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Post by Fialova »

"Ah, good," Nyx responds, as Ceres informs them of their companions' safety. Mission's a success, and a fancy dinner to celebrate. Gina really knows how to make us feel appreciated. I hope we don't ever have to see her when she's disappointed. Smiling to their host, Nyx says, "thank you, you've been so kind."

Over the rest of the day, Nyx partakes of some of the food and tea, before taking a long, warm bath to relax and wash away the stress of the day. Afterwards, she peruses the variety of tailored outfits left for them, picking out a dress of blue and white. Once dressed, and with her hair tied back, she dons her cloak once more and steps out with Idrig to head towards the Pavona.

I am good to skip forward to dinner now if everyone else is.
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Post by ratwizard »

Throughout the rest of the day, Idrig takes some time to bathe, change, and give his belongings a good scrub before letting them dry by the stove. At first he balks at the outfits picked out for him, and then an idea occurs. For those Morettis to see me unfettered, with coin and fine clothing both, in spite of their hooligan attempts at derailing my studies... The smug thought is amusing to him. Very well, then. They will see me in my very best.

He picks out a well-fitting taupe doublet as well as a mustard-colored vest. He wears a tulip skirt atop thick, padded chausses, opting for a new pair of boots left out for him. Ah, Brennissian leather. Magnificent. One of the few materials of great craftsmanship to come out of this land long past its glory days.

He steps out to find Nyx in an unfamiliar sight — a dress and done-up hair. "You look quite charming, Lady Nyx," the dwarf says, bowing gracefully before her. "Perhaps I would not recognize you outside of these walls. Shall we find our way to dinner, then?"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Stepping back into the casino floor, you find it even busier than before as the evening roars on. You clutch tightly onto the wine bottle as she leads you through the crowd, crossing to the opposite side of the room where an unmarked door is tucked amidst trellises of ivy. Her grip tightens on your hand as she pushes past it and leads you up a short staircase until you reach a door marked with an ornate E. 

Walking in, you find yourself in a large office decorated as the rest of the casino, fine columns and mosaic tiles. A desk sits in the middle, placed by a balcony overlooking the casino floor. On the leftmost side, you see a fine couch flanked by a pair of well-groomed ferns. She leads you through an archway on the right, a small attached suite with a large canopied bed and a similar balcony. Opposite the balcony is another small room: a small ensuite bath.

Elissa looks at you, giving a smirk as you finally have her alone. "Here we are, handsome. Shall we get you cleaned up?" She gives a quick peck on the neck before stepping toward the bath, already filled with steaming waters. In an instant, her toga falls to the floor, and she looks at you with coaxing eyes before stepping into the water. "You know," she says, sinking into the waters. "You have yet to share your name. So grab that wine and we might share much more."
Luca cracks a smirk at your joke, letting out a soft chuckle. "Ha! That would almost be tempting, but no." He disappears into the bath, leaving you alone with a tray of oysters and the rest of your glass of wine. Not too long after, Luca reemerges with a towel around his waist. "You're up, amico." He takes a seat at the table, slowly nursing his own glass from earlier.

With your own drink finished, you make your way toward the bath. Closing the door behind you, you see it's a fairly narrow room, intricate mosaics along the wall as you're led up to a stone tub. Steam dances from the pristine waters, ever an inviting sight after a long day. Shedding your gear, you step in and feel the tension and worries melt away.

Midway through, you overhear brief chatter outside between Luca and a woman before silence again. You grab your own towel, its fibers plush as you dry yourself. Stepping back into the main room, you see Luca wearing a beige doublet with a brown and viridian-hued vest worn atop. He pats a stack of clothing folded neatly on the table. "Elissa's assistant dropped these off. Help yourself."

Donning them, you find yourself in a white doublet with gold accents, along with an elegant black and golden waistcoat, fine black pants, and well-crafted boots.

"Looking sharp," Luca says. "Ready to head out?"

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso feels a little hurt by Luca's rejection, but he shrugs it off as he relaxes in the bath for a while, and takes his time washing himself. If I'm going to a fancy dinner, may as well try hard. He thinks to himself.

Eventually, he steps out and dries himself off, joining Luca back outside, he gets dressed (presumably stepping into one of the side rooms mentioned earlier) and returns, examining the outfit. "You know, white and gold do look good on me." He says, smirking. "Yeah, let's go. We'll have to collect Ciraco, anyways."
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Post by Namelessjake »

The Salucci's treat their people well, Ciraco thinks, glancing around Elissa's rooms, though he gives little of his attention to his surroundings as he watches her disrobe. Drawing his eyes from her naked body as it disappears below the water, he meets her gaze, pulling off what remains of his costume as he steps towards the bath.

"It's Ciraco," he says, placing the bottle of wine on the floor by the bathroom, before climbing into the water. He slides up to Elissa, taking her into his arms and leaning in to kiss her.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Elissa's lips meet yours and the passions ignite...

You emerge on the other side, panting and with seemingly more water outside the tub than in it. She gently massages the warm waters against your muscles, washing any last traces of grime away. "My, that was nothing short of remarkable. As are you," she says with a final soft kiss before pulling herself from the water. She wraps a plush robe around her, giving you another teasing grin before tossing you a watching robe. "While I would love to entertain a guest such as yourself for longer, I believe you've dinner plans." She takes your hand, leading you out of the tub and back into the bedroom. Opening an armoire, she reveals an elegant set of formalwear, a blue vest with intricate white accents and a white shirt beneath, and inky blue pants beneath. A pair of boots rest beneath.

She allows you to change while she dons her toga once more, fixing her hair on a nearby mirror. "If I didn't have any sense, I'd rip you right out of those," she says, giving you a once-over and a nod of approval. She steps up to you with another smile, a warmer one, and tidies your own hair.

She looks out the balcony for a moment and frowns. "I should get back to work before some drunkard kills themself, and you can't be late." She takes your hand, leading you back to the main hall and toward the entrance. "Don't be a stranger, Ciraco. Oh, and try the short ribs. To die for." She gives another smile and a kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the crowd.

Making your way to the entry hall, you see Luca and Narciso seemingly waiting for you. Luca gives you a nod and you head off.
Luca gives you a quick once-over and a smirk, meeting your eyes. "Aye, they do," he says genuinely before his smirk intensifies. "May look good off you as well." he mutters, almost absentmindedly.

Without another word, he leads the way back to the entry hall. A short wait later, Ciraco joins. Luca gives him a nod and you three set off.
Idrig & Nyx
"Oh my, you both look stunning!" Ceres remarks with a wide smile as you make your way to the exit. "Do have fun! Oh, and tell Gina hello for me!"

As you step outside, there's a cool breeze that carries the scent of pastries and flowers and the gentle sea beyond the docks. By now, the sun has long sunken beneath the horizon and the stars twinkle brightly above. Even now, the celebrations of the Carnival of Democles echo throughout the bustling city, never one to call it a night early. Passersby continue on, still in their costumes and other finery, and an oddly serene energy courses through you despite everything prior.

You make your way to the plaza beneath Centurion Tower, imposing and standing watch even at this lofty hour. Many shops and restaurants remain open, catering to festivalgoers and their eager coinpurses. At the north end sits Pavona, an impressive white-stone building with carved peacocks and feathers adorning the facade. A pair of blue-tint windows flank a set of double doors, its handles shaped as the heads of peacocks.

You're met by the other half of your party, dressed in similar tailored finery for a night at the most acclaimed restaurant in the city. A pair of men stand outside the doors, dressed in matching blue and green suits, shimmering with iridescence even in the soft lantern glow. As you approach, they wordlessly open the doors.

Passing through the portal, you're greeted by a woman in an extravagant blue and green dress, a feathered pin tucked into her well-kept hair. Behind her, you see an array of white-linen tables, fine food amongst them and wine pouring like the great falls of Chathra. She smiles, resting her hands on the desk before her.

"Ciao! Welcome to Pavona, and Happy Carnival. Do you have reservations with us this evening?" she asks politely, the smile never seeming to leave her face. Her eyes seem to wander over each of your ensembles, though given that her expression does not change, you suspect they meet her standards.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso begins to blush at Luca's comment but heads off to join the others. He steps out into the cool night, enjoys the smell of the sea breeze, and remembers his many late nights at the dock before joining up with the Saluccis. He smiles softly, thinking about how much his life has changed in such a short time, and then quickly catches up with the others.

