If an ally in sight and within 20 squares of me (other than Narciso) is hit, use Shocking Feedback, an immediate interrupt. +11 vs. AC. On hit, 2d10+6 lightning dmg and ally gains resist 5 all TEOMNT.
If Narciso is hit, pop the Resistance Formula that is on him.
Ciraco rams into the lone guard, the force of his attack almost leaving the air crackling. The guard attempts to return the favor, but luck is on Ciraco's side and he expertly dodges the strike. Meanwhile, the two guards on the ground pick themselves up. Nyx feels her mental connection to the captain rupture as he gains control of his own movements again.
Meanwhile, the caution guard, looking to be young and freshly hired, finally approaches, attempting to swing wildly at Luca. However, his skills at swordplay allow him to easily block the blow.
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Narciso grins, flourishing his blades. He does a small flip, spinning past the nearest guard and sliding into position where he can reach the three of them.
MBA - Broadsword: +10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage MBA - Broadsword: +10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage MBA - Unarmed: +8 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage RBA - Unarmed: +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage
Hunters Quarry - Minor Action - Designate a single enemy as my quarry to deal 1d8 bonus damage a turn when I hit. This mark lasts until either the end of the encounter, they die, or I designate a different target as my quarry. (This damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level, and 3d8 at 21st.) Careful Attack - Standard Action - One Creature - 1d20+12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage. Twin Strike - Standard Action - One or Two creatures - +10 to hit, 1d10+1 damage/+10 to hit, 1d10+1 damage. Ruthless Demonstration - Free Action - Trigger: Bloody an enemy adjacent to me or reduce an adjacent enemy to 0 hit points or fewer. Effect: Enemies that see me take -2 penalty to hit until I am hit by an attack or the end of the encounter. Also if I bloodied the triggering enemy, can immediately make an Intimidate check to force it to surrender. Thri-Kreen Claws - Minor Action - One, Two, or Three enemies - +10 to hit, 1d8+6 damage (+1 per target hit, up to +3). Dire Wolverine Strike - Standard action - Close burst 1 - Each enemy in burst you can see - +10 to hit, 1d10+6 damage to each target in the burst. Invigorating Stride - Shift a number of squares equal to my Wisdom modifier (+1) and not end the shift adjacent to any enemy. Can use my second wind after. Confusion of Blades - Standard action - One creature - +10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage/+10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage. Deals 1 additional point of damage per enemy adjacent to me. Jaws of the Wolf - Standard Action - One creature - Two attacks - +10 vs AC, 2d10+6 damage/+10 vs AC, 2d10+6 damage. Miss: Half damage per attack.
Race (Thri-Kreen): Feature: Multiple Arms 1/turn, draw or stow a weapon or item as a free action Feature: Natural Jumper You are always considered to have a running start while jumping. Feature: Torpor Enter aware torpid state for 4 hours instead of sleep for extended resting. Feature: Thri-Kreen Claws - You have the Thri-Kreen claws power.
Class (Ranger): Feature: Running Attack - This class feature replaces Prime Shot. If you use a standard action that lets you move (such as Charge) and you move at least 2 squares, you gain +1 to Attack rolls made with that move. Feature: Two-Blade Fighting Style - Wield one-handed weapon as an off-hand weapon; gain Toughness as a bonus feat. Feature: Hunter's Quarry - Minor action, designate nearest enemy you see as quarry; deal extra damage to quarry once per round.
Theme (Yakuza): Feature: Ruthless Demonstration - When I bloody an enemy adjacent to me, or drop an adjacent enemy to 0 HP or fewer, enemies that can see me take a -2 vs AC on attacks against me until I'm either hit by an attack or until the end of the encounter. Also, if I bloodied the triggering enemy, I can immediately make an intimidate check against it to force it to surrender.
Toughness - +5 HP (+10 at 11th level, +15 at 21st level)
Master at Arms - +1 bonus to hit with weapons (+2 at 11th, +3 at 21st). Draw and sheathe a weapon as the same minor action.
Lethal Hunter - The damage dice for my Hunter's Quarry class feature increases from d6s to d8s.
