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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Carefully, you head up the ladder and push open the trapdoor into the shed. Reemerging on the surface, you find taht the shed is empty. You can hear faint chatter coming from outside, but you're able to discern that it's the gardener, Fioralba, speaking with one of the groundskeepers.
Everyone helping to hoist the prince, roll an athletics check
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Ok, on three. One, two, three," Ciraco counts down once Narciso is ready at the top of the ladder.

He's surprisingly light, he thinks as he attempts to lift the Crown Prince.
Athletics: [1d20+2]=20+2=22
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig bears down, finding his strength useless compared to that of his allies. Instead he does his best to advise angle of approach. "The math is trivial," he grunts through weak effort. "Just... huh... Just go that way. Lift... huh... his... his damned legs up! You churl, Ciraco, no... Like you were just doing."

Athletics: [1d20]=4

If allowing INT instead, it's +6 (+5 and +1 from half level) for 10 total.
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Post by Fialova »

As the others move to help hoist the prince up to the shed, Nyx frowns and walks towards the rope, doing her best to contribute. This is not my forte at all, we need more strong people in this group.

Athletics: [1d20]=14
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso confirms the voices quietly as he firmly plants his feet on the floor. Carefully he takes his end of the rope and tries to gently pull the prince up with their help, giving as measured uses of strength as he can.
Athletics= [1d20+13]=19+13=32 I'd say it's pretty safe that I've got a good pace on it and not pulling too hard, like Idrig asked.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the group's combined aid, you all begin hoisting the prince up the ladder. Midway through, Idrig's grip gives out, though Ciraco and Narciso maintain tight holds from both ends.

As the prince's weight shifts in his intoxicated slumber, the dwarf instead barks out instructions to the rest of you, and you steadily lift him with the coordination of a living pulley system. "Keep it up. Almost there," Luca says with a strained voice as Prince Maximus' head crests through the trap door. After a few more moments, and careful, steady lifting, Narciso manages to pull the man onto the shed floor and away from the ladder.

The rest of you follow, your conscious ascent much faster than the prince's. You find the shed quiet as usual, though faint chatter erupts from outside. However, you're able to discern that it's the gardener, Fioralba, speaking with one of the groundskeepers. Luca breathes out in relief, pressing his back against a standing shelf. "Hard part's over. Guess we find Gina now?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Let's get him inside first, but yeah I think we can call this a successful kidnapping," Ciraco replies to Luca with a chuckle. It couldn't really have gone more smoothly, he thinks, impressed by their collective achievement.

"This will certainly put the Saluccis on the map, so to speak, just like Gina wanted - for better and for worse," he says, knowing kidnapping the crown prince will not be without consequences.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig pants from the strenuous affair, dusting himself off. "Let us bring him to a bedroom, lay him down, make him comfortable. This is no torture room but an expensive jail cell until the ransom coin comes through."

"Yes, I assume the Saluccis may be a household name in soon enough time." And I will be gone before the firebombs through the windows come.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso takes a moment to catch his breath with the prince safely placed down, wiping off some sweat. "Perhaps one of us should go talk to Gina while we carry him inside? I can't imagine we all need to be there." Narciso says, preparing to lift him again.
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Post by Fialova »

"I can go," Nyx says, not wanting to spend more time with the conked out royal than she has to. "I can introduce her to Corinna too," she continues, turning to their newest companion, who'd handle the mission with much more conviction than Nyx had expected. "She's nice, she'll love you," she continues, offering the young woman a weak smile. Maybe not as much as the men at the club, but the environment here is so much better.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Just posting to confirm that when Scratch is ready to move forward, Narciso will carry the prince again to wherever they're going.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Corinna returns Nyx's smile and gives a nod, following her out of the shed. The rest of you file in behind, stepping back into the familiar and fragrant gardens. Fioralba catches sight of your group as emerge into the midday's sunlight. She raises a matronly eyebrow before pointing toward the upper level terrace. 

Seated beneath a delicate umbrella, you see your benefactor basking in the sun and sipping from a small glass. She seems to take notice of the shuffling of footprints below, she stands and peers over the railing. She flashes a sun-tickled grin, gazing down at you. "Well, I can see you've enjoyed the carnival's festivities. My, is that truly our package?" She gives a quick once-over to the man slumbering in Narciso's arms. "Place him in any of the spare bedrooms, if you would, and then I wish to speak with you all. Rest assured, he will be in safe hands. My cugini will handle it from here." Her eyes focus on Corinna for a moment, and she cocks her head quizzically. "And I see we've a newcomer. Let us convene in the parlor, as always."