Is this what peace is like? Not worrying about how to pay my rent, not worrying about having a collector come by to take what little I have left? Enjoying the cool night air? Narciso thinks to himself. He lays eyes on Pavona from a distance, a place that a few months ago he has have only dreamed about eating at, and felt a warmth fill his chest. He gives a polite wave to Idrig and Nyx as they meet back up.

"Yes, we're here under the name Salucci." Narciso says, giving the woman a polite smile.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Good evening," Idrig greets the rest of his companions as they regroup at the peacock-adorned, palatial restaurant. He waits patiently as Narciso provides their benefactor's name. One final night here, I should think. Perhaps I have earned myself some rest and relaxation. After all, there are new horizons beyond this one that will soon demand my diligence. For all its faults, Teiros has given me certain knowledge and connections that I may not have gained elsewhere.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Oh I won't be, Ciraco thinks, watching Elissa as she disappears back into the crowded casino floor. He makes his way to re-join Luca and Narciso before the trio head for the restaurant, an extra spring in his step.

As the group reunites, Ciraco eyes the opulence of the restaurant greedily as he waits for Narciso and the Maître d' to sort things out. We only dreamed of eating at places like this in Talguta. We had to make do with shitty taverns and opium dens he thinks, cracking a smile as he remembers the better times the Brennisian Bastards had in Talguta. It's a shame some of those guys didn't get the chance to make it into the big time, he thinks, briefly saddened as he remembers how things ended for most of his fellow mercenaries.
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Post by Fialova »

"I don't think I'd be wearing this again outside these walls," Nyx says, nervously chuckling at Idrig's compliment. She returns his bow with a clumsy curtsy, before grabbing his arm to walk to the restaurant. Gods, this is so strange. I wonder what Alina would think if she saw me like this. I'll have to show her once we get back to the state.

Nyx glances around at their destination as she and Idrig arrive, marveling not only at its design, but at the fact she is visiting as a guest rather than as an employee. How odd to be stepping inside, knowing I will be served rather than serving others. I don't know if I will ever get used to this. She nods and smiles when the host greets them and is answered by Narciso. I wonder who else Gina has invited to this dinner?
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

The Maître d' looks down at a small leather-bound book, guiding her finger down a list of names. "Ah, here we are. Lady Salucci and her other guests have already arrived. If you'll please follow me." She gives a slight bow, stepping from behind her desk. "Your hostess has reserved our private terrace for your party. Truly a treat on a night such as this." You trail behind her as she leads you to the far end of the restaurant, and through a set of glass-paned double doors.

The cool breeze hits you once more as you step outside, though a small hearth crackles against the building's wall. Marbled fencing makes up the perimeter, with a whitewood pergola betwixt ivy vines overhead. Where ordinarily, one might find a small handful of tables dotting the terrace, you instead see one, its length befitting a royal banquet hall in its grandeur. By your count, it can seat eighteen: eight seats across, plus two on each end.

Notably, you see thirteen of the seats filled, with five nearest to Gina still open. Alina and Fioralba sit at the next closest seats, offering waves to Nyx and Idrig respectively. They likewise point to the seats next to them. Elsewhere, you see the other Salucci cousins who you've dined with on a handful of occasions during your time with the family, each offering a polite nod at your arrival.

Gina offers a warm smile as each of you takes a seat. "Welcome, my honored and trusted friends. I'm delighted to see you all safe and whole. Needless to say, our mission has been a rousing success, so I thought it apt to celebrate with the family and the team who made it all possible." She gives each of you a nod. "We would not have succeeded if not for your impressive cunning and cooperation. You are all Saluccis, in all but name. But!" She pauses, a hint of excitement in her tone. "We can get to business, and your payment, later. For now, we are all dressed up at the finest restaurant in the city. Let us enjoy this evening, together." 

As the mafiosa finishes, you look to the place setting ahead of you. Fine, polished silverware rests aside a small porcelain plate painted with a blue-green feathered ring. Rested atop is a white linen napkin, impressively folded into the namesake bird. Tucked beneath, you pull out a neatly-printed menu detailing a multitude of options across several courses.

"Please, order whatever you'd like, one from each course. You are family, and we take care of our own. Buon appetito!"

The Maître d', still lingering by the door, steps up. "I'm happy to get things started for you all. Please, feel free to order every course now."
Chicken Liver Pate Bruschetta with Fig Jam
Assortment of Salumi & Cheeses
Brennisian Prawn Cocktail
Mascarpone and Goat Cheese Crostini with Grilled Tomatoes & Balsamic Glaze
Vencini Salad
Octopus with White Beans
Scallops with Garlic and Breadcrumbs 

Porcini Mushroom Risotto
Ricotta & Spinach Ravioli in Pomodoro Sauce
Bucatini all’Amessio
Spaghetti alla carbonara
Gnocchi in Sage Cream Sauce
Gorgonzola Polenta
Lasagna di Casa
Cannelloni Pavona
Meatballs with Cranberries and Capers
Teiros-Style Salt Cod in Tomato Sauce
Chicken Cacciatore
Chianti-Braised Short Ribs
Veal alla Sisennese
Lamb with Porcini-Tarragon Sauce
Grilled Lobster Tails 

Contorno, Served Alongside Secondo
Ricotta-Stuffed Zucchini
Green Beans in Lemon-Caper Sauce
Vizidelian Braised Artichokes
Cipolline in Agrodolce
Pan-fried Eggplant with Balsamic Basil Caper
Sweet Peas with Prosciutto 
Insalata di Casa 
Dressing: House Special, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Imardanian, Raspberry Vinaigrette 
Formaggi e frutta 
Asiago, Caprino, Fontina, Gorgonzola, Mozzarella, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Provolone 
Grapes, Blood Oranges, Peaches, Figs, Pears, Olives, Plums

Dessert menu to follow
"You look beautiful, Nyx," Alina says with a hushed voice as you sit next to her. She smiles, cheeks flushing subtly in the candlelight. Look at her, you see she's wearing an elegant black and white dress, her hair draped over her exposed shoulders. "Gina told me what you had to do. I'm relieved you're alright."
"You cleaned up surprisingly well for an afternoon spent in the sewers," Fioralba teases as you slide in beside her. You notice she's cleaned up as well, her fingernails absent from dirt and her attire a relatively simple but still formal gown. "I'm grateful to see you unharmed though." She gives a genuine smile.
Gina looks at you seated beside her after she finishes speaking. "My, you look quite dashing in that. I trust that the casino treated you well? I've been meaning to pay Elissa a visit..." Her voice trails a bit, as if caught up in a thought. Looking at her, you see she's wearing her hair in an elegant updo and a stunning crimson dress on, which shows ample cleavage for one such as yourself.
With the other seats taken, you claim yours next to Luca. He looks over at you for a moment, wearing a puzzled expression. "That offer earlier, at the casino... You were joking around, yes?" he asks in a hushed voice, looking at you as if studying you.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx continues to marvel at all of the sights as they step out onto the terrace, her look of awe turning to one of sheer joy as she spots first the table, and then Alina seated at it. Oh, Gina brought everyone! How wonderful! She grabs the ends of her dress and lifts them up, before quickly making her way towards the seat next to her paramour, giving the other woman a quick peck on the cheek as she takes her seat. 

"You look so beautiful as well," Nyx responds, matching Alina's volume as she eyes her outfit, hair, and makeup, having only seen her before at either her worst, or in homey comfortable clothing. Wow, she thinks, as her heart races, both from the sight and from realizing she'd just kissed her in front of everyone. "It was difficult, but I am glad it was over with. I was waiting to get back to you, but I never thought it'd be in such fine clothing in such an amazing restaurant." Anyone looking her way will see that her grin is the widest they'd ever seen it as she gazes into Alina's eyes.

Once the server speaks again, Nyx quickly grabs one of the menus, reading it several times as she finds it difficult to decide what exactly she should get. It all looks and sounds so amazing, even better than what Gina has her family prepare. I wonder how much this all costs, it must be a small fortune, especially for so many of us. "Um, I'm ready to order I think," Nyx says more loudly now, to get the server's attention. 

