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Post by KupoTheMagus »

<Sounds like you all had fun. But uh, just between us, that was only a drop of water in the political ocean working for this company can be sometimes. It's never pretty, not always clean, but knowing that the few lives you have to end protect the lives of hundreds of thousands is enough to get me up in the morning.>

There's the vague noise of something being opened, like a pressurized can.

<Eh, don't listen to the old retired bastard. You kids should smile and enjoy the program while you're still young.>

If anyone else wants to talk to the pilot, I'll give you a chance to ask questions. Once we're done with that, we will skip ahead to base.
Something's getting in the way
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in the Diary of Jane

DM of "Lancer - Fires of Rubicon"
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Post by Namelessjake »

I'm good to move on.
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Post by ratwizard »

Ready to move! More jobs! More fighting! More tactics and slaughter!
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Post by Fialova »

Also ready to move on
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Post by BartNL »

ready to move on
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Post by greysigil »

Good to go as well.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Hours later, the dropship rattles a bit hard, and the pilot speaks again.

<T-5 minutes to home. Gonna go to Rocky's for a drink after this. Happy Monday, folks.>

The ship slows down and begins to descend onto the landing platform. The crates are placed onto a maglock, and suddenly you feel a heavy force pulling each of your mechs along a track. When the crate opens up, your mechs are back in their spot in the main hangar. A message begins to play from the console directly outside of the mechs.

"Congrats Echo-3 for a successful mission. Please report to Office Room T-6 for debriefing."
Something's getting in the way
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in the Diary of Jane

DM of "Lancer - Fires of Rubicon"
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Post by ratwizard »

"Home safe and hardly more than a scratch," NO-SANCTUARY calls out across the hangar in a booming voice. He laughs at his own joke as he runs a hand along the dents and bullet-holes from the Deliverance's hull.

Debriefing. The soldiers' interrogation, he remembers from his time with the Vanguard. Well, well. Let us see where their hms and ahs and 'tell us more' might lead.

"Chin high, Echo-3." The massive celestin makes for the office room.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Not even a scratch Yuri thinks, looking back up at his own pristine mech at the celestin's words.

"T-6," he repeats as he follows Antayes towards the debriefing.
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Post by Fialova »

"That's easy for you to say," Eydis replies to NO-SANCTUARY, glancing up at the much taller man beside her. His chin is always high, both literally and figuratively. I wonder how he has so much confidence. She begins to walk faster at his words, finding some small measure of competitive achievement in staying ahead of her elders in Echo-3. Now what do they need to even debrief us for? Barely anything happened. Just some dumb miners refusing to work.
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Post by BartNL »

Wonder if they are going to bring up the crystals. Nemo quietly joins the others.
"Ready for debriefing."
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

As you approach the office, you see the door is open. Waiting inside is a shorter man, roughly 5'6" with long black hair and brown eyes. He bears the markings of a Captain, wearing full uniform.

"Welcome Echo-3, congrats on your first mission. My name is Reivas, but you can just call me Captain if that suits you better. I'll be in charge of your debriefing for today."


He looks among your group before locking eyes with Medusa.

"Go ahead and spill the details of today's mission."
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Something's getting in the way
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I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

DM of "Lancer - Fires of Rubicon"
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Post by greysigil »

Ezra grimaces, detesting being put on the spot like this. "We found and cleared traps at the entrance, found the miners, attempted negotiations, and when they attacked us, we retaliated." he says, cutting straight to the point to get it over with as quickly as possible. "The miners will not be a problem anymore."
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Post by ratwizard »

Antayes steps into the office, taking a standing position toward the front of the group. He looks down at the short human curiously. He is a little one. Perhaps that is why he stays in this office, and not on the front lines. Then again, the cat girl fought beside us too... She must have more courage than these humans.

He listens closely at his squadmate's description, hardly worried about the debriefing. I've been through a hundred of these. What's another?
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Post by Namelessjake »

For a short man he has an imposing presence, Yuri thinks as they meet Captain Reivas, trying to ascertain if its down to the man's rank or something about his appearance.