She disappears into the villa, her silhouette flickering in the parlor window but a moment later. Nyx and Corinna lead the way inside, heading up the staircase as the rest of you search for an unoccupied bedroom on the ground floor. Fortunately, this takes little time with the group's effort and the rest of you arrive in the parlor soon after.

Stood casually behind the bar, you spy Gina finessing a prismatic array of liquors and syrups. She gives a side eye, pouring into a shaker with a confident smirk. Setting aside seven glasses, she pours an orange mixture into each, a gradient pink band emerging at the top as it rests a moment. She opens her arms, beaming. "You've worked hard. Come, grab my specialty. A Salucci Sunset."

She grabs her own glass, scanning each of your faces, though her gaze lingers on Corinna for a moment. "Tell me, how did things go? Any worries we need to plan for? And was this fine lady also kidnapped or is she here willingly?"
Brennisian Translation
Cugini = cousins
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Post by Namelessjake »

As they enter the parlour, Ciraco removes his mask and sets it down on a side table. "Grazie," he says to Gina, taking one of the glasses. Very nice. The Salucci's liquor shelf certainly beats that of any tavern, he thinks, savouring the drink as he takes a sip.

He makes his way over to an empty armchair and falls into in, putting his feet up on an ornate antique coffee table.

"Couldn't have gone any better really," he says taking another sip of his cocktail. "No one even got a good look at us or where we were headed," he adds, leaving Corinna's presence to be explained by someone else.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig sighs heavily as they arrive on the Salucci grounds, giving a weary wave to Fioralba as they pass with the Prince in tow. He can't help but roll his eyes as he senses their benefactor above them on the balcony. This woman seems only to know how to smirk, drink, and lounge. She must require much rest, issuing orders all day to others who perform labor on her behalf. Wealth is a disease, and she, its leper.

Once their precious cargo has been dropped off, Idrig finds himself in the parlor — the second in line for Salucci Sunset. "Thank you," he offers, his previous criticism of her feeling somewhat hollow after being personally served by his own employer. A strange woman indeed. Perhaps all day with liquor as a companion leads one to craft a half-decent cocktail. I wonder, perhaps Fioralba has helped distill some of this from the prizes in her garden.

"His guard trailed after us for a time, but we gave them the slip quite easily. In fact, my remedy hardly seemed necessary. The nitwit fell asleep halfway through the night."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso enters the villa with the others, finally relaxing as he feels the relative safety of the villa encompasses him. He looks up at Gina as she tells him what to do with their sleeping prince, and he walks off quickly, finding a spare room, and places him inside on a bed before returning to the others, making note of which bedroom he picked.

He returns to the parlor, and takes a seat at the bar; he slides a glass to himself and glances over at Corinna. "The night went well; but no, she's not been kidnapped. She joined willingly, from what I can tell." He says as he discards his mask.
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Post by Fialova »

"She's the dancer I mentioned," Nyx adds, at the question of Corinna. "The one who wanted out of her job, looking for a better life. She helped us to lure the prince out, and now she's here to join," she continues, turning to face the newcomer. Hopefully she is fine with this life over being ogled. If not, I can't imagine Gina will be happy about her knowing the family's secrets.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Corinna, milady," the ex-dancer says with a polite curtsy to Gina.

"Oh please, forgo the pleasantries and just call me Gina. You may have a place here for a time, though a debt owed shall be a debt repaid," Gina replies, a cunning twinkle in her eyes as she looks to the newcomer. She turns to Idrig and nods. "So they are aware he is missing then. By now, I'm certain the Legion is swarming the city in search of him. That may well aid us, as I think of it... Yes." 

She nods along, pulling a piece of paper from a pocket. "While you did your part, I did mine. Perhaps you thought my goal was to assert our power, a grand display to make the Salucci name known. But we can hardly afford to make enemies of the Crown and the Legion." She unfolds the note, setting it upon a coffee table in the middle of the room. In its corner, you spy an insignia shaped as a lioness. "Instead, we narrow the playing field, and cripple one of our most dangerous rivals. And so I procured letterhead from Leone Imports and forged a letter. My goal is to pin blame upon them, weaken their business further, and force them under the Legion's watchful gaze."