"If doing all courses at once, then for the antipasto I'll have the vencini Salad, for primo I'll have the porcini mushroom risotto, for secondo I'll get the grilled lobsters tails with the braised artichokes as my cortono. Insalata will be with the raspberry vinagrette, and maybe some grapes and asiago as well. Thank you!" Her order placed, she quickly closes her menu and hands it back to the server, before returning her gazes to the woman next to her, her smile just as wide as before.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso sits next to Luca and blushes as he begins looking over the menu. "For the antipasto, I'll take... a vencini salad, then for the primo I will take a spaghetti alla carbonara. The secondo I'll take a... teiros-style salt cod, and the ... vizidelian braised artichokes. He pauses to think momentarily. "Then for the insalata di casa I'll take the balsamic vinaigrette dressing, and uh... mozzarella and olives, please." He says and passes the menu back.
Narciso takes a moment to respond to Luca, and blushes at his question. "I thought I was, but..." He pauses, turning slightly to look into his eyes; "I didn't realize how much I wanted it until you said no, and then..." He hesitates again, the gears turning in his head; "I've been mulling it over since I asked and... it wasn't a joke." He says softly, gulping. "Can we talk about this later, in private?" He asks, trying not to make his awkwardness /too/ obvious to the others.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"And you look as beautiful as ever," Ciraco replies to Gina with a signature smirk. Looking her up and down, his eyes linger slightly longer on her chest and the revealing cut of her dress. "The casino was very impressive, you run quite the establishment," he adds as he lets others order, waiting for a gap to place his own order.

"The scallops, the gnocchi, the short ribs with the artichokes, and then the House Special dressing and some olives," Ciraco says to the waitress keeping his eyes on Gina. Emboldened either by his earlier relations with Elissa, or by the steady consumption of wine he has been partaking in since the conclusion of their mission, beneath the table the mercenary places his hand atop the mafiosa's thigh.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig takes a seat next to Fioralba, bowing his head formally to her as he does. "As have you," he says, noticing her fingernails absent of dirt and her formal gown. "Yes, it came down to a foot pursuit... but where my pace may fail, my recipes do not. I wish I could have seen that legionnaire's face when he found himself outsmarted."

As a server passes by, he scans the list. Ah, pasta and seafood, the few things I will miss. "The octopus to start," the dwarf orders. "Next, the house lasagna. Then the cod and the zucchini. For salad, Imardanian." Even those in Durduum would port the stuff in. I must recreate their dressing one day. "Lastly, a side of plums and a wedge of asiago, if you would."

Once the server moves on, Idrig turns back to Fioralba. "I must thank you again for permitting me use of your alchemical tools. It has been a favor most kind."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the orders taken, the Maître d' gives a smile and a slight bow. "I will put these in for you. Please, enjoy yourselves." She disappears and the conversations and murmurs around the table begin again.

After about ten minutes, a handful of waiters arrive, placing the first course in front of each person. Nyx and Narciso find a delightfully-plated pinwheel of tomato, basil, and mozzarella, drizzled liberally with an olive oil as smooth and full-bodied as an operata. Ciraco finds the scallops perfectly seared, tender and succulent and perfectly married with the savory garlic. Idrig, meanwhile, looks down at a small plate of octopus arms, lightly charred atop a bed of decadent beans: an homage to the land and sea of Brennis.

The wine continues to pour, laughter and chatter echoing across the terrace as food and family bring out the joy in everyone. "Do you remember that time we tried to bring that stray dog home?" you hear one cousin say. "No no no, she always snuck a dash of rum in when no one was looking. Why do you think no one else could make it like her?" another says, followed by an eruption of laughter.

The next course follows some time after, small yet heaping dishes of pasta and risotto placed in front of each grinning face. As waiters offer to grate fresh cheese over the dishes, some of you hesitate to say when. Each bite is as flavorful as the last, rich in savory and salty tastes, and soon you stare at yet another empty plate of celebratory gluttony.

Gina looks to each of you between bites, smiling as she gauges your enjoyment. "I trust it's all as good as you'd hoped, yes? Now, we've some time before the next course, so I thought I would let you know. Leone Imports was surrounded being sunset, and their manor not long after, so nicely done on your end. As for the prince, I've been told he simply remembers masked assailants and little more. I know not what concoction you gave him, but it helped cover our tracks even further." She takes a sip of wine, clearing her throat. "Rest assured though, he is safe again with mommy, and our isle will breathe a sigh of relief as its future has had some sense scared into him. But in light of this, I believe you've all earned a bonus, to be paid out after our meal."
"Oh, thank you," Alina says through a wide, shy smile, her cheeks flushing even through her makeup after your kiss. "I'm just glad to enjoy this evening with you. Maybe we might come back sometime, the two of us?" She grabs a hold of your hand beneath the table, squeezing it lightly. "Would you like that?"
Fioralba gives you a warm smile and nod with your returned compliment. "Truth be told, this is far from my comfort zone. But Gina insisted that I join." She listens with great curiosity as you recount the events and the fooled legionnaire. "I'm glad those tools found use again. It has given me my own spark of inspiration, even to watch you from afar. You have become a true friend, Idrig."
You see Gina's cheeks flush a pale red as she casts you a glance. "I'm heartened to see you haven't lost any of that charm since you've joined us," she says, flashing a brief grin toward you. She places her hand atop yours, looking down at the rest of the table, at its faces, before back to you. "Handsome as you may be, our arrangement could makes things quite... difficult."
Luca raises an eyebrow at you, his lips curling into a slight smirk. "I see. I wouldn't have guessed," he replies, a hint of curiosity in his tone. "Aye, we can talk about it. Maybe a walk together might clear your head? I know a few interesting spots."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso enjoys the food, and listens to the funny anecdotes from the Saluccis. He looks up at Gina as she speaks, and nods at the fantastic news. He raises his glass to cheer.
Narciso nods at Luca's words, "Yeah, yea. I'd like it."
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig forks another bite of zucchini into his mouth, allowing himself the smug chuckle of pride as he hears of the prince's condition. He was a considerate and courteous test subject.

The Salucci chat he finds droll and barely refrains from rolling his eyes at their trifling anecdotes. Instead, he finds himself listening to Fioralba with rapt attention. A warmth fills his chest at her words.

"A true friend," he repeats, his eyebrows raising in an impressed fashion. "As you have become, to me. True friends are a rarity among people like ourselves: people with wit, and great intellect, and purpose. We would sooner trample each other on the way to our goals. I am... glad it is not the case with us."

He sighs, dabbing at the corners of his mustache with a silk napkin. One might almost forget we sit in the boot-heel that is Teiros, spending an evening in this company, with this fine of dining.

Something in the gardener's words perk his ears up. "Inspiration, you said, yes? Seize upon it, then. Never let that spark extinguish. It is the thing that separates us from lesser minds, or lesser men. It is our freedom."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco relishes in the food and wine, more than happy to be enjoying the offerings of Brennisian high society. A bonus? Good. Throwing away half my coin purse as a distraction wasn't ideal, he thinks as he listens to Gina talk to the table.

"Perhaps," the mercenary agrees, continue his private conversation with Gina. "Where's the fun in easy though?" He asks, a glint in his eye.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx happily devours her salad, sharing some with Alina as she does, and trying some of the other woman's food as well. She eats most of it by the time the risotto arrives, enjoying it even more than the salad. It's all so delicious, this place is heavenly. Her eyes widen and she smiles through a mouthful of food as Alina suggests dining here again in the future.

"Of course I'd like that! It's all so delicious, and I wouldn't want to come again with out you," she responds after swallowing, her grin only growing with an empty mouth. "I'd love to see so much more of this city with you. I... never had any love for it before. I was here by force, and never able to afford any of the things that drew people here willingly. But you've given me a reason to want to see it all, with you."

At Gina's announcement, Nyx quickly turns to face her employer, her eyes gleaming at the news not only of their success, but of the extra pay to come. This night just continues to get better, she thinks, as she turns back to Alina. Seeing the beauty next to her, her smile widens once more. And I didn't think it could.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

After more time passes, filled with idle chitchat and spirits aplenty, the next course arrives and the delectable entrees are placed in front of you. Nyx looks down about a decadent pair of lobster tails, their warm and succulent flesh complementing the tender braised artichokes. A hint of acidity, a dash of sweetness, and a savory warmth that leaves her craving the next bite.

