as she continues speaking, she adds,
"You won't be in debt to me. Consider it more of a partnership, really. You'll still do what I ask, but you'll have unmatched freedom, and gold, beyond that."
She flashes a warm smile at the mage, as if to increasingly put her at ease.

Her deep-brown eyes dart to the dwarf as he speaks his own concerns and questions. With the eagerness to quell any doubts, Gina replies, "You'll each get 10% of whatever cut is made from a job. If you do the job well, you'll get a bonus. The other 50% is split between my family and I." Clearing her throat and sitting up once again, she adds, "As for protection, you'll have a place to stay here as well as my people watching at all times. At the first sign of real trouble, they'll be there."

At the dwarf's final remarks, her brow begins to furrow and her typical smirk shifts into a grimace. Leaning her bodies towards the man, she lowers her voice and says, "If you think I'm just a woman and her cousins, you may just be the biggest fool in all of Teiros. Don't underestimate me." A moment later, her typical demeanor returns as if nothing had happened."You also underestimate yourself, and your companions. You are more capable than you realize."


Despite the rain's slickness, you climb the villa's perimeter wall with great ease. You land between the wall and what appears to be a small shed. As you trudge through the manicured trees and bushes around it, you spot what appears to be movement in a second-story window. Given the rain's increased volume, you find it difficult to hear any of the conversation emitting from the room. However, it proves a double-edged sword as it seems to have concealed the sounds of your movement from a guard who passes by.

To the left of the room, you notice a staircase that appears to lead to the villa's main entrance. To the right of the window is a second-story terrace, with arches providing a ground-level walkway beneath. Through the torrential rainfall, you spot a pair of unguarded double doors, both on the ground level and the second story.[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Then feel free to prove me wrong," Idrig says calmly, though his eyes bear down on Gina's own.

"When do we start?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Pashalik »

Picking a moment where he hopes to be unseen, Gau bolts toward the supports leading to the second story terrace.


Athletics to climb: 1(1d20) +9 = 10[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco follows Gina into the room, removing his hood as they step inside. Once inside he perches on the arm of a chair, preferring to not relax too much in such a strange situation.

"I'm not so sure either," Ciraco says, echoing the concerns of the female recruit once Gina had finished putting forth her proposal. "I've been down this road before and it didn't turn out to well," he adds, thinking back to his time in Talguta.

I could definitely do with that money though... He thinks as Gina elaborates, answering the Dwarf's questions. As the dwarf agrees to join the Saluccis, Ciraco looks him up and down. He certainly looks like he can handle himself, maybe its not the worst idea. I'm not so sure about it others though...

"Ah fuck it, what have I got to lose? I'm in too."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Since his last comment, Narciso has stayed quiet and just listened. As she spoke, a spark lights up inside of him. He nods and smirks at her, giving an elaborate bow.

"Eccellente! Un discorso più perfetto non è mai stato fatto!" He exclaims, before standing proudly. "In other words, I'm in, and you can expect my devotion to you to never waver, Gina." His smirk only grew as he looked around at the people he could now consider his 'crew'. "What first then, how best can we strike back at these other families?"

Brenissian Translation
Brenissian: Eccellente! Un discorso più perfetto non è mai stato fatto! English: Excellent! A more perfect speech has never been done!
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


As you attempt to climb your way up to the second-story terrace, you lose your grip from the rain-slicked stucco. The plummet isn't much, but is enough to knock the wind out of you as you land on your back with a thud and a splash. As you lay there disoriented, you hear voices draw nearer, speaking in what appears to be Brennisian.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" a man says, looking down at you, with the grin of a hunter who's spotted his prey. Within a moment, you're grabbed by the arms as two men lift you from the ground. A moment later, you're bathed in the warm lights of the villa. As you're taken up a staircase, you can hear discussion emitting from a nearby room.

It grows louder as you draw closer. Eventually, you're at the archway looking into the room. You can see a group of six gathered in the room, the same as from the Redoubt, including your quarry. They seem to not notice you until...[/sblock]

"I've lived here long enough to have a bone of my own to pick with these families. Let's do this," Luca remarks, leaning comfortably back in his chair after the others begin expressing their own interest.

The Brennisian woman grins devilishly as, one by one, her recruits sign on with her plan. She seems as though she's about to say something until her eyes are averted towards the door, where the man from earlier and another are holding a small, hooded figure. "L'abbiamo trovato per terra fuori, deve aver scalato il muro, non sembra un agente Moretti che abbia mai visto." Gazing upon his signature mask, Gina replies, "Questo perché non lo è." Walking towards the child, she says, "Well if it isn't the Tiger of Teiros in the flesh. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

She gestures for the men to release the boy and motions towards a seat. "Why don't you join us? You've come all this way, after all. Surely it must be important." Giving the child a moment, she turns her attention back to the others, finishing her prior thought. "If you want to brave the storm, you may start tonight. Otherwise, tomorrow. You can spend the night here, of course." She grins once more at Narciso's enthusiasm, but raises her arms in an attempt to tone him down a bit. "Patience. We've only just begun. We shall get there in time. For now, we start with the necklace."