Skimming over it, you see it lists the aforementioned Leone Imports, addressed in the warehouse district by the docks. From what intel the Saluccis have shared, you know it's a front for a smuggling ring. Additionally, you know the Leone business has fallen on harder times and they've grown aggressive in desperation for coin. Its contents, written in Brennisian, make it appear as given orders.
Forged Letter
Assicurati che il nostro carico venga consegnato in modo sicuro al magazzino.
E assicurati che non venga fatto del male a "Sua Altezza".
Vorrei fare questi onori io stesso...
Questa nazione ci ha tolto sempre di più, ci ha derubato del nostro futuro,
quindi dovrei provare un piacere personale nel derubare la nazione dei suoi stessi beni.
Se dobbiamo bruciare e svanire nel caos e nell’oscurità, lo stesso farà la Repubblica.

Se gli dovesse capitare qualcosa, anche un graffio, allora mi occuperò di te dopo.
Non deludere tua madre.
Brennisian Translation
See that our cargo is safely delivered to the warehouse.
And make certain that no harm comes to "His Highness."
I should like to do those honors myself...
This nation has taken much and more from us, robbed us of our future,
so I should take personal delight in robbing the nation of its own.
If we are to burn and fade into chaos and obscurity, so shall the Republic.

If harm befalls him, even a scratch, then I will deal with you after.
Do not fail your mother.
"I have one more task for you, albeit a risky one. But I assure that you will be compensated," Gina says, a serious expression on her face, though you sense concern beneath it. "Take this letter, carefully make for the docks, and let yourselves be seen by those on the manhunt. Then shed your disguises and flee unseen, leaving this letter behind. All the while, my cousins and I will get our prince to that warehouse."

She downs the rest of her drink, letting out a weighted sigh and gritting her teeth. "It is the final push, my friends. Should you need to lay low, we've a safehouse south of Empire Beach, east of the docks. An old flower shop. Closer still would be the Imperial Brennisian, due west of the docks. Say you are a friend of Nives at either. Any questions?"
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig sighs, his eyes sinking as he listens to Gina's last request. There's always one... more... damnable... thing. Ugh — I grow weary being the plaything of these Brennissian criminals, and their tactical nonsense. One family falls so the other can climb, and the cycle continues. On, and on again. For what, power? Wealth? Useless aims if not a conduit for greater purpose.

"We shall do as you command," the dwarf says, his dutiful tone belying his recalcitrant thoughts. Bah, anything to rid myself of this asinine costume fit for a circus clown.

"The royal guards will be none the wiser when we disappear a second time with no trace."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Bold, although would she be so bold if it was her neck on the line? Ciraco thinks, sipping his drink while Gina explains her plan, admiring her ambition.

"Sounds simple enough, like the dwarf says, we've escaped the royal guards once already," he says, standing up and making his way back over to the table where his discarded mask lies.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx nods, though she remains unsure of their mission. We do the deed only to pin the blame on someone else. It feels so underhanded, almost more so than the kidnapping itself.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso reads the note, just like the others. He chews on his lip as the others agree to the job. "No job left unfinished. This will be done.' he nods at Gina.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Excellent," Gina exclaims with a bright smile, seemingly pleased to have these threads almost at an end. She looks to Corinna a moment. "And you, my dear, have been through enough. Pray see the kitchen staff for a hot meal. We may discuss your role here in the coming days." 

The mafiosa gives the former dancer directions to the kitchen, and she makes for the door. "Thank you. All of you," Corinna manages with a smile, her gaze lingering on Nyx for longer than the rest. Once she departs, Gina looks back to each of you.

"We both have our respective jobs to do, so I will not keep you longer. We will reconvene here, or at one of our safehouses. I wish you all good luck." Downing her drink, she gives you all a bow before exiting the room. With little else left to do, you each quickly finish your drinks and get underway. As resident sewer dwellers by now, the descent into the urban subterranae is muscle memory. Though dimmer now as dusklight approaches, Ciraco's pilfered map still makes navigation a breeze. 

After some time, the scent of seawater begins to permeate, intermingling with fish and stale ale. The shape of a ladder soon emerges from the shadows, an alleyway exit tucked between a pair of warehouses near the docks. Judging from its location, Piazza Vittoria is a few blocks away, and you're roughly in between both safehouses Gina had mentioned.

All that's left is finding a patrol and doing your part.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx offers Corinna a warm smile as she thanks the group for the opportunity, before turning back to Gina. Hopefully they do not work her too hard, and that she takes to it as we have. I can only hope she feels safer here than with so many eyes ogling her at that club.