Idrig and Narciso's forks dig into their salted cod, the tomatoes giving a mouth-watering tang against the almost steak-like fish. The dwarf's zucchini is delightfully rich, making one almost forget they're eating a vegetable. And finally, Ciraco eyes his short ribs with eager anticipation. So tender that they break apart with a fork, there's a slight Chianti sweetness amongst the other depth of flavor.

Richness. Decadence. Pavona. These thoughts swirl within your stomach, where your brain has seemingly been relegated for the time being.

Yet finally, a brief reprieve: a bed of lettuce and other vegetables intermingling in a way that restores a sense of wellness within you. All is right.

And finally, the assorted cheeses and fruits are served. A waiter stops over, handing small dessert menus to each of you as you start to wonder how much more you could possibly eat. And yet, it does sound enticing.
Pavona Dessert Menu
Vanilla Panna Cotta with Mixed-Berry Coulis
Chocolate-Hazelnut Semifreddo
Raspberry-Plum Tart
Assorted Gelato & Sorbeto

Vishan Coffee

"I am grateful and humbled by your words," Fioralba says with a genuine smile. "And I will carry your words with me for the rest of my days. Perhaps I might create a new tonic or elixir, as you have." Her tone carries an air of eagerness, with pride.[/align]

Looking down at your menu, you notice yours has a stray flyer tucked in. Looking around you, no others seem to have it. It has a small illustration of a pair of tombstones on the front. Beneath is text reading Teiros Graveyard Tours: Come Walk with Khloros

Turning it to the rear side, you see a message written to you.

We understand your coffers now flow with gold once more. You are more fortunate than most who visit this city. Should you wish your most fascinating journal returned, come to the graveyard at your earliest convenience with our agreed-upon ransom. Simply tell the gatekeeper you come in search of the Vile Spade, and then we shall meet.
Alina blushes intensely again, looking at you with a beaming smile. "I'd love to show you everywhere. I'm not quite my old self yet, but you've given me the strength to keep moving. To keep healing." She gives you a quick yet soft peck on the cheek as you'd done before. "There are so many places I can't wait to show you."
"Sounds like a plan then," Luca says, raising his glass with a smirk as he looks at you. "Cool air and a good view will do wonders for you, trust me."
Gina has to stifle a giggle as she listens to you with rapt attention. "You've a point, but... There are things at play to consider. The risks. Nevermind the power dynamic, or others thinking you're receiving preferential treatment..." She takes another swig of her wine. "And yet, that glimmer in your eye is certainly hard to resist." She flashes you a quick smirk.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso enjoys the food thoroughly, incapable of remembering the last time he had such a delicious meal. As he finishes his plate, he frowns, almost wishing there was more - but lords above he is full. He looks upon the dessert menu though with an intense interest Maybe just... a bit of dessert. He thinks to himself with a smirk. "I'll have the Tiramisu and a vishan coffee, please, and... amaro, yeah." He smiles, happy with his choices.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Elissa was right, Ciraco thinks as he enjoys his main course, thankful for her recommendation.

"The Panna Cotta and Grappa," he orders as they arrive at the final course, the temptation of the dessert menu winning out against his sated belly.

"I suppose their are some risks," Ciraco concedes. "I'd be wise not to anger you, lest you send me alone into the Crown Royal or send me on some other suicide mission - I think I'm willing to take that chance though," he says with a smile. "As for the others, it looks like they're all securing preferential treatment of their own," he adds with a slight chuckle, looking around the table to see the others all deep in conversation with their own Salucci.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Very good," Idrig says to Fioralba, satisfied by her states ambitions. After placing an order for the tart and a cappuccino, he carefully reads the strange flyer. Curious. They've more understanding of my affairs than I had hoped. No matter, with journal in hand and a concoction left behind for their beloved graveyard, I will leave here the victor. He pockets the flyer and turns back to his friend.

"I am to leave Teiros," he admits bluntly. "My time here has come to an end. I believe your family has gained much momentum in the last weeks, and with the assistance of yourself and the others, you will have little to worry about my departure. Even still, I am hesitant to leave behind the insightful and hard-working associates I've made." The dwarf nods at her dutifully.
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Post by Fialova »

The smile never fades as her lover continues to talk plans for the future, and Nyx can't help to begin to imagine their future date nights once Alina has regained her strength. To think I'd be excited to go places in this city again, after all these years. I guess you just need the right person to make it a wonderful experience. "I can't wait. And until then, we can rest at the villa," she says, turning as their waitress approaches once more.

Glancing over the dessert menu, Nyx glances over it with great anticipation. "Um, the raspberry and plum tart for me, please. And the limoncello," she continues, once more handing her menu back before turning her attention back to Alina.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

A cool breeze blows across the terrace, wafting sweet scents toward you as a parade of desserts are brought out and placed before each of you. Nyx and Idrig enjoy a pleasant mix of sweetness and tartness as they delve into their fruity baked pastry with its warm, buttery crust. Narciso's tiramisu is light and decadent, the cocoa and coffee only intensifying each other's flavor. And Ciraco digs into the rich gelatin, the subtle vanilla complemented by the berry sauce.

Coffee soon flows, its warm aroma a telltale sign that the night is winding down. Conversations grow quieter as the moon hangs high, the fireplace crackling and warming your full-bellied spirits. Small glasses of liqueur wind the night down, and soon the cousins depart with hushed Ciaos. Fioralba and Alina remain, and Gina looks over each of you.

"I trust you enjoyed your meals, my friends. I cannot express how grateful I am for your successes today." She leans down, picking up a large, jingling sack beneath her feet. She pulls smaller sacks from within, tossing them to each of you. "Your coin, and your bonus, are all within. Do spend responsibly though, yes?" She smirks, nursing the last of her drink. "You have all earned a break though, while I arrange our next steps. I realize you've all barely been able to experience the wonders of Teiros. May this payment change that."

She stands, giving each of you a smile. "It's a beautiful night, and the city is at peace. But do watch your coins on the walk home."
I can't even remember how much money was promised, but handwaving it since gear and all is being reworked with the WWN switch
"I see," Fioralba says plainly, though you can detect the hint of sadness behind her words. "I will certainly miss these talks of ours. Yet a friendship as ours will surely endure." Though that sadness is in her eyes, she gives you a warm smile. "But I understand that another shore calls to you." She places her hand atop yours, giving it a slight squeeze. "Would you like to walk an old friend home?"
"Yes!" Alina says, her excitement palpable even through her whisper. "And we will have plenty of time together while Gina figures everything out." She beams widely, putting her hand on yours and squeezing it lightly. "Would you like to walk home together?"
Gina smirks at you, her eyes trailing toward the others having their asides. "We shall see, won't we? Perhaps you would like to join me on the walk home?"
"I guess that's that then," Luca whispers to you. "Still keen for that walk together?"

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso now toys with the new bag of coins, questioning what he would do with this amount of gold. He pockets it safely before nodding to Gina and raises his glass one last time.
"It seems you're right," He whispers, and nods as he shifts to look at Ciraco, Yeah, I'd like to go on a walk still." He finishes his drink. "Are you ready to go?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

I've spent so much time of late thinking on how to earn some coin, I'll have to think on how to spend it, Ciraco thinks as he tucks his payment away safely in his jacket.
"I happen to be headed that way myself already," Ciraco replies, his mouth cracking into a smirk.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig brings a hand up, letting the bag of coin come to a stop in front of him. He takes another sip of his cappuccino before placing the small bag into a coat pocket. The warmth of Fioralba's hand on his surprises him, and he feels a distant pull of the earth beneath his feet. I will remember this city not for its filth and rancor, but for the talent and diligence of those I found here. He takes another sip, sighing as he does. Among other, small pleasures.

"I would," the dwarf answers. "I have an appointment to make, but that is not for a few hours."
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Post by Fialova »

"Of course," Nyx responds, her smile never wavering during their conversation together, her infatuation with her new lover clear to anyone who glances their way. "I'd have offered if you didn't," she continues, standing and accepting her pay with one hand as she keeps hold of Alina's with the other. Satisfied - and quite full - she helps the other woman to her feet and begins to head back for the estate, hand-in-hand and happy as can be.