"It seems they found some sort of crystals they wanted to mine and sell for a profit on their own," he adds to Ezra's summary.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

"Hmm, I see..."

He begins to jot some stuff down on a form before sealing it in an envelope and sending it through a mail shoot.

"Excellent work. Sorry your first job had to be so gruesome, but that's what happens when people get too ahead of themselves. As for the crystals, that would be Rubian. The crystal was recently discovered, hence the mining operations. We want to see what all it could be capable of. Reduce greenhouse gases, decrease pollution, all that jazz. Seems they wanted to haul it for themselves. Probably got an offer from the Undertow, or maybe from Blacksteele... once the state brings a clean-up crew out there, we'll have a better idea."

The commander gets up from his chair, and looks over the group of you, nodding to himself.

"Don't worry, this'll be the only time you'll need to come in face to face for a debrief. I wanted to get a chance to meet each of the Echo teams recently recruited. In any case, that's all I have for ya. Go enjoy the rest of your day, you earned it. Make sure tomorrow you go and speak to the recruiters of the four main companies, see if there's any licenses you want to pick up. Friendly reminder that this is, at the end of the day, an academy. You're here to learn, gain some experience doing field work before we send you out for the longer term missions. Echo-3, dismissed!"

Congrats Pilots, you have obtained License Rank 1! You can now take a single Tier-1 license in any of main-line mechs. During this week, you'll have the chance to each do three major downtime activities, and otherwise spend time with your squad. Once you've leveled up your Pilot, please make a post notifying me of your changes.

On the matter of Downtime Activities
Downtime Activities are located in the Core Rulebook starting on Page 50. Your character can gain access to extra resources, bonuses on future rolls, or even temporary gear! You don't have to decide all at once; once everyone is levelled up, I will post each day with what events are happening that day. Your character may go to one event per day. The rest of your day is spent in the sim, tinkering with your mech, or otherwise light social activity. This is done for simplicity and to keep the flow of the game going.

Level-Up Template
CORE BONUS - (Core Bonuses are only locked at multiples of 3, you can ignore this for now.)

Level-Up Example
PILOT SKILL TRIGGER IMPROVEMENT - Apply Fists to Faces (2) -> (4) (reminder that skill triggers are improved two points at a time to a maximum of +6)
CORE BONUS - (Core Bonuses are only locked at multiples of 3, you can ignore this for now.)
Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

DM of "Lancer - Fires of Rubicon"
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Post by BartNL »

Level-Up NEMO LL1
PILOT TALENT UPGRADE - Spotter (0) -> (1)
PILOT TALENT UPGRADE - Swap Grease Monket (1) -> (0) for Spotter (1) -> (2)
NEW LICENSE UNLOCK - SSC Swallowtail (0) -> (1)

Mech refit
-- GMS Everest @ LL1 --
SSC Swallowtail 1
Spotter 2, Engineer 1, Heavy Gunner 1
Integrated: Prototype Weapon I
MAIN MOUNT: Rocket-Propelled Grenade
FLEX MOUNT: Missile Rack / Missile Rack
HEAVY MOUNT: Heavy Machine Gun
EVA Module, Personalizations, Expanded Compartment, Markerlight, Lotus Projector

Pilot Refit
» Nemo // NEMO «
Blow Something Up (+2), Hack or Fix (+4),
Invent or Create (+2), Lead or Inspire (+2)
[ GEAR ]
Stealth Hardsuit, Archaic Melee,
Light Signature, Camo Cloth,
Smart Scope, Subjectivity-Enhancement Suite
GRIT:1 // H:0 A:0 S:1 E:2
Spotter 2, Engineer 1,
Heavy Gunner 1
SSC Swallowtail 1
Last edited by BartNL on Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"No need for me at least, I'm already familiar with the licenses," DEFCON says as the captain mentions speaking to the recruiters from the four main mech component manufacturers, having committed most of the details of their offerings to memory while he was working to join the academy.