With four of the initial five having committed, she sets her sights upon Nyx. "And how about you, cara mia?"

Brennisian Translation
[sblock=Brennisian Translation]

"We found him on the ground outside. Must've climbed the wall. Doesn't look like any Moretti agent I've ever seen."

"That's because he isn't."

"my darling"[/sblock]

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

Idrig looks at Narciso incredulously. Emphatic commitment... is he asinine, or mocking? I don't trust that one. At least he will be dependably dull. The dwarf gives a curious glance at the young child, unsure of who he is, or why he's here.

"We start tonight," the alchemist decides for them. "If a storm is enough to postpone our work, then we've no place in this game."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

They're all so to quick to join, you'd think they'd never had any work before, Nyx thinks, as she listens to the woman's tale of freedom and fair pay. It all does sound tempting to the young woman, though her mind still races with worries and thoughts of home.

Her thoughts are interrupted as the young orc is brought in by the strange man from earlier. She glances over to the child, shocked by its strange appearance and concerned for its well-being. Why would there be a child sneaking around this place? And why does she seem to know its nickname? Why does it even have a nickname? Once more her thoughts race, though more out of confusion than concern.

Once more she is snapped out of her pondering by the hostess addressing her directly. She hears her words, and thinks briefly about the pet names she'd been called twice now. She seems a bit... flirty. That can't be, such things would be unacceptable, right? she thinks, remembering her time back in Cru'un. Or perhaps Brennis is different? "I... okay, I'm in. At least until I can pay my debt to the Clowns," she says, unsure if it is the right decision, but curious to experience more of what the city is like when not under the yoke of the Buffone family. Home can wait for now.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso feels confused by the lack of enthusiasm shown by his companions, looking at each of them in turn, before seeing that Idrig in particular gave him a look. This, as well as the entrance of the small orc child, brings him back down to earth. He tilts his head, and speaks out: "Is this... our last member? They seem... young. I don't know if that would be right -- shouldn't they go back to their parents?" Narciso asks genuinely.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Pashalik »

As soon as the men let go of him, Gau moves swiftly away, and stands behind the seat he was offered. He carries himself sulkily, slumping his shoulders, as Sal speaks. No good. he thinks. Under the mask, his eyes dart around the room, toward each of the others, and occasionally to the exits. I don't know the right answer. I didn't get to watch long enough. Should have held back til they got the coins and left, then we'd be on my terms.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Tiger of Teiros? Nice nickname kid," Ciraco laughs as Gina introduces the boy. "Are there anymore feline themed thieves out there waiting to pounce on us the moment we leave? Or does the Tiger of Teiros only work alone?" He asks, teasing the young boy.

"Not that I'm not a fan of getting paid, but what does getting your necklace back from the Barones have to do with your family, and us by extension, staking a claim on the city's seedy underbelly?" He asks Gina, as she mentions the necklace again.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That's the correct answer," Gina replies to the dedicated dwarf, glaring at him as the corners of her mouth begin to curl. It transitions into a beaming grin as Nyx finally shows her commitment. As the others begin to comment on the young boy's presence, Gina notices him hiding behind the chair. "Don't worry, bambino. We won't hurt you. Why don't you come out and chat with us?"

At Narciso's words, she pivots, replying, "I certainly didn't plan for this. He climbed the wall on his own, apparently." Returning her gaze to the seat the boy is using for cover, she adds, "But perhaps he could be useful." She stands from her seat and walks over to where the boy has hidden himself, kneeling down to his level. "How would you like to have a real home from now on?" Hardly waiting for a response, she stands and turns towards the group again, glancing down at the boy on occasion.

"I was wondering when one of you would ask," Gina remarks with a chuckle as Ciraco finally questions the importance of the necklace. "Well for starters, it's worth a fortune. But I couldn't care less about that," she begins, pacing the room as she does so. "It's been in my family for generations, always worn by our matriarch as a symbol of our power. Like a crown. My mother was wearing it when she and my father were killed. The Barones knew its worth and took it." She grows silent for a moment, glancing out the window as her expression grows solemn.

With a struggled deep breath, she continues, "I'm the matriarch now. I want it back, not only for the sentimental value, but to show every family we mean business. It's a symbol, but a powerful one."

Brennisian Translation
Bambino = Child
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well that's good enough for me," Ciraco replies to Gina. "Like I said, I like getting paid. I say we start now, I don't have any other plans," he adds.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso nods, looking back at the rest of his party. "Good enough to me, too. Where do you suggest we start looking for this thing?" Narciso asks, addressing Gina once again and shifting his posture, crossing his arms again.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

It makes much more sense that the necklace's value is sentimental, Nyx things, both pleased by the revelation and a bit sorry for Gina at the same time. Must be hard to be in her position, a young woman leading a major family in such a messed up town.