"So, we are to be 'caught' in the act. Hopefully whichever guards we encounter are not nimble," Nyx muses to her colleagues once they have reached the alleyway in the docks. And that we make it to a safe house before they spot us again. This plan seems quite risky.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig offers Corinna a courteous bow as she departs. He does not offer the same to their benefactor.

Once they reach the alleyway, Idrig nods sagely at Nyx. "We've given them the slip once. And those were crown guards, too. Although I am fresh out of most of my concoctions. I haven't had the time to replenish my stores. Point being, we may find ourselves doing things the old-fashioned way." He pats his crossbow unceremoniously.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Maybe once we have a few more lackies at our disposal we should get them to clean down here. Making traversing the sewers a bit more pleasant wouldn't be the worse thing we how often we seem to find ourselves down here, Ciraco thinks as the group make their way towards the docks through the subterranean tunnels.

"Yes I doubt the royal family are sending their best to patrol the docks," the mercenary says, agreeing with Idrig. "If we do have to kill a couple, it'll only help to serve our goal anyway," he adds. "The more we pin on our rivals, the more the guards will crack down on them."

Ciraco makes his way to the end of the alleyway, poking his head out for a quick look around the street.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso sighs softly, but with as wide a smile as has been yet seen on his face. "Out of the frying pan, and into the fire." He takes a long gulp of his drink, nearly downing it in one go. "One last job for the road, my companions." He raises his glass, with whatever is left in it. "To good fortune, and may Teiros' bright golden sun hasten our steps."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

The return to the surface does little to liberate you from the fishy stench, though a cool seaward breeze offers some respite. Peering toward the nearest street, you can see that it's likely an industrial thoroughfare that doesn't see much foot traffic. An assortment of crates and barrels line the warehouses' exterior walls, with enough space in the middle for an average cart to pass.

Looking southeast, you see the street intersect with another. From this direction, you can hear the echoed chatter and murmurs of various people, costumed festivalgoers occasionally striding past.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig looks around himself, the fishy scents hardly bothering his attenuated olfactory senses. "Let us make for the busier street to find one of these dolts. There is sure to be some of them patrolling, especially with the prince missing." He heads in the direction of the chatter.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco nods in agreement, following after the dwarf towards the populated thoroughfare.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

At the dwarf's lead, you make your way toward the busier street. A quick glance shows that it's dotted with a variety of shops, lodgings, and restaurants. The foul odors give way to sizzled meats and spiced wines for the celebratory occasion. The carnival goers mostly pay you no mind, only periodic glance of curious admiration over your costumes.

Further down the street, you see a pair of legionnaires manning a sort of security checkpoint. They seem to be studying the costumes of passersby with marked interest.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Perfect, they must be looking for our costumes. I guess let's try and get through the checkpoint. We should be able to lose two legionnaires," Ciraco says, his eyes lighting up beneath his mask as he spots the checkpoint.

"How should we make sure they get the note? Without making it too obvious," he asks, wanting something resembling a plan before they charge in, knowing it is likely to be chaotic.
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Post by Fialova »

"We could place it in a coinpurse or something, maybe?" Nyx responds. "Just toss a handful of loose coins in for weight, then 'drop' it as we flee. Maybe loosely tie it to one of our belts, enough so that our running would jostle it loose?" Surely they would be curious to see what has fallen if it drops from one of us while we flee. 
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Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, a feigned stumble would do the trick. Perhaps... an idea," Idrig says. "Narciso, hand me your pack. But empty it first. I shall stow your belongings with me until we return to the Estate."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"It's hard to lose an entire pack with a small fall," Ciraco says unsure of where Idrig is going with his plan.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso glances at the dwarf hesitantly, "I'm... not wearing a backpack." he says, questioning Idrig's remaining sanity.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig stares at Narciso for a long moment. "You mean you... do not carry tools, climbing gear, a spare meal, a tinderbox, or anything else one may need?" He peers down at the sheathed swords at the man's side and gives him a peculiar stare. "Nothing... other than a pair of blades? You come woefully unprepared for this line of work."

It is a wonder this young fool has survived this long. Fate must bestow some sense of pity for those without all their faculties.