"If you're still feeling weak, you can lean on me," Nyx responds to Alina as they make their way out of the restaurant. "I'm not the strongest, but I'll keep you up at least," she continues, half as legitimate concern for her health, half out of desire to be closer to her. 
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Fioralba offers you her arm as you step out onto the piazza. A cool gust brushes past you, carrying the whispers of merriment and laughter as the sleepless city approaches its midnight lull. Stores and restaurants have all but shuttered, the shades of weary waiters barely visible through fogged glass. Raucous laughter erupts from taverns and cabarets, echoes of energetic music juxtaposed against the quiet souls stumbling through the streets.

Her pace has no urgency as you begin, and she gives you a sheepish smile. "Forgive me, I have been on my feet much today... and if tonight is our farewell, then I wish to prolong it. At least for a short while."

She guides you down a quiet residential street, one looking more down-to-earth, more Brennisian than many of the artificial facades toward the city's heart. Ivies and blooming flowers cover many of the buildings, and she spends time pointing out the various plants and their purported alchemical uses. "Some swear by nettle syrup for the smallest of issues, but I can hardly stomach the stuff." She shakes her head, chuckling. "I will miss the sounds of you toiling away in that workshop of yours. Remedy or malady, your talent never ceases to amaze me."
Alina grabs your hand with hers as you step out onto the piazza. A cool gust brushes past you, carrying the whispers of merriment and laughter as the sleepless city approaches its midnight lull. Stores and restaurants have all but shuttered, the shades of weary waiters barely visible through fogged glass. Raucous laughter erupts from taverns and cabarets, echoes of energetic music juxtaposed against the quiet souls stumbling through the streets.

She struggles to keep up with you at first, wincing as residual pain stings her, but you quickly notice and slow down. "Thank you," she says with a warm smile, clutching your hand tightly. About halfway through, you spot a small courtyard nestled between a pair of buildings. Small lanterns are hung on strands between the two, and you see a wooden bench beneath a shady elm. "Oh, this is so charming... Could we stop for a moment and just enjoy the scenery?" Studying her face, you get the impression that her body could use a rest and she is using this as an excuse.
Gina brushes her hand against yours as you step out onto the piazza. A cool gust brushes past you, carrying the whispers of merriment and laughter as the sleepless city approaches its midnight lull. Stores and restaurants have all but shuttered, the shades of weary waiters barely visible through fogged glass. Raucous laughter erupts from taverns and cabarets, echoes of energetic music juxtaposed against the quiet souls stumbling through the streets.

Her eyes cast over the others for a moment before leading you down one of the few streets that's still quite lively at this hour. Hawkers advertise their wares, and attractive women dance outside venues in hopes of drawing would-be customers in. "I believe the night is still young, as they say. Care to join for some revelry? Or would you prefer something of the more intimate sort. I do know a good private tasting room." She flashes a smirk toward you, raising an eyebrow akin to a temptress.
Luca looks back at you as you step out onto the piazza. A cool gust brushes past you, carrying the whispers of merriment and laughter as the sleepless city approaches its midnight lull. Stores and restaurants have all but shuttered, the shades of weary waiters barely visible through fogged glass. Raucous laughter erupts from taverns and cabarets, echoes of energetic music juxtaposed against the quiet souls stumbling through the streets.

Where the others head across the plaza in the direction of the villa, Luca begins walking toward the opposite direction. He stops a few steps ahead and looks back, gesturing you to follow. "Feel like you need a good spot to cool your head, and to just forget about the small stuff. Come on."

You walk with him along one of the dock district roads, towering warehouses vacant save the cool breeze. Soon, the warehouses give way to homes and restaurants, then smaller bungalows. Then, the scent of fish and ale is replaced with salt and you hear the crash of the waves. You step out onto the sands of the beach, a fairly barren stretch devoid of revelry, though you spot a group gathered around a bonfire down the strand.

You glance off at the waves, an inky blackness dotted with starlight, seeing as though it goes on forever. "Surreal, right? It just has a way of making us all seem so... insignificant. In a good way, if you get what I mean. So just take a look, and speak your mind."

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Post by Namelessjake »

"Lead on then," Ciraco says, gesturing to the street ahead with a smile.

"We'd only have been raiding your wine cellar otherwise," he smirks.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso walks with Luca, and smiles at him as he lets the food settle in his stomach. His nerves slowly weaken their cries as they reach their destination; finally as the two of them reach the beach, he looks out into the inky dark ahead. "Surprisingly... I've never been out this way. I've spent so much of my time here down at the docks, but... This is wonderful." Narciso says with a smile. He sits down, and carefully wrings his hands. "I didn't fully realize it until tonight, but, this time we've spent together has been very eye opening, Luca. I'm still untangling myself, but... I've found myself to be quite fond of you, and our joke earlier made me realize... I wasn't joking. I want you, Luca." he blushes darkly, staring out deep into the darkness.
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Post by ratwizard »

Idrig breathes deep in the harbor air, finding the Teiros of tonight a far different beast than the weeks prior. I can see how they find a sense of peace here, of value. It is a shame it took until hours before my departure to find such sentiments.

He listens closely as Fioralba explains the various plants they come across. "I've used these before, but hadn't the name for them. This one here makes for a half-decent cleansing solution. In case you ever come across a spatter of blood where it should not be."

Idrig nods as she speaks highly of his work. "Your words are flattery, and undeserved of one with the talent you possess. I am, perhaps, far senior in alchemy, but your knack for invention and ingenuity will bring you just as far. Just remember that this Family may need you, but you may not always need this Family. The people back in Durduum have a word for those like you, like me. Anraftus. It amounts to... one with a crystal mind, I suppose. Intellect — true intellect, that is — is no common matter. Remember that if ever both coin and gratefulness grow scarce among the Saluccis."
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx walks with Alina, glad for the company, and finding it hard to hold back the emotions that the mixture of the evening's events and the alcohol have stirred inside of her. She is so soft, and beautiful, and warm. I can hardly believe it is real, having someone like this, who I want so badly, and who wants me back. She stares at her lover as she walks, most of the rest of the activity of the city tuned out as she gazes longingly towards the source of her desires, her current happiness, and that ever growing feeling of comfort and acceptance.

"Yes, of course," Nyx responds with a smile, noticing the weakening of her lover, and - not wanting to cause her any further pain - she helps guide Alina to the bench. Taking a seat at her side, she clasps her hand in the other woman's, resting her head on her shoulder as she leans back against the bench. "It is a lovely evening," she continues, turning her eyes towards Alina as she rests her head. "Though, if I am being honest, I've barely been looking at anything other than you..."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Anraftus," Fioralba repeats crudely, her accent not quite grasping the subtleties of your pronunciation. "I should thank you for your kind words. They have done much to fill me with confidence, a sure boon that I've sorely lacked for many years. But no longer. I shall remember your words." She pauses for a moment, looking at you with a warm smile, as if committing this moment of farewell to memory. Finally, she lets out a contented sigh and continues on.

The two of you continue your chatter for some time, before you eventually approach the familiar gates of Villa Salucci. Its courtyard is quiet, save the gentle breeze rustling the shrubs and the choir of insects chirping within. Fioralba looks at you again, her eyes red and puffy. Yet still, she wears her rare smile. "Do stay in touch, my dear friend. Else I may track you down myself to give you a good thwack."
I remember you having a scheme in mind for Idrig's departure. Just let me know if you prefer to do it in the forums or over DMs.
Alina's cheeks blush with a warm pink hue at your words, and she bashfully looks away for a fleeting moment before her eyes meet yours once more. "I am unsure what I have done to deserve you in my life. But I have no greater joy than when I am by your side." She scoots closer, as you feel the warmth radiating from her skin and her smile. "There is no one else I wonder rather spend my days with, of this I am certain."

The two of you sit in the quiet courtyard for a few more moments, your whispered chatter the only sound save the gentle breeze rustling the tree, the choir of insects chirping around you, and a pair of hearts seeming to beat in sync. After some time, Alina lets out a yawn and begins to stand. "Let us continue home. I can hear our warm bed calling to us from here." She gives you a smile and squeezes your hand as you start walking side by side. Before long, you arrive back at the villa and its own quiet courtyard.
Feel free to RP your night routine.
Her smirk unfading, Gina grabs a hold of your hand and pulls you ahead. You weave through the reveling crowd before she stops outside a busy tavern, The Twilight Tap. Stepping in, you're hit with a wave of warmth and the sounds of piano music and singing from further within. "Do remind me to bring you back on a quieter night," she whispers in your ear, making her way toward a pair of empty seats. A passing server hands you each a drink, a vibrant yellow-orange with a purple sheen around the rim.

