The monotone beep of a wristwatch carries through the cramped living room of 1304 Westminster Court. Those not already awake now rise, and you break your fast together in the small home, surrounded by picture frames of an unknown family. A young woman at her high school graduation smiles down from the wall, her parents beside her, proudly beaming.
While many streets in Kings Mill have already lost power, you are thankful that for whatever reason this block was still running, and the milk in the fridge is still safe to pour over cereal. Even still, you have exhausted most of the food supplies. Anything perishable has been prioritized, while anything packaged and preserved has been set apart. Outside, the air is still freezing, but you expect it to warm to melting temps by noon — at least if yesterday's weather was any indication. It's been a few days since you've seen anyone dead or alive.
Lane's radio crackles and you turn the knob up. The same message from the night prior repeats:
“All healthy civilians: report to the Cincinnati Safe Zone, located downtown on the riverfront between the two stadiums. Food, shelter, and safety are available for anyone willing to provide labor, skilled or otherwise. Avoid other population centers and exercise extreme caution on all roads. As freezing temperatures approach, wear appropriate cold-weather clothing and bring sufficient tools and supplies. This message will repeat every hour.”
Even the natives among you aren't sure the best route to Cincy, at least not now. About fifty klicks southwest, as Woody says. But what you do know is that you can't stay here forever.
To your south is Kings Island, where you fled from on Christmas Day. This hex will not count as Scouted yet.
The other hexes around you are unknown and may be Scouted as well. As most of you are at least somewhat familiar with the metro area pre-collapse, you can generally assume most of Greater Cincinnati you come across will be some mix of suburbs, denser pockets of city centers, farmland, or wooded areas.
Cincy itself, your eventual objective, is to the south-west roughly fifty km. For reference, each hex is 5 km from top to bottom.