"I'm fine with starting tonight," Nyx replies, as the others share the sentiment. "It's not like I have anything better to do anyway."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Pashalik »

Gau drops the sulky child stance as he sees that he doesn't need to deflect any anger from Gina, but her attempts to make him comfortable don't get anywhere. Coiled like a spring, he glances at each of his potential teammates as they speak, filing away their responses in his memory.

Finally, as the others start to give their answers, he speaks up. His common is rough from disuse and the mask in the way, but he gets out, "How much coins?"

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

It's more than a symbol, Idrig considers. It's a test. A test to see if each of us are the right fit for whatever she has planned. He decides to proffer a test of his own.

"Your mother and father," the dwarf says calmly, offering her a convincing, compassionate look with lips pursed into a frown and eyebrows lowered in pity. "The Barones took their lives?"

That's what happens here in Teiros. You roll the dice. Everyone's got a chance for snake eyes, crime boss or not.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"So he speaks," Gina remarks as Gau finally breaks his silence, emerging from his hiding spot behind the armchair. At his simple question, she replies, "More coin than you can get as a pickpocket. Imagine the jackpot at a casino." Given his seemingly limited understanding of Common, the woman keeps it simple.

Gina gives an at-ease smile as her recruits express their willingness to begin immediately. Turning to address Narciso, she says, "It's been two years since it was stolen but our sources saw someone bringing it to a jewelry store in the Piazza recently. Zaffo, I believe. Check there first." With the party ready to go, she begins to lead them into the foyer once more. As she walks, she adds, "It should still be open, even at this time. The jeweler is a bit of an insomniac."

She stops at the dwarf's words, turning to face him directly. "Not just them. My aunts and uncles too. My parents wanted to put a stop to this organized crime, get the Assembly and Legion involved. They almost got close too, but the families joined together to silence them. Kept us alive to live in the sorrow." With her words, her tone grows aggressive, as if harboring a deep resentment towards the events of her past. Her eyes widen with vengeance as she adds, "So now it's time to fight fire with fire."

"I know what that's like," Luca replies with a deep sigh. "My parents were killed too. Wrong place, wrong time."

Continuing to the foyer, Gina remarks, "It's a gold necklace with an intricate design of rubies and diamonds. I don't know what you'll learn, but if a Barone lackey still has the necklace, put him in the ground. Return here with the necklace and you'll receive your first payment." With this, she opens the door and gestures into the darkness. Since you've been inside, the rain's pace has significantly picked up, with torrential downpour throughout the city. Every few moments, the sky glows bright, followed by a booming crash.

Soon, you find yourself at the estate's gates once more, but this time with a task at hand. You begin your hurried pace towards the jewelry shop Gina had mentioned. After a moment, Luca speaks up, saying, "If we're going to be working together, I guess we may as well introduce ourselves. I'm Luca, Luca Biondi." Strange she didn't do introductions at the villa. I guess she forgot with everything on her mind.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

Nyx listens to the instructions, nodding along like the good student she'd always been back at the Academy. She figures it best not to ask too many questions of her new employers, and is surprised when the woman is so open about her familial past to the brash dwarven man that is also with her now.

Once back outside, the woman is a bit shocked by the sheer amount of rain hitting the ground, and even more so buy the sounds of thunder that crash every so often. She jumps slightly at first, but eventually grows more accustomed to the sound as they walk. The monsoons here are not something I will ever get used to. So much worse than back home.

The thought only puts her back on the same thought process she'd been on before, pondering her old life back before getting caught by the Clowns and forced to do their bidding. She is snapped out of these thoughts by the young man's introduction, however. "Uh, I'm Nyx," the woman responds, not sure what else to add. Maybe she didn't feel the need for introductions given that she already seems to know us. I wonder how she knows so much...

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso took mental notes of what was going on. As they were shoved outside, he pulls up his hood to try and keep his head dry.

"Sounds like fun; I hope they will just hand it over." Narciso laughs, looking at the others. "Narciso Angelo. Pleasure to meet you all."

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by ratwizard »

They were fools for trying in the first place. You don't simply stand up against kingpins like these. Here's hoping I can get enough coin to disappear before they take this silly charade too far. He steps along with the others, ignoring the gloom and the rain under his treated overcoat.

"Idrig," the dwarf offers. "If this Zaffo still has the necklace for sale, then we should steal it." He looks at the others carefully. The boy might be best for that.

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Re: Fortune's Favor IC

Post by Fialova »

"I may be able to help with that," Nyx responds, holding out her hand and causing a small simple necklace to appear in her palm as they walk. She holds it towards Idrig briefly, before closing and re-opening her palm to show that the necklace is now gone. "I can't make it last very long, but if someone can snag it while the merchant is distracted, it will at least last us long enough without him catching on."

The girl is excited a bit at the prospect of being able to use her abilities again for 'good', rather than to scam helpless tourists out of money. I just hope this time doesn't end up like the last, she thinks, remembering how her unique skills are what got her into trouble with the Buffones in the first place.

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