"Compliments of the house," she says with a wink. Taking a sip, you taste a fruity assortment, with pineapple and orange becoming readily apparent. This is followed by a wallop, the warmth of strong booze quickly spreading over your body and flushing your cheeks. "Gods, this feels dangerous." Gina chuckles, taking another sip of the cocktail.

The two of you continue chatting, and flirting, and drinking as time seems to float by. Eventually, the two of you stumble back onto the street, the cool night's air bringing you back to reality and some level of sobriety. You make your way home and step inside. "Perhaps... you don't wish to say goodnight just yet?" She steps toward the staircase, giving you a knowing look.
Feel free to RP your night routine and whether Ciraco wants a fade to black... again.
"Truly? I may have to take you out here more often then, before the weather turns," Luca says with a smile, gazing t the dappled starlight glowing above. He listens to you speak intently, his grin briefly fading as he seems lost in his own thoughts.

"Certainly a surprise, but not an unwelcome one," Luca finally replies, turning his head toward you. "You are quite attractive, so... maybe we can see where this goes, whether it be a pair of friends who have fun or something more. I'm willing if you are." He shuffles in the sand for a moment before rising to his feet. "But whatever it may be, let's not do it here. Sand gets everywhere." He smirks and chuckles, helping you to your feet.

You make your way back to the villa, soon arriving at its gates. Luca looks at you, gingerly, as he opens them. "Care to join me upstairs?" He says, giving you a knowing look.
Feel free to RP your night routine and whether Narciso wants a fade to black.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ciraco can't help but smile as Gina lets loose with him, as they drink and flirt the night away. Heavy is the crown I suppose. It must be nice to not think about it occasionally, he thinks.

While the cold air of the Teriosian night sharpens his senses once more, the warmth of the alcohol and his company keeps his spirits high as he takes Gina's arm in his for their walk home.

"Why stop having fun now?" Ciraco replies with a wink, following Gina up the stairs to the villa's upper floor and into the master bedroom.
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Post by ratwizard »

Tall maples shudder in the evening breeze, looming overhead like curious titans. A dwarf walks alongside the ornate, wrought-iron fences of the cemetery. Dressed for travel, he clutches the drawstrings of a sack that seems to jingle with every step. Although the streets of Teiros may soon forget the name of Idrig Mal’talis, he is certain that the Moretti Family certainly won’t.

The cemetery is not a terribly large one, hardly more than what others may deem a private garden of a single estate. Its significance, however, trumps its size. As Idrig understands, the Morettis are a secretive people. Hiding behind shadows and subtlety, they have backstabbed and blackmailed and bribed their way into prominence among the city’s gangs. Idrig himself is yet another victim of their treachery. While he may be little more than a footnote in their ledgers, they have demanded the entirety of his attention and direction for the past two weeks.

Idrig scans the myriad graves, the names of the dead unrecognizable in the dim torchlight. Ahead, simple headstones give way to more elaborate ones, which then give way to an entire crypt. That must be it.

The gravel crunches under Idrig’s boots as he approaches. The crypt demands wonderment up close — a brick foundation with hand-carved granite walls that stretch on high. Any dwarf worth his salt would know that the Morettis must have employed quite the pulley construction to move solid blocks of stone that large. Craning his head upward, Idrig spots a polished bronze statue atop a cornered dome. An ancient figure, bent forward, a long beard snaking almost to their feet. One of the Pantheon. Khloros, he remembers. The God of the Tomb.

As if the stone could hear his thoughts, the shadows shift from within. Out steps a rakish man, bald, with a shaven face. The pallid tone of his skin stands out from the typical sun-kissed notes of most Brennissian humans.

“Good evening,” the man says, his voice dry and strained as if there were hands around his neck, squeezing.

“It is,” Idrig says, meeting the man’s eyes. He notices they are a nearly glacial blue.

“State your purpose for entering these grounds.”

“I’ve come in search of the Vile Spade,” the dwarf responds, confidence brimming in his tone.

The thin man’s posture shifts almost imperceptibly. An amusement at the corner of his eyes, the phantom of a smile on his cheeks. “Welcome, then, Idrig Mal’Talis. You have brought our coin, yes?”

“Of course. Five hundred Queenspence.” He lifts his coat with one gloved hand and unclasps a purse from his belt with the other.

The thin man nods, making no effort to move from the shadows of the crypt and into the moonlight of the clear night. “Bring it to me.”

Idrig sets his jaw and sighs inwardly. After a pregnant pause, he steps forward, handing the coinpurse in an outstretched hand. When the thin man takes it, his palm brushes against Idrig’s. It is improbably cool to the touch, and rough. It reminds Idrig of the skin of a reptile. “My logbook,” he says, the words a demand and a question in one.

The thin man tut-tuts. “Not just yet.”

“What? Give it here.”

“You will listen to me, closely, and then you will receive what you ask for.”

Idrig says silent, his eyes wild yet focused.

The Moretti places a hand to his chin, cocking his head. He narrows his own eyes. Idrig feels them search his body, his mind. For a moment, a sense of alarm courses through him. Then, irritation. The thin man speaks again. “Your research. You seek to prolong life?”

Idrig fails to withhold a derisive snort. “That is, of course, one of many avenues I follow.”

“Your life?”

“My life. Any life. Life irrespective of the one living it.” He narrows his eyes at the Moretti, not daring to ask questions. After all, he is here for one thing.

“Your book is meaningless without its author.”

“Precisely.” It is, in fact. Written in short-hand, the Morettis could possibly decode it, though only after a few generations.

“Now, if both author and book are reunited, then the research may continue, yes?”

Idrig nods, knowing the trivial question must be rhetorical.

“Then join us,” the thin man continues. “The Morettis have long been masters of death, and now comes the chance to be masters of life. Let us be your patrons, and you will have all the funding and protection you could ever need.”

Not a shred of consideration comes to Idrig’s mind. “I work alone.”

“The Saluccis proved that a falsity.”

“A means to an end,” Idrig objects, shaking his head. He turns away, annoyed by the riposte.

“And so shall the Morettis be, too.”

The dwarf shakes his head once more. “It’s not going to happen.” He looks back at the thin man. He hadn’t moved, still clutching the coinpurse in a frigid hand. “Five hundred Queenspence, paid in full. The deal is complete.”

“Not until I hand you the book,” the Moretti answers, studying him. Idrig realizes the man is holding it. He wonders how he didn’t see it before. It shouldn’t be possible, but it is so. His mouth feels dry. A symptom of fear. Stupid. It must be something else.

“Exactly. So hand me the book.”

The thin man makes no move. “There is one path forward tonight,” he says, his tone assured. “The only difference is whether you take it willingly.” The man’s pale blue eyes are white now. That did change. That must have changed. Idrig wonders when the man grew another foot. Two, even. Then come the hands, reaching and stilted.

“I’m tired of this fucking city,” Idrig growls. He snaps his fingers.

A spark courses down Idrig's gloves, running across an infinitesimally small thread that hangs loosely in the air — the other end lifting back up toward the coinpurse. The dwarf throws himself hard and to the left just before a fireball blooms forth and a scattering of five hundred metal coins scream through the air. One catches him in the leg, two in the arm — while the blast sends him skidding along the pavement and into a sudden stop against a headstone.

Through bleary eyes, Idrig scans the mouth of the crypt. It takes him a moment to locate it, considering it is missing its dome. The statue of Khloros lays in scattered pieces in the distance. Dust and flames fill the air around him. The thin man is gone, or worse.

The dwarf slips a vial from his belt, using his good hand to pop the cork before downing the contents. The pain fades immediately. That will do, for now. He stands up, approaching the remnants of the crypt. At the base of the stairs he sees a familiar token.

The logbook is cool to the touch, of course. Any novice can prepare an inflammability ward. The hole punched through it by what can only be a molten coin, however, is more concerning.

Idrig grunts in annoyance. He carelessly tosses the book into his pack. After all, the research can be recreated. But not by a Moretti, and not by anyone else. The world would do well to remember that.