Ambush Tactics - The first enemy I damage during the first round of an encounter takes an extra 1d6 damage if it has not acted yet.
As Narciso attempts his showmanship, the charred guard tries to make a swipe at him with the opening. However, Luca catches notice and cuts the guard down before he's able to land a blow. On his feet once more, Narciso lands a devastating blow on the captain while barely grazing the other guard.
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Idrig slides to Nyx's right, loading his crossbow as he goes. Taking aim just past Ciraco, he fires off another tracer bolt, which slams into the caravan guard still reeling from the swordsman's assault.
If an ally in sight and within 20 squares of me (other than Narciso) is hit, use Shocking Feedback, an immediate interrupt. +11 vs. AC. On hit, 2d10+6 lightning dmg and ally gains resist 5 all TEOMNT.
If Narciso is hit, pop the Resistance Formula that is on him.
Nyx winces as her shadows is slain. Her initial instinct is to go after the man who'd slain it, but without its presence she can no longer see him. Instead, she continues to focus her energies on the guard captain, once more infiltrating his mind and causing him to lower his guard. Unlike the last attempt, this one is much more successful, and in his pained attempts to regain control he is left vulnerable to her allies.
Standard Action: Mind Thrust, Augment 2 on Caravan Guard Captain
Attack: 25 vs Will = hit
Hit: 25 psychic damage, and the target takes -4 to all defenses until the end of my next turn. I cannot grant CA until the end of my next turn.
Readied Action: If an enemy hits me with a roll of 1-3 away from the target defense, pop Intellect Fortress as an immediate interrupt
MBA (dagger): +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes) RBA (Mind Thrust): +6 vs Will, 1d10+5 psychic damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes) RBA (dagger): +5 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes)
7 Fire
Vulnerabilities: none
Saves: none
Active Effects:
+1 damage against bloodied foes
cannot grant CA until EONT when I attack with Holy Symbol
targets I hit that have not yet acted in encounter take -4 to hit me until my EONT
Dishearten Mind Thrust Unnerving Suggestion
Second Wind [] Adept's Insight [X] Infernal Wrath [] Shaped Consciousness [X] Minor Creation [] Intellect Fortress [] Walker of the Dark Path Damage [_]+
Class Features Psion Augmentation: Lots of finnicky rules, see PHB3 for details.
Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, ritual book, and one level 1 ritual for free. Also gain Sending ritual, and can use it for free once per day.
Racial Features Bloodhunt: gain +1 racial bonus to damage against bloodied foes
Fire Resistance: have fire resistance equal to 5 + half my level
Theme Features Level 1 Noble Adept Feature: gain 1 PP, can take powers that grant PP when taken in place of non-augmentable powers of the same level. Gain Adept's Insight
Feat(ures) Ritual Casting: can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, see PHB for more details
Holy Symbol Expertise: when I attack an enemy using a holy symbol, all enemies become unable to gain CA against me until my SONT, unless I use another power or ability that specifically makes me grant CA
Walker of the Dark Path: gain a skill and access to holy symbols. Once per encounter, when I make a weapon attack with CA, target takes CHA mod extra damage from hit
Imperious Majesty: use CHA for Init. When I hit a target that has not yet acted in an encounter, it takes a CHA mod penalty to hit until my EONT
Idrig and Nyx successfully assault their targets as the guards begin to falter against the party's strength. Seeing an opening to inflict more fury upon the guards, Luca slams into the nearest to him. The guard stumbles back, but Luca does not relent, slamming the guard further into the building's wall. The guard collapses to the ground, winded from the gladiator's attacks.
Meanwhile, the final guard in the alley emerges, closing in on the others around the cart.
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Ciraco quickly follows up his previous attack with another, landing a finishing blow on the guard who drops to the floor - a pool of blood slowly emerging from their crumpled body.
Ciraco darts around the cart and and postions himself near two more guards. He feints another attack leaving one of them off balance.
Free: Holy Blessing moves Oath to CG5 and they grant CA to me until my EONT.
Move: Walk to (H, 25)
Minor: Skullduggery on CG4, they grant CA until my EONT.