As Echo-3 are dismissed, he gives their commanding officer a nod in parting and heads out of the debriefing room.
PILOT TALENT UPGRADE - Stormbringer (1) -> (2)
PILOT TALENT UPGRADE - Spotter (1) -> (0) for Brutal (0) -> (1)
NEW LICENSE UNLOCK - SSC Monarch (0) -> (1)
Mech Refit
GMS Everest
H:0 A:2 S:0 E:1 SIZE:1
MAIN MOUNT: Sharanga Missiles
FLEX MOUNT: Missile Rack / Missile Rack
HEAVY MOUNT: Sharanga Missiles
Ammo Case I, Pattern-A Smoke Charges,
Rapid Burst Jump Jet System, Javelin Rockets,
Expanded Compartment
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Post by ratwizard »

"If those cretins were willing to turn traitor by mining it, it would stand to reason somebody out there is paying for the stuff," NO-SANCTUARY suggests.

He nods at the artillerist's confident claim. "As am I. I have my eyes on Blackbeard." He salutes the debriefing officer and follows after DEFCON.
PILOT TALENT UPGRADE -Juggernaut (1) -> (2)
MECH SKILL UPGRADE - Agility (1) -> (2)
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Post by greysigil »

"Makes enough sense to me. Makes me wonder who it could be though, and why they want it, outside of the obvious." Medusa replies to No-Sanctuary.

"I'll be sure to check it out, see what's on offer." He says, following suit of the others, taking his leave with a nod to the officer.

Level Up
PILOT SKILL TRIGGER IMPROVEMENT - Read a Situation (2) > (4)
PILOT TALENT UPGRADE - House Guard (1) > (2)
PILOT TALENT CHANGE - Spaceborn (1) > Skirmisher (1)
MECH SKILL UPGRADE - Systems (0) > Systems (1)
Active Characters
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Post by BartNL »

"I'd like to get my hands on a SSC-Swallowtail. SSC stealth tech is top of the line."
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Post by Fialova »

"I'll also be looking at SSC," Eydis responds to Nemo, excited to see someone else looking at the same company as her. "Dusk Wing looks especially fun, way better at flying around than the Everest mods I've been using."

Level Up! - Rhiannon LL1
PILOT SKILL TRIGGER IMPROVEMENT - Get Somewhere Quickly (2) -> (4)
PILOT TALENT UPGRADE - Infiltrator (1) -> (2)
MECH SKILL UPGRADE - Agility (2) -> (3)
NEW LICENSE UNLOCK - SSC Dusk Wing (0) -> (1)
Mech Refit - Titania MkII
Mech Frame: GMS Everest
Frame Traits: Initiative, Replaceable Parts

Structure: 4
Hit Points: 11
Armor: 0
Stress: 4
Heat Capacity: 6
Repair Capacity: 5
Attack Bonus: +1
Tech Attack Bonus: 0
Limited Bonus: 0
Speed: 5
Evade: 11
E-Defense: 8
Sensors: 10
Save: 11
Size: 1

Core System: Hyperspec Fuel Injector

Mount Types:
Main Mount
-- Veil Rifle

Flex Mount
-- Superheavy Weapon Bracing

Heavy Mount
-- Cyclone Pulse Rifle

Core Bonuses Selected: N/A

System Points: 7
- Type-I Flight System (3sp)
- EVA Module (1sp)
- Stable Structure (2sp)
- Custom Paint Job (1sp)
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

We're live in 5, 4, 3, 2...

Good afternoon recruits! Welcome back to Fires of Rubicon. It's been a long time coming, but here we are.

I'll need each of you to re-up on the rules, as well as decide what you'd like to do for your first downtime activity! Below is a link to the rules reference I've found (since I can no longer find my copy of the Lancer PDF). Each of the core downtimes are available with the exception of "Buy Some Time" (since there is no current risk). In addition, there is a downtime activity that will be available to you next level called "Start A Project", but we'll get there when we get there.

In terms of mission structuring, you'll have about a week of in-game events with some behind the scenes stuff before the next mission briefing.