With a limp in his step and carrying the stench of smoke and death, Idrig Mal’talis sets off into the night — never to be seen on these shores again.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Narciso smiles softly, looks out at the water, and then up at the stars. He nods and looks over at Luca with a smirk.
"I'd like that a lot," He says, accepting the help to stand. He returns to the villa with Luca, his mind racing at what could come next. Do I join him? Do I go to my room? I know if I don't, I'll regret it... He thinks, but as he arrives to the gates, he looks over at Luca, his eyes trail down the other man slowly, and then raise back up to meet his eyes.
"Please, Luca, take me." He says in response with a firm nod.
Fade to black would be great, thanks Scratch.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx leans in close as Alina does, enjoying the feeling of being cuddled so close together on such a cool and beautiful night. Her face flushes some as well when the other woman mentions how grateful she feels. If only she knew that it is I who should be the grateful one. I suppose she should know, she thinks, as they sit together, warming each other in the cold as the darkness of night envelops them, the few passers-by a welcome break from the peaceful calm of the serene evening. A night to remember, for sure, Nyx thinks, finding it hard to draw her gaze away from the lovely face of the even lovelier woman she'd been staring at all evening. Any job is worth this.

Nyx yawns shortly after Alina does, feeling the contagious effects combined with her own exhaustion from the days of work preceding their dinner and stroll. "Of course, I can't wait," she responds, at Alina's request to come home, doing her best to help support her in the walk, knowing she is still not at her full strength. All of this effort, just to come to a nice dinner. For me? Or for Gina? Her face flushes again, and she turns to face the cobblestones below for a moment, a wide smile gracing her face at the thought. I think I know.

* * *

Back at the villa, Nyx aids Alina back up the stairs and to her - our - quarters. Once in the room, she takes a moment to gaze out the window at the city below, before turning back to face her lover. She smiles, and kisses Alina, before stepping back towards her desk. She places her cloak over the chair, before turning once more towards the window, admiring herself in the dress she'd been given for the event. It's so flowy, she thinks, smiling to herself at how different - how good - she looks in something other than drab robes and a dark cloak. 

"It suits you," Alina says with a smile, breaking Nyx out of her brief trance. She notices the amused, yet loving gaze of Alina in the reflection, before turning to face her, her own face once more flushed a pale pink. You suit me, she thinks to herself involuntarily, blushing even further at her own thought.

"Only because you have made me so much happier, and open to wearing something so bright and colorful," she responds, walking towards her lover, who is seated on the side of the bed. Nyx takes both of her hands in her own, looking down at the doe-like eyes of the other woman. "I was not happy before coming here, and I was not happy after coming here either. I was hopeful when Gina first recruited me. Hopeful that this could be a chance to escape from the troubles I'd been dealing with since coming to the city. Hopeful that the money from working for your family would buy my departure from Teiros, the same way it has bought Idrig's."

She takes a seat on the bed next to Alina, keeping her hands in her own and facing her at eye level - and much closer - before continuing. "Had I not met you, I'd very likely be announcing my leave this evening alongside him. He asked me come work for him earlier, you know. I might have said 'yes', under other circumstances," she says, pausing a moment to consider the truth of her last words. Could I really work for such a man? I don't even know what he does, and he seems quite impatient, not to mention intimidating. But anything would have been worth getting away from the Clowns, I suppose.

"But I did meet you, and you changed me. Well, I guess not me me, but my goals. My desires. My homeland did not allow-" she motions to the two of them together with one hand, before once more clasping Alina's in her own, "this. Women with women, or men with men, or anything outside of the 'norm.' I accepted long ago that I'd never get to be with who I wanted to be with, that romance was not in the cards for me. I tried and failed in my school days, but it was never to be." She pauses, briefly recalling her sole confession of attraction in her youth, and barely resists the urge to cringe at herself. "And then came you, the woman trapped in the cell that I had to save. Not because you were beautiful, or because I even knew who you were, but because it was my job. And how was I to know that this wonderful person would actually like listening to me and want to spend time with me? And..." love me? Her heart beats faster and faster, Alina's longing gaze only a few inches away. She leans forward for a kiss, which is immediately reciprocated, and the two collapse fully onto the bed, entwined in one another's arms.

"You make me happy, and I am here because of you," Nyx says during a brief pause in their kissing, before continuing again. 

Now fade to black.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

After a long night of celebration and carousing, your weary bodies finally still themsleves on the plush beds. The twinkling stars past your window dim as exhaustion and the gentle hum of seaward thunder lull you off to sleep. Elsewhere, a lone dwarf watches the golden city of the Forelle Sea fade in unforgiving moonlight, its allure and enchantment forever shattered as the gilded mirage falls like the final curtain upon an opera.

Arrivederci, Idrig Mal'talis. May fortune forever find you.

You awaken the next morning, bodies stiff and heads achy as you climb from your shared beds. Though the sky is a gloomy one, the air of revelry pervades the city as the second day of the Carnival of Democles proceeds, those nameless along the streets still blissfully unaware of yesterday's diplomatic crisis. Returning to their own rooms for fresh clothing before any others realize they slept with another, the three remaining find a small bottle neatly placed upon their bedstands, a card attached in familiar penmanship.

To Ciraco:
Upon your nightstand, you spy a crimson bottle, your razor precariously propped against it as if hinting at its purpose. Fortunately, your hangover is not too piercing for you to understand it is a bottle of aftershave. Taking off the cap, you catch the warm scent of cinnamon.

To Nyx:
You spot something familiar on your nightstand. An inky blackness swirls like a mist within this vial, seeming to suffocate all light behind it. You recognize it as Idrig's shadow essence, the same concoction he had used the day prior.

To Narciso:
Glancing at your nightstand, you see an amber-hued bottle resting beside a whetstone. As if to dispel any doubts, you see a label that describes it as weapon polish.

To Fioralba, my friend:
As you rouse, you too find a small vial placed next to your bed. Looking to the back of the attached card, you see a formula, that of Idrig's renowned Goodnight Tincture. Even in his absence, you feel his presence spurning you to greatness.

The next week passes quickly, with Gina instructing you to enjoy a well-earned break before their next task begins. And so you enjoy the sights and sounds that only Teiros can provide. With fewer dangers and more coin in your pocket, the festive atmosphere of the carnival almost becomes too intoxicating to resist. Yet those less inclined to indulge find comfort amidst the villa grounds. The gentle warmth of the pool, the sunlight trickling through the gardens, a drink in hand. Both lives are that of Teiros, revelry and bliss, favor and fortune.

After another week, you finally receive a summons and make your way to the villa's familiar parlor. Gina smiles at you as you enter, and you see two others seated across from her: a rough-hewn man with white hair and a hulking middle-aged orc, both of whom Fioralba instantly recognizes.

"Welcome in, my friends. I trust you all enjoyed your brief reprieve," Gina begins, gesturing you all to find a seat. She catches Ciraco with a stray glance, the corner of her lip curling up for but a moment. "Now, before I tell you of our plans next, I believe I have a few other things to address."

She looks to Fioralba, giving a warm smile and gentle nod. "First and foremost: given Idrig's sudden and, I'm told explosive, departure, there will be some changes to your team here going forward. For starters, I've reassigned Luca to.. smooth over relations with the Moretti Family for the time being." She pauses in her seat, shifting nervously for a moment, before facing you again. "Truth be told, Luca is a Salucci as well: my younger brother. I hope you will forgive his and my deceit, but in this line of work, we could not blindly trust anyone off the streets. That he has been reassigned, however, means you now have my full trust." She looks around, studying your faces and curious if any were truly surprised. She clears her throat and begins again.

"I have also spoken with Fioralba in length and learned of her desire to do more than gardening alone. With that in mind, she will also be joining your team from now on. Likewise," she adds, gesturing to the white-haired man seated near her. "This is Athiras. On Fioralba's recommendation, I've extended him an offer as well. Though he is a builder by trade, I'm certain his skills will prove useful to our family here." She then gestures toward the orc. "And this gentleman is Grocco, an old friend of Fioralba's as well. I am told his physical prowess would be a boon for our organization here."