Readied: Relentless Stride, Your oath of enmity target ends its turn within 10 squares of you but is not adjacent to you, I teleport to the target and make an attack.
MBA: 1d20+7 vs AC, 1d12+2 Damage RBA: 1d20+6 vs AC, 1d4+5 Damage
Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None
Active Effects: attacks deal an extra 4 cold damage. As a free action, Ciraco can end this effect on a hit. If he does, the target is immobilized (save ends)
Ciraco successfully dispatches the lone guard and dashes to enter the fray. Another tries to make a swipe at him, but his skills and fortune make it easily avoidable. The captain, finally in control of his own faculties, lands a blow upon Narciso and knocks him to the ground, though the pain is numbed by Idrig's alchemical concoction finally taking effect.
The disheveled guard again the wall finally stands and attempts to toss a dagger at Luca. Still disoriented from the bashing, however, he instead tosses it into the cobblestone below.
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Narciso grits his teeth, standing up from his proned position. He grins at the Guard Captain, tilting his head and flourishing his blades. "This is where the fun begins." He says with a laugh, swinging both his weapons at the Captain.
MBA - Broadsword: +10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage MBA - Broadsword: +10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage MBA - Unarmed: +8 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage RBA - Unarmed: +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage
Hunters Quarry - Minor Action - Designate a single enemy as my quarry to deal 1d8 bonus damage a turn when I hit. This mark lasts until either the end of the encounter, they die, or I designate a different target as my quarry. (This damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level, and 3d8 at 21st.) Careful Attack - Standard Action - One Creature - 1d20+12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage. Twin Strike - Standard Action - One or Two creatures - +10 to hit, 1d10+1 damage/+10 to hit, 1d10+1 damage. Ruthless Demonstration - Free Action - Trigger: Bloody an enemy adjacent to me or reduce an adjacent enemy to 0 hit points or fewer. Effect: Enemies that see me take -2 penalty to hit until I am hit by an attack or the end of the encounter. Also if I bloodied the triggering enemy, can immediately make an Intimidate check to force it to surrender. Thri-Kreen Claws - Minor Action - One, Two, or Three enemies - +10 to hit, 1d8+6 damage (+1 per target hit, up to +3). Dire Wolverine Strike - Standard action - Close burst 1 - Each enemy in burst you can see - +10 to hit, 1d10+6 damage to each target in the burst. Invigorating Stride - Shift a number of squares equal to my Wisdom modifier (+1) and not end the shift adjacent to any enemy. Can use my second wind after. Confusion of Blades - Standard action - One creature - +10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage/+10 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage. Deals 1 additional point of damage per enemy adjacent to me. Jaws of the Wolf - Standard Action - One creature - Two attacks - +10 vs AC, 2d10+6 damage/+10 vs AC, 2d10+6 damage. Miss: Half damage per attack.
Race (Thri-Kreen): Feature: Multiple Arms 1/turn, draw or stow a weapon or item as a free action Feature: Natural Jumper You are always considered to have a running start while jumping. Feature: Torpor Enter aware torpid state for 4 hours instead of sleep for extended resting. Feature: Thri-Kreen Claws - You have the Thri-Kreen claws power.
Class (Ranger): Feature: Running Attack - This class feature replaces Prime Shot. If you use a standard action that lets you move (such as Charge) and you move at least 2 squares, you gain +1 to Attack rolls made with that move. Feature: Two-Blade Fighting Style - Wield one-handed weapon as an off-hand weapon; gain Toughness as a bonus feat. Feature: Hunter's Quarry - Minor action, designate nearest enemy you see as quarry; deal extra damage to quarry once per round.
Theme (Yakuza): Feature: Ruthless Demonstration - When I bloody an enemy adjacent to me, or drop an adjacent enemy to 0 HP or fewer, enemies that can see me take a -2 vs AC on attacks against me until I'm either hit by an attack or until the end of the encounter. Also, if I bloodied the triggering enemy, I can immediately make an intimidate check against it to force it to surrender.
Toughness - +5 HP (+10 at 11th level, +15 at 21st level)
Master at Arms - +1 bonus to hit with weapons (+2 at 11th, +3 at 21st). Draw and sheathe a weapon as the same minor action.