Good hunting, recruits!
Something's getting in the way
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in the Diary of Jane

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Post by Namelessjake »

With his license picks made, DEFCON spends some time putting together a refit of the Horizon Tempest before submitting it to the hanger team to action. With that squared away and the prospect of a few days before another mission, he decides to try and get to know some of the other Echo teams and see how their first missions went.

We probably stand to learn a lot from each other, he thinks.
Downtime Activity: Get Connected.

Do I roll now or do we play out a scene first?
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Post by ratwizard »

After spending some time in the machine bays of the Academy, Antayes decides a refit of The Deliverance is in order. Those who cower in the darkness... I will rip through their pitiful mechs with ease. A chain axe would do us well. And when these engineers overclock every joint servo, there will remain no enemy that can withstand my grip.

With the rest of Echo-3 released for rec time, Antayes spends most of his time in The Altar, performing ancient sacraments and meditating. In his servitude, he gains a new understanding of patience and how he might utilize it in his operations. There are yet those who may accept Ogenta's light of their own will. It would be a great honor to be their guide.

Downtime Activity
Get Focused!

I'd like to gain a new Trigger:

Proselytize +2.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Who would you like to try and Get Connected with? That'll determine when, where, and how you might go about hanging out with this person.
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in the Diary of Jane

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Post by Namelessjake »

Some of the other Echo teams.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Other Squads
Below are the other Echo squads; these are people from your graduating class, the people in the same breakfast hall as you.
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Something's getting in the way
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in the Diary of Jane

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Post by Namelessjake »

"Barracuda, right?" DEFCON asks, the Echo-2 pilot, having spotted the red head in the canteen one morning and making his way over to her table.

"DEFCON, Echo-3. Mind if I sit?" He asks, moving to place down his tray in front of one of the empty chairs.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

In the aftermath of the first mission, "Phoenix" quits, embarrassed at his own performance.
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Post by BartNL »

I want to do research on the rock I recovered.
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Post by Fialova »

Eydis would like to 'gather information' on the magic of this world. Or, if not prepared enough yet to do that, she would like to 'get connected' with someone in the Lancer Academy who could later help her down the line in gathering such information. Let me know if any of her skills would help in the roll, and which one would work best for you.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

I like it; go ahead and add it to your sheet. Antayes spends his week in one of the large churches within the Altar at sermons, learning the best ways to spread the good word of Ogenta.

"Sure, take a seat. We're just sharing stories; didn't get a chance to these last few days." She slides her leg under the chair next to her, pulling it out for DEFCON.

"As I was saying, I had to wrestle something weird while I waited on repairs. Never seen a machine swim through the water that fast; gripped one of its exterior ports with my knife and held on. It tried plowing me into the coral reef; the force sliced some of its major processors. I got fished out two days later. M'mates gave me the nickname after that, decided to use it as my callsign when I made the big leagues."

She sighs, looking to the skylight. "Can't wait to send some letters to Jaime, he'll get a kick out of this. So... what about you, DEFCON? How'd ya lose the eye?"

Bart & Grey
We're going to use the "Clock" system. How this works is as follows: Each of you will have a 4-node project clock. Everytime you take a downtime activity, you can continue your project; the skill trigger you'll be using is "Invent or Create". Every success fills one node, every critical success fills two. A natural one will cause a complication as I see fit. Once you fill your clock, you learn the properties of your stone/crystal. (I know you know how this works Grey but moreso restating it for Bart).

Full-on magic isn't super common since the technological revolution; a midpoint of magitech does exist though; I'll let you roll Gather Information or Word on the Street to try and find a mystic tutor or someone who knows anything about it.
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Last edited by KupoTheMagus on Thu Jan 30, 2025 2:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Something's getting in the way
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in the Diary of Jane

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Post by Namelessjake »

"I was a mercenary before joining the academy," DEFCON replies, taking his seat. "With the Northwind Irregulars. It was my last job with them before shipping out for training actually. We were tasked with defending a small research outpost that had been having problems with bandits and scavengers. We'd repelled a couple of smaller probing attacks before they attacked on mass. We were dug in pretty well though, drove them off easily enough. A sniper took a shot at me as they were retreating though. Luckily his aim wasn't great - hit the concrete in front of me. It was a big antimaterial rifle of some kind though, it shattered the concrete and I caught a piece in the eye," he explains.