Gina folds her hands together, giving Athiras a reassuring nod, before looking back toward the rest of the group. "Now then, any questions about this new arrangement? Or shall we get straight to business?"
Feel free to write what you'd been up to during the previous two weeks of downtime. For those with paramours, it can include them too :^)
Ciraco, Nyx, Narciso, & Fioralba
At Rat's idea, Idrig's gifts come with small special mechanical benefits. These items are single-use, but with time, Fioralba might learn the recipe.
Ciraco: When Cinnamon Aftershave is applied, gain +1 to reaction rolls and CHA-based skill checks for the day.
Nyx: When Shadow Essence is used, a 10-meter dome of inky gas is created, providing full concealment to those within.
Narciso: When Artisan-Made Polish is applied to your twin blades, remove the -1 hit penalty to dual-wielding for one scene.
Fioralba: TBD
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

The man lifts his head and nods, looking to each of the faces before him. The only one of which, Fioralba, being familiar. "It's uh, very nice to meet you all. Good to see you again as well Fioralba." The man quickly resumes his former, relaxed stance. "Oh, uh, no questions, just introductions."
Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by ratwizard »

Fioralba steps into the parlor, removing her gloves and coat, dusting them off and hanging them on the rack. Her eyes are first drawn to the familiar face of Grocco — older, weathered, but just as handsome as she remembers. She notices Athiras, too, finding herself somewhat surprised that Gina had approved her recommendation of the man. His skill with a trowel and a chisel is to be certain, but the rest? He'll be tested, and soon, she concludes. Though... so will I.

The thought of stepping out of the shadows of the villa and into the operations leaves her with a nervous excitement, but also a visceral worry. She can count the number of brothers, uncles, nieces, nephews that she has lost to this city. And not a single one again, she vows.

Listening closely to Gina's introductions, Fioralba smiles at hearing of Idrig's successful departure. I may not know what that strange and brilliant man seeks, but I sure hope he finds it. She gives a courteous nod to both Grocco and Athiras, beaming at each, before turning to Gina.

"Business comes first," she answers her niece with a confident nod.
Ciraco, Nyx, Narciso, you're welcome ;^)

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Post by BartNL »

The enormous orc in the corner steps out of the shadow, when prompted by Gina. His movements are oddly fluid and with a grace uncommon for an orc his age and especially uncommon for anyone with his mighty stature.
"Thanks for the welcome, boss." Grocco takes off his hat to show his respect to the young woman. So this is her, eh. The infamous maiden matriarch. Still, if Fioralba trust her to get things done, that's good enough for ol' me. Grocco turns to the others and slightly bows his head in a respectful greeting.
"Fioralba, good to see you again, luv." Grocco greets his friend and former lover.

"Aye, straight to business, boss." he confirms in agreement with Gina and Fioralba.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"I guess it falls to me alone to keep this lot in line," Ciraco says to himself after discovering Idrig's gift, piecing together the knowledge of the dwarf's departure.

Ciraco spends the weeks of downtime enjoying the luxury of the villa and the luxury of the city his new found wealth can now afford him. He spends some time at most of the casinos, though avoiding the Crown Royale after the events of their previous visit. His luck remains true to form, winning a few more hands than he loses, however the casinos aren't left out of pocket thanks to his bar tabs.

He continues to spend time with Gina, finding a thrill in romancing his new employer, letting her take him to more of her favourite restaurants as well as a play at the Tribune Amphitheater - a very different side of Terios compared to the one he had become used to.

Refreshed, recuperated and growing restless, the mercenary takes his seat at the table, eager to hear more of Gina's plans for Salucci domination, beyond the small tidbits he had teased out of her during their evenings together.

I hope she knows what she's doing. Bringing in this many new people is risky, although I suppose they're not truly new, to the Saluccis at least, Ciraco thinks as Gina introduces Grocco, Athiras and Fioralba, giving them each a nod in greeting.

"I'm Ciraco, this is Nyx and Narciso," he says, speaking for the remaining veterans of the Salucci criminal enterprise. "What's the plan this time?" He asks, turning to Gina.
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Post by Fialova »

Nyx smiles at the sight of the vial, finding it sweet that despite his gruff exterior, Idrig was thinking of her when he left. She places it in the inner coat of her cloak before gathering up the last few of her belongings that were in the room Gina had initially assigned her, a room she has now barely used. She quickly makes her return to Alina's room - our room, she reminds herself, finding places for her handful of belongings among the other objects already filling out the room's decor.

Over the next week's, Nyx spends as much time with Alina as possible. As her lover continues to recover from her injuries and trauma, they begin to venture out of the estate on small dates. It begins with small walks in the nearby streets, but progresses to longer walks through the city, and eventually to destination dates, to small restaurants, to the walls, and even to the beach one day. All in all the two have a lovely time together, leaving Nyx in a much better mood when it comes time for work to resume.

Finding her way to the parlor, Nyx is feeling good. The past weeks had given her a new sense of calm and confidence that she'd been lacking for years of her life, and she arrives to greet her companions with a smile for the first time since beginning work at the Salucci estate. Her smile only widens as she spots Gina, giving the woman a small wave as she enters. This is immediately replaced with a look of confusion as she finds herself facing a few people she had not met yet, or, in the case of Fioralba, only really seen in passing.

"Nice to meet you three," she says, her smile now a little weaker as Ciraco introduces her. Hopefully they are friendly, and competent. It's dangerous work, not everyone would be good at this. Turning to Gina, she says, "no questions here either, I trust your judgement. What task awaits us?"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gina gives each of you a warm smile. "Good, you're all acquainted then. Now." Her expression turns serious as she clasps her hands together. "I am certain you are all eager to get your feet wet, so let's get down to business."

Clearing her throat, she sits upright in her chair and begins. "In a week's time, the Doge of Teiros, Ottavio Lepore, in all his corrupt serenity, is to be hosting a gala in honor of his twenty-fifth year as Doge. Naturally, the city's movers and shakers who donate toward his lavish lifestyle are expected to be there, including yours truly. Yet for all our contributions, he has instead cozied up with the Barone family these past few years, giving them free rein to treat the city as if they own it." Her hands clench, a scowl forming on her face as she pauses to regain her composure. She takes a slow, steady breath and starts again.

"And so we must make him regret this decision. I would ask two things of you. First, disrupt the party's planning. Catering, wine, entertainment, et cetera. Track down the shipments, the musicians, whatever else and make sure they either do not arrive, or are tampered with or replaced in some way. I ask this for two reasons: for one, it will no doubt impact his standing with his donors. Two, it will leave him distracted. And there it actually a third reason too. Seeing that stuffy party become a circus will be a comedy for the ages." There is a twinkle in her eye, a brief hint of devilish charm at being an arbiter of chaos.

"Now, the second thing I ask... Infiltrate the gala at Villa Marina, the Doge's estate, when the day arrives. How, I leave up to you. Perhaps steal invites or uniforms, or just find an unguarded entrance. I don't care provided you don't get caught. Once you're in, I'd like you to rifle through the honorable Doge's private quarters as the party occurs below. Find anything worthy of blackmail, and return it here. Whether it's private correspondence of shady deals, the brassiere of an affair, proof of an embarrassing hobby, it need only be a bargaining chip for our family, and a seat at the table."

She carefully studies each of you, as if mentally taking note of each expression after she's finished speaking. "Any questions or comments you have before I send you on your way? If not, I leave you to your very thorough planning."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"So we're something of a party unplanning committee?" Ciraco asks with a smirk.

"This sounds like something we should excel at," the mercenary adds, his mind already racing with thoughts on how to disrupt the festivities. "The worse the party - the more attention it will keep off us as we attempt to sneak upstairs."
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Post by ratwizard »

"I can think of many ways we could make this gala a truly unforgettable affair," Fioralba says, unable to withhold the giddiness from her voice. "I have been cultivating some particularly useful ingredients in this brilliant weather. Perhaps the wine might be fortified with purspillion, or... or yes, the infamous Sakmundi root." She pauses with a light chuckle, remembering her audience. "They're known for a, well, laxative effect."

Fioralba turns to her eldest niece. "Has the Doge any other reason to have so graciously allied himself with the Barones? Or is it simply a manner of coin?"

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Post by Fialova »

Finally, a job that is up my alley, Nyx thinks, a mischievous smirk forming on her face as Gina describes the task at hand. "I am not sure if my magic will aid much in the first part, but I have several spells that will make for some very interesting moments at the party," she says. She turns towards Fioralba as the older woman mentions the laxatives, chuckling lightly at the idea. I am sure many of the guests deserve to have their trousers ruined in such a manner. I will have to keep my distance to avoid the stench.
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