Gina grins as the party's faces light up with excitement at the job prospects. As the dwarven man questions the logistics, she explains, "That is ultimately up to your team, and how quickly you move. The first shipment is to leave Fyrus tonight, a bell past seven. Though I should warn: the Ironworks and surrounding turf will be fiercely guarded. Ah, but before I forget." With this, she gestures to the servant to her side, who hands Idrig a rolled map of some sort. Unrolling it uncovers a familiar tourist map of Teiros, albeit annotated for the city's underworld. "In a city like this, you'll want to know whose house you're walking into.
As Ciraco speaks up, Gina listens intently. "Oh, my dear. Your plan forgets one key detail. The Ferreros still get their coin should their shipment arrive."
Finally, she turns to the ever-nervous Nyx. Eager to clarify the plan, she explains, "The prince has a habit of avoiding his guards at such events, having a rebellious streak of sorts. However, his own protection will be the mask he wears, and his guards know this."
"Aye, everyone wears a mask for the Carnival. We can hide ourselves that way too," Luca chimes in, growing excited for the upcoming festival.
"Exactly. Though he will wear his royal mask for the parade, he will no doubt change afterwards. We simply need to learn what his new mask will be prior to the festivities." Looking towards the eager Narciso, she remarks, "I am glad you are all so eager to start. Though you've time til tonight. Perhaps you might put your new coin to use in the mean time. You're free to visit the markets, the casinos, the racetrack. Whatever you wish!"