Lethal Hunter - The damage dice for my Hunter's Quarry class feature increases from d6s to d8s.
Ambush Tactics - The first enemy I damage during the first round of an encounter takes an extra 1d6 damage if it has not acted yet.
With a flurry of blades, Narciso strikes at the caravan's guard captain with a frenzy. The captain slumps over on the first swings, drawing his last breath. However, Narciso doesn't cease, and instead continues to slash at the corpse, leaving a succinct message for the Ferrero family when they discover the aftermath.
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
"These Ferraros are going down like flies," Idrig grunts, jamming another bolt in place. He makes a pinpoint shot on another of the guards, giving off a quick burst of light that allows Nyx to focus her efforts. Reloading his crossbow once more, he watches the fray for the perfect opportunity to strike should the guards go after the swordsmen.
If any ally in sight and within 20 squares of me is hit, use Shocking Feedback, an immediate interrupt. +11 vs. AC. On hit, 2d10+6 lightning dmg and ally gains resist 5 all TEOMNT.
Nyx grins as the guard captain goes down, seeing that they have the upper hand in this fight. I really didn't know if this plan would work. I guess we are better than I thought we were. With her current target now out cold, she turns her attention to the one standing near the captain instead. She reaches into the man's mind and causes no small amount of anguish, but is unable to reach the same levels as with the captain, her abilities too weakened from exertion.
MBA (dagger): +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes) RBA (Mind Thrust): +6 vs Will, 1d10+5 psychic damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes) RBA (dagger): +5 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes)
7 Fire
Vulnerabilities: none
Saves: none
Active Effects:
+1 damage against bloodied foes
cannot grant CA until EONT when I attack with Holy Symbol
targets I hit that have not yet acted in encounter take -4 to hit me until my EONT
Dishearten Mind Thrust Unnerving Suggestion
Second Wind [] Adept's Insight [X] Infernal Wrath [] Shaped Consciousness [X] Minor Creation [] Intellect Fortress [] Walker of the Dark Path Damage [_]+
Class Features Psion Augmentation: Lots of finnicky rules, see PHB3 for details.
Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, ritual book, and one level 1 ritual for free. Also gain Sending ritual, and can use it for free once per day.
Racial Features Bloodhunt: gain +1 racial bonus to damage against bloodied foes
Fire Resistance: have fire resistance equal to 5 + half my level
Theme Features Level 1 Noble Adept Feature: gain 1 PP, can take powers that grant PP when taken in place of non-augmentable powers of the same level. Gain Adept's Insight
Feat(ures) Ritual Casting: can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, see PHB for more details
Holy Symbol Expertise: when I attack an enemy using a holy symbol, all enemies become unable to gain CA against me until my SONT, unless I use another power or ability that specifically makes me grant CA
Walker of the Dark Path: gain a skill and access to holy symbols. Once per encounter, when I make a weapon attack with CA, target takes CHA mod extra damage from hit
Imperious Majesty: use CHA for Init. When I hit a target that has not yet acted in an encounter, it takes a CHA mod penalty to hit until my EONT
Idrig and Nyx successfully lay waste to another of the guards. With only two left stand, Luca slides in to attempt to strike yet another down. However, he fails to land a strong enough blow. The youngest of the guards, his face growing panicked, attempts to turn tail and flee the scene.
Like a hunter and prey, however, Ciraco gives chase and appears behind the guard within an instant, landing a powerful hit upon the fearful foe. "P-please no, don't kill me! I don't wanna do this! My uncle made me! I wanted to be a painter! Aurelia salvami!" the fresh-faced guard says, his life beginning to flash before his eyes.
"Fuckin' coward!" the other guard shouts back, gritting his teeth.
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Ciraco sighs as the man pleads for his life. Thinking of his companions in Talguta who weren't given a choice - he tries to knock the man unconscious with a quick couple of hits to the head with the flat of Ciraco's blade.