"Very well. One of you three? Might you lend me an emptied pack?" the dwarf asks, turning to Nyx, Ciraco, and Luca.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso frowns slightly, shaking his head; "I've lived off what little I made from working down at the docks for the last few years, this sword was a hand-me-down," he gently gripped the hilt of his primary broadsword, which seemed to have a pair of initials marked into it, "My other sword before this was a... gift." He says, but with a tone that says 'i stole it'.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"I don't have a pack either," Ciraco says. "And neither does she," he adds, glancing at Nyx.

"Luca you're up!" The mercenary says, clapping his fellow Brenissian on the pack.
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Post by ratwizard »

"We've received coin for our services, multiple instances, since our point of hiring," Idrig counters, his tone incredulous. "You know, coin. The shiny thing you give the nice man when you would like the neat thing he carries in his storefront. You realize that, yes?"

He shakes his head, not awaiting an answer to his abusive tone as he turns to look at Luca impatiently.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso kind of freezes up at Idrig's words, retreating backward. He brings an arm up across his chest, resting a hand on his shoulder in a sort of comforting motion, looking away from the rest of the party.
Perception to take in the surroundings - See if there's anything we're missing, people who've noticed them, people near the alley; [1d20+7]=11+7=18
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Luca wordlessly hands his emptied pack over to Idrig, avoiding further ire from the dwarf. He shakes his head, barely concealing a smirk.
As before, carnival goers occasionally walk past and eye your group, and costumes, with curiosity. You also notice a bird, a gull of sorts, seemingly focusing on your group with great interest.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Very good," Idrig says, taking the pack without hesitation. He slips a dagger from his waist, fraying the strap down to a few remaining threads. From his own wares, he puts inside Luca's pack a pair of torches, a bundle of rope, a hammer, and a handful of metal spikes. "To weigh it down. Now, finally, the note," the dwarf says, folding it neatly. and sliding it inside.

"A pack full of evidence will be a much more convincing distraction to these guards. I am certain at least one will break off from our pursuit to ensure its collection."

He holds the finished product out to Narciso. "You have proven yourself to be the most nimble among us. Feign a fall, and let the final threads tear through as you leave our friend here behind."
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx watches wide-eyed as Idrig takes her off-handed suggestion and makes an entire plan out of it. I guess that works, she thinks, as the dwarf hands the pack off to Narciso. "If needed, I can leave my shadow to observe them once we've made our escape and they are left with the 'evidence.' See if they have taken the bait or not."
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Post by ratwizard »

"A sound plan," Idrig says, stoking his beard as he considers Nyx's arcane powers. "If they somehow do not bite, we shall have to make a second pass."

Nodding back toward the intersection, he looks between the others. "Well, shall we go find a pursuer?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco nods along with Idrig and Nyx's discussion of the plan, confident it will work.

"Let's try to "sneak" past the checkpoint," he suggests. "They should make us, if they have a good description of our costumes. There's a good chance one of them might grab the pack too if we then bolt."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Lead on, then. Narciso should file into the rear," Idrig suggests, eager to get moving. "Come on, let us do this deed and be done with it."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco nods, before leading the group towards the guards' checkpoint and joining the line of party goers.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso awkwardly puts the pack on his back and adjusts the straps slightly. He nods as he listens to the plan, and takes a moment to stretch, lumbering up as they finalize the details. "Right... Sounds easy enough." He says, and as they leave, he follows behind, taking up the rear as Idrig asked.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx nods as the plan finally comes together, following close to the others as they begin to head for the checkpoint. Her nerves begin to grow as they draw nearer to the target, unsure of whether they will be able to safely accomplish their goal. We've succeeded so far, what's one more task? We'll be fine, she attemps to reassure herself, taking deep breaths as she does so.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

With plans realized, your group steps from the side street, filing in alongside the festive pedestrians. Up ahead, the guard checkpoint ushers the masses through after momentary delay and a watchful eye.

"Keep it moving and keep it orderly," you hear one of the legionnaires bark out, corralling with a frustrated hand. "Won't take long and then you can get back to your revelry." His tone is harsh, but you can tell his patience is fading. The other, meanwhile, remains focused on examining the people and their costumes.

After a minute or two, you finally reach the front of the queue. "Let's keep it moving or we'll be here all day."

You step up and the other legionnaire glances at your group for a brief moment. As if driven by weary instinct at this point, he starts to say, "Just step through, and then you ca–" He pauses, eyes going wide as he looks at you. "Oi, hold it! You're all coming with us! Tonio!"

The first legionnaire, apparently Tonio, begins stepping toward you with urgency in his footfalls. "Don't you fucking try to run."
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