"I'd get it replaced with a cybernetic, but it doesn't really make a difference with mech targeting systems and frankly I haven't found the time yet with going through the academy. Besides, it just means if I do get into a regular old gunfight, I'm always aiming," he jokes.

"How did your team's first mission go?" He asks, turning the conversation back to recent events.
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Post by BartNL »

Invent/Create [1d20+2]=16+2=18
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Post by Fialova »

Eydis is specifically interested in the rare true magic, but I get that finding out about it for her won't be an immediate sort of thing. If looking into magitech is the best entry point for her, she'll do that. Will do 'word on the street' to look for someone who might know something. I listed her skill triggers below, would any of them apply? Or just roll a flat d20?

Skill Triggers: Act Unseen or Unheard (+2), Get Somewhere Quickly (+2), Read a Situation (+2), Survive (+2)
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Another member, Ocelot, speaks up. "Well uh, went pretty well I'd say. Just a quick cargo escort mission. Didn't see any action." The man pokes at his eggs as if they're going to roll away.

"Don't mind him, he gets bored easily." Barracuda gets up to throw her food out before sitting back down. "As for me, I used it as an opportunity to go sight-seeing. After all, why not take in the beautiful oasis of La'meridon? The Astori sure know how to build a city. Might retire there some day." She opens her eyes a bit wide before looking back at Defcon. "Look at me, talking about my lofty retirement goals when I just got here! I hope one of the senior officers didn't hear that."

Gonna just be a flat roll then; you have one difficulty on this roll since you're a recruit and this would be considered "exotic" information.

You can mark one progress on your clock. :)
Something's getting in the way
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in the Diary of Jane

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Post by Namelessjake »

"We ended up in a fight with some mining rigs - it wasn't anything we couldn't handle though."

"Well it's all experience right? I'm sure you'll see some sooner rather than later," DEFCON replies to Ocelot.

"Speaking of, going forward we should share our battle telemetry logs, we might each learn something from the way the other team fights," he suggests.
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Post by greysigil »

After spending some time in the mech bays, assisting the engineers with adding a new bio-feeback system, Ezra leaves them to the fine details, trusting their expertise with the mechanical details. With any luck, now it will respond better. How I do loathe those crude and imprecise controls. He muses, going to climb down from HALITREPHES.

He pauses, remembering the strange cobalt sphere nestled away in the cockpit. He doubles back, and reaches for it. He briefly grasps its icy surface, before wrapping it up in his jacket and tucking it under his arm.

He quickly leaves the hangar, restraining himself from rushing, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to himself. The fewer eyes on me, the more I can study this in detail without question. Maybe if it is dangerous I can report it, but for right now, I must know what it is. His mind races as he heads for the gate, instinctively going to a spot in the woods to inspect the orb in peace and solitude.
Ponders Orb: Invent/Create: [1d20+2]=14+2=16
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

You may also add a success to your clock.

The woman tilts her head. "We haven't fought anything yet, but I don't see why not." She grabs out a small data pad from her back pocket, pulling out a small cable and attaching one end to the data pad. She hands the other end to you.

For everyone (including those who've done a downtime activity), you may also take part in one of the following:

Tuesday - Movie Night (Rise of the Damned and Cursed II - Graves Don't Apologize)
Wednesday - Exhibition Fitness & Boxing
Friday - Wasteland Monster Hunting (Not an official mission but a chance to hunt some big monsters.)
Sunday - "The Abyss Stares Back" - Seminar by Dr. Alfin Kochalev
Something's getting in the way
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in the Diary of Jane

DM of "Lancer - Fires of Rubicon"
Fortune's Favor: Athiras Kel'haan #987A99

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Post by Namelessjake »

DEFCON connects his own datapad to Barracudas.

"Evem of you didn't have to fight anything, there can be lessons to learn," he says as the data transfers.