MBA: 1d20+7 vs AC, 1d12+2 Damage RBA: 1d20+6 vs AC, 1d4+5 Damage
Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None
Active Effects: attacks deal an extra 4 cold damage. As a free action, Ciraco can end this effect on a hit. If he does, the target is immobilized (save ends)
Ciraco successfully knocks out the fresh-faced guard, leaving him slumped over but still alive on the ground. The remaining guard, now alone and outnumbered, looks as a corner animal. He tightly grips his blade and swings wildly at Luca. Seeing the incoming attack, Idrig shoots a wide bolt, which quickly plants itself in the guard's flesh.
Reeling from the immense pain, his swing loses some bite and Luca is able to endure the blow.
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Narciso moves over to the far side of the final standing Guard. "Stand down. You don't need to throw away your life." He says, flourishing his blade and pointing it at the man. He looks to the others. "Gather the cargo. I'll keep an eye on the last one."
Luca takes a deep breath, sheathing his blade as he works quick to tend to his minor wounds. "I suppose that takes care of that. We should move quickly before anyone else comes along," he says, glancing at the cart that's now theirs for the taking.
The streets are quiet, for now, affording you an opportunity to make your move.
Caravan Guard Captain: A middle-aged man with a calm demeanor stemming only from years of experience. He's wearing thick leather and steel-plated armor, looking to be expensive and high-quality even from afar. He has his sword drawn, a large and sturdy longsword of Ferrero design.
Caravan Guard: An assortment of men, from young adults to middle-aged, dressed in leather armor and carrying simple longswords. They appear largely competent, but likely not nearly as skilled as their captain.
Narciso grumbles something under his breath at that, but instead of pushing it further the young man instead hops over to the cart. He quickly climbs onto it, cautiously checking the crates. "Quick reminder of what we're looking for, again? We're not taking all this back with us, are we?" He asks quietly.
Ciraco wipes the blood off of his blade on the unconscious guards's tunic before sheathing it on his back, before turning his attention to the cart.
"There's no way the cart will fit through the sewers. Let's grab what we can carry and destroy the rest," he says, walking over to grab one of the crates.
"And quickly," he adds trying to encourage the others.
MBA: 1d20+7 vs AC, 1d12+2 Damage RBA: 1d20+6 vs AC, 1d4+5 Damage
Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None
Active Effects: attacks deal an extra 4 cold damage. As a free action, Ciraco can end this effect on a hit. If he does, the target is immobilized (save ends)
"Don't worry about what we can or can't carry. We don't want to leave the bastards anything here still usable," Idrig says, slipping out a bottle of blackwhisp and beginning to shake it up. "Just drag every damn crate into the mouth of the sewer. I'll cover our trails with this. Then, we can come back for the rest if need be. Or just leave it in the sewers for the rats."
Narciso shrugs, and gets to work dragging out crates so they'll be easier to grab from the end of the cart. Once they're all shifted, he hops off the cart and grabs a box and carefully begins to carry it towards the sewer entrance.
Nyx sighs as the battle comes to a close. As the others begin to discuss their plans, she takes a moment to rest and regain her composure after the mental toll the battle took on her. "I am sure Gina has people she can send to do the grunt work, once we have it hidden away," Nyx responds to Idrig's suggestion. "We could always carry what we can while the rest is left for them."
After a brief moment of rest she steps towards the cart to observe the contents, when an idea strikes her. "It might be a good idea to take some of the stuff off of their persons as well," she says, looking back towards the unconscious guards. "Might make it less obvious it is a gang rivalry if they are missing their weapons, could just seem like thieves."
MBA (dagger): +4 vs AC, 1d4 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes) RBA (Mind Thrust): +6 vs Will, 1d10+5 psychic damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes) RBA (dagger): +5 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage (+1 damage against bloodied foes)
7 Fire
Vulnerabilities: none
Saves: none
Active Effects:
+1 damage against bloodied foes
cannot grant CA until EONT when I attack with Holy Symbol
targets I hit that have not yet acted in encounter take -4 to hit me until my EONT
Dishearten Mind Thrust Unnerving Suggestion
Second Wind [] Adept's Insight [] Infernal Wrath [] Shaped Consciousness [] Minor Creation [] Intellect Fortress [] Walker of the Dark Path Damage [_]+
Class Features Psion Augmentation: Lots of finnicky rules, see PHB3 for details.
Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, ritual book, and one level 1 ritual for free. Also gain Sending ritual, and can use it for free once per day.
Racial Features Bloodhunt: gain +1 racial bonus to damage against bloodied foes
Fire Resistance: have fire resistance equal to 5 + half my level
Theme Features Level 1 Noble Adept Feature: gain 1 PP, can take powers that grant PP when taken in place of non-augmentable powers of the same level. Gain Adept's Insight
Feat(ures) Ritual Casting: can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, see PHB for more details
Holy Symbol Expertise: when I attack an enemy using a holy symbol, all enemies become unable to gain CA against me until my SONT, unless I use another power or ability that specifically makes me grant CA
Walker of the Dark Path: gain a skill and access to holy symbols. Once per encounter, when I make a weapon attack with CA, target takes CHA mod extra damage from hit
Imperious Majesty: use CHA for Init. When I hit a target that has not yet acted in an encounter, it takes a CHA mod penalty to hit until my EONT
"Aye, they've no doubt got those they can send," Luca says, walking towards the back of the cart to retrieve a crate. "The guards are all yours then," he says to Nyx.
The back of the cart contains around nine wooden crates, about 3.5 feet by 2 feet in size. If you were to open one of the crates, you'd find an array of various weapons packed in straw and cloth, all bearing the signature seal of Fyrus Ironworks, as well as a hastily-scrawled parchment detailing the contents of the crate and the wax seal of the Ironworks. The crates are reasonably heavy, but not to the point of being unliftable by a single person.
"On that note, Nyx, I've just had an even better idea," Idrig says, nodding rhythmically as he puts the pieces together in his mind. "If we take one of these Ferraro's corpses with us as well, then it could look like an inside job for whoever comes to clean up this mess."
Idrig circles the cart, making no attempt to help unload it. "Hey, these two are still breathing," the dwarf remarks with a frown. He points his crossbow at one of the unconscious guard's head, about to pull the trigger.
Noting the one Idrig pointed out but didn't approach, Narciso goes up to him and looks back at the others. "Anyone have some rope? I forgot to grab some before we left." He says, giving the guard a once over now to see if he's got any obvious external bleeding.
Idrig grumbles to himself, lowers his crossbow, and slides his pack around from his back. Fishing out a coil of rope, he flings it to Narciso before meticulously strapping his pack back down.
"Now, about these two." The dwarf aims for the temple of one of the downed Ferraros, loosing a bolt.
"That is clever," Nyx responds to Idrig with a grin. When she notices the seals on the weapons as the crates are opened, she has yet another idea. "We could also have Gina sell many of these blades on the black market, to other gangs. Not all of them, since obviously she wants to keep them for her own use. But just enough to make it seem like the person who betrayed the Ferraro's went and tried to unload everything. It won't look as suspicious later if the Salucci's use some of the weapons if other gangs are using them too."
As she speaks, the girl steps over to the corpses and begins to rifle through their pockets and satchels for any valuables that could be taken to cover their involvement.
Luca raises a hand as Idrig points his crossbow at the unconscious guards. "Or perhaps we keep one alive and take him with us," Luca says, leaning against the rear of the cart. He points towards the youngest of the guards. "Seems he's not too loyal to the Ferreros so maybe we can get something out of him. Up to you though." He shrugs, picking up another crate to carry towards the sewer entrance.
Across the guards, you collectively find around 40 gold pieces in coin. Three of the guards wear rings, although two of them appear to be of poor quality and craftsmanship. The third, worn by the apparent captain, appears to be high-quality, containing a modest gemstone across the band. Additionally, the captain is carrying two pieces of parchment. The first is a simple memo, written in Brennisian, describing the duties the captain and his crew were to carry out.
The second is a rough drawing, looking as if done by a child. In the corner, in large and messy writing, you read "Ti voglio bene, nonno!"
After killing the first of the unconscious guards, Idrig loads another bolt but pauses to listen to Luca's words. He grunts in reluctant consideration. "I suppose you have a point. If our plan works, he's going to be pinned for the blame by the Ferraros."
The dwarf considers that thought for a moment, then slings his crossbow over his shoulder and wipes a spatter of blood from his trousers. "...Which means that means he'll have no choice but to work for us."A vicious cycle of violence, this city engenders. The sooner I leave, the safer I'll be.
Idrig turns to Narciso. "It's settled. Finish tying him up. We'll bring him with us." He continues rattling his bottle of blackwisp once again.
"I'm not sure how much use he'll be, considering he was begging for his life at the first sign of a fight," Ciraco says as he returns from the sewer entrance to retrieve another crate. "Maybe he can paint us something for the villla," he adds with a chuckle.
"I'm sure our host would appreciate that," Idrig says with a smirk. "Not every single person needs to be a hardened pawn, though. Look at the gardener. And look at all these goods we need hauled back. Doesn't take a steady sword arm to lift with your legs."
After making sure that they were tied properly, he gives the rope a firm tug. "Hm, seems like it should work for what we need." He says and moves him over to the cart. "I'll help bring the crates over then we can figure out how we're lugging him back to the manor." After moving the body, Narciso starts moving the crates.
Nyx begins to gather the coins and rings into her pouch, not eager to have to be robbing corpses, but glad that at least she is not among them. Her heart sinks when she gets to the leader's notes, though. As she read the writing from the man's grandchild she tears up a little bit, placing the parchment in a separate spot from the other items so she can hold onto it. The poor man. All he had to do was find another job. The child will be so sad...
"We'll carry him along with whatever crates we can. The rest will stay here in the sewer, as discussed," Idrig says, spreading the contents of his bottle around the entrance to the sewer to mask their movements as they unload the cart. "How are we doing?" he asks, looking up from his work.
Crate by crate, the cart gradually grows emptier as you move the weaponry to the sewer's entrance. The streets are quiet, ordinary for this side of town at this time of night. That is, until, you hear the sound of a horn echoing across the sky, coming from the docks northward. Gazing in the direction, you see a lantern flashing a signal of sorts southward.
Turning around, you see another lantern flashing from atop a large smokestack: the unmistakable feature of Fyrus Ironworks. "Guess they noticed their shipment is late," Luca says, eyeing the signal carefully. "We'd better not waste anymore time."
Five of the crates have been brought over to the sewer, leaving four remaining. One of the crates is opened as Nyx had looked through it, though resealing it would take little time.
Do we have any sense of how much time has passed since we started hauling crates, or how much more time it will take? Are there any rolls we should be making to potentially move faster?
It's been about 5 minutes since you started, between hauling crates, tying up the guy, and checking the various corpses. You could roll Endurance to move faster while carrying a crate alone, or pair up to carry remaining crates.
With the prepwork finished to obscure their departure and the strange, black fumes radiating from the sewer entrance, Idrig moves to grab one of the remaining crates. "Move quickly. If they spot us, the plan's a wash."
"Yes the longer we're here the more likely they are to notice the cart hasn't arrived on time," Ciraco says as he too grabs another crate to haul back to the sewer, trying to move quicker this time.
Nyx looks to the others, then back at the crates. There is no way I can carry one of these by myself, she thinks, scrambling to try to help. "Hey, Luca, could you help me with this last one?" she asks, motioning for the man to come aid her. "If we can, we should also take their weapons after this. The less we leave, the more we can pin on that guy."
Idrig and Narciso easily pick up the pace, their adrenaline kicking in as they quickly move the crates to the sewer entrance. Ciraco, however, finds his strength beginning to wane under the pressure. He nearly loses his grip on the crate, but manages to take hold. However, his speed suffers.
Luca nods to Nyx, rushing over to help her lift the last of the crates. "That's a good idea," he says as they carry their cargo towards their escape. Peering back into the street, it's still empty from what you can tell, though you hear the sounds of steady footsteps on the cobblestone northward, and southward.
As a reminder I am using Shadowy Figurine, which gives myself and any ally within 2 squares partial concealment and +4 to stealth checks while I sustain-minor the effect.