He finishes up his meal, making more small talk with Echo-2, before heading back to his quarters. There, taking a look at the schedule of activities, he sees that Rise of the Damned and Cursed II is being shown. As a fan of the first movie, he decides to attend the screening.
Get resources now? Is that how this works? haha
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

While you didn't get a tangible resource like temporary equipment or extra hull on your next mission, you did make connections with Echo-2. I'll count this as a "Get Connected" downtime activity. Further communication with Echo-2 and Barracuda may yield rewards.
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Post by BartNL »

Join the Sunday seminar
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Post by ratwizard »

Rested both spiritually and physically, Antayes opts to go to the boxing event on Wednesday. Let us see if these puny humanfolk can withstand the might of a Celestin.
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Post by Fialova »

[1d20]=13 for the downtime activity. She will also attend the seminar on Sunday
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Post by greysigil »

Ezra will join the monster hunting expedition on Friday.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Gonna need a Stay Cool from ya as you try not to throw up. Other skills could be used if they fit.

["Rise of the Damned and Cursed II - Graves Don't Apologize" is a thriller horror drama movie set in the early 1900s; Arburn Adams is a lowly villager who stumbles into a cult meeting; this cult is known as the Feathered Ones of Akal, and they look to resurrect the ancient dinosaurs as undead.]

Almost all of the movie's budget was put into its 4D horror technology: holo-suits that pulse whenever a human is grabbed by a zombie. Additionally, the budget was used on some of the goriest, grossest effects ever seen on screen. (Think Terrorizer 3 but far worse.)

The first half of the evening ends up being about stretching, when not to push your muscles past their limit, proper dieting, and a good warm-up. In terms of sparring partners, you are put up against a Nyathal; though this one is built more like a tiger than a house-cat. Go and roll me some "Apply Fists to Faces" as you and him spar. You can have 1 Accuracy as fighting is in your blood. (Background)

(Small combat was resolved via quick live session)

The two-hour long seminar and workshop begins with a deep-dive into the human psychology and the earliest teachings of Friedrich Nietzche. Dr. Kochalev pairs tables up into small groups as part of a demonstration about the different parts of the brain, and how they react to stress.

Each of you can roll me Show Off or Read a Situation. I'm gonna give the both of you 1 Accuracy; Bart because as a Mariner, you "saw" the abyss, or at least the deepest parts of the ocean. Fia, your unique take on life and fascination for magic has shown you things most people would be frightened of.
Last edited by KupoTheMagus on Thu Feb 13, 2025 8:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Something's getting in the way
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Post by Namelessjake »

Stay Cool: [1d20+2]=1+2=3

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Post by ratwizard »

Antayes listens closely to the seminar on dieting, stretching, and taking care of your muscles. After all, he sees himself as little more than a sacred tool of Ogenta, and even a tool of his power needs proper maintenance and care.

When he is paired up with the Nyathal, he sets his jaw and studies his opponent closely.

First, learn their weak points. Then, deliver your spirit to them.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

You get about 15 minutes in before you start feeling something in your stomach. You're unsure what it is at first, but the next scene confirms your suspicions: you've never seen an inside-out flayed baby parasite crawl out of a maggot-infested corpse before, and you're pretty sure you never want to again. You blow chunks, HARD. Don't feel bad though, only four of the forty-five viewers made it more than an hour.

Your fight starts off rough, this is an opponent you haven't faced before. You're used to striking martial arts, but this feline fighter appears to prefer grappling techniques. Still, you quickly adapt. As he goes for a one-leg takedown, you sock him in the jar hard enough that your hand tenses and bleeds a bit. You watch as his body falls to the ground, and you almost expect him to get up. However, he stays down for the count... and a bit longer. A minute passes, two, three. A sturdy and tough opponent like that surely should be getting up by now, right? You start to wonder if he's still breathing.

Another moment passes as you go to check on your opponent. As you approach him, his eyes shoot open. He stands to his feet and laughs a hearty laugh.

"I haven't been socked that hard since I left home to join the academy! Hahaha, well fought, believer."

You've definitely earned some respect today.
Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

DM of "Lancer - Fires of Rubicon"
Fortune's Favor: Athiras Kel'haan #987A99

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